#This is now
tommyandtabitha · 1 year
You scroll past Tommy the Cat.
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Tommy the Cat ignores you.
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sunshineandlyrics · 1 year
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2013 / 2023
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kathyrealmstales · 1 year
So I made a comic for a Crack AU for Generation Loss, but it has some spoilers in it, so if you want to learn more about this AU and see this very small comic, click the thing below!
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So like I said above, there is not much to this, its a Crack AU where GL!Ranboo died, and ShowFall discarded his body in the woods, but SOMEHOW he actually survived, IDK how but he is.
And ARGinnit has been just minding his own business of waking up in the woods after killing someone, only to find a passed out Ranboo, (one of his sane friends) with a mask in the woods, so he takes him to his apartment confused on what to do and why he was there.
Turns out that GL!Ranboo is a Clone and Tommy knows the original Ranboo, so now they are trying to figure out how to stop both of their mind control murder things, (GL!Ranboo's being his mask and ARGinnt being the phone) before they have to kill each other or their friends. That and also planning to become true killers and murder everyone at Showfall Cuz WHY NOT!
I also made a plotonic relationship square for them!
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P.S. the yellow - (Need you to live) is not in a nice way. It translates to, "If I did not need you to live, I would kill you, but I need you, so fine I will work with you."
ALSO YES! There mind controlled sides have different thoughts then their in control sides!
I might tell more about this AU another date, but for now that's all.
Thanks for listening to my rant! Have a good day/night!
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ruleofvee · 9 months
fleshing out the 'dream raising technoblade idea a lil more. ahem,
Phil is a man of status. It’s rumored that his middle son, Technoblade, is showing talent with the sword at the young age of eight, and that interests Dream greatly.
Dream has an ax of his own to grind. Both he and Phil were vying for the throne, but Phil got chosen over him, and that left dream very upsetti spaghetti. Dream still has some of his people in Phil’s administration, though, so he’s doing his best to stunlock absolutely everything and take the throne for himself.
But it always helps to have another card up your sleeve, and to dream, that card is techno, because what better weapon than the one that Phil can’t bear to hurt?
Dream’s people that are still in the castle are able to essentially kidnap the young prince. Phil can’t trace it back to Dream, although he has his suspicions. And he can’t do much anyways because lashing out at Dream will both weaken his own precarious political position and endanger Techno. This locks them in a stalemate - Dream could, theoretically, threaten Techno to get Phil to comply, but that would make him massively unpopular with the people, to threaten a child. Best to wait.
And so Dream is instead working behind the scenes - to turn Techno into the perfect general for his soldiers.
Dream’s a good fighter. Techno learns to take after him in that respect. Techno will never be as good at manipulating people as Dream is, but he learns how to read the little things, how to tell when he’s being manipulated. Dream never ceases to remind him of his potential, of his gifts, and of how Dream was the one who nurtured those gifts, so Techno owes him. He raises Techno to hate his father, to hate his father’s administration, and to accept Dream as his mentor (because Dream will never accept him as anything resembling a son) instead. Slowly, this becomes all that Techno ever gets.
And then, a decade later, Techno is eighteen and deemed ready. And Dream releases his pristinely crafted weapon, the Blade he forged from nothing, into the mix.
It works perfectly. Phil recognizes his son - those pink wings are unmistakable - and the shock and horror of it causes him to misstep, to lose his political footing. He’s scrambling to try and get his son back, and he’s drowning in his attempt to save another. Exactly as Dream planned.
Dream seizes the throne. Technoblade becomes his loyal bodyguard. Phil and his remaining children are locked away as traitors to the crown. Their end will be swift and brutal.
Except that Dream didn’t take one thing into account, and that is this: As Phil recognized his son, so did Techno recognize his father.
Weapons can be used against their creators so easily.
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gwydpolls · 1 year
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feddy-34 · 3 months
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little guy.jpeg
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drewview · 3 months
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Post work Eldo
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kenziekugler22 · 3 months
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🤣 Ryan 📷Ryan Guzman instagram story
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genderfluid-druid · 5 months
hurr hurr I'm a human body hurr hurr I'm gonna solve all my problems using mucus
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bokkerijder · 5 months
pro-AI in the sense of "they taught a bread scanning computer to recognize cancer cells" etc etc
against AI in the sense of "we stole artwork from hundreds to thousands of artists, didn't credit them and didn't financially compensate them"
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pierog · 3 months
i'm so glad goncharov happened when it did, right before prolific public use of AI. that was pure honest gaslighting straight from the heart. real human whimsicality and trickery thru blood sweat and tears. we were a family. and we all gonched, together. you cant replicate that with any machine.
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flower-tea-fairies · 1 month
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That part
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girlstressed · 5 months
can’t stop smiling in inappropriate situations
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dimonds456 · 3 months
Don't forget about the Palestinians.
Don't forget about them now.
Don't forget about them tomorrow.
Don't forget about them in a week from now.
Don't forget about them in a month.
Don't forget them next year.
Don't forget them in 5 years.
When the history books start to update, don't let them put lies in there.
When documentaries come out, boycott the ones who call this a victory for Israel.
When books release talking about soldier's personal experiences with Palestine, remember the victims. Remember the truth.
Don't forget about what we've seen.
Don't forget about what we've heard.
Don't let them tell lies about Palestine.
Don't forget about the Palestinians when the world tries to make this go away.
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kochei0 · 3 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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irlwakko · 1 month
Just a reminder for people who may not know, in light of protestors at UCLA being shot in the face with rubber bullets— rubber bullets are not bullets made of rubber. They are metal bullets encased in rubber.
Despite being called “non-lethal” or sometimes “less lethal”, they are well known to cause death and permanent disability.
Here’s a photo showing their size— these are actual rubber bullets used during the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020.
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Do not let them downplay the severity of what they are subjecting this students to for standing against genocide. Stay safe and stay educated.
EDIT: Twitter banned @/nosferatusexgod, the student shot, whose tweet I linked to (as a primary source) at the top of the post. Screenshots of the tweet I originally linked to can be found here.
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