#This is why fictional characters are better 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
biggestsimponhere · 1 year
Guys i got rejected by my crush 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 But it’s okay now i’m gonna pour my heart and soul into angst fics so 🤗🤗🤗
Send in Angst requests!!!!!! 😵‍💫🔫
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yuikomorii · 9 months
Ever since some people joined this fandom it’s getting worse. Ayato isn’t even that hard to understand come on now 😵‍💫😵‍💫
// The fandom is getting more immature day by day. Like, I thought we solved these type of things last year??
They say Ayato stans are bad but I’ve never seen one openly slandering a character as much as he gets slandered in the Western fandom. Ok, he’s not your favorite, we got it, but if he’s such a problem to you, open the Notes App and vent there your frustrations. It’s not that hard.
I just find it ironic how this type of behavior is only coming from Western fans. East-Asian fans are way more respectful and chill. They know how to respect the role given to Ayato, without discrediting him or bringing up their favs against him. Most of the people there enjoy Ayato, even if he isn't the main bias for some or the most complex character. They like him because he has a lot of heroic attributes and is DO-S, which adds "spice" and makes a good balance in a game for masochists.
The whole “Ayato stans treat Ayato like the main character too much” is such a boring take. How are they supposed to treat him when Rejet writes such stuff about him to begin with??
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I will also never get why people see him as such a threat for that but okay, I guess. I mean, the other characters still get routes and merch, so it’s not like he’s more “privileged” than the rest.
And I swear, Ayato stans are not rubbing it in your faces when saying that Ayato is the most successful character. It’s true that he’s very impactful, but you should also keep in mind that such a thing doesn’t only benefit Ayato as a character, but also DL as a franchise and Rejet as a company. Given that he sells so much, the good amount of money allows Rejet to generate more content for ALL of the characters. Furthermore, when he appears somewhere outside the DL fandom, him getting attention will automatically result in the franchise getting attention as well.
Last but not least, the entire "he's overrated," "he's not that cool," "he outshines other characters," "x is better" opinions and favoritism claims make me WHEEZE (not in a nice way). Ayato Sakamaki is a FICTIONAL character. This is not a kpop group where actual people are being mistreated; it is simply a WORK OF FICTION. When individuals see a character who gets a lot of attention and is adored by a lot of fans (for example, Gojo, Natsu, Todoroki, Bakugo, etc.), they will find a way to whine about how much they suck, how they don't deserve those compliments, and so on. This is referred to as being ✨insecure over pixels✨. You are free to dislike anything you choose, but keep your negative opinions to yourself or only share them with your friends. Remember: fandoms are supposed to be fun, not battlefields.
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survivalove · 9 months
the more feminist theory I read and the more I engage with fandom, the more I’m like 😵‍💫😵‍💫
on the fandom side you have girls and women who mostly believe in choice feminism and the idea that any choice a woman makes is feminist and yet the media they engage with is predominantly written by men which includes analyzing the choices they make for their female characters.
so when a female character makes a choice they agree with, they can blame this on the man that made them, further validating their belief in choice feminism and going even further to project on said character by saying if they wrote the character (fanfiction) or if they were the character (projection), the female character would obviously make the more feminist choice.
in canon, said female character is usually hyperfeminine and ends up married with some guy, which the fandom usually pins on the male creator’s preference.
they decide that the more feminist version of the character would be decidedly less feminine and/or (because the or matters) ironically, married to another man. she becomes a different character altogether, (when it comes to personality etc.) and more like whoever is writing her or projecting onto her at the moment.
and honestly, I just feel like, yeah, most male writers suck at writing girls. most female characters written by men would be better off written by women and all female characters could definitely be more feminist but like, so can all women?
which leads me to my two questions:
why don’t y’all just engage with more media written by women? and what do you do when those female characters aren’t exactly the most feminist?
what do y’all do when the women in your life (friends, family, idk) aren’t making the most feminist choices when it comes to who they wanna be with or what they wanna do?
personally, I think the misconception that every choice a woman can make is feminist, is giving so much fandoms brainrot and exclusively engaging with media written by men is only giving y’all validation. and when y’all do interact with media written by women, all critical thinking goes out the window.
I once saw a youtuber talk about the “not like other girls” trope using an example of katniss saying, “Other girls our age, I’ve heard them talking about boys, or other girls, or clothes. Madge and I aren’t gossipy and clothes bore me to tears.” even though, they maintained she was very well written, the comments went ballistic at the slight criticism.
because in fandom, female character written by women == peak feminist, and only the female characters written by men that are tomboys and/or end up with the popular male characters can be feminist too. it’s very black and white and there’s no room for nuance. while discussing and fighting over fictional female characters as if they’re actually real people, fandom’s choice feminist views fail to address the nuances that actually exist within real women. and the harsh truth that not every choice a woman makes is a feminist one.
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sowthetide · 6 months
I saw the words If, Joffrey and Girl, in your previous ask and immidietly thought of And bless the daughter but fuck the family by dwellingondreams on ao32 that I read recently. And it was CRAZY GOOD??! The Joanna-Cersei interactions goes so hard. Especially with the whole younger more beautiful queen thing taking all she holds dear thing I just know internally Cersei’s probaly like ‘That’s Oomf but I low-key hate her 😭😭’
And I have yet to find a good genderbend Jon fic myself 1) Most of them are not my taste writing wise and 2) Those that I think ARE well written have Jon like you said act like a feisty she-dragon-wolf hot maiden who is hot or she’s just an object of desires for the men around her and by around her I mean any living man in Planetos ( i once remember reading a story where 14 years old girl!Jon was getting married to Oberyn and girl!Jon was thinking about how she didn’t need to shave because she had found or made a salve that dissolved all her body hair?? FORVER!!! and I was like ???? Then I continued reading of course ) And I have nothing against exploring incest in fiction ESPECIALLY in asoiaf like bear found on bear island…. But the girl!Jon/Robb thing doesn’t really hit because I think gay incest will always be better than straight incest,,,,Exemples : Aegon and Orys. Aenys and Maegor. Aemon and Baelon. Rhaena and Baela. The maiden vault girlies during the later years #keepingitlegal. Aemon The Dragonknight and Aeg-[GUNSHOT]. Umm what was i talking about again??
I totally agree that for a genderbend to stick the character should still have at least trace of what their original gender counterpart has like why is Fem!Jon not sulking , throwing little tantrums, being conflicted and feeling guilty every waking hour of the day :( like please make her a little bit emo please please please-
For ME! for a genderbend story to HIT, the character getting bended must have a 1) An Interesting and Very Fucked connection to BOTH parents that the gender thing can only worsen and 2) Also a Also Very Fucked Not Good Kinda Bad What’s Wrong With You relation to their gender and patriarchal norms in Westeros. Again, it’s asoiaf so it doesn’t really narrow it down that much( Mommy/ Daddy issues + not seeing women as people? That’s every bitch like ??) but I’m going on the basis that u understand my vision of like : Jon = decent/good. Theon,Joffrey,Maegor = GO CRAZY GO STUPID€/&/@1@
(Also genderbends only work on way for me because why would I turn a woman 🥰 into a man 😐)
Just read "And bless the daughter but fuck the family" and uhhh... 😵‍💫 Okay okay okay. Perfectly insane genderbend. Give it a read, y'all (and tbh all of dwellordreams' fics go crazy, so check 'em out!)
Warning: mean opinions incoming. I'm a nice person usually I swear, I just also enjoy hating sometimes. Firstly, I agree that most Jon genderbends blow ass. Oftentimes, "Jon" just seems like a female author self-insert for someone who thinks Sansa is too girly/lame. Which I wouldn't generally have a problem with (we're all just here for a good time, and one man's unbearable cringe is another man's life-changing magnum opus), but it makes it hard to find genderbends that do interesting things with the actual character, rather than just inventing a female OC and calling it Jon.
"i once remember reading a story where 14 years old girl!Jon was getting married to Oberyn and girl!Jon was thinking about how she didn’t need to shave because she had found or made a salve that dissolved all her body hair?? FORVER!!! and I was like ????"
Oh my god lmaoooo. Beyond the ridiculousness of that, modern values in ASOIAF fics is more than a pet peeve to me, it's like a... man-eating tiger peeve. For instance, I quite like "Adjust For The Wind", as it's what inspired me to write Sow the Tide, but it also has a bizarre bit about women shaving their legs & genitals. Like:
Southern ladies are expected to remove all hair from between their legs.
“If you decide to groom between your legs using a razor or a knife, practice on your legs first. You can also use walnut oil, or bandages soaked in ammonia in a pinch.” Theon frowned. “I… see,” he parroted Mordane’s words. “And what do I use to keep myself clean… um, down there?”
Like literally what the fuck are you talking about lmao. To say that this took me out of the fic would be an understatement. I was so bothered by this that I tried to find actual published sources, but there didn't seem to be any particularly strong answers (besides that shaved genitals were more common among prostitutes). Also, for anyone reading, you do NOT need to clean inside your vagina, and your vulva (outside your vagina) should only be cleaned with warm water and a gentle soap if necessary. A strange place for me to make this point, but I'm making it.
I also tried a Jon genderbend fic recently, except fem!Jon had purple eyes and didn't look like Ned at all??? Despite that being a critical aspect of Jon's appearance??? I was just so completely flabbergasted because this author changed almost everything about Jon's appearance and personality, but somehow it's still supposedly Jon??? Like that's literally just an OC. Worse, of all things to keep, they stuck with Jon's canon age of 14 in a fic based around a romance with a 22-year-old man (Willas Tyrell). Maybe it's just because I'm 22 myself, but my immediate reaction was literally: "hm. I think Willas should be beaten to death." Like the fic itself felt tantamount to character assassination of Willas 😭 I was even bitching about this (wildly popular) fic on Discord:
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I just hope to god the fic writer was a teenager, otherwise it seems like they just took GRRM's creepy handling of young characters like Dany at face value. Westeros obviously has different values, but it's concerning when the author themself seems to buy into those pedophilic standards.
lmaooooo. Also: "genderbends only work on way for me because why would I turn a woman 🥰 into a man 😐" <- REAL SHIT!!!!!!! You had me cracking up with that one.
Also also: "Aemon The Dragonknight and Aegon" SAY THAT!!!!!!!
Seriously. Let fem!Jon be a sulky, prickly, angry, kind, self-important little emo. Let fem!Theon be an ambitious, vain, insecure, proud, also self-important little bitch. A complicated relationship with one's parents is a plus, and a complicated relationship with Gender is a MUST! Bonus points if they're a crazy bitch in canon (Theon, Joffrey, Maegor, as you point out)!!! I've currently been thinking about fem!Maegor ngl... 👀
Anyway, thank you for dropping in. I'm probably gonna end up making a fun haterism server with goddcoward and some other homies, in addition to the more chill Quen sever. If that comes to fruition, join us in the silly complaint circle!
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devotioncomplex · 2 years
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
*** **********, Will Graham, ***** ***** (you don't need to know), Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks, Akira Kurusu from Persona 5 (i’m brave. Brave), *** ****** AND i’m gonna list off my blorbos (yes there’s a difference): Jonathon Sims from The Magnus Archives, John Reese, Harold Finch, Matt Murdock, Roman Roy from Succession, The Narrator from Fight Club (tbh), David Ward from I Am in Eskew (have you caught on with my horror podcasts illness), Cloud from Final Fantasy VII, and many more but these are the ones I feel brave enough to say 😵‍💫
lighter or matches?
lighter. my brother told me i was a pussy for not using a lighter. this cannot stand.
do you leave the window open at night?
when the room is stuffy or the hot is intolerable just a Tiny BIt, then yes, yes i do. the only bitch of it is that the only window in my room is kind of creepy at night 0(-( i can't live.
which cryptid being do you believe in?
what color are your eyes?
brown eyes solidarity
why did you do that?
WHY did i do that
hair-ties or scrunchies?
how many water bottles are in your room right now?
which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
iced coffee yesss <3 but if that's not that type of cold coffee this question is referring to then hot coffee obv
would you slaughter the rich?
favorite extracurricular activity?
what kind of day is it?
uneventful. veered to teeth-grinding, back to uneventful. Sigh
when was the last time you ate?
noon yesterday ^_^
do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
are you a parent? (all answers qualify)
yes omgomgomg our SON. our beautiful little boy who's so pure and sweet…JONATHON.
can you drive?
i'm taking lessons! i'll be da king of da highway in seconds. watch
are you farsighted or nearsighted?
what hair products do you use?
L’Oréal. sorry but these questions are my weak points and i’m a basic bitch!!!
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
YESSSSS i don't like painting my own nails because ugh. who cares. but i would gladly paint for anyone. i can be bad at it but you will Not complain ok rn we're giggling
do you say soda or pop?
soda. what's a pop. i'll slaughter.
something you’ve kept since childhood?
barnie. that scary-looking barnie plushie across the living room. one of the saving graces of moving houses is that i'm now rid of these barbie dolls. good god man. sorry ik this was meant to be sentimental but that's. all i have. i Hated them
what type of person are you?
god knows. but what i do is that i’m the type of person who would take a personality quiz just for this question (i kid you not. and all of them sucked!!!) hmmmm i AM a sham and pretty mellow tbh idk don’t ask me that question again
how do you feel about chilly weather?
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
omg rooftops!! i think we'd look at blocky cloud shapes and figure out with of them look more alike to Jonathon. or we can sit in contended silence ^_^
perfume/body spray or lotion?
men's deodorant. i don’t go out outside of academic duties alright i just hope for the better
a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
nah i'm not saying one scenario. there are Multiple. it mostly has me being in a very terrible situation. a car crash, assault, getting canceled, etc. it's weird. i also imagine scenarios where i just. scroll thru tumblr. literally. it happens when i’m in the process of still fully waking up so my mind just conjures up posts and I’d be scrollin mentally (potential case of the chronic online?). also scenarios where i wonder how a chat would play out had i said something differently. stuff from yeaaaars ago. and obv fictional scenarios for the blorbos they’re My Barbie dolls
about how many hours of sleep did you get?
i didn't have to bring a grocery bag to store today
do you wear a mask?
until now, Yes. sometimes. even when i'm not sick or the cases decreased. why have i never considered wearing them before the pandemic…i can sit there and nobody would know what face i'm making or that i made that weird remark. god bless masks.
how do you like your shower water?
i need to feel it Scalding Hot, you feel me. i need to feel my back getting flayed.
is there dishes in your room?
my dad calls kept going on that if i were biologically male i’d grow an uncared-for beard with doodles & paint everywhere on my jeans. my man, those were just TWO DISHES. alas, he’s honestly not even the least bit far off. :pensive:
what type of music keeps you grounded?
psychedelic & shoe-gaze!!! and probably other genres that i don’t remember. these genres can have sounds that can be so big and almost overwhelming………i’m in the process of making a shoe-gaze-only playlist because!!!!!
do you have a favorite towel?
no. they all feel bad on my skin
the last adventure you’ve been on?
i trekked the desert. climbed a mountain. went sand-boarding. y’all don’t have it in you
is there a song you know every word to by heart?
nah :(
what’s your timezone?
Eastern European Time
how many times have you changed your url?
6 times for my main blog alone! if you count all of my previous sideblogs, then that'd be 13 times.
someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years?
this is sad. because. well. i Do know people from my high school days since a decade, but i wouldn't call them friends. </3
a soap bar that smells good?
probably Lux
do you use lip balm?
my lips are drier than the Sahara desert but i'm up
did you have any snacks today?
how do you take your coffee?
anything as long as it keeps me caffeinated. for function. BUT i'd kill for a coffee with milk and sugar.
an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?
notes app. for taking notes during lectures.
what’s your take on spicy foods?
i rlly like spicy food.
you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
to match Ana’s answer, PUTIN.
can you remember what happened yesterday?
i don't know really since every day is a blur of a blur of a blur of the previous days hmmm sorrie
favorite holiday film?
holiday films are not my thing 😭
what was the last message you sent?
“you’re gonna love season 1 vit i just Know This” (hannibal disease hannibal disease)
when did you first try an alcohol beverage?
can you skip rocks?
i’ve never tried it
can i tag you in random stuff?
ABSOLUTELY. i'm bad at responding yk this BUT YES ALWAYS
let me tell you, i’ve never in my whole life overshared this much
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particular-one · 1 year
Yes! You get it, why are we so twinning right now!!! When you said you had a bunch of angst drafts I was so 👀👀 but this first love fic was also scrumptious 🤌
OMG just earlier I was talking jokingly about my soulmate being a guardian angel and then you said that!! The universe is universing 😵‍💫 mallues, my love confirmed!!! Omg oikawa's defense lawyer LOL you're hilarious 😂 you must have your work cut out for you, that's a full time job!! I also think he's whipped in love and would be so down bad! And seijoh hates him for it because he's daydreaming through all of practice and out of it but once game time comes,, the KING is back! It's so effortless too! He would look totally cool if every point wasn't followed by a 'yoohoo~~~' and him winking and shooting hearts at reader LOL. What I wouldn't give to break Oikawa's heart and leave him a mess 🥲 The only man's heart I want to fictionally break and have an angsty love story with more than oikawa is.....kuroo. pls those two simps would be so good to ruin in misery! Oikawa crying in the rain, after having his heart broke multiple times, whyyyy would you put that in my headdddd!!! Kuroo's a scorpio so he'd be so ready to get revenge but he's a squish at heart and really just wants to be loved 🥺 would have a whole revenge plan and then see you in the aisle at target and kenma has to hold him back from going over and proposing right then and then. OMG AND THE THREE AM DRUNK TEXTS AAAAAA!!!!
I'm sorry for spamming your inbox, it's so fun talking to you hehe 💕 I had a rough few days so I'm really enjoying myself on your blog hehe. I'll go now but I look forward to your other works! I do want to request but I have no idea what 😅 Take care and stay hydrated 🥰
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the conflict of wanting to give my comfort characters the biggest and warmest hug and simultaneously unleashing pain on them is my dilemma always and forever<\3 but heehee it was def fun to write something more fluffy for dan heng before disaster strikes OH FR?? what are the chances LOL a mind link is occurring?? all jokes aside, malleus truly seems like the perfect match 🤭 no but ABSOLUTELY. oikawa thinks he’s all that but reader being 🫤 just throws him off majorly. like what do i have to do to actually make you find me charming :( he is so down bad it is actually really funny. he’s so used to easily winning people over that it frustrates him that it isn’t the same with you. the fact that he is oh so willing to get his heart broken for you???? dedication. yet another point for my “why is oikawa one of the most dedicated characters from the media i consume” essay. 😤 OH I GET U I GET U …. kuroo getting his heart broken and coming up with a full blown revenge scheme but simultaneously drunk texting reader at 3am on why things ended up the way they are is just :(( oikawa and kuroo are just hopeless idiots pining in denial. dw abt it!! it was definitely fun talking to you<3 i’m sorry to hear that, but i do hope things get better for you! my inbox is always open whenever you want to chat ✨ if u come up with any requests u would like for me to write, hmu anytime!
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cherryneptunes · 3 years
Men (fictional and real) not in order that could do anything to me 😮‍💨😵‍💫
1.) Saul goodman/ jimmy mcgill
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he’s hot sorry,,u gotta watch to understand it’s all in the personalityyyyy babyyyy top 3 character in the whole breaking bad universe,,,somehow managed to make his spinoff slightly better than breaking bad imo. You always root for the underdog lmfao His HUMOR n also i love his suits,,,😮‍💨
2.) Dylan O’Brien
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This one is self explanatory i mean?? HELLO him in teen wolf,,mwah,,him in the maze runner,,mwah,,him in american assassin,,,HOT. He’s so sweet and attractive and stiles from teen wolf could get it too forget lydia. Um yeah he needs to tell ME to behave like he did that one girl on twitter. i also like the way his hair moves and the hold he has over the young black community needs to be studied
3.) Young Gerard way
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i cant even BEGIN to explain the hold he has over me?? it’s insane i don’t go a day without his fcking face in my head. First off he was so?? perfect. his hair no matter how messy <3 him being the frontman of one of my favorite bands. Dont ask why but i kinda have a thing for his thighs they’re so NICE. his voice god especially that one clip of him talking in the morning. I don’t know why i’m so attracted to him but i’m not upset. Actually might be in love w him. If i had a time machine i’d go back and hit on him so we could ****. His face he was pretty and hot at the same time kinda looked like a girl but MY girl. i live for the hairs that curled at his jawline. my ancestors are rolling in their graves,,they can’t believe i love a white man like this,,,oh well,, 🎶take me to the kinggggg🎶 Vampire bf kisses kisses
4.) Rick sanchez
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lord forgive me for i have sinned…
sike lol anyways i’m not ashamed to admit i’d let this mf twist me like pretzel dough. pls ****me. i bet he has so much experience and knows what’s going on Doesn’t discriminate and always down for a good time. I actually love him so much. His attitude makes him even hotter. I really wanna see him truly happy on the show fr. He’s so bad@ss. I need him.
5.) Damon salvatore
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no joke i’ve been in love w him since 7th grade. Still hate the person who introduced me to vampire diaries because i’m 18 now and still obsessed (comfort show 💀) the black hair blue eye combo has me in a chokehold. Actually love him sm top 5 personal tv character. Deserved more but lemme not. He actually seems to be super sensitive despite the hard shell he wears to protect himself. also he’s super protective and sexy..and he knows he’s sexy which makes him hotter. He looks really good in the bathtub .Pretty eyelashes even prettier eyes
6.) Prince
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15 year old me had NO RIGHT saying the things i said about this man on twitter,,, anyways he might be shorter than me but w my heels a kitchen counter and the right angle,,,we could make things WORK. He’s simply iconic..a genius tbh. Probably looked better in makeup than you. I still have his posters all over the walls in my room.
that’s all (for now) Honorable mentions include Eazy-E, trippie redd, young jonathan davis, ,,,
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josephqunnies · 2 years
i feel like they send Danielle hate because of ship wars. which i dont get because in canon iris/barry are happily married so why do you feel threatened that people ship barry with cait? like, danielle's not out here petitioning the network to break iris/barry up. she's just trying to get a paycheck lmao but people are so weirdly defensive when it comes to fictional characters so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yup true, it's crazy. I personally thought Cait and Barry would've been better than Barry/Iris sorta are we brother and sisters not biologically but we were raised together thing
But I think if we're talking chemistry Coldflash and Oliver;Barry is the ones to beat 😵‍💫
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