#Please someone put me down i told him we weren’t gonna lose our friendship over a little crush but i’ve liked him for three years 😵‍💫
biggestsimponhere · 1 year
Guys i got rejected by my crush 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 But it’s okay now i’m gonna pour my heart and soul into angst fics so 🤗🤗🤗
Send in Angst requests!!!!!! 😵‍💫🔫
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skiyoosmi · 4 years
if fate permits
⤷ chapter twenty three: seesaw
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Eerie. If there was one word to describe your current situation with Atsumu, that would exactly be the perfect term for it. As you sat across one another in a booth in a restaurant that Osamu apparently found for him (he says it’s the “best place” for the both of you to properly make up, you called it the “Osamu utters another bullshit” place), you find yourself unequipped of words to tell him, something you found odd considering you never had any dull or awkward moment with him. Well, at least not until our feelings got in the way, you thought, letting out a quiet sigh as you poked your food with the fork, completely aware of the stare that the blonde holds on you.
He fidgets in his seat, opening and closing his mouth as he tries to form his words because what else can he say aside from apologies (that he thinks are probably useless given that right after saying sorry, he finds another way to hurt you)? He doesn’t really have any other choice though so he takes a deep breath and begins his sentence, “YN, I’m really so-”
“Don’t even think about finishing that sentence or I might just stab you with this,” you cut him off, waving the fork you were holding in his face, snickering at his wide eyes that was accompanied by a large gulp. You put it down and place your chin on your hand, leaning your head towards it as you stared him down (more like glare, in his perspective), “Just wanna let you know, this will be the last apology I’ll ever get and accept.”
Observing the confusion that became more and more evident in his face, you continue, “Because if you hurt me one more time, then that’s it. I’m really gonna cut off my ties with you because that just proves to me that everything about this,” you gesture towards you and him, “is not meant to be… as friends.”
Not even as soulmates. In a pathetic attempt to make everything seem like it’s fine, you grab the glass that was right by your arm; the harsh flow of cold water down your throat is not even close to beating the suffocation of the truth that dawned upon you. How ironic - everything is just a cycle that keeps on repeating over and over again yet for some reason, the agony remains all the same. It never gets less and if anything, becomes more to the point that it just torments you every single moment of your breath. Always so pathetic, YN, always.
“YN…” he trails off but you hold your hand up, letting him know that you were not yet finished.
“So, make sure that this is the last. You know we both deserve so much more than a friendship that keeps on pulling and pushing us. We weren’t like this before, Atsumu,” you state as a matter of fact, sadly smiling as he bowed his head down, “what happened to us?”
Deep down, you already knew the answer to your question. No matter how much you wanted to deny it, deny her entire existence, you can’t. Because that would mean denying Atsumu and the happiness he desires. Yet at the same time, you just can’t let go of him. 
“Yui happened,” he whispers, “I just… it’s inexcusable, the way I kept on pushing ya aside and hurting ya because of her… but I just… I thought she was her yanno? For as long as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to meet my soulmate and Yui was just so bright and nice and I guess I got this hope in me that maybe she’s her… but she wasn’t and it’s so frustrating.” 
The disappointment and sadness in his face squeezed your heart that thumped against your chest, the longingness that had always resided within you struggling to get out and give him a hug. As he spilled his heart out to you, you couldn’t help the guilt that began spreading in your mind, he wasn’t the coward; you were. 
“It feels so frustrating to be so clueless every single time. I guess that’s why I took it out on ya, because I felt somewhat jealous that ya can see the threads and I can’t and for the rest of my life, I’ll be lost, wondering who my true soulmate is. And the fact that yer leaving me soon too… everything’s just so messy inside me, yanno? So I’m sorry for that, YN. I’m not excusing myself from the pain nor am I dismissing yer feelings but I hope ya understand where I’m coming from too,” he quietly speaks, fiddling with his fingers.
“Atsumu… I-”
“I said that but YN, I think I’m done waiting for my soulmate. I… I don’t want to seem selfish but… it has been too long of waiting… I’ve always tried to find them myself even though I don’t have abilities like yours. Thinking about it now, maybe they just don’t want to be found? Because if they did know me, wouldn’t they have told me right at the moment they met me? So, can’t you just cut off my thread please?”
And right at that moment, you felt your heart plummet down to the deepest and darkest abyss of your insides. He’s given up and you still can’t bring yourself to tell him the truth. I don’t want to give you up, please, not yet… You want to beg him; to just give you a little bit more time, a little bit more courage, a little bit more attention in hopes that he’ll see. Please, just look at me, look at me and you’ll find what you’ve been looking for, Tsum. 
But the desperation in his face reels you back to the reality that he doesn’t want you; he wants some other girl, someone who can never be you and you find your heart being engulfed with bitterness so you scoff and stand up, “This bullshit again? You’re making me lose my appetite and I am not about to have this conversation with you, Miya Atsumu. ”
He gapes at you, obviously surprised with the sudden change of mood. It was already going good a while ago but perhaps, it was the calm before the storm, ready to ruin the both of you, “YN! Wait up! Stop! Come back here!” 
He’s able to grab your wrist as soon as you get out of the restaurant, “Hey! Come on, I’m pretty sure the aftermath wouldn’t be that bad! Ya don’t need to be so uptight,” he pants. He never knew you can run that fast. But that’s totally not important at the moment because he can literally see steam coming out of your ears as you took a deep breath and turned around, eyebrows furrowed in anger.
“Uptight?! I’m in no way being uptight right now, Miya Atsumu! What you’re asking is… is dumb… outrageous… or nonsensical… AND dangerous!” you screamed, stuttering out of disbelief as the lad only looked at you with amusement. He chuckled; as much as he didn’t want to, he found your little tantrum cute. Your head whipped once again to his direction upon hearing his laugh, “you’re laughing?! Do you think asking me to cut off your thread is funny? You’re fucking ridiculous! Do you even know the consequences? Do you have no care for your soulmate?”
The grin leaves his face as he watches your eyes start to slowly but surely well up with tears, “Did you invite me just for this? Is this all you think our friendship is for? Jokes? Or the fact that I’m a fucking Moira who can fix your soulmate issues? I’m supposed to be your best friend before anything else, am I not?”
“Wait, no, YN… you know that’s not-”
“Because if you do think that way, you wouldn’t have thought about this in the first place because you’d know how much I despise cutting someone’s thread - have you even tried to think of what your soulmate will think? What would happen if she finds her thread cut off? You think she’d laugh too? She’ll just wake up one day with her thread being black, not even knowing what hap-”
“But she’s not here!” he screams, head down before he looked up, rage swimming in his eyes that even up to now, you still love, “She’s not here. And you’ve never even tried helping me find her so what makes you think you have a say on whether or not I should give up on meeting her? I’ve always asked for your help, didn’t I? But what? Every single fucking time, you reject the idea of me meeting her like it’s a plaque that will kill you.”
That’s because she’s always been here, I’ve always been here, idiot… is what you want to say but the painful truth of his words stopped you from retaliating further.
“She can find a new soulmate too! Y/N… please, I’m 100% serious about wanting to do this,” by now, any joke and teasing were gone from his voice as he begged the girl in front of him. But you were even more stubborn than him so you shook your head and crossed your arms, remaining firm on your stand.
“No. Stop being selfish, Tsum. It’s not always about your ‘needs’ and ‘wants.’ Breaking the bond… is something we mustn’t do, as much as possible. You don’t want to do anything you’ll regret; I won’t let you,” you whispered, clutching sides of your skirt. Atsumu didn’t know what happened to him after that or why he stupidly chose to open his mouth again.
“You’re the one who’s being a selfish bitch, Y/N. Just because ya can’t find your soulmate and yer happiness, doesn’t mean we can’t too. You’re so needy that you can’t let us be happy without ya. I wonder what the gods thought when they gave you that power? Stupid gods, they can’t even do one thing right; giving it to a coward and a selfish bitch who can’t even cut her best friend’s thread for the sake of his happiness…” it was the crestfallen look plastered on your face that made him stop as soon as he saw it. Realization dawned upon him and immediately, he tried reaching out to you with his hand. 
Ah, I give up.
“It’s okay…” you choked, pulling back from him and taking a deep breath, no longer giving any effort to stop the tears that now freely flowed down your cheeks, “I understand. I’m sorry that I care for you then.”
He opens his mouth, ready to say yet another apology but he knows… he knows it was futile now. He watches you as you hastily wipe your cheeks from any tear stain but they kept on coming so you felt yourself get frustrated even more. Stop being so pathetic for once, YN, for god’s sake!
“You know, Atsumu? I always feel like we’re in a seesaw that just never stays balanced. It’s either one of us is on the top while the other’s down and it just… gets so fucking tiring trying to understand you.” You took a deep breath, pursing your lips as you finally felt the courage within you. It’s a little bit late for it to come, isn’t it?
“You want to know why I never told you about my soulmate’ Because I’ve found him a long fucking time ago. But he can’t even be honest to himself that he at least feels something for me. He chooses to be blind with all the possibilities we could have if he just chooses to cross the line, even for just a little bit… right? Cause be fucking honest, Atsumu, it doesn’t even matter if I told you or not. Either way, you’re never gonna love me the same way I’ve always loved you. It’s quite funny, honestly, I’ve never told you because I wanted you to love me, not because I’m your soulmate but because I was YN. But I never expected that it would be the very reason why I can’t have you… because I’m just YN.” You let out what seems like a laugh but the waver in your voice failed to deliver that.
“... So don’t tell me I’m needy and selfish because if I were, I would’ve told you the moment I met you that it was you. But I didn’t want to lose you, so I thought it was okay. I can deal with the pain if it meant I can keep you beside me and not risk anything…” you trail off, “... but I’m just… I’m done pretending I can keep being on this playground with you.”
You took out the red scissors that you’ve loathed so much, nearing it to your threads as he stayed still in disbelief of everything that has been revealed to him seconds ago, “I love you, Tsum..... I only wish for you to be happy so… don’t ever regret this, okay?”
Atsumu looks at you and at that moment, he just knows… that for the rest of his life, he’ll remember the broken smile you gave him as you finally cut the thread that has connected you to him for the past years.
Don’t regret anything, Tsum…
“Because I won’t.”
I won’t even remember a single thing about you.
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note. ah… at last we have come to the beginning of the end. two words from me to you: i’m sorry.
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lilacyennefer · 3 years
The Cinnamon Series — Peace
Chapter 3
A/N: I thought I wouldn't make you guys wait for long after the previous chapter's cliffhanger, so here it is! Enjoy ^.^ Feedback is much appreciated <3
WARNING: insecurities, that's all I think
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The next morning Angel didn’t show up to help you with the shop, but honestly you weren't expecting him after how he stormed away from you last night. 
It hurt, because you truly liked Angel, maybe even loved him, but you were so terrified of him breaking your heart that you had a hard time letting him close to you. 
A few hours passed when you heard the familiar roaring of a motorcycle, Angel’s motorcycle. 
“I wasn't expecting to see you.” You say as he steps into the shop.
“I know.” Angel nods. He looks around, anywhere but at you as he slips his hands in the back pocket of his jeans. “I came to say goodbye.”
“What??” You ask loudly, panic suddenly rushing over you. “Angel, if this is about last night I can tell…”
“No, it’s club business.” He finally looks at you. “We are going on a run, I don’t know how long it will take.”
“Okay.” You whisper.
Angel nods again “Take care, querida.” 
You watch him walk out of the shop, surprising even yourself, you yelled his name, stopping him in his tracks. You run after him, stopping in front of him.
“Can we talk when you get back? Please?” You ask hopefully, wanting to clear things with him. You’re honestly grateful that he’ll be away for a few days so you have the time to think. 
“Do we have anything to talk about?” He asks bitterly. 
“Yes. We have a lot to talk about.” 
“Please, be careful.” You tell him softly, placing your hand gently on his cheek. “You’re more important to me than you think.” You whisper. 
Angel’s hard eyes softened from your words, you can see his softness come back. 
He leans down to place a gentle kiss on your forehead, the feeling of his lips on your skin makes your pulse rise rapidly. He lingered for a moment, then pulled away. 
You watched him hop on his bike, then drive away. 
“So, what’s exactly the problem?” Zoë, your sister asks as she sits down in front of you on your bed. 
You’re having a sleepover while Angel is away, asking Zoë for some help. You needed to talk to someone, and she always gave good advices. 
“You know exactly what’s the problem.” You sigh loudly.
“Okay, you want me to be honest with you?” You nod, signaling her to continue. “You always tell us that if we have a problem, like us in our friendship, then we have to talk, and not bottle emotions up. So what’s stopping you from doing this now? With Angel?”
You always believed in talking about your problems with each other, rather than keeping things until you gathered too much and you exploded, and started yelling. 
“I haven't known him for that long…”
“But how do you feel about him?”
You let out a loud sigh again “Good. He’s a good person. With a lot of insecurities that I could see already.”
“Does he seem like the person who would bail on you if you’d tell him?” 
You stop for a long time to think about Zoë’s question.
“Why do you have to ask such difficult questions???” 
“Because you asked me to help.”
You stay silent again, before asking the thing you fear the most.
“Do you think it’s better to lose him for the truth than keep him with lies?”
“That’s a question that you have to answer.”
Four days passed since Angel left, and four days passed since your sister tried to help you with this situation. You don’t know how much time you’ve left to think, how long it will take for Angel to come back to town. 
You were exhausted today, it’s been a long day renovating your soon-to-be bakery, so when you get home all you want to do is take a long, relaxing bath. You were sitting in the bathtub, the warm, vanilla scented water relaxed your muscles, and the sweet scent caressed your soul. Your head was laid back on the edge of the bathtub when your phone started ringing, making you snap out from your thoughts. You wipe your hand in the towel resting on the small chair next to the bathtub, the one you put there so you have something to put your phone on. You’re surprised to see Angel’s name on the screen, before you answer the phone you take a deep breath to calm your rapidly beating heart.
“Hey.” you say.
“Hi.” Angel sighs “I’m not supposed to call you, we’re not allowed to be on the phone when we’re on a run…” he trails off “...but I missed you.”
Even in the heat of the bathroom, you could feel the heat rising in your cheeks from his words.
“I missed you too.” you whisper sweetly. “I’m glad to hear from you. Knowing that you’re alive.”
“You keep me alive.” Angel says, there’s no hint of flirting in his voice, only honesty “Knowing that you’re waiting for me.”
“How long until you’re back?”
“Three more days.”
“Okay, I think I can do three more days.” Angel could clearly hear your smile from the other end of the phone, but before he could reply you heard his name being called.
“I gotta go, querida.” Angel sighs.
“Take care, Ángel.”
“Buenos noches, querida.”
Three days passed quickly, since you were busy with the shop and you exhausted yourself every day. 
Despite your conversation on the phone, you were nervous to see Angel again, and nervous to have the conversation with him. You were extremely fond of him, even if you only knew him for a few weeks. 
You’ve done a lot in the bakery in the past week, the walls were painted and dried, there was a new floor now, so you slowly started doing the decorations. Since the neon lights with your logo have arrived, you decided to do that first. The pink neon light with the word ‘El Paraíso’ was situated in the middle of the thin ring made of metal that you plan to decorate with fake flowers. 
“El Paraíso.” A loud voice snaps you out from your work “Fits you perfectly, mi dulce.” The words make you look up at Angel, who was smiling down at you, an adoring expression on his face as he looks at you work. 
“Ángel!” You jump up from the floor where you’ve been sitting, rushing to the biker so you could jump into his arms, hugging him tightly as you wrap your legs around his waist, and arms around his neck. 
Angel welcomes you with his arms open, burying his face in your neck to inhale your scent when you land in his arms. You’re not sure how long you enjoy each other’s warmth before you pull away from him, making Angel slowly let you back down on the floor. 
Awkward silence suddenly filled the air around you, neither of you are sure what to tell after how you parted a week ago. 
“Are you hungry?” You ask, trying to break the silence. Food was always a good peace offering. 
“Angel shakes his head “Not right now.” 
You swallow hard “I guess you want to talk then.” You say as you wrap your arms around yourself, a gesture of protection that you always do when you’re nervous. 
“I need to know.” Angel replies, nervousness is clear in his voice and demeanour as he shifts his weight from one leg to his other. “I need to know why.” 
You looked down on the floor, taking a few deep breaths as you try to make yourself explain everything to Angel. 
“I’m afraid.” You admit “I’m afraid that you’ll leave me when I tell you the truth.” You still avoid eye contact with him “But I guess losing you for the truth is better than keeping you with a lie.” 
“I promise I won’t run away.” Angel assures you, his voice is soft. 
You close your eyes and mutter “I have never been with a man before.” You wrinkle your nose as you wait for Angel’s reaction.
“THAT’S IT?” He asks loudly, making you open your eyes and look up at him.
Angel wipes his face with his hand “Oh thank god.” 
“What?” You ask him confused, dropping your arms.
“I thought it’s some more serious shit!”
“Well, it is!”
“Do you really think that I’d run away just because you’re a virgin? What kind of asshole do you think I am?”
“I’m not a virgin! I just said I haven’t been with a man before. Besides, men have run away before when I told them this!” You state as you slowly start to relax.
“They’re piece of shits who never deserved you.” Angel states, stepping closer to you “But I’m not like them! I understand why you were afraid, but you’re safe with me, I promise you that.”
Angel’s words moved you, bringing tears into your eyes that you quickly blink away. It had happened before that you told men that you’re not experienced, and they laughed at you, or ran away from you. This is the very reason why you were terrified of telling Angel the truth. 
“Thank you.” you sniff, leaning your head on Angel’s chest, the biker automatically wrapping his arms around you.
“So, you have experience with women then?” Angel teases, you can hear the smirk in his voice. 
You shake your head, slightly smiling “Don’t start, Reyes.” 
Angel playfully shrugs, he’s clearly toying with the idea of you with another woman “Hey, if you want to share some details…”
“Stop!” You laugh, feeling relieved that Angel is still here, and he’s back to his usual self. 
“Are we good, querida?” Angel asks suddenly, his voice is more serious than it was before. 
“We are good, Angel.” You look up at him.
“So, will you finally come on a date with me?” The Mayan asks hopefully, his eyes are tinkling now from the happiness. 
But your answer was interrupted by two men who you haven’t seen before, but Angel certainly did, based on his expression. The sudden interruption makes you pull away from Angel, to both of your displeasures. 
“We wanted to see for who you’re ignoring us.” One of them says. Both men were heavily tattooed, and wore the same vest as Angel, so you figured they were from the MC.
“I’m not ignoring you!” Angel says annoyed, clearly upset that you were interrupted.
“Then should we say we are to see who you couldn’t shut up about?” The bigger man teases Angel, looking at you. The sudden attention makes you blush, then quickly look at the ground as you, not noticeably, took a step away from Angel. 
“Shut the fuck up!” Angel hisses at the two Mayan, making them laugh.
“Aren’t you gonna introduce us?” The skinnier, tattooed man asks, making Angel turn towards you again.
“Y/N, these annoying assholes are Coco, and Gilly, my brothers.” Angel introduces the men to you.
“Assholes, this is Y/N, I’ve been helping her in the past few weeks.” 
You shook both men’s hands, for your biggest surprise, they welcomed you warmly into their lives. 
“Just wanted to tease you, we leave you two lovebirds alone.” Coco says as he steps out from the shop, leaving you alone with Angel.
“I’m sorry about that.” Angel apologies.
“It’s okay.” You laugh. “They can be a bit too much, I guess.” 
“You have no idea!” Angel agrees.
Both of you stay silent for a few seconds before you speak again.
“It’s a yes, by the way.” 
Angel inhales sharply, then letting out the air loudly through his nose, feeling relieved from your response.
“You won’t regret it, I promise.” Angel shakes his head, like he can’t believe that you finally agreed to go on a date with him. He steps closer to you, wrapping his left arm around your hips, pulling you closer to himself as he places a kiss on your forehead.
“Please don’t break my heart.” You whisper loud enough so Angel will hear it.
“I promise I’ll keep your heart safe, mi dulce. I won’t fuck this up.” 
Taglist: @gemini0410​ @rosieposie0624​​ @blessedboo​ @yourwonkywriter​ @chibsytelford​ @mayans-sauce​ @mrsmarvelous1995​ @phoenixhalliwell​​ @rocketqueen​​ @witching-hour​ @starrynite7114​ @bellisperennis0 @noladyme​ (comment or send an ask if you want to be added)​
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whiskery-louis · 4 years
Game Night
** Hi everyone here is my first imagine in a while and it is pretty long and there will be a part 2!
Synopsis: Luke and you broke up 6 months ago. Ashton invites you over for game night.
Luke Hemmings x reader
Warnings: None
Please enjoy and let me know what you think!!
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*not my photo*
“Come on Y/N you have to come see us! We’re traveling across the country just to see you!” Ashton whined through the phone.
“Well I didn’t ask you too Ash. I can’t risk seeing him-”
“He’s not coming, he’s staying here with her. Hell I don’t even think he knows we left.”
You sighed, “Who exactly is ‘we’?”
“Me and Mikey,” you could hear the smile in his voice. You had always been the closest to him and Michael. Not that you and Calum weren’t close, it was just different.
“What about Cal?” you asked.
“He’s staying back so you know who doesn’t get suspicious about the three of us all leaving for a weekend.”
“I don’t know Ash,” you sighed again. “I have work and stuff. Plus I was supposed to see the twins this weekend, and I wanted to go to Target…” you trailed off as you rattled on with excuses.
“Oh please, you know you miss us just as much as we miss you. It’s been six months Y/N, just come hangout for the night. I promise it’s not gonna be anything big. Just you, me, Mike and Crystal. We’ll just do pizza and play some games. Please Y/N, we’re already at the airport and if you don’t come willingly we got your new address from Lacey.”
You mentally cursed your best friend, she knew you specifically didn’t give any of them your new address for this very reason. You were out of excuses and you could hear Ashton’s smirk through the phone. He had you cornered and he knew it.
“Fine. Text me your Airbnb info and I’ll come over tomorrow when I’m done work. But you better be getting the good pizza, and there better be drinks.”
“Yes she’s in!” you heard Mikey yell in the background. You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the smile that spread over your face.
“Bye boys, safe flight.”
You hung up the phone and put your head in your hands. While part of you was very excited to see Ashton and Michael again there was still a part of you that was worried. There was too much history between you and him so of course they all knew about it. They tried not to take sides during the break up but everyone knew he had Calum and you had the other two. It was part of the reason that you had moved back home instead of trying to find a place to stay in L.A.. You could feel the tension that was building between the four of them and the last thing you wanted to do was ruin their friendships or their band. It was all way more important than you. 
You hadn’t really spoken to any of them much other than the casual ‘how are you’ texts here and there. But from him it had been radio silence for six months. Now here you were, five minute after speaking with Ashton and you were already more stressed than you’d be in week. What did you get yourself into?
It was nearing 6:15 and you couldn’t bring yourself to pull up to the house, you had been circling the block for almost 20 minutes and every time you were about to stop you told yourself one more lap. You weren’t sure what was wrong with you, you knew it was only Ash, Mike and Crystal and yet just the thought of being around his friends was enough to make you sick. 
“Fuck it,” you muttered, finally pulling into the drive. You grabbed your bag, and although you hated to admit it, you were excited to see your old friends.
You walked up to the door and hesitantly knocked on it. As soon as your knuckles hit the wood you could hear yelling and footsteps running up to the door.
“Y/N!!!” Ashton yelled engulfing you in a massive hug.
“Can’t breathe…”
“Oi sorry, I’ve just missed you lots.” 
“I missed you too.” you grinned at him, wondering what you had been worried about all day. It felt like no time had passed.
“Well let her in the door man,” Michael spoke up from behind.
You smiled as you entered the house and walked over to Mikey hugging him hard.
“It’s been too long,” he muttered as he let you back.
“Well yeah, that kinda happens when there’s a global pandemic and I move across the county.”
You could tell Michael was going to tell you off for moving but Crystal came in the room then and thankfully saved you from talking about him.
She wrapped her arms around you giving you a quick hug, “It’s so good to see you, I’m glad you made it!”
“Me too, though if I didn’t come willingly I knew you’d show up on my doorstep.”
“You got that right,” she laughed, “It took all my energy to keep them in the house all day.”
“Well I appreciate it, I had a lot of work to get through today figuring I’ll still be hungover on Monday from this weekend.”
It was fitting that as soon as I mentioned being hungover we walked into the kitchen to a full stocked bar.
“Man I forgot you guys really go all out for game nights,” you couldn’t help but laugh at some of the fond memories.
“Okay so what game are we playing first?” Ashton asked as he handed you a drink.
Two hours later and you really didn’t understand why you were so nervous to come. It was one of the best feelings catching up with your old friends and thankfully they didn’t bring him up once. You were in the middle of an intense game of charades, Crystal and you were kicking the boys asses.
“Alright do you guys want to give up yet? You’re never going to beat us so why not save yourselves the embarrassment.”
They both looked annoyed at how the game was progressing, “Well maybe if Mike could draw anything other than stick figures we would’ve stood a chance.” Ashton grumbled.
“And now you see why I always make sure someone else gets stuck with him,” Crystal laughed as she dodged the pen Michael threw at her.
You all laughed as you cleaned up and you went over to the stack of games, contemplating what you wanted to play next. You guys had made your way through a few different games and a few rounds of drinks and honestly you were exhausted. Since moving back home you didn’t hang out with many people other than Lacey and you forgot how much energy it took to be around people. You were tired but it was the best kind of tired. 
“Can we just watch a movie now? I’m tired of losing,” MIchael whined from the couch.
“That’s exactly what a sore loser would say,” you shot back.
Michael just smiled and shrugged his shoulders looking at you, “At least I know it, but I so call picking the movie.” He picked up the remote and started searching through Netflix looking for a good comedy that everyone would watch.
“Anyone up for another round?” Ashton asked and you nodded following him into the kitchen to help. It was silent as he rummaged through the alcohol looking for something new to drink. You hopped up on the counter waiting to see what he would make.
“So how have you really been?” he asked, breaking the silence.
You looked up at him, startly by his question and you could see him looking at you intently and knew exactly what he was talking about, or more so who he was talking about.
You chewed on your bottom lip as you contemplated what to tell him. “I’ve been fine.” you answered shortly.
He scoffed at your answer, “Come on Y/N, I know you better than that and as relaxed as you seem, there is still a part of you that is on edge. You ghosted us all when you left and it was like we lost a member of our family. So tell me the truth, how are you really?”
His answer startled you, and you blinked to keep the tears at bay. “Ash I really don’t wanna ruin the night and talk about him. Can we just table it for now and go back in there with Mike and Crystal. I really don't wanna bring the mood down.” You stared back at him and there must’ve been something in your eyes because he dropped it. He handed you a drink and the two of you went back into the other room. 
“Hey what were you two talking about?” Crystal asked as you sat next to her on the couch, a knowing look in her eye.
You elbowed her subtly, “Debating if Mikey was gonna pick a shitty movie or not,” you laughed.
“Don’t hate until you see it, it’s a good one you all like.” He pointed to the TV and you saw Shrek was on. “Also you could say thank you I ordered a pizza and it should be here in about 30 minutes.”
“Didn’t you just eat a plate of buffalo chicken dip and mac’n’cheese?”
He shrugged, “If it’s a problem Y/N then you can’t have any.” He stuck his tongue out at you.
You held your hands up in defense “No, no. Just asking, I’m for sure eating that pizza.”
“That’s what I thought,” Michael replied smugly.
You just rolled your eyes at him and sat back to begin the movie. Not even 10 minutes later and there was a knock on the door.
“Y/N since you were so judgy you can go answer the door.”
“Fine, fine. Though you suck at telling time Mikey, this was way less than 30 minutes.”
You got up from the couch and made your way to the door excited that the pizza was here much earlier than anticipated. There was another knock on the door as you were opening it. You froze when you saw who was there. 
He must not have been expecting you either because he had a dumbfounded look on his face, and his fist was frozen in mid knock.
“Y/N?” he breathed, his eyes boring into yours.
It was silent and you both just stood there and stared at each other. It had been six months since you had seen him and although there were some noticeable changes he was still the same Luke who broke your heart all those months ago. His arms were larger and his shoulders slightly broader. His hair was longer, his roots growing out which somehow suited him more. He had shaved his quarantine beard but the stubble was growing back. His eyes were the same blue that you fell in love with, but they were missing the usual mischievous glint.
“Luke why are you just-” Calum was caught off walking up behind Luke, his face lighting up when he saw you. “Y/N?! What are you doing here? It’s so good to see you!” He squeezed past Luke and pulled you into a tight embrace.
You had no words as you hugged Cal back, you were still in shock at them being here and you couldn’t take your eyes off Luke,
“What the hell is taking so long?” Ashton came around the corner and froze when he saw the new additions to the party. “Oh you guys are early…” he trailed off.
At his statement you felt the rage building in your veins, you pushed Calum off of you turning to Ashton the anger seeping out of you. “I’m sorry what? They’re what Ashton?”
He looked sheepishly at you, “Surprise?” he shrugged his shoulders, with a slight smile on his face.
You couldn’t believe this. It was all a setup. The whole night was a trick for you to see him again when Ashton knew more than anything that it was the last thing you wanted. You were at a loss for words, as much as you wanted to yell, you didn’t have the energy anymore.
“Look we can explain…”
You held your hand up cutting him off, “Don’t Ashton, just don’t. I don’t want to hear it. I’m leaving.”
You stormed into the other room, to get you things. MIchael was trying to look busy but the guilt was written all over his face. Crystal was sitting next to him with her arms crossed glaring at her fiance, she looked up when you walked in.
“I am so sorry Y/N, I had no idea or I would’ve never let them pull this stunt.”
You gave her a weak smile, “I’m just going to get my things and go.”
Michael turned and looked like he was going to say something, but one look from Crystal silenced him.
“Thanks for the fun while it lasted, but please don’t reach out again,” you heard footsteps behind you and knew the others had followed you into the room. “I thought maybe I could be friends with some of you,” you pointedly looked at Luke, “But if this is the shit you are going to pull them I am out. I’m sorry but I cannot go through this again. I just can’t.”
With that you grabbed your bag and all but ran out of the house. As you sat in your car you were thankful that you didn’t have too much to drink and were able to drive yourself home. The thirty minute drive seemed to take forever. All you wanted was your bed and to be distracted by Netflix. After what felt like an eternity you pulled into your driveway and walked into your house. You threw your bag on the table and couldn't believe the night you had. You knew Ashton and Michael had wanted you to talk to Luke when you first broke up, but that was six months ago. You never thought that they would pull this shit tonight. It was almost more painful this time as you realized you had to cut all of them out of your life and not just Luke. 
You hadn’t expected to see him tonight and it really messed you up. You had spent the last six month erasing him from your life, as much as you could. You put everything he gave you into a box that was hidden in your basement. You tried to throw it away but it felt wrong somehow. He was too big a part of your life to completely get rid of. Lacey once asked you why you didn’t get rid of it all and you knew she thought it meant you still loved him but that wasn’t it. You just couldn’t bear to part with everything that had once brought you so much happiness. You hadn’t opened the box since you moved back home, as you went downstairs to bring it to the kitchen, you knew it was going to hurt more after seeing him tonight, but you couldn’t stop yourself.
You spent over an hour looking through all the memories the two of you had made during your time together and you were a mess sitting on the floor with tears rolling down your face. Maybe it was from the exhaustion that raked your body or the alcohol that was still in your system but you left the contents of the box sprawled over the island and slipped on his old Nirvana shirt before going to your bed and finally falling asleep.
The next thing you knew you were being jolted awake by a banging on your door. You looked at the clock and groaned when you saw it was only 8:00am. Who the hell would be here so early. Hoping it was just a package you rolled back over and tried to fall back asleep, when the person knocked again.
You signed as you rolled out of bed and trudged downstairs in nothing but the old shirt you fell asleep in. Rubbing your eyes as they adjusted to the brightness, you opened the door and had to squint to see who was there.
“Y/N, you uh forgot your phone and I wanted to make sure it got back to you safely.”
You hated that your heart skipped a beat as your name rolled off his lips, your eyes focused on him and the events of last night came back to you instantly.
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bbyboibinnie · 4 years
comfort zone
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synopsis: all your life you’ve tried your best to maintain a regular routine and comfortable life. during your last year as a senior though, everything changed and suddenly you were pushed out of your comfort zone. pairing: bang chan x fem!reader genre: high school au, strangers to lovers, angst, fluff, romance, little cliche but you gotta have some cliche stories in your life sometimes warning: mild swears wc: 11.8k a/n: this has not yet been proofread so my apologies for any errors! hope you enjoy nonetheless!
The hand on the clock was ticking excruciatingly slow. You’d been eyeing it for the last 10 minutes, trying to count down the time before math would finally wrap up and you could speed your way towards the cafeteria before everyone else began to flood in. It’s been like this for the last three, ongoing four years. You and your small group of friends had managed to secure a table in freshman year and that had been the hang out spot every day during the forty minute lunch period, which was frankly way too short. On most days, you spent half of those forty minutes waiting in line for the overpriced food that was barely considered edible. 
Nonetheless, right as the bell rang you were already out your seat and past the door. Other students were scrambling into the cafeteria and you picked up the pace to reach the line. You were squished between the person in front and behind you and if it weren’t for the massive backpacks acting as barriers, you’d be disgusted by the close contact. 
“I was wondering what took you so long.” Seungmin noted as you reached the wooden bench. 
“I know, it took even longer than usual to get this plate of god-knows-what,” you poked at the crusty pile of what looked to be pasta on your plate. “Those idiots kept cutting and of course the principle who stood there didn’t bat an eyelash as it happened right under his nose.” 
Seungmin shook his head and popped open the bag of chips he got from the vending machine. “The joys of high school right?” 
“Thank gosh this is our last year here.” 
“Amen to that.” You clinked your juice box with his and munched on the mediocre pasta, joining in on the card game the others had started. 
“Oh I forgot, we have that rally thing today don’t we?” Your other friend—Lia—brought up. 
“What rally?” You put down a queen and relished in victory as the others reshuffled the deck. 
“The one for the football players or something right? We’ve been going to this school for the last three years and we don’t even know.” What Lia said was very true. Before you had started high school, your parents and basically every adult you talked to said to ‘make the most out of your high school years’ and ‘get the full experience.’ Frankly, you just had your head set on getting that diploma at this point because after a while, everything has just felt more draining and repetitive, including today’s rally. 
“I guess there will be less class time then.” You shrugged, reaching out to grab the cards and continue the next round.
“I don’t get it.” 
“Don’t get what?” Seungmin said, turning to face you. 
“Why football is so hyped at our school. I mean at other schools I get it because they actually win, but haven’t we just been losing all season?” The rally had been going on for over half an hour and another yawn escaped your lips. 
“Yeah, I’ve been to every game and the best we got was a tie. Anyways, there’s only a handful of games left before this season ends. You should come.” 
“And remind me why I should?” The two hosts of the rally were trying to hype the crowd up and you had to stifle laughter as the person in the mascot costume came out from behind the bleachers. Did they ever wash that costume? It must’ve reeked of sweat in that thing; yoed at the thought.
“Because you’ve never gone before? I know sports isn’t really your thing, or any after school activity for that matter, but it’s high school. You gotta experience it at least once.” Seungmin reasoned, pulling at your arm. 
“I mean, you said they’ve been losing. I’m not going to pay and spend like two hours watching our school lose for the nth time.” The person in the costume was making rounds around the field now, starting a wave with the crowd. 
“Okay, what if I pay for your ticket then?” 
“But those two hours of of precious time will be wasted—“
“They have snacks there. Popcorn, churros, corn dogs, and your favorite and mine—fried oreos.” Events always sounded more appealing when food was involved, but you were hesitant. “C’mon please y/n? For me?” Seungmin was doing those puppy eyes with the pout to your dismay. Out of all the years you’ve known him, you could never turn him down whenever he gave you that look. 
“Fine! But you’re paying for the food too.” 
Seungmin had arrived at your house at six thirty on the dot and you slipped on your shoes before shouting to your parents that you were leaving. When you had told them that you were going out, especially to attend the football game, they had been surprised then elated. Your parents were the kind that always tried to encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and enjoy new things, and considering you were a major homebody, this was a pretty big step out the bubble of comfort if you had to say so yourself.
“Wow I’m impressed, you even wore the school colors.” He said as you got in the car, eyeing your outfit. 
“I mean if I’m going, might as well go all out right?” You ended up wearing the school hoodie with a white pleated skirt, the best part were the streaks of eyeshadow—red and gold—you had on your cheeks (no face paint because you didn’t have any on hand). 
“Exactly, now let’s go, I want to be there early so we get good seats.” He stepped on the gas and you were on your way back to school, something you’d never thought you do after hours. 
“Y/n pick it up, I can see a spot in the front row but someone else is gonna to snatch it if you keep you with that snail pace.” He looked back at you from atop the stairs of the bleachers. 
“Well it’s not my fault you won’t help me carry all of this food!” You gave him an exasperated look as you tried to balance the drinks, snacks, and napkins all in your hand. 
“Listen, I bought it so you do the heavy lifting and labor alright? Now let’s go.” He pulled on your arm and the corn dog nearly slipped out your hand as you tried to keep up with Seungmin. 
You gave out an annoyed huff as you sat down, right in the front row just like how Seungmin wanted. The feeling of the cool metal bleacher sent a chill up your spine and the bitter autumn wind wasn't helping ease the cold. You were starting to regret wearing that skirt. 
“We’re here, happy? Now take your food before I eat it all myself.” You rolled your eyes and handed him his share of the food while he excitedly starred off towards the field. The players were warming up and the opponents were off to the side, huddled with their coach. 
You looked back at the people in the stands and the seats were packed. To be honest, you were just shocked that this many people showed up to watch even though the team had a losing streak. There were adults, schoolmates, little kids, and —someone even brought their dog. It seemed like everyone was eager for the game to start and although this wasn’t something you ever thought you’d do on a Friday night, you were one of the eagerly anticipating spectators in the stands too. 
From beside you, Seungmin kept looking around the field, as if he were looking for something. You were puzzled at this but didn’t bother questioning him because wow, the fried oreos were delicious. 
“Aye Chan!” Your friend shouted; he was sitting so close that it felt like he had screamed directly into your year. His loud voice managed to catch the attention of one of the players on the field as the boy with the number 97 on his jersey turned around and jogged towards where you and Seungmin were seated. 
“Seungmin, you made it today!” The boy reached out over the fence that separated the crowd from the field to greet Seungmin and you were both confused and surprised at the sight. Seungmin knew one of the football players? Not just one of them but the football player Chan? Team captain Chan? You were with Seungmin five days a week at school and it had never occurred to you that he knew anyone on the team, much less the captain.
“Why are you so surprised? I come to every game.” He was leaning on the fence as he talked to Chan. 
“Did you come alone again?” You tried not to eavesdrop but it was impossible when they were speaking directly in front of you. 
“Nah, I actually convinced a friend of mine to come with me today for once. Y/n!” He shouted your name which made you look up in shock while in the midst of stuffing your face with fried food. Seungmin shook his head and grimaced at the sight. “Sorry, she usually isn’t this uncollected.” 
You gave a slight wave towards the two and swiped the crumbs off your cheeks. This was so embarrassing, Seungmin was going to get an earful from you after this. 
“Nice to meet you!” Chan shouted, smiling at your direction. You nodded and awkwardly tried to return the smile before giving up and going back to all the fried goodness that the snack stand had to offer. 
They probably talked for another ten minutes before Chan jogged off to join his teammates and  Seungmin came back to his seat where you immediately proceeded to throw questions at him. 
“You know Bang Chan? How do you know him?” 
“Yes, I do know him and we’ve known each other fo—“
“I’ve been your friend for so long, how come I didn’t know you were friends with the captain of the football team?!” 
“Well, I do have other friends outside of our friendship grou—“
“Wait, I’m still your best friend though right?”
“Oh my god, y/n yes. We have been friends since elementary and nothing changes tha—“
“Seungmin, answer my questions!” 
“I’m trying but you keep cutting me off.” He said which shut you right up. “Anyways, yes I know Chan. His mom and my mom are super close so we just started hanging out when our parents were together, that’s why you never saw me with him at school. And you’re my best friend and will continue to hold that title. No football player is going to take that title away from you.” You smiled in relief at the last part. 
“Is that why you go to all their games?”
“Well yes, but I also genuinely enjoy the atmosphere of these events.” 
“Ahh, as expected from the extrovert himself. I’m truly amazed how we’re best friends.” This thought had come to your mind on numerous occasions. Seungmin had that happy-go-lucky type of personality, always smiling and being the social butterfly while you were on the quieter, more pessimistic end of the scale. If it weren’t for the fact that you guys were assigned seats next to each other in the third grade, you don’t know if you two would’ve ever crossed paths otherwise. You’d have to thank your third grade teacher someday for doing you a massive favor with that seating chart. 
“They say opposites attract y’know?” Seungmin threw an arm over your shoulder and annoyingly ruffled your hair—you felt like he was an older brother you never had sometimes. You swatted his hands away and tried to fix your hair. 
“Can you stop doing that? You know I actually tried putting effort into my hair today righ—“ 
“Y/n shut up, the game is about to begin.” He shushed you as the band began to play and you begrudgingly stopped talking.
After the dramatic applause and cheers died down, the teams got into position and soon enough the game had started. You had never actually seen a game before, only seeing snippets of them in television dramas or in books, so you didn’t understand the penalties or all the ins and outs. Regardless, you watched silently for the most part and clapped when others did. 
It was halftime and the scores were not looking so hot. You had finished your drinks and snacks long before and was starting to wish you’d stay home because this game was turning out to be another bust—-as you had expected. 
“Seungmin, I’m getting bored. I tried being optimistic and hoped for a win but we are down by so many points.” You pouted as you looked at the scoreboard—five to twelve. 
“Aw c’mon y/n, it’s only half way through. Anything could happen in the other half.” He made a good point but it was not making you have any more hope than before. “Hey, why don’t you try cheering for them in the next half? Maybe if we cheer louder and give them even more support, they’ll do better. I gotta say, your half hearted clapping is not very effective.” You playfully elbowed him in the stomach for that remark. 
“If you say so, but if I scream at the top of my lungs and they still end up losing, I’m never going to another one of these games.” 
The game had continued on after the short half time break and it seemed like your school was finally gaining points. It was neck and neck and everyone was on the edge of their seats by the time the last quarter of the game rolled around. 
You had been so enticed with the game that you didn’t realize how late it was getting. You had arrived at six thirty and it was almost reaching the two hour mark. The sun had completely set by now and the field was being illuminated by the massive lights and whatever little light the stars and the moon  in the sky were giving off. 
“Not going to lie, we are doing better than I had expected.” Seungmin commented during the break session in between the quarters.
“Really? Are you telling me this is the team on a good day then?” You asked incredulously. The scores were so close but the opponents were still leading by a few. 
“Sadly, yes this is a good day for us. Let’s just give it our all with the cheers for the last round and hope they win.” And almost as if on cue, the whistle blew and the players were back in their positions. 
“Wooo!! C’mon guys!” You hollered as loud as you could. Then the ball was tossed and the clock was counting down the final quarter. 
“YES CHAN! C’MON YOU GOT THIS!” You and Seungmin weren’t even sitting anymore, you had gathered near the fence and your eyes followed as number 97 was speeding down the field. 
“Oh my god.” Your eyes were getting dry and you felt the need to blink but you forced yourself not to because you didn't want to miss this moment. 
“Holy shi—.” You heard Seungmin barely whisper from under his breath. Heads were turned as everyone watched Chan pass the goal and into the end field right as the clock reached zero.
Before you knew it, the audience around you had erupted into laughter, applaud, cheers, and everything in between. Meanwhile, the football players had circled on the field and were all congratulating one another. 
“Did we just win?” You looked at Seungmin and he turned to you with a gaping mouth, nodded rapidly. 
“You just witnessed the first win of the season!” The two of two started jumping up and down like little kids, smiling and shouting excessively. 
“My throat is so dry from all that screaming, but it paid off.” You smiled and felt light headed, unsure if it was because you were overjoyed or because of all the screaming and dehydration, probably all of the above. 
“Let’s go find Chan and congratulate him!” Seungmin grabbed your arm and pulled you down the steps of the bleachers, past the track and onto the grass. You spotted him from a few feet away but the two of you waited for the crowd to disperse a bit before reaching him. 
“You finally did it man! First win of the season!” Seungmin gave Chan one of those ‘bro-hugs’ and you stood back a bit to give them their space. Chan was just a friend of a friend so you felt awkward approaching him, but still you said your congratulations to him.
“Seungmin said it was your first time coming to one of our games right? Quite a show we put in tonight for you then.” He looked past Seungmin and directed the conversation at you, smiling like he had earlier. You didn’t notice this the first time but he had a dimple on one of his cheeks. His brown hair was tousled in every direction from wearing the helmet and the fringes of his bangs were matted to his forehead with sweat, undoubtedly you still thought he looked quite cute.
 “Yeah, I don’t know anything about football but I think you guys were great tonight!” You said, trying to project your voice so that he could hear you amongst all the other chatter and commotion. 
“She thought you guys were going to lose.” Seungmin noted, making you glare in his direction, silently telling him to shut up. Chan just laughed at the response, which made his smile grow wider. 
“It’s okay, I know we usually don’t do so hot. I’m glad you guys could come and watch us succeed today though. What a relief I exceeded your expectations then.” You smiled and awkwardly chuckled in response, feeling guilty now that you’ve been exposed by Seungmin for being a pessimist. 
“Well it was great seeing you again man, you gotta come over soon. My mom keeps asking where you are these days.” Chan turned back to Seungmin and they exchanged some more words before he focused back on you. “Also, thanks for coming tonight y/n to watch the game, and for accompanying my friend here, he usually goes solo and I pity him sometimes seeing him in the stands alone. Hopefully you’ll come back for our next game.” Honestly you had no plans to, but looking at Chan with his dimple, warm eyes and being convinced by his charming words, you felt like the urge to clear your schedule for it. 
“What do you mean you’re not coming?!” Seungmin spun around in your desk chair and rolled towards your bed where you sat, surrounded by an innumerable amount of paper and textbooks. 
“It means I’m not coming, what words are you not understanding?” You replied without looking up, flipping to the next page in your calculus book. 
“But why not?” He was starting to sound like a whiny toddler and you were already getting frustrated with trying to solve this stupid math equation. 
“Seungmin,” you said firmly, looking at him in the eyes, “why can’t you just find someone else to go with? Can't you see I’m busy? This project isn’t going to finish itself.” You gestured towards the loads of work scattered everywhere. “Go ask Lia or something.”
“No, the last time I tried to bring her along she just kept talking about how pretty she would’ve been as a cheerleader and started to sulk over the fact that she didn’t make the squad. Anyways, you missed last week’s game too! Plus, you had so much fun the first time around.” Seungmin whined, saddened by your blatant, harsh rejection. 
“Right, but like I said I have to get this done. You know I’ll prioritize school work over a sports event any day. Plus, that was a one time thing. I just went for the experience. And now that I’ve experienced it, I can check it off my high school bucket list and move on.” Your focus ripped away from your friend and back to your notebook which was filled with scribbled and incorrect math solutions. You’d been working on this project for what seemed like an eternity and the light at the end of the tunnel was not showing itself. You wanted to scream in frustration. 
“Please come, it’s so much better with you there! Whenever I go alone I feel so… alone.” He watched as you crumpled up another piece of paper and threw at the trash, completely missing. “Plus, take it as a break from all your hard work and studies. You’re clearly stressed and need to unwind, treat yourself!” You eyed him from where you were sitting, going over his words. Maybe he’s right. You did have a lot of fun the first time you went and this project wasn’t due for a few more days.
You sighed, “I don’t know. Perhaps I do need a break.” His eyes lit up at your response and he quickly reached over to shut your textbook and push your notebooks to the side. 
“What are you waiting for then? Those first row seats are going fast.” After a moment, you caved into his words. 
“Alright, grab me the hoodie in my closet.” You ordered and he happily complied. Quickly you threw your hair into an updo and put streaks of gold and red on your cheeks. Slipping on the hoodie, you turned towards Seungmin who gave you a thumbs up. “Okay, let’s go.” 
Right as you guys were about to step out the room, you pulled him back. He gave you a questioning look. “By the way, you should consider being a salesman because sir, you really have a way to convince people with your words.” 
“Please spare me of your corny jokes y/n.” You punched him for his lack of appreciation for your humor as he led the way to his car. With that, you shut the door and the two of you were once again on your way to the school. 
“Oh sorry.” You apologized as you bumped into somebody as you tried to squeeze through the crowd and to the bleachers. 
“It’s oka- oh, y/n! Hey, you came back.” The person talking had a familiar voice so you looked up and Chan’s grin came into view. 
“Chan, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be on the grass like warming up or something?” Over his shoulder, you could see the rest of his team mates stretching and whatnot by the field. 
“Yeah, but I had to run back to grab something from the lockers. Guess my timing was impeccable because now I’ve run into you. I noticed you didn’t come to the last game so I wasn't expecting you today either.” In last week’s game, Chan had thought you’d tag along with Seungmin like the other time but when he noticed you weren’t there, he felt a slight tinge of disappointment. “Is Seungmin with you too?”
“Yup, he went to grab some food. Sorry about missing the game last week by the way. I was busy.” It sounded like a pathetic excuse but it was the truth, you were caught up trying to study for exams and prepare for a presentation so there was no time in your agenda for a football game. 
“Ah, no worries. You’re here now right? Plus, you didn’t miss anything last week anyways. We ended up losing, pretty badly actually.” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and you felt bad for him. Before, you had always made jokes and poked fun at the team for constantly losing but if you were in their shoes, you would’ve felt so discouraged and perhaps even frustrated. At that moment, you sympathized for him and his teammates. 
“Don’t worry Chan, that was last week so it’s the past now. Focus on today and have hope that you’ll win! Go out there and give it your all. I believe in your and the other players.” You gave him two thumbs up and a cheeky smile and he couldn’t help but laugh at your attempt at a motivational speech. 
“Thanks for the vote of confidence.” He genuinely meant this. Lately, he’s been getting at himself for all the losses this season. Was it because he was an incompetent player? Was he a bad captain? Was he even good at football? All these questions swirled in his head and kept him up at night but having recently won, hearing your cute speech, and seeing you beam sweetly at him, those doubts vanished. 
“Chan! There you are, come over here so we can take some pictures for the school yearbook together!” One of the cheerleaders approached Chan and you watched as she clung onto his side. For a moment, you had forgotten he was the popular team captain. 
“Uh, maybe in a bit Tiffany. I’m busy right no—“ 
“Come on Chan, the photographer for the yearbook club is already here. Plus we look good together.”
You felt like you were intruding on something here and felt so uncomfortable as you witnessed the girl flirt with Chan. You had to get yourself out of the scene. 
“Well I’m going to go grab a seat, good luck Chan!” You hurriedly fled to leave those two alone. 
“Tell Seungmin I said hi. Also, cheer loud for me! I need the support!” He shouted as he was dragged away with the girl. You made your way up to the stands and sadly, you hadn’t made it in time to grab the front row but thankfully, you spotted an empty area not too far back and sat down. 
While you were sitting there waiting for Seungmin—what was taking him so long to get the food?—a realization struck: you just had a full on conversation with the captain of the football team and it was completely void of any awkward tension. You had only met the guy once before and merely exchanged a few words with him. You’d never thought you’d even attend a football game much less two, and now suddenly be on speaking terms with Bang Chan. Senior year was something else. 
“Earth to y/n?” A hand waved in front of your face and you snapped out of your thoughts. You realized it was your best friend—he had finally gotten back with the food. “You good? Why are you spacing out?” He sat down and started munching in the kettle corn. 
“Just thinking how weird it is that I ran into Chan of all people and managed to have a full on, not-awkward conversation with him.” You left out the last bit where the cheerleader came in though, because that was beyond awkward. 
“How is that weird?”
“I don’t know. I just never thought I would be this far out of my safe little shelter. I mean think about it. I’ve stuck with the same handful of friends since freshman year and it wasn’t until like two weeks ago when I finally went to a school event. Now, I’m suddenly chatting up a storm with the captain of the football team and am sitting here sipping on hot chocolate waiting for the game to start, thanks for the hot cocoa by the way.” You blew glenty on the drink and observed the steam dissipate into the night air before taking a sip, pure instant mix hot chocolate flavor, just the way you liked it. 
“Well, when you put it like that, I guess it is sort of odd.” Seungmin nodded in agreement before continuing, “But as long as you’re enjoying yourself, then there’s no problem. Sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone to experience new things has its benefits.”
“You’re right, I guess I’m just finally realizing that now.” You smiled to yourself and watched as the two teams raced around the field. You still lacked knowledge about football, but watching this time around felt even more exciting than the first time. 
The team ended up winning again and of course you and Seungmin were so proud of your school for taking home another victory. Just like last time, you two waited around after the game to approach Chan and shower him with compliments and words of praise. 
“I didn’t think we’d be able to do it but we did it.” Chan was still dripping sweat and catching his breath, but his eyes shone brightly with joy. 
“Of course you’d be able to do it! You’re Bang Chan! The one and only.” You bobbed your head in agreement with Seungmin’s words. You had to give it to him, he was the best hype man a person could ask for. 
“Thanks. Anyways, the team and I were planning to grab some pizza at the local shop nearby as a mini celebration, do you guys want to come?” Immediately you shook your head while Seungmin on the other hand had accepted the invitation without a second thought. 
“I know this is a lot to ask of you and you’re probably going to say ‘sorry, I have to go finish my math project’ but please y/n. You’re already here and the night is still young.” Seungmin was clinging onto your right arm like a koala and you rolled your eyes at his antics. 
“If you knew I was going to bring up my math project then why bother trying to beg? Now let go of my arm you big baby.” You tried to wriggle your arm from out of his clutch but then someone grabbed onto your other arm.
“Please y/n.” You looked to your left and Chan was acting like koala 2.0. You expected this from Seungmin, you’re long-time best friend, but you had just met Chan on one other occasion and yet he acted like you two were the best of pals. You were taken aback by this but couldn’t manage to get either of them to let go, and the close proximity to Chan was starting to make the blood rush to your cheeks. God, you had to get them off of you before your face grew any redder. 
“Yes, okay! I’ll go!” They instantly detached themselves from your arms and high-fived each other, you let out a breath of relief. “One of you has to pay though, I don’t care who.” 
So there you were, sitting in the red and white colored booth stuck between Seungmin and the football team captain himself with a slice of piping hot pizza in front of you. This is not how you thought things would turn out. 
When everyone had arrived at the pizzeria, it was chaos. People were throwing out their orders and topping preferences and others were fighting to grab a table. You quickly told Chan your order, as he offered to pay, and pulled Seungmin to a booth before all of them were taken. Luckily, there was one last one that was unoccupied at the corner. When Chan had came to the table with the pie in hand, you thought he would take the other side of the booth but someone had spilled sticky soda all over the seat so that’s how you found yourself in this current predicament, squished between two teenage boys in a stuffy old booth, on a weekday night.
The three of you were eating and mindlessly talking when a group of girls drew closer towards you guys. You figured they must’ve wanted to talk to Chan so you continued eating quietly. 
“Chan you were amazing tonight! You really led the team to another win, I knew you could do it.” You recognized her, it was the same girl from earlier—Tiffany? 
“Thanks, hope you enjoyed the game.” Chan responded politely. 
“Of course I did silly. Anyways, do you want to join me and the others over there?” She pointed towards the other side of the pizzeria where most of the players and cheerleaders were gathered. 
“I’m good here, thanks for asking though.” She looked shocked at his response and for the first time, she averted her attention away from Chan to focus on you and Seungmin. Her eyes rolled right over Seungmin but stopped at you. Her gaze made you feel all ansty and self-conscious, but you tried your best not to show it. “Okay, well call me then.” She said before turning back and moving back to the other side of the room. 
It was silent for a while before Chan broke the tension. 
“So you like pineapple on pizza?” Chan said, biting into his own slice.
“Well yeah, it’s the superior topping.” The combination of sweet and salty was the best.
“Do you perhaps like mint chocolate ice cream too?” He asked, handing you a napkin as he noticed the smear of tomato sauce on your cheek. You nodded in thanks. 
“It’s not my favorite but I wouldn’t pass it up if offered.” You shrugged and grabbed another slice of pizza. 
“Seungmin,” Chan said, which caught the attention of the boy on the other side of you. “I like this girl. She had good tast–” Your eyes nearly popped out of their sockets at his words and he didn’t manage to finish his sentence before you started coughing, almost choking on your food. 
“Y/n, are you okay?” They simultaneously asked in alarm and you silently gave them the  ‘ok’ hand signal while inhaling down your drink, trying to wash down the pizza and calm yourself.
“All good.” You were not all good. You were just about to choke on pizza while some guy you barely even knew proclaimed that he liked you out of the blue. 
“Anyways, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted by someone choking.” You slapped his arm and he laughed in response. “She’s got good taste and quite the sense of humor. I see why you ditch me at school to hang out with her now.” He joked, was he teasing you already? This guy seriously warms up to new people fast.
Thank gosh no other light-hearted confessions were made for the rest of the dinner, you didn’t think you could handle anymore heart-stopping jokes for the night.
“Wait.” Seungmin said suddenly, just as you guys were about to start wrapping this up and leaving.
“What?” You looked at him, waiting for a reply.
“I think y/n is our lucky charm.” He said with too much confidence. You whipped your head to look at him.
“What nonsense are you sputtering now? I am no one’s lucky charm. Do I look like that tiny leprechaun on a box of cereal to you?” You asked, feigning offense. 
“Well, I think you got the tiny part down.” Chan pointed out, and for the nth time you smacked him on the arm. Sure you were on the short side but there was no need to rub it in.
“That’s not what I meant y/n.” Seungmin gave you a deadpanned look before carrying on. “Anyways think about it guys, the first time y/n came to the game, the team won. Then she didn’t go to last week’s game and we lost. And today, she attended and we won again. Seeing a pattern?” He looked at you two expectedly, waiting for you guys to catch on. “I’ve connected the two dots.”
“You didn’t connect shi-” You started but Chan cut you off.
“You’re right!” His face brightened and turned towards you. “Y/n, you are our good luck charm! . You facepalmed yourself, these two shared the same three brain cells. 
“Right, and you’re Santa Claus.” You said with thick sarcasm dripping from your voice, “You guys are ridiculous. Now help me clean up please.” You referred to the table which was covered in dirty napkins, crumbs, and parmesan cheese packets everywhere. Thankfully they obeyed and started clearing the mess.
“No seriously, we have been losing all season and the moment you show up, it’s like all that is erased and we win!” Chan tried to reason, but you weren’t having any of it.
“It’s just a coincidence. It’s you and your teammates that are doing the work and bringing in the luck. I am merely just an audience member, an observer.” You shook your head at them and continued wiping down the table.
“Don’t take our word for it then, but you have to go to the next game!” Seungmin announced as he tried to reorganize the condiments on the side. You had just gone to the game and no time had passed before you were urged to go to another one. 
“I’ll think about it.” You peered over at Chan and he was smiling uncontrollably while Seungmin was happy dancing. What did you just get yourself into?
Ever since the spontaneous pizza meeting and the half hearted promise to attend the football games, you’ve been seeing Chan more and more at school. Sometimes you’d just notice each other in the halls and mouth “hi” or other times it was passing period and he’d see you and ask  “how are you?” before the seven minutes were up. As the days continued, he just increasingly  appeared in your frame of vision and it left you confused.
Both of you had been in the same grade year, at the same school for the past four years but you swore you’ve never even noticed him before and now he was everywhere. He’d be near your locker in the morning tagging alongside Seungmin, greeting you with a sunny smile and fresh look that contrasted greatly to your own glum expression and ‘just rolled out of bed’ appearance. It was seven am, you had an excuse to look like this you reasoned, making yourself feel better. 
Lately, he even sat with you and your tablemates at lunch. Your group of friends was shocked at first. Questions like “why is a football player sitting with us?” and “why is the football team captain sitting with us?” were exchanged amongst the table and you didn’t know how to answer because, why was he sitting with you guys all of a sudden? Eventually everyone got used to it though; he came around so often and no one objected. Initially, your friends had thought he was the stereotypical jock that acted all mighty and superior, but soon enough they realized he was the complete opposite of that. He was nice, funny, intelligent, and easy to get along with. He’d help your friends whenever they were struggling to finish their homework last minute, and he’d join in on the games of uno, go fish, and whatever else. 
Frankly, you didn’t mind his presence either and Seungmin was absolutely basking in delight because both of his best friends were now with him at school, playing the same card games and eating the same shitty school food together. You didn’t know when or how, but Chan just eased his way into your life and you had accepted it for the most part. However, there were moments when you still questioned him though, and one day you figured you might as well clear the confusion in your head. 
“Hey Chan.” He was currently teaching you how to play poker. 
“What’s up buttercup?” 
“Don’t call me buttercup.” You fixed a glare at him. “Anyways, I hope this doesn’t come off as a weird question but, why have you hung out with us everyday at lunch?” He didn’t say anything for a second and you regretted asking.
“Hm, I guess I just like it here. Your friends are nice, Seungmin is here,” he pointed towards the boy who was on his third pack of vending machine chips. “And you’re here.” You tried not to make anything out of that last comment and brushed it off.
“What about your other friends?”
“Other friends?” He raised an eyebrow at you and continued shuffling the cards.
“You know, the people you normally hung out with before you started hanging out with us?” 
“I didn’t have any friends.” He said and you scoffed, not believing it for a second.
“You? Captain of the football team. Mr. Bang Chan himself didn’t have any friends until you met us?” You said incredulously. 
“I mean I had Seungmin.” 
“He couldn’t have been your only friend.”
“No, I guess he wasn’t–”
“I knew it.”
“You didn’t let me finish. He wasn’t my only friend but I felt like he was my only true friend.”
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean, it all felt so fake, so forced. Like I have my teammates and they’re chill, but we were just teammates, we didn’t hang out much besides practice or games. It’s like, just because you’re classmates, that doesn’t automatically make you all friends right?” You understood what he was saying and agreed. “And everyone else… well, it just felt ungenuine. I know many of them just tried to befriend me for the connection and to have the ability to say ‘I’m friends with the football captain’ but it wasn’t anything more.” At that point, you had wished you never pried. You felt like you had just pushed him to open Pandora’s box and that’s not what you had intended.
“Look Chan, I’m sorry I got nosy. I didn’t mean to ask you that and pry–” The apology started spilling out your mouth but the smile on his lips made you stop. “Why are you smiling? Shouldn’t you be offended and mad at me?”
“No, of course not. I know you must’ve felt weird that I randomly started hanging around you and your friends and I’m glad we got to clear up any confusion.” He said softly, looking at you from across the table. “I genuinely enjoy being around everyone at this table, especially you, so you don’t have to question it anymore. Okay?”
You kept replaying the words in your mind, ‘especially you.’ How could he say these things so easily and not realize how fast it made your heart pound or how sweaty your palms got? You couldn’t focus for the rest of lunch as he tried to teach you the ins and outs of poker. 
Weeks had passed and you, Seungmin, and Chan were like three peas in a pod—inseparable and going everywhere together. 
One day, you guys had planned on a hang out with three spots on the schedule planned. First was to hit up the arcade—Chan’s idea—and then grab dinner at Olive Garden—Seungmin said he was craving their breadsticks—-and lastly the cherry on top would be ice cream—-your suggestion. 
“Ready to get your ass handed in air hockey big shot?” You teased Chan as three headed to the arcade. 
“Oh, you’re so on.” He narrowed his eyes at you in the rear view mirror and you laughed from the backseat. 
“Woah, we should make this more exciting. Make it a wager.” Seungmin proposed from the passenger’s side. 
“What do you have in mind?” You stuck your head in between the two seats and looked at him. 
“Whoever loses...has to dress up as a fanatic at the last game of the season.”
“Isn’t the last game next week?” You asked, and the boys nodded in confirmation.
“Anyways I was thinking big fluffy tutu, face paint, a colored wig.” Seungmin listed out.
“Oh, and my jersey!” You made a disgusted face at Chan.
“Your jersey? You mean the one you sweat in and get both mud and grass stains all over?” The image of it alone was already disturbing, you couldn’t imagine actually putting it on.
“You know I wash it right?”
“Well regardless, what are we going to do if Chan loses though? He can’t do any of that, he had a uniform code to abide by.” You pointed out.
“Good point, if he loses he has to wear all of that to the after party then.”
“After party? Isn’t that only thrown when the team wins? What if the team doesn’t win?” You pointed out.
“The team will win.” Chan said with full confidence.
“No offense, but how are you so sure?” 
“Because, you’re our lucky charm.” 
“This is so unfair! He is an athlete! His hand eye coordination is way better than us common folk!” You shouted in disbelief as the last puck went into your goal, signaling that both you and Seungmin lost. 
“Don’t hate the player, hate the game.” Chan teased as he proceeded to do a victory dance as you and your other friend stared at him unamused. “Oh wait. I only have one extra jersey though, so only one of you can wear it.”
“All yours Seungmin!” 
“What, no way! You should wear it, you had the least amount of points between the two of us.” 
“I– you– ugh!” You couldn’t argue with that. You had to accept the fate of wearing that dingy, stinky, jersey now.
“If it makes you feel any better, I’ll do my best to wash it before then.” Chan added, finding it cute how you scrunched up your nose and pouted.
“Great, how reassuring.” 
“Ok that’s enough arcade for tonight. My pocket is running dry and those breadsticks are waiting.” Seungmin stated before making it towards the door with you and Chan following behind. 
The night was coming to an end and you guys were at the last stop–the ice cream shop. The three of you ordered a sundae and took turns scooping from the mountain of frozen dairy, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and rainbow sprinkles. 
“Are you nervous for the last game? You're going against the toughest school right?” You asked, looking at Chan who sat on the other side of the table with Seungmin. 
“A little, but for some reason I just feel really confident in the team so I think we will be fine.” 
“No doubt you got this in the bag man.” Seungmin said through a mouthful of ice cream.
“Nasty! Shut your mouth while you're eating Seungmin!” You tossed a crumpled up napkin at him.
“You’re one to talk, you’re quite a messy eater yourself.” Chan mentioned, reaching over to swipe the chocolate syrup off the corner of your lips. Regardless of how close you two had gotten over these last few weeks, his little gestures like these always caught you off guard, like wiping the corner of your mouth, guiding you somewhere with his hand on the small of your back, walking you to every class period. You’ve known Seungmin for years and he never did these things! Was it because he wasn’t chivalrous enough? Or was Chan too chivalrous? You shook your head of those thoughts and helped the two finish up the sundae.
This had got to be the worst outfit you ever wore you thought to yourself as you looked at your reflection in the mirror. The tulle skirt was actually cute but everything else was simply hideous. Seungmin had brought over the accessories in the early evening and you two had spent the last hour or two dressing up and getting ready for tonight’s game. You wore a wine red wig with gold stars painted across your cheeks and of course you kept your end of the deal and had Chan’s jersey on too, which surprisingly smelt of fresh linen. Seungmin on the other hand wore a bright yellow mohawk wig with half his face painted red, adorned with his very own tutu, which was layered over his pants, as well. You two looked awful but extremely hilarious.
“If I don’t get accepted into a college. I could go to the circus looking like this.” 
“Clown college is always an option.” Seungmin joked and you two laughed at your appearances until there were tears in your eyes. 
“Ready to go?” 
“Yup, let’s blow Chan’s socks off with these outfits.”
While you two were busy getting ready for the game, Chan was trying to prepare himself too, but mentally. It wasn’t that he was nervous about the game or the team losing, he had total confidence tonight would bring in another victory. The team had been doing well so far and everyone had been practicing extra hard for this final event. What he was really nervous about was seeing you. 
It had been weeks since he had first met you and the more he had gotten to know you, the more feelings he developed and the harder he fell for you. He had first seen you in the stands when Seungmin introduced you to him and he thought it was funny, yet adorable how your cheeks were stuffed like chipmunks with fried oreos. As time passed, he realized that you weren’t just cute, but so sarcastic, funny, and clever. He loved the way you made him laugh so easily and seeing your eyes turn to crescent moons whenever you smiled affected him more than you would ever know. 
He was planning on confessing to you today, to finally say the words ‘I like you.’ He had tried to do it multiple times before, but he never had the courage. Today was different though. Today you’d be wearing his jersey to the game and he was going to win, afterwards you’d meet him on the field and he’d run to you to say those three words and you guys would gaze into each other's eyes under the twinkling stars before going to the after party together, officially as a couple. That’s how the scene played in his head anyways. 
It was hard to not notice you when you had arrived. Both you and Seungmin stuck out like sore thumbs with the extravagant wigs and tutu combination. He couldn’t keep in his laughter and approached you two, meeting halfway. 
“You guys look amazing. Stars of the show tonight.” He looked at Seungmin before switching his gaze to you. Although he admitted the outfit had some clashing elements, he still thought you looked cute and pretty as ever. Seeing you in his jersey, which was just a bit too big on you, made his heart flip. There you were smiling at him with the light shining on your face, rosy cheeks, and his name written on your backside. How could he stop himself from falling for you?
“Thanks man, if we didn’t lose that game in air hockey, we would’ve never had the excuse to dress up like this. Like the mohawk?” Seungmin pointed to his hair.
“Love it. It’s a great look on you.” He looked at Seungmin before switching his gaze to you. Although he admitted the outfit had some clashing elements, he still thought you looked cute and pretty as ever. Seeing you in his jersey, which was just a bit too big on you, made his heart flip. There you were smiling at him with the light shining on your face, rosy cheeks, and his name written on your backside. How could he stop himself from falling for you?
“We’re going to the party after the game too right? I told my parents I was going to be home late today.” You asked. 
“Yeah, that’s the plan.” Chan said. 
“The game is about to begin, you should get going Chan, we will be in the stands cheering for you.” You reassured him before moving towards the steps to the bleachers, he grabbed your wrist to stop you though. 
“After we win tonight, meet me down on the field right after okay? Don’t wait, I have something important to tell you.” 
“Okay, now go before you’re scolded by the coach!” You ran up the stairs and assumed Seungmin was right behind you, in actuality he had stayed back for a second to talk to Chan. 
“Are you ready man? After you win you gotta use whatever adrenaline left and build up the courage to tell her.” Seungmin reminded Chan, hoping he wouldn’t back out of the confession again. He had been the wingman for weeks now and every time he thought Chan would do it, he didn’t. When his best friend first told him that he had a crush on your other best friend, he was momentarily appalled at the idea. However, after hearing Chan’s explanations on why he likes you and his feelings, he figured third wheeling you two wouldn’t be too bad as long as the both of you were happy, so he went along with it. 
He thought you’d catch onto Chan’s hints and subtle flirting, but either you were too dense or intentionally ignored it. Regardless, he and Chan had been planning this night for too long and he could not let his friend fail again. 
“Don’t worry. I’m going to do it.” 
“Okay, I’m really rooting for you.” 
Then Seungmin joined you in the bleachers and shortly after, the game commenced. 
It was intense. The opponents were just as good as the rumors made them out to be and your school’s team wasn’t leading, but they weren’t far behind either.
The other team had called for a time out and so the game was on pause. You were nervously eyeing the scoreboard and looked around in the field to find Chan. Was he feeling more pressured now? Hopefully he still had the confidence from earlier. You spotted him, with his back turned, but it was as if he knew you were looking at him because he circled around and locked eyes with you. You gave him two thumbs up and he returned the gesture. 
The whistle blew and everyone got back into their positions. The time was running again and the crowd was cheering nonstop. 
They had to win. 
It was the first game you’d ever gone to over the last few weeks that had gone over time but surely enough, the school reigned victorious. 
“Y/n, remember you had to meet Chan at the field right?” Seungmin reminded you, and thankfully he did because you were so caught up with the win that you’d forgotten for a second 
 “Oh, right. Are you coming?” 
“No, I’ll catch up with you guys in a bit.” With that you left Seungmin and hurried down the bleachers. You had made it to the track and was halfway to the field when you noticed Chan, but he wasn’t alone. 
You stopped mid-step and watched as the unknown girl wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. You couldn’t see her face form here but you had a feeling it was Tiffany again. Your eyebrows furrowed at the sight and there was a sinking feeling in your stomach. 
He said he had something important to tell you. When he said that, a big part of you was looking forward to the end of the game. Not because you wanted to see them win, but because you wanted to hear him tell you what was so important. Was it that he liked you just as much as you liked him? When these feelings first developed, you tried to bury them. Not only was he Seungmin’s friend, which would make things weird, but because you weren’t sure if he was single, and  even if he was, why would he like you when there were so many other girls at the school? But you were bad at burying feelings and it didn’t help that you saw him everyday at school and even more so when you hung out. 
You had been hopeful though, perhaps by some miracle he had a crush on you too. But from the looks of it now, you had been wrong. So you stood there staring like a fool as the girl continued to kiss him. It must’ve been only second but it felt like forever. You snapped out of it when you realized hot tears were running down your cheeks, so you turned to leave through the school gates. 
Chan pushed her off and immediately put distance between himself and the girl. “What are you doing Tiffany?!” 
“Why do you keep calling me Tiffany? You used to call me Tiff or princess.” She said, stomping her feet out of frustration. Chan wanted to roll his eyes at her childish behavior. 
“That was before.” Before was when Chan and Tiffany were together and known as the ‘it’ couple amongst the school. She was the head cheerleader and he was team captain, it was just like all those cheesy teen rom-coms. At the time, he had never dated anyone before and thought what they had was fun, but there was no real chemistry. It had lasted for almost a year but Chan had broken it off. “We’re not together anymore.” 
“Then let’s get back together.” She reached out to him but he stepped back. 
“No, there’s no chance for us anymore Tiffany. I gotta go find someone.” So he left the flabbergasted girl in the middle of the field as he ran off in search of another girl who was in a brightly colored tutu and the jersey with his name on it. With no luck he saw Seungmin and went up to him. 
“Where is she?” Chan asked anxiously.
“What do you mean? I thought she was with you.” Seungmin asked in a wary tone. 
“What? No, I haven’t seen her.” 
“Chan, she left right after the game ended to look for you. How can you possibly be telling me you missed the girl in a bright ass wig and a tulle skirt?” He asked in disbelief. 
“Oh shi—“
Thankfully the walk home wasn’t too bad, besides having the cold air nip at your bare skin, it wasn’t a very long walk and before you knew it you were already on the front porch unlocking the door. 
Your parents were already fast asleep and you didn’t want to wake them so you gently closed the door and made way to your room. Your reflection in the mirror revealed the streaks of eyeliner that were smudged around your eyes and the face paint was no longer intact. Washing your face, you tore off all the ridiculous clothes and slipped on your oversized t-shirts and sweats. 
This was so stupid. You felt like a protagonist in one of those typical romance films which is the last thing you had wanted. There you were wrecked in tears, crushing over some guy on a Friday night and he didn’t even realize it. The game was over so he was probably at the after party with that girl right now, meanwhile you were sulking under the covers in bed. 
The phone on your nightstand was chiming non-stop and it dawned on you that you just left Seungmin without a single word. Quickly you swiped your screen open and went to your messages.
Over thirty-two texts–twelve of which were from Seungmin and the rest were all from Chan. You disregarded the latter and tapped on your best friend’s name.
(8:42 pm)
[ seungminnie ] hey, wya?
(8:45 pm)
[ seungminnie ] r u in the bathroom?
(8:46 pm)
[ seungminnie ] wait, did u leave already?
(9:04 pm)
[ you ] yeah, i was feeling tired so i left. sorry, hope you have fun at the party tho. 
You hit send and shut off your phone for the rest of the night. The rest of the night was uneventful as you laid awake, running through everything that had led you up to this point. From the first football game, meeting Chan, befriending him, falling for him, then being crestfallen because of him.
This is why you always stuck to the things you knew, the things you were comfortable with. It had been like this for so long and the one time you finally tried to live life a little bit carefree with less restraints, it backfires. You wanted to blame him for causing this pain in your chest and the waterworks, but at the end of it all, it was your fault for thinking things would be different. Meeting Chan made you optimistic; perhaps those stereotypes about football players and high school kids were wrong. It was your fault for stepping outside of your safe little bubble and expecting things to be okay. You were naive.
The afterparty was a bust. After Seungmin had received the text from you, he informed Chan and the two of them were no longer in the mood to go, but everyone else was still in a celebratory mood and the team ushered Chan to join. How could the team captain not go to the party? 
So there he was, sitting on the couch while Seungmin was off trying to grab more sodas. He had plastered on a fake smile when people greeted him. Sure he was happy that they had won, but he didn’t feel like dancing, or mingling, or whatever else teenagers did at parties. All he could think about was how he messed up again at trying to confess to you. You must’ve seen what happened, there was no other reason for you to leave so abruptly like that. He had sent so many texts, sporadic apologies mixed with incoherent explanations. All left unread, unresponded. How was he going to fix this? You clearly didn’t even want to talk to him.
Seungmin came back with two cans in hand and Chan thanked him before popping it open with a satisfying fizz. His friend joined him on the couch and for a while, they just sat quietly, occasionally sipping on the sweet drink while the room around them continued to move to the music and muddled conversations filled the atmosphere. Finally, one of them spoke.
“What am I going to do?” Chan asked, defeat lined his voice.
“Do you really like her man?” Seungmin already knew the answer, but he had to ask.
“Yeah, I really do.” He said without a moment’s hesitation. Chan didn’t have much wisdom or experience when it came to relationships. He’s had crushes on different people before and many have tried to get his attention but none of them had the same effect on him as you did. 
“Then wait until she’s ready to approach you again and fight for her. It’s going to take time but if you want to make it happen, you have to try.” 
Seungmin was right. This wasn’t going to be simple, but he had to try. For you, he would.  
You tried to recover over the weekend and Seungmin sent you some texts, checking up on you to ask if you were alright. You were grateful for his concern and reassured him that you were okay, and in a way, it was a half lie, half truth. It was going to take more than two days to get over heartache, but you were prepared to let it go and move on, especially when you realized that it was your mistake to begin with and that even if Chan didn’t like you that way, you still enjoyed having him as a friend. All these weeks you spent with him brought you happiness and you didn’t want to erase all of that just because of some silly feelings. 
Coming to that conclusion, you finally opened the texts that he had sent but you had been ignoring for the last three days. 
(Friday 8:50 pm)
[ chan ] seungmin told me you left, i hope you made it home safely
(Friday 8:51 pm)
[ chan ] he told me u were going to meet me after the game. u must’ve seen us. im sorry
It was difficult to continue reading as your eyes began to blur but you swiped away the tears that threatened to spill and kept scrolling. 
(Friday 8:53 pm)
[ chan ] i really wanted to talk to u. Ik what you must be thinking but it’s nothing, i promise. she isn’t my girlfriend. we used to date but that was a long time ago. it's over now. 
[ chan ] please reply. 
[ chan ] im sorry y/n. seriously, im so sorry. 
(Friday 9:27 pm)
[ chan ] i’ll wait for u until ur ready to talk to me. gn 
That was the last text he sent you. It was just a few sentences but you let out a shaky breath and tossed your phone to the side. He wanted to talk to you, and you wanted to talk to him too. Was it just a big misunderstanding? He said the girl wasn’t his girlfriend, but rather an ex. That didn’t automatically guarantee he was single though, did it? Also, if she was an ex, why did he kiss her then? You groaned and fell into your bed, face planting into the pillows. 
This was so confusing. You should’ve never developed feelings for him. Whether he was single or not shouldn’t matter to you anymore, you just wanted to joke around, make sarcastic comments with each other, and be platonic friends like before. It was less stressful and complicated that way. 
Monday rolled around and you gave yourself a mini pep talk before walking through the school doors. You were determined to face him and not break down. This was going to be fine. You whispered to yourself as you spotted Seungmin near your locker, Chan wasn’t with him. Both a little disappointing, yet relieving. 
“Morning gorgeous, you doing well?” Seungmin leaned against your locker door as you grabbed your belongings.
“Well hello to you too gorgeous.” You joked, no matter how bad your weekend was, having your best friend nearby always cheered you up. “I’m doing alright this morning, woke up on the right side of the bed.” 
“That’s good, um, are you going to talk to him today?” He asked cautiously, hoping that it didn’t come off too pushy or nosy.
“Yeah. He said he needed to talk to me after the game right? Might as well see what he had to say.” You shut the metal door and together, you and Seungmin walked to first period. 
Half the school day had passed and the bell rang, signaling that it was lunch. This was it, you were going to face him now. You were afraid he’d avoid you because he didn’t sneak up behind you in the halls or walk your classes today like he usually did, but you saw his figure sitting at the lunch tables through the glass windows. Slowly you made your way to the bench. His back was turned to you so you gently poked his shoulder; he turned and looked up, a gentle smile spread across his face when his chocolate brown eyes locked onto yours. 
“Hi.” He breathed out, standing up to match you. “Can we go somewhere to talk?” His hands were shoved in his pockets and he looked at you nervously.
He led the way and you stuck close behind him. Soon the school’s garden came into view and thankfully most people didn’t come here, it was sort of hidden behind all the buildings, so you two had the area to yourself. It was so quiet and mellow here, there weren’t many flowers in bloom due to the recent season change, but it was still very beautiful. 
You sat on the little wooden bench that was placed in the center and he did too, leaving some room in between you two.  
“So, what did you want to talk about?” You started, looking down at your lap to avoid looking at him.
“I’m sorry. That’s the first thing I want to tell you.” He had all his attention on you. Chan paused for a moment before continuing, “You saw me with that girl the other night didn’t you?” You nodded your head wordlessly. His shoulders slumped at your confirmation but he figured you did.v“I know what you saw must’ve been really bad and you probably came up with many assumptions but I’m here to tell you that none of that is true. We aren’t together.” He said firmly.
“Then why did you kiss her?” Your voice was a mere whisper.
“I didn’t kiss her, she just came onto me and I was shocked. Once I had realized what was happening and who it was, I immediately stopped it and told her that she and I were completely over.” Some of the pain in your heart eased hearing this but you didn’t want to be too optimistic.
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Because I need you to know that I am not with her. I am not with anyone.” He said vehemently, leaving no room for doubts. “Y/n, please look at me.” When you didn’t, he gently grasped your chin and turned your head so he could finally meet your eyes. You had a dejected expression and your eyes were glazed over with trapped tears. He cupped your cheek with the palm of his hand; the warmth and closeness made your heart flutter. 
“Mmhhm?” You didn’t have the ability to form words at the moment. His touch made you lightheaded and you couldn’t think straight. 
“I like you.” His gaze never tore away from yours. 
“What?” Your forehead wrinkled in puzzlement.  He liked you? Bang Chan, captain of the football team. The boy everyone wanted to be friends with and the guy nearly all the girls swooned for. Bang Chan liked you?
“I. Like. You. Not just as a friend. I like you as a person that I want to go on dates with, hold hands with, make happy memories and experience the highs and lows of life with.” He was so close to you now that you could feel his breath on your cheeks. “You are the girl I wanted to hold in the middle of the field that night and say these words to. I’m sorry that didn’t happen but it’s better late than never.” The words were slowly processing through your head but unconsciously, a grin formed on your lips and red was rushing to your cheeks. 
“Chan, I like you too.” The words came out so easily and the boy immediately broke out into the brightest smile you’ve ever seen.
He leaned in close but before your lips connected he whispered, “Can I kiss you now?”
“Yes.” If someone were to have told you a few months back that you’d be kissing Chan under the cloud-dotted, blue autumn sky after he just confessed his feelings for you, you would’ve guessed they were insane, but there you were now doing exactly that and nothing could’ve made you happier. 
You had always been afraid of trying new things and straying from your typical routine because you didn’t know what challenges life had in store once you’ve ventured too far. Undoubtedly, stepping out of your comfort zone was difficult. Nevertheless, it was worth it because it led you here to this very moment. 
also here is my masterlist in case you want to read my other works!
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Far From Her
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: the school trip to Europe makes you and Peter reexamine your relationship 
(post endgame, during far from home)
hope you’re all staying safe  
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You gave it five months.
Five months of strictly platonic friendship following the blip before you and Peter got back together.
You were together for 8 months before it all happened. And when you came back, you both decided that if you still wanted to be together at the end of the five months, you would be. But, it you found that you worked better as friends, you’d stay that way.
Rebuilding your friendship with Peter was more enjoyable than you thought. You found yourself slowly rediscovering why you fell for him in the first place instead of forcing yourself to be with him. It was a good plan, though you missed him. But the Peter that blipped wasn’t the Peter that came back. This new Peter had seen things the other Peter hadn’t. He was sadder, and a little more guarded. He was still a good friend, but in no position to be a boyfriend. That’s why when you suggested the five month break, Peter was more than relieved. He loved you, that hadn’t changed, but he some needed time to himself. Spider-Man had become a beacon of hope for New York and Peter was feeling every ounce of that weight.
You weren’t blind to this. At a press conference May was hosting, you could see how overwhelmed Peter was, even through his mask. When he slipped away from the journalists to get some air, you followed him to the roof to check if he was alright.
“Hey.” You shut the door to the roof behind you and walked to Peter.
“Hey.” He said, relieved that it was just you. He held your hand as you sat down so you wouldn’t fall.
“You looked like you could use the company of someone who doesn’t know how to work a camera.” You commented and he gave you a half smile.
“Something like that.” He nodded before turned his attention to the horizon. You watched his face, noticing how tired and worn out he looked. You rubbed his back in slow circles to wordlessly let him know you were there for him.
“I know you have a lot on your plate right now, but you’re doing a great job. Just seeing your face is bringing people comfort.” You said softly. His jaw tightened as you spoke as if he was trying to keep himself from crying. You put your arm around his shoulder and pulled him in, not pressuring him to say anything back.
“I don’t know. What if I’m just giving them false hope? Everyone wants something from me, and I don’t know how much left to give.” He said quietly without looking at you. You tilted his chin to face you and gave him a comforting smile.
“You’ve already given so much. Just take it easy for a while.” You asked of him. He gave you a half baked smile and nodded.
“What about you? Is there anything you want from me?” He switched to a lighter tone.
“All I want from you is your company.” You grinned at him and he laughed.
“I can manage that.” He told you. You smiled at each other, just appreciating the others company.
“There’s actually something I wanted to ask you.” You remembered and Peter sighed as if he knew what was coming.
“Yes, there are aliens in space. I saw one.” He shuddered and you laughed in surprise.
“That’s not what I was gonna ask but we are definitely gonna get back to that later.” You chuckled. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay with me going on the Europe trip.”
“Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?” Peter asked, who had been looking forward to spending the time with you.
“Because, I don’t know.” You suddenly felt awkward. “I know we agreed to rebuild our friendship before getting back together, but this might be too much too soon. Europe is very romantic and it could push us before we’re ready.”
“How so?” He tilted his head to the side.
“I don’t know, Peter. You might see me eating a baguette and think damn, I need her so bad. I need her so bad.” You said and he leaned into you as he laughed. “It might cripple you completely, if we’re honest. Who knows if you’ll ever recover?”
“I think I’ll be okay.” He assured you. “And where are you getting this baguette from? We’re going to Italy.”
“They have baguettes in other parts of the world, dude. God, you disappear for 5 years and come back acting like you don’t know nobody.” You joked, making Peter laugh again.
“Alright, alright. What about you, though? What if you see me eating some gelato and fall irrevocably in love with me?” He dished it back and you burst out laughing. “What if you’re so turned on by the sight of me eating that creamy gelato that you become paralyzed?”
“I hear that happens a lot, actually.” You told him. “You’re such a good friend for thinking of me.”
“I try, I try.” He agreed. Your laughter died down and he looked at you fondly. “I’m glad we’re doing this. I need a break from it all. Not from you, though.”
“Me too.” You looked up at him before resting your head on his shoulder. You sat in comfortable silence for a while, just taking the time to be with each other.
You weren’t in Italy for even five hours before you were attacked. You had been standing by the docks, talking to Peter when a giant wave came from the water. You made eye contact from a distance and he gave you a knowing nod. He helped Ned and Betty out of a boat as he made his way to you.
“What is that?” You asked him as the water took shape.
“I’m not really sure. It wasn’t in any of the pamphlets.” The wheels in Peters brain turned as he thought of his next move.
“I’ll make sure everyone on the ground is safe. Try to get as high as you can and do your whole spider thing.” You strategized and he turned his attention back to you.
“Okay.” Peter nodded right as a massive wave was sent your way. He wrapped one arm around you and used the other to shoot a web at the wall. You both flew back against the wall and he covered you with his body as the wave hit.
“I gotta go. Be safe.” He instructed before he turned to swing away.
“Peter, wait.” You called, still pressed against the wall. He turned back to you and you grabbed his face, kissing him like it’d be the last time. “Please make it back this time.”
All he could do was nod before you ran after your friends. He watched you even after you had left before swinging to the tallest building to fight the water.
“Hey, Pete.” You leaned against his doorframe in your pajamas later that night. Unbeknownst to you, a very impatient Nick Fury was also in the room. Peter smiled at little at the sight of you ready for bed, but quickly cleared his throat when he remembered Nick Fury was losing his patience.
“Hey, uh, hi.” He stumbled over his words as an angry look crossed Fury’s face.
“Can I come in?” You asked and Peter looked to Fury for approval. Fury took a gun out from his hip and pointed it at you, out of your sight. Peter gulped and shook his head.
“No!” He held up a hand to keep you from coming any closer. “Ned is sleeping and you might wake him.” He said the first excuse he could think of.
“Oh, okay. No problem.” Your face faltered a little and Peter knew heaven was unintentionally hurting your feelings. He looked at Fury again, who looked like he was ready to kill Peter, and Peter had a feeling he’d do it.
“He’s really sleepy.” Peter said, never taking his eyes off Fury.
“Right.” You nodded awkwardly. “Do you have a minute to talk? About before?”
“Before?” Peter squeaked, playing dumb so you wouldn’t bring up the kiss in front of Fury.
“When we -uh- when I, you know…” You trailed off, wondering if he really didn’t remember you kissing him.
“Right, that. Totally forgot about that.” Peter lied. “Can we talk about it some other time maybe? I’m really busy right now.”
“Busy brushing your teeth?” You half laughed and nodded to his toothbrush. Peter looked to Fury for help, but found none.
“Dental hygiene is very important.” Peter stated.
“Sure. Some other time, then.” You nodded curtly and left his room. Peter sighed in relief when you walked away.
“That was my-“ He tried to explain.
“I don’t care.” Fury boomed. “Next person to walk through that door gets shot.”
Peter complied and reluctantly followed Fury onto a boat, thinking about you the whole ride.
After having to ditch you at the opera to fight an elemental, Peter positioned himself outside your door with an apology ready. You had made plans to sit together before Peter remembered he had previous arrangements. He slapped his face to react himself and knocked on your door. Every second he waited for you to open him brought more anxiety. Finally, you opened the door to him and your face saddened.
“Hey.” You said softly.
“Hi.” Peter responded, nervously shouldering his backpack.
“I missed you at the opera.” You spoke. Peter sighed in defeat and nodded.
“I was sick.” He barely committed to his lie.
“Right.” You nodded, not believing it when Ned told you the first time and not believing it now.
“Did you maybe want to go on a walk?” Peter asked timidly. “I feel like we haven’t gotten a chance to talk really since we got here, and I have something I want to tell you.”
“Yea, sure.” You said, knowing what was coming. “I’ll grab my jacket.”
You and Peter walked a few paces from the hotel until you were past the entry way. Peter dug his hands in his pockets, looking nervous and unsure of himself. You studied his body language and chewed your bottom lip, his nerves giving you nerves.
“Y/n, I-“ Peter began.
“Don’t want to get back together.” You finished his sentence for him with a defeated but accepting look in your eye. Peters entire body retracted in confusion at your statement. He was about to tell you he loved you and wanted to get back together. After the kiss, he thought you felt the same way.
And then you hit him with that.
“What?” He stammered.
“It’s fine, Peter. You don’t have to say it. I got all your hints.” You folded your arms, putting your guard up. Peters felt a twinge of pain at your actions. He never wanted to be someone you needed to guard yourself around.
“My hints?” He repeated. “Wait, what?”
“In your room the other night.” You reminded him like it was obvious. “You refused to talk about the kiss. You wouldn’t even look at me.” You said the last part like it stung you to even think about.
“I have a reason.” He promised, realizing he was losing his handle on the situation quicker than he wanted.
“What’s your reason?” You asked. Peter was dumbfounded for a moment. He was specifically instructed not to tell you his reason.
“It’s a secret reason.” He offered timidly and you rolled your eyes.
“Is it the same reason you ditched me at the opera?” You humored and you shoved your hands in your pockets.
“Yes.” He said weakly.
“How convenient.” You laughed bitterly and distanced yourself from him.
“It’s a really good secret reason!” He pleaded with you to understand.
“I bet it is.” You looked up at the sky to keep from crying. “You don’t have to lie to me, Peter. You obviously took me on this walk to tell me you didn’t want to get back together.”
“I’m not lying. I took you on this walk because I wanted to talk to you for once. And I wanted to sit with you at the opera.” Peters voice cracked as he got emotional. “I really, really did. But I have a lot going on that I’m not allowed to tell you about. You think I don’t want to be walking the streets of Italy, holding your hand? I would so much rather be spending every second of this vacation with you than what I have to be doing.” He cried as you stood silently. “I’d love to talk about the kiss. I’d love to hear about every second of that four hour opera from your perspective. But I can’t. You have to believe me when I tell you, I just can’t.”
“Honestly, I don’t know why I’m even upset.” You shrugged and wiped a tear from your cheek. “I should be used to you leaving by now.”
“What are you talking about?” He panted.
“You left the bus when we were going to MOMA. Ned told me you jumped off to follow that space ship.” You brought up for the first time since The Blip. Peter tilted his head in confusion, never knowing that bothered you.
“The Avengers needed me. I had to go.” He said like it was obvious.
“Did they call for you?” You questioned and Peter was caught off guard.
“No.” He realized, still not knowing why it mattered.
“I did.” You told him. “When the cars piled up because drivers had disappeared from their cars, I looked for you. And when our bus got hit from the back because the person driving behind us turned to dust, I called out your name. And when kids started faded away, kids I knew, I started to cry because I couldn’t find you. With dust in my lungs, dust made up of my classmates, I cried out for you. And you weren’t there. You were off helping the Avengers.”
“I didn’t know that.” Peter said quietly. You looked at him with a pained expression.
“You abandoned me, Peter.” You whimpered as tears fell down your cheeks. “Now I know that if the world was ending, I wouldn’t even cross your mind. How is that supposed to make me feel?”
“I didn’t know what was gonna happen.” He tried to defend his actions, but even he knew what he did was wrong. He left you during the most traumatic moment of your life.
“But you knew something was gonna happen. And when given the choice, you chose to run to the Avengers instead of me. And I bet Mr. Stark tried to send you home. I bet he told you to leave but you wouldn’t go, am I right?” You asked and Peter reluctantly nodded. “I know it’s selfish of me to even think this. A part of me knows that this is your job and you had to go. But the other part, the other part of me really wishes I could’ve seen my boyfriend one last time before I disappeared. Is that selfish?”
“No.” Peter sniffled as his heart broke.
“I don’t mean to blame you. But Peter, you jumped out of a moving bus and swung away without anybody seeing you. I’m pretty sure you could’ve tapped me on shoulder and told me you were gonna leave. I could’ve gone with you. I could’ve helped.” You said weakly and Peter could see just how hurt you were. How hurt he made you.
“You could’ve gotten hurt.” He protested.
“Look at me, Peter. Do I not look hurt to you?” You laughed sadly.
“I didn’t think when I saw the spaceship. I just acted.” He tried to defend his actions, but even he knew he was in the wrong.
“I didn’t even get a goodbye.” You looked down and hugged your jacket to your body as Peter realized what this was about. You didn’t want him to not help the Avengers. You just wanted a goodbye from your boyfriend before he ran off to space to fight a war he didn’t start.
“I’m sorry.” Peter said sincerely. He took a step towards you and you took a step back.
“I was looking for you as my body turned to dust. I just needed to see your face one last time to know everything was going to be okay.” You mumbled. “Were you looking for me too?”
“I don’t know.” Peter shrugged in defeat. You both knew he wasn’t. In the heat of the moment, you hadn’t even crossed his mind.
“I don’t know either. Maybe that’s the answer, though. Maybe we’re just too different now. I know we broke up to find ourselves, but maybe the people we found aren’t meant to be with each other.” You found some strength in your voice as you took the emotional upper hand.
“I don’t believe that.” Peter insisted, grasping at the straws of your relationship.
“Look at the material, Peter!” You stated. “Can you honestly look at me and say I’m the girl you fell in love with?”
“No.” Peter said after a moment of contemplation. “You’re not her.”
“But that’s who you want.” You said tearfully. “That’s who you look for everytime you look into my eyes. You want the girl who lived across the hall who you used to stay up all night watching movies with, and the girl you knew like the back of your hand. She’s the one you look for, but it’s me who disappoints you when you can’t find her.”
“But I love you.” Peter swore.
“And I love you.” You told him.
“More than I’ve ever loved anything in my life.” He continued.
“But what if that’s all we have? We can say we love each other, but do we know each other? Can we still read each other? Or am I just a stranger you think you recognize?” You tilted your head and he thought about it.
“I don’t know.” He said, dumbfounded again.
“I don’t think I want to find out.” You said before digging through your bag. You pulled out a black device covered in Peters webs and shoved it into his hands. “Here. I found this by the Ferris wheel. I was there, by the way. And apparently, so were you.” You said as you began to walk back towards the hotel. Peter looked at the device curiously before calling o to you.
“Please don’t go.” He begged you, his heating up with panic.
“I’m taking a page out of your book, Peter.” You called, never looking back.
Peter held the device in his hands, watching you walk away until his vision was blurred with tears. He dropped the device to rub his eyes, causing it to project an elemental monster he hadn’t seen before. When Peter saw Mysterio flying around in the projection, he realized leaving you wasn’t the only mistake he had made that day.
Peter found himself battered and bruised on Happy’s jet after he tried to tell Fury about Mysterio. Mysterio somehow got ten steps ahead and nearly broke Peters will to go on with his illusions.
Nearly, but not quite.
As Peter sat in the jet, entire body aching and head throbbing, he thought of you. It might be impossible to take down Mysterio on his own, but he’d do it if it meant you’d be safe.
“Can you dial Nick Fury’s number on my phone? I gotta get started on this suit.” Peter asked as he tossed his phone to Happy. Happy opened the phone app and was alarmed with the number of notifications Peter had.
“Do you ever check your voicemail?” Happy said when he saw the multiple messages in Peters inbox.
“My what?” Peter asked as he finished up the suit.
“Voice mail. The messages people leave when you don’t answer their calls.” Happy explained like it was obvious.
“That’s a thing?” Peter wondered and Happy looked unamused.
“I hate teenagers.” He grumbled. “Look at this, 28 from May, 13 from Ned, 6 from Y/n. Isn’t that your girlfriend?”
“From Y/n? From when?” Peter walked to Happy and peered at the phone.
“April 10th 2018.” Happy read the date.
“That’s the day we all blipped.” Peter realized. “Can I see that?”
“It’s your phone, man.” Happy said tiredly as he handed the phone to Peter. Peter quickly played your message and put it on speaker phone.
“Hey, Peter. Its Y/n. I don’t know where you went but I’m getting kinda worried. The sky got really dark all the sudden and the road is building up like crazy. Can you call me please? I just need to know you’re safe. Alright. I love you. Call me back.” Your voice sounded through the phone. Peter listened with a pained expression as he played another one.
“Hey Peter. It’s me again. The bus got hit by another car. I don’t…I don’t know if I’m gonna make it out of this. I love you. Wherever you are. Okay. Bye.” A tearful message played. Happy took Peters phone before he could torture himself with another message.
“I messed up.” Peter said stolidly as tears fell from his eyes.
“Yea, kid, you did.” Happy agreed. Peter didn’t say anything, just cried silent tears as Happy watched.
“Look, if she was dumb enough to date you, she’ll be dumb enough to take you back. Okay?” Happy tried to comfort him.
“I gotta see her.” Peter decided, wiping his face.
“Sure. Just save Europe first, if you could. Then you can talk to your girlfriend.” Happy bartered. Peter nodded and readied himself to enact the plan.
A few hours later, Peter limped along Tower Bridge after taking down Mysterio. He was exhausted, dirty, and in a desperate need to see you. He looked around for a moment, thinking he heard your voice, but ultimately decided it was his imagination playing tricks on him.
“Peter!” He heard your voice again and heard footsteps accompanying it. He stumbled through the smoke until he saw you running towards him.
“Y/n?” Peter asked before your arms were thrown around him. He immediately hugged you back, squeezing his eyes tightly shut to keep from breaking down. “I thought I lost you.”
“I know the feeling.” You squeezed him back, apologizing and making up all in one hug. You tucked some hair behind your ear and gave him a tight smile. “Is Mysterio gone?”
“Yea, he’s gone.” Peter said as you rubbed some dirt off his face.
“So everything’s okay now?” You asked, giving him a once over to check for injuries.
“No, it’s not.” Peter shook his head. “Nothing will ever be okay as long as you and I are broken up.”
“I understand what you’re trying to say, but in the current context of our situation, I just feel like that was out of pocket.” You told him.
“I don’t care.” He protested. “Y/n, I just got hit by train, jumped out of a jet, and nearly got shot in the head. But during all of that, all I could think about was seeing your face again.”
“You got hit by a train in broad daylight?” You repeated.
“I think I only survived because I knew I had to come back to you.” He laughed lightly. You stoped thinking about the train and looked at him fondly, taking in what he had said.
“Peter.” You bit your trembling lip and rested your arms around his shoulder. He pulled you by the waist and rested his forehead against yours.
“When I was laying on that train seat, bleeding out, the only thing I could think of was you.” He said softly. “You made a lot of good points on our walk. I did leave you that day on the bus. And you’re right. You’re not the girl I fell in love with.”
You pulled away a little and looked at him curiously. All he gave you was a smile.
“You’re braver, smarter, stronger, and more badass than that girl ever thought she could be. And the girl I see today? The girl I see when I look into your eyes, I’m in love with her.”
“In love with me?” You smiled at his confession.
“Yes.” He confirmed.
“Was it the gelato?” You teased and he let out a laugh.
“It might’ve been.” He said before pulling you into a long awaited kiss. You pulled apart after a moment but stayed in each other’s embrace.
“I’m gonna change.” Peter mumbled. “I won’t abandon you this time. I don’t ever want to be far from you again.”
Tag List 🏷
@maybemona @foreverxholland @writing-for-hours-on-end @lavender-writer @captainmandeestudent17 @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @theolwebshooter @andreasworlsboring101 @guksmyfav @waiting-to-be-myself @letsloveimagines @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @justcallmehitgirl @averyfosterthoughts @jackiehollanderr @tiny-friggin-human​ @celestial-skylines  @mara-twins @iamaunicorn4704 @delicately-important-trash @spideygirl2003​ @the-crazy-fanfictionist @maryjanee23 @spacebitch2  @geeksareunique @emmamarshmellow @jillanaholland @unbelievableholland @rebekkah4766 @flixndchill @sovereignparker @wendaiii @thisisthebiplace @spideydobrik @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @caelestii-e @eridanuswave @itscaminow @thegr8kush @dnsa-parker @solarxmoonchild @where-art-thau-romeo @canyouevencauseicant @probablyparker @awkward-danish-girl
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bbdaydreams · 4 years
Courage My Love// Semi Eita
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Pairing: Semi Eita x Reader
Summary: You like Semi and come up with a plan to confess to him, unfortunately it takes a turn. You meet again a couple years later by chance.
Chapter three: That’s What You Get
Series Masterlist•<previous•next>
After explaining to his friends what he had just witnessed, Semi excused himself to get some water before he blew up. Semi knew how he could be when he became overwhelmed with his thoughts. He could bark and bite hard with whatever words came out of his mouth if he didn’t think rationally enough. But it’s not easy to suppress actions when trying to figure out your emotions.
“Hi, Semi,” you spoke in shock, not expecting to see him when he opened the door you were about to push.
“Hey,” he responded plainly.
“I have good news I wanted to share with-“
“I know, you and Tendou are together. Congrats,” Semi cut you off, walking past you and into the room full of people.
All you could do was watch his figure disappear into the crowd as you stood disappointed. “I was gonna tell you about my band,” you mumbled to no one before stepping out to get some water since you didn’t trust the punch bowl. When you came back inside you spent the majority of the time left with your new friends and gave them the news first instead. They were just as excited as you where when you first found out.
“We have some good news too!” Haruka spoke.
“We think we came up with the music to go along with one of the songs,” Yui said.
“Let’s put it together this weekend!” Izumi finished.
The following school day you decided to stop by some of your old teachers rooms in between classes and say your goodbye and thanks to them since it was the last week of school for the third years. While passing by the first years side of the building, you saw Goshiki and decided to greet him since you rarely had the opportunity to see him. “Goshiki, hi,” you smiled at him which resulted in him widening his eyes and stiffening when he realized you were in front of him.
“I- uh, hello y/n. I have to really go now you see and I uh... bye!” he exclaimed before gripping his bag and scurrying off.
“That’s odd,” you thought to yourself. In the times you’ve spoken to Goshiki he was always very interested in your conversations and got disappointed when either of you had to end it. He wasn’t even making eye contact with you throughout the whole thing. If anything, it seemed like he was terrified of you.
The next day you passed by the second year’s side. You were about to put your hand on the handle but before you could, the door was pushed from the other side. “Ow!” you exclaimed while rubbing the side of your head since the metal door hit you unexpectedly.
“Y/n! I’m so sorry!” Jiro exclaimed before using one hand to hold your shoulder and the other to help you soothe the pain. “Are you okay?”
“Honestly, not really. That hurt pretty bad, Jiro,” you told him with tears brimming your eyes. Guilt filled his heterochromatic eyes as he helped you. As he was apologizing for his actions he felt a glare on him. Looking up and past you, he saw his band leader with his eyes locked on him as he walked past with Ranmaru and Subaru. Tensing up, Jiro immediately excused himself from you and ran over to his band mates but you were too engrossed with the pain to notice who he ran off to.
That’s the second time someone you thought you were friends with completely brushed you off and it hurt. You weren’t the closest with them but at the end of the day it’s not fun being treated like a passerby. Could you be overthinking which made your emotions overreact? Maybe, but you didn’t wanna have your last possible interaction with anyone to be like that. You have a week left, who knows if you’ll see anyone again after graduating.
Deciding to skip visiting your second year teachers because of the pain you were in, you went to the practice room instead. When you arrived you could hear the girls voices as well as a males that sounded familiar.
“Shirabu? Why are you here?”
“Y/n, hey- what happened to your face?” Shirabu asked before putting down his bag when he noticed you holding onto your face. “Let me see, please.” You put your hands down and let him carefully examine your face. “Scale of one to ten, how bad does this hurt?”
“Six? It was a twelve when it first happened,” you responded, wincing when he gently touched your cheek and brow bone.
“Well good news, it’s nothing too bad, just a little bruised,” he stated turning to pick up his belongings. “I came here to talk with Haruka about some homework before heading to practice.”
“Y/n, what happened?” Haruka asked with her arms open to give you a hug. Yui and Izumi were there as well and walked over to place a hand on your shoulder for comfort.
“I went to go open a door to get into the second years building and Jiro got to it before I did so it accidentally hit me.”
“Did he at least apologize?” Izumi asked while rubbing your back.
“Yeah but then he ran off. We were just fine and then it was like he saw a ghost or something.”
“Stupid, Semi,” Shirabu muttered.
“What’s he got to do with it, bowl-cut?” Yui asked.
Shirabu ignored her insult and turned to you. “Semi told us to stop talking to you this morning at practice so we don’t mention anything about you to him. Since Jiro acted that way I assume he also told whoever else is in his band.”
You were speechless. You knew Semi like the back of your hand, something like this seems so out of character for him. “Are you being serious?” You weren’t close with Shirabu. You really just knew him as a brat because that’s what Semi would refer to him as so it’s not like you could fully trust him. But at the same time you couldn’t picture him as a liar.
“It’s true.”
Without any reason holding you back, you dropped your bag and turned to sprint to the room you knew your former friend would be in. The girls and Shirabu startled by your actions ran after you as well.
“Y/n, wait up!” Izumi yelled after you but it was no use, you just kept going.
“Where are you going?” Haruka asked.
Shirabu being in the lead of your band members was able to pick up on the direction you were going. “The gym!” He said before breaking off with the group to take a different path.
Haruka and Izumi stopped running, confused on if they should keep following you for him. “Girls let’s go, we gotta back her up.” Yui spoke as she passed the two.
“Right!” They responded before picking up the pace again in an attempt to catch up to you.
In all honesty you had no clue what you were gonna do when you saw him. You just know you wanted to give him a piece of your mind even if it meant disrupting the volleyball team’s practice. Right now, all you could see was red. You had no clue why he would do something like that and what his issue with you was for him to do something like this to you. You’ve never felt a rage towards him until now.
“Gotcha!” Shirabu announced when he finally caught up to you right outside of the gym. He wrapped his arms around your torso and held you tight.
“Get me go!” You yelled while squirming to get out of his grip.
“Y/n!” Izumi called out when they reached you.
“Shirabu, let me go!”
“What is going on?” Ushijima asked when he opened gym doors, confused by the scene in front of him.
“Where the hell is he?” You asked.
“What are you doing here?” Semi asked as he approached the scene after hearing your voice.
“What the fuck is your problem?” You asked the former setter while the current one held your arms back.
“Don’t touch her, let her go,” Semi warned the second year before turning back to you. In Shirabu fashion, he complied but held his glare. “What do you mean what’s my fucking problem?”
“Why would you tell people to stop talking to me? I thought we could talk about our problems instead of doing stupid petty shit like this.”
“Then why the hell are you causing a scene in front of so many people instead of coming to me in private? Explain that?” Semi asked, tone getting louder with each word.
“You started it first! It’s one thing to keep our business between us but when you bring other people into it that’s just messed up!”
The more your volume increased, the more his patience was wearing thin. “Can you shut the fuck up and come talk about this after practice? You’re being such a bitch right now!”
“Oh my god, I can’t believe I ever fell for someone like you. You’re such an asshole Semi, ya know that?”
Semi froze at your confession but couldn’t let his pride lose. “Is that why you’re dating one of my best friends now, huh? You’re the one who started this mess.”
Now you’ve had enough. Without warning, you charged at him only to be stopped by your boyfriend. “Alrighty, I’ll take this. Time to go,” Tendou spoke as he threw you over his shoulder. “I’m skipping practice Wakatoshi! Tell the juniors I’ll see them tomorrow morning! Ladies, I’ll take care of her,” he spoke while walking away from the group to take you to your dorm.
Leaving the group dumbfounded all you could do was fall limp as Tendou carried you. Letting silent tears fall down your face, you looked at the ground.
“You can’t just go starting fights, ya know?” Tendou spoke softly.
“I know,” you mumbled. You sounded so broken. Semi and you were done. There’s no going back. Your friendship was completely destroyed after that fight and it didn’t help that you even let your true feelings slip. “I’m sorry I told him I liked him even though I’m with you.”
“It’s okay. I know you were heated in the moment. What he said also pissed me off a little. Can you unlock your door?” He told you as he placed you down. You turned to unlock the door and made your way to your bed as Tendou followed you. He pulled back the blanket and let you go in first before he joined you. Tendou laid on his side as you did the same, facing each other. “Wanna talk about it?” He asked while rubbing your back.
“No,” you told him, exhausted from the screaming match and the burn along your throat from it. “I hate yelling,” you told him as you buried your face into his neck.
“I know. Me too. Can I asked what happened to your face? I see you got a boo boo,” Tendou cooed, trying to make you laugh to which he succeeded.
“I got a door to the face.”
“That sounds like fun! I should get hit by one too so we match.”
The rest of the afternoon, Tendou spent it comforting you.
Semi spent it getting yelled at my Ranmaru and Subaru for being mean to you after Jiro told them about the door incident and the new school gossip.
“You goddamn idiot!” Subaru barked as he gripped Semi’s shirt collar.
“Why did you think that was a good idea?!” Ranmaru joined in on the scolding.
Semi just stood taking the heat from his band mates. He was tired and had his mind cloudy from your argument.
“Are you gonna fucking speak up or what?”
“I don’t know...” he mumbled.
“I said I don’t know why! Now get the hell off me!” Semi yelled as he gripped Subaru’s wrist and yanked it off of him. Semi looked into his school mates eyes before looking at Jiro who was sitting on the couch, hugging his knees to his chest. “It’s not my fault he hit her in the face with a door,” Semi spat, making the underclass man raise his head.
Jiro furrowed his eyebrows before opening his mouth but Ranmaru wasn’t having it. “Don’t put the blame on him when you’re the one that threatened him. Apologize to him.”
“No. Why the hell would I? It’s his fault.”
Subaru and Ranmaru were about to grab Semi again but stopped when hearing the raven haired boy speak up. “I’m not the one that didn’t have the balls to tell them how they felt! She loved you, Semi! You’re the one that was too blind to notice and then decided to go off with some other girl instead of confessing to Y/n! You told us about how you were feeling and we told you what it was! We all know you liked her, the whole school knew! Even your date which is why she broke up with you at the dance! You were just too late to realize and now you’ve lost her. You have no one to blame but yourself for not talking to her earlier. That’s what you get!”
Jiro’s outburst left the older three boys stunned. They never would’ve expected him to speak up like he just did but that’s when they collectively agreed that they need to calm down.
“I’m sorry for yelling in your home, Ranmaru,” Jiro said while bowing his head in the process.
“Lift your head up, it’s okay. I’m sorry for yelling too.”
“Me three,” Subaru added on. They all looked at their leader, waiting for him to speak up.
“I’m sorry. Jiro, you’re right. I shouldn’t have directed my anger towards you when I’m just upset with myself. I am sincerely sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Jiro smiled. Semi smiled back and jumped on the couch next to him only to put his arm around him and use his other hand to mess with his hair. The guys laughed a bit with each other. Things felt the way they should.
“C’mon you guys, we’re at my parents place for practice and we have to head back to the dorms soon. Let’s play a couple songs,” Ranmaru stated.
The remainder of the week you and the girls spent it at the studio the record label provided so you could record your demo.
Semi spent it trying to find you to apologize directly. He knew your school schedule but you weren’t at any the locations you were supposed to be. He’s tried visiting your dorm, but you were never there and couldn’t come in the evening because of practice and the other things he had to finish up before graduating and everyone in the hallways would give him a glare. He even tried asking Shirabu about the practice room but he wouldn’t budge in giving out the information he knew.
“C’mon, pick up, pick up-“
“I’m sorry but the person you are trying to call is not available. At the tone, please leave a message or try calling again later.”
“No ring... that means... I’ve been blocked?”
a/n: for a semi fic this whole chapter is very anti semi
taglist: @pluviophilefangirl @yourstarvic @sunaswife
48 notes · View notes
etoileholland · 4 years
Why must I meet you in a secret rendezvous?
@rosieholland​ asked��“Hey I love all your imagines! Maybe you could do one where the boys are stuck at home during quarantine but Harry’s best friend y/n is staying with them. And Tom and y/n and secretly start dating and don’t say anything because they don’t know how Harry will feel about it.
Pairing: Tom x female reader; bestfriend! Harry
Warnings: a lil argument, I think that’s all
Word count: 2.8k
A/N: thank you so much for requesting this, and I really hope you enjoy! As always, requests are open, and let me know if you want to be added to the tag list.
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It was a dangerous game to sneak around your best friend’s back, especially since you weren’t very good at keeping secrets.
You and Harry were nearly inseparable, and it seemed as though when someone saw one of you, then the other was somewhere nearby. When he began to work on his short film project and needed an actress, he called you first. You had known Harry for almost two years, and you met over what you call “the frozen yogurt debacle”. This needs no elaboration since it’s not important to the plot, but it’s important to note that a terrible shared experience can bring two people together.
A week into filming, it was announced that the UK would go into lockdown, and that meant filming had to be postponed. Since you spent more time at the Holland residence than your own, Harry asked if you would quarantine with them.
Naturally, spending so much time together with people for a few months would make it so that you get very comfortable around everyone.
The boys knew that you were physically affectionate, so no one batted an eye when you were cuddled up next to someone. Most of the time you were always with Harry, or sometimes Sam, and occasionally Tom.
That’s why no one suspected that you and Tom were secretly dating, especially Harry. You had vowed to keep it a secret from him because you didn’t want him to get mad at you for dating his brother.
Sneaking around was quite fun though, and it was becoming more and more like a game.
“Baby” you trailed off, moaning as Tom trailed kisses down your neck. You were both in his bedroom with the door locked, trying not to make any noise. Harry’s room was right on the other side of the wall, and it was a dangerous game to be making out in Tom’s room.
“Love, I need you-”, he placed a kiss on your shoulder, biting lightly as you moaned, “to be quiet.”
“You’re making it quite difficult.” You breathed back and he let out a breathy laugh.
“Good.” He kissed you deeper, and you heard Harry say something from the other side of the wall.
“Tom.” You were trying to untangle yourself from him, but he just kept pulling you closer. “Harry said something.” You managed to sit up, and Tom just pouted.
“So? He’s probably playing fifa or something.” He said, lifting his head slightly to kiss you on the lips.
“What if he knows?” You asked and he just shook his head.
“You’ve gotta tell him eventually. As much fun as it is to sneak around, you should be honest with him. He’s your best friend.”
“And he’s your brother.” You replied. “I don’t know, I guess I don’t want him to hate me for being with you.”
“I really doubt he’ll hate you, if he really loves me then he’ll be happy for me being with someone as lovely as you.” He stated and you nodded.
“Yeah, maybe you’re right. Now if you’ll excuse me,” you cupped Tom’s cheek with your hand, placing a light kiss to his cheek, “I did promise Harry that I would bake cookies with him.”
“Alright darling, cuddle later?” Tom looked at you with wide, puppy dog like eyes and you let out a small laugh.
“Of course, see you later, secret boyfriend.” You whispered while holding up finger guns.
“Back at you, secret girlfriend.” He winked as you quietly left the room.
“Earth to Y/N, why are you so distracted?” Harry waved his hand in front of you, gently slapping your cheek. “What is going on in that pretty little mind of yours?” He smirked as he let out a small laugh.
You two were supposed to be baking some cookies, but you’ve been lost in your thoughts for the duration of the activity.
“I’m just thinking about how in Italian, when you want to describe a loving boy with a good heart, you say “è buono come il pane” which literally means “he’s as good as bread” and I think that’s beautiful.”
“Actually, yeah that is beautiful. Would you describe me that way?” He looked up from the cookbook and you nodded. “Yeah of course, they must’ve had you in mind when they came up with that term.”
“Aw gosh I love you.” He put his hand over his heart and smiled, “but really, what are you thinking about? Hmm?” He prodded and you felt yourself already start to panic. He took a long drink of his water bottle, while continuing to stare at you.
“Okay fine, I was thinking that the guy who’s in the “Adam.” vine and the “hi, welcome to chili’s” guy are not the same person, but twins and I don’t know what to do with this information.” You rambled and Harry choked, gasping for air.
“Girl, you have got to use your one braincell for something more important than that. You’ve gotta be kidding.” He said but you shook your head no.
“Dead serious, why would I lie to you?”
“I don’t know, sometimes you don’t always say everything.”
“What do you mean by that?” You inquired and Harry remained silent.
“Nothing.” He choked out the word, and began to stare straight ahead. “Anyway can you just pass me the vanilla?”
“We can’t continue to do this anymore.”
A few days had passed since the baking incident, and you were convinced that Harry knew about you and Tom. You two were making out in the hallway closet, since it was one of the furthest points away from Harry’s bedroom, and far enough away from the living room so no one would hear you. You had begged Tom to not show any affection in the main parts of the house so that you wouldn’t get caught, so you two often ended up here.
“Whoa whoa, what do you mean by that?” His eyes scanned your face, and he rubbed your arm as you stood there silent.
“Baby please say something, it’s killing me. What do you mean we can’t do this anymore?” He whispered.
“I can’t sneak around behind my best friends back anymore, Tom. Okay? He’s gonna find out and he’ll be mad and I don’t want that. I don’t want to lose either one of you but if I had to choose-” you stopped yourself, and Tom looked at you with wide eyes.
“Finish your sentence.” He insisted, but you shook your head no. “I don’t want to finish it.”
“Say it.” He pleaded, and you looked down so he wouldn’t see a tear escape your eye.
“Say it!” He screamed and you flinched.
“I didn’t want to choose, but if I had to pick then I would pick Harry, alright?” You choked out the last word, and took a deep breath before finishing your thought. “I want a relationship with you but just because I want it, it doesn’t make it right. I love being Harry’s friend, and I don’t want to jeopardize our friendship just for a relationship with you.” Tom backed away from you, speechless as he reached for the door handle.
“Tom I’m sorry, just wait one second.” You grabbed his hand and he stood there, waiting for you to break his heart again.
“Let’s not make things weird between us, yeah? Then everyone will know for sure what happened.” You stated.
“Right, because now we care so much about what others think.” He added as he left, closing the door and leaving you in the closet alone.
You knew this day would come, and you braced yourself for it, so when it crumbled you were prepared for it. You just felt numb, and the shock almost hasn’t registered yet. You left the closet and walked into the living room, where Harry and Sam were playing video games.
“What’s with the long face?” Sam asked as Harry looked up at you.
“Oh nothing, I was just thinking about how once I got a fortune from a fortune cookie that read ‘fortune not found: abort, retry, ignore?’ and I think I’ve been destined for bad luck ever since that fateful day.”
“Ah, cool. Hey would you want to play a game with us?” Harry asked, completely ignoring what you had just said.
“Sure, what kind?” You asked, but before you had a chance to find out what it was, Harry bolted past you.
“Tom, Tuwaine, Harrison, get over here!” He ran up and down the hallway, trying to get everyone’s attention.
“What in the world?” Harrison asked.
“Did someone die?” Tuwaine inquired, peeking his head out of his bedroom door.
“It’s nothing bad, wanna play a game with all of us?” He asked and everyone groaned and rolled their eyes.
“Well what kind of game?” Harrison said hesitantly as Harry just grinned.
“I’ll explain once everyone comes into the living room because I don’t want to explain it twice.”
Everyone made their way into the room, and Harry instructed them to sit on the floor in a circle. Just then Sam downed the last of his beer and set the bottle on its side in the middle of the circle.
“Alright, it’s truth or dare, but with a twist. Technically it’s more of a spin, it’s regular truth or dare but instead of singling each other out, it’ll be more fair with the spin the bottle aspect.” He rambled, taking a seat right next to you.
You noticed that Tom was sat as far away from you as possible, and dodging your gaze. You looked back to see Harry resting his hand on your knee.
“Are we ready to play? I’ll go first.” Harry spun the bottle and it landed on Harrison.
“Alright mate, truth or dare.”
“Okay.” Harry paused, “I dare you to read the last text message you received.”
Harrison unlocked his phone, and after a few seconds spoke. “Aha, it just says “Your amazon package is on its way.”
“Dang I was hoping it would’ve been juicier than that.” Harry remarked as Harrison spun the bottle. It landed back on Harry and he just smirked.
“Truth or dare?”
“Last lie you told?” Harrison leaned his arms back and propped himself up with them. Harry thought for a minute and just shrugged his shoulders.
“I told Sam that I really liked his squash soup recipe but it’s utterly disgusting.” He gagged and Sam punched him in the arm. “Oh come on, it’s not that bad, right?” He asked and everyone remained silent.
“Whatever, spin the bottle asshole.” Sam crossed his arms over his shoulders as Harry spun the bottle, landing on you.
“Oh god.” You blurted out and Harry replied “Oh god, indeed Y/N. Truth or dare?” He grinned like the Cheshire Cat and your fight or flight instinct immediately kicked in.
“Truth.” You spit out, and Harry just looked you dead in the eye and said “I dare you to tell everyone that you’re dating Tom behind my back and decided not to tell me about it, even though I trusted you completely and entirely.”
“I-I’m, um, not, well-” you stammered. Your vision was becoming blurry and you felt a panic attack coming on. Without warning you jumped up and ran out of the room.
“Okay I think he had that one rehearsed.” Tuwaine remarked, and the room became silent again. Everyone looked at Harry disapprovingly, and the tension in the room was so thick you could cut right through it.
“Why would you say that?” Harrison asked and Harry was silent. “How do you even know she’s dating Tom?”
“Was dating, we’re not together anymore.” Tom added and everyone looked at him.
“What?” Harry asked, and Tom replied, “You heard me, we’re not dating anymore. She broke up with me earlier because she knew it was wrong that we didn’t tell you. She felt so guilty about it that she tossed her happiness aside to make sure you would still be her friend. She chose you over me, and now I’m starting to think she may have regretted that decision.”
“I’m a terrible friend, aren’t I?” Harry whispered and everyone nodded their heads collectively.
“I’m afraid so.” Tom said quietly.
“I gotta go talk to her.” Harry got up and ran out of the living room. He sped walked around the house looking for you, until he found you sitting outside next to the chicken coop. You were sitting with your knees to your chest on a lawn chair, holding a blanket and looking at your phone.
He hesitantly stood at the glass doors, and cracked the door open. You looked up to see him standing there, and you averted your gaze away from him.
“Hey, can we talk please? I come in peace.” Harry said and you remained silent. He pulled up a chair next to you and sat down, and cleared his throat.
“Listen Y/N, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that in front of everyone. I should’ve talked to you about it in private, and I’m sorry. I know that was a dick move, and I regret doing it.” His gaze was soft as he looked over at you, but you were avoiding his gaze, and pulling on a loose blanket string.
He sighed and continued to speak. “Tom said you broke up with him because you felt guilty for sneaking around. I’m sorry I made you feel like you had to sneak around, though. If he makes you really happy then I want what’s best for you. After all you’re my best friend, and I love you. And if your happiness means dating my brother then go for it, I genuinely mean it.”
You two sat there in silence for about a minute, until you finally spoke.
You knew?” You asked.
“Oh yeah, it was obvious.”
“What tipped you off?” You tilted your head slightly to look at him, and he met your gaze.
“When I came up behind you while we were baking cookies, I noticed you smelled faintly like Tom’s cologne, and how else would you smell like that if you weren’t constantly close enough to him?”
“Well, I also cuddle with you and Sam, so that’s not the best indicator.” You said flatly and he smirked.
“I also heard you two kissing outside at midnight. You were making right above my open bedroom window, of course I could hear you. Look, my bedroom window is right there.” He pointed upwards and you could clearly see his potted plant in the windowsill. “Also, Tom isn’t a silent lover if you know what I mean.” Harry lifted his brow as you began to choke. He patted your back as you tried to catch your breath, which resulted in him breaking out into a fit of laughter.
“I should’ve asked you if it was alright that I dated Tom. I’m sorry I went behind your back.” You had your head low and Harry shook his head.
“You shouldn’t have to be sorry. I shouldn’t have made you feel like you have to sneak around, just to be happy. Do you like him?”
“Of course, I mean sure, he gets on my nerves,” you let out a small laugh, “but I really do like Tom. He makes me happy and I enjoy spending time with him.”
“Then you have my blessing.” He stood up and bowed dramatically.
“Are you sure, Harry? I mean I-”
“Little one, I want you to be happy, even if it means you dating my imbecile brother.” He laughed and you pulled him into a tight hug. “Thank you.” You whispered against his chest, and he whispered back “You’re welcome. Now go get your man.”
“I love you Harry.”
“I love you too, Y/N. Now go.” He ushered towards the door and you made your way back inside.
It didn’t take long to find Tom, who was sitting on his bed, eyes focused on his laptop. He looked up to see you standing in the doorway, and he shifted his gaze back to his laptop.
“Tommy?” You walked over to the edge of the bed and sat down. He continued to ignore you, and you felt as though you could cry.
“Please look at me? I’m sorry I broke up with you. I shouldn’t have and Harry said I have his blessing so that we-”
“Wait what did you say?” Tom cut you off, closing his laptop and sitting up. He scooted closer to you and put his hand on your knee.
“Harry said that he’s okay with us dating, so-.” You were cut off again by Tom crashing his lips onto yours. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him, your chest flush with his. Breathless, you pulled away for a second, but Tom only pulled you in again.
“Are you mad-” you tried to speak but he cut you off yet again. “Don’t speak, okay? We’ll talk later. I just want you now.” You crashed your lips onto his, Tom moaning as he kissed you more passionately.
Mes petits anges (taglist): @scarletxwidow​ @starkissedholland​ @fangirlwithasweettooth​ @lmaotshollandd​ 
627 notes · View notes
drakeandkatherine · 3 years
Reunion- Ch 2: alstroemeria (Drake x MC TRRAU FanFic)
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Hello! I am so excited to show you guys the second chapter to Reunion!
I’m sorry this took sooooooo long to upload. My personal life has been super hectic lately, and I haven’t had time to really write! 
(Drake, Liam, Hana, Maxwell and any other The Royal Romance characters belong to Pixelberry! Katherine Delacroix belongs to me!)
Series Overview: Reunion is a short series about Drake Walker and Katherine Delacroix, along with their friends, Maxwell, Hana and Liam. In this series, we see the gang at a high school reunion, five years after they’ve graduated. There will be flash backs, taking place up to nine years ago (the start of high school) up to when they graduate. You’ll get to see how the gang came together, and how they fell apart, only to come back together, and the main focus is how Drake and Katherine come back to each other after years apart.
All chapters of this series are named after flowers, with certain meanings. This chapter is named “alstroemeria”. It has meaning of friendship, love, strength and devotion. They're often thought to represent mutual support. And the ability to help each other through the trials and tribulations of life. This chapter, it flashes back to where the group of five became friends.
Word count: 1578
Warnings: adult language, mentions of death and drinking
Tags: @burnsoslow​ @drakewalker04​ @marshmallowsandfire​
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters!
Katherine and Hana spent the rest of their first day back after five years in Cordornia preparing for the next night. They tried to plan out just how long they would stay and who they would talk too if those people showed up.
“Hana, are you really sure we should be there that long? I feel like two hours is more than enough time to say hi, have a drink and get the fuck out of there.” Katherine complained as she fished for her pajamas in her suitcase.
“We came all the way here for this reunion, we might as well stay longer than two hours; possibly even the whole time, Kat.” Hana said, a small chuckle escaping her lips. “Besides don’t you wanna see Olivia again?”
“I don’t really want to see much of anyone to be honest, Hana. I’d rather go get a couple drinks and maybe say hi to Olivia, if she even shows up and then I want to bounce.” The truth was, she did miss Olivia and all the fun nights the three had during junior and senior year, she just wasn't going to admit it.
Hana shook her head and continued to put away her clothes in the dresser that they shared in the room as Katherine changed into her pajamas. “Should we order room service?”
“I think a better question is, can we order alcohol?” Hannah laughed.
The next day as Katherine was preparing herself mentally, her mind wandered back to sophomore year of high school, the year that Hana and her became friends with a few others who soon had become the closest thing to family she had had in a long time. Family, she sadly remembered, that barely talked to her or Hana anymore.
8 years ago
Liam and Drake were two of the most popular boys at the high school. Both were star football players and in the winter, star basketball players. A lot of the girls tried their best to get the boys to notice them, but sadly none of their efforts worked. It wasn’t until one Saturday in detention that they met two other girls who would soon become their best friends, as well as another man who was known for his shenanigans.
“Alright, this is Saturday detention. All of you know why you are here. Your assignment for today is to write an 1000 word essay on how you recognize that your actions have consequences. I will be in my office which is just down the hall and I will come check on you periodically to make sure you are writing quietly. Once the bell rings at 3 o’clock, you’ll be dismissed and can go home for the day.” Dean Constantine told the teenagers, a strict tone in his voice.
All of the students rolled their eyes but complied nonetheless. After about an hour of trying to focus on anything other than the assignment, a tall boy with sandy brown hair finally spoke, breaking the silence that hung in the room.
“All right, I’m kind of over the silence. Not sure if anyone else is, but hey guys, I’m Maxwell. I’m in here because I made a stink bomb in science class and the teachers weren’t so happy about it and neither were the other students.” He smiled triumphantly as if he was proud.
“That was you? I’ll never be able to get that smell out of my nose. Good job.” Katherine smiled. “I’m Katherine and I’m here because Hana,” she paused and pointed to Hana who sat next to her. “and I decided to go off campus for lunch and they found out and caught us when we were coming back.” She looked at the two boys sitting side-by-side a few rows behind them in the classroom. “What about you two?”
“Someone on the junior varsity team was giving me some lip, so, I punched him in the lip.” The darker haired boy said, holding up his hand to show the bruises on his knuckles. Katherine eyed him, wondering how strong he was.
“I got in trouble because I tried to break up the fight but the coach thought I had helped start it, so thanks to this one I am in yet another Saturday detention.” He playfully shoved his friend.
“Oh please, Liam. You would’ve been here regardless just because your dad makes you come here.” Drake laughed.
“Who’s your dad?” Hana asked.
“Well as Drake so helpfully mentioned, my dad would put me in Saturday detention regardless because it’s his way of keeping an eye on me. My father is the dean of the school, Dean Constantine.” Liam said, a somber look on his face.
“No shit, are you serious?!” Katherine asked, her eyes wide.
“Sadly.” Liam replied, expression flat.
“So what you’re saying is that you can leave whenever you want because you’re just gonna be here next Saturday anyway? Why are you here then?”
“Let’s just say it would be hell at home if I ditched.” Liam grimaced.
“And what would he do to us if we just got up and left?” Katherine asked, Hana giggling next to her.
“He probably would just give you guys another Saturday detention to be honest. Most of the students here never do anything that would require suspension or expulsion.” Drake explained.
“I think it would be wise if you guys just got through this day and not provoke the beast.” Maxwell chimed in, not wanting to get into any more trouble, as he was in Saturday detention almost as often as Liam.
“Really? Because I say that when it gets to lunch time we all sneak out, get past him and then ditch this place and go to the beach or something.”
“Katherine as much as I love that idea I really don’t wanna have another Saturday detention. My parents would literally kill me.” Hannah said with a frown on her face.
Katherine didn’t much care what happened to her but she did care what happened to her best friend, so, even though it frustrated her and as much as she wanted to leave this hellhole, she nodded, agreeing, before saying “You’re right, Hana, we should probably just stick it out and then go back to my house.” She looked at the three men surrounding them. “I know we just all met each other but you guys are welcome to come with us to my house afterwards. My grandma is a nurse and she works mostly night shifts so she’ll be gone, meaning we can raid the liquor cabinet.” Last year, Katherine would have never asked this to anyone besides Hana. Becoming friends with Hana had made her enjoy life again, made her want to make friends again.
“You drink?” Liam asked, sincerely.
“Usually Hana and I will sneak a couple drinks sometimes but we don’t usually drink.”
“Well if your grandma has some whiskey, I’d be down.” Drake said. “My old man, before he passed, would drink whiskey all the time. Sometimes he would let me have a little sip. I always told myself once I was old enough I have glass in his honor.”
Katherine’s felt tugs on her heart strings. She felt for Drake since, she too, knew the pain of losing a parent. The difference is that she lost both of hers. Though she didn’t really know him so she didn’t know if his mom was still in the picture.
“All I know is is that I don’t want to deal with my brother when I get home so I'm gonna go where you go, Katherine.” Maxwell said, saluting her as if she was the group’s leader.
“And then there was one.” Katherine smiled at Liam.
“Well I have nothing better to do and it’s better than going home to my dad who's always in a bad mood, so, sure I’m down.” Liam smiled softly, a hint of sadness showing before he quickly looked away, hiding his emotions.
“All right, it’s settled then. After we get out of here we will follow Katherine back to her place and we’ll have a good time.” Hans said, clapping in her hands in excitement.
As soon as 3 o’clock came around and the bell dismissed them, Katherine took off running as soon as she was out the door, the rest running close behind her. ”Come on guys, what are you? A bunch of snails?” Katherine laughed as she ran on ahead.
Drake and Liam quickly caught up to her. “You wish we were snails. Not our problem you decided to choose a race between two star football players.” Drake smirked. Maxwell caught up to them a minute later saying “And I’m on the track team!”
Katherine slowed down matching Hana’s pace, chuckling. “Jokes on them, they don’t know where I live.” The girls laughed when the men came to a stop, wondering where they were going. Katherine then proceeded to show them the rest of the way to the house and instead of running they walked.
“Hey, Kat, are you okay?” Hana’s voice snapped Katherine out of her memories. She turned her head and looked at her best friend in the entire world, who had a worried look on her face.
“I’m just having a little anxiety about tonight. What am I going to say to him if he shows up?” Katherine said, panic showing on her face. If he showed up, she didn’t know what she would do. Katherine wasn’t sure if she was ready to face the reality of what happened to them.
“I think you’ll know when the time comes. I can’t tell you what to say, it wouldn’t be authentic.” Hana gave her a small smile. “Now come on, it’s time to put on your make up and get dressed!” Katherine threw a pillow at her, making both of them laugh.
“Okay. Let’s do this.” She said, rising from the bed and walking to the bathroom to start her make-up. Katherine wasn’t sure how tonight would go, but she couldn’t run anymore. She had to finally face him.
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seokjinsdisciple · 4 years
Riddikulus- ten
jungkook x reader, hogwarts!au, enemies to lovers!au
Warnings: language, arguing, cheating, caught cheating
Word Count: 1.3k this part is all over the place tbh
<previous  ten  next>
series masterlist
taglist: @nellaphine @elixirguks @softfluffgirl @sensiblebutch, @deolly, @zeharilisharaban, @jungshookmeup
You had firmly decided that you hated your friends. The first party with all of them after his injuries was spent teasing you and your reaction to Jungkook being in danger. Apparently, the rat himself had told everyone about your help, and the fact that you had cried over him. 
Just like that your festering anger had returned, and you truly had no idea how you had forgotten just how cruel Jungkook could be. 
“What’s on your mind?” Jimin asked, running his fingers through your hair in a comforting motion. 
“Jungkook,” you spoke, leaning your head against Jimin’s shoulder, “And before you make some sort of shit joke, yes I hate him. I’m just kinda frustrated that I did all of that work for him, and he just goes around the whole school making me look… I don’t know, weak.”
“Princess, everyone in this school knows you aren’t weak,” Jimin laughed, “I mean hell, half of the school is terrified of you.”
“Yeah, yeah yeah. But that doesn’t matter,” you spoke softly, Jimin’s fingers lulling you into some much needed sleep.
“Do you wanna hear what I think?” Jimin spoke just as quietly. You gave him a noncommittal grunt from your throat. “I think you are hurt that Jungkook took the nice, friendly thing you did for him and turned it into another aspect of the feud you two pretend to have.”
If you had been sleepy before, you were far from it now. Jimin’s words making you sit upright. 
“What do you mean our pretend feud?”
“Oh come on,” Jimin said, “You might be able to fool the whole world, your brother and even Yoongi, but you can’t fool me. I know you. And I don’t know anyone who spends that much time with their enemy by choice, especially when it involves helping them.”
“We made a deal, he’s giving me something in return, Jimin.”
“Whatever you need to tell yourself princess,” Jimin stood up, his face unusually serious, “Just know that I see how you look at him, and it’s certainly not with hatred.”
And with that he was gone,  leaving you to contemplate whatever the hell he had just told you. It was true you felt a little hurt that Jungkook told the whole school about your help. But as far as the rest of his revelations about your feelings, you didn’t agree. You couldn’t agree. 
You let out a deep sigh, falling back onto the emerald couch and closing your eyes. There was no chance you’d be able to get any sleep with your thoughts swimming like this. 
You trudged slowly into the potions room, barely making it to your seat in time before Slughorn’s lecture began. You felt Jungkook's eyes on you, but for the moment, you refused to look over. His smug little grin had been the reason you didn’t get any sleep. 
“You look like shit,” he whispered, having peered his head around yours in order to see your face. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. 
“Thanks Jungkook,” you whispered back, “I wonder why you don’t have a girlfriend when you are so good at giving compliments.”
He just grinned at this, seemingly satisfied enough with your lively comeback to decide you weren’t dying. 
When Slughorn was done lecturing, Jongkook sprinted to the ingredients cabinet, returning with enough ingredients for the two of you before you could even stand. 
“At least you’re fully recovered,” you said, trying your hardest to push aside the feelings that came with the fact that he had gotten your ingredients for you.
“Yeah, no thanks to you making me study potions.”
“Oh please, like you even remember what the essay I wrote you was even about.”
“Thanks for that by the way,” he added, his voice dropping in volume. 
“Did Jimin tell you to say that?” you asked, shooting a glare at the back of the silver haired boy’s head sitting a few rows in front of you. 
“And what if he did?”
“Then it doesn’t count, Jungkook.”
“Well I just thought I could thank you in a different way.”
He waggled his eyebrows at you, smirking at your disgusted face. 
“Gross, that’s never gonna happen.”
“Oh my god, snake princess, I was joking. I meant by telling you something that you should know.”
You met his gaze finally, an eyebrow quirked in curiosity, “And what would that be?”
He took a quick glance behind the two of you, where Seonghwa and another Slytherin boy were so focused on their potions they didn’t even notice your gaze. 
“Seonghwa is cheating on you.”
Time stopped for a second, the calmness of his voice not matching the seriousness of his words. Seonghwa wouldn’t do that to you. Well, actually he probably would. You had been pushing him away recently, but you never expected this. Jungkook was watching you intently, as if waiting for you to break. That’s when you realized he must be lying. He must be trying to get under your skin. 
“What an awful trick to play on someone,” you spat back, bottling your finished potion and stuffing your books in your bag. 
“You think I’m lying?”
“Yeah Jungkook, no offense, but being nice to me isn't really your strong suit.”
“Fine,” he said, hurt flashing across his face so fast you almost didn’t see it, “Check the empty divination classroom tonight, and don’t come crying to me when it turns out I’m right.”
“Fine,” he said back, looking like a hurt puppy as you turned and walked away. 
You had no reason to believe Jungkook. In fact, you could think of several reasons why he would lie about something like that. The problem was you could think of several more reasons why he wouldn’t lie. 
You sat in the common room, debating whether or not to go to the empty divination classroom. You had been so lost in your thoughts all day, both Yoongi and Jimin shooting worried glances to each other, before trying to text your brother. You barely put up a fight, and when they saw that, their worry intensified.  
You stood up in the middle of Jimin’s story, not really paying attention to the gaze of your friends. Your eyes were locked on one sight only, Seonghwa leaving the common room. 
You hurried out of the room, following Seonghwa at enough of a distance where he wouldn’t notice you, but close enough so that you didn’t lose him. Your heart dropped further when you realized where he was heading. 
Up spiral staircase after spiral staircase you followed him. The pit in your stomach growing with each step upwards toward the divination tower. You waited in the shadows as you watched Seonghwa kiss a pretty Gryffindor girl. Looking closer, it looked like Jungkook’s ex, which could be how he knew. 
You felt tears prick your eyes, as Seonghwa pushed her into the room, their lips never breaking apart. 
“Hey,” a voice said softly from behind you. Jungkook’s voice. 
You regretted turning around. Jungkook’s familiar messy brown hair the last thing you could see clearly before the tears started to fall. You felt his arms wrap around you tightly. His melodic voice whispering comforts into your ear, desperately trying everything to get you to calm down. The warmth from his body and the beating of his heart helped calm you. Gently, you wrapped your arms around him too. Your bodies collapsing together. You closed your eyes as his hand found their way to your hair. Replicating the comforting motions he had watched Jimin do their entire friendship. 
You weren’t prepared for the kiss that you felt on your head, and, judging by the way Jungkook had frozen, he wasn’t prepared either. You pushed away from him. More in shock, than anything else. 
“I-I,” you started, jumping further apart from him as you heard the door open behind you, “I should go.”
You had never sprinted to the common room faster. Your feelings about the night more tangled than headphones at the bottom of an unused bag. 
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babybuckleys · 4 years
In Jail & Needing Bail.
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Drew & Rudy x Reader. (just friends but a bit flirtier with Drew.)
Summary: Hanging out with the outer banks cast was always eventful but you didn't expect to be in a jail cell with two of your closest friends.
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: trespassing, smoking, a few bad words.
A/N: this is my first fic with no relationship and the most warnings so bare with me. But the boys look so hot in handcuffs. Also I do not know anything about prison. This is my first fic on here, hope you like it. (I guess this means im open to requests.)
Nothing was supposed to happen, you guys were just supposed to be having a good time . Now you were sitting in a jail cell with Drew and Rudy. Now if we back up a few hours to where it all started this would all make sense.
You were all sitting in Chase’s apartment and were starting to get bored. Earlier in the day everyone had come over and you guys had a movie marathon day. But now as it was starting to reach around 10pm and people were starting to get antsy. LA usually was very awake at 10pm, people at restaurants and just walking around the city. So when Madison suggested that you guys go explore the city everyone agreed. Anything to get out of the stuffy apartment.
As you headed into town someone through the bunch of your friends suggested first you should grab a bite to eat. Food was important if you wanted to last the night so a bunch of murmurs were heard throughout the crowd. After finishing up, you guys headed on a walk to wherever your feet would take you. 
LA had many different sides to it. There was the jam packed side overflowing with people and places. Then there was the sketichier side of LA. The side where it was darker and there were less open shops and buildings. As you and your friends headed to the darker side of LA you huddled closer together. Still laughing and having a good time together. As you headed forward, your group of friends came to a halt. You lost your balance a little since you were towards the back and it was an unexpected stop. Everyone looked forward to see what was up. 
“Shit look guys.” Chase said. Everyone followed his gaze to an abandoned house in the middle of the street.
“How about we sneak in, we got nothing to lose.” Austin spoke out.
“I don't think that a good idea, it's kind of scary.” Madelyn said.
“Yeah I agree” Madison and you said.
“Come on, let's live a little.” Drew said as he bumped your shoulder with you. Drew was your best friend, also as was Rudy. So usually when you guys told each other stuff to do, you guys did it no matter the circumstance.
“Sure, why not.” you told him, what you did for and with your best friends you thought as you shook your head. 
The boys headed in first and you girls stuck behind. What a great way to be spending a night in LA with your friends. In an abandoned house at midnight. You weren't one to break the rules so when you didn't see any sign about no trespassing you though it was ok. At first it was kind of scary but after the eerie feeling went away you decided to walk around and explore. Some of your friends even thought it was a perfect time to record it for their Instagram stories. You headed one way by yourself as your friends all headed separate ways. You turned on the flashlight on your phone and tried not to be too scared. As you were walking more you heard creaking but thought that maybe they were just your steps. 
“Boo.” Drew grabbed your shoulders and whispered in your ear. You screamed and dropped your phone. You heard the scatter of your friends footsteps as they ran to the source of the screaming.
“You're an ass for doing that, you know that.” you told Drew as you shoved him. 
“But you love me.” he said as he wrapped your arms around you.
“Y/N, you ok?” asked Madison, searching for your voice in the pitch black building. Out of the two girls you were always closer to her, and talked to her when you couldn't talk to the two boys.  Soon they all reached you and Drew. 
“Yeah I am, someone just decided to be childish and scare me.” you told her. Soon you all explored together. For the next thirty minutes you walked around. It started to get around 1:30am and Jonathan started to yawn. You knew that it was about time to head out since it was getting late and you guys were getting tired.
As the rest of your friends headed out, you stayed behind to tie your shoe. Rudy stayed behind so you wouldn't be alone. As you got up from tying your shoe, you felt around your pockets for your phone. 
“My phone, shit where's my  phone.” you said as you frantically searched your clothing pockets. 
“How about we retrace your steps, when was the last time you had it?”
“Uhm I think it was when Drew scared me.” you thought as you remembered that when you guys were upstairs you must have dropped it. As you guys were headed upstairs Drew headed in to see what was taking so long.
“Hey guys y'all aren't doing any funny business.” Drew said as he walked in with his hands over his hands. 
“Shut up Starkey, we aren't even dating.” you said as you looked at him. You were best friends with both boys but always tended to be a bit more flirty with Drew, but of course would never date any of them, because you liked how your friendship worked.
“Ok then what's taking so long.” he said in an exasperated tone.
“I lost my phone and don't know where it is. Can you help us find it?” 
“But we gotta hurry up cause this place is giving me the creeps.” Drew said hugging his hands to himself. 
You guys laughed as all three of you headed up stairs to the last spot you were at. While you were looking, your other friends were outside. 
Currently waiting for the rest of you to come out. “What's taking them so long, it's getting cold.” Madelyn said.
“Maybe someone should go check on them.” suggested Madison. As your friends played rock,paper, scissors to decide who would go in; they saw police lights in the distance. 
“Shit are they coming this way?” Chase asked.
“Nah I don't think so, maybe it's a coincidence.” said Austin. As your friends continued on waiting for you they heard the speaker of the police car. 
“Hands up where I can see them.” said the police officer through the megaphone. 
“Shit , shit, run.” said Jonathon. 
“Shouldn't we wait for them or at least warn them.” Madison said worried about the rest of her friends.
“I don't think that's a good idea, our best bet right now is to run or else we’re going to get arrested,” Chase said. Your friends ran as fast as they could as you guys inside headed back downstairs. 
You headed outside and the first thing you heard was “hands on your head and step out carefully.” You couldn't believe you were about to get arrested and where were your other friends? Nowhere to be seen. 
“No fucking way.” Rudy said.
As you stepped down towards the cops they handcuffed you all a bit too roughly. “Anything you say will be held against you.” he said as he put all of you in the back of the cop car. As you started to drive off Drew spoke up. 
“I guess it's time to take a ride downtown.” You just shook your head as you buried your head into your hands. Rudy put a hand on your leg to ease the tension. You could not believe you had just gotten arrested for trespassing with your two best friends. 
As you were put into a cell all you could think about was how this was crazy. Drew and Rudy were handcuffed together in one corner and you were in the other. You werent gonna lie, your two best friends were attractive but something about them handcuffed together just sparked something in you.
“I don't understand why we have to be handcuffed, it's not like we are going to fight each other.”
“Well I got to say it's pretty hot that you too are handcuffed.” you didn't know where you got this new source of confidence and you were kind of shocked.
“Damn Y/N, jail is turning you wild.” Drew said. You looked down blushing and ignored his comment. Rudy was becoming stressed, you could tell because first he was shaking his  leg up and down. Next he did something that he only did when he was stressed, he pulled out a cigarette. 
He started smoking it and offered Drew one too.  “You want one Y/N?” he asked.
“No thanks Pankow, two people smoking in here is enough.” You weren't a fan of smoking but again something about your friends in handcuffs and smoking was so hot. You sat in a corner and hoped that you could get out of this soon. Because you didn't think that you could last much longer in here with your friends looking that hot, barely doing anything and you not doing anything stupid. The officer came in a bit later and said that you guys can call someone.
“You guys get one call, make it worth it,” he said in a grumpy voice.
“What the hell, why do we only get one call if there are three of us.” Drew questioned.
“Watch you tone.” the officer said. You grabbed his arm and looked at him in reassurance to not say anything else. “Hey it's ok, they'll answer.” You really hoped your friends answered. You weren't sure what time it was but you decided that your best bet was calling Madison, she had always been there for you so you hoped this was the case. 
You punched in her number and after three rings there was static on the other end.
“Hello, Madi, Are you there? Please tell me you're there.” you said trying not to break down in front of your friends.
“Y/N oh my god, are you guys ok, I'm sorry we couldn't stay back.” she said. You knew that they couldn't stay back because instead of three being arrested it would be eight. 
“Oh god Madi, I don't know how long I could be in here with them.” you told her suggesting the fact about how they were looking so hot. 
“Why? Are they being gross? Have they posted bail for you guys.” you knew you couldn't tell her with the boys around so you suggested to them that they go ask the officer how much your guys bail was set at. When Drew stayed behind you spoke up.
“Can you both go, I have to tell Madison something.” you looked at him pleadingly. He shook his head and jogged up to catch Rudy.
“Gosh Madison I don't know, it's just something about them in handcuffs and smoking that's so hot.” you exasperated to the brown haired girl.
“Damn seems like someone has a crush on two guys and has a kink, I thought you hated smoking” said Madison laughing of her best friend in a joking way.
“Don't say it so loud. They're attractive guys but just my best friends that's it. Now shh they're coming back. “ Y/N said as she turned around and saw both boys heading her way.
“He said the bail is set at $500.” Rudy said.
“Did you hear that Madison?” Y/N told her friend on the other line.
“Yeah I just told the others. Hang in there, We will try to get you guys out soon.” She said as there was shuffling on the other end then and the line ended.
“Ok they said that they'll try to get the money as soon as possible, I guess we just have to wait.” You sulked back to the jail cell sleepily. You closed your eyes and laid your head on Drew's shoulder. About what seemed like a few hours later the jiggling of keys startled you awake.
“Someone here to bail you out, come on get up.” the officer said. You and your friends headed out of the cell sleepily. As you headed out of the police station you noticed as the sun was rising. You saw your friends leaning against Chase’s car. You all pulled each other into a hug.
“What a night we had.” Austin said.
“You're not the one who got arrested” you said looking at him with a serious face.
“Yeah man it was your idea and you didn't even have to be in a cell for god knows how many hours.” Rudy said.
“Well it's now 7 in the morning so you guys were in there for about five hours, sorry it took us so long to get the money.” Madelyn said.
“It's all good, what matters now is that we are out and that we should get some food cause I am starving.” Drew sighed.
“I agree with that statement, let's go get some food.” you said. You had an eventful night that you never expected would happen but now you were glad it was winding down with your friends and food.
taglist: @heartbreak-hemmings (thank you for helping me with the title), @thelocalpogue, @outrbank, @jayjaymaebank, @beautyandthebleh, @ceruleanjj, @pogue-style, @shawnssongs, @flowersinvegas​, @baby-bearie, @myrandom-fandomlife, @calumbroutledge, @bellaguarneri.
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ablackfangirlwrites · 5 years
48 hours
You only have 48 hours left to live and you only want to spend it making the one person you love happy even if that means you don't tell him about you impending fate
Aizawa Shota | Eraserhead
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"Let's go out eraser."
Aizawa frowned at you at you, "I want to go home."
But you pulled at his arm, "We always just go home after work let's go have fun for once."
"Y/n..." shota hesitated but when he saw the wide eyed look on your face he didnt want to say no
Aizawa had been head over heels in love with you for years
The two of you had graduated together and both of you went to work as heros with the same agency
You were his closest friend right after Hizashi
But unlike with Hizashi he wanted more then to just be friends with you
He didnt know how you didnt realize it
Little did he know it was the with you
You tried to tell him a few times how you really felt since you were going to UA
But it was never was the right time
And now the two of you were heros so you didnt have a the time for anything more
And now it was definitely too late
"Fine you're lucky I'm off this weekend." Aizawa groaned
And you clapped in excitement
The two of you went to a bar and it was your mission that night to get aizawa drunk
Giving him shot after shot
"Y/n what is the deal with you?"
you just smiled at him, "I just want to see you happy shota."
Aizawa would look away wanting to hid his face from you since he knew he was blushing
"I am happy."
"Well, I want to see you get lose!"
Aizawa didnt know why he surrounded himself with upbeat people who were loud and energetic
It was so draining
But he loved you so it wasnt that bad
That was until you had him on stage to sing with you in karaoke
That night the two of had fun even if Aizawa didnt want to admit it
"I'll see you tomorrow." You waved him getting ready to leave
"What? I'm off tomorrow? I'll see you monday." Aizawa told you
"Nope." You smiled, "I'm not letting you sit at home all day were going out."
Aizawa didnt know what was with you but for the last few days he felt like you were acting strange
But you were always a bit strange so he wasnt too concerned
"I'll see you in the morning." Then you left
The next day you surprised him by being there eailer
He often teased you calling you a slacker because of yout easy going attitude
But here you were at his place at 6 in the morning
That was completely out if character for you but aizawa figured you were just excited today
"I got a surprise for you," you smiled as the two of you were walking to the nearest coffee shop for breakfast
Aizawa would roll his eyes at you "I've had your surprises before I hope it isn't anything crazy again."
You only giggle and put your finger over your mouth "it's a secret."
You winked at him "You'll see."
Breakfasts was your treat
And the two of you had a normal day like any other that you had free time and spend together
When you were done you told Aizawa you were taking him somewhere but he had to be blindfolded
Aizawa had no idea what you had planned so he'd humor you for now
You led him around for a while until he felt himself pulled into a door
And you pulled the blindfold off
You were in a animal shelter
"Its time you get a cat Aizawa."
"Shota! I know how much you want one, it's time and I'm getting you one."
You pulled his arm and the lady at the desk would help you as the to of you started to see the cats
Aizawa couldn't deny that he wanted a cat he was going to get himself one eventually
"I dont know...though." he said
But you saw him eyeing a black kitten
So you picked her up "You're gonna say no to this face?"
How could he say no to either of those faces?
Blushing he looked away
You sat the kitten down and moved closer to him "I know that this will make you happy eraser, you need someone at home with you too. You spend so much time there when your not working anyway hes a little company."
Aizawa smiled at the thought of you trying to help "well dont you always pop up to keep me company?"
That comment would throw you off but you quickly recovered
"Well they'll be there when I'm not." You gave him a weak smile
Aizawa looked back at the cat
"Your right....she is really cute."
The two of you were finishing up all the paperwork
"What are you gonna name her?"
Aizawa stood there thinking, "(your nickname)"
Your eyes went wide, "I dont think that's a good idea..."
But aizawa shrugged and smiled at you, "Well, its cause of you shes gonna have a home. Plus I bet shes gonna cause me all kinds of problems when shes older just like you."
"I still dont know-"
"I've made up my mind." He told you
And just like him you couldn't bring yourself to say no
The two of you went home after shopping for everything Aizawa's new roommate would need
Once you were all done with everything aizawa would stop when he saw you sitting with the cat alone playing with her
It was an image he wanted to burn into his memory
You looked so happy playing with (nickname)
But there was something else Aizawa couldn't put his finger on it but he knew you
"Y/n what's been up with you?"
Aizawa was leaning against the wall, "I know you. Something is up."
"Nothing." You smiled at him
But he could see pass that. "Whatever is bothering you...you know you can tell me about it."
You sigh, "...I know..."
Aizawa was trying to think about what it could be and then he got an idea
"Is this about how they got on you for being so reckless? You know no one is mad at you for that, they just want you to be careful." He told you
The other day you were in pursuit of a villain and you ended up getting hurt and on top of that you ended up not catching them either
You might had cought them if you had waited a bit for help but you went on your own
You just shook your head, "its fine shota, that's not it." You said trying to stop him from talking
You didnt want to think about that now
But you got up, "its getting late and I should get home."
"I didnt mean to make you upset."
But you put on a big smile "I'm not upset and today was perfect."
"I wouldn't call it all that-"
You hugged him, "I would." You hugged him as tight as you could
Now Aizawa was worried but he didnt want to pressure you
He knew in time you'd talk to him
"You're my bestfriend shota aizawa."
"Its almost like you're trying to saying goodbye y/n."
You didnt respond to that you just gave a little laugh pull away "You take care of (nickname) wont you?"
"Of course, what's up."
"Nothing! Quit being such a worry wort." You told him if aizawa got worked up anymore you weren't sure if you were going to be able to go through this
"I'll see you later? Monday at work?"
Again you didnt answer him, you simply avoid the question and smiled and left
Monday came around and you weren't anywhere to be found
Which was usual for you to be late
But usually he would have heard something from you
And now it was Wednesday
Aizawa went to your place only to find out you didnt live there anymore
Feeling extremely confused he'd talk to all your friends only to hear no one knew where you went
He had no idea what happened to you
You simply disappeared
It would be a week later when he got a letter in the mail that was from you
Dear aka Aizawa my bestfriend,
Its unfair for me to do this like this but I just couldn't bring myself to tell you in person, but if you're reading this....I died. I wont go into the details but i should have listened to the top brass. That guy that hit me the other day he did something and I only had 72 hours left to live and I just wanted to live the last 48 of them with you. It was really a perfect day, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. Seeing you smile was on of my favorite things about living Shota. Thank you But more than anything I want you to know I love you and I loved our friendship i wouldn't have traded it for anything you're amazing you always have been and you'll always will be. I know you'll be a great hero. Just please dont let my death stop you from anything live and achieve your dreams for the both of us.
Love, Y/n
Ps. Take care of (nickname) I got her for you so you'd never be alone.
After reading your letter your behavior the other day made more sense
But that didnt make anything better
You knew you were going to die but you didnt tell him
You didnt give him the chance to say goodbye
To say that he had been in love with you
To say anything to you
And now it was too late
He was angry with you he was angry with the uper managment at his agency who knew what had happened to you but didnt tell him
But he understood why you did it
And he hated that
He just wanted to see you again
For weeks he couldn't bring himself out of the slump your death left him in
His friends would try to help but he only focused on work
He would find the villain who took you from him and he would go to jail for his crimes
It was one night when Aizawa got home and just like most days he would only get sad remembering that you would be the one he'd be talking to at this time
He missed you more them he could handle
But suddenly he felt a press against his leg
Looking down he saw n/n
Your last gift to him...
He knew why you didnt want him to name her after you now.
But there was something in the way n/n looked at him
That made him smile
He didnt know what it was but your words played in his head and he had remembered
He wasnt alone
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puddygeeks · 3 years
Wᴇ Cᴏᴍᴇ Rᴜɴɴɪɴɢ - Tʜᴇ 100 Bᴇʟʟᴀᴍʏ x OC - Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 72: Hᴀʀsʜ Rᴇᴀʟɪᴛʏ
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Rating: Mature
Summary: During her time in the Skybox, Indigo formed a precious friendship with fellow outcast Octavia Blake, the girl under the floor. At first they thought their departure from the oppression of the Ark was a blessing, but quickly came to rely on Indigo's keen survival instincts. The 100 struggle to meet the challenges of Earth whilst Bellamy strives to lead the wavering teenagers and his irresponsible attitude fuels constant conflict with Indigo. Their only shared interest is in protecting Octavia and Indigo beings to suspect that there is a deeper cause to Bellamy's seemingly irrational choices. As the consequences of his actions mount up around him, he finally begins to confide in her and she discovers more than she ever bargained for.
Fandom: CW’s The 100
Pairing: OC x Bellamy Blake
My writing is entirely fuelled by coffee! If you enjoy my work, feel free to donate toward my caffeine dependency: will work for coffee
Warnings: Mature content. Non-consent, language, sex, self harm, suicide, anxiety, helplessness, torture, captivity/confinement, alcohol/drug use.
Episodes: Watch The Thrones
Chapter Seventy-Two
Convincing Jackson to allow me to leave Medical was more challenging than we had even expected and after a considerable effort from both of us, he finally conceded. He agreed for me to briefly visit Bellamy due to the circumstances, but stressed that I was to return immediately after and that if I didn’t, he would send guards to retrieve me.
The camp was eerily quiet as Octavia and I crossed the courtyard and a tense atmosphere could be felt in the air. With the vote for the new Chancellor taking place in the morning, the delicate balance of power seemed ever present and there was the constant sensation that each of us was barely holding back the tide of rebellion.
I paused at the entrance to the holding area, taking a moment to steel myself the reality of Bellamy behind bars, beside Pike. Though I was furious with him and undoubtedly hurt, I couldn’t deny that it would be difficult for me to leave him in that position and reminded myself that I needed to be strong. Octavia slipped her hand through mine, giving me a supportive squeeze and I smiled gratefully at her.
“You’re gonna have enough of an audience already. I’ll wait out here for you.” She explained, placing herself by the door protectively as if assuring me that she wouldn’t allow anyone to interrupt and I took a deep breath before entering.
The room inside was dimly lit and I was met by a guard who explained that I wouldn’t have long. It felt strangely similar to the Skybox as they led me to the cell where Pike and the others were being held and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest from nerves. Bellamy immediately rose to his feet when he noticed me and approached the bars to view me with a conflicted expression.
“Well. How the tables have turned.” I remarked lightly, causing a slight hint of a smile in his tired features and I sighed as I studied him. “What were you thinking? Were you even thinking?” I muttered as I stared into his eyes with intensity and he shuffled on the spot as if he wasn’t prepared to face me.
Bellamy’s faze fell down to his feet and the finer details of his posture indicated that he felt guilty about his actions. Deep down, he knew that this had been a mistake, but I could tell that he wasn’t ready to admit this yet. If anything, being arrested simply gave him an excuse to feel victimised and provided him with a reason to push harder against our leaders.
“I can’t believe that you would do this.” I appealed as I desperately attempted to reach whatever ridiculous justification had convinced him to take part in this, but I could tell that he was conscious of his allies listening. 
“You were willing to kill everyone in Mount Weather to rescue us and I’ve watched how that affected you since. It’s torn you apart from the inside. You think that you’re hiding it, but I can see the pain in your eyes. I can’t bring myself to believe that you want to do that again. You’re not that person.” I stated insistently and appeared utterly shameful. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you. You’re seeing threats everywhere and it’s like you think you can justify killing anyone who makes you nervous. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you can’t!”
“You’re being an idiot.” He snapped, forcing his face back up and when our eyes met, the guilt that had been present at first was replaced with defensiveness. “You think that every grounder is going to respect us like Arlo respects you, but I remember a time not so long ago when Trikru were spearing our people to trees. They hunted us, Indie. Now, there’s an entire army surrounding us! How can you not see that as a threat?” He presented in a passionate manner, seeming entirely convinced by his points whilst I stared at him in disbelief.
“Because I’m able to understand that they are here to protect us! Clearly that concept is too complicated for you to wrap your head around.” I spat nastily and he shook his head as if I were the one that was being foolish. “We finally have peace. What I can’t understand is why after everything that we went through and everyone that we lost fighting against Trikru, why would you ever want to go through that again?” I interrogated, pleading with him to offer some kind of explanation that I could understand and instead, he simply glanced over at the others in the cell, causing my blood to boil.
“Please don’t tell me that all of this is just because that psychopath thinks that war is the answer?” I growled as I indicated towards Pike and he chewed on his lip. “You are smarter than this, Bellamy.”
“I know that! I’m the one who kept us safe when we had nothing to defend ourselves with. I have to act, because no one else will. I have to protect us before it’s too late!” He yelled, riling himself back into a frenzy and I sighed in disappointment.
For a while I’d known that he felt responsible for us and I understood well how protective that could make someone. I’d considered some insane actions in the past, but Bellamy seemed to have completely lost his grasp on who the enemy was. It pained me to witness him fighting with such passion to do the right thing, whilst we were on opposite sides.
“Indie. Listen to me. You weren’t there when Lexa turned on us. She cut a deal for her own people that handed us over to be killed. The army turned around and left us all there as if it was nothing. I came back to an empty harvest chamber and no way out. This Commander that you are trusting was willing to allow Mount Weather to exterminate us like rats. Even Indra left. She abandoned Octavia and renounced her as her second. How can you honestly stand here and tell me that you trust them?” He recalled with an earnest pain filling his expression as he regarded me and I felt lost for words.
A few moments of silence passed as I battled my emotions, which all swirled around too quickly for me to untangle and Bellamy stared at me with vulnerability as he awaited an answer. Despite the heartbreak that it caused, I had to accept that I couldn’t reach him through the hate that had poisoned him against me and I forced myself to put on a brave face as I clarified our positions.
“If Pike becomes Chancellor and you stand by him, I can’t stand by you.” I declared coldly and though my words were clearly hurtful for him, his expression remained unchanged. “I will never be able to forget that you did this. You will have destroyed everything that we’ve worked for. There will be nothing left for me with you.” I explained, ensuring that he understood the cost of this decision and he nodded slowly as his eyes filled with tears.
“I’m trying to protect you.” He muttered firmly and I had to swallow hard to contain my reaction as I struggled not to crumble right then. “If I have to lose you to keep you safe, then so be it.” He confirmed, his voice shaking slightly as he spoke and I struggled to accept that he was willing to allow me to hate him for his cause.
“Earlier you told me how much it destroyed you to think that you had caused my death. If you kill this army, then my blood really will be on your hands, Bellamy. I hope that you can live with that.” I responded curtly with a stern tone and his brows furrowed just slightly, despite his attempts to remain emotionless.
“I always thought that you were a survivor. You don’t have to die alongside the grounders. You’re not one of them. You’re one of us. Choose the winning side.” He pleaded, placing his hand on the bar beside mine and I stepped back, snatching my hand away in disgust.
“And I thought that you were your own man. I never realised that you were such a sheep.” I spat cuttingly as I regarded him with a barely contained fury and I sighed as I battled to contain my anger. “There are 300 warriors out there. If you attack, then hundreds more will come seeking vengeance. You might be too blind to see it, but I know that I am choosing the winning side and the right one.” I growled, watching him slowly step back too and as we both stared into each other's eyes, it was clear that we had reached an impasse.
Part of me longed to remain, to keep arguing until we could reach a solution, but I knew that both of us were equally stubborn. Regardless of how much it pained me to admit, Bellamy had openly admitted that he was content to lose me and I couldn’t think of anything else that could convince him to reconsider. If he wouldn’t fight for us, then I had no choice to accept that we were through.
I sighed deeply and turned to leave, when a familiar voice caused my blood to turn cold.
“I guess that makes me the wolf in sheep's clothing in this analogy then, Sloan?”
Pike called, wandering over to view me with his usual smug attitude and I found myself clenching my jaw the moment that he came into my sight. I trembled with anger as he surveyed me and it took every ounce of my self control to prevent myself from striking at him through the bars.
“Please. You are nowhere near that subtle.” I drawled, thinning my eyes at him and he chuckled under his breath at my comment.
“We have a new start here. Our previous structures are no longer relevant. Our laws are not needed. People are free from oppression and control. I thought that would appeal to you.” He preached, every word that he spoke only increasing my anger and I had to concentrate on controlling myself. “We don’t have to be the people that we were on the Ark. You can stand with your people, instead of struggling against them.” He offered in the kind of tone normally used when presenting someone with a grand gift and I gritted my teeth from the intensity of my scowl.
“The person that I was on the Ark saw you for what you are and that person hasn’t changed. If anything, I’m more certain of my opinion every time that you open your vile mouth.” I spat as my words escaped me like venom and he held his hands out, gesturing for me to elaborate on what I thought I knew of him.
“You’ve always been a manipulative little worm, desperately clinging to any hint of significance and power. It was clear to me in that classroom exactly how self important you are, viewing yourself as our one and only saviour. Look at you, here to save us all, again. Well, let me enlighten you on something. I don’t give a shit what the outcome of the election is, I will never bow to you. One day, you’ll finally get what's coming to you and you had better believe that when you do, I’ll be the one pulling the strings.” I threatened with as much spite as I could muster and he simply sighed, shaking his head at me in disappointment.
“You’re an intelligent girl, Sloan. Headstrong and capable. There is not a single person in this camp who isn’t aware of how useful you are.” He complimented and I rolled my eyes in disinterest. “It's a shame that you couldn’t see sense like your partner here. I heard that the two of you made a hell of a team.” He added with an entirely false sympathy and I bashed my hands against the gate in fury.
“Whatever you did to manipulate Bellamy into following you, I promise, you will pay for it.” I hissed viciously before the guard returned to pull me away from the cell and I shook his grip off to storm out of the holding area in fury.
Octavia hurried after me in confusion as I passed her outside and I could feel my entire body shaking with anger, until she placed a hand on my shoulder. I paused on the spot, allowing a long breath to escape my lips as I closed my eyes and tried to summon the energy to cover my emotions from her.
“What happened?” She enquired, moving in front of me to take both shoulders in her hands and I opened my eyes to face her with an even voice.
“He won’t listen to me. He’s chosen his side and nothing is going to change his mind. We’re on our own.” I answered in a calm manner and surprised even myself at my ability to mask how broken I felt.
“What? I-” She stuttered in disbelief as she tried to form a response and I observed the same mixture of hurt and anger cross her face as I currently felt. “Are you okay?” She asked gently, regarding me with a deep sense of concern and just as I worried that I wouldn’t be able to maintain the façade, I noticed Lincoln waiting for her out of the corner of my eye.
“I’m fine. I just really need to get back to Medical. I’m sore and pretty drained.” I excused, hoping that I could use my condition to escape her scrutiny, before my emotional pain burst out of me. “Besides, I think someone else needs your comfort right now.” I added with a glance in Lincoln’s direction and she peered over her shoulder at him.
Though his timing was convenient, his need was genuine as he watched Octavia with an expression that revealed a sense of betrayal that I completely sympathised with. She turned back to face me with a visible conflict and I squeezed her arm gently in approval, before slowly moving away to return to Medical, allowing her to support her lover.
Every step that I took back toward the solitude of my room took too long and it became a battle to keep myself from crumbling whilst I could still be caught. It was fortunate that the halls were empty at this time of night, as I knew that I would not manage another conversation without the dam inside of me bursting and I willed myself to hold it together for just a little longer.
Closing the door carefully behind me to avoid drawing attention, I leaned against it and sighed as I covered my face. Bellamy’s face was clear behind my mind, the pained expression that he wore as he said that he was willing to lose me already haunting me and my heart shattered into a million pieces. Doubt crept into my mind, questioning if anything between us had ever been real and as I caught sight of The Iliad on my bedside, the last of my self control snapped.
I stormed over to the book and snatched it up, launching it across the room with a yell. My ribs ached from  the movement, but I was too out of control to stop myself as I began clattering things over in a mania. Rage that pulsed through me, feeling like a force of its own and I was puppeted by its whims as I tore around the room. 
The door swung open as Jackson rushed inside and regarded me with an expression of disbelief.
“Indie! What are you doing?” He gasped as I continued on my path of destruction, blinded by emotion and he ran over to block me from continuing. “Stop this! You’ll rip your stitches” He pleaded as he grabbed my arms in an attempt to contain me and I fought against him in desperation.
“I don’t care!” I howled as I struggled against his grip and without warning, my body lost all strength as tears exploded out of me. 
Jackson held my arms to steady me as I sank to the floor and didn’t hesitate for a moment in sitting at my side. Sobs wracked my delicate chest as I gasped for breath and he carefully pulled me into him, wrapping his arms around me protectively. I couldn’t calm myself enough to speak as months of buried emotion forced its way out of me and Jackson held me tight with a hand stroking my hair for comfort.
“It’s okay. Let it out.” He whispered as he gently rocked me just slightly and I clung to him with desperation.
Denial had allowed an overwhelming amount of fear and pain to gather within my mind and now that I finally released it, I understood how destructive it was. My body trembled violently, as my mind filled with all of the recent horrors that I had buried, such as the captivity in Mount Weather, the pain of my loved ones in the aftermath, the guilt of my own actions, the loss of Gina and, the final straw, Bellamy’s betrayal by attempting to murder Trikru in cold blood. In all of the time that I had leaned on him, I’d failed to rebuild myself and now that I was alone, I felt like an empty void with nothing else to give.
Jackson patiently waited for me to calm myself enough to risk moving me and once I caught my breath, he lifted me gently onto the bed. Tenderly, he wrapped the sheets around me to combat my trembling, before sitting closely at my side and allowing me to rest my head on his shoulder.
“I can’t do it anymore.” I whispered, my chest burning from the strain and he threaded his hand through mine, tracing his thumb along the back of my hand soothingly. “I can’t carry it all. I can’t carry everyone. It’s too much.” I confessed in a voice that was hoarse from my tears and Jackson sighed thoughtfully.
“You know, I admire all of you kids for surviving. All of the odds were against you and still, you held out. But honestly, it’s you that I admire most of all.” He divulged in a soft voice and I glanced up at him in confusion.
“Most people would be broken after a day in your shoes. I remember your case. You’ve never had it easy and I can’t even imagine how you’ve not gone completely insane at this point. You have every possible reason to be a hateful, distrusting sociopath, but instead you have the biggest heart and I’ve watched as you wear it on your sleeve. You love so earnestly and you stand up for what you believe in, even when you know that it will get you hurt. You are endlessly brave, Indigo and I wish that you could see yourself as I see you, because you amaze me.”
“They say that there’s a fine line between brave and stupid.” I muttered, rubbing at my tired eyes as I tried to comprehend the idea of Jackson admiring me and he chuckled sweetly under his breath.
“And yet you balance it so well.” He praised, flashing me a reassuring smile and I fidgeted awkwardly under his gaze. “Listen. I know how much it hurts to be betrayed by someone you love. It feels like your heart will never heal right now, but I promise that it will. What’s important is that you allow yourself the time to do so. You need to rest your body and stop putting everyone else’s needs first. I know that you think of yourself as the mom of your little family, but they’re all adults. They can take care of themselves whilst you take a little time to rest.” He advised with a wise attitude as he smiled fondly at me and I scoffed at this idea.
“Now is hardly the time for me to take a break, Jackson. If you hadn’t noticed, we’re on the verge of either a rebellion, or a war. Hell. Both is also possible! They need me.” I argued, sniffing from my tears and he raised a brow at me sceptically.
“Things will always be chaotic. No one said that life on Earth was gonna be easy. Fortunately, though, you are not the Chancellor, so it’s not your job to care of everyone. Your only job is to take care of yourself and it’s my job to make sure that you do that.” He remarked lightly as he stood and left the room, returning with a medical cart.
“Speaking of rest. I’m going to give you something to help you sleep. The votes won’t be counted until tomorrow, so there is no reason for you to be out of bed tonight. If things are as bad as you say, then you’re going to need your strength.” He lectured as he injected me with a sedative and I simply sighed in defeat, feeling too drained from my outburst to argue with him.
“Promise that you’ll wake me to vote.” I ordered drowsily as I felt the last of my reserves fizzling away and he smiled fondly at my attitude.
“Promise.” He confirmed as he dimmed the lights and carefully ensured that I was tucked in, holding my hand gently whilst I gradually drifted to sleep. “Goodnight, my little rebel.”
❖ ── ✦ ──『✙』── ✦ ── ❖
Jackson kept his word to ensure that I was able to submit my vote for Kane, forcing the team to attend my room to collect it so that I wouldn’t leave my bed. I managed to stay awake for long enough to complete the process, before slipping back under the effect of the sedative.
When I next woke, afternoon light streamed through the window and I felt better rested than I had in a while. Regardless of the outcome of the election, I knew that today would be difficult and took some time to calm my thoughts before I got dressed.
After yesterday’s breakdown I felt much more in control of myself, having released all of my hidden upset and all that remained was a subtle anger that simmered in my stomach. Though I knew that this was the most dangerous for me, hiding from the chaos of camp wasn’t an option and I had to believe that I was strong enough to control it.
I didn’t rush to leave my room, taking the time to brush my hair back into a neat ponytail and splashed my face with cold water to calm any redness which might reveal how much of the night I had spent crying. Bellamy’s jacket remained on the chair beside my bed and I stared at it for a few moments, before leaving the room without it.
The air outside was cool, but it simply allowed me to feel clear headed as I wandered toward the courtyard to find a crowd was already gathered. It seemed that the election results were due to be announced and from the grim expressions that Kane and Abby wore, I felt dread pooling in my chest.
Kane took the responsibility of informing the crowd, whilst Abby silently seethed at the edge and I began trembling again as he cleared his throat to speak.
“Listen up, everyone! All of your votes have been counted and verified. It was a close decision, but I can now confirm that Charles Pike has been elected as the next Chancellor.” Kane declared in a remarkably calm voice and I feared that I might vomit as I held a hand to my mouth in shock.
Much of the crowd cheered in celebration, more than I could believe and for a few moments, it was as if the world was crumbling around me as I considered the power that he would now wield. Fear clutched at me, as I worried for Octavia and Lincoln, and all of the sick grounders that were currently being treated within our walls and a surge of anger burst out of me.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I yelled in exasperation, drawing the attention of the crowd as I glanced around me in disbelief. “It is statistically impossible for this many of you to be this stupid!” I exclaimed, causing several sounds of disapproval, but I couldn’t stop the words that flowed out of me.
“Charles Pike is a class A manipulator and a borderline sociopath and you all want him to be your Chancellor?! Fuck. We were better off being led by a bunch of terrified teenagers! This man was supposed to prepare us to come to the ground, but instead he abused his power by assaulting his students, inciting a riot and threatening us with manic behaviour. What a fucking glowing example of the Ark way of life!”
“Pike has already answered these accusations, Sloan. Perhaps if you had been willing to learn, then he wouldn’t have had to resort to such desperate measures.” A familiar member of Farm Station called out and although I could see Kane making his way toward me, I refused to be silenced.
“What the hell was attacking us supposed to teach us? How to identify dangerous lunatics? Yeah, we never would have learned that down here. Or maybe we were supposed to learn to fight for survival? But then, we were born on the Ark. We’ve fought for our right to live every single day of our lives!” I yelled as people shook their heads and hurled insults back at me. 
“You know what. Fuck it! He is exactly the kind of leader that you deserve.” I spat, before turning on my heel and stomping away, needing to escape all of the furious eyes that currently viewed me.
Before I could even decide whether it was a wise idea, I found myself inside Octavia and Lincoln’s quarters and dove into searching the chest where I had hidden my things from Arlo. I pulled out all of my clothing and daggers, before finally reaching the radio at the bottom.
Holding it in my hands, I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders as I tried to decide whether I could allow Bellamy the element of surprise to strike the army, knowing that alerting them to this plot might result in his death. My heart ached from being forced to choose between Arlo and Bellamy to such an extreme degree and as I battled over it, the faces of all my loved ones that were being put at risk by this plot flashed through my mind. I tugged at my roots in stress and took a deep breath, before pressing the button to speak.
“Arlo. It’s Indigo. Are you there?” I asked in Trig, my voice small and uncertain.
The minutes felt like hours as I waited for a response and I agonised over the decision in the silent that followed. Despite my feelings for Bellamy, I couldn’t sacrifice my entire family for his delusional commitment to Pike and I prayed that my decision wouldn’t cost me his life.
“If you can hear me, please. Press the button and hold it in whilst you talk. Just like I showed you, remember?” I instructed carefully as anxiety gradually overwhelmed me. “It’s an emergency.” I added, holding my breath in anticipation, but after another few minutes passed without a response, I began to feel deflated.
“I don’t know if you can hear me, but I don’t know what else to do. There’s been a coup. A tyrant has overtaken Arkadia and he means to start a war. They will attack the army that surrounds us soon. I can't get out to help. There are still people here who want peace, but we’re trapped inside. Please, if anyone hears this message, you have to warn them. You have to stop this.” I rambled, using every ounce of faith that I had to believe that she would hear me and in the silence that followed, I felt my hands begin to shake as tears filled my eyes.
“Please, Arlo. I need you.”
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Please, Don’t Ever Leave Me
This is a happy birthday fanfic for @layschips12. Sorry that’s it’s late, I hope you like it.
Pairings: Analogical, Background Roceit, Background Queerplatonic Intruality
Warnings: Depression, Anxiety, Bullying, Self Deprecation, Minor Panic Attack,  Cursing, The Rest is Fluff.
This fanfic includes: Nb!Logan, Trans!Roman, Neopronouns!Janus (Ve/ver)
Word Count: 2,535
Virgil and Logan have known one another since they were 2. They met since their parents were friends with one another; they quickly became friends. They practically grew up together. 
They were always there for one another. Virgil always helped Logan when they were stressed out, overwhelmed, having trouble with their emotions, forgetting to care for themselve, or struggling to be productive. He was there for Logan when in they’re last year of middle school, Logan was diagnosed with Major Depression.
Logan also tried their best to be there for Virgil. They stood up for him when others tried to pick on him. They helped him when he was having family issue. They helped Virgil when he had to go to crowded places or when he was scared/panicking. They were there for Virgil when he was diagnosed with Social Anxiety in their first year of high school.
Of course, when they couldn’t be there for one another they had their other friends to check on them.
They met Roman in 4th grade. Logan and Virgil where walking down the hall when they saw a group of 5-7 kids gather around a specific spot. At first they didn’t think anything of it, but when they got closer and heard someone crying; they quickly stopped walking. They turned to see that these kids were all making fun of a younger looking girl on the floor. 
This small girl was a black haired Asian kid with dark brown eyes. Light freckles were peppered all along her warm ivory skin. She was relatively short and despite her skinny structure, you can tell she did some sort of exercise. 
The second they realized that this group of kids were bullying this younger kid, they quickly intervened. However, they didn’t became friends with her until a couple week later, when the three of them were put in a group project together. A few years later they found out that Roman, was actually a transboy. 
They met Remus at a sleepover in Roman’s house shortly after. However, for the longest time the two of them weren’t really close to Remus since despite being twins, Roman and Remus didn’t go to the same school. Due to Remus’ poor behavior he was put in a special school for difficult kids. They became a lot closer in college since Virgil and him ended up going to the same school.
Patton joined their little group in 6th grade when he transferred to their school half way through the school year. Patton was a tall, chubby, mexican kid with curly brown hair and hazel eyes. He was a huge social butterfly so he tried making friends with everyone. At first, Virgil didn’t like Patton one bit. But that changed when Patton helped him through an anxiety attack. 
Finally, there was Janus who joined the group when ve started dating Roman. The two began to date in their junior year of High school. At first, ve didn’t really get along with the others but ve eventually got close to them. 
Virgil began to have a crush on Logan in middle school. He loved how they were always so smart, kind, passionate, and understanding. He knew that no matter how much they were struggling, Logan would always be there for him. Sadly though, due to his Anxiety, he was afraid to act on these feelings. He didn’t want to lose his friendship with them, so he ignored them.
Of course, it wasn’t easy though. Apparently his little crush was very obvious since the others constantly teased him about it. They also claimed that Loan liked him back but he was hesitant to believe them.
So despite how much they pushed him to do it, Virgil refused to confess. But that only encouraged the others to try a different strategy. 
Instead of trying to convince Virgil to confess, they would convince Logan. Thankfully for the group, after a few weeks of bothering them, they caved.
Roman, the self proclaimed love expert help set up the date. He had chosen a Saturday fall evening for Logan to confess on, since he claimed that it was the perfect weather and scenery. He told Logan the plan they had to follow for the day and send them off.
Logan walked to Virgil’s college dorm and knocked on the door. They were wearing a black suit with a blue shirt underneath and a blue tie. 
Remus opens the door and smirks, “Virgin, your lover is here,” he calls out.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. No one else who visits us knocks!” Virgil walks to the door and blushes when he sees Logan.
Logan blushes as well. Virgil was wearing a a dark purple suit with a black shirt underneath and a black tie with a spider web design on it. 
“Are you guys going to leave or are you just going to continue eye fucking one another?” Remus loudly cuts through their moment.
They both turn bright red and Virgil punches Remus in the arm, “Shut it! We’re going!”
Remus laughs as Virgil walks out of the dorm, taking Logan’s hand.
“I’ll be back later.”
“Okay Emo!” Remus waves before closing the door. 
The date was going amazing. They started by going to watch a scary movie that had recently came out since Virgil wanted to watch it for a while now. Once the movie was over they took a walk in the park before eating at Virgil’s favorite restaurant. They ate some food and by the time they left it was dark outside.
“Today’s been amazing Lo. Thanks for taking me out.”
They nod, “Of course Virge. Before we go home can we go to one last place?”
“Sure,” Virgil smiles more, “Where do you wanna go?”
“I’m sorry but I’m going to have to retain that information from you. I want it to be a surprise. Also it’s want to not wanna.”
Virgil laughs, “Alright, alright. Lead the way then.”
“Close your eyes.” They say with a soft smile
Virgil chuckles, “Alright then,” He closes his eyes
They begin to lead him to the last destination of their date. The place where they will confess.
“We’re here.” They say softly as they come to a stop.
Virgil slowly opens his eyes and he lets out a gasps. They were on top of a hill. On the hill were tons of beautiful flowers. What was the most breathtaking though, was the view of the night sky. You could see thousands of stars and the beautiful full moon.
Logan had to admit that Roman’s decision to take Virgil here was adequate and ingenious. 
“Wow.” Virgil mumbles, dazed from the beauty in front of him.
Logan chuckles softly, “Do you like it? It’s beautiful, right?
He nods, “Yeah, I love it. Thanks for bringing me here Lo.”
Logan smiles softly, “Of course,” They take a deep breath, “I, actually brought you here so that I can tell you something.”
A sudden wave of anxiety hits Virgil. Endless worst case scenarios and toxic thoughts fill his head. Before he knows it, he’s hyperventilating and shaking. Tears blur his visions and he can’t even look at Logan.
Logan frowns softly and gently cups his lover’s cheek.
“Virgil, can you hear me?”
A small nods accompanied by heavy breathing and sobs is the answer they get but it was more then enough for them.
“Alright good. It’s okay, everything’s okay. Just focus on me, clear you head and breath. I’ve got you.”
They spoke in a soft calming voice, one that made Virgil’s head clear up a bit almost immediately. Logan holds him close, whispering sweet nothings in his ear and running him through a breathing exercise. 
Eventually they manage to calm him down.
“S-sorry.... I didn’t mean to interrupt you like that...” Virgil mumbles quietly and ashamedly.
Logan shakes their head, “It’s okay Vee. You don’t have to apologize.”
“Okay,” Virgil caves quickly, “Well, what were you gonna say?”‘
Logan takes a deep breath before gently letting go of Virgil. They stand in font of him and holds his hands.
“Virgil, we’ve been friends for 17 years now and I cherish our friendship so much. However, I can’t help but be unsatisfied with our current relationship statues.”
A blush dusts Virgil’s cheeks, “What do you mean?”
They take a deep breath before continuing, “I have romantic feelings towards you Virgil. I have for a while and I was wondering if you would accept me as your romantic partner.”
For a second, Virgil can feel his stomach fill with butterflies and his heart pound out of his chest. He stays quiet for a few seconds, trying to make sure that what he just heard was real.
Once his brain fully comprehends the situation he threw himself into Logan’s arms and started crying.
“Yes! YES YES YES YES YES! A million times yes!”
Logan held him close and laughed, blushing and tearing up a bit, making a mental note to thank Roman tomorrow. 
Logan and Virgil stayed together for the rest of college. They eventually moved in together when they were both 23 and they were happy. Yes, they had their arguments here and there but it never got too serious. They had a nice healthy relationship. They continued talking to their group of friends and life was well.
Virgil is now 27 and Logan is 28. He woke up in the morning to find that his significant other wasn’t there. He was a bit shocked but just assumed that they went off to work earlier like they did sometimes. He got up and started off his day. 
He got a knock on his door at 12:00 which surprised him since he didn’t remember inviting anyone over. He gets up and walks to the door, opening it to see Remus and Patton.
“Oh, hey guys. What are you two doing here?” He asks, pleasantly surprised. 
“We’re here to hang out with you emo!!” Remus announces loudly.
Patton laughs softly, “Yup!! Sorry for the suddenness but I got a day off work and Rem wanted to come visit you!”
Patton and Remus have been in a gueerplatonic relationship for a while now. They moved in together right next door to Roman and Janus, mostly cause the twins wanted to stay close to one another.
“It’s alright, but can I ask why?”
Remus lets himself in, dragging Patton in with him, “Cause we want to Virgin!”
“I hate that nickname,’ Virgil mumbles as he closes the door.
The day was going amazing. The three of them played some games, baked cookies, made lunch, watch some dramas, and even painted each others nails. It was 7 p.m when Remus received a message. He checked his pohne and then smiled brightly.
“Hey, Mr.Sunshine,” Remus called to Virgil.
“What?” Virgil turns to him.
“Let’s go out somewhere real quick.”
Virgil checks the time, “But it’s pretty late and besides I have to call Logan, he should have been home by now”
“Kiddo, come on! It’ll be quick! Besides, I’m pretty sure Logan is fine, he’s probably just decided to work a bit overtime.”
He thinks for a bit before giving in, “Fine. Who’s car are we taking?”
“Mine!” Remus says, taking out his keys, “Let’s go!”
They walk out of the house and get into Remus’ car.
The whole car ride Remus and Patton avoid any questions Virgil has, which infuriates the clueless kid.
They park in a parking lot near a hill that Virgil immediately recognized. 
“Why are we here?” He asks cautious.
Remus stops the car and gets out, “Please just follow us. Everything will be explained soon.”
Patton also gets out and holds out a hand for Virgil. He hesitantly takes it and lets himself be taken out of the car and led to the hill.
When they make it to the top they stop walking.
“Hey, kiddo, we’re gonna go get something real quick, can you stay here?”
Virgil starts to fidget with his sleeve getting more and more anxious by the second.
“S-sure...” He mutters out weakly.
They both smile at him softly and reassuringly before walking off in the direction of the car.
To try and stay calm, Virgil looks at the starts, taking shaky deep breaths and continuing to fidget.
Minutes that feel like hours pass before suddenly, footsteps start approaching Virgil from behind. He immediately tuns around, alarmed. But to his surprise, he it’s Logan. They're wearing a nice suit, one that looks like Janus’ mom made. After all, such an intricate Victorian design can only come from the best designer in town.
As soon as Virgil recognizes Logan he calms down, blushing at how wonderful they look. 
“Hey, love. You scared me,” Virgil says with a soft smile.
They return the smile, “Sorry, dearest. I actually have a question for you.”
“Oh? What is it?” Virgil suddenly feels anxious all over again. Afraid that they want to break up with him.
They take a deep breath and take out a small box from their pocket before getting down on one knee.
“You're the sun in my shine, The spark in my plug, The heart to my beat, The day to my night, The twinkle in my eye, The hot to my spicy, The yin to my yang, The soul to my mate.Need I say more? Now all I want to hear from you, Is to say, "I do."
“Virgil, will you marry me?”
Virgil can’t believe his eyes or ears. It this real? It has to be. He’s crying. He can feel the wind through his hair and the ground below his feet. He can see the stars light up the sky and the moon shine down on them. He could hear the quite clamor of the animals around them.
He nods, “YES!”
Now they’re both crying. Logan puts the ring on Virgil before standing up. They share a warm hug and a perfect kiss. 
They stand there in each other's arms. 
“Please, don’t ever leave me,” Virgil mumbles into Logan’s chest. 
“I won’t. I promise,” Logan whispers softly, kissing his lover’s head gently.
Suddenly a loud cheer comes from a tree near them.
“IT WORKED! CONGRATS YOU TWO!” Roman rushed out from behind the tree, smiling brightly.
Logan gently lets go of Virgil and turns to their friend, “I THOUGHT WE AGREED THAT YOU WOULD WAIT BACK IN THE HOUSE!”
The other sighs, “I know! But I couldn’t help myself!” He whines.
Janus suddenly comes out as well and grabs vis’ husbands hand.
“Sorry about him. I tried to hold him back but he somehow managed to escape my grip,” Ver explains, trying to tug Roman back to where they were before.
VIrgil sighs fondly, “It’s alright Jan. Anyway, are the others here too?”
Roman nods excitedly, “Yup! Rem! Pat! You two can come out!”
The two of them do so
“Hey, congrats Kiddos! I’m happy for you guys!” Patton says cheerfully.
The two of them blush and thank him.
“Welp! Let’s go home! We have a party to start!” The twins say at the same time. 
And with that, they start making their way to Roman’s and Janus’ house.
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mymindwide · 4 years
The end of heartache
Pairing: Ashton x Female reader
Word count: 3943
Warning: angst, feelings, smut
Summary: Your heart is broken, but can it be healed?
Author’s note: I hope you’ll love this, cuz this has a chapter two, just sayin’. :) Take care and enjoy your read.
Everyone was pretty excited about the now traditional ‘good luck on tour’ send-off party; everyone but me. They didn’t know that this time it’s gonna be my send-off party too, tho I won’t come back after two or three months. As a matter of fact, I won’t come back ever. I’ve been planning this for months, and the emotional burden it carries slowly started to eat me up. They’re gonna be confused and disappointed, but I reached a point in my life where I have to make myself a priority, where I have to stop fooling myself.
I fell in love with someone who’s never gonna be mine, and the worst part is that I am happy for him; I root for his happiness – with someone else.
But a few months ago I reached my breaking point. That’s how much my heart could take, and this madness went even longer than anyone should do this to herself. I reached my limit, finally. I’ll probably love him for the rest of my life but I need to give myself a chance. I want to give myself a chance but it won’t work if I see him regularly. I’ll always find an excuse; my heart will always convince me that it’s happy when it “feels” Ashton close. I had to make sure this time my brain will win.
So here I am, leaning over the kitchen sink, trying to take deep, even breaths after the fifth or sixth time I threw up today. I knew I have to talk to the guys, they have the right to know I’m about to leave for good. Not the exact reasons why, but the fact itself for sure. I don’t want to just disappear, but it makes me nervous and anxious to the point of actually throwing up.
They became a massive part of my life a few years ago when Calum met my brother and somehow we too started talking and he invited me to a friends’ gathering and since then I’m stuck with them, and they’re stuck with me - the quiet, pretty, nice girl whose humor compensates for the quietness. Not much time had passed when I realized that I fell for one of them, the handsome drummer guy, Ash, with the same sense of humor as mine, with the brightest smile, with the kindest of hearts. But it was already late for me; before I could make it obvious for him, he introduced his significant other to the crew. I clearly remember that day, standing there smiling at the pretty young girl whom I couldn’t even hate, and who was holding hands with the guy I’d have died to hold hands with too.
Since then I am the girl, who is all smiles and fun and supportive, trying to hide the constant heartbreak I have to live with, especially in their presence.
 You wanted to keep it together but you couldn’t. You inhaled and exhaled through your nose and you almost started to calm down when Cal arrived in the kitchen with a huge punch bowl.
Your pulse rose higher and that most likely sat out on your face immediately. Some things will never change; you’ll never be a good actress.
 “Hey, are you okay?” he put the bowl down on the counter and headed your way.
 You looked him in the eye, and seeing that honest concern, it broke you. Silently your tears started falling and you covered your mouth with your hand to keep every tiny noise inside that could betray your whereabouts and your current state of mind to the others. It is just enough for Cal to witness and know.
First he couldn’t decide whether to hug you or just leave you cry yourself out, but eventually went for the first option and embraced you in a strong, protective hug.
You grabbed hold of the back of his sweater, squeezing it to the point your knuckles started to whiten, but at least your nerves calmed down enough to feel safe to let him go and look up from his chest.
 “And now I’m listening” he said to you with a bossy expression on his face.
“I need to tell you something” you leaned back to the counter leaving a few steps distance between you two. “I’m gonna leave for New York.”
“Wha…? When?”
“…Tomorrow morning…”
“And you’re just telling me now?!”
“Shhh shhh, I didn’t think this through, okay?” you tried to hush him from shouting out your well-kept secret.
“Moving to the other side of the States? You clearly didn’t.”
“No, how I’m gonna tell you.”
“A-a-and why New York? Wha-what is this madness?” he stuttered from the slight anger that was clearly flowed from his voice and showed on his face.
“I got a job offer there.”
“You’ve got a job here! Is there only one enterprise in this fucking city?”
“Cal, please don’t be mad at me.”
“Mhm” he hummed realizing that he really got tempered quickly. “I’m sorry to say this, but I sense big ass bullshit here. I just don’t see why you couldn’t have told this earlier if it’s really just about a job. There has to be something else. Something doesn’t feel right here. Is there anything else behind this abrupt moving?”
 Suddenly you couldn’t even speak, tho you don’t know why you were surprised, Calum is a very smart guy. Quiet like you, who only speaks when he has something to say, but always has his eyes open.
 “Has anyone hurt you?”
“Me, Cal, I’ve been hurting myself. For years.”
“Could you be a bit more specific?” he frowned.
 You realized there was nothing to lose anymore. You’ll leave the town tomorrow, and will never look back. With all this power in your hands, you can be honest for once.
 “It’s Ash, Cal. I love him. Basically since the day we’ve met.”
 Now you made him speechless. Or you thought.
 “I could say I’m surprised, but I’m not really.”
“You’re not?”
“Girl, now everything makes sense. I saw how you look at him. I think I’ve always seen it, but since nothing has ever happened, I just stopped paying attention. But it all comes together now. Why we couldn’t set you up on a date…”
“I got tired, Cal. Judge me all you want, but I got tired. I love him and believe me I tried to tell myself all kinds of things not to. And still here I am, still happy for him, still unhappy for myself. That’s why I have to go. This is not healthy anymore.”
“But wouldn’t it be easier to talk to him than to move your whole fucking life thousands of miles away from everyone you have?”
“First of all it’s a little bit late for that now I think. And even if I did, expect what exactly? That he’ll just dump her an instant when they look pretty happy to me…?! Tell me something. Is he in love?”
“I-I don’t know… we usually don’t talk about… these things. I mean… I guess so… I don’t know.”
“Well, that’s my guess too” you whispered as the oh so familiar knife chops round in your heart.
“This is still not right… ”
“Right or not, what’s done is done. Now you see there’s no use to tell him. It’s not Ashton’s fault…”
 “What should I know? What have I done again?” Ash jokes as he enters the kitchen to your biggest horror. “What? They just sent me to check on why we can’t have the punch.”
“Sorry babe, I’ll leave you to it” Cal looked at you with eyes wide open and a nod of his head. His facial expression suggested that the moment of truth has arrived and you weren’t happy about it.
 Both you and Ash watched him leave the kitchen, and looked back at each other at the same time.
 “So… what is going on here?”
“Ash, I am gonna move to New York. First thing tomorrow.”
“What? Why so sudden? And what does it have to do with me? You don’t make sense.”
“I’ll do in a minute.”
 He leaned against the kitchen counter, his arms crossed in front of his chest. You have no idea where you found the strength in you, most likely your little talk with Cal helped to prepare your nerves for this conversation with Ash, but a not expected calmness overcame you. You really don’t have anything to lose now. Besides, the memories remain, and you’ll forever cherish your friendship while it lasted.
 “Can you recall the last time you heard me talking about being excited about a date or actually being on a date night?”
“No?! But these are private stuffs; I don’t poke my nose into things that are none of my business.”
“What’s the point of a date if you already know that you’d just fool the other party? When your heart is refusing your common sense? And all this because I already loved someone. It was you. It is you.” you felt like a whole mountain rolled down from your chest.
“Now you know.”
“No-no, it’s not fair…”
“Do you want me to be fair or honest?”
“You’ve never even...”
“…tried to tell you? Because the moment I chose to do this happened to be the moment you chose to introduce your girl to us…”
“I had no idea.”
“And that just means I did a great job. Kudos for me, ‘the protector of relationships’” you rolled your eyes.
“Is this true? Is this because of me, then?”
“No, it’s because of me, Ashton. You’re not responsible for my feelings or for anyone else’s.”
“And yet somehow now I feel like it.”
“Well, I tell you, you shouldn’t. Better?” you forced a wry smile on yourself. “Please don’t have sleepless nights because of me.”
“Then why do you sound angry now?”
“Maybe because I never wanted you to know this. Because the whole thing was pointless from the very beginning. Because this conversation is exactly what I didn’t want to have” your voice already cracked. It always does this under a certain type of stress, for instance a confrontation. You’ve been very bad at these your whole life. “And I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at myself, the universe, god, you name it. But that’s just life I guess. It’s not a sugarcoated shiny bubble for everyone.”
“…I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything. Remember, I never expected anything from you, I didn’t even want you to know this in the first place, but it doesn’t matter now.”
“I’m… I’m sorry. I mean it.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry, too” you tried to smile once again.
 “Guys, are you not thirsty, why do you sit on our drinks?” a very loud and jumpy Luke came round the kitchen bringing you the absolution regarding this conversation, not that you weren’t finished. You think you said all you two could, leastways speak for you, for sure.
 As Luke entered, you headed for leaving the kitchen but before you’d have turned out of the door you touched Ash’s forearm.
 “But I’ll keep being happy for you no matter what.”
 He didn’t even respond, not that you were expecting anything. It was enough for you that he could see you were serious about what you just said. Your mouth can lie, your eyes can’t, and for seconds that seemed eternity at those moments, your eyes held onto each other’s.
 When the crew all sat down to eat, without raining on your dear boys’ parade you broke the news to everyone – obviously leaving out certain details – receiving the same shocked responses you got from Cal and Ash earlier, but altogether everyone was excited and cheering for you and made you promise that from time to time you’ll check in and report about your life in New York. Certainly they were confused regarding the suddenness, but got over it pretty quickly. Except for Cal and Ashton, but they knew the whole truth. It was interesting to witness that now it was Ash’s turn to smile and act like nothing has happened, and he was doing a great job.
At the end of the day they decided to continue the party with a little after show at some bar, which you obviously had no humor to go to, so with the excuse of your early morning trip you said goodbye to this 15 people crew and headed home for the last time.  
 You were already in your sleeping t-shirt and shorts when you decided to make the last round in the apartment you rented to make sure everything is packed and to eliminate the chance that something important might be left behind.  You headed for upstairs and were standing halfway on the stairway when the doorbell rang and broke the silence of the dark and still house.
You ran back down to peek out of the peephole to see Ashton standing outside waiting for you to answer the door.
 “Hey” nervousness was reflected in your eyes as you couldn’t imagine what he’s doing here one hour before midnight.
“Can I…?”
“Is everything okay?” you pulled aside from the door so he could come in.
“After our little chat I don’t think so.”
“Ash, I told you to forget it.”
“Cause that’s how it works, right?” he combed his hair back, he looked nervous, his body tensed.
“This is exactly why I wanted to keep it to myself, for fucks sake” you shook your head. “What are you doing here, Ash?” you sighed wearily.
“What I should have a long time ago.”
 For a moment you just stood there staring into each other’s eyes and… there was nothing to explain. That brief feeling you get when you both want something… well, now you both got that feeling. It is that moment, when you don’t want to ask questions, because it’s not necessary. He closed the distance between the two of you, and cupping your face he pressed his mouth against yours, and embracing this madness you happily welcomed his lips. After the first few exploratory touches you almost immediately started searching for each other’s tongue, and now you know how heaven tastes like. It’s soft and silky and tender – it’s heavenly. Letting go of your face his hands slid down your body to lift you up into his lap, your legs hugging his waist, his hands supporting your butt, while your hands caressing his hair at the back of his head.
You don’t know what is happening, but at this point you don’t even care about his motivations. You know you shouldn’t do this but you just stopped caring. You literally ran out of all the fucks to give. It’s the last time you’ll ever see anyone of them, you’ll leave and will never come back. You don’t cheat on anyone but yourself, but you can live with the thought. And as to Ashton… it’s his conscience, he has to deal with it, not you.
But tonight, for the first time, everything’s gonna be simple: he’s gonna love you and you’re gonna give him all that you are, whatever you can.
You wish you had more time, you wish you could get more of him but if this is all you can get, you’ll take it.
 Once you arrived in your bedroom, everything got more hurried and heated.
Both your t-shirts have landed on the floor, and with your back to the bed, you slid up on it, your eyes never leaving Ash's. Reaching in his pocket he pulled out a wrapped condom that he threw on the bed. Then unzipping and taking his jeans and boxer briefs off, he crawled up on the bed and leaned over you. Seeing him already half erected made you swallow hard and ache for feeling him with every existing sense you have.
Your eyes hardly could cope with the beauty his body meant for you. You wanted to touch him, to smell him, to taste him.
He kissed you on your lips, continued lower to suck on the fine and soft skin of your neck making his way down to caress your breasts, licking and stroking your nipples taking them in turns till they got hard under his touch, making you let out the first whimpers of the night. He went lower biting the skin on your stomach, his hands still perfectly covering your breasts.
He stopped at the waist of your shorts to look up at you and without asking anything with a swift move he pulled it off of you.
You loved that you two talked without saying a word, only with your eyes, simply because your desire for each other was loud enough.
Prying open your legs he dived in between them, his hands kept your hips in place and your fingers combed into his hair as he started pleasuring you with his tongue, licking and sucking your clit, your folds, and your entrance; not much time had to pass when you felt yourself getting dripping wet from was he was doing.
Your rapture took control over everything; your mind was clouded, your body quivered under his touch as your orgasm jolted in you making your hips rise from the surface of the bed.
 “Oh God, Ash, please…” you moaned over and over feeling the tiny aftershocks.
 You looked down at him and saw his eyes smiling as your lower half still covered his mouth but you could tell there’s a smile on his face seeing your reaction to him eating you out.
With one last soft kiss on your swollen clit he rose up, now kneeling before you, reaching for the condom next to him.
 “Let me touch you before you put it on. Please.”
 You sat up to his kneeling form still with your legs wide open, your eyes almost pleading. You saw his Adam’s apple lifting in his throat. He lowered his hand still holding the wrapped package and that was your answer you were waiting for.
You took him in your right hand; gently started running your fingers up and down on his hard shaft, your lips kissed and licked his stomach, while your left hand first just rested on his lower back, then the tip of your nails traced a path down to softly dig into his butt cheek. As a reward you got the softest moans that were the most pleasuring sound your ears could ask for. You admired his strong build, his beautiful toned body, his perfect length in your hands.
At some point he reached down to stop your hand from working on him any further and only with his eyes he instructed you to lie back on the bed. After applying the condom on his cock, balancing his weight on his forearm next to your head with one hand he guided himself to your entrance and pushed himself in inch by inch so you can get used to the feeling of him stretching you this way.
You held onto his shoulders; your whimpers quenched by his neck as your lips press against it. And he started rocking his hips, slowly moving in and out, getting deeper with every thrust.
 Even if my mind can process what is going on right now, my heart just can’t. Suddenly my mind had been filled with pictures from my past few years, pictures of a heartbroken girl in situations that hurt her yet no one knew her pain. Pictures of a girl when she felt genuinely happy if she felt Ashton’s attention on her and thereby him close; when they laughed together; the feeling how she felt when he hugged her and yet she knew that meant nothing compared to the hug his real girl gets… And finally pictures from the last 30 minutes, when the person she loved is here with her, he’s all hers, even if for only a very short time.
 You felt your chest crushing up and tears started streaming down on both sides of your face.
 “Am I hurting you?” he halts for a moment, his eyes filled with concern are searching yours.
“Not physically” you think to yourself. “No…” you smiled at him stroking his face while another teardrop left the corner of your eye. “You feel so good. Please don’t stop.”
“You feel good too” he wiped away your tears, and started moving again, a little quicker and harder than before, and he just felt even more amazing.
 You really liked the way you were now, you both knew that this is just what it is, and you didn’t need him whispering meaningless lies to you and thankfully he didn’t feel the urge to do so. And as for you, he already knows everything he has to know.
He knelt up and with this his thighs made you spread your legs even wider and he slid his hand on your inner thighs to keep it that way as he started fucking you again now being able to fully bury his full length inside you. Your heart was panting and both yours and Ash’s whimpers and groans filled the room as he pushed you closer and closer to your climax for the second time this night.
You cried out as it washed over you, your thighs were shaking under his hands, and he stayed still for the moments to enjoy the sight of your trembling body and how your walls rhythmically squeezing his cock inside you. That sensation gave him the final push, after a few more thrusts you felt him stiffen inside you, and with a loud groan he collapsed on top of you burying his face in your neck. You hugged his back and caressed his neck where his condor tattoo is located and his hair right above it.
After a few calm moments while you could digest everything that has happened on your own, he got up to get rid of the condom and lied down next to you.
 “I’m really sorry. I mean it.” this is the only thing he said and you understood everything. There was no need for words.
“I know, Ash.” you stroked his face while he closed his eyes giving in to the feeling of your warm palm on his cheek.
 You pulled the blanket on you, and watched him falling asleep.
 It was 5am, you have to leave in a bit, your uber is gonna be here in thirty minutes. You’re sitting on the edge of your bed, trying to take in and memorize all you can from the guy sleeping on the other side.
You’re not looking for reasons, you’re just glad it happened one way or another. It feels like this is more than you could ever ask for anyway.
But looking at him while he sleeps so peacefully… it’s ridiculous how easily you could get used to this scene. Him in your bed, or you in his… passed out after a night like this…
God, how bad you’d like to touch him, how bad you’d like to kiss him awake every morning, how bad you’d like to put your hand over his heart just to feel its even beating… But most importantly how bad you wish you had the strength to say goodbye.
 You closed the door with the heaviest heart you have ever felt in your chest. A broken heart, whose most significant part is still lying in your bed…
 You were mine for a night; I was out of my mind. You were mine for a night…
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shadowsfascination · 4 years
Sonamy YAAU - Irreversible [Chapter 15 - B]
Impatient and restless as ever a blue hedgehog footed in circles through a dark cave, trying to make up his mind. He would sit back on a flat rock and toss up a red emerald only to catch it again. Then he would rise up and start walking again. The resolution that had landed inside him to proceed and indeed go through with this red emerald stuff was gone when he woke up this morning- highly unnerved by a vivid dream. One that had awoke all kinds of questions in his mind that he wasn’t able to shake off. And it wasn’t like him to be this unnerved. Having come to terms about his feelings for Amy had robbed Sonic of his care-free signature attitude. It was extremely annoying for him because he felt like he couldn’t face this problem the way he used to face all the other issues in his life. Running away wasn’t an option because Mobius needed him to fight the oppression from the A.R. and talking to Amy about it wasn’t either. If anything, he didn’t want her to find out. He’d be humiliated but most importantly: nothing would be the same if she knew.   Talking to Tails about it last night was highly uncomfortable for him enough. Neither of them had ever had dated someone before so they shared the lack of experience there. And even though Tails was a couple of years younger than Sonic, he still didn’t take any interest in girls or kissing and everything. It appeared to Sonic that Tails might have a different reason for that than he himself; a girlfriend would slow him down and rob him of his freedom… So he thought for a very long time, until he now had found a new interest in Amy all of the sudden. The dream of last night, in which Amy returned his feelings, kissed him with her rosy lips and chose him over Shadow was proof of that. Immediately he felt guilty for even the tiniest bit of desire to have her instead of Shadow, who he now had come to deeply respect. The swirl of feelings of hope, joy, guilt and surprise overwhelmed him. He had never had dreams like this one before and it had made him doubt what to do.   He shook the upcoming thoughts off, tossed the emerald up once more and caught it with ease and confidence: he was going forth with the plan. He had to get over this! “Sonic? Are you in here?”   Of all the times, why now? Why her? Sweet chaos! You gotta be kidding. It was almost completely dark in here, so maybe if he kept really quiet, she’d go away.. How did she know where he was anyway?   His wristwatch caught his eye and he drew a long and heavy sigh. His location was on and so his marker was trackable for anyone in his friend list- including Amy of course.   “Sonic! I need to talk to you! It’s urgent!” Her voice was drawing near and he heard the tiny chunks of stone crackle under her shoes while she was stepping closer to him.   “Are you in here? I can’t see a thing!” Suddenly he was blinded by the spotlight she turned on and he almost never felt so embarrassed before- as realization dawned that he had yet to explain why he was hiding in this dark cave, ignoring her. To make things worse his tongue felt tied. Sonic swallowed: “A-amy! What brings you here?” He smiled at her in discomfort while in search of where to put his hands in a way that wasn’t unnatural, but failed. Where on Mobius did he leave them before? “Don’t act so casual with me.” At least she thought he was being casual.   “How else would I act?” She looked at him with a worried expression.   “Please don’t go through with it.”  The blood in his hands and feet seemed to draw away. His hands got sweaty and his stomach twisted and churned. He clenched the red emerald in his hands, tiring his fingers from the cramp. She knew! “Is this why we barely seen anything from you for the last weeks?” He remained silent.   “Why didn’t you just talk to me? I thought we were friends!”  “It’s not easy to talk about you know. I’ve never felt anything like this before. And, I… I didn’t want to jeopardize our friendship! It would’ve been for the best. And besides, guys don’t really talk about these things much anyway.”   “It would only have worked if I were totally oblivious about it.” “You weren’t, then?” “I suspected something because you were acting so strange in the cave when Shadow took me home. And then afterwards you didn’t check in on me?! That’s so unlike you.” “I know. I’m sorry.” “I started to think that you didn’t care! But then it dawned to me. That you might care too much after all.”  A quick flashback of his Chaos Engery Transfer in the cave passed by in his mind.   “Did you share that vision with me then, back in the cave?” “I did,” she confessed. “My memory was a little blurry at first, but I regained it later.” “We’ll need a new plan than.” Sonic sat down and leaned with his back against the cave wall. Amy sat down next to him and it made him nervous. She placed a hand on his knee. She asked him what he exactly felt for her and he told her everything: the fear of suddenly losing her, how he thought of her as amazing, kind, strong and brave and that he didn’t see a future without her in it. How he suddenly was filled with love at the moment he transferred his Chaos Energy to her and how he didn’t know how to act. The fear of ruining their friendship and how annoying it was that he didn’t know what to do. How he lost himself in it and how it led to this stupid Chaos emerald legend-thing. And then there was Shadow, who was more of a friend to him now than he had been a rival. He didn’t want to be a burden to anyone, so he tried to get rid of this ridiculous emotional rollercoaster that he was placed in without approval. Amy nodded while she listened to him.   “Sweetie, I knew you loved me. I don’t know though if it’s a romantic kind of love.” “What?” He eyes widened with the possibility of and escape.   “I mean: are you attracted to me?” “How would I know?��� “Do you want to kiss me?” He looked deeply into her eyes, heating up in distress of not knowing.   “Ames, you’re gorgeous, but it doesn’t matter if I do. You’re with Shadow and you’re happy. Right?” “I am… And I can’t believe I’m gonna say this but, Sonic, I’m not the girl I used to be. I’ve been trying to catch your eye for so many years… Even though my love for you was a great part of my strength, it’s been also exhausting. I just gave up at some point. I didn’t believe you would ever want me like this… And I got older, more serious, focussed on my studies and became less clingy, haha. Then Shadow and I became a couple. He is amazing and treats me so well. He’s secretly such a gentleman.” 
“I get that. It’s just too late, isn’t it?” “I guess. I just don’t want to open that book again, Sonic.” “Kind of ironic. I’m never late.” “There’s a first time for everything, right?” “True. How did you know what I planned on doing by the way?” “Tails told me. I dragged it out of him. He feels horrible. You should go see him.” Sonic looked at her in annoyance, unsure if he cared at all at this point and in doubt who he blamed more: Tails or Amy. “Anyway: I’ll just have to get over this...” He said with a regained confidence and calm heart. It didn’t hurt that bad after all. ”Can you help me with that?” “How?” “Maybe you could go back to being a crazy obsessed teenager again? That drove me far from you, didn’t it? Or I could ask Shadow about all the things he doesn’t like about you. Oh! I can think of one thing already: you’re a hothead.” “Are you aware that you’re still talking?” She snarled at him, trying to hold her temper, squeezing his hand so tight that it hurt.   “Ah! Okay, I get it.” The two of them giggled at each other and suddenly burst into inexplicable laughter. For the first time in weeks the air felt cleared and the vibe between these two friends was like it always had been. He looked up to her and then rested his head on her shoulder, heaving a sigh.   “I’m sorry I got us into this mess.”  “It’s okay.”  We’re cool?” “Always.” 
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