#This was so much fun y'all omg
finzphoenix · 9 months
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Firefly and Mantis having a casual interaction with their little bug friend, commissioned by @gethrax! Thank you so much, I really enjoyed doing the shading in this one ^-^🖤🤍
Firefly (c) DC comics Mantis, OC (c) Gethrax Art (c) FinzPhoenix
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pitske · 1 month
Girl Dinner!!! >w<
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bunnihearted · 20 days
goddess the body feels sooo good after a workout 🫠
#it feels so warm and heavy and so comfortable omg#have y'all heard about exercise and stretching it is amazing owo#my thighs are super gooey tho like can barely sit and stand#luv it!!!#it feels extra good bc i woke up today super depressed (bc yesterday was rough)#and i just wanted to keep my earplugs in and cry and stay in bed all day#but somehow i managed to get up and walk all the way to the gym#and i worked out for almost 2hrs lol like when i get started i dont wanna leave#i did more on the crosstrainer (my bby i love the crosstrainer) and i dared to use the leg machine i wanted#i could adjust the seat this time phew. and i tried just one bump heaver weight for everything too#owoowowow and for some reason i didnt totally wanna throw up when i had to observe myself in the mirror skskk#so yeah it was a good session today ^-^#as always tho i do feel stupid and inadequate... bc almost everyone who is there is in great shape#and they know what they're doing and they're doing complicated exercises with very heavy weight and im there#with my 2kg dumbells getting strains in my wrists (im careful tho dw!!!!!)#im definitely doing it at a very low level but last time i worked out was before my knee got fucked and before all of these weird pains#😃😃😃 so im not even as strong as i was when i was overweight.. i never felt weak when i was#but i go to the gym because i enjoy it since it's fun and even the low intensity stuff i do makes my body feel nice#and if i keep going regularly for years maybe i'll also get in good shape and do more and more stuff#i wanna be a gym bunny!!!!!!#i used to actually love the gym so much i wanted to work at one skksks
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ursaspecter · 1 year
"Lonesome Cowboy" Dress-up Game Dev Log #01
So as some of y'all may be aware, I'm working on a little dress up game! I intend to publish it on meiker.io, so for legal reasons it totally isn't Arthur Morgan. Just some random cowboy that happens to look a lot like him. His name? Uhhhhhhhh.... Alfred Martin.... Yeah there we go that's his name yep mhm.
This is my first ever project like this, and I'm super excited to share it with y'all! I still have a long way to go as I want this to have a ton of customization, but I thought I would share what I have so far!
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Here's the base I created. This is without anything added on top. I know the boxer-briefs aren't exactly period accurate, but I figured it would allow more room to work with than putting a union suit on his base model. I also gave him a farmer's tan to add a bit more character!
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He has 4 hairstyles!
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3 facial hair style sets plus 1 bonus moustache with the ability to mix and match!
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Customizable body hair! (Arm and leg hair can be turned on or off according to preference ^u^)
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Various skin details! So far I have face freckles, shoulder freckles, stretch marks, and a bullet scar on his left shoulder. Each of them are separate of course.
And finally what I think many people will be most excited about...
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3 top surgery scar variants!
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3 different binders plus some bandages. (DISCLAIMER: I do NOT endorse or recommend binding with anything other than a binder or trans tape! The inclusion of bandages is to simply provide a more period accurate option as modern chest binders as we know them did not exist in 1899. Please bind responsibly and safely!)
Let me know if you guys have any suggestions for what you want to see him wear! I already have a few ideas for bonus fun/memey outfits I want to include that I'll wait until the full release to disclose that way I can give everyone a chance to find them on their own ;)
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boxwinebaddie · 27 days
Miss Ninaa!! When are you free for the summer???
hello, sweetling! and good morning, good afternoon or good night wherever it is that you are. <3 regardless of the time of day, please just know that the world around you is brighter bc you're in it. c':
so i just want to start out by saying that i know i say this a lot...but i cannot tell you what it means to me that you guys care enough about me to be curious about the trajectory of my offline life.
...like, i really just have the sweetest anons in the world, huh? ;-;
i feel unbelievably blessed and count my lucky stars everyday because of each and everyone of you. thank you for being your lovely, lovely selves and caring not only about me as a person but my silly and strange au styles from hell.
speaking of, i am aware that it does not seem like it because of how sporadically i post ncu related content ( if at all ) but i am trying to work on some stuff...as you know well by now, i like to really take my time putting out my work because the quality of the content that you read is paramount to me. you are all far too near and dear to my heart to receive lame, rushed, unclear boof ass content from me.
like...i simply will not do it. thank you for your paitence.
( i will say that i am specifically working on an ask about the greenhouse kiss which AAAAAA giggling, twirling my hair and kicking my feet, like it is SOOOOO satisfying, holy shit! it's also very, very important to the plot which is why i have been taking my time on it. i do hope to put it out today but i am trying not to make promises that i can't keep, get your hopes and dreams up just to dash them and most unfortunately, i do not have a great track record in that regard. i know it's kind of a bummer...but i like to be honest w/ y'all. )
without further ado, here's a little glimpse into my life. xx
again, thank you for asking...that is very cute of you. c': <333
( this is lengthy and lowkey irrelevant. you can absolutely skip this but i think that i am pretty informative in here, so it might be useful? idk. )
so actually, my summer is pretty busy and jam-packed for the most part! or, the first two months are, at least. because i decided to take on summer camp here at the school i work on! camp counsellor nina!
i decided to nab a summer camp supervising position for a couple of reasons. like, obviously, teaching does not pay that much, so really, i need to make all the money i can while i can. don't worry about me tho, guys. bc actually am doing extremely well for myself. <333
( i am a very lucky person, haha -- god nerfed me by being mentally ill, but did make me pretty and personable...which gets me far in life. on the topic of mental illness [ of which i am very ] today i should fare quite well bc other than having a mild headache and being lowkey naseous because my mood stabilizer has that side effect for me...it is worth it when i rem(ember) to take it because it makes me very calm and level, so i am better at responding to my asks/doing my tasks. )
another reason is it keeps me busy...when i am not constantly busy, i get very depressed and fall into gnarly sprials. my job has a lot of downtime and when i am not running around like crazy because a bunch of teachers are out, i'm bored as fuck and i get lazy or restless.
very lame...this summer, i will be looking for a different job ( fml, if you are my boss, don't read this ) and i am a bad procrastinator so i missed the deadline for a fuck ton of teaching positions, but hopefully i can find something in the realm of associate or assistant teaching because....lmao, point and laugh but i am still a little too nervous to teach a whole class by myself. if kids get disadvantaged academically because i am too incompetent at teaching, i will die.
but yeah...if i am still babysitting fourteen year olds after this ( they did grow on me, but it's really not my speed ) please also point and laugh because i would rather go back to retail...yes, i am desperate.
on the subject of teaching kids that are in my wheelhouse and doing stuff my speed, summer camp is actually all k-5 so i will FINALLY being doing a majority of my teaching in the age group that i have my literal credential in. YAY! it's going to be hot as shit where i am over the summer, probably also tiring as shit ( have you seen how little kids act in the summer? ) but i am so fkn exCITED to work with the littles HEEEEELLL YES, BROTHER! uncle nina will be Vibing! <333
so for the first four weeks i am doing general camp stuff, getting a feel for stuff and wokring with all the grade levels...but the LAST two weeks, i get to specifically associate teach in the kindergarten classroom and AAAAAAAA!!!!! I FKN LOVE THE KINDERS!!!!! i visit them every other day because, again, i am bored as shit and they need help over there so i usually hang out with them in PE and play hula hoop tag with them...rn they are learning how to jump rope. soooo stinking cute, oh my god.
-- BUT YES I AM SOOOOO FREAKING STOKED YOU GUYS LIKE I WAS MADE FOR THIS BROTHER. i am gonna wear so many crazy outfits and do such weird makeup pray it doesn't melt off my face.
also, during camp, they go on little field trips and things, hopefully swimming, ( uncle nina is mermaid nina ) and feed you the same stuff as the campers so i get to eat like a nasty frat boy and have pizza and pasta and stuff, which, let me tell you, i am genuinely stoked because they cater a free lunch for the faculty here everyday and it's supposed to be all fancy and shit...but there is a reason it's free because it is SOOOO mid. like it really is kind of ass. i don't know how they do that.
but, sigh, camp is only six weeks so i have to fill my time with other stuff ( also i guess that means in six weeks from when school is done on june...14th, i think? i am free? ) i hope to use that time to structure the fuck out of my life, planf or the future because i am hella bad at it and i hope to do a lot of writing! kind of a pipe dream at this point becaue all my stuff has been *british tolkien vc* actual shite and i can't finish anything...but maybe when i feel better, writing will come easier? when i am less busy and stressed? i hope so. and i hope you guys are still around if i am here but i Completely understand if you are not! it's been a long, bumpy ride. you did your dues and you are free to step off at any time. again, i do not blame you. i am annoying.
BUT YEAH! that's my summer for you! summer camp, hanging out with my cat ( her name is lily, she is very beautiful, very kind, very fluffy and dumb as rocks but she is my babygirl ), getting lots of sushi, going to the thrift store, doing self care stuff, doing less self harm in various odd forms specifically in the form of self sabotage, getting my life together and organized, finding a new job, bettering myself and the world, being kind, entertaining all of you and hopefully writing again! yay! i'll update you as much as i can.
and please, please, pleeeease update me on your lives! i know i don't always respond, but i read everything. my friend who won FIRST PLACE for her raven sculpture, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU BABY. my friends who unfortunately went through breakups, i am so sorry, please know it is their loss, you are stronger for it and i hope you heal, but if ravesey can...you can baby. also proud of my various friends going to college and my friends that are not! my friends toiling through their lame jobs and my friends who are dipping their toes in the world of creativity through writing, drawing expressing yourself! i love, love, LOVE you! thank you for sharing your lives with me.
( speaking of friends, i am specifically hoping to spend my summer bonding with my rant girlies and we made a little group chat and we are being so funny and chaotic and unhinged. i love them all so bad. )
BUT YEAH! thank you for asking my love! look out for some important in character asks, hopefully some finished or more distinguished writing and know that if i am not responding or posting, it is not because i lost interest...as you can see, i am very busy, especially as the school year approaches an end, my summer is a little busy, i fall into ugly manic/depressive cycles and am working on taking care of myself...offline. thank you for understanding.
and thank you for being here! you are troopers, forreal! you are angels and saints for putting up for me and enduring me never posting or posting really chaotic weird stuff. i love you. thanks for caring. <3
i love you and i hope you heal,
uncle nina, future ceo of glamour girl summer camp <3
P.S. i am specifically working on developing and post more about my other aus because i want to give you some variety and challenge myself to do stuff out of my comfort zone! so if you are excited at all about the tsot/tfbw nina stuff, please make some NOOOOISE! lol and if you are not i totally get it, but if you could give me gentility and grace, i would appreciate it because i'm insecure abt it. MWAH!
#hi baby!#thank you SO much for asking you are so stinking cute for this like omg i am blushing thank you so much#i am working on answering some asks but its slow goings but i am emotionally stable nina today so hell yeah brother#i love the greenhouse kiss ask but it requires a lot of context moving parts and me explaining stuff thoroughly#thank you for being paitent i hope its worth it#i also don't know how much people care about my dead ass fanfic or any of my stuff but thanks for fighting the good fight#anyways! camp counsellor nina!#i get to work with the k-5 kids i am so stoked its gonna be loud and very hot outside but fun and enriching#very stoked to do something entertaining#when i tell you i am BORED it fucking sucks like this job is so ass and rn my school is kinda going through messy drama#so it's not pleasant to be here i am not having fun#BUT I WILL! and i have a lot of fun answering my asks hell ya#wokring on getting another job holy shit please pray for me#but yah! trying to be a better me and come back into myself and write more comfortably you guys are helping me#thank you for respecting my time and need for space#i am pretty introverted inspite of my little god complex big scary writer routine and i get overwhelmed by attention#i never quite know what to say but i'm trying#write to me anytime i love you#also i had a friend send me an ask and ask me if their question is odd -- it's not sweetheart i just don't have an answer yet#i haven't shdslkhdld thought about it hard enough but i will get back to you haha y'all are unhinged and kind and so cute#ily ily ILY
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teledild0nix · 10 months
found myself very sleepy and out of sorts at the end of my work day so after wolfing some chinese food, i came upstairs, took a shower, and did some writing on my new fic! it's an 8th year fic and the snippet i posted earlier with harry, ron, hermione, and ginny going to the supermarket together is getting frogged into this one i think. also it has somehow become draco pov so there's that!
anyway wrote like a page which sounds like nothing but is actually good for me! and now i'm sleepy again so i'm going to have a bedtime ice cream cone and then go to sleep <3
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C, H & I for the fanfic ask game!
C: What character do you identify with most?
Tony Stark. He was my OG comfort character and looking back I realize that younger me connected to him b/c deep down I always identified with him. If I started listing my reasoning we'd be here all day. I could write a 20 page analysis of Tony Stark's personality and traumas and coping mechanisms with a 5 page addendum of why we're alike lol.
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H: How would you describe your style?
Oh, wow. This is such a good question and I have no idea how to answer it 😬 Can somebody describe my style for me??? My focus often tends to be centered around mental health topics, and I try to infuse a good bit of humor in between the angst. I am a BIG believer in happy endings. I think my writing voice leans toward kind of sarcastic? I find that voice humorous and if I can make myself laugh than I consider that a win lol.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
HURT/COMFORT. God, I am such a whore for that shit. There is nothing I love more than reading (or writing) a character comforting another. It definitely says only poor things about my mental health, but I will never get tired of reading those kind of fics. I foam at the mouth just at the thought of it🥴
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It's Scarborough Fair time!! Felt like drawing my favorite costume to wear.
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seaofashes · 2 years
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dobaara · 2 years
hi i had a good day today :')
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citrinesparkles · 2 years
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I posted 1,369 times in 2022
55 posts created (4%)
1,314 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,369 of my posts in 2022
#hey queuetie - 1,304 posts
#dc - 657 posts
#love tag - 420 posts
#graphics - 370 posts
#art - 320 posts
#marvel - 139 posts
#jason todd - 105 posts
#imagines - 83 posts
#gn reader - 81 posts
#recommendations - 76 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#'and - well. you had never failed to make him smile.' help me. help me bc that knocked me on my back. what an insanely beautiful line. god.
My Top Posts in 2022:
jason todd x gender neutral reader. 613 words.
warnings: vague descriptions of messy, yucky feelings on reader's part, including vague feelings of inadequacy.
"are you alright?"
a simple question.
theoretically a simple answer.
as you turned the question over in your mind, preparing an answer (simple question, simple answer, it could be simple) you heard him step through the doorway he was lingering in.
the sound- as quiet as it was- shook you from your muddied train of thought.
it was him. it was jason.
jason knew better than anyone it wasn't always simple.
See the full post
396 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
nighttime nerves
jason todd x gender neutral reader. 1,001 words. notes: 🥴 warnings: anxiety, associated irritability, trouble sleeping, brief mention of food.
it was four in the morning, and you were pretty sure the humming of the air conditioner was going to be the final straw for what remained of your composure.
you were just trying to sleep.
careful, measured breaths- in, held, and released- had helped to ease the tumbling feeling in your stomach, but now your focus had shifted from the rise and fall of your chest to the rattling of the vent in the wall.
it was bullshit, all of it. and you were tired. and you just wanted to go to sleep so you would have a fighting chance the next day, and instead you were fighting the urge to take the baseball bat from jason's side of the bed and smash the vent in on itself.
sure, it wouldn't make it any quieter, but it was starting to sound more and more cathartic with every passing moment.
See the full post
504 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
you had me worried
jason todd x gender neutral reader. 906 words. notes: hi please don't call people if you're trying to keep one or both parties anonymous <3 but for the sake of this little story, please disregard that. just insert bat-tech for anonymity <3 also, this was requested by @definitelydivergent as part of my blogiversary celebration! thank you so much, honey- hope you enjoy :) warnings: anxiety, canon-typical terrorism and violence
"hey, perfect timing. i was just thinking about y-"
jason's agitated voice, distorted slightly by the phone, cut you off. "baby, baby- shh, stop talking. where are you? home?"
his words were surrounded by heavy breathing, crashes, and shouting, a cacophony unsettling enough to distract you from how rude 'stop talking' was. "yeah?"
"thank god," he muttered, before grunting in effort and raising his voice over a clattering noise in the background. "i need you to stay there, okay?"
"is everything okay?"
"no, everything's shit- robin! your six!- and i need you to stay put." he paused for a moment, and you could hear a slam in the background. "please."
See the full post
789 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
six in the morning.
jason todd x gender neutral reader. 503 words. notes: requested by the lovely @jason-redhood for my blogiversary celebration how was may so long ago??? i hope you enjoy, lovely &lt;3 warnings: none i can think of!
"c'mon, bedtime."
he chuckled before speaking quietly. "what am i, five?'
"jason," you said firmly, moving around his chair to lean against the table, effectively blocking the lamp from shining on the papers in his hand. "it's six in the morning."
his brow twitched ever so slightly, subtly confirming your belief that he had lost track of time. he sighed, leaning back in his chair and dropping the papers unceremoniously beside you before looking up to meet your gaze. "okay."
"which is bedtime."
"then go to bed."
"i was in bed. i slept."
See the full post
1,026 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
jason todd x gender neutral reader. 294 words. notes: i'm very tired but this little idea wouldn't let me sleep. curse this man. warnings: none i can think of
his lips were on yours.
his lips were warm.
his lips were ever-so-slightly chapped, and just as you were realizing that, his palm found your jaw and you had a whole new set of sensations to take stock of.
similarly warm and weathered, his thumb rubbed your cheek softly and made you sigh into the kiss.
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1,058 notes - Posted April 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cheapxseats · 8 months
Okay I lied, I'm not getting them done tonight, I don't have the energy after a parent needlessly yelled at me and berated me today. I'll be here on Thursday and Friday to get to the rest of them.
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benetnvsch · 11 months
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guessghost · 1 year
on last book of percy jackson series lets gooooooo
should i wait before lost hero to make time jump more real and read my unread books?
pls tell me before I go buy lost hero in case I can't ccontain myself
giddy w joy rn
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I think im going back into my bakuten phase 😭
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rosyblooom · 2 months
levi's jeans | ln4 smau
PAIRING: lando norris x fem quadrant!reader SUMMARY: y/n loves levi's jeans—it's all she wears, ever. so when lando has to draw her in a quadrant video, that's what he draws: levi's jeans. a bad attempt at flirting? maybe, but it gets the ball rolling. A/N: been listening to 'levii's jeans' 24/7 since the album dropped omg
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Youtube - Quadrant
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liked by riabish, landonorris, yourbestfriend and 101,467 others
tagged: landonorris
yourusername happy now??? i don't only wear levi's jeans see😌
view all 1,804 comments
username the lando tag??? lmao his drawing is still on her mind💀
username no but the way I didn't even question it when he drew jeans for y/n lool username @/levis I found yall's next collab partner
landonorris Why'd you tag me in this 🤣
yourusername u drew the jeans🙄 username ...how about u guys kiss and makeup hmm?😏
username oop get u a girl that can do both iktr!!
username why do i kinda want them to date tho🧍‍♀️
username babe me too username me three 🙋‍♂️ username i've been thinking little lando has a crush👀 it was soo obvious in the yt vid
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landonorris posted to his story!
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[ caption: New Quadrant video out now!! Swipe up to watch ]
Youtube - Quadrant
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landonorris posted to his story!
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[ caption: 👖 ]
[ tagged: yourusername ]
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yourusername posted to her story!
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[ caption: let's ride 🏍️ ]
[ tagged: landonorris ]
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liked by username, username, username and 12,400 others
f1gossipofficial After two months of being spotted together numerous times in London and Monaco, and stirring up dating rumours, Lando Norris and fellow Quadrant member Y/N L/N were recently seen off the coast of Spain, soaking up the sun and looking pretty cosy.
view all 702 comments
username it's already been 2 months??? omg can they just say yes or no i'm tired😩
username can yall not read the room? look at the pics and ask yourself if that's how friend act pls username they've been friends for ages before that, it makes sense not to rush into anything tbh
username cause they're in the ocean??🤣 username a win is a win idc !!
username noo i hope they're just friends😭💔
username they're both so hot omfg
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liked by _aarava, landonorris, maxfewtrell and 389,576 others
tagged: levis
yourusername so happy to announce my levi's x y/n collab that's coming out next week friday!!😭 as everyone probably knows (and is sick of lol) i love me some levi's, so this collection has been soo much fun to work on and i'm very excited for you guys to see it!!🤍❤️💙
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riabish soo proud of you 🩷
yourusername ily🥹❤️
username nobody deserved this more than you y/n!! we will be buying !!
_aarava now you have an actual reason to be wearing them as much as you do🤣
yourusername never wearing anything else ever idc !! username hold on now y/n... let's not be rash😀
levis the countdown starts now👀❤️
yourusername 🫶 username i've been wearing y'all since forever where's my collab??
username love you sm y/n!!! <333
username @/yourusername quickly what's ur fav song on cowboy carter??
yourusername levii's jeans ofc😌 username love that for you girl!
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, maxfewtrell and 774,890 others
tagged: yourusername
landonorris Never getting sick of your levi's jeans obsession🤣 So proud of you baby ❤️👖
view all 8,042 comments
username took yall long enough🤧
yourusername 🩷🩷
(liked by author)
username i love you y/n🥰
yourusername u guys better not make that stupid emoji trend again istg😐
username hey girl💞 you might wanna stay off twitter for the rest of the day ! username 👖👖👖(🤭)
username fml
username con😭gra😭tu😭la😭tions😭
3:35 ─────────ㅇ─── 4:17
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