#This work day suckssssss
0xeyedaisy · 9 months
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Bunch of doodles while I'm at work
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tomato-bird-art · 1 year
I like to keep myself busy with my many projects and interests because if I think too hard and look at my life and whatever I have to be confronted with the situation that the only way I've been able to consistently make friends and meet people to vibe with on deeper levels has been online and that being in the current community situation I know how to navigate and be kind and interested but I feel bad for always feeling distant. I know I'm friendly and kind and many people like and love me but its just very stupid...I know there are things I need to work harder at and esp as an adult a lot of stuff is just down to habits, community needs to be maintained and it takes work and investment etc. Sometimes I'm afraid Im too self centered and cringe since I get lost inside myself a lot and then I feel a very intense sense of idk spiritual wrongness of being idk and it suckssssss but then idk I snap out of it and then (also selfishly probably) I just take solace in whatever brain obsession of the day is and also idk my own pride in "at least I can create and I'm cool and smart and a good poster nyah nyah' but it's like blabla treasures in heaven blabla la if u don't love ur nothing but a clanging cymbal and all that until the next occasion. Idk I'm responsible for my own self and well-being and I wish I didn't shoot myself down whenever I have a Fun Idea of Something Expressive to do get it but also hhhhhhhhhhdjdjdjsdjdjdjidjdhhh
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worldwright · 6 months
Good evening ! *boops you*
Playin' some pokémon rn
Also we're back to our 12-21 ! We synced up back yesterday :3
I saw my bro today before he had to go back to that shitty town of his
I'm sooooooo tired just thinking about tomorrow, need to be downtown at 10am and wow, my sleep
Have a wonderful morning my friend !
good morning!! i think they should keep boops
i'm chilling with my partner today as well, tho i'm joining a meeting at work thru my phone bc they're talking abt the bridge collapse and i'm interested
yay (?) time zone change?? idk, i like the sun being later, but the shift suckssssss
the tattoo bandage is rlly bugging me now, but i can't take it off till wednesday ://///////// i will survive sob
my fridge is broken ughhh it has power, but it's not keeping cold in there. and the freezer still works too somehow. i'm moving critical stuff to the freezer, and rotating ice thru the fridge until it can get fixed :/
another lovely day, wonderful day to exist!!
good luck tomorrow, and i hope you have a lovely evening!!
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bookofmirth · 3 years
Please do make a list of the Azriel & E/ain interactions. Would be helpful!
You know how people argue that gwynriel has no content without the Az chapter? I decided to make a list of Elain and Azriel interactions just in acosf, without his chapter. (I might do the other books at another time.)
Then his gaze shifted to Elain, and though it was utterly neutral, something charged went through it. Between them. Elain's breath caught slightly, and she gave him a shallow nod of greeting, leading Nesta into the room. (chapter 58)
That's all she wrote, folks! They don't exchange a single piece of dialogue in all of acosf. Without the extra chapter, that's all we get. Literally. That's... not a book of buildup to anything, imho.
There are other times when Az mentions Elain, of course. When he's trying to prevent her from helping with something she explicitly volunteered for. When he is ignoring mention of her to ask about Mor instead. And when people claim his shadows are protecting her though I think that has another, more reasonable explanation. But in terms of interaction? It's a desert out here, y'all.
(To be clear, I used this list I came up with a few months ago and eliminated any scenes in which they weren't actually interacting with one another, and his chapter. Which is pretty much the entire list.)
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sugaftrm · 4 years
so nervous for my state licensing exam tomorrow ugh I haven’t gone into the city in 3 months
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doodlboy · 3 years
Gonna go to sleep!!
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calswildflcwer · 2 years
My brother has passed his freaking illness on to meeeeee 😭😭😭 I feel like crap and I just wanna sleep all day and I have the next six days at work without a day off bc my job fkn suckssssss and my boss decided to put me on a full week without any days off in between! Kmn! 😭 I feel sick, my throat keeps like tightening, every time I cough i feel like imma throw up and I’m pretty sure I’m slowly losing my voice 😩
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thewordworrier · 2 years
13th June - 518 words. Work suckssssss. First day back after a week off and no thank you please. Side note: I put my slightly smutty Desolation Row fic up on AO3 last night. And it’s already on like, 30 hits. I see you, thirsty fandom, I see you. Worked On: GoogleDoc [14] and the Something Else. Favourite Line:
Gerard grumbled, but pulled her against him to bury his nose in her hair. “Hmm. I suppose I can fuck you into the mattress later.”
Shelly mocked gasped. “Such language.”
“Yeah, maybe.” Gerard took her hand and led the way to their bedroom. “But you love it.”
“You know I do,” Shelly put her phone on the bedside table and started pulling the elastic out of her ponytail.
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fictionalsownme · 2 years
lengthy life update (/vent) for anyone interested 💞(tw for things like life stressors, moving, anxiety, etc)
Hi everyone :) so I just wanted to take a sec to update yall on my life and what’s been keeping me so busy. This is gonna be pretty venty but they’ll be a tdlr at the end if you’d like that instead 💞
As some of you probably know already, I just went through a huge move with my partner. We went from living on the East coast on a farm with my family, to a big city in California on our own. We had (and still have) good reasons to do this that I still stand by, and we knew it would be hard, but it’s been so much weirder than I expected.
It’s been hard to be away from my family and to be in a big city that doesn’t feel safe. We’re alright, don’t get me wrong, and after staying with my partner’s family for a few months we both got jobs that we like and we were already able to get our own place which has been really cool.
But now that we’ve moved in and are living on our own for the first time day to day, it’s the weirdest feeling in the world. Unpacking boxes has been taking so much longer than I thought, and there’s so much to keep track of, with new things getting stacked on all the time (for example, someone stole a part from our car while I was working, super expensive to fix 🙄).
There’s a million things I want to improve about my life and about myself (I want to dye my hair, I want to exercise, I want to organize the house and declutter my wardrobe, etc etc) but I’m too busy managing everything day to day. This has always been an issue of mine for a long time, but whereas before it was more of an excuse for myself, now it feels like I have no choice.
My anxiety has also been pretty bad. It makes sense, but it suckssssss. I’m anxious driving, going to work, for literally no reason at all lol, etc. I had my first “panic attack” in over six months the other day (in quotations because I’ve never had a doctor able to give a diagnosis, we just assume). They really mess with my memory, which just makes everything weirder 😓.
I also really miss tumblr! I miss drawing and working on the game and stuff. We get more things set up and unpacked every day, so I think I should be able to get started again sometime soon. The idea of that makes me SO excited. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but doing art for work is my dream. Like game development, or a webtoon, or even just regular commissions! I want to work on my projects like they’re already my job, but that’s really not practical rn :( I think I’m almost there though!!
And things haven’t been all bad! I have my dog with me here now! For those three months we stayed with relatives, she had to stay with my family on the East coast, but she’s here now!! And living on your own, while scary and overwhelming, is a huge privilege and I know I’m super lucky that it’s even an option for me. I hope no one thinks I’m being ungrateful, I know I’m super lucky for the opportunities I have, it’s just hard rn. But I know it will pass eventually! And if it doesn’t, I have more options and paths to try! I just gotta stick it out for a bit, and I know I’ll be happier soon.
I wanna thank you all so much for all the love and support that you’ve given me, especially while I’ve been gone. I really hope I can come back soon and grow this blog into something special! Thank you guys for your patience and for listening to me rant 💞 I can’t wait to come back full time 🥰💞 feel free to send me any asks or message me or anything like that if you need someone to talk to or have any questions. I hope you’re all having a great day, and if not, I hope things get better for you soon 💞
tldr: I just moved and things have been really hard lately, but I can’t wait to come back hopefully sometime soon. Thank you all so much for all the love, support, and patience 💞
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rainy-circle · 3 years
god i miss. having the energy to write. like, particularly now because work is so busy but also in the more general sense of when I was a teenager and could just like. bang out a good one shot in a few days
being an adult with depression suckssssss hhhhhhaaaaahaha
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iheartsunset · 4 years
Papa Louie Nevada HCs
(This also wasn’t asked for, but I still really wanted to do this. And after over a week of hurricane season doing its worst, I finally have to go back to school and it suckssssss ugh)
Warning: Mentions of dr*g use (not by Nevada though), child n*glect mention
-Nevada Mahelona is 28 years old and while she was born in raised in a Calypso Island bungalow, she now resides with her fiancé, Cameo, in one of Whiskview’s many lofts. She decided to continue her job as a jewelry salesperson, but has also decided to go to college and become a geologist or legislator. Nevada is Utah’s serious older sister and is considered the “mom” of the Calypso Fam, despite being only the third oldest there.
-Her and Utah’s parents, Florida and Maine, had constant troubles with addiction and the law, which made for their kids to have a rocky child. From being kept awake by their parents’ many parties to neglect nearly every over day, Nevada was basically forced to step up and become her newborn sister’s main caretaker. Eventually, their parents abandoned the two with almost no money and no explanations as to when they’d be back, which forced Nevada to give up dreams of college and instead welcomed the idea of raising Utah. While Okalani and Kahuna acted as their guardians so that they wouldn’t be separated in foster care, Nevada still worked very single day to provide for them both. Their parents had actually left in order to get clean and actually came back to visit and apologize after Nevada moved. The two have a hard time forgiving them and probably won’t ever forgive them, but Nevada will begrudgingly admit that at least they’re trying.
-Nevada’s previous personality was nearly identical to Utah’s current bubbly and adventurous disposition. However, their parents’ sudden departure and the pressure of raising a sister alone has increasingly hardened her over the years. Though she tries to put on a brave, smiling face for everyone in town, Nevada is mostly stressed, borderline helicopter parently, seriously frugal, and a workaholic. But no matter how hard she tries to act like everything’s okay, Utah can sadly recognize that the smile is fake. Now that Utah’s grown and a new life has been made for her in Whiskview, Nevada has grown noticeably softer and sisterly to others, which makes Utah completely overjoyed.
-Nevada secretly had the biggest crush on Janana, who had visited the island on vacation when they were both 13. They became great friends, but Nevada was heartbroken to discover later on that Janana was instead in love with another girl named Cherissa. Oddly enough, Cameo, who wanted to be with Cherissa, was also jealous and heartbroken at the relationship. Nevada decided to suck it up and accept Cherissa being Janana’s fiancée, which led to the girls actually becoming great friends. It still hurt whenever she saw them together, though.
-Speaking of Cameo, the two met in the Whiskview Mall, where Nevada couldn’t figure out how to work her computer and came with Utah to visit Bloop Mobile (Nevada sucks at technology). The owner, Cameo, then informed her that now only was she pressing the space bar to turn it on, but it also shouldn’t go underwater. He then asked her on a date since they were both obviously upset about Janana and Cherissa being married, and she agreed. They both actually fell in love a few months in and are no longer jealous of anyone. They have a very happy relationship despite how different they are.
-Nevada doesn’t like swimming in the oceans and prefers to sunbathe or collect shells instead. Even though they live on top of the ocean (the house has stilts), Nevada hates its saltiness and how tangled it makes your hair. Nevada will use pool floaties occasionally, but those will always be overturned by either Alberto or Kahuna, so nope, sand castles and shaved ice it is.
-Nevada used to be part of the city’s council and cultural conservation committee after Utah graduated. She is also well liked in the community for her beauty, popularity in high school, and her passion for preserving native Hawaiian culture. This and her close friendships with Alberto, Gremmie, Kahuna, and Okalani made her move to Whiskview even sadder for the community.
-A lot of her friends joke that she’s a hippie because of how she dresses, but she doesn’t mind since she just likes the patterns. This actually led her to meeting Hacky Zak and Zoe, who loved her outfit so much they basically dragged her to hang out with them one time. Nevada now likes to stay clear of Powder Point and Tacodale because she does not want to play extreme hacky sack for 17 hours with them ever again. Also the panini press in Zoe’s purse concerns the hell out of her.
-Nevada wears those prescription glasses that become shades when you’re outside (you know the ones, right? my bro mother had three but I haven’t seen them in years).
-Cameo’s family adores Nevada, but Nevada’s “family” still resents Cameo for convincing her to move to Whiskview. But there is a very diverse range of food every time they all come together for Christmas.
-Her favorite movie is Lilo and Stitch since it reminded her of her and Utah’s own situation.
-Ive been stanning Nevada ever since she was introduced she’s just so pretty I love her so much she is my queen
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changarroo · 6 years
Lost Boy // Changbin AU
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Reposting since posting on a mobile devices suckssssss. Here is the full AU for y’all :)) Also can we talk about the fact that this AU is 17 PAGES LONG?!?!
Word Count: 7k
Genre: Angst // Fluffy
Some trigger warnings but we put an edited section as well. 
You sit at the bottom of the stairs watching your mother leave...not that it is anything new.
“Y/N we will be at the end of the month.” Your mother tells you
“M-mommy did you fo-forget?” You ask looking up at her
Your mother sighs “What are you talking about Y/N”
“M-my b-bir” You say stuttering
“ Spit it out Y/n! We need to get your stuttering under control. Sophia while we are gone make sure to schedule appointments for Y/N to see a speech therapist her stuttering still has not improved. Oh i’m going to be late for my flight. See you later mommy loves you.” She said and with that she closes the door
“My birthday….” You say quietly
* End of Flashback*
You sigh heading up to your room not bothering to say goodbye. You are always on your own not that it bothered you, you’d prefer to be alone than be stuck with a woman who is practically has her head up her ass. Your father was just as your mother in and out not bothering to speak a word to you just adding money to you bank account, money that you have been saving up so you can withdraw it and escape
You’ve been planning your escape since the age of fourteen, you knew that you were never destined for this life, you started out by following your parents schedule but you were never serious enough to follow through until now. You have enough money saved up to last you at least three or four years. The only reason it took you so long to follow with the plan was the money and the women who practically raised you
“Happy Birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear Y/N Happy birthday to you.” A women sings
You awake from your sleep to see to see Sophia your caregiver holding a cake. You smile wide
“Is it-
“Vanilla sponge cake with buttercream icing yes it is” She chuckles
You begin to cry she places the cake and walks over to you.
“Please don’t cry Y/N it’s your birthday.” She says
“W-why doesn’t mommy or daddy love me? W-why do t-they have to go all t-the time?” You cry into her chest
“Baby they do love you they just don’t know how to show it. Say how about you take a shower and wash your pretty face, then come downstairs to eat some cake.” She suggests
You nod and smile
*End of Flashback*
You smile every time you think of that memory, it definitely was one that changed your views on life. She was the only person that actually seemed to care… until you met woojin! That happy little ball of sunshine. You never understood how one person could be so happy but he never failed to make you laugh everyday.
“Why does he make you so happy.” A voice says
You jump dropping the items you held in your hand and look around your room not seeing anyone, you know it cannot be Sophia because she doesn’t come until later nor does she have a males voice.  You slowly turn back around to see a figure lying on your bed
“AHHH WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU.” you scream not thinking of the proper sentence
“It’s who are you firstly and second it’s not very nice to scream at your guest.” He said
You just look at him
“Take a photo it will last longer. You know your bed is not that comfortable.” He said
“Excuse me can you get out. I have no idea who you are or how you got in my house but can you leave before I call the police.” You say trying to scare him
“Call them.” Is all he simply said
You pick your phone up to call and it is flown out of you hand
“You know that’s a very cute picture. Who is this guy?” He ask
“I’ll answer when you tell me who you are.” You reply irritated
“Changbin nice to meet you. Now who is this”
You run to snatch your phone back but he moves so quickly that you fall flat on your face.
“Too slow.” He teases you
You huff out in annoyance
“Well Changbin if you must know that is Woojin my best friend.” You cross your arms
“He’s your best friend?” He laughs
“Yes he is my best friend what is so funny about that?” You ask
“He doesn’t fit you.” He says
“Excuse me you inconsiderate prick what do you know about me.”
*Warning this might be a sensitive topic so I will make a separate part in parentheses for you guys*   
“Everything babygirl… you never were shown love by your parents, constantly left alone, never had a friend until little woojin…” He says dangling a picture of you and him in a frame
“Came along.” He drops it
“You have anxiety, depression, and you used to cut yourself. You have scars of all shapes and sizes running down your legs arms and hips. You tried to kill yourself but I guess it never worked because you are still here right. Little Woojin stopped you from that and is trying to fix you but I don’t think its working since you are planning to run away.” He laughs
“Stop it.” You say
“All you ever wanted was mommy’s attention but she could care less about you. Don’t even mention your father he wanted a boy to run his company but he got stuck with a female a weak one if that. You got good grades, joined clubs,played sports, hell you even changed your style to become more girly to fit in with your moms friends daughter but she still d-didn’t c-care did she.” He finished
*Edited Version*
(“Excuse me you inconsiderate prick what do you know about me.”
“Everything babygirl… you never were shown love by your parents, constantly left alone, never had a friend until little woojin…” He says dangling a picture of you and him in a frame
“Came along.” He drops it
“All you ever wanted to do was fit in with the crowd that was presented but no  the matter what you did you were an outcast, a fool, a loser, a gypsy, a castaway seriously list can go on and on. )
You had tears streaming down your face
“SHUT UP GET OUT I DON’T KNOW WHO YOU ARE BUT JUST LEAVE ME ALONE.” You scream closing your eyes covering your ears
When you open your eyes he was gone. You grabbed your phone and called woojin
“C-can w-we meet up?” You asked
“O-of course wanna meet up at the ice cream shop?” He suggest
You hum in response and hang up grabbing your shoes and walking downstairs
“Where ya going?” You recognized the voice but chose to ignore him
“I asked you a question.” He states back
“And I choose not to answer.” You snap back
“No need for attitude.” He snaps back
“Don’t get snappy with me you were the one with all the questions” You said walking towards the door.
“I wouldn’t touch the door knob if I were you” He said sitting on the staircase.
You looked about at him and get dead eyed him for about ten seconds before you reach for the door knob. You felt an electric shock go throughout your whole body.
“HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR” You quickly turned to him.
“I warned you didn’t I” He said still sitting in the same position.
You can see him chuckle but you were three seconds away from screaming at him.
“All I want to do is meet with Woojin.” You sigh
“Why I am way better than him. I mean look at me.” He said
You could not lie he was handsome but he was a jerk as well.
“You may know all my issues but what are you going to do” You said crossing your arms leaning onto the door.
“I don’t know I never dealt with issues like this.” He said walking down the stairs up to you.
“Well once you learn I’m going to Woojin.” You said opening the door and walking out the door.
“Hey what took you so long” Woojin said standing up once you arrived at the Ice Cream Parlor.
“It’s a long story not in the mood to tell.” You said setting your bag down.
“Okay then... I order your usual ice cream Vanilla Tangerine and Shortbread.” He said and smiled.
You couldn’t help but smile
“Thank you woojinnie.” You said giggling
The rest of the day went well, the two of laughed and joked and ended up at the park.
“You know woojin…” You say looking at him as you lie on the grass
“We’ve been friends for ages but no feelings have ever sparked between us… weird.” You chuckle
“Y-yeah I guess…” Woojin said
“Why do you sound so unsure?” You ask
“Oh it’s nothing my stomach hurts because of the ice cream.” He said laughing
“Oh my goodness let’s go!” You said grabbing his hand
“You need to get home and rest… you did eat three ice creams you dummy.” You also said
“It made you smile right?” He asks
“Of course you always make smile.” You state pinching his cheek
You notice him blushing
“Let me walk you home it’s getting pretty late.” He said wrapping his arms around your shoulder
“What about your stomach?” You ask
“Eh don’t worry I will live.” He smiles
You finally arrive at your house and you turn to him…
“Thank you for making my day so much better. You always make me the happiest girl.” You give him a hug resting your head on his shoulder
“You know I’d do anything for you in a heartbeat.” He says grabbing your face and looking into your eyes
You try to look away as a blush formed on your cheeks
“Y-you sh-should head home it’s going to be late soon.” You suggested
“Yeah you are right...  I’ll see you later.” He began to walk away
“See you.” You wave
You sigh and begin to walk into the house as you see him slowly fade away
“Why didn’t you kiss him?” Is the first thing you hear as you step into your house
“You’re still here.” You state looking at the familiar spirit sitting on your staircase.   
“Am I supposed to answer that?” He asked
“Are you an idiot! What are you still doing here?” You try to say camly
“Don’t you think I would leave if I could. I don’t want to stuck in a house with you.” He sighed and threw himself on the couch
“What do you mean if you could you would.”
“Sweetheart I am not...” He said calmly
“You know what just be out of my house in the morning” You said
“Yeah I would if I could you brat” He replied.
“What do you mean if you could” You question his responds.
“Listen sweetheart” he started to say before you cut him off.
“Listen Y/N, you’re stuck with me I’m stuck with you. It’s a blessing for you curse for me.”
“How it is a blessing for me?”
“Umm you have this beautiful face to look at. I am come on I’m freakin handsome”. He said winking at you.
“What beauty? I am not impressed.” You say setting down your bag and taking your shoes off
He gasps
“EXCUSE ME YOU HORSE.” He yells at you
“A-You are not wrong about that but my face is still better.”  He said and walked away
You have no energy left to deal with his childish ways.
Once finally making it to your room you lock the door and jump on your bed. Today has been way to much for you too handle and you slowly drift off to sleep.
You wake up to a horrible smell.
“What the heck is going on” You thought
You jump up and see Changbin in the kitchen holding a burnt pan with mush in it.
“Changbin what in the world are you doing.” You question him
“Well I was trying to make food for me since sleeping beauty wants to sleep in late but as you can see it did not turn out so well.” He says shyly
You laugh and walk over to him
“Just leave the cooking to me please or sophia. Speaking of Sophia she was supposed to be here yesterday… I should probably call her. Excuse me for a second.” You say as you leave the room
*Phone Call*
Sophia: Hello
Y/N:  Hey is everything okay? You didn’t come yesterday
Sophia: Yeah everything is fine just a minor emergency.
Y/N: Oh okay will you be coming over today?
Sophia: Yes I will try darling
Y/N: Okay I’ll see you soon
*End of Call*
You walk back to the kitchen and pull things out of the refrigerator but as you doing this you can feel an intense stare but your are trying to ignore it. Half way through you beginning to cook the staring doesn’t stop, so you turn around
“What the hell are you staring at me for?” You ask
“I’m trying to make you disappear.” He said calmly
“Don’t worry I’ll be leaving soon.” You mumble
“What was that?” He asked
“Don’t worry about it.” You reply
Once you finish cooking you make a plate and Changbins eyes look wide and his mouth begins to water.
“Wow it looks so good!” He says in excitement
“Thanks.” You day and walk right past him
His smile drops
“Hey where’s my plate?” He questions
“Oh you can fix it. I think I left enough for you.” You say as you keep walking to your room
He just smiles and shakes his head
“This girl is something else.” He said and heads to “fix” his plate.
You sigh once reaching your room knowing that you are leaving in less than three days. It never occurred to you how much you were going to miss this place, Sophia, and Woojin
(Younger You)
Your giggle is heard across the house as you try to stay quiet while playing hide and seek with Sophia. Your best hiding spot was in your father's office. Though you are not allowed in there which makes it all the better. You hear footsteps coming closer and you place your hand over your mouth so you don’t laugh. The footsteps come closer and than stop. Your breathing is hitched in your throat
“Y/N are you in my office?” You father asked
What is he doing here? You begin to panic trying to calm your breathing down. Daddy is going to be so mad if I come out now
“Sir is everything alright?” You here Sophia ask
“What is Y/N doing in my office I told you all this place is off limits!” He yells at her
“Y-Yes sir I am aware.” She says looking at you
You are in deep trouble if he finds where you are out. You look at her with pleading eyes
“Sir I apologize again but are you sure she is in-” Sophia knocks off documents that were placed nicely on your fathers desk.
“Sir I am so sorry. I lost my balance.” She said as she bends down the other way blocking your fathers view as he and she pick up the papers
Quietly you sneak out of the hiding spot and run for the door down the stairs and outside.
Your breathing in uncontrollably fast and your chest begins to tighten, more tears are flown down you face
“Are you okay?” Someone asks
You look up to see a kid with wide smile and yellow blondish hair
You shake your head no
“M-My ch-chest h-hurts.” You barely spoke out
“Here try this my doctor gave this to me when my chest hurts.” He said give you a weird shaped object
“You place it in your mouth and press the top and a medicine will shoot out. It’s called an inhaler!” He explains
You do as your told and press it. The cold funny tasting spray shoots into your mouth and you scrunch your face
He giggles at your facial expression
“It taste weird…” You say giving him back the inhaler
“Yeah but do you feel better? I hope it works I don’t like seeing you sad.” He blurts out
This kid was strange to you. How could he care about you and not even know you
“I’m Woojin.” He stuck his hand out
“I-I’m Y/N.” You reply back
“Wanna come play at my house. I have apple juice and cookies.” He suggest
Your smile got brighter
“Y-Yeah l-let me g-go ask S-Sophia” You stutter out
You walk back into the house and you hear crying and moaning. You aren’t sure of what it is so you walk closer and you see Sophia and she’s crying. You were about to say something when she shook her head no and looks at you
“Go please.” She mouths
You run downstairs and outside to Woojin
“S-She sa-said yes.” You half heartedly smile
“Okayy oh I have dogs and sibling by the way. They are all really nice.”
*End of FlashBack*
“You think too much.” Changbin states as he appears on your bean bag in the corner
“You know you are really getting on my last nerve. Tell me about yourself Mr. High and Mighty”
“Well… my name is Seo Changbin I am nineteen years old and I have an older sister.” He sighs
You look at him “Go on.”
“I like to compose music, sing, and rap. I used to be in a group called 3RACHA with two other members, as well as debuting with six other guys that were like my brother. I had a future ahead of me but I ruined it…” He pauses
“H-How did you ruin it?” You ask quietly
“I me-mean you d-don’t h-have to tell me.” You spit out fast
“You are cute when you stutter.” He says and looks at you
You quickly look away “What happened”
“I was shot,, it’s a pretty ugly story.”
“Please tell me what happen if you don’t mind” you said interrupting him midway through his sentence.
“I was out with my best friend Felix and there was this guy or company or whatever that kept stealing our groups music so we wanted to do something about it” he began.
“It was midday and we went to the house of the CEO of the opposing company who was stealing our music to confront him. Little did we know how wicked this guy was. We saw him yell at one of his workers and that when things took turn. Felix he charged into the house and started to curse at the owner. All of a sudden a gun was up to his head.”
You felt tears coming down your face.
“I quickly pushed Felix out of the way and”
“Changbin did you?”
“I took a bullet for my best friend, yes. He was a year younger than me but I can’t live with myself if he died”
“Wow” you said looking down at the ground “How did you become”
“A spirit, funny story I don’t really know how the whole spirit thing works. But I guess I can talk to you and you can talk to me”.
“Do you remember who shot you?”
“All I remember was staring at a man in front of me and looking at a woman with the gun up to Felix”.
You wanted to go run up to Changbin and give him a hug but wasn’t sure if it was going to work.
You ignore every law of science and just went straight for a hug and to your surprise it work.
There was a cold feeling hugging him but you were hugging him. You could feel his arms wrapped around you and pulling you closer. Something about this felt right.
“You are pretty short.” He says as he rest your head into his chest.
You do not understand what you are doing but everything just felt natural, something about his oura made you feel warm but you knew you needed to pull away
“Do you ever sleep?” You ask pulling away from him going towards your bed
“Define sleeping?” He asked
“Seven to eight hours of sleep?” You reply  
“I think you mean dozing off and waking up every five seconds yeah I sleep.” He said looking away
You lean back and look at him biting your lip. You honestly feel bad for him. Even though he did a good deed he is stuck in this form.
“A while back you said this was a curse right.” You recall
“Yeah… what about it?” He asks looking at you
“H-How do you break it or lift it?” You ask curiously
“Do you really want to know?” He said taking steps closer to the bed
“Y-yeah.” You said shyly
He takes more steps closer to where the bed is and sits next to you
You get nervous because you have no idea what he is going to do next
“Ch-changbin how do you break it.” You ask once again
“Why do you not want me to be here anymore .” He says coming closer to you
You scoot further away from him though there is not much room left
“There is something about you that ca-” He stops as the doorbell rings
“I sh-should go get that.” You push him off running out the room and tripping over your feet
“Th-that did not happen.” You blush and open the door
“Ah that girl makes me feel complete something I have never felt before.” He sighs sitting on the edge of the bed…
You finally reach downstairs and look through the camera to see Sophia. You immediately open the door and squeal.
“Hello beautiful.” She says with a beautiful smile
“Momma Sophia.” You say back moving to the side to let her in
“There are groceries in the back we are going to cook tonight.” She sad
“Just like old times?” You questioned
“Just like old times my darling.” She said back
You nod and walk out the door
“Is this really the right thing to do? Am I really going to be able to break her heart?” You think to yourself as you grab the bags out of the car
For some reason your mind goes back to Changbin... if I leave will he be trapped in this house… he can’t leave. Should I just stay until we can find a way to lift the curse. Your mind is running and running you don’t even realize you are at the door.
You just sigh
“Y/N are you feeling okay sweetheart?” Sophia asks as you set the bags down
“Yeah just a lot on my mind…” You simply say
“Do you want to talk about it?” She asks once again
You just begin to cry. You have no idea why just a wave of emotions hit you and you begin to shake. Why am I feeling this way. I can’t focus…
“Y/N” You hear faintly
The last thing you see is Changbin lunging for you
*While You Are Sleeping*
“Wh-where am I.” You say out loud
You slowly sit up and look around… it’s your room
You jump up quickly “What is going on” You say as you hear muffled yelling
You open your door to see black figures heading towards your father’s office but they are moving so quickly, so you follow them as well. Once arriving you push open the door to see four figures. One tall man with brown hair wearing a suite but his face is black, another was a female her body was more defined and she had blonde hair that stopped just above her waist, the other two were males as well one were what you assumed to be a flannel tied to his waist with blonde hair, and lastly was a shorter male, his hair was parted slightly in the middle he wore all black, but his face was almost recognizable it was long and sharp just li-like changbin. You move closer to see watching your steps because there was glass all on the floor, before you could even look up the was a loud bang sound that caused your ears to ring. You instantly reach for them and hold them
You shot up breathing hard and you look around, you are in your room. You freeze, I cannot be reliving what just happened
“Are you okay?” It was Changbin
You scramble to get up and run to him and hug him
He was shocked at first but then slowly wrapped his arms around you
“Hey what is going on?” He questions you
“I don’t know wh-what I just saw but I d-don’t want to s-see it ag-again.” You say still in fear
“Let’s get you back into bed.” He suggests
“NO!” You yell back
“Hey easy their doll face.” He said trying to calm you
You door opens and both of you snap your head towards the door, it was Sophia
“Are you okay Y/N? I heard you scream” She rushes over to you and places her hand on your forehead
“I’m fine… I am okay for now.” You rush out as your eyes dart to Changbin who has a look of fear written all over his face
“I think I just need more rest. It’s been a really stressful past two days.” You say trying to get her to leave
“Okay yeah you are right. I will wake you up in a few hours to see if you are okay.” She said
You hum in response and get under the blankets. She kisses your head and walks out
“Changbin are you okay?” You sit up looking at him
“W-who is that?” He questions
“That is Sophia. She is like my mother.” You say and smile
“S-she really seems to care for you.” He said
“Yeah she has really been the biggest part in my life besides Woojin. I feel bad though.” You said and finally laid down you pat a spot next to you for Changbin
“Why do you feel bad?” He ask
“Ever since you came along… my focus is not on Woojin and he is the only man in my life to care for me.” You say and yawn
“I still don’t know what you see in him.” He said sitting next to you on the bed
“It’s not about looks to me… it’s the way he treats me. It’s almost as if I can’t give him what he wants but he still comes back to me. I can see the pain in his eyes whenever I used about liking a  guy but he always told me to go for it or late nights I would call him whenever my parents made cry and he would always leave his window unlocked for me. The way he held me in his arms he… he made me feel human… I don’t know what I am talking about anymore. I should probably sleep.” You finish and close your eyes
Changbin is still wide awake staring at the wall
“I don’t like this Woojin guy. I don’t trust him” Changbin says to himself
He turns his head and looks at you, listening to your heart beat, counting how many breaths you take.
“Y/N I don’t understand what you are doing to me but it is making me feel alive again”
There is a slight knock on the door which makes Changbin shake you.
“Ugh you sleep like a log” Changbin soon pushed you off the bed onto the floor.
“Hey what was that for.”
Changbin points to the door as another knock was heard.
You sit up “Come in.” You say to the person outside the door.
It was Sophia
“There is a boy at the door for you. It’s Woojin.” Sophia states
“Crap. Okay give me a second. Ummm I gotta get dressed.” You rush up and push her out
“Why are you rushing.” Changbin questions
You stop and look at him
“What do you mean?” You ask
“I mean you look fine. Why are you rushing to try and fix yourself.” He said quietly
“I d-don’t know. Are you sure I look okay?” You look at him
“Yeah I’m sure. Go see him.” He said
You smile and walk out
Changbin sighs
“Can’t I keep you Y/N…” Changbin says and heads downstairs
“Hey Woojin!” You say in excitement and run to him
“Hey Y/N.” He says and hugs you
“What are you doing here? This is quite a surprise!”
“Yeah” a smile appeared on his face
“What do I owe this pleasure?” You say taking a seat on the couch motioning for him to come next to you
“I brought your favorite junk food and comedy movie!”
“Changbin scoffs and walks over in front of Woojin and you gasp
“What’s wrong?” Woojin asks
“N-nothing I just thought I saw something.” You say glaring at him
He smiles evilly
“I’ll be right back do you want water or something?” You ask trying to get Changbin to follow you to the kitchen
“I’ll take water.” He shouts back
Little did you know Changbin already did his deed..
You open the fridge and the water bottles are at the highest self
“What the heck? What are you doing” You said looking at Changbin who is standing right in front of you.
“What I can’t be locked up in your room all day sweetheart” he said looking at you.
His eyes seem darker than normal and his smile was glowing.
“You can stay but you have to say twenty feet away from Woojin and I”
“I need to make sure you don’t pull anything” staring directly into Changbin eyes.
What is going on why is he like this.
“Woojin can you please help me with the drinks”  You said  not breaking eye contact with Changbin
“Yeah of course.” Woojin yells from the couch
You watch as he stands up to take a step and everything went down from that and you truly meant down. Woojin took a step and lunged forward trying to grab a hold of something and all you saw was fear written over his face. You stay in place due to being shocked at the scene in front of you, popcorn flown in the air that he placed on the couch,  a loud crash sound was heard as  Woojin and the popcorn bowl hit the ground and shattered.
“Oh my goodness.” You yelled and rush over to his side trying to be careful of all the glass around him
“Woojin!” You laugh and quickly cover your mouth
He begins to laugh as well
“I kn-know I shouldn’t be laughing but this is so funny.” You say while still laughing
“Oh my lord is everything okay?” Sophia asks rushing down the stairs
“Yeah we are fine. I need to go get Woojin cleaned up.” You say while helping him up but as you do you notice his shoe strings are tied together.
“That little brat tied his shoes.” You thought to yourself
“Hey Woojin let me help you take your shoes off. We just got the carpet done in my room and I don’t want it to get dirty.” You said while taking off his shoes
“Thanks.” He simply said
While helping him to the stairs you look at Changbin’s face and it is bright red from laughing so hard.
“I’m going to get you back for this.” You mouth and his face instantly changes
“Okay Woojinnie you are all cleaned up. You had little cuts from the glass but nothing too serious.” You  say and kiss his small cut giggling
“Y/N I have been meaning to talk to you about something…” He pauses
“I’m not sure if you feel the same way or not but Y/N I'm in love with you. I have been for the past three years. I never told you because I don’t want to ruin our friendship but I cannot hold it back anymore. The more I look at you the more it hurts but a good hurt. It’s the kind of hurt that makes me want you more. Y/N you are a stunning girl, you are strong and you are completely different from any other girl and that is what makes me love you more. Y/N I’m not saying you have to love me the way I love you but you have to feel something…. There is something between us.” He finishes looking into your eyes
You could not gain the courage to speak up...you were complete in shock
“Y/N say something.” He pleads
You look up in the direction of the door and see Changbin looking not so pleasant
“I-I don’t know what to say. Woojin i’ve only ever seen you as friend. If I lead you on in some way I am sorry but you are my best friend.” You state honestly
“I’m tired of being labeled as your best friend. I want more! I deserve more.” He states
“Deserve more?” You questioned
“I have been the only male to care for you. It wasn’t easy either. I could’ve chosen other females but no I wanted you but I see that was a waste.” He says
“W-Why are you being so harsh. I am sorry I don’t feel the same way for you.” You say being very honest. Not once have you thought of Woojin more than a friend.
“Is there another guy? Who is he?” Woojin asked coming closer
“W-Woojin stop there is no other g-guy.” But in that same moment you thought of Changbin and how he made you feel. He made you frustrated yes but he is also very caring. You begin to cry I wish Changbin was here.
“Woojin please leave. You are acting irrational and it’s scaring me.” You beg trying to get further away from him
You back ends up hitting the wall and your anxiety began to pick up.
“It’s over I am completely weak against Woojin. I am so scared.” You thought
You close your eyes and just gave up, you slid your body to the floor and cried as you felt him closer.
But Nothing ever came. You open your eyes to see Changbin holding onto Woojin
“C-Changbin h-how are you doing that.” You question but he does not speak a word to you, his main focus is on Woojin and Woojin only.
The look in his face is something you’ve never seen before and it was haunting
It was almost like Changbin was glowing out of anger a dark red mist almost seeping out of him
You had no idea of what he was capable of.
“W-What are you doing Changbin!”
He didn’t listen.
Once he heard you he turned his head and looked at you. He saw how powerless you were in this situation. Quickly he ran up to you and comfort you wrapping you in his arms.
“I’m so sorry Y/N I don’t know what got over me. I think I just hate seeing you like this” he said finishing up wrapping you in the blanket.
“What the” before Woojin could finish Sophia entered the room.
“Y/N are you oh” before she could finish that sentence she locked eyes with Changbin and her jaw dropped.
“H-How are you here?” She questions out loud
“You” Changbin said standing up.
“What’s going on” you question the situation.
“I remember you, do you want to tell Y/N what happen?” Changbin said walking closer to Sophia.
“I-I have no idea what you are talking about Changbin.” She states
He chuckles “Oh really let me refresh your memory.”
“Five years ago I walked into this very house and demanded with my friend Felix, that the man you were working for would stop stealing our music. Of course he denied it.
“Are you sure this is a good idea Changbin.” Felix asks
“I’m sure but if you don’t want to go in than it’s fine. I’m tired of hearing our music that we worked hard on being used by someone else.” Changbin finishes
He had a point… a man named Park Hyunsik ( I love him so much. Watch Strong Girl Bong Soon)  from another company kept stealing the music Changbin and our group made. All nine of us were very upset so we finally decided to do something about it.
“No I’m good.” Felix turns and looks at him
“We got this.”
Both boys walk up to the door and bang on it making sure they were heard
The door is opened and a woman speaks “May I help you boys?” A women chuckles
“Yeah you can actually is Park Hyunsik here?” Changbin says
“Hyung don’t be so rude.” Felix  says
Changbin nods  just nod
“Yes he is. What is your business with him?” She asks
“We need to talk to him about stealing our music.” Felix says calmly
“E-Excuse me?” She asks
“More than six of our songs and demos have been stolen by Hyunsik and we have come here to talk to him. So if you would please move out of the way.” Changbin says
She stands there for a few seconds then smirks and moves to the side allowing them access
“What was that all about?” Felix asks
The door is locked and shut. Felix has a bad feeling about this.
“Changbin I don’t think we should do this. Trust me” Felix tries to plead his case.
“Look if you have a problem than go wait outside Felix.” Changbin
“There no need for that” the suited man said snapping his snapping his fingers.
All of a sudden you a gun click and slowly raising to Felix’s head.
“One more move and your friend is history”
“You are seriously that evil. You would kill an innocent person just so you can steal more songs. You want to become a murder and witness this child die? HE’S NOT EVEN EIGHTEEN YET AND YOU WANT TO TAKE HIS LIFE. WHAT KIND A HUMAN ARE YOU” Changbin screamed at the top of his lungs.
“One who loves money and has to provide for his family”
“Felix I’m so sorry”
“Hyung what are you talking about”
All of a sudden Changbin ran and pushed Felix out of the way. While doing this he closed his eyes knowing the events that were about to happen next. A gun shoot was heard.
“NOOOOO CHANGBIN!” Felix yelled seeing his best friend laying on the floor.
“You MONSTER LOOK WHAT YOU DID” he continued to yell. He then turned and face the woman that shoot Changbin. She was shaking herself in shook of the events that just play out in front of her.
With tears in his ears Felix finally looked her in the eye “I hope you remember this for the rest of your life.”
*End of FlashBack*
“S-Sophia how could you?” You look at her with such disgust
“I-I am so sorry. I’m sorry Changbin.” She starts to cry
“What are you sorry for the deed has been do-” Changbin doesn’t finish his sentence as he begins to fall
“Changbin!” You exclaim as you run over to catch him
“Y/N” Woojin said
“W-What Woojin?” You look at him with tears streaming down your face
“His time is up…” He looks down
“H-HOW DO YOU KNOW HE’S LEAVING! HE CAN’T LEAVE ME I NEED HIM!” You scream not realizing what you just said.
In that moment you started to realize the little
things Changbin has done for you. The way his eyes glow when he smiles. The way he makes you feel at home. You did not want to think of your days without him.. He is the reason you stayed… why can’t he stay. Why does he have to leave? I just want him to h-hold me
You can feel the tears spilling down your face
“Y/N” Woojin said putting his hand on your shoulder “I know you may not like me like that and I’m okay with that. I see the way you look at Changbin. You really love him Y/N”.
“Woojin I know I hurt you”
“Hey I’m fine. There are other people right” he said smiling.
“You will always be my best friend Woojinnie nothing is going to change that” tears started to roll down your eyes. Soon after you leaned into Woojin for a hug.
“You can save him you know” Woojin said looking down at you. “I read into this stuff when I was going through my quote on quote emo phrase but it should work”
“H-How please tell me how.” You sob harder
“If I am correct you are doing it now.” He says
“W-What?” You look at him confused
“When a trapped spirit exerts as much force as he did it has to be for a good reason. He did it for you… Y/N he loves you. He risked his life for you because I did a stupid thing. I let my emotions control me. I am so sorry.” He says tearing up
You hold him tighter and cry.
Why would he do such a thing, How could I have not seen it. I am such an idiot all the times he would act like an ass, he just was protecting me. He really does love me.
You fall onto Changbin chest just like the first time you hug him. You could still hear his heartbreak. You got up a bit lean over his head, hand on his cheek. Looking at him like this broke your heart.
“I love you Changbin” your voice started to break “please don’t leave me”.
A tear fall from your face onto his cheek. So after your head fell onto his chest.
You heard a voice but you thought you were dreaming. So you felt a hand on your arms. Opening your eyes you saw it in the flesh.
“Hey I’m okay Y/N” you heard that familiar voice again.
Lifting your head you were faced with Changbin in the flesh.
“C-Changbin y-you’re actually”
“It’s me Y/N” he said placing his hand on your cheek.
You couldn’t control your tears.
“Ch-Changbin I thought I lost you forever. I don’t know what I would do.” You grab onto him tighter
“It’s good to know someone will miss me” he said chuckling.
“Please don’t leave me.” You beg him
“I’m here now babygirl.” He said grabbing your hand and kissing it
You smile
“Sophia.” You say with a stern voice
“Y-yes?” She asks nervously
“You are a terrible women. I will never be able to look at you the same.” You said and shed a tear
“Y/N it’s fine. You shouldn’t hate her for the past. She is still the women who raised you.” Changbin says standing up reaching for your hand to stand you up.
“Please can everyone just leave us?” You try to ask nicely
Both Sophia and Woojin nod and leave closing the door
Changbin pulls you into his embrace again and you rest your head on his shoulder
“Do you really love me Y/N?” Changbin asks
“I would never lie to you.” You say looking into his eyes
“No you haven’t.” He says looking back at you and smiling
“And I will never.” You bite your lip
I really love this man.
“Y/N be mine.” He says quickly
“W-What?” You ask him again smiling just so you can hear it again
“Be my girl. I want to spend the rest of my human life with you. You are the only person who loved me and was willing to fight for me.” He finishes
You place your hands on either side of his face standing on your tippy toes, pulling him in for a kiss
“Of course.” You respond back and kiss him again
Changbin though it has been a short time I can not imagine myself without you.
“I bet you 11,000 won that it was my charming face that made you fall on your knees for me” Changbin said after the kiss
“And I bet it was my stuttering that made you fall for me” returning the answer.
“Where’s my wallet...you just got yourself 11,000 won” he said pressing his nose on yours smiling.
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fairycosmos · 7 years
schoooooool suckssssss i feel like im wasting my life doing it i wish i could be doing art or reading or going outside doing things for myself and others that i feel passionate about and enjoy or just like CHILL i have to do this English paper and I Do Not Understand What Im Doing And I Want To Die :/
ugh this is a Mood and trust me we’ve all been the fuck through it,,, honestly i’m not going to sit here and say that school is fun or interesting and you probably won’t remember most of it in like 10 yrs BUT getting your education is v important because you need something to fall back on. i feel like the biggest hypocrite in the world saying this but it’s about the principle of meeting your fullest potential and doing what you need to do in order to further your life, and sometimes that includes doing really boring things that feel pointless. whether it feels like it or not, your school days are numbered n you only get to do them once, you know? someday you’re going to walk out of that building and never have to go back. you just have to remember that you’re obviously very young and life is a lot longer than you think it is. i know it all feels so unnecessary and annoying, but you genuinely have all of the time in the world to go out there and pursue what interests you, and just because it’s not happening right now doesn’t mean it never will. eventually, you’ll be able to go out there and live your life on your own terms and do the things that you really want to do. it’s a matter of time more than anything else. these feelings of frustration and anger are fleeting and you shouldn’t let them impede on accomplishing what you know you’re capable of. however, you should also know that while education is extremely important, your general well being and overall happiness should also take priority in your life. maybe you need to figure out how to introduce more free time into your schedule or set aside a of couple hours just to do art or read or something, and really treasure that down time while you have it. and if that’s not a possibility then you just need to get through this really busy, overwhelming period and then allow yourself some time to chill afterwards. i promise that things are going to figure themselves out one way or another. i know it kind of sounds like bullshit but it’s not. you’re going to get through it.
as far as this english paper goes, if you really truly don’t understand the assignment then maybe you could email your teacher or ask about it the next time you’re in class?? idk if yr teacher is chill or not but if they’re not, make an attempt at the paper just so you have proof that you tried. do that by forcing yourself to write a couple paragraphs every few hours or so, and don’t overthink it. just start writing, get a rough outline. don’t give yourself the chance to procrastinate. however if yr teacher IS chill then just ask for some clarification and an explanation on what you have to do the next time you see him/her. i mean it’s not like you’re being lazy or anything - you clearly care about your work to some extent and you’re aware that you have to do it, so the teacher can’t really get mad at you for it. this is obviously a really stressful time for you and i literally know how you feel so much (i’m in this situation at least 3 times a week omg) but i know that you’re strong enough to handle it bb :/ even if you feel like you’re not, you are. once it’s over and done with you’ll be so glad you managed to do it, i promise. i hope you feel better soon, get some rest and attempt the essay with a clear and open mind. message me if you need someone to talk to or if you need a friend btw !! i’m always here.
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colesterstrudel · 7 years
You are Looking so pretty in your Rollins shirt 😍 Can't watch the show cause I have a long day at work😭
Thank you! And awh omg that suckssssss
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dreamysharstar · 4 years
So, I realize I’ll only post on this if I am the following:
sad or lonely
It’s okay if you can’t get yourself to vent to an actual person. I think it’s more strong when you can vent to yourself. So I’ll do that. I feel vulnerable every time I do vent to someone else, especially about someone else. I don’t want to ever do that again. It’s not fun.
I think venting is important for the body to heal and be satisfied again. I have to remember to do often through these random posts. I used to do it in the notes section on my phone but the it’s pretty gloomy up there, feel better here. You know yourself best. You heal the best when you heal yourself.
So anyways, today was a weird day really, migraine migraine migraine + work and bam, I was gifted with beautiful airpods. Even after receiving the airpods, completely forgetting that I even own them... how did I get this sad? My little sister pointed this out to me. You. Just. Got. Airpods. Why are you sad? You know, that does sounded really silly. I guess I’m really not that materialistic? I win and forget the next day. I mean . I look forward to using it. My excitement will come back. It’s still there. But, I get sad so easily, so vulnerable I am when it’s some I really love lol. So that suckssssss. I forgot that was excited. I lost my appetite to sleep. Not until I feel better. Don’t wait on someone to make you feel better. It’s more powerful when you can do it yourself. We need to train ourselves this way because no everyone will stay in our lives. I appreciate every person that I have had amazing memories with, I cherish them - but it’s true, nothing last forvever sadly... but we’ll move on and look back what beautiful lesson and memories you got out of it right!? lol that’s how you maintain positivity. May we.. continue to spread positivity. ❤️
Today. Was a good day. You’re fine Shar. You feel like crying as you type this. It’s okay. You’ll get good sleep too.
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