#Thomas Padalecki
agentkikirogers · 1 year
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Day 2 of #JaredWeek : Family ➡ Jared and his Beautiful Family
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amberjazmyn · 6 months
pinky promise
𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮 - pinky promise
𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 - sad, big sister ackles leaving, crying, tears
𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 - the older sister of the ackles family, aurelia, was leaving austin, texas to go back to australia for college. and let's just say her family but especially her younger sister jj was not happy about it.
𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮 - this was first written so many years ago and i am so pumped to be rewriting it now when i'm a much better writer. also, this will be set in like 2015 when danneel was pregnant with their twins, arrow and zeppelin so that's why jj is only mentioned as the other ackles daughter.
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today was the day that no one in the ackles family was looking forward to. wishing that the day didn't even start and they wish it never ended. aurelia, the eldest daughter of actors jensen and danneel ackles, was needing to go back to australia for the second semester of her first year of university. her two-month long semester one break was finishing and she was due to come back on campus on monday and it was now thursday evening, the last night that aurelia would have with her family before needing to be awake at stupid o'clock for her eight am flight back to brisbane, australia.
knowing this was going to be her last night in austin, texas with her family for who knows how long, sucked the big apples. she really wished thursday didn't come or end. aurelia's vlog camera capturing this sweet moment between her and little sister jj as they talk about aurelia's farewell tomorrow on friday.
aurelia's pov
"...why are you leaving me, ria?" my little sister, jj whined, my nickname "ria" falling from jj's lips as i chuckled softly, not wanting to cry as i had already cried way too much when packing some last-minute things
"because jj, i have to study!" i giggled back, moving over to the pouting and sad jj and allowing her to rest in my lap as she played with my long hair
"i don't care! you are not leaving me...not leaving us or the new babies!" jj whined as she wrapped her arms around my waist, literally sitting herself in my lap
it did warm my heart at the same time as hurting it as i could tell jj would become hysterical the second the family steps foot into the airport. especially considering jj was right, mom was pregnant with twins right now and she was worried that i wouldn't be home in time for their birth.
"i have to jj, i know it sucks but, i'll be back soon i promise, and i'll be home way before the new babies are born!" i giggled softly, attempting to lift the spirits of jj but also my parents and aunty and uncle and cousins but, nothing was working so, i just exhaled and allowed my chin to rest against jj's head of hair as i tried to distract myself
"you pinky promise?" jj's soft, upset voice rang back in a whisper as i chuckled softly, lifting my head up to see jj lifting her pinky, making me lift my pinky up too for the pinky promise
"pinky promise," i responded back, giving jj a little comfort kiss to the head as she grabbed my arms and cuddled them, knowing she wouldn't have that opportunity for another month or two before seeing me again
it was starting to become quite late when it was decided that netflix would be chromecasted from my iphone to the tv and watch a movie together with the joint padackles family. the padalecki's were also visiting so they could also farewell me tomorrow at the airport with their two boys as well. we were also in the lounge room on the king-size mattress that we were all laying on so we would all sleep together. we had then all agreed to watch the disney movie, lilo & stitch at the request of jj because it was one of her current favourites.
by the end of the movie, somehow, we were all intertwined and cuddling with one another, well, just me, jj, thomas and shep since the adults had all moved to their bedrooms at some point in the night. but, this was normal, even though it was going to be the last one for a month or two due to my studies back in brisbane. which is why we wanted to make the most of it before the treacherous flight back.
time skip | five am friday morning | aurelia's pov 
fluttering my eyes open, i looked to my right to see that it had just hit five am which was perfect because it meant that i had to get ready for my nineteen hour and thirty nine minute flight back to brisbane, australia for my second semester of college. looking around the king-sized mattress, it seemed as though i was the last one awake however when i stood up and turned the corner, my poor little sister jj had fallen asleep with her head resting on the breakfast bench. i chuckled softly before tip-toeing over to her and trying to shake her awake. deciding to get all of this for the farewell vlog, placing the camera down a couple of benches away and shuffled over to jj.
"jj, sweetheart, you need to wake up," i giggled softly as i tried to whisper, telling jj she had to wake up, a childlike whine falling from her lips as my heart melted at the sound
"no, i don't want to!" jj whined out as i cooed at how tired she sounded but, nevertheless, she opened her eyes and lifted her head off of the countertop, giving the saddest look ever right into my eyes as i pouted
"i'm sorry jj but you have to. i'm sorry that it sucks," i pouted as jj sniffled before swapping her weight from the countertop over to me as i took no time in wrapping my arms around my tired younger sister
it was easy to tell why jj wanted to stay aslee for as long as possible. because, her logic was that, if she didn't wake up, then i wouldn't have to leave. which, was the saddest but smartest and cutest thing i've ever seen.
then, after having a little cuddle with jj, i could hear my cousin thomas getting ready in the bathroom with his dad, uncle jared's, help. and it already sounded like little tom was getting upset. i gave jj a kiss on her forehead before walking to the bathroom, i was also filming this for my youtube channel for the farewell vlog so, this made it even worse to say goodbye. and, before y'all attack me, i've always had permission by both my parents and uncles and aunties for permission to film the kids!
"tom, you alright?" i whispered, giving a soft knock on the door with my vlog camera in my hand as tom responds as i hear uncle jared try to comfort him
"uh-huh," i pout at the camera at tom's small noise, but i know straight away that tom wasn't okay
"tom, don't lie to me my love. can your daddy please confirm to me that you're okay?" i asked softly as i then hear jared's voice and he sighs sadly - yeah, tom definitely wasn't okay and i don't blame the little one, i was feeling the same and i hated that today was even happening
"no, he isn't okay, ria," uncle jared responds as i nod my head and take that as my cue to come in
i quickly place the camera a far distance from our faces as straight away, tom asks to be picked up by me. similar to what jj had done as i don't refuse and i pick him up and have a little cry as well. uncle jared watches on before obviously, me and tom open the hug so daddy/uncle jared could join in.
"everything's going to be fine, tom, i promise i'll be back soon, you don't need to cry sweetheart!" i whispered into the little boy's cheek as tom's small cries become muffled due to my shoulder and the texas football jersey that was my dad's that i was wearing
"i just don't want to forget you, cousin ria!" tom revealed, his tears making him sound congested as i hugged tom tighter, completely ignoring the camera that was filming this entire thing as i gave a sad look to uncle jared who returned my sad look with a sad look of his own
and hearing tom say that broke my heart, did he seriously think i would come back home for a couple of months and then just go back to brisbane and forget about him and the rest of the family? what a silly little goose he is, if anything, i'd be worried about them forgetting me!
"oh, tom, my sweetheart, i won't forget about you guys! i love you all way too much to even think about forgetting you!" i whispered back as tom smiled into my shoulder as i managed to catch a peek as i smiled back
then, after i finished my cuddle session with mr tom padalecki, i decided to pause my video recording so i could eat something for breakfast so we all decided as a family to get food. right next to the house and a little up from the lake we have a little cafe that we would go to almost every day so, we decided to go there for some coffee and breakfast before the airport. and then, after the breakfast trip, we all came back home and i spent more time with the rest of the family, had some cuddles with the kidlets, jj, tom and shep, the youngest of the padalecki boys and also had some last minute cuddles with my parents and uncle jared and aunty genevieve as well.
time skip | airport | aurelia pov 
now came the time that all of us hated, stepping out of my range rover and into the bloody austin airport. the entire car ride, i was being smothered in cuddles by the three kids, my sister jj and my cousins tom and shep. the best thing being, i was sitting with jj cuddled in my lap and tom and shep leaning on me so the cuddles i got were immaculate. however, i felt awful for my parents as dad was driving and mom was in the passenger seat whilst uncle jared and aunty genevieve were in the middle of the car and me and the kidlets were right in the back of my jeep. i could tell that dad was getting upset and wearing sunglasses so no one would notice how upset he was getting. i had also now decided to start the vlog up again so, this was all being filmed, the car ride probably was the cutest thing i had filmed the entire day of which was otherwise depressing.
"...so guys, it's now happening! i'm now at the airport with the rest of my family about to check-in for my flight and then go though security. thankfully, all of us, will all be able to go through together so they won't have to leave straight away which is nice. but, it's just awful in general that semester break is now over for uni and that i have to go back to brisbane but, it is what it is and, i'll be back home for semester two break. as of right now though, it is time to get ready to head to college," i huffed into my vlog camera as jj stayed attached to my hip since i was carrying her as i chuckled, giving her a kiss to her head as she smiled and hid her face in my side away from the camera
"as you can tell, none of the family is happy about it..." i giggle as i pan the vlog camera to my family who all instantly turn away, my dad even going as far as giving it the finger as i pout with a small giggle
"but, just like mom always says, i chose to study internationally and it's a new and fun life experience and we can't change it. so, for a catch up as i didn't really vlog anything last night, pretty much the entire day all of us were packing up the house and doing some final touches umm, we had packed away the bedframe, hence why you saw that king-sized mattress this morning in that little clip that you saw of jj and i in the kitchen. umm, we all fell asleep watching lilo & stitch and we were just cuddling and all over one another but at some point during the night, mom, dad and uncle jared and aunty genevieve were upstairs in their rooms which just left me, jj, tom and shep on the king-sized mattress in the lounge room. then we just got dressed and went out to the cafe that's just over the lake a little bit for some breakfast and coffee before we made our way here over to the airport. it is now *checks phone* six-thirty in the morning and my flight is at just before eight am so, we have an hour and a bit left together before i truly do, leave my family for another two months *they groan as aurelia giggles*," i tried to speak as quietly as i could even though they weren't that many people that were actually in the airport right now
and, this was shocking as they'd usually be quite a few morning flights but, apparently, not today!
we then checked in and, i lowered my vlog camera for that so all they were seeing was jj, tom, shep and my shoes and fluffy socks that we all decided to match with one another. and then, we went through security so, all the video was seeing was the inside of the x-ray radiation machine. whilst it was quite cool looking back, i don't think it was actually good for the camera itself but, we move. then after that whole security check, we then went to find my gate.
"we've just all gone through security and we are now waiting at the gate of where i'll be getting on a plane and leaving..." i trail off as jj suddenly flops herself onto my lap as i groan and giggle, running my fingers through jj's hair
"...but, that isn't for another hour or so so right now, i think we're just gonna chill and just have loads of cuddles as a family and hopefully my parents, uncle and aunty won't get asked for any photos *giggles*..." i trail off as i shake my head
"...i'm totally joking but, i'm only saying that because there are times and places to ask for photos with your fave celebs and just saying, as a tip from a daughter of an actor's daughter, do not ask your fave for a photo whilst they are at the airport with their family. especially when it's them saying goodbye..." i trail off again as i then finish the little ted talk and circle back to what i was explaining earlier
"...but, going back to what i was talking about earlier, now that we are just waiting for the next hour or so, i'm not sure how much of this i'll film but, yeah, do enjoy these next few clips that will be showing up on the screen soon!" i giggle as i then have a filmed cuddle sesh with jj and tom before pausing the vlog again to grab another coffee before starting the vlog again
"...i'm back y'all! umm, the clips you saw before this one was of me having some more cuddle sessions with jj and tom so, after that i just cut the vlog for a bit since i don't really want to film a whole hour of us waiting and twiddling our thumbs *giggles*. i decided to grab some more coffee in that break because i know i'll need it so i don't cry like an absolute ugly baby because i learnt that lesson when i left for semester one at the beginning of the year and, i didn't have a coffee let alone two so i was a cry baby and it was very embarrassing that i cut it completely out of that vlog *giggles*. but, it has now just gone six-fifty in the morning so we've still got a while before the flight gets called to be boarded but i just thought i'd give you an update. so, as of right now, as you can tell, i have a thing called shep padalecki, in my arms right now. i'm just holding little shep here cause mom and dad have taken jj and tom to get some hot chocolates for those two and some coffees for them and uncle jared and aunty genevieve. so, that's all i can really update y'all on right now so, yeah, see you guys later!" i smiled as i then shut off the camera again as i see mom and dad return with jj and tom
i pause the video and put the vlog camera down on the seat next to me. my second arm that's now free from the vlog camera now comes around shep as i can now hold him properly, with two hands rather than just the one. i then saw dad smile as he noticed that i was still wearing his texas football jersey he had given to me as he watches jj and tom, making sure they don't spill their hot chocolates as mom also smiles at me, cradling her pregnant belly as i smile back at my parents.
the clock had now hit seven-twenty which meant that it was coming up to the time of my flight's first round of passengers being called onto the plane. and this is when everyone truly started to get upset. however, i occasionally would pick up the vlog camera for some clips.
seven-fifty am
"...guys, it's happening! it's seven-fifty am and in a few short minutes, i will be getting called up to board the flight to brisbane, australia. i'm honestly the most upset i've ever been in years as, i honestly didn't want this semester break to end but, now it really has so, in these next few clips, you'll be seeing me and my family say goodbye. and, i do apologise in advance and issue a warning as there will be some very ugly crying starting in three...two...one..." i did a video transition by covering my hand over the camera as the clips of me saying goodbye to my family started to be filmed
uncle jared and aunty genevieve were the first to come over and say goodbye. i could tell they were upset but it wasn't a weepy upset like you would think. i mean, of course uncle jared and aunty genevieve were sad, they hated seeing me leave as did my parents but, i think they were more so proud of me. but, even still, my heart broke when i hugged uncle jared and aunty genevieve as it was never fun having to say goodbye to them.
"bye uncle jared and aunty genevieve, behave, both of you! and i better hear some pregnancy news when i come back because i still want a padalecki niece! i love you both and take care of yourselves and of my little boys!" i giggle, whispering into the group hug with uncle jared and aunty genevieve as they giggle as well
"we love you too, aurelia! come home soon! we will behave and we'll try to fulfil your wishes of wanting a padalecki niece! take care of yourself too and we'll see you soon!" jared said with a smile as genevieve just nodded her head in agreement as i giggled
after saying goodbye to uncle jared and aunty genevieve, it was time for me to farewell the kids, cousins tom, shep and my sister jj. and, before i even hugged any of them, jj was hysterical. which then, when i did have to end our hug and goodbye with the kids, made me feel even more guilty because jj was already hysterical. thankfully tom and shep didn't seem too upset but i knew that would change when they'd see me walk onto the plane as that's what had happened last time.
"i miss you already sissy! please don't go!" jj cried as i picked her up and hugged her as tightly as i could, making eye contact with the camera
"jj, sweetie, if i could choose i'd stay but i can't, i have to go back to study but i promise i'll be back soon!" i spoke softly into jj's tiny ear as her cries started to calm down which i was really thankful for
as, in all honesty, seeing my little sister so upset broke my heart. also seeing tom or shep cry or upset felt like my heart was broken. but, because tom and shep didn't seem too affected at this current point in time which made it slightly easier on me.
jj had now calmed down which meant it was now time to move on and say goodbye to was mom. thankfully, her emotions and hormones were slightly controlled so she wasn't as emotional as she was the first time i had to leave. however, it was obvious mom was still upset that it was happening again and i couldn't blame here. so, i shuffled over to mom and opened my arms out for a hug as we both laughed. she welcomed me in for a hug straight away and i smiled and hugged her tight.
"oh, my darling aurelia! this break went too quickly and i wish i could have slowed it down so you were home for longer! i love you loads my darling and we'll see you soon!" mom smiles as she hugs me tightly before pulling out of the hug and placing her hands on my cheeks as i smile and nod my head
"i love you too, mom. and this break did go too quickly and it should have been longer, i agree. however, i will see you guys soon and, hopefully the babies aren't causing too much trouble!" i giggle at the baby comment i made as i then touch mom's pregnant belly and talk to it because, of course i do, my baby siblings are in there
"oi, speaking of my ackles babies, please don't put mom through too much pain, alright! don't be kicking her, don't be using her insides as bongos and other musical instruments, please and thank you. and behave and listen to everything mom and dad tell you and also listen to jj cause she's still older than you! and also, please don't make any special arrivals until i come home again, alrighty? i love you so much babies and i'll see you soon my loves!" i whisper to mom's pregnant belly as i then kiss it as mom smiles and brushes her fingers through my hair
"well, that was a stern talking to and, i hope they listen!" mom giggles as i laugh as well as i hug mom for a second time before we pulled away
and now, the last person i had to say goodbye to was my dad. the hardest goodbye ever next to mom and jj. the entire drive to the airport, dad was quiet and didn't even try to strike or include himself into any of the conversations like he usually would during car rides. meaning that today really wasn't a good day for him and, he wanted to get it over and done with as quickly as he could so then he could grieve privately away from everyone and my vlog camera.
just like jj, before even speaking or hugging, he was teary and it was awful. for those wondering, my dad wasn't really much of a crier, that was all uncle jared to be quite honest. so, the fact that the roles were switched this morning was quite a jumpscare. then, i shuffled over to dad and opened my arms for a hug which he basically initiated straight away and hugged me tightly. i could feel a couple of his tears and i pouted sadly, i could tell dad regretted not asking the school if i could do the uni work online and stayed for the extra month home here in austin but, he just didn't think he would get this upset. and because of that, he didn't bother asking and now i am ninety nine percent sure dad wishes he had done that.
"i love you dad, don't be upset for too long! i'll be back soon and you know that! besides, i thought you were the one that always says no chick flick moments?" i tried to joke as i managed to hear dad giggle a little as i giggled as well
"i love you too ria. and i'll try not to be upset for too much longer. i know you'll be home soon, i'm just being dramatic! and, how dare you use my own words against me!" dad joked back, giving me some sass as we pulled out of the hug as i giggled again and shrugged my shoulders
"oh, you know, because i can and it's not the first time i've used your words against you," i giggled as dad couldn't argue with that as he laughed as well, hugging me close again before giving my head a kiss
then, as dad and i parted from the second hug, the announcement that we had all been dreading but waiting for the entire morning came over the pa system.
"can passengers for flight 933 to brisbane, australia please start to board for their flight. i repeat, flight 933 to brisbane, australia, thank you," i couldn't help but finally shed some tears i had been holding back as the entire family ran over for a group hug as jj started crying again
after parting from that hug, it was finally time for me to go and board my flight.
"okay, it's actually happening guys, i'm flying back to brisbane for my second semester and i don't want to go," i sigh into my vlog camera as i see out my viewfinder that my family, but more especially dad and jj were waiting for me to run back to them
exactly like what's shown in the movies but, i couldn't do that as, if i did do it, i don't think i would have it in me to run back to my plane in time.
i then made it on the plane and found my seat and got myself as comfortable as i could for the nineteen hour flight back to brisbane, australia. i got my vlog camera back out to do the outro before placing the vlog camera back into my carry-on so i could then go back to listening to my spotify and watching netflix.
"...a few minutes have passed and, i'm now on the plane. the next you'll see is a compilation of the last month of my trip back home to austin, texas with the best family in the world and then, in the rest of this "outro" since it'll be kinda long, i'll be back in brisbane in my dorm room at college. see you guys then, i love you all and remember, you are very much loved, you are not alone and always keep fighting!" i waved goodbye and blew a kiss to my camera before ending the vlog
i then went into spotify to press play on my playlist. only to hear the one line of the one song that really encapsulated today in a sentence as a tear glided down my cheek. i closed my eyes and rested my head on the window before the safety demonstration was to begin.
if you were wondering what the song was that made me cry, it was louden swain's she waits.
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well shit, now i'm sad, why did i write this
ily xx
word count; 3922
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jaredwalkersam · 2 months
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#JaredWeek | Jared's roles
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salembehindbars · 28 days
When I say I like older men and dilfs, I mean, I am only into older men who aren’t into younger girls. I need an older man who doesn’t want me because the second he does, it will disgust me that he is an older man who is into younger women
(I dont know if that makes sense but that is how I feel)
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positivexcellence · 1 month
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alfredyankovic: Just hanging out with @jennifergrey, @thomaspatricklennon, @jaredpadalecki, and @dennisrodman, as one does.
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hexedwinchester · 26 days
@jaredwalkersam made these gifs and I'm forever grateful!! 😍😍😍
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welovejarepad · 10 months
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draganwhorror · 1 month
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Met David Howard Thornton (Terrifier) and Mark Pellegrino yesterday. Got a pro photo with Jared and Weird Al yesterday. Met Thomas Lennon and Alaina Huffman (Abaddon from Supernatural) today. My camera-shy friend wanted cropped/erased before I shared these, hence the weird edits to a couple of them.
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acecroft · 2 years
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JARED PADALECKI as Thomas Kinkade in Thomas Kinkade's Christmas Cottage (2008)
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lukesfrag · 5 months
Me and my bros going to defend Sam/Jared from haters:
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Thomas Kinkade’s Christmas Cottage
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28 new logo free HQ photos from ‘Thomas Kinkade’s Christmas Cottage’ have been added to the gallery replacing smaller photos that had logos on them & 1 HQ behind the scenes photo. All of Jared's movie photos from his old gallery have now also been added to the site. Love & Light - Saṃsāra xoxo
Link: Thomas Kinkade’s Christmas Cottage Link: Jared Padalecki Movies
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kinkadeluvr · 7 months
My friend got me into supernatural, and I'm SUUUPER into Jared Padalecki, so much so that I'm attempting to tackle his filmography and shows and I came across this gem of a movie called "Thomas Kinkade's Christmas Cottage" from the year 2009. It is, by no means, a movie that is up my alley. It's a very Christian movie, and I'm Jewish, but Jared Padalecki is so SO CUTE in it!
So, in the fashion of me, I've started writing a five star review for this movie on letterboxd, with my friend helping on days when I can't. I genuinely think this is the funniest thing we've(my best friend and I) ever done! I'm also genuinely curious if we can single handedly raise the 3 star review on letterboxd!
Photo of some reviews under the cut
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fleursfairiesedits · 7 months
these are so fun to make
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sounknownvoid · 9 months
Merry xmas!
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Isnt he just a beautiful warm tall cup of mmm-mm-mmmmhh!!... 😊😊😉☺️... enjoy!
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positivexcellence · 3 months
violet_brinson: How do you say goodbye to something that has changed your life? 4 years of Walker has impacted me immeasurably. The family that this show has built, the work of the best crew in Texas, the laughter and the tears will stay with me forever. Saying goodbye to Stella Walker feels like saying goodbye to a piece of myself I didn’t even know I had. Her boldness, her brazenness, her heartbreaking mistakes and flaws fueled by hurt, grief, and a ravenous love for her family. Thank you @awfricke and all the writers of @thecwwalker who created such a beautiful character that I got to walk around in for a short 4 years. I’m taking her with me. I’m so thankful for everybody who worked so hard on this show. The crew inspired me to show up at my best every single day and the cast… You were always a rambunctious group filled with love and joy, you came prepared and ready to work and you inspired me with your performances. The true humanness of your work made me laugh and cry, (sometimes at the same time.) you captivated me, constantly. I love you all so much. I’m so thankful to the people who watched this show and made it part of their family just as the Walker family brought me into their own. Tonight is the series finale. Saying goodbye is hard, but only because we had something worth saying goodbye to ♥️
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hexedwinchester · 4 months
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okay, hear me out. Stanford Era Sam visiting Jessica's family for the first time for holidays. Jessica comes from old money but clearly Sam is living on from one paycheck to another that he gets by working in a library. Despite the wealth, the Moores are down to earth and humble and they welcome Sam with open arms. Jessica's mother loves Sam like her own and knits him that red scarf! Ugh!! I need to write this into one of my WIP fanfics!
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