#Thor x poc reader
missacidburn928 · 10 months
Oh, look. More dialogue...
"Well, well, well. What have we here?"
"Mm. Now that's not very nice to say. You're not very easy to catch in the act you know."
"If I knew you were going to be home by lunch I wouldn't have even bothered getting off on my own."
"Don't stop on my account. I'm rather enjoying the show. It's giving me some mighty fine images to playback while I make use of our magical shower head."
"You'd deny taking on ride on this right now?"
"I just assumed it was of party of 1. I wasn't invited after all."
"It's always an open invitation for you baby girl. Now are you gonna bring that fine ass over here and sit on your rightful throne? Or am I going to have come over there, rip those clothes off, bend you over and fuck that brat attitude out of you so I can get my sweet woman back?"
"Choices. Choices"
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Eff Being Friends
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Steve Rogers x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader “Ci”
? x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader “Ci”
Ex!Thor x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader "Ci”
Ex!Loki x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader "Ci”
Wordcount: 4191
To say the relationship between Steve and I was complicated would be an understatement. But I’m not the one to blame. That honor goes to Captain Indecision, himself. So why would he ever think I would make things easy for him?
18+ Only MDNI, Angsty with some mild smut and surprise feels.
Heavily inspired by “Fuck Being Friends” by Jessie Reyes. I have this need to fuck with Steve. Also there be a twist abound. Who could the mystery person be?
Banner by @cafekitsune Divider by @firefly-graphics
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Your off and on relationship with one Steven Grant Rogers, is once again off. This hot and cold shit is for the birds. If it weren’t for his dick game being almost magical you would have written him off a long time ago. Well that and you might possibly be in love with the fucker too.
When he’s not self-conscious and feeding into his own paranoia, things are great. It’s when he lets his intrusive thoughts and the opinions of others guide him that things take a turn.
Like when he starts acting a fool now that Thor is on the compound for a visit with Loki. Both of whom are technically your exes but as you’re gods you don’t hold the same morality standards when it comes to multiple partners. You were actively hooking up with both of them at the same time, ages ago.
It may have even become a bit of a competition between the brothers at one point.
So why should you shy away from all the wonderful flirty banter and not so innocent exchanges being thrown your way. Steve needs a reminder that you’re not from this realm and he can’t toy with you as such. Just because you’ve put up with his bullshit thus far, does not mean you will continue too.
Being green with envy serves him right.
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Tony has gotten into the habit of throwing a game night once a month for ‘morale’ or whatever. Honestly, you think it’s just an excuse to get everyone shit faced enough to reveal or do embarrassing things so that Jarvis can hoard it all to be used later. Whatever the reason, you are more than excited this months is happening while the Asgardians are here.
You’ve been having the best week with them. Reminiscing the good ol days and creating some hot and heavy new memories to add to the list.
“Watching you surrender to my magic. Wrapped tight in my shadows. Is a sight that will never cease to amaze me. Offering up your body, the perfect altar, for me to worship. To show my own devotion through your surrender. A gift I have never taken for granted my dear. Steven really is quite the fool.” Loki professed before rendering you brainless and cock drunk for hours.
Steve’s eyes have been attached to your frame all night. Begging for you to give him some attention. But you pay him no mind. You’re preoccupied being very flirty and touchy feely with everyone.
Tony has decided that tonight’s game is Truth or Dare. It seems the man of iron is also enjoying watching the gods get under Steve’s skin.
You take every dare, and they get raunchier by the ask. You give Nat, who is sat next to Captain Cranky, a sultry little lap dance that ends in a heated kiss. Only to be broken up by Steve’s quiet growl.
On your next turn your dared to make Thor get a boner without touching him. You saunter behind the loveseat he is perched on. Leaning in so that you can whisper in his ear. You regale him with all the dirty things you love that he does to you. The way his lightning makes you sing like no other. All stated low enough for only the gods and the super soldiers to hear. Your mission is a success of course. Thor’s unable to hide the ‘hammer’ tenting his slacks as he pulls you over the back of couch onto his lap and bites down on your throat making you giggle.  
The game continues with Clint having to admit that he most certainly has seen his teammates getting it on when he has been up in the vents. “Some things you can’t unsee unfortunately.” He shivers.
Sam, having confessed who he thinks has the best ass, turns to you. “Truth or Dare Ci?”
“Dare of course. Why change it up now.”
“I dare you to get Loki to genuinely smile.”
You look at him quizzically. “You think you’re so smart. Prepare to be knocked down a peg or three bird boy.”
Standing you walk over to Loki, who has been leaning against the wall, observing all night. With a cheeky smile you wave your fingers and cloak yourselves in darkness that's not only soundproof but is also time spelled as well.
You lower to your knees and snap Loki’s pants out of existence. The visual of you before him is enough to turn his cock hard as steel in front of your very eyes. You waste no time attaching your lips to the foreskin covered tip. Teasing the sensitive flesh with your tongue before sinking down to the hilt. You pull out all the stops. Sucking his cock until he comes down your throat with a roar. Savoring every drop as he fills your belly.
Removing the spell, it seems to the room as if only 1 minute has passed. It does not go unnoticed that Loki is relaxed while he continues to lean against the wall. Grinning like a loon.
This is when Steve notices your slightly swollen lips and quiet panting. Having been on the receiving end of that look many a time, he seethes. Cracking the glass of whiskey in his hand.
You give your turn to Loki so that you may catch your breath. It’s no surprise to anyone that he chooses Steve. “Truth or Dare Captain?”
“Truth. I have nothing to hide.” He challenges the God of Mischief.
“Alright.” He glances at you quickly. Catching you subtly lick your lips, most likely still tasting of him, grinning to yourself. “When was the last time you got your cock properly serviced and with who?”
Everyone assumes the answer will be you when you were still together a couple weeks ago.
With a cocky grin and sip of his drink he answers as he stares you down. “Yesterday after training with Sharon. She caught me on my way to change in my room and said I looked tense and needed a release. I took her up on her offer. Plus she gives decent head.”
He must have thought that you were going to be upset that he let poor lovesick Sharon suck his dick instead of getting the best head of his life from you. You couldn’t care less actually.
Not when you were getting dicked down in your own post training bath with Thor. It really is a great way to help stretch out and relax your muscles.
“Good for you Steven. You always are so tense after a rough training session. I know I was. Thor helped sort me out though.” You sweetly state.
“Are you serious right now? You two were practically on the verge of killing each other in the training room.”
“Great foreplay. Don’t tell me you never partook in post battle coitus with her. She is ravenous after any kind of rough play.” Thor, the sweet himbo that he is, adds in.
“Fuck this. I’m going to bed.”
“Should I call Sharon to come lick your wounds?”
“Fuck you Ci”
“Sorry not tonight, Cap.”
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In the state-of-the-art training room only Stark money could provide. Left to your own devices. You and Bucky are engaged in an intense sparring session.
Each move is calculated, precise, and born from years of relentless training. Bucky, a seasoned veteran, exudes an aura of quiet confidence and strength. While you, a woman of equal skill and determination, possess an uncanny ability to anticipate his every move.
As you grappled along the training matts, your bodies intertwined in a dance of submission and evasion. Knives glinted in the dim light, their edges a constant threat that kept you both on high alert.
On an instinct, you feigned a strike. Your body language, a masterpiece of your deception. In that split second, you seized the opportunity to swiftly maneuver behind the super soldier and lock him in a chokehold.
Triumph flashed in your eyes as you tightened your grip around his throat. Victory soon at hand.
But Bucky was not a man to be outdone. With a lightning-fast reversal, he spun on his heel, catching you off guard. His powerful muscles and Vibranium arm strained as he flipped you over, pinning you to the ground. A wry smile played on his lips as he secured his victory.
Though the training session had ended, the unspoken tension between the two of you lingered in the air.
“Still too cocky for your own good, Doll.”
“Are you ever going to get tired of saying that?”
“You ever gonna stop letting me best you?”
“And miss gazing into those icy blues of yours. I don’t think so. I’ve been a goner for them since the first time you laid eyes on me.”
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The first time you met James Barnes was not in Germany like every likes to think. In fact, you had a prior and very intimate relationship with the Winter Soldier. You nursed him back to health long ago when he was still under Hydras thumb. He had wound up collapsed at your doorstep in the middle of nowhere when a mission went wrong and his handler died.
That was the first time he was able to begin remembering. You spent countless nights in front of the fire. Keeping each other warm as you explored these new feelings together. Keeping your skills sharp by engaging in sparring sessions that always ended up pressed flesh to flesh and covered in sweat. Helping him hold on to whatever memories would pop up. It was both sweet and dangerous.
When Hydra tripped your alarms, he begged you to just let him be retrieved. He couldn’t bare knowing any harm came to you because of him. So you let him go with a sweet kiss. But not before placing mark on his ribs that only other gods and those spelled to do so can see.
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“You never told him did you?” You inquire.
“Neither did you.”
“I did it for your protection. You were on the run and I didn’t want anything to happen to you. It’s not my fault he went on the run for you. Who do you think helped him break everyone out and gave Shuri the extra juice to reverse those nasty words in your head.”
“I can’t keep watching him do this to you Ci. I’ve tried talking to him but he cant get it through his stubborn skull how good he has had it. I would give up my humanity to have you back again. I would never take you for granted. Hell, I’d happily let you keep him as a lover in our life if that’s what you so choose. I wouldn’t care who I had to share you with. Just as long as I had you.”
“James.” You whisper. “Take your shirt off.”
“What? Why?”
“Just do it please.”
As he does, the rest of the team file in along with Thor and Loki to run some training exercises of their own.
“Buck why do ya got your shirt off already pal?” Steve questions.
“I asked him to.” You deadpan.
“Why the hell would you do that for Ci? Don’t you have Thor and Loki to play with. Bucky is off limits.”
“I’m afraid that’s where you wrong Steven.”
Bucky looks at you with pleading eyes. Unfortunately you just don’t care to keep this secret anymore.
“James, lift your left arm and turn your side towards our team please.”
“Oh! Your finally going to do it. I was wondering how long, if ever, you were going to let them in on it.” Loki teases.
“On what?” Steve grits out.
“On this.” With a wave of your hand a symbol appears on Bucky's ribs. Glowing a soft golden light that matches your eyes. A chalice overflowing with wine.
“He already is mine. He has been for a quite some time. And will remain that way until he draws his last breath. Which wont be for a very long time as his soul is tied to mine.”
Bucky looks at you with confusion in his eyes. “You gave me your soul bond? Even though I was under Hydras control.”
“I did. It was what gave you the extra strength to endure and survive. I knew you would make it back to me one day. As an immortal I have all the time in the world to wait.”
“But you were with me when I brought him back here.” Steve blurts out.
“Well aren’t you the observant one Stevie. It changes nothing. If he had come to me that day and declared he wanted his place by side, he’d of had it in heartbeat. After a discussion between all of us of course. I’m not actually heartless. I just come off that way.”
“What the fuck Ci?! My best friend! You couldn’t tell me you had been with my best friend when he was brainwashed.”
“Watch your tongue, Rogers. You have no room to speak upon what I did or did not disclose to you. I wasn’t the one playing games with the others heart and emotions now was I.” You seethe.
“I asked her not to.” Bucky imparts. “I was free of Hydra, and we were rebuilding our friendship and I didn’t want to mess it up by intruding on what you had. I was just happy to be near her again and that she had someone I trusted by her side. But man was I wrong. What the hell happened to you Steve? Little Stevie from Brooklyn would have never treated a dame, let alone a goddess, the way you have Ci.”
“Don’t try and turn the blame on me Buck. You could have told me you’d been with her. We shared girls before back when I couldn’t get any on my own. What was so different with her?”
The team looks at each other after that comment with curious brows.
“Because she means more to me than just sex and that is what you would have reduced it to. I told myself, I would either get to have her fully, out in the open or not at all. Keeping my love tucked in the shadows.”
“So you’re the only one who can love her?” Steve shouts.
You clear my throat. “Ahem. You gave up that right when you kicked me to the curb yet again two weeks ago.”
“That doesn’t mean I don’t love you. I just get all lost in my head thinking about starting a family and how would that even be possible with a goddess if I couldn’t even get my dance with Peggy. Then I get angry and need space so I just end it so I can really think things through. I always come back though, Doll. Always.”
“Wooow.” Tony says with a clap. “Capsicle really stuck his foot in it this time.”
“So, your telling me, that instead of just having a conversation about what’s prattling around in that stubborn ass head of yours you thought it prudent to just break up with me then turn around and ask for me to take you back time and time again?” Your eyes alight with golden fire as your temperature raises.
“Avengers, I’d advise you to get behind me and Thor for your safety. I’ve only ever seen her this angry a handful of times and it usually does not end well.” Loki nonchalantly states.
“Yes. No. I-I don’t know. I was confused okay!” He shouts back. “Needed to work some shit out.”
“And that required you to be between Sharon's thighs and any attractive woman who gave you the time of day?”
“Well no, not exactly. That just helped me shut my brain off. But it never felt as good as being inside you.”
“Well, congrats to me for having such good pussy. Why is that though? Does my pussy beat better than my heart does? Boy, please, you aren’t blind. Your too smart for that lie.”
“I’m an idiot when it comes to women and love in general okay. Give me a fight and I know exactly what to do. But love? I’m clueless.”
“Don’t expect pity from me for you playing with my heart. I gave you more than enough room to grow and explore and figure things out as they came. It’s not my fault you chose to throw those things in my face. It is my fault for taking you back so many times though. Especially after Bucky arrived. But he wanted to stay loyal to you. His oldest pal. So I catered to his wishes. Even if it ended up to my detriment.”
“Seemed to be doing just fine to me while you were hooking up with Loki and Thor.”
“My Godly exes. Who I was in a relationship with a millennia ago in another realm. Men who I trust enough with my body to understand that carnal pleasure is all I am able to afford them at this time?”
“Makes no difference to me. Not when you were parading it around. I now can only imagine how it made Buck feel.”
“Didn’t bother me. I know all about how their relationships worked. Gods are different. She’s not in love with them like that. Not anymore at least. They were no threat to me. Plus I was still staying in the shadows.”
“Also.” Thor interrupts. “That lovely little soul bound symbol along Barnes’ ribs can only be seen by other Gods and anyone the bond holder deems fit to see it. So we already knew where at least half of her heart was held. Plus she is such a great lover. I never pass up the chance for such pleasure when I am afforded it.”
“Aye Aye” Loki agrees.
Steve throws his hands up and storms off. Most likely to go ruin a punching bag or five.
Bucky takes the opportunity to embrace you in front of everyone. At his acceptance of your claim, gold and black lines appear on your left shoulder. Matching the pattern of his Vibranium arm.
“Seems the bond has formerly been reciprocated. Welcome to Immortality White Wolf.”
“What are we going to do about Steve?”
“Let him go pout or fuck or whatever he needs to do. When he’s calmed down, we’ll have a conversation and figure out if he deserves a place by our side. You do have a very very long life ahead of you now.”
“Oh he has a looong way to go before I’m okay with letting him get close to you like that again. I think you gave him far too many chances.”
“I gave you a chance from the start didn’t I. Wasn’t planning to fall so quickly or for you to have such an impact on me but sometimes the fates like to play games.”
“Doesn’t help when you spell their lovers for making a pass at you.” Loki discloses.
“Excuse me, but I was spelled for my protection. If they had tried to keep their hands to themselves nothing would have happened to them.” You defend. “And If I remember correctly, you benefitted that night from the spell as well. Bedding down 3 fates at once is quite a feat. You’re welcome.”
Loki grins that devilish smile. “I’d be happy to show you my gratitude once more.”
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After family dinner later that night…
“Are you serious Steve? You can’t possibly be serious right now. Who the fuck gave you the right to even speak with such vitriol on your tongue about him? He may care about maintaining his salvaged reputation but honey I am a whole mess of I don’t give a fuck. There is nothing you can do or say to me that I haven’t already done to myself. So come on. Try me. I love stupid games. I always come up with the best prizes.”
“Doll, you don’t need to do this. I’m okay. Steve's just hurting.”
“Like hell you are James. I know that look in your eyes and I’m not okay with it. Everything inside of me wants to make a scene right now. To bring America’s Golden Boy to his knees. But I know you don’t want that. So, this is the best solution.”
“Oh, wow. You need the goddess to fight your battles for you now Buck. Just look at you pussy whipped already. I must say I much preferred when I didn’t know you had had my woman before me.” The angry blonde spouts off.
That was it. That what the last nail in his soon to be coffin. Your shoulders relaxed, as a calmness took over. You turned to smile sweetly at the group of hero’s lounging around you in the common room. “If you’ll excuse me.”
You rise to your feet. Bucky reaches out with his metal arm, giving your hand a squeeze and looking into your almost vacant eyes. “Doll?”
You just squeeze his hand back before releasing it and starting to walk away. You could hear Steve’s teeth clenching as he bites down on his jaw. A quiet had settled within the room.
“Sure can dish it out. Too bad you can’t ta-“
That was all he was able to make out before your hand tightened around his windpipe. No one moved to help the hero.
“What was that? We’re you going to imply that I couldn’t take it. Tsk tsk tsk.” You make sure to dig your nails in, allowing little rivulets of crimson to take the course of gravity and stain is alabaster skin.
His eyes begin frantically searching the faces of his friends around him. Surely someone would come to his aid. He was the leader of the team wasn’t he.
“Oh, they won’t help you my dear. As you know I’m not exactly mortal. And therefore, even with all their nifty enhancements. They are no match for me. Expect Wanda. Although I really don’t want to know the truth to that. I very much like the Scarlet Witch.”
You allow him to take a quick breath and he squeaks out. “Thor. Loki.”
“My demi god exes?” You start to laugh. “You think the can or will save you?”
He nods.
“Oh you poor unfortunate soul. That’s not going to happen. You see, I can control the elements and well all that lovely Thunder can be rendered useless with a snap of my fingers. I’m also the mother of magic. Only one close to me is Freya. Loki’s magic technically stems from me.”
You turn to the blonde Adonis and dark prince with a smile. “I wouldn’t do anything to you without just cause. You know that.” You send them a wink and they beam a smile your way.
“Doll, he’s starting to turn red.” Bucky states.
“Oops.” You loosen the pressure on his windpipe but keep your hand firmly in place around his thick and bleeding neck.
“I think it’s due time for you to retire to your wing for the night Captain. Wouldn’t want anything to happen to you that can’t be reversed.”
You take a step back, releasing him. Watching as he clutches his neck. Eyes brimming with hurt and anger.
You lean forward and run your tongue along an errant trail of his life force. Making sure he watches as you trace it along your lips, before pulling it into your mouth and swallowing. With the snap of your crimson covered fingers all traces of blood disappear.
“Now run along. And remember,” You step forward so that you may whisper in his ear. “This was but a warning. It would more than please me for you to fuck around and find out what I would do if you slight what is mine again.” You place a kiss to his cheek and return to your White Wolf.
Everyone watches on as he huffs and puffs. Stomping towards the elevators.
Everyone except for Bucky. He only has eyes for you.
He pulls you down to straddle his lap. You can feel exactly what that little display of your power used against his best friend did to him pushing against his zipper. His flesh hand grips your hip tightly as his metal thumb runs along your bottom lip. “Say goodnight to our friends, Doll.”
“Why? Steve’s gone. We can enjoy the rest of our evening in peace now.”
“Say goodnight, георгин. Unless you want our friends to see you get fucked stupid.”
You bite your lip and maintain eye contact with his steel greys. “Goodnight, Earth’s mightiest.”
He grips your thighs tight and rises from his seat. Heading for the elevators. “Tony, up the sound proofing for our floor. Oh and can you funnel the audio to my Asshole best friends room as well.”
“Damn that’s pouring lemon and salt into the wound.” Clint quips.
Tony messes with a screen on his watch for a moment. “Done and done terminator. Try not to break too much furniture this time please. I’m gonna have to start a tab soon with you two.”
Before the elevator doors can fully close you shout out. “What’s the fun in that!”
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Thor/Reader- “A Home Just for Us”
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Sum: The God of Thunder reveled in the slaughter of the giants but never wished any harm to you.
warnings: abuse, alcoholism, murder, blood, miscarriage...?, (d0es bad wrting count?)
Thor embraces his affections for you with each fiber of his being. You are his ultimate strength and carry his heart with the gentle touch he lacked from his own family. The family you’d built together was loved and cherished as Sif covered for you, happily allowing the two of you to live without the dumpster fire that could’ve possibly been started.
He had been far off on an assignment for the allfather when he’d heard a rumor about “a woman made from clay.” carved and made in the image of Jörð, Goddess of the Earth. And as the young Thor watched from his place on the river bank he could only marvel in your beauty. The rumors, no matter how descriptive, failed to truly capture a fraction of your golden figure. In this world lightning could strike twice. But for you, the God would make the skies shout their praises without falter. He’d make the clouds part and shower your warm skin with their soothing rain, the water pure and healing for you alone.
You had been wading in the water washing your coiled hair when he’d happened upon you. Melanated skin glimmering under the golden rays of the sun and plump lips parted slightly as you breathed Thor’s stolen air.
His eyes only widened the longer he looked for he’d never seen such beauty in all his long life. From all the realms he’s seen and every type of creature, you were in a league all your own.
“Um excuse me?” his voice was sharp and cracked much to his own personal embarrassment. But you turned to him with the most beautiful smile and when he got closer he could only marvel. Your eyes fluttered beautifully behind long curled lashes as he struggled to find the proper words to say.
Looking back on it Thor could only cover his face in embarrassment as you retold the story to your two boys. Magni and Modi were only little ones when they first heard the tale, the only true story they’d hear about you that they could recall in such detail. Magni looked more like you than anything, his caramel skin and long coiled hair made him your mini me. Modi looked just like Magni minus his shorter, more red hair like Thor’s who adored resting in his father’s strong arms.
But while Magni was your twin he took on Thor’s more adventurous personality, Modi much preferred your more calm and serene aurora and held that same for himself.
Safe in the little corner of the realm the little family could live quietly away from the gaze of the allfather. Where the boys could remove their glamor and reveal their true selves, where Thor could wake up and see his beautiful wife and children safe and happy.
The years went by and the small bubble began to burst. The influence of the allfather spoiling your sons and husband and the rest of the family. Sif told you everything, the verbal abuse, alcoholism, and just overall terrible trajectory things were on.
When Magni came to you one cold afternoon, quieter and solemn you knew something had been terribly wrong. His arms bruised and hair matted with sweat as you held him in your arms. His quiet sobs loud in your ear as hot tears poured from his eyes. Then Modi came crawling to you just days later and hid under your dress until Thor had to practically pull him from you. “Mama! Mother please!” His eyes were bloodshot and teary as he held onto your hand.
That was the last time you saw your boys alive. Modi craving his father’s strength while Magni craved yours.
But it was Thrúd who needed the strength of all of midgard when she traveled home to find you after Thor had fallen off the wagon. The door to your cottage eerily stood alone as a dark crater bruised the earth behind it. The rubble of stones and metal lingering as she took in the awful sight.
When she did find you her shock could only be imagined as she looked upon your awful state. Limply floating in the river amongst the cracked earth and scorched area, the water stained a crimson red as your bloodied form lay amongst the rocks. A long spear skewered through your rounded belly as two crows looked upon you with glowing eyes…
A/N: I gave up lowkey Writing this its been months since ive wrote anything ive got 4% on this computer- Im gonna just post all my drafts.
ANYWAY dont foret ur umbrella <3
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Marvel/MCU Masterlist
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*Series have 3 or more parts to them*
Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
Girlcrush - Sapphic!Reader has a secret crush on Natasha and doesn’t know how to deal with it. 
Woman-crush - The team finds out about Natasha and (Y/N)’s relationship and is concerned about the age difference.
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel
Different But Same - After saving the Skrull and finding them a new homeworld, Carol returns to Earth to see someone from her past.
Dust - Enjoying a relaxing morning together with her lover, Captain Marvel never expected her to suddenly disappear.
Soft - Hitching a ride with Bruce and Rocket to New Asgard, (Y/N) meets the elusive Brunhilde and wants to ask her out.
Hardness (Sequel to Soft) - (Y/N) and Brunhilde go on their first date and (Y/N) takes her to an art museum, where she has a surprise for her.
It was my fault - The reader wakes up to find Brunhilde gone and goes to find her. They have a talk about why Brunhilde leaves them at night.
Jessica Jones
Shopping for Jess - The reader takes Jessica shopping for more stuff for the apartment.
Shuri/Black Panther
Genius Princess - The reader wants Shuri to go to bed with them.
Comfortable - Shuri is not sure of her outfit for T’Challa’s coronation, and (Y/N) reassures her.
For a while - Reader and Shuri share their first kiss.
None Yet
None Yet
Bruce Banner/Hulk
A Misunderstanding - Bruce thinks the reader fears him when it's quite the opposite.
I'm Not A Hero - A mistake on a mission makes you question whether you're a hero and Bruce helps you.
Matt Murdock/Daredevil
Matt to the Rescue - The reader, Matt, Foggy, and Karen go to Josie’s to celebrate winning a case and the reader runs into a creep.
More To Come....
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sl33paholics · 3 months
    ── sl33paholics masterlistᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
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Nothing here atm...
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montcumbry-gaytor · 2 years
Hi, um idk if you’re in the mood to write this and you don’t have to if you don’t feel the energy to, but could I request a story where its Latino male reader x Loki?
Like where its smut and the plot is that the reader speaks Spanish everytime he and Loki “do it” just to tease and fluster Loki, and the reader always feels proud of himself.
But a few nights go by and Loki really wants to learn how to speak Spanish; not only because it can be a way to communicate with the reader better but to get back at him and remind him who’s in power. (So like a smut and power kink story basically). And Loki takes lessons from one of the readers’ family members (but they don’t tell the member the reason ofc)
And then when the night comes, and the reader and Loki are invited to come to this super fancy party with the Avengers, and the whole night, the reader decides to tease Loki discreetly and later, Loki can’t tolerate it any longer so they both teleport back to the tower, and blah blah blah they start to have steamy sex.
Loki then decides to tease him and starts whispering Spanish in his ear all seductively: and suddenly the reader gets all shy. And then they do it, and the end there’s the obvi aftercare, and they live happily ever after :)
(Idk if you do POC readers, but I’m asking bc I haven’t seen barely any that do. I know this was a lot and in detail so I deeply apologize for that. Again, you don’t have to do this cuz ik you have a busy life rn or u just don’t feel like doing it. Have a good morning/night! :D)
Right side of the bed
Loki Laufeyson x Latino Male Reader Smut
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A/N : I am so sorry that I haven't gotten to this sooner, I've been giving excuses but Im finally getting on track with writing and here we are.
CW : (Kind of) Public sex, Magic use, Alcohol, Use of 'Sir'
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"Focus, Carino."
You hummed, Looking down at Loki's disheveled state below you, tendrils of black hair sticking to his pale forehead, Mouth hung agape as your hips bounced on his.
"Love- slow do—ah~ slow down~"
Loki whined, Slender fingers holding your hips, though he begged he never stopped rutting into you, Tip grazing your prostate each time your body connected with his.
Grabbing one of his hands, you placed it on your lower abdomen, letting him feel as tip rutted near your stomach.
"Siente lo profundo que eres mi rey~"
You said, feeling your end draw near, your words failing you as you fucked yourself on Loki, Stroking your twitching length, White spurting from your head and onto Loki's stomach.
"Fuck, That felt amazing Carino."
You hummed into his ear, smiling as his pale skin became even more red than it had been, kissing his cheek before hopping off of him.
"I'm gonna take a shower, Amor, Feel free to join me~"
You said, your voice trailing away, Leaving Loki to clean up after himself, Stuck in his thoughts, Never understanding what you were saying, He felt so lost.
He needed to show who was in control.
But how? Thor didn't know anything, He wouldn't expect him to, And he wasn't going to ask any of the Avengers, Definitely not.
Who did he know, Who knew Spanish?
"Oh! Ohoho.. My prince is going to regret this."
Loki muttered under his breath, becoming quiet as he dressed himself, Contacting a certain someone Via. Your silly human devices.
"What are you doing, Amor?"
You asked, slinking over to your dresser and slipping pajamas on, Slyly revealing bits and pieces of yourself as you did.
"Oh nothing my prince, Just thinking."
Loki hummed, Placing the phone aside, opening up his arms to welcome you into them, hands hugging around your waist, his peachy lips kissing your forehead.
"You should rest, my love, You heroes are always so busy."
Loki hummed, rolling you over with him, spooning you in his tall figure, letting him bring a blanket over the two of you and drifting off to sleep in his arms.
It had been a few weeks since then, Being that you were busy, You hardly noticed Loki's absence from your shared flat.
As days went on as per usual, Tony had decided to throw a party in the Tower, Even though you had wished to rest in your flat, maybe go out to dinner with Loki, you had agreed, and Loki—Although Hesitantly—Agreed to go aswell.
The party consisted of most of the Avengers, and some people you didn't know that you assumed were invited by Tony, though you didn't care to engage with them either way.
"Whiskey, Please."
You said to the bartender, crossing a leg over the other, leaning into Loki's presence beside you.
"Make it two."
He hummed, the bartender nodding and pouring your drinks, passing them to you both before walking off to deal with other people at the bar.
"You're deep in thought, Carino, es lindo."
You said, looking at him smugly.
"Thinking of all the the things we could be doing if we weren't here."
"Me encantaría que me jodas sin sentido ahora mismo, amor."
You whispered in his ear, swirling the amber liquid in your glass before downing it, returning the glass to the bar, where the bartender poured it another round and shuffled off again.
"No me gustaría nada más que eso."
Loki hummed back, Eyeing your face as it contorted into shock, Standing from his seat and downing his drink, grasping your hand and weaving throughout the tower, finding one of the guest rooms, and hurrying inside.
Quickly shutting the door by pressing your back against it, he wasted no time locking the door and putting his hands on you, lips sloppily smashing with yours.
Tongues sliding against one another, the taste of alcohol still tingling on your tongue, tugging on Loki's suit, whining as he pulled away from you, clasping your wrists in one hand above your head.
"ah ah ah, Amor, I'm the one in charge, no olvides."
He hummed, pressing his knee between your legs, though using his free hand to keep your hips pinned to the wall, forcing you to take what friction he gave, his mouth closing in on your neck.
"You smell sweet, Mi amor, Delicious.."
He groaned, rolling his thigh against your groin, prompting a sweet sigh from your lips, your attempts to rut against him hopeless.
Magic tingled through your body, making it hot and on point, your body staying pinned as it was even without Loki's hands on you.
"You look adorable like that, Carino, aunque te ves mas lindo sin ropa."
And in a blink of an eye, he pulled off your blazer, tugging your tie off, then your shoes, and so on until you were bare, save for your button up and briefs, erection pressed against the stretchy fabric.
"Loki- ah~! We- we can't do this here.. someone will find us.."
You squirmed, body flushed as Loki sent waves of magic through your body with every touch he made, and you couldn't fight it.
"I wouldn't mind that, Darling, Someone seeing you get corrected for thinking you're in control."
Fingers danced around the hem of your briefs, slipping up your shirt and running over your nipples, thumb pads stroking the erect buds.
"No matter how many times I play with these, you never do seem to get used to it."
Loki sighed, the shocking waves of pain and pleasure forcing your back off the door as he pinched the bud.
"Let's take this to the bed, Shall we, Carino?"
He hummed, hand guiding your movements to lay on the bed, body shaking with anticipation, Precum spilling out of your cock head and staining into your briefs.
"Darling, You're making a mess, Let's clean that up, Shall we?"
Kneeling down on the bed, he pulled your briefs off tantalizingly slow, his smirk becoming wider—if possible—as your cock slipped free of it's constraints, twitching as it was met with cold air.
"Loki... "
"Shhh... amor, don't speak unless spoken to, understand?"
"Y- Yes sir..."
"Ooh.. sir? I like that name."
Loki hummed, the tip of his index finger teasing the slit of your cock, trailing down your length before pulling away, leaving you to whine in his absence.
"Now, tell me my prince, what would you like me to do?"
"Fuck me... Please.."
You whimpered, arms straining with a need to hold Loki, as if you feared he might up and leave just to toy with you.
"como quieras, mi amor."
In swift movements, Loki threw tossed his blazer off, rolling the sleeves of his button up to his upper arm, Unbuttoning his black dress pants and pushing down his briefs, his dick presenting itself eagerly.
Sitting on his shins, one hand slipped underneath your knee, holding your leg up, the other guiding his cock to slip inside of you, eyes trailing up to yours with a gentle smile before pushing in, causing your breath to thin.
"Ooo... Fuck-"
"No, Talking, Carino, Break the rules again and I'll have to punish you."
"Yes- Yes sir.."
He hummed, hugging his arm around your thigh and pulling your ass to connect with his hips, your leg resting over his shoulder while the other one sat beside his thigh.
"Te sientes tan caliente por dentro, My prince."
He sighed, running a free hand over your stomach, Magic seeping out of you as you found your hands no longer stuck to the bed, instantly clinging around Loki's neck, Smashing your lips together as his hips began to rock into you.
"Shit... You feel amazing."
He moaned, pressing his forehead to yours, nearly folding you in half as he fucked you, heat building with each thrust, sweat beading on your bodies.
"Speak to me, Darling, I want to hear you."
He groaned, tip grazing your prostate, rutting against it each time.
"You feel so good Loki~! Fu—ck.."
You whined, Your spine arching off the bed, the crown of your head pushing into the mattress, your insides felt like they were melting as you both chased your climax.
"I could say the same, darling, you fe-ah.. you feel wonderful.."
He whined, you could feel his cock twitch inside of you, threatening to burst.
"I'm gonna cum.. ah... Loki- "
You whimpered, your cock spilling out precum as it rutted against your stomach, the friction bringing you closer until your body halted, taking your breath away as white spurted from your slit, spilling on your stomach.
It didn't take long for Loki to finish himself, pulling out and cumming between your legs, panting as you both came off your high, hair sticking to your faces.
"That was... Exhilarating."
Loki sighed, wiping his forehead before whipping his head around the room, locating a bathroom and rushing off to wet a rag, coming back looking refreshed, pants buttoned and all.
"Come here darling, let me clean you up."
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A/N : Hope you guys all liked this!!! I hope it came out to your liking Anon!!!! I tried my best to not drag on everything but keep everything true to the plot so 🫶
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queenpiranhadon · 3 months
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- Love Like You, Rebecca Sugar
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I...write for pretty much anything! You can check my fandoms list through the main navigation on my intro post!
Here are the ones I'm most comfortable writing for though:
ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ ➜
› My Hero Academia / Boku No Hero Academia
› Jujutsu Kaisen
› Spy x Family
› Demon Slayer
ʙᴏᴏᴋꜱ ➜
› Harry Potter
› Riordanverse (check my fandoms list to which series I've read)
› The Inheritance Games
› Keeper of the Lost Cities
› The Hunger Games
ᴛᴠ ꜱʜᴏᴡꜱ + ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇꜱ ➜
› Avatar the Last Airbender & Legend of Korra
› Lego Ninjago
ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ɢᴀᴍᴇꜱ ➜
› Stardew Valley
› Genshin Impact
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ᡣ𐭩 = romantic pairing; ✩ = platonic pairing, ✿ = x another character (usually canon ship)
ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ ➜
› ⎸ Bakugou Katsuki ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Kirishima Ejirou ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Takami Keigo / Hawks ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Todoroki Touya / Dabi ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Aizawa Shouta ✩ ⎸ Hitoshi Shinsou ✩ ⎸ Todoroki Shouto ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Midoriya Izuku ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Eri ✩ ⎸ Ashido Mina ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Jirou Kyoka ✩ ⎸ Asui Tsuyu ✩ ⎸ Yaoyorozu Momo ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Usagiyama Rumi ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Gojo Satoru ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Sukuna Ryomen ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Itadori Yuji ✩ ⎸ Fushiguro Megumi ✩ ⎸ Nanami Kento ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Geto Suguru ᡣ𐭩 ⎸
› ⎸Kugisaki Nobara ✩ ⎸ Maki Zen'in ✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Anya Forger ✩ ⎸ Yor Forger ✩✿ ⎸
› ⎸ Loid Forger ✩✿ ⎸
› ⎸ Kamado Tanjirou ✩ ⎸ Hashibira Inosuke ✩ ⎸ Agatsuma Zenitsu ✩ ⎸ Tomika Giyu ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Uzui Tengen ᡣ𐭩 ⎸
› ⎸ Kamado Nezuko ✩ ⎸ Kanroji Mitsuri ✩ ⎸
ʙᴏᴏᴋꜱ ➜
› ⎸ Sirius Black ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Fred Weasley ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Remus Lupin ✩✿ ⎸ James Potter ✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Hermione Granger ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Luna Lovegood ✩ ⎸ Ginny Weasley ✩ ⎸ Nymphadora Tonks ✩✿ ⎸
› ⎸ Percy Jackson ✩✿ ⎸ Grover Underwood ✩ ⎸ Nico DiAngelo ✩✿ ⎸ Will Solace ✩✿ ⎸ Jason Grace ✩ ⎸ Leo Valdez ✩ ⎸ Luke Castellan ✩ ⎸ Frank Zhang ✩✿ ⎸ Carter Kane ✩✿ ⎸ Walt Stone ✩✿ ⎸
› ⎸ Annabeth Chase ✩✿ ⎸ Piper McLean ✩ ⎸ Thalia Grace ✩ ⎸ Hazel Levesque ✩✿ ⎸ Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano ✩ ⎸ Sadie Kane ✩✿ ⎸ Zia Rashid ✩✿ ⎸
› ⎸ Jameson Hawthorne ✩✿ ⎸ Grayson Hawthorne ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Nash Hawthorne ✩✿ ⎸ Xander Hawthorne ✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Avery Kylie Grambs ✩✿ ⎸ Libby Grambs ✩✿ ⎸
› ⎸ Keefe Sencen ✩✿ ⎸ Fitz Vacker ✩ ⎸ Dex Dizznee ✩✿ ⎸ Tam Song ✩✿ ⎸ Kesler Dizznee ✩✿ ⎸
› ⎸ Sophie Foster ✩✿ ⎸ Biana Vacker ✩✿ ⎸ Marella Redek ✩✿ ⎸ Linh Song ✩✿ ⎸ Juline Dizznee ✩✿ ⎸
› ⎸ Finnick Odair ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Peeta Mellark ✩✿ ⎸ Haymitch Abernathy ✩ ⎸ Coriolanus Snow ✩✿ ⎸
› ⎸ Katniss Everdeen ✩✿ ⎸ Rue Barnette ✩ ⎸ Cressida ✩ ⎸ Lucy Gray Baird ✩✿ ⎸ Johanna Mason ✩ ⎸
ᴛᴠ ꜱʜᴏᴡꜱ + ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇꜱ ➜
› ⎸ Bucky Barnes ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Stephen Strange ✩ ⎸ Tony Stark ᡣ𐭩✩✿ ⎸ Peter Parker ᡣ𐭩✩✿ ⎸ Steve Rogers ✩✿ ⎸ T'Challa ✩ ⎸ Peter Quill ✩ ⎸ Thor ✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Natasha Romanoff ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Yelena Belova ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Kate Bishop ✩ ⎸ MJ ✩✿ ⎸ Pepper Potts ✩✿ ⎸ Shuri ✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Aang ✩✿ ⎸ Zuko ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Sokka ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Iroh ✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Katara ✩✿ ⎸ Toph ✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Cole Brookstone ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Kai Smith ᡣ𐭩✩✿ ⎸ Zane Julien ᡣ𐭩✩✿ ⎸ Lloyd Garmadon ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Jay Walker ✩✿ ⎸
› ⎸ Nya Smith ✩✿ ⎸ Skylar Chen ✩✿ ⎸ Pixal Borg ✩✿ ⎸
ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ɢᴀᴍᴇꜱ ➜
› ⎸ Sebastian ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Sam ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Alex ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Krobus ✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Haley ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Leah ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Sandy ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Maru ✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Diluc Ragnvindr ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Zhongli ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Kaeya Alberich ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Tartaglia ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Beidou ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Klee ✩ ⎸
You are totally fine to request for any of the characters in the fandoms listed, but these are the ones I'm the most comfortable with :)
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ᴀʟʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ ��
› ⎸ x reader ⎸ fem, gn, male readers ⎸ gore/blood ⎸ AU's ⎸ family relationships - ex. Dad Aizawa, brother Megumi ⎸ character x character ⎸ friend relationships (you and Haymitch are best friends) ⎸ character x character family relationships (Weasley twin shenanigans) ⎸ poc readers ⎸
ɴᴏᴛ ᴀʟʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ ➜
› ⎸ smut ⎸ racism in a positive way ⎸ homophobia in a positive way ⎸ incest + stepcest ⎸ sexism in a positive way ⎸ slander to any religion or culture in a positive way ⎸
ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ➜
› If I don't answer a request- I promise I don't hate you I'm super slow I'm sorry 😭
› I will not write any requests I am uncomfortable with.
› Happy requesting ~
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cake-writes · 2 years
A Dutiful Disaster (Part Seven)
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Pairing: Loki x Reader
Story Tags/Warnings: Arranged Marriage, Enemies to Lovers, Royalty, Pre-Thor (2011), Smut, Angst, Drama, Slow Burn, Odin’s A+ Parenting, Cis Female Reader (she/her), No Y/N Usage, Second Person POV, POC-inclusive descriptors, Toxic Relationship (lil bit of abuse from both parties - mostly screaming matches with the occasional physical thing but he never like slaps her or anything), Smut, Slut-Shaming, Mommy Issues, Reader has anxiety, 18+
Chapter Warnings: anxiety, reader is super bitchy in this chapter, and so is her letter, oh my gosh you guys they actually talk shit out like MATURE ADULTS
Word Count: 3.8k
Snippet: “I do not wish to be kissed. It’s too great an intimacy for our,” you pause to consider the word, tapping your finger to your chin, “unique situation, wouldn’t you say? We are the furthest thing from lovers.”
“Oh?” Loki sounds amused by your answer – and then he drops his feet back to the floor with purpose, taking advantage of your startled jump to pull you further into his lap where you can feel the hardening length of him against your clothed core. “If not lovers, then what are we?”
“Married,” you gasp, arms clutching around his neck for fear of being dropped – or so you tell yourself.
Master List / Spotify Playlist / Part Six
A/N: And we’re back! This chapter finally ties us in to the prequel one-shot, as well as the argument between Loki and his father in part two. You may need to read them again for a refresher because it’s been a fair few months (in real life) since those were posted. Enjoy :)
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You study your husband from above the gold rim of your teacup. It’s suspicious, the certain ease to his demeanour as he discusses today’s breakfast offerings with his servant.
Loki is manipulating you. He must be. It's the only conclusion you can come to.
You haven’t forgotten the nasty things he said about you to his father the day after your wedding. Loki made it crystal clear that he can't stand you, that he finds this sham of a marriage as torturous as you do, to the point that he'd even referred to it as a life sentence – much like your own thoughts on the matter. Yet, it bothers you in a way you can’t quite explain.
What’s worse is that the Allfather thinks you disloyal to the Crown, and you still haven’t been able to figure out why. You’ve been nothing but loyal, the events of last night notwithstanding. It makes you feel uneasy, knowing that the King has tasked Loki with ensuring your loyalty to Asgard, like he actually expects you could ever be a traitor—a proper one, that is.
Even so, you find yourself begrudgingly admiring the way your husband’s dark, glossy hair perfectly accentuates his sharp cheekbones – during which he turns his attention to you. 
“Is that acceptable?” Loki questions, just as you take another sip of chrysanthemum tea—your favourite, and all you can think is that it can't be just a coincidence.
You hate how infuriatingly attractive he is. Even now. Especially now, with his pretty green eyes so focused on you, like he actually cares what you have to say. 
“That would be lovely,” you answer amicably as you set down your teacup, even though you have no idea what you’ve just agreed to. Something about smoked salmon and capers.
Loki seems to accept your answer, and when he engages once more with his servant, you lose yourself in your thoughts. Two ragged, albeit manicured fingernails tap an anxious rhythm against the side of the porcelain cup in its saucer, each fingertip sounding its own melody.
Tink, tink. Tink, tink.
It worries you how easily Loki plays the part the perfect husband. Sitting here in his chambers is unnerving; you’re just waiting for the other shoe to drop, but he seems perfectly content, like he isn’t at all bothered by the contents of your letter. Nor does he seem to hold any opinion of the events that transpired last night. 
For now.
Tink, tink. Tink, tink.
The daylight streaming in through the open windows offers a glimpse of the fine lines near his eyes and the dark circles just beneath. While he always appears as though he’s never been able to get enough sleep, courtesy of his fair skin, you’re starting to think that Loki might have slept about as well as you did last night—in other words, scarcely at all.
Tink, tink. Tink, tink.
You conceal a yawn with your free hand as the servant bows and makes his way to the exit, and then you’re alone with your husband again. That knowledge should set you on edge, but you’re more focused on the rich accoutrements of his sitting room. It’s the first time you’ve been here since that awful argument following the attack; no sign of shattered glass in sight, but then, it has been a week since then.
Tink, tink. Tink, tink.
A vase full of fresh flowers sits upon the entry table. You’d bruised your hip against it that self-same night. How suspicious that the blooms are the colour of plum wine, a deep reddish-purple that makes your heart sing: your colour.
Tink, tink—
You stop tapping the instant you notice him watching you, and snatch up your teacup as if you meant to do so all along. Then you take a larger sip than you intend. The hot tea scalds your tongue, and his lips twitch in silent laughter as you try and fail to pretend it doesn’t.
“What?” you snap irritably.
“How did you sleep?”
“Why act as though you care?”
Visibly amused by your bristly demeanour, Loki retrieves his own tea, his slim fingers pinching the gilded handle with more finesse than you could ever hope to achieve. “I cannot help but wonder, petal, if you haven’t slept a wink. Were you worrying about how this conversation would go?”
You set your teacup down in its saucer with force, the loud clink of fine china resounding through the room. “Considering the events that transpired during our previous one, I’d be a fool not to worry. I expect that you will have me imprisoned the very moment you manage to lull me into a false sense of security.”
He doesn’t bat an eyelash at your vitriol, instead opting to take a sip of his tea. You can scarcely tell what kind of tea it is anymore, what with how he's drowned it in cream and sugar. Some things never change. It’s comforting, in a way.
Your husband savours the too-sweet taste for a moment before he speaks. “I will not have you imprisoned. You have my word.”
You scoff. “I threatened you.”
“With a knife.”
“A dagger, actually,” Loki corrects, and when you cut him a withering look, he gives you a shit-eating grin. You hate how stupidly reassuring it is that he’s just as insufferable as ever. Then his expression shifts to something a little more serious, his eyes softening at the corners. “You felt that I posed a threat to your safety, and you acted in self-defence. A sleepless night is punishment enough.”
You don’t buy it. “And my letter?”
“I suspect that you would never have sent it, had your fear not driven you to do so. No one in their right mind would call me—what was it, an animal?—among so many other insults that I cannot even begin to fathom them all, in a letter signed with one’s personal seal. That alone could have landed you in the dungeons, yet you did so with little regard for the consequences.” A puff of laughter escapes him. “You have always had an impulsive streak, darling, but never to that extent.”
He sees right through you. You despise it. “Yes, well—”
“If you truly think me an animal, then I can only imagine that you would indeed feel safer in another part of the palace.” He mentions the request you’d made in your letter so nonchalantly, like the two of you are merely discussing the weather. “Where did you have in mind?”
That does it.
“How—How can you be so calm about all of this?” you sputter. “Forgive me, husband, but I do not trust how willingly you would turn a blind eye to my transgressions!”
The precise manner in how Loki returns his teacup to its saucer betrays him. “Don’t you?”
You glare at him. Something is simmering beneath the surface of his suspiciously mellow exterior, but you can’t quite discern what it is. Not yet.
“If you think that I am calm, darling, then you couldn’t be more wrong—unless, of course, you honestly believe that I have any penchant for forgiveness.” His tone may be cordial, but every single one of his movements is calculated to the nth degree. The tactician.
No, he isn’t calm at all. He’s plotting. You should have known.
“Or is there another reason that you would arm me with more than enough ammunition to have you imprisoned?”
With that single question, the conversation becomes an interrogation. Your palms turn cold and clammy at the knowledge that he very well still could, and when you start to fidget with the white napkin in your lap, the cloth sticks unpleasantly to your skin.
“Is that what you want me to do? Arrest you for a rash, impulsive decision? A crime of passion?”
You can feel your blood pressure rise under his rapid fire, your anxiety and sleep deprivation giving way to anger. “No,” you bite out. 
While part of you feels that a life in the dungeons would be infinitely better than one bound to him, your more reckless side likes to push boundaries – to your own detriment. And Loki knows it as well as you do. His mouth sets in a firm line, his expression unreadable.
“Then you do trust me,” he says, tone neutral. “And that, dear girl, is the worst transgression of all.”
You stare at him, disbelieving, before you let out a loud peal of laughter – like he’s just told the funniest joke you’ve ever heard. It just might be. “I trust you, do I? No, husband,” you spit the word like it’s a curse. “I loathe you. If you have mistaken that for trust, then I pity you.”
If your venomous tirade affects him at all, Loki does well to hide it. A prolonged silence falls over the room as he rests his elbows on the table and laces his fingers before him, no less patient with you than he has been for the rest of the morning. He studies you – studies your reaction – studies every single flaw you try so hard to hide, and he says nothing.
You look away first. You always do, when your temper gets the better of you.
Only then does he finally grace you with a response. “I am amenable to your request. Choose whichever chambers you’d like.”
Your eyes snap back to him in shock, only to watch as he procures a small envelope from beneath his place setting. Your letter.
Casually, he extends it out to you between two slim fingers. “I wish to return this to you as well. I refuse to hold something so incriminating over your head. It is neither fair to you, nor to our marriage.”
You stare at it, then at him, stunned into silence by his magnanimity. The Loki you know would never do such a thing. He’d hold onto it for leverage.
Your husband rolls his eyes, almost like he knows what you’re thinking. “If you do not take it, then I will destroy it in a similar manner to the gift you so graciously decided to bestow upon me, after…” he shifts uncomfortably in his chair, then, “after what I did to you that morning.”
He means his own letter – the one you’d returned to him, torn to shreds after he’d all but thrown you into the entry table. The very same entry table upon which those lovely flowers now rest.
You sit up straighter at the memory. It sets you on edge, and though you’re tempted to cower, instead you overcompensate. “Oh? Go on, then.”
He raises an eyebrow.
“It is incredibly cathartic, you know,” you drawl, delicately picking up a biscuit between your thumb and forefinger to examine its intricate design. The sugar granules glimmer in the light. “To destroy one’s heartfelt letter in a fit of anger. Though I must confess,” you hold your head high, smug as can be, “I did not read what you’d written before doing so.”
That doesn’t seem to faze him either. “You say that as if you expect it to surprise me.”
You scrunch your nose at him in annoyance. “Well? Go on. Or will you not follow through on your promises?”
His promise not to harm you. His promise not to touch you. His promise not to lock you away.
Maintaining eye contact, you use your teeth to break off a piece of the biscuit with a crunch.
Your challenge isn't lost on him. “Very well,” Loki sighs. He swiftly opens the letter to pull out the fine stationery upon which you’d so hastily scrawled all manner of insults, after which he makes a point to show it to you, front and back, to prove its authenticity. “I’ll not have you thinking I’ve stowed it away to use against you later on.”
You bat your eyelashes at him. “I see you’ve turned over a new leaf.”
“Charming,” Loki comments dryly, but you don’t miss the humour in his tone – nor in his eyes as he skims them down the page. “I must say, darling, you have quite the talent for castigation. It would be a waste not to read such a heartfelt letter aloud.” His eyes flick back up to yours, then, and you know for a fact that he’s taunting you. “For posterity. You understand.”
Posterity. There is no doubt in your mind that he knows you only wrote it yesterday. You’d even sealed the envelope with the ink still wet, as evidenced by the dark smudges littering the page.
“Stars above,” you grouse. “Get on with it, then, seeing as you are positively chomping at the bit to humiliate me.”
“Humiliate you? No.” Loki holds your gaze, resolute, and for once, you’re inclined to believe him. “I want you to acknowledge exactly what you’ve said of me before we put all of this to rest.”
Of course he does. Gracelessly, you wave a hand at him as if to say go ahead.
Loki clears his throat before he begins to read your letter verbatim, surprisingly in a manner that befits its serious nature. His voice holds not a single shred of mockery.
“To my dear, despicable husband,” he arches an eyebrow at you, “I fear I cannot stand this any longer. My chambers are in such close proximity to yours that I’d sooner return home than sleep here for another night, knowing that a wolf in sheep’s clothing rests his weary head so near to mine.”
Whether he intends it to be or not, it is humiliating to hear what you’ve written become spoken word. All too soon, you feel your face start to flush.
“I find myself ill with the knowledge that the Einherjar would allow such a predator to prowl these halls while I remain entirely defenceless. Nay, it is hardly reassuring to know that not a single soul shall protect me from the animal who would bring me harm, either in his own chambers or in our marital bed.”
When Loki pauses, you immediately recognise the real reason behind this exercise. Though you’d written the letter to be purposefully harsh in order to invoke a reaction, in the light of day, your spiteful words seem to imply something else.
You haven’t just told him of your fears in a general sense, using your marital bed as an example. You’ve alluded to a significantly more heinous act.
“You will not see me become your prey, thrilling though the chase may be to a brutish man with little regard for others. I refuse to become the spoils of a war you’ve so savagely waged upon me and my body for no other reason than your own entertainment.”
No wonder he’d been so angry with you last night. The implication that he would assault you in such a way is bad enough on its own, but there is another layer.
For centuries, the two of you have harboured a forever unspoken secret. Neither of you have acknowledged it outright, but it’s there. You’ve seen each other at the den – the covert, invitation-only club which caters to the niche sexual preferences that both you and Loki seem to share. Namely those that are, and have always been, less than socially acceptable.
“One cannot expect an animal to behave in any way but his basest nature. As a scholar of grey morals, you have always preferred books to people, but a snake, however erudite, is still a snake.”
There, on multiple occasions, your rooms have been next door to each other—through no fault of your own, though you suspect Loki has done it intentionally. After all, what he’s seen of you through the window in between are things that you’d never tell another soul, and you’re sure he relishes in holding that over your head, if not your letter.
But then, you’ve also seen similar of him. His proclivity for consensual non-consent is just one of the great many things you’ve witnessed, time and time again, and you realise, now, that Loki thinks you’ve used that forbidden knowledge against him. He thinks you’ve used it to hurt him in a way that most others could never.
“No ruffian should ever be permitted to walk freely as you do. Until such a time that you do not, for my continued health and wellbeing I have made arrangements to return to my family’s manor.”
Of course he’s bothered by what you’ve implied – albeit unintentionally. And he has every right to be.
“I will only be persuaded to stay if you grant me a new set of chambers as far from yours as possible, for I have no desire to encounter any manner of beast in the wild.” Loki snorts derisively and drops the letter down onto the table between the two of you. “Disrespectfully yours, your dutiful wife.”
There is no laughter to be elicited, now, nor anger, but something else entirely. Loki hides it well, but the implication has clearly gotten under his skin. You can see it in his eyes, and in his posture, how guarded he is as he looks to you for a response.
Thoroughly humbled, you swallow the lump in your throat and focus upon your lap. “I… I did not mean what you’ve understood my words to mean.” 
When you glance back up at him, you immediately have to look away again in shame when you find him watching you, jaw set, waiting for a proper apology. 
“Of course, that does not matter when they have made such an impact,” you rush to add. “I sincerely apologise for my thoughtlessness. I did not mean to imply that you would do something terrible.”
Silence stretches uncomfortably between the two of you as you begin to pick at the skin around your nails. At the very least, you should have reread your own letter before you sent it. Perhaps then you wouldn’t feel so guilty.
After a prolonged few moments, he asks quietly, “What else could you have possibly meant?”
“I meant to paint a picture of my fears.” You accidentally draw blood from a hangnail, and it stings. “My intent in mentioning our marital bed was to offer an example of one such fear—not that sort of fear, mind, but I fully understand how it could have sounded like an accusation.”
“I see.”
Finally, you muster the courage to look at him again, impassioned because you would never, ever use what you know against him. “You’ve been nothing but a gentleman in that regard, Loki. You respected my wishes on our wedding night. You have asked for my consent during every one of our trysts. Please know that I would never accuse you of anything untoward.”
His eyes search yours for a long time, trying to discern the lie, but there isn’t one. Then he exhales a long, weary sigh and leans back in his chair, the tension visibly lifting from his shoulders. “Norns,” he mutters, dragging a hand down his face. “Yes, I suppose not even you would stoop so low.”
A jab.
You respond with the opposite: a jest. “Ah, but how could you know for certain? What with our—” you clear your throat, nearing ever closer to openly acknowledging the forbidden secret that you both share, “our history?”
It’s the closest either of you have come to doing so. You and Loki have been playing this game for centuries, trying to see who will cave first, but you continue to tiptoe around it.
Just as you predicted, the layered meaning instantly captures his attention. “Our history?” he repeats, as if he doesn't quite believe he's heard you properly, before his lips curl up into that same insufferable grin you so adore. “Oh, do go on, sweet. I’m all ears. What about our history?”
You try to give him a deadpan look, but find it impossible to keep the smile off of your face. “Only that we have never enjoyed each other’s company, you and I. You know that as well as I do.”
It isn't at all the history you’d originally mentioned, and you’re well-aware he recognises that when his voice takes on a note of smooth, persuasive silk. “In what way do you intend for me to take that, darling? Because I suspect that there are many things for a husband and wife to... enjoy.”
His insinuation is absolutely not what you meant, and he knows it, but your heartbeat quickens all the same.
Just in the knick of time, two rapid knocks resound on the door. 
“Enter,” Loki calls out, never taking his eyes off of you. Something about the heat within them, however slight, makes you think he isn’t done with you just yet.
You find yourself silently thanking whoever has chosen to interrupt.
The door opens, and another servant pushes a small gold cart into the room, two shelves stacked high with breakfast delights. The spread is much more elaborate than your typical morning meal, and your mouth waters.
“Now, I believe you said I would find this cathartic?”
You glance back over at your husband, only to watch him deftly pluck your letter up from the table. Before you can get a word in edgewise, however, you watch as your stationery sets aflame in the palm of his hand.
It’s an impossible sort of fire, for it doesn't seem to burn his skin. 
You’ve always loved his magic, even now, loathe as you’d ever be to admit that you find Loki’s mastery of it in any way appealing. He wields his seidr like one might a paintbrush, creating masterful works of art from intricate spells and enchantments.
As the flames burn away your spiteful letter, your eyes follow the curling wisps of smoke as it drifts up, up, up towards the intricately-painted ceiling. Instead of the colourful collection of wildflowers you expect to see upon it, however, you find a field of white daffodils in their place.
A symbol of forgiveness.
In that moment, as you stare at the illusion he’s cast, you realise that your husband will forever be an enigma to you. Perhaps he’s changed in the great many years you've known him, or maybe you've never really known him at all.
Then Loki lazily waves his hand, and the illusion dissipates—as do the singed remains of your letter.
He’s manipulating you. He must be. It’s the only conclusion you can come to, but when you meet his eyes once more – when you see the mischief shining within them, and the softness hidden just beneath – you desperately wish that he wasn’t.
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Part Eight
And because I’m a clown, here’s my ko-fi / patreon if you’ve got a buck or two to spare so I can buy a new laptop! Otherwise reblogs and keysmashing in my ask box are more than welcome 🤡🤡🤡 Thanks so much for reading!!!
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lauriegraham01 · 1 year
avengers compound headcannons
pairing: avengers x avenger!reader, gn!reader, poc!reader
summary: list of hc's of what its like to live in the avengers tower/later compound with these group of dumbasses
wc: 538
a/n: sorry i haven't updated in a while, my chronic pain has been kicking my ass recently and uni is starting up but netherless, enjoy!
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The Avengers occupy the top three floors of the tower. With Tony and Peppers penthouse on top, a recreational level on the floor below and then the rest of the avengers rooms on the floor below.
Family styled dinners every night. Tony insisted on hiring a private chef for the whole team but Wanda was fiercely against it.
Wanda, Pietro, Sam and you were the ones that actually brought some spice and seasoning to everyones diet.
Bucky and Clint would pinch in by helping wash or cut vegetables.
Tony and Nat would set the table together.
Thor would prepare drinks and Vision and Steve would deal with dishes afterwards.
You would always call be the one to call Loki for dinner. Often finding him either in the library or in the garden, both places giving him peace of mind. (He never minded when you joined him tho)
Social Outings
Movie nights at least twice a month!!!
It initially started with everyone alternating on choosing a movie but democracy was quickly thrown out the window and now yall spent 20 minutes fighting over what to watch.
Going out clubbing in the city always guaranteed a good time.
Especially when Maria and Valkyrie showed up
Visions was ALWAYS designated driver but he truly didn't mind.
Steve, Bucky, Loki, and Thor would pregame on Asgardian ale, While Nat and Pietro would be bartenders for everyone else pregaming.
Bruce would typically stay sober every time we went out after last time he got hammered him, Clint, and Thor woke up in an alleyway with no pants, shoes or socks.
Nat can handle her liquor the best out of everyone. Wanda is an extreme lightweight.
Pietro was more of a stoner and you two would always light up at every chance together.
In fact he was the first person you ever did psychedelics with and the experience was truly euphoric.
Wanda and you are guilty of indulging in a drunk ciggy.
The girls always invited you for every sleepover and it would always start off pure but then end in a chaotic shitshow.
It would start with face-masks, painting each thers nails, before pretty soon after many many drinks, yall would host a karoake/dance party right in the living room.
(Loki may or may not have been in attendance as well)
Sam and Bucky would sometimes surprise Peter by picking him up from school and then proceed to bully him the entire way back home.
During debriefs, Pietro would always send you random memes/tiktoks and you would have to try your hardest not to laugh out loud.
Speaking of which, Pietro would constantly post thrist traps on his social media accounts.
Peter would always try to get us involved in his tiktoks.
Whenever you would speak in your native language, the rest of the team would be mesmerized especially Loki, Pietro, Wanda, and Bucky.
Peter would ask you if you could teach him and you obviously taught him all of the swear words.
You and Loki would use your powers to pull pranks on each other and one time things got so out of hand, that Tony kicked both of yall out for a solid week.
Also Pietro totally had a thing for Aunt May at some point, he's down horrendously for MILFS
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justineangelrococo · 2 years
People really getting mad at folks shipping Shuri x Namor, talking about it being predatory with him being 500 years old, but at the same time not batting a eye and thor and Jane, lord forbid any vampire fics, or *cough*Twilight*cough* people are excited and we know he did what he did without spoilers people can just stop before he did what he did write fanfics where it doesn't happen, this isn't to say that other ships aren't bad, like I like Shuri x Riri, but also Shuri x namor hits differently.
I hate to say it but we don't see a lot of poc characters getting this much love or hype a lot of times, and fandoms tend to not treat poc characters well, and I just feel weird people are saying shipping this is awful and predatory, because of him, it's calling a poc man a predator when he has done nothing to her in that kind of way.
Also we understand the message and the importance of the film, but at the sametime let people have fun there are so many other movies that have a important message, and people let them go ahead with their fun like it's no problem but when it comes two poc characters now everyone has a problem.
Everyone Chill out have fun enjoy the film it was made to be enjoyed, ship some characters that I will once again both legal ages have fun.
I look forward to all the reader inserts keep me fed beloveds💖❤️‍🔥♥️💖❤️‍🔥💖
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ardentprose · 7 months
About Arden
For those of you just needing a quick confirmation before you engage:
I am an adult so my content is tailored for mature audiences. For online safety, please don't interact with this blog if you are under 18.
This blog is lgbtq and poc friendly. Everyone is welcome to interact as long as it is respectful of each others' lived experiences. Use common sense and common courtesy.
I don't take writing requests at the moment. (That may change in the future.) However, you're welcome to express your opinions, share feedback, chat, and send questions to my inbox.
For those of you who have not had their curiosity satisfied:
Hello, I'm Arden.
I'm in my early twenties which I believe means I earn my veteran's discount soon when it comes to traversing the world of fanfiction and fandom. I've been reading and writing fanfic since I was 12, perhaps earlier. I have a strong passion for fan culture and community with an even stronger passion for writing fiction. So, I've been in the trenches for awhile and I don't plan on climbing out anytime soon.
Why does this sound like a resume?
In short, I love words - to a rambling degree - and dream of finally finishing all my dusty WIPs. If you follow me for fanfiction, you should know in advance that I will post my own work unbelievably slow. I'll spare the self-pitying details, but with a host of mental and health issues, I'm not great at posting on a schedule. (Which is why I don't accept requests. I don't want to let anyone's expectations down.)
Still, feel free to discuss pieces of media with me or share what's on your mind. I love the hypotheticals and scenarios surrounding fictional characters.
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Interests [as of August 2024]:
stumbling my way through Baldur's Gate 3 at the moment
novice comic book reader (recommendations welcome)
Marvel: Daredevil, Punisher, X-Men, MCU
my local Renaissance Faire is ongoing currently so my weekends are spent there
rediscovering/rewatching My Hero Academia from the last time I watched it in 2020
Characters Who Could Legally Do Whatever They Wanted To Me: (an ongoing and infinite list):
Gale Dekarios
Foggy Nelson
Adrian "Alucard" Tepes
Frank Castle
Thor Odinson
Klaus Hargreeves
Shouta Aizawa
Laszlo Cravensworth
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missacidburn928 · 4 months
Stories and Chapters I've posted over the last month. Plus a sneaky peek of my favorite part to write 😉
18+ Only MDNI Naughtiness abound here.
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Madness in a smile. Won't you stay a while? (Why Did Love Put A Gun In My Hand Ch 3) [ ao3 tumblr ]
Avengers x POC!Reader "Jinx"
This part is specifically Thor x POC!Reader "Jinx"
From then on it was as if you were lost in the clouds of a thunderstorm. Your body being slammed over and over against the door as your pussy took a delicious beating. The bass of his groans and growls resonating through your bones like thunder.
You feel the stirrings of your orgasm on the edge of your consciousness. The room beginning to turn to a hazy dreamlike state before you eyes. As Thor’s thumb circles you engorged pearl with a practiced skill; that need to explode continues to build.
With a well placed attack to that sweet spongy spot inside you and a pinch to your clit; you’re a goner. Your orgasm rips through you like lighting striking through the sky. Scattering you into a million pieces before your gathered back together. Still swallowed in the midst of the storm.
You squeeze tightly to Thor’s giant like frame as you ride the storm together. You could swear you saw his eyes change color. As quickly as that thought occurs it is interrupted by the grip of his hands on your hips. With a thunderous roar, that no doubt was heard throughout the entire wing, he buries himself as deep as your bodies will allow. Pressing his forehead against yours as he fills you up. Your tight walls feeling every twitch as you milk him dry.
You've had plenty experiences after you healed and got away from Lucien. All to drown out the trauma and try and replace it with the pleasure you deserve. In all those times and all those experiences no one has every made you feel so treasured and present in your body as Thor has.
You look up at him with awe and a softness in your eyes rarely shown nowadays. “I see why women throw themselves at you. For such a brute you’re as sweet as a cinnamon roll inside. And clearly have a deep love and respect for women.”
“Women are truly the strong ones. They should be treasured whenever possible. Especially you little fox. I could happily become addicted to you. Whenever you need to ride the storm. To feel just how precious you are. Come find me.”
“You’re most certainly too sweet for me.”
“Nonsense.” He kisses your forehead and allow yourself to sink into his warmth. Like the sun after the most devasting of rains.
“Now let me show you all the perks your shower has to offer.”
“Yeah, that’s going to be tricky. My legs feel like Jello still.”
“I never said I was putting you down.”
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You Were Finished Drabble II [ ao3 tumblr ]
Indie Rocker!Eddie Munson x POC!Indie Rocker!Reader “Sug” x Former Fuckboy!Steve Harrington
Under the covers, Eddie’s fingers have slowly been drawing patterns up your legs for the last 20 minutes. Each time he gets closer and closer to the hem of the well-worn Metallica shirt you changed into. If he keeps that up, pretty soon he’s going to find out that his shirt is ALL you have on and just what his lazy touches have been doing to you.
It seems that that time is now as he dips beneath your shirt and is met with wetness on your thighs. You squeeze his hand between them involuntarily. In that instant, there is nothing Eddie wants more than to end his day on the highest of notes. With you coming on his tongue.
He lifts his head and pulls you closer. He then spreads your thighs so that he may lay on his stomach between them. Making sure to rest his head back on your stomach. With a yawn, he slinks further down into the covers.
It’s not long before you feel the slide of this talented tongue against your clit. You’re trying not to make a sound but the way he’s gently circling your bundle of nerves has your resolve weakening. You let out a quiet whimper. Alerting Steve that something is going on.
Immediately his eyes travel down to where Eddie’s head is clearly under the covers. He can’t help but watch as with each shift and movement your body responds. He gives his own hard dick a squeeze as you give up holding it in and tilt your head back with a moan.
Pushing the covers off the bed he fully exposes just how greedy Eddie is being with his tongue. His hands are locked on to your hips, keeping you pinned to the bed as he takes his fill. Clearly attempting to erase the bad day he had at work.
He can’t blame him. There is something downright magical about your pussy. A cure all to whatever ails you and addictive to boot.
All Eddie is focused on is your pleasure. He doesn’t even notice that his hips have taken on a mind of their own as he grinds himself into the bed. He doubles down his efforts, tongue working overtime and is rewarded with a rush of your slick as you come undone.
This sets him off. With a groan he comes in his pants. Grinding his hips harder into the mattress as he continues his assault on your clit. Not stopping until you come on his tongue once more. Uncaring of the mess he’s made of his sweats and the sheets below him.
Steve, who has been watching from the sidelines as he strokes his thick cock, scoots closer to you and Eddie. He leans over to give you a sensual kiss while he continues to jerk himself.
“Gah, you two are just so fucking hot sometimes. I wanted to join but I was enjoying the show too much. Like my own personal live porn starring my favorite people.”
Eddie’s head is now resting on your thigh. A dopey content smile on his damp face. Lost to the haze of pleasing his girl so well. Bad day blissfully forgotten.
“Feeling good Eds? You should. Just look at how blissed out you made our girl. She’s practically a puddle.”
His smile widens at the praise.
“Such a good boy. I think you've earned yourself a reward. What do you think baby girl? Does our good boy deserve a reward?”
“Mmhmm.” You bob your head. “He most certainly does.”
“That’s settled then. Open up that sassy mouth pretty boy so I can paint it white.”
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Strings Attached [ ao3 tumblr ]
Mechanic!Biker!Sy x POC!Reader
He slaps my ass, making me cry out, before clamping my mouth shut once more. “If your pussy keeps squeezing me like that Peach, this is going to be over sooner than I would like.”
So of course I purposely do exactly that. I clamp my walls around this girth and circle my hips as best I can in my current position. Rubbing my clit along the leather seat. I can feel a tingle begin to move up from my toes into my core. I’m right on the precipice of ecstasy and I want to take Sy along with me.
“So close.” I whisper out.
“I know, baby. I know.” He groans. “Be a good girl and come for me so I can fill you up. Wanna watch my cum drip out of you onto my seat.”
He picks up the pace and suddenly I feel like I’m flying. Goosebumps erupt along my skin, and I forget all about staying quiet as I come around his cock.
“That’s it, babygirl. Fuck you feel so good when you come on my dick baby.”
I lay there, riding the waves of pleasure as Sy fucks me through my orgasm. Just as the last pulses ring through my body, he thrusts in as deep as he can go. With his tip notched at my cervix, he growls and groans as he unloads inside of me. Hips twitching until the last drop is spent.
He slowly pulls out of me. Reaching forward, he spreads my cheeks. Admiring his seed leaking from my abused hole. “One of these days I’m going to have to film this. My mind never does it justice. And you really need to see just how damn sexy you look all swollen and dripping of me.”
“Why not just do it now? I won’t be moving without help thanks to that orgasm. Enjoy the fruits of your labor Beasty.”
I observe him reach into his pocket and pull out his phone. Taking his sweet time, he snaps pictures and even takes video from practically every angle.
Next thing I know his screen is before me with a video playing. My pussy, front and center, spasms. An aftershock most likely, and a fresh trickle of cream trails down my lips. I’m a mess, but I have to admit, he’s right. I do look sexy with his claim painted on me.
“Fucking perfection.” He whispers in my ear. “Now let’s get you inside and cleaned up, baby. I’m going to push my cum back where it belongs and pull your pants back up. Then I’m carrying you to bed.”
“Such a chivalrous beast.” I giggle.
“Only for you, Peach. What can I say. I’m attached. Strings and all.”
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How Do You Love Me? (Bittersweet Part II) [ ao3 tumblr ]
POC!Reader “Lux” x Walter Marshall
The world around us has faded away. All five of my senses are locked in on the ways Walter is making my body sing.
I’ve lost the concept of time as he pulls orgasm after orgasm from me. Making me maintain eye contact as he takes me apart on his thick fingers and wide tongue. Praising me with each crescendo. “Such a good girl. Letting me love on you like you deserve.”
When I try and wrap my hand around his rock hard and angry cock, he slaps it away. “No love. I haven’t earned the right to be pleasured by you yet.”
I am denied twice more before he finally fits himself between my thighs.
He notches his precome soaked tip at my entrance. Grabbing my hands he raises them above my head. Intertwining our fingers as he leans forward.
Were face to face, mouths centimeters apart, the air in our lungs synching as we breathe together.
As I find myself getting lost in the blue depths of his eyes, he pivots his hips forward. Sinking inside of me and splitting me open on his generous girth. He captures my moan as it leaves my mouth with a kiss that steals the remaining air from my lungs.
“I love you more than my words can ever express. So I’m going to continue to let my body do the talking.”
He releases my left hand as he leans back and sets a pace that has stars glittering in my peripherals.
Walter has never been one to be very vocal during sex. Nothing more than your standard grunts, growls and groans. So I am taken by surprise when a whine escapes his throat. His eyes are squeezed tight as if the way my silken walls grip him is too much to handle.
I eat up every second of this gruff, rough around the edges man, surrendering to the pleasure of being inside the woman he loves. Practically begging to lose himself deep inside me.
“Come for me love.” He groans. “I need you to come on my cock. Need you to come so I can fill you up. Give you all I have left to give.”
He sounds so whiney and pathetic. A feral desperation to be consumed by me. It’s enough to tip me over the edge into a glorious free fall.
My pussy clamps down on his cock like a vice, as I bite his shoulder. Laying a claim of my own.
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Eff Being Friends [ ao3 tumblr ]
Steve Rogers x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader “Ci”
? x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader “Ci”
Ex!Thor x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader "Ci”
Ex!Loki x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader "Ci”
Sam, having confessed who he thinks has the best ass, turns to you. “Truth or Dare Ci?”
“Dare of course. Why change it up now.”
“I dare you to get Loki to genuinely smile.”
You look at him quizzically. “You think you’re so smart. Prepare to be knocked down a peg or three bird boy.”
Standing you walk over to Loki, who has been leaning against the wall, observing all night. With a cheeky smile you wave your fingers and cloak yourselves in darkness that's not only soundproof, but is also time spelled as well.
You lower to your knees and snap Loki’s pants out of existence. The visual of you before him is enough to turn his cock hard as steel in front of your very eyes. You waste no time attaching your lips to the foreskin covered tip. Teasing the sensitive flesh with your tongue before sinking down to the hilt. You pull out all the stops. Sucking his cock until he comes down your throat with a roar. Savoring every drop as he fills your belly.
Removing the spell, it seems to the room as if only 1 minute has passed. It does not go unnoticed that Loki is relaxed while he continues to lean against the wall. Grinning like a loon.
This is when Steve notices your slightly swollen lips and quiet panting. Having been on the receiving end of that look many a time, he seethes. Cracking the glass of whiskey in his hand.
You give your turn to Loki so that you may catch your breath. It’s no surprise to anyone that he chooses Steve. “Truth or Dare Captain?”
“Truth. I have nothing to hide.” He challenges the God of Mischief.
“Alright.” He glances at you quickly. Catching you subtly lick your lips, most likely still tasting of him, grinning to yourself. “When was the last time you got your cock properly serviced and with who?”
Everyone assumes the answer will be you when you were still together a couple weeks ago.
With a cocky grin and sip of his drink he answers as he stares you down. “Yesterday after training with Sharon. She caught me on my way to change in my room and said I looked tense and needed a release. I took her up on her offer. Plus she gives decent head.”
He must have thought that you were going to be upset that he let poor lovesick Sharon suck his dick instead of getting the best head of his life from you. You couldn’t care less actually.
Not when you were getting dicked down in your own post training bath with Thor. It really is a great way to help stretch out and relax your muscles.
“Good for you Steven. You always are so tense after a rough training session. I know I was. Thor helped sort me out though.” You sweetly state.
“Are you serious right now? You two were practically on the verge of killing each other in the training room.”
“Great foreplay. Don’t tell me you never partook in post battle coitus with her. She is ravenous after any kind of rough play.” Thor, the sweet himbo that he is, adds in.
“Fuck this. I’m going to bed.”
“Should I call Sharon to come lick your wounds?”
“Fuck you Ci”
“Sorry not tonight, Cap.”
Follow my library page @missacidburn928s-heathenhideaway or ao3 for more goodies and to stay up to date with all the words I string together from the sandbox in my head 😈
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Madness in a smile. Won't you stay a while?
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Mafia AU
Mafia!Avengers x POC Reader “Jinx”
Trauma molds us all in different ways.
Angst and Fluff and Smut, Smut, Gratuitous Smut, Angst, Blood and Violence, Past Rape/Non-con, Past Abuse. Past Sexual Abuse, Past Relationship(s)Past Violence, Mafia Avengers, Mafia AU, Reader-Insert, Threesome - F/M/M, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Woman on Top, Just a lot of dirty smut ok.
Hello Heathens! This is a music heavy, fun, smutty, but still angsty chapter. I was in my feelings for sure. Happy Reading!
Banner by @cafekitsune Divder by @firefly-graphics
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"Haaaaadeees! I'm home." Your beloved Doberman comes trotting over from the living-room. He stops in his tracks when he notices the large men behind you, letting out a low growl. "Oh bubba you're gonna have to learn to play nice. We're taking a little vacay to their compound for the time being. So please get it together. Now be a good boy and grab mama's favorite .45 for me." The doberman gives one last look at the men before turning on his heel and scampering off on his way to your study.
The super soldiers just stare at you with quirked brows over the exchange with your four-legged companion. 
"Don't just stand there clutching your pearls. Get a move on. The quicker we get back, the quicker we can strategize." You clap your hands and head down the hall.
"Did you just ask your dog to fetch you a gun?" Steve inquires. 
"Sure did. Had it specially designed just to put a bullet between Lucien’s eyes."
“Good enough for me.” Bucky shrugs.
They follow you down the hall to your locked weapons room. Tossing them each a duffle bag, you tell them to fill it with what they deem essentials. You leave them to it and head off to your room to grab your go bag and some extra clothes.
You’ve always been ready to leave at a moment’s notice. The joys of being a mafia princess and woman on the run. Of course you sometimes wish your life was simpler. Less dangerous and chaotic. That will never happen though. You came to terms with that a long time ago.
“Need a hand?” You’re whisked from your thoughts by a smooth baritone.
“I’ve got it. Not much to gather when your always ready to flee.”
“That’s kind of dark and a bit tragic.” Bucky notes with a contemplative tone.
"Don’t you know darling. All I am is dark and tragic. Lucien got one thing right. I was born in blood. Something like that leaves a mark on your soul."
“I find that the tarnished souls have the purest hearts. It just takes you a while to get there.” He nonchalantly states.
“Such a sweet talker Mr. Barnes.” You tease. “Now enough of this mushiness. Let me see what goodies you two grabbed. And yes, I will be judging you on your choices.”
You saunter out of the room. Bucky and Hades hot on your tail as you make your way to Steve and gather the rest of your necessities.
“Meet me out front. I’ll follow you on my bike. So Wolfie I’m going to need you to take good care of my boy. Don’t let him get sick in the Captain’s precious Rover.”
“He better not.” Steve growls. Bucky just laughs as he secures a leash to Hades.
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Tony gave you the room between Steve and Thor’s. With Bucky and Nat Across the hall. Salt-n-Pepa’s “None Of Your Business” is blasting from the hidden speakers thanks to Jarvis, while you unpack.
The loud bass seems to have summoned a certain Vikings attention. You can feel the air shift as he enters your quarters. You pay him no mind as you continue to dance to the beat. Making yourself comfortable in your temporary home.
The song ends and rolls right into the next. As the reggaeton beat hits your ears your hips follow suit. As if they have a mind of their own. Uncaring of the eyes following every dip and swivel.
“You know, most people would consider waltzing into someone’s space without introducing yourself and staring so intently at them as rude. Now I know you’re a brute, but are all your brains located in your muscles?”
“Ha. Good one. I fully intended to introduce myself properly. But upon entering your domicile I became entrance by your siren like movements. I’d apologize but that would mean I’m sorry for enjoying the show and I am anything but sorry about that.”
You spare a look over your shoulder and note the smirk displayed on his ruggedly handsome face.
“It’s safe to assume you already know who I am. But for brevities sake I’ll go ahead with an introduction. I am Thor Odinson. Your new neighbor and resident muscle.”
You finally turn around. Taking the time to let your eyes roam and take in the golden god like giant before you. He really does paint such a magnificent picture of brute strength.
“Thor. God of Thunder and Fertility. Such a chaotic combination. To sunder life in one instant and to breathe life into existence in the next is quite the gift. I’m sure my true name proceeds me at this point, but you can call me Jinx.”
“Pleasure to formally meet you fair Jinx. And you are correct. Your name does proceed you. But they seem to have left out how your looks are just as deadly as your knives.”
You smile at the compliment as you make your way to close the door. Lightly checking Thor with your shoulder as you pass by. “Silver tongued as well. What a treat.”
He chuckles. “You have no idea little fox.”
You can feel the body heat radiating off him at your back as you close the door. Crowding around you he reaches forward to turn the lock.
You turn to face him. Having to lift your chin to look in his eyes as you only reach chest height. “You sure you want to be locked in here with little ole me?”
His eyes are full of intrigue and lust. Like a predator stalking its prey. “Should I be afraid? I am the brute, as you say, after all.”
“Do your worst Demigod, for I have already felt the flames of Hel lick across my flesh.” You lift your shirt so that he can see your scar.
He reaches out to touch your ruined skin, pausing to look you in the eye and get your consent. You nod your head, and he closes the gap. His battle roughened fingers caress the raised flesh. A reminder of your near death at the hands of someone sworn to love and protect you.
“Is this why you have your very own Garmr?” He asks. Fingers still tracing across your flesh.
“You noticed that did you? Hades is my protector, yes. I would never dream of chaining him up though. The only destruction he seeks is to destroy the one who harmed me. There is no need to fear him.”
“Fear is the farthest thing from my mind. More like respect and gratitude. To earn his favor would be to earn yours as well.”
“The fact that you made it into this room without so much as a growl from him speaks volumes. He growls whenever the Captain is around.” You laugh.
“He is rarely without Barnes though. Does he not growl at the White Wolf?”
“They’re kindred spirits I suspect. Devoted and loyal. He quite enjoys the White Wolf. But don’t tell him that.”
“You have my word little fox. May we seal the deal with a kiss?”
“You’re really jonesing for a taste aren’t ya Odinson? Did the super soldiers blab about our little playtime before our meeting?”
“I may have overheard them speaking about you in the gym. But I was curious and bewildered by you long before that. I must admit I am a little jealous that they got a taste first. Guess its what I get for only being the muscle. Don’t have the finesse required to bring a challenge like you in without violence.”
“Oh I would have loved that.” Your face lights up. “Taking you down would have been amazing.”
His eyes darken as he takes a step closer. His large body pinning you to door as he runs his hand up your chest to rest against your throat. “Sly little fox you don’t need to goad me to get what you want.”
“Maybe I just like hearing you speak. The words flow off your silver tongue so easily.”
“Is that what you want? To verbally spar?”
“This is just foreplay. I’m sure you can show me what else that mouth can do.”
His hand tightens around the base of your throat for a moment before he slides it down to your waistband where it is met with his other. Giving your hips a squeeze he looks to you for permission before going any further. You lick your lips and nod your head.
He removes your leggings and panties together, with care and reverence. Teasing your flesh as he divests you of your garments but leaving your beloved thigh sheath in place. Resting his hands on your waist he begins to raise you up the door.
Thinking that he would stop when you’re high enough to kiss his lips without stretching; he surprises you by lifting higher still. He continues on until your glistening pussy is level with his mouth and he has moved your thighs onto his broad shoulders. Smirking up at your slightly shocked face, he gives you a wink as he presses you firmly against the door for balance. He runs his tongue from your slit to clit. Groaning in appreciation of the taste of you that floods his experienced tastebuds.
Apparently that taste was enough to turn him ravenous. He takes to eating your dripping pussy like a man possessed. Worshipping your cunt like a barrel of Meade he would happily drown in.
It is not long before you are coming on his talented silver tongue. Your muscles feel loose and like putty. Keeping you in place atop his shoulders with his left hand, you watch with rapt attention as he pushes down his sweats with his right. Letting the fabric fall to his ankles. Noticeably he is without underwear.
He returns his hands to your waist and slides you down the door to where you’re perched right over his leaking uncut cock.
“If you don’t want to take this any further, speak now. For if your cunt feels as amazing as you taste. my control will be on a thin leash.” He practically growls.
You smile deviously. “As I said before.” You lean up to where you lips graze his as you speak. “Do your worst.” You run your tongue along the bottom of his lip and then bite down.
That is the go ahead he needs to squeeze your hips and slowly impale you on his god like girth. He watches your eyes roll back and your mouth opens on a silent gasp as you adjust to the stretch.
He gives you only a moment before he pins you to the door with his body. His frame spreading your thighs wider as he wraps your ankles around his waist.
“This cunt is practically magical how it fits me so well. Men could start wars over the silkiness of these walls.” He grinds against you making you moan out once more.
“I intend to leave my mark so that I may be fortunate enough to be inside you once again.”
“For all that talk of control; you seem pretty at ease right now.”
“The calm before the storm little fox. Now take a deep breath for me.”
He pulls out until only his tip remains as you inhale. When you begin to exhale, he slams his hips forward helping kick the air from lungs.
From then on it was as if you were lost in the clouds of a thunderstorm. Your body being slammed over and over against the door as your pussy took a delicious beating. The bass of his groans and growls resonating through your bones like thunder.
You feel the stirrings of your orgasm on the edge of your consciousness. The room beginning to turn to a hazy dreamlike state before you eyes. As Thor’s thumb circles you engorged pearl with a practiced skill; that need to explode continues to build.
With a well placed attack to that sweet spongy spot inside you and a pinch to your clit; you’re a goner. Your orgasm rips through you like lighting striking through the sky. Scattering you into a million pieces before your gathered back together. Still swallowed in the midst of the storm.
You squeeze tightly to Thor’s giant like frame as you ride the storm together. You could swear you saw his eyes change color. As quickly as that thought occurs it is interrupted by the grip of his hands on your hips. With a thunderous roar, that no doubt was heard throughout the entire wing, he buries himself as deep as your bodies will allow. Pressing his forehead against yours as he fills you up. Your tight walls feeling every twitch as you milk him dry.
You've had plenty experiences after you healed and got away from Lucien. All to drown out the trauma and try and replace it with the pleasure you deserve. In all those times and all those experiences no one has every made you feel so treasured and present in your body as Thor has.
You look up at him with awe and a softness in your eyes rarely shown nowadays. “I see why women throw themselves at you. For such a brute you’re as sweet as a cinnamon roll inside. And clearly have a deep love and respect for women.”
“Women are truly the strong ones. They should be treasured whenever possible. Especially you little fox. I could happily become addicted to you. Whenever you need to ride the storm. To feel just how precious you are. Come find me.”
“You’re most certainly too sweet for me.”
“Nonsense.” He kisses your forehead and allow yourself to sink into his warmth. Like the sun after the most devasting of rains.
“Now let me show you all the perks your shower has to offer.”
“Yeah, that’s going to be tricky. My legs feel like Jello still.”
“I never said I was putting you down.”
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Later that evening…
You’ve found your way to the dance studio you spotted during your tour of the compound. After the events of the last 24 hours you felt the need to work out all these pesky emotions. What better way to set your head right than putting your body through vigorous movement.
Connecting your phone to Jarvis you hit repeat on the perfect track to help you with your much needed emotional release. You take a breath, centering yourself as you begin to move. Your body synchronizes to the beat like a starving apparition. Forever entranced in the symphony of notes overtaking your muscles.
As the world falls away around you, you’re inundated with a series of flashbacks and snippets of Lucien’s secret abuse. From verbal attacks to acts of violence. The visions of his sexual abuse make your skin crawl, as hot anger fuels you. His poison, sunk deep into your marrow, still lingers.
The sounds of your body ping ponging off walls. Plates of perfectly cooked food being thrown. Books being ripped in half. Let’s not forget the discreet pinching of your sides in public if he felt disrespected.
The nights he would barge in drunk from the strip club. Smelling like another woman’s perfume. Shirt and hair a mess. “Her pussy wasn’t tight enough for me. No one’s pussy compares to yours Sunshine. It’s the best thing about you.” He spreads your legs, rips your panties off and spits on his cock and fingers to lube you up. Then he just thrusts his way inside, splitting you open, uncaring of your pain as you scream out.
Two minutes and it’s over. Leaving you with his mess to clean up as he rolls over. You make for the bathroom on wobbly legs, ridding yourself of his cum and secretly taking a plan B you have stashed away.
Those nights happened far too much. And it wasn’t always in the bedroom. If he wanted you, he’d have you. You were his.
When did the raging fire inside me settle into smoldering ash? Was it when I could tell his mood by the sound of his steps coming down the hall? Or did he slowly beat it out of me with every hand he raised in anger? I never thought I would be in that situation. Swore I would never be that girl. But I was blinded by his façade of the perfect gentleman. The mask he hid behind in our day-to-day life. Like a true sociopath he mirrored emotions with practiced perfection. A practically flawless performance. Hell, he had me fooled and under his spell. So much so, that I thought I deserved every unkind act he did to me. Every bruise, every fatigued muscle. And I begged for any crumb of affection he would bestow on me. His good girl. His perfect little whore. That stupid pretty face that hid such depravity. And I protected him! Only to be stabbed and left for dead. Never again!
Your exposed skin is covered in a sheen of perspiration, as you continue to lose yourself to the music. Uncaring of your scar on display in your sports bra and boy shorts as you sense a presence in the studio with you.
“Are you going to join me or just observe with your keen eyes?”
"Where'd you learn to dance like that?" Nat speaks up, walking into the room.
"I'm told it was my mother's favorite thing to do."
“You know you're really good?”
“At what exactly?”
“Wearing a mask. Putting on a brave face. Creating a stony exterior.”
“Thanks, I guess.”
“I can see through the cracks though. However tiny they may be. That soft sweet center you try so hard to protect.”
“It’s worth protecting.” You stare her straight in the eye. “It’s the piece of me I never want to lose. It’s all the humanity I have left that wasn't beaten out of me. And one day, when Lucien lays dead at my feet and I can truly breathe again, I’ll be able to allow her softness to bleed back into my system. For the safety of my remaining sanity, I’ll keep that piece of me under lock and key for now.”
“I get it.” She nods. “Would you mind a partner while you work out whatever it is that haunting you? I could use a session myself.”
“By all means. I’d never pass up a free show from the Black Widow.”
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Your phone vibrating against the smooth surface of your nightstand has you reaching over. There is only one person who would call you at this hour and expect you to pick up.
“Well hello there Da. Are you calling to check up on me once again or are you calling to assuage your curiosity of whether I still draw breath as we both know Luci is here.” 
"A bit of both. I just received a call from the aforementioned bane of our existence. Which is surprising, as I was under the assumption that he was trying to hide his little venture from me."
“He made an appearance at the Avengers Compound. Tried to make a big deal over my existence like somehow Stark would just turn me over. His mistake. Unfortunately, now he knows for sure that I am still very much alive. I’m not going to tell you to be careful because we both know you wont listen to that. So just keep your eyes open and I’ll take care of business over here.”
“Aye. That’s my girl. Keep me updated and let those Avengers have some fun with him as well. My treat.”
“You have my word. Night Old Man.”
“Night Petal.”
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joon, tom hiddleston and thor when there's an argument please?
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Kim Namjoon
-When there's an argument, Joon gets really quiet
-Mostly because he's mostly the reason the two of you are odds. His biggest flaw is that he often speaks without thinking when agitated, which results in him hurting your feelings with a simple remark/judgement
-When the consequences of his actions finally settle in, he has troubles clearing his mind because it's now clouded with immense guilt. He might have a sharp tongue, but a heart of gold and doesn't hurt people on purpose
-So when you don't want to talk to him or be near him, Joon immediately starts overthinking
-He'll still keep you company, whether it's welcomed or not. It's his silent affirmation that he still loves you and wants to show you that he'll be ready to listen to whatever you have to share with him
-The giant man will try to come over as cool and collected, but just one glance at his tensed shoulders and bouncing leg shows you that he's anxious
-When you're ready to settle the argument and move on from it, Joon sits close to you and holds your hand in his. He'll listen to every word leaving your mouth and will will see things from your point of view
-Realizing that his actions have hurt you leaves him with an aching heart and promises to do better because he doesn't want to lose you
-Apologizing is something that's very easy for him. He might have a big ego, but never when it comes to you
-When you're the one who instigated an argument, Joon will keep to himself, trying to soothe aching he feels in his chest while trying to distract himself
-You'll find him read three books in just two days or buy more plants and water and monitor them, he can't sit in one place and act like everything is fine
-You give him some space so that he can mentally prepare himself for the upcoming talk. The man hates any type of negative energy
-When you see that he's ready to talk, you start with an apology and hold his hand to reassure him that it wasn't your intention to hurt his feelings
-Joon can't never stay too long mad at you so you'll be in the middle of ranting when he cuts you off by kissing you tenderly, his hands on your cheeks and a soft hum leaving his lips as he has missed the taste and feeling of them
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Tom Hiddleston
-Tom is an Aquarian (his moon is in Aquarius for those who don't know)
-That man has no problems voicing all the things that stimulate him and his mind. He loves to talk about everything interesting, but when the two of you are arguing, he doesn't know how to act
-Voicing his deepest emotions is something he has always struggled with because it's simply not so easily in his nature to be forward
-He becomes mute, especially when you're in the wrong
-It'll leave you feeling like shit because he'll go on about his day like nothing has happened, despite that he's suffering on the inside
-It will be awkward being in the same room as him because his first instinct is to retreat and be his own company
-You'll try to talk to him but he'll interrupt you, stating that he has an important thing to finish and then walk off
-And it's not even his intention to avoid you, it's simply because he's so overwhelmed with intense emotions and doesn't know how to voice them
-So all you can do is give him his space and time to get his mind right
-When that happens (often after a day or two), he'll reach out to you
-The two of you will be seated and he'll hold intense eye contact while expressing how he has been feeling the past day(s) and how your actions affected him
-He'll struggle finding the right words from time to time, but that leaves you to complete his sentences, knowing exactly how he feels
-Once he's done, he lets you know that he's ready to makeup and move on
-You let him know that you want the same thing, but not without explaining that the two of you need to find a healthy way to coexist when there's an argument, that he can't simply pull away from you and act like you're not his girlfriend
-Tom realizes that you're right and promises you that he'll try to get rid of those unhealthy habits
-You reassure him that he's loved and that he can always express himself safely with you. That you only want to contribute to his happiness and not diminish it
-When Tom is the reason the two of you are beefing
-That man will do his upmost best to gain your forgiveness
-You need space? He'll book a weekend trip for you and your friend(s)
-You don't feel like talking? He'll communicate through tiny notes being slidden underneath the door
-You're angry and hurt? He'll instantly apologize and cook you your favourite meal or buy your fave snacks
-You can see his insecurities getting the best of him but you let him sit and soak in it for a little while because that's how he'll learn that you're not a stranger but his girlfriend who deserves the same amount of love and respect he gets from you
-When you're ready to have the talk, Tom intensely listens to you and apologizes for everything he did wrong. He hasn't a big ego, he's incredibly humble and knows when he has messed up
-Seeing the remorse radiating off him instantly makes you forgive him and you lean in to kiss him, being ready to put the argument behind and continuing to enjoy the love you have for one another
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Thor Odinson
-Being at odds with Thor is something that rarely happens because despite his huge ego and cockiness, that man knows how to maintain a healthy relationship with himself and you
-The few times the two of you have an argument, it doesn't really feel like it
-It feels more like discussion
-He will frown and voice his disagreements and shake his head at your reasonings
-You do the same and roll your eyes once in a while, and when you feel like the situation is only going downhill, you stand him and tell him that you're not continuing to discuss anything further with him
-When you walk off, the God of Thunder is aware that now there's some tension in between you too
-"Not on my or Odin's watch" is what he mumbles to himself before following you to wherever you're going
-When you see (and feel) the giant God following you, you sigh loudly to which he copies you
-"Just leave me alone, Thor"
-"Do you really want that?"
-When the answer is yes, Thor sighs again and leaves you be
-When the answer is no, he immediately picks you up and carries you to your shared bedroom, plops you on the bed and lies there with you, gently stroking your back and head while patiently waiting for you to address your little spat
-Once you do, he hums while listening to you. He'll feel guilty and immediately begs to be forgiven, which he is in that moment
-When you're the one apologizing first, that son of a bitch will play hard to get and act like he's still annoyed at you
-But he cuts the act once you stand up and lift your shirt, ready to (sneakily) convince him that you're worthy of his forgiveness with a little razzle dazzle of good old coochie
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Tag list: @jamesbarnesappreciationclubub  l @pleasantdreamqueen l @disneymarina l l @harleycativy  l @sparklemichele l @melaninmarvel l @amethyst09 l @the-force-of-imagines l @bossyboyd03 l @pebblesz892 l @stars8melanin l @brittyevans l @toc1985 l @janeyboo l @badassbaker l @winters-beauty l @cannonindeez  l @ilovefanfic86  l @adorablespecialsnowflakes l @brittanyovens l @kanupps06 l @jazmynejack l @thebookwormslytherin l @theunsweetenedtruth l @talannalew l @littlexmissxfandomxlover l @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes l @crimsonash330 l @booklover2929 l @aranelgrey l @panda-duuu l @thisismysecrethappyplace  l @titty-teetee l @honey-anon l @princess-evans-addict l @hp-hogwartsexpress l @malindacath  l @letsdisneythings l @scorpionchild81 l @shado-raven l @alisoncdariel l @plutoneu l  @queenoftheworldisdead l @briannab1234l @miyaeadys-blog l @thenamelesscorpse2185 l @hihellogoodbyebruh l @nackrosor l @nerdgurl1985 l @2darkskinbeauty l @bugngiz l @african-melanin-goddess l @barnes-wilson-love l @ktiz90 l @let-the-love-in l @forlornfortitude l @robinredboob l @hopefuloperaangelnerd l @kola95 l @partypoison00 l @alwaysadreamingoptimist l @reniescarlett l @g0thicdream l @mayasopinions l @captaintightpants58 l @leillee
-Emmanuelle 💋❤️
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lady-thor-foster · 3 years
4 AM // Thor x Reader
Paring: Thor x Reader Word Count: 500+
Warning: Porn without Plot, Smut
A/N: This has been kind of rattling around in my brain for a little while and thought you all might enjoy this!
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It was his touch that you missed the most. 
How soft and warm, yet fleeting it was. As you lay in your bed alone, you wondered what it would be like to feel his touch again. It was only one night but he far surpassed other lovers in your life with nothing more than just his touch. Glancing at the alarm clock on your nightstand, you noted the time: 4 AM. 
The memory of your brief encounter with the God of Thunder would haunt you in the most delicious way. The way he kissed you, the way he caressed you, the way he looked at you like you were the only star in the universe. You couldn’t help the desire you felt when he gazed into your eyes. It was almost like being in love. Almost. 
Sinking deeper into your bed, you let the memory of your tryst take over your body. Lazily tracing your fingers around, you left a trail of goosebumps on your umber skin. Heat radiated from your thighs as your core pulsed in anticipated pleasure. With your eyes firmly closed, you could feel the damp of your panties against your skin; it only served to turn you on further. 
The memory of Thor was almost too much to bear. You could still feel the soft press of his lips against every inch of your skin, the way he nipped hard enough to mark so you’d remember where he’d been. The sensation of being almost too full was maddening; you arched your back in pleasure. There were no words spoken that night, only the sounds of your moans, grunts, and desperate sighs. The two of you moved in a forbidden rhythm, sweat slicked bodies aching to get closer still. Hands were intertwined, lips were lost in a heated battle, breaths were intermingled in unbridled passion. 
Eager to feel some kind of relief, you sank two of your fingers where you needed them most and moaned in ecstasy. Thor’s name was still a whisper on your lips, lest it break the spell you found yourself under. You free hand cupped your breast firmly and you gasped at the pressure. Your two fingers were slick and moving fervently, chasing that golden high. Writhing under the magic of your own self love, you couldn’t help but think back to when it was him tormenting you like this. When it was him making your body burn like hellfire. When it was him making your blood sing. 
Waves of pleasure rolled through as you rocked yourself against your fingers. Groaning, a tear slipped from your eye under the intensity. You pumped your fingers faster, pinching your nipple as you chased that singular exhilaration only Thor could give you. Closer and closer still, your body began to tense under your own ministrations. You arched your back and bit your bottom lip to keep from crying out. Closer, your elation loomed. Closer it crept. Squeezing your eyes tightly, you forced yourself deeper into the memory and felt yourself flutter around your fingers in response. Thor, his name tumbled from your full lips like a frantic prayer. Thor. Thor. Thor. 
Suddenly, stars burst behind your eyes and your body released the coiled tension you’d been holding. A silent cry escaped your lips as you surrendered to the bliss that rocked your body. Carefully you removed your fingers from your pulsing core and wiped them on the towel you’d carelessly tossed on your bed earlier in the night. Breathing heavily, you couldn’t help but smile to yourself. Sleep, the previously forgotten mistress, began to creep up and your eyes fluttered closed in satisfaction. 
It was his touch you missed the most. 
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Thor fic...fluffy...soft....
Thor x poc thicc reader
I had this idea rattling around in my brain for a while, so as with all my fics I'm writing it and then posting as quickly as possible before I loose the nerve to share it with anyone. So I know very little about actual pole dancing all mistakes regarding that are definitely mine! Any all mistakes are mine and I don't give anyone permission to copy, steal my fics.
Summary: you live in the city it's expensive so you work multiple jobs. At one of your newest jobs you meet Thor who is going through a divorce and using it as an excuse to start really trying new things. After lots of flirting he happens upon one of your other jobs a pole dancing instructor.
Although your not normally a morning person, you loved working early mornings at the coffee shop. This was your favorite shop, it was locally owned and now you never had to wait in line to enjoy your favorite flavor. Your best friend helped you get hired a few months ago and showed you an unexpected perk of the job, taste testing new and existing coffee flavors. It was such a small perk but you used it to help customers who couldn't decide. The owner saw how you helped the line along and brought down the wait time even if only by a few minutes. So everytime you were scheduled you worked the register for at least half your shift to help keep the line moving.
That was how you met Thor, he was in line for coffee and seemed a little overwhelmed at the choices available. When he got to the front of the line he still hadn't decided what he wanted, he was so busy looking up at the board that he did not even see you standing there at the counter.
Oh sweet Lord this man was beautiful, chiseled jaw, with just enough five o'clock shadow that it was rugged. Broad shoulders, and even through his suit you could see hints at the muscles underneath. It fit him so well you know it must be tailor made, after living in the city long enough you've seen enough suits to recognize expensive or off the rack.
"Excuse me, sir!" You raised your hand as high as you could, being vertically challenged you were used to getting taller people's attention. He looked down at you, not seeing you completely his mind was still trying to figure out his order. He figured you were going to ask him to step out of line till he figured it out, that's what the other coffee shops did. So he started to get out of line
"Sorry, I never know what I want and there's so many choices. I'll just go to the back."
You had to quickly jump and lay over the counter top to grab his arm as he turned. An action your coworkers found hilarious.
"Wait sir!! I can't help you if you go back to the end of the line!" You craned your head up at him "if you answer a couple of questions I can suggest a new favorite for you!"
He looked down at you as you teetered on the counter top holding onto his arm.
"Are you sure?" He was trying so hard not to laugh at the situation.
"Yes!......um could you take a step towards the counter tho....im a little too far over and don't want to fall on my face." Your face was so hot with embarrassment, thank all the gods that the owners weren't in today. The counter was starting to cut into your stomach a little bit.
He stepped back to the counter and offered you his hand to help push you up and back on your side of the counter.
"Great! Jeannie will you please help the next customer real quick for me?" Your best friend if she had time to laugh she had time to cover for you.
Jeannie gave you questioning look, you smiled and winked at her, turning back to Thor
"OK sir, my name is y/n and my first question for your is business or pleasure?"
Thor looked at you not understanding the question entirely. "Im sorry I don't understand"
"Your coffee, do you need it for business purposes i.e. fuel your mornings cuz you can't wake up without your cup, late night manic study sessions, etc. Or pleasure i.e. trying new things, comfort, although that could be business too, wanting a smooth flavor as you peruse the city? Stuff like that."
"I'm not really sure, I just ask my assistant to bring me coffee and I drink whatever she brings, sometimes it's good. It is one of those small things that I have let others handle up until now, and now I am unsure of what it is I actually like."
"Let's say pleasure, makes the choices sound more adventurous."
"That it does, and would that make you my fair coffee maiden, guiding me on this quest?"
He had this accent you couldn't quite place, it didn't feel like he was making fun of you when he called you a maiden.
You laughed a little too hard at that "roll for initiative good sir."
Shit shit shit brain stop!! We don't flirt with the customers, no matter how sexy they are.
It didn't seem like he completely understood your reference but he smiled a dazzling smile at you anyways. You blushed at him, thanking the stars that the blush wasn't as obvious on your darker skin.
After asking a few questions, "ok I think I have the perfect flavor for you to try, just one more question"
"What name should I put on the cup sir?"
"My name is Thor, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
"OK Thor, please go wait at the other end of the counter and I'll have your order up shortly."
Perfect timing because Jeannie was getting swamped and giving you death glares.
Getting back behind the counter, you start making orders and make Thors order as well. You got lost in concentration to make sure each one was made correctly and labeled with the right persons name on it. So much so that when you placed Thors cup on the counter you call his name and go right back to making coffee for others
"Excuse me, fair coffee maiden, I've yet to pay for my beverage."
Smiling at him "this one's on me, if you like it come on back and you can pay for the next cup." He smiled at you and took a sip, that was how it started, for the next 8 months he would come in and either order his "usual" or "it was the fair coffee maiden choice."
Then he disappeared, for 2 weeks you didn't see him at the coffee shop and you would be lying if you said it didn't bring your day down a little when he didn't show.
"C'mon lady, you've got a class to teach after this." Jeannie nudged your shoulder to get your attention as your shift came to an end. "Or should I call you Fair coffee maiden?" She smiled evilly at you.
Laughing you threw your hand towel at her, "Oh my God girl, shut up!"
"WOMAN! Hunny I am a woman!" She corrected you.
"I'm out of here, WOMAN!" hanging your apron over your arm and taking your hat off.
Thor was at his new gym working out when Loki found him.
"Brother." He greeted Thor "does your apartment not have an adequate gym? Why are you in this.." he looks around "place?"
"Ah brother, I'm trying new things including places to train." He smiles at the smaller Odinson while he puts his weights down. "Im also taking this amazing class here, called Zumba! It is most fun, you should come with me!"
Loki looked at his brother like he grew several new heads, while staring at his brother in shock a group of older women called over to Thor.
"Hey Thor!! Great class today!!" He turned and smiled at them before waving. "Who's your friend?" "Is he single?" "Ooh let's go on a double date Thor!" The ladies all called over at once laughing.
"He is my brother! And I believe he's.... how do you say it married to his work."
The ladies pretended to be sad and waved bye as they left the gym.
Loki was getting very annoyed with Thor and his stupid antics to go to the most common places possible. Why couldn't he just go to the exclusive health resort like he did.
"We must be away Thor I would like to get to the proceedings early and prepare. If your done living out your commoner fantasy."
"Brother, I know these kinds of places are not the type of places you would patron, but I've found great comfort in being in regular places like this. Away from all the gossip of our peers and the endless parade of ladies trying to "win me" like a prized steer."
"You just had a rather large group of women, call to you, how is that any different?"
"They're married and have strangely asked my permission to make such jokes with me. I found it amusing so I said yes." He laughed "some of them are quite funny."
Loki did not want to stay any longer "let us go now Thor, ill not wait any longer for you."
Thor put the weights away, grabbed his bag and started walking out with Loki. As they got to the front of the gym, Thor heard a familiar voice coming from one of the class rooms. He stopped and peered into the room he was very surprised to find you at the head of the class standing next to a pole. Loki curious to see why his brother suddenly walked away from him, looked into the room as well.
"Ahhh, now I see why you chose this particular, place of business." He tsk'd at Thor "really brother you ran the complete opposite of Jane, from an astrophysicist with multiple degrees, respected around the world.....to a dancer?" He looked his nose down at Thor "You always did have more balls than brains."
Thor gave him a look "I did not know she was a dancer, I only know her as the coffee maiden." He didn't mind what you did but his brothers disapproval was disheartening.
He stepped farther into the class hoping to get a better look and see if maybe it was another who looked like you.
You were teaching a pole dancing class at your gym unaware of Thor and Loki looking in on your class. This was your advanced class and your students were ok if one or two people looked on, sometimes all a shy person needed was to see other people like them before they joined.
Class was a little crowded today since another instructor had to cancel last minute and a few their students asked to jump in on your class.
The music had been turned down so you could address the class and show them the steps to the move.
"Now just step in front of the pole like this and if this is your first time doing this move I find closing my eyes and concentrating on doing the basic steps and see how it makes you feel. And then really practice your hand placement, proper hand placement is key." Grabbing the pole behind you, you perform the move showing the class how it was supposed to look.
"She's not bad, even considering her size." Loki made the off handed remark not caring if you heard or not. He was not having a good day and if Thor insisted on being difficult by hiding out in such a place then he was going to mess with him.
"Oh, it sounds like we have perfectionist in our midst." You look in the direction of the doors "hello sir! Would you like to come up to the front and be part of a little demonstration? No charge of course."
Thor had stepped back from the door when you looked over, he didn't want you to see him and get the idea he thought like his brother did.
Loki only gave his brother an evil smirk as he started walking up to the front. Fully intending to mess with Thor later over this.
One of the students brought a chair up front for Loki to sit in.
"Now sir, you believe only smaller women can be good dancers, is that correct?" You bat your lashes at Loki while slowly walking around the pole.
"I don't believe that, I know it." He stated firmly.
"I'm guessing from experience? Like some high end private club or something?" Your still walking around the pole while speaking.
"Only the best, most exclusive clubs."
"Tell me please, what is your name?"
"Uhuh, and tell me Loki when was the last time you got any true enjoyment from these super exclusive clubs?"
"What are you implying? They can't be sexy because they're skinny? That's not very body positive of you." Loki tsk'd at you.
You stopped circling the pole and smiled at him "anyone can be sexy, and im not saying you don't enjoy the dancers but only that you've been fed a lie that only skinny women are sexy. And only skinny women can be good dancers too. Variety is the spice of life don't you know."
He chuckled at you "if you say so."
While you had been talking the student who brought the chair had started the music and turned it up little by little. And as you got to the end of your conversation, you had begun a small routine. Spinning expertly around the pole, using various methods to show off your strength and dexterity. You climbed to the top of the pole, holding on with you legs you hung your upper body off the pole and slowly descended down. When your hands touched the ground you let go of the pole and flipped off landing in a splits near Loki.
You turned your body towards Loki and crawled the couple of steps to him and pulled yourself up between his legs keeping eye contact. When you stood up completely he was looking up at you over your breast and you smiled at him taking a step back. Leaving between his legs you bent forward slightly toward him and spoke softly
"Tell me Loki when it's late at night," you walk around behind him, wrapping both your arms loosely around his neck "and there's no one around to warm your bed for you."
Loki didn't realize he had closed his eyes and leaned his head back against your shoulder lost in the moment.
"When only your hand is around to satisfy you, which pillow do you reach for to hold against you as you climax, is it the hard flat pillow or the large plush one."
Your student that was working the music grabbed a small decorative pillow, it had a picture of a voluptuous naked woman looking back over her shoulder blowing a kiss with the phrase 'Thicc thighs saves lives' next to her.
She slid it over to you and you used your foot to pick it up and pass it to your hand, placing it gently only Loki lap
"No need to answer Darling, and the pillows on me." You stepped back and addressed the class
"Now class remember it's not the size of the queen or king that's important, it's how you feel about yourself. I'm confident in myself and my own sexiness, but I've had lots and lots of practice not letting comments and ideas like Mr Loki believes get to me."
Loki opened his eyes and looked down at himself, the vein on his neck throbbed in his anger. He had meant to embarrass Thor but you had embarrassed him instead. He stood up still holding the pillow and walked out as you addressed the class.
You went to talk with Loki hoping you didn't embarrass him too badly but he was walking out the door and you saw your favorite coffee customer go with him. "Excuse me all, I'm going to speak with our volunteer, great class everyone!"
You had to run to catch up with the two giant men, and lucky for you they hadn't made it that far down the street yet.
As you caught up with the pair, you had to basically yell to get their attention.
The brothers were arguing with each other as they stopped for you
"At this rate we'll only just be on time for your divorce proceedings." Loki sounded exasperated
"Why did you have to insult her like that!" Thor snapped at him.
You looked up at them while catching your breath *He's married..or was married? Of course he's married He's a Greek God why wouldn't he be married* your mind was trying to process this piece of information.
They both looked down at you expectantly "Hey, I just wanted to touch base with you Mr Loki. You agreed to a dance but I don't think you agreed to me embarrassing you that badly."
He looked his nose down at you and gave you small smirk
"I admit, I didn't have the best of intentions myself. I can, if only occasionally, admit defeat and I am not such a sore loser as to hold a grudge. Besides I even got a lovely parting gift for my troubles." He showed you the pillow under his arm causing you to smile at the gesture.
Loki turned to Thor "I'll wait for you in the town car, do not be long."
Thor smiled at him "I'll be along shortly brother."
"So.....is he your brother or your mother?"
Thor was quick with his reply "my brother but he does his best to mother me, its not his fault im a such a scamp."
"Scamp? Your word or his?"
"You know, I can't remember" he put smoothed his shirt down, which you took as him fidgeting.
"Your married?" You bite your bottom lip
"Ahh, well separated officially and once these proceedings are done I will be divorced, officially."
"Is that why you haven't been coming in to the shop anymore?
"Yes and no. Ive been in the process of getting a divorce for months now, my ex has been dragging it out. Apparently she found out about my little morning getaway and changed our meeting times to interfere with my routine. Needless to say it's been a rough time."
"Does she hate coffee that much?"
"Oh, no she hates....well she hates." Thor was flustered he thought his crush on you was obvious by now, all those months of him flirting with you. He looked away from you "she hates my flirting with you."
You swore your head was going to burst into flames with how hot your face felt. "Oh"
You started to fidget with your hands flirting was one thing but a confession, why does it make you feel so small. You like him as well and you definitely flirted back, it was a great relief that it wasn't one sided. Still nothing rattled you like when someone you liked, liked you back.
"Oh?.....I take it then that you do not feel the same about me?" Thor was crestfallen thinking you did not like him back.
"Oh....oh no, no.....I mean yes no...." you furrowed your brows in concentration to stop your spiraling. "I mean yes, yes I do like you....so do I have to worry about some over complicated revenge plot or something?"
He laughed loudly at your question the relief evident in his face "no, no Jane may not be in love with me anymore but she would never mess with anyone else. She only meant to punish me, as she sees how much happier I've been lately."
You raised an eyebrow at that "you sound strangely ok about that kind of behavior."
"It would have wounded me once but she left me so this was her choice, I am simply learning how to live this new life."
You looked around Thor towards the car you saw Loki get in and knew you had to hurry up and ask him before he left.
"I've kept you long enough," you bit your bottom lip trying not to lose the courage for this next part "would you like to go get coffee or something, sometime AFTER your divorce?"
Why the hell were you yelling the word after so loud like you needed to make an announcement.
Thor smiled down at you "yes, I would like that very much."
You both waved at each other and began walking in your respective directions, Thor glanced back and smiled hugely at you dancing down the street back to your job.
A/n: right im sick, my family is sick and I wrote this story in between naps and general sickness care. I figured I'd get some writing practice in since I'm in bed. Constructive criticism is always welcome
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