#Though unless I find some more images I don't think I'll be doing another one lol
thestrangesthell · 2 days
Afterlife Jobs and Civil Service
Seen a few theories and "plot hole" accusations flying around after Beetlejuice Beetlejuice and thought I'd add my own hypothesis on what the deal is with jobs in the afterlife.
This will contain spoilers for Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.
TW: This post will discuss suicide. Please only proceed if you are comfortable.
The short version: I think (for the most part) jobs are a choice and available to those who need to hang around due to unfinished business (even if they themselves don't know what that is). I think those who commit suicide do have to work for some time as it wasn't their time to die yet. They can't just board the soul train and move on to better plains. Instead, (and though rather sour in the mouth), they're met with the shock that it isn't over. This is Beetlejuice, after all. Death and life is hard.
Now, for the long version (and it really is long), read on!
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Despite the fact I do personally think it's canon that those who commit suicide end up having to work (at least for a while) in the afterlife, we can't believe that purely because Otho said so. Firstly, the guy is living, pompous and has zero evidence for that statement. Secondly, he's not a credible source. He may have been "one of New York City's leading paranormal researchers until the bottom dropped out in '72," but his interest in anything can be boiled down to obsession with image and aesthetic more than a desire to get into the nitty gritty.
What we as the audience do see is people working in the afterlife that could have died by suicide.
There's the Road Kill man ("Thanks, I've been feeling a little flat!"), Juno (*who I will come back to) and most obviously, Miss Argentina. These people are working and likely (if not outright confirmed) died by suicide.
It's a weird thing to pick up on, but what about the skeleton workers?
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Besides being a great visual gag, there's not really a clear indication of death by suicide here. We could, of course, suggest they died this way and have since been "worked to the bone" - as this is the Beetlejuice franchise after all, and lord knows pun-based humour is...well, pun-damental - but no other ghosts seem to have permanent alterations to their state. In the Beetlejuice universe, once you're dead, you're stuck that way. (Unless you get your soul sucked that is).
Well, that clears things up, right?
Maybe not.
For a long time, a lot of us in the fandom accepted the whole "in the afterlife they become civil servants" thing because, well, that was what we were told. But with the recent instalment of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice this is now dubious.
Betelgeuse himself.
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Betelgeuse was largely assumed by many to have died by suicide. Various headcanons over the years include strangulation, hanging, poison, drowning, electrocuting himself - the list truly goes on. part of his charm is the mystery. But with the sequel, it is suggested that he died by poison from another. Delores.
Why is this an issue?
Well, if Betelgeuse didn't commit suicide, why was he Juno's assistant?
I have two theories for that.
Firstly, in line with this entire post - he died after Delores poisoned him and then chose to work up from the bottom to become Juno's assistant. He claims himself that his heart was pretty much blackened before he met Delores, so what's to stop him from wanting to take over in the afterlife after finding himself there ahead of his time? He probably feels robbed of life and hella opportunistic. It would support the theory of unfinished business and explain the random jobs we see him doing in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. From Guide to working Immigration, man's got one hell of a resume.
Then there's my second theory, which muddies the waters quite a bit.
We didn't actually see him die after he was poisoned.
I'll let that fester for a bit...
Ready to move on?
Let's talk about *Juno!
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Juno, my beloved.
Despite recent questions surrounding her cause of death, I do personally feel the cut on Juno's throat was self-imposed. The issue fans have with how deep the cut is can be answered fairly reasonable. This is more practical rather than an effort for believability. Beetlejuice is high camp and smoke pouring from the throat of a ghost only adds to its ridiculousness. Plus, it helps back up my theory that those who commit suicide are required to do some type of work in the afterlife to make up for their shortened time on earth.
The reason I believe this is that Juno seems to really hate her job - or at least hate the crap that comes with it. If she had chosen to be a caseworker, (or been given a job similar to what she did when living), we'd perhaps see her be a little more understanding to everything that was going on. Instead, she's burdened by her paperwork, sick of having to deal with issues from baby ghosts and their "routine hauntings," and the poor woman is constantly haunted by the knowledge that Betelgeuse is out there.
(While we don't know their history, we do know that Betelgeuse ended up with a bit of a liking for Bio-exorcisms. I don't think she believes him evil any more than she considers him a nuisance, so we can only assume he got caught up in trouble that threatened Juno's line of work, leading to him getting fired.)
The real reason I can suggest that jobs are largely a choice are the recent additions to the Beetlejuice universe. I'm talking about Richard, Wolf Jackson, the Shrinkers, the Janitor and all of Wolf Jackson's squad, (plus a handful of others). They all have jobs, with some having more legitimate jobs than others.
This is where my theory really comes into play.
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I think all of the above characters (possible with the exception of the Shrinkers) chose their jobs. Why? They have unfinished business - just as Barbara and Adam had unfinished business in Beetlejuice.
(Of course "they found a loophole and moved on" but this is more-so to explain their necessary absence in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. From a lore perspective, they could very well still be haunting the house for another 89 years. I (like many others now) believe the loophole was unfinished business. They had the family (Lydia) that they wanted all along and when she moved on with her life, they felt complete. Next stop: The Soul Train and The Great Beyond.)
When looking at these new characters, here's what I theorise for each of them:
Richard - Unfinished business: a family reunion. Richard died in the Amazon, away from Astrid and likely didn't get a proper goodbye. After saving her, thus seeing her once more, he could move on. It's possible too that he's not going to move on after Beetlejuice Beetlejuice due to waiting on more family to see again. But we don't know that, so I'll keep it short.
Wolf Jackson - Unfinished business: "keeping it real." Wolf Jackson seems slightly in denial about his situation. Janet has to continuously remind him that he in an actor because he gets too into the bit he's currently doing. I think the man gets completely convinced he is a spy/detective/investigator/whatever it is he is hyper-fixated on becoming. He's method, dedicated to his craft and won't move on until he feels he has fulfilled every cast-type possible for his range. He's gunning for a Gross-cer.
Wolf Jackson's squad (including Janet) - Unfinished business: supporting cast. Judging by how useless they all are, I'd hedge bets that they are actors too, waiting for their "big break" or recognition to feel satisfied with life (or death). In the Toonverse, celebrities are canon. If these universes are more aligned than previously thought, this could be a possibility.
The Shrinkers - Unfinished business: think big. These poor sods got on the wrong side of a witch doctor (although I really do think a certain B-man is to blame for this). We saw what happened when the portal to the living world opened. Those suckers saw a bid for freedom and went for it. I'd wager that they're somewhat forced to work for Betelgeuse. Maybe he's promised them 'head' (not that kind) if they do his dirty work. After all, he got his head back to normal size. Who's to say he hasn't promised them the same if they work for him? (Let's hope they read the fine print in that contract).
The Janitor - Unfinished business: a taste for revenge. To be honest, I think this guy either died by suicide or totally on accident. Either way, it was from ingesting something toxic. He's got a hankering for bleach and chemicals, who's to say this was just in death? I think he was content working in the afterlife, consuming these deadly toxins with zero repercussions.
Much of the same can be said for the Dry Cleaner. People need their clothes cleaned, he was good at it in life. Why not carry on if you're not ready to go?
Speaking of ready to go...
All aboard The Soul Train!
Another key point in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is that (aside from Astrid, who was semi-forced to board), The Soul Train is something you board when you're ready to depart. Maybe some people are forced here and there, as there are guards stationed, but we are also reassured that Hell is an option for those who do truly fucked up shit.
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(It's worth noting also that The Soul Train has other stops. The Pearly Gates, Elysium and another stop (my memory fails), all of which were DELAYED. Time works differently in the afterlife; maybe some people get jobs because the wait is truly an eternity.)
WOW, you made far! Congratulations for enduring my ramblings, here's a beetle for your trouble 🪲
After all that, here's what we do know:
If you died within a certain radius of your home, you're left to haunt it for 125 years.
If you died by suicide (and if Otho is correct), you have to work for an unspecified amount of time as a civil servant in the afterlife.
If you died via a horrific accident (Wolf Jackson, Janet and Richard), jobs are there for you and you don't even need the credentials to back up your experience.
You cannot leave the afterlife unless you are confirmed "dead dead", board the soul train, attempt to swap souls with a living person or get sent to Hell.
In summary:
Jobs are available in the afterlife. There's no expectation to "work" but there's not much else to do. If you're not ready to leave the afterlife, (perhaps you're still processing death, waiting for loved ones to meet you on the other side or even enjoying the weird and wonderful atmosphere), why not get a job?
Well...unless you're forced into one by a horny poltergeist. But that's a whole other post.
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But hey, what do I know? I'm only living.
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queerpumpkinnn · 1 year
1.7k words
Summary: Reader has to cancel a date due to period sickness, but Steve’s happy to keep them company anyway.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader, what stage they're at in the relationship is up for interpretation
Warnings: reader is on their period (but is written as gender neutral), graphic depictions of sickness and vomiting, reader cries a lot, singular mention of murder as a joke, mention of l*ve, use of pain meds, eating, let me know if there’s anything else!
While reading, I recommend you listen to dancin' round the kitchen in the refridgerator light - a Spotify playlist by me!
You don't remember the gnawing in your gut this morning.
You don't remember feeling like spilling your innards out and then falling into a yearlong sleep when you woke up, but here you were, curled up on the bathroom floor with your arms over your stomach.
A ding from your phone pulled you from your zombie-like state. You groaned and reached for your phone off the bathroom counter.
Steve: On my way soon, want me to pick anything up?
You sigh, chewing your lip.
You: I think I'm going to have to take a rain check, I'm sorry. Woke up feeling pretty sick.
Steve: Ouch. What's the diagnosis?
You: Having a uterus.
Your lip twitched weakly at your own humor, but it was swiftly wiped off by a wince, sharp pain pricking your side. A metaphorical smack on the back of your head from your uterus for talking smack about it.
Steve: I completely understand. Do you need anything?
You: Drugs and sleep.
A few minutes without a response told you the conversation was over. You leaned your head back against the wall only to find more comfort resting it in your arms.
A few minutes of silence passed, you relished it.
That is until the threat of bile tickled up your throat again.
. . .
"Dammit Robin, I know you're not actually busy."
Steve tossed his phone into the grocery cart. It was filled to the brim with various comfort items- stuffed animals, junk food Steve knew you liked, a heating pad.
He ran a hand through his hair, tapping his fingers rapidly on the cart handle. He almost slammed the cart into the aisle reaching for his vibrating phone at the bottom of the basket.
"Hey, uh, why do I have five missed calls from you Steven?"
"Because I need to know what kind of pads are normal pads."
A moment of silence followed by barking laughter came from the other line. Steve held the phone a little farther from his ear until he could no longer hear his friend's laughter. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh. Some of us are just late bloomers, Steve, it's normal."
The man in question rolled his eyes even though Robin wouldn't see it. She'd picture it anyways. "Ha ha. It's not for me, dipshit."
Another moment of silence.
And another.
"Ohhhhhhh." Steve pinched the bridge of his nose. "Gotcha. Send a picture of the aisle and I'll tell you which ones. Also, unless you know definitively, which I'm guessing you don't, probably best to get tampons too, just in case."
Steve furrowed his brows but didn't question it, ending the phone call with a “‘kay” under his breath, snapping a photo and sending it over.
Robin: Those are adult diapers
Steve: It says maximum hold??
Robin: Yes but that is a diaper Steven
Steve: Okay smartass then what am I looking for
Robin: Uh, pads
Steve threw his hands in the air, looking around for an employee.
“Excuse me? Where can I find feminine products?”
The employee was a teenager, a few years younger than him. She eyed his cart and nearly made heart eyes at him. “Aisle four, down to your left.”
“Thanks.” Steve yanked the cart, wheeling down towards the area. He assumed he was in the right spot when he saw a bunch of very girly packages with what looked like diapers on them.
Steve: What the hell are wings
Robin: LMAO
Robin: They stick to the underwear so the pad stays in place
Steve: So I should get ones with wings?
Robin: It depends person to person. Send me a pic of the aisle again
Steve: [Attatchment: 1 Image]
After a painfully long and headache-inducing conversation, Steve managed to get a decent collection of feminine products (as well as having switched out Tylenol for Midol at Robin’s insistence). Only thing left now was to get it to you.
. . .
As the evening progressed you weren't seeming to feel any better. Pain still racked your body and nausea still taunted you, the taste of vomit still stinging the back of your throat no matter how much water you drank (and struggled to keep down). You'd cried a few times out of frustration and exhaustion but the negative energy you'd expelled didn't take long to build up again. You'd retired to your bed long ago, the television playing something you weren't entirely paying attention to as the backs of your eyelids gradually became a more appealing view.
So understandably you were ready for murder when you heard the doorbell ring.
Heaving a long, rage-infused sigh, you pulled yourself out of your loving bed and trudged through the apartment towards the door.
Looking through the peephole with blurry eyes, you could barely make out the figure of Steve, whose arms were both weighed down with grocery bags.
You nearly sobbed at the sight, leaning your forehead against the door. You prayed the tears welling in your eyes and overwhelmed smile weren't as evident as they felt as you opened the door, but upon seeing his face closer you failed to hide them miserably.
Steve's face, once donning an encouraging smile, dropped in shock. "Whoa- hey, hey, what's wrong? Sweetheart, what is it?"
"You!" Was all you could muster.
The confusion on Steve's face only worsened. "Not you!" You panicked, putting your hands up. "You're just nice, and I'm a mess."
Steve's face melted back into a smile, laughing softly as he gently dropped the bags in his hands. "C'mere."
You waddled pathetically into Steve's outstretched arms, nuzzling your head into his chest and closing your eyes. One of his hands stroked down your back, the other rested on your head in his shoulder.
"It's okay, everything is going to be okay. Deep breaths. In..." Steve took a deep inhale. "And out..." he exhaled. You mimicked his actions, closing your eyes and listening to his heartbeat.
After a few moments of calmed silence, you brought your head out of the crook of his shoulder to look at him. "Thank you," you murmured.
"It's nothing. Come on, let's get you back in bed." Steve gave you a smile, and your heart melted instantaneously. Patting your back, the boy ushered you inside, picking up the bags and shutting the door behind him with his foot.
But before you could reach the hallway, an unmistakable, hideous feeling that had been simmering in your stomach became stronger, and you bolted for the bathroom.
Steve followed, panicked, finding you with your head in the toilet moments later. He sighed, coming up slowly behind you, putting a hand to your back to signal he was there before softly taking your hair and holding it away from your face.
Once you were done spluttering and gasping, you flushed and sat up a little, grimacing weakly at Steve.
He only responded with a sympathetic look. "I'll get you some water."
Once he had messily tucked your hair into your shirt, Steve stood, returning a minute later with a fresh glass that you gladly began sipping, throat slimy and stinging.
"Slow sips." Steve whispered.
When you finished, you handed him the cup, making a noise that sounded like a laugh but was actually miserable and exhausted and devoid of humor. "I'm so fucking tired."
Steve only watched you, nodding slightly.
"Everything hurts, and nothing is working. I've done everything the internet tells me and I'm still stuck sitting on the floor. Crying doesn't help, throwing up doesn't help, I can't sleep-" your sentence was interrupted by the lump in your throat. "And it's only the first day."
Steve had a pitying look on his face. He wanted to wrap you up in love and comfort and make everything better for you, but he knew that unfortunately his assistance could only help so much. He took your trembling hand in his, rubbing soft circles into the back of your palm.
You sniffled, looking down at your hands. "I'm sorry you're putting up with this, Steve. This is so charming of me, isn't it?"
"I've never been more in love." Your heart panged, primarily because he sounded entirely sincere.
You looked down quickly at your knees, which made Steve chuckle. "Are you ready to go back to bed or is there still more coming?"
You shook your head. "Bed."
Steve held out a hand to help you up, his movements always slow and gentle as he led you to bed.
"I'll be right back," he promised with a kiss to your hairline, and you silently questioned what he was doing- he had the sound in his voice he got when he had an idea.
The grocery bags he'd brought, that you'd long forgotten about, were hauled into your bedroom a moment later. Steve set them on the floor, tugging out item after item. A box of crackers, a bottle of medicine, a heating pad, a huge pink stuffed rabbit that, upon taking it in your arms, was weighted. You felt tears well up again.
When you gave a sniff, Steve looked over at you. "Oh, goodness." He crawled over towards you, pulling you into another sweet hug.
"I'm sorry." You said weakly, cheeks hurting from smiling. "I'm happy crying, I promise."
You felt Steve laugh softly against you. "I know, honey, I know. Do you want to put something on?"
You nodded, taking the remote. As you scrolled, you heard Steve moving things around the room, setting up pillows, plugging in the heating pad, and placing a pill and water on your nightstand.
"Your throne is ready, your highness." Steve said proudly, patting the pillows beside him. He'd long kicked his shoes off and made himself comfortable, legs crossed and arm stretched out over the space next to him he indicated was yours. You scooted over towards him with a giggle.
"Here, take this." Steve reached for the medicine on your nightstand and handed it to you. While you took it, Steve placed the heating pad over your lap, and then the weighted bear over it.
Steve gave your shoulder a loving pat. "Comfortable?"
You nodded. "Yeah, I am. Thanks again, Stevie."
Steve pressed a kiss to your temple. "You're very welcome."
And, unexpected to you, you actually found restful sleep that night.
Steve Harrington Masterlist
Stranger Things Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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goodnightmemes · 1 year
s02e06 - s02e10
❛ Will you come to my bed tonight? ❜
❛ You are marrying into a great family. You will do it, whether you like it or not. Do you understand? ❜
❛ Something's going to happen to me. ❜
❛ Don't talk like this. Nothing is going to happen to you. ❜
❛ I'm unable to give a King a son; a son to be the living image of his father. ❜
❛ It's all right. Everything is going to be all right. Please don't cry. I love you. I'll look after you, I swear. ❜
❛ I like you and enjoy your company. But you have a reputation: you gamble and you whore. You sail close to the wind. God forbid it should ever blow you onto the rocks. ❜
❛ I have no doubt what so ever that Your Majesty's reign will always be remembered. ❜
❛ Are you amusing yourself at my expense? ❜
❛ I swear to you it will never happen again. I love you too much. I have no right to ask you to believe me. But it's true. ❜
❛ Is she one of your mistresses? How many do you have? What are their names? ❜
❛ Here's the truth: you must shut your eyes and endure like your betters have done before you. ❜
❛ How can you say that to me? Don't you know that I love you a thousand times more than [name] ever did! ❜
❛ Don't you know that I can drag you down as quickly as I raised you? ❜
❛ This is lucky you have your bed already, madam, because if you did not, I wouldn't give it to you again. ❜
❛ Listen to me. You're the Queen! For the love of God, act like it! ❜
❛ At least seem happy. Not a heap of misery! ❜
❛ It's been tasted. It's not poisonous. ❜
❛ I am not "your dear". I am nobody's "dear!" I am a woman and I demand equal respect for my ideas! ❜
❛ Why are you here? To see the degradation that we have been forced to? ❜
❛ You may kiss me. Then you will leave me alone. Forever. ❜
❛ Anyone can see that the King is not so much in love with her as he used to be. ❜
❛ All this time and you're still in love with her! ❜
❛ Let me look at you. There you are. I have not seen you for so long. An eternity. And here you are! ❜
❛If I had a son, it would bring about a golden world. ❜
❛You ought to be careful, or I will have you cropped at the neck. ❜
❛ I did not bring you up to have opinions or to express them or to quarrel with those closest to the Crown. ❜
❛ I am carrying the King's son. We are on the edge of a golden world! ❜
❛ I'm certainly aware there are some at court who would like to see the queen replaced. ❜
❛ I was married before and I must confess, I rather like the liberty of not being married again. ❜
❛ You have just come from another's bed. No. Do not deny it. ❜
❛ Sometimes, my love, I think that with you I'm already condemned to live in purgatory. ❜
❛ His heart is very weak. I don't know if he will come back to us. ❜
❛ In such a crisis, all could disintegrate. So the centre has to hold, and we must hold it. ❜
❛ You know, I cannot think whether it would be a bad thing or a good thing if he died. ❜
❛ As Lord Protector, you would ipso facto...be King, ❜
❛ Though you are still a young man...you're not as young as you used to be. ❜
❛ I'm so happy you're well. I was so alarmed, so afraid. ❜
❛ It was a mistake to think I could behave like I used to. In any case, those carefree days are gone. ❜
❛ In the future, I won't see you unless your other family members are present. I just had to see you now. ❜
❛ What is this? Just when my belly is doing its business...I find you wenching with Mistress [name]! ❜
❛ You've lost my boy. I cannot speak of it. The loss is too great. ❜
❛ I see now that God will not grant me any male children. ❜
❛ You have no one to blame but yourself for this. ❜
❛ Because the love I bear you is so great...it broke my heart to see you loved others. ❜
❛ It's true what they have whispered. I shut my ears to them, but now I know it to be true. ❜
❛ I will treasure this all my life. And if they ever open my grave, they will find it again, right next to my heart. ❜
❛ You have overreached yourself. Believe me, you have placed yourself in very great danger. ❜
❛ Do you assume I no longer possess the power to crush you? It would be an easy mistake to make. ❜
❛ The king cannot satisfy a woman. He has neither the skill, nor the virility. ❜
❛ We have come so far. No one is going to be allowed to destroy us. No one. Do you understand? ❜
❛ I think we should drink a toast to new beginnings and to new friendships and to a mutually beneficial future. ❜
❛ If your master wants to deal with me, he must first apologize for all his ill treatment of me in the past. ❜
❛ Princes are different from us and are not to be easily understood. ❜
❛ It's come to my notice that some acts of treason and other offenses have been committed by those we loved and trusted. By members of our own court. ❜
❛ I want to tell you in this slippery world, you represent for me all that is innocent, everything that is good, unsullied, uncorrupted. ❜
❛ If anything should happen to me...will you promise to care for my daughter? ❜
❛ Please. For the love you bear our child, have mercy. ❜
❛ After everything we've been to each other. After everything we were. Please. One more chance. ❜
❛ My enemies have poisoned the air with their horrid lies. ❜
❛ I pray God will help me, for there is no truth in these allegations. ❜
❛ Sometimes, in order to defeat evil, one must learn to consort with the devil. ❜
❛ When am I to die? ❜
❛ My lady, I am obliged to tell you that your marriage to the king has been declared null and void. ❜
❛ Tell them to ready the horses. But tell no one of our destination. ❜
❛ I hear you say I will not die before noon. I am sorry for it, for I thought to be dead by that time and past my pain. ❜
❛ Yes, I heard the executioner was very good. And in any case, I have only a little neck. ❜
❛ Have you ever killed someone? What did it feel like? ❜
❛ I would really like to see someone die. Can I go to the execution with you? ❜
❛ I want her dead. I want it over with. Finished. Go and do it or, by God's blood, you will join her. ❜
❛ I swear to you, from tomorrow, everything will be different. We will be young and merry as we used to be. ❜
❛ If you would take my advice for what it's worth find a rich man to marry who is too stupid to know anything about politics. Then perhaps - unless you die in childbirth, which is likely...or the plague, which is almost inevitable - then you will be happy. ❜
❛ Forgive me. It's just that I so much want a new beginning. A renaissance. Sometimes it is hard to be reminded of things. ❜
❛ Tell me, was it all worth it? ❜
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gavisuntiedboot · 2 years
heyy babes!!! idk if ur taking reqs or not but i randomly had this thought of how would pedri and gavi act/behave/be around a gf!reader that's slightly fuller and she's just not in a body positive mood or like in general what's the vibe
unless that isn't up ur alley which i totally get🧍
love u❤️‍🔥
No Other
WARNINGS: mentions of e*ting d*sorders, poor body image, fat phobia?, and other similar themes. Don’t read if uncomfortable!!
"Are you sure you got your correct size?"
You looked up from your phone at the register and the woman standing behind it.
"Excuse me?" You asked, trying to make sure you heard her correctly. You were defensive and put off the question.
"Are you sure you got the correct size? For the lingiere? " She repeats, smiling sweetly at you, still holding onto your items.
"You don't think I'll fit into that size?" You asked, albeit a little more hostile than you intended, but you were mad. You had been feeling rather insecure in the way you looked recently, and this was not helping. You felt like everyone was staring you as you walked around the department store, judging your looks and figure. You felt the sales associate's brows raise every time you picked up something and put it in your bag. And now, as you were trying to make a 4-digit purchase, you were still being perceived as undeserving of the items.
"Oh my ma'am of course not! I'm so sorry I didn't mean it like that - it's just we can't do exchanges on the lingerie items, so we ask everyone to double check the size before. I'm so sorry!" The cashier replied, terror showing in her eyes at the possibility of offending you and having you not purchase anything. Your mouth opened and cheeks heated up, embarrassed at your little outburst.
"Oh, no I- I misunderstood you. My fault." You muttered, grabbing the bodysuit from the counter and checking the size again. It was the right letter, but it still made you sad that the letter on the tag was not an "S". You handed it back to the cashier, who packed you up as fast and silently as possible, thanking every deity she knew that you hadn't been offended. You swiped your card, grabbed your bags, and walked out of the store. Your friend stood there, scrolling through her feed as she waited for you. You walked up to her, glancing at her screen, and saw the last thing you needed: more girls that you thought were prettier than you. Tall and tan, large chests, flat stomachs, big butts and tiny legs.
"You ready to go get lunch?" She asked, recognizing your presence.
"Um," you said, looking down at your feet, "I think I'm going to skip out on lunch today. I'm seeing Pablo later and I don't want to be bloated." Biting your lip, you avoided the inquisitive stare she was sending you.
"You didn't have breakfast though, and you're not seeing him for another what? 5 hours? You need to eat something. Come on, we're going to lunch." She said, grabbing your hand and pulling you in the direction of the restaurant. You sat through lunch, picking little bits off your friend's plate, sipping on a Diet Coke and pretending that you had been hit with a sudden bout of nausea to prevent you from ordering your own plate. Your friend finished her meal, concerned looks persisting despite her saying nothing. She dropped you off at your place, rolling down the window as you walked off.
"Eat well at dinner with Pablo tonight, okay?"
You nodded and gave her a soft smile, waving as she drove off. The house was silent and still, just the environment you needed at the moment. Your phone lit up with a notification as you put your shopping down.
*@urnameoutfits just posted*
You opened the notification, finding photos of you from your date with Pablo a few weeks ago. You were in a pair of black leather pants, a dark green bodysuit, and some Jordan 1s for a casual dinner. You smiled fondly at the photo of Gavi’s arm around your shoulders, the two of you looking deeply at each other and smiling. It has been such a good night, one where you could both go out and enjoy each others’ company without worrying about training the next morning. You knew you shouldn’t, but you decided to take a look at the comments.
@user : they’re so cute together 😭❤️
@user : I neeeeeed those Jordans in my life!!
You smiled to yourself, enjoying the positive attention. You had spent a long time working to be comfortable in your relationship with Pablo. It was heart warming to see the public start to warm up to you as well. But then you continued to read.
@user : why would she wear something that makes her look bigger than the planet Earth???
@user : imagine being an athlete w a fat gf 😳
@user : a restaurant is actually the last place she needs to be right now
You quickly closed the instagram app, tossing your phone on the bed and breathing deeply. Your body image was something that you had struggled with since your early teens. It started with your family, who would always comment on the amount of food you ate and were always curious about your exercise. Then it was your friends in school, who always skipped lunch and using coffee or cigarettes as meal replacements. They would offer you clothes to borrow, but they just wouldn’t fit in the same way. It started to weigh on you physically and mentally.
You did a lot of work on yourself once you met Pablo, but not in the healthiest way. You refused to eat anything “unhealthy” in front of him, and pushed yourself past your limits of exhaustion with your workouts. You would go home after your dates and cry into your pillows, intense stomach pangs of hunger hitting yo through the night. This is how you persisted for the first couple months of your relationship. That was until he decided to surprise you one day after practice and found you on the floor of your bedroom, crying because your jean size had 2 digits in it. He dropped to the floor and pulled you into him, caressing your hair as you shook with sobs. You explained to him what had been going on, and you saw the pain deep into his wide honey eyes. He would have rather been stabbed than learn you were suffering.
Since then, he has worked with you to help your body image, and not just in the “he tells me I’m beautiful” way. One day after practice he found you curled up on the couch, teary eyed and doom scrolling through instagram models. He took your phone from your hand, and went through to remove anyone you followed for “body inspo”. He blocked the word “fat” and several other synonyms from your comments. He helped you find a nutritional therapist that you could talk to and get more help from than Pablo himself could provide. And obviously he reminded you through his actions and words that he thought you were stunning.
You walked over to the bag and pulled out your purchases. You had gotten a gorgeous black lace bodysuit that was going to hug every curve. As much as you wanted to just wear it out to dinner, it was still not socially acceptable to just wear lingerie to a restaurant, and so you paired it with a deep marrow cropped button up and a black skirt. Laying them out on the bed, you moved towards the shower, wanting to feel your best for your date tonight.
When you got out of the shower, you clipped back your hair and slipped into the bodysuit. It was a little tight, and accentuated more of your middle than you would have liked. You put the skirt on as well, and avoided the full length mirror in the room, running quickly past it to do your hair and makeup at the vanity. You smoked out your eyes and dried your hair, wanting to give off a “I was born sexy” type of look. Your phone chimed with a message.
[pablito ❤️‍🔥]: I’ll be home in 20 mins amor. Can’t wait to see u 😚
You smiled at your phone, finishing off your makeup while trying not to hyper fixate on the size of your arms in the mirror. You finished your makeup, and now it was time to finish getting dressed, your least favorite part of the experience. You walked over to the long mirror and stared at yourself in the outfit. Everything was wrong. Your shoulders looked too wide and manly, especially when paired with your arms. You felt your stomach looked larger than you thought it was, with virtually no waist to be seen. You turned to the side, grimacing in disgust. Your legs were too short and stocky. You felt that your face looked too round from the side. Wrong wrong wrong. You felt tears building, and you tried to hold them back as to not ruin your makeup. You didn’t want Pablo to know you had regressed.
You had a lot of low points on this journey. When you first appeared in Pablo’s life, you heard a lot of girls say you weren’t a threat because of how you looked - that they could steal him from you. Just when you had gotten over this incident, you found yourself in a TikTok titled “footballers with fat girlfriends”. And now it seemed everyone was eager to find an opportunity to berate your body.
Pablo walked into the house and shut the door, listening for you. He wanted to surprise you with flowers, and so he peered around the living room looking for you. When he didn’t see you, he moved quietly towards the bedroom, opening the door.
“I hope you didn’t miss me too much while I was- amor what’s wrong?” He asked. He stood behind you, eyes meeting yours in the mirror. Your eyes were red from holding back tears, and once you saw the bouquet in his hands, the flood gates had opened. Tears were flowing freely down your face, taking your makeup and your dignity with them. Pablo threw the flowers on the bed behind him and rushed to you, holding you in his arms once again.
“Baby, what happened? What’s wrong?” He asked, concern and worry evident in his tone.
“It’s me. Im wrong.” You said quietly, tears still falling. He put one hand on each side of your face, cupping your cheeks and pressing his forehead to yours.
“Mi vida, don’t ever say that. You’ve been a blessing in my life since you entered it, and it hurts me more than anything to see you upset. What’s wrong?”
You looked at him in the eyes, seeing the pain and hurt and worry there. You didn’t want to be the cause of Pablo’s distress.
“It’s just… my body again. I know we’ve talked about this a lot but I’m just not happy with how I look. I never am. And when I get closer to accepting it I always have someone telling me I’m gross because I’m curvier. Even tonight I wanted to look good for you and I can’t even do that. By thighs and stomach are too big and stand out too much and I’m sorry that im never going to be pretty enough to deserve you.” You said, your last words coming out as barely a whisper as your tears began anew.
At that last line, Pablo felt something within him break. He was staring at the love of his life, watching her shake with sobs because she thought she wasn’t pretty enough for him. And for what? Not being a size 0? His chest was tight and breathing shallow. He wanted to help you in any way he could. He wanted to give you his eyes from his skull if it meant you could see yourself from his perspective just for a moment. He wanted to declare you the most gorgeous creature to ever grace the earth. He wanted to be beside you at all times, making sure to other man ever got the full pleasure of witnessing your beauty. He wanted you to love yourself the way he loved you.
“Mi Amor, Mi sol, Mi vida. You are perfect. Every since inch of you is the definition of perfection in my eyes. Since the moment I met you, I knew that I would never look at anyone the way that I wanted to look at you. There’s no other hand I want to hold. There’s no other eyes that I want to see. There’s no other lips I would rather kiss than yours. I want to trace every curve you have until I can sculpt you from memory. I want to kiss every inch of skin until you start to believe how much I worship every part of you. I don’t want a skinnier girl - I want you. You’re the love of my life. My soulmate. And I believe, truly, that every single inch of you was created just for me. You are everything I want and more than I deserve, and I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to convince you of that.”
You brought your hands up to rest on top of his as you looked him straight in the eyes. You could tell he meant every word. You were his godsend, his gift from heaven, and he would never question the perfection of the Lord’s creation. He thought every day how lucky he was to be the one receiving your love.
You pulled him in and captured his lips in a slow, soft kiss. Tears were still falling, but now they were tears of happiness. Tears of love. You pulled his bottom lip into your mouth, licking along it, and continuing to slowly kiss him as you wrapped your arms around his waist. Pablo’s hands remained on your face, and he pulled you in closer than you thought possible. The kiss deepened, and neither of you wanted to break it. You both wanted to stay in that little bubble, lips pressed together and hands warm.
Pablo eventually pulled away, going straight back to looking in your eyes as he tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
“You look absolutely breathtaking tonight.” You scoffed at this, rolling your eyes slightly.
“I’m being serious. That skirt, those legs, the color red on you… you look amazing.”
You kissed him once again, and then leaned your weight against his chest. You sniffled slightly, wiping wet mascara tears from your cheek.
“I’m sorry I made us miss dinner. And oh my God the flowers!” You said, bumping up to lit them in water. Pablo watched you scurry around, looking for vases and other things. You looked like you had been crying, but your eyes were softer now, and there was a smile playing on your lips.
“Don’t worry about it, amor. Your happiness is the most important thing to me.”
You walked back up to him, laying against him again as he turned on the TV in the bedroom. He looked down at you, catching a glimpse of lace from his top-down view.
“Amor, are you hiding something under that shirt?”
You looked up coyly through your lashes, blushing slightly and a smile on your lips. You stared undoing the buttons on your shirt.
“It was supposed to be for after dinner, but I think I’m going to retire it after today. It doesn’t look very good.”
You said this as you finished the last button, letting your shirt drop from your shoulders. Pablo took his bottom lip between his teeth, continuing to watch as you stood and removed the skirt as well. You stood before him, only covered by some thin fabric and lace.
“You’re right. It doesn’t look ‘very good’, it looks incredible.” He said, quiet and somewhat breathless. He beckoned you over and you crawled to him, situating yourself in his lap. He played with the hem on your breasts.
“You must have gotten this custom made, Amor. Who else has the body to look this good? Not one soul on this earth.”
You giggled to yourself and tried to hide your face in embarrassment. Pablo notices and started attacking your neck with kisses.
“Thank you, Pablo. I love you, you know that?” You said, sinking into the feeling of Pablo’s lips on you.
“I love you more. I’d do anything to see you smile.
A/N: hey guys! I got a couple requests to do something like this so I hope y’all liked it!! I said this in another post but I’m not a super curvy or plus size girl, and I don’t claim to me. I just would like to add some requested diversity in what the reader might look like. As always, I love reading feedback, so feel free to leave it in the comments or send it to my ask box. Love y’all ❤️‍🔥
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nearest-dearest · 1 year
Sunny (Wally Darling x fem!reader!)
Just a story about a day dreaming girl always in melancholy. Finding her sun in the most quaint little neighborhood. (If you got the references I used in this story let me know 👀.)
(Y/n) three prizes so far. That means there's a lot more to find. At least that's what she assumes. The world she travels to is quite vast, they say that the world is small, but people really under estimate how much a single world can keep some people from seeing each other again. And it's not uncommon for objects that got lost during an adventure to be never found again. Unless you look a little closer to places where you would last look for it. But (Y/n) found no urgency in collecting all the prizes, she just wants to explore and see what this world has to offer. But that will have to wait, for (Y/n) found herself opening her eyes once more. The world turns into her small little room, with the sun rays peeking though the curtains of the window.
She's awake. . .
And she has a story to write.
The neighborhood is as warm and peaceful as it always is. The residents began to emerge from their sleep. Julie Joyful starts her morning off by giving Frank Frankly a surprise visit to rattle on about a new game she had created. Eddie started sorting out mails and letters to be delivered, Howdy Pillar gets his store ready for the day and the rest start off their morning with a cup of coffee. Such resident includes the neighborhood painter, Wally Darling. As he waits for inspirations to come to mind, he caught a peculiar sight outside his window.
(Y/n), dressed in a lovely (F/c) summer dress and carrying her signature leather journal. She must be off to write another story by the woods. Albeit it's a bit too early, but Wally understood. Artists often create art when the inspiration is fresh before they forget.
Speaking of inspiration. One had just came to Wally, and it requires the help of the presence of a certain author. Finishing his cup of coffee, he began to get ready for the day and gather his art supplies.
No matter how (Y/n) thinks and write away, she couldn't get that image out of her head. The way the blonde girl turned into a strange dark creature, (Y/n) already doodled the strange creature on her journal, and it did nothing to calm her urge to fall asleep and find that house where the blonde girl lived. She needed to see that creature again. So her curiosity can be satisfied. So she could complete her dream journal and eventually, complete her story.
The rustling of the bushes had (Y/n) looking up from her journal. A small dread tugged on her stomach at the prospect of a dangerous woodland creature. Dread into relief quickly took place in (Y/n)'s face when she saw familiar blue hair and a painting easel sticking out of the green background like a sore thumb.
"Howdy Neighbor!" Wally greeted as he got out of the bushes and dusting off any leaves that caught on his lovely hair and clothes.
"Wally! Hello, what brings you here today?" (Y/n) asks as Wally walks over until he's next to you.
"Oh nothing much, just trying to look for inspiration for my paintings. And I thought nature would be the perfect theme."
"Sounds great Wally."
"It does, but I don't know what to paint though."
"What?" (Y/n) looked up from her journal again.
Wally continues "Should I paint flowers? The trees? A rock? Or should I try painting all of them? What do you think neighbor?"
"Hm." (Y/n) pondered for a moment "Maybe you should do all of them in once scenery, it would be nice to see the forest painted."
"Great! Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try painting the scenery before me."
Wally then began, sketching , all while (Y/n) focuses on her writing.
It's always been like this with Wally and (Y/n). With both being artists of different mediums, silence is a given, as focus and patience is needed to complete the project at hand the project at hand. And sometimes basking in a fellow artist's presence is enough. The sound of pen and pencil scribbling tangled with the forest ambience. Wally likens the atmosphere to the first time (Y/n) came to the neighborhood.
A shy demure fellow she was, but after spending time with Julie, (Y/n) slowly but surely, came out of her she'll. Reveling her hobbies and interests, and also began writing stories for the neighborhood. The first time Wally ever got to really know her, was when he got out of his house for the a night time stroll. Why? Because he spotted (Y/n) walking around the neighborhood with nothing but a lantern to guide her way.
Curious as ever, Wally got out and started following (Y/n) was as easy as pie.
"Why so Gloomy neighbor?"
We're the first words he asked when he approached (Y/n). Who's expression is akin to that of a rainy day. Given that though, her carrying an umbrella everyday made some sort of sense, rain or shine, gloomy gray clouds always follow her everywhere she goes. If (Y/n) was a weather, Wally believes that she will be rain. But that was a long time ago, Wally can see that gloominess is still a part of her, but she's now more akin to a cloudy day. Cold, but warmth can still be found.
"Is that a new story you're writing neighbor?"
(Y/n) shook her head "No, it's just a dream journal, I've been getting a lot of strange dreams lately."
"Oh? What kind of dreams?"
(Y/n) shrugs "Just a vast world with a touch of surrealism that is. It's just that there are so much traveling there, and if I were to have those dreams again, at least I where I left off."
Wally laughs a little "Well I hope your endeavors bare fruit. Does it make you happy?"
"Of course! I love traveling new places."
"Then cherish your adventures."
"Don't worry Wally, I will."
At least Wally understood, or rather, at least respect your hobbies. Your old neighbors would've called you silly for it. Wally is just like that, understanding for those around them (Unless it involves apple pie.). Maybe that's why she was completely comfortable with telling him what she said on that night he accompanied her on her walk.
"I'm not really fond of sunny days."
Naturally, Wally wanted to know why. And wanting someone to listen to her problems, (Y/n) says why.
"The sun just irritates my skin, that's all. I was born with sensitive skin, that's why I carry an umbrella at all times."
(Y/n) sighs "I never knew what the warmth of the sun felt like."
And Wally gave you nothing but understanding and support, which was already more than enough for (Y/n).
If only (Y/n) could clarify, if only she can reveal that she finally knows what the warmth of the sun feels like. All thanks to Wally Darling. She started making friends, because of Wally introducing her to the whole neighborhood during a picnic. She started out more despite her condition, thanks to Wally taking her to the forest to gain some inspiration. She started opening up more, thanks to Wally.
They say that the break of dawn can mean a new beginning. Well, (Y/n) finally left the eternal night and into daylight. (Y/n) likens Wally to the sun that shined his bright light, by just being a good friend and neighbor.
Though, you wouldn't caught her saying all of these. Even if you pried her lips open.
All she needed is someone who understands or respect her, and Wally is willing to provide that.
"What's got you smiling (Y/n)?" Wally asks and (Y/n) answers.
"Just thought of a story in my head."
"Is it a funny one?"
"Maybe, maybe not."
"Awe come on, I can keep a secret."
(Y/n) laughs a little at Wally's attempt to get a sneak peek of the story.
"Sorry Wally, but not today."
Wally will know one day, or maybe he won't. Regardless of what happens, (Y/n) is just glad to have him as a friend.
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mothellie · 6 months
ST Ships Tierlist Tag Game
So. I did something no one asked for and that took a considerable amount of time to complete. I decided to make a tag game out of it so I didn't feel like I totally wasted my time (/lh).
I made three Stranger Things ship tierlists on Tiermaker, one for each age group. I'm a pretty huge multi-shipper and I was finding it hard to really convey all the pairings I liked and how I felt about them, so I spent the last week and a half doing this. I mainly just love seeing people be passionate about their ships, so here's an opportunity to put your faves on display.
The Tierlists
The Party Tierlist
The Teen/Young Adult Tierlist
The Older Adult Tierlist
Tag Game Rules
Do as many of the tierlists as you want. You don't have to do all three of them unless you really want to.
Download the image(s) of your tierlist(s) and put that into a post here on Tumblr. Can be your own original post or a reblog of this one. Though if you're going to make your own post, please link this post in yours so people know the rules, warnings and other info and know how to participate.
Tag at least five (5) other blogs (preferably within the Stranger Things community lmao) to keep the chain going. Although, you can just do this without being tagged if you want to.
As a general rule, no ship or character bashing is allowed for this tag game. Please be respectful to each other.
If you'd like, please also tag me in your post if you don't directly reblog this one! I'd love to see :)
Tiers Breakdown
ABSOLUTE OTP: These are the pairings you absolutely cannot live without. Your babies, your blorbos that kiss, the cream of the crop, etc etc. You're entirely abnormal about them and probably post/talk about them a lot. They consume your thoughts. Etc etc.
I love them abnormally: You love these pairings so so much. You're feral over them. You talk about them a lot and you might make content for them if you're a creator. However, they aren't quite in the top tier. Think of this as only a half-step down from the top tier. OTPs without as intense of an emotional attachment.
I love them normally: You love these pairings, but a normal amount. You aren't absolutely losing your mind over them, but if anyone asked you about them, you would probably say they were in your main ship list.
I like them: Exactly what it says on the tin. You like these ships. They're good ships and you'll enjoy content for them if you come across it, but that's usually as far as it goes. They're just neat.
I like them under certain conditions: You like these ships, but only in specific circumstances. Only in polycules, only if one of them is trans, only if they're completely removed from their canon stories, etc.
I'm curious about them: You don't actively ship these pairs right now, but the concept/dynamic is intriguing to you and you're open to the idea if someone can sway you.
No strong feelings: You don't actively ship these pairs, but you also don't have any strong feelings about them one way or the other. They just exist and you accept that.
They make sense to me, but aren't my thing: The dynamic itself makes sense to you, or you get why someone might ship these pairs, but you personally don't like them for one reason or another.
They don't make sense to me, not my thing: You don't understand the appeal of these ships, so you don't like them.
They make me uncomfy: The idea of these pairs makes you uncomfortable to some degree for one reason or another, so you avoid content pertaining to them.
If there's a character missing from the lists that you'd like to see added, you can DM me about it and I can see what I can do. I can't guarantee I'll be adding every character under the sun, but I'm pretty open to the idea adding a few more if someone really wants them. Alternatively, you can make your own squares if you have the means to do so. I think there's a way to add your own locally.
That being said, I have not added Lonnie Byers or Neil Hargrove, and I don't particularly want to for personal reasons. You can add your own squares if you have any ships you really wanna display involving them.
I cannot figure out what Gareth's canonical age is supposed to be, because this show fucking sucks at continuity, and the American education system has weird rules. He's also shipped both with the party members and with the teens/young adults. So he's included in both. I can't be fucked to try and determine what camp he should go in.
At the moment, there are only monogamous ships in these tierlists. This was mostly to conserve space and make sure all the pairings could get included, and that I'd have room to add more characters if I needed to. I bounced around the idea of making one or more for poly pairings, but the amount of effort that would take would be nearly double what this took. However, if people really want it, I might just bite the bullet because I love you guys. The same goes for a tierlist for crossover pairings.
My Tierlists
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Tags: @californiaboytoybilly @shieldofiron @applewillowstone @lorifragolina @alicetallula @half-oz-eddie @harringroveera @ocalaghan @whataboutthefish @larkandcarry + anyone who wants to join in can say I tagged you
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teeth--thief · 6 months
I would be interested in so called “hater diaries”.
- Rodka
[Referencing this post] Of course you would, you absolute angel... Imma tag you now that you have a blog @atomshchik ☆
The channel I was talking about is Chernobylite (yes, as in the Chernobylite - the game one). Listen... if anyone should be able able to criticise this guy, I think it should be me. Pole on Pole violence 👊💥👊💥
Let's get cracking... under the cut.
One thing you have to keep in mind when watching anything on the internet about Chernobyl: if they bring up HBO's show as a credible source, quote it, use mostly stills or photos of the scenery or actors instead of of the real stuff etc etc - that is a flag more red than that of the Soviet Union, okay? HBO in thumbnails? Unless it's a "this show is extremely inaccurate" kind of video, that's most likely due to a) the lack of knowledge about actual credible sources or b) need for profit (monkey sees, monkey does clicks - the show is incredibly popular, putting imagery related to it means a higher chance people will choose your video).
To keep it short and (not at all) sweet: this guy is like the evil brother of That Chernobyl Guy. This is That Bare Minimum Chernobyl Man, though. He uploads a video at least once a week and they always JUST BARELY hit the 10 minute mark. But they always do. Hm... I wonder why... I sure do wonder what the number 10 and YouTube have in common... oh. Oh yeah. It starts with MONETI and ends with SATION Need a hint? Mhm, I didn't think so. Speaking of time, the intro is usually almost 2 minutes long, the outro a minute and, there you go, suddenly there's actually even less content than expected.
He has some genuinely bad takes sometimes, too. I don't know if I'm just sensitive about Toptunov specifically (I very clearly am) or if his video on him is just especially offensive to me... and it's 12 minutes 😍😍 two more than usual! And so, I'll use this video as an example. (edit during drafting: he had just released a video on N.M. Fomin which... I'll watch once I'll have some time to waste and we'll see how bad that one is...)
>Not even 20 seconds in and he just HAD TO hit us with that ThAt Is ThE cOsT oF lIeS, of course, you know it brother 💯🔥‼️ Oh get over yourself. Find another quote. And stop putting pictures of my favourite operator next to his blonde twink counterpart from the show. I'm offended on his behalf.
>I like how he just takes random pics off of Google Images or something. The photo he uses at 2:00 is from a Reddit post on r/chernobyl, and it's a picture of a picture - didn't feel like looking for a better one, huh? Someone's a little lazy?
>The video ACTUALLY starts at 2:30. Girlllll (gn) you are so slowwwww, pick up the peace, we're all getting old waiting for you to start.
>The picture slideshow we're getting is almost never relevant to what he's saying. He's saying where Toptunov was born and all we see is the reactor after explosion. Like, okay brother, I didn't know that's how SuMY, in BuRYN, as he says, looked like then. A map from Wikipedia wasn't available? That's the best you can do? Not to mention a few of his videos literally have the same b-roll. It feels like the same video over and over again.
>He claims that "his father's connection probably were useful" when it came to him pursing a career in science... would you like to show me when exactly they could have been useful? When he was taking an entrance exam for uni just like everybody else? Or was it when he had to work his way up from the very bottom of the NPP food work chain? Unless you were a child of someone real high up and wanted to pursue a career of doing fuckall then your nepo baby status wouldn't help you all that much. Your party connections would help you move up faster, sure, but you wouldn't be able to not pass the necessary training and/or exams.
"(...) no good scientist could dream of a good job in a nuclear programme without being somewhat involved in local politics." We don't even know if Toptunov himself was in the party. We know that Akimov was quite the dedicated party man, sure. But Stolyarchuk wasn't in the party at all and Dyatlov wasn't cool with the party and the party wasn't cool with him. How many more times can I say party? Too many parties. I hate parties. He also goes on to say that, after graduation he could only get an entry level position because "He would need really good connections to acquire higher ranking job without any previous experience" I am very sorry to inform you but that's just not how real life works. Maybe if you have a good degree, you can immediately become the CEO of all the janitors in the building but that's about that when it comes to the seriousness of the job.
>Now, the part that made me audibly GASP starts at 6:30:
(...) many power plant staff were dismissed, including those from the night shift at unit 4. Including Toptunov, many were labelled non-essential personnel and sent home. That was probably a part of managing the disaster from a propaganda perspective. Fewer people on site, fewer witnesses.
This is an actually DERANGED take. This was my breaking point... like, you cannot be serious right now. Not the evil Soviet scientists and their evil propaganda...! The evil propaganda of safety...! I'm sorry to inform you but ever single person in charge there wasn't immediately thinking "By Lenin, how can we ensure these horrible bottom feeders, also known as our colleagues, we're employing at our power plant don't say a word to anyone outside?" They were most likely thinking "If this part of the personnel is literally useless, why would they stay in this potentially dangerous zone? Let's get them out - for their safety and liquidation organisation's sake."
>"As he later stated (...)" We don't know what he stated. We don't have a single word that came out of his mouth recorded anywhere. It's all they said that he said. Or the authors of books want to show how much they think they know (look no further than Medvedev's "acording to Toptunov..." yes, I'm sure you know exactly what he thought about everything. Surely. You must have spoken to him. Through a Ouija Board, clearly). We'd need the statements from the KGB and whatnot to actually determine what any of them said or thought.
>"(...) During that time when he felt better, he had spoken multiple times to both Akimov and Dyatlov (...)" Acording to some book, I'm sorry, I don't remember which one, he was one of the few people that actually didn't get up from his bed to participate in the discussions, probably because his legs were already in a bad shape. Take this with a grain of salt, though. Nobody explicitly said he NEVER hang out with anyone at the hospital. It's just that worth noting that there's a possibility he at least didn't do that as much as the rest of the guys.
Overall grade: read a book. Change the boring ass b-roll shots. Change the stock sounding "creepy" music. Put some effort into everything. Stop relying on HBO's Chernobyl.
Conclusion: you'll never be That Chernobyl Guy xoxo That Chernobyl Guy for the president
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nihilnothings · 1 year
I just recently noticed the similarities between Aqua and Akane's relationship to Hikaru and Ai
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This isn't really a new profound theory as I found it on some obscure part of the Internet but I'd like to share some light on it because I just noticed it all of a sudden.
Ruby is usually the go to when people describe someone similar as Ai, after all she is a spitting image of her but blonde, has that similar charisma that draws in people to her, and eventually in traditional Hoshino fashion uses lies as a means to an end.
However, Ruby isn't the only one with similarities to Ai, Aqua too is also similar to his mother, at least when it comes to some aspect of his love life lol but even if they aren't physically similar Aqua too has similarities with his mother, in which they use lies as an expression of their love (The difference being Ai yearns for love while Aqua feels like he doesn't deserved to be loved) wouldn't be her son at all if they don't share anything in common after all!
The parallels so far are mostly on how their love lives are similar:
Both are entertainers who got entangled with Lala Lai Theatre Troupe members for a specific goal in mind
Eventually they started to get romantically involved with one another
They both then experienced a fallout for different reasons (Aqua can't bring himself to have Akane be involved for her safety while Ai started falling out due to the pregnancy, though further details might reveal more on their fallout because ain't no way it's just because of that)
They then started to oppose each other (Akane is actively planning to stop Aqua from self-destructing while REDACTED for reasons unknown went back to murdering again and killed his lover)
That's where the similarities end and where the differences start within this parallel.
In the case of Ai she was the older one, while in the case of Aqua he was the younger one lol (if we don't include his past life that is)
REDACTED opposes Ai but his motives are out of malice (unless Ai did something so bad to him that warrants murder and more murders following that, he is an evil piece of crap for ruining the lives of his children and many others), Akane opposes Aqua but her motives are pure, which is to save him from self-destructing (I personally don't think Akane wants Aqua to not chase after REDACTED as someone as smart as she is knows how dangerous he is, she's probably trying to stop him from destroying himself and find a much "healthier" way to stop him.)
The romance between Ai and REDACTED ended in a very bitter note to the point of Ai getting murdered by him. The fate of Aqua and Akane is still uncertain.
Aqua who is compared to "Ai" is the "bad guy" while Akane who is REDACTED is the "good guy" opposite to how REDACTED and Ai was, though further details of their relationship might shed more light on how they are.
Now the question stand, do these parallels mean anything? Maybe or maybe not, I just found the observation to pique my interest and considering I can't predict the current journey of the story, I'll leave all of this as me speculating.
If it were true though, I suppose these parallels are a way for the author to allude the trajectory of how their relationship might go. A lot of dark things are currently happening within the OnK-verse but I don't see this series to have a downer end, it'll probably be a light after dark ending where after all the shit that the characters have been through, they all will live knowing that they've won against their struggles.
Using this Tokyo Blade panel as a complement to this observation, I suppose if Ai and REDACTED's relationship concluded in a horrible note (but at least Ai managed to die knowing she was capable of "real love) then Aqua and Akane might succeed where their predecessors failed, by making amends and loving for real.
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gren-arlio · 10 months
We are so back. Well, I somewhat am. Welcome to Episode 11 of (Waku) Puyo Extras.
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(What a lovely image of Rulue and Minotauros as a team. Surely nothing bad will bestow him...seriously, this image is amazing.)
Hey everyone, Gren here, back from my break. It was a nice break, and I was able to focus on schoolwork. We don't talk about my Pre-Calc grade (just know I got a C) but I got an A in every other class. This episode is a little late because I was focused on the Splatoon 3 Splatfest (I was Team Handshake, GGS to all,) but it's here nevertheless.
As the year is slowly coming to an end, my workload increases. I think this'll be the last Extras episode until the NEW Episode of Waku Puyo Translations. Which means me dying to Kikimora text. Fun, yeah? Yeah.
So, with my absence, what game will we cover this time around? Well it's one I've mentioned a couple of times, which is...actually kind of nice, no researching history for me; Rulue's Spring Break of Fists...or Rulue's Iron-Fist Spring Break. For today, I'll use the first version.
This game is thankfully one of the easier ones to get footage of. Besides, the game itself is fairly interesting with its current casting, with people that you don't really see every day. And hey, this is the first time we've properly covered Rulue here, so there's a first for everything.
With this, I really hope you enjoy this and my derusting of my skills.
Oh, and random thing. My account turned 2 recently, though I began posting...in April of this year? Wahoo.
What's the Origins for the Game itself?
Similar to many games I've covered here (if only I had a good computer, I would probably make a funny YouTube series,) Rulue's Spring Break of Fists is a Disc System game released on Volume 14 of Disc Station Magazines in 1997.
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(The opening to the game. Nothing amazing, but certainly an...opening?)
The game itself is somewhat of a Choose Your Own Adventure game, with you playing as the lady herself, Rulue. Here, you get to...choose your own adventure. There's three main things you can do:
Find the five divine treasures.
Explore the land. Or "The Wonderful Land".
Gather ingredients to cook.
It's interesting how the character most associated with fighting has a game where... you kinda don't fight unless it's a very specific circumstance, which I'll get into later.
Visually, I won't deny, it depends from person to person. If you like the 90s Moe eyes, then this artstyle is genuinely amazing, but if not, lotta characters look weird.
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(This is a prime example, with Kikimora. Her eyes are huge, and personally I like them, but I can totally see why someone doesn't.)
So for this episode, I'll throw a question/poll:
This'll last a week, and I'm curious to see.
How About Gameplay?
Something I want to note for this game is that in this... there's a LOT of different dialog choices. You're gonna have split paths all the time, though to my knowledge, they more just impede you until you guess right...or get a bad ending.
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(Something like this. Also, rare Black Kikimora appearance, though...with an item Rulue gets, she transforms back into Kiki? It's odd.)
Whilst exploring and doing the routes, something you'll note is that there's a lot of quizzes, questionnaires, etc. Now why does this matter?
Because some of these questions are fucking hilarious man
What do I mean? Well, y'all know Momomo? Silly little shopkeeper? Well, they ask you a question for a quiz, and guess what the question is?
How much Yen will it cost to buy Disc Station Magazine Vol. 1 through 13 on their online store?
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(This is Rulue trying to solve that question. Lowkey...I forgot the answer.)
This guy really thinks I know. And I think inflation has really made these prices seem cheap in the long run...
Oh, and another question, one I've mentioned before. You encounter Witch in one of the routes (oh boy), and she gives you a quiz also, albeit one that's...certainly biased towards her, asking stuff is "How cool am I?" And them sorta deals. Though, one question is literally "What is the size of my top?"
This game loves its odd questions.
So, What's the Story? Well, Stories?
Well, simply put, apparently this game is after Chaotic Final Exam, and is MUCH calmer than said game. People from the game apparently have new personalities due to the events of the game, and Rulue...is delivering letters given via Masked Prince.
As stated prior, there's three routes in this game:
Characters that appear on all routes are Arle, Rulue, Masked Prince, and I believe Momomo.
Route A:
Rulue sets to find 5 magic items. Most notable characters here are Apparently Schezo, Serilly, Draco, Minotauros, and shockingly, Count and Vamp.
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(Quite the shock, eh?)
This route...is certainly interesting. Between seeing Mino battered and bloodied by a fight, a literal possessed Arle by Count (or Vamp,) you FIGHTING Arle due to that, same deal goes for Schezo, he also got possessed, and a final fight with Count if he was overly buff...it's certainly one hellva route.
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(This is...wow. What an experience.)
Route B:
Rulue, with envelopes given via Masked Prince, has one of them stolen by something, and she goes to investigate it. Getting sucked into a "Wonderland," younalso get some backstory about Rulue, notably hearing her grandmother. I'll tell y'all, I was given help by people who work on the Puyo Nexus and other Puyo Translations:
Rulue and her grandmother were very close, and she gave Rulue a music box when she was about 5 years old, under a Sakura tree. When she turned 6, her grandmother fell ill, and Rulue, upset that she wasn't spending time with her on her birthday, breaks the music box.
However, when Rulue sleeps, she has a dream about her grandmother, with her saying to not be upset with her...and when Rulue woke up, she felt like she'd never see her grandmother again.
Notable characters here are Kikimora and Black Kikimora, Serilly, Rulue's grandmother, and Demon Servant. Yeah, he's alive in this game.
I forgot to credit the main person who did this part, @klug. That's completely on me, my apologies. They did help quite a good bit for this, so thank them for the research and info. Wouldn't have gotten this without them. Again, apologies for not putting credit.
Here's their Puyo Nexus page. Go check em out.)
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So you know when I said this game was a lot more casual? I look real silly saying that now.
Route C:
Easily the most casual route, Rulue...is trying to cook. The grill calls for her name. I'm not joking when I say that the only characters here are Momomo and Witch. I guess Witch can cook?
This route is uh, odd. You spent most of the time doing quizzes and route splits because...I guess Witch and Momomo feel devious today. This route is notable for Witch asking that question in her quiz and only having 5 endings...Yep. 5 endings.
Something I've neglected is the ending to these routes.
There's about 30 of them.
Yeah. Good luck.
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(Autism be damned, Witch can apparently cook. Just have fun on the quiz.)
So, The OST and Final Verdict?
The games ost is honestly decent. I can't describe it well but a lot of the music is just flat out solid, with no real complaints here. I'd say check it out at least.
And the final verdict?
The game itself is honestly very fun to browse and look around. The game gives us Rulue lore RANDOMLY that I'll gladly accept, Demon Servant, Count, and Vamp make an appearance, and the game, while confusing, is really fun to watch.
I'd say for Disc Station, it's very solid.
With that...that'll be all for today. Next week I won't post due to Thanksgiving and spending time with my family, but next time we meet, we'll finally continue our Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon translations after SO long.
See y'all then. Hope you enjoyed the show.
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
I have been encouraged by the fact that you seem to be tolerating my rants and I was literally JUST thinking about ancient hair so hi I'm invading your askbox yet again but this time with images to back up my chaos
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here is a graffiti! Most likely of an ancient, judging by the humanoid stature, the stripes on its body, the little spots, the covered-up eyes (it bugs me how the ancients black out their eyes in artworks. I get that it's probably part of the whole 'abate thine self' mindset but I WANT TO SEE THEIR WHOLE FACES DAMN IT)
But this ancient is missing their tentacle-hair!! This leads me to believe that some ancients either straight-up lack this feature, have lost their tentacles somehow, or perhaps even choose to remove them.
While no other images (that I have currently found, there may be others) depict completely bald ancients, several show them no visible tentacle-hair.
Here is one of the tapestries:
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The one on the right has very long and obvious tentacle-hair. The one of the left doesn't appear to have any (unless they do and I'm just blind). I would guess that this ancient just has the shorter variant of the tentacle hair, or be missing it entirely.
This image shows that ancients also canonically have tiny tails!!! This is shown by the ancient on the right, who appears to. um. not be wearing any clothing. My apologies for showing this indecency, it was either this or the Karma 2 tapestry.
Also their feet. Do not get me started on the pure confusion that is ancient feet.
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Here is an image which you've shown several times now. In my opinion it's the best depiction of an ancient that we have. I refer to it as 'the holy grail of ancient imagery' (sorry, I'm a nerd).
This ancient has pretty darn short tenta-hair compared to some of the other art. Their bottom three tentacles have extra rings surrounding the little center dot which could be evidence at tenta-hair trimming (I'm kinda grasping at straws here but idk).
There are several other images depicting short tentacle-hair, but I honestly can't tell whether or not those images are actually ancients or just wacky blobs.
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This dude looks like a skeleton. Does that mean the tentacle-hair have little bones at its base????? The implications of this for the first graffiti I showed, with the ancient with no tentacle hair! The poor dude lost their head bones!
Before I slither back to my cave I would also like to deposit this graffiti:
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It's clearly not an ancient, but it appears to have the tentacle-hair. Distant ancestor, perhaps? It may just be a very heavily stylized ancient (body modifications, maybe?) But I mean. Come on. That is pretty clearly some type of aquatic animal. And it looks vaguely like an ancient. ANCIENTS ARE OCEAN CREATURES. FIGHT ME.
This is all wild and rampant speculation, please correct me if I missed something, got something terribly wrong, or if none of this makes any sense whatsoever.
And my apologies for desecrating your askbox again. You may politely tell me to shut up at any point and I'll move my rampant speculation somewhere else
(and I just noticed that someone made Sparrows fanart. Why did I never think of doing this before arghhhh *runs off to find my drawing tablet*)
oh dear god why's there Bone in The Sasanka jaysus fuck video cult what have you done........
though honestly- if u're allowin my opinion- some things are most likely artistic choices. the skeleton hair thing is most likely to definitely an artistic choice of some dude goin "i wanna draw a cool skull but don't wanna miss out on the hair...- oh i know!"
the holy grail one is legit so fuckin good, gods bless- n i'm really sorry to bap at your straws, but yeah, that's probably not much
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i can actually tell you for fact that those are attempts at gettin the end of the tentacle more defined/communicated to the viewer or it's leftovers of the sketch in some way. how am i so sure? cuz dear god.
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shaking hands with this anonymous lost soul of an Ancient graffiti artist in these chilli's tonight
with feet i'm also pretty sure a lot of stuff is artistic interpretation tangling in! the most canonical feet pic glimpse we get are these
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with the rest being so small EITHER cuz of that artistic decision shit or there might be another bound of body horror involved, from either cutting the toes off or doing similar feet binding technique that was a thing in real life China. i like to think the bottoms of their feet still have pedal disks that sea anemones possess n they gotta wrap 'em up like this to avoid sticking to floors cuz that shit is like suction cups
ah yes, karma three mural.... i've had that shit opened on my browser for a month now, i know that one intimately. yeah! that one is the culprit behind every single tail on an Ancient in the whole fandom n i adore it so much. the fact that it's so... sad (lookit the fuckin teeny nub, whatcha gon do with that) made me decide that the lower circles have more proper ones! and -tsk- AAAAAAHR who give a shit bout nudity up in this bitch, this just how we ball. all from the artistic, biological and religious sense, heavens know each time i draw Sparrows from behind without her jacket on i feel like i'm toeing Some kind of line. nudity is just a different kind of deal for them than for us culturally n i think that is super neat actually. taking things that are a given to us n flippin it all on its head is one of my favorite things to do, rule 180° bayyybeeee
n i do NOT mean this in a mean way, this is lighthearted but i'm JGSDKMCLKMKGKSDLCK i get handed a clam with a whale tale with lil geysers on top of it n told "this is Sparrows' great times 1000 grandpapa" JGSKLCKL
LIKE,,, NOT DISPUTING IT CUZ WHO THE HELL KNOWS ANYMORE. SEA ANEMONES WITH BIPEDAL BODY PLAN IS ALREADY SO FUCKIN WEIRD THIS MIGHT AS WELL HAPPEN. i just can't help but see some sorta looney tunes clam whale in it. -dreamy sigh- what if they had looney tunes-esque cartoons...........
but yes, these fucked up things Def came from the oceans cuz the oceans always spit out the strangest shit and i also adore to think that their whole society runs on water energy/steam so the connection of It Came From The Sea with that really tickles my worldbuilding enthusiast brain
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highpoly · 5 months
i managed to finish my first animation project YIPPEEE
originally i was going to use motion data from other creators and edit it into this project in a way that would match the song but after finding out a creators updated terms stating they wish for their data not to be used for other songs that they are not meant to (for example if they animated a world is mine dance, don't use it for any other song unless it's world is mine)
i figure i just fill in and edit everything with my ideas instead then at that point and animate whatever i could. also the parts that were from other creators were so small that i might as well just do it all myself anyways. yaaaay for being able to say that it's animated all by me
i will say... wish i could animate more dynamic things because not gonna lie... for this animation i feel like i relied too much on still images and also it's a lot of just lipsyncing scenes. which is fine because i know that there's a lot of animations like that for songs and also im inspired by project diva anyways so i hope you can also see that influence on this video too (amongst other things that have inspired me hehe)... maybe i'm just being too hard on myself because i'm just one person anyways and also... not like i have the money Or the space to do motion capture so.
also... the new codec and the plugin i use for aviutl so that way my animations can be edited works! there's a few render export issues i have on certain scenes though but at least it's nowhere near as bad as my calc thing (still feel like re-rendering and reuploading that one...) not sure if i have to play around with render settings *dies*
and speaking of these programs.... i really regret updating davinci resolve.... and i hate how it handles the transitions as well. i wish i could have added more for this one but the way davinci works is that it wants more frames in order for it to transition but i find that so stupid... there's also a text box effect animation i find useful but if you include it, it won't render it so you have to convert it as a compound clip like why... i wish they'd address these issues because i learned these have been around for a while now!! i wonder if i should try finding another program
well anyways. i think i'll be making some final edits on my miku model. i'll be releasing the animation next month on my youtube, so i hope to see everyone there... thanks for reading :3
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doom-nerdo-666 · 1 year
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(Image by -dead_slender- from r/Doom)
Remember when i tried analyzing different iterations of Doom's demons?
I thought about doing the same for the weapons, even if there's things that are either too obvious or easy to miss.
There's obvious things like D3 giving most of them reloading or 2016/Eternal adding alt fires but also less known things like the recently leaked D64 early sprites, the SSG in D64 having a pushback, D64 chainsaw being faster, D3ROE Xbox gives the pistol a lantern, 2016’s Plasma Rifle having a bit more damage/less ammo useage than Eternal’s or how some Plasma projectile/Rockets may have smaller radius than in older iterations.
(There's also the upgrades in 2016/Eternal to make things more complicated... i hope i don't think i'll have to mention Mighty Doom's upgrades or very specific RPG stuff)
And while the demons post was mostly D1/2 originating stuff, i made the weapons based post also include stuff like grenades or machine/chainguns and “rail gun” esque guns.
(And the Unmaker vs Unmaykr)
Probably because “modern” weapons having iterations is a bit more likely than later demons having more iterations.
Because “adding enough good info” is a focus, i’d obviously try to look for other people’s analysis and prespectives just for the sake of adding the right info.
Another thing is “honorable mentions” like the unused Doom rifles mentioned in the assault rifle section, Holy Water Pistol and Eternal’s cut pistol, 2016 MP’s Grenade Launcher and other “rail-gun” esque guns or even the sniper rifle in D2RPG.
Anyway, let's see how much trivia i can add:
Doomguy's hands always had their own slot and were basic melee attacks, with Berserk giving a damage boost and lasting until the level ends.
He had brass knuckles in his left hand but people forget this.
(And despite being silent, they still alert enemies)
D3's fists are kinda similar but Berserk makes them more devastating (Pretty sure they even lock the player into this, while making you faster and invulnerable) and are temporary while you hear screams and have a weird blurry thing in your vision.
And the D3 marine's hands are naked (While the RoE engineer gets his hands decomposed by the Artifact lol).
2016/Eternal make them a dedicated button (One has a generic "gun butt" animation and the other finally uses a fist) and Berserk is obviously more devastating.
The main thing here is the Glory Kill mechanic and Eternal then adds in the Blood Punch.
Eternal's default fist is weak but it's still strong enough to break cracks in walls i guess.
I think in early versions of Doom, there could've been a knife but we all know about the rifle bayonet blades.
Honorable mention? Even D3's flash light was kind of a melee weapon.
And of course: Doomguy is left handed (Or actually uses both hands).
Starts off as a basic "brrrrr" melee weapon (Which doesn't have a "knockback" effect on killed enemies like other weapons do) that can kinda stunlock enemies.
In vanilla Doom, i think the Chainsaw replaces the Fist unless you pick up Berserk (Please don't tell me this is another Mandela effect situation).
D64's is faster and has a unique double blade design (And eventually the Doom Hunter carries a tribute to it).
D3 is almost like the classic in 3D (And from what i recall, was devastating).
2016/Eternal make it rely on fuel tanks and instakill enemies for ammo pickups with cool animations, though Eternal also gives it one rechargeable pip for the sake of fodder enemies.
But there's different levels of how much fuel is required based on enemy categories.
Almost every 2016 enemy can be chainsawed but Eternal prevents chainsaw use over super heavies, bosses and most ambient except Tentacles.
(They also make it tied to a dedicated button)
In D2RPG, you could use this to destroy corpses for stuff and the previous RPG game had an axe.
Honorable mentions? Crucible and Sentinel Hammer kinda.
Doom's starter weapon, which is serviceable enough until you find other/enough weapons.
In D3 it was alright since i'm pretty sure it had seperate bullet ammo from the Assault Rifle and Chaingun (Each had their own ammo i think?).
Xbox version of RoE also attachs a lantern to it.
2016 makes it a unique laser gun with infinite ammo whose shots can be charged and upgraded to deal more damage (And the MP had another laser pistol but red).
Eternal had its pistol cut, even thought it has a cool "repeater"-like fire that made it seem satisfying.
Honorable mention: The Holy Water Pistol from D2RPG which scares most demons, can be refilled from some water sources and can even heal the player.
Assault Rifle/Machinegun:
From the iconic box art, to Doomguy and Zombieman's sprites to the unused variations of rifles in the alpha/beta versions, this idea was destined for Doom.
D3 finally had an assault rifle and it was alright, even had an ammo counter screen and a sound effect/signal/feedback for when ammo in a clip is low.
2016 adds one that sort of fills the classic Chaingun role and can be upgraded with Micro Missiles (Whose no-reload upgrade makes a great combo with the Rich Get Richer rune) and Tactical Scope (Whose upgrades are more damage, faster movement and piercing enemies).
As for Eternal's Heavy Cannon: Percision Bolt can lead to explosive headshots and its Micro Missiles will obviously have more damage/less time based stuff but even Heavy Cannon kills lead to a temporary Micro Missible buff with Primary Charger).
Honorable mention? I think 2016's files has an unused Nail-gun somewhere, as a cut weapon.
Also, the Burst Rifle/Repeater from 2016 MP.
Visually? Heavy Cannon is red and looks huge but D3 has the tiny screen counting ammo.
Its design was probably inspired by the similar weapon in Wolfenstein 3D and it took until D3 for the Assault Rifle to become the basic bullet firing weapon while the "Chaingun" becomes more akin to what Quake 2 introduced.
In the classics, it's a basic fast firing weapon whose first shot or two can be accurate, hence why people use it to snipe enemies or shootable switches.
Though naturally, it gets less accurate the further you are from your targets.
D3 added both reloading and a wind up mechanic (Both being present seems a bit too much but at least the damage it delt was fine).
2016 still has wind up but it kinda shoots within that part, while Eternal gets rid of it (Though in E3 2019, i think it still had wind down after firing) and paints its bullets blue for fun.
2016 has the Gatling Rotator (Which can be upgraded to be incendiary i think) while Eternal has the Energy Shield.
Mobile Turret is 3 barrels in 2016 and 4 in Eternal (And Eternal's version can be upgraded to let you move faster).
Ammo is technically required to use Eternal CG's Energy Shield, but it's cool that this feature can even become a projectile.
Visuals, the Eternal chaingun looks like it shoots energy but the 64 one also has those holes in the barrels and shot blue first.
Combat Shotgun:
In early sprites, the end of the barrel had a "thick ring" like thing around it.
A basic weapon that seems to be consistent.
D64 has no proper reloading animation.
D3's iteration is infamous for its spread and damage output.
2016 is recovered from the cancelled Doom 4.
Its alt fires are the explosive shot (When fully upgraded, there's cluster bombs it seems) and Charged Burst (When fully upgraded, if you succeed on this triple fire then the next fire will deal more damage i guess).
Eternal replaces these with the Sticky Bomb (Its capacity is later increased to 5) and Full Auto (It can reach a point where it makes enemies drop shells and increase movement speed).
Eternal SG's Full Auto could've had a "Rapid Hit Scale" feature.
I like how Eternal's design is more "honest" about its alt fires.
Super Shotgun:
In pre-release versions, there's an unused design that even had a frame similar to one of the base SG's reloading frames.
Classic SSG has vertical spread while base SG doesn't.
RoE brings back the SSG which was absent from the main game and i guess it was alright, sort of compensating for the main SG (And because the SSG's workings, it's like one of the few weapons that technically has no "reloading").
Eternal's is obviously the most unique one, from its Sentinel design to the meathook (And its Flaming Hook upgrade).
2016 looked out of place in a setting with very advanced tech, which is a contrast to older SSG's fitting the low tech aspect of Doom's future.
And 2016 could've also been upgraded to shoot really fast and penetrate enemies that even the "shoot one shell at a time" mode of firing becomes OP.
Meanwhile, D64's kinda had a pushback effect on you and again, no proper reloading animation.
And i guess the PS1 port made it look ugly but then the Final Doom PS1 port fixed it.
Rocket Launcher:
In some early versions, there was an unused sprite for a sideways "missile launcher".
The classic RL fired in a fast enough pace and later versions fire rockets in a slower speed.
In some cases, you can "rocket jump" to push yourself to a different place but then there's the infinite height stuff to consider (For better or worse, depending on the situation).
In vanilla Doom, if you use the wallrun bug to outrun your rockets, they go through you.
D64's RL can also kinda push the player back like the SSG in the same game.
I also think D64's rockets spawn a bit differently from the player compared to the D1/2 version.
2016 is slow but introduces Lock-On Burst and Remote Detonation.
One can be upgraded to reach multitargeting and the other can make detonated rockets drop pieces of sharpnel and even not destroy the rockets in this mode.
For Eternal's versions: One gets feedback to indicate proximity and can falter enemies, while the other also has a multitarget sort of thing.
I think Lock-On Burst also has differences in each game, where one has rockets deal less damage but the other doesn't.
Eternal's RL also has the projectile coming from the RL's model itself, which i think was discovered by BloodShot9001 in a video.
Eternal's is the most unique visually because of its Cultist/open chamber design and even its rockets have a different skin compared to the ones in the rocket ammo pickup.
I think Eternal also has a smaller radius for its rocket projectile compared to classsic Doom.
I like the look of D3 grenades because of how low-tech they look.
They have the typical "bounce of walls/floors but instantly explode when touching enemies" idea as expected.
They also have a bit of a timer so you can throw them a little later to time your attacks.
(I think they're based off Q2 grenades)
2016's Frag Grenade looks a bit more like a sci-fi M67 but it works as a side item and it can slap enemies before exploding.
And Inventory items can recharge, even if there's still pickups.
Eternal's Frag Grenades are sphere shaped (Which means different physics) and can be used without interruption thanks to the shoulder based Equipment Launcher.
Upgrades include decreased cooldown, faltering effect, making enemies drop scatter bombs and a double fire before recharge.
Honorable mention: The Grenade Launcher from 2016 multiplayer.
And i guess all those other inventory items in both games (MP included) and the fact that Eternal has an unused double Equip Launcher upgrade.
Plasma Rifle:
In early versions, it could shot green stuff instead of blue.
The classic one kinda stands out because of the "recoil" frame that blocks you from shooting when you stop firing.
With how this weapon changed over time, there's the subtle difference between the speed of the projectiles being fired and how fast the projectiles travel.
This might be why people think that in 2016/Eternal it deals less damage even if i'm pretty sure both these recent versions added a subtle splash damage on enemies (And Eternal makes them visually pop).
2016's PR has a faster fire rate than Eternal's, bigger maximum capacity and might do more damage.
2016 PR has a Stun Bomb and Eternal has the Microwave Beam, which was originally going to let you heat up more than one enemy at once.
(Though i think the same beam can hurt another enemy while focused on one you locked it on)
I like how Eternal's Heat Blast can heat up projectiles after use but i think 2016's Heat Blast had a 360 radius damage around the player, so i kinda like that too.
Eternal's Heat Blast also has different levels of power depending on how much you charge it up.
Also note how in some games, projectiles look shiny but in others look like bubbles or something: Do people care about these specific visual differences?
D64's was slower and had an energy tube that made noise while D3's looked weird i guess.
Ballista/Gauss Cannon:
One's a UAC creation and the other is of Sentinel origin, but both are like Doom's take on the Quake rail-gun (There's also 2 other weapons like this in 2016's multiplayer).
Also: Gauss/Ballista jumping is a thing.
People say the Gauss cannon feels more powerfull but to be fair, the Ballista has more unique alt fires.
Both Gauss cannon alt fires feel like "wait until the shot deals more damage and some upgrades enable faster movement" while Arbalist is an exploding dart (Can be upgraded to let you fire the next one in less time) and Destroyer Blade is a powerfull horizontal spread projectile (Its upgrades are pretty much "more damage" and also a bit of falter on enemies).
Honorable mention? D2RPG had a sniper rifle which could deal great damage with headshots but would also wobble around for added difficulty.
The iconic big gun with the funny name and based off toys (Like some of the others).
Originally meant to shoot "Christmas Lights" that bounced off ceilings/floors, it instead shoots a green projectile that does damage while an invisible tracer system is activated from the player's view and enemies are hit by it if the player is aimed at where the projectile hits.
All this time, this iconic weapon was more of a weird silent shotgun.
Its design also displays 2 things in the upper back area that make it seem like you have to attach it to your shoulders.
D64's variation looks different and is slightly slower but still mostly the same.
D3 redesigns the weapon not just visually but also mechanically, with one example being having unique ammo instead of plasma cells.
And its projectiles have proximity damaging tendrils taken from Quake 2.
You can also not only reload it but charge its projectile, though if you charge for too long, the weapon can explode and kill you.
(There's also the electric chip inside the projectile and the Sabaoth)
2016 simplifies what D3 introduced and gives it its own dedicated button, so it's more of a "panic button" sort of thing.
And its design is clearly inspired by the 2005 movie.
(I think 2016's BFG was originally going to have mods like the other weapons, like a flamethrower attack or the BFG10K from Quake 3)
Eternal's iteration looks different (And is now part of the weapon wheel) but it's still mostly there.
Something i thought about was how you never really see the front of the "classic" style BFG except in D2RPG, That one Symbiote Doomguy doll, Fallout 4's Creation Club Doom thing and i guess Rage 2.
Honorable mention? 2016 multiplayer's Tesla Rocket and i guess the BFG grenade from Doom VFR.
One from Hell, the other from Urdak.
And one also uses cell ammo while the other shares ammo with the BFG.
Unmaker starts off weak but is upgraded to fire faster and more shots (Same keys used to shut down those portals in the Mother Demon's stage) while the Unmaykr is already the way it is but requires Empyrean keys from Slayer Gate arenas.
Unmaker is actually hitscan so its "projectiles" are just a visual effect.
I think the reason why the Unmaykr isn't as liked is because of the arena format with mobile enemies, whereas the Unmaker is still part of the classic format where enemies aren't as mobile/smart and because of D64's encounters, a fully upgraded Unmaker can surpass the BFG9000.
(But in situations with less space for the BFG tendrils and some encounters with super heavies, you might end up giving the Unmaykr a chance)
And the Unmaker is blatantly Hellish while the Unmaykr looks like another sci-fi gun because of Urdak's aesthetic: If Urdak had more to its theme or if Doom has a different type of Heaven, i guess this weapon could've looked even more "Christian" than the Holy Water Pistol.
Honorable mention? 2016 MP's reaper i guess.
And also the Dark Claw from the Doom Bible.
Of course, never forget the original Unmaker from the same document that was supposed to hurt pure demons the most, former humans the least and cybernetic demons partially.
Edit: It's also worth mentioning that "Unmaker" is a name from the Doom bible while in the D64 files, the gun is called something akin to "Laser gun" and there's a screenshot of early D64 and a leaked sprite that suggest an early design of the weapon: Which looks like a flamethrower somehow.
Soul Cube:
Because it also shows up in D2RPG and has a different design in it (Is it from the same lore? I dunno).
But does it heal you in D2RPG? I also dunno lol.
Honorable mentions? I guess the Siphon Grenade from 2016 and the RoE Artifact.
Yes it was in 2 games: DRPG and Doom VFR and in both it's used to put out fires.
Though in DRPG it's part of the arsenal and in VFR it's used like once i think.
This didn't turn out as good as the demons one, because weapons are a different area.
There's still areas/data i overlooked like ammo pickups amount and how the player automatically switches to another gun in certain cases.
Or stuff outright wrong and misremembered.
Maybe i could update this post to add more info, who knows.
As far as resources go:
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llynwen · 6 months
wow! That was such an enlightening and beautiful answer to my question, thank you so very much, and congratulations on graduating soon🎉! I felt that same thrill of recognition seeing the people and their homes on the show, because yes poverty really is the same all over. I live in a blue collar town in northeast America, with forested hills instead of wetlands and logging instead of fishing, but I look at their clothes, at the places they hang out, at the porches and lawns filled with clutter and machine parts nestled between the trees, at the small dark house interiors, and I think "this all could've been filmed down the street from me." It must look depressing to others but I find comfort in the familiarity. We're all just surviving as best we can nestled in the detritus of abandoned industry and reclaiming nature, keeping our lives manageably small with little daily tasks and rewards, and beyond our town limits the land itself infinite as space. I guess that bigness is what sets apart American life, thousands of people go missing in the wilderness every year and it's just taken as a given. There's a whole plane that crashed in a Vermont forest in the 80s which I believe still hasn't been found. One thing not shown onscreen, and I don't mind this since true detective is a horror drama and it wouldn't fit the tone, are the threads of community we maintain—church suppers, family game and movie nights at the library, small town festivals, Christmas tree lightings in the square and such. Life is a patchwork of privation and joy.
One thing I will advise you about if you come here (welcome btw) is picking the state with the best resources for you. Montana is gorgeous but the New England states have the best healthcare, and the east coast in general has the most public transit with our trainlines. If what matters is the job than you can visit anywhere I guess, but outside of the cities you better have a coworker/host with a reliable car willing to drive you around, because otherwise you will be stuck and lonely in the miles between anywhere. We joke about Rust being a passenger princess but bumming rides is a way of life here. Other than that, don't whistle at night in the southwest, always being more money than you think is needed to the store, look up any Indigenous nation near where you stay to maybe visit their cultural center, and have a good time!
hi again! so sorry for taking this long to respond, I've been busy with school and other shit, you know how it is
america is such a fascinating and complex place fr, and the negative aspects of it you mention were never shown in the media i (and may other europeans) consume. we're fed this image of this perfect land of the free american dream you can achieve anything if you work hard enough self made man kind of thing. but I'm glad to hear that you have this community - in my experience, that is not really the case here. i hardly ever talk to my neighbors (occasional good mornings and that about it), i don't go to church, but the people who do also don't really know one another, people only every talk to their family members and friends from places like school and work. i feel like in this aspect we could for sure learn from y'all.
when i do come visit I'm pretty sure it wont be permanent (unless chevy does actually wife me, then who knows). i just want to get a taste of that cowboy life i crave so much. i want to see the national parks (hope i don't go missing) and spend some time in the Space of it all. I am aware of the lack of public transport and i am prepared to drive everywhere, but thank you for the heads up. i also know about tax not being included in prices of stuff - which, what the fuck. that's so stupid. same with tipping - why not just pay workers living wages? I will for sure be taking the time to visit the Indigenous people in the places where I'll be staying. I'm actually writing my master's thesis about the Anishinaabe and Inuit people, and even though my area of focus is canada I'm sure I'll learn a great deal from the Indigenous people of the us as well.
thank you again for talking to me (and for your patience), and I'd really love for you to come off anon, be it in my dm's or under this post. I'd love to talk more about the show in general or just cultural issues. but no pressure!
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mylawcitrus · 11 months
My actual job
I'm an English teacher, in case you didn't know. It's hard to "restart" on the internet, because usually I suppose the haters who brought you down (I've lost accounts, I've deleted accounts, and a bunch of people left me because of whatever reason) keep making sure you're still at the bottom, unless they're too tired and there's another person they wanna bother.
I wish that didn't sound controversial. I don't "bother" anyone, I put some kind of blind trust which we should all have second thoughts on to meet people with what I could say are mutual interests, but I have mistakes along the way, like criiticizing sex workers for spam. Those people are marginalized as fuck and trying to make a basic living. While I don't sell, I've had an OnlyFans account and the thing that happened with Pornhub, honestly, I don't understand until this day. It's just a website I visit once a week, maybe. Like, it's totally not what people seem to think, but who knows, with marketing these days.
About Omegle, I should pass the fucking baton to somebody else who understands shit about algorithms and moderation, because I just have a few stories of incredible people I met there and I happen to keep them in my mind. The way I've talked about it and maybe the way I've acted probably makes it sound like I see the website as a definitive instant camfuck thing. You're gonna find people who lean into that, but my history with it is a lot more than whatever I did in a given day or so, I've been visiting, on and off obviously, for 13 years. And apparently people don't realize that, or maybe they do, but that only makes me confused as fuck and I just want my safe space on social media and in life, please. Women who I've been with know the many sides of me and if they saw me laying in bed looking for online sex on Omegle they'd probably be like "dude, Tinder exists". I've heard precisely that from one of my exes. But I don't like Tinder.
And I'd like people to know that whoever uses your image for purposes that damage your honor and reputation are breaking the law. I've written about this. It seems that younger people started an "exposing culture" but forgot to be decent human beings. Maybe it's because we're not interested in their daily lives and we don't see that, and then they catch us doing stupid shit and wanna talk about it all day. There's different moments... I'm seeing such a lack of understanding around this topic! I was thinking that the webcam was somehing norrmal, now I'm supposed to think about whatever's happening on freaking Snapchat and I have days where I just wanna be left alone and have a good night of sleep, but wake up the next day and have something to look forward to, and if you can't understand that for many years that was talking to a special person on a video call, then I'm sorry, but I'll just go as far as saying: "we're different". But I sure hope there's an effort to understand my side, especially when frustration mounts and some stories and untold or badly told (very common).
The rest? I have tons of stuff I've published, I might not have a great idea to share every day but I'm a fucking human being, not generative AI. And precisely on that, they've inserted bias on the way that stuff is classified on the web and nobody's asking me how it all started, how I deal with stuff, whether or not I'm fucking okay, you know? And that shit sucks. So honestly, I hope people wake up to the fact that we have good and bad days, and if you're like a teenager who wants to do something you mom and dad wouldn't like you to do, I'm not saying don't listen to them. Its important to have guidance. But in my life I've done sstuff differently and I'm the one who deals with shit that I've set my mind on 20 years ago, and all I can say is I'm sorry if I've never compared the scale of things but today it's all very fast and this post may mean absolutely nothing, though it comes from a hard reality of being vulnerable as fuck and having to deal with intense scrutiny everywhere, for absolutely no reward, though I'm perfectly aware I shouldn't have a Nobel or anything, but like I said on Instagram, a little pat on the back would be pretty nice.
Thanks and if you're hanging on Live I'll say hi, but you can get to know me better if you want by exploring some of the stuff I've published or asking me about my music, my poetry, following me out of commaraderie or just sending good vibes, I'm not asking anyone to open their wallets but I have a Bandcamp, a Patreon and a Substack, so if you think this matters, the channel IS open.
Thanks again.
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xoteajays · 1 year
The easiest way for me. Besides celebrities.. If we're only mentioning characters. That depends on the fandom. Shows, movies, games and anything else you can think of. So if you're curious about characters I like, just ask me based on fandoms I enjoy. So types varies for me.
Really? You don't like Peaky Blinders? You're probably the only person I know who doesn't like the show.. I know everyone has their opinions, though part if me is slightly judging you for this. Slightly. So hopefully the Peaky movie comes out soon. I'm being impatient about that.
Oh! If you do end up enjoying Vincenzo. There is a a queer character, and a himbo character. Both canonically their respective characters.
Like I said.. If I ever watch war shows or movies, then it's because one of my favorite celebrities is starring in it. And only because of them. If it wasn't for that celebrity, then I probably wouldn't watch war genres.
Sci-fi depends for me. I've always hated Star Wars, Star Trek, and any other scifi genre like those franchises. I think the only scifi show that I have ever truly enjoyed was Orphan Black, interesting plot starring so many strong female characters (another show I can see Rocky maybe enjoying with his girlfriend). So I'm only sometimes in the scifi genre.
That doesn't surprise me. Anything title with, "Once Upon A..." Would usually be retelling fairytale stories in some way or another, or even a whole new fairytale. But that's usually what I have noticed though.
For the shows I can't find on the app channels, I'll try sites before I do try paying for more. If you really do have to pay for the hiTV channel.
Well.. Nikaido's actor is apart of the Exile Tribe musicians. So if you've never seen him in a show or movies (besides High&Low), then there's a chance that you have seen him in of their some music videos then.
Like the One Time One Life music video, he's dancing besides Keiji in that video. Same with Higher Grounds video. And other videos too.
Oshiage would be more mature about it, Junko will never be mature a lot of the time. Because this is Junko. This is why I never liked Junko.
Obviously. Not every relationship has to be romantic, some ships just might also be platonic. There are at least two romantic ships in H&L... I'm not sure what the other ships are yet though. I am still undecided.
Sakura should have given that away. Because, in Japan, sakura is the cherry blossom flowers. And also a common name for many girls too.
Exactly! We know everything about Cobra, yet know absolutely not a single thing him at the same time. So how does that happen. Since I'll can say that this annoys me more than it should. Like what the fuck...
Same here. I'm curious about his sexual preferences.. Because we did figure out Rocky, Hyuga and Murayama really easily. Possibly Smoky, maybe Takeshi and whoever else. Except for Cobra. He's the only one. I could imagine him as a switch? Even if he's dominant, I can ever see him as overly dominant. But no submissive either. More equal. So I'm saying he's a switch (like Rocky) who treats his partner equally in sex. But that's all I got for him so far. Why is he so difficult to figure out?!
I've already sent some pictures. That face claim's from the same band that my other face claims are a part of, in case you were wondering it.
Like I said.. I'm not completely sure if I'll create yet another character, at least for the High&Low franchise. Since I have a lot of characters in general for other fandoms. But that's besides the point I'm right now.
She would be the fifth character. And based on some pictures that I'd already sent.. If she's a color coded character too, it's either the White Rascals and Rude Boys. Unless I have her be apart of other gangs.
The image of her with blonde hair, black and white clothes. That does make me think of the Rascals. Especially Rocky and Aizawa since the both of the have platinum blond hair all the time. If she is a Rascals, it would be obvious that Rocky would never allow her to be a fighter like the other Rascals (excluding Kizzy). But I do not think I could imagine her as a fighter though. If she was associated with Rascals, either she might be working at one of Rocky's businesses - like Club Heaven. So she could either be a dancer, bartender, waitress, or something like it. I don't know yet. But she is only involved with the Rascals platonically though, no romantic ships with any of them. At least not with Rocky.
If she's a part of the Rude Boys. I'm not sure about that yet. Because I just can't think of her being abandoned but I don't know what I might do for her family yet. Obviously I thought Rude because of the earthly toned clothes which is usually Rude's signature colors. I don't know.
But, regardless of the group, I imagine her involved with food. Maybe not as a foodie like Blue and Orange. But someone who's involved in a culinary arts way. Someone who enjoys cooking and baking. With any baking she does, her specialty is bread and desserts. I have thought... Maybe she works at Itokan with Naomi. Or even a bakery. Something. Because I originally thought if she was associated to Rude in any way, I imagined her living near Nameless City but not in it. And that she's a charitable person always helping looking after whoever she can in the city. I don't know how Rude Boys like it since they always take strong pride in being mostly self reliant. But since she can cook and bake so much food, I would imagine her occasionally being the Nameless and Rude people proper homecooked meals that could feed a lot of them. Especially the children. And sometimes, I would imagine her buying a lot of things for them. Especially the children. Like the clothes, health and hygiene products, sometimes books and toys. I don't know. So I'll say she isn't the typical Rude Boy. But that's what I originally thought.
Blue, Orange and Yamato are foodies. Orange, Cobra and Rocky have been known to enjoy sweet foods - Rocky's snack is mainly the candy though. But still. I imagined her being skilled with culinary food work.
So various shades of pinks and purples. Which is fine if you use any of the pink colors, just avoid the strawberry pinks for Strawberry Girls in my opinion. But yeah. Oya's primary color is dark blue mixed in with a medium and lighter blues too. Like cobalt blue, navy blue, indigo blue and even shades of azure blues from what I've noticed as their colors.
I know how that is. People judge me based on my appearance so I will understand how that is for Yui.. Because as a grown woman, I'm really a short woman with baby faced features since I am chubby. Like chibi characters. So people assume I'm younger than my actual age even if I'm usually older than them. People never take me seriously either. So I know the feeling all too well by now. Though if the person who really does harass me is a guy, just him in the groin until they stop anything they're doing. Them being in pain makes me feel so much better then it actually should though. So I might be a sadist in those situations.
So I can get automatically defensive because I always assume that all these people can't take me seriously because of my appearance even if that's not always the case though. Because I'm always coddled by a lot of people all the time, since the day I was born. And I really hate it.
So I know the feeling.
Yes! Orange and Yui are the dualistic traits to the fire element. Orange is the positive aspects of fire, Yui's the negative aspects of fire in a lot of ways. Orange's the warmth of fire, Yui's the destruction of fire. And everything else like that. But Orange is definitely that type of person.. The only time you would ever see a completely different side to her is if you have done something to push her in that direction. Like Kuryu. So it usually takes a while to ever get her angry about anything is how I see it. She's rarely ever pushed in that direction though. So it's fine.
Fire sustains and consumes. Warmth or destruction. Enough fire may keep you warm on a cold day, but too much fire would just burn you.
Apparently Cobra has an attraction to fire type women then.
Obviously. I think there isn't an original character who I could see ever hating Naomi in any way. She's the only tolerable female character, at least besides Kizzy (sometimes). Kizzy's a completely different story.
Naomi always knows that Orange cheers up Cobra whenever they are together, romantically or platonically. They just don't seem to admit a lot of their feelings to each other (if they're not dating yet) in this very situation as Yamato and Naomi. But a lot less bickering than them.
But here's the question. Which one of those boys, Yamato or Noboru, is willing to be attacked by a girl they are trying to carrying away from Cobra and Murayama. Well.. Murayama. Because this is Murayama.
"yui’s a lil argumentative with rocky and the rascals because their whole deal leans on her personal sensitivity about people assuming she’s weak. shizuka sees it for what it is though: protecting the people you care about because you care about them, not because you think they’re weak." That is my complete dualistic mindset of the White Rascals, especially when they were first introduced as being so protective of the women and girls (along with any weaker people too).
I've known my fair share of superstitious person who hated the more supernatural horror and thriller genres because they were afraid that those creatures would be brought into their lives. It's so funny to me. Maybe because I'm not some superstitious person at all, I have never been a superstitious about anything in my life before. That's just me.
Yui and Shizuka are basically Mikey and Draken. Kinda.
it’s not that i don’t like peaky blinders, i’ve just never been interested in watching it. i’ve seen bits and pieces, and i can see why people like it, it’s just not my style. i haven’t watched a lot of popular stuff actually.
hell yeaaa queers and himbos!
oh gee, orphan black is sci-fi isn’t it? i loved orphan black. we’ll count that as the only exception. everything else though, not really my taste. don’t care for star wars or it’s thousand spin-offs, never watched star trek. even doctor who falls into this category for me; i can’t be tempted just because they’re doing history stuff.
i watched the first episode of informa last night - i know i said i’d watch bloodhounds or vincenzo but the informa episodes are only 30 minutes at most! - and i’m very interested in seeing where it goes. the guy who plays seki is in it as well, which i was surprised by. he’s got hair …..
afaik, you don’t have to pay for hitv unless you want premium and it doesn’t even force you to create an account.
i thought that too, but i hadn’t watched any exile videos until this year. idk, maybe he just looks a lot like someone else, but i’m not sure who.
ive been watching a lot of the second music videos (in addition to a lot of jsb, generations, and the rampage).
i don’t think oshiage’s crush was as serious as junko’s. i think she liked murayama, but it was probably very aesthetic, since she couldn’t even get him a gift he would like. (still so mad about the weapons). so i think she would move on, respect murayama choosing someone else. but junko’s going to be a bitch about it. judge the girl’s clothes and looks, and criticise them, and probably try to drag the other strawberries into it. the other girls aren’t as serious about it, but junko is their leader. naomi’s gonna whap her on the head with a newspaper for all the shit-talking.
i was originally planning on naming yui ‘sakura’, but then decided against it. so it became her surname instead.
i also can’t see cobra as overly dominant, but still kind of. more guiding, as opposed to bossy. where murayama is high energy, i could see cobra as more lax, slower but still passionate. idk, i’m still trying to figure him out too.
that first image with the blonde hair and the black and white clothing was definitely giving rascals vibes. and i think her as the bartender would be an interesting twist. and would give more insight to the going’s on in club heaven that we didn’t really get to see. like when miho was staying there, rocky vs jesse, club heaven’s destruction. plus, more koo and kizzykaito. she could be another sister figure to rocky, or one of the other rascals.
her 3rd and last pics definitely fit the rude boys aesthetic. the grunginess is very nameless city chic. i think it’d be cool for her to be situated in sannoh more, but favourable to nameless and the rude boys. if she runs a bakery in sannoh, i could maybe see her being close with other shop owners and asking for the food stuff they’d usually throw out (even though it’s still good), so she could give it to the nameless citizens.
funnily enough, i’ve found pictures of yui and hinami’s faceclaims repping the strawberries colours. i’ll have to message them to you.
orange is the hearth, yui is the housefire; the warmth and the destruction. cobra helping yui out with her defensive issues is like taming a bonfire into a candle flame, still has the risk of getting burned or starting a bigger fire, but for now a warm light. also small.
i’m curious to how the all the sannoh guys would react to seeing orange finally snap, because they’re so used to her warm personality, so the whitehot anger is … very different.
cobra likes em hot, in both the warmth way and the very attractive way.
you can’t hate naomi! she’s great! yui and kizzy is something i want to put some thought into. because kizzy is a rascal and upholds their ideals, but she’s also a girl. and girls protecting girls is different than when guys do it (in yui’s mind at least). i do think they’d have an interesting dynamic. meanwhile shizuka and kaito would just be chilling out.
they’re playing rock-paper-scissors. or noboru is jumping in first like ‘i’ll get murayama’ and yamato’s like ‘gdi!’ because grabbing a pissed off yui is like grabbing a feral cat. but also yamato has like a full foot of height difference on yui. just scoop her.
cobra (and shizuka) eventually gets through to yui that when he steps in to protect her, it’s because he cares about her, not that he thinks she can’t handle herself. it just takes a while because she’s got her walls all built up.
shizuka is very superstitious. she’s like ‘you can’t think or talk about semons because then they’ll show up and mess with your life’ and yui is like ‘… that’s so stupid’. shizuka absolutely knows all the scary urban legends so she can avoid any scary situations.
yui and shizuka are very mikey and draken coded. yui’s not as extreme as mikey though, albeit she would probably easily fit into the sano family. short, fiery, strong-willed, into blondes (i see u emma). shizuka is probably more chill than draken.
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tarmac-rat · 2 years
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Cyberpunk 2077: Johnny Silverhand + me bullying him in my tags (part 2)
Part 1 here
Bonus (someone tell me why can't I stop loving this dingus):
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