#Thoughtout WoF
floralcavern · 1 year
the best relationship tropes
these are not subjective, only factual
•The one who hates absolutely everyone x That one ray of sunshine that they love with all their heart
•Has been hurt x Wanting to give them a better life (bonus points if they’re willing to go after the person who hurt their beloved)
•Two touch starved people who found each other
•0 self confidence x Over inflated ego willing to shower their love with affection and compliments
•Can barely form concise sentences x the one who understands them completely
•Goofy little flirt x the flustered hopeless romantic
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some-pers0n · 1 year
Something Stupid
Fandom: WoF
Characters: Whiteout, Thoughtful
CW: None, really
Summary: It's been a couple months since the whole incident, leaving Whiteout all alone. Fortunately for her, she's got a friend that's just right. Yet, she just can't shake the feeling that she'll say something that'll scare him off like the rest of her old friends.
Word Count: 1.9K
A/N: Hgdnjawa-- forgot I wanted to post this. Had it written up for a long while. Anywho, have some Thoughtout fluff!
Whiteout was used to being lonely. Not too many dragons could stand to be near her for long enough. Some would find her being a hybrid strange and avoid her. Others thought she talked strangely. Now, most dragons associated her with being the sister of the animus who killed Prince Arctic.
She never quite liked being around others, so it was a mutual feeling of distaste. They had ways of speaking to each other that were so detached from how she behaved. Unwritten rules and norms that they thought everyone would abide by. Whiteout supposed that she was hatched without that code written into her genetics.
But, she would be lying if she didn't say that the isolation was tiring after a while. The house was quiet all day now. Everyone she knew and loved was dead. Foeslayer was kidnapped and possibly dead. Arctic is extremely dead after the incident. Now Darkstalker is missing. Perhaps he was finally consumed by the fire and turned into ash, the remains dancing in the breeze.
She hated when the house was loud. Those nights when it seemed as though one of their parents would finally kill each other. The bad nights, as Darkstalker lovingly referred to them. Yet, a part of her missed that. Even if there was chaos and hatred, there was life in the walls. There was stirring. There was something of substance.
Now it's just her, alone. Nobody to turn to. No shoulder to cry on. No dragon to even say hello to when coming back from school or a day in the market. She was truly lonely now.
Whiteout was then broken out of her thoughts by the sound of the door knocking. A gentle, yet firm knock.
Well, saying she was 'truly lonely' would be a half-lie. She did have at least one other dragon. By the moons was he a keeper too. Her face lit up upon hearing the door and she quickly walked over, opening it up.
Before even seeing his face, she was hit with the sound of his breathing. That's what always stuck out to Thoughtful the most. Whiteout would always process certain things in a specific way, voices being the more common ones. Not that they would sound like that, but that their voice would convert into something anew for her. With Darkstalker it was with pine. With Clearsight it was fresh rain on a rock. With Thoughtful?
Blueberry pie. Her favourite dessert.
Thoughtful was standing before her, his left wing resting beside him a bit more lopsided than the right one. It was immediately noticeable, but Whiteout didn't comment on it. Rather, she smiled and said, "you didn't keep me waiting for long."
"Yep. Right when the sun touches the mountain tops, just like we agreed upon," he replied.
"Mh-hm. It's very nice of you to do that, by the way. Actually be on time. Nothing is quite as troubling as when some dragon is late than when they say so. Moons above, once I had to wait several hours for one of my clawmates to come by and return my paint tools. They said they were busy and couldn't get to me, but...well..." Whiteout closed her mouth. "Apologizes, I was talking too much again. It is very sweet of you to be on time."
"Oh no no, don't feel sorry for talking," Thoughtful assured her. "I love hearing you talk, actually. You're so much better to listen to than so many others." He let out a small chuckle. "It's nice. I don't have to step around eggshells when with you."
Whiteout blushed. She tilted her head and grinned back. She could sense Thoughtful's soul getting more plush and comfortable. "That's so sweet of you."
"Oh, and before I forget..." Thoughtful lifted up his wing a bit, revealing a bouquet of flowers. Multi-coloured wild roses, all forming into a mass of red, blue, pink and purple. "I went out into the fields. Took me hours to get it all ready for you."
She gasped. She grabbed the flowers, brushing her talons up against them. The touch of them instantly made her think of the sound of waves. "You didn't have to do this, really..."
"Why not?" Thoughtful asked, adjusting his glasses. "You deserve some colour to brighten up your life."
Whiteout's tail swished around anxiously. Her heart fluttered just hearing his voice. She placed it on the counter inside the house. "Well, where do you wish to go? I'm quite fine with anywhere."
He froze for a moment. "I was just about to ask you the same thing," he snickered.
"Oh. Uh..." She rested her head on her talons. "Hm. I am not too preferable to somewhere loud. Too many voices."
"Mh-hm. I get that. I don't want to be around others too. N-not that I don't want to be around you, I just..." He sighed. "You get what I mean."
"I do! I do. It's okay." Whiteout smiled back at him. "Well, let's go." She grabbed him by the talons, pulling him along. She ran out the door and into the streets.
"Whoah! Where are we going?!" Thoughtful yelled, just about stumbling over his own talons.
"Anywhere!" she said back to him. She opened up her wings. "Follow after me!" With one fell swoop, she lifted herself into the sky. Just as quickly, Thoughtful obliged. He trailed just behind, soaring above the houses and into the clouds.
It was fantastical. Rarely was she ever able to take advantage of her wings anymore. She hated being planted to the ground. Hovering through the air, speeding away at such high speeds. It was thrilling. Beyond anything she could describe. Nothing could ever compare to flying. The way her heart raced and the adrenaline from narrowly dodging a flock of birds. It was unlike anything else.
What made it better was to share this moment with Thoughtful. When she needed a friend, he was there for her. When she needed a place to go or a shoulder to cry on, he was there for her. When he had his troubles and anxieties, Whiteout would guide him through. Before meeting each other, they were both lonely. Both of them considered outcasts; weirdos, even.
But, with Thoughtful, Whiteout didn't feel that way. She felt as though she had somebody who cared about her. A dragon who understood the way she was. A dragon that she could listen to talk for hours and hours and never get bored of. A dragon who she...
She paused, considering that thought for a moment. Maybe it was true. Maybe it wasn't. Whiteout always liked to be vocal about her feelings, but she knew she had the tendency to ruin things by saying something dumb. Entire conversations would screech to a halt because she brought up painting or some new theory she's been studying. Even if she knew it was irrational, she didn't want to scare off Thoughtful. She didn't want to say something that could ruin this perfect bond between them.
"Whiteout?" Thoughtful's voice echoed through her ears. "Where are we going? Y-you still haven't answered that," he lightly chuckled.
"I haven't? Apologizes. I just got...lost in thought, I suppose." She shook her head. "I want to go to Stormseeker Peak."
"Isn't that quite a while away from the city? I mean, sure! That actually sounds great, not going to lie."
"Indeed, nobody goes there. The mountain is sharp to others who don't really know what it's like. It's...boring to them, right? That's the word they like to use?"
"Yeah, I remember our old teacher, Acedia, brought the class over there. You were there that day, weren't you?"
"Mh-hm. I remember it. All of the other dragonets wanted to jump around and play. I sat by the cliffside and watched the sky."
"Right! I vaguely recall seeing you do that. I was still too shy to walk up to you and talk to you..." Thoughtful scratched his chin playfully.
"You did? Aww, poor you..." she cooed. "But, it's a tranquil spot. I like to go there whenever I need inspiration. I'd love to be there with you."
"That sounds great! C'mon, race you!" Thoughtful dipped below the cloudline, disappearing below. Whiteout chased after him, the pair laughing and giggling the whole way through.
Hours later, they reach the spot. The mountain is a graceful spire that overlooked the ocean. The sun was just now beginning to set, turning the heavens above a vibrant gradient of oranges and pinks. Just high enough to get a good look without getting a headache from the altitude. Perfect in every regard.
Whiteout landed on a perch, taking in a breath of the salty air. "Moons above..." she whispered.
"It's beautiful," Thoughtful remarked. "I can see why you like coming here. I could stare at that sun all day."
"I mean...that's why we came here, no?" Whiteout beamed. "Exchange small talk and watch the sunset."
"Right! Yes. Nearly forgot." Thoughtful sat on the ground, overlooking it. "You...want to sit beside me?" he asked sheepishly.
Whiteout nodded. Wordlessly, she came right next to him. It was comfortable being right next to him. A feeling bubbled up in her, one that she could only equate to a lovely rich shade of blue. The same colour as a ripe blueberry, no less. It was an entrancing feeling, one that captivated her.
The moment was flawless. She was with Thoughtful, standing out over a cliff, watching the sunset. For the first time in a long while, everything was right. She wasn't bothered by her family issues or the weight of the world on her shoulders. It was as though she had been purified by it all.
But, of course, she had to be bothered by that dumb little thought again. The one she had earlier. The one that scared her ever so much. It was intimidating to even consider the option of saying it, but...maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea. It's Thoughtful after all. He's amazing. He's intelligent, sweet, and especially kind. He's everything that Whiteout could ever dream of.
So...she spoke. "Thoughtful?"
"Is it okay if I say something stupid?"
"Mh? Yes, always. Of course."
"...I think I love you," she said. Instantly, she was hit with two separate emotions. Embarrassment and shock from how she finally confessed, but also relief. That one thought was out into the world at last. Free from the confines of her mind.
"I really do love you, Thoughtful," she continued. "I loved you since the day we first met. Everything about you makes me happy. From how you smile to how you let me talk. You are the first dragon I've ever met who cared about me that wasn't just a family member. You didn't reject me like the rest of them. You saw me, silver and gold and everything inside, and didn't run. You didn't laugh or point. You wanted to help me. You-" She paused for a moment before chuckling- "it's funny, the limitations of language. I try to sum up my thoughts on you, but words fail. It's quite sad."
"No, no, no." Thoughtful looked at her. "I think that was...beautiful, Whiteout."
"...so, how do you feel?"
Thoughtful stared at her, his mouth quivering. "I- you-" he stammered. Suddenly, he rushed in, wrapping his wings around her. "I love you too..." he whispered into her ear. "I'm so happy right now, I can't even-"
"It's okay." Whiteout patted him on the back. "We can stay like this for a while." She returned the hug. The two of them stayed like that for what seemed like ever, neither of them wanting to let go of the other. Everything was just right, and they wanted to keep it like that.
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liliumaa · 3 months
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Happy Whiteout day! Happy 8 years to the character of all time, oh yeah and Darkstalker too Ig.... this is a redraw of a picece from 2018!
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Made a speedpaint/talky video as well! Here me ramble and be perceieved vocally
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Whiteout and Thoughtful honestly gives me the vibes of two neurodivergent teens who were isolated and/or discriminated by their peers-
But when they found each other, they felt like they finally found someone who truly knows and understands them & how their mind works, as well as being interested in their love for their special interests.
Also they give me the vibes that they’ll become a neurodivergent couple that would build a small business and/or a small museum for the artwork that they love to create (with each other).
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littletissueghosts · 1 year
man, I just saw the shittiest, most ableist take suggesting that Whiteout x Thoughtful was weird because Whiteout wasn't "mentally mature" (read: neurotypical) enough for a relationship with someone the same age as her, even though she has a stronger grasp on how to have a healthy relationship than anyone else in her family. She is not "child-like." She is neurodivergent and struggles with some social situations as a result.
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PMV stills from Sharkcatz’s GIRLS/GIRLS/BOYS Shipping MAP. This was generally a very ‘anything goes’ sort of MAP, so I opted to go for a personal favourite rare pair, Thoughtful x Fathom. Not sure why I like this idea so much, I just think they’d vibe.
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Is whiteout and thoughtful's ship name thoughtout? If so that's beautiful
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floralcavern · 1 year
me when I think about how Thoughtful was the first person besides Darkstalker to truly see Whiteout for who she was, and him being the first person EVER to understand Whiteout’s speech and the fact that he was always there for her, supporting her, and how instead of running away after Arctic’s death, he ran to her:
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floralcavern · 1 year
Of my favorite WoF ships, which is YOUR favorite?
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floralcavern · 1 year
Wings of Fire fanfic - Thoughtout
Thoughtful saw Whiteout in the library reading. They had just abandoned to the volcanic island about a year ago. She was always in here now. She's so much quieter. So much sadder. He wished there was more he could do for her.
"Hey," he said, placing a wing over her. She didn't even show any response though. She just stared blankly at her canvas. She no longer used blue paints. She couldn't even bare the sight of it.
"How have you been...?" he tried again.
No response.
"I bought you a new set of paints. But, um, don't worry! I didn't buy any blue!"
This got him a response. A single nod.
"Whatcha painting?" He looked over at her canvas. It was a spiral of purple and red. It made him feel some sort of emotion riling up inside him looking at the spiraling colors together.
"The eye of red combats the blue," she said quietly.
Thoughtful nodded. "I bet."
Whiteout finally looked at him, her black eyes were full of sadness. "Did he have to go such a way?"
Thoughtful didn't know if she was talking about Arctic or Darkstalker. But he just hugged her closer. "I'm so sorry Whiteout."
Whiteout sniffled. "The moons of 2 hang over the blue. But no eggs will hatch of great power any time soon.."
Thoughtful exhaled. "I know.. But you know why. We just.. We don't want to risk it."
"I know.." she responded.
After some silence, he said, "Hey.. how about we go get something to eat? Outside of the volcano? Some real food."
"The stares of those who misjudge will continue to look. I do not like the orange waves they produce."
"I'll shield you from their stares," Thoughtful said reassuringly. "I promise."
"I could eat.." she says. "I have not eaten since the rain fell."
"Whiteout, that was 4 days ago. Come on. Let's go eat."
Whiteout hesitates, but then nods. "Yes.. Your rays of yellow are brighter than the orange ones. We can go. You be my shield."
"Of course I will. Now come on."
Whiteout stands up and trails behind him. Thoughtful slows down so they could walk side by side. He twines his tail with hers.
"Mother would've wanted this. Brother would've tagged along.. Father would've hated this.. And Clearsight.." Tears spring to her eyes as she gets choked up.
Thoughtful wipes her tears away.
"It's OK... It's OK... It's OK..."
Whiteout looks at him. As they walk and dragons stare, she brings herself closer to him. 
"I wish somedays it never could've happened. That the rays of azure lives on with everyone. But, even after everything, the azure remains with you."
Thoughtful wraps a wing around her. "And it's not going anywhere."
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Thoughtful and Whiteout are actually the purest ship in the whole WoF universe
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