#Tigris bracelet
tending-the-hearth · 10 months
a (not entirely) comprehensive list of what i loved about the ballad of songbirds and snakes movie
(spoilers below)
i already gushed about it but the ENTIRE opening scene being shot for shot what happens in the first few pages of the book... like holy shit i was blown away
snow making the remark about the tessarae buttons reminding him of the maid's bathroom???? again directly from the book???
lucy gray's introduction, and her song!!!!
again this movie was... SO ridiculously faithful to the book it almost made me cry
tigris and snow's relationship was so beautifully portrayed, and knowing how they each end up makes it even more heartbreaking
sejanus always and forever my favorite character <3
the fact that they included arachne's death and kept it almost entirely identical to her book death?? and i'd argue that her death in the movie is more gruesome
the entire scene with reaper gathering up the bodies. it was my favorite scene in the book, and it's one of my favorite scenes in the movie. it's such a heartbreaking but powerful moment, like when peeta paints rue or when katniss gave rue a burial
the snake scene holy SHIT all the deaths destroyed me
but lucy gray singing??? and the snakes gathering around her like a dress??? and her voice just getting stronger and more steady as she realizes she won't die???
i might be wrong but i'm PRETTY sure that the first time we see lucy gray after the hunger games when she's singing in district 12 she's wearing mockingbird and jabberjay feathers in her hair!!!
and her snake bracelet that she wears!!
her smile when she saw snow in the crowd... if i didn't read the book i'd 100% be rooting for them
hearing lucy gray singing "hanging tree" was so haunting. i've seen people point out the difference in meaning in lucy vs. katniss' versions, and i'm definitely going to make a whole post abt lucy gray singing the song
omg the way people in my theater gasped SO loudly when lucy called the root "katniss"
while obviously not a good thing in context of the story, the way we could see snow slowly devolving and becoming more and more manipulative towards sejanus and lucy gray... absolutely terrifying storytelling
lucy's realization of what snow's done, and the way she holds herself together JUST enough to run away from him
the mockingjays and jabberjays coming together to sing "hanging tree"
tigris saying "you look just like your father" to snow at the end of the movie and us knowing that she also means the look of hatred in his eyes that she told snow she hoped she'd never see
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targaryenluvs · 10 months
hiiii okay so I had an idea for like Coryo x little sister where she’s about 12 years old and she looks just like her mom and Coryo, Tigris, and Grandma’am just love her so much BUT she somehow ends up in the hunger games s a tribute and she becomes like besties with Wovey, Reaper, and Lucy- plus she’s giving Coryo a heart attack every five minutes especially during the bombing- finally during his peacekeeper era when he finds out they were evicted she was taken from their custody and so when he comes back with the plinth fortune and all that she just runs up and is all cuddly with him and he’s like “u know what fuck custody paperwork” and just snatches her back home- thank u sooo much💗
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pairings: coriolanus snow x younger!sister!reader, lucy gray x younger!sister!reader
summary: somehow you’d ended up in the games, snow and lucy would do anything to keep you safe.
warnings: murderrr, possessive/selfish thoughts, child endangerment, cheating, rude ass corio, fluff in the end nd a little happy fam, deter from og storyline, protective lucy and snow, family dynamics, theyd do anything to make sure you’re okay
a/n: i did change the story line a little!!
the drones were whirring about you.
people were being knocked down as lucy grabbed you and ran to safety. “keep with me baby girl!” she shouted as you ran, your legs ached but you knew what would happen if you stopped.
coriolanus couldn’t breathe until you were safe. which is why he exhaled a long and heavy breath when you and lucy settled into the vent again. everyone around him was quiet for once, they laughed at all the tributes except you. they all loved you, every time coriolanus brought you around their horrible personalities and stuck up selves melted away with your adoring smile and sweet voice.
reprieve, or so you thought, came in the form of the large tube in front of you. but based off of lucy’s face you knew something was up, and as wovey walked towards it you couldn’t help but shout and cry for her.
“down goes wovey!” thank god. coriolanus thought. that idiotic girl was impulsive and silly, she shouldn’t have lasted as long as she did. she almost killed you with her stupidity, brung you along to her execution as you cried for her to stop.
you’d survived. somehow.
in the history of the games there had only been two victors. so far.
but at what cost? your brother had been sentenced away to district 12 and the only other person who shared any understanding for what you went through was no where to be found. in the wind, gone.
so you did what you thought best.
you ran.
all the way to twelve and the comfort of your dear older brother.
he was going insane. he’d lost you and lucy. sejanus was god knows where and probably planning something illegal. he was stressed the fuck out and all he wanted was a hug from you. for you to put secret braids in his hair when you thought he was sleeping, for you to kiss his cheek every morning before rambling on about school.
the place was alive as she sang. everyone danced but coriolanus stared. he’d found one half of the puzzle. lucy looked amazing and he found himself relaxing at the sound of her voice.
you’d peeked through the window. the noise had drawn you to it. it was your first day alone, ever, and in the worst district. you were scared beyond measure but soon to be saved as you caught a glimpse of lucy twirling on stage, her eye-line drawing you to corio.
the hug from behind caught him off guard but had his mind spinning as he recognised the small hands gripping oh so tightly at his waist. the bracelet he’d made so long ago and the smell of roses, which for once wasn’t himself, and hadn’t been for a while.
“y/n.” he breathed out as you laced your arms around his neck, “i came from the capitol. i hate it corio. they took me away from our family and put me with some random family. i don’t like it, i miss you. please, don’t take me back.” you cried as he lifted you up, resting on his hip as he made his way outside, lucy following in tow as she wiped away tears after seeing your sweet face.
the lake was quiet and tame, slow waves lapping at the jetty and land as you lay curled up in corio’s lap, lulled to sleep by lucy’s melodies. and whilst the trio of you all had no idea what the future held it all didn’t matter in this moment. you felt happy, and you hadn’t felt it in so long. corio and lucy were your family, and you loved them.
corio had done horrible things in his life, the second you were drawn into the games nothing else mattered besides keeping you safe. those horrible things were known to few, one of them being the songbird to your left.
and no would ever tell you these things.
all that mattered?
you were safe and sound with them, they’d made sure of it.
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tonixe · 9 months
headcannons spending christmas with coriolanus
A/N: I did both, lmao. Merry Christmas pookies. &lt;3
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A/N: I did both, lmao. Merry Christmas pookies. &lt;3
WARNING: None, just pure fluff, wait...some nsfw???
PAIRING: Coriolanus x reader
✧ Imagine spending Christmas with Coriolanus snow. The tree would of course be all his, he would always pick out all the decorations, the star, ornaments, and no light because it gives the tree a tacky appeal.
✧ The color would be of course red, white, and gold. You tried to add some colors for the holiday appeal but it was always struck down, even if you begged him to. The enormous tree, with a red and gold lining of the tree skirt underneath it, and ornaments hanging on the tree, coordinately arranging it in order and a sparkling golden star on top, perfectly bringing in the elements of the evergreen tree.
✧ Though you didn't get to touch the tree, you didn't mind, you knew he knew what was doing, and the tree looked great. "It's perfect," you said, smiling at him. Looking up at the beautiful tree.
✧ You loved Christmas, saving recipes for Christmas for special desserts you wanted to surprise Coriolanus with. You were busy in the kitchen, making some gingerbread walls, putting the dough onto the baking tray, and loading it into the oven. Arranging the edible decoration of candy to decorate, you made sure to attentively make sure the small candies matched the ones of the tree. Red, gold and already made white. You hoped Coriolanus would like it, and you baked some cookies on the side for him.
✧ Christmas was something that shouldn't disappoint, it did come only once a year, and the biggest holiday of the season for most, setting the timer, as you took off the apron around your waist, being surprised by Coriolanus with his hands around your waist, his lips connecting with yours, bending yourself towards his kiss.
✧ Spending Christmas with Coriolanus, he would always surprise you with a mistletoe with a steamy kiss, his hands around your waist.
✧ Coriolanus would love to surprise you with big gifts, like diamond bracelets, necklaces, shoes, or expensive fabrics. Christmas day, he would just shower you with gifts, the maids and Butlers lining up to show you the special gifts he purchased. Your eyes glowing with delight, crossing your legs at looking the perfectly wrapped and ribbon tied gifts.
✧ It wouldn't be Christmas without a Christmas dinner, all kinds of food, luxurious and delicious on the grand table, sitting horizontally away from Coriolanus, your eyes sparkling with awe, with the surprise he had given you. "Corio, is this all for me?" you questioned, as he nodded. Well, he had to treat the prize jewel of Panem to glorious things, and second to that the mother of offsprings.
✧ You would of course have a gift for Coriolanus, a special one. One that you thought of with time and even asked his cousin, Tigris. Holding a special box hidden within a gift you wanted to surprise him like he did with you.
✧ Soon giving the special gift to him, butterflies fluttering into your stomach, feeling your palms sweat, and an anxious feeling circling you. His slender finger opened up the red satin box, and his eyes widened at what was inside a bejeweled snow charm bracelet. "Do you like it...Corio" you asked hesitantly, "It's perfect," he said, taking out the jewelry, "You sure?" you questioned.
"Yes, it's wonderful" He smiled his eyes flickering at you, "I'll wear it, every single day" He looked at the sparkling jewelry on his wrist, "I'm glad..let me put it on for you" You smiled, getting up, inching towards him. Placing yourself on his lap, and delicately putting the piece of jewelry around his wrist, "Thank you darling" you place your hands on the side of your face, kissing him... his hands on your waist.
Before you withdrew, "Merry Christmas, Corio" you whispered..."Merry Christmas, my dove" he pushed the strands of your hair over your ear, his eyes staring at yours, as the crackling fire rang out.
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allisluv · 8 months
which thg characters do you think would be swifties?
anon i love this question so much !!
• i honestly don’t think katniss would like taylor swift at the start. like, she’d hear her music and it wouldn’t be for her, but then peeta forces her to listen to taylor and shes slowly converted 😭 i think she’d be an evermore girlie.
• peeta would eat sleep and breathe taylor swift and i will not be taking criticism on this. if we’re talking abt a modern!au, he would beg katniss to get him tickets for the eras tour. i think his favourite album is lover or 1989.
•finnick and annie are one thousand percent swifties. annie would be the best person to go to the eras tour with. she’d spend weeks hand-crafting bracelets and they would definitely dress up as miss americana and the heartbreak prince. i think they both adore folklore
• johanna’s a rep girlie but she’s not a swiftie per say if you know what i mean. like she’ll listen casually but i don’t think she’d go out of her way to listen.
• cinna. no i will not elaborate. he probably listens to vigilante shit as he sketches katniss’ outfits 😭 he’s a midnight man for sure.
• do i even need to mention lucy gray? she’s a song writer and she would analyse every word of taylor’s songs. her favourite album is debut and she would so do a cover of picture to burn about billy taupe (and we love her for that!)
some honorable mentions would be tigris, effie and prim!
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mostremote · 3 months
From Mockingjay:
Wandering unauthorized through the mansion. Into bedrooms and offices, ballrooms and baths. Seeking strange little hiding spaces. A closet of furs. A cabinet in the library. A long-forgotten bathtub in a room of discarded furniture. My places are dim and quiet and impossible to find. I curl up, make myself smaller, try to disappear entirely. Wrapped in silence, I slide my bracelet that reads MENTALLY DISORIENTED around and around my wrist. (411)
Late one afternoon, after a long period in a cushioned window seat behind a painted screen, I emerge and turn left instead of right. I find myself in a strange part of the mansion, and immediately lose my bearings. Unlike the area where I’m quartered, there seems to be no one around to ask. I like it, though. Wish I’d found it sooner. It’s so quiet, with the thick carpets and heavy tapestries soaking up the sound. Softly lit. Muted colors. Peaceful. Until I smell the roses. (413)
We don't talk enough about how Katniss, wandering the presidential mansion in her most unstable state, finds the greatest comfort in the places associated most with Snow. Hiding in his library? Finding the part of the mansion where he's held the most peaceful? Curling up in a closet of his clothing? (Technically this could be his wife's but she's not even mentioned in the books, and they can't be Tigris' since she never lived here.)
Weird! Really weird, Katniss!!
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snowjanuses · 8 months
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snow lands on top
i just know Tigris would go wild with friendship bracelets
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the gang's all done
original versions:
You know what time it is? Extra Headcanons:
He is the 2nd tallest member of the team. (5'11")
Homeschooled since he was a child, attended private school in adolescence.
During high school, they've gotten quite tall since they started. (5'0" in freshmen year, 5'10" in junior year)
One of the main reasons he taught himself how to cook is for his mom, who'd prioritize him over her, as a way to give back.
Their mom never had a problem with their feminine interests, so she pretty much lets it slide.
(TW for bullying) Has always struggled to fit in with others, even getting picked on all throughout high school for his looks and interests. He didn't let his mom know because he didn't want to stress her out more.
Can create different kinds of crystals, but require a lot of time to form. His plasma manipulation can also change into different colors, however the plasma is dependent on his bracelets.
After the events of mission 4, Amethysto was imprisoned for 8 months for his involvement with Darkmatter and Robloxia's destruction.
3rd tallest member of the team. (5'10")
Had history with Midnight Shogun, though she prefers not to talk about it.
Despite having a soft spot for them, Tigris is not so great with kids.
Took on wrestling at some point of her adolescence, but her mom immediately found out and forced her to drop it.
Acknowledges Cap's complicated relationship with his dad, and found it easy to relate with the complicated relationship she has with her mom.
His mom is well-aware about Tigris' involvement in being a hero, which further lead to the two of them fighting more frequently.
Tigris' fangs and feline eyes are results of her powers, and could easily switch them on and off at will.
The scars were all resulted from missions in Rokyo, but doesn't really mind them.
Shortest member of the team. (5'4")
Is the only left handed member of the heroes.
Had no experience with physical fights, and tends to lean more as a pacifist.
Lost her leg in a car accident at the age of 9. She didn't get her prosthetic leg immediately until she was in middle school.
(since Glimmer's powers aren't confirmed yet, I'm taking creative liberty) Aside from flight, Glimmer also has empathy and energy based powers, though she does require more training with combat.
Thinks of faerself as an optimistic realist, but isn't too sure if it's a real thing.
Raised by a single dad, and still has a close relationship with him.
Since Glimmer was raised by their dad alone, they didn't really know what having a mother or mother figure was like. (Until Ame came along-)
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queenpiranhadon · 10 months
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A/N: Enjoy Day 2 of the Twelve Days of Christmas Oneshots! You can find the master list for all the one shots here
Warning(s): This is a modern AU, Coriolanus and Lucy Gray are dating, the Covey is referred to as a legitimate family, before any of you start complaining, note that Barb Azure is canonically apart of the LGBTQ+ community. I'm sorry - the Covey are hard to personify other than Lucy Gray and Maude Ivory :'). I tried my best with the other three.
Pairing(s): Coriolanus Snow x Lucy Gray Baird
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Coriolanus fidgets nervously as he enters the daunting and spacious shopping mall he entered. Today he was going to be spending Christmas Eve with his girlfriend and her family for the first time, and Tigris said it would be a good idea to get them all gifts. Obviously he met the rest of the Covey household, but something as serious as Christmas Eve required certain preparations.  
He looked at his list scanning his eyes over the list of people he needed to get gifts for.  
Gift List:  - Lucy Gray  - Maude Ivory  - Barb Azure  - Tam Amber  - Clerk Carmine 
Coriolanus deadpans. He had a long way to go. 
Walking from store to store, he finally finds a store that he thinks Lucy Gray will like something from – deciding to start from the top of the list. Alas, nothing was in the store, none of the bright ornaments and baubles seemed to be of anything the colorful girl would like.  
Sighing, he moves on, before a paperweight glass piano studded with sparkling pearls catches his eye. The blond man smiles, knowing the charismatic ivory loving girl would be ecstatic over the small thing.  
Eyes trailing back to Lucy Gray’s name, he sees a guitar store across the mall, just on the other side of the hallway, making his way inside. 
But again, there was nothing that seemed to be worthy of Lucy Gray’s attention. But, on the rack, Coriolanus saw a bass pick with the pride flag on it, picking it up, knowing Barb Azure would accept it happily. As shy as the woman seemed, Coriolanus knew she was coming out of her shell more often, talking about the girl she was seeing with a small grin on her face. 
As one can expect, he didn’t have much luck in the other stores, in pursuit of a gift for his lover. In a hat store, he found a feathered and classy hat for Tam Amber, as well as a quality (but expensive) pack of rosin and a tuner for Clerk Carmine’s fiddle, but to no avail did he find anything for the woman that stole his heart. 
Heart sinking, anxiety squeezed his heart, what Snow, no- what boyfriend couldn’t find a gift for his own girlfriend?!  
Seeing a jewelry shop just around the corner, he entered, deciding that if he couldn’t find anything in here, he’d just give up.  
The door opened with a jingle, a woman looking up from behind the counter and smiling warmly before noticing the bags in his hands.  
“Christmas present shopping?” she asks, tilting her head slowly. 
Coriolanus scratches the back of his neck sheepishly before agreeing with the statement. “Yeah...” 
“Cutting it a little close, are we?” she chuckled, before motioning him closer. “I have a few that I’ve been keeping off display for customers like you.” 
She shows him a selection of necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, and even a few watches, but his eyes settle on a pair of earrings with bejeweled doves dangling from each of them, the cool white light of the store reflecting off of them, making the gems reflect all sorts of colors. 
It was poetic in a way, it reminded him of something Lucy Gray had said to him. 
“You're mine and I'm yours. It's written in the stars.” 
The stars, shining brightly in the sky, reminded him so much of her, just as the gorgeous pair of earrings did.  
“I’ll take these.” he said, pointing to the dove earrings.  
Two doves for his Covey love.
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meekmedea · 5 months
conversations over tea (VII)
previous part
Unless Clemensia asks after Invidia, Coriolanus rarely brings up the topic of his girlfriend. And considering his usual dry, curt answers regarding his girlfriend, Clemensia doesn’t quite have a reason to bring her up. So today’s a far cry from normalcy when he asks after her opinion on jewelry trends as he’s looking to gift Invidia something. 
As she mentions a few off the top of her head, he listens, and a maid brings in a tray of fine jewelry.  
Clemensia tries her best to be polite, but internally, she bemoans the horrific styles that have been set out for their viewing. Who designed these? Every piece was overly ostentatious. She’d seen cheap costume jewelry that was designed far better than this. 
“You hate them,” he remarks after she designated the third bracelet he’s picked up to show her as ‘nice’. 
“Hate is a strong word to use,” she says, sipping at her tea so she wouldn’t be forced to elaborate on her true feelings. 
“And I have a good feeling that’s what you would use.”
She flashed a small grin at him. “Your words, not mine.”
Rolling his eyes, he says, “Alright, if it puts you at ease, then I’ll say it first. They’re terrible. Believe it or not, this is the third time I’ve had them resend me their finest selection.”
The third? Oh dear… It feels like a crime to not speak up now, and she’d be a terrible friend if she didn’t. “Perhaps you might consider another jeweller?”
“Perhaps.” A wave of his hand was all it took for the maid who was still in the room to take the tray and leave. “On second thought, why don’t you help me with this? You probably have a better eye for this stuff than I do.”
Thinking it was a jest, she says, “Only if you promise that they won’t be from the same jeweller as today’s.”
“That can be easily arranged. What of Lavinium?”
Lavinium? Clemensia coughed in surprise before quickly recomposing herself. “Alright.” Of all the places he’d suggest, she didn’t think he’d think of them first. 
This is how their next Saturday goes. Around their usual tea time, instead of meeting at the presidential mansion, they meet inside Lavinium where Coriolanus had arranged in advance for the store to be just the staff and them as he didn’t want to deal with more people than he had to. 
Now if only her boorish cousin, Pentheus, would kindly leave them alone. He never ever shows up around the boutique – but coincidentally, he decided to make his appearance today? Yeah, Clemensia didn’t believe it was a coincidence.
Pentheus was getting on her last nerve with the amount of incessant flattery he was lavishing on the President, and by the looks of it, he was getting on the last of Coriolanus’ nerves too. 
“Clemmie–” says Coriolanus, cutting off her cousin mid-flattery, “Are there private showing rooms we could peruse?”
She dipped her head ever so slightly, gesturing for him to follow. She takes a malicious sort of pleasure in closing the door to the private showing room in Pentheus’ face, preventing him from entering as well. 
“So did you have a particular style in mind? Colour or stone?” she asks conversationally, as if she hadn’t scoured the social columns over the past week trying to get a feel for what Invidia’s style was. 
He stared at her like she’d grown a second head and was speaking in tongues. “Red?”
Alright then. 
As they sat down, one of the staff moved to pour tea into already set out cups. 
“Thank you,” Clemensia says, as the man finishes pouring out her cup. “Would you also fetch the tray I set up earlier? The one with the ruby bracelet, and maybe add the pearl earrings from the other tray?”  
“Of course.”
“I see you did your research,” says Coriolanus as he stirred the sugar in his tea. 
“Just a little.” 
He shakes his head in amusement. “As you say.”
As fabrics are a familiar territory to Tigris, jewels were the same to Clemensia. Her mother’s family name was firmly established in gemstones and precious metals.
Established by her great grandfather, the luxury jewelry boutique, Lavinium, was named for his wife, Lavinia. The boutique had slowly built up their prestige in the Capitol and by the time Clemensia’s mother, Aelia, was born, the Beauchamp name and Lavinium was a familiar one to the upper class. 
Red is a colour well associated with Coriolanus over these years. It matched Invidia well too. And once he gives her a bit more information on what exactly he’s looking for, it becomes easier to offer up suggestions. 
Before the rebellion, Clemensia used to watch her mother and grandparents run the business. And in the years since entering University, she’d helped her uncle who’d since then taken over running Lavinium. 
Coriolanus picks out a bracelet crafted from rubies and diamonds, and soon decides he wants matching earrings and a necklace. The bracelet wasn’t part of a set – but it’s not an impossible request to fulfill. A designer was on hand today, and Clemensia had the woman invited into the room to help draw a mockup of the potential design. 
“But the necklace won’t be the exact same design?” questions Coriolanus. 
“No, no, no – you see if we made it the exact same as the bracelet, it would sit rather awkwardly on her neck and look bulky,” explains Beryl. 
The look on his face told Clemensia that he didn’t quite understand. 
Beryl must have thought so too as she gestured to the bracelet on the tray. “May I?” At Coriolanus’ nod, the designer picked up the bracelet. “Miss Clemensia?”
“Yes?” She put her tea cup down on the saucer. 
“Might I use you as an example?”
A glance to Coriolanus who seemed to not mind, Clemensia nodded. With a ribbon that was lying about and threaded through the clasps of the bracelet, she let Beryl drape it against her collarbone. 
“You see how it bunches up here? And if she were to move around, her hair would easily get caught,” explains Beryl.
It was a little unnerving to have Coriolanus stare at her so intently. “I see,” he says slowly. “Then I’ll go with your design then.”
The makeshift necklace is removed. 
“I never realized how knowledgeable you are with all this,” he notes after he finalizes the last of his decisions with Beryl and they are alone in the showroom once more. 
“I guess it never came up in conversation.”
Nervousness doesn’t begin to describe how she feels about his order placed at Lavinium. A few weeks pass, and Clemensia double – no, triple checks to make sure nothing there are no imperfections before she lets the store contact Coriolanus that his order is ready. 
On one hand, she wants to ask if Invidia had liked them, but she wasn’t close with the socialite and knowing Coriolanus, he’d probably just offer up a one word answer. 
Thankfully, the tabloids do the work for her. Photographs of Invidia wearing the jewelry set appear on the papers, and considering how the gossip mill has nothing but praise for the pieces, Clemensia likes to think that Invidia liked them too. Particularly when she hears from one of the employees that Invidia has recently bought a pair of earrings from Lavinium.  
Her delight spills over to her next call to Pup, and he lets her ramble on about her triumph. In turn, she listens to what Pup has been up to since their last call. During his time on the sea, his ship had come across fishy business – in the literal sense. A group of smugglers had been caught trying to evade taxation by hiding their cargo of pearls amongst beds of seaweed and fish. 
There’s talks that he may or may not be fast tracked for promotion, especially since the captain of his ship is set to retire soon. 
As they near the end of their call, he sounds strangely nervous. “I know we never discussed this when we talked about our arrangement. And I’m aware that it might be a big change, but like…”
There’s a faint bark from his end of the call. “Err…I recently acquired a dog?”
“You’re allowed pets on the ship?”
“More like nobody has told me no just yet.” 
Pup is quick to describe the situation – the dog is one of the many spoils they found on the smuggler’s ship. Maltreated and starved, and he’d taken the dog as his own upon discovering the animal. 
Here therein lies his next problem. He’s become attached to the dog during the short period he’s had him. And as much as Pup would like to keep him on the ship indefinitely, they aren’t exactly allowed any pets. A temporary exception had been made, but it was expected that the dog would have to leave the ship eventually. 
And leaving the dog with his family isn’t an option as his mother is allergic. Which left Clemensia. So sheepishly, he asks if she’s willing to take the dog in. Or at least give the dog a chance. 
“I like dogs,” Clemensia reassures, “What kind is he?” She’d always wanted one as a kid.  
The men in her life are truly something else when it comes to descriptions.
first part
next part
giving lore to characters that we know next to nothing about? It's more likely than you think 😂 listen - maybe there's a reason they got Clemmie to introduce District 1 and 5 for those promo videos for tbosas movie
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enraged-chihuahua · 5 years
Reality Rift Book 3: Shifting Beyond Chapter 2: Dragon Kid (Criminal) (Part 2)
Aryum paused for a moment.
“So this was your fault!”
“He never even got to megashift in the first place, I thought it was a good idea to experiment and I didn’t know he was gonna turn into a giant dragon!”
“Will. You. Guys. Shut. Up?!” Socialkitty interrupted. “What matters is that giant dragon you guys are talking about is gonna kill us all if we don’t do something so will you please stop arguing?! It doesn’t matter who started it, it matters who ends it.” She said, a bit angry. “Oh, and Aryum, do you plan on staying in human form for the whole day?” She then said, a bit calmer.
Aryum quickly transformed into his normal form.
Everyone quickly headed inside and geared up for battle. As Aryum grabbed one of the megashifting bracelets, he swore he saw something white...And tall. But it was gone within a half-second, before Aryum could even process it. He thought nothing of it and just believed he was seeing things. Everyone headed out as fast as possible, ready to megashift and fight the beast. First to megashift was Socialkitty, whose megashifting form was her in ancient Cubecat apparel—a headband made with large leaves with large, pink, decorative beads and a dry grass skirt. A ginormous, transparent, bipedal white tiger wearing a skirt made of leaves similar to Socialkitty’s headband and yellowish linen wrapped around its stomach stood behind her. The tiger’s name was Tigri-Chor, named after the latin words for ‘tiger dance.’ With every movement Socialkitty made, Tigri-Chor followed.
Snakey then megashifted, turning him into an intricate android that was as large as Tigri-Chor, and had the side flaps of a cobra, and the same colors as his original form, along with more snake-like curvature while still maintaining arms and legs. In this form he was called AnguiS-1.
Uni megasifted into a giant, more realistic, pink unicorn with robotic features, named CornisU-3. Most of the megashifts were larger forms that were more powerful with somewhat altered appearances. Once everyone megashifted, They headed forth towards the nearest leg of the dragon. They struck thousands of times, but to no avail. It was like the dragon was numb to each attack. Or perhaps it was because they were just very tiny compared to the World-Breaker.
“Well, this is just a thought, but I don't think a dragon’s weak spot is on its leg.” Aryum said.
Everyone agreed.
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whoworewhatjewels · 5 years
Jewelry from the 2019 MTV Movie & TV Awards & 2019 ARDYS -Radio Disney Awards
After several years as the Radio Disney Music Awards, the annual family-themed music celebration transformed into the ARDYs this year and celebrated the best of Disney radio.
MEG DONNELLY: Meg hit the red carpet before her performance with Fetty Wap in a striking vibrant blue set of Tigris Drop earrings and bracelet from Atelier Swarovski.
SOFIA CARSON: As host of the event the PPL The…
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spiritista · 5 years
Náramok Shape Shifter
Vyrobený z minerálneho kameňa Tigrie oko a santalového dreva.
Nosenie náramku s tigrím okom napomáha k riešeniu situácie vyžadujúce kotrolu, koncentráciu, silu a pevnú vôlu. Poskytuje ochranu na cestách a posilňovať vnutornú silu.
Tigrie oko: 
Kameň so silným vyžarovaním ochrany, odvahy, hojnosti a sily.
Santalové drevo:
Posvätný strom, prinášajúci jasnosť a pokoj. Má prirodzenou jemnou vôňou.
Priťahuje pozitívne vibrácie a myšlienky, pohodu a rozjasňuje vnímanie.
 Popis náramku:
Kvalitné minerály a drev
4 rôzne veľkosti
Ručne vyrábaný
Bez použitia živočíšných materiálov
Objímam svoju osobnú silu a používam ju s rozvahou.
Konám s súlade so svojim presvedčením v zmysle vyššieho dobra, bez ohľadu na okolnosti.
vzhľadom na použitie čisto prírodných kameňov a kryštálov sa kamienky náramkov môžu líšiť tvarom a odtieňom. Kaźdý náramok je unikát.
Viac o vlastnostiach:
Odvaha | Sila | Inšpirácia | Štastie | Perspektíva | Rovnováha | Uzemnenie |Hojnosť
 Čakra: Sakrálna, Solar plexus
Element: OHEŇ
Znamenie: vodnár | lev | kozorožec |
Tigrie oko v sebe kombinuje energiu Zeme a Slnka a prináša zvýšené vibrácie na Zem a vrámci tela do spodných čakier. Na človeka táto energia pôsobí uzemňujúco, motivujúco. Vynáša na povrch praktickú stránku vecí. Ukazuje rozdiel medzi tým čo naozaj chceme a tým čo si myslíme, že chceme. Pomáha človeku sústrediť sa a získať jasný a triezvy úsudok, konať  objaktívne a vyvarovať sa emočným výbuchom.  Chráni pred zlom a negatívnou energiou, ktorú odráža späť k jej zdroju. Patrí medzi ochranné kamene a je vhodný najmä pre cestovateľov. Vyrovnáva energie yin a yang. Priťahuje do života šťastie a prosperitu. Stimuluje energiu Kundalíny. Tigrie oko pomáha ľuďom, ktorí trpia kolísavými náladami. Je vhodný pri poruchách osobnosti, nízkom sebavedomie, depresií a prílišnej sebakritike.
 Zdravonté účinky:
Tigrie oko je nápocné pri liečbe poruchy zraku a očí. Poporuje metabolizmus a regenráciu buniek. Pozitívne pôsobí aj na poranené kosti, krčné problémy. Udržuje v zdravom chode endokrinny a hormonálny system ako aj krvný obeh, žlčník, reporodukčné orgány. Má povzdbudzujúce účinky na liečbu mononukleózu, chudokrvnosť, žltačku a závrate.
Čistíme v miske s vodou, kde ho necháme postáť cez noc. Nabíjame na priamom slnku alebo druze krištálu.
 Energetické liečenie:
Držte kameň v ruke počas meditácie, prípadne umiestnite do južného rohu miestnosti na podporu aktívneho života, lásky, entuziazmu a osvietenia.
 Nosenie šperkov z tigrieho oka napomáha:
k riešeniu náročných situácií
koncentráciu, silu a pevnú vôlu.
posilneniť čakry
Serpentín - uvoľnenie fyzickej nepohodlnosti, stresu a negatívnych pocitov z iných ľudí.
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dickgreyson · 5 years
agave, wooly rose, california sunset?
agave: what’s your favorite time of the day? Sunset!! I love all the colours in the sky and the cool breeze
wooly rose: what are some names that you like? Asherah, lochinvar, Tigris, Archie, Peggy
california sunset: what accessory do you always have on you, no matter what? my glasses and a gold bracelet
Succulent asks!
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rmekszer · 7 years
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Nézz a fenséges tigris szemébe! 🐅😎 Ezt a karkötőt itt találod 👉 https://goo.gl/KubFfm #jewelry #instagood #love #rmekszer #style #tigereye #tigrisszem #bracelet #gemstone #fashion #ásvány #ásványékszer #karkötő #ékszer #instahun #iközösség #mik #magyarinstaközösség #peaceful #braceletshop #braceletoftheday #bracelets #brave #gold
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