It’s Just A Spark Ch. 19 - Hundred Per Cent
Story: It’s Just A Spark
Author: TiliaofAnkh (me)
Read it on ao3 here and on ff.net here
"Hello? Hiccup?"
Hiccup felt his heart unclench at the sound of her voice on the other end of the line and exhaled, leaning against his locker.
"Hey," he mumbled, closing his eyes.
"Everything okay?"
He smirked, his other hand coming up to rub his face. "Yeah, everything's - depends on how you look at it. I'm okay. It's, uh, it's about my cousin, Scott. He … his Dad found out he's bi and kicked him out - after beating him up."
He heard her gasp. "Oh, my God. That's horrible, I'm so sorry."
He sighed. "It's alright, he's been meaning to get out of there anyways. He's gonna stay with Gobber and my Dad for a few weeks until he's found something. But anyway, I was really just calling to tell you I won't be able to make it to come round, I'm really sorry. I've got to be here, for support. Also, he's technically on duty right now so I'm pulling a double shift to cover him."
There were a few moments of silence on the other side, but then Astrid asked, "Does he like tea?"
Hiccup stopped, taken aback. "What?"
He imagined her shrug. "Well, I mean - listen, I don't want to intrude. But if he likes tea, I've got this really nice loose leaf tea blend at home, and I could bring some over. If you'd like," she added and Hiccup's heart did a little jump, chasing a smile onto his face.
"He's more of a coffee guy," he said then, still grinning. "But I'd love a bit of some really nice loose leaf tea blend."
Astrid snorted lightly and replied, "Alright, so one coffee and three teas, yeah?"
"I'll see you in ten, then."
"Yeah," Hiccup repeated, feeling completely at peace for the first time since he'd set foot into the department today. "Sounds perfect."
Memories of exchanged keys and a way too long work break flooded her mind as she spotted him, standing in the door.
Last time he'd been leaning against it, grinning at her with crossed arms.
Tonight, he was simply stood there. Upon stepping closer to the light, Astrid saw the expression on his face, her heart softening at the sight of him.
"Hey," she whispered into the darkness and gently laid her hands on his shoulders, pressing a light kiss onto his lips.
"Hey," he echoed, wrapping his arms around her just before she could pull away and hid his face in the crook of her neck. "Thanks for coming."
"Of course," She in turn hugged his middle, gently running her hand across his back. "You okay?"
"Yeah," he sighed out, hugging her tighter. "Now I am."
She smiled at that, hugging him a bit tighter as well.
"You wanna go in?" Her voice was quiet in the darkness, and yet echoed through the hallway. He nodded against her and slowly - reluctantly - let go of her. And so she half-led, half-followed him into the command room, blinking as her eyes accustomed themselves to the light flooding the room. Hiccup led her through a door on the left-hand side of it and Astrid couldn't help but get lost in the way he was running his thumb across the back of her hand as he did so, warmth blooming in her chest.
They ended up in a rather small room with a sofa, a table and a kitchen area at the opposite end of the sofa.
"I'll put the kettle on," Hiccup mumbled and strode over to the hob. Astrid watched him carefully as he filled the kettle with water and took four mugs out of the cabinet above him.
He was stood hunched over, hands clenching around the handle of one of the mugs as he filled it with water and spoke, "It's weird, you know – growing up, I knew they had problems at home. But I really thought it was getting better for him."
"When did he know? That he was bi, I mean?"
Hiccup shrugged. "I think he just kind of always knew. But I don't think he always wanted to let it on; not only to others but also to himself. A big portion was just being in denial, I guess. He used to be a bit … difficult. We had some rough patches. Lots of shoving around and stupid nicknames." He smirked. "More stupid than now."
Astrid smiled at that. "I like your nickname. It's cute."
He chuckled and handed her the mug. "Thanks."
His hand laid down on the back of her shoulders as he gently motioned her towards the sofa, Astrid's heart fluttering as they sat down, his arm coming up around her, one of her legs draped between his.
He was staring into his mug for a while, shadows dancing on his skin, almost mocking it. A light stubble grazed his jawline, she realised as she took a closer look in the dim light. He looked tired, distracted.
Finally, he spoke, his voice soft. "Sorry I'm bombarding you with this. It's just … strange, you know? I mean, on one hand I feel really sorry for him because I know how important his relationship with his Dad is to him, I mean … he's always wanted to make him proud and do right by him. And I know," he quickly added as he saw the look on her face. "He hasn't done anything wrong. But in his father's eyes he has. And that's the problem. But you know, on the other hand, I also have the feeling this is gonna be good for him. He's been wanting to move out for a long time, and I think being away from all the judgement is going to do him some good. Having his own space in a couple of months."
"You said he's living with your Dad and Uncle for a while?"
"Yeah – but I mean, it's my Dad and Uncle," Hiccup smirked. Astrid frowned.
"How do you mean?"
He shrugged. "Well, my Dad's pretty chill about most things and Gobber gay. So this is kind of the best environment for Scott to be in right now. Having someone around who celebrates him for who he is."
Astrid hummed. "Alright. Well, to be honest, all of this doesn't really sound that bad – I mean, don't get me wrong, being kicked out is fucking horrible," she added with a slight sarcastic smile on her face. "But you get used to it. And you then have the freedom of being yourself. You can create yourself new, become who you've always wanted to become and stay true to yourself above anyone else."
The look on Hiccup's face was taking her by surprise. She'd expected anything from confusion to pity, but instead, she was met by pure tenderness.
The mug was set down onto the table. He reached out and gently took her hand.
"You've never told me that," he said, softly, his eyes dancing over her face, settling on her own. "Thank you."
Astrid could only stare back at him, completely flabbergasted. She couldn't get the 'You're welcome' over her lips. Instead, she mumbled, "I don't think I've ever said that to anyone. I don't usually speak about this. But I – with you it's okay. Ish. I guess."
He cracked a small grin at her. "Okay-ish? Good enough for me."
She laughed at that, realising how stupid she must have sounded. "Sorry, I didn't mean – you're great. And I like telling you things."
Hiccup hummed, gently resting his hand on her thigh, his face inching closer to hers. "I like telling you things, too."
And with that, he closed the distance between them, their lips meeting in a soft collision, and Astrid closed her eyes, the sound of his heartbeat in her ears.
Hiccup suddenly pulled back, his hand still on her thigh, and Astrid frowned, looking at him with a searching expression. He was looking almost sheepish.
"Speaking of telling you things," he started, quickly reaching out to take a sip of his tea. "I realised something."
"Oh, God," she dead-panned. "Is this the part where you tell me that you don't actually like tea? I don't think our relationship would survive that," she quipped, nudging him lightly. She could see the nervousness written blankly on his face. It seemed more than that – Hiccup looked absolutely terrified. "Should I be worried?" she asked softly then, reaching for his hand. He shot her a small smile.
"I … don't know," he admitted then and ran the other hand through his hair. "I mean – it's just." He stopped, closed his eyes, breathed out and then inhaled deeply. "Do you remember that time I was on emergency response and got a call at like 3 in the morning-"
"You mean literally this morning?" Astrid's voice was as light as she could keep it, and she squeezed his hand, smiling up at him.
Hiccup grimaced. "Right, that was today. Huh. Well – yes. This morning. Well, I realised something. My job is dangerous – like, actually dangerous. Like 'I could die any given day' dangerous. And I just – I don't know, I feel like it's a risk. Being with me. I feel like there's so much at stake, for me being on the job, and for you being in a relationship with me. And I don't know whether you want to take that risk."
She was looking at him, her hand still in his and he couldn't make out the emotions behind her expressions.
"I-" she started, broke off and stopped. Her gaze fell onto their intertwined hands, and suddenly the words were stumbling over her lips. "I get that your job is dangerous, but I – I'd never not be with you just because you've got a dangerous job."
She looked him straight in the eye, blue waves crashing against the shore. "You're worth every risk."
I love you, Hiccup thought and said, "I've never written that message to anyone outside of work before. When I wrote you that I made it out okay."
They looked at each other for a few moments, and before Hiccup could ask her if she really was sure, Astrid whispered, "I didn't go home before I got that text," she looked up at him again, a small smile playing on her lips. "So good job on getting out of there, otherwise I would've made camp here and annoyed Gobber all day."
Hiccup chuckled, feeling all the weight he had felt before falling off his shoulders, and gave her a soft kiss on the top of her head.
"Is that gonna be our routine, then? You pulling all-nighters until you know I didn't get fried?" he smirked.
"Honestly? I'd probably get a lot more work done that way."
He laughed at that and pulled her close again, his free arm coming around her, closing his eyes as Astrid rested her head on his shoulder. "Alright. I'll check in with you about that in a week or so."
"Is that a challenge?"
He laughed at her sudden enthusiasm. "Maybe," he shrugged, grinning impishly. She lightly nudged him in the stomach.
"No, but really though," she continued, her tone getting serious again. "I meant it when I said you're worth the risk. I'm not going to let that stop me from – you know. I'm all in on this."
"One hundred per cent?"
"One hundred per cent."
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astridthevalkyrie · 6 years
For the fanfiction ask: 9, 20, 23, 30, 39, 41, 43, 51? :D
I am beyond satisfied with all these questions, G.
9. What are the best things about your current fandom?
So. Much. Content. Sure, not all of it is tip top, but I mean, a book series, movies, a TV show, comics, computer games - I am drowning in things to geek out over.
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
In the HTTYD fandom, basically all of them. I was in the Big 4 fandom and I shipped Jackunzel, so, by default, I decided to ship Merricup too (please don’t kill me) but I found that I liked Hiccstrid a lot more. Before this fandom, I also wasn’t really a multishipper, but I took a liking to Heathstrid, Eretstrid, Ruffcup...
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
I do like Without the Dragon Dork. I wrote it all in one go and people responded so positively to it. Plus I’ve always wanted an episode like that.
30. What inspires you to write?
Everything and nothing. It depends on my mood. There are times where everything will inspire me (especially other fics and my own life experiences) and then there are times where I sit for an hour going through prompts and find nothing.
39. What is your greatest strength as a writer?
I fancy that I’m good with dialogue and fast paced conversation. I enjoy writing two characters talking.
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
Persephone by sunflowerb- I’m pretty sure most of the HTTYD fandom knows about this one, it’s fantastic.
Walls We Build by @katergator84 - I cannot begin to describe how much I love this fic.
The Wild Crown by @funkytoes - (It’s an Arranged Marriage Royalty AU, G! And it’s so good!)
It’s Just A Spark by TiliaOfAnkh - I recently found this one and it has my heart.
Once Mine by @margarethelstone - You might know this one already. It’s a Hiccunzel AU with a nice dose of Jerkcup (who I will fight personally). ;D
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?
Literally. Everyone. From fanwork to events to the nicest people ever, the HTTYD fandom is full of inspirational people.
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
okay so i hate that unless it’s a ship fic or a popular idea, it’s so so so hard to get any attention and this is coming from a girl who mostly writes ship fics. i wish more character-based fanfics were popular and while I think the HTTYD fandom’s most popular fic (at least on FF.Net) is Hitchups, which isn’t a ship fic from what I recall, it’s still closely followed by ship fics. and hey! they’re great! i love them! i just wish some other things would become popular too.
Thanks for asking! ^_^
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ao3feed-doctorwho · 7 years
Maps And Promises
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vbQnpn
by TiliaofAnkh
Time Winters is thirteen years old when her parents die. It is almost four years later she is confronted with the fact that this event ties her to the Doctor; and the visions she has had about his death. She finds him to be a wreck after having lost Rose but agrees to join him on his travels through time and space.
Words: 1118, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Universe In Her Eyes
Fandoms: Doctor Who (2005)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Time Winters, Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler
Relationships: Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Additional Tags: This is an AU, Alternate Universe, the same setting, but with an oc, time winters is literally my child, this is somehow very dark, but it's okay I promise, also i still live in denial, basically a season 3 rewrite, Post-Doomsday, doomsday-fix-it, Mentions of Mental Illness and Trauma, mentions of tenrose, get ready for your new brotp, timeten, please like her
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vbQnpn
0 notes
ao3feed-doctorxrose · 7 years
Maps And Promises
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vbQnpn
by TiliaofAnkh
Time Winters is thirteen years old when her parents die. It is almost four years later she is confronted with the fact that this event ties her to the Doctor; and the visions she has had about his death. She finds him to be a wreck after having lost Rose but agrees to join him on his travels through time and space.
Words: 1118, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Universe In Her Eyes
Fandoms: Doctor Who (2005)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Time Winters, Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler
Relationships: Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Additional Tags: This is an AU, Alternate Universe, the same setting, but with an oc, time winters is literally my child, this is somehow very dark, but it's okay I promise, also i still live in denial, basically a season 3 rewrite, Post-Doomsday, doomsday-fix-it, Mentions of Mental Illness and Trauma, mentions of tenrose, get ready for your new brotp, timeten, please like her
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vbQnpn
0 notes
ao3feed-tenxrose · 7 years
Maps And Promises
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vbQnpn
by TiliaofAnkh
Time Winters is thirteen years old when her parents die. It is almost four years later she is confronted with the fact that this event ties her to the Doctor; and the visions she has had about his death. She finds him to be a wreck after having lost Rose but agrees to join him on his travels through time and space.
Words: 1118, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Universe In Her Eyes
Fandoms: Doctor Who (2005)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Time Winters, Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler
Relationships: Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Additional Tags: This is an AU, Alternate Universe, the same setting, but with an oc, time winters is literally my child, this is somehow very dark, but it's okay I promise, also i still live in denial, basically a season 3 rewrite, Post-Doomsday, doomsday-fix-it, Mentions of Mental Illness and Trauma, mentions of tenrose, get ready for your new brotp, timeten, please like her
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2vbQnpn
0 notes
It’s Just A Spark Ch.4 - Second Glances
Hiccup was late the next day, earling a partly stern, partly amused look from Gobber.
"So … went well last night?"
Hiccup did not fail to notice his suggestive tone and huffed, running a hand through his unkempt hair.
"Not as 'well' as you think. We just stayed out pretty late last night and I overslept."
"Ah," Gobber acknowledged, still smirking. "Seeing as she didn't run away the second she saw you as you assumed-"
"Honestly, Gobber, that's a new low, even for you."
The older man just laughed. After a while, Hiccup uttered, "Remember what you said about not spending the time I spend with her in my head? The second she opened her door, I just sort of stopped. I spent the whole evening with her without second guessing myself. She's just …" he tousled his hair again, letting out a breathless chuckle. "She's something else. It feels like with her I don't really have to decide, or turn things over and over, it's … confusing. In a good way.I wanna figure her out. I wanna know what makes her tick and know the way she thinks."
"Oh boy …" Gobber mumbled to himself, thinking, 'he is absolutely smitten'.
Astrid was humming. While working. It seemed almost outrageous to be in this much of a good mood. She was supposed to concentrate on her tasks - even if it was something as mindless as cleaning the cages - and not on the events of last night! And yet, she couldn't help but let her thoughts linger. Specifically on Hiccup. She smiled as she realised she silently referred to him as Hiccup too now.
He'd walked her home that night. Usually people would simply insist on doing so and Astrid would refuse, but Hiccup had simply grinned that lopsided grin of his and had said, that if she wanted to he'd like to walk her home and Astrid had accepted, gladly even. It was the she realised she hadn't really wanted to say goodbye just yet. She'd never say this out loud but that scared her a bit. She wasn't used to these kind of feelings and wasn't sure yet if she was okay with them. It all had all gone a bit fast, but then again, this had been building up for some time now.
Her first impression with him then had been so different from what she knew now. When they'd met she thought she'd only seen his physical attributes and had seen him as this serious, precise and abrupt professional.
The second glance had revealed much more - of course, he still was outrageously attractive, but Astrid now knew that he was in fact not as serious, nor curt or simple. He was funny and considerate and thoughtful and gentle and, goodness, that wasn't enough. She wanted second glances and third, fourth, fifth glances. She wanted to get to know him - really get to know him, past his smile and his lighthearted jokes.
Astrid sat there in litter and sand and thought, 'I hope he lets me.'
It was already dark when Hiccup got home. He felt as if he'd been dragged through hell and back; his lungs felt accordingly.
"Hey, bud," he rasped and gently scratched the black cat's ears. "Sorry for taking so long. We had two fires today. I'm just glad everyone got out well. You hungry?"
Toothless meowed and scrutinised him with bright green eyes, snapping his tail. Hiccup grinned and click-thumped towards the cupboard, wincing slightly with every step he took.
"I can't wait to get some ice on there," he muttered. "Remind me to keep some at the office."
He watched Toothless eat for a while, then he carefully shifted his weight back on his prosthesis and shuffled into the bathroom in search for his diffuser.
'A one-legged fireman with asthma,' he thought. 'How ironic.'
His phone started ringing just as he set his foot into the cold water. Hiccup shivered and picked up.
"I heard you had a date" the solemn voice of his father established. Hiccup rolled his eyes.
"Hey Dad, how are you? I'm fine, thanks for asking."
"Okay, sorry. So Gobber already spilled, huh? That didn't last long," Hiccup commented dryly, heaved the diffuser onto the stool next to the bathtub and turned it on.
"No," his father replied but then quickly picked up the reason for his call again. "So? A date?"
"How'd you manage?"
"Wow, dad, don't make it sound like being a 23-year old man who didn't have a date in the past five years of his life is disappointing."
His dad laughed. "So, come on, who is she?"
"Her name is Astrid Hofferson, she lives a couple of blocks away from me, actually. We met because she set her stove on fire - several times, I should mention. It took me a while to work up the courage to ask for her number. We went out yesterday at had a nice dinner at the Che Dragon."
"Hold on, did you say Hofferson? That name rings a bell." His father stayed silent for a while, which Hiccup used to dry his still slightly aching stump.
"Ah, now I remember!" Stoick Haddock bellowed, making his son flinch involuntarily. "Astrid Hofferson, of course! She's at the Smith's whenever we have a get together with the company."
"Oh. Yeah, she mentioned working part-time in a bar."
"She's a nice young lady, Hiccup, congratulations."
He chuckled. "We're not getting married, Dad, we just had our first date."
"So there will be others?"
"Well, as a matter of fact, yes. I invited her over for Friday. I'm cooking."
He practically heard his father raise an eyebrow and sighed.
"I promise my intentions are honorable."
"Good, I didn't raise you to be a brute like your cousin."
Silence. A defiant 'Snot changed a lot since he was sixteen, Dad' was quickly swallowed back down.
Instead Hiccup replied, "I know, Dad, I know. But, um … promise next time you see her not to talk about me. She probably doesn't even know you're my dad."
"Alright, my lips are sealed. I'll see you next Wednesday for lunch?"
Hiccup smiled. "Yup. 'Night, Dad."
"Good night, boy."
Stoick hung up. Hiccup sighed. Twenty-three years old and his father still refused to acknowledge it. The thoughts about his father were loudly interrupted by his growling stomach. Right. Nourishment. Pasta sounded good. Humming lightly Hiccup strapped his prosthesis back on and made his way back downstairs where Toothless waited for him. On the way down he idly wondered what Astrid's favourite kind of pasta was.
'Quickfire question: favourite kind of pasta?'
Astrid's heart jumped. Trying to bite back a grin, she texted back, 'Alfredo in terms of fettuchine or spaghetti etc , but Lasagna has a special spot in my heart. Yours? Though I feel like your message served some future reference..'.
Still smiling she set down her phone and turned her attention back to the book in front of her. She was only a couple of pages further in when her phone buzzed again.
'you guessed right ;^) Can't go towards Friday unprepared! I'm a man of simple taste, I usually just make good old pomidoro'.
She hummed.
'Simple taste, huh?'
'Anything else that applies to?'
He typed, then stopped. Then, 'now you're just messing with me.'
She laughed. 'You guessed right ;)'. And after a moment of hesitation she added, 'You had a good evening?'
She imagined him laugh and run his fingers through his hair.
'almost got fried back in the city, but got out alright, everyone else did too. Those are my favourite days'
'I'm really glad - also glad you made it out fine!'
'we also had to rescue a cat from a tree, so I guess that sorta balances it out'
She snorted and scrunched her nose. 'Was that a pun?'
A pause. Then, 'what if I said yes?'
'Then I'd say it wasn't PAWrrible.'
'I'm sorry, did you just become the woman of my dreams'
She knew it was a joke. She could even imagine the tone of voice he'd deadpan this with. And yet, she blushed, her heart singing.
'good night then' she typed back before she did anything stupid.
Hiccup laid on his bed, Toothless on his chest, his leg propped on his pillow, shielding his wide grin from the darkness with the crook of his arm and only rasped out over his blush, "Good one."
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It’s Just A Spark Ch.1
Summary: She’d set her stove on fire. Again. While being only dressed in an oversized jumper, leggins and mismatched socks. Again. Also, it was 2 am. Again.
(Hiccstrid Modern Fireman AU)
(humour/romance; rated T)
Read also on:
“Oh nononono - shit - not again!”
Those were probably the most common words coming out of Astrid Hofferson’s mouth. Ever. Why? Oh, she set her stove on fire. Again. While being only dressed an oversized jumper, leggins and mismatched socks. Again. Also, it was 2 am. Again.
Cursing, the phone in one hand, already dialing 911, a wet towel in the other hand, she desperately tried to put out the fire. Her frantically screeching parrot digging her didn’t help much either.
“Stormfly, could you just - get - ugh - oh yes, hi, hi, it’s me again, my stove’s on fire, yes, I kno- what? Uh, the ... fifth time, I think ... okay ... yeah. Thanks. Thank you!”
Her wooden chopping board set on fire.
Gobber let out an exasperated sigh. He and Hiccup exchanged a quick glance and Hiccup shot him the look. “No.”
“Yes,” the older man confirmed, flashing his collegue a toothy grin.
Hiccup groaned, dragging his hands over his face.
“Don’t tell me it’s that time of the week again. I mean - come on, Gobber, you’re messing with me. Please be messing with me - tell me this is a joke and I will laugh and pretend it’s funny.”
Gobber grinned at his partner and just handed him his helmet while the younger man got up.
“What is this woman even doing? I mean, she should have figured out how this blasted thing works by the time of three months, but noo! She just has to set her stove on fire thrice a week!”
Gobber chuckled and watched his still ranting friend climb into his uniform.
“But you think she’s pretty.”
“I said, she’s pretty okay by the time the fire is out.”
“If I remember correctly, your correct words were, ‘Gobber, that girl is gorgeous but she can’t cook for shit’.”
Hiccup huffed. “Whatever. As long as she gets out of there in time and doesn’t forget to put her bird into its cage again-“
“Now, come on, don’t be so hard on her. You’d panic too if your stove would catch fire on a daily basis and threaten both you and Toothless.”
Hiccup’s head re-appeared out of his locker. “Yeah, but there’s a difference. Firstly, Toothless doesn’t have wings and secondly, I am a firefighter, Gobber! I don’t panic in a fire! That’s my job!”
Gobber laughed and leaned back in his seat, arms crossed behind his back. “Whatever you say, chief. Now go and save your lady in distress.”
“She’s in distress, my lady - not so much,” he deadpanned and stopped mid-action of putting his helmet on, noting Gobber still hadn’t moved from his spot.
“Wait, you’re not coming?”
The older man shrugged. “Somebody’s gotta keep an eye on Snot, who knew what might happen if he’s alone - also, I trust you with this and it’s no big deal. You can handle it.”
Taking notice of his friend’s scowl he chuckled and added, “Just think of this as your exam.”
The auburn-haired man in front of him sighed but mumbled, “Alright, see you later.”
Astrid really had tried not to panic. Really. But not panicking proved itself to be difficult when the old wet-cloth-on-fire trick didn’t work out as she’d hoped. Mainly because the fire had spread.
She heard someone open her front door. Footsteps hitting the floor.
“Why are you still not outside?” she heard the familiar voice of the firefighter yell.
Granted, it was the third time she saw him this week. Yet Astrid had never seen him this annoyed with her. But then again, it was 2 am.
“Miss Hofferson, please leave your apartment so can put this fire out and argue later about why we’ve seen each other more than I have seen my own father this week.”
Quickly the young woman grabbed her coat, parrot and fled the scene, all the while being angry at herself and her failed safety measures.
Five minutes later, an exhausted looking fireman stepped out of her apartment.
“You can come back in,” he mumbled and together they went back into her flat.
They stood in silence for a while until Astrid finally got out, “Thank you. And - I’m sorry this keeps happening, really.”
“What are you trying to do, I mean - how many times do I have to come in until you learn how to use your stove?”
“I’m really sorry,” she whispered, fiddling with her sleeves, “it’s just ... I had to start pulling night shifts and-“
“No, I ... listen, I should be sorry,” he interrupted her and took a step towards her, his face softer now. “This is my job and you’re just a bit,” he hesitated, then grinned lopsidedly. “inexperienced with the gas cooker.”
Astrid returned his smile almost involuntarily. This was the first time they really talked after one of these incidents. She found out his smile was infectious. She also realised that pretty much everything about his face was gorgeous.
Hiccup’s heart was beating up to his throat, so loud he wondered if she heard.
He had tried to push that feeling down and pretended to be exasperated anytime they received her call, but that act dropped pretty fast as soon as she looked at him.
Hiccup looked into her eyes and wondered if it was really possible for the sky to be caught in someone’s eyes. Looking at her made him remember that the only reason he hadn’t asked her out the first time he’d seen her had been because of the fire.
Then, he’d hoped to see her somewhere else, to pass her on the street maybe, or in a café, anywhere but at a place with a fire.
But then she called - again. And again.
And they had never seen each other outside her apartment.
After a while he finally realised all they had done in the past minute had been stare at each other, and he blushed, clearing his throat.
“I, uh, guess I should get going now,” he mumbled, quickly making his way out of the kitchen, already regretting he hadn’t said anything. “goodnight.” He felt like a coward.
Putting out fires regularily and facing death on a certain basis? No problem.
But asking out a woman he had a crush on? Impossible.
He’d just have to accept it. He’d never have the courage to ask her out, he would continue to put out her fires for the rest of his life. Or until she moved. Which would mean he would never see her again. Great. So much for a shared future.
Maybe he shouldn’t have let it come this far, just remain professional. That had turned out to be really, really hard. People shouldn’t be allowed to be this beautiful and funny and resilient - because, really, causing fires this regularily really said something for her reliability - and confusing.
Astrid panicked again the second he had turned around. This is stupid, she thought. I mean, look at him. He’d never. Oh, she had thought about giving her his number. She’d made up entire scenarios and conversation starters for just in case they met out on the street for heaven’s sake!
She could just ask him.
Or she could just let him leave. And wait until next time. Next time she set her kitchen on fire and would again be too scared to ask him. But what was she even scared of?
Rejection. Because he didn’t seem to be interested in her, like at all.
But he was leaving, almost out the door.
Astrid wasn’t really thinking.
But before she knew it she had already exclaimed, “Wait! Um, can I - do you ...”
“Can I have your number?” they both blurted out simultaneously.
They stopped.
Then a grin started blossoming on his face.
“I’ll give you mine if you give me yours.”
Astrid laughed.
And Hiccup couldn’t help but think it sounded like growing flowers on a balcony in the city somewhere.
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It’s Just A Spark Ch.19 - Hundred Percent
Story: It’s Just A Spark
Author: TiliaofAnkh
Read it on ffnet (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12754698/1/It-s-Just-A-Spark) and ao3 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/13114941/chapters/30003876)
"Hello? Hiccup?"
Hiccup felt his heart unclench at the sound of her voice on the other end of the line and exhaled, leaning against his locker.
"Hey," he mumbled, closing his eyes.
"Everything okay?"
He smirked, his other hand coming up to rub his face. "Yeah, everything's - depends how you look at it. I'm okay. It's, uh, it's about my cousin, Scott. He … his Dad found out he's bi and kicked him out - after beating him up."
He heard her gasp. "Oh, my God. That's horrible, I'm so sorry."
He sighed. "It's alright, he's been meaning to get out of there anyways. He's gonna stay with Gobber and my Dad for a few weeks until he's found something. But anyway, I was really just calling to tell you I won't be able to make it to come round, I'm really sorry. I've got to be here, for support. Also, he's technically on duty right now so I'm pulling a double shift to cover him."
There were a few moments of silence on the other side, but then Astrid asked, "Does he like tea?"
Hiccup stopped, taken aback. "What?"
He imagined her shrug. "Well, I mean - listen, I don't want to intrude. But if he likes tea, I've got this really nice loose leaf tea blend at home, and I could bring some over. If you'd like," she added and Hiccup's heart did a little jump, chasing a smile onto his face.
"He's more of a coffee guy," he said then, still grinning. "But I'd love a bit of some really nice loose leaf tea blend."
Astrid snorted lightly and replied, "Alright, so one coffee and three teas, yeah?"
"I'll see you in ten, then."
"Yeah," Hiccup repeated, feeling completely at peace for the first time since he'd set set foot into the department today. "Sounds perfect."
Memories of exchanged keys and a way too long work break flooded her mind as she spotted him, standing in the door.
Last time he'd been leaning against it, grinning at her with crossed arms.
Tonight, he was simply stood there. Upon stepping closer to the light, Astrid saw the expression on his face, her heart softening at the sight of him.
"Hey," she whispered into the darkness and gently laid her hands on his shoulders, pressing a light kiss onto his lips.
"Hey," he echoed, wrapping his arms around her just before she could pull away and hid his face in the crook of her neck. "Thanks for coming."
"Of course," She in turn hugged his middle, gently running her hand across his back. "You okay?"
"Yeah," he sighed out, hugging her tighter. "Now I am."
She smiled at that, hugging him a bit tighter as well.
"You wanna go in?" Her voice was quiet in the darkness, and yet echoed through the hallway. He nodded against her and slowly - reluctantly - let go of her. And so she half-led, half-followed him into the command room, blinking as her eyes accustomed themselves to the light flooding the room. Hiccup led her through a door on the left-hand side of it and Astrid couldn't help but get lost in the way he was running his thumb across the back of her hand as he did so, warmth blooming in her chest.
They ended up in a rather small room with a sofa, a table and a kitchen area at the opposite end of the sofa.
"I'll put the kettle on," Hiccup mumbled and strode over to the hob. Astrid watched him carefully as he filled the kettle with water and took four mugs out of the cabinet above him.
He was stood hunched over, hands clenching around the handle of one of the mugs as he filled it with water and spoke, "It's weird, you know – growing up, I knew they had problems at home. But I really thought it was getting better for him."
"When did he know? That he was bi, I mean?"
Hiccup shrugged. "I think he just kind of always knew. But I don't think he always wanted to let it on; not only to others but also to himself. A big portion was just being in denial, I guess. He used to be a bit … difficult. We had some rough patches. Lots of shoving around and stupid nicknames." He smirked. "More stupid than now."
Astrid smiled at that. "I like your nickname. It's cute."
He chuckled and handed her the mug. "Thanks."
His hand laid down on the back of her shoulders as he gently motioned her towards the sofa, Astrid's heart fluttering as they sat down, his arm coming up around her, one of her legs draped between his.
He was staring into his mug for a while, shadows dancing on his skin, almost mocking it. A light stubble grazed his jawline, she realised as she took a closer look in the dim light. He looked tired, distracted.
Finally, he spoke, his voice soft. "Sorry I'm bombarding you with this. It's just … strange, you know? I mean, on one hand I feel really sorry for him because I know how important his relationship with his Dad is to him, I mean … he's always wanted to make him proud and do right by him. And I know," he quickly added as he saw the look on her face. "He hasn't done anything wrong. But in his father's eyes he has. And that's the problem. But you know, on the other hand, I also have the feeling this is gonna be good for him. He's been wanting to move out for a long time, and I think being away from all the judgement is going to do him some good. Having his own space in a couple months."
"You said he's living with your Dad and Uncle for a while?"
"Yeah – but I mean, it's my Dad and Uncle," Hiccup smirked. Astrid frowned.
"How do you mean?"
He shrugged. "Well, my Dad's pretty chill about most things and Gobber gay. So this is kind of the best environment for Scott to be in right now. Having someone around who celebrates him for who he is."
Astrid hummed. "Alright. Well, to be honest, all of this doesn't really sound that bad – I mean, don't get me wrong, being kicked out is fucking horrible," she added with a slight sarcastic smile on her face. "But you get used to it. And you then have the freedom of being yourself. You can create yourself new, become who you've always wanted to become and stay true to yourself above anyone else."
The look on Hiccup's face was taking her by surprise. She'd expected anything from confusion to pity, but instead she was met by pure tenderness.
The mug was set down onto the table. He reached out and gently took her hand.
"You've never told me that," he said, softly, his eyes dancing over her face, settling on her own. "Thank you."
Astrid could only stare back at him, completely flabbergasted. She couldn't get the 'You're welcome' over her lips. Instead, she mumbled, "I don't think I've ever said that to anyone. I don't usually speak about this. But I – with you it's okay. Ish. I guess."
He cracked a small grin at her. "Okay-ish? Good enough for me."
She laughed at that, realising how stupid she must have sounded. "Sorry, I didn't mean – you're great. And I like telling you things."
Hiccup hummed, gently resting his hand on her thigh, his face inching closer to hers. "I like telling you things, too."
And with that, he closed the distance between them, their lips meeting in a soft collision, and Astrid closed her eyes, the sound of his heartbeat in her ears.
Hiccup suddenly pulled back, his hand still on her thigh, and Astrid frowned, looking at him with a searching expression. He was looking almost sheepish.
"Speaking of telling you things," he started, quickly reaching out to take a sip of his tea. "I realised something."
"Oh, God," she dead-panned. "Is this the part where you tell me that you don't actually like tea? I don't think our relationship would survive that," she quipped, nudging him lightly. She could see the nervousness written blankly on his face. It seemed more than that – Hiccup looked absolutely terrified. "Should I be worried?" she asked softly then, reaching for his hand. He shot her a small smile.
"I … don't know," he admitted then and ran the other hand through his hair. "I mean – it's just." He stopped, closed his eyes, breathed out and then inhaled deeply. "Do you remember that time I was on emergency response and got a call at like 3 in the morning-"
"You mean literally this morning?" Astrid's voice was as light as she could keep it, and she squeezed his hand, smiling up at him.
Hiccup grimaced. "Right, that was today. Huh. Well – yes. This morning. Well, I realised something. My job is dangerous – like, actually dangerous. Like 'I could die any given day' dangerous. And I just – I don't know, I feel like it's a risk. Being with me. I feel like there's so much at stake, for me being on the job, and for you being in a relationship with me. And I don't know whether you want to take that risk."
She was looking at him, her hand still in his and he couldn't make out the emotions behind her expressions.
"I-" she started, broke off and stopped. Her gaze fell onto their intertwined hands, and suddenly the words were stumbling over her lips. "I get that your job is dangerous, but I – I'd never not be with you just because you've got a dangerous job."
She looked him straight in the eye, blue waves crashing against the shore. "You're worth every risk."
I love you, Hiccup thought and said, "I've never written that message to anyone outside of work before. When I wrote you that I made it out okay."
They looked at each other for a few moments, and before Hiccup could ask her if she really was sure, Astrid whispered, "I didn't go home before I got that text," she looked up at him again, a small smile playing on her lips. "So good job on getting out of there, otherwise I would've made camp here and annoyed Gobber all day."
Hiccup chuckled, feeling all the weight he had felt before falling off his shoulders, and gave her a soft kiss on the top of her head.
"Is that gonna be our routine, then? You pulling all-nighters until you know I didn't get fried?" he smirked.
"Honestly? I'd probably get a lot more work done that way."
He laughed at that and pulled her close again, his free arm coming around her, closing his eyes as Astrid rested her head on his shoulder. "Alright. I'll check in with you about that in a week or so."
"Is that a challenge?"
He laughed at her sudden enthusiasm. "Maybe," he shrugged, grinning impishly. She lightly nudged him in the stomach.
"No, but really though," she continued, her tone getting serious again. "I meant it when I said you're worth the risk. I'm not going to let that stop me from – you know. I'm all in on this."
"One hundred percent?"
"One hundred percent."
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Blank Space, Ch.1 - Prayers
Author: TiliaofAnkh
Fandom: How to train your dragon
Pairing(s): Hiccstrid (main), sometimes Snotlegs :D
Read it on ffnet: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11009676/1/Blank-Space (old version w/ more chapters)
or https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13999403/1/Blank-Space-V2 (new version w/ rewritten chapters so far!)
"Don't come home too late. I’ve missed you."
The young woman smiled and wrapped her coat a little tighter around her body. "I’ve missed you too. And I won't, promise," she replied and stepped out into the darkness of the night.
"Okay, I’ll see you in a bit, then. Love you!" he said and hung up. Stuffing her phone back into her pocket, she quickly made her way through the narrow alley, aiming for the high street.
She really, really was over today. Lesson prep had taken her longer than she’d anticipated, and then Camilla had asked her to digitalise some files for her. You’d really think she’d have figured out Excel by now, she thought and smiled to herself as she remembered Hiccup writing shortcuts he’d got from his dad’s secretary. Her stomach growled.
She imagined him preparing dinner, maybe with some candles, neatly folded napkins and the bouquet of flowers they’d picked on one of their walks. Astrid smiled as she imagined her husband in his beloved ‘Kiss the cook’ apron, loudly singing to one of his playlisted cooking songs. But honestly, things turned out to be on the brighter side when he was the one cooking. Astrid had never had very much of a, say, gift for cooking. Finally, Astrid emerged from the alley and found herself in the buzzing middle of the high street of Berk. Passengers were rushing around to go get their shopping done, cars filling up the road in the evening rush. Astrid chuckled. Good thing I didn’t take the car, she thought, and picked up the pace a little bit. She made her way to the bus stop, pushing through the crowds, hoping for a bus to arrive soon. In this weather, she didn’t really feel like taking the 45-minute walk back home. Astrid pulled out her phone and dialled Hiccup’s number, smiling at his profile picture.
“Evening, my love,” her husband’s voice greeted her. “I haven’t heard your voice in almost five minutes. Was starting to miss you.”
She snorted and rolled her eyes but grinned. “Blame traffic.”
“That bad?”
“Yeah, it might take a while. I think I’m gonna have to walk,” she said, squinting up at the empty arrivals board of the bus stop. “Doesn’t look like there’s a bus anytime soon.”
“Or you could have stopped working earlier,” he replied softly.
She chuckled. “Yeah, or I could have listened to you and taken the car.”
“You’ve been doing that a lot lately,” he noted, dodging her reply. “Staying longer, I mean. Are you sure everything’s okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just exam season, and Jeannie’s ill, so I had to figure some stuff out. Plus, Camilla still hasn’t figured out how to bloody organise her excel lesson plans and I have to say, it’s driving me insane!”
“That … does not sound great. Hey, if you want, I could come pick you up and we can walk together?”
“Thanks babe, but I think I’ll just walk by myself. I’m kind of dying for some me time.”
He smiled audibly. “Okay, but then we’d be stuck together.”
“I’m stuck with you every single day for the rest of my life,” she replied sarcastically and grinned when he laughed.
“Don’t wait up for me,” she said softly, her earlier dreams of a joined dinner postponing themselves.
“Alright,” he replied, a smile in his voice. “See you later?”
“See you later,” Astrid confirmed and hung up, still smiling. She continued making her way down the street, wondering if she’d ever stop falling for him every single day.
If she’d ever not feel completely safe and loved in his presence. Probably not, she thought, smiling to herself.
She stopped at a red light and used that time to fumble her headphones out of her coat pocket and put on some music. She was in the mood for Taylor Swift’s Evermore tonight. The light went green. A soft snow was starting to fall just as she started crossing the street.
Then, everything went too fast.
Flashing lights.
Screeching tyres.
Blinding pain.
Then, darkness.
  Matthew Emrys pushed the emergency door open, quickly nodding to the two paramedics that entered with the stretcher, quickly scanning the situation as they rushed along the hallway. His fingers were flying over the small buttons of his beeper as he sent the info to the ER.
“Alright, what do we got?”
“Young woman, between twenty-five and thirty, hit and run, pedestrian called the ambulance for her.”
“Internal injuries?”
“Vertebrochondral ribs 8 through 9 are broken, or at least sprianed, contusions on face, scalp, chest and legs - her right shin could be fractured but you’ll need to x-ray that -, contorted left wrist - not broken, maybe sprained. She’s been unconscious since we got there but has been breathing normally since we gave O2.”
The Doctor nodded quickly and put his beeper back into his pocket. “Okay, thanks. Anything with her, bag, ID?”
The paramedic nodded, pointing to a backpack under the stretcher. “Yeah, she had everything with her, ah,” he quickly pulled out a wallet and read aloud, “Astrid Haddock, née Hofferson.”
Dr Emrys stopped dead in his tracks, his face pale.
“Oh, my God.”
  Hiccup sat bolt upright when he heard the phone go off. He must have fallen asleep on the sofa. The TV was still on in the background, the orange glow of the streetlights trickling in through the windows. How late was it? Why had Astrid not woken him up? Groaning, he reached for his phone and picked up.
“Hello?” he croaked and cleared his throat, rubbing his eyes, still trying to wake up.
“Hiccup”, a voice said, sounding urgent. Hiccup paused for a moment, surprised not to hear Astrid’s voice and slowly drew himself into a sitting position.
“Matt?” he brought out, his heart racing. Matt never called his late. Except when he was drunk and needed someone to pick him up. But he didn’t sound slurry. “What-”
“Hiccup, it’s Astrid.”
His heart stopped. Ice-cold daggers rushed down his spine and for a moment, he felt as if he was plunged underwater, his throat closing up. Matt’s voice on the other line seemed to come from far away.
“She’s been hit by a car, got in a few minutes ago. How fast can you be here?”
“Ten - ten minutes.”
Matthew’s voice seemed distant now through the blood rushing through Hiccup’s ears as he quickly strapped his prosthetic on and grabbed his keys.
“Okay. We’re prepping her for OR right now and they’ve just beeped me to come in- Hiccup?”
But the young man had already hung up, blind panic surging through his chest as he stumbled out of the door, running towards the car.
Oh God, oh God, please, not her. Not Astrid.
He felt sickness crawl up his stomach, where it settled itself as a flat, stinging pain. Hiccup had never been a religious person. But on this cold, desperate car ride, he found himself praying, over and over, to anyone who was willing to listen. Part of him hoped this was a nightmare, fuelled by the stupid horror film he’d watched over dinner, and that he was still on the couch, and that she’d come home soon and gently shake him awake. He had no idea how he’d got to hospital in once piece. But here he was, pulling into a visitor parking space, nauseous from panic, scrambling out of the car, into the main hall.
"Astrid Haddock, my wife, she - she just arrived, hit by a car-", he panted at the lady at the reception, the words barely making their way across his lips to be heard but by some miracle, she heard him and nodded, a sympathetic smile on her face. "Yes, she just got in. I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait, she's in the operating room, but you can wait over there."
At her words, Hiccup's head started spinning and for a moment, he thought his legs might finally give way. His shaking hands clinging to the counter, he nodded, still praying in his head. "Okay," he croaked, "thank you."
Slowly, he made his way to the chairs beneath the A&E sign. His head dropped in his hands. Please, God, please. Please. Let her be okay. Please.
Hours seemed to pass, filled with whispered prayers over his desperately clasped hands, and the horrifying images circling round and round his head, her body on a cold operating table and he hoped, prayed, that she didn’t know what was going on and wasn’t scared. Eventually, he got up and stepped outside into the cold, crisp night. He didn't know what to do. His fumbling fingers pulled out his phone.
Before he’d even noticed what exactly he was doing, he had dialled a number.
"Hiccup? I thought you’d be asleep already, haven’t you got a night shift coming-“
"D-Dad, "Hiccup choked, and for the first time tonight, he felt his eyes watering and desperately blinked them dry, forcing his focus on his father’s voice. He couldn’t break now. She was going to be alright. She had to be.
"Son, what's wrong?"
"It's Astrid. She’s had an accident."
Was this how she’d felt when he lost his leg? He’d give his other leg just for him to take her place.
“Mercy Hospital.” Mercy. God, please.
And that was all Hiccup managed to say. Then, his voice broke down. He was shaking all over his body. His father ended the call.
And so Hiccup stood in the cold, shivering, and finally, his knees gave way for they could no longer bear this weight, and so he sat down on the cold, wet asphalt, burying his head in his hands. He felt the cold, golden wedding band around his finger brush against his freckled cheek.
And that was how his father found him.
He hauled him up to his feet and dragged, more than led him inside into the warm waiting room.
"What happened, son?"
Hiccup raised his head and faced his father's grey, worried eyes. "I ... I don't know.", he replied and broke eye contact again. "She just ... we talked on the phone just a couple of hours ago ... she was fine, she said she'd be home soon – they said she was hit by a car, I don’t know-"
"Mr Haddock?", a voice suddenly interrupted him. His head shot up. A nurse smiled at him tentatively. "She’ll be out of surgery in a few hours. They’ve stabilised her, so if nothing else goes wrong we should be able to get you into ICU to see her in a few hours, okay? Just hang tight for me.”
Something else?
Hiccup nodded, closing his eyes, forcing a deep breath, in and out, still shaking. “Thank you,” he said, his father’s hand on his back, heart still racing.
He tried not to think about how many people he had dragged out of their burning cars and the ones he’d lost on the cold, dark streets of the city, desperation clawing at his heart, the biting smoke in his chest. He tried not to imagine Astrid in their place, splayed on the asphalt, eyes open as his hands came down on her chest, desperately breathing new air into her lungs.
Still, the blind, cold panic consumed him and still, he was holding back his tears in a desperate attempt to make it not real.
He barely felt his father getting up and walking out into the cold, barely made out his voice that said, “Gobber, I don’t know what to do. I need you to come to Mercy Hospital.”
What were a few hours? Three? Six? They said they’d stabilised her – from what? A hematoma? Internal bleeding? Where was the driver? Hiccup had never thought himself a violent person, but here, on the cold, hard plastic chair in this godforsaken waiting room, he hoped whoever this bastard was, had been hurt worse than her.
His father had returned and offered him a coffee. Hiccup thanked him and took it, his numb fingers clinging to the plastic cup as he stared onto the grey linoleum floor, praying again. An hour passed, and the nurse hadn’t returned. His eyes had focussed onto his shoelaces now, the cold coffee still in his hands.
Stoick was pacing around the waiting room, hands behind his back, and Hiccup tried to sit as still as possible in a feeble attempt to stay focussed.
Another hour had passed. Quarter past midnight now. Gobber walked into the room, but Hiccup barely took any note of him. His uncle and father were talking in hushed tones, and he sat there, eyes closed, cursing cars and late buses and roads and I’m dead if she doesn’t make it.
“Mr Haddock,” a voice said and for the first time in hours, his head shot up to look at the nurse who had walked in again, a soft smile on her face. “Sorry to keep you waiting. You can go see her now. I’ll take you into ICU, if you’d just follow me – oh, just you for now,” she added quickly upon seeing both Stoick and Gobber springing to their feet. Hiccup shot both of them a quick look as he followed the dark-haired woman into a corridor, his heart throwing itself against his ribcage, as if to escape.
The nurse, who had introduced herself as Freya, instructed him to put on a mask and hand sanitiser, led him through the door of the ICU, past empty beds, and he thought his heart might escape through his throat, and then –
There she was, laying in a bed by the window, moonlight illuminating her face and for a second, Hiccup felt dizzy at the sight of her, reaching for the wall next to him to steady himself. Astrid’s face was swollen, littered with bruises and cuts. The blood from her nose had been sloppily wiped up with cotton buds; the breathing tube was still taped to her mouth.
“She’s still coming off the anaesthesia,” Freya said softly from behind him. “We’ll take the tube out during the night as she comes to. I’ll let her know you’re here if she wakes up at all during the night, but she’s going to be a bit drowsy still, so she might not fully appreciate that, just to let you know. Depending on how the night goes, we can get her out of ICU in a day or so, we just want to closely monitor her now, as she suffered an internal haemorrhage and significant brain trauma. The doctor will fully update you tomorrow morning, if that’s okay.”
“Yeah,” Hiccup said dully, unable to take his eyes off her face. She was almost unrecognisable.
“Okay,” Freya said, and gently placed a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll give you some privacy for a few minutes. I’ll come get you afterwards.”
“Thank you,” he rasped and, for the first time tonight, he smiled, walking closer to Astrid, his heart calm now.
Slowly, he sank down on the chair beside her. It was cold. And everything had that awful, antiseptic smell.
And she was here, and she’d be okay. He knew that now, as his hand was finally touching her bandaged head, the blood from the cut on her forehead barely visible.
"Hey, baby," he whispered and slowly, carefully ran his fingers over her hair, careful not to touch any of the bandages or cables. He didn't even notice the tears that welled up in his eyes. "It's me."
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Blank Space, Ch.2: Mercy Hospital
Author: TiliaofAnkh
Fandom: How to train your dragon
Pairing(s): Hiccstrid (main), sometimes Snotlegs :D
Read it on ffnet: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11009676/1/Blank-Space (old version w/ more chapters)
or https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13999403/1/Blank-Space-V2 (new version w/ rewritten chapters so far!)
The minutes by her side seemed to fly by. Hiccup held her hand and whispered sweet nothings into her ear, still stroking her hair with his other hand. After a while, he rested his head next to her head and tried to take deep breaths. All he smelled was disinfectant and the stiff, sterile smell of the hospital bedding.
He took another deep breath and sighed, eyes still closed. “You get some sleep, my love. I’ll be back in the morning, okay? I’ve gotta go let everyone know you’re okay. Dad and Gobber are here as well. I won’t be gone long, I promise.”
He squeezed her hand and gently kissed the top of her head. Then he got up, and with one last look at her, left the room.
Gobber and Stoick’s heads shot up as soon as he entered the waiting room again. He smiled at them, for the first time that night, and saw them visibly relax.
“She’s okay,” he said and sat down next to them. “She’s still sleeping, they’re gonna gradually take her off the anaesthesia over the next few hours and she should be awake tomorrow morning. Has, uh, Matthew been by?”
Gobber shook his head. “No, have you spoken to him?”
“Yeah, he was the one who called me, actually. I really have to speak to him, no-one’s really walked me through her injuries yet. The nurse from earlier just said she’s had an internal haemorrhage, that’s why they had her in surgery for quite a while, apparently.”
They sat in silence for a while. Eventually, Gobber broke the silent spell.
“You OK, son?”
Hiccup shrugged. “Not really. But it’s better now that I’ve seen her. I know she’s gonna be okay, but it’s gonna take a while. I just wish it wasn’t her, you know? I’d gladly take her place.”
“Well, you’ve already lost a leg, so let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Gobber commented, and Hiccup chuckled, somewhat surprising himself.
“True. I’d lose another one for her, though.”
Gobber and Stoick exchanged a look Hiccup couldn’t quite decipher.
His uncle cleared his throat. “Listen, don’t worry about coming to work for a while, okay? I’ll let Scott know and we’ll work something out.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, of course. You just focus on Astrid getting better right now.”
Hiccup bowed his head. “Thanks, Gobber. I will.”
Stoick sighed and patted his thighs. “Right. I’m going to go and get us something to eat, because I’m starving, and you lot better stop me from going crazy on takeout.”
Hiccup and Gobber laughed.
“Alright, but you’re paying!”
They’d convinced Hiccup to let Gobber go to theirs to pick up some clothes and toiletries for Astrid and to fill up Toothless’ automatic feeder.
“I’ll stay here,” Hiccup had said, “in case there are any updates.”
He still hadn’t spoken to Matthew but maybe that was a good thing, he thought. Maybe it meant that her head was okay after all, or at least better than they’d initially thought.
Dawn came and went again. He’d stepped outside, another coffee in his hand, and breathed in the morning air, squinting as the sun hit his face. His breath condensing in the air, he thought about that time they’d run into each other on their morning runs – quite literally – before they’d got married. She’d been flustered and out of breath from her run, and he’d asked her to be exclusive. It had felt vital at the time, and he’d only learned later how silly it had been. She’d expected them to be exclusive from the very beginning, and it’s not like he’d ever wanted anything else.
Absentmindedly, he put the plastic coffee cup onto the freezing ground, pulled out his phone and took a picture so he could show her the sunrise later once she woke up. His phone buzzed. A text from Scott.
‘Hey, man, I’ve just heard about Astrid – I’m so sorry, Chris and I are gonna try and come by later. I’m working today, Gobber said we’ll cover for you. I’ll see ya later!’
Hiccup smiled to himself and quickly texted a thank you back. His eyes were heavy and burning, and every fibre in his muscle was aching for rest. Joining his coffee, he sat down on the ground and watched the sun come up. The asphalt was freezing, but he didn’t mind. Everything was going to be okay. Astrid was okay, and soon she’d wake up and they’d go home, and be the little family that they were. He closed his eyes, the sun warm on his face now despite the oncoming Berkian winter and thanked his lucky star. Last night’s prayers had been heard.
The buzz of his phone jolted him awake. He shook awake, startled until he realised he’d fallen asleep nestled into a corner of the waiting room, leant against a wall. Groggily, he reached for his phone the second time after a harsh awakening, and saw Matthew’s caller ID. Quickly, he sat up.
“Hey, Matt, where are you?”
“Hey, sorry it took so long, I’m on my way now. Are you in ICU?”
“Waiting room. I don’t think I’m really supposed to be in ICU for long.”
“I’ll meet you downstairs, then. See you in five.”
He hung up. Hiccup sat there, rubbing his eyes and squinted at his watch. 10:34. He was surprised he’d found any sleep – the waiting room was starting to come alive again. Phones were ringing, doctors and nurses were walking around, and people came in with bleeding fingers and emergencies that all seemed to pale compared to Astrid’s accident. Surely, none of these injuries he was seeing qualified as an actual emergency. Someone a few seats away from him just kept sneezing and coughing which just seemed like a common cold. Just to be safe, he moved a bit further away from them.
"Morning," he heard Matthew's voice and looked up, his eyes still heavy. Matt's blue eyes looked dull and tired, a common sight but he was still a sight for sore eyes. Hiccup breathed a sigh of relief and got up to hug his friend. "Have you gone up to see her yet?" Matt asked as they started walking together. Hiccup shook his head. "I fell asleep. Don't even know how." Matthew chuckled. "Well, I guess they're not that different from the beds at the department, huh?"
"I guess not," Hiccup agreed and cleared his throat, anxiety settling in his chest now. It somehow felt like Matt was avoiding the topic.
"Any news? Have they taken her off anaesthesia yet?"
"As far as I know, she’s off anaesthesia but kind of in and out of sleep and her vitals are fine so far. I'm gonna go check if we can do an MRT for her brain soon and have a look at her concussion. Wanna come with?"
He didn’t have to ask twice. Hiccup eagerly followed him, having to control himself as to not run into ICU. There was a certain giddiness to his step now, and just the thought of being able to speak to his wife made relief flutter in his chest.
This is good, he thought. If we were able to handle me losing a limb, we can handle a concussion and a couple of broken bones.
He quickly pulled the mask over his nose and mouth and sanitised his hands for the umpteenth time this day and followed the doctor through the big door of the ICU, holding his breath in anticipation.
The breathing tube was gone now. Instead, her mouth was slightly open, and her chest was rising and sinking steadily. Her eyes were fluttering beneath her lids, and he smiled to himself, wondering what she was dreaming of. He sat down next to her and gently took her hand, careful not to bend it in any way, this thumb slowly stroking her bandaged skin.
“Okay,” Matthew said quietly, breaking the silent spell of the moment, and took Astrid’s file from the table next to her. “Let’s see … two of her lower ribs are broken, she’s got a bunch of cuts and bruises, her right shin’s broken as well, and her left wrist is broken. The PMDs who brought her in said she was unconscious for a few minutes, so I’m going to have to take a look at that, I’m a bit worried about that coupled with her concussion. But from the looks of things, she should be out of here in a week or two, and fully healed up in six to eight weeks. I’m thinking if nothing else goes wrong, we can have her in her own room by the end of the day.”
He closed the file and smiled at Hiccup. “A lot better than your leg trajectory at the time, so I think you’ll manage just fine. Plus, you two are kind of a power couple so I’m not that worried.”
Joy blossomed in Hiccup’s chest like the flowers they’d started growing on their balcony once they’d moved in together and he lightly squeezed his wife’s hand. Everything’s gonna be fine.
“Listen, I’m gonna do my thing for a little bit, and it’d be great if you could, like, not be in the way,” Matthew declared, smirking down at him and Hiccup rolled his eyes.
“Fine,” he retorted, and got up. “Go for it, I should call the school anyways. They don’t know yet.”
“I’ll call you in once I’m done and you can sit with her.”
Hiccup thanked him and gently kissed Astrid’s bandaged forehead once more, whispering a quick ‘I love you’ into her ear, then made his way into the hallway and pulled out his phone, dialling Camilla Bog’s number, headmistress of Berk’s Secondary School.
“Oh, hi, Camilla, it’s me, Hiccup,” he said, craning his neck to see Matthew standing next to Astrid’s bed. “Listen, I just, um, wanted to let you know that Astrid’s had an accident and won’t be able to come in for a while … yeah, she’s okay … thank you, thank you so much, I – yeah, I will, thanks. Um, I’ll try and come by in a couple of days and hand in her doctor’s notice if that’s alright. Okay, thanks … yeah, you too, take care.”
He hung up and sighed, eyes still fixed on Matthew and Astrid, when he saw her stirring lightly. Almost automatically, his feet carried him back into the hall, his heart fluttering with excitement at the thought of her awakening.
He was dying to speak to her; it felt weird that he hadn’t heard her voice in days now, ever since their phone call during her walk home.
He came to a halt next to Matthew, who was speaking to her in hushed tones now. Astrid’s eyes fluttered open again.
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ao3feed-hiccstrid · 6 years
It's Just A Spark
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2kMAUG4
by TiliaofAnkh
She had set her stove on fire. Again. While being only dressed an oversized jumper, leggins and mismatched socks. Again. Also, it was 2 am. Again. (Hiccstrid)
Words: 1306, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: How to Train Your Dragon (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Astrid Hofferson, Gobber the Belch, Ruffnut Thorston, Fishlegs Ingerman, Tuffnut Thorston
Relationships: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III/Astrid Hofferson, Hiccup - Relationship
Additional Tags: Hiccup and Astrid are main characters, Hiccstrid - Freeform, Hiccup is a fireman, Modern AU, Modern, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2kMAUG4
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ROSE TYLER everybody - because she was the freaking ONE
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