thoodleoo · 11 months
Trick or Treat!
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greek terracota lekythos attributed to the tithonos painter of hermes on an errand for zeus ca. 480-470 bc (classical period)
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littlesparklight · 5 months
I in general do kind of headcanon that Tithonos being taken by Eos is part of why Laomedon was so monumentally stupid in his treatment of Poseidon and Apollo.
BUT IMAGINE the additional anger if one goes with Euripides' implied parentage in the Trojan Women, where Ganymede is a son of Laomedon as well. First one son is taken, then the other, and then he has to deal with these gods?
Like sure, divinely built wall, awesome, and yes, he did get compensation when it comes to Ganymede but - still.
And then.
some fucking Achaean barbarian has the STOMACH to demand that same compensation he was given for his son, as payment for his aid and not something more reasonable. I mean. I'd tell Herakles to get packing when he tries to cash in on the horses too, then.
(Like, again, I headcanon that Herakles asking for the horses even in the regular situation where Tros is the father is still highly rude and far too much to ask/demand for his help. But it gains extra verve if Laomedon is the bereaved father, no matter that Ganymede becoming Zeus' cupbearer is an honour. You've still lost a son.)
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sarafangirlart · 3 months
So shall it be, and you will say that you know everything about Achilles. I have heard the following about him. An apparition of a daimon of the sea used to visit Peleus. Because she loved him, the daimon had intercourse with Peleus, although out of shame for the crowd she did not yet speak about herself, not even from where she came. When the sea was calm, she happened to be frolicking seated upon dolphins and sea horses, while he, looking at these things from the summit of Mount Pelion, became aware of the goddess and feared her approach. But she made Peleus courageous by reminding him how Eos loved Tithonos, how Aphrodite was in love with Anchises, and how Selene habitually visited the sleeping Endymion. "Peleus," she said, "I shall even give to you a child mightier than a mortal." When Achilles was born, they made Kheiron his foster-father. He fed him honeycombs and the marrow of fawns.
-Heroica, 729-730.
(I like that in at least one version Peleus and Thetis’ relationship wasn’t terrible)
Wait this is kinda sweet, tho I haven’t heard of this Heroica before and I can’t seem to find it… do you mean Heroides?
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testicoolarcancer · 2 years
Parmenides and Theogony - Philosophy and Mythology
Parmenides and Theogony - Philosophy and Mythology
Theogony. A Homeric poem from around 700 BCE describing the origin of all things through a genealogy of the gods. Parmenides. A writer exploring ways of truth through writing in 500 BCE Elea. Despite the works of both existing under the umbrella of Ancient Greek texts, Theogony is widely considered a mythological text while the writing of Parmenides is understood as philosophical. But where does this distinction arise from? The differing emphasis placed on genealogies of power, the specificity of the content focused on, and the form of the writings themselves present a basis with which to parse the contrasting elements of Theogony and Parmenides’ writing that ultimately provides a framework with which to differentiate mythology and philosophy. The ultimate stylistic distinction is the room for interpretation of the content of the literature shown in philosophy as opposed to mythology.
A first difference between mythology and philosophy as illustrated by Theogony and Parmenides is the amount of emphasis placed on the concept of claimable lineages. In Hesiod’s Theogony, the emphasis upon this stems from a proving of the credibility of human leaders through creating traditions of power. Particularly in the section dedicated to Heroes, there is a lot of crossover between the genealogies of human and god.
And Harmonia, daughter of golden Aphrodite,
Bore to Kadmos Ino and Semele
And fair-cheeked Agaue and Autonoe,
Whom deep-haired Aristaios wed,
And Polydoros in Thebes crowned with towers…
And Dawn bore to Tithonos bronze-helmeted Memnon,
The Ethiopian king, and the Lord Emathion.
And for Kephalos she produced a splendid son,
Powerful Phaethon, a man in the gods’ image (Hesiod l.76-995)
In this excerpt, the way that many Heroes in Greece’s families developed over time is shown. Many Heroes derived their authorities to power and often rulership through the Gods and sometimes through being blood-related to them. For instance, Kadmos was a Hero and founder of Boeotian Thebes whose family became intermingled with the blood of the goddess Harmonia. His children had this god-blood in them and became the next rulers of Thebes. This was similarly the case with Lord Emathion, king of Ethiopia, and many other characters derived from historical figures also mentioned. The idea of characters being divinely related has historically been a way of justifying leadership. Like in the much-interacted-with Ancient Egypt where the Pharaoh was considered a god, much was the case with kings and leaders in Hesiod’s Theogony. This excess of focus upon bringing the genealogy of gods into the world of men is something heavily cemented in Theogony as a means of validating structures of power.
However, quite the opposite is the case in Parmenides’ writings. Fundamentally, Parmenides’ writings bring into question the credibility of different structures of power. He provides a system by which structures can be seen as related to the way that humans view the world and that there is a multiplicity of these rather than a singular authoritative one.
        19. (B19) In this way, according to opinion (doxa), these things have
        grown and now are
        and afterwards after growing up will come to an end.
        And upon them humans have established a name to mark each
                (Simplicius, Commentary on Aristotle’s On the Heavens 558.9-11)
Doxa is used by Parmenides as a device to critique and break down cosmologies that are flawed. Doxa is also based on individual opinion. In saying that things have grown and now are; and after growing up will come to an end, Parmenides communicates the way that these opinions shape critiques and paths of action that influence reality, and the way that each of these corresponds to a name- each individual human’s name. Parmenides’ structures of power are not centralized and do not seek to create an authoritative cosmology/genealogy out of any one of these views.
A second difference between mythology and philosophy as illustrated by Theogony and Parmenides is the specificity of the writing and content in each. In Theogony, there is such a level of detail provided that considers every element of how things are as owed to forms dictated to gods and their families that makes it authoritative in a way that people adopt without criticizing. There is no united line of reasoning as to why things have come to be as they are outside of pure narrative.
        That’s just how Zeus, the high lord of thunder,
        Made women as a curse for mortal men,
        Evil conspirators. And he added another evil
        To offset good. Whoever escapes marriage
        And women’s harm, comes to deadly old age
        Without any son to support him. He has no lack
        While he lives, but when he dies distant relatives
        Divide up his estate. Then again, whoever marries
        As fated, and gets a good wife, compatible,
        Has a life that is balanced between evil and good,
        A constant struggle. But if he marries the abusive kind,
        Pain in spirit and mind, incurable evil (Hesiod l.604-616)
The quote is from a section of Theogony discussing Pandora, who opened the box only as a side effect of Zeus practically setting her up to do so. In this quote, Zeus is illustrated as having simply created a curse for mortal men through Pandora without much reasoning behind it. The text itself even uses the phrase, “That’s just how” and throws a series of details at the reader that actively describe the way that intermarital conflicts occur as if it were planned out precisely that way by Zeus. There is no room to criticize this series of rapid-fire ideas presented through the narrative device of “Zeus just did”.
Unlike this, Parmenides’ writing is extremely vague and a logical puzzle to play out. In fact, the impreciseness of the language encourages the reader to come up with their own perception/interpretation of the text in a way that suits the way they might employ the information.
        16. (B16) As on each occasion there is a mixture of the much-
wandering limbs,
        So is mind present to humans; for the same thing
        Is what the nature of the limbs think in men,
        both in all and in each; for the more is thought.
                        (Theophrastus, On the Senses 3; tpc)
From this quote, an array of different interpretations could be formed. Two will be provided to prove this point. The quote above could be, on one hand, seen as describing a literal situation: the limbs wander, they are active. In the way that they engage in action, the brain also does. Both could be seen as moving, as being inter-involved because thinking is involved in moving the limbs and the moving of the limbs is involved in moving the brain. Thought is an act of both perception and action. How would one perceive or act without the limbs? On the other hand, this quote could be interpreted quite differently. Consider this: the limbs physically mix and wander. The mind is always there in humans. The mind itself literally wanders physically in the limbs and body. The brain is the nature of the limbs. The wording itself owes itself to this variety of interpretation through its inherent vagueness and use of expression.
A third difference between mythology and philosophy as illustrated by Theogony and Parmenides is the form of each of the writings. While both describe the way things are and why through narrative, Theogony is structured as more of a cosmology whereas Parmenides’ writings are a critique of preexisting notions.
In the end, the different levels of emphasis on lineage, the specificity of the content, and the form of the writings shown between Theogony and Parmenides’ writings stands as a framework with which we can distinguish the difference between mythology and philosophy from some of the earlier recorded points in their lineages. While this is interesting in its implications for studying the development of these genres in the past, this difference raises questions further down the line for us, even in the modern day.
Hesiod. Works and Days; Theogony. Translated by Stanley Lombardo, Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 1993.
Curd, Patricia, and Richard D. McKirahan, translators. A Presocratics Reader : Selected Fragments and Testimonia. Edited by Patricia Curd, 2nd ed., Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 2011.
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pocketsizedfish · 5 years
Eos’s kids
So I finally had time to research some stuff and decided to finally try and figure out who all of Eos’s kids are. Well lets just say it’s a bit of a mess (like most mythology things).
So lets start with the most consistent and for sure of the bunch;
With her husband Astraeus she had the Anemoi (the 4 winds) Boreas, Zephyrus, Notus and Euros. 
With Tithonos she had Memnon and Emathion (sometimes Emathion exists sometimes he doesn't but he’s always her kid so ya)
Now here is where things get messy, sometimes with her husband Astraeus she has the Astra Planeta (the wondering stars), these guys represent the planets, they are Phainos (Saturn), Phaeton (Jupiter), Pyroeis (Mars), Eosphoros (Venus) and Stilbon (Mercury).  Now lets get one/two of these guys out of the way, Eosphoros is the morning star and is always the son of Eos and Astraeus however sometimes Eosphoros is 2 separate entity's that are Eosphoros (the morning star) and Hesperos (the evening star). In Roman mythology they almost always seem to be two different people however in Greek mythology it seems to fluctuate between 2 separate entity’s to the same person so it gets pretty confusing. I personally find that it makes more sense to me when they are separate. 
Now the other 4, of fuck, after an hour of reserch and trying to figure these guys out all I can say is woff. Lets start with Pyroeis, whom represents mars or the midnight star (damn this guy has cool names and tittles), he seems to always be Eos and Astraeus’s kid but there is so little stuff on him and also the planet Mars is often considered to belong to Ares or Herakles, however I think we can say he is one of Eos’s kids. Stilbon, whom represents the planet Mercury, is in the same situation as Pyroeis so I think we can also consider him one of Eos’s kids. Next up is Phainos or Phaenon that represents Saturn or sometimes Jupiter. Sometimes it is simple and he’s Phaimos the god of the planet Saturn and the child of Eos and Astraeus. Sometimes Prometheus molded him out of clay wonder woman style and made him one of the most beautiful (if not the most beautiful) beings on earth and than tried to hide him from Zeus.  Eros ratted him out and Zeus found the beautiful Phaimos made him immortal and put him among the stars. So Phaimos is either Eos’s kid of Prometheus’s. And now Phaeton the wandering star of Jupiter, after a while of thinking about it I think I figured this kid out. I beleve he is the son of Eos and Astraeus and is the wandering star of Jupiter however some say that he is the son of Helios (the one that crashed the chariot). However I beleve that Helios’s son Phaethon and Eos’s son Phaeton are completely different people and just have similarly spelled names. I’ll leave it at that because the more you dig the more it seems like Phainos, Phaeton and Phaethon are all getting mixed up and combined and I was getting so lost (my brain nearly died).
Last up is Astraea (the god of justice and the constellation of Virgo, sometimes she is known a Dike). Sometimes she is the daughter of Eos and Astraeus, sometimes just Astraeus, sometimes Zeus and Themis. Astaea is an interesting one and I will probably do some art work of her in the future (there ain’t that much out there of her but the stuff that is is just *Italian chef kiss*) but for all intensive purposes I view her as the daughter of Astraeus and only Astraeus. 
There may be more but this is as far down the rabbit whole as I’ve gone. 
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lionofchaeronea · 2 years
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A warrior bearing the triskelion symbol on his shield. Red-figure lekythos, attributed to the Tithonos Painter; ca. 470 BCE. Found in a tomb near the Sicilian city of Licata; now in the Archaeological Museum of Syracuse. Photo credit: Zde/Wikimedia Commons.
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mrsracooney · 6 years
Sims Album
   Tag rules: Create an ‘album cover’ and a youtube playlist (or any playlist of your choice) and post it here. The playlist should reflect the album cover in some way. You can add as many or as few songs as you like. Tag as many people as you’d like. Please use the hashtag #sims album!
   Thank you @maladi777 for this wonderful tag!
   Of course I would take the chance to force on you share a few inspirational fantasy songs with you. Be prepared for over-romantizising and exaggerating, like, pretty much everything? :P
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Meet Me On The Battlefield
Cost of the Crown
No More Heroes
Where The Lonely Ones Roam
Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely
You Can Be King Again
I tag @partheniasimblr @bugsie2016simblr @sassie-sims @simscognito @thespangleway if you’re comfortable with sharing your favorite music in public ;)
Pose at the right by @natalia-auditore
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jotem · 2 years
Şafak Tanrıçası Eos, görkemli Yunan mitolojisinin güzeller güzeli tanrıçalarından biri. Büyüsü sadece efsanelerde kalmamış, yeryüzüne de serpilmiş: Görenlerin her baktığında uzun süre etkisinden çıkamadıkları Kuzey Işıkları’na onun adını verilmiş. Eski zamanlarda Kanadalı yerel bir halk olan Cree halkı Kuzey Işıkları’nı gördüğünde ruhların dans ettiğini düşünür, o dönemin Avrupa’sında ise bu durum tanrıların bir işareti gibi yorumlanırmış. Kim bilir, belki Eos gözalıcı ışıklarıyla bir şeyler anlatmak istiyordur…
Güneş Tanrıçası Helios ile Ay Tanrıçası Selena’nın kardeşi Eos, Roma mitolojisindeki adı ile Aurora, “Şafak Tanrıçası” olarak bilinir. Rüzgarların, Çoban Yıldızı’nın ve Roma mitolojisinde ışığı getiren anlamında Eosphoros adlı kız çocuğunun yani Lucifer’ın annesidir. Gecenin en derin saatlerinde bedenimiz, toprak, bitkiler, hayvanlar yeni bir güne uyanmak için hazırlanırken Eos, kanatlı atlarıyla bu uyanışa vesile olmak için okyanusun derinliklerinden çıkarak gökyüzüne yükselir ve dünyanın kapılarını kardeşi Helios’a aralar. Bu yüzden Yunan mitolojisindeki bir yeri de tazelik, ferahlık ve yenileniştir. Yeryüzündeki canlılar güneş ışınlarının tenlerine değmesiyle yeni bir güne taptaze bir canlılıkla uyanırlar, aslında bu onlar için güneşle beraber doğan yeni bir şanstır.
Güzelliği ve yaradılışının getirdiği tazelikle tanrılar dünyasında dikkatleri çeken Eos, bir o kadar da çapkındır aslında. Bir gün Savaş Tanrısı Ares’le sevişir ve Afrodit’in gazabına uğrar; cezası sonsuza dek, sürekli aşık olmaktır. Aşkın, insanın içinde yarattığı fırtınaları ya da dindirdiği fırtınaları düşündükçe, aşk bir ceza mı yoksa bahşedilmiş bir ödül mü bunun kararını vermek sizlere düşüyor.
Eos her ne kadar sürekli aşık olmakla “cezalandırılsa” de aslında cezası gerçek aşkı bulduğunda başlar. Astrois, Orion, Kleitos, Kepholos gibi çeşitli sevgilileri hatta bu sevgililerinden doğan çocukları olsa da Eos, Troyalı Prens Tithonos’u görünce vurulur ve onu sarayından kaçırarak Habeşistan’a götürür. Uzun yıllar her şeyden uzakta, doğan çocuklarıyla beraber mutlu geçen bu beraberlikte bir sorun ortaya çıkmaktadır: Tithonos insan ruhu zamanın akışıyla karşı karşıyadır. Kendisi ölümsüz bir tanrıçayken sevgilisinin her geçen gün ölüme bir adım daha yaklaşıyor oluşu Eos’u derin bir hüzne boğar ve tanrıların babası Zeus’tan sevgilisi için ölümsüzlük diler. Eos’un haline acıyan Zeus bu dileği yerine getirir ve cezanın aşık olmak olduğu bu efsanede ölümsüzlük de çaresiz bir lanet olur.
Eos sevgilisi için ölümsüzlük dilemişti dilemesine ama dileği eksiktir; sevgilisi gözünün önünde gün be gün yaşlanıyor, canlılığını kaybediyor, ufalıyor, zayıf ve cansız bir hale geliyor ama ölmüyordur. Tithonos adeta her gün ölümle heyecanlı bir dans eder, son pozunu gösterir; fakat ardından gelen zayıf bir nefesle yaşamayı sürdürür. Efsaneye göre Eos, sevgilisinin her gün tükenişini, artık sadece bir nefes olarak kalışını görmeye dayanamadığı zamana geldiğinde onu bir çekirgeye çevirir ve evine, yani göklere geri döner.
Çocukken çayırlarda kovaladığımız çekirgeler ya bir tanrının ölümsüz aşkıysa? İnsan, gözlerini kapayıp mum üflerken, gökyüzünde yıldız kaydığı zaman heyecandan ne dileyeceğini düşünürken belki de iki kere düşünmeli: Çünkü eksik dilenen bir dilek, sonsuz bir lanetin başlangıcı olabilirdi.
Öyküm Kütük
Kapak fotoğrafı: Wikipedia
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Alexander Keirincx - Landscape with Cephalus and Procris - ca 1620
oil on panel, Height: 47.6 cm (18.7 in); Width: 80.6 cm (31.7 in)
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, USA
In Greek mythology, Cephalus (Ancient Greek: Κέφαλος Kephalos) is an Aeolian prince, the son of Deion/ Deioneos, ruler of Phocis, and Diomede, and grandson of Aeolus. He was one of the lovers of the dawn goddess Eos.
Athenians localised the myth by asserting that Cephalus was married to Procris, a daughter of Erechtheus, an ancient founding-figure of Athens. The goddess of dawn, Eos, fell in love with him and kidnapped Cephalus when he was hunting. The resistant Cephalus and Eos became lovers, and she bore him a son named Phaethon (not to be confused with the son of the sun-god Helios). Some sources also give Tithonos and Hesperus as children of Cephalus and Eos. However, Cephalus always pined for Procris, causing a disgruntled Eos to return him to her, making disparaging remarks about his wife's fidelity. Bribed by a golden crown, his wife admitted Pteleon to her bed, and being detected by Cephalus she fled to Minos.
Alexander Keirincx (Antwerp, 23 January 1600 – Amsterdam, 1652) was a Flemish landscape painter who is known for his wooded landscapes with figures as well as his 'portraits' of English castles and country houses. After training in his native Antwerp, he worked in Utrecht and ultimately to Amsterdam in the Dutch Republic. During a period of sojourn in England in the late 1630s he worked on commissions for the English king. He was a regular collaborator of Cornelis van Poelenburch.
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thoodleoo · 11 months
smh did you all not read where i said that lekythos was all i had to give out
you all have to take turns on the greek terracota lekythos attributed to the tithonos painter of hermes on an errand for zeus ca. 480-470 bc (classical period)
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littlesparklight · 2 months
I think one of the funniest pieces of most scaled-down representations of the Judgement of Paris is when the only people in it are Paris being chased by Hermes.
It's the same set-up as Ganymede being chased by Zeus, or Eos chasing Kephalos or Tithonos (sometimes Kleitos), so now it just looks like Hermes is out to fuck the lyre-wielding twink.
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baronessblixen · 5 years
My Master Post
Here’s a list of all the fics I’ve written. As of right now, they’re categorized into Fictober, general prompt answers, based on episodes and various prompt challenges like Christmas. 
I will try to update this list and add older stories as well. It’s not a complete list and may never be. 
Fowl Play: Mulder forgets to pick up Scully at the airport.
         Common Ground: sequel to “Fowl Play”
Bloody Hell: April’s Fools gone wrong
Ten Minutes: Part of the “Five Minutes” series where the IVF worked! 
Cherry and Vanilla: Mulder gets an awkward boner
Let’s Bee Together: Mulder gets into apiculture.
In Hallways: Mulder and Scully are already in a relationship when Diana comes back.
Happy Birthday, Baby Girl: The baby is born on Scully’s birthday.
More Than a Feeling: Mulder senses Scully’s new, surprising pregnancy.
Paperwork and Chill: Mulder is more interested in Scully than in work. 
Time in New Hampshire: For "A Map of Us: 50 States of Sex”
Sweet Surrender: one-word prompt ‘churros’
In Your Dreams: Scully talks in her sleep on the way home
All In Your Head: a season 11 mind reading fic
Cold Turkey: a Thanksgiving fic
Carefree: Scully has a creative idea to make Mulder feel better.
One Of These Days: Their first fight after their daughter’s birth. 
It’s a Tie: Scully gets Mulder a tie.
A Mother’s Love: Maggie Scully is around when baby no. 2 is born.
Cake Run: Mulder almost forgets Scully’s birthday.
Let’s Share: V-Day ficlet set in season 11: “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to live without you”
Sweet Sunday: Pure family fluff! Mulder and Scully have breakfast with their daughter
One Night on the Road: set in season 6, Mulder and Scully have to share a room and a bed. 
Sick Days: set in season 11: Scully gets sick and refuses to see a doctor.
It’s Always Been You: season 7 fluff
Soon: revival fic “You said this time it’d be different”
Four Day of Me and You: Mulder and Scully are quarantined and there’s only one bed. 
The Cookie Monster Family: family fluff
It’s Okay: Mulder has a panic attack
April Showers: Mulder and Scully in the rain, season 7
The Waiting Game: Mulder takes drastic measures when he and Scully fight. 
Cafeteria Mishaps: Scully has a little “accident” but Mulder is there. 
It’s a Family Thing: A Bill Scully Jr. fic before the revival
“Scully, why is that guy calling you Dana?”
win or lose: Mulder challenges Scully to a fun run, season 1. 
To Keep You Safe: Hurt/comfort set in season 7
What’s The Score? After their successful baseball date, Mulder teaches Scully how to play basketball. 
Sundress Days: Easter Sunday is the perfect day for Mulder and Scully to run into trouble (challenge fic)
Mulder and Scully undercover at a fundraiser
Bruises: “Where did all those bruises come from?”
First Times: Jackson gives Scully a kiss on the cheek
Twisted: “It just... hurts”
Practice Nights: during her second pregnancy, Scully battles indigestion
Pretty Cool: it’s all about that keychain
At Long Last: “My Struggle IV”
You Changed All My Plans: “Nothing Lasts Forever”
A Familiar Feeling: “Familiar”
Mine, Yours and Ours: “Rm9sbG93ZXJz“
Like Baby Cats: “Kitten”
Our Son Loves Baseball: “Ghouli”
Things That Are Real / Time for Jello:  “TLAOFS”
Hold Me: “Plus One”
Coffee Cup Confessions: “The Unnatural” fic
Kissing You: The first few kisses - “Millennium” fic
Morning Time: A tickle fic for “The Rain King”
Smoke Rings: one-word prompt ‘relapse’ for “Brand X”
Not Letting Go: one-word prompt ‘intertwined’ for “Redux”
A Single Moment: one-word prompt ‘shy’ for “Millennium”
Feeling Lucky: A kiss cam fic, set after “Irresistible”
Please Wake Up: Mulder visits Scully in “Tithonos”
On The Line: Mulder calls Mrs. Scully in “Memento Mori”
Pieces of Us: A “Three Words” fic
We Danced: A conversation about the dance in “PMP”
New Year’s Sorrows: A Talk about Diana in “Millennium”
Undeserving: During “One Son”, Skinner fic
To See, to Feel, to Love: Scully confronts Mulder about having seen her naked, post-FTF.
Crumbling Walls: hurt/comfort set in “Irresistible” - “Just talk to me”
Against All Odds: AU for “Per Manum”
Lovely: Mulder sings “Isn’t she lovely?” to his daughter
Learning to Touch: a “Fearful Symmetry” fic - Mulder and Scully masturbating together 
Perfectly Clear: “Arcadia” Mulder and Scully argue and she lets it slip that she wants to be with but...
The Son of a Fox: Maggie Scully comes to visit after William is born, post-”Existence”.
Born Out of Love: Mulder arrives in time to see William being born in “Existence”
a dream, a nightmare: a missing scene for “Requiem”
Your Heart is My Heart: Fluff set in “all things”
Lapse of Reason: Mulder and Scully making out at the end of “Die Hand die verletzt”
Bed-sharing and phone flirting after “Wetwired”
The Right Number: a “Per Manum” fic
Not alone: Hurt/comfort in “Home Again”
Fingertips: Scully playing with Mulder’s hair in “Amor Fati”
Coming Home: written for the pornbattle - Mulder returns in “Trust no One”
Not Today: set in “DeadAlive” - Scully can’t let go of Mulder’s apartment
Good Morning: fluffy “Millennium” post-ep
Word Salad: Mulder can’t pronounce quiche - post-ep for “Millennium”
This is Home: a fluffy “This” fic
In the Middle of the Night: short fluffy ficlet set in “Familiar”
Choices: set in “Requiem” - “Stop pretending you’re okay cause I know you’re not”
three little words: fluffy post-ep for “Triangle”
Fluff post-ep for “Theef”
Don’t Sell Them: a different version of “Requiem”, with mentions of “Per Manum”
Saturday Games: AU for “The Unnatural” - a challenge to prove whether “I bet the air in my mouth tastes better than that” is true or not
Brief Encounter: set in “Redux II”: what if Scully was the one to say I love you first?
Once and Again: Mulder and Scully argue in “IWTB” and find out she’s pregnant
Inside: a post-ep for “Emily”
It’s Yours: set in “Three Words”
Lasting Things: “Get back in bed, you’re not healed yet” set in “Nothing Lasts Forever”
Nights in Arcadia: Scully is hesitant to accept Mulder’s care in “Arcadia”
Failed: William is taken from them after “Existence”
Crazy Energy: a post-ep for “Syzygy” 
Just the Flu: a “Detour” post-ep
Ask Again Later: short fluffy/hurt/comfort post-ep for “FTF”
Ficmas 2021
25 days of Christmas
Advent Calendar 2019 (not necessarily Christmas-themed!)
Calendar word prompts (not necessarily Christmas themed!)
Family Morning: The first Christmas with Jackson and Katie
Everything He Could Ever Want: Scully laughs and Mulder falls in love
Stormy Christmas: The baby is afraid of storms and Jackson comforts her
My Kind of Ugly: Mulder convinces Scully to wear an ugly maternity sweater
A Mother: Post-ep for “Amor Fati” - Mulder’s mother comes to visit
Like A Date: Scully thinks Mulder has a secret girlfriend, set in season 6
Within Reach: Mulder holds something up too high for Scully, sequel to LIKE A DATE
Get Through: a string of scenes from season one up to “Requiem”
In Loving Hands: A Jackson fic
Small Christmas Moments: Mulder has an accident
Just You: season two fluff
Unkissed: Mulder, Scully and Skinner at the FBI’s Christmas party
Cookie Love: Mulder, Scully and the annual fundraiser. Scully is jealous.
Be Brave: Mrs. Scully just wants her daughter to be happy
Hiding Place: Mulder cheers up his grumpy son
On Thin Ice: A jealous Mulder tries to impress Scully
What I Remember About You:  No matter how many years might have passed, she would always recognize him cause no one smiles like Fox Mulder. - The Skiing AU
Never Have I Ever: Trapped in a hotel during a snowstorm, Mulder and Scully decide a harmless game of Never Have I Ever.
Tea and Honey: Scully is sick and Mulder offers to look after her
Miracle On Hegal Place:  Mulder and Scully watch "Miracle on 34th Street". Set after “How The Ghosts Stole Christmas”.
Family Time: Their first outing as a family, a Bill Scully Jr. dinner.
Feels Like Home: Scully needs a hug.
A Christmas Tale: Mulder and Scully take care of a little girl. 
Quiet Moments With You: Scully is writing Christmas cards when Mulder shows up at her apartment.
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paintedwingold · 4 years
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So I caved, bought hades, absolutely fell in love with it and made an oc. Quick summary Eos is a titan goddess of the dawn, cursed to continuously fall in love.
More information under the cut
Eos is rosy-fingered titan goddess of the dawn, daughter of the titans Hyperion and Theia, and sister to Helios and Selene. its unclear what her role in the war between the titans and Olympians was, but its impossible for her to be in Tartarus, due to all her myths being of her falling in love with mortals and other gods. 
The way she got cursed is fairly simple, Ares fell in love with her and Aphrodite got jealous. she cursed Eos to continuously fall in love, even with mortals. 
The most well known myth of her is her relationship with the Trojan prince Tithonos, where she asked Zeus to make him immortal, but failed to ask for as eternal youth as well. resulting in the man growing old but unable to die. he wailed for death, pitying him she turned him into a cicada(or grass hopper). And its said that's why the bug never stops chirping, for its the immortals cry. 
She had relationships with: 
Orion, which ended with him being shot by Artemis and then turned into a constellation. 
Astraeus, Who was the titan god of the stars, planets, and of the art of astrology. he and Eos had several children who became the Stars and the four seasonal Winds, including Astraea who was the goddess of the constellation Virgo. its unclear what happened to him, but its suggested he played a role in both the titan and giant wars. 
and lastly Cephalus, who probably has the happiest ending of these, she fell in love with the boy, but his heart stayed true to his wife, so she returned him and even gave him some gifts: a javelin that never missed, and Laelaps, a hunting dog that always caught its prey. Neat. 
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From Tithonos and the Goddess of Dawn, 2019 Directed by Jörg Weidner
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lionofchaeronea · 4 years
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The messenger-god Hermes, wearing his winged sandals and carrying his herald’s staff (kerykeion). Attic red-figure lekythos (oil-flask), attr. to the Tithonos Painter; ca. 480-470 BCE. Now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
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a-gnosis · 5 years
Sometimes I just can’t help but wonder why there’s so much controversy around the myth of Hades and Persephone, when there are a ton more shady myths. I know that Hades is wrongfully demonised because of christianity, but Hades wasn’t even the only god to have abducted someone, because abduction wasn’t out of the ordinary for any of the gods, and yet Hades is the main god who’s demonised for it. Why?
Probably because the myth of the abduction of Persephone is one of the most well-known Greek myths. Most people have heard about it, but not everybody has heard about, for example, Zeus abducting Europa, Apollon abducting Cyrene, or Eos abducting Tithonos. The abduction of Persephone is also the main thing that Hades is known for. The ancient Greeks didn't like talking about him too much, so he appears in the myths quite rarely.
That this myth is quite popular to retell as a love story, compared to other Greek myths, maybe also adds to the controversy (don't get me wrong, I ship Hades and Persephone, but the ancient myth is not exactly a love story. It's rather about Demeter and her struggle to get her daughter back).
Those are my guesses, anyway. ^^
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