#Tom and Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes
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This early development artwork for “Tom and Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes,” went to live on, as part of the collage wallpaper at the office (along with many other fun projects).
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finalproblem · 6 months
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Sherlockian Wednesday Watchalongs: Sherlockian Tails
Got a mystery to solve? These creatures are on the case! 🐭 🦊 🐶 🐱
All Wednesday watchalong gatherings start at 8:30 pm US Eastern time. (Convert to your local time here—and please note that the US has a time change on November 5th!)
Wednesday, November 8 Tom and Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes (2010 movie) A mouse detective? Great! 🐭
Wednesday, November 15 Dimension 20: Mice & Murder (Episode 1) This week, our detective is a sly old fox. Literally. 🦊 (Our first improv / TTRPG watchalong!)
Wednesday, November 22 Sherlock Hound (1984 TV series) double feature Our favorite incarnation of Sherlock as a talking dog. 🐶 (We don't need to speak of The Other One.)
Wednesday, November 29 Mikeneko Holmes no Suiri (2012 TV series) Holmes is a cat, and she's smarter than most people. 🐱 (Or does that go without saying?)
Here’s the deal: Like Sherlock Holmes? You’re welcome to join us in The Giant Chat of Sumatra’s #giantchat text channel to watch and discuss with us. Just find a copy of the episode or movie we’re watching, and come make some goofy internet friends.
Keep an eye on my #the giant chat of sumatra tag and the calendar for updates on future chat events.
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azazel-dreams · 8 months
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Tom and Jerry meet Sherlock Holmes
Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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myckicade · 2 years
Just watched a Tom & Jerry special that reminded me of a spectacular piece of Psych fanfiction. Not sure whether to be suspicious of, or horrified with myself.
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teaspoonnebula · 5 months
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Tom and Jerry meet Sherlock Holmes has the cutest animated Holmes and Watson designs ever.
Yes they are at a wedding, I know my audience ok.
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jabbage · 1 year
Ok hold on tight fellas, a few months ago I was basking in the glory of the Tom and Jerry meet Sherlock Holmes movie having surprisingly gorgeous animation and a Holmes and Watson with genuine chemistry.
I've got a new favourite "Why in the world does this try as hard as it does" animated Sherlock Holmes adaptation.
Sherlock Holmes and the Great Escape (or sometimes i've seen it translated as the Great Jail-break?), animated in Hong Kong, released in 2019.
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What you need to know about this movie:
For some reason, Sherlock Holmes is cosplaying as Yellow Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist throughout. In fact, there are a number of shots that I think are direct references to Fullmetal Alchemist. I have no idea why this decision was made.
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Watson is a rather effeminate pink cat who sports this delightful bow tie/bowler hat/cropped trousers ensemble. He is somehow still definitely John Watson, transmogrified into a femme anime cat person.
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Despite being a world full of multicoloured anthropomorphic characters, characters can be murdered in this movie? There are actual guns that look like guns? Systemic causes of poverty are considered? The law is not always just? Prisons do not work? I mean I'm not saying any of these issues are addressed in an especially sophisticated way, but I wasn't expecting them to be addressed at all!
Actual Moments of Pathos?!!! !!!!!!!
These characters aren't actually called Mrs Hudson and Wiggins, but they are definitely Mrs Hudson and Wiggins.
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There is an Arsene Lupin-esque gentleman thief character who I genuinely like.
As part of the mysteries there are animated illustrations of basic physics, like what happens to molecules when water is frozen or air pressure changes. Science education ++
Pink Femme Catson gets a Reichenbach moment where he gets to scream his Sherlock's first name dramatically. Of course.
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This happens:
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"It seemed to me that in that moment, my dear friend anthropomorphic anime Edward Elric ripoff Sherlock Holmes was more nearly moved by the softer emotions than I had ever seen him."
So yeah that was an unexpectedly wild ride.
EDIT Also Pink Kitty Watson sets the bar punishingly high for Watsons not taking much nonsense from their Holmses
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okapiandpaste · 5 months
no, I do NOT need to watch tom and jerry meet sherlock holmes I'm trying to find the sherlock holmes dinosaur movie so I can make a funny compilation out of it! but now I have to know what a tom and jerry sherlock holmes movie is like--
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lexie-squirrel · 3 months
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Tom and Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes (2010)
У "Тома и Джерри" выходили - а может, и выходят до сих пор - глуповатые пародиийные мультфильмы, кроссоверы с различными франшизами вроде "Волшебника страны Оз" или "Вилли Вонки и шоколадной фабрики". Не обошла эта участь и "Шерлока Холмса". Я вообще удивлен, что по нему не выходит больше детского контента, учитывая детскую любовь к Холмсу - таким проектам я вполне готов простить поверхностно-стереотипного Холмса и туповатого толстяка Уотсона.
Этот мультфильм я уже смотрел, когда он впервые вышел, но запомнились мне в основном только топорные, но забавные отсылки вроде таверны Рэтбоун Инн, мьюзик холле Брюса Найджела, эпизодического персонажа по имени Бретт Джереми и могилы некоего Дойла (даты жизни не совпадают). Сам Холмс и Уотсон - один поверхностно-стереотипный и другой туповатый толстяк - являются полноценными действующими лицами, а не просто короткими камео.
Но главными героями все-таки являются, по-прежнему безмолвные, Том и Джерри. Джерри здесь эдакий маленький хвостатый ассистент Холмса, который увлекается химическими опытами, носит плащ-пелерину и дирстокер и живет в норке за стеной. Что до Тома, который тут носит сюртук и бабочку, то он оказался вмешан в эту историю случайно, когда доставлял Холмсу важное письмо. Сюжет крутился вокруг похищенного алмаза и рыжеволосой певички по имени Ред. Сцена ее выступления показалась мне несколько фривольной для детского мультфильма, но в общем-то не хуже, чем подобная же сцена в диснеевском "Великом мышином сыщике". Уотсон и Джерри от нее, кстати, поплыли, но Холмс особого интереса не выказазал, пусть и целовал ей руку.
Помимо Тома и Джерри с Холмсом и Уотсоном здесь также действовали другие знакомые персонажи - например, было несколько сценок с бульдогом Спайком и его сыночком Тайком (они работали охранниками), также действовали меланхоличный песик Друпи и его напарник Бутч (они работали в полиции), а еще появился приятель Джерри, мышонок Таффи (только здесь он не подброшенный сиротка, а мышь-священник). Что до шерлокианской части истории, то в какой-то момент выяснилось, что за всем этим стоит профессор Мориарти, который выглядит как типичный то ли мультяшный, то ли оперетточный злодей.
Что до шерлокианских отсылок, то здесь я вероятно натягиваю сову на глобус - но, по-моему, я уловил отсылку на "Великого мышиного сыщика" (сцена с танцовщицей), на "Семипроцентный раствор" (драка Холмса со злодеем на крыше едущего поезда едущей повозки) и даже на "Шерлока Холмса" с Дауни-младшим (недостроенный тауэрский мост). Но скорее всего настоящая крупная отсылка была только одна - кража драгоценностей из Тауэра (и нет, это отсылка к фильму 1939 года с Рэтбоуном, а не к сериалу "Шерлок").
Разумеется, помиимо слабенькой детективно-приключенческой линии, основой мультфильма служили привычные том-и-джерри-вские визуальные гэги, многие из которых были просто повторами из классики на разный лад. Также по-моему, авторы переборщили с вилами, которые постоянно втыкались в филейную часть бедолаги Тома. Но многие моменты вызывали искреннюю улыбку и смех, например, сцена с органом, из труб которого поочередно вылетали то Том, то Джерри.
В общем, забавный и непритязательный мультик-кроссовер для юных зрителей. Да и идет он меньше пятидесяти минут.
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corposeco · 1 year
hello!! hope you're having a nice day <3 what are your favorite sherlock holmes adaptations/versions, if you feel like sharing your thoughts??
Hi!! I'm doing fine, thank you ♥️
I'll admit, I bear BBC Sherlock if I don't take it too seriously and enjoy the absurdity, and that's why I enjoy adaptations like Without a Clue, Elementary, Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона, the Basil & Nigel movies, Ritchieverse, The Private Life of SH...
But my lead ones will definitely be: Granada Holmes. It's is so aesthetically pleasing and has a perfect plot pacing/elements, I'm able to appreciate it in all angles. It's also one of the best portrayals of Holmes and Watson's relationship imo, that is already iconic on its own, but this adaptation in specific articulate much better than what we see in the books.
The Frogwares games. I enjoy it most because we interact with Holmes & Watson's world, because besides being a book nerd I'm also a gamer, two of the worst mental illness known to mankind.
Bert Coules radio dramatisation. This one fucks all, they put their whole pussy into adapting all of the stories and I still get emotional over the performance in The Three Garridebs. Also I love when Mary is recognized more than the few times Conan Doyle remembered her existence in the books.
And finally (finally) Tom and Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes. I've expressed my love for Tom and Jerry parodies in the past, so it's no surprise. It's full of warmth, fun, has a bit of steampunk and it's my favorite cartoon, what more could I possible need?
I probably left out many others, but it's because we would need to sit down and talk all day long about all of them in minimum details, because I've been a hard fan since I was fourteen and haven't know peace since then. But I hope this was enough to get a glimpse of my silly opinions :P
Thank you for sending this ask, hope you have a nice day too, dear. If you would like to discuss this topic further or any other subjects, I'm always open. But if not, it's okay too, I'm also content to just see you on my dash daily. ♥️♥️
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amplesalty · 1 year
Christmas 2022 - Day 2 - Home Alone: The Holiday Heist (2012)
On t he second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...
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...two thousand dollars worth of tools!
Oh hey, we’ve reached the point where they got embarrassed about the number of sequels they were making. We took a diversion last year to look at the newest entry in the franchise, Home Sweet Home Alone, but we’re going back into the archives now to check out the last new to me entry actually set at Christmas. I’ve never seen 3 but I know that’s not set at Christmas and doesn’t involve the McAllisters either but maybe I’ll look at that one day as a random review just for the sake of completeness. With this coming out in 2012, it almost sort of maybe looks like they’re going for a ‘once a generation’ thing where they draw in one bunch of kids, then hit the next batch when the others have grown up. I mean, you had the original and the sequel at the beginning of the 90’s, 3 came out mid-to-late 90’s, then 4 was early noughties, now this one in the early tens and finally HSHA in 2021. At this rate I suppose we can look forward to the next entry in the early 2030’s. Maybe by then it’ll be set on a terraformed Mars.
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I don’t know why but I’ve somehow always managed to misjudge this art for the film. I think something about the hair looking floppy made me think he was a spoilt little rich kid. Plus what is quite plainly a hoodie I’d somehow seen as like a blazer of sorts with a tie. I can only assume I only ever glanced at this and didn’t pay too much attention because boy is that ever a wide of the mark assessment. Indeed, this is the story of your average American family with 2.4 kids who have moved all the way from California to Maine in aid of mom’s new job.
At least he’s doing the whole ‘scream’ thing here to immediately remind you of the old movies. They even mention the painting at one point and the kids get oddly embarrassed at their parents doing the pose. I don’t know if he’s really selling fear here though, he just looks slightly appalled by something.
Fittingly for Maine the house is allegedly haunted by the spirit of an old timey bootlegger but we’re not exactly going into Stephen King territory here. It does give extra reason for our young protagonist, Finn (played by Christian Martyn), to be scared senseless but he doesn’t exactly need any help since he’s pretty much scared of his own shadow most of the time. It’s also the motivation for our obligatory gang of baddies as they plan to steal a painting which is said to reside in the house.
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And hey, there are actual recognisable people in these roles again! Malcolm McDowell makes another appearance on our Christmas list, this time as the ringleader Sinclair. Alongside him he has Jessica played by Debi Mazar who sort of looks familiar but I don’t think that’s down to some of the more logical places I would have seen her like Goodfellas or Empire Records. She’s apparently Madonna’s bestie as well and she’s been in a whole bunch of her videos.
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Maybe it’s because she looks like she’s come straight out of that Jim Carrey Grinch movie at one point. Definite Who vibe off her here. Plus there’s Eddie Steeples who was ‘Crab Man’ Darnell Turner on My Name is Earl and was also in Would You Rather that I watched during Halloween a year or two back.
Say what you will about these sequels being cash ins but they put their hand in their pocket sometimes to get people you might actually know. Granted, McDowell is very much a working actor and whilst thoughts do obviously turn to A Clockwork Orange, you can just as easily find him providing voice work to Pinocchio 3000 (okay that sounds stupid and I kinda want to see it) or Tom and Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes (...same) so it’s probably not an amazing ‘get’ but I imagine he doesn’t come cheap.
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Another recognisable face is Edward Asner who just feels destined to turn up in so many Christmas films. I swear it’s either him or the goddamned Northen Lights. At least he’s not playing Santa this time. It’s kind of a weird performance because he’s hosting this Christmas party and the mum is his new hire, only they’re trying to play him off as being massively drunk but it’s not that far removed from just being a vaguely senile old man.
The whole former bootlegger house does very nearly come close to giving this movie a gimmick and some sort of identity as pretty early on Finn inadvertently finds a hidden safe in the basement. Eventually he and his sister find out that it has a hidden wall that has a speakeasy behind it which, when his sister tries to steal a bottle of alcohol, triggers the door to shut behind her and lock her in. The idea of the house itself having these sort of traps built in and leftover from it’s former occupant would’ve been a new dynamic and you could potentially have moments of peril from Finn accidently finding himself on the wrong end of one. But it doesn’t really come up so we’re just left with the results of Finn’s imagination; icing up the front porch (a classic), pouring oil over people or baking poisoned cookies full of hot sauce. Hey, Home Sweet Home Alone took that one! That movie has clearly sunk to a new low if it’s having to rip off this movie. Thinking about it though, the kid in these movies is meant to be the viewer analogue, the little boys and girls watching at home are meant to be able to imagine themselves being the one setting the traps and getting their own back on all the mean grownups so it doesn’t exactly work if the kid isn’t the one actively setting the traps.
His big secret weapon is the power of sexual harassment as Jessica gets stuck in a window trying to break in so, when he two partners in crime try to pull her out, Finn keeps firing things at her that smack her on the arse and makes her think the guys are trying to cop a feel. A swift mule kick to the nards sorts them right out though. I don’t know if I want to run the risk of upsetting the moderation bots of Tumblr again though in order to show you, I’m not sure what the party line is on a nice bottom.
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The traps feel a little tame in comparison to the other movies, especially when you consider the multiple times Kevin nearly killed the Wet/Sticky bandits with blunt force trauma, electrocution, burning, falls, Birdemic... Honestly, the most violent act isn’t even directed at the bad guys, it’s when he’s convinced the house is haunted so tries to collect evidence and ends up shooting his own Father with a taser. I know these kids are shown to be resourceful in these movies but where did he get that from?!It’s like the reverse Chekhov’s Gun as it never shows up again.
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Or when this one guy pretty much gets Swatted and maced by about a dozen cops.  See, there’s this whole subplot where Finn just wants to play videogames and not make any actual real life friends, only it comes across vaguely weird when the one guy he’s talking to online is this one dude in like his mid 20’s. Finn kinda has this whole borderline social issue though as he seems geniunely anxious at the thought of any human interaction with his peers. His sister is portrayed as being obssesed with her phone so it’s very much the type of writing you expect from that relatively early period of smart phones where adults are complaining about how their kids just wont get off the dang cell phone or those violent viddy games!
Then there’s this whole scene where Finn tells the guy they’re being robbed so he hacks Finn’s gamertag, gets his mum’s mobile number from the account details and calls her to tell her what’s happening. Only it turns into this whole misunderstanding where she thinks he’s grooming her son and has her daughter locked in the basement. Oh, noncing and child abuse, what japes we have.
Honestly, this one wasn’t too bad. It’s massively derivative and there’s no reason to watch it over 1 or 2 but it’s not the worst thing in the world. It’s just a very safe rehash that makes absolutely no attempt to try and stray from the formula, it just settles into the well worn arse groove that the original movie and the sequel already made and is quite content with that. It’s just the same movie but adjusted 20 years down the line with some new possibilities thanks to the advancement of technology.  Still, because it’s giving itself such a low bar it didn’t really come across as making any massively glaring faults. Whereas last year I think Home Sweet Home Alone kind of forgot it even was a Home Alone movie for large portions so it’s a lot easier to pick fault with it. Maybe that one just set some low expectations for me that this one was able to meet.
It’s not to say there aren’t problems. Like Finn is just a massive dweeb who seems to have this sad look on his face the entire movie. Plus, him being scared borders on the ridiciousless on occasions. Like there’s one moment where he manages to run screaming out of the secret room, through the basement, up the stairs, through the kitchen, up another flight of stairs, into his room, throw off the covers and then dive under them. It feels like one of those jokes where someone is falling for a really long time so they have to stop to breathe before starting to scream again. Granted, Kevin was pretty scared in the first movie but he was a good couple of years younger, was actively left alone for days on end rather then just a couple of hours whilst his parents went to a party and the Wet Bandits were a lot more intimidating the guy guys on show here.  These guys are only interested in the painting and even when they do discover Finn and his sister, they just try to keep them out of the way. The Bandits though, they took that shit seriously when Kevin was fighting back against them and you really did think they were going to kill him before Old Man Marley showed up with that snow shovel. I suppose this is a kids movie after all though and you’ve got to keep the menace and fear to a minimum.
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This early development drawing for “Tom and Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes,” has both characters sporting the classic Sherlock Holmes costume, of the deerstalker hat and Inverness cape, investigating a yet unwritten mystery. Although an early thought, this image would have staying power, and show up later in post production.
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finalproblem · 6 months
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Join the Wednesday Watchalong in The Giant Chat of Sumatra! 🔗
Time for a Tail! This week, we'll watch Tom and Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes (2010 movie) & chat live tonight at 8:30 pm US Eastern time (click for your local date/time) in the #giantchat text channel of our Discord server.
If you're outside the US, please note we had a time change over the weekend. See the link above to convert for your time zone.
All Holmes fans are welcome to take part in the watchalong, even if you’ve randomly landed on this post. Just show up and join the fun!
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famderfries · 2 years
i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you
using a mirror to reflect it back to you like in tom and jerry meet Sherlock holmes
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sheraayasher · 1 year
hi, i go by zoya trivedi, nice to meet ya!
i use the pronouns: she/they (meaning you can use either of them while addressing me).
sun sign: capricorn, rising sign: taurus, moon sign: libra
i love watching sports, i love listening to music, i love coffee and chai, i hate flowers and halloween. 
feminist • the cool aunt • slytherin (but also hufflepuff) • hades, poseidon, apollo • candor, dauntless, erudite •
grishaverse ; mcu ; harry potter ; dead poets society ; peaky blinders ; narnia chronicles ; divergent series ; friends ; mom ; how i met your mother ; wonder woman ; tangled ; aladdin ; johnny english series ; encanto ; mulan ; the maze runner series ; percy jackson series ; the kane chronicles ; murder on the orient express ; pride and prejudice ; sherlock ; enola holmes ; little women (2019) ; agatha christie’s poirot ; the office ; stand up comedies ;
zindagi na milegi doobara ; golmaal ; dil dhakane do ; gully boy ; ye jaawani hai deewani ; padosan ; badla ; ittefaq (2017) ; dangal ; welcome ; detective byomkesh bakshy ; chhichhore ; baby ; naam shabana ; m.s. dhoni ; 3 idiots ; nh10 ; raazi ; uri: the surgical strike ; andhadun ; baadhi ho ; tare zaamen par ; an action hero ; mard ko kabhi dard nahi hota ; padmavat ; bajirao mastani ; gangubai kathiawadi ; article 15 ; pathan ; rocky aur rani ki prem kahani ; singham ; phir hera feri ; ponniyin selvan 1 & 2 ; chennai express ; dear zindagi ; jaane tu ya jaane na ; baahubali series ; piku ; qarib qarib single ; hindi medium ;
doom at your service ; law school ; shooting stars ; it's okay not to be okay ; happiness ; our beloved summer ; vincenzo ; adult trainee ; extraordinary attorney woo ; so i married an anti-fan ; a business proposal ; descendents of the sun ; twinkling watermelon ;
seventeen ; stray kids ; p1harmony ; (g)-idle ; everglow ; kiss of life ; epik high ; ateez ; blackpink ; bts ; tomorrow x together ; jessi ; lee youngji ; kard ; xg ; xdinary heroes ; IU ; nct ; purple kiss ; dreamcatcher ; itzy ; victor ma ;
one direction ; liam payne ; niall horan ; zayn malik ; louis tomlinson ; harry styles ; taylor swift ; selena gomez ; shawn mendes ; camila cabello ; little mix ; ashe ; olivia rodrigo ; ariana grande ; hozier ; arctic monkeys ; 5 seconds of summer ; the score ; AC/DC ; queen ; the beatles ; blur ; ABBA ; billie eilish ; ed sheeran ; bruno mars ; finneas ; valerie broussard ; lewis capaldi ; ben barnes ; hannah bahng ;
usha uthup ; mohammad rafi ; kishore kumar ; manna dey ; mukesh ; lata mangeshkar ; asha bhosle ; sachin-jigar ; shankar-eshaan-loy ; salim-sulaiman ; ajay-atul ; vishal-shekhar ; sonu nigam ; shreya ghoshal ; rahat fateh ali khan ; jagjit singh ; kailash kher ; amit trivedi ; a.r. rahman ; s.d. burman ; anuv jain ; aditya a ; ali sethi ; coke studio ; divine ; kri$na ; when chai met toast ; yashraj mukhate ; ritviz ; the local train ;
aagatha christie ; james dashner ; trevor noah ; amish tripathi ; devdutt pattanaik ; holly jackson ; leigh bardugo ; mirza ghalib ; mahmoud darwish ; gulzar ;
badminton ; cricket ; volleyball ; throwball ; football ; tennis ; olympics ; commonwealth ;
tom and jerry ; takeshi's castle ; suppandi ; oggy and the cockroaches ; doraemon ; shinchan ; richie-rich ; oswald ; noddy ; pink panther ;
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tulip-wizard · 3 months
welcome to my blog!
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my name's sean; it's nice to meet you.
i'll post all kinds of stuff here.
my interests include: 80s / 90s, top gun, mission: impossible, back to the future, dan and phil, dawson's creek, gilmore girls, bbc sherlock, stranger things, primal fear, fight club, the holdovers, house md
my favorite musicians include: taylor swift, tennis, billy joel, her's, sidney gish, soda stereo, gustavo cerati, vansire, takako mamiya, chappell roan, the beatles, arctic monkeys, the last shadow puppets
my ships include: mystrade, jen x abby, benthan, ilsalanna, ilsaethan, byler, stonathan, rockie, icemav, pennymav, hangster, hilson,
my non fictional favs include: tom cruise, james marsden, edward norton, maya hawke, joe keery, jodie foster, talia ryder, mark gatiss, rupert graves, cameron diaz, emma stone, robert sean leonard
my fictional favs include: jen lindley, jack mcphee, abby morgan, mycroft holmes, jerry maguire, steve harrington, robin buckley, linsday weir, kim kelly, james wilson, amber volakis, allison cameron, robert chase
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