#Totally Brewed
factual-fantasy · 3 months
(Post in question)
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STAAAAHP you're gonna make me fall back into my Mario phase!!1! XDD
(FR THO THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD I'm glad you liked that doodle! I was rather proud of how it came out😊!!)
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magpie-sphinx · 5 months
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in short: i decided to scry yesterday's daily exalt bonus. i now have a new g1 (brief edit. not 24 hours had passed and i had completely gened the beast)
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agentark · 21 days
Somewhere in the haze, got a sense I'd been betrayed
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
Total Drama Psycho Noah AU, after the 'London Adventure' and the truth being revealed, Chris then decides to make this a reward challenge... The reward is that EVERYONE gets to be in First Class, with NOAH... Chris and Noah are curious to see, who will be brave enough to actually enter First Class, after learning about Noah's insanity... How would Courtney + Gwen + Duncan reacts to seeing the video of Noah's insane side showing? 😈 Would Alejandro and Noah still be friends? 😈
Listen, as much as this idea is so fucking funny to me, I really don't think it'd work from a storytelling perspective.
Though (not to push any agendas here, but-) if Chris were to hypothetically have the remaining contestants go against Noah in an enclosed space, in a sort of predator-vs-prey scenario, it'd probably play out something like The Beast chapter in Slay The Princess... without the "eating them alive" aspect, of course.
(Heavy Content Warning for that link, by the way. There's a lot of violence/gore/body horror, among other stuff, by virtue of it being a horror game.)
Maybe he'd lock everyone in the First Class cabin and turn off all of the room's electronics, so the only source of light in the cabin would be the wavering moonlight from whatever tiny windows are dotted around. Noah would use the cover of darkness to his advantage and toy with his competitors in a similar vein to how the Ripper had in their challenge that day, darting silently through the shadows to 'capture' his castmates, picking them off one by one.
It'd be a fun game of cat-and-mouse for Noah. For the others? It'd be a living nightmare. They wouldn't have the luxury of knowing that Noah wouldn't really hurt them, and the bloodlust they'd seen on that screen would be terrifying to watch but downright petrifying to experience first hand. They would be genuinely fearing for their lives, in a way that Chris hadn't been able to prompt since the early days of Island, and the host would love it.
Not that he would do that. And not that Noah would actually attack anyone either. (Without reason to, of course.)
But you are right about one thing; if this AU were to become a fully-fledged story, the London challenge would have to be a reward, just to keep Noah in the competition. Because he literally snapped Zeke's arms like chopsticks- his team would vote him out in a heartbeat just by virtue of him being so dangerous.
Which means the whole of Team Chris (plus Duncan) would be sharing a poorly-lit, structurally unsound cabin with someone they're terrified of.
...Owen notwithstanding, since Owen's a sweetheart and he knows Noah.
But the others would be immediately on guard around him. Noah, knowing there's no reason to keep up his ruse of sarcastic apathy, would probably relish in their fear- he enjoys tormenting people, after all, especially when that torment is purely psychological. So he'd carry on playing the 'unhinged, bloodthirsty sociopath' just to watch the others squirm.
He'd probably make a huge show of still having the Ripper's knife, tucked safely in the sleeve of his white undershirt, and comment that he and Duncan could be 'knife buddies' or something. If only to see how the punk's pierced face would drain of all colour at the prospect of Noah having a sharp object. (Duncan would absently rub at the puncture scars on his hand, to Noah's delight.)
But it'd eventually get boring, I imagine, so Noah would do something to reassure his teammates that he's not some ethics-devoid monster hellbent on destruction. Because having your teammates be in a state of constant paranoia around you would get annoying after a while, and it'd impact their performance in the competition (which Noah isn't really all that concerned with, but Owen is, so Noah doesn't want to do anything to jeopardise their chances of winning challenges).
So he'd drop the exaggeration of his more violent traits, and intentionally show off the unharmful aspects of himself- namely by koala-clinging to Owen and acting 'normally' like they'd done before the London challenge, and/or by approaching Tyler to ask how he was feeling after being stretched on the rack and sheepishly apologise for leaving him behind (showing empathy and remorse, to humanise himself n front of his teammates).
He's insane, not heartless.
As for Alejandro...? I have no idea. Would he even want to risk approaching Noah to find out if their shared comradery was all a ruse? Would whatever tentative trust he had in Noah be completely shattered by the reveal? Or would he be so engulfed by his need to win the competition that he only views this new development as a boon, since now Noah can be more of a physical asset for their team?
It'd probably be a mix of all of these. Alejandro would be left off-footed by the reveal of p!Noah's 'true self' (however much of his 'true self' he's willing to show to others) but I imagine he'd be quick to ally himself with the guy who can break bones like they're chalk and deceive a whole cast of people for two and a half seasons, regardless of any personal misgivings.
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rainymoodlet · 11 months
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[Ep. Nine] Something Familiar!
I don’t wanna know, just what I’m gonna do… I don’t care where you’re goin’ - I’m comin’ along with you.
First Rose, and now our very First Kiss of the season!? 💋 Congratulations, Daíthi! 🥂 @buglaur
[ Part 2/2 ] 🌹
#ts4#ts4 screenshots#ts4 gameplay#ts4 challenge#ts4 bachelor challenge#;kmik#sim: daniel#daithi murray by buglaur#||#losing. my. MIND 🤪🤪🤪 THIS MAKES ME SO CRAZY THESE CAPS MAKE ME SOOOO#daniel breaking out his personal portable record player 👀 dan bringing along his kings of leon vinyls 👀#this man has some yt ass music taste im sorry#but oh my GOD#they chatted and danced together for the rest of the night 🥹 they sat by the fire and#cracked beers and told stories and talked about their lives and#enthused about beer brewing and the fitness skill fhdhdh#dai is the life of the party when he starts to feel himself and it totally showed!!!#daniel is more than a little enamored with his energy fhdhdh#he wanted to kiss him right out of the gate 🥹 dhshdhs#i can’t even fhdhd i can’t FUNCTION#some of my favorite shots of the whole show are in these dates i swear man#!! I COULD LOOK AT THESE ALL DAY look @ that muscle shirt on him mwah#i’m at a bday dinner for family so i’ll be home later!! 💕#also blame the rng gods/daniel for dai being our first guy a lot okay its not MEEEE 😩#they have a lot in common but they also differ in their active/laziness just enough like#daniel finds daithi incredibly charming and he’s enraptured by everything he says fhdhd#river mattodore is correct in saying that dan is a listener 💕 he always has been!!#but it also serves as the perfect smokescreen of not talking about himself 👀#so we’ll see how that goes as the challenge advances mwehehehe
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lyselkatz · 6 months
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都怪微風 吹過花叢
吾才整夜 被夢跟蹤
Yesterday today and tomorrow • Dream after dream • Blame the breeze blowing through flowers • I was tracked by dreams all night
Xiao ShùnYáo's 繁華 (flourishing) but making it C-PTSD.
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dandelion-roots · 1 year
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committing atrocities doesn't count if you're a hot bi babygirl <3
[ID: the 'i have done nothing wrong ever' meme where wei wuxian is saying 'i have done nothing wrong, ever, in my life' and lan wangji responds 'i know this, and I love you'. End ID]
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sorrelpaws · 2 years
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leechandoki · 7 months
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My brain did a thing and honestly, I don't ship them BUT DAMN I FUCKIN' LOVE THE DYNAMIC AND I'M HERE FOR IT! STAINMIGHT COME GET YOUR TREAT!!
Kofi | Post+ | PayPal | Stripe | CashApp | Society6
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themagicbrew · 10 months
Out of curiosity but. How would krangs react to seeing a octopus?
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the only thing that is spared in the krang invasion. the local aquarium
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utilitycaster · 10 months
*person who repeatedly complains that all actual play is D&D voice* Oh I stopped listening to TAZ after Balance and dipped in for Ethersea but never really got into Amnesty or Steeplechase or any of their mini-series. No, I haven't checked out Candela Obscura or any of the CR one shots...heard weird things about the Monsterhearts one. Yeah I'm more into D20 now...no, haven't been keeping up with Mentopolis.
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sandhawk · 1 year
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jumbledthemes · 2 months
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I love your guyyyyyyyy
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finally we can doxx potable wizard
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My plans for last night: start writing for the co sapphic week
The reality of last night: spent hours making the co gang in a stardew valley portrait maker until it was way past my bedtime
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Bad news
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Had to downgrade
Everything will forever be done on this
100% true
Absolutely not lying
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