#Trainer Miror B.
latealzalost · 11 months
Another Official Pokemon Masters EX has been sent out, so now's your chance to tell them to add trainers from Pokémon Colosseum and XD: Gale of Darkness!
But unlike the last few times, I won't be sharing a link to any survey. As I've learned, people using a link someone got in their news in-game to the survey is essentially retaking that same survey for said person. In essence, basically everyone was having me retake the same survey over and over again. Ignoring the technical failure of my prior survey blitzes and the illusion of progress, I'll give you a tutorial on how to take the survey yourself and help fix this mistake. 1. Install Pokemon Masters EX to your mobile device 2. Play far enough through the intro to gain the News feature. (Maybe 15 minutes) 3. Check your News for "Pokemon Masters EX Survey" 4. Tap it, tap the link inside to get to the survey. 5. Fill in all of the survey's text prompts with the notion of putting Sync Pairs from the Orre Region in Pasio. In particular, there will be a list of prompts for your favorite Trainer that doesn't have to be in the game yet, fill those with your favorite Pokemon Colosseum and XD: GoD Trainers. (Mine was Michael, Wes, Miror B, Lovrina, Ein, and Nascour).
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After you've done what's above, you're free to uninstall the game if you want, at least until the next time they put out a survey which would likely be early next year. What's important is that you now have the means to contribute towards the effort of putting Orre Sync Pairs in the game by continuously bringing it up to the devs. It may not happen over night or even in the span of a year, but this is what you are fighting for by doing this.
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Because some things, are just worth fighting for 🫠
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pokemon-npcs · 3 months
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Requested by anon
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desertsportshipping · 3 months
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Is this meme still relevant?
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destinywillowleaf · 7 months
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scheduling this for when my test starts that i haven't started studying for. because pokemon brain
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deer-head-xiris · 2 years
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Trainer design commission for WeegeeWonder! By request, this trainer is Heavily Inspired by Miror B! Check out the process video on my youtube!
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ravinoforre · 1 year
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A birthday gift I made for my good friend and lorre expert @latealzalost !
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puppyluver256 · 8 months
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“Uhehe. Well, surprise, surprise. We do have a lot to do with this, missy. We were just thieves before we got hold of the Snag Machines. And where did we get them? From Cipher. What they wanted was this: Go Snag superior-grade Pokémon from trainers everywhere!”
More Colosseum art with Gonzap! Man, the Orre games really did a lot with varying the human character designs at a time when the series really needed it, especially when it came to body shapes. If a character like Gonzap had been introduced in an officially-counted-as-such main series game, I doubt he'd be so...exaggerated, I guess is the best word, and that's a damn shame tbh. And hey, we got the first actual Shadow Pokemon in this series based on one of the games featuring Shadow Pokemon! Wow! Took long enough! Why didn't this happen sooner? Mostly cuz the previous three had the Legendary Beasts and I'd already drawn then, and as for Miror B's Sudowoodo...well, it doesn't really feel like his, not to mention we all know someone who "trulee" needs to have it more, but that'll be a loooooong time from now... XD
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~Likes are appreciated, but reblogs are preferred as they let more people see my artwork! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Skarmory and other Pokemon concepts © Nintendo/GameFreak Gonzap, Shadow Pokemon, and other Orre-exclusive characters/concepts © Nintendo/Genius Sonority Artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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kimnowls · 2 years
small petty things I would change about Pokemon if I could
the ability "Run Away" should grant immunity to being Trapped so that it has competitive use.
Cut should be super effective against grass-types, like how Freeze Dry is super effective against water-types. (I don't know if Cut is even a move anymore)
make baby Kangaskhan its own pokemon. It's weird when she hatches and already has a baby in her pouch.
Some NPC trainers should have one or two nicknamed pokemon in their parties.
They made a teapot pokemon and it can't even Scald people with boiling tea? Smh, wasted opportunity.
Bring back Miror B.
I miss him.
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gbaromspokemone · 8 months
You play as a young trainer starting their journey to the Pokemon League, with a mysterious past and a surprising amount of experience. After choosing and catching your first pair of starters, you quickly meet Team Nox, an evil organization spreading Shadow Pokemon across the Aurore region. Inspired by Pokemon XD, you’ll get to experience peak 2005-era edginess. You’ll snag and purify Shadow Pokemon while trying to figure out their connection to the Mega Evolution phenomena. Team up with Prof. Oak, this region’s Prof. Ginkgo, and the greatest trainer of all time Miror B. to stop them, while completing your gym challenge and making your way to the Pokemon League. Also Try Pokemon Run And Bun.
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mirorbdangamachine · 2 years
Okay I am on an Orre kick lately and so it is time to tell you about my thoughts on if Orre had a Pokemon League
I don't have the gym leaders figured out yet entirely, but I do have eight locations for gyms in mind and where the Pokemon League itself would be featured. I'll list some names for potential gym leaders of each area too from pre-existing characters only. Should note this is working under the assumption of being set sometime after XD, so unfortunately The Under is inoperable.
Also, there wouldn't really be an order of which gym to challenge. You think the governmental structure of Orre is organized enough to let that happen? They probably can barely cobble together a list of who is a recognized gym leader and who isn't.
So with that, here is the list below the cut:
The Gyms:
Phenac City
Okay so this one is kind of a gimme answer because there is literally already a gym there of sorts. There's really not much to say other than obviously Justy is getting the promotion he deserves of being an actual official gym leader. The type of gym could be a toss-up of Ground, Water or Grass given the multiple environments inside of it. If not Justy, then perhaps bring back Trudly and Folly as double gym leaders like Tate and Liza, or even potentially have a triple battle with Bluno, Verde, and Rosso for a Fire, Water, Grass core.
Gateon Port
It is tradition to always have a port city host a gym in Pokemon, and Orre would be no different. I feel like pulling an Olivine would be fun, except this time have the Lighthouse actually be the gym itself as opposed to just where you find the gym leader. The typing would most likely be Water given the setting, or possibly Steel even given the machine shop. Some potential gym leaders could be Miror B since he performs at the Krabby Club, Perr assuming he's still helping at the machine shop and his position in Kids Grid/ONBS probably got him some cred, or maybe if he turned over a new leaf, even Zook.
Pyrite Town
We are continuing the train of the obvious choices, don't worry, the weirder ones are saved for the last few because unsurprisingly, Crime The Region doesn't have many actual towns. I feel like Pyrite would probably convert the Pyrite Colosseum into its gym, or perhaps they could go salvage a part of The Under and use its remains for it. For gym leaders, the first one that comes to mind would be Cail given that he calls himself the gatekeeper of Pyrite. Other potential candidates would be Duking as the unofficial leader of the town, Silva, who Duking left in charge of Pyrite Colosseum, or even Agnol, the Deep King of the Deep Colosseum who odds are was likely a part of Cipher. Potentially even Reath and Ferma to do the double gym leaders act like Trudly and Folly. The trainers of Pyrite actually are all pretty varied in type, so you could take your pick with any of them here. Potentially Rock or Ground simply to represent the history of the mines.
Agate Village
The last of the actual towns in game, Agate with its cliffside and waterfall and the forest and cave leading to the Relic Stone provides a good handful of locales to host a gym. Maybe there's another giant tree around we didn't notice aside from Eagun's house and something like White Tree from Pokemon White could happen. For types, a lot of the trainers use Pokemon who share a typing of Bug or Poison, and of course the obvious potential Grass motif. As for potential gym leaders, there's the obvious pick of Eagun himself considering he is the only significant NPC who lives there, and if so he's still sporting that Pikachu making him an Electric leader. Other than him, you could potentially have Rui make a return as gym leader. Or I dunno, bring back Skrub the peon. Early internet meme days all over again for the Skrub Lord.
Eclo Canyon
Probably more commonly remembered as the Team Snagem Hideout. Perhaps not the strangest idea really, you could refurbish the blown-to-smithereens base into a nice sized gym, or perhaps some kind of multi-faceted company building or factory. For a gym leader, you have any of Team Snagem members in Gonzap, or the three main grunts in Wakin, Biden, and Agrev. Clearly, all of them end up being capable battlers if you can fight them at such high levels in the post game colosseums. Along with them, you could have Wes himself here as a gym leader, but I feel like if he was involved in the League at all, it would either be as Champion, chairman, or more than likely just not involved with it at all and disappearing into the desert, and serving as a potential superboss in the post game. Aside from him, potentially bring back the imposter Fein, acting like Wes once again only to reveal it wasn't him at all and you just got your hopes up. As for types, uh, I dunno, Steel or Poison I guess, that was Snagem's MO.
Cipher Lab
If it hadn't been taken over by Cipher yet again by now, I feel like this lab would probably be converted into a proper research facility by the governing body of the region, or perhaps become an extension of the Pokemon HQ Lab. As for who the gym leader would be, assuming that all former Cipher members are arrested, the next best choice could be Chobin who might have gotten a better job here instead of working for Kaminko. Aside from him, there is of course Ein or Lovrina, though I think even if all Cipher members weren't rounded up by now, those two would definitely be ones put behind bars for crimes against Pokemon. Though some Cipher members who might work, and bear with me, could be the Hexagon Brothers. These six bumbling fools are definitely not there in scientific capacities, and odds are they most likely are more hazardous to the research being conducted anyways. However, having six different type specialists there would probably serve as great resources for research data on certain Pokemon. They could be a collective gym leader like how Cilan, Cress, and Chili were in Unova, and perhaps depending on the day or other external factors, that determines which one you face for the badge. If not them, more than likely this place would be an Electric gym.
Pokemon HQ Lab
Speaking of labs, the Pokemon HQ Lab I also think could potentially serve as a gym for one specific reason. If there ever was a "first gym" to do in the game, it would most likely be here, specifically because of the Battle Sims system. With that being what is supposed to serve as a tutorial system, I could see it easily being converted into an advanced challenge for beginning trainers, where if you can defeat it and win a badge, then you could probably face any gym. While yes, Realgam Tower is where the advanced Battle Sims happen, I have a different purpose in mind for it that you can probably guess. This way you technically don't have to have anyone be the gym leader at all, the computer itself already is. Though I suppose if you wanted a physical named NPC in charge who could potentially provide a final battle, there's Professor Krane, Lily, Jovi, and of course Michael himself. Unlike Wes, I could actually see Michael being more likely to be involved in the League as an opponent, and if not in the Elite 4/as Champion, then here as a Gym Leader. This gym probably wouldn't have any one type if Michael was the leader except for maybe Normal because of Eevee. If not, then again perhaps Electric, especially if Jovi was the leader with her Plusle and Minun.
Cipher Key Lair
Our last gym is the former Cipher Key Lair, that creepy pyramid now being converted into the world's most off-putting office space. I imagine if Clay ever had a gym in Orre instead of Unova, it would have been this. That aside, I feel like you already have a potentially cool gym challenge based on the exterior. Move those stones around and create a mini labyrinth to get inside, and then begin the ascension to the head office building just like before. Only instead of Gorigan awaiting you at the end, you have someone totally different. Some potential candidates are Zook again here instead of at Gateon Port, or perhaps Eldes since unlike Greevil and his brother Ardos, it felt like he became a better person by the end of XD. Potentially if you wanted to upgrade the ONBS station/former Kids Grid again, move them from Pyrite to being based out of here, and you could have any choice of Nett, Megg, Bitt, Secc, Marcia, or Perr if you move him from Gateon to be the leader. As for type, like Pyrite there really isn't any one choice here, perhaps Normal, Ground, or Fighting.
The Pokemon League:
Realgam Tower
So this was probably obvious, but Realgam Tower is just the perfect location for a big finale. Piercing the skies, a symbol of greed, avarice and the arrogance of humanity, having played a role in a couple crises in Orre already. Now though, it has been purified itself, becoming the home of the Pokemon League. The colosseum in the sky, standing high above the rest of the region, is the perfect place to have the final gauntlet of the gym challenge.
As for who runs this joint, I have a couple ideas, none of them fully concrete. For the Elite 4, I was thinking about a handful of candidates, such as Willie, Cail, Eldes, Miror B, Agnol, Eagun, or any number of Area Leaders from Mt. Battle like Vander or Battlus/Somek. Potentially could have it consist of a mixture of the other past Cipher members as well, like Dakim, Lovrina, Nascour, or maybe even Gonzap.
As for the Champion, I feel like it just would have to be either Wes or Michael. More than likely it would be Michael, simply because I do not see Wes wanting to have all the focus on him, let alone stay in a pretentious place like Realgam Tower all the time. Though considering there was the beta concept of Wes being the second leader of Cipher instead of Greevil, I suppose that is entirely possible. You could still very easily make Wes the leader of Cipher version three, and have him be the champion on top with all the money in the world with the betting battles and the casino below. Either way, it could work.
As for whichever of the two of them isn't Champion, then I feel like they would be the superboss of the game. Perhaps you could travel back to Citadark Isle and find them back at the top of the old Cipher HQ and square off with them. After beating them there, you would unlock them as the final gauntlet of the Orre Colosseum, which still is the criminal underworld final challenge not regulated by the League. Away from the public eye in the middle of nowhere desert, just battling for the sake of battling.
And those are all my ideas right now! I had some other potential location ideas such as the S.S. Libra, or perhaps recreating The Under and using the subway, or the Outskirt Stand. I am still formulating a bit of a story in my head, but if you have any thoughts of your own, I would love to hear them!
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firedragon1321 · 2 years
Pokemon Games Ranked by How Much I Can Scream About Them
Sun/Moon and Ultra: Lusamine worst parent 5ever. *screeches like an angry cat at that scene where Lusamine tries to ensnare Hau while planning 5000 fanfics revolving around it* Gladion deserves better- always. USUM ruined the original story because *insert thesis statement here*. It's yA BOY GUZMA! Team Skull and the bus stop- perfection. Hau and Gladion need to interact more please it funni. Mimikyu!!!
Scarlet/Violet: I didn't expect to cry over Sandwich Boy and his parental abandonment. And SICK DOG! I played out of order for Sick Dog. Team Star made me an emotional wreck. Motorcycle lizard cute! The three rivals interacting is Great. Clueless rich girl Nemona with Trauma Boy and Tumblrina Hacker is Great. Best Elite Four in the series. Why are you so glitchy you're beautiful.
Black/White and 2: Ghetsis worst father 5ever. Best protag designs. Probably autistic ponytail boy. Pokestar Studios is underrated and I will die on that hill. The Pokemon are the coolest reskins ever but the monkeys suck. Please power past early game it's GOOD.
Colosseum/XD: First Pokemon game! The weirdest first battles ever. GO cannot comprehend this level of Shadow Pokemon. The whole thing is grindy but so DENSE. Also MIROR B! I like both Wes and Michael. They appeal to the side of me that likes edgelords and the side that likes shonen protags.
Sword/Shield: Hop is good and needs hugs. Leon is my FAVORITE Champion. I wouldn't revisit ten years in the future but those tWO IDIOTS. I could read into their self esteem issues for HOURS.
Red/Green and Remakes: Gotta give credit to the first game, Red is iconic, and the Pokemon designs are generally good. But I'm not likely to babble about it. I could debate Mewtwo origins between media though.
Legends Arceus: Fuck your plot and potato mochi. I just want a four foot Bidoof. Although the Noble Hisuian Arcanine story is The Lion King and made me cry.
Diamond/Pearl and Remakes: MINDY! MUD/SNOW! TRAINER TRAPS! FORCED CONTESTS! But you could do fun shit with Action Replay.
Ruby/Sapphire and Remakes: 7/10 too much water. But it has a really cool Pokedex.
X/Y: Only ranks this high because of Furfrou and the ultimate weapon lore.
Gold/Silver and Remakes: A few cool Pokemon. ... *de le lelele whoooop*
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lemonade-juley · 2 years
Okay battle themes I replaced and with what for any future Rejuv playthroughs I might do (at least one's during V13) a lot of it is XD music but I just really like XD's battle music okay
Wild Battle - Regular, I used Pokemon XD's trainer theme (weirdly fits as a wild Pokemon theme tbh)
Battle - Trainers (First 3rd of the game) I used Pokemon DPPt Trainer theme (so just an unremixed version of what's already used here
Battle - Trainers2 (Terajuma arc trainer theme) I used Pokemon Colosseum's Trainer theme (it's just a straight up bop)
Battle - Trainers3 (GDC area battle theme also I think it includes trainers in the Sashila area) used XD/Coliseum's Rider Willie battle theme
Battle - RorrimB is just Miror B's XD theme, did ya expect anything less from me.
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Gloria and Hop are scheming to get Leon and Wes together, and the first step in Operation DesertSportShipping is a makeover! And a printed league card. (They totally aren't doing this to get back at Leon for grounding them, they would never)
Anyways, serious thoughts about Wes as a gym leader under the cut:
We all know that if Wes were to be a gym leader, it would be because he snagged the Prestige Gym from Justy.
He also wouldn't get a special outfit change. He just doesn't care enough.
He still gives out the TM for Return, but the special "gym badge" is a double sided knife. The Mayor doesn't like this but can't really do anything to stop him.
His roles as gym leader (and champion of the colosseums) is two sided. He teaches the kids entering how to hold their own in battle in the colosseums, and he tests his students before letting them participate in any colosseums.
(He doesn't let any of his alumni participate in the Deep Colosseum, not because he doesn't want any challengers to his title that he doesn't care about, but because the old Cipher admins are still down there so it's too dangerous. He does go down there to kick ass so that they don't get any ideas about reviving Cipher)
Again, because Orre is weird, he doesn't have any set types. He will customize his gym team to challenge whoever is battling him. Regardless, every team has Espeon and Umbreon as the aces.
The gym challenge is trying to successfully pickpocket a Pokeball from the trainer's belts, and if a challenger is caught they have to battle.
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destinywillowleaf · 5 months
if i had a nickel for every time i came up with a pokemon ship by accident that i genuinely thought would have already existed at least by name on the shipping extension/branch of bulbagarden, only to be surprised and faced with the truth of possibly being the first to ever consider them together, i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot but it's WEIRD that it happened twice
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jadeazora · 4 years
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Colosseum was released 17yrs ago in Japan today. (I really wanna replay this game. Have to set up my GameCube or emulate on my phone/computer, at least.)
Fun fact, I never actually owned this game as a kid. It was something mom rented for me at our local video store. I asked at least once or twice for a birthday/Christmas gift, and she accidentally got me a second copy of XD. I finally bought it for myself when I started working. 😅
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pokemoncoloursplash · 4 years
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Personal headcannon
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