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rascosmicwisdom · 1 year
Atma= soul
Karaka= significator
Our Atmakaraka is the highest degree planet in the sidereal/vedic chart. This doesn't not include the trans-saturnian planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
The Atmakaraka(AK) represents your soul's desire, purpose, and it represents the lessons one will face. The essence of your AK also shows up in your energy.
Sun as AK: expieriences related to willpower, authority, authenticity, intellect, vitality, etc. The sun is the natural Atmakaraka (not what I'm referring to in this post) but sometimes it can be the highest degree in one's chart as well. Addressing this as the natural AK, the sun represents our future, so we move through life experiencing things that can align us with who we choose to become.
Moon as AK: expieriences related to memory, senses, state of mind/sanity, hormonal cycles, behavioral patterns, instincts, mother, hereditary.
Mercury as AK: expieriences related to perceptivity, mobility, speech, communication, nervous system, skin, sister, etc.
Venus as AK: expieriences related to our satisfaction and pleasure in life such as sex, money, family, friends, romance, creativity, fertility, etc.
Mars as AK: expieriences related to desire, control, survival, protection, ambition, motivation, discipline, brother(s)etc.
Jupiter as Ak: expieriences related to faith, religion/spirituality, foreign places, children, long term memory, teachers/guides, etc.
Saturn as Ak: experiences related to elders, longevity, ailments, duty/service, etc.
Signs, Houses and Nakshatras give more insight on how this shows up in your life.
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medicinanocturna · 1 year
Neptune in SYNASTRY: death with no rebirth
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Neptune may well be considered the most evil of all trans-Saturnian planets in its inauspicious aspects. As much as many love to prescribe this quality to Pluto (heavy, esoteric, ruled by Scorpio, has his own razor blade for microsurgeries of all kinds - HERE is more on this), yet it is the planet Neptune that will make you go crazy without even noticing. 
Neptune has a mysterious archetype. It is just as merciful as Jesus, and just as uncompromised (and alluring!) as a devil. It is 100% dubious. And even in its benevolent aspects, it leaves some slippery ground for a distortion. 
Neptune is the Water (capital W), and all the watery qualities are in his very domain. Deep, flowing, soft, embracing, heavy, disorganising, uncontrollable, everlasting … what else? Pervasive? 
Neptune is the force that you will not notice easily, but when you do - it may be too late.
In transits I consider Neptune’s inauspicious aspects the most karmic. They may not feel as hard as Pluto’s influence at times, but their long-lasting effect and the consequences can be massive. 
In transits, the healer for a difficult Neptunian aspect is the Saturn - discipline, austerity, dryness, inner axis. A strong Neptune is much more potent than a strong Saturn, but with some good acumen, one can still be able to swim out of the dense flow of Neptunian turmoil, if they wish. Neptune’s square to you natal crucial points may get your feet off the ground in a way that will remind you of a roundabout sickness. That feeling as if you are watching yourself from afar with no hope of ever get closer and make sense of what it is that you are really watching…
In synastry, the power game is totally different. 
Neptune strikes gently, but in all of its totality. As always, you will not notice it from the very beginning, and sometimes to the very end. 
The auspicious aspects of the synastry Neptune are not the subject of this text.
Neptune’s opposition, conjunction and square to your personal planets in the synastry have volumes to say, because not a single person in our lives comes without a lesson. Even with some good Saturnian qualities of the synastry, if the Neptunes' aspects are well emphasized, they will rule the game... Because this is how Neptune is -pervasive.
As with everything about the Neptune, these aspects will feel like magic at first. 
Cosmic inspiration, overwhelming tenderness, compassionate loving feelings, and the illusion of a higher connection will prevail over all other (reasonable) states of your being. Physical intimacy will either be happening on drugs and alcohol, or feel like a dissociation and may include some low level mental meditations (in the aspects to the gender planets especially). 
I consider conjunction (Neptune - gender planet) to be the most burdensome aspect since the natural quality of Neptune is to dilute. 
Here, the diluting may often feel like the worst hangover when the euphoria of the last night is no longer available, neither on the physical, nor on the emotional level, but the memory of it is still haunting and stealing lots of your energy. 
This feeling can be very common for a person whose Venus, Moon, Mars, or Sun is in the conjunction with Neptune in the synastry. It may also be the last feeling that you will feel once your relationships are done, and the sober part of you knocks back at your door.
Inauspicious aspects of Neptune in a synastry are always a powerful indicator that both or one of the two people are inclined to escape in the illusions. As much as the romantic love is an “alien planet” by itself, ANY Neptune aspect (but especially the inharmonious one) will only give it a more alien feeling. But not the Uranian (or Aquarius) quality of an "alien" when everything is very new and exciting, and a "human love" thing. The Neptunian alien feeling can be about fears of losing one’s own boundaries. It may be an illusion of a cosmic connection that may suddenly turn into chaos. It is a feeling of a nostalgic dream where you never wanted to wake up, but you knew you would, and when you did, it felt unbearable…. 
Neptune is the most difficult planet to concise. Not only on the higher planes, but on the material as well.
As much as it can indicate a huge amount of money in someone's natal chart, it can also be a hint of a devastating fall.
Death by the Neptunian rules is the death while in sleep, or while in the drug abuse, or while in orgasm, or while drowning in the ocean, or while going insane …
The same is its power in a synastry. 
Drop me a line for a closer look at your chart. 
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statecryptids · 1 year
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A new page from my Field Guide to Saturn WIP.
The book consists of messages exchanged between two explorers, Hyacinth and Jess, as they study the life of the Saturnian system of moons and rings.
This message from Hya talks about her fondness for a flower on the moon Titan that resembles the Earth flower from which she took her new name when she came out as trans.
Here's the full text of her letter:
"To My Brave Explorer,
I found a flower today. Not very surprising, I know. But this flower- well, it feels like it was meant for me. I know that sounds silly. But let me explain.
I don’t think I’ve told you yet how I chose the name Hyacinth. It’s not the name I was given at birth, as you’ve probably guessed. I don’t want to write my birth name. I don’t hate it. I’ve made peace with that name and the time when I had to use it. But that wasn’t me.
I’ve always loved flowers. When I was a kid, I tried to help my mom in the garden, but my dad always pulled me away. “Boys don’t play with flowers,” he’d say. Soon he wouldn’t even let me get near mom’s garden ‘cause he said it’d make me “soft” (that’s the least nasty of the words he used). I used to cry until I fell asleep.
Eventually I decided I didn’t want to cry anymore, so I made the weeds in our lawn into my garden. My secret garden that dad wouldn’t notice. The dandelions, the white clovers, blue speed-wells, thistles, oxalis. The little tough, pink spurge that grew in the sidewalk cracks. But my favorites were the grape hyacinths. They were tough. Everything in my garden was tough. Even after I mowed the lawn, everything grew right back in just a few days. And everything in my garden was beautiful. But that blue-purple in the hyacinths became my favorite color. It was the color of the evening just after dusk.
 I used to lie on the grass in the morning watching tiny green wasps, striped bees, and fuzz-ball Bombylius flies drink from the tiny violet bells.
When I decided it was time to choose my own name, I knew right away what I wanted. I practiced writing it out for weeks   before I finally had the courage to say it out loud. I thought about using the scientific name at first- Muscaria. Kind of a nice ring to it, don’t you think? Except it means “musk” in Greek, so that wasn’t going to work. So I’m Hyacinth, then.
So why am I talking about my name? Because, Jess, the flowers I found today? They’re my grape hyacinths.
I mean, they’re not really hyacinths. They’re nothing like Earth plants. They don’t photosynthesize. They get their energy from kinetic energy given off by other organisms- that’s an explanation for another letter.
But the little violet bells are there. And when I laid down to watch them, I saw pollinators climbing up into them. I caught a couple for Dr. Salmonson to study. I’ll send you some drawings soon.
I know this’ll sound silly too, but seeing these flowers so much like my Muscaria, it makes me feel, well, please don’t laugh at me, Jess. It feels like Titan is welcoming me. Like it’s saying I belong here.
I don’t know- does that sound stupid? I have to think about this.
Okay, I’m back. I thought about just throwing out that last part, but it’s a feeling I can’t shake. I know Titan isn’t alive. I just- I’ve never felt at home anywhere on Earth before. I didn’t even understand the idea of “home”.  But since we got to Titan, I’m starting to understand.
And, well, I think I feel the same way about you, Jess.
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neutrinostream · 1 year
Eris: The Apple of Discord
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For thousands of years, astrologers have relied mainly on the alignment of the seven wandering stars that we call planets to predict worldly events. This has been the case ever since the times of the Babylonians and the Ancient Egyptians, until 1781 when an abrupt event revolutionized astrology and expanded our understanding of the universe: it was the discovery of Uranus by astronomer William Herschel. Henceforth, other trans-Saturnian planets have been discovered including Neptune in the mid nineteenth century, followed by Pluto in 1930.
 These three Trans-Saturnian planets have gradually made their way into the astrological system, and astrologers have worked hard to assign adequate significations to each one of them based on the mythology associated with them as well as the worldly events that coincide with their celestial alignments. However, in 2005 another object beyond Pluto in the Kuiper Belt was discovered, and although it was slightly more dense, it was given the status of a dwarf planet by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and the object was named Eris. A year later, Pluto joined the team of dwarf planets, when the scientists concluded that Pluto does not meet one requirement to be classified as a planet which consists of it not having cleared its orbit.
  Similar dwarf planets have also been discovered in the Kuiper Belt, like Makemake and Haumea, and until this day astrologers still consider Pluto a planet, yet ignore these other planetoids that would have been considered planets had not astronomers revised the criteria of planetary status.
So what do we know about Eris so far?
   Initially, Eris was thought to be the 10th planet in our solar system, but then astronomers decided to add another criterion that a celestial object must meet to be qualified as a planet, which eventually led to the demotion of Pluto in 2006. Along with the latter, Eris orbits within the area known as the Kuiper Belt where many Trans-Neptunian icy objects are found, including other dwarf planets like Makemake and Haumea. Eris takes roughly 558 years to orbit the Sun which is twice the time Pluto takes (248 years). Eris was discovered in January 5th, 2005 by a palomar Observatory-based team led by Mike Brown. It was named after the Greek goddess of strife and discord.
Eris in Mythology
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  It is important to learn about the mythology associated with the planets as this will be our first step to understand the symbolism of the archetype. While a lot of the meaning we ascribe to a planet is derived from the events that coincide with their positions in the heavens, the mythology and the symbolism can allow us to have an additional layer as to how their energies can unfold in our lives. In western astrology, all the planets are given names of the Greco-Roman gods and goddesses, and Eris is no exception, she is referred to by the poet Hesiod as the daughter of Nyx (night) and she is the representation of strife, chaos and discord.
 In Homer's Illiad, we can learn about the epic war of Troy that was caused by the trojan prince Paris who abducted Helen, the beautiful queen of Sparta, but the real cause behind all this drama is Eris, or Discordia as the romans referred to her. In the story, we learn that Achilles' parents Peleus and Thetis were celebrating their wedding in the presence of the Olympian gods and goddesses, however, Eris was not invited. Feeling rejected, Eris decided to go to the wedding and throw a golden apple to the banquet table. The apple was supposed to go out to the "Calliste" or the fairest one. This brought about a conflict between the three goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite who each claimed to be the fairest one. No one of the gods dared to interfere in the conflict, not even Zeus, until the three goddesses agreed to ask Paris, the trojan prince, who is known for his fine tastes, to be the judge. The three goddesses attempted to bribe him with all manner of blessings: Hera offered him power and reign over asia, Athena offered him wisdom equal to her own, while Aphrodite who was most seductive, promised him Helen, the most beautiful woman among mortals, though she was still married to the king of Sparta. With her seductive powers, Aphrodite assisted Paris in the abduction of the queen which eventually led to the trojan war. It all goes back to the golden apple thrown by Eris or Discordia, hence the expression Apple of Discord.
The Astrological Signification of Eris
   What we learn from this story is that Eris represents the catalyst for chaos and conflict. Being the sister of Ares, Eris does not shy away from conflict, instead she takes pleasure in causing it, although in a more subtle and insidious way. After all she was the reason why Pluto was demoted. Eris has been in the sign of Aries (with her brother) for about a century! which means that its placement on a personal level will not be significant, or at least the exerted energy is so subtle that we are unable to readily detect its influence on us. However we can observe its effects on a large scale, and the events that coincide with its alignments, particularly the aspects Eris forms with other planets.
Katrina Hurricane (2005)
   In an attempt to understand the influence of the planet of strife on a mundane level, I personally made some research on the events surrounding the discovery of this distant object. As already mentioned above, Eris was discovered in 2005 and during the same year the most intense hurricane caused significant damage in Katrina. It caused an estimated $161 billion in damage along the U.S. Gulf Coast. It destroyed or damaged more than 850,000 homes. Between 300,000 to 350,000 vehicles were also destroyed, as well as 2,400 ships and vessels including 1800 deaths!. In short it was a total chaos! Just like the war of troy that left many piled up dead bodies in the battlefield, The Katrina hurricane event was as significant in intensity.
Al Aimmah bridge Stampede (2005)
   Another major event that took place in 2005 is the Stampede in Al Aimmah in Baghdad when  950 people lost their lives as they were crossing a bridge. This tragic incident was interestingly caused by a rumour that a suicide bomber was lurking in the midst of the large crowd, which then caused them to panic and run for safety, only to drag themselves to their demise. I think that this is the best way to illustrate how Eris's energy manifests in the world: A rumour being the apple of discord caused panic and chaos among people and sent them to their graves!
Coronavirus (2019)
   Astrologers have been preparing for the Covid's outbreak before it was announced to the world. Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto were expected to conspire against the world in Capricorn by the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020. Of course, it was not in the hands of most astrologers to predict what was the nature of the ominous phenomenon prior to the outbreak, however they still had an idea about how sinister the energy was.  However, what most of them did not pay attention to and did not take into account, in addition to the conjunction, is the square that was simultaneously forming from Eris in the sign of her brother Aries. This pandemic that ravaged the world was said to have originated from bats! This tiny animal carried a virus that caused the death of millions of people around the globe!  It caused chaos, panic and worry. People did not know what to believe, whom to believe! Was it a conspiracy? is the government plotting to reduce the population? was Bill Gates behind the creation of this virus? Should we trust the doctors? Such is the mischievous way of Discordia!
YouTube launch in 2005
Another thing to consider is that the social medium YouTube was launched in the year Eris was discovered. And though YouTube mostly keeps its users entertained and informed, it also serves as a platform where people get into all sorts of conflicts and disputes: whether these be personal or intellectual like debates about religion, politics, philosophy, even rap battles. These conflicts are not necessarily supposed to divide us, for  they allow us to see both sides and think about how to improve ourselves and our relationships. To confront our shadow side and be aware of our flaws as well as others’ and how we can work together and learn from each other. I find Ryan Evans insights interesting about this topic, and here’s a link to a video that you may want to check where he covers some of the meanings associated with Eris and the current square between Pluto and Eris.
Invite Eris to the Party
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   As astrologers, maybe we should not follow the example of the Olympian gods, and instead invite Eris to the party to prevent her wrath and incorporate her energy to channel it in a positive way. Instead of seeing her as a catalyst for disaster, we can find a transformative and liberating force that can help us unlock our latent potential that still lie dormant within us. She symbolises women empowerment and the feminist movement. It is associated with the underdog who decides to take their power back and to rise up and stand against tyranny. One may notice the similar energies that Eris shares with both Pluto and Uranus, which both represent radical change and transformation. Uranus is revolutionary and liberating, while Pluto is transformative and purifying. Eris produces both results but in ways that aren't obvious to us. If Pluto corresponds to the hindu god of destruction Shiva, then Eris is the ruthless warrior goddess Kali. Eris also reveals our true nature that we prefer to keep hidden below the surface. If we have long been causing harm to earth and carelessly overpopulating, and polluting the atmosphere and the environment, Eris will not hesitate to show us the consequences of our actions through natural phenomena that we call "disasters" when it is only a call for help by mother nature, and a warning by Eris to redeem ourselves.
Some Eris Keywords
Conflicts, revenge, justice, retribution, rumours, tribulations, outcast, catastrophes, Maha Kali, death, destruction, cruelty, transformation, power, chaos, panic, war, envy, greed, resentment, underdog, misunderstandings, disagreements, female warrior, rebellion, freedom, revolution, anarchy, woman empowerment, feminism, the disenfrenchised, the shunned.
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undereveningstars · 1 year
Moon in Leo: Strength vs The World
The Moon in Leo is separating from a trine with Jupiter and applying to an opposition with Venus as I write. In a few hours, she will enter a sextile with Mars, before beginning the long and arduous journey towards an opposition with Saturn that will perfect tomorrow night.
I think most astrologers would agree that the Moon separating from one benefic and applying to the other is a pretty fun, cozy time. In my morning meditation I imagined her preparing for whatever lies in store during the Saturn opposition by doing things that nurtured her soul and uplifted her spirit. Perhaps the sextile with Mars would be her training montage before heading out on her Saturnian mission. I could immediately see a parallel with my own morning of meditation and cat cuddles—getting myself into a relaxed, focused headspace before the mountain of chores and responsibilities I would have to take on over the next couple of days. The Moon often speaks to us about our daily tasks. But when I drew The World card from my Tarot deck, I knew the Moon had a more far-reaching message for me.
The World is the card of Saturn, who is acutely aware of what kind of world we live in and how it might limit us. The dancing lady on The World card made me think of Saturn as a goddess, and the Goddess Saturn reminded me of how limited the expression of female divinity is in astrology. Only two of the seven classical planets are traditionally associated with goddesses, and both are given the significations of motherhood, caregiving, and birth. As profound and important as those roles are, shouldn’t the “feminine” planets have a little more range? I think the Moon in Leo, a sign that represents sovereignty over one’s own destiny, might want to resist the limitations imposed on her by tradition.
I started to feel like the Moon and Saturn were speaking to my own experience of gender dysphoria, to the struggle of transitioning in a world that tries to cage me within its strict definition of what I am allowed to do and be. And I am one of the lucky ones—like the Moon gathering strength from Venus and Jupiter, I am fortunate to have access to gender-affirming care, to live in a country where my legal rights are protected (law and justice being Jupiter’s domain, of course!). All the same, it is trivially easy for companies to deny people work or fire us for being trans, for our families to reject us, for social safety nets to fall apart beneath us. The daily task of resisting limiting cultural messages and facing down an endless barricade of transphobic slights in every public or corporate space we enter is exhausting. I am profoundly blessed, but I need to count on every one of those blessings to keep fighting the opposition I face at every turn.
If you’re looking for a way to engage with this transit of the Moon you might meditate on your relationship to The World. Are there times when you feel as though powers much larger than yourself dictate who you get to be? Who or what in your life supports your right to define yourself on your own terms? If you’re a Tarot person, pull The World and Strength out of your favourite deck and consider the story they might be telling you. Was there a time in your life when you felt like it was you against The World, when you showed Strength in the face of adversity? And if you’re looking for something a little lighter to do, I recommend watching Pixar’s Brave—the conflict between the traditional Queen Elinor and her headstrong daughter Princess Merida is a great example of how Saturn opposing the Moon in Leo can look, and how the tension between them can be resolved.
May the Moon in Leo be a guiding light on your quest for self-sovereignty, and may Saturn in Aquarius grant you the strength to resist when it feels as though the whole world stands against you.
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wanderin-time · 1 year
A meaningful practice utilising fixed stars. Who doesn't love that? Shoutout to astrologer Bernadette Brady, whose work reintroduced parans to the modern astrological world.
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toc: || the preliminaries || interpretation (and pdf), timing of parans || how to find your own parans (Astrodienst) ||
The preliminaries
Without explaining the technicalities in length and getting into the nitty gritty right away, you should know a few things:
The stars rise and set throughout the day, corresponding to the motion of the Zodiac
Paran = a relationship between a fixed star and planet actualized by their temportal (but not local) co-incidence on an axis (AC-DC, MC-IC).
To put it simply, a paran is formed whether a star and a planet is conjunct an axis at a given time -- but it doesn't need to be the same axis! (star at IC with planet at AC form a paran just the same as both star and planet at MC).
Parans do not change throughout the day, but their calculations are highly sensitive to geographical location. Parans are calculated from midnight to midnight.
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A paran interlinks the characteristics of a fixed star with those of the given planet. Facies with Moon causes ruthless nature, Vindemiatrix with Venus possibly a desire to form art collections etc etc.
Check out Bernadette Brady's "Book of Fixed Stars" for further descriptions of the stars themselves: raw epub on libgen here OR my own fixed up version on Google Drive here for convenience.
Timing of parans
What is special with parans is that they are inherently timed to a certain period in life, existence, according to the position of the star. Rephrasing: the paran will get activated according to the star's position.
Stars at AC/rising express themselves in childhood, teens, early life ("youth"). The energy of rising stars is expressed in the native's entire life.
Stars at MC/midheaven/in (higher) culmination are expressed at the prime of one's life.
Stars at DC/setting find expression in latter years/old age.
Stars on the IC/nadir/in lower culmination express themselves in your legacy and how you are remembered by the living.
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How to find your own parans
astro.com > extended chart selection > special > Parans according to Bernadette Brady (your choice to include or exclude trans-saturnians)
Have fun, post your parans if you don't understand them, research! Knowledge to the masses!!!
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witchystarryskies · 2 years
Full Moon in Sagittarius - 14th of June 2022
Super full moon in Sagittarius, that’s going to form a square to Neptune in Pisces, and a sextile to a retrograde Saturn in Aquarius on the same day.
Tuesday night is a little intense, but in a hopeful way.
★ Contextual Energies ★
We’ve already been having a sweet triple conjunction of Venus between Uranus and Pallas Athena (which I’m strongly associating with positive queer experiences and bodily autonomy politics, especially being in Taurus.)
Now Venus is moving onto the North Node of the moon a couple degrees away, while still holding hands with Pallas Athena. So it’s already a context of energies I’m excited to work with. Venus-North node in Taurus says so much love and beauty ahead, especially when it comes to our physical bodies and values by which treat them. But having Athena, Goddess of military strategy, wisdom, androgyny and trans identity, there with Venus tells me it’s a longer haul, and a slower process that should and will involve some forethought and consideration. Not just a celebration of beauty, but of coming together to guard it. Planning ahead enough to feel safe enough to actually have a good time, whether it’s bringing along simple medkits and leaving your phone at home during weekend parades, or saving up money and making sure you’re splurging within your budget, especially so you’re not left struggling in a couple months when Mars will be joining this party in Taurus and things may get more intense than pleasant.
Tuesday’s full moon will also have Mercury entering Gemini, feeling VERY at home and sovereign, and will be of great help to you in whatever communication, information or opportunity you’re seeking, but moreso next week when it’s completely out of its shadow. Great time to sort out old issues since late April and move on, or at the very least, we’ll have more clarity around them and gain some much needed wisdom.
🌕 Moon Aspects 🌕
♆ Square to Neptune in Pisces: I love this as an opportunity to take an issue and turn it in your hand like a jewel to examine different aspects of it. Great for reconsidering positions. An invitation to step back from a situation and take a more objective bird-eye perspective. It helps diffuse any tension you may have or attachment to one extreme against the other. May turn up false dichotomies.
♄ Sextile to Saturn in Aquarius: (which means the sun would be in a trine with Saturn too) even more helpful. Whatever insight you gain through the Neptune aspect will not take you very far if it’s only theoretical. Put it to practice and use this smooth Saturnian flow to dissolve some limits and work at something with more resolve. A head in the clouds pairs best with feet on the ground. (but both are essential, especially when you’re working with fundamental values)
☀ Journal Prompts  ☀
Thoughts worth considering through your work or practice this week and especially around the full moon on Tuesday.
:: How can you best plan for the week ahead and minimize your worries?
:: Priorities: What’s really worth investing your time, attention & money into? How much of it really aligns with your personal values as opposed to the collective? How much of these investments you’re making this week aligns with “performative values” that you only feel you should have? Authenticity exercise!
:: How are you balancing your “sphere of concern” vs. your “sphere of influence”? If you’re concerned about the many issues around you lately, have you been overwhelmed and feeling helpless or powerless? How much of that is a result of focusing only what upsets you and not enough on what you have power to change? What about your sphere of influence, how much power do you have? How far can you stretch it by redefining limitations and seeing things from another angle?
:: If you feel you have taken something as far as you can, whether it’s a skill, a debate, a relationship issue, and can’t exert any further power over the situation in its current state, how can you dissolve some limits so you can take it further? Where can you delegate or pass the baton? (ex. trying to solve something by yourself vs. asking for help or hiring a professional. Protesting via social media vs. joining a rally or any local group event. Solo apartment hunt vs shared accommodation. fixating on a solution having to be a certain way vs. aiming for an outcome regardless of specifics)
:: how many of your decisions you made this week were to avoid a bad outcome, and how many were made toward a desired outcome? In other words, how often do you spend time planning around what you fear and how much do you plan around what you love and what you desire? How would a decision look differently if you shift this focus from fear to love? (you can think of fear simply as any act of separation, and love simply as any act of bringing closer or integrating. Could be a person, an experience, an approach to a difficult conversation you’re planning, etc.)
:: Any recurring blockages or issues since around April29th and May 22nd? Have you gained any clarity now and are you getting a sense of resolution or moving on? If instead it’s an opportunity you’ve been contemplating, are you sensing a change that may help you make a more informed decision about it?
Stay safe so you can better enjoy your week, and happy journaling.
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scotttrismegistus7 · 9 months
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Venus was born from the severed genitals of God Uranus, after Cronus threw them in the sea near Cyprus. She maintained a series of romances with Greek Gods, the most famous of which were her marriage with Vulcan and her affair with Mars. Nevertheless, none of these love-stories surpassed the intensity with which Venus loved Adonis.
Adonis was the son of Myrrha and Cynyras, another Cypriot deity. The cult of Adonis in Greece was firmly linked with that of Venus. It seems that the Adonis’ true origin was Semitic and the name Adonis could be the Semitic title adon meaning “(my) lord.”
The Canaanite god Adon was just like Adonis, a god of beauty. This means that we can safely assume that Adonis is no more than Adon transferred to Greece with a Hellenisized name. There are also links between Adonis and gods from other civilizations like Osiris in Egypt, Baal in Ugarit, and Tammuz in Babylon. Civilizations from Mesopotamia to Greece all adored gods of beauty with myths similar to Adonis. On top of that in the Mesopotamian mythologies, Adonis appeared as a couple with goddess Astarte. It is evident right away that Astarte in this context can be none other than the equivalent of Venus.
Billions of years ago, a version of our Earth that looks very different than the one we live on today was hit by an object about the size of Mars, called Theia – and out of that collision the Moon was formed. How exactly that formation occurred is a scientific puzzle researchers have studied for decades, without a conclusive answer.
There’s no process inside Uranus, like volcanism on Earth, that would give life inside the planet a form of energy.
The primeval cosmos spewed out galaxies, galaxies spewed forth suns, and suns emitted planets. But the centripetal force of cosmic ice will cause each in its turn to collapse back in on itself. Into the solar system there have also wandered bodies that did not originally belong to this system, such as the Earth’s moon(s) and the planets beyond Saturn. These trans-Saturnian planets belonged to the neighboring solar system of Alcyone in the Constellation of the Swan (Cygnus). In time these trans-Saturnian planets will be absorbed by Alcyone and eventually our Sun will unite with that star as well.32 According to FS doctrines concerning the history of the Earth, there have been several moons orbiting the planet at one time or another. These moons were eventually drawn into the Earth by the centripetal force of “cosmic ice” as delineated by Hörbiger. There was a moon over “Lemuria” and subsequently one over “Atlantis”; both were catastrophically pulled to the surface of the Earth. Two twin moons, a white one, Luna, and a black one, Lilith, were then pulled into the Earth’s orbit. The Earth has already absorbed the black moon, leaving Luna yet to be pulled down in a world catastrophe.
~The Fraternitas Saturni by Stephen E. Flowers~
The state of dynamic tension in which the cosmos finds itself is, according to the laws of cosmic ice, eventually going to collapse. In fact, the collapse is already underway. Astronomically, this is a process of various planetary bodies being reabsorbed into the Sun. On the spiritual level this is tantamount to the principles, of which these planets are manifestations, being “redeemed.” Four planets have been redeemed as the FS doctrine has it. Two, Vulkan and Hermes, have already been consumed by the Sun, while Mercury and Venus have been drawn within its sphere of influence. At some point, Jupiter and Saturn will merge, combining the mildness of Jupiter with the severity of Saturn. This will give rise to a new Golden Age.39 Eventually, all the planets of the solar system will be thus redeemed, bringing to an end this cycle of existence.
~The Fraternitas Saturni by Stephen E. Flowers~
~I am the Heart of the Hydra, the Singularity and Heart of Goddess Isis, I am AtumRa-AmenHotep, I am Aeon Horus Apophis the Lord of the Perfect Black and Pharoah of the Black Sun.
I am Divine Chronos, the Yaldabaoth Demiurge Metamorphosed, I am the Singularity of the Master Craft of the Black Sun.
Azazil-Iblis-Maymon, Abzu-Osiris-Typhon-Set-Kukulkan, Nummo-Naga-Chitauri,
Mégisti-Generator Starphire~
#illuminati #illuminator #illuminated #lightbearer #morningstar #lucifer #Draconian #anunnaki #enki #enlil #anu #inanna #dumuzi #hermes #trismegistus #Azazel #starfamily #horus #Demiurge #Sophia #archon #AI #blacksun #saturn #iblis #jinn #Maymon #ibis #thoth #egypt #esoteric #magick #dogon #dogontribe #digitaria #nummo #nommo #Naga #tiamat #serpent #dragon #gnosis #gnostic #gnosticism #Anzu #watcher #watchtower #yaldaboath #Sirius #scientology #aleistercrowley #typhon #echidna #ancientaliens #TheGrays #grayaliens #aliens #yeben #andoumboulou
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gg-astrology · 6 years
Black Pink: Lalisa Manoban (Brief Inner planet Natal Reading)
💕 I saw a photo of Lisa and I’m overwhelmed with love for her. This is new test for a different text-format/’theme’, unlike the ‘overview’ series I’m going to go through her chart one by one (w/o houses), looking at the planet and it’s aspects and the decan it’s in. We’ll see how it goes! 💕
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💕disclaimer: i’m no expert on astrology but these are my interpretations of the signs and how they’re working based on my experiences with them. Everyone has different opinions and studies in astrology, all interpretation and experiences within the realm is valid, however feel free to make your own post or skip if you strongly disagree. There might be inaccuracy and the point of this post is to relate to someone, entertain and have a fun time, validate people with similar experiences and get people excited about the girls+ astrology. Also, since we don’t know their birth times, I’m using the standard 12.00pm💕
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Sun in Aries - 1st Decan/Ruled by Mars (Aries)
I’ve already went ham into this with the ‘BP: Sun & Moon’  but I’ll give a brief reintroduction on this as well! 💕
Sun in Aries especially in the 1st Decan, exhibits traits that emphasizes their Arian nature- energetic, lively, uncomplicated and innovative. They’re often already on the move, most likely to get things done physically rather than wait on long-awaited plan or drawn-out emotional speech that would ‘inspire’ them. They’re quite pragmatic, and although they admire and respect other ways of doing things, they’d much rather just get on the move and actually do it to achieve what they want
Impatience and impulsiveness might be a vice, however their greatest strength is their ability to move on and direct their energy forward. 
They’re not big on planning ahead, but that creates space for innovation. They live in the now, and unlike other signs, they benefit a lot from this kind of mentality.  
The way they go about things is pretty direct, active and straight forward. They often get a bit whiplashed if someone tries to play games with them, as they’re pretty forthcoming people and expected the same back.  
They can be careless, lack tact, impulsive and reckless to a fault without realizing what they’ve done. But they’re quick to want to atone for any mess they might have made.  
Aries lives simply in this way, they know what they want and they do whatever is necessary to achieve it. They don’t mind cutting corners, but often they see it as underhand or unnecessary, it’s the journey that matters to them. 
Most of the time, Aries appreciates challenges in their life. They feel best when they can overcome those little objections and feel ‘progressed’ in how far they’ve come. They like things clean and tidy, a fresh slate or a fresh start to the day. 
Sun (Aries) - Conjunct - Venus (Aries) [1 degree]
This is a good aspect to have! Conjunction around the lesser degrees, between aspects of the Sun-Venus can help the native Arian showcase their much more charming side to the public and smooth out rough edges they might have otherwise. 
Lisa already has this working for her even when she wasn’t in the limelight, people with Sun-Venus aspect tends to exhibit harmonic, pleasant and charming traits (think Libra/Taurus) and places an emphasis on their Sun that they want to be perceived pleasantly this way. 
They tend to be alot more easy-going with this aspect, working that Arian charm in a non-confrontational manner and bringing abundance of joy and enthusiasm to the people around them. 
There’s a like for social interactions and pleasantries, diplomatic and often generous. They can sometimes become pushovers when they’re trying really hard to please someone (in the industry) or don’t know any better. 
The ability to attract people to her through her charm (Venus) is convert, she exudes her individuality and self-expression (Sun/Ego) and if the person responds positively, she might find interest in them. This however, can mean that she might need validation from other people or put pressure on herself if she doesn’t receive positive affirmations. Learning to balance it with validating herself and finding a mixture of self-love within her own body might benefit in balancing out and stabilizing this aspect. 
Sun (Aries) - Conjunct- Saturn (Aries) [3 degrees]
Again this is a good aspect to have especially when it’s conjuncted. I kind of do 3 is the max and 5 is pushing it, but I know some people accept it at lower degrees than I do and that’s fine too! 
Sun conjunction Saturn can put a damper on the Sun but in a way, it might benefit them more in the long run which is what’s happening in Lisa’s chart. 
She understands responsibility and long-term commitment, and she’s not afraid to sacrifice abit of her vitality in order to achieve it. 
When it comes to commitment, she puts in hard work and acts cautiously. She rarely makes impulsive decision that would damage or effect anyone else (family/members) long term, she has the forethought and sight to be mature when she needs to be and handle responsibility well. 
She sees and understands the significance in establishing long-term relationships (members) and has patience, tolerance and loyalty to them. She puts in work and dedicated effort into establishing this bond, and expects back on their relationship. People who lacks this Saturnian trait would turn her off.  
Sun (Aries) - Sextile - Uranus (Aquarius) [1 degree]
Although it’s a harmonious aspect, Uranus is a generational outer planet ruled by Aquarius, having an Aries sun there can mean her individuality is expressed fighting for the underdog. 
There’s a fiery quality to it that both Aries and Aquarius posses, a strike against tradition and you can see it in the way her ego (Sun) expresses her style (Venus) in how she dresses/performs. 
Black pink is amazing because this aspect comes through very vividly, like 2NE1 the unusual styling and effect their stage performance and music has is trans-generational. It doesn’t cohere to just one aesthetic taste, it’s something most people can get into very easily. I suspect the other members probably has similar aspect in this area as well. They’re standing for something they’re comfortable in. 
Sun (Aries) - Trine - Pluto(R) (Sagittarius) [1 degree]
Sun is the planet of the ego and Pluto is the planet of transformation, this emphasizes her moon even more since it’s in Scorpio (ruled by Pluto) she often feels that she’s going through different phases of growth and transformation all the time. 
Between comebacks and stages, Lisa is constantly evolving and she realizes this. It’s a double whammy for her both in her moon and the aspect. 
Her ego shifts along with her transformation, but at the same time her pluto is in retrograde. She might not show it as often but she is going through alot of these changes. 
She can be slow in incorporating it into her ego, or letting her inner change/growth show in other aspects of her life. She feels it, she knows it. But that doesn’t mean she has to show it (abit of an escapism) 
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Moon in Scorpio - 2nd Decan/Ruled by Neptune (Pisces)
Again, I’ve touched on her moon in the  the ‘BP: Sun & Moon’  but here’s a brief description of it here as well 💕
Scorpio moons can go through many intense emotions and internal growth rapidly, they often feel overwhelmed by their emotions and their thoughts transforming at a pace and intensity that even they can’t control. This can be devastating and amazing, depending on how one views it- their emotional growth goes through periods of death and rebirth and often pushes them to go through serious transformation within themselves throughout their entire life. It’s exhilarating, giving and tiring at the same time.  
Scorpio has this intensity inside of themselves that, when projected outwardly onto other people you can see the storm inside of their eyes. Their emotional intensity doesn’t just stop there with themselves, but they can also evoke this kind of intensity in other people as well. 
Lisa’s moon is ruled by Neptune/Pisces, which rules her subconscious and her dreams. Most likely her Moon in Scorpio is influenced by these elements, and her transformation often has to more to do with herself and her own growth than any external output. 
Pressure she puts on herself, her dreams and aspiration she carries for her family to do well in foreign lands, insomnia, lethargy and depression might be prone to these individuals (again, I’m not certified to diagnose anyone with medical help, and I’m not trying to do so, if someone is suffering from mental illness or requires assistance in these areas, please consult a doctor or a medical assistance if they want to seek available help)  
They might have the tendency to use sleeping as a coping mechanism and escapism in order to avoid going through these transformation too much (escapism or fighting to simplify the situation aka ‘im fine’ ). It can lead to repression of emotions or inner growth in order to stabilize her body. 
Her Virgo Mars is the only earth sign capable of stabilizing her, but it’s also the only out put to her emotional transformation. She might’ve learnt to utilize this subconsciously in an unhealthy way to cope with how much she’s feeling and how much she’s going through. Most likely she did so anyways, especially with Sun-Venus and a strong Taurus/Venus influence on her Mars. She needs to unlearn how to do this and express herself when she needs to, or seek help when she needs it. 
She desires stability but it she needs to realize it doesn’t need to be internal. She can seek stability externally through support and close friends as well. She should show this through consistency in reaching out to people, but in order to do so she needs to vocalize it or exert her Mars and Mercury into helping her with her Moon. 
She might also be prone to having transformative dreams, or going through upheaval inside her subconscious. Suppressing these emotions during the day might point to having to confront them later when she’s in the unconscious realm, this can lead to very emotionally taxing dreams or adventurous ones, having to confront and balance negativity to positivity at some point. But it’s in no way unhealthy compared to the above (better dealing it through dreams than actively trying to repress it all the time conscious OR unconscious).  
Moon (Scorpio) - Square - Jupiter (Aquarius) [3 degrees]
There’s a restless quality about her when she ‘can’t deal with her moon right now’, she tends to seek outlets that can extort her resources (i.e. retail therapy, shopping, negligence) a square is a difficult aspect but it’s capable of overcoming. 
Her moon (emotions) has a direct impact on her luck (Jupiter) through her actions. Although it’s in 3rd degree, it might not be working strongly for her since she can easily learn to self-discipline.
She can become aloof, cold or negligence to those around her when she’s dealing with her emotions/internal turmoil. Absentmindedness or too coldly observing, she can neglect or make others around her feel like they shouldn’t support her which doesn’t reflect her natural charisma. 
Lisa can have her moodiness, and its in this aspect how it effects those around her and her immediate resources (money, luck, etc). 
Moon (Scorpio) - Square - Uranus (Aquarius) [2 degrees] 
Again, her moon is working to bring her down. All her internal turmoil is effecting to some degree her relationships with others and her ability to perform sometimes. With her moon (emotions) squaring her Uranus (rebellion/innovation/technology) this can be interpreted in so many different ways.
Bigger picture is, she might find herself at odds with the people around her, slow moving and unstable or unsupportive at times because she’s lost in her own turmoil or has some doubts, her friends can feel unsupported or in-stabilized by her when they require her vote of confidence in them.
Lisa can be disagreeable to rules or authoritarian figures, or act out/lash out in a way just to prove her point across if she feels she’s unheard or misunderstood (her Saturn is too strong and working too well for her to do that, but she might have instances)
 She might find bad news due to technology (it might bring her grief) or does something online she might regret later (hope it’s retail therapy)  
Anyways its not a bad thing to have difficult aspects in your chart, all these are capable of the person who owns the chart to overcome and they can absolutely do it. 
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Mercury in Aries - 3rd Decan/Ruled by Jupiter (Sagittarius)
Curiously this is un-aspected, but it seems to be working strongly in her chart and is very good for our girl Lisa! 💕
Mercury in Aries natives possesses an innocent charm about them, this is directly amplified by Jupiter’s influence (Sagittarius) her Arian charms becomes expanded upon, and her youthful vitality and charisma that makes her so lovable is put into a softer light. She acquires a happy-go-lucky trait to her that has people falling head over heels to do as she asks, often popular. 
People like her because she’s straight forward and simple, she’s often humble and enthusiastic which is refreshing to be around. 
Mercury in Aries are also magnetic in a way that they possesses great self-will that their Aries sun already has. The way they think and talk about things are quick and to the point, fast and decisive. 
She can streamline progress and gets points across simply and easily, she’s amiable and likes helping others with a jokester kind of joviality to her. Often capable of lightening up any situation, she’s great at taking the weight/heat off of shier signs like Virgo or Capricorn who might get embarrassed by a mistake. 
Mercury Arians in the 3rd decan likes to help others out, they possess an expansive open-minded quality to them that likes to learn and give/take equally. They’re willing to help people in worse situation than they are if the opportunity arises. 
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Venus in Aries - 1st Decan/Ruled by Mars (Aries)
Aries in Venus says alot about her charisma on stage and her style that draws people into her. Her powerful performance really came through with her artistry, and it’s all in her Venus amplified by her Sun and Mercury of the same sign and similar element. She has so much passion (fire) in her chart (Aries and Sagittarius) along with the magnetic quality (water/Scorpio and Pisces) - the clash of the two elements in force makes for a powerful charisma in a person. 
Venus in Aries in general,  has a pretty daring and up-front style about her. She has a cheeky smile but also a confident, independent women. 
Venus in Aries often has this quality about them (especially in 1st degree) anyone  who wants to be with her has to match up to her in some way. She won’t ever settle for less than what she deserves, and if she finds you unworthy- well, she wouldn’t even give you her time of day. 
That’s not to say she’s a minx all the time, Aries Venus charm extends to more than just her confidence. Her innocent childish charm complements the tougher side of her personality well, even the aegyo and possible tantrum she might pull is endearing. 
There’s a fun-loving quality about them, like they’re not hard to please but you have to do it well. However, if you take too long to approach them they’d already be gone. They don’t tend to stick around, even if they’re going to give you a chance. They’re turned-off by wishy-washy behaviors, too much ‘games’ and not enough stimulation (slow burn) and not enough activities. 
They’d rather take the lead in love and other areas in life, let them have their moments. They also like a little bit of competition, and likes games in the spirit of having fun. If something is done with intensity or mixed-up emotions (i.e. complex emotions directed towards them) they’d probably say no to that as well.  
Venus (Aries)  - Conjunct - Saturn (Aries) [4 degrees]
Phew Im relieved for her! Venus conjunct Saturn can help trim and regulate the more impulsive habits of a native Arian.
She’s much more thrifty than the typical Arian, and less likely to spend her money impulsively if it isn’t going to serve her long term. Saturn itself has a quality to endure and likes to establish long lasting relations. It wants to establish longevity within oneself and with others. 
She’s faithful and loyal to her friends and family. When in love, she exhibits more of her deeper, caring and nurturing side Aries also have. 
She understands her traditions and her duties to the people around her, and can mature her Aries up a little to becoming more reserved and humble. She also can appreciate a little bit more sensibility in people, suitors who only wants to have fun doesn’t catch her attention unless they show the same quality and good sense as she does. 
This really helps her Aries plans ahead in her future as well. Although there’s an innate need for the immediate now, she’s not oblivious to how long-term planning can benefit her and her activities. 
Venus (Aries) - Sextile - Uranus (Aquarius) [2 degrees]
The planet of love (venus) and the planet of innovation (Uranus) can sometimes mean she’s more adept to nontraditional relationships within her life. 
This can be in her love life, associates, working relationships or personal relationships. She’s bound to have an abundance of different relationships that she might not even know how to categorize.
But when she feels comfortable with this aspect, she’ll be ok with it. The idea might unnerve her at first, but sextiles typically come to fruition if she works on understanding herself and her expression better. 
She can accept different types of people she’s met in her life, her open-minded sincerity (Uranus/Aquarius ) is met with pleasant charm and a refreshing disposition (Venus/Aries) .
She can also see insincerity in people. The charmingly quick wit of Aquarian and the intensity of Scorpio can bring this about even more in people who has this aspect. She likes to meet people at a middle ground (Aquarius) somewhere they can compromise to being in between. 
She’s freedom loving and likes to give back the space to other people because she feels that’s what they need in order to grow. 
She likes her independence (Aries) and even when she has that intensity about her, she doesn’t mind if others are a lot more cooler or different from how she is- as long as they give the same respect back to her.  
Venus (Aries) - Trine - Pluto (Sagittarius) [0 degrees]
God this is the tightest degree she has. And I’m really glad for it too. 
Her areas of passion and interest (dancing/performance) is transforming her life (Pluto) this is the aspect you can really see how she belongs on the stage and why Black Pink is so so good for her. 
She has a needs to do something with her passion physically (Aries) and she finds it in the form of dance. It saved her. She found ‘it’. She doesn’t really know what to do with it yet, but she dances because she loves it. She wants to show it to the world, to more and more people. 
Pluto talks about transformation, and Sagittarius talks about learning and travelling. Being able to transform and learn every time she dances, she thrives on it. When she can travel with the group on tour, and she can dance on that stage, she lives and breathes passion. She transforms herself when she dance. 
She can express her venus fully and comfortably, she takes on a whole new persona every time and she feels so lively and bright when she can show and do things she’s passionate about. 
This aspect is working amazingly well for her, and her charisma, her stage presence her magnetic aura (Scorpio/Pluto) it all comes and leads down to this. I’m so happy for her and this aspect. God. 
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Mars in Virgo (R)  - 3rd Decan/Ruled by Venus (Taurus) 
Again this is un-aspected, so it’s probably working like her mercury. Usually un-aspected planets are working strongly for the person or it can be hard to find. I think personally for Lisa, she might not find this aspect in herself (un-relatable) especially since it’s in retrograde. It can be abit more slow moving for her to realize or self-actualize than others. 
Mars in Virgo are focused, detail-oriented and often busy people. They can become nervous if they don’t work a lot (when bp comeback doesn’t come, most likely Lisa NEEDED those modeling ads to keep her nervous energy at bay) they become restless if they feel like they aren’t being productive, and do their best to serve or work towards a project. 
Mars in Virgo can be prone to micromanaging alot, and this might affect them personally. They can appear abit scattered or all over the place (trying to do everything at once) as well as micromanaging their feelings or emotions ‘not right now, lets do that later’ - this especially in retrograde, makes them notorious for being harder to anger than even a Capricorn Mars (who actively repress their emotions) Virgo still needs to explode, but more than righteous anger they are more prone to bursts of verbal attacks and creative criticism than anything else. 
They’re less confrontational, and would probably not even realize they’re angry or upset until days later. Lisa having this in 3rd decan AND retrograde, she’s much more prone to neglecting her emotions until later or not realizing them at all, with an innate need/influence to keep peace and positive emotions at all times- she can even neglect her own emotions in order to keep the balance or diplomacy in situation. 
However, if it overwhelms her (both Virgo and Taurus are earth signs, they’re good at suppressing but that doesn’t mean they don’t feel deeply.) she can breakdown pretty easily when she bottles it up too much and be overwhelmed with emotions. It’s good to realize this sooner and learn how to manage her concerns in a healthier way. 
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God I love her. 
That Venus-trine-pluto aspect at 0 degrees really did me in. It sealed my coffin and I’m forever in love with her please write that on my grave stone. 
Usually, Venus-Pluto aspected people tend to have a charm to them. The sexy Scorpio type charm? Even in square or opposition aspect it can come across as magnetizing to other people. Lisa having this working FOR her is amazing to her own benefit. She deserves the world and if she could have one thing in life, it’s this. Her dance IS her escape from her mind. Her performance and travelling and being the group helps her with her personal growth and development, it saves her vitality and her life. She found a good output for her energy and she can finally learn how to unwind and relax.
Lisa has a lot of nervous energy about her in her signs and aspects, especially in her Virgo Mars being un-aspected and her Uranus/Jupiter squares. She’s actually doing pretty well not having a lot of difficult or ‘disharmonious’ aspects to worry about or overcome. At the same time, her mind is her biggest enemy and that in itself takes a whole lot of energy to conquer.  
💕gosh this was really fun to do, time consuming but less taxing on me to provide in-depth explanation on how they’re all working together. I just had to do them separately. Anyways, I’m really glad I did this because I got really excited for her on that one aspect (as well as other areas in her life) I really hope to explore her chart further, maybe romantically or sexually because I totally pg-ed it out on here to save materials for next time 💕 
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moyao-no-hako · 5 years
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トランスサタニアン 冥王星 trans-saturnian Pluto #drawing #ドローイング #illustration #pen #pendrawing #blackandwhite #pluto http://bit.ly/2E24wJJ
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windingriverherbals · 6 years
Stimulating / Intuitive / Innovative
The Trans-Saturnial Planets: Herbs of Uranus    
The study of the planets beyond Saturn (Trans-Saturnian planets) and its association to herbal remedies came later within the classic texts of medical astrology. The ancients had intricate analysis on all the planets between Sun and Saturn —  from planetary alignments to biodynamics to herbal correspondences, to…
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medicinanocturna · 2 years
Hi, I very much enjoyed your post on Pluto in synastry, and I have a question for you. I have an 8° Virgo Moon in the 7th house, which natally squares my Pluto by 4°. As you know, this means that my Moon also more or less squares the Pluto of anyone in my generation. What does this say about me and my relations to others? My Moon is ruled by (and trine) Mercury in 8° Scorpio in the 8th house and isn’t too afflicted, I’d say.
On a side note, there is a person in my life whose Moon exactly conjuncts mine and therefore also has a natal Moon square Pluto. So this is a double whammy not only natally but in synastry as well. I feel like he sees my soul and vice versa and I have truly never experienced someone so purely, like I can be my rawest self without judgment, so your writing truly resonated (I’ll probably deep dive into your blog after submitting this)
Hi, thank you for appreciating the article on the synastric Pluto! First, answering your question, it is worth mentioning that our relations with our peers are always karmic and it is not unusual that these relationships are difficult to work on. You probably have noticed that many of your peers are inclined to provoke similar experiences in you but with different intensity depending on the other aspects. Usually we can feel when someone is approximately of our biological age even though people can look very different. The big planets (the collective karma planets) are one reason for that. However (!) and this is VERY important... as I always highlight in my posts everything depends on the inner level of your personality. If you read my article about the Ascendant, you will know what I am talking about. The natal chart is a MAP, but it is NOT the territory itself. Even the twin sisters will have different levels of manifestation of many planets in their charts (especially the trans-Saturnian / generational planets)... Because they (likewise you and your peers) have different karmic debts, different incarnation missions, different soul gifts. As I mentioned in my article about the Pluto transits, its square aspect around the age of 38- 42 will clearly reveal the level of one's inner work in the sphere of Pluto, but it will be very different for all people that have this square at the same time. Pluto's main purpose it to keep us in line with our higher mission through transformations and cutting off what's not authentic to it. And as you can imagine, this level of work (and self- awareness!) is very different for everybody.
I too have my Moon sq my Pluto (not very close degree though) and besides the fact that it makes my Moon a bit Scorpionish (likewise yours), I also receive this aspect from all my peers. But not with all of those with whom I had some meaningful connections (either friendships or love affairs) I could feel the Plutonian work happening. And this, of course, depends on the whole chart and the role Pluto is playing there. With those who did have a sound position of Pluto in their chart, I could definitly feel all the "gifts" of passion, jealousy and power struggle. But I was young back then and I am not "aligned" with peer souls any longer (which also often happens when you are done with some of your karmic debts). People I share meaningful encounters with are either elder or younger (sometimes much younger) than I am right now. And Plutonian aspects from people whose Pluto is in the different sign feel stronger. Also, remember that Pluto is slow and deep. It is subtle, even though heavy. It takes time sometimes to register its actual effect.
So the same would go to you and your significant other who is intimately touching your Moon and both of you receive the Pluto's kiss ;) But I would suggest that you feel the Moon conjunction much much stronger. It is a good one! And since both of you have a similar character of this planet (same sign same aspect from Pluto) when together you don't feel it as much, because you both have it in yourself! OR as you said you feel each other very well because it feels like your own skin. (Unless you both are extremely different in terms of your inner level, i.e. different ages of your souls). It is like the fish doesn't know that she is in the water... but she would know what the other fishes feel.
I hope that answers some of your thoughts. And thank you for your note!
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gottssymbols · 6 years
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The Trans-Saturnian 3 (Part 1) ■ The symbol above symbolizes Uranus, the 7th planet from the sun, which was officially discovered and designated as a planet in 1781 by William Herschel. □ The planet is named after the Greek god Uranus (a name which means "sky" or "heaven") who is married to Gaia (a name meaning "Earth"). ■ The first 3 variations of this symbol contain the 3 ingredients for a planetary symbol: a cross: a circle: a crescent. □ The H that is formed from the combination of these 3 ingredients is also said to symbolize the H from William Herschel's last name. ■ The 4th variation of this symbol is a combination of the sun and mars symbols. This symbol was chosen by J. G. Köhler and refined by Johann Bode. □ Within the field of symbolism that relates to qabalah, astrology and alchemy, it is widely debated on the practicality of incorporating the trans-Saturnian planets. ■ However it should be noted that Uranus can be associated with the "11th" sphereless sphere on the tree of life named Da'ath, according to Crowleys Book 4 □ Like this post if you learned something new or knew it already ■ Follow and Share to keep this project going! □ Sources Wikipedia Book 4 ■
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faunsandfullmoons · 3 years
This is the range of influence for a planet or house cusp. The size of the orb depends upon the planet and the type of aspect, and can range from 2 or 3 degrees to 8 or 9 degrees.
One of the techniques used in forecasting with the birth chart where the chart is ‘progressed’ into future periods. There are various methods, including Solar Arc and ‘a day for a year’.
A planet is said to be retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards against the zodiac as seen from the Earth. There are also times during the retrograde cycle when a planet will appear to stand still, and then they’re called Stationary.
Ruling Planet
Signs are ruled by different planets according to their archetypal pattern. The trans-Saturnian planets have been added to the rulership system so some signs have two rulers, the traditional ruler and a new one. For example, Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto.
Secondary Progression
Another name for a type of progression called ‘a day for a year.’
Sidereal Time
This is time reckoned by the motion of the Earth (or any planet) in relation to the fixed stars, instead of the Sun.
Sidereal Zodiac
This zodiac divides the ecliptic into 12 signs which are named after the constellations. The signs are defined in relation to the fixed stars and deals with the position of the Earth relative to the stars and the celestial sphere. See Tropical Zodiac
An unaspected planet.
Solar Arc
A method of progressing a birth chart by calculating the distance in degrees (the arc) between the progressed Sun and the natal Sun, and then adding that distance to the rest of the planets to create a progressed chart.
A collection of planets in one part of the birth chart, also sometimes called a multiple conjunction.
A house in the birth chart which follows an angular house (or precedes a cadent house). Succedent houses are 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th.
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skycamper · 7 years
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in aspect to the Sun
When any of the trans saturnian planets aspect the natal sun, the individual becomes a channel for the collective to express itself through. This can indicate a person with a hightened intuition who is constantly 'plugged in' to the collective consciousness. The purpose is to act as a mouthpiece for unrealised urges that have been gestating in the subconscious of individuals and bring about a revolution in collective awareness. Contacts to the sun from outer planets can be very challenging, even if the aspect is harmonious. One reason for this is that the individual is bound up with the evolution of humanity, which necessarily creats an atmosphere of chaos, change and upheavel. It is like the individual unconsciously draws conflict to themselves. Another reason these aspects are challening is that they are extremely debilitating to the ego. Without a strong identity and connection to a personal life, the individual can become awash in a turbulent sea of murky visions, drowning in the collective current rather than directing it, a receptacle with no sense of self. If the outer planet is in trine, quincunx or opposition to the sun, it is either stationing or retrograde. This can be difficult because the outer planet's energy is turned inward and struggles to find external expression. It is like the voice of the collective echoes through everything the individual does. There can be an excessive feeling of being judged by society, combined with a need to be accepted and understood. The alienation that one experiences with these natal aspects can be very real. There is always a strong retaliation to a challenge to the current societal state, and the individuals whose egos are tied to the evolution of consciousness frequently become symbols of controversy amongst the public with varying regard for their actual identity. This all sounds bleak and hard but to have your sun in aspect to one or more of the outer planets blesses the individual with tremendous power to manifest change, and frequently with extraordinary levels of perception, psychic ability and a penetrating intuition that is hard to explain. It is really important for people with contacts from outer planets to the sun to develop a firm sense of self, defined (but not necessarily rigid) personal boundaries, and to devote plenty of time to fulfilling personal needs. Especially if the outer planet is retrograde or separated from the rest of the chart, the individual will feel disconnected from their own identity, and it takes conscious work to find one's centre. This work should be gentle and fun, though! It is a process of discovering your likes and dislikes, your passions and talents, your values and sense of meaning. It can be hard to silence the voice of the outer planet summoning you to an obscure higher calling, but without devoting time and effort knowing and nourishing yourself first you will likely get lost. You have to radiate your own light to guide you through the collective fog.
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