#Translation by me xD
softhe4rted · 1 year
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on loneliness jenny slate / japanese breakfast, posing for cars / corinne von lebusa, big glow / dadushin / alejandra pizarnik, tr. me / fka twings, home with you / avocado_ibuprofen / fiona apple, left alone / anne carson, “the anthropology of water”, plainwater / kiki smith, free fall / alejandra pizarnik, diaries
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ywpd-translations · 26 days
Ride 786: Acceleration at full throttle!!
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Pag 1
2: Now
3: Do I go?
4: Soon
How's your condition, Manami?
Mhh, if I had to say
5: I'm in perfect condition
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Pag 2
1: Hakogaku's Manami went ahead for the first day's mountain!!
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Pag 3
1: Seriously!? What's with that speed!?
He took advantage of the right curve where the group was stretched out!!
He accelerated in an instant!!
2: He's really gonna climb!? The Sky Prince!?
Does gravity not work on him only!?
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Pag 4
1: Soo
That guy is so fast!
Waa is he so light!?
2: reeee
3: He suddenly got away!! Dammit!! Chase him!! Go!!
No, there's no one who'll be able to chase after him!!
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Pag 5
3: Except for the Mountain King!!
4: Hakogaku number 13 jumped ahead, teh!!
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Pag 6
1: I'm going to accelerate at full throttle!!
2: Onoda!!
3: Onoda-san!!
4: Onoda-san!!
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Pag 7
1: Onoda-san's cadence is going up!!
5: Onoda-kun!!
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Pag 8
1: Go with all your might!! Will-power injection!!
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Pag 9
1: Okay!! Thank you, Naruko-kun!!
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Pag 10
1: I'm going!!
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Pag 11
1: Aaaaaaagh
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Pag 12
1: Mountain King went ahead!!
He's so fast, what's with that speed!!
With his cadence I can't see his legs!!
2: Everyone, really, thank you so much for sending me out
3: I got this at the supply point earlier, a cold bottle of water!!
4: Leave him gaping this time!!
I'll use the old one
Okay!! Thank you!!
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Pag 13
1: He's so fast!!
2: Run with all your heart
4: Don't worry about what happens behind
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Pag 14
1: Imaizumi-kun, Naruko-kun, Danchiku-kun, Kaburagi-kun, Rokudai-kun – everyone pushed my back...
3: It's the Mountain King!!
Just now Hakone Academy passed... is he chasing him!?
It's Sohoku's Onoda!!
His legs' rotation is incredible!
They're both so fast!!
4: Mountain King chasing Manami...!?
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Pag 15
1: It's intense!!
2: Oi, those two just now!!
That's right, they're last year's finalists!!
And the finalists of the year before too!!
3: Seriously... they're already... going out now...!?
For the “mountain” of the first day of the Inter High, those two....!!
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Pag 16
1: It's a destined battle!!
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Pag 17
3: I got scared....
4: Suddenly Hakogaku got here... and it's Manami, too!!
I got scared, but then he stopped accelerating...!?
5: Wahahaha Manami Sangaku isn't worth fearing!!
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Pag 18
1: I was on alert because he caught up with me at lightning speed but then he quickly lost pace!!
That means he worked too hard and reached his limit!!
2: Coming here on your own was a mistake, Manami Sangaku!! Wahahaha
I'm IitsukaYorimasa from the prestigious Fukuoka Josei!! Climber!!
3: I thought about it!! And my nickname will be “mountain shogun”!!
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Pag 19
1: And this mountain will be my home, my “castle”
Manami, today I'll get your “neck”!!
2: Sorry but could you please be quiet?
3: I'm listening
To the sound of cheering, and the swaying of trees, and the chirping of the cicadas
5: And mixed with all of this, I'm listening
6: to the sound of wheels
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Pag 20
1: Wahahaha, wheels!? The sound of wheels!?
I don't hear it, I don't hear such a thing!! That would mean that there's someone else who's catching up!? Someone like that...
2: No way, wahahaha
4: I hear it
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hualian · 2 months
tgcf donghua weibo uploading the MOST cryptic post about "new short film officially launched" what do you MEAN what short film launched where when huuuuh 😭😭😭 more info please I'll wait patiently!
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secretlizzycookie · 6 months
just a Brynth universe I've been thinking about
the different futures or universes fill my mind, the different ways these two were able to come together I really love it.
I have this little au? in which the pop and the tribes in general are somewhat similar to the putt-putt, some more hostile others more distrustful
Yeah, things aren't going so well in this place, back to the point
the characters here are a little younger, to be more specific they are teenagers
Poppy is not queen and King Peppy is a distrustful madman, the pop trolls became more careful with the 'visitors'
branch is gray here and is still a complete hermit, he doesn't trust king and vice versa
Things get more complicated when synth appears being chased and somehow branch ends up hiding/taking care of him
They fall in love but end up having a super dramatic and sad farewell (which is the scene that made me create this au in the first place)
then the first and second movie happens with several changes and finally the third (also different) because I love thinking about how his brothers deal with all 'this' and because viva is incredible and king peppy already had too many misfortunes xd
I would write a mini fanfic about this but I don't have time and I think I would abandon it and I DON'T want that to happen, so I better leave this here before it disappears
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regular-gnome · 7 months
How did you get into owl house and the titan/archivists story in general?
Pretty normal way I think, I knew about TOH from some art and as dumb as it sounds the one thing that convinced me to watch the show is how irises in eyes are drawn. Set in like inactual eyes, not just on top of the eye
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the titan archivist story is a bit more random. I love environmental storytelling, so figuring out stories from backgrounds, overanalyzing shots, and implications of things are my jam. Later on tumblr I saw a short fic of end of the war about Collector confused walking next to the sea as it began to boil, with structures crashing into the water that kinda made me do more fanart around the titans and archivists. That spiralled into spamming ma freindo with theories and them cursing me with hyperfixation about this part of the lore. Some asks gave me ideas for short comics and concepts that evolved into writing down au and here we are, my sketchbook is pretty monotematic these days
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annatateson · 1 year
Disco Elysium Gothic and Lolita Tea Party Part 2: The RCM Gremlins are GOSSIPPING!
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Finally got back from my adventures so I can CONTINUE this magical journey of spreading gothic and lolita fashion throughout the DE cast (and FREEING them from the shackles of gender)!
I loved seeing all the drawings on here of Harry in lolita dresses so I've decided to spread the love! FUN and FRILLS (and spilling TEA)!
More pictures hidden within...
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babyblueetbaemonster · 6 months
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A fanart for @hannahcbrown's Oblivion fic Thiefguard!
They're having the Cheydinhal's famous thirty layer cake
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secretmellowblog · 9 months
@french speakers in the Les Mis fandom, calling for help again! I noticed a funky translation difference between different versions and I’m really curious about your thoughts on what is more accurate!!
In the preface/first sentence of Les Mis, I’m curious about the most accurate way to translate the phrase I’ve bolded:
Tant qu’il existera, par le fait des lois et des mœurs, une damnation sociale créant artificiellement, en pleine civilisation, des enfers, et compliquant d’une fatalité humaine la destinée qui est divine ; tant que les trois problèmes du siècle, la dégradation de l’homme par le prolétariat, la déchéance de la femme par la faim, l’atrophie de l’enfant par la nuit, ne seront pas résolus ; tant que, dans de certaines régions, l’asphyxie sociale sera possible ; en d’autres termes, et à un point de vue plus étendu encore, tant qu’il y aura sur la terre ignorance et misère, des livres de la nature de celui-ci pourront ne pas être inutiles.
Most versions I’ve read translate it as “the degradation of man by poverty” or some equivalent to that.
Hapgood’s translation:
the degradation of man through pauperism,
The degradation of man by poverty,
But Wraxall, who I’ve heard* is often a lot more inaccurate, translates it as:
the debasement of man by the proletariat
Which seems to have a very different connotation? It comes across (maybe unintentionally) as targeting poor people instead of targeting poverty. My gut instinct was that Wraxall was mistranslating, but it looks like the original French word (le prolétariat) is a cognate for “the proletariat.” Is there some context about the French word’s use, especially in the 19th century, that I (or Wraxall) am missing?
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automaticdata · 8 months
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I chose to celebrate finishing that fancomic by ... quickly doing another fanart from @definitelynotshouting's Lost in the Dark fic.
When it's drained, Grian lets the empty bottle fall from his fingers with a soundless clatter. The weakness is already creeping through him, spreading through his veins and amplifying the exhaustion that's dogged his steps since he was forced off Hermitcraft. Grian shuts his eyes, taking a deep, laborious breath– and then lets himself slip sideways, wings jerking before he settles into as comfortable a position as he can. It weighs in his bones, turning them to lead, and the stars go hazy as he blinks, too tired to even shudder. The wave of sudden dizziness stuns him, and Grian sinks in on himself, awareness shrinking, and knows in a deep, distant part of him, that the potions have done their job. His friends will be safe from him now. Everyone will be.
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yellowhollyhock · 23 hours
Posting a timeline for myself so I don't get confused writing in this space but now that it's getting organized it is become a Thing. So, 2003 turtles headcanons and eventual future
November 1992: Splinter attends first Battle Nexus, turtles 4
November 1995: Battle Nexus, turtles 7; Usagi saves Splinter from Drako, he looks about 9
November 1998: Battle Nexus, turtles 10
November 2001: Battle Nexus
May 14, 2003: boys 15th birthday (shared, on different years they either celebrate together or each get a day close to it)
June 2003-February 2004: Season 1 (April 25, Casey 27)
February 2004-November 2004: Season 2. turtles turn 16 between Reflections and The Ultimate Ninja. Battle Nexus is November 2004
December 2004-September 2005: Season 3. Turtles turn 17 between Worlds Collide Part III and Touch and Go. Exodus in late September
September 2005-August 2006: Usagi visits in January; Leo is with the Ancient one February-March. Turtles turn 18 in the Cretaceous which becomes confusing to keep track of (do they ever tell Splinter they had two 18th birthdays? probably less confusing to only count one since it's only three extra months)
September 2006: s5 starts, Angel leaving for college while turtles are being taken by Tribunal.
March 2007: final battle with Shredder
May 2007: turtles turn 19
October 2007-October 2008: turtles get yoinked to the future. B Team bonding and worrying: Leatherhead, Professor, Professor Honeycutt, Angel, Justice Force. April trying to make 2nd Time Around happen, also hitting that inter-dimensional portal project again with Augie's help (not unreasonable for her to assume that's where they are). Turtles turn 20 in the future. Turtle Fam misses Battle Nexus 2007 (Usagi champion mayhaps? He'd be 22)
April 22, 2009: Casey and April wed
May 2009: turtles turn 21; Angel moves back home, works as a hair stylist
August 2009: April announces pregnancy, and at the same time she and Don have begun work on O'Neil Technologies
Spring 2010: Leo starts a dojo, his brothers all help when they can. Cassandra is born (April 17). turtles turn 22
Summer 2010: Raph and Casey start a shelter. April begins hiring help for O'Neil Technologies (Irma, Leatherhead, Professor Honeycutt).
November 2010: Battle Nexus year! Leo reconnects with Usagi. Mikey wins again.
December 2010: Leo announces his intention to go to Japan to train with the Ninja Tribunal
February 2011: Neutrinos come to earth to talk business with O'Neil Tech. Leo leaves shortly thereafter; Mikey is now the main turtle in charge of the dojo.
Spring 2011: Donny and Angel start dating; anti-mutant sentiment on the rise, Bishop apparently busy again. Raph very stressed about Bishop and wanting to be able to handle it without Leo; oh btw Mikey would like to pursue a college degree. Oyuki gets a job at dojo
October-December 2011: Mikey disappears; Leo returns, furious that things were allowed to get as bad as they did and the Ninja Tribunal didn't tell him his family was in danger (he thought they would because TAO did). When Mikey is rescued (from Bishop) his arm is infected and must be amputated.
Spring 2012: Turtles meet Mona Lisa, who explains how mutagen is being leaked purposely in areas suspected of harboring aliens, to give hate groups credibility as well as punish those (like her) who stick up for aliens. Splinter begins writing a book. Turtles are banding together with other non-humans as world becomes more hostile. Oyuki joins O'Neil Tech team
Summer 2012: Leo and Splinter visit Usagi; Mikey is determined to get back to work on his degree; O'Neil Tech recruits Harold. Mikey and Oyuki start dating
Fall 2012: Usagi visits turtles world; Leo takes the Dojo back up so Mikey can focus on school
January 2013: Donny proposes to Angel
April 2013: rival tech company developing robots with alarming level of sentience and then abusing them (Nano followup basically), April and Donny find themselves fighting for robot rights which makes O'Neil Technologies both a laughingstock and a target. btw Neutrino crew returns to work there. Mikey is now dating Ia
Summer 2013: Turtles gather allies and make a plan to come out of hiding; being in the shadows hasn't been working, people are suspicious and afraid, there's lots more lives at risk now, they need to rethink their strategy. Angel gets badly injured. Turtles meet Punk Frogs
November 2013: Raph Battle Nexus champion (their family is going to be banned for winning too often 🤣)
January 2014: enter Timothy. Raph enjoying socializing with other mutants, especially close with Mona and Genghis. Mikey depressed that they aren't the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (now we're just, like... regular mutant ninja turtles), breakup with Ia
Spring 2014: Donny's secret therapy, unfortunately coinciding with TAO moving to NYC. Much conflict in general as bros all want to stay living together but have different life goals, plus there's Angel now and Raph has basically been living with Mona Lisa and Genghis Frog and Mikey's very busy at school and etc. etc. In other news, Raph finds a baby mutant turtle named Lita. Mikey dates and breaks up with Woody
Summer 2015: Karai invites the family to Japan. Chaplin wants Donny and April's input on a robotics project gone wrong, Karai is finding herself freshly mourning her father and seeking advice/understanding of family history from TAO and Splinter. Time travel shenanigans.
December 2015-October 2016: Ch'rell jailbreak, space adventure to stop him (he has of course moved on from the idea of conquering earth, his goal now is to get away from the utroms and find a planet where he can steadily build up an empire until he is able to plan revenge). And they all get home just in time to take 6 y/o Cassandra and 3 y/o Lita trick or treating
November 2016: Lotus Blossom wins the Battle Nexus, befriends turtles. Her and Leo quietly become pen pals
January-August 2017: speaking of Cassandra she wants to be a ninja. Also Splinter falls ill. Donny builds them a Place (in NYC) to all stay so they can be close to him, and also start her training (strictly recreational (I'm sure that will work out for them))
May 2018: Agent John Bishop is abducted by aliens. Mikey finishes his masters!
August 2018: Leo and Usagi break up for good; April and Casey announce second pregnancy
October 2018: Cody arrives to ask for help with O'Neil Tech in his time
March 2019: Splinter passes
May 2019: send Cody home
July 3, 2019: Nova Lynn is born (Cassandra is 9, Lita is 6)
November 2019: Battle Nexus year, turtles miss
December 2019-January 2020: Mikey and Kala start dating; Casey and Timothy accidentally go on adventures across dimensions and get banned from the lab
May 2018-September 2020: Bishop has a stolen spaceship now, crashes on his way back to earth, gets rescued by aliens, spends time there healing and has his change of heart, returns to find Earth in the middle of a pandemic.
January 22, 2021: Leo and Lotus wed
Fall 2021: Angel's dad attempts to get back in touch with his adult children
November 2022: Battle Nexus Year; Leo wins, Donny does not participate (Mikey is much more sad about this than Don is)
June 13, 2023: Mikey and Kala wed
also in 2024: Bishop runs for President on the premise of intergalactic peace (he loses). April recruits Bishop for O'Neil Tech; he turns her down and disappears. Mikey and Kala rescue and adopt triplet robots Alli, Jax, and Zinnia (renamed from 003a, 003x, and 003z)
November 2025: Battle Nexus year, Mikey takes back his title
2032: Bishop, now going by a different name, becomes governor of New York
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skylandart · 1 year
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Even if things are a little different, I’m still the same…
Screencap redraw of my favorite cosmic fury moment~
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I don’t think I did it justice
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ywpd-translations · 4 months
Ride 755: Kaburagi and Doubashi!!
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Pag 1
2: He counted for three second and then accelerated!!
3: I'll go, yon
4: to the
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Pag 2
1: Sprint line ahead!!
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Pag 3
1: One person jumped ahead at 700m from the sprint line!!
2: Yaa!!
3: That guy's so fast!!
He's steadily accelerating on his own!!
4: He counted for three seconds and then accelerated!?
Usually, when one catches up they stop for 10-30 seconds to rest their legs
5: He did it for three seconds!?
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Pag 4
1: That guy doesn't follow the usual road-racing common sense, Orange!!
I know!! San-na, just now I was also
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Pag 5
1: Thinking the same thing!!
2: Those two are chasing too!!
3: Get behind me, we're accelerating!!
7: Fifth stage
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Pag 6
1: “Orange”
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Pag 7
2: Houruraaa
3: Ugh
4: Oi oi, he's so fast!! Seriously!?
He really got something like this in him!?
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Pag 8
1: Houuu
2: ruaaaa
3: How hard did you work, Orange!!
4: During this past year
5: How much have you sharpened yourself?
I know it'd be wrong to tell you at a time like this, but let me tell you!!
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Pag 9
1: Reckless guys are the coolest!!
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Pag 10
2: You got closer
4: You did great closing the gap, Orange!!
5: 600m left until the sprint line!!
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Pag 11
1: Hold on and don't fall behind!!
3: From now on I'll do it!!
4: Burst open!!
Don't tie it down!!
Crush it!!
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Pag 12
1: Feelings at full throttle!!
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Pag 13
3: This is bad
4: Buaaaaaah
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Pag 14
1: Aventador!!*
(*NdT.: the kanji are read as “bullfighting” but the reading says “aventador”)
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Pag 15
2: Hakogaku and Sohoku lined up in one go with the guy riding in the lead!!
3: Seriously!?
4: Don't let him get in between, get your bike close to mine, Orange!!
Got it!! San-na!!
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Pag 16
1: But
2: The seat in the back is empty, yon
3: Spread out!!
4: Uh oh
5: We won't let you
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Pag 17
1: count up to “three”!!
2: …. tch
3: You caught up and got here, but looks like you've run out of options now!!
So what will you do
4: Mountain bike guy!!
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Pag 18
1: What incredible tension!! Each one of them has their own style!!
No but don't those two guys give you the chills?
2: I've noticed it before
3: Hakogaku's Doubashi and Sohoku's Kaburagi, even though they're from different teams and so are enemies, they're cooperating while running!!
4: This is something you won't find in other sports
5: Like in soccer or volleyball, you'll never see opponents coming together and cooperate!!
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Pag 19
1: “Having multiple opponents at the same time”, that's what makes road racing unique!!
2: This is
3: the exciting thing
4: about road racing!!
5: Until the sprint line-
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Pag 20
1: - there are 500m left!!
3: You don't follow the common sense of road racing....
That's why
4: we caught up to you using the “common sense of road racing”!!
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lisutarid-a · 24 days
[Gakuen K] Munakata Reisi Route Translation
Survival Training Camp
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[Translation under the cut]
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Saya: Blue club is amazing, renting the whole deserted island for the camp…I'm sure it will be a fun camp.
Fushimi: …I hope so.
Saya: What does that mean?
Fushimi: You'll see when you get there.
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Munakata: …So, I'd like to welcome you all in a survival training camp.
Munakata: Because of the harshness of Mother Nature, the purpose of the camp is to learn the value of clothing, food and supporting one's life.
Munakata: Basically, we are on our own in providing ourselves with local food. Cooking also requires the use of the environment.
Munakata: Since the camp is on a deserted island, it would be a loss if you don't enjoy nature to the fullest.
Saya: (S-survival…!? Self-survival means that if you don't have food, you won't eat…!?)
Saya: Senpai, sorry. I have a question…
Munakata: Yeah, what is it?
Saya: If we don't get any food, does that mean we won't eat?
Munakata: Yeah, that's right. But don't worry so much, it'll be alright.
Saya: Eh?
Munakata: The island is rich in natural food. The water is clean, so there are plenty of fish, there are also a lot of nuts.
Munakata: I think it's impossible not to eat anything.
Saya: I-I see…
Munakata: It is rare for us to rent out the whole place, so let's all work together and this camp together.
Munakata: Now, let us briefly divide into groups.
Saya: (…So that's what Fushimi-kun meant earlier)
Saya: (I wonder if there are any wild beasts in the woods or anything)
Munakata: Konohana-kun.
Saya: Y-Yeah!
Munakata: I'll give you a tinderbox. Use this and try to build a fire.
Saya: Understood.
Munakata: If you can't build a fire, all the fish we catch will go to waste...
Saya: Understand! By the time everyone gets back, I'll do my best to build a fire!
Munakata: That's the spirit. Well, I'm off to go fishing.
Saya: Okay, please be careful!
The Blue club Member 5: Gyaaa!?
Munakata: Seems like they are enjoying the nature of the deserted island right away. I can't lose to them.
Saya: (Enjoying…that was the scream, wasn't it?)
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Saya: (…It's not working at all)
Saya: (If I don't do it soon, everyone will come back, but if I rush, it won't work)
Saya: (Let's read the explanation one more time and try again)
Saya: (I'm glad I somehow managed to build a fire…Now I just have to wait for everyone to return)
Saya: (…)
Saya: (…)
Saya: …They are not coming back. I hope they are okay.
Fushimi: Haa…Did I make it back?
Saya: Ah, Fushimi-kun, welcome back! You look very tired, are you okay…?
Fushimi: This guy chased me.
Saya: Eh!?
Saya: Wild boar!?
Fushimi: I killed it, so this will be food too.
Saya: It's huge! We can share it with everyone.
Fushimi: I also picked some nuts.
Saya: Wow! So many…!
Akiyama: That's amazing.
Saya: Akiyama-senpai! Thank you for your hard work. What is that you are holding in your hand…
Akiyama: While diving, I found some turban shells and got a lot of them.
Saya: Eh, turban shells!? You find it here?
Akiyama: I couldn't believe it either and had to double check. Let's grill and eat it later.
Akiyama: It's about time for the other members of the club to return, I think we should make more bonfires.
Saya: Yeah!
Saya: (They brought different kinds of food)
Saya: (It seems that Munakata-senpai was right when he said that we didn't need to worry about food)
Munakata: Looks like the harvest turned out to be good.
Saya: Munakata-senpai, please take a look! So many things!
Munakata: Excellent. We could live here for a week with all this.
Fushimi: No, it's would be hard, so please don't even joke about it.
Munakata: Is that so…What a pity.
Fushimi: So, what did the President bring?
Munakata: Ah, I've caught some fish. We have enough for everyone, so please grill these.
Saya: Okay. Understood!
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Saya: Haa…It was delicious. I'm full.
Fushimi: The wild boar mean wasn't that bad.
Munakata: Well. Thank you all for your hard work today. I think each of you fulfilled the purpose of this training camp.
Munakata: Awashima-sensei, who was unable to attend due to a summer cold, has generously provided us with a tent.
Saya: (Awashima-sensei had a summer cold…It's a pity we couldn't have a training camp together)
Munakata: Please set them on your own and go to bed.
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quirinah · 6 months
how do you get your colors to look so nice and your lineart so red and vibrant? i love it
omg anon thank you!! 😭 im going 2 be honest I am Not Great with color theory... but i like having my sketch pages look cohesive to me...
BUCKLE UP this is going to need a readmore bc i like talking.
I always sketch in neon colors it's a habit i picked up from an old teacher but I'll think of a color usually on a whim and draw with that. and then if i want to draw something else ill pick another color that i think goes well with the page. usually most of my color schemes r analogous (colors right next to each other on the wheel)
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yanked this from recent dunmesh post; i kept most of my colors within the pink/red/orange range.
i wouldn't recommend doing everything in monochrome or analogous palettes though because it's sort of a guilty crutch of mine XD.
sometimes when im coloring ill change the layer mode of the sketch. color burn gets you either very very bright or very very deep colors depending on the color of the flats underneath. multiply and linear burn do the same thing but they're a lot tamer and generally always return darker colors. im sure there's some technical bits behind this though. ill either color my lineart afterward to compliment the color of the flats, leave it as is, or mess with layer modes if i feel like it. my favorite trick is color burn + linear burn + some combination of two lineart layers and just fiddling until i get a nice burn effect.
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mithrun was done with crimson red on color burn.
coloring... like 999% of this is relative color which is like. kind of the idea that colors look different when placed next to each other. if you eyeball it a bit it's pretty noticeable.
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what i used to do a bit ago was i would fill in the area i wanted to color with one big mask of color, make a new layer that has a clipping mask down to the flat layer of color, and then draw my actual flat colors. the color of the mask helped me pick my flat colors bc if I picked a color i think stood out too much next to the mask i could kind of just adjust it until it looked a little more cohesive.
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old ish drawing next 2 a canon reference. i ignore local color a lot...mea culpa....but my overall color palette here was a light pink, so the shirt here is actually a desaturated pink? or violet i believe. if you shift sort of that purple color far enough into the gray area of your color wheel it can take on a blueish or even greenish hue. it being next to a lot of warm pinks/fuschias helps.
a neat thing that kind of helps is that if you desaturate or saturate certain colors they can kind of take on a certain hue? not sure if this makes sense. sort of how orange here turns tealish blue the grayer it gets. so if im drawing something that's predominantly orange and i have a blue color i can just take an orange color and desaturate it until i get a color that sort of looks like blue. and that way it kind of looks more harmonious? at least to me XD
shading. i don't apply serious lighting to a lot of my drawings, but a helpful bit is that the shadows tend to be the opposite of whatever color the lighting is? i try to think first about the "mood" or the main color i want to go for in the drawing and then i pick a shadow color opposite of that. so for here, i wanted the lighting to be a coolish magenta so the shadows r lime green. if there's anything off i fiddle around until i get something i like. the shadows on the skin here were too green initially so i shifted them a little more orange.
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there's a "band" of color going on between the transition of the shadows to the light. generally this could be for a lot of reasons and i tend to use it differently (core shadow? overexposure? etc etc). but this is a color post so ill try not to go too off track.
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but generally digital doesn't "mix" colors the same way traditional colors do if you use RGB (cmyk is a bit better with this but is kind of a pain to get used to), so to make blending a little less muddy, i sometimes add an intermediate color to smooth things out a little. for example, mixing digitally blue n yellow tends to get you gray, but generally, blue + yellow makes green, so if im making a blue->yellow transition ill slap some green color in the middle so it flows a little better.
I do a lot more cel shading nowadays. if you've been on here for a while earlier this year i have another style of coloring but it's not really accurate to how shadows really work so i wouldn't recommend looking at it. it's mostly to add zest and texture to the underlying flat colors.
coloring your lineart does a TON to helping your colors look vibrant, though its like the garnish on a dish to me (same with shadows). i think it's good to try and play with your flat colors and try to make sure those look in order first before adding flourishes. usually ill leave it a dark, saturated color that again matches my overall palette but sometimes i go in and color them by alpha locking my lineart layer and picking a color that matches the flat colors underneath? not sure how to explain it properly.
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i used a darkish purple for shuro's ponytail to match the dull red of the flat colors (more relative color! trying to simulate a black/brown while keeping the pink palette there) but a lighter crimson for laios's blond. the light was this super intense like blush pink so i thought it might be cool to add this neon salmon red in the areas of that light to really give off that vibe of a very bright intense rim light.
sometimes you could also tweak with gradient maps or color balance, which adjusts hue based on how light or dark a color is. these r fun to mess with as a final touch but i need to watch using them because they can become crutches real fast XD but those are also just tools to help you. in the end just developing a good sense of how color works and how you want to use it is the best place to start.
LONGASS ramble but yeah. tldr just kind of train ur eye for color and look at what you like best. which is unhelpful and a little sucky but it really is just observation and practice and maybe some personal zest.
happy drawing!
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finn-shitposts · 3 months
This one's for you boo!
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as always feat @gingerteaonthetardis 's blankie <3
Also woah title startled me for a sec, i didnt realise you were reading the french translation :O
Have you ever read the english ver and if so im curious how the french version compares? (and woah looove the blanket :3 looks so cosy)
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bcbryar · 13 days
I just finished watching the entirety of Gravity Falls. I loved it. Time to incest the shit out of that show.
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