#Transvaal lion
monster-gut · 2 months
What type of Lion is Mollys dad, African or Asiatic?
You know I never really thought of it before, this question got me looking up different types of lions, and just based on appearance I'd say he'd be a Transvaal lion
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(Picture to the right is said lion)
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Another picture just because
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cypherdecypher · 2 years
Animal of the Day!
Transvaal Lion (Panthera leo krugeri)
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(Photo by Arantxa Hernandez)
Conservation Status- Vulnerable
Habitat- Southern Africa
Size (Weight/Length)- 230 kg; 3 m
Diet- Large mammals
Cool Facts- While the transvaal lion is a subspecies of the African lion, they are no less majestic. The majority of their population lives in Kruger National Park where they dominate over the other predators of the region. Living in massive prides, transvaal lions are one of the few lion subspecies to take down elephants and giraffes. Due to their relatively small numbers and small territorial region, transvaal lions can sometimes sport leucism in which their fur is extremely pale but their eyes are not red, making them white lions rather than albinos.
Rating- 11/10 (White lions, but not really.)
Animtober- Gargoyle (They’re based on lions.)
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harpyposting · 1 year
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Pastel yellow and blue lion board for Kymerah
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"The British lion returning from Transvaal"
French satirical vintage postcard, illustrated by Orens
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ilikedyourablogithere · 10 months
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Barbary Lion
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Asiatic Lion
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Transvaal Lion (should have been an asiatic lion because those would have been the lions most likely Shamash used to pull his chariot being a god in a west asia region but design team wanted a white lion so...)
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Bengal Tiger (white color morphism)
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Caspian Tiger (golden tabby/strawberry color morphism)
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*black tigers are tigers with larger black stripes that take up more of their fur giving the appearance of being black. Jin Yuyao has normal sized stripes meaning she's most likely a strawberry colored tiger like her concept art shows and is simply wearing some custom made tiger leggings that happen to be black.
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Caracal Cat ( mostly saying that because of the ears )
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snoopyee · 6 months
okay so I got a LOT of positive responses to my last post and although it was like… 30 likes, it still means a lot to me that people liked my ideas so here’s my shifter/hybrid au thoughts for ghost and kinda price
NOTE: I have some COD ocs that i’ve fit into this au. pls let me know if you are interested in hearing abt them🙏🙏😭
so ghost and price have a pretty close relationship and it probably expands outside of just the captain-lieutenant respect system. i like to imagine that they are in like a close brotherhood. SO, i tried to implement that into my little au 👏👏 they are both lions since male lions sometimes form close brotherhood bonds and in lion prides they can function in a similar leader-right hand man dynamic.
ghost is a transvaal lion, specifically one with a really light pigmentation (where it almost looks white kinda?) his callsign would come from when he carried our his solo attack on roba. obviously honoring the original origin of his name (how he basically came back from the dead) but also because in the middle of the night this giant, white furred creature just appeared and took out almost everyone.
price is barbary lion (north african lion). he’s a very big cat and takes very very very good care of his mane— like to the point where it’s ALMOST excessive. when he first found ghost after the whole roba thing, he took him under his wing and they formed a close brother-like bond (older brother and younger brother type of thing)
im a little conflicted because bears also fit them very well but do do lions so idk. if they were bear shifters/hybrids, ghosts would he a polar bear (big big boy) and price would be a brown bear. its late and my brain is all over the place i dunno
i hope this makes sense im absolutely horrible and getting my thoughts into words 😭😭😭
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practically-an-x-man · 4 months
OC ask time :3
Your characters have the opportunity to gain the power to speak to one species of animal. Once they pick their species, it's permanent and cannot be changed latter. (Sub species still work, but the further away from the origin species, the harder they are to understand. If someone picked a Transvaal lion, they'd be able to communicate with all lion species well enough, but speaking to a housecat still in the Felidae family would have some significant language barriers.) Who would use the power immediately? Who would not care and completely forget about it? Who would jokingly pick some random animal then immediately regret it?
Ooooh this one's really cool!!! Thank you so much!
Rae: Thinks it's a very cool power, but struggles to pick out what animal since she travels so much (ideally she'd pick something either domesticated or cosmopolitan). Ends up picking a European rabbit - native to Europe, obviously, but introduced as an invasive species to a lot of countries. She doesn't end up using the power as much as she'd hope, but it's nice to have the resource available to her.
Robin: Peter jokingly suggests that she pick an actual American robin, just for the irony of it, but she can't think of anything better so she goes with it. It's a strange balance of useful and annoying. On the one hand, they're everywhere. On the other hand, they're everywhere.
Madison: Domesticated dogs. Already a very useful power with how widespread dogs are, but also allows her to link to wolves, coyotes, and other related canids as needed. Perfect for an X-Man who needs to get information in a populated area, and perfect for a wilderness survivalist who needs to let the nearby wolves know that she's not encroaching on their territory and she'll be gone the next morning.
Ophelia: Would spend so much time debating the merits of one animal over another, considering the native and invasive species of where she lives versus just picking a domesticated animal that would be commonplace anywhere, the amount of closely-related species, etc... that she eventually gets absorbed into another project without ever actually picking an animal
Jasper: Also picks domesticated dogs, but with the idea that that would be a useful skill in nursing - being able to communicate directly with alert dogs, seeing eye dogs, therapy dogs, or any other service dog they might encounter.
Kestrel: Can already communicate with animals by transforming into them as needed - would completely forget about this power since it's so similar to the one they already have.
Katherine: Housecats. She's most closely linked to Bastet out of all the gods, so it's just the most practical for her. Plus, they're widespread
Quinn: Thinks on this for a while, then says... human. Is this allowed? Probably not. She argues that humans are technically still animals, and she already can't communicate with most of them - there's 7 billion people on Earth, so her understanding English is the equivalent to knowing that a cat arching its back is a warning, in the grand scheme of things. In the end, this gives her the ability of rudimentary conversation in any language on Earth, should she ever need it. Leave it to Quinn to beeline towards the first loophole she can find.
Eris: Received this power hundreds of years back, and ended up picking a Barbary lion for their animal - for one thing, they weren't expecting to move very far outside Northern Africa, since travel was far from streamlined at that point... and today they're an extinct species at that. Not the most useful power in the world. Whoops.
Nikoletta: Some kind of pest animal - they're everywhere, which makes them great for espionage and learning secrets. Either she'd go with pigeons, or she'd take a page out of Cleo's book and communicate with rats.
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whirltherescuebot · 1 year
Rescue bots animal au
I put this in my discord and thought abt posting it here soooo, rescue bots as animals!!!
Chase - Grey fox
Blades - Maine coon
Heatwave - Bengal tiger
Boulder - Striped skunk
Hotshot - Bernese mountain dog
Wedge - Norwegian forest cat
Whirl - Kinkajou
Hoist - Black-footed ferret
Medix - Fennec fox
Bumblebee: Canadian marble fox
Optimus prime: Transvaal lion If i have any time during the weekend, I'll do some sketches for designs!!
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f1-disaster-bi · 1 year
Im sooo excited to see more of shifters!! I was just wondering who can shift into what?
And I am so happy to give you guys more of it! We are always working on it in the background and discussing things for it!
Because of this, @f1-birb and I have essentially come up with shiftered forms for all of the grid, some older drivers and some extra people!
So here is the list:
Current Grid:
Lando - Island fox
Pierre- Red Fox
Charles - Ocelot
Max - African Lion
Yuki - Japanese Racoon Dog
Zhou - Red Panda
Fernando - Tibetan Sand Fox
Esteban - Quokka
Lance - Lynx
Valtteri - Koala
Carlos - Caracal
Checo - Collared Peccary
Nyck - Lesser White-Fronted Goose
Lewis - Grey Wolf
Logan - Key Deer
Nico H - Hyena
George - Maned Wolf
Alex - Maned Wolf
Oscar - Wallaby
Kevin - Transvaal Lion
Ex-Grid but still in the pack:
Sebastian - Snow Leopard
Jenson - Persian Leopard
Daniel - Kangaroo
Mick - Artic Fox
Mark W - Mackenzie Valley Wolf
Kimi - Polar Bear
Bonus shifters:
Callum - Mongoose
Marcus - Wombat
Jon - Eurasian Brown Bear
Michael - Kodiak Bear
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scotianostra · 8 months
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On November 1st 1947 Gordon Brown was born.
Naw no the erse, that was PM- the ither yin, Gordon Broon frae Troon the Scottish Rugby legend also known as the baby-faced assassin.
Brown was born in 1947 in Troon, the son of former Clyde and Scotland goalkeeper Jock Brown, he had also been a golfer playing off a scratch handicap, he had appeared in the Scottish Open at Royal Troon alongside golfing greats such as Arnold Palmer. Gordon's big brother Peter also played for and Captained Scotland to 3 victories over England scoring 67 international points making him our all time highest scoring rugby forward.
Despite his fearsome build, 6ft 5ins and 16 stone, Brown was a genial and gentle giant, liked by team-mates and opponents in equal measure.
After a career which spanned 30 international caps and three tours with the Lions in the 1970s, Brown holds the world record of eight tries scored by a forward on an international tour.
I love reading the anecdotes from people like Gordon Broon, and it would have been great to attend one of his after dinner speeches.
A gentleman away from the pitch, he was never afraid of a ruck on it, here is an account of a lions tour to South Africa. One of those with whom Gordon Brown fought on the pitch in South Africa was Johan De Bruyn, a fearsome forward from Northern Transvaal with a glass eye which, with the encouragement of the's" fist, flew from its socket and sank in the mud during a third Test melee. "So there we are," recalled Gordon, "30 players plus the ref on our hands and knees scrabbling about in the mire looking for this glass eye. Eventually, someone yells `Eureka!' whereupon De Bruyn grabs it and plonks it straight back in the gaping hole in his face. And when he stands up I can't believe what I'm looking at. . . there's a huge dod of grass sticking out of his eyeball."
Gordon died from non-Hodgkin lymphoma aged 53 in 2001, he fought a long fight against the cancer but reading through the stories, he never gave up and never lost his sense of humour.
As proud a Scot you it is hard to find, one of his last requests, which was obeyed to a man at his funeral was not to wear black but kilts or the red and yellow ties of West of Scotland rugby club. He had planned to record his own eulogy, but died before the recording was made.
Instead, mourners were asked to stand and give the player "one last standing ovation" which lasted several minutes.
His white coffin, decked out in red and yellow flowers mingled with thistles was led out of the church to the sound of a bagpiper playing Flower of Scotland, accompanied by the voices of the congregation.
Indeed, "When will we see yer likes again....."
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blaiddydbrokeit · 1 year
But what species of lions is your favouritest I gotta know
I like the Barbary lions (Panthera leo leo, North African lion)! They're some of the biggest and fluffiest lions. Unfortunately, if I recall, they're generally considered extinct in the wild now, though some wildlife reserves do have lions that are descended from them. I also really like the Southeast African lions (Panthera leo krugeri, Transvaal lion), they are black-maned, which basically means that part of their mane consists of black fur. The two-toned mane is my favorite part. They're also the ones that can carry the recessive trait for leucism in lions, meaning that white lions are also of this species.
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kennan73888 · 7 months
Empyropia Characters & Nooma
Vital (Maybe...) Jamareo (White Stag) Bo Min (Scottish Wildcat) Levente ‘Levi’ Tiberius Ashkenazic (Red Fox) Shakir Kiburi (Barbary Lion) Krisztian ‘Finn’ Gattini (Fennec Fox | Black-Footed Cat) Lucilia (Megabat) Bettina Slate (Cyprus Mouflon)
Jamareo & Bo Elab Eireann Niamh Crassus (King Cobra) Simon (Lanternfish) Hamadi Conchobair (West African Wild Dog) Charlotte Concho-Guillaume (Red Deer) Mai Li (Scottish Wildcat) Maribel (Luna Moth) Vittoria Harrisson (Crab Spider) Marianne Milliner (African Giant Swallowtail) Vladislav III (Desmodus Draculae) Dubh Nathair Somhairle (Western Hognose Snake) Imogene Annesleigh (King Cobra)
Levi Elab Carissa ‘Cara’ Lolanthe Kjellberg (Black-Tailed Jackrabbit) Zariah Edna Ashkenazic (Red Fox) Ariel Ashkenazic (Red Fox) Vasilisa Levitsky (Siberian Tiger) Baskoro Ndari (Timber Wolf) Adrian Bychkov (Cape Buffalo) Stefni (Arctic Fox) Jonah (Black-Tailed Jackrabbit)
Shakir Elab Hatshepsut (Transvaal Lion) Thamani (Transvaal Lion) Hamu (Transvaal Lion) Faraji (Transvaal Lion) Emery (Barbary Lion) Shishin (Spotted Hyena) Morris Lennard (Asiatic Lion)
Krisztian Elab Gabriella Bengala (Grant's Gazelle) Abigail Gattini (Black-Footed Cat) Valerian ‘Rigsaw’ Gattini (Black-Footed Cat) Wilhelm Ballard (Northeast African Cheetah) Dr. Diane Bloo Mansfield (Honey Badger) Maurice (Emperor Penguin)
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king-leos-world · 8 months
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Other names:
Dad or Daddy (by his kids)
King Leo (by the animals of Heroville)
Vermin (by Starscream)
Occupation: King of Heroville and Super Lion
Age: 9 (108 moons)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: African Lion (Transvaal Lion)
Status: Alive
Deceased in Home Is Where the Spark Is, Never Alone, and Aboard the Lost Light
Eye color: Blue
Weight: 450 lbs
Height: 4 ft (at the shoulder)
Birthday: July 12th, 2004
Birthstone: Ruby
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Zodiac stones: Moonstone and Emerald
Has PTSD and anxiety
Weapons: Claws and Teeth
Positive: Kind, Loving, Smart, Funny, Brave, Serious, Resilient, Home loving, Romantic, Compassionate, Faithful, Helpful, a great listener, Protective, Proactive, and Observant
Negative: Stubborn (sometimes), Aggressive (only when he has his episodes or his Wild Side comes out), Pessimistic, Moody (when he has his episodes), a Worrier, Short tempered, and Lazy (sometimes)
Enemies: Charles Hunt, Montgomery, Silas, Airachnid, and the Decepticons
Likes: Being a hero and king, helping others, being with his mate and kids, being with his Autobot friends, hunting, listening to music, watching nature shows, playing the guitar, sightseeing, and stories
Dislikes: Rats, cages, his Wild Side, his family and friends in danger, threats to his kingdom, failure, secrets, and feeling useless
Parents: Franklin (Father) (Deceased) Cleo (Mother) (Deceased)
Brother: Jack (Deceased)
Former Mate: Linda (First mate) (Deceased)
Sons: Raja, Orion, and Jack the 2nd (All Alive)
Daughter: Iris (Alive)
Boyfriend: Naltar (Alive)
Grandsons: Leo the 2nd, Astro, Gabe, Luka, and Barley(All 6-7 months) (All Alive)
Granddaughters: Talia, Violet, Abby, and Daisy(All 6-7 months) (All Alive)
Lennox (Uncle) (Alive)
Samson (Godfather) (Alive)
Dana (Godmother) (Alive)
Grandmother: Nova (Deceased)
Grandfather: Zeus (Deceased)
Best Friends:
Ratchet (Autobot Friend) (Alive)
Ellie (Elephant friend from Heroville) (Alive)
Ryan McClay (Best Human Friend) (Alive)
Optimus Prime (Alive)
Bulkhead (Alive)
Bumblebee (Alive)
Arcee (Alive)
Cliffjumper (Deceased)
Gearspark (Alive)
Wheeljack (Alive)
Ultra Magnus (Alive)
Blaze (Alive)
Aquaways (Alive)
Jack (Alive)
Miko (Alive)
Rafael (Alive)
Agent Fowler (Alive)
June (Alive)
Abilities/Powers: Super strength, Super speed, Sonic roar, Flight, Healing powers, Size Manipulation, and Enhanced Senses
Followed by:
Light Manipulation:
Absolute Light- Creates a blanket of light and vaporizes anythingInvisibility- Render oneself to be unseen
Light Absorption- Absorb light and use it in some way
Light Attacks- Use light for various attacks
Light Contact- Make physical contact with light (Ex: Walking on light)
Photogenic Constructs- Create constructs out of light
Light Mimicry- Transform or have a physical body made up of pure light (His Light Form)
Teleportation- Can transport himself anywhere he thinks of
Phasing- Can go through solid objects
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twf2020 · 2 years
What are some threats to lions?
Lions are one of the most charismatic species on the earth. At the present moment, the formerly continuously distributed lion species has already been eradicated from major Middle Eastern countries as well as from the Americas and Europe. Only 20, 000 wild lions remain in Africa. In fact, lions have already become a threatened species. To raise awareness about the condition and population of lions in the world today, and promote their conservation, we celebrate August 10 as International Lion Day 2022!
Lion Species
Lions are generally divided into two subspecies: African lions (many more types exist in this subspecies based on their location in Africa, like the Transvaal lion, Congo lion, West African lion or the Katanga lion) and Asiatic lions. African lions thrive in dry deciduous forests distributed all over the African continent. They can be seen in tall grasses and dry plains, called savannahs. Asiatic lions prefer hot and dry habitats too, similar to the ones found in the African savannahs. However, they are solely found only in the Gir jungle in India, since this habitat imitates the African conditions the most. In addition, lions in captivity may be found in zoos all over the world.
Threats to Lion populations
We probably wonder why we need to conserve lions, since we have seen many television documentaries on lion prides in Africa. However, the world population of lions is threatened today by habitat fragmentation, urbanization and human-lion conflict. This increase in area for residential and commercial buildings and agriculture reduces the area needed for lion populations to survive. In addition to this, lions are still threatened today by poaching and illegal trafficking, followed by cross-breeding with other cats of the same genus as well as unnecessary domestication. Lions are apex predators and keystone species of their ecosystems as they keep prey populations in check. Today, they are also regarded as ‘umbrella species’, a species whose conservation would result in the protection of related species, too!
Conservation of Lions
Conservation efforts across the globe started taking place since the rapid decline of lion population in the 20th century. In Africa, for the past 5 years, the Lion Recovery Fund has invested 26 million dollars from 200 conservation projects across 23 different nations. Only 20, 000 wild lions remain in Africa, but this project has ensured significant increase in the population of lions in many African countries like Zambia, Namibia and Zimbabwe.
Since 2000, the project ‘African Parks’ successfully manages the rehabilitation and maintenance of national pars and protected areas across Africa. It concentrates of the three pillars of sustainable development: economy, society and ecology, to ensure the environmentally healthy nature of the African landscape. It has thus concentrated towards better protection for lions as well as the locals, education and awareness to the populations for a healthy relation between man and lion, while also balancing livelihood through eco-tourism. All this is achieved by striking a balance between anthropological needs and ecological processes!
The Asiatic Lions
The Asiatic lion now lives in only one region in Asia: The Gir forest in Gujarat. This area equally faces obstacles when it comes to wildlife conservation and local community protection, due to pandemics, poor education, natural disasters and pollution. To solve the decline of lion populations in this region and to ensure another habitat for them, the Asiatic Lion Reintroduction Project was a program launched by the Indian Government. The project, suggested by the Wildlife Institute of India, aims to reintroduce a second independent lion population at the Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary in Madhya Pradesh, India. However, up to this day, this idea of translocation of the animals is strongly opposed by the Gujarat government. However, the cheetah reintroduction project has taken priority. As a result, due to governmental policies and laws, the decision is still on hold.
Though lions are found only in the Gir forest today, in the past, the Asiatic lion used to inhabit a major part of Asia, including many parts of the Middle East. Today, Iran is one of these countries which has tried to reintroduce lions in its country. In 2019, it obtained 2 lions from zoos in England and Ireland, in an effort to bring back lions in the forest regions of Iran.
The Ewaso Lions
The Ewaso Lions, a non-profit organisation in Kenya aims to conserve lion populations through community outreach to promote a healthy relationship between people and lions who share a habitat. The initiative has always put local communities at the heart of their effort: the organisation thus aims to educate indigenous communities about the importance and conservation of lions. In the wild, local communities and lions have always had a not-so-good relationship. It has happened too often that a lion was killed because he was killing the livestock, or because he was merely intruding human territory (Remember the movie Born Free?). This is why local populations need to be educated and warned of the potential outcomes of decreased lion populations, while at the same time protecting their own welfare, too.
To conclude, worldwide efforts have been put into gear since the decline of lions. The lion’s chief habitat, i.e., Africa, has seen a significant rise in populations since the introduction of park protection programs, local community outreach, eco-tourism, reintroduction projects and natural breeding initiatives. Research says that the conservation of lions is primarily in the hands of local people, since they are the ones who have maximum contact with the animal. Tourism has equally made lions friendlier to human populations, and volunteering for various projects in Africa has certainly given the human-lion conflict a lighter note!
Written By- Shreya Patankar on Think Wildlife Foundation.
Help us Help Them! Think Wildlife Foundation is a non profit organization with various conservation initiatives. Our most prominent campaign is our Caring for Pari intiative. Pari is a rehabilitated elephant at the Wildlife SoS Hospital. 25% of the profits from our store are donated to the elephant hospital for Pari. Other than buying our wonderful merchandise, you could donate directly to our Caring For Pari fundraiser.
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African Lion - Panthera leo krugeri by HGHjim Via Flickr: Riverbanks Zoo - Columbia S.C.
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wigmund · 7 years
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From National Wildlife Federation Photo of the Week; July 25, 2011:
While visiting Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in South Africa one morning, Gaston Piccinetti came across a family of Transvaal Lions (Panthera leo krugeri). "It was a rainy day," the photographer writes, "and this young lion was fascinated by the butterflies." A resident of Spain, Piccinetti used a Canon EOS 1D Mark III with a 300mm lens and 2x extender.
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