#Tree Disease Treatment
Magnolia Scale Infestation: Effective Treatment Approaches
The Magnolia is a beautiful tree with blooms as big and bright as the leaves on its thick, lush branches. However, Magnolias are also unfortunately prone to infestation by the Magnolia scale. They feed on the sap of Magnolia trees, causing significant damage to the tree if left untreated. This feeding can cause extensive damage to the tree, including dieback of branches, leaf yellowing, drop, and stunted growth. In severe cases, Magnolia scale infestation can even kill the tree.
The first indication of Magnolia scale infestation is generally the formation of tiny, white pimples on the tree’s leaves or branches. These bumps are actually the insects themselves, and you can easily crush them between your fingers. You may also notice black sooty mold growing on the tree, which is a sign of sap dripping from the feeding insects.
Magnolia scale is a severe problem for many types of Magnolia trees. The insect sucks the sap from the tree, which can lead to branch dieback, leaf drop, and even tree death. Predators such as ladybugs will eat them, but in large numbers, Magnolia scales can create an immense problem for an entire tree.
The adult Magnolia scale is a hard, brownish-black shell that covers the entire body. Underneath this hard shell is a white, fleshy body that is attached to the tree. The scales are about 1/4 inch long and can be found on the stems and leaves of Magnolia trees.
About Magnolia Scale Infestation
Magnolia scale (Neolecanium cornuparvum) is a serious agricultural pest in the southeastern United States. This red and black armored scale insect first attacks young tender shoots, preventing the growth of new leaves, flowers, and fruit. As the infestation continues, it may spread to twigs and stems, causing the tree to decline and die.
Young trees are often the entry point of the Magnolia scale infestations. You can eliminate them by treating heavy infestations of scale during late summer as the overwintering eggs hatch and before they emerge from their protective winter covering. However, older trees with larger populations may need chemical treatment to control the scale.
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Hosts Of Magnolia Scale
You will commonly find Magnolia scale on sweetbay Magnolia (Magnolia virginiana), cucumbertree Magnolia (M. acuminata), and southern Magnolia (M. Grandiflora). However, it has also been known to infect other trees in the genus Magnolia, as well as holly (Ilex spp.), birch (Betula spp.), and several other plant species.
Magnolia scales are known as a “soft scale.” which means that it does not have hard shell-like other scale insects. They usually reside on the underside of leaves, where it feeds on sap from the tree’s vascular system. It can weaken and eventually damage the tree, as well as cause discoloration or browning of the leaves.
Symptoms and Effects of Magnolia Scale
Symptoms Of Magnolia Scale Infestation
The most common symptom of a Magnolia scale infestation is the appearance of small, white bumps on the leaves of the tree. As the infestation progresses, these bumps will turn brown and eventually black. The scale insects secrete a waxy substance that covers their bodies and protects them from predators and the elements. This substance can also make it complex to identify scale infestations until they are well established.
Another symptom of Magnolia scale infestation is the presence of sooty mold on the leaves. Sooty mold is a black fungus that grows on the honeydew secreted by the scale insects. The presence of sooty mold can cause the leaves to turn yellow and eventually drop off.
Effects Of The Invasion On Infected Trees
Magnolia scale is a serious pest of Magnolia trees. Infested trees may have yellowish leaves, dying twigs, and produce fewer flowers. In case of heavy infestations, scale insects and sooty mold will completely cover the tree. However, this can weaken and even kill the tree.
Magnolia Scale Infestation: How To Get Rid Of It
For large infestations of Magnolia scales, it is best to contact a professional tree contractor for assistance. However, if the problem is small enough, you can take steps yourself to control the Magnolia scale. Spray the trees with injections during cool weather months when the insects are overwintering and not feeding actively. Another option is to use a systemic insecticide for scale insects that can be applied in late winter or early spring when the scales are still dormant. This type of chemical will prevent the bugs on the Magnolia tree from feeding and causing damage to the tree for about two months, so you must reapply them regularly.
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Tips To Prevent Magnolia Scale Infestations
To prevent Magnolia scale infestations, it is crucial to maintain healthy trees by practicing proper care and maintenance. It includes watering the tree regularly, fertilizing it with a nutrient-rich fertilizer, and treating any dead or damaged branches. Additionally, you can protect your Magnolia trees from damage by using broadleaf insecticides carefully and in moderation. If you notice a Magnolia scale infestation on your tree, ensure to treat it promptly and carefully to prevent further damage and loss.
There are a few different approaches to Magnolia scale treatment, depending on the severity of the infestation and species of Magnolia tree. For moderate infestations, a product containing neem oil can be used to control Magnolia scale populations and minimize the damage done to your Magnolia tree.
The best way to control the Magnolia scale is to keep an eye out for the early signs of infestation and treat the tree with a pesticide before the scales have a chance to lay their eggs. You can also encourage predators such as ladybugs to eat the scales.
If Magnolia scale infestation is more severe, you may need to take more drastic measures, such as treating affected branches or even the entire Magnolia tree. However, with proper Magnolia tree scale treatment, you can keep your Magnolia healthy and beautiful for years to come. So, if you notice any signs of Magnolia scale infestation, be sure to reach out to a local expert right away for help in getting your tree back on track.
Ways To Promote Healthy Growth And Restrict Entry Of Magnolia Scale
The best way to manage the Magnolia scale is to keep your tree healthy and vigorous. It will make the tree less attractive to scales and reduce the possibility of a damaging infestation. To promote healthy growth in your Magnolia tree, water it regularly and fertilize it with a nutrient-rich fertilizer. You should also treat any dead or damaged branches to keep the tree strong and healthy.
In addition to promoting healthy growth, you can also take steps to restrict the entry of the Magnolia scale onto your property. You can do this by sealing any cracks or crevices in buildings and fences where the insects might enter. You should also inspect any trees or shrubs before bringing them onto your property and remove any Magnolia scales that you find.
If you notice an infestation of Magnolia scale on your tree, it is crucial to treat it promptly in order to prevent further damage. You can do this with a variety of methods, including physical removal, chemical pesticides, and biological agents such as ladybugs. Working with a local tree care expert can help you choose the best approach for your Magnolia and restore it to health. However, with proper care and maintenance, you can promote healthy growth in your Magnolia tree and protect it from Magnolia scale infestations.
Original Source: Everything About Magnolia Scale Infestation & Treatment
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farmerstrend · 3 months
Termite Management in Hass Avocado Farming in Kenya
Hass avocado farming in Kenya has seen remarkable growth over the past decade, establishing the country as one of the leading exporters of this popular fruit. In 2024, Kenya’s avocado industry is thriving, driven by favorable climatic conditions, fertile soils, and a growing global demand. The country’s small-scale and large-scale farmers have increasingly dedicated their efforts to avocado…
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blackknotbegone · 11 months
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Get superior Plum Tree Fungus Treatment from Black Knot Be Gone. We offer unique products made up of organic plant ingredients which helps cure black knot diseases in fruit trees, apple trees, cherry trees, etc. Apply the black knot fungus spray any time the tree is absorbing nutrients up through the root system, from early spring to late fall. Available in 30, 60 & 120 ML. 
Order now! For more details please contact: 607-343-7781.
For more details, visit our website: https://www.blackknotbegone.com/products/black-knot-disease-treatment-all-organic-plant-ingredients
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disruptiveempathy · 9 months
At times, the original flora [of Palestine] manages to return in surprising ways. Pine trees were planted not only over bulldozed houses, but also over fields and olive groves. In the new development town of Migdal Ha-Emek, for example, the JNF did its utmost to try and cover the ruins of the Palestinian village of Mujaydil, at the town’s eastern entrance, with rows of pine trees, not a proper forest in this case but just a small wood. Such ‘green lungs’ can be found in many of Israel’s development towns that cover destroyed Palestinian villages (Tirat Hacarmel over Tirat Haifa, Qiryat Shemona over Khalsa, Ashkelon over Majdal, etc.). But this particular species failed to adapt to the local soil and, despite repeated treatment, disease kept afflicting the trees. Later visits by relatives of some of Mujaydial’s original villagers revealed that some of the pine trees had literally split in two and how, in the middle of their broken trunks, olive trees had popped up in defiance of the alien flora planted over them fifty-six years ago.
—Ilan Pappé, from The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
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batboyblog · 2 months
Things the Biden-Harris Administration Did This Week #28
July 19-26 2024
The EPA announced the award of $4.3 billion in Climate Pollution Reduction Grants. The grants support community-driven solutions to fight climate change, and accelerate America’s clean energy transition. The grants will go to 25 projects across 30 states, and one tribal community. When combined the projects will reduce greenhouse gas pollution by as much as 971 million metric tons of CO2, roughly the output of 5 million American homes over 25 years. Major projects include $396 million for Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection as it tries to curb greenhouse gas emissions from industrial production, and $500 million for transportation and freight decarbonization at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.
The Biden-Harris Administration announced a plan to phase out the federal government's use of single use plastics. The plan calls for the federal government to stop using single use plastics in food service operations, events, and packaging by 2027, and from all federal operations by 2035. The US government is the single largest employer in the country and the world’s largest purchaser of goods and services. Its move away from plastics will redefine the global market.
The White House hosted a summit on super pollutants with the goals of better measuring them and dramatically reducing them. Roughly half of today's climate change is caused by so called super pollutants, methane, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), and nitrous oxide (N2O). Public-private partnerships between NOAA and United Airlines, The State Department and NASA, and the non-profit Carbon Mapper Coalition will all help collect important data on these pollutants. While private firms announced with the White House plans that by early next year will reduce overall U.S. industrial emissions of nitrous oxide by over 50% from 2020 numbers. The summit also highlighted the EPA's new rule to reduce methane from oil and gas by 80%.
The EPA announced $325 million in grants for climate justice. The Community Change Grants Program, powered by President Biden's Inflation Reduction Act will ultimately bring $2 billion dollars to disadvantaged communities and help them combat climate change. Some of the projects funded in this first round of grant were: $20 million for Midwest Tribal Energy Resources Association, which will help weatherize and energy efficiency upgrade homes for 35 tribes in Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, $14 million to install onsite wastewater treatment systems throughout 17 Black Belt counties in Alabama, and $14 million to urban forestry, expanding tree canopy in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.
The Department of Interior approved 3 new solar projects on public land. The 3 projects, two in Nevada and one in Arizona, once finished could generate enough to power 2 million homes. This comes on top of DoI already having beaten its goal of 25 gigawatts of clean energy projects by the end of 2025, in April 2024. This is all part of President Biden’s goal of creating a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035. 
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen pledged $667 million to global Pandemic Fund. The fund set up in 2022 seeks to support Pandemic prevention, and readiness in low income nations who can't do it on their own. At the G20 meeting Yellen pushed other nations of the 20 largest economies to double their pledges to the $2 billion dollar fund. Yellen highlighted the importance of the fund by saying "President Biden and I believe that a fully-resourced Pandemic Fund will enable us to better prevent, prepare for, and respond to pandemics – protecting Americans and people around the world from the devastating human and economic costs of infectious disease threats,"
The Departments of the Interior and Commerce today announced a $240 million investment in tribal fisheries in the Pacific Northwest. This is in line with an Executive Order President Biden signed in 2023 during the White House Tribal Nations Summit to mpower Tribal sovereignty and self-determination. An initial $54 million for hatchery maintenance and modernization will be made available for 27 tribes in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. The rest will be invested in longer term fishery projects in the coming years.
The IRS announced that thanks to funding from President Biden's Inflation Reduction Act, it'll be able to digitize much of its operations. This means tax payers will be able to retrieve all their tax related information from one source, including Wage & Income, Account, Record of Account, and Return transcripts, using on-line Individual Online Account.
The IRS also announced that New Jersey will be joining the direct file program in 2025. The direct file program ran as a pilot in 12 states in 2024, allowing tax-payers in those states to file simple tax returns using a free online filing tool directly with the IRS. In 2024 140,000 Americans were able to file this way, they collectively saved $5.6 million in tax preparation fees, claiming $90 million in returns. The average American spends $270 and 13 hours filing their taxes. More than a million people in New Jersey alone will qualify for direct file next year. Oregon opted to join last month. Republicans in Congress lead by Congressmen Adrian Smith of Nebraska and Chuck Edwards of North Carolina have put forward legislation to do away with direct file.
Bonus: American law enforcement arrested co-founder of the Sinaloa Cartel, Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada. El Mayo co-founded the cartel in the 1980s along side Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán. Since El Chapo's incarceration in the United States in 2019, El Mayo has been sole head of the Sinaloa Cartel. Authorities also arrested El Chapo's son, Joaquin Guzman Lopez. The Sinaloa Cartel has been a major player in the cross border drug trade, and has often used extreme violence to further their aims.
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treedoctorusa · 2 years
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Eco-friendly Fire Blight Disease Cure From Tree Doctor USA
It is necessary to carry out fire blight treatment to prevent and control the spread further into the other trees and plants in your yard. Connect with Tree Doctor USA in California.
Get more info: 
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semisomnosres · 4 months
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I'll try to throw in a little bit of lore
A mysterious disease that only the Norisu clan could resist at the cost of their lives. Unfortunately, it was not possible to completely eradicate it and it terrorizes the city to this day, and only a ninja, thanks to the mask, can fight monsters without being absorbed by this filth. The disease is called the “Sorcerer’s Curse”; in ancient Japan it was believed that all illnesses and misfortunes were the fault of demons/yokai/punishment of the gods and other evil spirits. It all started with the fact that one of the first infected was mistaken for an evil sorcerer who cast a curse on everyone, which was completely wrong, but rumors spread like wildfire, and somehow, imperceptibly, this name stuck. (The First already has a shitload of things to do, he is one of those people who, if he could, would not blink so that he could work more, but coming up with an adequate name and then accustoming people to it is clearly not what he wants to spend his time on.)
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Mutated beasts appeared just as unexpectedly along with the infection. Ugly, evil, hungry creatures, wreaking chaos and eating everyone they find. They usually live and hunt in their own territory, but at the same time they have the audacity to sneak into the city to hunt. The curse had a strong impact on the environment, poisoning the land for years and changing it over so many years so that some places resemble nightmares. (For example: Trees that look like a trypophobic hell, boiling swamps where even the steam burns to the point of pain, living pieces of meat growing straight from the ground and other delights that an adequate person would not want to see in person)
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It’s relatively safe within the city, except for moments of monster attacks (which a ninja can handle) and shitty weather: hail of icy needles, acid rain season, etc. This is already common and people have adapted to such conditions over so many years. But there are also truly dangerous places where only a ninja or a complete idiot would go. (the level with the swamp from Dark Souls says hello)
From time to time, Randy has to go there voluntarily (forcibly), because only there can he get ingredients for some drugs (like those cones for creating smoke bombs) Infected people - It is quite easy to distinguish from animals - by preserved human features, personal belongings, hair, and the ability to speak humanly (but usually it turns out something incoherent, or the infected person repeats the same word) Over time, their consciousness and body will change more and more: they will begin to forget about themselves, become more aggressive and experience constantly incessant pain from body deformation and insatiable hunger (The speed of development of the virus depends on the person, some can retain their sanity and control over their actions to the last, while others They immediately break down and begin to attack those around them)
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Although there are difficult situations, it will be possible to reverse the transformation, but there is an exception. - if they eat a person, or simply taste blood, then they are immediately classified as beasts and belong to extermination. (there is another point of infection, which I will talk about a little later). As in the canon, they are also called Abominations, but for a slightly different reason. In origa, their breath simply stinks, here the unpleasant odor appears due to the decomposition of cells by parasites. They smell like rotten meat in swamp soil and metal.
Logically, I decided to make changes in the approach to battles. (combat medics) They also use weapons/magic, etc., but in the original the ninja has a choice of how hard and how deep he will push the nunchucks into someone’s insides, there are more choices of poisons and types of heals.
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Another idea is that it depends on the character of the ninja whether the treatment will be painless or even the feeling of an injection will be the same as being hit with a knife
And I will mention a person who has an important role in the city - McFist. As a true smart-ass capitalist, he managed to make money from the epidemic. (And more precisely, selling all sorts of devices for home protection, umbrellas against acid rain, alarms, etc. And his second profitable industry is the funeral home) Not to say that he is a straight-up villain here, he rather has the vibe of an annoying neighbor. It infuriates him that a ninja, in the heat of fulfilling his duties, can (accidentally) ruin some of his stores, and the ninja is annoyed that it’s up to him to clean up the consequences of some of his awesome ideas (for example, he will build a plant right near the borders of the city, where in the end the pipeline became for monsters highway directly to the city sewer system.)
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week
⚡ - Charging Towards a More Electrifying Future
1. The Kissimmee River has been brought back to life—and wildlife is thriving
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The Kissimmee River in Florida was straightened in the 1960s, causing a sharp decline in wildlife and ecological problems. But in the 1990s, a $1 billion restoration project was initiated to restore the river's natural state.
Today, nearly half of the river has been restored, wetlands have been reestablished and rehydrated, and wildlife has returned, including rare and threatened species. Already the biological impact of the project has become clear. As the wetlands have come back, so have the birds.
2. Plastic wrap made from seaweed withstands heat and is compostable
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A cling film made from an invasive seaweed can withstand high temperatures yet is still easily compostable. The material could eventually become a sustainable choice for food packaging.
Scientists started with a brown seaweed called sargassum. Sargassum contains long, chain-like molecules similar to those that make up conventional plastic, which made it a good raw material. The researchers mixed it with some acids and salts to get a solution full of these molecules, then blended in chemicals that thickened it and made it more flexible and pliable.
3. An Eagle Who Adopted a Rock Becomes a Real Dad to Orphaned Eaglet
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Murphy, a bald eagle that had been showing fatherly instincts, has been sharing an enclosure with an eaglet that survived a fall from a tree during a storm in Ste. Genevieve. Murphy, his rock gone by then, took his role as foster parent seriously. He soon began responding to the chick’s peeps, and protecting it.
And when, as a test, the keepers placed two plates of food in front of the birds — one containing food cut into pieces that the chick could eat by itself, and another with a whole fish that only Murphy could handle — the older bird tore up the fish and fed it to the eaglet.
4. World's largest battery maker announces major breakthrough in energy density
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In one of the most significant battery breakthroughs in recent years, the world’s largest battery manufacturer CATL has announced a new “condensed” battery with 500 Wh/kg which it says will go into mass production this year.
“The launch of condensed batteries will usher in an era of universal electrification of sea, land and air transportation, open up more possibilities of the development of the industry, and promote the achieving of the global carbon neutrality goals at an earlier date,” the company said in a presentation at Auto Shanghai on Thursday.
This could be huge. Electric jets and cargo ships become very possible at this point.
5. Cat with '100% fatal' feline coronavirus saved by human Covid-19 medicine
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A beloved household cat has made an “astonishing” recovery from a usually fatal illness, thanks to a drug made to treat Covid-19 in humans – and a quick-thinking vet.
Anya​, the 7-year-old birman cat, was suffering from feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), a “100% fatal” viral infection caused by feline coronavirus. That was, until Auckland vet Dr Habin Choi​ intervened, giving Anya an antiviral used to treat Covid-19 called molnupiravir.
6. Kelp forests capture nearly 5 million tonnes of CO2 annually
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Kelp forests provide an estimated value of $500 billion to the world and capture 4.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from seawater each year. Most of kelp’s economic benefits come from creating habitat for fish and by sequestering nitrogen and phosphorus.
7. Medical Marijuana Improved Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms in 87% of Patients
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Medical cannabis (MC) has recently garnered interest as a potential treatment for neurologic diseases, including Parkinson's disease (PD). 87% of patients were noted to exhibit an improvement in any PD symptom after starting medical cannabis. Symptoms with the highest incidence of improvement included cramping/dystonia, pain, spasticity, lack of appetite, dyskinesia, and tremor.
That's it for this week :)
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opbackgrounds · 3 months
looking back, do you think Yorki got sick on Little Garden?
No. Nami’s illness was transmitted via insect bite and had a similar presentation to Lyme disease. The illness during Brook’s flashback was contagious and had killed or infected over a dozen crew, which is why they separated themselves from the rest of the Rumbar Pirates. If anything, it has more in common with the tree fever that affected the Shandorians during the Noland flashback, which had to have been a known disease on multiple islands for Noland to know about the treatment
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xagave · 7 months
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Absolutely, get ready for BABIES. The oldest foster we have right now is Lazarus who we got when he was 3 months old from a hoarding case. He had an extremely bad case of herpes that almost killed him and it turns out he has a really bad immune system so he's always getting sick. He's about 8 months old now and he's sort of a long term foster because he currently has FIP and treatment requires one shot every day for 80 days minimum. The meds are a bit expensive so shameless plug but if anyone wants to help us pay for the meds my wife's ko-fi is here
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Here he is the day we brought Lazarus home ^
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And here he is now! His FIP treatment is going very well so far ^ Our second oldest are Penny and Kazoo. We got Penny when she was 5 weeks old from a guy whose dog brought her home in his mouth (she was fine the dog was gentle.) We got Kazoo when he was 10 days old from some dudes in the next town over who didn't have time to bottlefeed a newborn. Kazoo is 2 weeks older than Penny and they became best friends!!
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10 day old Kazoo and 5 week old Penny ^
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Kazoo and Penny now ^
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Kazoo and Penny at an adoption event ^ We're having a hard time finding them a home because we refuse to split up bonded pairs
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Penny playing in the tub lol ^ Next are a batch of kittens we got from an irresponsible breeder who was fine with letting kittens get sick and starve to death. We originally only got 2 of them when they were 3 days old (breeder let mom cat get sick and die because she didn't want to pay for vet care and tried to pawn the babies off on the other nursing moms and it didn't work out) and they were born premature so they had a lot of health problems. They had rhinovirus and coccidia and the little brown kitten had an umbilical hernia that then became septic and THEN she started getting big pockets of infection in random places like under her chin and in her toes? But we managed to get them healthy and fat and thriving. My wife was able to convince the breeder to give us the remaining kittens 3 days ago and they're half the size of our first two because they've been sick and slowly starving this entire time (they're now 5 weeks old). They're still really sick and have Poop Liquid Until You Die disease so it's not fun on our end but we're working hard on getting them fat and healthy. They don't really have official names but we've been calling them Zoosmell Pooplord, Insufferable Prick, Flighty Broad, Farmstink Butlass, and Huss lol
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The first two nuggets ^
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They were sooooooo small ^
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Finally fat and healthy at 3 weeks old! ^
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The full litter now at 5 and a half weeks old ^
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Comparison pic ^. Right kitten is the nugget we've had since he was 3 days old and left kitten is his brother who the breeder just now let us take. It's hard to tell with the fluff but he's borderline skeletal :( Next is a 3 month old kitten that a foster brought to an adoption event who was very clearly sick. Skinny and lethargic with a bad coccidia infection so we took him home that day 1.5 weeks ago and also sent the foster person home with some medicine to fix the coccidia in their other kittens. We've been calling him Christmas Tree Boy cause he's always got a poofy tail or Poop Boy because he hates sharing litter boxes and keeps pooping in random corners 😒 Didn't take long to get him healthy so this weekend he's getting yeeted into another adoption event and whoever adopts him needs to give special attention to his Litter Box Needs
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^ He's very cute and loves playing with our other fosters but for the love of god we are TIRED of his Poop Surprises Someone who adopted a bonded trio from us a few months ago is returning them to us tomorrow because their fiance is allergic, so as of tomorrow we will have 12 fosters in our house. Sounds like a lot but we've had 30+ foster kittens crammed in here at the same time so it's a breath of fresh air in comparison💀
Edit: Not a foster kitten but honorable mention to my new betta who I named Gemini because You Know Why
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He has a 5 gallon tank all to himself but I don't have a pic of him in it cause he's shy and he hides lol but it's the one behind the cup. Aiming to give him live plants soon
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rocksibblingsau · 5 months
And the cherry on the cake about "K-pop adopted Branch":
Branch being genuinely HAPPY with K-pop's, why K-pop is kinder and more understanding about what it means to be depressed or "Gray", and showing that Pop's efforts only managed to make it WORSE.
I think Kpop having a lot of similarities to Pop (potentially to the point of showing that Kpop likely broke off from Pop Trolls who weren't captured by Bergens) would show that it's not Pop itself that's the problem.
Sometimes trauma repeats itself. Having unresolved trauma and then becoming a parent can affect the way that you parent. The treatment of Branch I think shows how much Trollstice affected Pop Trolls.
I don't think it was safe to be grey in the troll tree. I don't think a grey troll could make a bergen 'happy', and it wouldn't be unreasonable for Chef to think that greyness is equal to disease. Would you keep a diseased cow in the barn? One bad apple spoils the bunch, so I think grey trolls would have been disposed of. You wouldn't want a grey troll getting taken if they didn't have to be, nor would you want them to upset others and cause them to grey either.
Pop Village wanted Branch to be happy because it was lethal to be sad in the troll tree. Even if you take out the greying theory, having no hope in that situation would make it VERY difficult to power through.
I don't think the Pop trolls see this as trauma because they don't see it as negatively affecting them, but it definitely affects the people around them.
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Winterizing Your Trees: Top Tips for a Flourishing Garden
The onset of winter weather is imminent, and you won’t be the only one who needs to wear warm clothing. It is imperative that you get your trees ready. If you do not, you run the chance of them breaking, falling, or simply being an eyesore in your yard. Therefore, you should contact Tree Health Care San Diego if you need tree care. In light of this, you will need to adhere to the specific guidelines for winter trees to shield them from frost and maintain their viability. An excellent place to begin is by performing light pruning and applying mulch. It would be best if you continued to water them and keep the snow off the branches. In addition, you should take precautions to keep animals away. These are just a few elementary steps to follow.
The Advantages of Strong Trees
Trees have a tremendous impact on how our environment is shaped and confer many benefits on individuals and communities worldwide. Trees in Minnesota offer much more than only giving much-needed oxygen; in addition, they provide much-needed shade for homes and businesses and homes for a broad range of native species. In other words, trees in Minnesota serve several purposes.
During the warmer months of the year, trees act like enormous parasols, shielding a neighborhood from the sun’s direct rays and lowering the air’s temperature. In addition to their usage in natural landscaping, trees are frequently used in architectural design as ornamental features. In either scenario, trees’ continuing vitality and healthy development are essential for them to carry out their responsibilities.
On the financial side of things, it has been suggested that the worth of a house is higher when it has been adequately planted with trees and that this contributes to an increase in the value of the home. Are you familiar with the facts regarding trees and the imperative that it is to look after their health throughout the winter? Even though winter may appear to be an odd time to care for trees and may even be an uncomfortable season, there are several benefits to performing this activity at this time of year. We have compiled five tried-and-true approaches to tree healthcare to ensure your trees continue to thrive and remain healthy throughout the season.
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Advice for Caring for Trees in the Wintertime
One thing that property and company owners should remember to do throughout the winter is to take care of their trees by managing any necessary pruning that needs to take place. It is recommended that you prune your tree during the winter months because this is when deciduous trees are dormant, and it is not the growing season for these trees. Because all the leaves have fallen off during the winter, you can easily access different regions of the tree and see precisely where you need to prune. It makes winter an ideal time for tree pruning.
Pruning trees in the winter reduces the risk of inflicting fatal wounds on the trees, which may occur if the pruning were performed in the spring. When trees are pruned during the growing season, also known as the warm weather seasons, the resulting wounds and the sap that flows from them can become breeding grounds for a wide variety of pests and diseases that are harmful to the tree’s health.
Take Good Care of Young Trees
During the winter, young and newly planted trees are typically more susceptible to damage. Considering that these young trees have yet to develop their root systems, it may not be easy to care for them in the future.
It would help if you tended to your young trees and bushes now that the weather has turned chilly since they will have to survive a winter that is likely to be bitterly cold, snowy, and even icy. You may help safeguard the safety of young trees over the winter by cabling them, so they remain upright. It will reduce the risk of damage to the trees. The snow and ice may bring down your young tree because they are such powerful forces.
In addition to that, make sure that you put a plastic guard around the trunk of the tree or a wire fence around it so that rabbits and deer won’t eat it. Because of this damage, the tree may eventually perish. It is also helpful to prevent winter burn on the growth of your shrubs by wrapping them in burlap or cotton before winter arrives.
Stay Away From Using Salt Near Any Trees
It would help if you didn’t use salt anywhere near your trees, as the snow and ice accumulate over the winter months. Even while salt is an effective tool for melting ice on sidewalks and driveways, using it in the immediate area could hurt the trees.
Salt will end up causing damage to your tree’s roots and trunks since it will inhibit the tree from obtaining the critical nutrients for life and nutrition that it needs from the soil. Use sand or a natural de-icer that does not contain salt as an alternative to salt.
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Conduct Frequent Inspections of Your Trees
Residents in Minnesota are well aware of how rapidly the weather may shift. It is crucial to check on your trees and bushes whenever there is a snowstorm or other type of winter storm. If there is a significant accumulation of snow on either of these, you may damage your tree or your house considerably. Ensure that you keep a close eye on your trees and the structure of their trunks and branches throughout the winter season.
Retain the Services of a Qualified Arborist
Last but not least, one of the most valuable pieces of advice we can provide regarding the care of trees during the winter is to contract the services of an expert to carry out the activities of winter tree removal and pruning. Although there are circumstances in which it may be OK for you to do some duties related to winter tree care on your own, it is prudent to delegate the more significant projects to professionals.
Professional arborists have access to specialized equipment and a wealth of knowledge, making them the best choice for many aspects of tree maintenance, including but not limited to the removal of trees and trimming branches located at greater heights on trees. Get in touch with a tree care provider to ensure your property’s trees receive the attention they need this winter.
Superior Tree Maintenance During the Winter
Do you plan to take care of your trees and ensure they remain healthy this winter? Dial the Professional Tree Care Services number right away. Professional arborists at Tree Doctor USA have extensive experience and training in applying vital tree care services to residential properties.
Original Source: How to Care for Happy and Healthy Tree in The Winter
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thedisablednaturalist · 7 months
Tw for weight loss mention
The whole exercise will cure your disability thing is a fucking joke. Yes exercise is beneficial for your health, but only if you aren't already on shaky foundations. You need to be on a treatment plan that WORKS before going into the maintenance phase. You wouldn't do regular maintenance on a broken item, you'd work on getting it up and running first. And maybe it would even need specialized maintenance afterwards if it's especially fragile.
I have fibromyalgia and acute degenerative disc disease. My immune system attacks my nerves and discs in my spine are slowly calcifying and causing the bones to constrict and damage my nerves (i think thats how it works). I have days where it feels like my body is on fire from nerve pain and days where it feels like my spine is about to rip from my back. And days where I have both (like today!). I get numbness in my hands and feet. I have horrible migraines. I can no longer walk unaided more than maybe 5 minutes without severe pain. I have something wrong with my knees and hips but the doctors don't know what yet.
You'd think I live an obviously seditary lifestyle correct?
Hell no.
I walk aided on average 6 miles a day over difficult terrain OUTSIDE of regular activity almost everyday. My legs are muscular and strong. I get my heart rate up and a good sweat, like all the gym rats swear on. I am often doing physical labor such as weeding, digging, sample collecting, pruning trees etc.
I'm not saying this to make other disabled people feel bad or prove that they can do anything if they just tried harder. This is an extremely painful lifestyle I've chosen that takes a lot of lifestyle management AND BOUNDARIES to keep up with the work. I also have an extremely forgiving boss who is also physically disabled and knows what I'm going through (deciding between your passion and your health and having to do so each and every day) No one should ever be expected to do what I do. I'm not even sure if I should be doing this myself.
This is to prove that exercise? Has not cured me. My muscles are strong but still hurt as if they're broken and I have to take more breaks than my coworker. I am constantly getting out of breath and I flare up regularly if I'm not careful. I am in excellent physical condition outside of my disabilities. I go to different doctors several times a month to get checked out.
I previously went through a diet program and lost a lot of weight (basically starving myself and got off my depression meds which cause weight gain but are also the only ones that work) and guess what? That didn't do shit either!!! I still felt horrible!!! I've since gained back the weight anyway after switching to focusing on adding more nutrient dense foods than taking stuff away from my diet (also muscle weighs more than fat, and fat helps cushion my aching joints and spine).
The muscle doesn't do shit for my disabilities outside of maybe some stability. Exercising everyday doesn't make the pain go away. Without my medications and aids and nutrition plans and steroid injections and spinal adjustments and physical therapy (that takes my fibro and spine into account) and alternative work methods I WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO DO WHAT I DO. Exercise alone is like trying to make a car run with no oil. Yes it'll go but it'll get more and more damaged till it can't and will need its entire engine replaced!
And yet I see new doctors and they look at me and the first thing out of their mouths is do I exercise? I should try doing a little every day :) and then i fucking blow their minds when I tell them about my job. No longer can they use that fucking cop out on me. I've been through this rodeo. Ive tried their suggestions. If you are in pain and nothing is helping? Exercise ain't going to do SHIT. You need to get to a point where you can move without severe pain first (if that's even possible). Then and only then should you consider implementing regular exercise if you can. Also weight loss talk is a red flag and a cop out. They made me lose 50+ lbs before they would look into the reasons behind my pain. Weight loss did nothing for me and exacerbated my pain.
I am living proof that all that shit is a lie and a cop out. That is the point of this post. I cannot believe people with serious medical conditions are being forced to put their bodies through extreme duress just to be believed. You are not disabled because of laziness or because you sit a lot. Plenty of people live seditary lifestyles and do not live in constant excruciating pain (they may develop disabilities later in life due to this however, and should be doing preventative exercises to maintain their health)
Please, share my story with doctors. Use me as an example. I am proof that "exercise first treat later" does not work. I should not have had to wait years to have my pain validated. I'd rather hundreds of fakers get (what? A blood test? An MRI?) than one chronically ill person get told to try yoga and go away by a doctor.
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blackknotbegone · 11 months
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Get superior Black Knot Disease Treatment from Black Knot Be Gone. We offer unique products made up of organic plant ingredients which helps cure black knot diseases in fruit trees, apple trees, cherry trees, etc. Apply the black knot fungus spray any time the tree is absorbing nutrients up through the root system, from early spring to late fall. Available in 30, 60 & 120 ML.  
Order now! For more details please contact 607-343-7781. For more details, visit our website: https://www.blackknotbegone.com/products/black-knot-disease-treatment-all-organic-plant-ingredients
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howtomuslim · 3 months
The Completeness of Islam: A Multifaceted Way of Life
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Islam is a comprehensive way of life that encompasses all aspects of human existence. From mental health to nature, spirituality, the economy, politics, manners, and family care. Islam’s multifaceted nature and its relevance provides profound guidance and wisdom to Muslims.
Spirituality is at the heart of Islam. The Quran and Hadith provide extensive guidance on developing a deep, personal relationship with Allah.
“Indeed, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest” (Quran 13:28)
Central to Islamic spirituality is the practice of the five daily prayers (Salah). These prayers are not merely rituals but profound acts of worship that strengthen the connection between the believer and Allah. Praying five times a day at prescribed times creates a rhythm of devotion, reminding Muslims of their purpose and aligning their lives with divine guidance. 
“The closest a person is to His Lord is when he is in prostration” (Sahih Muslim).
“The similitude of one who remembers his Lord and one who does not remember Him, is like that of the living and the dead” (Sahih al-Bukhari).
Mental Health
Islam recognises the importance of mental health and provides guidance on maintaining psychological well-being. The Quran emphasises patience and reliance on Allah during times of distress: 
“Verily, with hardship comes ease” (Quran 94:6).
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also encouraged seeking help and making dua (supplication) for mental relief:  “There is no disease that Allah has created, except that He also has created its treatment” (Sahih al-Bukhari).
Islam teaches a deep respect for nature and the environment. The Quran frequently references the signs of Allah in the natural world: 
“And He is the One Who spread out the earth and placed firm mountains and rivers upon it, and created fruits of every kind in pairs. He covers the day with night. Surely in this are signs for those who reflect.” (Quran 13:3).
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) highlights the importance of caring for the environment: 
“If a Muslim plants a tree or sows seeds, and then a bird, or a person, or an animal eats from it, it is regarded as a charitable gift (Sadaqah) for him” (Sahih al-Bukhari).
Islamic economic principles promote justice, fairness, and welfare. The prohibition of usury (interest), in order to prevent the extortion of others and for the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer, is one example: 
“Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden interest” (Quran 2:275).
Zakat (a wealth tax given to charity) is another pillar of Islam, aimed at redistributing wealth to those in need:  “And establish prayer and give Zakat, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves — you will find it with Allah”(Quran 2:110).
Politics & Justice
Islamic governance is based on justice and the welfare of the people. The Quran states: 
“O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives” (Quran 4:135)
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) provided an example of leadership based on compassion and justice:
 “The best of rulers are those whom you love and who love you, who pray for you and you pray for them” (Sahih Muslim)
Islam places great emphasis on good manners and etiquette. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, 
“The best among you are those who have the best manners and character” (Sahih al-Bukhari).
The Quran instructs believers to speak kindly and avoid harsh words:  “Worship none but Allah; be kind to parents, relatives, orphans and the needy; speak kindly to people; establish prayer; and pay Zakat”* (Quran 2:83).
Family Care
Family is the cornerstone of Islamic society. The Quran and Hadith provide detailed guidance on maintaining family bonds and treating family members with kindness and respect.
 “And We have commanded people to ˹honour˺ their parents. Their mothers bore them through hardship upon hardship, and their weaning takes two years. So be grateful to Me and your parents. To Me is the final return.”* (Quran 31:14)
“The best of you are those who are best to their families, and I am the best among you to my family” (Sunan Ibn Majah).
Education is highly valued in Islam, both for men and women. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said,  “Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim” (Sunan Ibn Majah).
The Quran encourages the pursuit of knowledge, in fact, the first words revealed from the Quran was:
“Read in the name of your Lord who created” (Quran 96:1)
These verses among others were the fuel to the fantastic strides achieved by Muslims in the past in the field of science, astronomy, mathematics, medicine and much more, and continue to provide inspiration for Muslims today. 
Social Justice
Social justice is a fundamental aspect of Islam. The Quran advocates for the rights of the oppressed and marginalised: 
“O believers! Stand firm for Allah and bear true testimony. Do not let the hatred of a people lead you to injustice. Be just! That is closer to righteousness. And be mindful of Allah. Surely Allah is All-Aware of what you do.” (Quran 5:8)
Health and Hygiene
Islam emphasises health and hygiene, recognising them as vital components of a healthy life. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Cleanliness is half of faith” (Sahih Muslim).
The Quran also highlights the importance of consuming lawful and pure food: 
“O you who have believed, eat from the good things which We have provided for you and be grateful to Allah if it is [indeed] Him that you worship” (Quran 2:172)
Charity and Community Support
Charity is not only encouraged but mandated in Islam (except those in need of it). Zakat (obligatory charity) and Sadaqah (voluntary charity) are means to support those in need and promote social welfare:  “The example of those who spend their wealth in the cause of Allah is that of a grain that sprouts into seven ears, each bearing one hundred grains. And Allah multiplies ˹the reward even more˺ to whoever He wills. For Allah is All-Bountiful, All-Knowing.” (Quran 2:261).
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said,  “The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity” (Tirmidhi).
The completeness of Islam is evident in its comprehensive guidance covering all facets of life. From promoting mental health and environmental care to fostering spirituality, economic justice, political integrity, good manners, strong family bonds, the pursuit of education, social justice, health and hygiene, charitable deeds and much more. Islam offers a holistic approach to living a balanced and fulfilling life. Its teachings are timeless and applicable to everyone of us.
To learn more about Islam visit our website: howtomuslim.org
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strxnged · 2 months
TIGHNARI: # the roots of ambition.
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CHAPTER I. In which you meet the Forest Ranger of legend, a former student of your Darshan, who causes you to interrogate your life choices.
Word count. 2.4k. Genre. Found family, gn!reader.
Table of Contents. / Next chapter.
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By your age, Eleazar should have affected more than the tips of your fingers. The cureless, Withering-born disease crept from the farthest limbs towards the organs and mind at a gradual but unstoppable pace. Only with the frequent treatment from Nilotpala Lotuses and immersion in the rainforest could your body find the strength to delay the progression of ash scales and numbness across your body. Still, as you knelt at the foot of trees with your hand wrist deep in miniscule roots and a magnifying glass grasped carefully by the other hand, you wished vainly that you might be able to feel the bumps of the fractaling extensions with more sensitive appendages than your own.
You were focused on as much of the texture as you could gather with your palm and knuckle, leading you to ignore, at first, the rustle in the leaves around you of much more than a squirrel or bird. You were faintly aware and had been reminded by peers many times that with the way you became mesmerized by whatever microorganism you found yourself immersed in the “mind” of. However well-meaning the scares they would pull on you to snap you out of it, staying aware of your surroundings really wasn’t a lesson you had yet learned.
A clear voice, however, was enough to rouse you from your trance: “Pardon our interruption.”
You took in a breath—the first you had taken for awhile, you realized—and then stood, turning around.
Three Forest Rangers had gathered a few feet behind you. On the left, a shorter girl tilted her head at you, purple eyes shyly gazing out from beneath green bangs. She had one hand clinging to the sleeve of the middle figure and the other to the corner of her own shawl. To the right of the middle figure, another Forest Ranger leaned against a tree with his arms crossed, looking vaguely interested in you and your circumstances. He also looked like he’d had enough time standing there to make himself comfortable. In between the two was the presumed speaker. He wore a colourful adventuring outfit with a distinguished sash and puffy striped pants. Above lime-streaked dark hair, two fennec ears were erect, alert. Something about this person felt familiar.
“Apologies,” you said, “I didn’t notice you three at all.”
“You’re in a very dangerous area,” the middle one continued. “Not having noticed us is an augurous sign for your safety, so we’d be happy to escort you to somewhere safer if you are willing. Especially since you don’t appear to have a Vision.”
You made no movement to leave. “I have to stay here. It’s for my research.” 
He smiled gently. “My name is Tighnari. You may know me as a fellow Amurta scholar, however tainted my reputation and relationship with the Akademiya may be.”
You told him your name.
“It’s lovely to meet a scholar who loves to get dirt under their fingernails like myself,” he said. “But I’m sorry, it’s just too unsafe for you to hang around here. We’re here to start clearing the nearby Withering Zone.”
The relaxed Forest Ranger stood up straight and interjected, “Gener— Er, Forest Watcher Tighnari, I think it’s about to clear us out first.”
 Sure enough, several scorched animated fungi were emerging from the trees a few yards behind you. You quickly knelt at the roots you had been inspecting a minute before and took a rushed but measured sample of soil, sealing it in a jar of water. You set the jar in your bag, threw the bag’s strap over your shoulder, and ran.
A braver, more well-rounded researcher might be able to pull out a shortsword or a bow in this situation, as the Forest Rangers were doing, but you were not the type of person who could dabble in a lot of skills. Running came more naturally, and either way you would need to abandon the site. Climbing trees, too, was a handy skill, though both of these you were bound to lose in a few years.
That was why you had to hurry.
Dashing past the many trees and up a slight incline, you kept an eye out for a climbable tree. Just a few good, strong lower limbs, and you’d been out of monster’s reach in no time. There one was—you leapt—you reached—you pulled—and slumped your body against the trunk, legs on either side of a limb. 
Finally, you peered back the way you came to see if you’d been followed, or if your friendly hecklers had slain every enemy. You noted with a sigh of relief that all seemed serene for a second. That was, until a Dendro-variant fungi flapped its fleshy wings up the hill towards your hiding spot. You began plotting your next escape.
A flurry of green darts surrounded the fungi and enshrouded it in glowing mist. Discombobulated, it made a clean “bonk” sound as it hit a tree not far from you. The darts hit the monster then, striking it repeatedly until it stirred no more. You observed the forest watching for the next threat that would be destroyed by thin air, or perhaps for your hero.
“Let’s try this again,” Tighnari’s voice said—but this time from very, very close by. You whirled your head to see him smiling a little smugly from a limb above you. How had he— “Your research—does it really compel you to put yourself in such a precarious situation?”
Your mouth gaped at him.
“From how quickly you run and climb, I expect that is the case,” he added.
“The forest is dangerous,” you deflected. “It’s not hard to wind up in that sort of situation, with Withering Zones popping up everywhere.”
“I’ll grant you that,” he said. “Your methods could use some guidance, though.” At the raise of your eyebrows, he added, “I’m sure it isn’t your fault. The Amurta professors aren’t what they used to be. What you need is someone to guide you in the field. Someone to tell you to wear gloves when collecting fungal mycelium samples. The oil from your hands is enough to taint your samples beyond recognition. If you’d like, I can lend you some.”
The last thing you would want to do would be to wear gloves and fully barrier your fingers from any remaining sensation, so you ignored this, and eyed him up and down. “You’re really Tighnari, huh?”
“Well, I think so. Unless I’ve consumed a very, very psychoactive mushroom recently.”
You slowly got to your feet, balancing on the limb with a hand to steady you rested on the trunk. Tighnari, sitting casually on the next limb, was at about eye-level, so you could peer into his hazel-green gaze.
“Then, you were a former student of Sage Naphis. Is that so?”
“Yes,” he confirmed, “upon my graduation, he encouraged me to join the faculty. I’d had quite enough of the Akademiya by then, so I politely declined.”
“That seems about right. He thinks the Forest Rangers are in good hands.”
Tighnari looked incredulous. “That’s all?” 
“No,” you admitted. “Actually, he gets somewhat sulky when he brings you up. ‘An unfortunate loss,’ he says. He likes to tell students to beware the persuasion of the forest-dwellers.”
He laughed. “Will you heed his warning?”
Before you could reply, you heard a girl’s voice. “Master, we eliminated the last of them!”
“Thank you, Collei,” Tighnari dropped from the tree, landing eight or so feet below you with ease and addressing the green-haired archer from before. “Let’s set up camp, then, the sun’s threatening to disappear. To the river!”
“To the river!” The third Ranger echoed. As he and Collei proceeded, Tighnari hung back, peering up the tree at you.
“If you’re anything like me, Y/N,” he said, “field research has a way of making you forget the meaning of hunger. Let us take care of you for the night.”
You humphed. “No, you’ve taken quite enough care, thank you. I must heed the warning indeed, and I’m hardly hungry.”
Your stomach, in defiance, growled loudly.
Tighnari smirked, waiting patiently. You climbed out of the tree.
“You can’t force me to stay here with you guys until the night is through. Unless you want to help me filter my sample.” 
“We could if we had put something in your stew,” Tighnari joked. At your sour look, he apologized, “Sorry. You were asking for it.”
“I’m confident the General Watchleader would be more than eager to look at mushrooms with you all night,” the third Ranger, whose name you had learned to be Amir, said. “He’s a little strange in that way.”
“Come now,” Tighnari said. “I was getting to that. How many times do I have to ask you to please not call me that, especially in front of strangers?”
“Strangers!” you cut in. “Surely you three are not still wary of me.”
Amir raised an eyebrow at you. “You are certainly strange. Maybe in the way Tighnari can appreciate, though I’m far removed from the whole mushrooms scene.”
“Are you?” you queried.
“I much prefer the study of medicinal herbs.”
“Oh, that’s not so independent of fungal ecology.”
“Maybe not,” Amir conceded, “But fungi are just so complex. There’s no one way to define them, so where do you even start?”
“As I was saying,” Tighnari said. “There’s a great many things I still wish to understand about fungal mycelium, and it would be my utter pleasure to work with you in your research.”
“I—I didn’t ask for help with my research as a whole. Just the sample would be more than enough help.”
“Do you think you would like more help?”
You pondered this. “I… I am limited in my capabilities. I don’t make the best project partner. I like to… work at my own pace, which tends to fluctuate.” You bit back any words that might directly indicate the seriousness of your condition. The actuality of your terminal disease. People acted—differently—once they found out about the Eleazar. You liked the thought of these new, adventurous friends, especially while they didn’t know about your prognosis.
Tighnari sucked air through his teeth. “That damn Akademiya. Shame on them.”
“Sorry?” you said.
“I just—” he shook his head, disappointed “—can’t get past the way they treat students. Not half a thought for real, field safety, and a hell of a lot of energy put into murdering the autonomy of passionate learning. It’s rare that I meet a student these days who has any self-respect left at all. Do you sleep at night, Y/N?”
Your eyes widened. No, you didn’t, but you weren’t about to say so.
“My apologies,” he said. “You’re trying to dissuade me—but it isn’t your fault. What I mean to say is that you would benefit from stepping a little further away from those sage pricks—forgive my language—and accordingly stepping deeper into the roots of your studies.” 
“I do study roots.”
Tighnari scoffed. “Oh, my. Cyno would like this one.”
Collei, who had up until now watched the conversation with silent, interested eyes, let out a giggle. Tighnari beamed at her tenderly, and you sensed that she was a little more family than apprentice to him.
“Cyno?” you asked after a moment. “You mean, the General Mahamatra?”
“Cyno tells the most awful jokes,” Collei explained excitedly. “He especially likes puns. Ooh, they’re so terrible!”
Tighnari’s tone was dripping with sarcasm as he said, “Yes, and those closest to him earn the pleasure of his attempts to lighten the mood.” He smiled more sincerely. “He’s a dear friend to me, and a valiant protector of the law. He’s also the reason Collei came to be a part of our team.”
Collei’s expression returned neutral.
“She’s a complicated Eleazar case. We can only take care of her as much as she lets us,” Tighnari explained. “But she’s found a home here in the forest. Gandharva Ville wouldn’t be the same without her.”
You nodded, trying to keep your face detached. You felt the implication of the words—the unbearable, inevitable future of when Gandharva Ville would forever be transformed by their loss. 
You hadn’t met many other cases in your years. Those who you knew with the disease were either miserable or hiding their misery with saccharine charades. You felt all the empathy in the world for them—but you couldn’t stand their haunting company. A part of you expected that that was how others felt about you, but it was no matter when the majority of your company were emotionless and eternally mysterious microorganisms. 
“As you may or may not know, Eleazar symptoms can be better managed in the forest. Nilotpala Lotuses, a useful treatment for the skin conditions that develop, are also far more accessible away from the city.”
“I’ve heard something of the like,” you replied. ”I wonder why the disease behaves differently.”
“If there’s one thing I hope they’ve taught you,” Tighnari said, “it’s that context matters greatly for all types of ecology and health.”
You agreed.
“And for learning, as well.”
You supposed so.
.”Don’t you think you might learn more—learn better—living safely immersed in the subject matter?”
Didn’t you think so, lying sleepless beneath the stars later that night next to the three of them? Didn’t you think so with the timer in the back of your mind counting down the remaining moments of your life? Didn’t you think so, hearing the ground move beneath your head—so much more alive than you could ever dream to be?
In the night, the loud silence of a million living things was sliced through by one human’s cries. Collei, suffering night terrors associated with clear physical pain, woke Tighnari and Amir from their quiet slumbers. You lay frozen, listening alertly, as Tighnari talked her back to sleep with descriptive details of flowers in the area, of birds soon to beckon dawn, of histories encoded in botany and zoology. Collei had calmed down and nodded off again, but the General Watchleader kept on until you could not hear him any longer. Your thoughts animated and blurred together, and you were lost in green dreams of life.
In the morning, you told Tighnari that you did, indeed, think so.
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Table of Contents. / Next chapter.
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