#Tree Fungus Treatment
brianwilder · 13 days
Understanding Pests and Fungus: Insights from Wellington Garden Club’s Talk on Tree and Turf Health
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The Wellington Garden Club (WGC) is set to host an insightful meeting on September 9, 2024, at the Wellington Community Center. The event will feature a presentation by Mike Sands, a certified horticulturist and Master Naturalist with extensive experience in horticulture. This session promises to shed light on the crucial topics of pests and fungus that commonly affect trees and turfs.
Expert Speaker: Mike Sands
Mike Sands is a highly respected figure in the field of horticulture, bringing over two decades of expertise to his role. Currently serving as the head horticulturalist and spray technician for the Village of Wellington, Mike holds multiple state licenses in various categories, including ornamental and turf, right-of-way, aquatic, and natural area management. His deep knowledge and practical experience make him an invaluable resource for understanding and managing garden health.
Focus of the Presentation
Mike’s presentation will cover the following key areas:
Mike Sands’ Background
In addition to his role with the Village of Wellington, Mike is affiliated with Tangled Roots Orchid Nursery in Loxahatchee, where he specializes in bifoliate Cattleyas—orchids that are often misunderstood. The nursery is known for its innovative use of 3D-printed biodegradable pots and a newly developed line of fertilizers. Mike’s broad expertise also includes his past read more
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blackknotbegone · 11 months
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Get superior Plum Tree Fungus Treatment from Black Knot Be Gone. We offer unique products made up of organic plant ingredients which helps cure black knot diseases in fruit trees, apple trees, cherry trees, etc. Apply the black knot fungus spray any time the tree is absorbing nutrients up through the root system, from early spring to late fall. Available in 30, 60 & 120 ML. 
Order now! For more details please contact: 607-343-7781.
For more details, visit our website: https://www.blackknotbegone.com/products/black-knot-disease-treatment-all-organic-plant-ingredients
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treedoctorusasworld · 2 years
Effective Treatment Against Botryosphaeria Canker Treatment.
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Botryosphaeria Canker Treatment improve the health of your trees and promotes a healthier lifestyle. Consult a finest arborist at Tree doctor in California.
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soupandmushrooms · 6 months
Trametes versicolor
Also known as Coriolus versicolor and Polyporus versicolor, but more commonly called turkey tail.
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Trametes versicolor is a polypore mushroom (plate fungus) that is found worldwide, growing on dead wood and tree stumps.
There has been research into the use of a protein bound polysaccharide: Polysaccharide-K, that can be extracted from the mushroom for its use cancer treatment.
Its name means “of many colours” this is due to its colourful markings:
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Look they’re so pretty!
These mushrooms are inedible. However in Southeast Asian countries Trametes versicolor have been used for various health issues since 2nd century BC in the form of tea.
Many sites would recommend checking with health professionals incase it has any affects on health issues as well as ensuring you cook it for at least 30 minutes if you want to try making tea out of it.
If you do want to make tea from it i would suggest doing more research on the mushroom than the facts here so that you are confident in what you are doing and able to make an informed decision about what you are doing.
I also don’t want any mushroom induced illnesses being due to this blog! /j
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todaysbug · 8 months
February 3rd, 2024
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Sirex Woodwasp (Sirex noctilio)
Distribution: Native to temperate parts of the Palearctic realm, from northwestern Africa to the Russian far-east. Introduced to North and South America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, where it is invasive.
Habitat: Typically inhabits wooded areas, especially where there are many pine trees.
Diet: Larvae feed off fungal tissue up to the second instar, then feed on wood interspersed with fungal mycelium; they only feed on the species Amylostereum areolatum. Adults feed on the xylem of pine trees.
Description: The sirex woodwasp has a mutualistic symbiotic relationship with A. areolatum, a pathogenic crust fungus. When the female is ready to lay her eggs, she drills holes through the wood of pine trees, all the way to the xylem, and deposits eggs, A. areolatum spores and a phytotoxin. The mycelium of the fungus creates an ideal environment for the egg to hatch, and inversely, the phytotoxins secreted by the female, along with the holes she creates, weakens the tree and allows the fungus to more easily infect it.
While the sirex woodwasp is considered a pest because of its adverse effects on pine tree plantations, its presence has also brought positive contributions to the medical field. A probe imitating the structure of a female woodwasp's ovipositor is in development, that would facilitate certain medical treatments such as surgeries, biopsies and medicine injections, as well as making it easier to access tumours or place devices inside the body.
Images by Brett Hurley (female) and Andrew Green (male).
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defilerwyrm · 9 months
A fond farewell
CW: Pet illness, cancer, death.
My Mom’s cat Sookie, littermate to Tigger and my Cassiopeia, had been terribly sick for several months. Test after test came back negative, until finally x-rays showed a deep shadow in her lungs. It was either an advanced fungal infection or lung cancer. If it was fungus, the treatment would be injections three times a week for 6-12 months with a 50% chance of recovery. If it was cancer…there was no treatment plan. We’ve been waiting on more test results to screen for one of four types of fungus common in this area while giving her anti-nausea meds and encouraging her to eat.
Sookie went missing two days ago. We figured she didn’t like the ruckus of the roofers and went out into the woods like usual. But she wasn’t coming back at night to eat, and she can’t afford to miss meals, so we’d been out looking for her without any luck.
This morning, Dad saw Tigger playing in the front yard like she hadn’t in years. Tigger is a grumpy old cat, but she was leaping and racing and dashing halfway up trees and gamboling like Fang & November (6-week-old kittens) do with each other. But there was no other animal with her that he could see.
He found Sookie mere yards away from that this evening, stiff but bugless still, uninjured, recently passed. It seemed she’d been on her way home from her usual hunting grounds and laid down in a thicket to pass away—died doing what she loved.
I’m a skeptic. There are plenty of explanations for what he saw this morning, I’m sure.
But the most comforting one is that two old littermates played together one last time, like they did when they were very young.
Rest in peace, Sookie Kitty.
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sepdet · 9 months
American Chestnut Trees: Lost Giants
I knew the blight that killed off American Chestnuts when my grandparents were young had changed the face of the the country. Chestnuts were an abundant, natural food source all up and down the Appalachians and Atlantic seaboard.
I just didn't realize how frickin' huge they were, or how widespread.
"Once, the springtime canopies of western North Carolina forests were an unmatched floral display, thanks to a tree that nearly vanished,” Nickens wrote. “The American chestnut rose 100, sometimes 120 feet above the loamy forest floor. Most were nearly barren of branches [ie no knotholes, good for lumber] for 50 feet or better. … These were massive trunks, some 16 feet in diameter. And they lorded over the forest. In most places every fourth tree was a chestnut. … All told, perhaps 4 billion chestnut trees grew from southern Maine to Georgia, and they put on a pageant. A starburst of pearly white catkins tipped nearly every branch of the massive trees. Each catkin was nearly half a foot long, streaking like a comet’s tail against the dark surrounding foliage. In the spring, you could stand atop ridges and watch the white flowers roll like surf for miles.” — quoted in Memory of great forests – and hope for restoration by Kathy Ross
According to the article linked above, not only was the chestnut harvest a major source of food and lumber, prized for its long, straight growth and light, rot-resistant wood, but its heartwood was so dense it could match compressed lumber without treatment, an environmentally costly process today. Likewise, the American paper industry had to pivot quickly to find some other fast-growing wood to replace it.
I grew up in the woods and fields of Pennsylvania. It's hard for me to fathom a completely different forest where oaks and maples, giants at a couple feet across, were not the main trees of a mature forest, but mere incidentals to a completely different, massively-pillared hall.
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(Front yard of my Pennsylvania house with century-old oak and maple, June 2023; N Carolina Chestnut Trees in 1910)
There have been attempts ever since to revive the American Chestnut from the root systems of not-quite-dead trees, which survive underground where this fungus won't go. It kills saplings after they sprout.  A few scattered survivors plus a Chinese species that proved blight resistant now offer hope, via cross breeding and testing, that the species can be revived from extinction. 
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(note telephone poles in background)
Unusually for me, I feel almost intimidated at the idea of these behemoths on the loose again, in a way i've never felt camping in wolf or bear country. They would terraform the woods I know into something vast and strange and deep, if they could ever achieve the stature of old-growth trees again. But that's as it should be. I'm sure eastern forests are struggling in ways we don't realize with such a central pillar of the ecosystem removed.
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hailsatanacab · 1 year
Oh oh oh!! I know why blackcurrant is banned in the US!!!
Back when it was being introduced, there was found a fungus/mold on it that specifically started to target the very trees that were used to make train tracks!
Because of that, the train industry lobbied to get it banned instead of a treatment for it and it's never been lifted!
(it's been ages since I read about it so some of the details are foggy but it's the gist of it)
once again, the answer to everything wrong in life is capitalism smh
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poryphoria · 2 years
did found poetry w/ The Yellow Wallpaper for a class, ended up making lesbians! whoops
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the gals r named Shale & Jane respectively! shale is a house guardian, jane was supposed to have only moved in temporarily after being prescribed the rest treatment but ended up falling for shale & staying 💖
words taken & rearranged from "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman!! read the poem under the cut
It is dull, yet lurid orange in some places,
A sickly sulfur tint in others
A smoldering unclean yellow, strangely faded by the slow-turning sunlight.
The bloated curves and flourishes,
An interminable string of toadstools, budding and sprouting in endless convolutions.
She crawls around fast,
All over the house,
Skulking in the parlor, hiding in the hall, lying in wait for me on the stairs.
It has so many heads.
It dwells in my mind so!
You are gaining flesh and color.
It used to disturb me at first- I thought seriously of burning the house.
But now that I am used to it,
It is not bad, and very gentle.
I see her on that long road under the trees, creeping along, and when a carriage comes she hides under the blackberry vines.
In the daytime,
When the sun shoots in through the east window,
In the very bright spots she keeps still.
In the garden or down that lovely lane,
The pattern just enjoys it. I have watched her sometimes, away off in the open country.
The moon shines in all around just as the sun does.
I don’t sleep.
I watch it,
All those strangled heads and waddling fungus growths.
The pattern lolls like a broken neck, and two bulbous eyes stare at you upside-down.
She is a perfect and enthusiastic housekeeper.
“You won’t go away?” I asked gloomily.
“Why, how can I, dear? I am securely fastened now.” She laughed.
There are things in that paper that nobody knows but me, or ever will.
I’m sure I never used to be so sensitive.
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prikle · 1 year
Natural Hair Care – A Comprehensive Guide
Natural haircare routines are essential to keeping locks looking their best and healthy. Finding a style that works for you and sticking to it are the keys to successful locks care.
Afro-textured hair presents unique challenges when it comes to styling and maintenance. Many women turn to natural hair regimens to address these concerns.
Understanding Your Hair Type
Before embarking on your natural hair journey, you must understand what type of texture your hair possesses. Doing this will enable you to choose an appropriate style and care for it appropriately.
Although many people use various products on their hair, reducing this use will help promote healthier growth. Selecting natural options tailored to your hair texture will simplify styling.
If your straight hair tends to get oily quickly, using dry shampoo might help control the excess production of oils. Or you could try applying a light serum that distributes oils evenly across your scalp.
If you have wavy or curly locks, lightweight mousse or curl-defining cream is an excellent way to style them. Remember not to add too much product, as too much can weigh down and lead to frizz. To keep strands looking smooth and manageable, avoid combing too often and opt for protective styles like braids or weaves; styling gel can also add definition.
The Importance of a Balanced Diet for Hair Health
Beginning the journey to healthier hair starts with eating well. According to trichologist Guy Parsons, healthy hair can be defined as “hair that grows from each follicle in an orderly fashion and aligns well with an intact scalp.”
He suggests including high-protein foods into your diet, such as sardines (which have low saturated fat content), mackerel, and salmon, as they contain omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and vitamin B2 B3 D which all play an integral part in keeping hair strands healthy.
Avoid over-washing, as this can strip natural oils from your hair, leaving strands looking dry. Parsons recommends a natural shampoo free from sulfates and alcohol for best results.
Natural hair care ingredients, like aloe vera, tea tree oil, and apple cider vinegar, can help balance your scalp’s pH level, reduce inflammation, and kill any dandruff-causing fungus that might otherwise exist on your strands. They may even add shine. Lastly, drink plenty of water throughout the day to hydrate strands properly and prevent breakage or split ends; adding leave-in conditioner or hydrating spray into your routine can further assist this goal.
Natural Ingredients for Hair Care
As you establish a hair care routine, search for natural ingredients that nourish and protect your strands. Renewable botanical oils like shea butter, jojoba oil, and argan oil help keep your scalp’s natural oils intact while shielding the ends of strands from damage. Utilizing such natural remedies reduces your need for harsh chemicals that could otherwise dry out and flake out your locks, causing itchy follicles or flaky scalps.
Avoid products containing sulfates as these substances have been known to irritate skin and cause genetic mutation. If possible, seek natural products labeled “sulfate-free.”
Tea tree oil is another fantastic ingredient to look out for when selecting shampoo and conditioner products, as it stimulates hair follicles to promote growth while profoundly nourishing hair and scalp. Aloe vera also plays an integral role in maintaining healthy scalp conditions. At the same time, its low molecular weight allows it to penetrate hair strands to leave soft, smooth locks with healthy-looking locks.
DIY Natural Hair Masks
There are a few natural hair products you can incorporate into your routine to protect it from damage, such as:
NaturAll’s deep conditioning treatment for dry, thirsty tresses is perfect for parched locks. It contains raw avocado – known for its hydrating properties – and organic tea tree oil to prevent infections and deep conditioning agents that will keep your locks hydrated all day.
BeautyKLove’s shampoo scrub may provide an easy remedy for oily scalp. This DIY recipe features baking soda to remove build-up. At the same time, apple cider vinegar closes the cuticle and prevents frizz by closing hair cuticles – leaving your locks smoother and less susceptible to frizz than before!
This natural hair mask is an excellent solution for anyone with damaged locks, thanks to the combination of avocado (known for its nourishing properties), coconut oil, and essential oils such as thyme for stimulating growth, rosemary for decreasing protein loss, and lavender to soothe your scalp. Furthermore, Boucleme contributes back to its local community by sourcing its ingredients from there.
How to Protect Your Hair from Damage
Establishing an effective natural hair routine is critical to keeping your locks healthy. Regular deep conditioning treatments help hydrate dry, brittle strands and replenish their essential natural oils that may have been stripped from them during shampooing.
Ensure not to overwash your strands, which may lead to product buildup. Instead, wash once or twice weekly using lukewarm water for best results.
Limit heat exposure, as overexposure can lead to brittleness in your hair using protective styles like braids, bantu knots, puffs, or wash-and-go styles.
No matter the situation, natural products offer solutions. From shampoo that helps combat dandruff to conditioner that will bring moisture back into your strands and even hair masks that repair damage – there is something suitable for everyone in your search for natural beauty solutions! By sticking to your routine, you can achieve your best look ever while maintaining health – good luck and congratulations on achieving an authentic natural style!
Tips for Natural Hair Styling
Two-strand twists are one of the most sought-after natural hairstyles, as they’re straightforward and leave your locks looking lush and healthy.
There are numerous approaches to accomplish this look, but here are a few suggestions:
Tip 1: Do not overwash your hair; this can strip it of its natural oils and lead to product build-up. Instead, try washing with lukewarm water once weekly for best results.
When washing your hair, always opt for a high-quality shampoo free from sulfates, mineral oil, and parabens as these ingredients can harm the scalp and hair follicles. A natural hair shampoo will hydrate and protect locks while clearing away dirt or oils that build up from daily activities – this will also help to ensure healthier locks! To further ensure healthy locks, it is also essential to utilize deep conditioner after each wash session while limiting heat exposure, as these will all help foster good hair habits.
Maintaining Hair Health: Do’s and Don’ts
As someone new to natural haircare, it may take time to master proper care of your strands. From overwashing to overusing products, common errors could harm the condition of your natural curls.
As always, we’re here to help you avoid these errors and foster vibrant, beautiful locks with healthy locks that look vibrant. From switching up shampoos and scheduling regular haircuts, here are a few tips for maintaining natural beauty.
Be sure to use a wide-tooth comb when detangling, and keep strands hydrated with oil, spritzes, and DIY packs. Furthermore, try to stick to a routine of trimming ends at least every eight weeks, keeping strands strong and preventing split ends from becoming knotted up. Furthermore, avoid products containing sulfates and phosphates, which can strip your scalp of its natural oils and lead to dry, itchy locks; instead, opt for organic products with natural ingredients.
Case Study: Success Stories with Natural Hair Care
While plenty of advice may be available on natural haircare, not all approaches work equally. What may work for one person may not necessarily work for you; therefore, it is crucial that you experiment and find what best fits you and your specific routine.
Blogger Afrobella Yursik has found great success with her natural hair journey. She quickly garnered an extensive readership on her blog, becoming a full-time influencer working with brands to promote natural products.
Shanique Buntyn has become one of YouTube’s most successful natural hair entrepreneurs since 2007. Known for her comprehensive tutorial videos spanning makeup to transitioning natural hair, Buntyn provides valuable resources for women looking to transition or newcomers just starting in their natural hair journey. Her tutorials offer guidance through basic steps while helping create routines tailored specifically to you; her advice: Keep things simple as no one knows your locks like you!
Read more here https://selectproducts.shopping/natural-hair-care-a-comprehensive-guide/
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blackknotbegone · 11 months
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Get superior Black Knot Disease Treatment from Black Knot Be Gone. We offer unique products made up of organic plant ingredients which helps cure black knot diseases in fruit trees, apple trees, cherry trees, etc. Apply the black knot fungus spray any time the tree is absorbing nutrients up through the root system, from early spring to late fall. Available in 30, 60 & 120 ML.  
Order now! For more details please contact 607-343-7781. For more details, visit our website: https://www.blackknotbegone.com/products/black-knot-disease-treatment-all-organic-plant-ingredients
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tips-from-john · 1 year
Kerassentials Reviews - Welcome to this Kerassentials Review for 2023
SEO Meta-Description: In this comprehensive Kerassentials review for 2023, we explore the effectiveness of this potent supplement in reversing the damage caused by fungal infections on nails, skin, and hair. Learn about its ingredients, benefits, and potential side effects. Read on to find out if Kerassentials is the solution you've been looking for to achieve healthier and more attractive nails, skin, and hair.
Are you tired of dealing with fungal infections on your nails, skin, or hair? Look no further! Kerassentials is here to rescue you from the grasp of those pesky infections and give you the confidence to flaunt healthy and beautiful nails, skin, and hair. In this in-depth review, we will explore the wonders of Kerassentials, its ingredients, and the benefits it offers, so you can make an informed decision about incorporating it into your daily routine.
What is Kerassentials?
Kerassentials is a breakthrough supplement carefully crafted from natural oils with remarkable efficacy in combating fungal infections. Its innovative formula is tailored to rejuvenate and restore the health of your nails, promote supple and healthy skin, and eliminate fungal infections that can lead to unsightly toenail fungus. With Kerassentials, say goodbye to insecurity and hello to the confidence that comes with radiant nails, skin, and hair.
Does Kerassentials Work?
Absolutely! Kerassentials has proven to be highly effective when used consistently and correctly. Countless users have witnessed remarkable improvements in the health and appearance of their nails, skin, and hair after making Kerassentials a part of their daily regimen. This remarkable supplement targets fungal infections at their root, ensuring the complete elimination of fungus spores and addressing current issues, resulting in healthier, more attractive, and revitalized nails, skin, and hair.
What are the Ingredients in Kerassentials?
Kerassentials is a meticulously formulated blend of natural ingredients known for their ability to combat toenail fungus and bacterial infections. The harmonious combination of these powerful components creates a synergistic effect, providing unparalleled results. Let's delve deeper into the key ingredients of Kerassentials:
Clove Bud: This ingredient is renowned for its antifungal properties, effectively eliminating fungal infections and preventing their recurrence.
Lavender Oil: Lavender oil possesses both antifungal and soothing properties, promoting the health and vitality of your nails, skin, and hair.
Flaxseed Oil: Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseed oil nourishes and strengthens your nails while supporting the overall health of your skin.
Manuka: Manuka oil serves as a potent antimicrobial agent, targeting and eliminating fungal infections effectively.
Aloe Vera: Aloe vera leaf extract is celebrated for its healing properties, soothing irritated skin and nails.
Chia Seeds: Chia seeds are a nutrient powerhouse, contributing to the overall health of your nails, skin, and hair.
Almond Oil: This enriching oil deeply moisturizes and nourishes your nails, skin, and hair, promoting their vitality.
Tea Tree Essential Oil: Known for its antifungal properties, tea tree essential oil is an exceptional ingredient for combating fungal infections.
What are the Benefits of Using Kerassentials?
Kerassentials offers a plethora of benefits that will leave you amazed and delighted. Here are the top advantages of using this powerful supplement:
Improved Skin Elasticity and Hydration: With Kerassentials, say hello to supple and hydrated skin, free from dryness and irritation.
Reduced Inflammation: The soothing properties of Kerassentials help reduce inflammation and discomfort caused by fungal infections.
Healthy Nails and Better Skin: Experience the joy of having healthy, strong nails and radiant, glowing skin with Kerassentials.
Effective Treatment of Fungal Infections: Kerassentials targets fungal infections at their source, ensuring effective and long-lasting results.
Healthier and More Attractive Appearance: Witness a transformation in your overall appearance as Kerassentials promotes healthier and more attractive nails, skin, and hair.
Q: Are there any side effects of using Kerassentials? A: No, there are no known harmful side effects of using Kerassentials. It is made from 100% natural ingredients and has been reported by customers worldwide to be free from adverse effects, even after long-term use.
Q: Is Kerassentials safe for everyone to use? A: Yes, Kerassentials is safe for people of all ages and genders. It uses only natural ingredients and is produced in the United States under strict sterile guidelines to ensure safety and quality. It contains no toxic or harmful stimulants.
Q: How much does Kerassentials cost? A: Kerassentials is available at different pricing options:
30-Day Supply: $69 per bottle
90-Day Supply: $59 per bottle
180-Day Supply: $49 per bottle
Q: Does Kerassentials come with a guarantee? A: Yes, Kerassentials comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the product for any reason, you can return it within 60 days of purchase and receive a full refund.
In conclusion, Kerassentials is a game-changing supplement that offers a natural and effective solution to combat fungal infections and promote overall nail, skin, and hair health. With its potent blend of natural ingredients, Kerassentials is a safe and reliable option for people of all ages and genders. Bid farewell to fungal infections, dry skin, and brittle nails as you embrace a healthier, more attractive appearance with Kerassentials by your side.
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wolfhollow · 2 years
H) What trait do you admire most? and 8) What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?
For neely!
H) What trait do you admire most?
Neely has the sort of confidence I'd love to have for myself. They are unashamed of who they are and have a devil-may-care approach to what others think.
8) What wee they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?
Gonna answer this with a ficlet, as is my habit. Thank you for the prompt @tinfoil-balloon !
Dry leaves crunched under their feet as the children ran through the gate, slamming it behind them with a clatter of aged wood. From the house behind them Danielle could hear their mother bawling out a rough reprimand for their treatment of the old gate, but they were already two strides into the woods by the time she stuck her head out the window to really tell them off.
Danielle heard the dry brush rattle as Dierdre stumbled in the undergrowth, her short legs catching on the brambles despite Danielle's efforts to squash them down for her. She burbled a protest, her tiny, off-key voice whining as she stopped in her tracks, "D'neely!"
Danielle turned about, watching as Dierdre's hands flew in frustrated, choppy motions. "I'm too little, Neely, help!"
Crossing the distance between them Neely signed as they spoke, their fingers steadier than their sister's. "Want a ride? I'll carry you!" They were rewarded by Dee's eager nod and they quickly turned and crouched down as she clambered onto their back. It only took a moment for her to get settled and then they were off again.
The woods were still around them, the birdsong of summer long gone now as the chill of autumn settled over the Silverpine. A few scraps of rusty red leaves clung between the evergreen boughs of the pines, and Neely used them to navigate their way down the little deer trail. After a half an hour or so of walking and checking their favorite spots they felt a small hand touch their cheek. Peering over their shoulder, they saw Dee pointing urgently to their right, and they followed her gesturing finger to a lone, scrubby maple where a beautiful butter colored fungus blossomed from the crook of its limbs.
"Gawh, that's a big one!" They mumbled to themself as Dee wriggled off their back and ran up to the tree. At nearly seven she was still tiny, another of the fever's gifts, and even now the low growing mushroom was out of her reach.
Her frustration was palpable as she whirled back, signing with unrestrained eagerness, "I want to get it. I saw it, it's mine!"
"Ok!" Neely laughed as they fished the old pocket knife out and snapped the blade open. It was hardly sharp, but they still placed it in Dee's hands with careful attention to how she held it in her small fingers. "Y'don't have to push hard with these, just a little and they'll pop right off, ok?"
Their signing was returned with a nod and a brisk one-handed sign from Dee, "I know, I know!"
That settled they lifted her up, their arms wrapped around her waist as she reached for the mushroom. For a moment they were worried the knife was too big for her after all, but with a grunt she persevered until the mushroom popped off and the pair of them nearly fell back onto tbe ground. Catching themself Neely lowered her to the ground, where Dee dropped the knife in her excitement over her prize.
"Careful!" They bent to pick it up out of the dirt, brushing the blade and wooden handle off with care. "This was Darrins."
"Sorry," she signed back, awkward with the mushroom gripped in her arms.
"S'ok," they ruffled her hair and held out the gleaner's sack to her. "Mum will like that one, now let's find a couple more!"
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nailsupplyblog · 1 year
Nail fungus is a frequent issue that can harm your nails and be tough to treat. There are numerous cures available, but one that is rarely addressed is the use of nail polish as an antifungal solution. Nail fungus is a disorder that can develop when the nail structure is compromised. This can involve cell damage under and around your nails caused by bacteria or other causes such as pollutants in the water. Discolored growths on top of the diseased area and thicker portions surrounding it with an awful odor are symptoms of this infection.
This article looks at the top antifungal nail paint options for 2023.
To avoid further damage from nail fungus, it is critical to apply organic and natural nail polish. Dr.'s Remedy's non-toxic kit includes three brilliant colors in a pack of strengthening, organic, toxin-free polish for both fingers and toes! Biotin garlic bulb extracts lavender and contains compounds such as tea tree oil. Furthermore, this polish checks all the boxes, making it a fantastic choice if you want a long-lasting shine with potent anti-fungal characteristics.
The DaniPro Doctor Formulated nail paint is ideal for keeping your nails healthy and colorful. It contains undecylenic acid, which aids in the prevention of fungal growth while preserving the strength of your natural nails. This one-of-a-kind recipe also provides the finest chip resistance, allowing you to enjoy beautiful manicured fingers for days without touching up! DaniPro's nail paint is free of chemicals and toxins because the company understands how vital this product is in keeping infected fingernails safe from infection.
PS Cosmeceutical Infused Nail Lacquer is your new nail polish go-to. This lacquer has stunning purple and orchid tones with a glittery texture that lasts all day! This professional-grade treatment also contains no formaldehyde, protecting your nails from hazardous compounds such as camphor and resins. It's long-lasting without being prone to chipping, so you may wear it with confidence every time.
Fungus prevention formula. Perfect for fungus-infected nails. Improve the overall appearance of your nails. A medium consistency with a smooth application. Cons:
It is true.Furthermore, it does not dry quickly. Expensive.
Your nails will be long-lasting and durable using Dr.'s Remedy! This topcoat seals the nail paint so it doesn't peel or flake for weeks. Apply as a foundation layer before painting for a natural effect, or directly onto white spots on toes to make them disappear in seconds! This gloss is great for those who suffer from fungal infections of their nails and cannot afford expensive treatments like prescription medications - you'll never have an itch again with these amazing results.
NovaNailPLUS Powerful Antifungal Agent is ready to treat onychomycosis-affected nails. But don't worry, this base coat contains 1% artemisia tridentata extract and 4% Melaleuca alternifolia oil to prevent it from spreading further! This antifungal treatment swiftly penetrates your nails, ensuring that they not only appear but also feel clean!
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If left untreated, nail fungus can be hazardous. It is critical to treat it promptly and correctly since the longer you wait, the worse your nail will become.
Fungal infections typically begin around the nails or in skin folds such as the armpits, but they should not spread if treated properly and on time.
Antifungal nail lacquer is a fantastic choice for fungus control. Antibacterial and antifungal elements are infused into the lotion to not only prevent spread but also to begin repairing nails faster than other treatment alternatives such as bathing your hands in vinegar or using over-the-counter medicine.
Do you suffer from toenail fungus? Then you should be cautious about using nail paint. Antifungal paints are a good bet, but if you require a different make-up or hue, start with the base coat and then layer on your preferred colors.
Wearing antifungal nail paint is the greatest way to conceal toenail fungus. Clean the affected area every day with water and cleaners, then apply a coat of transparent polish on top. You can even paint your nails to make them look nicer while concealing the illness beneath!
We hope you found this guide on the best antifungal nail polish of 2023 to be interesting and useful. Several elements such as touch-ups and chip resistance can influence your choices, so we recommend taking some time to consider what is essential to you before making a decision.
Also, consider how much money you have available and whether these products will be effective in treating fungus on both your hands and feet. Hopefully, our list has relieved some of your worry by providing you with a convenient starting point for your search for the ideal product!
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gabrielle-writes · 2 years
Weekly Lore 1: Blood-Blossom
With likes on my post asking about weekly post about the lore in the universe of Walking On My Grave and an ask saying that they would be interested in these posts, yep, we will have snippets of Lore here :) Thank you everyone that showed interest in some way!
My plan is for the posts to go live Fridays, around 7pm/19:00 Brazil (GMT-3). Starting today, the post is about something that is highly mentioned in the first chapter, but at least for now the proper place to explain it in text hasn't been found lol
The so-called Blood-Blossom, cultivated in the Academy of Healing, is commonly seen growing around high-iron low-oxigen waters in warm climates, spreading over ground, rocks and trees.
Despite its appearance and name, it is neither plant nor flower, but the result of symbiosis between a fungus and a moss. The resulting structure when these species are present and in contact, beyond eye-catching, is unique in a series of ways, and studies made in Bravo concluded that it is a result of the moss and fungus mixing their metabolisms and sharing resources and needs.
The moss, spreading like a carpet, is dark green with splotches of rusted red and, unlike most mosses, is highly resistant to the absence of water; as for the fungus, it spreads as a thick spider web, with small mushrooms appearing occasionally, dark crimson in color.
When they both are present, be just superficial contact or spores of one landing on the other, the small mushrooms develop in a structure which size is close to a closed-fist, shaped as a cup with five pointed ''petals'' that can open and close at will, colored a strong blood-red with pink veins and a strong smell of sickly sweet blood, filled with a viscous vivid red liquid. These are the Blood-Blossoms.
Unlike real flowers and even mushrooms, Blood-Blossoms can exist for months on end, performing its function: attracting small insects when the petals are open, and digesting these when the petals close. Not any insect, their smell and colors are specially attractive to hematophagous insects.
The Blood-Blossom is not safe for consumption, as the bodies of hematophagous bats attracted by the smell show, mainly because of how acidic the internal liquid is.
Despite this, they are highly used in medicine: as the years passed and studies were made, the mages in Bravo were able to determine that the internal liquid is similar to mammal blood, specially human. As long as the propers procedures are made to purify it, it can be used as artificial blood. This artificial blood has two main uses: transfusion for treatment of blood loss, and the creation of Undeads.
And so it goes the first weekly lore. Hope you all liked it 😁
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mmmorningjuice · 2 years
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Pie de Atleta
El pie de atleta es una infección causada por un hongo que se caracteriza por descarapelar la piel, o causar escamación.
Es un hongo perteneciente al grupo de los dermatofitos, que en condiciones de humedad se prolifera.
Recientemente me dio. Y acudí a opciones naturales para tratarlo, antes de acudir a fórmulas farmacéuticas. Probé dejarlo por una semana desde que lo noté, sin hacer nada. No se fue. Probé con aceite de árbol de té durante otra semana, y para mi sorpresa no me funcionó. Finalmente acudí al ajo, y fue excelente. En una semana empecé a ver cómo disminuía.
La foto 1 fue tras 3 semanas de tratamiento. La foto 2, uno de los momentos sin tratar. La ultima foto, después de parar el tratamiento.
Lo apliqué rallando el ajo con mi uña y frotándolo sobre las partes que estaban descarapeladas, dos veces al día.
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Athlete's foot
Athlete's foot is an infection caused by a fungus that is characterized by peeling the skin, or causing scaling.
It is a fungus belonging to the group of dermatophytes, which proliferates in humid conditions.
I recently got it and I turned to natural options to treat it, before turning to pharmaceutical formulas. I tried not doing anything for a week, since I noticed it. It got worse. I tried tea tree oil for another week, and to my surprise it didn't work for me this time. I finally applied garlic, and it was excellent. Within days I began to see how it was healing.
Photos 1 and 2 were after 3 weeks of treatment. Photo 2, was untreated. The last photo, after stopping the treatment.
I cut the garlic with my fingernail and rubbed it on the parts that were peeling, twice a day.
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#ajo #garlic #alho #naturalMedicine #medicinaNatural #athletesFoot #pieDeAtleta #fungi #hongos #healing #sanación
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