#Trees Corporation
treescorporation · 2 years
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stone-cold-groove · 6 months
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How to Decorate Your Aluminum Christmas Tree - Alcoa.
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lyss-butterscotch · 9 months
in that rain world/lobcorp au, who would most likely be chesed?
(optionally the rest of the sephirah but my focus is chesed)
I think personality wise it should be sig, being easy going but cynical and emotionally detached. For everyone else
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Idk what to do with the remaining spots either to use broadcast iterators/ocs or leave the 1st and 2nd layer to just have one sephirah.
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frnkiebby · 3 months
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the fucking CUTEST~🎃
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i keep telling myself that i'll make a comprehensive document of lobotomy corporation (and libary of ruina, not really for limbus company)'s inspiration from judaism more specifically the kabbalah 'cause i don't think there is. the problem is i don't know shit about that and google searches only go so far. not talking about the sephira as emanations rn, and i haven't even touched yet on the enoch symbolism. there's also adam, abel, and the significance of it being abram and not abraham. and then qliphoth and the creation of evil by men and how it relates to cogito. and the abnormalities rank names. but for now, here's what i have for ayin if anyone wants to fact check me
16th letter of the alphabet, ayin is pronounced /ajin/ or /a.in/ contrary to the often seen /ajn/. it represents the glottal stop /ʔ/ or the guttural consonant /ʕ/. often seen as a silent letter, this ties into ayin's meaning as the nothingness from which everything emerges by god (most important of which, all the other sephira). ayin is keter, the first sephirot, and the link between chochma/hokma, the second sephirot, and ein sof, god/everything/creation/the primeval light. due to its existence as both nothing and the closest thing to god, keter is often excluded from the sephira, making hokma the first node of the tree of life
some connections are obvious, such as ayin being what creates the sephira in both cases, but most is closer to speculation. its meaning as nothing ties into his global absence from the plot, while at the same time being the centerpiece and catalyst for it all. its existence as a link between ein sof and hokma represents ayin as the link between benjamin and carmen, but moreso as what enables carmen and allows the light to flourish (ein sof/god represents both carmen and The Light that is her objective pretty interchangeably). god/the light doesn't need anyone to be attractive or gather faith, but by itself it cannot do much. only through ayin can it create life and spread its light: ayin is nothing without the light, litteraly, and is what trully enables carmen to try and spread the light to the world
ayin's most simple symbol is the eye, which added onto its emptiness and connection with the light of god leads to different degrees of interpretation:
- the one that sees and is nothing but that sight (relates to ayin/X as the manager that only see through cameras and does nothing but watch and give orders)
- the pioneer, the one that sees what others cannot and brings forth hidden light, but also as overseer or planner, as the one who sees wider and farther (relates to ayin's role as the one bringing the whole crew together, working closely to help carmen, then as the only one in charge, planning for the light, the play, and even past his death)
- more litteraly, the first one that saw the light of god (ayin might not be the first to have followed carmen, but he was the first to see past the person and grasp the enightenment she was trying to bring the world)
and now starts a bit of rambling, basically speculations worded as if i knew it was true
ayin is nothing, it holds no purpose for itself and crumbles without the light/carmen. nothing cannot create something without god, least of all god itself; and so, ayin could not resurrect carmen. instead, in search of the light, he, without god which means without goodness, understanding, or even the right to do so, created what he remembered of it, the imprint the void kept of the light; a negative. vaguely the same appearance, and intrinsically and forever linked, a lingering sense of it, a memory, but also as different as could be. angela isn't carmen because ayin couldn't. he is nothing without her and could not create her, nor could he ever want to. he sacrifices everything in search of the light that has faded, plans to die at the moment when finally carmen/god is present again through the enlightenment that was her goal, life and light created via ayin/nothing, but not by it or for it; and in the end, what destroys his plan and corrupts the light of god is the blasphemy he created without the divine, from nothing, because he didn't know better, the one who was never meant to be the light and could never be, the one who wouldn't have been born had the light not died and could never forgive the circumstances of her birth. icarus, not killed by the blazing sun but created by its fall, melted by its rays nonetheless, wax wings that could never fly nor protect
there. as stated before, tell me if anything is wrong/incomplete. i might add onto this later too
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toonheartz · 11 months
if you've heard of the tree law thing going around where universal chopped up the trees wga was picketing under so they'd have no shade they also blocked off the sidewalks which is extremely dangerous for any pedestrians
here's a petition to construct k-rails to allow for a safe, temporary pedestrian lane
here's where that's linked on wgawest's linktree
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binah-beloved · 2 months
if you could leave the facility, Binah would like to go for walks when it snows. it's cold and white and utterly silent, her cloak standing out like a drop of ink against the icy landscape. she doesn't seem chilly- she never does- merely holding your hand as her breath comes out in small puffs. perhaps you have cuts, tiny slivers from hours of work, and she simply watches when a drop of ruby-red blood falls and dots the snow before raising your hand to her mouth and lightly kissing the wound
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leafytaffyart · 1 year
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Lobotomy Corporation is fun (absolute hell)
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Lying down, looking up.
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oneofgothamsinsane · 11 months
You know shit is bad in LA when gothamites start caring about it. Save the trees with tree or Poison Ivy herself will fuck you up. And the bitches who did it will deserve it.
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tangent101 · 11 months
This would be fantastic to see...
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I think she's right.
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inhumanrobot · 9 months
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Tree Killer in a Beaver baby outift
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dumo-demonz · 21 days
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hello manager.
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schos-in-the-field · 1 month
Cherries. Lamberts. They might be Dukes, hard to tell when they're not in fruit.
What's the difference?
Well, people think there's one type, but there's lots of them. Cuthberts, Queen Annes, Montmorencys, sweet ones, sour ones.
Why on Earth would you know this?
I planted a cherry tree :)
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stone-cold-groove · 6 months
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How to Decorate Your Aluminum Christmas Tree - Alcoa.
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binah-beloved · 6 months
mmm... distorted Binah
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