#Renewable energy components
treescorporation · 2 years
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trinitytouch · 4 months
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Join Us at Our Upcoming Exhibitions!We are excited to announce our participation in two major events this May:Solar & Storage Live Philippines 2024📅 Date: May 20 - 21, 2024🏢 Venue: SMX Convention Centre, Manila (Philippines)🎪 Hall: 01, Stall: B09EL Asia Bangalore 2024📅 Date: May 24 - 26, 2024🏢 Venue: Bangalore International Exhibition Centre🎪 Hall: 02, Stall: K12Come visit our stalls to learn more about our latest products and innovations. We look forward to seeing you there!#Exhibition #SolarStorageLive #ELAsia #TrinityTouch #RenewableEnergy #Technology
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
"Dear EarthTalk: What is wind repowering and why are environmentalists so bullish on it?
—H. King, Mesa, AZ
One of the most common forms of clean energy is wind power. People from around the world could recognize a wind farm from just one look. While wind power has been a staple in renewable energy since the idea’s inception, many of the original and old wind turbines have begun to show signs of aging. Wind repowering aims to fix this, by revamping old turbines with more efficient components, or putting in new, state-of-the-art turbines as a whole. These new components and units can reduce noise, more efficiently power a turbine, and a deliver a higher overall energy output.
Denmark, an early adopter of wind repowering, saw a 1.3 GW gain in capacity and a reduction of 109 wind turbines, enabling substantially increased wind energy production with fewer turbines. This promising data prompted a surge in wind repowering projects, and in 2019, 86 percent of wind energy projects there were classified as “repowered.”
These signs of success and scalability showed other countries the benefits of wind repowering. The U.S, with help from large energy corporations like General Electric, has more than 40 active wind repowering sites, with over 2,500 turbines having some type of renovation. This hefty wind repowering advancement is responsible for four gigawatts of energy, or the power for more than 30 million homes.
It’s no secret how fast wind repowering is growing, but upgrades can be made to many different types of renewable energy. Why do eco-advocates support wind repowering so strongly? Wind repowering has energy, financial, aesthetic and technological benefits. Not only does it make units more efficient, it also removes units that might be aesthetically unpleasing, or in less efficient spots than they could be. Wind repowering also increases the lifespan of turbines by as much as 20 years, and reduces the need for maintenance. Repowered turbines are also quieter, sleeker, and produce considerably more energy.
So, while there are many types of repowering efforts for other renewable energy sources, none are as comprehensive or successful as wind repowering. Not only is it a comprehensive option for revamping clean energy, but it does not require the entry costs that just building new wind farms requires.
The only barrier to wind repowering at the moment is legislation. Bills and policies cannot keep up with the demand for it. Readers should call local officials, or urge any nearby wind farms to look at wind repowering. Spreading awareness is the first and most important step."
-via E: The Environmental Magazine, April 26, 2024
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nerdykorgi · 7 months
(aka, my ideas and thoughts on how these bad but sad boys work!)
with pictures :D !
ok for starters! I tried my best to make real life connections with actual biological stuff and yeah but there are some things ima have to bullshit lol
i hope yall like rambling
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[ ^ Basic ideas ]
Lets talk about anatomy!
From what i can tell from the grim walker ingredient book they have some pretty ... interesting ingredients...
Heart and Power apparently. What i can make of this is that the Galderstone not only powers and animates the non-organic materials but acts as a circulatory system, flowing blood and nutrients to keep the body stable by creating magical pulses of pressure that makes the blood flow. Blood is kind of ideal for homeostasis and living and om pretty sure we've seen hunter bleed at least once... Perhaps the Galderston can create an artificial vascular system to carry oxygen, magic, and nutrients throughout the growing body instead of just making veins from scratch. I want to say the Galderstone can generate energy for the grimwalker but that would mean they wouldn't need to eat, and I don't think that's true. I think its main purpose is just activate the magic materials and is like the generator to a car, keeping it running. If the Galderstone were to break or fail, the grimwalker probably come unglued and fall apart to its components (which would be pretty horrifying)
Very key component! The ortet bone kind of helps form the blueprint for the species of the grimwalker, as well as supplying blood, a skeletal system, and components of DNA. The most basic definition of the word ORTET is as follows: the original plant from which the members of a clone have descended. Fun fact: since were using cloning terms, Hunter is to Caleb as Ramet is to Ortet (Ramet is an individual clone) I did research for cloning and as it turns out you kinda need a complete genome for cloning but for bullshitting reasons (which will be explained) we can clone with incomplete DNA and make synthetic dna from scratch! I hypothesis that the reason grims can look different from the ortet instead of just straight carbon copies is due to the bone that is used and how much of i there is. Like example a grimwalker made using just a toe phalange is going to look A LOT less like the ortet compared to a grimwalker made from something like the cranium and bigger bones and such. Basically smaller bones dont carry as much dna info and leads for room to fill in the blanks. Sadly this means alot of Grimwalkers had A LOT of health problems (this can range anywhere from immune system problems to liver failure which is quiet typical in clones, that and it is often that clones appear different from the ortet due to enviromental factors and influences)
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[ As the image above shows, subject #103 has a very close resemblance to the ortet due to the bones that are used ] There are pros and cons to using bones! Pros being that they can hold DNA for much longer than tissue, but the thing is bones can degrade really easy if not preserved, and i don't think belos had a bottle of hydrogen peroxide laying around that he could dunk Caleb in, so let's just assume he made sure his brother's corpse was well cleaned and kept. Biggest con is the human body only has so many bones (about 206) I believe that the reason Grimwalker can generate organs is by using the ortet and making the stem cells created from bone marrow. Stem cells are very important because they can turn into different types of cells like blood and tissue cells as well as repair tissue. I believe the process of growing grimwalkers is kind of like "Self-renewal" the process in which stem cells divide and make more of the body
Im just gonna assume stone sleeper had very small lungs because aint no way those t rex lungs fit in a teenage boy. I originally thought The reason that Grimwalkers can stay underground for so long is because the lungs, similar to how a stonesleeper hibernates for centuries (kind of like how wood frogs can basically cryo-hibernate) by petrifying but a grimwalker IS growing and therefore needs resources to grow, like how a baby does in the womb. So it has to be actively getting said resources so it cant be petrified. I now think the reason that grimwalkers have these lungs is because theyre easily compatible to the galderstone, which needs oxygen for the blood and that they can be easily harvested and stored in stone form. But that does give room for cool adaptations like self-petrification! (which i will get into next time :D )
Ok its says that the wood is used for keratin, which is a fiberous protein which can make all kinds of things like scales, hair, nails, feathers, horns, claws, hooves, and skin! And since its also a plant means it can grow 4 times as fast as normal keratin can! This explains why hunters hair grew so ridiculously fast in season 3, was because his hair can produce its own carbohydrates and nutrients on its own... This means his skin and surface wounds can heal quite fast! (down side is it might give him something similar to PSS (Peeling Skin Syndrome ) ...) I think Palisman is very important becasue of several reason! 1 Like palisman, it can "animate" if you will, more or less help pull off the illusion that he is alive. 2 Like mentioned before, Grimwalkers need nutrients to grow and I believe the palistrom wood aids in that! Using a process called cellular diffusion, the grimwalker can take in nutrients from the ground around them (which i theorize to be highly fertilized) through THEIR SKIN! and into the veins and flesh of the grims 3 I believe that in the process of forming, the galderstone "activates" the palistrom wood, forming into skin or hair but this process of rapid growth leaves the skin all undone and fragile because a proper cutaneous barrier was not formed yet (which is useful for being malleable. This is why Hunter's ears are so 1 .god blessed big because they are fake and molded to look like that. Its also why The grimwalker Belos possessed fell apart so easily, like he said "It wasnt ready")
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This one kind of confused me because... well why do we need the seal flesh when the ortet can just regenerate it?? I think its kind of like the stuffing if you will, it also speeds up the process of producing flesh by a lot! Especially if you want to make grown grimwalkers! Im thinking that Grimwalkers don't have a set "age" theyre just as big as however many materials they are given to work with. Even though the book says they can start as babies, if you look closely there is a check mark towards the more adolescent figure, so im thinking that they are not ready to be unearthed until they reach a certain growth ima guess around the age of over 10-ish?? We don't know how young Hunter was pulled out of the floor but it seems like he was fairly young, or atleast younger. This means while Hunter appears to be 16, he might have only been living for around 5 years or so.
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Now typically normal seals have a lot of blubber which is a thick layer of fat, also called adipose tissue, directly under the skin of a marine mammals. Its used for insulation. The thing is tho, it says Selkiedomus Scales, not flesh... Dont worry there are mammals that have scales like Pangolins but i dont know if these scales are like thick plated or small and stretchy. Magic bullshitting time, Im goin to assume Selkiedomus scales refers to a layer of scale-like flesh that protect the creature from boiling but is also highly malleable and easy to work with. Maybe the reason they can withstand such heat is due to unsaturated bonds of butadiene molecules mixed into the blubber that are highly heat resistant Selkie domus flesh is molded and into the relative shape of desired body and using the DNA of the ortet the flesh is reshaped and reused into the desired muscles shapes. The vascular system created by the galderstone spreads throughout the flesh and binds with it. healing together and becoming flesh, kind of like a speed up version of skin graft maturation! This is useful for growing them quickly because they don't have to grow an entire adult body from scratch so this speed up the process by eeeerrm 20 years or so lol
Thats only the basics for now, sooner or later i shall get into the more fun stuff, like adaptaions of Grim walker, the growing process, ad more!
Hope you guys enjoyed my ideas, if i got anything incorrect let me know, my research isnt exremly searched through.
last question ill leave you all with, it kind of stumped me while i was working...
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i have a theory but i wanna know your thoughts...
(i worked hard on all this btw, i really hope people read it lol /lh.)
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left-reminders · 8 months
(Below are broad vibes for each of the numbers. They are not meant to represent every opinion one could have within those parameters. Some aspects of the description may apply to you while others won't. If you picked a number with a description that doesn't match your perspective, let us know what your actual perspective is in a reblog comment! Comments in general are nice too, of course 👍)
(You also might notice a bias in favor of 5; or at least a far deeper description of what it would entail when compared against the other four. This is partly just because I wanted to soapbox, but I hope it doesn't detract. I genuinely want to hear the perspectives of the 1s, 2s, and 3s, if you're out there and don't appreciate my potential oversimplification!)
1 — It does not factor in at all. Much of the discourse around green politics is a liberal distraction and/or a roadblock holding us back from organizing for socialism. Economic development and human concerns will always matter more. Capitalism was a necessary/justifiable component in the march of history towards socialism, even if it did have certain negative impacts on the environment. The ideal society looks like Star Trek or fully-automated luxury communism (FALC) — one where we overcome "the state of nature" and become masters of our own fate.
2 — It doesn't factor in much, even if I may recognize the reality of climate change and/or the need for environmental protections. We can solve the biggest climate problems with advancements in green technology or perhaps expanding resource frontiers into outer space. In general, other social issues take priority when building socialism.
3 — I care about combating climate change and solving ecological problems, but I find other issues to be more important in my life and I will leave most discussion of it to people more knowledgeable on the subject. The world could be doing far better on these issues and changes are needed, but most of the modern civilizational infrastructure should remain unchanged (albeit organized under a socialist mode of production).
4 — It is very important to my politics. We can balance socialistic technological development with the dire needs of a planet in crisis. Certain human activities and production methods will have to be curbed or eliminated entirely if we are to find this balance (fossil fuels, widget production, private jets, etc), while others will have to be uplifted (renewable energy, public transportation, shared living, etc). Modern civilization is ultimately redeemable, but it needs to undergo a radical transformation.
5 — It is among the most important factors in my politics. I take influence from eco-socialism, social ecology, degrowth, post-civ, anti-civ, deep ecology, or any number of other political perspectives which are ecologically-focused. Locally-organized economies; drastic reductions in working hours and energy throughput; rewilding of the land; emphasis on non-consumptive forms of leisure; an end to consumerism, growth-based economic metrics, and imperial conceptions of "development"; agroecology and polyculture as core methods for obtaining food; and a vast deconstruction of much of the civilizational edifice are all pieces to this puzzle and are required if we are going to have a habitable planet for the generations to come. The ideal society looks like a Miyazaki film, that yogurt commercial, or lightly-automated comfortable ecological socialism (LACES) — one where we "don't seek to become larger within socialism, but rather more realized" (Joel Kovel).
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apas-95 · 2 years
all the fearmongering about nuclear is fucking insane if literally any of the alternatives are looked at. ignoring the fact that, in the real world, stopping nuclear expansion literally only leads to more coal plants being built, the only other alternative is 'renewables', which, in order to provide enough energy to actually power the world, would entail a 400% increase in global resource extraction to supply the rare earth metals for electrical components, basic materials for construction of millions upon millions of turbines and panels, and etc for their infrastructure. 'nuclear requires resource extraction' - so does literally everything, and nuclear requires far less of it than any alternative.
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zvaigzdelasas · 9 months
The US and Europe can no longer compete with China after the cost of producing solar modules there dropped by 42% in 2023 to $0.15 (€0.14) per watt. That gives Chinese manufacturers an enormous cost advantage over international rivals, according to a new Horizons report from consultancy Wood Mackenzie. In 2023, China's domestic solar additions were double those of the US and the EU combined. China, the world's solar module powerhouse, now holds 80% of global manufacturing capacity. By 2050, it will account for over 50% of the global power supply, according to Wood Mackenzie. "China is the lowest-cost solar module manufacturer in the world. Solar module prices in dollar per watt tallied in December show China's cost of $0.15 well below Indian ($0.22), European ($0.30) and US ($0.40) manufacturing rates," said Steven Knell, vice president and head of Power & Renewables Consulting, EMEA, at Wood Mackenzie. "The enormous cost advantage China holds imply international rivals' efforts to displace incumbent Chinese suppliers in renewable value chains may well be futile. The outlook for available component supply in the market is bullish given the capacity race that's underway, but China's rivals are unlikely to win on cost. China's already won the green technology capacity race," Knell told DW.[...]
The EU and US have made huge strides in renewable energy policy in the past two years. But reaching critical mass in the solar module production sector, like in China, requires commensurate commercial application, the experts agree. And this is where centralized state capitalism [sic] seems to offer certain advantages.
1 Jan 24
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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Vishnu and Lakshmi Talon Abraxas
Vishnu and Lakshmi’s Love Story: A Tale of Harmony, Renewal, and Regeneration
According to Hindu History, the story of Vishnu and Lakshmi’s meeting begins with the churning of the ocean of milk, which is also known as the Samudra Manthan. The gods and demons came together to churn the ocean of milk in the hope of finding the nectar of immortality. The process was long and arduous, and many things emerged from the depths of the ocean, including celestial nymphs, precious gems, and powerful weapons.
During the churning, a beautiful lotus flower emerged from the ocean, and sitting on it was none other than Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, prosperity, and beauty. Vishnu, who was present at the churning, was immediately captivated by her beauty and grace. He was so taken by her that he approached her and asked her to marry him.
Lakshmi, impressed by Vishnu’s devotion and purity of heart, accepted his proposal, and they became one of the most iconic couples in Hindu mythology. Vishnu is often depicted as a calm and composed deity, who maintains order and balance in the cosmos, while Lakshmi is known for her grace, compassion, and generosity.
Their union is seen as a perfect balance of masculine and feminine energies, and their relationship is a symbol of harmony, renewal, and regeneration. Their love story has been immortalized in art and literature, and they are still worshipped by millions of people around the world.
In many depictions, Vishnu and Lakshmi are shown holding hands or sitting together in a loving embrace. They are also often shown with various symbols, such as a lotus flower, a conch shell, or a discus, which represent different aspects of their relationship. For example, the lotus flower symbolizes purity and enlightenment, while the conch shell represents the sound of creation.
The Power of True Love: Lessons from the Divine Union of Vishnu and Lakshmi
1,Devotion is the key to true love: Vishnu’s unwavering devotion to Lakshmi won her heart. His purity of heart and selflessness were the qualities that Lakshmi found most attractive in him. This teaches us that in order to experience true love, we must be devoted to our partner and put their needs before our own.
2.Love transcends time and space: Vishnu and Lakshmi’s love story is timeless, and it transcends the boundaries of time and space. Their love has endured for centuries, and it continues to inspire people all around the world. This teaches us that true love is not limited by physical boundaries, and it can transcend time and distance.
3.The power of balance in relationships: Vishnu and Lakshmi’s relationship is a perfect balance of masculine and feminine energies. Vishnu’s strength and order complement Lakshmi’s grace and compassion, creating a harmonious relationship that is both powerful and loving. This teaches us that balance is an important aspect of any relationship, and it helps to maintain harmony and understanding between partners.
4.The importance of forgiveness: Vishnu and Lakshmi’s relationship has not been without its challenges, but they have always found a way to forgive each other and move forward. This teaches us that forgiveness is a crucial component of any healthy relationship, and it helps to strengthen the bond between partners.
5.True love requires effort: Vishnu and Lakshmi’s love story is not without its challenges, but they have always worked hard to overcome them. Their love requires effort and dedication, but it is ultimately worth it. This teaches us that true love requires effort, and it is something that we must work at every day to maintain.
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rametarin · 1 month
Yall young people have so much to look forwards.
Yeah, if you're environmentally and ecologically conscientous, it has never been a better time. Do you know why we didn't already have electric cars?
It's not because of some massive coverup and greedy oily oil barons. The energy barons have always maintained desire to invest in and reap benefits from anything that reaps dividends. Energy will always reap dividends. Renewable energy, if even worth investing in, will reap dividends like the expensive, hard process of mining and drilling for oil and then refining and selling it.
It's because the technology and the science simply wasn't there. Not enough to practically and economically provide for our needs. When you see people screaming about how "It already existed!! We just need to.. rethink our needs!" You've likely come across someone that takes a radically bad stance on exactly what an individual's needs are.
There exists a kind of crunchy, borderline totalitarian asshole that, believe it or not, isn't the usual kind of totalitarian asshole, which is often associated with the right wing and Nazis! This totalitarian asshole asks, "What does a person need, really?" And their answer is, "An overarching state and society to govern for The People, and provide for them what has been determined to be their Needs."
When they say, The People, they don't mean you and your individual requirements. They mean the abstract, conceptual, platonic Man, the conceptual human person, and then they ignore you and try to interact with this conceptual ideal. And then they determine how to ration for you. They'll demand you conform to their plan, and then maybe you'll get X amount of a thing to live on, no more no less, as they brag about providing for The People.
Shortages will inevitably happen from this approach, and then you'll survive on half of that, which has been determined to be your new needs. That's the sort of person that thinks you can survive on X-much of resources, if only they can huddle you and a hundred other someodd people onto public transportation that operates on a timer and engineer cities to have a maximum capacity (which will inevitably be overcapacity as more people than they expected arrive to exist there) and their carefully conceived brave new world where they've used shitty math to shortchange people comes back to bite everybody.
Need housing? They deign to stick you into a locker sized Chinese style apartment and think, great, I've created livable housing for millions of people in the same space as used to house hundreds! Yay me!
Need food? Oh, simple; they'll just feed you food that's as simple as possible and emphasize vegetables because they're non-controversial and don't require as complicated a growing cycle or as messy as what happens when their needs aren't met and there's cruelty or unsanitary conditions to worry about. No one goes to court advocating on behalf of pumpkins. So, "wouldn't it just be easier if you were vegetarian or vegan? Your needs would be so much easier to mee! C:"
That sort of person believes if you just "make personal choices" to be as low maintenance and nonmobile and rock eating as possible, the little electrical power generated for transportation and heating and keeping the lights on should be enough to design a whole society around NOW! Don't you want that!? Me neither.
This is why we didn't switch to 100% renewables. The technology and science just does not exist, yet. Yes if we have absurd amounts of (currently toxic, currently difficult to develop and acquire components for solar cells) solar power, we're going to use it, but outside of using giant flywheels or liquid salt heat batteries to power things when the sun isn't shining, we just do not have base load coverage for the needs of society without shortchanging and radically redefining society and how it functions.
The way they would propose society to function is very centralized, top down and authoritarian. That does not meet our needs for personal liberty. But they don't care about that.
And this is important, because the science and technology ARE creeping up to the minimum by which we'll be able to generate enough mega or giga amps required for every individual person. We finally will have the battery capacity to actually store and DO something with all that renewable and nuclear fission derived power!
THAT is the secret sauce, people under 25. THAT is the beauty of this era! It isn't that humanity is "finally sloughing off the yoke of the aristocrats." It's that the actual science and technology is close to fruition where it isn't a violation of physics and entropy to actually have nigh infinite, free electrical power, without either polluting the atmosphere with particulates until it's unbreathable mess, polluting the land and sea until everything dies in the eco-system, or trying to live "within the means" of what renewables can do and rationing our power consumption to one hour a day.
Just having the ability to switch out a fuel powered jet engine with a rechargable solid state battery for turbofan jet engined flight, just having electrically driven boats, we save so much pollution and inefficient energy consumption from even happening. I can't emphasize enough just how big a game changer sufficiently powerful and capacitied batteries are and how essential they are to address power needs.
They change EVERYTHING. They make it possible so residential solar and wind can charge up a house battery, making it possible to function with emergency energy during hard times. They make it possible to outperform internal combustion engines by just simply not consuming enormous amounts of power while idling in traffic. They make transporting power easy peasy, rather than using large pipes or driving it on trains or truck convoys to deliver it.
You kind of came in at the last second of the game and you're probably horrified at the prospects of the world just plain collapsing from climate change and pollution. The Greta Thunbergs of the world didn't help, and then the reactionary Andrew Tates performing by arguing with them really didn't help.
Alternatives to plastic that either are biodegradable or actually recyclable have been developing since the 90s. Plasma wands for particulate free garbage incineration have been available for some time, dealing with our toxic materials can't go in incinerator problems. Heavy metals and carcinogen pollutant areas can be cleaned via use of specific kinds of grubs and earthworms, which rend the materials inert. Biodegradable biomass can be handled before it becomes methane, or the methane captured and put to use.
The biggest alarmists promising unless we "radically do something NOW" are often the kinds of people that believe if you'd just surrender personal autonomy, personal liberty, personal mobility, expectations of actually having a home of your own to live in, then they could have their Brave New World they want. They hate nuclear power because, "it's not radically upsetting to the status quo enough."
It's important to realize solutions are either there, or have been worked on since decades before you were born and either are already being employed, are in the process of getting employed, or are almost ready for the system to capitalize on and solve big problems. And the people screaming about how "no one is doing anything/ they're doing nothing because of greed/ short sighted selfishness" have a very particular bridge to sell you.
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wachinyeya · 2 months
The technology involves assembling heat-absorbing bricks in an insulated container, where they can store heat generated by solar or wind power for later use at the temperatures required for industrial processes. The heat can then be released when needed by passing air through channels in the stacks of "firebricks," thus allowing cement, steel, glass, and paper factories to run on renewable energy even when wind and sunshine are unavailable.
These systems, which several companies have recently begun to commercialize for industrial heat storage, are a form of thermal energy storage. The bricks are made from the same materials as the insulating bricks that lined primitive kilns and iron-making furnaces thousands of years ago. To optimize for heat storage instead of insulation, the materials are combined in different amounts.
Batteries can store electricity from renewable sources and provide electricity to generate heat on demand. "The difference between firebrick storage and battery storage is that the firebricks store heat rather than electricity and are one-tenth the cost of batteries," said lead study author Mark Z. Jacobson, a professor of civil and environmental engineering in the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability and School of Engineering. "The materials are much simpler too. They are basically just the components of dirt."
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lightwise · 1 year
The Protector: Thoughts about Satine, Bo, and Din as rulers of Mandalore
This has already been discussed in much better detail here, here, and here, but I realized the other day that there is another aspect to the Bo-Katan vs. Din ruling Mandalore with the Darksaber that hasn't been mentioned.
I firmly agree that Din Djarin as a character is meant to serve as the Guardian/Protector, not the Ruler, of Mandalore. He is literally a knight in shining armor. His name could be a reference to the term Paladin (thank you for this @katherynefromphilly). I mean look at him.
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Granted, I was excited to see him wield the Darksaber and potentially follow the reluctant leader trope. BUT. I think the direction they are taking him and Bo-Katan is much better.
So how does Satine factor into this, you ask? Here's how. What did Satine not have, as a leader? A PROTECTOR.
Now, she had Obi-Wan. And I believe she even called him her protector at one point (am I imagining this?) And he did what he could to keep her safe and give her guidance.
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But he wasn't really able to be her protector the way she needed. They were not able to merge their lives together the way they might have wanted. And Satine's rule suffered and was cut short due to her lack of wise counsel, her lack of someone to lean on who had both her and Mandalore's best interests at heart. (We're going to ignore the Palpatine/Empire component which would have brought down Mandalore regardless, and did so in spite of both Satine and Bo-Katan's efforts).
What has Bo-Katan also not had until now? That same protection. (Other than Fenn Rau, thank you for pointing this out @mandalorianchronicles). And her efforts have also failed, until now.
I am not at all saying that either of these incredible women need a man to be able to rule. They are strong, capable, and independent leaders in their own right. But what they do need is the space to rule, the support and protection and gaps filled that someone having their back could give them, in order to be effective and far reaching in their efforts. Good leaders have to delegate. If they try to handle everything themselves, their energy and efforts will be diminished. And the role of the guardian/protector/paladin is to do just that.
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I hope we get to see just how amazing of a team these two can be, supporting each other, filling in the gaps, and coming together to unite their separate definitions of Mandalorian and their respective tribes into one renewed dynasty. (Also keeping my fingers crossed for a Satine mention in live action PLEASE).
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This is the Way.
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Transforming wood waste for sustainable manufacturing
Lignin, a complex organic polymer, is one of the main components of wood, providing structural support and rigidity to make trees strong enough to withstand the elements. When transforming wood into paper, lignin is a key ingredient that must be removed, and it often becomes waste. Marcus Foston, associate professor of energy, environmental & chemical engineering in the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis, is exploring how to add value to lignin by breaking it down into small molecules that are structurally similar to oxygenated hydrocarbons. These renewable chemicals are key components in many industrial processes and products, but they are traditionally sourced from non-renewable petroleum. Foston's study of lignin disassembly, done in collaboration with Sai Venkatesh Pingali, a neutron scattering scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), was published Jan. 17 in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.
Read more.
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The world isn’t on track to meet its climate goals — and it’s the public’s fault, a leading oil company CEO told journalists.
Exxon Mobil Corp. CEO Darren Woods told editors from Fortune that the world has “waited too long” to begin investing in a broader suite of technologies to slow planetary heating.
That heating is largely caused by the burning of fossil fuels, and much of the current impacts of that combustion — rising temperatures, extreme weather — were predicted by Exxon scientists almost half a century ago.
The company’s 1970s and 1980s projections were “at least as skillful as, those of independent academic and government models,” according to a 2023 Harvard study.
Since taking over from former CEO Rex Tillerson, Woods has walked a tightrope between acknowledging the critical problem of climate change — as well as the role of fossil fuels in helping drive it — while insisting fossil fuels must also provide the solution.
In comments before last year’s United Nations Climate Conference (COP28), Woods made a forceful case for carbon capture and storage, a technology in which the planet-heating chemicals released by burning fossil fuels are collected and stored underground.
“While renewable energy is essential to help the world achieve net zero, it is not sufficient,” he said. “Wind and solar alone can’t solve emissions in the industrial sectors that are at the heart of a modern society.”
International experts agree with the idea in the broadest strokes.
Carbon capture marks an essential component of the transition to “net zero,” in which no new chemicals like carbon dioxide or methane reach — and heat — the atmosphere, according to a report by International Energy Agency (IEA) last year.
But the remaining question is how much carbon capture will be needed, which depends on the future role of fossil fuels.
While this technology is feasible, it is very expensive — particularly in a paradigm in which new renewables already outcompete fossil fuels on price.
And the fossil fuel industry hasn’t been spending money on developing carbon capture technology, IEA head Fatih Birol wrote last year on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.
To be part of a climate solution, Birol added, the fossil fuel industry must “let go of the illusion that implausibly large amounts of carbon capture are the solution.”
He noted that capturing and storing current fossil fuel emissions would require a thousand-fold leap in annual investment from $4 billion in 2022 to $3.5 trillion.
In his comments Tuesday, Woods argued the “dirty secret” is that customers weren’t willing to pay for the added cost of cleaner fossil fuels.
Referring to carbon capture, Woods said Exxon has “tabled proposals” with governments “to get out there and start down this path using existing technology.”
“People can’t afford it, and governments around the world rightly know that their constituents will have real concerns,” he added. “So we’ve got to find a way to get the cost down to grow the utility of the solution, and make it more available and more affordable, so that you can begin the [clean energy] transition.”
For example, he said Exxon “could, today, make sustainable aviation fuel for the airline business. But the airline companies can’t afford to pay.”
Woods blamed “activists” for trying to exclude the fossil fuel industry from the fight to slow rising temperatures, even though the sector is “the industry that has the most capacity and the highest potential for helping with some of the technologies.”
That is an increasingly controversial argument. Across the world, wind and solar plants with giant attached batteries are outcompeting gas plants, though battery life still needs to be longer to make renewable power truly dispatchable.
Carbon capture is “an answer in search of a question,” Gregory Nemet, a public policy professor at the University of Wisconsin, told The Hill last year.
“If your question is what to do about climate change, your answer is one thing,” he said — likely a massive buildout in solar, wind and batteries.
But for fossil fuel companies asking “‘What is the role for natural gas in a carbon-constrained world?’ — well, maybe carbon capture has to be part of your answer.”
In the background of Woods’s comments about customers’ unwillingness to pay for cleaner fossil fuels is a bigger debate over price in general.
This spring, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will release its finalized rule on companies’ climate disclosures.
That much-anticipated rule will weigh in on the key question of whose responsibility it is to account for emissions — the customer who burns them (Scope II), or the fossil fuel company that produces them (Scope III).
Exxon has long argued for Scope II, based on the idea that it provides a product and is not responsible for how customers use it.
Last week, Reuters reported that the SEC would likely drop Scope III, a positive development for the companies.
Woods argued last year that SEC Scope III rules would cause Exxon to produce less fossil fuels — which he said would perversely raise global emissions, as its products were replaced by dirtier production elsewhere.
This broad idea — that fossil fuels use can only be cleaned up on the “demand side” — is one some economists dispute.
For the U.S. to decarbonize in an orderly fashion, “restrictive supply-side policies that curtail fossil fuel extraction and support workers and communities must play a role,” Rutgers University economists Mark Paul and Lina Moe wrote last year.
Without concrete moves to plan for a reduction in the fossil fuel supply, “the end of fossil fuels will be a chaotic collapse where workers, communities, and the environment suffer,” they added.
But Woods’s comments Tuesday doubled down on the claim that the energy transition will succeed only when end-users pay the price.
“People who are generating the emissions need to be aware of [it] and pay the price,” Woods said. “That’s ultimately how you solve the problem.”
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khalid-albeshri · 1 month
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Key sectors in KSA manufacturing market:
Here’s a concise overview of the key sectors in Saudi Arabia's manufacturing market:
1. Petrochemicals
- Central to Saudi Arabia's manufacturing, leveraging vast oil and gas reserves to produce chemicals like ethylene and polypropylene.
- Major players include SABIC and Saudi Aramco.
2. Pharmaceuticals
- Rapidly expanding with a focus on local production of generics, vaccines, and biotech products.
- Supported by government initiatives to reduce import dependency.
3. Food and Beverage
- Vital for food security and economic growth, focusing on dairy, processed foods, beverages, and halal products.
- Expanding into regional and international markets.
4. Automotive
- Developing sector with a focus on assembling vehicles, manufacturing parts, and electric vehicles (EVs).
- Growing interest from global manufacturers.
5. Construction Materials
- Driven by mega-projects, producing cement, steel, aluminum, and sustainable materials.
- Key to supporting infrastructure development.
6. Metals and Mining
- Emerging sector with significant resources like gold, phosphate, and bauxite.
- Focus on extraction, processing, and downstream industries like aluminum smelting.
7. Textiles and Apparel
- Small but growing, with potential in high-quality textiles and traditional clothing.
- Opportunities in fashion and design.
8. Renewable Energy Equipment
- Focused on producing solar panels, wind turbines, and related components to support renewable energy projects.
- Significant growth potential aligned with sustainability goals.
9. Packaging
- Expanding due to growth in food, pharmaceuticals, and e-commerce.
- Innovation in sustainable packaging solutions is on the rise.
10. Defense and Aerospace
- Strategic priority with efforts to localize military equipment production.
- Supported by GAMI, focusing on parts manufacturing and maintenance services.
These sectors highlight Saudi Arabia's drive toward economic diversification, with strong government support and strategic investments fostering growth across the manufacturing industry.
#KhalidAlbeshri #خالدالبشري
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visit-new-york · 2 years
Broadway, New York City
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Steam Heating in the Concrete Jungle: A Comprehensive Analysis of New York City's Historic and Sustainable Heating Infrastructure
1.1 Historical Overview of Steam Heating
Steam heating has a storied history in New York City, dating back to the mid-1800s. Before steam heating, buildings relied on individual coal-burning stoves or fireplaces for warmth, resulting in uneven heating and numerous health hazards. The advent of steam heating, pioneered by engineer Stephen Gold in the 1850s, marked a significant advancement in heating technology. It offered a centralized heating solution, where steam generated in large plants could be distributed efficiently through a network of underground pipes to individual buildings, providing consistent and reliable heat throughout the city.
1.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Steam Heating
The adoption of steam heating brought several advantages to New York City. It allowed for the elimination of individual heating units in each building, reducing maintenance costs and fire risks. Steam heating systems operate quietly, without the noise associated with forced-air systems, contributing to a more peaceful urban environment. Additionally, steam heating radiators became architectural features, adding a distinctive charm to buildings' interiors.
However, steam heating also presented challenges. One of the primary concerns was heat loss during steam transportation through the extensive underground pipe network. Proper insulation became crucial to mitigate energy waste and ensure efficient heat distribution. Additionally, as the steam system aged, it became susceptible to leaks, and repairing the aging infrastructure posed logistical and financial hurdles.
1.3 Comparison with Other Heating Systems
Compared to forced air and electric heating systems, steam heating offered unique benefits. Forced air systems, prevalent in modern construction, tend to create drafts and circulate dust, potentially exacerbating respiratory issues. Steam heating's ability to deliver consistent warmth without air movement was preferred in many buildings. Electric heating, while convenient and clean, often proved less efficient and costlier, especially for larger buildings served by the steam system.
How Steam Heating Works in New York
2.1 Steam Generation in Centralized Plants
The heart of the New York City steam heating system lies in its centralized plants. These large facilities, situated strategically throughout the city, house powerful boilers that generate steam from various energy sources, including natural gas, oil, and coal. In recent years, efforts have been made to transition towards cleaner fuels and renewable energy options, aligning with the city's sustainability goals.
2.2 Distribution of Steam in Underground Pipes
Once steam is produced, it is conveyed through an extensive network of underground pipes, known as steam mains. These mains crisscross the city, providing steam to thousands of buildings. The pipes are insulated to minimize heat loss, maximizing the efficiency of the distribution process.
2.3 Steam Radiators and Heat Exchange
Upon reaching individual buildings, the steam is directed to steam radiators or heat exchangers, depending on the building's size and heating requirements. Steam radiators are common in residential buildings, where the steam enters the unit and releases its latent heat as it condenses back into water, effectively warming the surrounding air. Heat exchangers are prevalent in commercial and industrial settings, where the steam's heat is transferred to the building's air or water distribution systems.
2.4 Steam Traps and Venting
Steam traps are essential components of the steam heating system. They are designed to remove condensate, the water formed when steam cools down, from the system. Proper venting is equally crucial, as it releases air and non-condensable gases from the pipes, preventing air locks and ensuring efficient steam flow. Specialized venting devices, such as air vents and steam traps, are installed throughout the system to maintain its optimal performance.
New York City Steam Heating System
3.1 Overview of NYC Steam System
The New York City steam heating system stands as one of the largest and oldest in the world. The responsibility for its operation and maintenance lies with private utility companies, which have historically managed the network's intricate web of steam mains, radiators, and heat exchangers.
3.2 Steam Plants in New York City
New York City's steam plants are strategically located to serve the varying heating demands of different neighborhoods. These plants are equipped with modern boilers and state-of-the-art emission control technologies to reduce environmental impacts. Efforts to further improve air quality and sustainability are continuously underway.
3.3 Steam Distribution Network
The steam distribution network encompasses over 100 miles of steam mains, which interconnect and branch to supply steam to individual buildings. The network's design considers factors such as pressure requirements, building density, and historical demand patterns to ensure an efficient and consistent supply of heat throughout the city.
3.4 Maintenance and Upgrades of NYC Steam System
Maintaining such an extensive steam heating system requires regular inspections and maintenance. The aging infrastructure presents challenges, making ongoing upgrades essential to ensure the system's longevity and continued efficiency. Modernization efforts include replacing older pipes with more robust materials, improving insulation, and upgrading boiler technologies to enhance energy efficiency.
Heating Buildings with Steam
4.1 Steam Heating in Residential Buildings
Steam heating systems are a common sight in older residential buildings across New York City. The iconic steam radiators, often found beneath large windows, have become cherished architectural elements. Residents appreciate the steady and cozy heat these systems provide during the harsh winter months.
4.2 Steam Heating in Commercial and Industrial Buildings
Commercial and industrial buildings extensively utilize steam heating due to its ability to meet the substantial heating demands of such structures. Heat exchangers play a crucial role in these settings, where steam heat can be efficiently transferred to large air or water distribution systems, catering to diverse heating requirements.
4.3 Steam Heat vs. Forced Air: Considerations and Comparisons
In the perennial debate between steam heating and forced air systems, each has its merits. While steam heating boasts even heat distribution, quiet operation, and a lack of airborne dust circulation, forced-air systems can also provide air conditioning and ventilation, adding flexibility to building comfort. The choice between these heating methods depends on the specific needs and priorities of each building owner or occupant.
Efficiency and Sustainability of New York City Steam Heating
5.1 Assessing the Efficiency of Steam Systems
Efficiency is a critical aspect of the steam heating system, as it directly affects operating costs and environmental impacts. Regular assessments of individual steam systems and the overall distribution network are conducted to identify opportunities for improvement. Efforts are focused on reducing heat loss, optimizing boiler performance, and upgrading insulation to maximize energy efficiency.
5.2 Environmental Considerations and Emissions
Given the environmental challenges of fossil fuel-based energy sources, New York City is actively exploring ways to reduce emissions associated with steam heating. Increased reliance on cleaner fuels, as well as integration with renewable energy sources, is being pursued to lower the system's carbon footprint and align with the city's commitment to sustainability.
5.3 Energy-Saving Measures and Upgrades
To further enhance the efficiency and sustainability of the steam heating system, energy-saving measures and technological upgrades are continually implemented. These may include installing advanced control systems for better operational management, adopting waste heat recovery techniques, and exploring the integration of renewable energy into steam generation.
Operation and Maintenance of New York City Steam Heating Systems
6.1 Proper Operation and Control of Steam Systems
Operating steam heating systems requires skilled personnel who are well-versed in the complexities of steam distribution and radiator control. Proper monitoring and adjustments to steam pressure and temperature are essential to maintain efficient heat distribution and prevent energy wastage.
6.2 Common Issues and Troubleshooting
Despite rigorous maintenance practices, steam heating systems can encounter occasional issues, such as leaks in underground pipes, uneven heating in specific areas, or water hammer (the loud noise resulting from sudden condensate contact with steam). Timely detection and troubleshooting are vital to minimize disruptions and ensure a comfortable indoor environment.
6.3 Safety Considerations and Maintenance Practices
The safe operation of steam heating systems is paramount, considering the high temperatures and pressures involved. Regular safety inspections and adherence to strict maintenance protocols are essential to prevent accidents, protect occupants and workers, and maintain the integrity of the entire steam heating infrastructure.
Future Trends and Alternatives to New York City Steam Heating
7.1 Innovations in Steam Heating Technology
As technology continues to advance, innovations in steam heating are expected to improve the efficiency and sustainability of the system. These may include advancements in boiler design, better insulation materials, and smart technologies that optimize steam generation and distribution, ultimately enhancing overall system performance.
7.2 District Energy Systems and Combined Heat and Power
District energy systems, also known as district heating or cooling, involve the sharing of heat and cooling resources among neighboring buildings. Such systems can enhance the efficiency of energy use and reduce overall emissions by utilizing waste heat from one building to serve the needs of another. Similarly, Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems integrate power generation with steam generation, maximizing the utilization of energy resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
7.3 Exploration of Alternative Heating Methods
In pursuit of greater sustainability, New York City is exploring alternative heating methods that can complement or replace steam heating where feasible. Geothermal heating, solar thermal systems, and heat pumps are among the technologies under consideration. These systems harness renewable energy sources to provide heating, potentially reducing reliance on fossil fuels and contributing to a cleaner urban environment.
The New York City steam heating system has left an indelible mark on the city's history, revolutionizing how buildings are heated and providing comfort to millions of residents and workers. The network's robust infrastructure, combined with ongoing efforts to improve efficiency and sustainability, reflects the city's commitment to maintaining a reliable, efficient, and environmentally responsible heating system. As the future unfolds, advancements in technology and the exploration of alternative heating methods will further shape the destiny of steam heating in New York City, ensuring its relevance and resilience for generations to come.
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faerytalemagick · 8 months
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Lupercalia(February 13 - February 15)𓁺✴𓁺
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Celebrated on February 15th, Lupercalia was an ancient Roman holiday honoring the God Faunus and the legendary founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus. This festival featured ceremonies and sacrifices, including a goat symbolizing fertility and a dog representing purification. Priests known as Luperci would run through the streets, lightly striking people with strips of goat skin dipped in sacrificial blood.
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How to celebrate Lupercalia?
Feasting: Taking part in a feast that includes items like grains, fruits, and vegetables that are connected to fertility and the early spring will help you respect the festival's customs.
Acts of Kindness: Showing compassion and generosity to others can embody the goodwill and love that are connected to Lupercalia.
Nature Activities: Considering the fertility and purifying properties of Lupercalia, outdoor activities like meditating, gardening, or helping with environmental cleanup projects could be included.
Community Gatherings: You can recreate the feeling of community that was cultivated during ancient festivals by throwing or attending gatherings with friends and family to share food, tales, and laughter.
Make love spells: Prepare a ceremony of personal purification using love magick. Create a romantic environment by lighting a candle and burning rose incense. Take a rose-petal-infused bath or meditate to concentrate on inner peace and self-love. Imagine letting go of the negative and becoming open to the plenty of love.
Fire and water played crucial roles in the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia, embodying themes of purification, renewal, and spiritual cleansing. In honor of the gods, bonfires were lighted to represent the removal of impurities and the chasing away of evil forces, as well as to promote fertility and abundance. Similarly, water was utilized in ritual bathing and cleansing ceremonies, allowing participants to purify themselves of negative energies and rejuvenate their spirits in preparation for the year ahead. In ancient Roman tradition, these components united to produce a holy duality that symbolized the cyclical rhythm of existence and the transformative power of ritual.
Lupercalia correspondences
Faunus (God of fertility, nature, shepherds)
Romulus and Remus (founders of Rome)
Red (passion, fertility), White (purity and renewal)
Goat (fertility and abundance),
Dog (purification and protection)
Rose Quartz (love, emotional healing)
Moonstone (fertility, intuition)
Carnelian ( passion, creativity)
Rosemary (purification, protection)
Lavender (love, relaxation, harmony)
Sage (wisdom, spiritual cleansing)
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