#Trembling Essence
zombeebunnie · 24 days
POV: You asked Noah to fight.
This is based off this ask I got a week or two ago and hearing this audio on Tiktok reminded me it. It made me laugh so I wanted to incorporate it with Noah. :P
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randomsum · 4 months
I was day dreaming this 👁️ (ignore the first image I was very very lazy)
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Momo the Torture is made by @2-dsimp
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Mychaella is made by @deerspherestudios
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Luna is made by @hime-bee
Nolan is made by @zombeebunnie
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Croía is made by @prikarin
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Emily & Erica are made by @perfectlovevn
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I might add more gender-bents MIGHT idk🤷🏿‍♀️
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maddymoreau · 1 year
Nine Visual Novel Recommendations 
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In order from left to right:
1. Gentle Fall (Demo) - While attempting to get your degree you can’t shake the feeling you're being watched.
2. A Cry For Help (Complete) - While working at a call center you receive a desperate cry for help.
3. Rotten Dinner (Demo) - At your college you’ve noticed one of your classmates getting tormented by bullies again. Will you help him?
4. The Stranger From The Bus Stop (Complete) - Deciding whether or not to help a stranger at the bus leads to dire consequences.
5. Mushroom Oasis (Demo) - While looking for your lost cat in the woods you’re rescued by odd looking individual. Who despite your recovery doesn’t seem to want you to leave. 
6. A Night For Flesh and Roses (Demo) - Change your form as you enter a body-horror castle filled with other likeminded individuals. 
7. Flowers of Evil (Demo) - A man who reeks of wet dirt and loves poetry invites you on a date. Will you accept?
8. Pocket Lover (Demo & Hiatus) - Dating is hard but at least you have an Ai boyfriend to keep you company! Though . . . he’s starting to act a little off. 
9. Trembling Essence (Demo) - Lost in swamplands you’ll need to survive with the help of someone named Noah. A man whose intentions you’re unsure of along with if he’s hiding something. 
Note: Make sure to read the Tw for these games! 
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ebonysplendor · 6 months
Trembling Essence (Extended Demo)🌲
TL;DR: Noah is cute and all, but what isn't cute is the fact that he wants us to stay holed up in this mouldy ass house with him. Like, I get that you live around, or possibly in, a swamp and everything, but damn, bitch, you live like this...?
Game Link: https://zombeebunnie.itch.io/trembling-essence-extended-demo
Notable Features: Self-Insert, Yandere LI, Choice-heavy, HP Bar, Affinity Bar, Gender Neutral MC Spiciness: 0/5 -- Unfortunately, because this man is fine as hell... LI Red Flags: 1.5/5 -- Pretty bossy, pretty moody, and a lil' sassy, but other than, pretty solid dude (so far)
Wanna know more? Well, let's get into it!
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So, listen. I have been meaning to finish and get this posted for like three, maybe four, or possibly even five weeks now, and damn it, I'm finally going to, so overlook the excessive grammar errors or whatever; I was lowkey rushing lol. This ain't about that though; it's about this visual novel, and let me tell you, I think it's really good, and it's super promising so far.
I know, I know, I know; I say that about every game but hear me out!
If you've read my reviews before, then you know that there are certain qualities about a visual novel that just scratch my brain in a particular way and absolutely ruin me in the most perfect way possible. One of those things is a choice heavy game. As I've said many a times, I am an absolute slut for a choice heavy game. It is something about every decision that you make mattering in the most detrimental way possible, bonus points if the consequence isn't immediate. Like, yes, make me hesitate and overthink if I should have waffles or cold pizza for breakfast, dev daddy...maker mommy...program parent? Program parent doesn't have as 18+ of a ring to it, admittedly, but we'll make it work.
Anyways, as I mentioned, the game is super good, and as far as I can tell, it's pretty choice heavy. Like, I'll play a route damn near the same way, but respond differently to one thing, and there's a whole new option the next time around like huuuuuuh? Absolutely love the visual novels that do that.
I'll get more into how amazing the actual game itself is in a second, but I'm a little impatient, and I want to jump into the synopsis. Nothing even really popped off as far as showing the LI's yandere side -- well, at least not as crazy as it could be. It was implied, and there were little peaks, but nothing too wild popped off -- but this has some damn good build up for the rest of the game.
Right now, and tragically, it's just the (extended) demo, but it is damned good. But, no, seriously. I'm going to go ahead and jump into the summary. As per usual, ya girl is going to tell you as much about this game as possible without ruining the game itself as a whole. Why? Because, duh, I want you to play it! That's the whole reason for the reviews, big dawg!
So, without further ado, I'm going to get into storytelling mode and summarize the game for ya!
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So, boom.
When this whole thing pops off, we're lost in the woods.
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Because we're lost with, like, zero bearings of our surroundings, we just kind've wait around in this hollowed out, rotten tree for someone to come along and help us. Admittedly, kind've a tall order, but we're trying to stay hopeful in this hopeless situation, so we wait it out.
We wait, and wait, and wait, and wait some more. We're sleeping on and off, and it's honestly making us feel worse. Why? Well, first off, it's hard to sleep in the current situation we're in anyways. Not to sound ungrateful, because at least we're somewhat shielded from the cold and wind and rain -- yeah, we're dealing with that, too --, but sleeping in a literal swamp area is not the most pleasant sleeping condition, let alone sleeping outside in general. The second is, since we aren't actually fully sleeping, we just feel tired whenever we wake up. It's just an all around sucky situation, but it'd be stupid to continuously wander around when we just see trees and more trees.
With not really much of an option other than to wait and get more crappy sleep, we wait and get more crappy sleep. The next time that we wake up though, it's because we hear the crunching of leaves and someone staring us down until we wake up, and when we do --
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Well, well, well!! Are we still asleep? Are we dreaming because I'm about to act ALL THE WAY up. Like, my most pleasant and ladylike woof for you, my good, visually pleasing sir, and I mean
Even still though, going from seeing no one to seeing someone, especially this damned close, is pretty startling, so we try to go further back into the tree, but there's not really much further back that we can go.
This guy -- his name is Noah, by the way, and is an absolute bae -- sees us do this, and he's just like "Ayo, calm down. It's just me. Also, you look rough. Haha, sorry, that was rude, but like, this is what happens when you run off". ...Huh?
"Run off"...? Oh. Oh right. This is one of those games. Lmao I almost forgot that this man is probably psycho.
Anyways, he's pretty much lowkey talking shit. Like, he's not trying to from the tone, but he's pretty firm about what he's saying. Basically, we've been gone for about 2 and a half days now, and he's like, either we can come back with him and ensure our safety and survival or we can fuck around and find out. The reason why I say this is because apparently there' s another storm coming, and it's implied to be worse, not to mention that it's going to get mad cold.
...Well, we definitely don't want to fuck around and find out, so we go with him.
He's lowkey still talking shit, though, saying that he's glad we're being "very reasonable" this time and all that, but he's being pretty sweet about being gentle with us; he even helped dust our clothes off and offered to be better company this time around.
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We make it back to his cabin, and it's still kind've ghetto and mouldy, but it's better than the last time we were here, so he must've been serious about trying to be better company. That being said, Noah starts trying to rizz us up a little...or that's how I took it, because I'm highkey down bad for this man.
In actuality, he just knows that we're in pretty bad shape and is trying to help us out by getting us on the couch, cleaning our face, feeding us, getting us warm, and, honestly, trying to be as gentle as possible. Partially, because he probably doesn't want us running off again, which he makes super clear because, as most people like him do, he explicitly tells us to never pull that crap again and that he just wants to keep us safe and all that.
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Anyways, he gets us some clothes and let's us take a shower. Just because I feel that it's necessary to be said, there's mould in here, too, but it's only a little bit, and it's at the corner of the ceiling. Now the thing is, we can smell some kind of cleaning products so whether he used it on the walls or the utilities that were in the bathroom, we're not sure, but it reassures us that he does at least make an attempt to clean. I mean, the mould is still gross, but at least we aren't outside in the storm and freezing cold.
After a bomb ass shower, we head back out into the living room and regroup with Noah. He makes sure that we're all good and heads into his room to call it a night, but not before very sternly -- what's up with the random sass? -- telling us to not wake him up. Like, yeah, because there's so much to do in this dank, mouldy-ass, minimalist cabin that would cause such a ruckus, Noah. Like lmao be for real, homie.
Whatever, though, we just kind've let him go on about his business. Once he's gone, we look outside and oof...
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He wasn't bluffing. Not only did it rain like he predicted, but it's coming down mad hard.
I mean, it would be totally stupid, yeah, but we could take our chances and escape for realisies this time since we're refreshed, or we could wake up Noah like he specifically told us not to do, maybe look around a bit which he also told us not to do for whatever reason.
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Hmmmm...decisions, decisions.
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Super sorry if the storytelling didn't flow as well as usual (if it even did beforehand), but I was pretty excited about getting to the review.
Me, personally, this was a demo done so absolutely correct. I'm honestly anticipating this visual novel so hard, and it's more for the story than the actual game because Noah is so...normal so far? Like, right now, he just seems like your typical tsundere hard ass that gets sassy for no apparent reason but has those really soft moments. I'm so ready to see this man come totally undone. Like, I need to see how psycho this man actually gets, because why did we run off the first time? Did we get kidnapped? Did he help us and wouldn't allow us to leave? Are we actually his partner and we tried to call it quits but our memories got wiped and now he's trying to start fresh so that's why he doesn't want us looking around? Was the reason we left because of the mould? Like, I have so many questions, and I'm invested in this story.
Can we also talk about the affinity and health bar? Such a nice touch; I love it. The way that everything in me just drops whenever either of those bars starts dipping down, and then the apprehension I got when they'd get dangerously low. Like, wait, what's going to happen to me? I'm honestly so excited to see what kind of turmoil the dev decides to create with it. I wonder if it's not what it seems though. Like, I wonder if you have to get his affinity in a certain range versus trying to max it out or as close to max as possible. You know, like you can't just always be a "yes" person towards him, but you're not supposed to be super combative either; just enough to get that cozy 72% and unlock a true ending or something.
This game has so many possibilities and so much potential, and I'm just damned excited about the direction that it's going in. The art style is sleek, the LI is a total bae, and the story is storying; it's an experience and a damned exhilarating one. Like, I'm in deep just because I'm so curious about, first off, what's going to happen next and, second, what tricks the dev still has up their sleeve that they hadn't showcased yet.
Okay, I think I've gushed enough. I absolutely recommend playing the game if you haven't already. Like I said, as far as the LI goes, nothing too out of pocket happens, just some sass, but the build up is damned solid. Definitely give it a good playthrough if you're willing, not to mention, there is multiple "endings" just in the demo which is wild. But yeah, if you want to give it the ol' college try, here's a link to the game. If you end up liking it and/or want to give the dev that extra push to keep going with a classic "Ayo, this game is kind've dope, and you are you. Give MOAR", head over to the game page (or the dev's tumblr) and post those encouraging words; if you're able, drop a few coins for them, too -- I'm sure they'd appreciate the extra support.
That's all from me though, so now, I'm going to somewhat awkwardly close this out and use this as a transition sentence since I can't think of anything better.
As always! A huge reminder! Drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to you around~!
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Trembling Essence
Dev's Tumblr Page
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knightanni--fanart · 5 months
Noah Fanart from Trembling Essence!
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I am extremely Normal about this man. I do not have Brainrot about him. Nope.
Character belongs to @zombeebunnie. Noah is the male yandere from their game, Trembling Essence, and you should go play the Extended Demo right now.
Edit: I forgot to share the YCH I used: link. Found on Pinterest.
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woundfucker89 · 1 year
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So yeah..there's this game that caught my attention.
It's called "Trembling essence,, its still under developement but the first day demo is already avaible on itch.io so yall should check it out and show the creator sum love :)
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nil-the-glitch · 1 year
13 endings????????
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shawtuzi · 2 months
thinking about suguru and satoru eating your pussy at the same time heje
𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 imagine them both between your thighs, staring hungrily at your dripping pussy before gojo breaks the ice and thumbs at your already sensitive clit
𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 imagine geto soothing your little trembles by gently stroking your thigh, maybe even giving it a few kisses of encouragement <//3
𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 imagine both of the men using one strong hand to push your plush thighs open, exposing yourself even more to them. if you dared try to shut your thighs even a tad they’d be pushed right back open, along with a quick slap the soft skin curtesy of geto
𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 imagine the two friends bickering for a moment before geto finally caves and lets gojo have the first taste
𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 imagine gojo wasting no time spitting on your clit before wrapping his lips around it, tongue immediately caressing your sensitive nub. he couldn’t decide between roughly sucking on the poor thing or moving his tongue side to side sooo he settles on both! he hollowed his cheeks, holding your clit in place while his tongue continued moving with vigor
𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 imagine geto sucking on the soft skin of your thighs while his hand finds purchase on your bare breast, squeezing roughly every once in a while to keep you on your toes
𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 imagine geto slowly kissing his way towards your center before nudging gojo’s head with his own, giving the man a cheeky smile
𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 imagine both men looking up at you before—
“a-ah!!! oh my-” your back suddenly arched off the bed as you felt not one, but two hot tongues on your clit. one slowly moving up and down, like they were trying to savor the taste of your essence—not too hard or too fast….just sensual. the other tongue on the other hand settled on quick, harsh licks sooo basically the exact opposite.
“s’good right ?” gojo slurred into your pussy, now sloppily kissing his way down to your dripping hole. geto took this as an opportunity to cup your entire clit in his mouth, while his tongue drew soft circles around the nub. geto hummed around your clit, spit dribbling from his lips from the sloppy kisses he was giving your weeping pussy.
all it took was gojo shoving his tongue in your pussy for your back to arch slightly off the bed as you came with a loud, pathetic whine. gojo moaned just as loud when he felt your cum began to coat his tongue in little waves.
geto pulled away from your clit with an obnoxious pop! dark eyes admiring at the mess your pussy has already become. “lemme get a taste,” he mumbled, leaning his head down to lick a slow strip up your pussy. but one lick was not enough! and it wasn’t long before gojo got a little jealous and smacked geto on the back of his head, a small grunt leaving him.
“‘fuck was that for?” geto hissed, but gojo didn’t even bother glancing at him, his attention focused solely on your soaked center. his long fingers ran slowly up and down your petal soft slit, occasionally applying light pressure to your clit. without warning he plunged two fingers in with a lewd squelching sound following, “we’re supposed to be sharing don’t be so greedy, now let’s make her cum again.”
“j-just be gentle m’still a little— hah! sensitiveeee,” your request fell on deaf ears as both mens tongues were on your clit once again. they went from synchronized licks, to each giving your clit an open mouth kiss, to taking turns slapping your pussy.
you tried to keep your eyes on them but you could only handle so much before you head fell back against your bed, eyes rolling into the back of your head. “m’gonna put my fingers in sweet thing,” geto mumbled into your thigh, giving it a sweet kiss before plunging two fingers inside you. getos fingers began doing a scissoring motion, and to help you avoid the stinging stretch gojo sucked your throbbing clit in his mouth.
“i’m gonna cu-cum againnn, you’re gonna make me—” your body tensed as another orgasm washed over you, a much pleasing sight for the two men before you. “fuck she’s squeezing me real fucking tight, ease up yeah? gonna make it real hard for gojo to put his in too,” geto growled, curling his fingers in the most delicious way possible.
you whined something along the lines of ‘i’m tryinggg’ and gojo could’ve just ate you up the way you were being so cute. “hehe she’s so cute the way she’s trying to keep it together, just let go baby we’re right here to catch you,” gojo giggled menacingly, his two fingers slowly prodding at your entrance.
“don’t forget to go slow, don’t wanna hurt the poor thing now,” geto patted your thigh before giving it a sharp swat.
it took a little time to get you used to the stretch of four fingers inside your tight little pussy, but you managed like the good girl you were for them. “oh my fuckin’…” your mouth dropped as both men began to move their fingers at a semi-fast synchronized pace, digits bumping against that special that had your toes curling.
geto eyed your lonely breast and brought his free hand up to tweak at your nipple, gojo following suit. there was so much going on and your poor little brain could only handle so much before you were spluttering out nonsense making the two men chuckle.
“look at how wet she is….dripping all over the fucking bed,” geto groaned, pushing his aching erection against the edge of your bed. anything to find a little relief he’s only human. “she’s squeezing so tight i think she’s gonna cum again!” gojo moved his hand from your nipple to your clit, rubbing tight little circles that had your thighs trembling.
you weren’t able to give them a verbal warning of intense orgasm, the only signal being being the clear stream of cum shooting from your pussy each time they pulled their fingers out. “catch some, but don’t swallow,” geto grunted, shoving gojos head down to catch some of your squirt in his already watering mouth.
once you were done they both slowly pulled their fingers out, a small whine leaving your lips from the emptiness. geto turned to gojo, his breathing uneven. “you know what to do,” he nodded his head towards you and gojo quickly understood, slowly crawling up the bed to where you laid, glazed eyes staring up the the ceiling with a fucked out smile on your face.
“open your mouth for him,” geto grunted squeezing the plushness of your thigh. you obliged and slowly opened your mouth, quickly met with the tart, tangy taste of your cum mixed in with a little of gojos spit. geto hummed happily giving your tummy a soft kiss, “that was fun, messy but fun nonetheless.”
the next twenty minutes were spent catering to your every need ofc. gojo having you between his legs, long arms wrapped around your waist while geto gently cleaned the mess up between your thighs. “did so good for us angel, thank you for letting us indulge in you,” gojo smiled, giving your hip a loving squeeze.
they both had raging boners but in this moment it was all about you but hey!! maybe once your rested up you’ll let them put both their dicks in you!! but don’t tell gojo that rn he might bust in his pants the poor thing :((
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zombeebunnie · 3 months
Wait how tall is Noah???
Noah is 6'0!
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If he's wearing his traveling shoes around the player(Y/N) or going through the swamp by himself, it puts him at almost 6'2. He prefers shoes that don't give him extra height but he'll make do with what he has. :]
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fellpurpose · 4 months
[Water ] - The liquid of life, the quencher of thirst. Served in crystalline glasses. And what’s more dramatic than throwing water at someone’s face!
"I hope you're enjoying yourself. Do make sure to drink some water while you're having fun." She gives him a warm smile as she hands him a glass.
"lady camilla!" he sweeps into a low bow. "that i am. i hope the same goes for you." odin straightens with a majestic flex of his broad shoulders, a radiant grin taking hold across his features. "you are most kind. thank you, milady! i shall see to it that my thirst is quenched upon your instruction." a grand flourish motions to her attire. "you look all the more radiant garbed in this raiment! a most distinguished choice for house nohr. you do us proud."
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medicus-felini · 7 months
@chopchopclown sent.
“ Yeaah, Low pressure, high pressure, Adhd, Depression. Say it, I have it. Sometimes when I sneeze my knees hurt, that ain’t normal ‘ight? Yeah yeah there’s these pills but then I forget to take for one week or two and get a little lazy—you know when you keep pushing for later and then you start one day and forget again. Don’t we do the same thing every year? igh’t as well just wait for a new recipe anyway. Ahe, I get chills sometimes too when eat— ALVIDAA, what is that thing I'm allergic to again?” “ Ask Mr three. I have no clue. ” “… AH. GYAAAAA! MISTER THREE! THAT’S WHAT I WAS GOING TO TALK ABOUT! YOU! MINK! What’s your deal? Since you start showing up around he’s never around. See, said his name. Where he is? Aren’t you a doctor? and you’re literally without exaggeration killing me. Do you know who I am? CAPTAAIN BUAAAAAUUUUUGGY, the only and one. So when you’re moving in? ”
      𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝘄𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝘄𝐚𝘀 𝖟𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝘂𝘁 𝐚𝐟𝘁𝐞𝗿 𝘁𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝐟𝐞𝘄 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝘂𝘁𝐞𝘀.      Of course, she took his problems seriously; it is just that most of them were already known to her. While Galdino and Linn had better topics than the health of his boss, it did happen to be part of their idle conversation now and then.
His bitter excuses for forgetting to take his pills ring a bell. Buggy shares some familiarity with her fellow crew mates. As much as the feline would love to remind them to take them punctually, what can she really do   ?   Sure as hell, she won't shove them into their mouths, waiting until they swallowed them like a misbehaving dog.
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Pointy white ears perk up as soon as the blessed words stumble from the clown's painted lips. As if wakening from her trance, all attention is now set on the man.      ❝ Mr. 3   ?   Yes, I know him. Yes, a splendid man, very humble and kind and polite and so very responsible and   —   ❞
Linn had to stop herself mid-sentence. Her obvious swooning over the artist wasn't asked for.     ❝ I did not know I had this effect. Would oh so much hate to steal him away from you. I wasn't expecting the great Captain Buggy to need a personal nurse. Hmm, but we all get older one day . . . ❞     Her remark would easily come across as a bit taunting, if it weren't for these innocent blue eyes that looked around as if deep in thought. Occupied by her words, or maybe far away with Galdino already   ?
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     ❝ MOVING IIIIIIIIIIIIN   ? !   P-PARDON ME, I . . . I am a very busy doctor, working under the flag of the future king of pirates   !   As much as I like it here, I have responsibilities. They would all shrivel like dying plants without me. ❞
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ebonysplendor · 5 months
Please geek out with me...
Because I'm sorry, what? (Bottom to top by the way)
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...Pardon me for one moment OvO; Just a...tiny moment, please.
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That's all. That was the post. Like, how cool is THAT????? The developer of Trembling Essence [Extended Demo] saw my review! And I even helped a little!
Oh yeah. The serotonin is serotoning, you feel me? Like, I am GEEKED. Now, I'm REALLY anticipating the rework and continuation of this game.
Even though, Noah can still do something about that mouldy ass house but I'll let it slide since he can't get to it...that's still pookie though <3
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tojigasm · 2 months
Thinking about Logan fully smoking in the middle of fucking you.
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He's got you laid out amongst his bedsheets, face warm and thighs spread, one leg resting on his shoulder as he rolls his hips into you.
You're a complete mess beneath him, and you struggle to concieve how he still seems so composed after pulling what feels like the third orgasm from you in the span of an hour and a half. The dark tufts of his hair are still pointed upwards, and his skin silky in a sheen of sweat.
"Y'still with me?" The rough of his voice pulls you from the foggy headspace, vision blurring slightly as you refocus on him, letting out a choked whine when the girth of him stretches you in just the right way.
You give a weak nod, "mhm," you twist your hand into his silk sheets, stretching the fabric downwards.
"Good girl."
Logan smirks above you, turning his head he keeps his eyes on yours as he presses a gentle kiss to your ankle.
You damn near cum at the swift contrast between his brutal thrusts to the softness in his touch. The action almost feels merciful.
And in the same moment you bask in the soft of it, you can feel Logan reach for the nightstand.
He moves back to stand between your thighs again, holding a cigar he'd left on the ashtray. Using his free hand, he readjusts you by the plush of your hip, pulling you further down the bed until your ass cheeks rest on the very edge.
Hand still twisted in the sheets, you pull them down along with you.
Your eyes settle on him as he blows a pillow of cloudy smoke past his lips, thick brows furrowing as he takes another inhale before blowing another cloud from between his teeth.
For a moment, you're captivated at the sight. The amber light from your shared bedroom in the mansion glows around him in almost halo-like essence.
He looks so beautiful.
"Y'so pretty, Lo," you whisper, smile evident in your tone.
He smirks down at you, rivets of smoke trailing in the air. A thick brow raises in tease.
"Oh, yeah?"
You nod, giggling as you pull the sheet over your mouth.
"Hey, don't twist the sheets." He scolds, unwinding your hand from the wrinkled fabric and placing the cigar back on the ashtray before slipping your other thigh over his arm before threading his fingers with your own "Hold on t'daddy, fr'me, yeah?"
You keen at that, choking on a gasp when his cock strokes the gummy walls of your cunt in a way that has tears bubbling over your cheeks.
You're passed overstimulated, legs trembling in his hold as he sinks to the hilt before twisting his hips.
"Oh!" You squeal, instantly grabbing ahold of him.
"There we go." Logan kisses the curve of your jaw as he rolls his hips into you.
He places soft kisses to your temple and down your face to your neck before licking a stripe up from your collarbone to the curve of your ear, chuckling when a line of goosebumps rise in wake.
"Gonna cum, Lo" you sob through a shiver, turning to press your head into his forearm.
He nods along with you, "I know." He cocks his head some, leaning down some, "Give daddy a kiss."
On command, you're leaning into him with what little strength you have left to sloppily meet his lips as your gummy walls tighten around his girth.
The two of you moan into one another's mouths and leave messy trails of drool along your chins as he fills you.
Logan waits a moment before slipping out of you gently before lying down against the headboard, helping to guide you to lay your back against his chest.
"Y'okay, kid?" He asks, running his knuckles down the side of your arm softly.
You nod against him and he grunts. You can feel him reach for the nightstand again before you hear the puff of the cigar.
A cloud of smoke circles to the side of the room.
He nudges you.
"Words." Is all he says, somewhat muffled by the cigar held in his mouth.
"M'okay." You say, turning your head upwards to meet his eyes.
Logan takes the cigar from his mouth, holding it between the fingers of his left hand.
His right hand comes up to cup your jaw, gently running the pad of his thumb over the skin of your jaw to your chin before he's leaning down and meeting your lips in a kiss.
He tastes like tobacco and smells of leather.
"Gonna let me take care of you?" He asks softly, still stroking the skin of your jaw.
And you know how he means it.
You nod.
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cosycafune · 2 months
1.5k words. you’re not supposed to give in; that’s your first mistake. confessing to a man that’s notorious for deals is only going to screw you over. but, having him between your thighs, ruining you, makes you forget about sylus’ nature.
acts: multiple creampies, slight choking, rough sex, teasing, corruption kink, breeding kink, crying, orgasms, missionary, light sadistic tendencies, pet names, overstimulation, size difference, big cock, hickeys and potentially more.
a/n: there's only so much I can write for him. I love him.
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RUINED, that’s what you are. The moment you revealed your love for Sylus, he couldn’t help but grasp you – sexually reforming you. As a confession fleed from your lips, his usually stoic demeanour faltered. Faltered with cockiness that you knew would be your demise.
Perhaps that was why you’re here right now? Pulverised, stuffed immensely with his colossal cock? Tears streamed from your wavering eyes, paving you into gasping, moaning and writhing as he thrusts inhumanely within you. All forms of coherency fled from you, leaving you a trembling, jolting mess – mushy at Sylus’ precise cock ruining.
Your gummy walls engulf him, completely overwhelmed and claimed. Tears stream down your cheeks while Sylus cloudily meets your eyes, taking you in missionary. To him, he had to memorise you in your rawest form. Rawest form as your large breasts bounce, your pursed lips stammer crazily, and your throat bubbling with his name.
“Sylus! Ah!” You hazily moan, barely capable of holding his sculpted back – lazily attempting to clutch the ridges of Sylus’ abs.
“Fuck! Say… you love me, Sweetie,” Authoritatively pleading, Sylus’ carmineeyes admire your prisoned self — fuelled by lustful adrenaline.
“Ngh! I-I…love you, Sy’,” Moaning, whining obediently, you arch abnormally – completely conquered by Sylus’ cock thrusting its deepest within you.
“A-Again,” Cloudily commanding you, Sylus picks up his extremely swift pace – in love with the addictive warmth that flows from your needy cunt.
“Yes! I…Ah! Love…you,” Flustered, you're barely able to speak – mentally consumed by Sylus grunting within your ear.
“Look at…you, sweetie,” So close to crumbling, you grow extremely close to finishing – longing for Sylus to inform you that he loves you.
Positioned upon his ample, seclusive bed, you glimpse into his eyes. A whisper of vulnerability holds them, leading to you guiding your trembling hand to settle upon his cheek. Even as your small hand is entwined with his own, his toned hips primal, marking you with his fruitful cock, Sylus listened to every essence of you.
It’s as if he preyed on your vulnerability, posing himself to watch your crumbled expressions worship his cock. With each lick of sweat upon you, each gasp, moan and plead for more, you knew Sylus basked within it. No, you knew he had estimated how long it’d take for you to break your intimate barriers for him. Innately, guided by fate, you knew he was mentally intrigued by how swiftly you admitted your love. Admitted your love to be beneath him, overpowered by his veiny cock, consistently cumming and faltering.
“‘Need…more,” Pleading, moulded to accommodate Sylus eternally, you grow obedient.
The obedience you display sculpts Sylus into a hazardous state, boyishly grinning before he maintains intense eye contact. Wealthy with your clinginess, Sylus increases the skin slapping in the room, watching your eyes impossibly roll back, your brain mushed at how stupidly good he fucked you. Sylus is proud and consumed by how someone as stubborn and naive as you handle him. Handle his devilish cock, going an unstable amount of sexual rounds. 
Seeing you, someone promoted as untouchable, detesting his presence, sexually succumbing to him – begging – heightened Sylus’ ego. Taunting you, he can’t help but stop his addicted cock – looking down at the ego-shattering mess of you. If you knew what you looked like, pouty, messy, flaunting glassy eyes for him, he knew you’d be unable to redeem yourself.
“S-So…near,” Breathless, you choppily hurl your pointless words, “D-Don’t…stop.” Clenching drastically around Sylus’ cock, you lovingly press your lips against his own – listening to his air-less breaths.
“When you…kiss me like that.” Lulled by you, Sylus is incapable of resisting – relishing the intimate warmth your kiss promotes.
Sombrely, you both had kissed in disadvantaged circumstances. Obstacles engulfed you both each time. So, sacrificing your honour, and giving Sylus genuine affection, warmed him immensely. Having you, knowing you were once discontent with him, flares Sylus’ primal instincts. A surge of desperation writes his fate, paving him into gifting you a deep thrust – greeting the sexual spots you love heavily.
“I…love you,” Subconsciously speaking, you gasp with each thrust – revealing each mental card you hold. Your poker face had crumpled, leaving behind your purest love for Sylus.
“Mhm,” Sylus mutters, feeling you frantically clench around him – unable to compose yourself. You’re so close to faltering, cumming all over his pulsating cock – but your subconsciousness wants to hear him return your words.
“Do…you?” Teary, faintly questioning Sylus, you greet his rolling eyes – noticing his firmness increasing within you.
“Hm–” As Sylus readies himself to speak, you mewl, too overwhelmed by the macaroni-imitating sounds, the wicked skin slapping and the emotion-heavy atmosphere.
Breathing heavily beneath him, attempting to pry Sylus away, so close to finishing, you sink further into the bedsheets. Spewing tears, your eyes close, your lips draw apart further and your back arches. Even caged, presented with limited freedom, you impulsively gather might. Using your might, you claw at Sylus’ back, your dainty hands barely covering the surface of his manly back.
“Ah! Sylus!” Freeing yourself, you clamp around his pulsating cock – finishing intensely. Your willpower shredded itself, surrendering you to Sylus entirely.
“Finished?” Teasing you, Sylus sharpens his pounding – decimating your overstimulated pussy. Even as your adorable cum decorates his manly cock, he can’t help but continue – bounded by the feeling of you.
“G-Good,” Mentally misplaced, you respond to his fuzzy voice – noticing the Sylus’ eager bucking.
To you, you could sense he longed for more. Each one of his thrusts was becoming a little sloppy, paired with his heavy breathing. Sylus is dripping with sweat, admiring a sleepy you – burying himself his deepest within you. He knew you struggled to take his thickness, but easing you through it was the best thing he had ever done. It represents the subconscious trust you carry for him, revealing your nude vulnerability and your guarded heart.
“L-Let…me,” Pussy-stricken, Sylus stutters – consumed by the tingling warmth that cuddles his whole physique. However, he still has adorable, crimson ears. Ears you’d always tease.
Nodding, you lazily wrap your burly legs around Sylus’ abdomen – desperate to immortally seize him. Nothing in you wanted to release his closeness, to protect your future. Everything within you wanted to keep him here, have him cum in you so many times, uncaring if you end up pregnant. All you wanted was everything of him, no matter how much love bit you – putting you in overwhelming situations.
Sacrificing yourself, you feel Sylus grow increasingly aggressive and more possessive. Animalistically, he brings his hand to settle around your neck – moaning, grunting and growling at the submissive scenery of you. Sylus goes his absolute hardest, turned on by your overstimulated self. Just seeing you, croakily moaning, completely broken into, churned his heart. 
You’re all his now, something he won’t forfeit. Even as you subconsciously cry, your jiggly breasts bouncing, your squelching pussy wanting more, Sylus can’t bring himself to release you. He knows you want all of his thick, fruitful buckets of semen, but he wanted to taunt you a little bit. Even if it renders him into painful, yet beautiful, pleasure, he doesn’t care. Depriving you, corrupting you, it was what he loved most. As if he’d give you his cum right now, filling you up to listen to you purr with satisfaction.
“‘Can’t…resist,” Admiring your hickey-scattered self, Sylus cries out with angst – his abdomen a crazed mess as he intensely cums inside of you.
Happily, Sylus stuffed you like a twinkie bar – overstuffing you with his spilling seed. As you arch at his extremely intense release, Sylus softly increases the pressure on your neck – remaining his deepest within you. Whilst you’re laying beneath him, a sticky and sweaty mess, he lets his cock kiss your cervix once more – shooting out his last cum spurts. Marking you made him gleeful, leaving you with a belly full of him.
He did not care that you’re ovulating, right now.
“You…did good, sweetie,” Exhausted, pulling out, Sylus breathlessly praises you – looking into your fluttering eyes. He could see the conflict that stirred within your glassy eyes.
“Y-Yeah, but,” Doubtful, you stop speaking – feeling him alter his physique. Sylus slowly settled you upon his chest, giving a nude you the sound of his rumbling heartbeat.
“Speak,” Doused with curiosity, Sylus’ low, scruffy tone forces you to answer. His authority’s off the charts, knowing you’re vulnerable now.
“You never said it,” Physically drained, you respond to him – meekly shying away at his intimidating demeanour.
“That I love you, sweetie?” Sylus’ almost conclusive question causes your stomach to inhabit butterflies.
You didn’t even care that you could get pregnant or anything that could happen.
“Yeah,” Meek, you reply to an attentive him – listening to Sylus’ heartbeat rise erratically. 
You did that.
“I love you, sweetie,” Embedded with truth, Sylus reassures you – plastering a gentle kiss upon your temple.
Gentleness adheres to you, causing you to cave into his hold. Listening to him speak so sincerely, riddled with the art of love, completely consumed you. Heartiness adheres to you, pushing you into relishing Sylus’ presence. Even if love bites, you can’t help but relish Sylus’ presence – rendered love-stricken.
Weirdly, you didn’t want to resist the bites of love. Naturally, you pledge to embrace them – especially since they came from Sylus.
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do not copy, modify or claim any of my works as your own. all rights reserved; cosycafune. 2024. read more.
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cockaiine · 4 months
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The first time Sukuna eats you out, he doesn’t stop until you nearly pass out.
He’s willing to do it after you pass out, too.
The King of Curses never thought he’d find pleasure in having his head buried between the thighs of some woman. He would find it insulting if someone looked down at him—but when you look at him with tear-filled eyes, a look begging him to rip another orgasm out of you, he’s leapt back in within seconds and moving his tongue at a pace he wasn’t aware tongues could do.
It started off simple, just something he wanted to try out. He licks a thick stripe from your hole all the way to your clit, causing you to cry out and recoil slightly, head pushing back. You’ve always been quite sensitive, but now you’re acting like it’s your first time getting touched. It intrigued him.
Sukuna hums, tongue spinning around the sensitive bundle of nerves as red eyes intently watch you writhe and whimper, not doing a thing to control the lewd sounds escaping you. 
Your hands land in the bush of pink hair, tugging gently, as if to bring him closer. Short eyebrows furrow, a grunt escaping him and vibrating through your very being. He’s glad he hadn’t cuffed you up as he had planned to. Something about your inability to control your reactions enticed him, making him want more.
One hand leaves its setting on your thigh, instead going for your clenching hole, rubbing his thumb over it a few times just for the sake of hearing you moan.
“Such a mess…” He wears a victorious smirk on his face, slipping a finger in and watching your face contort with great imbuement. He can feel his cock throb in his pants, hard and ready. But he can wait. Just seeing you break apart at the feeling of his finger penetrating you is enough reason for him to hold back.
He slips another finger in, leaning his face back in again to lick at your clit. The stimulation drives you crazy, feeling the knot in your stomach begin to form unusually fast. He can tell from the way you tighten around his fingers that your close. He runs his tongue around your clit as if it’s his mission to make you cum right that second.
And Sukuna is no faliure. 
You cum right there and then, blabbering his name like a prayer and holding his hair so tight it’s nearly painful. His grunts fill you up, wallowing whatever he could of your essence like it’s his last drink. 
You taste unique, but it’s a taste he enjoys. One he wants to try again. He pulls another orgasm out of you, then another, and another. Until your legs are shaking and you can barely feel your lower half anymore. Yet he refuses to take his head away from you. Sukuna is not a believer, but between your legs lies the gateway to heaven he’s sure.
“One more,” he commands again, even with tears running down your face as you sob no more. “You can do it, can’t you?”
You're left with no choice but obliging, nodding with a trembling lip. He smirks and hides his face again, that's when the euphoric feeling hits, making you arch your back and moan his name.
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dragonsholygrail · 2 months
I am such a nuzzler (I’m severely touched starved). But I just love me a good nuzzle with some sweet cuddling and maybe a bit more than that.
Imagine Werewolf bf who welcomes and encourages your clingy behavior and all the nuzzling that comes with it. Not only because he loves the attention but because he is just as obsessed with you as you are him.
You get this sort of shy look in your eye when the urge arrives and Werewolf bf notices it instantly. His arms move on their own as they spread out wide. Allowing you to immediately dive into his embrace. Nuzzling your way up his furry body till you burrow into his chest.
Loud purrs emanate from Werewolf bfs chest as his arms move to wrap around you, practically squishing you to his chest. You both adore the hard secure touch of each other’s hold. His purrs only growing louder as you move up and nuzzle into his neck, nosing brushing along his marking spot.
His cock can help but harden whenever you do this. It’s his instant weakness. The idea of you two marking each other. Of being bound and getting these cuddles for the rest of your life. It sounds like heaven to him.
And of course when you’re cuddling with a Werewolf bf, cuddling doesn’t stay cuddling for long. With your delicious shapely body pressed so tightly against him, he can’t be blamed for his actions that follow.
As you two continue to squirm against each other, practically wanting to crawl into each other’s skin, it’s simply not Werewolf bfs fault that his erection just so happens to grind into your lovely pussy. He can feel the growing dampness through your panties and he growls out his approval. Always so wet for him you are.
The whine that leaves you vibrates through his skin, only serving to make Werewolf bf even harder. His hands never leave their place around your body, not even as they slide down and so gently push your panties off to the side. He wouldn’t dare take his hands off of you when in need of such closeness.
Making sure to maintain your cuddles while he rolls his cock easily inside your addictive wet heat. Werewolf bf tightens his hold on you to the point where you can barely move as he starts moving your bodies in a steady rhythm.
Your bodies rocking together as noises of pleasure fall from your lips and spill right into each other’s skin. Not an inch of space between you and neither of you would have it any other way. Werewolf bf’s claws scratch along your back and you cry out, toes curling at the added sensation.
Burying your hands in his fur you move as best you can, eagerly sucking his cock back inside you with every thrust. Wanting all of him as close to you as possible. Rough grunts leave your bf as his pace picks up, fulfilling your need as he does all the others.
Werewolf bf keeps his grip firm but gives you the room to move faster and meet the snap of his hips. You immediately jump at the chance, drool dripping onto his fur as you bounce sloppily on his huge girth. Wanting to feel just how roughly he can split you open and stretch your weeping cunt.
As you both move together it doesn’t take long for you both to explode, clenching down on his length and milking his cock for all it’s worth as he shoots spurt after spurt of hot cum deep inside your walls. Werewolf bf shivers in return, his body buzzing as your essence coats his member and your walls stay firmly implanted around him.
Your limp form sags happily back into his chest. Nipping playfully at his neck and resulting in Werewolf bf’s cock twitching inside you as he snaps his jaw at your neck in retaliation. You laugh lightly, nuzzling back into him, glad to be even closer to him as his softening cock stays inside you.
Werewolf bf moves his hands up and down your back and over your body, caressing every inch of you. Loving how your body trembles and leans into it in response.
Yeah, Werewolf bf wouldn’t give up your nuzzles and clingy behavior for anything. He’s got everything he needs right here.
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