#Triple h x reader
salemshotspot · 3 months
I just *know* Shawn and Hunter are talking you through it while the other fucks you, like Shawn is fucking you? Hunter is by your ear telling you how well you’re taking Shawn; Hunter is eating you out trying to prep you for his cock? Shawn is gently biting the top of your ear telling you how pretty you look under the both of them
Anyway I have a fic to go write
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
triple h x mcmahon!reader x shawn where reader betrays her family to join DX?
Not your little girl anymore || Triple H x Reader
Summary: Hunter has been nagging you about joining DX for weeks. You decide it's time.
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The tension had been building for weeks. Triple H had been relentless, cornering you whenever he could, whispering in your ear, planting seeds of doubt and intrigue. The question of loyalty weighed heavily on your mind, as you were caught in the crossfire of a family feud unlike any other.
For generations, the McMahons had been a dynasty, a legacy in the wrestling world. Vince McMahon, your father, had built an empire. But now, D-Generation X was pulling you away, beckoning you to the rebellious side of the ring. It was an offer you couldn't ignore any longer.
Tonight, the standoff reached its climax in the center of the ring. Your father, Vince, stood on one side, the embodiment of tradition and authority, and Triple H, with his sly smile and leather jacket, represented the defiance of DX on the other.
You watched from the middle, torn between family and a different kind of family. The crowd roared, fully aware that your decision could change the landscape of WWF forever.
Finally, you made your choice. You turned your back on your father, on the legacy you had been born into, and joined Triple H and DX. The moment was electric. The cheers and boos from the crowd were deafening.
Hunter was pleased, his plan had worked. He reached out, pulling you closer to him, and you felt a shiver run down your spine. It was done; you were now part of DX, and Triple H wasn't shy about marking his territory.
As the two of you started to walk away from the ring, leaving your father seething in the center, Hunter's hand slipped into the back pocket of your jeans. He stopped suddenly, pausing the two of you at the top of the ramp.
With a wicked grin, he leaned in and claimed your lips in a deep, passionate kiss. It wasn't just about your newfound alliance; it was a declaration of possession. You were no longer Vince McMahon's little girl. You were Triple H's woman now, and he made sure your father knew it.
The crowd erupted in a mix of cheers and jeers as the kiss continued, a symbol of the changing of the guard, and the beginning of a new era in your wrestling career and personal life. You couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement mixed with trepidation as you embarked on this new path with Triple H and DX.
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judgementdaysunshine · 4 months
hey can you write a poly scenario with triple and Stephanie pls.
Pairing: Triple H x Fem reader x Stephanie McMahon
Description: Hunter finds out about you and Steph during a rather intimate moment
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As soon as Hunter was out the door for a night out for a few hours, Steph calls you with a sweet smile and jumps into your arms after walking through the front door. Kisses are shared and soon clothes are thrown onto the floor as hands roam all over each other and both of you focus on each other not realizing that hunter had come back to grab his jacket upstairs only to walk in on you lightly biting and kissing steph's inner thigh before all three of you were frozen staring at each other, "God it had to be you...I should be pissed but I have wanted you just as much as steph for so long" your heart stops as you stare at hunter before he had grabbed you and kissed you passionately while his clothes joined the puddle and steph was now in between your legs while hunter was behind her which turned you to putty seeing the sight in front of you along with the desire and pleasure of steph thrusting her tongue inside you. The next thing you knew after catching your breath was steph straddling over your face while hunter's hands caress your hips and thighs, you couldn't believe that you were buried in between steph's legs while hunter thrusted into you unable to control your moans at how you not only were making love to the woman you had been in love with for four years and being made love to by the man who you had been in love for just as long who also married the woman of your dreams who was currently grinding over your face until she almost falls over as you pant loudly while hunter cleaned your thighs and belly since he had came on you rather than inside, you weren't expecting hunter to kiss your forehead while wrapped in steph's arms or to be in his arms sharing a kiss with steph and watching them share one too before falling asleep hearing whispered words against your temple "I love you my girls, you are the best thing to ever happen to us beautiful".
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aritamargarita · 2 years
GOLDEN || 008
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now i welcome you back… you’ve landed at the golden train station destination, don’t forget your luggage when exiting the train yippee!
i hope you get a couple of laughs out of this…because after a certain point literally nothing is going to be funny anymore *WINK* you know, in both series, i think we just can't have nice things lol.
with this series of unfortunate events, i present to you [name]’s bizarre adventure. *lights dim, curtains fall*
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THAT MATCH MADE you feel pretty unsatisfied. All you can hope for is that this future Sable storyline can give you more than whatever you're doing right now. The night is still young, so there are many things waiting for you.
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You’re the last one out. The other three were already making their way down the hall by now.
You’re not exactly satisfied with that match from earlier. Truth be told, you wanted to wrestle with Chyna a little longer. Even though you were goofing around, you knew for a fact that Chyna had more than an irish whip in her arsenal.
You want her at her full potential! You’re sure she wants you at your full potential too.
If only you were put in a storyline with her instead of Sable, sigh..
You're not exactly alone back in gorilla either. As soon as you hit those curtains, Bret was leaning on the wall. "Done for the night?"
You look at him with a smile. “Yes.” You weren’t really impressed overall with your match, and you’d tell him this much. “If you were watching, don’t be surprised. I didn’t do much this time..”
Bret shrugs it off. “I still think you did something out there. That’s all that matters. Let me tell you a little secret,” He comes closer so that you can hear him a little better. “Shawn’s got a real big habit of making things all about him. Trust me, I know.”
The way he said it makes you raise an eyebrow. Now you’re really curious..
“..Still, I think you stood out tonight.” He continues.
“Couldn’t keep your eyes off of me, eh?” You tease. “I get it. Everyone seems to have that problem when they meet me.”
“Your name must be trouble, then.” Bret grins at you. “Causing it everywhere you go. By the way, what ever happened to watching me wrestle? Think it’s a little unfair if I can only watch you.”
"Listen, I wanted to tell you sorry. I kiiinda just wanted to go back to my hotel." You explain. “Other than make that one ringside appearance, there wasn’t anything to do, you know?”
“I guess I better back out of our bet, huh?” He stuffs his hands in his pockets. “Don’t know if I can trust you to hold up on your end of the deal.”
Bret must think he looks really cool doing that. You’re almost flattered.
“Oh no!” You say, dramatically putting your hand on your chest. “Whatever will I do?!”
“Hmm. Could make it up to me.” He says. “What do you have planned tonight?”
“Nothing…but..” You cross your arms. “If you’re about to say what I think you are, I thought the whole deal was if I talked to your crazy friend?” You hadn’t seen Pillman the entire show, let alone the last show. “I haven’t even seen him yet..”
Bret shrugs. He didn’t have an answer at first. “Well, maybe the guy’s just a little shy. You might’ve missed him. I talked to him the other day and funnily enough, it just so happens he talks about you a lot. I don’t blame him, but if I were you, I’d check the match card for tomorrow.”
“You don’t blame him, huh..” Whatever that means. “And I’ll check. Now, what do you want from me?” You’re sure that Shawn must’ve been looking for you by now, especially since you fell back.
“You said you’ve got nothing planned tonight, right?” Once you nod your head as confirmation, he smiles. “We’re gonna grab something to eat.”
“Is that an order or a request?”
“Whatever you want it to be.”
You’re not sure how to take that, but if there’s one thing you like, it’s people who are forward with what they want from you.
It’s probably another thing on your imaginary list that Terry’s instilled in you overtime. Closed mouths do not get fed. He’s got a lot of good lessons..
“Okay, okay. That’s fine.” There’s something else that’s been killing you, so you just go for it. “When you mentioned Shawn making things all about him, what did you mean?”
Bret decided to put it bluntly. “If you really want to know, he’s just a smart ass. Guy thinks he’s at the top of the world these days. I’m surprised no one told you what happened last month..”
“Not at all.” What exactly happened?
“Last month, I lost the WWF Championship to him and not in the way you think. That asshole put me in the sharpshooter and the bell rung without me even tapping.“
Damn. That’s crazy. You couldn’t even imagine the atmosphere backstage after.
The only thing you can say is; “Wow.”
He chuckles, which makes you tilt your head. “You should’ve been there. I ended up ripping a chunk of his hair out.…can’t say it might not sound a bit anti-climactic in my words though.”
“And this was like a month ago?!”
“Yeah. You just missed it. Believe it or not, we were actually pretty good friends a while back.”
“Seriously?” Though you’ve only known them for a little while, they seem like they’re from such different worlds. Then again, opposites do attract.
“Seriously.” He nods. “My only advice to you right now is to be careful who you trust. You’re in the lions den. Personally, I don’t think it’s wise to stay there.”
If you leave the “lion’s den”, where else could you go? You’re fully capable of making a name for yourself, but the ladder may work a little different here.
There’s more questions you want to ask. Hundreds of them, even. But things are cut short when you see Shawn yet again sauntering down the hallway with his arms open.
“Heyyy, I knew something was wrong! Didn’t see ya’ behind us!” He chimed. “You know you’re apart of the group, what do people say these days? No one left behind? Because you’re apart of the group, you know?”
He placed a lot of emphasis on group. Something that makes you look at him in confusion and makes Bret raise his eyebrow at him.
“Man, I sure LOVE being with D-Generation X,” He continues. “You know, the group. Now if you excuse us, we’ve got somewhere to be!” Shawn slings his arm around you and tugs you down the hallway.
“Sorry.” You turn your head towards Bret with an apologetic look on your face. “See you tonight?”
Shawn’s really starting to get on your nerves with this. It almost makes it worse now that this ‘Montreal Screwjob’ put that slight sour taste in your mouth about him.
“I feel like I’ve gotta put a leash on you or something.” Shawn chuckles. “Always wandering somewhere else.” You want to find the sweetness in his words, but you literally can’t. You’re too pissed off with him dragging you away like that.
With you giving no response, not even a sarcastic one, he suddenly stops. You step away and just stare at him.
With what Bret told you, could you really find it in yourself to trust Shawn? Could you even trust D-Generation X as a whole?
Somehow, you feel like the only person you can trust is Chyna. But maybe that’s because you have an fondness for her.
"What?" He asks. "Why're you looking at me like that?"
You simply shake your head and continue down the hall. The locker room must’ve been only two doors down.
“Woah, woah!” Shawn yells, speeding up so he can catch up to you. “Hold on a second there..!”
You don’t slow down or say anything to him as you open the door and head over to your things to hastily pack them. You need to find a nice outfit and you’d much rather do it alone.
Chyna and Hunter give a look to each other before turning back to you in confusion. Shawn’s making hand gestures towards you, but they have no fucking clue what he means.
You shoot the other two a smile before grabbing your luggage. “Have a good night.”
“Yeah…uh, you too.” Hunter replies.
After his words, no one really says anything else to you. The three of them just watch you push past Shawn and walk out the door.
“Man, you must’ve royally fucked up that one.” Hunter muttered. You didn’t seem to be in a good mood at all. “The hell happened?”
Shawn waits a moment before finally gathering some words together. “Yeah, yeah. Listen, it’s for her own good. You don’t get it, she was talking to Bret. Shady business, guys! We’ve gotta follow her.”
“I don’t think you should do that.” Chyna recommends. “You should leave her alone.”
“That’s a good idea.” Shawn thinks about it for a moment. “Buuuuut that’s not gonna happen. ‘Cause what if she leaves us for the Hart Foundation?! She was talking to Bret earlier. Sounds like they’ve got plans. Plans for what exactly?!”
“Dude…” For a second, Shawn thinks that Hunter wasn’t on his side. “…Holy shit, you’re right. She might just leave us. The woman’s new, this may be a test drive!”
Chyna couldn’t believe that Hunter was feeding into this. Seems like you couldn’t have friends outside of them. The more overbearing they are, the more you’d want to leave the group, and she most definitely didn’t want that to happen. “You guys—“
She tries to be the voice of reason, but the other two just weren’t hearing it.
“Get the car ready!” Shawn yells, quickly grabbing his own stuff. “She’ll be gone before we know it, this is a mission we can’t fail!”
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You wanted to look nice. Not for any particular reason, of course. You think what you’ve scrapped together is good enough, so you pose in the mirror one last time for good measure.
This isn’t a date or anything. It’s just two co-workers hanging out in their spare time after the show. Yes, that’s right. Just two co-workers. It’s for business and whatnot.
Sure enough, the car ride didn’t entail anything that interesting. The two of you just sat in silence for the most part. Both of you were just focused on the road in front of you, with little small talk.
You didn’t know what to say. Neither did he. But there was a smile on your face that just wouldn’t go away as you idly drummed on your knee the entire time.
The thought crossed your mind to offhandedly mention how you almost cracked your head open when he called to tell you that he arrived. Just for light banter. You ended up not saying anything.
Finally getting there was different. The moment you two got out of the car was the moment you two could talk about everything in the damn world. At least he was nice enough to open the door for you.
You didn’t really know why, but you figured that you should get a feel for him, see what he likes to talk about..
This is really weird.
“Are you cold?” Bret suddenly asks. “If you want to, you’re free to use my coat.”
“No, I’m good.” You say. For some reason, this is genuinely making you nervous. Even though you’re hanging out.. “Thanks anyway.”
It is a bit chilly outside. Then again, it is December.
He opens the door for you again and you're suddenly hit with warm air. It feels much better. You just hope you don't start to feel uncomfortable with the heat by being there for too long.
It's not too much of a fancy restaurant, nothing five star or anything along those lines. It's just a local one in the town, you think.
It’s definitely not a Waffle House. This one guy in your life had a tendency to take you there at 2 in the morning and call it fine dining. By no means were you complaining about the food. The food is good. It’s just the idea.
The waiter greets you two. Bret’s the one that does all the talking as your eyes seem to wander off somewhere else.
You notice that it’s pretty quiet for the most part, though you can see people chatting away at tables.
Somehow, seeing people like just hanging around like this reminds you of when you were just like any other person. Right before you got into wrestling. It’s different this way.
The feeling of not being famous, you suppose.
It reminded you of that period of your life where you didn’t know what exactly you wanted to do. You guess you were at the right place at the right time because you got scouted in a strange way.
More than likely because you were nice-looking, of course. But you’re more than just looks and you demonstrated as such in your very first match.
Before you’re able to spiral in your thoughts any further, Bret has to tap you on the shoulder to get you to follow him.
“Whoops.” You mutter. And you follow right towards the dining room. Once you’re seated in a booth, the both of you are passed menus. “Ever been here before?” You ask, doing your best to make conversation.
“Nope. I just think it’s a nice change of pace. I’m the kind of guy who’ll eat fast food. But hey, I just said screw it, let me at least try to leave a lasting impression on a new friend.” Bret says, scanning over the menu. He wishes that the lights weren’t so dim in here…
“Ah. You and me both.” You too, we’re a victim of fast food. McDonald’s fries were too good to pass up. It’s like a tradition for yourself to go after every show.
Things are a bit different now. You want to try and get a better feel of the WWF’s schedule first.
On another note, it is safe to say you’re decently impressed. You just hope the waiters here weren’t as temperamental as Waffle House waiters.
“Hola! Oh shit, I mean, bonjour.” The waiter says in a terrible French accent. “I’m your waiter, Sèan, that’s right, don’t forget the apostrophe on the E, how may I take your order, eh?”
You don’t really comment on it, instead focusing on the menu. You’re not that hungry either. Somehow, that match had zapped away your appetite. Maybe you should just order ten cocktails and get drunk or something.
Actually, no, no. That’d be really embarrassing.
You lift your head up to give the waiter a smile, but once you do, it immediately falls.
…You look over at Bret, who was simply scanning through the menu unfazed. Did he seriously not know who this was?
Did his voice not give it away? You’ve gotta be kidding. This has to be some king of joke.
How did Shawn even nab a waiter outfit anyway? And most importantly, who glued that mustache to his face?! Is no one else pointing this out??
More importantly, he picked such a stupid name. Way to disguise yourself.
Still, Bret hasn’t noticed. But if he does, then you both more than likely are going to leave. While you’re pretty upset that he followed you here, you wonder how this’ll play out.
“Um..” You rub your temple. “Wow. Okay. Hi, Sèan with an apostrophe. Can I just get a water for now?” You start to wonder how in the hell he’s going to get access to the kitchen.
“Oui!” He gives you a thumbs up and you cringe. Honestly, you never thought you’d be in a situation like this in your life.
“Same here. I can’t figure out what I want for the life of me.” Bret says.
“You could get lost.” Shawn mutters, his eye twitching.
“What? I didn’t say anything, kind sir. You wanted the water?”
As Bret gives his response to him, you start to wonder why your life has to be this way. Out of all things that could've happened..why in the world would Shawn follow you?
He leaves and you take a moment to rub your face with your hands. For once in your life, you'd just like to meet someone who wasn't that obsessed with you. You have had plenty of bad experiences already.
Meanwhile, Shawn is slightly panicking. You definitely knew that something was up. He goes over to another table, holding up a notepad. “Guys, we have a dilemma. I call this: Code Alfredo.”
“That is a stupid codeword.” Chyna blatantly says behind her menu. And quite frankly, she thinks what they’re doing now is stupid too.
Hunter slightly leans down the menu that’s covering his face. “I’m totally for it, man. Don’t worry. What happened?”
��I think she knows! I’m gonna try and get access to the kitchen. These idiots don’t even know I don’t work here.” He chuckles. “Slipped right under the radar. Hell, you could get your own uniform if you wanted to, Hunter.”
“Always wanted to try my hand at cooking.” He says. “Guess I’ll get ready for my shift, heh.”
“If she sees the two of you, she’ll know something is up. And I don’t want her to think that I had anything to do with this.” Chyna says, lowering her menu. But she, just like you, wanted to see how it’ll play out.
Shawn just laughs. What makes her think she’s not going down with this ship?! “The hell do you mean?! You’re deep in it now! You definitely play a part in this.”
“Ugh.” She groans, waving her hand and bringing up her menu to cover her face once again.
“C’mon dude. We’ve gotta get you a uniform.” Shawn nudges Hunter to get up. “And you’ll never guess what I did, I asked a camera crew to come over and we’re gonna….”
And back at your table, things seemed to be the same as always. You just can’t believe Shawn’s even here.
You’ve gotta find a way to make the best of this situation, maybe even try and distract yourself from the fact he came. Easier said than done.
“So, uh.” You cough out. “I’ve heard stuff about some kind of award show called the Slammy’s. Know anything about it?”
“Yeah. Most of the Hart Foundation is going, so I’m obligated to go too. I’ll be honest, I didn’t want to go.” He admits with a smile. “Thought it was dumb. Especially since I’ve already won last year. Three times.”
“Three?” You’re surprised. He must be good, damn. “What did you win it for??”
He counts them out for you with his fingers. “Best Submission. Best Music Video. Believe I was Hall of Fame bound as well.”
“That’s a lot stuff. Pretty cool.” You smile. And it was. You originally thought that you couldn’t imagine being picked for something like that, but apparently, you did! “I got nominated, too. Least I think I did. I think it was Miss Slammy?”
“Then I know who my votes going to.” He immediately says. “No question.”
You scoff. “Oh, you…”
“By the way, it’s pretty common for you to bring someone to the Slammy’s with you. Did anyone ask you yet?”
“No. Not at all.” To you, you figured that was a given since you were new and all. No one really knows you like that.
“Guess this is my opportunity then. Are you interested in going with me?”
Suddenly, yet another waiter comes by and you groan.
This time, you can identify him as definitely Hunter. He has a stupid chef hat on, and his glued on mustache may have been falling off, but he can’t hide those blonde locks of his.
“Compliments of the chef.” He sets your drink down and you look at it. Gotta be some variation of soda. This isn’t water.
“Hey, uh. I wanted a water…” You say.
“My bad.” He swipes it back up, then turns to Bret. “What did you want, dude?” Of course, his customer service was really bad. But you can’t talk…
“I just wanted a water too.”
You’re not understanding how Bret hasn’t caught on yet. Maybe he’s not paying attention too well enough. You kept seeing Hunter’s eyes darting behind Bret, which struck you as strange.
“Hey. Did you know Shawn Michaels won the Slammy’s five times last year?” Hunter suddenly says.
“What—?” As Bret is talking, a circular tray is smashed on top of his head and he crashes down to the floor. You immediately jump out of your seat.
You’ve gotta be fucking kidding.
Shawn dramatically rips off his apron and ushers the cameraman to come closer so that they could get a good shot of this beatdown. "You think you're better than us?! Tell your little foundation to stay away from our new recruit!" He kicks him.
"Stop that!" You yell. The attention was on all of you as Shawn continues to kick Bret. In attempt to stop his assault, you jump on his back. The people surrounding you are just enjoying the show at this point.
Because you're currently trying to choke Shawn out, Hunter takes over and starts laying blows onto Bret. Chyna has to come out of nowhere in order to try and separate you from Shawn.
Once she lifts you off of him, you look behind you. "Oh my god! You too, Chyna?!"
Well, now you know for sure this restaurant wont be allowing you guys to come back.
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i'd like to give an explanation as to why she stopped having “a thing” for shawn so quickly.…..the answer is clearrrr, it’s absolutely raven’s fault…she will never see being the slightest bit clingy as a good thing again LOL.
ngl this chapter was a struggle thanks to motivation and tumblr breaking every 5 seconds. i wasn't very happy but i think it just needed a new set of eyes (aka you who's reading lmao) i thank you for reading, big things are coming!
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dirtywrestling · 1 year
D- Generation X - Masterlist
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💦 = Smut, 💖= Fluff, 🌩 = Angst, 🚫 = No Warnings
One Shot:
Bad Boys Club -💦
Summary: Simon is always on Vince’s good side but seeing how DX is running around causing chaos makes him want to switch sides and have some fun too. (Commission, 18+, Smut, Minors DNI)
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littlegalaxychild · 1 year
Incorrect quotes of the main 3 darlings
Persephone- The undertaker darling
Royal - Stephanie and Triple H darling
Aphrodite- Shawn Michaels darling
Persephone , whispering to Royal, who’s on the phone with Aphrodite: Ask them something!
Royal: How are you feeling?
Aphrodite: Fine.
Persephone : Something personal!
Royal: At what age did you first get your period?
Persephone : What do you think Royal will do for a distraction?
Aphrodite: They’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do.
*Building explodes and several car alarms go off*
Aphrodite: ... or they could do that.
Persephone : Aphrodite and I are having a baby.
Royal: That's gre-
Persephone , slamming adoption papers on the table: It's you, sign here.
For context, Royal is the youngest among the 3 (Aphrodite is the oldest and Persephone is the middle child)
Persephone , driving Royal and Aphrodite: So how was your day?
Royal: We almost got surprise adopted!
Persephone : What?
Aphrodite: We almost got kidnapped.
Persephone : Oh, okay.
Persephone : *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?!
Persephone is the only one who has a drivers license but it barely get used cause she is a passenger princess
Royal: If I accidentally sat on a voodoo doll of myself, would I be trapped forever in that position, doomed to starve to death?
Royal: How am I supposed to know?
Aphrodite: You say, as if we don’t use you as a source of knowledge of the occult.
Persephone: *sighs*
Persephone: You wouldn't be trapped.
Persephone : Royal and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us
Aphrodite: *Sighing* What did Royal do?
Persephone : They chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and...
Royal: Who wants a steering wheel?
Royal might be slightly feral
Persephone : If you had to choose between Royal and all the money I have in my wallet, which would you choose?
Aphrodite: That depends, how much money are we taking about?
Royal: Aphrodite!
Persephone : 63 cents.
Aphrodite: I'll take the money.
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triplehmunson · 2 years
𝐏𝐎𝐕: Tu novio Hunter le hace su burla a tu padre The Undertaker ya que no acepta que seas pareja de él. (Loco no le teme a la muerte 🤠)
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salemshotspot · 2 months
Has anyone seen that segment where dx are trying to find the undertaker the Monday after Kane sets his casket on fire and dx open a hearse and loads of women jump out and then hunter and shawn get in the hearse with them?? Follow up question am I going to write a fic about that? [absolutely]
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Triple H x fem! michaels! reader where he meets her and falls for her?
Love at first sight || Triple H x Reader
Summary: Your brother introduces you to his fellow stablemates in D-Generation X. You take a particular liking to Hunter.
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It was a chilly evening, and the neon lights of a crowded bar cast a warm, inviting glow onto the pavement outside. You stood there, adjusting the collar of your leather jacket and trying to calm the fluttering in your chest. Your brother Shawn had finally convinced you to meet his friends from D-Generation X, a group of legendary wrestlers. You had always been close to Shawn, and the thought of meeting his friends was both exciting and nerve-wracking.
As you walked into the bar, you were immediately greeted by a cacophony of laughter, cheers, and familiar faces. Shawn's friends, the members of DX, were gathered around a table, beers in hand. Shawn waved you over, and you joined the group.
"Everyone, this is my little sister," Shawn announced with a grin, placing a protective arm around your shoulder. "Y/N, meet the DX crew."
You exchanged polite greetings and handshakes with the various members of the group, your eyes scanning the faces. Then you locked eyes with a man who introduced himself as Hunter, but Shawn affectionately called him "Triple H."
Hunter was a commanding presence, with rugged good looks and a charismatic smile that could melt anyone's heart. He extended his hand to you, and as you shook it, a jolt of electricity seemed to pass between you. There was an immediate connection, a sense that you had known each other for far longer than a few seconds.
Throughout the evening, you found yourself drawn to Hunter. You chatted effortlessly, sharing stories and laughter as if you'd been friends forever. It was as if the world had faded away, leaving just the two of you in your own little bubble of existence.
As the night wore on, Shawn and the others gradually faded into the background, their conversations becoming nothing more than a distant hum. You and Hunter found a quiet corner, away from the hustle and bustle of the bar. The conversation grew more intimate, the air charged with an undeniable attraction.
"Y/N," Hunter said, his voice low and husky, "I have to admit, meeting you tonight has been the best part of my day."
A shiver ran down your spine as he leaned in closer. Without hesitation, you met him halfway, your lips finding his in a passionate kiss. The world seemed to vanish around you, leaving only the two of you entangled in each other's embrace.
When you finally pulled away, your heart raced, and you couldn't help but smile. Hunter's eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint, and he whispered, "I've never believed in love at first sight until now."
You chuckled softly. "Me neither, but there's something about you, Hunter."
And just like that, as quickly as you'd met, you both fell headlong into a whirlwind romance. In the midst of the chaotic world of professional wrestling, you and Triple H had found something rare and beautiful – a love that transcended the spotlight and the ring, a love that would endure the test of time.
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rainchyna · 2 years
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𓆩★𓆪 working on the indie circuit is difficult, but finding your way out into it again after a very public fallout with a big promotion is even worse. when more than one opportunity present themselves, you feel like a rock in a hard place. what are you going to do?
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“I’m proud of you”, a tear slipped down your face as you held the championship in your hands. it took so long to get her, so much time and so much work went into this and you finally did it.
you made history.
“I’m proud of you, Y/n” he repeats placing his hand on your shoulder. you look up at him, nothing in the world can beat the feelings your experiencing right now, you wouldn’t trade this moment for the world.
“I need to talk to you” you wipe your tears away, Hunter’s face drops.
well, here it is. The moment you both have been waiting for.
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judgementdaysunshine · 7 months
Pairing: Triple H x Fem reader
Description: Triple H helps you deal with spiders even when he's tired
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You were half asleep walking to the bathroom hearing the door open as you wash your hands until you happen to look down seeing a small brown spot yelling loudly as you ran out of the bathroom almost falling down the stairs if Hunter hadn't run up from hearing you yell. "What happened!? Are you hurt!?" you hold onto him tightly only mumbling spider as you grab your cat Pickles who would always eat or kill spiders when she'd find them or you would put her in front of one with the promise of treats walking in to find hunter staring at the large spider that had crawled from the floor next to the sink to the side of the tub pointing as pickles purrs in your arms before setting her on the floor "You know I can just-" "No!" he raises his hands before you yell again finding another one sitting on top of the sink as hunter stomps on the small spider next to the door while pickles jumps in the tub "Get it picki please" you cheer before she tears and chews at it giving her treats after picking her up with hunter following behind you to the bedroom giving pickles treats before you stop realizing that he was home having been on the road for the past few weeks wrestling lighting up and jumping in his arms which puts a smile on his face sharing a soft kiss "Hey my baby I missed you" a second later he was in bed with you wrapped in his arms giggling at pickles laying above his head purring before both of you falling asleep waking up to him rubbing his hand along your back sharing a kiss before the two of you were downstairs dancing while making breakfast some of your friends not believing that the man in the ring that yelled and wasn't afraid to fight women would be a classic romantic and so sweet whenever he was with you having fallen for you two years earlier when he was with steph as the relationship cracked for the last time waiting for months before asking you to dinner taking things slow wanting things to go right with you feeling love for you in a way he ever felt not even with steph despite how long they had been together. He checks the bathroom for you teasing you about your small fear of spiders before showering together taking time under the warm water melting in his arms in a sweet kiss smiling as his hands gently roam your body drying off and laying on the couch watching tv melting in the domestic tender moment of holding each other falling asleep as he kisses your forehead feeling more happier than he had been for the past four years.
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aritamargarita · 1 year
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heyyy here's an attitude for you..id just like to issue an apology LOL. see what had happened was i lost my inspo and was like "ah fuck it" then i came back and rewrote it then i was like "ah fuck it" again.
writer's block can be pretty demotivating (well of course it is lol!!) but i just didnt wanna do anything at all booo. :(
this is 50/50 kayfabe again...i never found a common ground. segments and shit you know?? as i said this is a bit short so stay tuned for more. Just LET ME COOK GUYS.
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YOU JUST CAN’T believe Jeff found you in the locker room. The audacity he even has to show up! Well, you’re going to try and give him a piece of your mind anyway.
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At Jeff’s request, Debra nodded. “Yes. I’ll step out for a bit.” She gives you one last look before she made her way out of the room, closing the door behind her.
You wait for a minute, making sure that she’s truly gone before speaking.
“…I am one second from strangling you in this very room.” You warn. Jeff’s starting to feel nervous again. Was this really a good decision? Probably not. He can tell that you’re incredibly volatile. This is way too tense. “You know, no one can hear you scream.”
Truth be told, Jeff couldn’t even remember he’s been in a situation like this. Hell, he’s not even sure if he’s had one. He chuckled nervously. “I-I’m sure.”
You’re waiting for him to say something else, but it seems like he’s gone silent for the time being. “I thought you were going to talk to me?”
“I was. I’m just not sure what to say.” Jeff admits. He feels like he’s walking on eggshells, and the moment he doesn’t answer or even ask a question in the way you wanted, he feels like you’ll attack at any moment. “And I know ya’ want some answers.”
You do. You really do.
“You just have to understand. Raven’s not good enough for you and you know it.”
Somehow, it’s always the same thing. Every single time. You can’t help but to roll your eyes. You don’t think that’s a good enough excuse for him to have ruined your match.
“Jeff, you say that every time!” You sound incredibly exasperated saying those words and you couldn’t help it. “He is good enough for me, he’s better than you ever could be, too! How could I ever love someone like you?”
Jeff’s pretty much speechless. How could you say those things so easily? It rolled off of your tongue with no issue whatsoever. No stuttering, no unease. Just like that.
“You’ve hurt Lita, someone who’s supposed to be your friend. Hell, you’ve even hurt Matt, your own brother. What’s it to say you can’t hurt me, huh?“
“I wouldn’t hurt you. I wouldn’t hurt you like you hurt me. If we’re talking about hurting people, we need to talk about that stunt you pulled earlier.” He says. “If I give you answers for what I did, you give me answers for what you did.”
And just like that, you already feel stressed out. You can’t help but to put a hand on your forehead. “You’re not going to understand why.”
“Huh, then I guess you won’t understand why I beat the hell out of Raven.” The tone of his voice makes you wince a bit. He sounds annoyed, an emotion you don’t think you’ve heard from him quite yet. “You don’t have a choice but to love me, [Name].”
“I do, and trust me, I wouldn’t pick y—“
He cuts you off, his expression souring. “You’re lying to yourself.”
Then he gets closer, which starts to break down your irritation. “Be honest, you love me. You would’ve loved if we did fuck when we were alone in the medic room and I’m sure you would’ve loved if that happened in the hotel room, too.”
Nevermind. Your irritation shoots up even further. Jeff’s words were coming off aggressive. You’ve never even heard him curse like that before, let alone even say something so vulgar.
“Oh, please!” You exclaim. “You know what I’d love the most right now? If you get the fuck out! Get out! Get out right now! Right now!!”
His words brought you to the edge and you hate how quickly he did that. You will never admit how easy it is for him to get under your skin, whether it be good or bad. Stupid excuses. Then he has the audacity to try and have an attitude about things? Just forget it. No more amends.
He just doesn’t understand. As of right now, everything is his fault!
“[Name], I know you’ve got your issues. But you can’t keep lying to yourself and I can’t keep giving you chances. I’m done being nice.” He reaches out towards you, you know that he wants to touch you, but he settles for just holding your arm. “I’ll make it so that ya’ never forget me. I got suspended for you! Doesn’t that mean anything..? Something for us?”
“You need to understand that there wasn’t ever an us!” You exclaim. He deserved that suspension. Before he could respond, you start to yell that ‘he has my arm!’ and scream in hopes of someone hearing. Your prayers are answered when Debra bursts into the room shortly after.
“What in god’s name is going on in here?!” She exclaims, nearly knocking the door off of its hinges. That woman was truly strong, it almost scares you. She looks in between you two and points a finger at Jeff. “You had better let her go! No funny business or else I’m calling my husband!”
That threat was enough to make Jeff let go and make his way towards the door. He gives you one last look. “Bye, [Name]. I hope you’ll remember what I said.”
“You got here quick..” You turn over to look at Debra.
In return, she gives you a nervous look. “Ha…what? Sweetie, you must be mistaken, I wasn’t nearby at all. It took me a while to get here! I forgot something and it just so happened…I wasn’t listening at all! I respect your privacy!”
If anything, that gave her away the most..
“But um, just one itsy bitsy question for you, dear. What’s this all about the medic?”
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You feel like you’re dying. You had to take a seat for a second in the hallway.
There’s too much happening right now. You just want to retire back into your hotel room. If you were lucky, no one would bother you for the rest of the night. You could watch sappy soap operas and finally relax.
But alas, you can’t. You’re going have to meet Jericho later on. You’ll give Hunter the call when everything is set up.
Jeff’s words still have you shaken and you can’t help but to put your head into your hands. This was all too much.
“[Naaame], there you are!” A cheery voice brings your attention upwards. There stands Stacy, who has a big smile on her face.
“Here to make fun of me?” You ask, setting your hands in your lap. “Well, hurry up. I’ve only got about 2 hours to live. Make it count.”
She quickly starts to frown, putting her hands on her hips. “What? Why would I do that? That’s just being mean. And what do you mean by two hours to live??”
“Austin’s gonna kill me. He just hasn’t found me yet,” You shrug.
Because you’re sitting down, the only thing you can see is Stacy’s midriff. You decide to stand in order to be level with her. “However, if you want to give me your last parting words, I recommend you do it now..”
“I don’t want you to die, who else am I going to take shopping after next Raw?” Stacy says, coming closer to bring you into a tight hug. “I know you’ve been tired and down lately, so I wanted to surprise you by taking you on a trip after the show.”
It’s not a surprise if she’s saying it though…
You still appreciate it anyway. You crack a smile towards her and she returns it, hoping that you’ll accept and be somewhat positive about it.
“Yeah...yeah, sure. I’ll go.” You give in easy since you know how much of a beggar Stacy can be. “Is Torrie going?”
“Nope! Just us, some R&R.” She reassures, letting you go. “I like spending time with you, so I’ll try and make it comfortable as possible!”
Stacy’s being oddly nice. It almost makes you feel uncomfortable. She’s ranting and raving about something else when suddenly, the sound of a familiar voice had rang through both of your ears.
It’s none other than Lita, who shoves her hands into her pocket. She’s since changed out of her referee gear and the sign of exhaustion is written all over her face.
“Lita!” Stacy chimes. “Hey! How are you? I’ve heard about Matt..are you—“
Lita narrows her eyes at Stacy. “Whatever. If you don’t mind, I’d like to talk to [Name].” Of course, she didn’t add a please. Stacy’s oblivious enough to nod and give her a smile.
What is with people wanting to talk to you alone?! Nothing ever goes well when that happens.
“Oh, okay! I’ll see you soon, okay?” She rests her hands on both of your shoulders briefly before giving one last smile to Lita and walks away.
Lita returns an disingenuous smile, but it immediately falls into a sneer after she leaves. “…I can’t stand her.”
“I know. You told me.” You’re still on edge, especially because of what happened earlier. “So, uh, what happened with the match? Who won?”
“Jeff. Matt put his foot on the ropes but I didn’t see it. He’s really mad at me. Jeff wouldn’t even talk to me either. He was busy storming off somewhere, just like his brother.” She crosses her arms. “Jeff got suspended for what he did during your match, by the way.”
You already knew about that, so you don’t say anything.
“..Uh, listen. I never said those things about you.” Lita says. “Debra must have lied, I wouldn’t ever call you gross. I think you’re really cool. You’re better than Stacy is. As a matter of fact, you’re better than her and Torrie combined. You know this!”
Was she trying to butter you up or was she genuine? You’re not sure if you believe her. There’s been a lot of lying lately.
…You almost feel bad. Almost. Lita’s looking somewhere else, but turns her attention back to you. “I wanted to clear that up first, but it’s not why I wanted to talk. There’s something else on my mind.”
She starts to step a bit closer and you hold your fists up. You think she’s about to attack you, but she can only let out a sigh, muttering something under her breath.
You look at her in confusion before she repeats it one more time. “I want you to kiss me again.”
It was really sudden, yet you can’t find a reason to refuse her request. “Are you serious?” You ask.
Well, if she insists. Once you bring her in for chaste kiss, you can taste the mint on her lips. Lita doesn’t quite let you go either, pulling you closer so she could deepen it.
You then realize that you’re not only at work, but literally standing in the middle of the hallway. You hate to do it, but you have to push Lita away. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine. I..uh..wanted to see something anyway.” She runs a hand through her hair, and the atmosphere had quickly gotten tense. “I may have figured something out. I guess I can see why people like you so much.”
“Why’s that?”
“You’re not too bad of a kisser.” She admits.
Who would’ve thought. You instinctively your fingers onto your lips. Huh. “Thanks?” You feel kind of embarrassed now.
Lita only gives you a nod. “You’re welcome, I guess. I think I’m gonna go back to my room now.” That’s probably the best decision right now. She’s been through a lot tonight and so have you. “Want to come with me?”
“No thanks. I’ve got something to do.” As cool as it sounds to head back with her, you still need to meet up with Jericho, which is already making you a bit sick. You hate him.
“Alright then.” Lita strangely feels like she’s been harshly rejected, but manages to give you an actual smile anyway. “See ya’ later?”
“Bye bye.” You wave. It doesn’t take you long to slump back into your chair once the redhead takes her leave. Goddamn it, you can’t believe the night’s not even over yet.
…Well, at least Austin hasn’t found you.
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HOTEL ROOM // 10:30 PM
Sometimes you wonder if wrestling is really worth it. Is it really worth the money? Is it really worth the fame that comes with it? Is it really worth the excitement?
Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t. You adjust yourself on the loveseat, trying to at least present yourself as sexy. It’s a little hard and a tad bit uncomfortable. You wonder how Stacy and Torrie do it so easily...
You’ve never really done something like this before. It’s strange, most of the sensual stuff had happened in an alleyway or the medic’s room….which probably is crazy, but it happened! Even though you and Jeff didn’t get too far in the room previously, it was still pretty weird.
This confirms it. You hate your job sometimes. Especially when you had to do stuff like this. You tie your robe into a knot, maybe a little too harshly.
The door slams open, startling you from your spot. It’s Jericho, followed by cameras, of course.
You can’t believe you’re doing this. You force yet again another million-dollar smile onto your face as you watch him come in with not only both belts on his shoulders, but with two bottles in his hands.
The look of disdain crosses your face only but for a moment, but then goes away. Perhaps you’ll drink the pain away tonight.
“Hey, brought some alcohol. Man, this crap is really expensive!” Jericho complains, holding up the bottles. “For a champion like myself, it should be FREE!”
“Nothing’s free in this world.” You say.
“Sure, for the assclowns that aren’t Chris Jericho.” He fired back, slamming the bottles onto the table. “You’d better drink it, too.” He continues muttering on and on how much of a waste of money it was.
The crowd is definitely confused to say the least. Happy to see you in a segment, but confused. There’s no goddamn way you’d willingly do this! It’s Chris Jericho, for fucks sake. There had to be something up.
“You’re right and you know what? I’m gonna call room service and give them a peace of my mind!” This was only an excuse to try and call Hunter to let him know that Jericho made it. You shuffle out of your spot and head towards the phone.
"No need." Jericho holds up his hand. He's yet to set down his championships. "Let's just hurry up and get this over with. I'm sure this is what we've both been wanting for a while now."
You freeze up for a minute, but try to bounce back. You also ignore his last comment. “No, no, let me do this!” And you still go over and take it off the hook, doing your best to punch the right numbers in.
It picks up quickly, making you let out a quick sigh of relief. “Yes, hello? You come up here immediately. How dare you disrespect the one and only undisputed champion? Send room service right now! I want compensation.”
“Wait, what? Are you—“
His confusion makes you huff. “I said, you need to send someone up here immediately!”
“Oh! Alright, on my way then. Man, don’t blow a gasket, Nitro Girl..”
You knew he was blonde but you didn’t realize he was an airhead, jesus. Once you heard a click, you hang up the call. “They should be on their way up now to make it up to us. Until then, I think you have a point. Maybe we should—“
You can’t even get the knot fully out! You look down at your robe, which you tied way too tight. You quickly glance at Jericho, then you try it again to no avail. What the fuck, you don’t even tie your shoelaces that hard!
“You’re a putz.” He says, a mocking grin on his own face. “But it’s funny, so I guess you’ve got at least one redeemable quality.”
“Okay, you know what?” Plan be damned. Hunter will get here when he gets here. “Why’d you come here, Jericho? You could’ve said no. You could’ve even called me a slut for trying to sleep with you.”
“I could’ve called you a lot of things, but let’s get one thing straight. The only slut that I know of….is Stephanie McMahon.”
…You hate to do this, but you agree with a nod. “Fair.” If it’s one thing you two had in common, it’s the shared hate of Stephanie McMahon.
“You said you liked me. I want to know what you’d do about it. So far, I’m not impressed.” He motions to your robe, which was still stuck..
“This isn’t my fault.” It really is. You must’ve tied it too tight from your anger or anxiety. Or a combination of both. “I was distracted.”
“Distracted?” He repeats. “Not by me, right? Oh, what am I talking about, of course it’s me! You were clearly all hot and bothered by a champion coming into your room!!” You watch as he sets his championships onto the loveseat and plops down, throwing his arms onto the back of it.
Okay, you changed your mind. Hunter needs to hurry up. Like right now. You swallow your pride as you speak again. “Maybe, maybe not. That is for me to know and for you to find out.”
“So you admit you’re attracted to me?”
“I didn’t say all of that..” You sigh out. This feels like it’s completely gotten off track. Everything was a bust.
To your glee, there are a few frantic knocks on the door. “Oh, that must be room service.” You say. Thank god. “Go get the door, I need to find something to cut this open.”
You conveniently step away while Jericho stands up to go open the door. The sound of things falling doesn’t make you wince at all, but you still put on a scene as soon as Hunter literally LEAPS through the door and pounces on Jericho.
He grabs him to toss him over the loveseat and rushes over to start to laying in some punches.
As he’s beating the shit out of him, you feign surprise, grabbing one of the champagne bottles off the table. Hunter notices you and shuffles him to hold him in a chokehold so you can have your way with him.
This is exactly what the crowd wanted to see. You pop the cork off the bottle and dump it all over Jericho’s face, not caring if it hit his mouth or not.
“Ha! Drink it in, maaan!” You laugh. Despite you managing to get the liquid on his leather jacket, Hunter seems to share your smile as he holds up Jericho’s head upward.
And to top it off, you hold the now empty bottle like a baseball bat and swing, hitting Jericho right in his head.
Hunter lets go, a satisfied look on his face. “I’m coming for that title. You had better sleep with one eye open, Y2J.” His voice held venom, which would’ve scared you if you two weren’t in kahoots.
Hunter walks over to the titles that were now on the ground and lifts both of them up. He glanced over to you and lowers them. There was an almost unrecognizable tension in the room between yoy two, but neither of you knew exactly where to pinpoint it.
“…Hey, nice robe. Sad we didn’t get to see what’s under.”
You can only scoff and walk away. With the screen fading to black, it’s the end of Vengeance.
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by the way, it’s not only jeff. it wasn’t mentioned yet but raven is “suspended” too.. the beginning of heel jeff kinda starts here. now. dearest reader.. what do YOU want to see next from me?
and inevitably, steve austin will be ripping us a new one.
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f1loverleclerc · 26 days
** Double the Love**
Summary: Roman Reigns and his wife Shyla finally welcome their newborn twins. 
Pairing: Roman Reigns x Shyla 
Warning: Fluffy. 
Word count: 772
The sun had barely begun to rise, casting a soft golden glow through the windows of the cozy nursery. Roman Reigns stood by the cribs, his heart swelling with joy at the sight of his newborn twins. Shyla, his partner in crime and the love of his life, was still resting comfortably in their bedroom, a well-deserved slumber following a long night of labor.
He gazed down at the two little bundles swaddled snugly in their blankets. One twin, a girl with a tuft of dark hair that mirrored her father’s, grinned in her sleep, while her brother, with a slightly lighter shade, let out a soft coo. Roman couldn’t help but smile; they were perfect.
As if sensing his gaze, Shyla stirred and stretched, her sleepy eyes blinking open to meet his. A warm smile spread across her face when she realized the time. “Good morning, superstar,” she teased, her voice still thick with sleep.
“Good morning, mama,” he replied, stepping closer to the bed. He kissed her forehead gently before looking back at their children. “Can you believe we made those two?”
Shyla chuckled softly, her heart brimming with love. “We sure did. Look at them—they’re incredible.”
He scooped her hand in his, and together, they approached the cribs. Roman leaned down to give each baby a soft kiss, his heart racing with an overwhelming sense of responsibility and love. “They’re so tiny. Do you think they know how much we love them already?” he asked, glancing at Shyla.
“Of course they do,” she said, her voice tender as she reached down to caress their cheeks. “They can feel it. Just like I felt it when you were holding me during labor.”
“Yeah, about that,” he said, his tone turning playful. “You should’ve seen me—like a deer in headlights! I was trying so hard not to panic!”
Shyla laughed, remembering the moment when Roman had clutched her hand, whispering words of encouragement, even as his own nerves showed through. “You did great, babe. You were my rock.”
“And now I’m a dad of twins!” He puffed out his chest with mock bravado, causing Shyla to giggle. “What’s next? Superhero capes?”
“Only if you wear one, too,” she quipped, her eyes sparkling. 
Roman laughed, imagining the two of them in matching capes, dashing around the house chasing after their little ones. The thought brought him immense joy, knowing that their family was growing, and each day would bring new adventures.
As the sun climbed higher in the sky, Shyla suggested, “How about we take some pictures? I want to capture this moment forever.”
With a nod, Roman pulled out his phone, setting it up for a quick selfie. They crowded around the cribs, beaming with pride as he snapped the photo. Their smiles were radiant, each glance shared between them filled with the promise of a beautiful future.
“Perfect!” Shyla declared. “Now we just need to figure out names.” 
Roman raised an eyebrow, excitement flickering in his eyes. “I like the sound of ‘Rocky’ and ‘Raina.’”
“Very on-brand,” she teased. “But how about we try something unique? Something that tells our story?”
After tossing around ideas, they finally settled on Maeve and Milo. Each name felt right, resonating with the love they shared. 
“Welcome to the world, Maeve and Milo,” Roman whispered, his voice filled with emotion. “You’ve got the best parents waiting for you.”
As the day unfolded, they found themselves enveloped in a whirlwind of joy and laughter. Family and friends visited, bringing gifts and sharing stories, and each moment only seemed to strengthen their bond.
Later, as night fell and silence wrapped around their home, Roman and Shyla took turns rocking the twins to sleep. The soft sounds of the nursery echoed through their hearts as they exchanged sleepy smiles.
“Can you believe we did it?” Roman whispered as he settled into the rocking chair beside Shyla.
“Every day with you is a blessing,” she murmured, leaning against him. “And now we have doubled the joy.”
With contentment settling in their hearts, Roman rested his head against hers, reflecting on how their lives had changed. Together, they drifted into the peaceful rhythm of parenthood, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, their love would guide them through it all.
In that small nursery, amid the gentle breaths of their sleeping twins, Roman realized there was nothing more magical than this—double the love, double the laughter, and a lifetime of memories waiting to be made.
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heart4reigns · 1 year
OPERATION: TOGETHER, roman reigns and cody rhodes (i).
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next chapter →
warnings: cigarettes, curse words, fighting, alcohol
tags: love triangles, powerful girlboss (y/n), breakups, paul being a dad to the bloodline, triple h being a father-figure to you, inaccurate events and descriptions
"COME on, (y/n)." you shook your head in disagreement. "no, jey. i'm not going to lunch with you. i know damn well you're just gonna set me up again with your stupid fucking cousin." he immediately stood up from his seat. "i- i am not setting you up! it's just the three of us like usual. you, me, jimmy, and solo... trust me!" "and i know that you're lying." another plan failed. you walked out of the room, still having jey following you like a lost dog.
"please?" he asked. "jey, i'm sorry," you paused for a second, facing him. "i get it that you're trying to make things alright for us. but, we're done..." you continued. "i'm sorry as well, because i just hate seeing my favorite people not speaking to each other." you sighed in frustration. "that doesn't mean we can stop being friends, you know i'm still your number one girl." your sentence put a smile on his face. "love you, (y/n). you're like a sister to me." "love you too, listen, i gotta bounce. have a meeting in like 10."
you were alone inside the board office, waiting for your fellow colleagues to arrive. "booking suggestion for..." your heart dropped when you read the sentence. "roman reigns against cody rhodes." you continued your sentence. being the co-creative director for both smackdown (your ex boyfriend's brand) and raw meant that you could never escape him. you groaned in despair, putting down your papers. "morning, (y/n)." you looked up and saw your boss. "morning, paul."
the board meeting bored the shit out of you. you already knew what was going on. your mind was somewhere else; on the beach with your ex boyfriend, smiling together as you felt the breeze tingling on your skin. "ms. (l/n)?" your short daydream was cut-off by one of your colleagues. "sorry, you were saying?"
"i wanted to know your opinions on the booking." you hesitated a bit to come up with an answer. "i've had this conversation with ms. (l/n) before, she finds it brilliant." the retired wrestler backed you up. "thank you." you mouthed to him. he gave you a small nod, continuing the meeting. "so it's settled then, it leads up to wrestlemania next year." you signed the papers.
with the contract being signed, you knew that you were going to meet your ex boyfriend for work purposes. the thought of that made you want to throw up. the meeting ended, everyone was packing up their papers. except for you, you stayed behind, not wanting to leave work yet. "(y/n), you're not done?" paul (or triple h, depends on what you saw him as that day; a boss or a talent) asked. "i still need to sort some papers for the upcoming matches." you said, not looking up from your paperwork.
he saw your devastated expression. "i guess i'll stay a bit with you, son." it was a long-running joke that you were his 'son'. "thanks, dad." you rolled your eyes. "is it the reigns thingy again?" you nodded at him, being completely vulnerable. "it's okay to let your feelings get in the way. but you have to know your position, at your age? co-creative director? you're what my kids call, a 'girlboss'." you chuckled at his statement.
"okay, you got me there. let’s do this.”
needless to say, you spent the day trying to finish all your paperwork before showtime. “right, you’ll be okay with raw? i’ll take over smackdown this week, i can’t go tonight because i have dinner with externals. don’t forget to tell cody to come to the office!” you nodded at his sentence, waving goodbye to him. you went to the parking lot and quickly drove to the arena for monday night raw. you had 15 minutes to spare before the briefing, so you took your time to light a cigarette.
you missed the times where you were nicotine-free. you also missed having a passenger princess aka your ex boyfriend. the two of you broke up almost 3 months ago. some said it was a ‘mutual breakup’, but to you–it felt like he broke up with you. the reason? time. you didn’t have time for him and he didn’t have time for you. although you still yearned his touch and his voice, you couldn’t do anything about it. some also said that you’ve changed, into this ‘cold bitch from upstairs’ persona.
truth be told you were just going through it. you have never loved anyone as much as you loved him. it was hard for you to return as your usual self. not to mention, you were also close to his cousins (who were trying to get you back together). jey, jimmy, and solo–you wouldn’t trade the world for your friendship with them. they also kept you updated with roman’s life (without him knowing). you felt in peace knowing that he was happy.
the two of you met during a company party and you fell in love at the first sight. he was gentle, a people’s person, and funny. maybe you drank too much that night to end up in his arms, but it was all worth it. the more you saw each other, the more attracted you were to him. you just wished that you spared more time for him, but like the realist person you were–people come and go. it was a matter of time for you to let him go.
everyone bowed their head as you walked the hallway. people were intimidated by your power. being co-creative meant that you were practically in charge of everything. you didn’t really meddle with raw a lot, it was usually paul who took care of the monday night screen-time. but he had other things to do, so raw was a breath of fresh air for you.
you also grew comfortable being in control of smackdown, as that was your ex boyfriend’s brand. but maybe paul thought you needed a change. “shit, she’s here tonight?” you heard several whispers from the crew. “then we can’t have any technical difficulties or she might fire you.” the whispers continued. you didn’t mind being this ‘bitch from upstairs’ if it meant that people wouldn’t treat you like shit anymore.
“camera 6, go higher.” you spoke to the earpiece. “got it boss.” the crew replied. “and… rolling in 3, 2, 1. cue the music.” you continued. “welcome everyone to monday night raw!” the announcer said as the crowd went wild. “i trust you from here, i’m gonna see the talents.” the staffs nodded. “if anyone fucks up, they’ll be seeing me after this show.” your tone gave the crew goosebumps.
the talent locker room was filled with superstars messing around and getting ready for their showtime. you monitored them from outside, not wanting to invade any of their privacy. “(y/n)?” you looked up and saw becky. “god, it’s been a long time since i’ve seen you here, girl!” she hugged you. “hey becks.” you returned the gesture. “what are you doing here? where’s paul? never mind, i take it back. i’d rather see you here!” the two of you chatted for a bit, before her screen-time.
“you’re up in 5.” you reminded her. “okay miss bitch from upstairs.” you rolled your eyes at her comment. “shut up.” she chuckled in response. “see you, (y/n)! wish me luck!” with that, she left you alone in the hallways with your papers full of rundown and cue cards. the earpiece started to go off, “ms. (l/n), rhodes is here.” “right.” he didn’t have any fights today, only delivering his promo.
you knocked on the locker room door. “it’s unlocked!” you opened it, seeing cody with his duffle bag. “cody,” you paused for a second. “oh, ms. (l/n)!” he flashed you a smile. “how many times do i need to tell you to call me (y/n)? i’m younger than you.” cody’s smile didn’t fade at all. “you might be younger than me but you have a higher position, of course i’ll be polite ma’am.” he was probably one of the few talents that weren’t intimidated by your presence.
“what can i do for you today, (y/n)?” he took of his hoodie, revealing his white shirt. “the board, or just paul and i, wanted to tell you that you are wanted in the office. when are you free?” you asked. “i thought you were asking me on a date, (y/n).” cody snickered. you knew he was a huge flirt, but it was all just for fun and jokes. “i’m serious.” you stated. “i’m free next wednesday. what’s up by the way?” he asked. “we… have a contract for you and roman.” cody instantly stopped doing what he was doing and faced you.
pitiful looks came from him. “damn, (y/n). must’ve been hard dealing with heartbreak and still seeing the person who broke your heart almost every week.” you clenched your fist. “you don’t know anything about me, rhodes.” your tone was laced with venom. his gaze softened. “okay, i’m sorry. that was on me, (y/n).” he apologized, trying to diffuse the situation. “is that all? because i’m gonna strip down to my undies, unless you want to stay.” why the fuck is this guy not afraid of me? you thought. “i’ll text you the details tomorrow.”
the night ended with a blast. you were tired but still had to meet with the guards. “i want everyone out of the building by 3.” you were briefing the security guards. they all nodded in unison. “i’m trusting you with this, dongmin.” you stared at the head-guard. “and i won’t let you down, ms. (l/n).” you nodded at him and went to the parking lot, looking for your car keys. your attention diverted to a certain black-haired man leaning on his car. jesus, give me a fucking break, you thought.
the two of you immediately made eye-contact. “(y/n)!” he greeted you, as if nothing was wrong. “what the fuck are you doing here, roman?” your question caught him off guard. “i- i’m here to pick up seth. we’re getting dinner tonight.” he hesitated. “what are you doing here? i thought you were on smackdown-duty.” you scoffed at him. “you know i’m in control of both brands? i don’t need to explain myself to you, roman.”
silence filled the air. “you want to come and eat with seth and i? like old times?” you wanted to cry at his sentence. how could he act like nothing ever happened between us, you thought. “i can’t.” and to your luck, you heard footsteps coming behind you. “(y/n), (y/n)! you dropped your car keys in my locker room earlier! oh.” it was cody, with his fucking duffle bag again. the blond awkwardly stood in the middle of you two, not knowing what to do. “thanks cody.” you muttered, taking you keys. “what do you say, dinner?” roman continued.
“i can’t, i have plans with cody.” before cody could respond, you shoved him into the passenger seat. you blinked at him, signaling that he needed to comply with you. “so you and him?” you shook your head. “no, mind your own business.” you started your car and drove off, not wanting to interact anymore with him. cody was left puzzled as he just went to the parking lot to deliver your keys but he ended up in your passenger seat.
“great timing, i didn’t bring my car. thank you for driving me back to the hotel, (y/n)! you owe me something, i helped you!” “cody, for this once, please just shut up.”
roman was left speechless by your actions. he was also surprised that you’d let anyone in your passenger seat. the man felt his heart ached for a second. what was going on between you and cody? he thought.
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salemshotspot · 2 months
I finally get what people mean when they say something they wrote came to them in a dream because first the other night I get a hurt/comfort dream with Triple H and then last night I had a dream Razor Ramon took my virginity? The two people that like my writing are getting fed in the upcoming days
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south-of-heaven · 1 month
Triple H Masterlist
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Not your little girl anymore
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