#Trying really really hard to think of their ship name.. Uhhh.
coffee-dere · 3 months
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Sorry I haven't really been doing very much lately!! Things have been.. A little chaotic- But, I'm super glad I got time to finish this!! I hope it turned out okay!
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
heartless (explicit)
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genre: pwp, smut, exes hooking up - a part of the jeju shore collab !
pairing: jungkook x reader
summary: after a wild summer at the shore where he made more than a few mistakes, jungkook is ready to remind you why you always take him back.
word count: 7.4k
other works in this collab: You DTF? by @haliiimede and Himbo Hours by @gimmethatagustd
contains: explicit sexual content!!! set in 2009, member POV, established relationship (exes), mentions of infidelity, mentions of alcohol and drug use, jk blows a stranger (definitely not anyone we know 👀) in a bar bathroom, some good ol' fashioned 2009 biphobia lmao, EXCESSIVE use of petnames (kookie and jagi) like it's really too much, cunnilingus, fingering, a lot of pussy appreciation bc of who i am as a person, they make a sex tape 🎥 (reader films jk going down on her), hot tub sex, jk makes reader come with a hot tub jet, unprotected sex (smh 😔), nothing in this fic is sexually healthy pls do not replicate, multiple orgasms/overstim, a lil bit of marking, jk is toxic and i kind of love him oops, don't fight me for the ending
A/N: it's here it's here it's here!!!!! happy jeju shore day 🥰 i'm so excited to share this one with y'all, it really was supposed to be a joke thing like ~sammi and ron vibes~ yknow and then idk.... this fic ran away with me,, like tell me why i ship kookie and jagi lowkey 🥺 over here like maybe one day they'll work it out 🥺 ANYWAY uhhh heed the warnings, this one's a doozy, have fun, stay hydrated 💦 and make sure you check out jai and hali's fics toooooo for your full ~weekend at the shore~ !!!! love you babes, thank you as always for reading 😘💜
read on AO3 !
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“Shit, gonna come.”
Thank god, Jungkook thinks to himself. This guy has some impressive stamina, which he’d normally appreciate, but he’s in a bad mood tonight. Getting his throat fucked hasn’t helped like he thought it might.
Even though the guy is cute, with a big body and a sweet set of dimples, Jungkook is just going through the motions. He’s annoyed by the way the bathroom floor is digging into his knees, the way his jaw is starting to lock up with how long he’s been at this.
He shuts his eyes, remembers to breathe through his nose, and then a hand presses hard to the back of his head and his mouth starts to fill, bitter and heady. Careful not to spill a drop, Jungkook keeps his suction tight through the cock-twitches of this guy’s— he didn’t get his name, because he really doesn’t care to know it— orgasm, until he finally feels the fingers in his hair release.
Jungkook gets to his feet and stumbles to the sink, gripping the porcelain edge while he spits out the glossy strings of a stranger’s load. He’s not a swallower, because he’s not gay. He’s just good at sucking dick— and Jungkook likes doing things he’s good at.
“Appreciate it!” The stranger’s voice echoes over his shoulder, followed by the sound of the bathroom door swinging on its hinges and slamming shut, leaving him alone with a sink full of cum.
Wouldn’t be the first time.
Jungkook stares himself down in the mirror, runs a hand over his hair to make sure it didn’t get fucked up from that guy’s truly obscenely large hand. Thankfully his extra-hold gel seems to be doing its job.
At the realization that his teeth are grinding together, he presses a knuckle into the hinge of his jaw, trying to encourage it to relax. He’s been clenching all night, and he’s not sure if he should blame the six redbull vodkas he’s thrown back or the keybumps of something he did off the bar: it was either coke or molly.
Coke, he thinks. He’s on edge.
He can’t shake this feeling, like he’s a wild animal trapped in a cage, as he pushes the bathroom door open and presses his way back into the mass of bodies in the club. He’s gone out every night this week looking for something, but he can’t find it. It’s not at the bottom of a bottle or in white powder snorted through a rolled-up hundred. And it’s certainly not in any of the random strangers he’s taken in the bathroom or the back alley or on the hood of his car in the parking lot.
He misses you.
It’s been almost three weeks since you last came around, and even then, it was only to scream at him while you dug your clothes out of his dresser and threw your spare toothbrush in the trash can. All because someone left you that stupid fucking note detailing the night Jungkook went blackout, where the last thing he remembers is Jimin convincing him to switch to Malibu.
If what Jungkook’s been told is the truth, he apparently started a bar fight and had a foursome that night— just, unfortunately, with three people who weren’t you. He kind of wishes he could remember at least one of those.
Fuck this, he thinks to himself, surrounded by trashed club-goers on all sides, bodies slick with sweat and tanning oil, the floor sticky from spilled drinks and probably a few other things. Jungkook knows exactly where he wants to be, and it’s between your thighs, not at one of the seven shitty clubs he and his hyungs have been rotating through all summer.
Figuring Taehyung and Jimin are fine to handle their own shit, he shoves through the crowd a little more aggressively than he needs to, and definitely knocks one drunk girl flat on her ass without bothering to look back.
The slight chill in the air when he steps outside is a welcome relief from the stale heat of the club. It’s the last weekend before everyone packs up and heads for the mainland, which means he’s running out of chances to see you, to try and convince you to get the fuck over this latest bump in the road and take him back.
Jungkook knows he loves you, he’s sure of it. He wants to marry you someday, get a little house in the suburbs, pop out a few kids, all that shit. But right now he’s young, and he just wants to party and have fun. He doesn’t understand why you care so much.
Driving home with the windows down, going a cool 80 in a 40, he grips the wheel with one hand while the other digs his Razr phone out of the pocket of his ripped jeans. He hits the first speed dial where your number is saved and has to call three times before you finally answer. The fact that you picked up at all means he has a chance tonight.
“What, Kookie?!”
Probably the greeting he should’ve anticipated, but his stomach still flips at the nickname. You’re the only one allowed to use it: he’s strictly Jungkook to most, JK to his hyungs.
He fidgets absentmindedly with the car lights, the AC, the button for the windows. This is always the hard part, talking about feelings and shit. But it’s what you want, so he’ll do it for you.
“Wanna see you,” he murmurs into the phone, as if he needs to keep his voice down so he won’t get caught being soft.
“Fuck off,” you snap instantly, but you don’t hang up.
Jungkook’s played this game enough times to know what it means: he’s got a rapidly shrinking window of opportunity to say the right thing. He clicks his tongue against his teeth, trying to buy himself some time. “Come on, don’t be like that.”
“Like what?” You huff.
Stopped at a red light, Jungkook tips his head back against the car seat and shuts his eyes for a second, trying to keep up with the rapid pace of his thoughts. “Don’t be mean to me. I already told you I’m sorry, it’s not fair for you to hold this shit over my head.”
“I’m not holding anything over your head, Kookie, you fucking cheated—“
His grip on the steering wheel tightens, and he has to hold himself back from stomping too hard on the gas pedal when the light changes. “Yeah, I fucking know, okay? But it’s the last weekend. Is this really how you want to leave it?”
The silence on the other end of the line is more than enough to answer his question.
“Just… come over. Let me see you. Please?” Jungkook grimaces, embarrassed to be begging. He wouldn’t do it for anybody else.
Gravel crunches under the tires of his car as he pulls into the driveway, and he’s only sure the call didn’t disconnect when he hears the way you sigh softly on the other end. It’s a sigh he knows well.
You don’t say anything else, and neither does Jungkook. He doesn’t know what else there is to say, or why any of this has to be such a big fucking deal. But he waits, until finally you hang up, and then he flips his phone shut. Girls.
Once inside, he makes quick work of getting everything together: sweeping the empty beer cans on the kitchen counter into the trash, spraying on a little more Hugo Boss, a mouthwash rinse to rid himself of the lingering taste of cum. The place you rented for the summer is just down the road, so it’s as he’s spitting in the sink for the second time tonight that he hears you bang loudly on the front door.
Time to turn on the charm, Jungkook thinks to himself, and then he exits the bathroom and reaches a hand between his shoulder-blades to pull his shirt off over his head. He drops it to the floor of his bedroom before heading down the hallway to let you in.
Jungkook swings the door wide and leans one arm on the frame as he takes you in. You’re standing on his stoop, arms crossed angrily over your pink crop top, belly button piercing glinting in the porch light. He smiles fondly, remembering the summer you got it done, the way you squeezed his hand so tight when the needle went through that he nearly lost feeling.
It was nice then, the way you acted like you really needed him. You used to be so sweet. He wonders when that changed.
It’s been too long. “Hi, jagi,” he says, and it comes out softer than he would’ve liked. It makes him sound weak.
“Fuck off. Answering the fucking door shirtless. You did that on purpose.” You roll your eyes as you brush past him to walk inside.
He turns sideways, purposefully taking up most of the doorway so you have to squeeze through, and when you do, his fingers hook in the belt-loops of your jeans to pull you closer.
“Just like you wore these?” There’s no way you don’t know what those white low-rise jeans do to him. Jungkook always tells you they make your ass look so fat, and even though you complain every time, he means it as an honest compliment.
Clearly still trying to act pissed off, you pop your gum at him, but he knows better than to believe that you’re really mad. If you were, you wouldn’t have come here. And you certainly wouldn’t be looping your arms around his neck and tilting your head up like that, moving so close that he can feel the heat of your breath ghosting over him.
“Maybe. What are you gonna do about it?” You purr, like you don’t already know the answer.
Jungkook’s lips find yours at the same time his hands slide around your hips, fingers sinking into the denim stretched tight over your ass. You squeak a little at how hard he grabs, and he takes the opportunity to swipe his tongue into your mouth, deftly retrieving the wad of gum from between your teeth. He pulls back with a cocky grin and spits it halfway across the yard.
“How about you come inside and find out?”
“Jesus.” You make a face when you step in first, leaving your Gucci flip flops in the front hall, and Jungkook turns back to shut the door behind him as he follows you. “You guys trashed this fuckin’ place.”
He frowns at your utter disregard for his cleaning efforts, but he follows your gaze and, well, you’re not wrong. He probably could’ve done something about all the half-empty liquor bottles, the overflowing ashtrays, the sink full of dishes. But right now he really doesn’t give a shit.
Jungkook closes the distance between you again, arms slipping around your waist from behind, head ducking down to nuzzle in the crook of your neck, to make you squirm the way he likes. “This is the bachelor life. We need a woman’s touch,” he murmurs against your skin, and you scoff a laugh.
“I’m serious,” Jungkook protests. He pauses to suck a mark into your skin, only stopping when he manages to coax a soft whimper out of you. “Why don’t you and I get a place together next summer? I’ll tell Jimin and Tae they’re on their own.”
You hum softly, in the way that tells him you want that, too. But you’re still playing coy, even as your hands slide over his arms locked tight around you. “That’s very presumptuous of you.”
“Maybe I should do some convincing,” Jungkook’s lips brush over the shell of your ear, and you wriggle out of his grasp, crossing into the living room and tossing your purse on the couch before dropping down unceremoniously next to it.
The wild animal feeling hasn’t dissipated— when he follows after you, Jungkook can’t help but feel like a predator stalking his prey.
It’s probably fucked up, but he likes the chase.
Leaning back on your hands, you gaze up at him, jeans sunk low enough for Jungkook to see the pink straps of your thong that peek out over the curve of your hip. The visual makes his own pants start to feel tight.
You tilt your head expectantly. “I’m listening.”
“I wasn’t gonna talk,” he admits with a smirk, standing over you, one leg teasing your thighs apart.
You reach forward to trail a hand down the defined lines of his stomach— the gym has been good to him this summer— and blink your long lashes innocently. “Will you at least use your mouth?”
“Well, now I know what you came over for,” Jungkook growls. His hands drop to brace on the back of the couch behind you, arm muscles flexing as he cages you in, and he leans down to capture you in a heady kiss. He missed it all: the way you smell, how soft your lips are, the way you still taste like spearmint. Your needy little noises when he licks his tongue into your mouth and the way you suck so diligently on it. You’re always so good for him, always so pretty when you come back.
“Take your pants off, jagi,” he breathes into your mouth, shifting to grip your neck with one hand as he kisses you again. He can feel a soft whine in your throat under his palm when you do as you’re told.
Jungkook pulls back once your jeans are kicked all the way off, knees digging into the carpet as he settles between your legs. His biceps wrap under your thighs and he tugs your bare ass to the edge of the couch, pausing to slip a finger under the thin string of your thong and gently snap it against your skin.
You spread your legs wider for him, leaning back against the cushion. “Don’t tease,” you huff. The desperation in your voice just turns him on more.
“Impatient,” Jungkook notes with a smirk. “And I haven’t even told you what I want yet.”
“What you want?” Your attempt at sass is undercut by the moan Jungkook works out of you when he sucks another hickey into the sensitive skin of your inner thigh. He pulls back with a final lick over the mark that sends a shiver rippling through you, makes your nipples stiffen against the thin fabric of your crop top and your hips tilt up instinctively for more.
His eyes find yours again. “Let’s make a movie.”
“Kookie,” you whine, and Jungkook cups a hand over the front of your panties, rubbing circles into the thin material, then gently squeezing your pussy lips together to help argue his case. He can feel the muscles in your thighs twitch in response— always so sensitive.
“Come on,” he murmurs, pushy. “I know you have that camera in your bag.” You take your Sony digital camera with you everywhere, like it’s a third limb, like you believe nothing really happens unless it’s documented on Facebook.
Jungkook reaches for the strap of your Coach purse and drops it between your spread thighs. “I want you to film me while I go down on you. That way you can watch it back when you need to remember why you keep me around.” He punctuates the request with a wink, because he knows you can’t say no to him. That fact is made evident by how quickly you dig in to retrieve the little pink camera before tossing your bag aside again.
“I don’t watch porn, Kookie,” you scoff, already turning it on and fiddling with the settings. “I’m not nasty like you.”
“You’ll watch this one,” Jungkook corrects, hands pressing on your thighs to encourage them to spread further. Your skin is smooth and warm under his touch as he slides his fingertips back up to the line of your panties. “Now shhh. The only thing I wanna hear talk is this pussy.”
When the telltale beep indicates you’ve started recording, Jungkook stares pointedly into the camera with a cocky smirk. “Missed you, jagi,” he says, both to the you on the other side of the camera and the you who will watch this in the future, when you inevitably get mad about some dumb shit and break up with him again. As if you could ever really stay away.
His eye contact doesn’t falter as he licks a long, slow stripe up the front of your panties, taking his time, tongue laid flat to fully soak through the fabric. When he leans back, one hand snakes between your thighs to tug the damp material to the side, tattooed fingers pressing into a V to spread your folds apart. It always makes you squirm, but he loves to admire you like this. He’s not ashamed to like pussy.
“So pretty,” he murmurs, reaching the hand that isn’t parting your pussy lips up to beckon for the camera. “Let me film. Won’t get your face in it.”
You hand it over silently, clearly already too turned on to make a big show of protesting. Jungkook turns the lens on your pussy, holds it up close as he traces two fingers over your folds, keeping the pressure light enough that you squirm and flutter cutely beneath it.
“Fuck, look at you,” he murmurs when he teases his touch down to your entrance. There’s already enough slickness there to earn him an audible wet noise as he goes, his pattern a slow, lazy circle. He presses a finger in just to drag it back out, and a thin, glossy string of arousal comes with it. “Your pussy loves me too much. That’s why you can’t stay mad.”
Jungkook paints the wetness he pulled out of you up to stroke over the hood of your clit, and it’s enough to edge your breathing with shy sounds. You bring your palm up to your mouth, clearly trying to keep quiet, and it only encourages him to dip back in for more. He uses two fingers this time, slipping past your entrance into the tight velvet heat of your cunt, always so warm and willing for him.
You sigh at the loss when he pulls back, more arousal drooling out of you to chase after his fingers. Jungkook loves to play with you like this: you squeak when he squishes the whole of your cunt up in his hand, reveling in the noise of your slick folds pressing together, in the way your pussy’s gone needy for him. All swollen and puffy, all soft, dripping juice like ripe fruit.
He works up some saliva in his mouth and lets it dribble down over your slit between his fingers, then follows it with another pass of his tongue.
“Oh my fucking god,” you whimper.
“You know I’ll always treat it right, jagiya.” Jungkook purrs, releasing his grip on your pussy lips to pinch at your clit while he passes the camera back. “But let me show you in case you forget.”
He firmly tugs your panties down your thighs and leaves them to dangle off one ankle before guiding your legs to hook over his shoulders. After a final glance up to make sure you’re still filming, he leans in to properly trace his tongue through your slick folds, lapping at the arousal pooled at your entrance while his thumb brushes over your clit to work up more.
Jungkook’s brows pinch together and he grunts in appreciation of your taste, thick and familiar; he’s gone too long without it. He’s eating properly now, alternating between dragging his tongue flat and flicking it gently over your clit in the way that makes you gasp and shove your hips up towards his mouth, rough and wild, no good-girl pretense left in you.
His arm locks across your stomach to keep you where he wants you, and he pulls back with a smack of his lips and a cheeky smile for the camera.
“Relax. I’ve got you.”
This is the part he loves: when you start to come undone, worked up enough to be responsive to every little touch. Jungkook licks broad, showy stripes up to your clit, eyes fixed on you through the lens, enjoying the way your soft sighs blossom into full-out moans, matching pace to the steady rhythm of his tongue. 
“Kookie,” you groan, “nnh, fuck— f-feels so good.”
He hums a laugh against your folds, and the vibrations make you cry out so he does it some more, lips closing to suck firmly at your clit while his mouth buzzes sweet, low notes around it. You arch up beneath him and your moan scrapes rough against the back of your throat, desperate.
It was a stroke of genius to have you film it, Jungkook thinks absentmindedly to himself. Documented proof that nobody else could ever do you this good.
“Fuck.” Your voice brings him back to attention as he continues to pulse suction against your clit, tongue fluttering out again to lap at the sensitive bud. The sounds you make are slightly muffled by the manicured hand you’ve clapped over your mouth, but you’re so loud now that he can still hear every word. “Oh god, Kookie— I-I’m gonna come, oh fuck, ohhhh—”
Your hips tilt up as your orgasm overtakes you and he shoves them back down, practically growling as he forces you to stay there and take it. He can feel your legs shake, the way your bare heels kick listlessly against his back as he sucks and licks you through the peak of your climax. Your pussy throbs in his mouth and drips down his chin like honey, with a taste so good he doesn’t want to stop.
“God fucking dammit,” you moan, and he keeps going until you bring one foot up to press into his shoulder to push him away. “Kookie, p-please, it’s too much.”
With a final swipe of his tongue, Jungkook pulls back, wiping at his chin with one hand. “You’re sensitive, jagi, I know.”
But there’s a reason you haven’t stopped filming, and it’s one you both know well. It was back when you first started dating, when you could never keep your clothes on around each other and barely left his room, that Jungkook learned your body expertly enough to figure it out: after you come once, your pussy gets so sensitive that he can easily work you up to a second orgasm, even from just the curl of his fingers against your g-spot.
He hopes no one else will ever get the chance to know you like this. 
You barely manage to stifle another sob and almost drop the camera when he slips two fingers into your cunt, pressing to the hilt to feel how swollen-tender you are inside. Your walls squeeze so tight around him that his cock twitches in his pants with jealousy.
Sliding one of your legs off his shoulder, he presses your thigh firmly into the couch and groans a little at the way you spread wide for him, glossed folds all flushed and pretty. It gives him a head rush to watch his hand work you open, to see the thick white cream of your arousal paint his fingers each time he pulls back just to thrust in again.
You’re wet enough now that the sound is obscene, a juicy squelch every time he fucks into you, and Jungkook can’t help but smile. He glances up. “You’re dripping on my couch, jagiya.”
You can only whimper in response.
“You want to come again?”
You nod desperately until you manage to find the word. “Please.”
“Anything for you.” Jungkook winks for the camera as he starts to flex his fingers to pet over the ridges of your front wall. You keen as he puts more weight into his strokes, your free hand reaching to cling to him and dig your nails into his bicep. He’s too keyed up to feel it, can’t focus on anything that isn’t your pussy squeezing him like a fucking vice grip, tight and hot and soft inside.
You’re past the point of being able to talk, reduced to breathless moans— “ah, ah, nnh”— because Jungkook knows exactly what to do to take you apart all over again.
This time he makes no move to stop you when your hips buck up. Instead he lets you let go, lets you fuck yourself on his hand, fluttering around his fingers and trembling all over as you start to come.
Jungkook goes a little slack-jawed watching you and momentarily forgets about the video, looking over the camera to see the expression on your face as he works you through your second peak. He loves the way you grip tight to him with your nails and your pussy, like he’s special, like you need him.
Your knees reflexively pull towards each other as your cunt-pulses slow and you finally start to come down, thighs clamping in around Jungkook’s wrist to still the motions of his hand. When he hears the whir of the camera shutter retracting and sees you toss it aside on the couch, he finally relents. You open yourself up enough that he can slip his fingers out to suck the excess off.
“What the fuck,” you finally manage as you collapse against the couch cushions, sounding beyond dazed.
Jungkook presses his tongue to the inside of his cheek, trying to hide his smug smirk, and gets to his feet. As he watches your head tip back and your eyes flutter closed, he can’t help but wonder if you got what you came for. If this is the last he’ll see of you until god knows when.
Fuck that. He’s not letting you go that easy.
In one swift move Jungkook leans forward, slipping an arm between your back and the couch and sweeping the other under your knees. He tosses you over his shoulder— completely naked from the waist down— like it’s nothing at all, delivering a swift slap to your ass with the hand that isn’t wrapped around your hips.
“Kookie!” You try to sound mad but the laugh that bubbles up gives it away. “What the fuck are you doing?!”
“Come on,” Jungkook replies as he carries you across the living room, impervious to the way your hands claw at his back. “It’s a perfect night for the hot tub.”
“I didn’t bring a fucking bikini,” you sputter, feet kicking softly in the air. “Put me down.”
“That’s okay,” he reassures you as his free hand easily slides the back door open and he takes you over the threshold. “Tae and Jimin won’t be back for a while. It’s just us.”
Tae and Jimin have also already seen you naked… probably dozens of times at this point, if Jungkook had to estimate, but he doesn’t mention that part. Not when he’s trying to get his girl back.
Instead he crosses the yard to set you down on the hot tub deck, your legs dangling over the side, and makes quick work of stripping out of his jeans and boxers, half-hard cock hanging heavy between his legs. He hopes it might give you some incentive to stay a little longer.
When he turns back to face you, your bottom lip is jutting out in a bratty little pout as your feet swing aimlessly off the deck. It makes him want to fucking ruin you.
Jungkook steps forward to close the distance, thumb running down your mouth to pet over your lip. “Put this back in your mouth and take your top off, jagi.” His voice is low, his mouth ghosting over yours. 
Your bare foot knocks into his shin, but it only hurts a little. “Make me.”
He can’t help but smirk at your attitude. It’s cute. He likes you feisty. “That’s a lot of sass for someone who was just screaming my name.”
You smack a hand against his chest with a play-scowl. “Shut up.”
He sweeps your arms behind your back before you can do it again, easily enclosing both of your wrists in one of his hands. “Why are you always so mean to me, huh?”
“Oh, I’m mean?” You look like you’re going to say more, but he pushes your crop top up with his free hand and watches the way it makes you shiver, your nipples tightening in the cool night air.
“You are,” Jungkook says softly. “And I’m just trying to love you.”
The same hand cups one of your breasts, and he ducks down to suck the stiff peak of it into his mouth, enjoying the airy little moan he coaxes out of you and the way you arch up into him. His grip on your wrists doesn’t falter as he pulls off, switching to roll your other nipple under the pad of his thumb.
“You should get these pierced,” he remarks, gaze shifting between your tits as he imagines silver barbells studded through the buds of them. “I’ll get one too. We can go together. Next summer.” His eyes find yours in time to watch your expression soften, just barely. It’s enough.
“Yeah, sure,” you deadpan, wiggling a little in his grasp. “Until you decide to stick your dick in some strange and fuck everything up again.”
Jungkook sighs. You’re fucking relentless. “I don’t want to talk about that. Can’t it just be us?”
Your reaction isn’t what he expects: he’s surprised to see the fight go out of you, to see how defeated you look as you lean in and press your forehead against his chest. Even your wrists go slack in his hand, and he releases his grip.
“That’s what I’m saying, Kookie,” you murmur. “That’s all I want.”
Jungkook’s fingers sweep under the line of your jaw. “I know.”
He tilts your head up for a kiss, and your hands come to cup his face, as if to pull him closer— to hold him in place so he can’t run away.
It’s the way it always is: he’s not going to promise he’ll change, and he knows you’re not dumb enough to ask him to. He can’t be anything but what he is, but he can hope you’ll love him anyway.
Your thumb strokes over Jungkook’s cheek as he pulls back, and he smiles a little. “Will you please get in the hot tub?”
Jungkook settles into the water first, sighing dramatically loud at the welcome warmth, and you giggle as you peel your top off before following after. When you slip in politely across from him, he grabs you by the ankle with a growl, and you don’t fight as he pulls you close again.
His hands guide your thighs apart to straddle him, so your knees rest on either side of the ledge he’s seated on. Between the heat of the water and your body on top of him, he’s dizzyingly hard in seconds.
The two of you make out like teenagers, more tongue than anything else, doing your best to hump and grind against each other despite the water slightly inhibiting your motions. Jungkook can’t stop touching your tits, obsessed with the weight of them in his hands. His fingers pinch and tug at your nipples to make you whine into his open mouth again and again, and his cock twitches in response every time.
“K-Kookie,” you finally manage to groan, nails dragging down his back as he presses sloppy kisses, all tongue and teeth, to the slope of your neck. “Need it, please. Your cock.”
His mouth finds yours again, and he bites down on your bottom lip with a smile before pulling back to answer. “You’ll get it, jagi. Wanna try something first.”
You whine a little and he gives a teasing pinch to your inner thigh, shifting you off his lap so he can stand up.
“Come here.”
Jungkook’s hands slide to your waist when you get to your feet, and the added weightlessness from the water makes it even easier for him to move you where he wants you. He guides you to spin so your back is flush with his chest, then encourages you to kneel on the ledge again, pushing your legs further apart.
“Can you stay like this for me?” He murmurs in your ear. You look up at him over your shoulder with wide, shining eyes, reflecting back the blue glow of the mood lights filtered through the water, and you nod.
As he ducks down to kiss you, Jungkook’s hand fumbles blindly against the edge of the tub until he finds the button he’s looking for. When he presses it once, the jets roar to life, including the one positioned right between your spread thighs.
You gasp into his mouth, and Jungkook wraps his arms tight around you to keep you in place, letting you collapse back into him as the jet pulses onto your pussy. “Oh my god, oh fuck, Kookie.”
“Feels good?” He murmurs in your ear, and you can only whimper and nod, hips circling against the stream of water, stimulated past the point of coherency. Your eyes practically roll back in your head. “Yeah, you look good like this.”
Jungkook can’t help himself now— his cock aches from lack of attention, and he starts to grind into you from behind, rutting himself against the small of your back, the curve of your ass. His hands grab at the soft skin of your thighs for leverage, and he can feel the way you’re shaking, already close, your breathing going ragged.
“K-Kookie—” you whimper. “I’m— fuck, g-gonna—”
“Want you to come for me,” he groans, tongue darting out to trace the shell of your ear. “Come for me like this so I can fuck another one out of you.”
Your arms scramble back behind you for something to keep you grounded, nails scratching and digging into Jungkook’s shoulders as your orgasm starts to crest.
He keeps rocking his hips into you, which only serves to move you closer to the jet and make the pressure that much stronger. You’re moaning loud enough for the neighbors to hear, and Jungkook has to grip your hips to keep them still as you come fast and hard, shaking apart in his arms.
“That’s it, that’s it.” Jungkook talks you through it, petting broad strokes down your thighs that make you jolt under his touch. “How was that, jagiya?”
“Fuuuuuck.” Your answer is a soft whine, and he can feel the aftershocks still rolling through your body. You shift to pull your thighs together, shivering all-over, and Jungkook releases his grip on them, hands moving up to squeeze at your tits while you recover. He can feel the way your heart is racing beneath his palm.
Your eyes slowly blink open, heavy-lidded, and you start to untangle your arms from around Jungkook’s shoulders. His back stings a little— he’s sure he’ll have pretty pink scratch marks to remember you by.
He presses a kiss to your temple, chaste in spite of how fucking hard and horny he is. “Love you. Stand up for me?”
Your legs are still shaking, so Jungkook helps haul you to your feet. Taehyung is always telling him he shouldn’t actually be penetrating girls in the water, something about vaginal health, so he has you bend at the waist to lean over the edge of the hot tub. The arch in your back when you press your ass up towards him makes his cock start to leak against his stomach.
Your head lolls forward to drop down on your forearms, and he laughs a little at how fucked out you already are as he gives your ass a firm slap. “Stay just like that. Face down ass up.”
You wait patiently as he climbs out of the water to search the deck. It only takes a few seconds for him to spot what he’s looking for: the bottle of lube Jimin’s always leaving out “just in case”. Jungkook makes a mental note to buy him a thank-you shot.
“God damn,” he murmurs appreciatively when he returns to you, rubbing three fingers slicked in thick silicone lube along your puffed-up slit before pushing them into the velvet heat of your pussy. “Wanna come in you so bad.”
“Please, Kookie,” you whimper.
Jungkook withdraws his hand to squirt more lube into his palm and fist it over his length, hissing a little at the sensation and the squelching noise his hand makes when he fucks into it. Tossing the bottle over the edge, his hands come to frame your hips, and he can’t help but moan as he starts to grind the head of his dick against your folds. “Fuck.”
You push your hips back on him, all wrecked and needy, your voice wrung-out. “Fuck me, Kookie, please— wanna take your cock, wanna feel it.”
It’s so hot when you beg for him. With another soft noise, Jungkook lines himself up to your entrance and gives you what you need: the whole of his thick cock sliding into your grip-tight pussy, slow for the delicious stretch of it, so you can feel every inch until he’s pressed in to the hilt.
It feels the way it always does. You were made to fit together.
You whine into the crook of your elbow, your walls already fluttering, split open and filled up and so sensitive. Jungkook leans forward, hands bracing the edge of the tub on either side of you, until his chest is flush with your back and the tip of his cock presses into your g-spot.
“Oh shit, right there, Kookie,” you gasp, like he doesn’t already know.
Jungkook grunts, nipping at the skin of your shoulder, and he starts to grind his hips against you, rubbing his cock into your g-spot over and over, until your legs threaten to give out. 
Your pussy feels so good, the little moans you’re making in time with his motions are so pretty, it’s like he can’t get enough of you. He brings a hand up to run over every inch of your skin he can reach, all of it smooth and gorgeous under his fingertips— he really can’t stop touching you. 
Maybe those bumps he did back at the bar were molly, he thinks absentmindedly.
“So fucking sexy,” he groans as he strokes a little harder, hips rolling fluidly. “So fucking beautiful.”
“F-fuck, Kookie,” you whimper, pushing your ass back to meet his thrusts, and you let out a choked moan when he starts to pound more firmly in response. “Ah, fuck— don’t fucking stop, oh god—”
Jungkook hooks his arm across your chest, and his hand gripped tight to your shoulder gives him more leverage to hit deeper. Being squeezed so close by your walls is nearly overwhelming, your pussy all hot and wet inside, it’s like he can barely fit. “God, you’re so fucking tight, jagi.”
“F-feels so guh— good, nnh,” you can hardly get the words out, and Jungkook can feel the way your whole body is starting to shake.
He can’t stop himself now, not when it’s this good. “Missed you so much, jagiya. Wanna marry you, wanna put a baby in you.” His cock twitches hard, enough that you whimper a little, and he knows he’s not going to last much longer.
“Come with me, jagi,” he grunts. “I want to feel you come again.”
“C-can’t,” you gasp, but he knows you can, can tell by the way you’re gripping around him that you’re already close.
The clapping of skin on skin echoes out as Jungkook fucks deliberately into your g-spot, no longer holding back, and you cling to the edge of the tub for dear life as your muscles start to contract. “Oh fuck, Kookie, fuck, fuck, I’m coming, I—”
With a loud cry, you collapse forward, knees nearly buckling as your orgasm hits you. Jungkook is helpless to the way your pussy pulses around him, like it was made to milk his cock. He tips his head back with a throaty groan as he comes with you, comes for what feels like an eternity, thick white ropes spilling into your cunt with every dick-twitch of his orgasm.
“Oh my god,” he groans, working the last of it out with a few shallow strokes, his breathing harsh and ragged. “So fucking good.”
You whimper softly with your head dropped down into your arms, your pussy still shuddering around him.
Jungkook squeezes at the curve of your ass as he pulls out with a hiss of oversensitivity. Deciding not to bother with the mess running down your thighs, he takes a second to catch his breath, then climbs over the edge of the hot tub, wiping absentmindedly at the beads of sweat dotting his temples.
You’re clearly too fucked out to walk now, so he scoops you up to carry you across the deck and back inside through the open sliding door, bridal-style this time, cradled in his arms. He smiles at the way you’re still trembling a little, your face now buried in his chest.
He deposits you onto the couch, then stretches out next to you to prop up on one arm, admiring how your hair fans out beneath you as you curl into him with a small sigh.
It takes you a while to come to, lashes fluttering prettily over your cheeks, and when your eyes finally blink open, you sit up rather abruptly.
Jungkook brings a hand to your low back to rub gentle circles. “Hi, jagi.”
There’s a look on your face, like you’ve just realized where you are.
“Fuck, I should go,” you murmur, looking around until your gaze lands on your purse. You lean over to retrieve it and dig through the contents until you finally find your phone and slide it open. “My roommate is gonna figure it out if I don’t come back, and she’ll fucking kill me.”
“Stay with me,” Jungkook says softly.
“No, Jungkook,” you snap, and he can tell by the way you’ve dropped the nickname that he’s lost you for the night. “I shouldn’t have even fucking come here.”
He should probably take this more seriously, but he can’t help his instinctive reaction, or the smirk that pulls up the corner of his mouth. “But you did come. Four times, if my memory is correct.”
“Fuck off,” you grunt, already up and starting to pull on your clothes that are scattered across the floor of the living room. You briefly disappear outside to retrieve your shirt.
“Does this mean we’re not back together?” Jungkook tries when you slip in the door again.
You shoot him a look he’s all-too-familiar with. “Not at all.”
“Will you at least unblock me on Facebook?” He asks sweetly, and it’s a joke, but he can see from the way you roll your eyes that you’re clearly too pissed off to have any more fun tonight.
“Facebook?! That’s seriously what you care about right now?! You are so fucking shallow, Jungkook.” You grab your purse in a huff and storm off down the hallway.
Jungkook knows he should get up and fight for you, at the very least stop being horizontal on the couch— but honestly, he’s fucking tired. That’s the thing about your hot and cold shit: he knows you’ll be back eventually, whether he makes any effort right now or not. And it’s so much easier not to.
So he says nothing, hands folded behind his head as he stares up at the ceiling, and waits until he finally hears the front door slam behind you.
Whatever, he thinks to himself with a heavy exhale.
After a minute, he gets up and heads into the bathroom, turning the shower on extra-hot. It’s still early. He can rinse off, get dressed, go see what Tae and Jimin are up to. Maybe he can jump on a grenade for one of them and take his mind off things for a bit.
He unlocks his iPod, docked on the speaker he keeps on the bathroom shelf— can’t shower without a good playlist— and spins the wheel until he gets to one of his favorites, simply titled fuck bitches. The opening 808s of Kanye West kick on like a heartbeat as Jungkook steps under the spray of the shower-head.
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theneighborhoodwatch · 2 months
hello, I’m trying to put together a detailed archive post about the different ships of welcome home since (for the most part) there is little agreement on ship names. if you don’t mind, what ship names do you use for any of the wh ships or what are ship names you’ve seen or heard about? this is quite literally for research purposes haha.
thanks for your time!
interesting! i don't keep up with WH ship names much, mostly bc i have a hard time memorizing "what's the prettiest way we can combine these two characters' Central Motifs"-type names. back in my day we put their names in a blender and we LIKED IT (/lh)
anyways off the top of my head:
i use "franklydear" for frank/eddie, which seems to be Decently popular, but i've also seen "butterfly mail" get used a lot.
i've literally never seen anything but "popstar" be used for poppy/sally. before that name got popular, i Used to call it soppy, but it's probably a good thing that never caught on lol
on a similar note, barnaby/howdy has always been "laughingstock" to me.
i Personally use "barnwally" for barnaby/wally, but "wallaby" seems to be the more popular choice By Far. which makes perfect sense imo, i just worry about the hypothetical user who's just trying to find stuff about their favorite animal, the wallaby.
i only ever saw "starflower" for sally/julie
i only ever saw "appleblossom" for wally/julie
"julaby" for barnaby/julie which i'm Pretty sure is just one artist's rarepair but that artist is really good so i feel obligated to acknowledge the ship
wally/home is a ship for me and like 2 other people as far as i'm aware bc So much about their relationship is still up for interpretation. but honestly i just call it wallyhome.
fuck what else is there
did y'all ever decide on a name for wally/howdy, i know that's a big one
yeah that's all that comes to mind
OH i think “darlingdear” for wally/eddie comes up a lot???
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the-fiction-witch · 2 months
Can I
Media - Star Wars The Force Awakens Character - Petty Officer Thanisson Couple - Thanisson X Reader Reader - First Order Prisoner Being Transported Rating Smuttish Word Count 686
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I sat inside my cell bored out of my mind, nothing but a bed built into the wall and a table by the door, I sat on the bed lazily in this scratchy red prisoner jumpsuit they supplied me with even if I had undone it and pushed it away as much as I could. I was being transported on the finalizer to Xmexa the prison planet in sector nine. They had always threatened me but I didn't think they really would... Until I... stole a blaster and tried to escape from the cells on the Tansmin docks. 
The outer door opened and I wondered some first-order boy, He came through with a tray unlocking the electrified second door and heading in.
"Dinner. Prisoner 897."
"Thank you," I sighed, "You're not the usual one?"
"Humm? Ohh! A bunch of the troopers have reinforcement training." He says as he sets the tray on the table. "I'm a petty officer usually,"
"I see," I nodded, 
He nodded and I noticed he was lingering, not sure why and then I noticed his eye line. He stood his eyes staring at my breasts where my jumpsuit was unzipped and pulled down, revealing my cleavage, 
"Hey! My eyes are up here petty boy."
"Sorry!" He jumped looking away blushing, "Sorry I uhh..."
"It uhhh I've been on the finalizer for two rounds now... kinda been a while since I uhh... you know." 
"Yeah... sorry again."
"It's fine." 
"It's fine. I don't care." I sighed, "Look all you want,"
"Yeah," I shrug, "You've been on here a while and I'm bored out of my mind so go ahead." 
"...You really don't mind?" He sheepishly stepped closer, 
"Nope, Look all you like."
".... I ughh... thank you," He blushed quickly he knelt on the floor of my cell beside my bed and stared longingly at me and my body, I laughed and just let him clearly he was happy. I even spotted him drooling, "Can uhhhhhhh can I uhhhh I know its uhh-"
"You wanna touch them?"
"...Yes please,"
"Go on," I rolled my eyes,
"Thank you!" he happily jumped forward his hands grabbed my jumpsuit and he began to grope and fondle my breasts, "Uhh... Uuuuughhhh... Ohh fuck-"
"Really?" I chuckled, 
"I have been stuck on this ship for two rounds of duty that's six cycles. and I share quarters with five other guys." He complained, "Please.... uhhh just let me have this," 
"Alright you have fun," I laughed, 
"Could I uhhhh... could I take your jumpsuit off?"
"You can go on,"
"Thank you!" He smiled almost ripping open my jumpsuit to expose my bare breasts by how he was really drooling and breathing hard as he grabbed my breasts fondling them and groping them in his hands, I couldn't help but chuckle it was kinda adorable seeing him so needy, his hips even slightly bucking the more he groped, "can I uhhh can I please..."
"... it's a long shot... but I am...Begging you... Please... can I..."
"whatever it is you can do it,"
"sure go on,"
"Ummmm!" He groaned as he moved and kissed my sternum keeping his head between my breasts as he fondled and groped all but motorboating me, it tickled so I laughed and petted his blonde hair, 
"Whoa! You really are desperate aren't you?"
"Ummm mhm...." He groaned between kisses and gropes,
I chuckled and moved him away a moment making him whine but I moved my hand to my jumpsuit zip and pushed it as far down as I could pealing it off me and opening my legs, "You think you can last long enough for me too?" I asked him
he started with wide eyes and gulped, "Uhhhh... no." He said, "But I by god I will try!"
"You think you could... be my usual guard from now on? dropping off my food and such it would certainly keep us entertained for the rest of the trip to Xmexa"
"It would... Okay! deal!" He smiled climbing onto my bed to kiss me but he pulled back, "ohh uhh I uhh I don't know your name..."
"Hi, and you are?"
"Ohh right.. Thanisson,"
"Pleasure so... shall we?" I rubbed my nose on his,
"Ohhh god yes!" He groans pulling me back to kiss him. 
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roostercrowned · 2 months
Realm of the Elderlings Ask Meme Thing
tagged by @tragediegh! \o/ Favorite RotE book: I'm also gonna have to say Fool's Fate though Ass Quest is a close second Why: Listen I will never forget the shrimp emotions I experienced in that tent or during the resurrection, and the reveal/healing of Fitz's forging re-contextualizing all his previous choices. This book pulls no punches. I don't think I would have survived it if I had read it back in 2003 with no guarantee of Beloved surviving. And the ending was devastating but honestly, upon reflection I accept it--not as a "happy" ending but as Fitz maladaptively retreating to his past and being unable to follow through on the character growth that was happening for him up to that point. It is NOT a happy ending for Molly. Top three favorite characters: Amber, Lord Golden, and the Fool. Haha ok no, favorite supporting characters: Patience, Paragon, and Chade, with honorable mention to Jek and Rapskal Top Three Least Favorite Characters: uhhh Tats "Friendzone" Last Name, and Lant--he had me at "poor terrorized kid," lost me at "mean to Bee," started winning me back a little, then lost me again at "dating the 14 year old (implicitly as part of her casting off her gender nonconformity)." Everyone else I was pretty much cool with Favorite Ship (of the floating kind): I already said Paragon so it's gonna have to be Ophelia, she was such a bawdy aunt and she got to slap some bad guys (I don't even remember who it was now but the slapping was important) Top Three Favorite Ships (of the people kind): I'm not really into shipping as like a recreational activity, I feel like Robin Hobb already put in all the work for me on the one I care about. That said: PATIENCE AND LACEY. ...Actually I also really love that one text post about how Chade and Jek definitely hooked up and were total bros about it. I'll try to find it after I post this Would you rather be Witted or Skilled? Witted 100% If you were Witted, what animal would you bond with? A cormorant, and I would regress into full Gollum mode just eating raw fish and wallowing in the sea as god intended Would you rather live in the Outislands, the Mountain Kingdom, the Six Duchies, Bingtown, The Rain Wilds, Kelsingra, Jamaillia, The Pirate Isles, or the Fool's Homeland? Hard not to choose the one of these locations that's presented only as an idealized memory. With NO WINTERS (I grew up in California). Mountain Kingdom might be nice but they need to work on their ableism How were you introduced to the books? A friend with good taste mentioned finishing Farseer and being obsessed with it, and I was like "Hey I like vintage fantasy, would like to get back into reading more, and am laid up with a fucked up shoulder that's keeping me from drawing." and now here we are Share a quote you love: there are so many beautiful profound quotes about changing the world and unconditional love but @tragediegh had those covered so I am gonna go with the only balm for my soul in the aftermath of Fitz eavesdropping on Jek and Amber:
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get his ass my mind blanks when it's time to tag people but uhhh @everywaythatmatters and @cicide76536 if you haven't been tagged yet!
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Intro Post
2024 wahooo...............
Name; Mika
nicknames; uhhh idk.
Titles i have given myself; Another series lorekeeper/drasdra2 lorekeeper, ceo of rei mekaru angst, ceo of chubee garcia angst, local woman liker
Pronouns; She/he/they
Sexuality: uhhh i consider myself to be a lesbian.
Side-blog or whatever; @the-church-of-rei-mekaru
AUs; Death-dreaming au(still in the works), M:SS fantasy au, and the warrior cats au.
Interests; DRA/SDRA2, DRDT, P:EG, M:SS, other fangans, How to train your dragon, warrior cats, and wings of fire.
things i do; writing and art. and also just rambling in random posts.
Tags that may be used in a fic so you can blacklist them; tw suicide, tw gore, tw death, tw pregnancy.
^will add more tws to that if i post a fic and somebody asks a tw for something.
Tags for ships i may post about so you can blacklist them; Terurei, Tsurei(as a divorced couple), Ayakane, Kiyozuna, Kinjomae, Satsurei, reihiko, kakenata, Satsuhiko
^theres also kinji x kakeru x yuki but idk the ship name for that.
Characters I really like; Rei mekaru, Mikako Kurokawa, Astrid Hofferson, Kasumi Izumo(DRRB), Misuzu Aisaka(DRRB), Teruko Tawaki, Aloiki Kahale(M:SS), Chubee Garcia(M:SS), and Ayumu Fujimori(DRRB)
Uhhh DNI; the basics. and also if youre a proshipper. please and thank you it makes me genuinely uncomfortable.
Also, i feel like i should clarify this; I do not have much care for what you ship as long as it isnt incest-y, illegal, or abusive. If i'm uncomfortable with a ship, i'll say it. I'm not going to say a ship I dont like is a "proship" because. eh. its not. BUT. Dude please just respect this boundary. I dont feel like im asking for much. I just want boundaries to be respected online. PLEASE.
ships i do not like; Uhhh. uhhhhh. hajime x emma. idk why i dont like it i just dont. i also do not like yuri x either of the twins. I have strong opinions about akane x utsuro, and i bear a strong hatred towards it. i do not remember any other ships but i will update if/when i do.
I think thats all? uhhhhhhh i should get back to writing my lesbian fic now.
oh wait i also have stupid little tags i think. Mika rambles and Mikas art. and mika does a thing.
Also also, if i unfollow/soft block you, you can ask why. Most often it could be because somethin was said or reblogged that made me feel uncomfortable somehow. I am trying really hard to not get uncomfortable so easily, but i if i get extremely uncomfortable, i tend to get somewhat of a sinking feeling in my stomach? I guess? I dont onow how to describe it, but i feel really off.
Also, for mooties n stuff, please tag posts about religion with #religion ? I have the tag blacklisted as things about religion are discomforts.
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legend-of-cupcake · 6 months
Thank you for the tag @krispyt <33
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
I have 7 under my name and 1 anon, although I'm just going to put it back under my name I think.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly for TBHK, but I have a couple for Genshin as well! However writing for TBHK is more comfortable for me
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Red String of fate (1,159)
Clean Slate (357) ((This is the fic under anon but I'm going to change it probably lol))
I love you, please don't go (204)
Under the Red Crescent Moon, I Could Hear the Demons Whispering (195)
Kindness from the Devil (185)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I used to, but honestly I'm terrible at it now. I don't go on my account very often anymore and I don't receive emails when I get comments (personal choice), so it can be a long time before I see if anyone's left anything. But I do always try to get back to them!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I love you, please don't go wins this I think.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhh, I'm not really sure? But I'm going to go with chapter 20 of Red String of Fate. After so many near kisses throughout the fic, having HanaNene finally get their kiss makes this the happiest ending... Probably idk XD
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, thank goodness.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Welllllll, I've tried to write smut. But I just don't have the knack for it, I can't handle the cringe while writing it and I can't read it back.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No and I never will. Nothing personal but I hate crossovers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
My fics aren't good enough to steal lmao
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I'm open to it!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
HanaNene, HanaNene, HanaNene!!
If the day ever comes where no one supports HanaNene, it's because I've died. I will never not love those 2.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't even have a proper name for this WIP, it's called Possession AU in my documents. It was a KouNene fic, but you could also see it as HanaNene although they are not end game :// It's a real shame, the fic almost has 8,000 words to it, but I just have no motivation to continue.
I also have another WIP called Boundary Bound Nene-chan, but I only got a few paragraphs in and never touched it again :// The concept was pretty cool as well, Nene wakes up inside a mysterious place (later discovered to be a boundary) with no memories. She meets a boy named Tsukasa, who informs her she's dead, and together they try to find a way out. This was leaning very heavily into Yandere Hanako, which is usually right up my alley, but yeah again no motivation.
Last one I'll share is a Scaramouche fic, the temporary title was 5 times Scaramouche failed to be human and 1 time he didn’t. It's self-explanatory I think, but I started it before his backstory cutscene was revealed, and I lost confidence and motivation since what I was writing didn't match it at all. This one will 100% never be finished sadly.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hmm, it's hard to say. I think I have good ideas and concepts, and I can keep the flow of the story moving at a decent pace. I also think I do well with character interaction? Maybe? Idk.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. I am so so so bad at describing things, I think I find it hard to actually put myself into the scene, so I struggle to really get into the details of the environment and such. My paragraphs usually are on the smaller side, which I hate because I really want to immerse my readers.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
English is the only language I know and I do not trust Google Translate ^^;
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically speaking, it's Sonic The Hedgehog lmao, I wrote fics for that fandom in my very early teens on Fanfiction.net. No, I will never reveal my account or share what I wrote, I will actually die before I do that.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Hmm... Since the vamp au is unfinished, I will say it's chapter 21 of Red String of Fate. It is the only fic I have ever written and actively decided to go back and willingly read multiple times without dying of cringe... I just like it I suppose aha
Once again, thanks for the tag Krispy!! I'm not really sure who to tag, but I'll go for @milkteamoon @insipidenvy and @wingsonghalo. Obviously no pressure!! And anyone who reads this is free to join in ^_^
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izzy-b-hands · 5 months
9 People You'd Like To Know Better
tagged by @sherlockig, thank u Alexz!!!
Three ships: Gatboss (Johnny Gat/Boss, Saints Row), Nickles (Nathan/Pickles, Metalocalypse), and Ouizzy (Frenchie/Izzy, OFMD.)
I do wanna note that there were close runner ups for each of these fandoms tho lol.
Notably: Gat/Aisha/Boss for Saints Row; Chickles (Charles/Pickles), Skwistok (Skwisgaar/Toki), and Skwickles (Skwisgaar/Pickles, at least I think I've typed up their ship name correctly this time) for Metalocalypse; and Rizzy (Roach/Izzy), Blackhands (Ed/Izzy), Steddyhands (Stede/Ed/Izzy), and Tealoranges (Oluwande/Jim) for Our Flag.
First ship: God uhhh...if we're going as far back to the era of 'technically it was shipping, but I didn't have a fandom space for it bc I was a smaller child & didn't really know what shipping was at that point' then probably Phoebe/Helga from Hey Arnold! ? They're one of the first I can recall at least lol. I vaguely recall admitting to a friend in school that I thought they were together 'like ppl are when they're dating' and that got a Reaction lmao.
Last song: Probably not a shock, but a Dethklok song lmao. The whole album fucks tho, so I highly recommend giving the full thing a listen if u like metal at all.
Currently reading:
This Is How You Lose The Time War and just started Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: Merchant Seamen, Pirates and the Anglo-American Maritime World, 1700-1750.
Last film: Jimi Plays Monterey, I have it playing as I type this actually lol. Prior to that was Army of the Doomstar (could only afford to rent it for rn so u know I made sure to watch it like three times before the rental period ended ldkasfja)
Currently craving: God. this one is actually hard to answer, bc I've been trying not to think abt cravings of any kind the last few months for varying reasons but. If I can go slightly big and possibly outlandish for this one:
A vacation. All expenses paid (including food & travel in at least Comfort+ level if we're flying at all), for me and Housemate. To two places: a week in a place I really wanna go, and another week wherever Housemate really wants to go. I don't care what we do when we get there really, just that we get to hang out and do stuff and not worry abt anything for awhile. I'm gonna add that all expenses paid will also help us cover someone to watch and feed the cats while we're gone (which is an honour tbh, they are sweet lil gremlins, the babiest of boys, and v chill, good company to hang out with.)
Tagging: @nonbinaryachilles, @cizzychaos, @feelmyskin, @val-pearson, @benjhawkins, @ofmdtereomaori, @alliumbroth, @dianetastesmetal, and @arsenicflame (only if u guys wanna of course and haven't already been tagged to do this; no pressure or obligation!!!)
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legolasghosty · 10 days
20 Questions for Writers
Aaaaaa thanks @1mnobodywhoareyou for the tag!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Julie and the Phantoms mainly, though I have a single Harry Potter fic I wrote for a friend, one Lockwood & Co ficlet floating around Tumblr somewhere, and a couple of Red White and Royal Blue ideas/wips that may end up on something someday.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Maybe You Can't But That's Why I'm Here (90)
Your Colors Show Me Your History (81)
It's New, It Looks Good On You (76)
I Shouldn't Keep Loving You (But I Like it When You Hold My Hand) (66)
I'll be Here, I'll Hold You Through It (64)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! I know I'm very behind on it though. It's on my list of things to catch up on in the next few weeks now that I'm done with school.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmmm I'm honestly not sure out of the ones I have posted. I know I have an older Bobby Angst fic that I didn't post that is probably the angstiest ending I've written, but out of ones I've put online... I'll be Here, I'll Hold You Through It maybe? It's not exactly angst, but it's lighter in the actual comfort than most of my angstier ones? Or Screw Your Family (You Have Us)?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh so many, I love a happy ending! I Know I Can Fall (Because You'll be there to Catch Me) is a lovely one with a cool happy ending I think! But really most of mine have happy or at least hopeful endings.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't really gotten any to my face so far. Yay for tiny fandom where people are mostly nice!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I haven't up to this point, no.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I haven't really in the past, at least not anything I might consider posting, but I'm not opposed.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope :(
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes but not posted, @valiantlyweepingdreamer and I have a longrunning soulmate AU we started together a couple of years ago, and there's been a couple of other little things I've helped friends write.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Either Percy/Annabeth from PJO or Willie/Alex from JatP! I love the both of them with my entire soul!
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Besides the aforementioned soulmate AU, uhhh... oh I have this old idea for a JatP Camp Halfblood/PJO AU that I started but I don't think I have a solid enough grasp on where I want it to go to finish it :(((
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have been told I'm good at writing feels and softness?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Angst, super long ideas, and dialogue can be hard sometimes for me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Theoretically cool, but I would absolutely not do it beyond like using a pet name in another language unless I had someone else who actually spoke that language to help me. I've seen too many badly translated bits in books and fics to feel comfortable with that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Julie and the Phantoms
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Oh gosh... I'll go with Maybe You Can't, But That's Why I'm Here, because it was just pure projection, but it was the first thing I ever posted and people were so sweet about it, so it holds a special place in my heart!
Okay no pressure tagging @linden-after-hours, @fandomscraziness22, @keepingthepeaceinouterspace, and anyone else who wants to play!
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belabellissima · 8 months
✨💭🍰 for the ask game!
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing:
Y’all started with the hard stuff 😅 alright uhhh
1) emotional - I feel like I'm really good at conveying what characters are feeling (at least when its angst) and bringing readers along on that journey
2) hopeful - except for my one mcd fic (but even then I wrote a second ending where it was happy and hopeful again), i only write happy endings. Like no matter how bad it gets, there's always something good waiting beyond that. Because life would suck without hope - it's imo one of the strongest things in the universe, and I like my writing to reflect that.
3) physical - i was told one (1) time during one of my classes that I was very good at writing the physicality of the characters during a fight scene, to the point that the reader had absolutely no trouble or confusion what-so-ever about where the character was, what they were doing, which hand the weapon was in, etc. and proceeded to make that my entire writing personality for years. Any time i write an action scene specifically, i think back to their complement and try to judge whether the new scene would get that same commentary, and if I think the answer is no, i go back and edit it to that internal standard. Which i think leaves the writing very easy to understand and easy for the reader to feel when reading.
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
ooh this one took me awhile to come up with! I don't really know if it means like... about my writing as a whole? or just one of my fics? So I'm going with the second. I 100% headcanon that azris is real in my State of Grace series (ace!Elain and amnesia!Feysand). I have more fics planned in this series and hope to get azris' story one day, but i don't have any ideas at all for them yet so it remains headcanon. I also headcanon that when Nesta finds out Feyre thought she was a puca she finds it hilarious (though she'll never admit to it), and doesn't let Feyre live it down for at least a decade.
🍰 Name one eight of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
I have so many for all the different ships let me try and narrow it down😫 and put them below the cut!
The A Court of Faded Dreams series and The Outlier, both by the-lonelybarricade. ACoFD is so good at making the angst of UTM and the fallout of time travel be heartwarming, and is definitely a favorite of mine to reread. Meanwhile The Outlier is adorable and definitely a comfort fic when I want to read something short and sweet with flustered!Rhys.
A Court Outside of Time by Sonata_IX - I reread this one so often its not even funny. Feyre trying to seduce Rhys while he's still wearing his UTM mask is hilarious, heartbreaking, heartwarming, and all around amazing. And the Starfall scene???? Rhys learning he's going to be a dad?🥹
What Dreams May Come by as_with_a_sunbeam - sick fic with feyre taking care of Rhys. What else is there to say? Feyre's desperation to save Rhys, only to be as self-sacrificial as him and give him up? It's so good I can feel Rhys' heartbreak every time I read, which makes the happy ending so so sweet.
Anything by TheTeaQueen - she writes Nesta so fucking well and has put out phenomenal fics focusing on Rhys and Nesta bonding. I'm in awe with every single one. Of Death and Resurrection specifically is amazing, and one I return to over and over again.
Begged and Borrowed Time by daughterofthesea - seriously go read this fic. Its so good and heartwarming and heartbreaking all at the same time. One of my favorites hands down - Cassian noticing the embroidery right off the bat? Seeing something that even her sisters haven't noticed? Nesta admitting the truth to him when she can't to anyone else? I die in the best way. 🥹
Slow Dancing in a Burning Room and Don't Blame Me by separatist-apologist are my go-to fics when I need a pick-me-up. I think don't blame me was actually the first of mb's fics I ever read (it is I just checked), and SDIABR will always hold my heart with the fake-courting to real-feelings pipeline, and the way Lucien reacts when he learns of the truth, running around all night to help them out.
Literally the reason it took so many days to post this is that I got sucked into rereading these fics as I linked them😅
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zukkaoru · 2 months
tachitanihigugin (or whatever their ship name is) + body
or, if you want platonic, platonic lucy & margaret + ignite
or, gin & chuuya + mollify (okay now i'm just having fun with the vocab words lol)
n e ways ilyyyyyy
tanitachigugin + body, post-doa arc, junichirou joins the pm
Tanizaki cancels out his ability as the body hits the ground with a thump. Tachihara’s heart is still hammering in his chest, and he can still feel the glass shard that was pressed against his throat mere milliseconds prior.
Slowly, he lifts his fingers to his neck. They come away red.
He looks to Tanizaki, expecting— He’s not sure what, exactly. Horror. Regret. Revulsion. He’s spent his first few months in the mafia going out of his way to avoid directly killing anyone. But the only thing showing in his expression is pure, unfiltered, rage.
(Eerily reminiscent of his reaction when Naomi was threatened.)
In the blink of an eye, Gin is standing across from him, placing themself between him and Tanizaki. Concern plagues their expression, but they remain silent as they look him over. They’re joined shortly by Higuchi, who fusses over him and scolds him for not being more careful until Gin calms her down.
Tachihara filters most of it out. He’s still staring at Tanizaki.
“What was that?” he asks.
Tanizaki frowns. He wipes the blood from his knife with the sleeve of his sweater. Gin and Higuchi turn their focus to him as well, but he doesn’t falter as he slips the weapon back into its sheath. “I was just doing my job. Don’t think about it too hard.”
“But you don’t kill people?” Higuchi points out, her voice tilting upwards and turning it into a question.
“I never said that.” Tanizaki turns his back to them. “I was taught to search for other ways to handle my enemies, but if someone I ca— if someone is in danger, I have no qualms doing what needs to be done. Now let’s get out of here before their backup arrives.”
lucy & margaret, no abilities college au
“Is this…really a good idea?”
“Yes!” Lucy tosses another crumbled paper into the fire. “I hated this class and I’m going to celebrate the end of the semester by burning everything.”
Margaret frowns. She picks up the one textbook Lucy hasn’t ripped apart yet and flips through it. “What if you end up needing this stuff? And didn’t you rent this one?”
“Oh! That copy is actually Mark’s.” Lucy plucks the book from Margaret’s hands, then rips out several pages and adds them to the fire as well. “I turned mine back in already.”
“…But Mark rented his too?”
Lucy grins. “Sounds like his problem, not mine. Now are you going to make s’mores with me or not?”
chuuya & gin (& tachi) post-doa arc
“Woah woah woah!” Chuuya places themself between Gin and Tachihara. With a simple touch to both of them, they’re held back by gravity. “What the hell is going on here?!”
Gin, expectedly, doesn’t answer. They simply glare past Chuuya at Tachihara. If looks could kill…
Chuuya grimaces, then turns and raises an eyebrow at Tachihara.
“Don’t look at me!” he exclaims. “I didn’t do anything!”
Chuuya bites back a sigh. They pinch the bridge of their nose, trying to figure out the best way to deal with this situation. Gin has been…hostile towards Tachihara ever since the revelation that he was working with the Hunting Dogs. Chuuya can hardly blame them, and if it were their choice, they would have had him executed long ago. But Chuuya isn’t going to fight this battle against Mori because they simply don’t care that much.
They have half a mind to just let the two of them go at each other.
But that will result in a lecture from both Mori and Kouyou, and Chuuya doesn’t have time for that.
Maybe they should just drag the two back to the Black Lizard office and make Hirotsu deal with this.
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fighterbound · 3 months
Tumblr media
NAME: jana
PRONOUNS : she/her but they/them is okay with me.
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : discord is your best friend bc i don't access tumblr unless im at my pc ( some days i don't got energy for that). discord i got on my phone. i will say i am nervous when it comes to talking to others, so sometimes i either talk too much, talk too little, or take a while to reply back bc im thinking about what to say. know it's not you, it's me. i am an awkward turtle and totally not charming like naruto.
NAME OF MUSE(s) : this is a multimuse blog so there's several on here. mainly deal with nar.uto and b.nha beyond those two uhhh i have fe3h / diamond no ace / ff7r ( im getting to into it!)
BEST EXPERIENCE : seeing the results of continued interaction and plotting toward dynamics. feeling the general shift of my muses toward other muses and being like hey let's go bug them because they enjoy the company of that specific muse/blog. hitting that stride with someone else, where you both are on the same wavelength regarding your muses. sometimes it happens quickly, other times over the span of months and years of following one another. it's such a sweet moment seeing all the hard work of writing / plotting / interaction with someone and watching your muses growing together or reaching that sweet plot point you've been building up to. c:
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : lack of matching energy. if i plot with you and don't get anything back, that's one of the biggest dealbreakers. i will pull the weight for my muse(s) but i am not doing it for you. i like to think im pretty flexible in terms of letting it a slide in the beginning bc we're still figuring each other out and acting like awkward turtles but if i continue to feel that lack of energy then we're going our separate ways. i only have so many spoons to spend on here and i wanna make sure i enjoy them. also it frustrates me a lot when im asking questions, trying to get things going and just getting one word answers. i start thinking it's me and im doing something wrong. that never leads anywhere nice for mental health so, yep.
also lack of interaction. i have it in my rules if we don't interact generally within the first month then i will unfollow. again i let this slide sometimes bc life gets busy and we got all life to deal with. with that said, i generally try to reach out either by sending a DM or ask.
MUSE PREFERENCES: honestly i enjoy the softie characters and watching them grow into themselves and finding themselves. but uh i really only have one softie. the rest of them are assholes and sunshine assholes. so maybe my preference is assholes. idk. they just gotta call to me and i gotta feel for their story. yanno? or like their ship LOL
PLOTS OR MEMES : i generally prefer plotting, but not lot of it. i like to a get a general gist of direction then leaving everything else open-ended. bc really the muses sometimes don't follow the plan and i fully support following them into whatever problem their track wreck self is heading toward. i like memes, but sometimes i don't. and that's all me bc i want all the interactions to have some kind purpose, to keep building and developing our muses. but i know that's unreasonable expectation to have. plus memes are totally are great for exploring potential ideas, working out of the norm, and feeling each other out! so yess they're good but also sometimes i feel they don't go anywhere and im like did i waste time writing that? the answer is no, bc it's practice, it's a chance to explore. but can't help the way you feel at times.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : generally short replies, i like the quickness to them. however i do enjoy long ones when they start to dig into the muse and pick apart their thoughts.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : who knows. generally it's the weekend bc that's when i don't work. also when im reading. if i go time without reading a book of fanfic then my writing insp is going to suffer. sometimes i can pull out replies during the week but that is raaaare.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : little bit. the introverts you find on here are. the ambitious ones. the people pleasing ones. the ones struggling to find their place in the world and voice. little bits and pieces.
tagged: @fightaers & @dynmghts ( thank you for tagging me!) tagging: @vsagis / @sunsweets / @kiigan / @hatredcurse / @raisedcold / @soulsballad / @yookimi
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gay-flyboys · 8 months
Questions for Fic Writers
No one tagged me but I like stats and info and shit so I wanted to do this. "Keep reading" bc it's long and I don't hate you guys
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
34! On my main, 2 on my alt, and 1 anon. Would be closer to 42-45 but I went through a bender early this year and deleted/orphaned a lot of works
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
221,775 (plus the ~16k I'm editing rn) (not including the 2 on my alt)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently only RWRB, though I wrote the most for Top Gun (both movies) and Julie and the Phantoms (most of those are what I deleted tho lol)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
True Colors Shine in Darkness and in Secrecy (WIP) (RWRB)
Visceral In Doses (Top Gun)
Take All Of Me (Top Gun)
And I Am Your Tree (Young Royals)
Grit Your Teeth Another Time (Top Gun)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! Sometimes if I feel like I have nothing to add to them, I won't, but I generally try to give thanks at least.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have a LOT lmao I love angst, so. By fandom + Main angst content:
Top Gun (2 Main canon character deaths)
Real Genius (Offscreen Character Death)
JATP (Referenced canon character death + funerals!)
Young Royals (Uhhh grief? It's post-S1)
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse (Main character death)
Hunger Games (SA, as a fade to black)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, by fandom bc I have several:
Top Gun (Hangster, Valentines day, post-canon fic)
Young Royals (5+1 of Wille being carried+carrying someone)
JATP (Willex Valentine's Day date. Pure fluff. So much fluff.)
RWRB (Henry character study, mix of pre and post-canon)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
OMG so one person (I assume, diff accs but it was anonymous) left several hate comments on a fic I wrote when I was like 16 so I deleted that shit immediately. Someone gifted me a fic afterward bc they felt bad LMAO. Nothing really since, though
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
HAHAHAH yeahhhh. Idk how you'd classify it though? Like. I've got a variety of shit in there
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nah, not my style
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I can barely ask people to beta-read my fics, and making friends is hard. Asking to co-write might put me in the grave
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
I have a few. I'm always soft for Barisi (SVU), Roy/Riza (royai?) (FMAB), and Willex (JATP), though
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Too many. A Barisi soulmate au I was rewriting. Icemav flower shop/pilot au, the entirety of Hangster as Exes as Youngblood. The TG/FMAB au I started. There's more. I have like 130 fics in my docs and over half of those are WIPs, so.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told I'm good at writing physical touches, and movements. And I like to think I'm alright at descriptions
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I get way too wordy with those mentioned above. I ramble a lot. Dialogue scares me, especially in smut (I worry I'll be too corny/porno-sounding). I basically don't do outlines unless the idea I have is really long, and even then they tend to be pretty frail and bare-bones.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I used to pretty frequently when I was writing Barisi, mostly pet names and stuff in Spanish. I no longer feel confident in writing other languages that I don't know, which limits me to English and describing ASL.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Oh god. So it might have been Pokemon back when I was in elementary school. But I typically say Attack on Titan, the summer between 7th and 8th grade. I was friends with this one girl and would literally send, over Gmail, new chapters. I still have...most? of the writing in a doc and it is HORRENDOUS.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
It's not my best fic by any means, but I have a soft spot for I Hope We Make It (To The Other Side), which is a JATP fic that hit sooo many firsts for me. It was my first finished multi-chap fic, my first time plotting shit out. I think it was some of the longest writing I'd done at the time (my avg length of fic was like 2k and 3k for a long one). And I was SO PROUD of so many little things within it.
I also love Still Singin' Here Above The Ground, which is a RWRB fic that's pretty quiet but is just. Ugh. I'm really happy with how it turned out.
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honnie-bunni · 2 years
Alan, in all his wisdom, had decided to burn out his engines and splash down directly in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean. Nice move, Alan. Shit, the ocean came into view, shit shit shit shit! “Gordon…Can I get an ETA? Please?” He tried Thunderbird Three’s controls again, but nothing, the ship was entirely dead. And turns out, so was the radio. Oh no, and there it was, the sea itself. Oh, this is gonna hurt, looking back, Alan wonders why that of all things was his last thought before he hit the water. 
He woke up again to pain and blaring alarms, he knew he couldn’t have been out for more than max two minutes. Anything longer than that and he probably would’ve had some serious brain damage. Thunderbird Three was at an awkward tilt at that point, but it was enough of a downwards tilt that Alan could feasibly slide down to the end of the cockpit and try and reset TB3’s system.
He tried to stand but saw something red drip through his vision. Oh joy, a head wound! Caused by glass! “Great, no that's good,” okay, comms back online first, he thought to himself, sliding down, he felt so weak, he felt pathetic. He flicked a few switches and pulled out the lever, then he twisted and “ALAN?! ALAN do you copy!?” Alan crawled back up, keeping himself awake, “Copy, this is Thunderbird Three,” Alan leaned into his completely fried control panel.
“Alan! Thunderbird Three what's your status?” Oh, Alan realized it’s Gordon, “Losing a lot of blood, and Brains is going to have fun with Three.” He held in a cough, “Losing how much blood exactly?” Oh, that's Virgil, “A lott,” Alan didn’t notice how he slurred his words, but Gordon and Virgil definitely did. “Okay, Alan, no matter what, do not close your eyes, Gordon is almost there,” Alan hardly heard Virgil, but nodded anyway. 
He was trying to keep his eyes open, he really was, but sleep sounded so nice. NO! No, he couldn’t fall asleep. If he fell asleep now, he would probably never wake up. “Alan, we’re here,” Alan's head shot up, hearing Gordon’s voice felt like a miracle (it honestly probably was), “Copy that Gordon, but I think we may have another issue,” He tried to get up, but failed, “I can’t movve,” once again, Alan slurred his words.
Not good. Gordon sped up, now going as fast as his engines would let him, He couldn’t believe he’d let Alan go on this mission alone. Alan was his little brother and Gordon had failed him. Now, Alan was hurt. Gordon's little brother was hurt and alone and the only thing he could do about it was wait. What kind of absolute rubbish was that? He had a course set and his engines on full blast and yet he still couldn’t be fast enough.
“Alan, talk to me, what's going on, just in life?” Gordon asked, in hopes of keeping his brother awake. Virgil was on the other line talking with Brains, John, and an Informant from the organization that Alan had just saved (presumably an engineer of some sorts), talking about who knows what. If Gordon's memory serves, his name was Tesla.
That didn’t really matter right now, all that mattered was Alan. All that mattered was that his little brother was safe. And Alan would only be safe once Gordon got him to Virgil. “Uhhh well…” Alan started, his voice hardly registering over the comms. “Physics is kinda sucking right now, it’s all mathy and annoying, I liked it more when it was mainly logic, maths is worse, we’re doing all sorts of trigonometry, y’know, triangles and stuff, and it's super annoying and complex. English has never been a thing I’m good at and we’re doing latin ‘n shit now days so I’m trying really hard not to fail that right now…”
Alan went on, and every time he paused, Gordon had a mini heart attack. One extra long pause scared him, genuinely, “Alan, are you still there?” Another pause, “Alan…?” Thunderbird Three came into view, praise whatever god was out there. “Alan, Alan I’m here!” Gordon said, “Alan, I’m going to doc, then I’m coming to get you,” still no reply. 
Gordon proceeded to dock Thunderbird Four to Thunderbird Three through the secondary airlock. There we go…THERE WE GO! Gordon opened the airlock via security code, then slid down to the cockpit. Gordon tried to put in the security code for the door, said door, was fucking jammed. 
Gordon slammed his entire body weight into the door. Once, twice, click. He got his hand between the door and the wall and pushed against the door with all his weight, even shoving it open with his legs, he rolled down the cockpit to Alan, still awake, “Hey Alan, buddy, lets go, its cold in here,” Gordon slipped Alan onto his arm, taking his younger brothers weight. 
“It is colld,” Alan mumbled, “hey, eyes open Alan c’mon,” Gordon was almost begging his brother at that point. Just to keep his eyes open a little longer. Thunderbird Four had medical supplies, but it wasn’t meant for head wounds. “Alan please don’t die on me,” Gordon whispered, partly to himself, partly to fait. “Ohhhh c’mmon Gordy! I feel fffine!” Alan tried waved him off, but Gordon basically had a death grip on the younger boy. 
“We want to be warm right?” Gordon smiled, trying his best to make it not seemed forced. “So where’re we goooiing?” Alan slurred, “Just Thunderbird Four, in house heating and all!” Gordon was still trying to smile. But it was getting pretty hard to do, the two managed to get back down to Thunderbird Four. Immediately Gordon slid Alan onto the passenger seat of Thunderbird Four, and slipped a thermo-blanket around his younger brother.
“Just stay there okay,” Gordon smiled, still forced, wrapping one of the bandages Thunderbird Four had on board as a temporary solution. To say Gordon ‘rushed’ to the surface would be one hell of an understatement. “Hey, you awake Alan?” Gordon asked, still smiling-Well, trying to smile anyways. “Mhm, ‘m awake,” Alan sure as hell didn’t sound like it, “Stay awake baby brother, stay awake,” he hardly whispered the two surfaced, “Thunderbird Two, get us up there, now,” Gordon glanced back to Alan “TB3?” Gordon whispered, terrified of what he would do with himself if Alan didn’t answer.
“Copy,” Alan muttered, Thunderbird Four suddenly lurched upwards. “LORD ALMIGHTY VIRGIL! A little warning?” Gordon snapped, immediately looking back to check on Alan, who gave his older brother a shaky thumbs up. Virgil immediately helped Alan into Thunderbird Two’s mini-medical bay, and flew straight to Tracy Island. “ETA seven minutes, he’ll be okay.” The resident medic tried his best to soothe Gordon’s anxiety. It didn’t work too well, but he tried to convince himself that it would be fine and Alan would be okay. 
“What’s up with those space guys anyways?” Gordon tried to distract himself with the question, “some contractor colony thing, with a disturbing amount of  weapons at their disposal, why?” Virgil glanced at Gordon, “Just wondering who I should blame for Alan’s current condition, he’s stable, right?” The younger replied, looking straight into the horizon. “Yes, he’s stable, he’ll be okay Gordon,” Virgil looked in the same direction. “If you have to know, the Informant or Ambassador, I guess, called himself ‘Doctor Jasper Tesla’ Brains chewed him out if that gives you any closure.” The older shrugged, “...Thanks I’ll keep that name in mind.”
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gendervapor14 · 1 year
For the fanfic writer ask game: 6, 10, 11, 17, 29, 48, 63, 94
oh wow!! so many!!! thank you so much! ♥️ i will answer these lovely questions below the cut 👍
6 ~ do you have any kind of consistent writing schedule or just hoping for the best?
tbh it’s mostly hoping for the best. in general, i can usually squeeze some time out from like 8pm-11:30pm. sometimes if life is forgiving, i can get a generous 4pm-midnight window, but usually i’m so exhausted from all my morning shenanigans, i don’t do a whole lot of writing in these free-time chunks. i’m hoping by august i’ll have some free mornings and i can get back into my full groove again!
10 ~ at what point in the process do you come up with titles, and how easy or hard is that for you?
there are two options. either i come up with the title immediately as i’m writing it, (01746, a gift and a curse, happy belated, king of karaoke, negotiations). the other option is staring at the empty title box in the ao3 posting form for an hour trying to magically come up with a title. (broken fingers hold tightest, broken hearts bleed brightest, donut miss your chance!, rise & shine, temptation, torment and tangerines). seems like i have more trouble naming newer stories for some reason. 🤷
11 ~ what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
research is pretty important to me, because i like to blend the mystical magical world of one piece with some realism. (like what if drinking milk didn’t solve all our health problems) recently i learned cocoyashi was inspired by a part of indonesia, and the coldest that area gets is around sixty degrees fahrenheit, or about 15.5 degrees celsius! law and rosi are gonna roast their north blue asses off 🔥
17 ~ what is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
what a cruel question 😝 i’m giving you a few answers! in terms of dialogue, in my original series, i had someone proclaim, “Why do we have to die to be loved?” and i quite like that line. for exposition, i think it might be, “It wasn’t so gummy, it wasn’t so strained, the muscles in his neck were relaxed and the apples of his cheeks weren’t threatening to split through the skin.” from the donquixote bros event. OR. i also like, “His brother lurked in the bloody pulp along the gumline of those smiles.” i’m gonna cut myself off now, i could keep going for a while 🤪
29 ~ give us a spoiler of one of your stories.
hmmm trying to think of something shiny and new that you might not have seen me mention in the villain server… i’ll spoil a wip too, since you’ve read a lot of my posted stories! in sublime > perish, gladius is going to lose one parent at a time. so he can wallow in the misery of missing one before i kill the other. and then i’ll take his memories. 🥰
48 ~ do you reread your own stories?
y-yes. i write fanfic very self-indulgently. whatever ships/stories i can’t find, i write. so i do end up rereading them when i’m craving that trope. and that’s when i find all my typos.
63 ~ what’s the best insult you’ve read in a fic?
oh dear. this is a hard one. uhhh. lemme go through the ol bookmarks.
i really love this exchange between doflamingo and croc in crowbar’s “Product Demonstration”:
“Let’s take war, for example. Who won the last war in your neck of the woods?”
“Wars aren’t something that can be won.”
“That’s a bleeding-heart answer if I ever heard one.” She drew up, affronted. “No, no, don’t worry, you’re still an asshole.”
94 ~ do you prefer dialogue or description?
dialogue! i am sucker for dialogue. i’ve got full fictional conversations going on in my head. i used to have a notebook when i was in middle school that i filled with these random edgy conversations between ocs. that’s how i got into writing! and now i’m writing obscure fanfic with plenty of dialogue! XD
thank you so so much for all the asks!! i feel like this was some sort of celebrity interview, hehe 😎
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girlbossminerva · 1 year
Honestly before we got whoever's kids in Fairy Tail confirmed, the fandom had good names for the kids, like for Nalu, they'd contribute to their families by taking a name from their deceased parents who did the most for them such as Igneel on Natsu's side, and Layla on Lucy's side. Nashi is literally Natsu and Rushi which feels boring and is, Mashima already used a ship name for a child character, Asuka, Alzack and Bisca, also what is Greige, like really?? It's meaning is bland, like no fr.
Not to mention the designs are pretty awful, Nashi is literal mix of Natsu and Lucy, having S1 Natsu's vest and Season 2/7 Lucy's top, and her hair with Natsu's tuff at the top.
I think Greige would bully me but yet get bullied by others.
Justin is.... alright, he looks as bland as his father, purple as a hair choice is kind of um?? Some would make the, "You are not the father." Joke, and I don't really hate these kids at all, just some light criticism but he was in some sort of rush when making these characters because, if he can come up with some of the characters we know and love to this day, he could have held up on the process in a way,
There is something about the designs of the FT main four kids that yells "fan first next gen kid" to me, like when you're 14, trying to make a nalu child but your drawing skills are limited so you mostly trace in paint tool Sai and edit some other characteristics (based on experience). Which is not bad when you're a fan engaging with fandom but ffs the creator should give some creativity to his designs, make them unique, give them personality or whatever, kkuri or whatever that artist was called did more to give a personality to the big 4 children than mashima.
Honestly, for as much as I'm not a fan of the big 4 anymore, i really liked how hard fans thought of next gen kid names, even when it was modified ship names like in the case of some Gajevy sons i saw named Gale it was still a fairly decent name, and then you have the actual manga creator going "uhhh i mix names". like i refuse to believe natsu wouldn't name his child regardless of gender in Igneel's honor.
I really think the FT kids mashima has put out recently are purely because of fandom pressure and he does not give a shit about them as characters, i don't blame him tho.
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