#Tumblr and otherwise
thessalian · 11 months
Thess vs Good News
Iiiiiiii’m going to MCM Comic Con! And if the stars align and everybody’s on the ball, Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii’m finally getting autographs from the cast of Critical Role! As soon as I heard they were coming back, I was emailing my mother being like, “Hey, remember about three years ago when I asked for an early Christmas / birthday present in the form of tickets to the event and autographs? And then Covid happened and the whole thing had to be scrapped and I was very sad? Well, they’re finally coming back so could we do that deal again, please?” And she said yes and I just now got the ticket confirmation and I think I’m pretty clear on how to get an accessibility badge and while I’m not relaxing until I have autograph bookings for the cast, I am still at least going!
But no, I’m not going to see them run live at Wembley. I did try, but they got sold out way too fucking fast. Which is disappointing not just because I wanted to see that once-in-a-lifetime thing, but also because my bestie threw money at me for the tickets pretty much ten seconds after I squeed about it, because he so wanted me to be able to go because I wanted it so much. But I think in the end it’s just as well. The accessibility options for Wembley are a little ... complicated if you’re not straight-up in a wheelchair, apparently.
(Bestie would not let me give the money back. I asked repeatedly. He said no. So I thought long and hard about something he would really want me to have and did that instead. I’ll show you later.)
Anyway, insofar as the convention goes, there is one tiny bummer. See, when I asked for this as my combination Christmas / birthday gift three years ago, I asked my mother to maybe come with me on the Friday. I really want her to see a convention, at least a little bit, on the least busy day so she doesn’t get overwhelmed. So obviously when the opportunity came around again, I asked her to come with me on the Friday. Unfortunately she’s going to be in Montreal so she won’t be able to make it. So I’ve said maybe we can make a day trip of it in May 2024 and I’ll buy her ticket that time. Because gods know this is almost certainly going to be the last convention I attend in full. It’s going to be rough enough as it is.
There is one plus point to Mum not being able to make it, though, and it comes back to yet another previous convention - one that actually happened. When the CR crew came to London five years ago, they had to arrange a separate smaller panel on Sunday because it was standing room only and still hundreds of people couldn’t get in. Seriously, because the UK is easier to reach for people in Europe and other parts of the world than the US is, we got people from all over Europe and beyond. Furthest away I heard about was the Philippines. (Though in fairness it’s going to be slightly more complicated for Europeans this time around because Brexit is in full swing and Freedom of Movement is a thing of the past. Still easier than flying to San Diego, and probably cheaper too.)
Anyway, Sunday panel, I was in the queue, and I’d made it a point to say something nice to people I came across because I wanted them to have as many good memories of the day as possible. So I told the young woman in the queue just ahead of me that I liked her T-shirt. She reciprocated the compliment, we got to talking, and she was saying how she’d really love to find a campaign and that mine sounded fun but wasn’t it a shame she lives in France but I live here in London? At which I had to explain that my party spanned three countries and four time zones at that point. So, two weeks later, we had a new Monster Hunter Ranger in the party, and she’s been a source of delight ever since.
She’s trying to arrange to come back to get pictures with the cast members she missed (Travis and Laura were on paternity leave at the time, and Ashley had Blind Spot to finish), and if she can come, I have offered my sofa for a few days and the possibility of getting a carer badge so that she can help me if I’m in too much pain or hit with a dizzy spell or something. We’ve discussed it and I just told her that if she really feels like she needs to contribute, she can toss me £20 for groceries while she’s here (because you know I am going to take every opportunity to cook for people I care about). I haven’t seen her in person in years and I hope she can come. (I mean, I’d love it if all of my players could come but it’s an expensive trip and I only have so much sofa.)
So yeah, if all plays out according to plan, I’m finally getting those autographs. I do need to decide once and for all whether I want them to sign my copy of Tal’Dorei Reborn or the original Green Ronin Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting. I’m leaning towards the latter just because ... I mean, it’s where they started, and look at them now! Plus I want them to sign something sturdy because while I have kept them in good condition, I do occasionally fear for my small collection of autographs from the likes of Courtenay Taylor, Mark Meer, Ali Hillis, Alix Wilton Regan, Raphael Sbarge (his in particular, honestly), and Troy Baker calling me ‘Rebel Scum’ because I mained a Jedi Consular in SW:TOR.
(Okay, I originally mained a Smuggler in SW:TOR but then my RP guild wanted a healer for Ops so ... yeah. Republic anyway.)
So ... fun D&D session yesterday, and now good news today, and the added gloriousness of, “A bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors are going to sell out Wembley fucking Arena".
Sometimes life is good.
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hellsitegenetics · 5 days
Dear Hellsites Genetics,
I love all the hard work you do and I really appreciate it. I'm currently learning biology and I'm starting to get really into it. I hope that you are well all the time, and that you have all the luck and happiness in your future. You inspired me to study biology, and I'm really grateful for it. Thank you once again!
With love and respect,
An anonymous amino acid creature
String identified: a t Gtc,
a t a a a acat t. ' ct ag g a ' tatg t gt a t t. tat a a t t, a tat a a t c a a t. t t g, a ' a gat t. Ta c aga!
t a ct,
A a a ac cat
Closest match: Plasmodium sp. DRC-Itaito genome assembly, chromosome: 10 Common name: Unclassified Malaria-Causing Parasite
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(image source) Note: this image is not of the same organism, but of P. falciparum, which is of the same genus.
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arkarti · 4 months
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He's having the Willy Wonka experience 💜
Twitter: X
Based on this legendary picture:
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arinmoss · 30 days
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Elliott!! :3
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ionomycin · 9 days
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Low tide
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kadenemrys · 16 days
Does anyone else ever think about how, in series one, Merlin pretty much confesses to Uther that he and Arthur are in love? And how Uther is not only glad, but offers his blessing? Because I think about this a lot.
Uther: You've shown the most extraordinary loyalty.
Merlin: It is my job, Sire.
Uther: Beyond the line of duty.
Merlin: Well... You could say there is a bond between us.
Uther: I'm glad. Look after him.
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saessenach · 2 months
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What is honor compared to a woman’s love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms… or the memory of a brother’s smile? Wind and words. Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy.
Jon Snow - and family that haunts him, because sometimes ghosts make for the best love stories.
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art-the-f-up · 8 months
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the future is wild, yo.
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domirine · 5 months
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the duality of when dog wants your food
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wszczebrzyszynie · 1 year
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a gift for a friend (she made me rewatch 3rd life)
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egophiliac · 4 months
there is zero basis for this, but I can't get this thought of my head
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I don't know why I decided to draw it this way
#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#(these will be relevant in a moment)#this isn't going to happen. but WHAT IF.#anyway i didn't get him (damnit birdman come home) so i had to look up his story#and let me tell you friends my findings were SHOCKING#crowley canonically likes vegetables which means that the crowley is revaan theory = BUSTED#crowley is sailor venus = CONFIRMED#(i know 'whip of love' is a saying but that's where my mind always goes)#DISCLAIMER: this is (mostly) a joke please continue to hold whatever theories and headcanons you want#but look. c'mon. look over here at this whiteboard i've covered in red yarn.#revaan being a picky eater has come up multiple times and there is an entire whole bit about how much he hated jerky and refused to eat it#and now they've made a point of talking about how crowley will eat almost anything and loOoOoves wild game meat especially#it's SO stupid but i can't help but read way too much into it#(this is tumblr if you don't want to see incredibly stupid overanalysis of anime guys then why are you HERE)#and i gotta hold on to something because otherwise whenever malleus and crowley are onscreen together i just keep going 'same hair color...#unless this is like. some kind of deep cover thing.#lilia doesn't recognize him because he saw him eat a green bean once and revaan would NEVER#crowley's secret is safe for another day#(serious hat on: i do think they're probably connected in some way)#(but there's something deeper going on that we're just not clued into yet that will hopefully explain things)#man forget revaan what if crowley whips off his mask and it turns out he was meleanor this whole time#wait hold on meleanor loves jerky. IT ALL FITS...
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snekky-arts · 5 days
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so the bright side of not being able to sleep is that you occasionally get something done in one sitting in a reasonable amount of time
aka: i didn't plan this, i don't know what this is, take it or leave it, i kinda like it
1 - 2 - 3
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vehemourn · 2 years
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Tweetpaw and Dashclaw meet again...
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pocketmilo · 3 months
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my fave piece of my boy ever
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bitterly-almond · 5 months
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a messily colored law spread
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pato-roldnart · 7 months
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I did a little something for @hd-fan-fair 😊😊 I hope you all like pet sitter Harry and wildlife illustrator Draco!!!
Special thanks to @bubble-gumhead, @orange-peony and @avenueofesc for encouraging me to participate, you guys are the best 💕💕💕
Based on this prompt: Draco has received news of a rare magical creature sighting and has been called in to illustrate the animal and it’s natural habitat/den. Only problem is: he can’t find anyone to pet sit his beloved animals and seeks outsider help by hiring a pet sitter through a wizarding company. Enter: Harry James Potter, pet sitter extraordinaire and living his best life hanging out with animals all over Britain, enjoying the vast and interesting towns and houses he finds himself in. Draco, loves his animals so much and asks to have regular contact through letters.
Letter's text after the cut
Dear Potter, I am writing to ask for your help again to take care of my pets. Unfortunately for me, they seem to have grown on you and they have been misbehaving with any other pet sitter. I have no idea why they speak fondly of you and find you so charming. Nevertheless, I was pleased to see that they were in good hands last time.
I hope you have a good rest and enough energy since the next seventy-two hours you will be dealing with their curious, mischievous, and overly friendly nature. Until next time, D. M.
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