#Turns out that dating a human/demon is not for the faint of heart
tswwwit · 4 months
lmao imagine if familiar au them accidentally spark a weird craze for dating/marrying humans amongst demons?? like, bill pulled it off *too* well. suddenly every demon thinks human flings are the shit. having a human date at your side is the new fashion trend. people find themselves making deals not in exchange for their souls, but being a date to the next big fancy event. then everyone comes to their senses and it just becomes that one phase everyone simultaneously agrees never to speak of again. CRAZY
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temis-de-leon · 4 months
Day 10 - Surprise kiss
Characters: Leviathan x male!MC
25 kisses challenge Masterlist
Main Masterlist
CW: suggestive, established relationship, mentions of sex between Levi and MC and Levi being a sub (surprise surprise), insecure Levi, loving (and horny) MC
Levi had never used a grip so strong on him. He felt the pad of his fingers and the tip of his nails, the stress his poor boyfriend had been under for the last week so frustrating tears were filling his eyes.
MC sighed, caressing his arm in hopes of soothing him and forgetting the tingling in his belly, although his mind made both things slightly difficult.
It was usually the other way around, with MC grabbing Levi hard enough to leave imprints of his hands, but this was a welcomed change, surprisingly exciting.
He just wished they weren't staring at the colorfully bright computer screen during his thrilling discovery.
The demon's body trembled in expectation, quickly grabbing MC’s caring hand a second after feeling the touch.
One of them was clearly too nervous to think straight and the other was too excited upon being trapped by his boyfriend.
A thrilling discovery indeed. He'd make sure to bring it up in another moment.
At the time being, however, MC needed to make sure Levi wouldn't have a heart attack or a stroke, although he wasn't completely sure if demons could suffer the consequences of being awake for hours without food or water with the same intensity as humans. Probably not, but taking care of one's boyfriend shouldn't depend on biology.
“I'm sure you'll get the ticket” he reassured him “We've all signed for the contest, even Barbatos! And you know he's usually lucky with…”
“But what if I don't?!” Levi cried before he could finish talking “That would mean I wasted our time for nothing! And you're going to get tired of me!”
He kept rambling, drying his tears before they could stain his cheeks and letting MC go in the process.
“I'm never going to get tired of you!” he assured him, feeling cold all of a sudden. His hands seeked Levi's in search of contact. “And if you don't win, we can always try next time”
“That could be years from now…”
“I don't mind” he said quickly.
There was a faint sadness in his boyfriend's voice that he immediately despised. He could understand, he wouldn't be dating him if he didn't, but there had to be something to counter the possibility of not winning the VIP meet and greet.
“Maybe you're not interested anymore”
The whisper was almost inaudible, but it was there.
Sure, there was a chance of not caring about meeting the voice actors anymore, but if Levi still craved it, then he would go. Although, he slightly suspected that was not what Levi meant to say.
He stared at him, studying his avoiding glaze and holding his slender fingers in order to make him stop prickling his own skin.
Then it clicked and his face turned sour.
“I love you” he said with conviction, enjoying the immediate blush in his cheeks. “And I'll be with you until the end of my time”
“MC… I want to be with you too…”
A ping interrupted his words. They both turned their heads towards the computer, wide eyes absorbing the sight of the cartoonish ticket and the gigantic bold letters occupying the entire screen.
MC could swear his heartbeat was loud enough to fill the room, but there were only a couple of seconds of silence before Levi jumped out of his chair and lifted him off his with a tight hug.
His babbling was unintelligible, words of happiness blurring together, though it was difficult to try to make sense of them when his legs were drawing circles in the air, the demon making them spin so fast it was making MC nauseous.
“Levi! Honey!” he tried to call him to no avail.
Finally seeing him so ecstatic made him happy, but he really needed to stop or he'd loose all sense of direction.
He thought luck entered the room when Levi suddenly stayed still and sealed their lips together and he quickly took the opportunity to cradle his face and scratch his neck, but it was only seconds before he hugged him even tighter and began spinning again.
MC crossed his ankles behind Levi's back, closing his eyes.
He could do nothing but enjoy the ride.
Taglist: @ourfinalisation  @owlisbuffering  @chizukimp4  @ravenredwine @darkflowerav  @beatlebeesstuff   @mehkers
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aziraphales-library · 2 months
Hello, hello, hello!
First off, I wanted to say thank y'all for all you do in the fandom, you guys are the main way I find new fics to read :D
Secondly, sorry if this has been asked before but is there any fics where Aziraphale is talking negatively about himself and Crowley is having none of it?
Once again thank you, y'all are the best!!
You'll want to check out our #insecure aziraphale tag for loads of fics like this. Here are more to add...
Thou shalt not seek release by StormIn_A_Bottle (E)
"Say it, angel. Repeat what you said earlier." "That I was fat. And unattractive." "And what did we decide about that?" "That I would be punished for telling lies." - Another contribution to the Spring Kink GOAD event, this time with the prompt "Orgasm Denial"
And Aziraphale Cried by Wintersprings23 (NR)
Aziraphale knows what he’s doing is bad. He knows that he shouldn’t do it, but he also knows deep down in his gut, that he deserves it. He’s seen how much harm he has done, by being ignorant, thinking he was better than these humans. And he has tried to make up for it, he really has, but he still lies in bed at night thinking about what he could have done. Who he could have saved. Aziraphale had done so many blessings, but sometimes they hadn’t worked. He had seen so many humans shorten their already short lives, hollow eyes and wounded body beyond saving
You're beautiful by Between_stars_and_Nebula (NR)
Crowley and Aziraphale have been living together as lovers for six months. Everything is going well but for the last two weeks, Aziraphale seems turned off, tired and depressed. Crowley decides to figure out what's wrong with his handsome lover “Crowley had his nose buried in his angel's perfumed hair, tears in his eyes at this violent suffering that he did not understand. The muscles ached from holding Aziraphale as hard as possible against him in the hope of calming his trembling. " What's wrong ? ", he whispered softly, almost more to himself than to the angel, "What's happening to you? What can I do? " "
Insecure by White Queen Writes (T)
When gaggles of women start flooding his shop on their lunch hours just to gawk at his sexy husband, Aziraphale begins to succumb to the new doubts and fears that come as a result of going native. Luckily, Crowley has a cure for that.
There is strength in your softness, Angel by Cuppa_Rosie_Lee (G)
A soft little drabble about a soft angel. Crowley and Aziraphale return to the bookshop after a date at the Ritz. Aziraphale becomes self-conscious about his weight, but Crowley is having absolutely none of it. All the feelings and a ridiculously soft demon in love.
I won’t stand for it by Dancer_in_the_rain (T)
“Look, if you don’t want to see me again, that’s fine. I just would have liked to know what I did wrong. But if you don’t want to talk about it, I guess I’ll just-“ His hand started slipping from Aziraphale’s and in a sudden rush of panic the angel gripped onto the demon tightly. “No!”, he gasped, the thought of his beloved leaving indefinitely suddenly feeling like a crushing weight on his chest. Crowley looked back down at him, his expression confused and hurt. “Tell me what’s going on here then, angel. What has suddenly gotten into you?” Aziraphale worried his lip between his teeth, unable to meet the other’s eyes. He could feel his heart beating up his throat. Was he really about to tell Crowley? Well, yes. Crowley deserved his honesty. If anything he didn’t deserve Aziraphale throwing him out and not even giving him a reason. Even if it was a good reason. He felt like fainting when he looked back up again into the face that he loved so much. The face that he felt so undeserving of loving. “Would you… do you think I should get a new corporation?” Or: Aziraphale overhears Crowley reprimanding his plants and starts to wonder if he’s even good enough for his demon.
- Mod D
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I saw your writing requests were open!! If you’re up for it, do you think you could do a continuation of the fall asleep headcanon you did for the brothers but write one for the dateables? The one where they react to mc falling asleep on them and then when they fall asleep on mc? :)
Thank you so much for your request ♡. Here's a link to the brothers' version.
Falling Asleep (Dateables ver.)
GN!MC x Dateables (separately)
Warnings: Accidental contact with sleep inducing substance, this is a fluffy piece so it shouldn't be that upsetting but I figured I'd tag it just in case.
Diavolo: He never gets to spend as much time with you as he'd like, so the moment he has some free time in his schedule he invites you over to the castle for tea. The two of you share a padded bench on the balcony outside his bedroom overlooking the whole Devildom. He's so surprised when you fall asleep on his shoulder, forgetting that humans don't have as much stamina as demons, and you've had almost as busy of a day as he had. His heart is so full as he watches you sleep; he's so happy that a human would allow themself to be vulnerable and fall asleep in his presence (most demons in his kingdom wouldn't feel comfortable doing something like that,) especially since that human is you.
The demon prince has been running himself ragged between his duties at RAD and drawn-out meetings with the House of Lords. He was so excited when you accepted his invitation for tea at the castle, it was the one thing helping him get through the day. He just didn't expect to fall asleep on your shoulder a few minutes after sitting down at the tea table. He wakes as the clock tower strikes the hour, a faint blush dusting his cheeks before he gives an embarrassed but booming laugh. Your presence is soothing to him.
Barbatos: He's always so busy so recently you've begun visiting the Demon Lord's castle on nights Lucifer has scheduled meetings with Diavolo so you can spend time with the butler. Tonight's "date" is in the tea room for its bi-weekly dusting, you folding napkins at the tea table while Barbatos works. The silence is comforting and companionable, punctuated by the crackling fireplace and the rhythmic sweeps of Barbatos' duster. All of that, combined with your repetitive task, you find your eyelids growing heavy; and when Barbatos turns around to tell you he's finished, he finds you asleep. A fond smile on his face, he clears the table. You wake to the scent of your favorite blend of tea brewing as Barbatos watches you rest.
It's so rare for the prim and proper butler to fall asleep on the job but he's just so tired. He worked late into the night so he could have a few hours of leasure with you (he could have asked Diavolo for some time off but he is ever diligent and prideful of his work). He's fallen asleep against his folded arms on the table, right after he set the tea to brew. You let him sleep, thankfully he taught you how to brew this particular blend of tea. He wakes with a start just as you're removing the infuser basket, blush rising on his cheeks as he utters an apology. You slide a cup of tea in front of him with a smile. It's really ok that he fell asleep, he needed it.
Simeon: On the occasion that Luke is spending the evening baking with Barbatos at the castle and Solomon is out doing who knows what, Simeon takes the opportunity to invite you to Purgatory Hall to keep him company. He finds it easier to write when you're around, something about you sparks inspiration within him. He lets you get a first look at what he's written, whether that's poetry, a short story, or part of the next installment of TSL (don't tell Levi, he'd be so jealous). He's about to hand you a finished page when he sees that you're slumped against the arm of the couch, snoring lightly. With a quiet little laugh, he covers you with a throw blanket. He loves the sound of your gentle breathing as he continues to write, it's the perfect background music.
Simeon looks up from his page as he tries to visualize a difficult scene he wants to write. You turn to comment on the page you're currently reading when his head hits your shoulder, having been lulled to sleep by the rustling of pages as you sat beside him. You let him rest and continue reading, your comment can wait. He wakes up several minutes later, smiling. In his dream, the two of you were the main characters of his story, and his unconscious mind was able to put the scene together in a satisfying way that works perfectly for what he's trying to write. He picks up his pen immediately to jot it down before the memory fades away. If you ask him about it, he'll give a playful smile and tell you'll just have to wait until the next volume of TSL comes out. It's a secret... for now.
Solomon: You're in his room, helping him extract nectar from Night-Blooming Poppies to use in a potion when you accidentally rub your eyes. Suddenly you begin to feel drowsy, a known side effect from the flowers and you begin to panic, reaching for Solomon. He'll calmly reassure you that the flower is potent but harmless and that he'll be right here when you wake up. He holds you tightly as you drift off to sleep, whispering soothing spells in your ear, it's the least he can do to comfort you. Besides, you feel so perfect in his arms.
He's working quickly to extract the nectar from the flowers and enjoying his time with you when pollen from a particularly stubborn bloom sprays into his eyes. He tries to shrug it off but soon his speech is slurring as sleep begins to overtake him. Concerned, you try to keep him upright, asking him what you should do. He tells you the effects will only last a little wh... And he's out. You do your best to slide his unconscious body to the floor, letting him use your lap as a pillow as you wait for the pollen to wear off. He can't help the way his heart beats faster when the first thing he sees upon waking is the face of his adorable apprentice.
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lou-struck · 10 months
Operation: Stay Away Cupid Pt. 4
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Obey Me! Datatables (minus Luke x Mc!)
Featuring: Simeon, Diavolo, and Barbatos
Warnings: Lap Sitting, Shoulder Rubs, Asmo using his charm (not on reader),
~ As your Valentine's Day starts to wind down you seem to be coming up with more questions than answers as you observe everyone's odd behavior.
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Asmodeus’s jaw is clenched as he walks through the empty hallways of RAD. His pact mark with Solomon burns brighter beneath his skin as he gets closer and closer to where the troublesome Sorcerer is hiding. 
“Ohhhh Solomon, I know you’re in hereeee.” His singsong voice echoes off of the stone floors with an alluring quality. “Come out and have a chat with me.”
He pauses and waits for the enchantment in his voice to draw the Sorcerer out. 
One way or another, Asmodeus will be getting an answer. 
Impatiently, the Avatar of Lust crosses his arms and lets out an annoyed huff. “Solomon, you better come out here right now, or I swear I’ll send my Fanclub after you, and then you’ll be sorry.” 
The threat, paired with his charmed words, is enough to have the white-haired Sorcerer poke out from behind a bookshelf; his gait has an unsteady dreaminess to it, and his fair skin is kissed by a faint blush. A tell-tale sign that Asmodeus’ power has reached him. 
If he wasn’t so frustrated with the Sorcerer, he would’ve been proud of his handiwork. After all, he hadn’t been able to charm Solomon in centuries. 
His pink lips turn upwards in a satisfied smile as he watches Solomon rub his eyes to shake away the enchantment’s effects. The Sorcerer smirks, his eyes no longer dancing with the tendrils of Asmodeus’s charm as he speaks. “Oh, Asmodeus, how was your romantic boat ride with Mc?”
“Oh, don’t act all innocent with me.” Asmo seethes, balling up his fists childishly at Solomon’s nonchalant antics. 
He cocks his head to the side. “Whatever do you mean?”
“You lied about the cupid thing and tried to ruin my date with Mc.” The demon pouts, jutting out his perfectly glossed lips.
“Me? Lie?” he says innocently, “What gave you that Idea?”
“I think I know your magic a bit better than everyone else.” he coos almost murderously, “That little feather you sent my way ruined my special kiss with them earlier.”
“I guess you caught me. It was fun while it lasted.” Solomon smiles and settles onto one of the benches, and Asmo does the same. “Tell me, is everyone aware of my little ruse?”
Asmo’s perfectly manicured finger taps his cheek in thought, “I think all my brothers are aware of the situation now.”
“I see, and if Lucifer knows, he would’ve told Lord Diavolo.” the human mutters. The twisting feeling in his gut was the first sign that maybe tricking some of the most powerful beings in the three realms wasn’t the best idea.
“Don’t forget Barbatos.” Asmo winks, sending a deep shiver down the Sorcerer’s spine. “You know how scary he can get when he’s angry. Especially when our sweet Mc is involved.”
Solomon’s mind drifts to you, the sweet human who has endured a handful of crazy dates today with all seven avatars of sin. 
“Asmodeus, may I ask you something?” he asks, a heaviness in his heart as he realizes that he forgot something extremely important when pulling off his little prank. 
“What is it?”
“I-I didn’t ruin Mc’s Valentine’s Day, have I?” He asks the question softly, with a weakness that reminds the Avatar of Lust that his Master is still human. 
The demon smiles softly, thinking back to your adorable little smiles on the boat. And the giggles he heard down the hallway when you and Beel were making your chocolate-covered strawberries. “No, they seem to be enjoying themselves today. But I’m sure that if we were to have actually had our little kiss, it would’ve been even better.”
He hasn’t ruined your day. 
Solomon’s heart can beat again. 
“Butttt, don’t think you are off the hook yet, Solomon.” Asmo smiles, grabbing the human’s hand and pulling him towards the door, his superior strength proving to be too much for the human. “Mc has a few more dates today. But now, so do you.”
Barbatos ~
Your hair is ruffled from your nap date with Belphie, but you hardly have time to fix it now. If you did, you would be late for your date with Barbatos. Your heart thrums in your chest as you get closer and closer to the place gardens, your designated meeting place with the Butler. 
The enchanted stone pathway lights up under your shoes, guiding you to a section of the gardens you have never been to before. 
The gentle sound of swaying willow branches dance in your ears as you are led through a curtain of some soft floral vines. An unexpected wind brushes your shoulders as you reach the other side and see the Butler waiting for you.
Although he doesn’t see you right away, you can’t help but notice the irritated way Barbatos curses under his breath as he scrolls through his DDD. A deep shiver runs along your spine when you come to the realization that he looks pissed.
“H-hey Barbatos,” can you say nervously, hoping that he’s not upset at you for running a bit behind schedule. But the look of genuine happiness that appears on his face when he notices you easily frees the worry from the forefront of your mind. 
“Oh, there you are, Mc,” the Butler is followed by an enchanted lantern that illuminates his elegant features with an ironically angelic glow. “I was worried you had lost your way out here, but I am glad this wasn’t the case.”
“I hope you weren’t waiting too long for me. I had a bit of a delay in getting here. “You admit bashfully. 
He places a comforting hand on the small of your back as he walks you past the entrance to the stables, much to your confusion. “don’t worry about it, I had some loose ends to tie up so it works out perfectly. “
“Is something the matter? I saw you on your DDD looking a bit frustrated,” you murmur, feeling relieved that you haven’t completely ruined his plans for the two of you.
“Nothing I can’t handle. Lucifer had just informed me about a tricky little rat roaming around the Devildom,” he says bed early. And it may just be a gut instinct of yours, but you have a feeling that he’s not talking about an actual rat. 
Does it have something to do with why everyone has been acting so odd lately?
Is there some kind of Devildom-wide hatred of the Cupid mascot?
“My dear?” he says, pulling you from your thoughts. “Although it warms my heart to see you looking so concerned on my behalf, I assure you, everything is under control. There’s no need to worry at all.”
 There is so much care in his emerald gaze it makes your knees feel like jelly beneath you. You stumble forward into Barbato’s arms, and as expected, he catches you as if you were made of the finest porcelain in the three realms. “Careful now, our date has just begun. It would be a shame for a sprained ankle to come along and ruin our time together.”
“Sorry,” you grin, enjoying the warmth of his touch. “I think I got a bit too excited.”
“Nothing to apologize for, but I have to ask. Dear, will you be warm enough?” 
“I’ll be fine. It’s not too cold out here.” you lie. Obviously he sees right through it and gently removes his uniform jacket.
“Here, this will keep you warm until we are inside. I won’t take long, I promise,” he murmurs tenderly, wrapping the garment around your shoulders. You breathe in the gentle scent of linen and rose petals gratefully as he leads you down a pathway that definitely wasn’t there moments ago.
“Inside?” You look around and only see the place’s lush greenery. “Are we going back to the palace?”
“Not quite, but I think you will enjoy this just as much.” he beams. And with a wave of his hand, two tall hedges part for you, revealing the cutest little structure behind them. A faint smoke wisps out from its chimney, and light pours out from the blown glass windows, illuminating the dark ground with rainbow prisms of light.
“What is this place?” you ask in a hushed voice.
“A place for the two of us.” he smiles, “We are the only two beings in the Devildom who are able to make it through the barrier, aside from the young master, of course.”
A grin of childlike enthusiasm spreads across your face at his words. “You got me a secret clubhouse for Valentine’s Day?”
“It appears I have.” he smiles before looking a bit self-conscious. “Is this gift to your liking?”
“Of course it is,” you answer excitedly, wrapping your arms around his lean frame. “Thank you for sharing this special place with me.”
“Anytime.” he hums, leaning into your embrace. “I hope the two of us can spend many hours hidden away behind these walls.”
“I do too,” you smile, just realizing that you haven’t given him his gift yet. “I know it’s not an enchanted clubhouse, but I got you something too.”
You hold out the perfectly wrapped parcel for him to take. “Whatever it is, I’m sure it will be wonderful,” he says eagerly. 
Even in his excitement, he still manages to unwrap the gift without ripping any of the actual paper. And when he opens the box of intricate-looking tea bombs, you swear you saw his eyes turn glassy. 
“These look amazing, what are they?” he asks, intrigued. “Some kind of tea?”
You got him something that he has never seen before. If you could pop yourself on the back without embarrassing yourself, you would. “they’re called tea bombs. All you have to do is drop one in a teapot and add hot water. They’re getting pretty popular in the human realm, so I thought you may appreciate trying something new.”
He admires the gift once more before holding out of hand or two. “thank you for such a thoughtful and considerate gift. If it’s all right with you, shall we head inside our new clubhouse so we can prepare one together?”
You nod excitedly and take his hand. “I’d be delighted.”
“Wonderful, like this little cottage, this is something I only wish to share with you.”
Why is it that everyone else seems to know the coolest places in the Devildom?
This question crosses your mind as you sit across from Simeon at a Greenhouse cafe, the little tea table in front of you decorated with candied flowers just waiting to be snacked on. Somehow, the warm, bright light that streams in through the enchanted glass above you looks and feels just like the sunlight you have missed so dearly.
“This place is amazing.” you say earnestly, “How did you find it?”
He blushes and somehow manages to look even more perfect than he had just a few moments ago, “I got lost one day trying to follow the directions on my DDD and ended up here. Some may call it an accident, but now, with you here across from me, I know in my heart it was fate.”
His praise warms your heart like sunlight. The angel’s sincerity and poetic way with words has you falling for him more and more every day. 
Despite his sweet words and love in his eyes, you can tell that he looks a bit nervous. His posture looks painfully rigid, and he looks around the empty cafe as if he is expecting some kind of ambush. 
Furthermore, you couldn’t help but notice how Simeon has been using every opportunity he can to touch you, The fuzzy tingling on your skin, a tell-tale sign of his angelic rejuvenating power coursing through you. Almost as if he is protecting you from something. 
Although you do not mind his constant attention and polite little touches, it troubles you to see how paranoid he is acting. 
Just like how Mammon and the others were acting at the beginning of the day. 
You’re not an idiot. And after your date with Barbatos you felt like whatever situation that was occurring behind your back had resolved itself.
Whatever was going on with them, it seemed that no one thought to tell the angel that everything was okay.
“Um, Mc, may I please hold your hand?”
“Of course, you can,” you reply, holding one of your hands out for him to take. As he does, you give him a little squeeze and send him the most reassuring look you can muster. Sure, you could try to interrogate him. But forcing him to tell you the truth doesn’t sit right with you. 
“I don’t know what’s troubling you, but I promise everything will be fine,” you say, not wanting to push him anymore on the subject. You decide now would be the best time to give him his Valentine’s Day gift. 
You reach into your bag and pull out his little gift bag. Your movements are slow, so the sound of liquid crashing against glass doesn’t give away the surprise until he opens it. 
“Is this for me?” he asks, taking the bag’s strings and setting it before him. You nod and watch as he gently removes the tissue paper and pulls out the enchanted cologne bottle you got him. The liquid inside is a potion called bottled nostalgia. It is scentless until the user recalls a fond memory or smell and sprays it on themselves. It took you weeks to find the one vendor in the devildom who makes it, but you finally managed to track her down with the help of Simeon’s number one fan, Leviathan.
The angel is silent as he reads the information card, understanding the importance of the bottle in front of him. “Mc, you must’ve put in so much effort in choosing this gift for me. Thank you. I know every time I use this, I will think of you and smile.”
“I-it was nothing,” you say, successfully flustered. 
There is a knowing look in his gaze as he gives you a soft smile. “You truly are amazing, Mc. I apologize for not giving you my full attention earlier. It’s not much, but I, too, prepared a gift for you.”
He slides a beautifully sealed envelope in front of you. Your name is penned elegantly in liquid gold on the front. Not wishing to destroy such a beautiful stamp, you fiddle with the wax seal tentatively until it gives way. 
Simeon is an amazing author, and as you pull out the letter, you realize that he had written you a letter in the same golden ink as on the front. Its beauty brings you to tears, and as you read the lines aloud, the greenhouse fills with a warm, bright light.
You shield your eyes from the source and look at him with all the love in the world. As the magic slowly fades back into the ink.
“My gift to you is the sun. You are the light of my life. It only makes sense that I can gift you something worthy of the title.”
As you walk up the grand marble staircase of the palace, you begin to regret the simple little cardboard box in your hands decorated with glittery hearts and stickers. 
The Devildom Price has long been fascinated with human traditions, so you thought it would be fun to give him a box of cheesy Valentine's Day cards, the same ones your class would pass around this day when you were in primary school.
You made sure to fill it with lots of different human-world candies, stickers, temporary tattoos, and cute yet corny pickup lines written from your own hand. 
‘It’s not too late.’ the voice of doubt whispers into your mind. ‘You can turn back now and find something worthy of the prince.’
Your legs are shaking, and your self-consciousness gets the better of you, but just as you are about to turn and walk away from the large doors of his private quarters, the doors part, and you meet the kind, citron gaze of the Prince of Hell. 
“Mc, I’m so glad you made it.” his joyful voice declares as he looks over you. “Come in. I bet you’ve had quite the exhausting day so far.”
You nod shyly and step inside. You try to tuck the cardboard gift box you decorated behind your back, but he notices this immediately. 
“What’s that you’re holding? He asks, sitting next to you on his crushed velvet sofa. For such an intimidating Demon, his presence has such a calming effect on your nerves. 
“I-it's for you,” you murmur, holding the box out to him with both hands. “I thought you would appreciate getting a Valentine’s Day mailbox of your own today. But If you don’t like it, I ca-”
“You made this just for me?” he asks, sounding touched as he carefully removes the box from your hands as if it was about to shatter with the lightest touch. “I’ve never received a gift so thoughtfully homemade before. It’s refreshing.”
“So you like it?” you say, hope evident in your tone as he opens the box and starts to look at the little Valentine's cards you made for him.
“I love it. This is wonderful.” he laughs, peeling a lip print sticker off one of the cards and placing it on his cheek. It looks so wonderfully odd on his fine jawline that you can’t help but laugh along with him. 
“I wish I would’ve made one for you as well,” he admits. “Perhaps we should do this for everyone next year.”
“That would be so fun.” you smile, feeling a bit nostalgic at the idea of sending cheesy valentines to all your favorite guys.
“I got you a gift as well,” he smiles, removing a long black velvet jewelry case from the table in front of you. You had been so worried about your gift, you failed to notice it earlier. He opens the box and reveals a surprisingly simple pendant with a delicate silver chain and a small gemstone the color of his eyes. “I wanted you to have something you can wear every day.”
“It’s beautiful.” you smile, admiring the simple yet elegant jewelry.
“Would you like me to put it on you?” he asks hesitantly. You nod and his warm smile returns to light up the room. “Please come closer then.”
You climb up onto his lap as he secures the delicate little clasp around your neck. “This is perfect, getting to keep you close like this,” he murmurs into your ear as you relax. 
“This is nice.” you hum happily. 
“Have you had an interesting day so far?” he asks, feeling the tenseness in your shoulders. 
“That’s one word for it, you sigh, feeling at home against his broad frame.”
“Would you like to talk about it?” 
As the Prince himself gives you a shoulder massage, you spill the details of your long yet very romantic day. You also share with him the unexplained feathers, floating hearts, and shadows that freaked the others out so much on your dates.
At the end of your story, he chuckles heartily, and you turn to meet his gaze, seeing the look of guilt and amusement on his handsome features.
“You know why everyone’s been acting weird, don’t you?” you ask, knowing in your heart that you are finally getting some answers.
He laughs and presses a kiss to your forehead. “I do, but I think it would be best if you were to hear the truth from everyone.”
You turn your head to the side and feel rather confused by his wording. 
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Tagging: @enchantedforest-network, @chaoticotaku, @nicksworld0715 , @ikevampharem, @ppichippi , @rabba-vee, @alexisjustheree, @scienceisfornerds, @rustybucketofghosts, @ihatecorns, @ignorxntf00l, @sleeppykitten
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Foreseer's incident
*at RAD, demons having usual activities, and Lucifer, Shuichi plotted to get known past self of mages, first they asked Sylus*
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What is it? Oh my past self? You may didn't like it, it's far from worse..
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What you mean?
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In the past, I'm not a human but a demon.
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You're a demon?
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Heh true it's a demon from philos called, wanderer demons, it's come in many shapes and size and strengths.. when philos people lost their sanity they turned into wanderers.. based on xavier past story.
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and also nope, I'm not biblical demon or whatsoever that exists on devildom, I'm from philos so, I'm an incarnation of a wanderer demon of same name.
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Hmm? Yeah.. I can feel you're wanderer demon with human consciousness.
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Oh... it is.
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Straightforward from action, angst romance video game dating simulator.
//author note: what leviathan referencing here is a gacha game love and deepspace storyline you know what levi referencing at.
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Pfff you know where it come from.
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Stop referencing things.
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And at past actually, the hunter girl that I know kill me with dagger to my heart as fast and hard as she could, so I wouldn't harm her as wanderer demon, I was the one who ordered her to do it, when I'm incarnated again I'm still half human half wanderer demon, with evol that I have now.
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that's really sad.
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True love sacrifice y'all.... oh my god I moved to tears oh my...
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I know that hunter girl didn't know I'm in devildom, but sure she will managing to enter portal to devildom somehow.
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*there's rumbling sounds inside a cafeteria and there's Foreseer came out looks harmed and wounded, seems astra punished him again for having incident Asmodeus accidentally charmed him*
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Oh no!
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Uh oh..
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Lemme treat your wounds. *He rushed to Foreseer*
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How did he ended up in trouble again?
*Foreseer fainted due his wounds*
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This is bad.. he's gonna die for second time.
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megantrancyfanfics · 2 years
Blood lust | Demon Rengoku x f! Reader x Akaza
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This is going to be a LONG story, buckle in. If you’re here for a smut with no plot this isn’t your book.
Warning: Rengoku being a whiny needy baby for the first half before Akaza shows up, Voyeurism, oral (receiving and giving), mentions of biting, cream pies, 3some (no boy x boy), double stuffed (2 dicks, 1 pussy) degrading, pet names “our angel”, “angel”, marking, overstimulation, a bit of spit play, bit of blood play.
This story is not for the faint of heart, it’s not a gentle lemon. This story is rated 18+ for a reason. Minors and ageless blogs please do not interact. You’ve been warned.
Tags: @animupiglett enjoy your feast
Being in love with demons does have its perks, you get to spend the whole day with them, most of the time it’s cuddled down in bed with them sleeping beside you, you never have to worry about getting hurt, if you do, whether it be a demon or human, they won’t live to see the next day. Plus the biggest perk is..you get the whole bed to yourself at night.
People would think that dating a demon would be scary, and having 2 is just begging for death, but they’re so sweet and gentle with you. No matter what they’re willing to do anything for you, and you’re willing to do anything for them. You help them with their ruts, you’re there for their rants about how something didn’t go their way, you’re there through thick and thin.
Rengoku is a bit of a handful though. Since he is a new demon, it’s harder for him to control his urges. Akaza would be lying if he said he wasn’t worried about Rengoku accidentally hurting you, so he keeps a close eye on the new demon.
It was around 7:45 am, the sun just starting to light the dark sky. Making the once dark sky, turn into a light grey. Fog covering the land. You stood by the window, waiting for your demons to return home. It was cold. You were still in your silk nightgown that came to the top of your knees. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, one of your spaghetti straps falling off your shoulder.
“I have returned.” You heard Rengoku said darkly as he came in through the window.
You looked at him, smiling softly as you spoke. “Good morning Rengoku. How was the ni-mm!” Rengoku grabbed your face and quickly slammed his lips onto yours. His tongue exploding every inch of your mouth, making you letting hums of pleasure before he pulled back, his hands sliding from your cheeks down your arms before he picked you up, walked over to the bed and threw you onto it. He climbed on top of you, his eyes staring down at you hungrily before he started attacking your neck with sloppy kisses, and bites. You looked over at your calendar, tomorrow was a full moon. Rengoku was experiencing blood lust.
Blood lust effects all demons, regardless of their rank, but normally the higher rank demons are able to compress their blood lust and continue with their night just fine, while the lowers suffer.
“I want you, I want you so bad.” Rengoku practically whined out. His hands went down to the hem of your nightgown, pulling it up, before detaching his lips from your neck to pull it completely off of you. “Fuck you’re so beautiful.” He complimented before going down to your breasts. He latched onto your nipple, swirling his tongue around it, as his other hand worked on gently pulling the nipple and kneading your breast. He then decided to mark your chest. The bites were harsh, but not enough to break skin.
“It hurts..” he said out of breath.
“It hurts?” You asked sitting up on your elbows. You balanced on one elbow as your other hand you brought down to his clothed cock. A whimper escaped his lips as he bucked his hips into your hand.
He nodded his head before sitting up, and removing his pants and underwear. You sat up as well and got onto your knees before getting into a doggy style position. You spit on his tip, before taking your hand and jerking him off. Rengoku let out a loud groan as he threw his head back as he took off his shirt.
You don’t think you’ve ever felt this man so hard before. You kitten licked his tip, abusing his hole, making him whimper and softly buck his hips, a sign he wanted more. You slid his tip into your mouth, his cock twitching at your warm wet mouth slowing making its way to the base of his cock.
“F-fuck yes oh my god please make me cum” he begged, grabbing a handful of your hair before bucking his hips into you.
Your eyes quickly filled with tears as you gagged, earning groans and moans from your man. He loved the feeling of your throat tightening around his tip.
“P-please forgive me for being so rough..” he whines out. You look up at him, watching his muscles flex, his cheeks red, as his mouth hung open, as sounds continued to fill the room.
“O-oh fuck I’m cumming” Rengoku mumbled out multiple times as his hips became sloppy and faster.
With one final push, and one final moan of pleasure, the back of your throat was coated in thick, hot, white ropes of rengoku’s cum.
When Rengoku pulled back, your face hurt. Your poor lips puffy and red, your cheeks tear stained as rengoku’s cock twitched, still rock hard.
A tch was heard by the window, both yours and rengoku’s head snapped towards that direction to see Akaza sitting in the windowsill, watching the two of you.
“Rengoku your blood lust can be smelled for miles.” Akaza comments before getting off of the window, shutting it, and walking towards the bed, his eyes fixated on your face.
“My poor angel.” Akaza cooed placing a hand on your cheek, his face looking apologetic before he turned his head to look at Rengoku, his eyebrows forced together.
“You. How dare you treat our angel this way? Look at her. You abused her.” He looks back at you, bringing his face close to yours. He spoke softly. “Do you want me to satisfy you, dear? I can smell your arousal. I promise to be gentle.”
You nodded. Akaza’s face softened before quickly kissing you. As much as he loved your kisses, he knew your lips were probably sore, and he didn’t want to hurt you.
“How about you lay down and get comfy? I’ll take good care of you”
You nod, before laying down on the bed, and spreading your legs. Your eyes shifted from Akaza to Rengoku who was looking down at your wet cunt, biting his lip. Akaza made Rengoku move to your right side so he had room to lay down and focus all of his attention on you. Akaza looked at you for a second, a soft smile on his face before his tongue rubbed playful circles around your entrance before flattening his tongue and going up to your clit. He latched his lips around the sensitive ball of nerves, swirling his tongue around it, every once in a while sucking it until he had your legs shaking. Once he started abusing your entrance with his tongue, Rengoku decided he wanted to join into the action by abusing your nipples.
It didn’t take long to feel that familiar knot tightening up in your stomach. Akaza had your legs shaking with how much he was abusing your clit, your mind was almost completely blank, but you were able to choke out that you were close before cumming on his tongue. Once he cleaned you up, he sat up.
“Good girl” he cooed. He opened his mouth to say something else but Rengoku cut him off.
“I want to taste her too.”
“Be my guest.” Akaza said, switching positions with the fiery haired man. “Be gentle with her, she’s going to be sensitive.”
Rengoku nodded, before lifting your legs up, his fingers digging into your legs as he attacked your sensitive clit. You threw your head back, letting out a moan, before locking eyes with Akaza.
“Kiss me Akaza..” you whined out.
“But your lips are bruised, won’t me kissing you hurt?”
“No, Akaza please.” Akaza smiled and kissed you. Who was he to ignore his angel’s please and wants? You wrapped your arms around his neck, your tongues exploring, and playing with each other’s until rengoku’s fingernails dug so deep into your leg it broke skin. You pulled away from Akaza, letting out a quick “ow”, which made Akaza look down at you with fear in his eyes. “Ow? Why ow? What hurt- your bleeding. Rengoku! Stop what you’re doing why is she bleeding?! Don’t lie to me I can smell her blood!”
Rengoku ignored Akaza, and pulled away from your clit to lick the blood coming from your thighs, allowing his teeth to graze your thighs, creating more blood for him to devour. Tears filled your eyes, as it felt lily little razors cutting into your skin.
“Rengoku stop you’re hurting her.” Akaza said once again, the anger in his voice being heard clear as day.
“Shut up and stop telling me what to do.” Rengoku barked at him, sitting up, he took his fingertips and hit your cheek twice, signaling for you to open your mouth, you did, allowing Rengoku to spit inside your mouth before commanding you to swallow it. And you did, you were in no position to disobey right now. You could taste your blood and arousal, it made you frown, it tasted awful to you, yet it tasted better than anything in the world to Rengoku. Before you could even register what was going on, Rengoku lifted your ass off the bed a little, before lining his cock up with your entrance and angrily shoving it in. You let out a gasp, as Rengoku wasted no time to start pounding into you, the tip of his cock kissing the tip of your cervix. Rengoku was so obsessed with needing to cum again he wasn’t even caring the littlest bit about you.
Akaza watched as your brows knitted together, and you bit your lip. You were not enjoying this in the slightest. He was pissed, and he felt bad. If he tried to step in now he was almost certain Rengoku would try to kill him. So, Akaza did the only thing he could do, he slid his hand down to your clit and gently started rubbing it, hoping to equal out the pain and pleasure. You moaned, in both pleasure and pain. Rengoku was once again digging his fingernails into your legs. The room was filled with moans, your eyes once again connected with Akaza gaze.
“Do you want to use my mouth?” You whined out, making Akaza smile softly before replying. “No angel, your mouth is sore I can tell, I’ll get my fill in a little bit I promise I’m ok.” With a kiss onto your forehead, Rengoku let out a low groan, his hips slapping into you sloppily before you felt him come to a stop, his cock twitching inside of you as he came. Once he caught his breath, he pulled out and flopped onto the bed. Rengoku and Akaza looked at each other, Rengoku looked at you then back at the pink haired man as a way to signal it was his turn.
“You don’t mind if I take my turn now, do you angel?” You shook your head no, as Akaza shifted over to between your eyes. As much as he was upset with Rengoku for making your cunt puffy and red, and being selfish, he had to admit that seeing rengoku’s cum leak out of you was such a turn on.
Akaza quickly removed his pants before slowly shoving his cock deep inside of you, making you let out a gasp of pleasure when he finally bottomed out.
He slowly thrusted in and out of you until he saw in your face that you were adjusted, he then started to fuck you just the way you like it: fast and rough.
Your eyes filled with tears, your cunt overstimulated when the vein on akaza’s cock rubbed your g-spot. Your legs shook from overwhelming pleasure until you were crying out that you were close. You couldn’t hold back, when your orgasm washed over you, your eyes rolled back into the back of your head as Akaza pumped his hot sticky cum into your cunt before pulling out, and catching his breath.
Akaza looked over at Rengoku, who’s cock was once again rock hard. Rengoku bit his lip as he sat up.
“Y/n, c’mere.” He stated as he watched you crawl over to him, he sat up, only enough so his arms could support him as he made you get on top of him. He rubbed his cock on your folds that had mixes of yours,his, and akaza’s cum before shoving his cock inside, then looking at Akaza.
“C’mon, let’s try something new.” Rengoku said. Akaza raised an eyebrow as he went behind you. “Let’s double stuff her. Let’s make her never want to take us 1 by 1 again.” He says with a smirk.
“Do you think she can handle it..?”
“She will. She’s our toy at the end of the day, now c’mon or I’m going to cum by her walls clenching down on my cock.”
Akaza swallowed hard before lining up. He muttered a quick apology before shoving his cock into your dripping cunt to.
You gasped, the burning sensation you felt was unreal. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you were in unbelievable pain. Rengoku did try to help by rubbing your clit and it did help. After around 5 minutes, the burning started to subside and the boys started moving.
You whimpered, the feeling was so unnatural. Rengoku pulled almost all the way out before thrusting back in again, making you let out a gasp before a loud moan, giving Rengoku the signal that you were no longer feeling pain. His thrusts were almost inhuman, as for Akaza, his thrusts were fast, but not keeping up with Rengoku at all.
You couldn’t shut your mouth, moan after moan poured out of your mouth. Rengoku was rubbing your g-spot over and over, causing your body to spasm and shiver. Akaza was whispering sweet compliments to you between grunts and soft moans.
Your orgasm built up faster than it ever had before, your moans turning more into whines, telling the men that you were close. A few more thrusts, and all of you were cumming together at once. The room was filled with one final satisfied moan and grunts from everyone.
Akaza pulled out first, then Rengoku moved you slightly so his cock could fall out. Akaza got to watch a massive stream of both his and rengoku’s cum come out onto rengoku’s hips.
You were beyond exhausted, everywhere hurt. You could barely keep your eyes open, let alone understand anything anyone was trying to say to you.
“I think we should all get a shower together, treat y/n’s wounds, then head off to bed.” Akaza said, earning a nod from Rengoku.
And that’s exactly what they did. After the shower they cleaned every spot rengoku made bleed, before climbing into bed and treating you like a princess. Akaza was in front of you, rubbing your cheek with his thumb, and thanking and praising you for being such a good angel for them, while Rengoku went between rubbing/scratching your back, and playing with your hair, every once in a while complimenting you.
It didn’t take long for any of you to finally pass out from exhaustion.
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mxvladdy · 3 years
Lost Affections: Part 3
Ayyyyoooo. Here is the last part to @marymaryroo's request!
On to the next one :)
Magic is a beautiful and powerful thing. It permeates the Devildom like an eternal fog. For the residents, it is as common as breathing. From the strongest of their kind down to the lowest inhabitants, it is integral to their culture and daily life. Mistakes and accidents happen daily with young and old alike learning or experimenting. Magical rebounds and mishaps mean very little to them, especially the brothers. From the Celestial Realms down, they have seen it all.
Sometimes they forget that to you, magic can be a volatile and dangerous.
Beel would never call himself accident-prone. He didn’t trip and stumble like Belphie when sleep deprived. He most certainly wasn’t as bad as Mammon when he was without his glasses or contacts. No, he would never say he was that bad. While not clumsy he knew he could be careless, especially when food was in the picture. He didn’t think twice about eating random things. It did hurt anyone, not physically. Sure, Luke and Satan got a little put out when he swiped something, but it didn’t hurt them.
He just forgets sometimes that you are different. You and he go together so well he forgets that you aren’t a demon. You don’t have the steel stomach or fast recovery time that he has. You make up for it. When you go out to eat you always research the place ahead of time. Does the place have non-enchanted food? Human grade options? If not, you make sure that Beel has his fill before taking him somewhere more appropriate for your stomach. Neither of you thinks about residual contaminants.
His life with you unravels with kisses. It is a slow, inconspicuous death. It builds over time with each brush of his lips to yours. Neither of you notices the taste of magic clinging to his mouth or tongue, neither of you thinks of the implications of all the weird potions and food he samples.
It starts small, you forget simple things about him. When his club activities ended, or what his favorite post-game drink was. He brushes it off, it’s trivial really. You are busy and these things can happen to the best of them. He keeps brushing off the nagging worry until he can’t.
It comes to a head one night at the door to your room. “Beel?” You yawn, pulling your robes closer around you. “What’s up?” You glance down at the box of snacks and pillows in his hands. “Did I miss something?”
“It’s date night.”
Your brows shoot up, facing heating. “What.” You sputter. Beel frowns, placing the box at his feet. With slow movements, he places his hand on your forehead. You were a little warm.
“Mmmmm.” His hearts flutter with nerves. Was his little human sick? He ignores the way you stiffen when he touches you. “Do you need a doctor?” He asks bending down to look you in the eye. He catches a whiff of something when you exhale. It is faint but clings to your breath, it’s sickly sweet and sharp to his nostrils. “You need a doctor.”
Without a second thought, he grabs your arm and drags you out of your room. His food forgotten in the hallway with your protests buzzing in his ears. “Beel...Beel!” You stumble after him. He ignores you each step he takes determined and picks up speed. Before you know it you are sitting next to Gluttony in Purgatory waiting for Solomon, beyond confused and anxious.
You fidget on the couch, peeking glances at the troubled look on the red-heads face. This wasn’t like him. He was a man of few words, sure, but this was new. Beel left you to your devices mostly, a few polite conversations here and there, but you two never hung out a lot. You zone out when he starts talking to Solomon. You were still half asleep from Beel waking you up. You had been sleeping so soundly beforehand. “Are you alright?” You jerk awake unaware that you started dozing again. Solomon crouches in front of you.
“I think so?” You had no idea what this was about. “I’m just tired.” The mage says nothing to you, instead turning to glance at Beel. He jerks his head to the door, a clear signal for the old demon to wait outside.
With one last pitiful glance, Beelzebub leaves the two humans to converse. “Now then.” Solomon rounds his piercing eyes back to you. “Tell me how's your stay in the Devildom?”
You tell him confused but willing to play along with his odd request, the sooner you wrap this up the sooner you can go back to bed. An odd feeling of missing something begins to grow as you tell him. Soon you began to fumble, the harder you try to recount something the harder it was to collect. You still were convinced anything was seriously wrong but the growing look of concern on Solomon’s face was making you think otherwise. “So,” You finish rubbing your knees with sweaty palms. “I’m I dying or something?”
He laughs dismissing the notion with a wave of a well-manicured hand. “No, no your soul is still firmly in place.” He rubs his chin. “But you have lost your memory, only when it comes to Beelzebub though. It is very peculiar. Have you ingested anything weird of late? Done any experiments with Satan?” You shake your head. To the best of your knowledge, you have been really careful with your food intake while down here. Devildom foods were delicious but had potential side effects for you and Solomon.
Solomon nods. He figured that. “Could I draw some blood? It sounds to me like you might have trace contamination of some kind. Diavolo and I discussed that this might happen but I wish to double-check.” Well, that’s worrisome, you nod and begin to roll up your sleeve. Solomon bustles collecting a few vials and a mouth swab for extra measure.
“Thank you.” He smiles looking at the samples with scientific glee. “I will let you know what I find. Until then, I guess just go about your regular day. Unless you feel ill, in that case, come to me immediately.” With that, he leaves you depositing you back with Beel.
The walk back to the House was more subdued, both of you were confused as to what to do next. “So,” You flounder. “We were-are an item?”
He shrugs looking down at you. “Yes. We’d hang out in your room on Saturdays, and get brunch on Sundays... do you still want to?”
You shrug feeling awkward. You felt nothing but platonic friendship to the large demon, though Solomon did fill you in on what you apparently have forgotten. “If you want to? I’m up now, and too nervous to sleep.” Beel grunts clenching his fists at his side.
“No,” He shakes his head. “You should rest, even if you can’t sleep. This is overwhelming. I’ll see you at breakfast tomorrow?” You feel bad. He sounds so hopeful when he asks, like a good night’s sleep was all you needed to fix whatever this was.
You reach for his big hand and squeeze it. “Sure, Beelzebub. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He lets you go watching you head back into the house. Running on instinct he turns and heads into the dense forest surrounding the house. He needed to hunt for a bit.
That’s how his twin finds him, gorging himself on the fauna of the forest. Belphie’s socked feet pad loudly over the dried grass and scattered bones of the once lush lowlands. “You know Lucifer is going to be pissed. It takes forever for the wildlife to come back after one of your benders.” He tosses his oversized pillow onto the dead grass and lays down. Belphie doses for a moment, the sound of his brother’s many mouths and whistling of wings a white noise to him. Up until an obnoxious locus landed on his nose.
“Beel.” He flicks the bug off his face, shooting the swarm coating his brother’s skin a sour look. “What’s going on?”
Forgot. Me. One of his mouths rattles out, flecks of meat and vegetation falling from between crooked and jagged teeth. Another opens near his rib cage to speak. They. Don’t. Love. Me.
“I’ll kill them.” Already Belphie is back on his feet. He feels for his brother and his plight, but the thought that you betrayed him after you promised to never hurt Beel took precedence. The storm of bugs goes quiet, all the millions of eyes now turn to him. They jerk and twitch in unison before converging back on the mass of leathery gaunt skin of his brother. His human form takes shape slowly, shiny wings and many mandibled skulls melding together to create his flesh.
Beel grabs Belphie’s shoulders. His claws dig into the soft fabric of his nightshirt. “It’s not their fault.”
“Then who?” Beel chuckles weakly at his brother’s blood lust. He couldn’t deny that he felt it too, but he had no idea where to channel this anger.
So he ate. It calmed him a little. If he could get into the village and eat there...no. The last time he siphoned the emotions from the populous at large Lucifer got mad. The whole of the Devildom had to shut down for a good week to recover. He rubs his stomach a feeling of agitation growing in the pits of them. “Don’t know. Solomon is taking a look at it.” Belphie snorts a sneer growing on his lips. “He is helping, Belphie.”
“Sure-right. That boy meddles in all shorts of shit he shouldn’t. Careful he doesn’t try to bargain with your skin for this.” He eyes where your mark rests on his brother. It would be a perfect lure to entrap his twin in a pact.
No, none of this would do. Belphegor would rather die than let some human-like Solomon meddle anymore in his family’s affairs, and as far as he was concerned the moment you started seeing Beel you were as another sibling. “Come on. Let’s get you back to the house. I’ll bring dinner up to our room.”
After settling Beel under the covers of his massive bed Belphie went on the hunt for more food in the kitchen. He stops by your bedroom door picking up the box of goodies still left in front of it. He piles more things into the box when he reaches the kitchen. Swiping up snacks at random Belphie piles the box sky high. His hand stops over a few of your favorite human snacks. Should he? Honestly, it was a blind shot in the dark if it would comfort his brother or not. After a bit more debate Belphie puts the chocolates back, a different idea already turning in his head.
Back in their shared room, he listens to his brother run down the last week between huge bits of sweets. As he recounts every little thing that has gone down they both began to notice just how strange you have been. Both twins sit in the aftermath of Beel’s words, a wasteland of wrapper and silence stretching between them. “Think it will come back?” The twins lock eyes, Beel’s large and unsure but simmering with foolish hope.
“Possibly.” Belphie grits out, breaking their eye contact. He could never lie to his brother, at least not to his face. “Get some rest. I’m sure someone will have a plan in motion by tomorrow.” He’ll set his plans in motion tonight.
Lying in wait some hours later Belphie listens through the walls of the massive house for your quick little human heartbeat in your bedroom. He matches his shallow breaths with yours feeling yourself slip into slumber and his realm. Once you are completely under he drifts off himself.
He enters your dreams and scowls unused to stumbling inside of a dreamscape. Your dreams are muddled and clotted with stick webs of confusion and hazy memories. Odd bits and pieces of images drip around the edges of your mind. This place was a disgusting mess. With a deep sigh, Belphie begins trudging through the quagmire.
He peers around making note of the black holes in your mind like canvas ripped from their frames. Rotten magic assaults him from all sides. Stopping in front of a particularly deep gash in your mind he rolls up his oversized sleeves finding what he was looking for. He knew this memory was in it, just on the outskirts of the scene playing out. He could knit this rip back together easily, after that it should give him some clarity on the others he couldn’t place.
This was going to take a lot of energy. No one would notice if he stole some energy to get things started. Belphie smiles to himself already tapping into Lucifer's dreamscape, taking a bit more than he needed. You deserve only the best after all.
“Morning everyone.” You chirp plopping down in your chair. The brothers reply with groggy acknowledgments, completely unlike themselves. You look around at the bunch. “Are you all ok?” The group grunts collectively yawning or rubbing their weary eyes.
“Tough night.” Lucifer looks up from his newspaper. He was half-dead in his chair, a cup of coffee shaking in his hands. Asmo sits beside him looking on the verge of tears as he gently pokes his swollen cheeks and eyelids. The only two that seem to even be remotely coherent were the twins. The youngest of the two sleeping oblivious to the turmoil of his siblings while his brother stares at your every move. “Good morning Beel.” You nod feeling awkward in this shared space.
“Morning.” He smiles at you, a few crumbs clinging to the corner of his mouth. Something ticks in the back of your mind at his look. A foggy image comes to mind. It feels like a dream, but so real at the same time. It makes you nauseous, a weird sense of dejavu fighting its way to the forefront. “You ok?” He puts a hand on your shoulder.
You blink noticing the room at large turning their gaze to you. You nod, reaching across from him for some leftover food. The moment a bowl of cereal was in your hands Asmo swept you up in a conversation about his “fading” looks. You don’t think of Beel and your predicament for the rest of the day, not until Solomon invites you over to his hall for tea.
“You were poisoned.” He states simply over his sorry excuse of scones. You pause in the middle of trying to break a piece off on the table.
“I’m sorry?”
“Nothing to apologize for, unless you did it intentionally.” He laughs. “It appears to be through slow ingestion over a long period of time. The levels in your blood are staggering but not lethal. It looks like the magic took root in the temporal lobe-much like a tumor, really quite fascinating- and has been eating away at the memories of the person, or in this case, a demon that poisoned you.” Beel had been poisoning you? Solomon waves his hand at your look of concern. “I am quite positive that it was not intentional. Mind you he does find the most wondrous things to shovel down his gullet. The fact that it mixed perfectly into a potion instead of a lethal toxic is sheer dumb luck on your end.” You breathe a sigh of relief finally tossing the baked good away as a bad job. Well that's...something. At least you’d be alive to stumble around your apparent “forgotten boyfriend”.
“Any chance of fixing this?”
Solomon shrugs. “Possibly? I need more time to figure out exactly what components are involved in your test results. Then making a tonic to undo all the magic is another thing entirely.”He discusses a few other options with you for a few hours, going over in great detail the ins and outs of potion-making. Soon the windows of the sunroom grew dark, the glow of the lamps outside growing brighter so you could see the pathway back to the house.
“I better head back.” You stretch looking out into the pitch outside. Hmmm, if you remember correctly Levi should be off of work by now. He said to call when he was done to come to pick you up. As if on cue a sharp knock on the door disrupts you. Instead of a shock of blue hair, you are greeted with orange. “Oh-hey Beel.”
“Hey.” The corner of his mouth twitches in a facsimile of a friendly smile. “Ready to go?” He picks up your forgotten school bag and takes your sweater from the coat rack. With a well-practiced motion, he slings the bag over his shoulder and holds your sweater open for you. He obviously did this a lot before…
You stare back wide-eyed at Solomon who only smirks, nodding at you to hurry up.
Out the door and into the chilly night you sneak a peek at Beelzebub walking quietly beside you. He catches your look and raises a brow. “Sorry.” You feel your cheeks heat a little under his thoughtful gaze.
“All of this.” You wave at yourself. “Please don’t feel obligated to hang out with me. Until we can get this settled. I don’t want to hurt your feelings.”
Beel grunts, stopping in his tracks by a low garden wall. “I was hurt-am still hurting.” He admits. “But this isn’t your fault, so what good does it do to blame you for it? Even if you don’t remember me as your partner, you still remember me as a friend...right?” A warm smile spreads across his face when you nod. “Then I’m ok with this. I haven’t lost you completely and even if you don’t ever feel the same way about me anymore, I think I will be ok.”
“I- thank you Beel. That means a lot.”
“Of course.” He hums. “Let’s head back. I think Asmo left some food out.”
You dream of Beel again, a weird amalgamation of scenes all tossed together in a great pile with you in the middle of it. You could do nothing but watch like a film as they rush by you in a blur. Some scenes didn’t line up right, bouncing around like a scratched vinyl, but it still made sense in a way only a dream could. You play out each dream like an actor, the script coming to you naturally with each little venette. You sit outside his locker room, a basket of food and drink in your lap, your heart fluttering in your chest. You and Beel were watching his brothers on the beach, his broad hands rubbing sunscreen into your skin. Beel walking you back to your room after a long night in the library holding your hand in his strong, sure grip. Saturday afternoons spent hopping from one cafe to the next sampling the sweets and drinks to both of your heart's content.
It grips your heart but slips away with the rise of the young morning moon.
When morning comes the night is nothing more than a few smudges in your mindscape. Yet, a light, sweet feeling stays with you. You found yourself smiling more around the redhead and gravitating to him during the day. He accepts you back with a friendly hug and a friendly ear.
He treats you no differently than you remember. It’s nice. Even if a part of your yearns to see how he treated you when you were more than friends.
You begin to get excited for when your head hits your pillow. The dreams become clearer and clearer each night. Some new pieces show up and fall into place as the weeks progress. You start seeing bits of your dreams in the day too. After-images of you hand in hand with him walking down the other side of the street. The taste of something sweet on your tongue or a familiar scent in your nose.
After one particularly vivid dream, you wake determined not to let the contents of this dream slip through your fingers. This time you dreamt of the kitchen, dirty bowls, and units scattered about the cluttered counters. You had been baking something, and failing miserably.
Sneaking down to the kitchens you pull out all the things you could remember. For some reason, this dream lit a fire in you, like it was the last piece of the puzzle to getting it all back. You don’t think, instead, you just let your body take control. You baked a cake.
Well, it was supposed to be a cake. The center was too spongy and collapsed inward while the sides were dark and cracked. The icing was badly blended and melting from the still-warm pastry. It was almost exactly like the one from your dream.
You stare at it waiting for some great revelation, but nothing comes. Great. Now what?
“I smell food.”
“Gods!” You jerk smacking your knee on your bar stool. Beel’s deep voice scaring you half to death. “Should put a bell on you.” You grin. Beel peeks his head through the door brows furrowed.
“This is familiar.” He walks in pulling up another chair to sit next to you.
“Ye?” You look back at him.
“Yes. This was our first kiss.” You drop your icing spoon. “You wanted to surprise me before a big game.” He put a finger through the thick black and purple icing and pops it in his mouth. “Ah- You forgot the bane extract...I had thought that perhaps you remembered.” The hope in his voice stung your chest.
Oh. You look down at the mess you made, whatever feelings of satisfaction are lost. “I thought I was forgetting something, but my dreams are all blurry.”
“Dreams?” Beel pauses reaching for a slice. “You dreamt of this?”
“Yes. Been dreaming about you a lot of late.” You flush. “Little things that are starting to build a bigger picture. I just had this dream of a cake and the urge to make one...so- here we are.” You wave your hand out over the messy kitchen. Sighing plopping your chin down on your palm. “Guess I can sleep on it a bit more huh?�� You shoot him a quick wink and sad smile.
“Or just ask Belphie.” He shrugs, taking another large slice of the disaster. “Sounds like he’s been meddling.” That realization hits you like a ton of bricks. Damn, you could have slapped yourself. “I’m sure he meant well, but he shouldn’t force you if you don’t want to. I could tell him to stop.”
What! No! You shake your head. “No. I-I don’t mind it. Solomon has yet to figure anything out, and whatever your brother is doing seems to be helping a little.” Beelzebub said nothing to that and just continued to eat while you started the dishes.
“Do you want to end tonight like we did before?” He asks sometime later, half of the dishes now drip drying in the rack. His long arms box you in on either side holding on to the lip of the sink. His head dips low, his chin resting on the top of your head. Deep down you knew that you could leave at any time. His grip was loose and easily breakable, considerate as ever to your comforts.
You turn to face him, a soft look crosses his face. “And how did it end?” He grins moving closer. You would have to thank Belphie for his interference. Just, perhaps later. You doubted he would want to be in your dreams tonight.
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mammons-tax-returns · 3 years
comforting you about your body insecurities pt. 1
beelzebub, mammon, lucifer
:) ! first post back!! (rest of the brothers coming later)
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Lucifer is a very attentive demon, despite being busy with his nose shoved in a stack of papers around the clock
He really does find you wonderful, both just to relax with and to admire.
And he’s known that you piqued his interest ever since you appeared before him in the stuco room. And this is LUCIFER. He normally doesn’t give any human a second glance. Unless ur some powerful and dangerously talented sorcerer with white hair 🤧but that aside
Tonight, he gets a break from Diavolo’s workload because there is yet another ball being held at the castle.
He sprays a faint but expensive cologne on his skin, quietly hoping that you would like and comment on it so he could respond with some flirty line. That would be nice, he thinks.
Then, he’s taking long strides leading out of his bedroom, and heading over to yours beside the kitchen, where he hears his siblings bickering over the best fruit.
He knocks on the door first, waiting for a response that never comes. He only hears your favorite song from within.
He calls your name, only becoming more confused the longer the silence grows
When he pushes open the door, he’s nearly relieved to see you standing in front of the body mirror, fixing the the collar of your outfit. You turn to look at him offer a smile. “Hey, Luci. You’re punctual, as usual.”
He hums under his breath in response. A silent “i know”. He pads over to you, placing a hand on your hip affectionately. “You look good enough to eat, handsome. Asmodeus may have his moments but he certainly knows how to dress anyone with anything.”
You look at your own eyes in the reflection, not able to respond entirely. Lucifer means well, you’re sure of it. He doesn’t know that the past hour of preparation for the ball was spent scowling at the parts of you that you could never quite enjoy entirely.
Lucifer looks questioningly at your expression from the mirror. “y/n? Is something the matter?”
At that, you snap back to reality and look back at him. “Huh? Oh... Right— Sorry, I just,” you trail off, at a loss for words. Was this the right time to mention your thoughts, before a ball? “It’s nothing, just lost in my thoughts, I suppose.”
Lucifer’s eyebrows knit in the way that they tend to do when he worries. “Mind sharing? I’d love to sit and listen.” His hands slide around your waist until he’s hugging you, and you catch a whiff of his cologne which makes you melt. Once again you wonder if this relationship was something you deserved.
“Don’t give me that, lovely. I said I’d like to listen, no?” As you turn your head away, he takes the opportunity to rest his head on the crook of your neck.
You sigh, smiling hopelessly. You hate to admit it, but his response makes you feel jittery on the inside. “It’s silly really, I just wasn’t feeling myself just now. The clothes are amazing! But...” You know exactly what you’ll say next, but the words feel venomous in your mouth. “I’m wondering if Asmodeus understands how wasteful it is to put them on me, you know?”
Lucifer is at a loss, and his heart aches at your words. “Oh dear... Well that’s no good. I can’t have my gorgeous lover worrying himself over something that’s so far from the truth.”
You are already aware that Lucifer will always support you no matter what, and the thought is both heart warming and bothersome. “Yeah, yeah, Lucifer... I’ve heard it all alr-“
“Then what do you not understand?” Lucifer cuts you off promptly and confidently. “Do you really believe that I’d sugarcoat this? Anything?”
You swallow thickly. “N-... No. You wouldn’t...”
“Good. That’s a good response.” He places a sweet kiss on your cheek, ruby eyes flitting up to your own gaze in the mirror. “I’m almost afraid of other demons trying to steal you away in such a dashing outfit, to be honest. Enjoy yourself, but if any of my brothers try anything, I swear...”
You laugh a little, running a free hand through his hair and noting how he almost sinks into your touch. Almost like a cat. “Thank you, Lucifer. For everything.”
Lucifer kisses your hand softly. “You are perfection, darling.”
You look forward to slow dancing alongside the eldest brother now, losing yourself in the music. Lucifer was right, there was really nothing to worry yourself over.
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Mammon, unfortunately, had to cancel date night plans for the weekend for a modeling gig.
You were disappointed, but not mad at him. He told you in advance, offered to make up for it, and usually tries his best to uphold his promises.
He offers to bring you with him, guilty at the thought of your alone in your room.
You don’t know whether to accept it or not. Would you fit in on a set full of gorgeous, picture-perfect demons?
Mammon has his hand on the back of his neck, nervous that you’re too angry at him to want to say yes.
To his delight, you smile and agree to go with him. Maybe, this way, he can avoid others flirting with him when they know that his boyfriend would be in the room.
At first, it makes you feel a little bit happier seeing Mammon light up with joy after seeing him pout like a puppy moments ago.
The day has come that you step onto the modeling floor. The photographers and staff know you well due to Mammon’s insistent bragging about you and your relationship. Clutching your D.D.D. anxiously, you make your way over to Mammon, who is already posing for a camera under bright studio lights.
You keep to the shadows as you watch him intently. Mammon is well known for his idiocy, but he is one handsome devil.
The evil snickering of two demons sound behind you, to which you ignore. You were too nervous to actually move, anyways.
Whatever... It doesn’t concern me... Right?
The giggles don’t stop, and you can’t help but listen in on their whispers. It sounds as if they purposely spoke louder than normal just to bother you.
“Look at how his eyes are shining... Obsessed with Mammon, much?” Oh boy. It really seems like they’re talking about...
“Let’s talk about those clothes, though... Are you kidding me... Does the human world really have that low of standards— or is this the bottom of the barrel.” At that, the two burst into a fit of cackles.
Luckily, a photographer hisses at them, irritated with the noise breaking his concentration. They quiet down, but continue to berate you in ways you had never even considered.
You’re sweating bullets now, itching to use your hand to wipe the oncoming tears of embarrassment. You blink them away, and don’t notice that your boyfriend is now finished with his shoot.
You tense upon seeing him speaking to the camera tech. Your heart nearly jumps out of your throat. The last thing you needed was him seeing you cry right now. He’d be worried sick.
Not even bothering to excuse yourself, you slip into the bathroom and can only focus on the laughter of the other demons behind you. The sound causes you to shake slightly as you shut the door behind you.
There is more than one stall, so you briefly worry that someone would come in and find you bawling your eyes out in the middle of a semi-professional setting. You sigh heavily and turn the sink on to wash your face.
The more you stood in front of the sink rubbing your face, the more vividly you remember the rude comments made about you. Could they have been true?
With a troubled look, you sneak a glance at yourself in the mirror.
You didn’t think that your clothes were particularly “bad”... They said so much, and it’s all coming back like a vicious and cruel tsunami.
No matter what you do, you can’t seem to stop crying.
“Oh y/n!!~ Where are ya’ at?” Mammon crashes through the door, hands on his hip with a toothy and closed-eye grin.
Thinking quickly, you reach over to grab a hand towel and press your face into it. “H-Hey, Mammon, you looked good out there...”
Mammon must have picked up on your wavering tone, because he pauses.
You’re frozen on the spot when he places a hand on your shoulder, although you can’t see him through the towel.
“Uhh... What’s up with you? Don’t tell me that you’re...” It’s too late to react when he pushes the towel aside to find your teary eyes.
“Wh-What?!” His heart drops immediately. “What’s wrong babe?! Are you like... I dunno hurt or something?!”
You exhale shakily, still trying to calm yourself. “Those models out there are just... A little too honest about me, I s-suppose... But it’s really fine. I just... I don’t know... I guess I just needed a minute to... Freak out a little?”
“Honest? What the hell do you—“ A sudden feeling of recognition pulled at his features. Truth be told, he knew those demons personally, having worked with them before. Then the guilt of knowing exactly what happened began to eat away at him. “Oh...”
You shifted, wishing that he would drop the subject. This was getting much too embarrassing to bear, and the way his eyes drooped with sadness made your stomach churn. “Mammon. I-I’m serious, I’m okay—“
Mammon’s arms surround you like a sturdy, calming veil.
“I know you’re not, y/n!” Mammon had no desire to listen to you pretend to act unbothered. “I don’t know what they’ve told you, but I can guarantee that I have been given comments just as bad as those- and I’m The Mammon.”
You grip onto his shirt, avoiding making eye contact with him. “But... That’s the thing Mammon. I’m not nearly as confident or perfect as you.”
Mammon holds you tighter, voice softening drastically. “Don’t you think that’s exactly what I think of you when you comfort me on my bad days?”
A pool of warmth starts to seep from the depths of your chest. And your furrowed brows start to relax. “Really..? You mean it?”
“y/n, you are precious to me, and all of my crazy ass brothers. And there is no way in hell that I’ll allow some scum of the world get in the way of realizing how flawless you are.”
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Beel wants nothing more than to spend every second of the day with you. And Belphie.
But unfortunately, most of his time is spent in the gym, if not the kitchen.
So he asks you if you would like to start working out with him at the gym, or even if you were just interested in hanging around and nothing more. He just wanted your presence.
The idea itself made your heart swell. But after a bit of thinking, you weren’t so sure. You’ve never been to a gym in Devildom before, but you were sure it wasn’t very different from human gyms.
It would be filled with confident and toned bodies that would put you down without even trying.
And as much as you wanted to be there with Beel, you weren’t ready for the prospect of the nasty looks you’d receive sitting beside the sixth-born who is a perfectly sculpted athlete.
After all, he seemed a bit too good for you, as it seemed in your head.
Beel wonders why you turned him down. Had he done something to upset you?
He’d have to get down to the bottom of it, lest he regret ignoring your behavior.
To do this, he takes a day off from the gym, thinking that the answer to this situation would be to spend time together. Smiling to himself, he clutches a bag of sweets to his chest.
y/n has got to love this, he thinks excitedly.
Knocking once, he can barely keep himself from barging in and tearing into his baked goodies. “y/n, I’m here. Wanna share these cookies with me? There’s also pound cake and cupcakes... The mini ones with enchanted apples on them.”
His smile falls a little when there’s a long note of silence. “y/n?” He questions.
“Oh! Uh... Sorry, Beel... Maybe another day. I’m studying for that final right now.” Beel knows you sound sincere, but something about this response seems off.
His heart sinks a little, feeling a little embarrassed after being rejected. He hadn’t expected this.
“Ah... Are you sure?”
There’s a silence from the other side of the door, and the sixth born starts to genuinely worry.
Truth be told, you had been weeping alone looking through images of famous demon athletes that advertised the same gym that Beel attended regularly. It was a dangerous thing to do, but how could you look away?
You take a glance at yourself in the mirror. your eyes were barely puffy. A bit red too. But overall, nothing seemed very different. Maybe— Just maybe, he wouldn’t even notice.
“Hello? You in there?”
You stiffen at the sound of his voice.
“Coming!” Hopping to your feet, you rush to the door and open it.
“Oh man, I was starting to get antsy smelling this bag... Let’s hurry and dig in.” His eyes are trained on the food in his hands, and his mouth is watering.
“Oh, Beel... You have some drool again!” You lightly scold him and wipe the corner of his mouth with a napkin from the table right beside the door.
At that, he finally gets a good look at you.
“Oh, thank y—... ou...” He trails off instantaneously. “Your eyes...”
You sigh and bow your head sheepishly. “Agh... I should’ve known you’d catch me. It’s not anything serious, I just was... I was watching a sad movie is all.”
His eyebrows knit together. “So were you studying or watching a movie?”
He caught me.
He pushes forward, closing the door behind him and taking your hands in his. He leaves the bag abandoned on the floor.
“y/n... What’s been up with you lately? You’re seriously not yourself.”
Your face flushes, and you sigh. Your throat suddenly feels tight. “Uh... That’s...”
He’s noticed this entire time. I’m an idiot.
“Listen, Beel...” You squeeze his hand. “I’ll tell you because I know that if I don’t, you’ll be worried sick.”
He nods hurriedly, heart rate increasing.
“I guess I just...” The words struggle to make their way out. “I don’t understand how-how someone like you; handsome, kind, and strong could end up with...” You pause, starting to tear up. “With someone like me.”
Beel takes a moment to process your situation.
And when he does, his head starts to spin, and his heart feels heavy like a boulder.
“y/n... What are you even thinking?” Is all he manages to whisper. He pulls you into a tight, comforting hug and sniffles.
“You mean literally more to me than anything or anyone else.” He says firmly. “I don’t know what part of you you’re so hung up on, I couldn’t even imagine there being any reason to be.”
“You don’t have to—“
“I do.” He cuts you off firmly. If he didn’t, you may try to deny his definite truth. “y/n, I know i’m all about food and training... I’m sorry I don’t know how to make you realize how wonderful you are.
But I’d like to learn that with you. Is that okay?”
Your tears finally fall, soaking through his tank top.
“Of course... I’d love that.”
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obeymeluv · 4 years
You Steal the Boys’ Clothes
Something I’ve been thinking of for a while.
It was rare the eldest was without his cape, as everything seemed to be a formal event and he must be dressed to impress. Being dressed to impress, however, means being clean so he gets it cleaned from time to time
Lucifer is a very organized, practical man. Constantly towing the line of obsessive for the sake of orderliness.
He knows where his cape should be, and that it’s not there
With a demon’s-only screech that warns Mammon to stretch his calves and run, Lucifer hunts down the three most likely suspects to interrogate them (Mammon, Satan, and Belphegor).
He tries to get a two-for-one by dragging Mammon into the study where Satan sits smugly with a book (because he knows he didn’t do it but MAN is he enjoying this!)
Imagine surprising not one, but THREE demons when you come shuffling down the hall with a Lucifer’s cape wrapped around you like a blanket.
It whispers and it drags and it absolutely DROWNS you.
Very charming. Ethereal, almost like some sort of wedding wear
Lucifer would’ve never imagined you’d be the culprit, and now his poor brain is trying to save and process the idea of you looking so sleepy-happy in his clothes
And the ex-angel falls all over again.
He catches the little cheek nuzzle and way you bunch it around your body, a foot poking out not to get tangled
Satan and Mammon will probably die laughing instead of at his hands, but Lucifer could really care less
Lucifer idly wonders where you’d curled up that he totally missed you, and escorts you gently but red-faced to your room
Satan and Mammon tag along, and when they see Lucifer come out with his cape they can only deduce he put you to bed.
With no homework to do and some money in the bank, Mammon was ready to spend the weekend tearing up the town with you!
He was fresh out of the shower and mostly dressed, searching feverishly for his beloved white and brown jacket
Mammon wasn’t the cleanest person by nature (hello, money hoarder and collector of interesting/valuable things) so he tidied up as he went
As he started to suspect one of his little brothers was holding the jacket for ransom, he sent out a group text asking about it
There were several typical smart-ass responses (Lucifer, Asmo, and Satan) and he was in the middle of a snark fight when you showed up at his door somewhere between bashful and chill
In HIS jacket
Mammon’s brain shuts down.
“It’s kind of a human thing,” you explain. “There is a one-jacket fee among couples. Usually it’s a hoodie.” you tease, reluctant to shrug it off, “But this seems to be your only jacket so I guess I could give it back.”
It’s very subtle, but he’s worn that jacket for centuries and no amount of detergent can disguise the scent that makes his heart skip a beat
Something about the smell of your skin and a hint of his has him purring
You hold the jacket out to him. Mammon wraps his fingers around it and swings it around until he’s holding it over one shoulder
The yellow takes over in his eyes a little more. Gets a little brighter and intense.
“You want to take anything else off?” he husks playfully
Your day out turns into staying in and Mammon is happy to trade his jacket for a shirt you can sleep in (like, forever. It’s fine. Whatever, dummy.)
It was actually really hard to steal Levi’s clothes because he lived in his hoodie and turtleneck. His RAD uniform was really just for show and that wasn’t what you were looking for, anyways. You didn’t want to chill in uniform.
He was very particular about his merch because certain shirts were collector’s items and he didn’t like people messing with his folding patterns
You went to Asmo with your dilemma and he found it absolutely ADORABLE. It was almost enough to make him jealous, really
Somehow (Asmo being Asmo?), the fifth- born was able to swipe one of the green button-ups Levi wore under his RAD uniform
His first thought was to alter the garment to make it fit you (matching outfits? YES!) but Levi would probably kill him. His big bro hated shopping for clothes unless he HAD to have them.
Asmo gets the bright idea to magically/temporarily alter the fabric to fit you. Maybe Levi will like it so much he’ll just give you a shirt! 💖 (Or get some fucking outside time and go buy more shirts!)
Levi catches his own scent somewhere outside of the door and his brain goes off. He hits the pause button at lightning speed.
No one else smells like him! They haven’t shared bath products in centuries! He already finished his laundry so what’s happening?!
His first thought is: Mammon broke into my room while I was in the bathroom and stole something to pawn!
Levi doesn’t even think to take inventory of his stuff, barging out of his room to hunt down his big brother
He’s yelling and whining before he even sees him. Then he sees you. In his shirt.
All the angry words die in his throat as the absolute mortification and adoration sets his face on fire
SO KAWAII! It basically makes up for your normie-ness.
Levi’s stuck standing there, blushing his head off and unable to say anything as his fists shake with joy and nervousness
He gets a nosebleed. One of his brothers are laughing at him.
You guide him back to his room to take care of him, Levi lets you and becomes very fascinated with the idea of you in his clothes .Lots of petting and figuring out you look DOUBLY MEGA CUTE when the magic wears off and you’re just in a pool of fabric.
He’s totally down for matching clothes and definitely lets you keep the one you’re wearing.
His wardrobe is very...interesting...to say the least
Colors and personal combinations aside, Satan actually has a very smart wardrobe. Lots of basics and easy layers.
You can’t steal his signature green sweater or the blazer he seems to live in, so you settle for an emerald knit sweater that has a bit of a v-neck/university feel to it
It takes Satan a while to notice, as he’s buried in a book. You two tend to gravitate towards each other and just enjoy a cozy, companionable silence
He’s just finished a book and is debating cracking open one from the stack to his left when the color catches his eye
The smooth, sly comment dies on his lips when he realizes he likes the damn thing because IT’S HIS
You look very cozy and warm. It’s a very ‘cuddle me’ kind of look.
Perhaps you could warm his lap? Or give his poor hands a rest under the hem?
Very cheeky and clever. Grabs you by the sleeve of it just to ‘answer his curiosity about whether it matched his nails’.
Does he have a cute university student kink? If he didn’t, he does now?
There’s a 50-50 chance of you guys having sex.
Will definitely want to hold you and cuddle you close, petting the fabric and whispering compliments into it.
If you don’t already have a business/academic attire, Satan will definitely suggest a few pieces because YES. This is a thing he loves and it DOES things to him.
He’s the type to let you think you stole something
Probably stages what he wants you to steal just so you take it
Honestly, I could just see him dumping some of his clothes on you because you’re dating now and this is a cute thing he read about!
It’s super likely he’s into couple outfits or coordinating outfits, so he’s either spent time in his closet pre-planning or asked you to try on a million things just because
This cutie pie purposely orders THE BIGGEST thing he can find so you can both fit in it at the same time
Asmo loves you to pieces no matter what, but seeing you in his clothes makes him squeal and hit a note Mammon has threatened to murder him over
Ever dramatic, this is like, THE BEST THING EVER
A MILLION Devilgram posts about it (safe ones, of course)
Do you guys spark a couple’s trend and spade of lover’s stealing each other’s clothes to snap a victory pic? Maybe
Probably fake faints at the sheer glory of you in HIS bomb ass clothes. Definitely fans himself
Spoils you rotten with compliments
This man is weak. “Gorgeous! Smother me.” as he falls back on the bed and gestures to his face
He won’t turn down the idea of sexy times (depends on your libido, comfort, etc.) but sometimes he makes raunchy jokes just to be funny. Smothering could also mean using him like a body pillow (which he’s totally okay with).
You get max cuddles and WILL be the envy of Devilgram
Beel felt a little guilty for leaving you at the House of Lamentation with his brothers
You guys were supposed to hang out after school but there was an emergency practice. The coach always got pre-game jitters and demanded a few last runs. He showered and ran back to the House, hoping you still had time for him.
He tiptoed quietly into his shared room, unsurprised to find you waiting there for him. You’d been caught in Belphie’s sleepy little aura by the looks of it,
Beelzebub couldn’t help the grin or little hum that made it past his lips. Your eyes were open but he didn’t know if you actually saw him. You looked super cute in his humongous bed though
You were getting sleepier and sleepier, your eyelids getting heavier and heavier. Beel pulled the sheets over you and gentle untangled the arm you managed to latch on to
Maybe waking up to a bit of food would make up for everything! Beel toiled away in the kitchen, making a cute little snack tray for the two of you.
In reality, it could probably feed at least twenty, and he ate at least half of what he prepped.
Beel returned to the room with what he considered a decent amount (scraps, kind of, but enough variety! He tried! It’s the thought that counts!) and was surprised to see his sheets all tangled and half-kicked from the bed
You were wearing his jacket now, passed out and turned into the furry lining that usually went across his shoulders and neck
DId you sleep walk? He was trying to understand how you’d gotten into his jacket
Beel realized it was the first time you’d been in his clothes and it was enough to make his heart melt
Super huge on you, obviously (extra fabric everywhere), but so cute! He could basically swaddle you in his jacket
“They’re a restless sleeper,” Belphie yawned. “I thought it would help them calm down.”
It used to work on Belphie, so Beel could see why he resorted to it
Beel offered his twin some food, sitting carefully on your other side.
He shifted some of the parka fur away from your face, trying to fix your hair and nudge your chin up so your nose wasn’t buried in anything. He stroked your cheek a little, mesmerized by the sight of you and how you felt.
Belphie declined, muttering something about, ‘Stop looking like that and eat your food! Gross!’ before Beel settled for patting your head one last time and eating quietly
He’s another one that’s hard to steal from
You’d think it’d be easy since he sleeps all the time, but Belphie really only wears 10% of the clothes he buys
Yes, he’s a pajama snob and has all things comfy and cozy, but hardly any of them smell like him because he falls asleep anywhere with little issue (no special clothes required!)
You thought about stealing his blue cardigan with the pocket, but he’s always sleeping in it!
Belphie picks up on your train of thought, and the frustration, because you fall asleep thinking about it. Dreaming about coyly stealing his cardigan and being all cute and snuggly in bed
It’s enough to wake him up, shuffle to you, and break your sleep. He flops down on your bed with his cardigan unbuttoned and says ‘climb on’ while patting his chest
You’re obviously sleepy and confused and he loves it. Belphie slides you onto his chest and wraps his arms around you, resting bits of the fabric on your back as you settle into him
It’s not the same but it’s close enough
Would you be offended if he got you cow pajamas so he could snuggle you like his favorite pillow? He falls asleep wondering about the answer
He wakes up to see that Beel has covered the two of you with his favorite blanket.
You in his blanket? Against him? Slowly smelling of him and his clothes? It’s the best thing to fall asleep to.
Makes a joke out of your clothes-stealing quest by stripping one of his pillowcases off and putting you in it like a little sack. You have to stay on his bed now because you’re his pillow and all pillows stay on the bed.
“What? You wanted to smell like me! It’s something I use!“ Belphie defends as you wonder whether or not you like this human pillow thing while he snuggles you.
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ohmyasmodeus · 4 years
𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘳𝘵 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴 + 𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘭𝘰 ✩
i miss concerts bro... i’ve been watching the 1975′s and bring me the horizon’s 😭 you know the demon brothers would be so fun to attend concerts with. it’s been so long since my last non-request post, so enjoy ! ♡
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
♡ 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘻𝘦𝘣𝘶𝘣
✧   Beel in a comfortable tank top with his muscles on display, carrying you on his shoulders during a music festival? What more could you want?
✧   It isn’t the festival food that gets to Beel; it’s the overwhelming amount of drinks offered by the vendors. The alcoholic slushies, the sweet drinks that taste like candy but will knock you on your ass as soon as you drink them, the bitter jelly shots that make him cringe and look at you with the biggest puppy eyes— he wants them all! The two of you are absolutely wasted before the day is half over, and he ends up just making out with you in the middle of the crowd as you dance to a set, mumbling about how good your lips taste.
✧   Beel protects you during the different sets, muscling away anyone who gets too close to you. He’s just a sweetheart who always asks you if you’re okay, and carries you on his shoulders if being in the pit gets too much for you. He can easily hold you like that for the rest of the sets, and you’ll feel him jumping about here and there and cheering loudly when the music really gets to him.
✧   Without hesitation, he squares the fuck up with anyone that comes onto you or tries to touch you. Your comfort is Beel’s biggest priority, but when it comes to dealing with girls that flirt with him or try to grind on him in crowds, he ends up running back to you to hide! He can’t deal with the attention at all, nobody can ever hear him above the music and you make him feel safe.
♡ 𝘢𝘴𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘦𝘶𝘴
✧   Before you even get a chance to leave the house, he’s taking a million photos of the both of you in your concert outfits because by god, do you look absolutely delicious. He’s going to be all over you in the car, pressing sweet kisses to your face on the way to the venue because he’s so damn proud to call you his baby. Rest assured, the night will be well documented. Asmo’s Devilgram followers need to know what they’re missing out on!
✧   Asmodeus is the absolute master of throwing it back. He’ll be throwing it back before the band gets halfway through the introductory song, glancing back at you to wink teasingly as he starts grinding. You have to make sure everyone else keeps their hands off him, because you’re just as proud to have him all over you. It’s the best when the both of you dance together, shrieking the lyrics at the top of your lungs.
✧   When he gets into the music, he’s squealing for the artists, clutching your hand as the both of you jump along with the crowd. Asmodeus looks absolutely radiant as the lights filter through the fog, even when he’s holding his phone up to record the concert. It makes you grab his phone to stash it away in your bag, and before he starts to whine, you pull him into a kiss and tell him to focus on being in the moment with you!
✧   The afterparty is an absolute must. Asmo knows everyone important, and he’ll sneak you into the exclusive afterparties to give you a taste of what stardom is like. Even if he usually flits around like the social butterfly that he is, tonight is all about making you feel like a star with the way he kisses you and makes everyone know that you’re his, the way he brings you drinks and makes sure you’re right beside him when everyone starts doing shots because he loves tasting the alcohol off your lips more than drinking it.
♡ 𝘮𝘢𝘮𝘮𝘰𝘯
✧   Mammon is hyped. There’s nothing better than doing one of his favourite things with his favourite human, and the entire time he’ll be clinging to you, screaming to the lyrics of his favourite songs. He shields you in the crowd, putting his jacket over you to make sure you’re comfortable (and because he wants to show off how he looks in his tank top).
✧   The music and atmosphere completely gets rid of his shyness. Mammon isn’t afraid to press himself up against your front even if the pair of you are up at the barricade, grinning like he’s won the lottery before he pulls you in to kiss you hard. It’s dizzying, the combination of Mammon’s cologne, and the feeling of the crowd pulsing around you, pressing the both of you closer against each other.
✧   Drinking. So much drinking, because Mammon definitely knows how to sneak alcohol into a venue. He’s taking swigs before pulling you into a kiss to share. The way he tries to avoid getting in trouble with security makes you clutch at the front of his shirt as the both of you laugh in exhilaration.
✧   During the slow songs, he surprises you with just how romantic he can be. It’s as if a switch got flipped— the way he holds you is so tender, and he runs his hands up and down your sides slowly while singing along, pressing his forehead against yours with a smile. Mammon loves sharing moments like these with you, he absolutely adores having you by his side, and he can’t help but lean in and laugh about how this feels so fucking perfect. God, does he love you.
♡ 𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯
✧   Levi is the best brother to go for concerts with. Being experienced with his idol’s concerts, the date and preparation for it would be a breeze, although he gets adorably shaky when he remembers that he’s going on a date with you. You’re way more important than any idol of his.
✧   His excitement makes him so adorable. He can’t stop himself from chattering on while you’re waiting in line, and brings plenty of snacks and drinks for you two to gorge yourselves on while cuddling. Levi has a perpetual faint blush when he’s around you, especially when you geek out with him, or sit in his lap while in the queue.
✧   To get you the best spots, he’ll sacrifice himself to help you squeeze into tight spots, though you never let him. Tugging on his hand, you pull him along too. The both of you end up pressed up against each each other in the middle of the crowd, giggling while the lights flash and the beat of the drums makes you bounce together. You two might as well be the only ones in the crowd, nuzzling your faces together before you kiss one of his blushing cheeks with a grin.
✧   Music speaks to Leviathan. It gives him that rush of adrenaline, the chills that go down your arms and make you laugh, and experiencing music like this with you is like nothing he’s ever experienced before. Fuelled by the adrenaline, he gains enough confidence to pull you into a clumsy kiss that has the both of you clutching at each other as your giggles turn into full-chested laughter. It’ll be over before you know it, but the both of you want to stay in this moment forever.
♡ 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘱𝘩𝘦𝘨𝘰𝘳
✧   Oh, boy, concerts are just not the environment for him. The sounds, the lights, the way everyone clings to each other in a sweaty, loud mess. But all it takes is one puppy-eyed look from you and his defences are breaking down. Belphie can’t help but agree, as long as he approves of your band of choice and it takes place somewhere lowkey.
✧   You’re disappointed at first— but you definitely can’t feel that way anymore when you end up cuddled into his side in a comfortable loveseat at a dive bar. The music stays mellow but the crowd is as upbeat as ever, and you can’t care less about not being able to see the band through the crowd. Not when Belphegor pulls you close and guides you to rest your head on his chest.
✧   As mellow as the music is, it’s intoxicating, and so is Belphie. You spend your time making out slowly while the night passes, tasting the alcohol on his tongue as he combs a hand through your hair. You don’t know if it’s the smoke in the air or Belphie’s hands in your hair that make your mind hazy, but either way, you want the moment to last forever. You’re basically putty in his hands, and it makes him smirk lazily as he boops your nose and teases you about being so needy, and out in front of everyone, no less. Are you trying to stake your claim?
✧   Though it’s in his nature to be lazy, you can’t help but pull Belphie up to dance at least once. He gives in without much of a fight, the corners of his lips slightly upturned as he watches you dance along to the music. He’s joining in easily, resting his hands on your hips to grind against you slowly. He can’t help but eventually spin you around to kiss your forehead and mumble that he thinks he’s found his new favourite thing.
♡ 𝘴𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘯
✧   You’d think that he’s the kind to be hesitant about attending concerts since he’s such a bookish guy, with the packed venue and the blinding lights and the sweaty crowd— but Satan fucking loves concerts. He loves screaming the lyrics and being able to shove his way through the mosh pit. Although, he has to admit that it’s a double edged sword. The aspects of concerts that he loves can irritate him as well, he abhors having people shriek in his ear or push him around.
✧   Music is another form of poetry for him, heaven in the form of passionate lyrics and the pure energy of the people around him. He never tells anyone though. He never thought he would, until you came along.
✧   The first time you attend a concert with him, he tries to tone himself down. That is, until you notice his energy and tug at his hand to encourage him to scream along to the lyrics with you. He’s losing himself in the music, tugging you close, heart racing because you just get him. You encourage him, you see him for who he truly is, and he couldn’t be more in love with you or this moment.
✧   Throw it back. Just throw it back, it doesn’t matter what music you two are dancing to because it has Satan going crazy for you. He presses himself up against your back as you straighten up, hands firm on your hips as he whispers in your ear about how irresistible you are. If you’re not careful, he might end up sneaking you out of the concert venue, eager to use his pent up energy elsewhere with you.
♡ 𝘭𝘶𝘤𝘪𝘧𝘦𝘳
✧   Like Belphie, Lucifer isn’t a fan of concerts or the environment it creates. Being an appreciator of the arts, he mostly attends orchestral performances and operas, so you take it as a great opportunity to open his mind to a side of music that he hasn’t experienced before! Like with most things, it takes a few kisses to coax him into agreement.
✧   He can’t complain when he ends up settled into luxurious seats with you in The Fall. He chuckles to himself as the band starts to play, shaking his head before kissing you and saying that it’s like you know him better than he does himself. The comfortable atmosphere makes Lucifer relax much more than usual, and as cordial as he is with affection in public, he can’t help but put an arm around the back of your seat and lean into you.
✧   Throughout the night, you catch Lucifer gazing at you from time to time. As much as he enjoys the music and the way the set’s lighting makes you look almost ethereal… he’s much more focused on admiring the way your wine-stained lips look as you smile. Full of dark desire, Lucifer’s crimson gaze makes your breath hitch in your throat as you lean into him. Whether you decide to tease him about it is up to you.
✧   When you finally manage to drag him out to dance with the crowd, instead of carrying you on his shoulders, he makes you wrap your legs around his waist while he carries you up, laughing as he looks up at you and marvels at how gorgeous you look. Without hesitation, you lean down to capture his lips in a kiss. Even Lucifer can’t escape the high spirits of the people around you, and the electrifying rush of adrenaline of being here, making memories with the person his heart belongs to.
♡ 𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙡𝙤
✧   Diavolo honestly doesn’t have much free time to have fun, so he’s absolutely delighted at the idea of a concert. He’s immediately struck by thoughts of how romantic he could make it, and spends his time daydreaming about hoisting you on his shoulders and spinning you around when he’s meant to be doing work. He looks forward to it so much, seeing you again is always the thing he’s looking forward to the most at any given time. He’s totally the kind of person to try and predict the setlist and listen to all the songs to make sure he can sing along during the performance.
✧   Even if he has the money for seated tickets, Diavolo wants to be in the pit. He wants to be able to dance with you, hoisting you onto his shoulders as the both of you sway to the music. Diavolo is one first starting different cheers, and everyone seems to follow along naturally. It makes you laugh and kiss his head, because even in a concert, the prince of hell itself is still so natural at leading.
✧   Being at a concert with you is the most free he’s felt in thousands of years. It makes him completely forget about his title, laughing with you as he drags you to the front barricade to get the best view and scream to the band, carrying you no matter if it’s against the venue rules. If Diavolo is going to let his hair down, he might as well go big or go home. He wonders just how many stupid stunts he can get away with helping you pull. He helps you stand on the barricade, letting you scream your heart out, because he adores you with his whole heart.
✧   By the end of the night, the both of you are running from security with your ten solo cups stacked into one another, buzzing from the mix of adrenaline and alcohol. The stupid grin Diavolo has on his face as he scoops you up while you run makes you shriek with laughter, and he’ll hide you away in a quiet alley, silencing you with a kiss.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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kstewdeux · 3 years
June 11, 2021 - Firsts
| Battle Couple | Warmth | Promises | Hands |
Lock Her Down
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Sitting against the wall in Kaede’s hut, Inuyasha cracked one eye open to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating and that Kagome was indeed sleeping mere inches away after being gone for three damn years. Just that morning she’d popped back into his life without warning and while that was the best moment of his life to date, he honestly didn’t know where to go from here. Sure, he assumed that she’d come back for him but did she though?
For a woman who could talk an ear off your head, she hadn’t said what her reasons for coming back actually were. Maybe she just missed being able to use her powers or…or maybe the modern world wasn’t what she was expecting. Maybe she got kicked out of that school of hers and didn’t know where else to go.  
  After all, it wasn’t like he’d actually said anything that would have let her know how he felt. If anything, he’d made it very clear for a very long time that he didn’t love her. Wasn’t like he was kind or told her she was pretty or…
 His ears drooped incrementally as he tried to come up with a single instance where he’d made it plain what she meant to him. Each time a memory occurred to him, it seemed rather lame and non-committal in hindsight. Even their kisses seemed to go nowhere and were done after something shitty happened so that didn’t help him at all.
 Well, he could change that. This was the first night she’d come back and a fresh start in many ways. There was still time to make his intentions known. Closing his eyes, Inuyasha inhaled deeply and tried to come up with a plan. A good plan. A plan to make her love him.
 A plan…
 Chewing the inside of his cheek, Inuyasha couldn’t come up with an idea about where to start much less a strategy. Sure, he could start by being nicer to her. Compliments never hurt. Flowers. Every woman loved flowers. That could work. He could find flowers. But given that they’d only been friends, would she even realize what those flowers were meant to convey?
 Flexing his hands a few times in the confines of his robes, Inuyasha shifted in his seat and let out a heavy sigh.
 He could do this. After all, Kagome was just a little human girl and he’d faced much more terrifying opponents. Overcome the impossible. There was no reason to be afraid of her rejection. No need at all to imagine the awkward little smile she’d given all her previous suitors and the subtle signs of disgust she’d exuded in those circumstances. If the worst thing that happened was that they remained friends, that wasn’t so bad, huh?
 Kagome let out a little hum in her sleep and turned his stomach into pleasant knots.
 It would be bad. So bad. Even if she could remain friends with him, he sure as hell couldn’t deal with that. He wanted her. More than he’d ever wanted anything and he was going to screw it up. He screwed everything up. All the time. He didn’t know how to people on a good day and now he was supposed to be all smooth and charming?
Exhaling shakily, Inuyasha gave up his farce and abruptly got to his feet.
 Air. He needed air.
 Running his claws over his scalp, Inuyasha mindlessly walked towards the Sacred Tree and tried to control his slightly panicked breathing. He’d rather face a thousand murderous demons than the ugly truth that she might not love him. Hell, she might not even be interested. Sure, he knew that him being part demon didn’t matter to her but that didn’t mean she thought he was attractive. Maybe all the times her scent spiked she was thinking of someone else. Anyone else. It was entirely possible that his lonely pathetic mind concocted the ‘she might love me’ idea out of thin air.
 Three fucking years trying to make it through the well and she might not even want him. Pressing his forehead against the rough bark, Inuyasha groaned and tried to catch his breath. What was he going to do? What if she married someone else? That’d kill him inside. Destroy him.
 Or lead to a very unfortunate accident wherein certain male persons met their demise. That could work. Be a shoulder to cry on?
 Sinking to his knees, Inuyasha tried to clear the static in his mind before anyone noticed he was out here having a full-blown panic attack.
 “Inuyasha? What are you doing out here?”
 Another groan escaped him as the last person he wanted to find him found him. Her voice soft and anxious. How was he supposed to explain…
 “I’m fine. Go back,” Inuyasha huffed before his eyes flew open in horror and he amended, “To the hut. Go back to the hut.”
 Stupid woman of course didn’t listen to a damn word he said and came closer.
 “What’s got you so upset, huh?” Kagome asked sweetly and Inuyasha let out a shaky breath before deciding to face his fears head on. If there was one thing he was good at, it was looking an enemy in the face without flinching. Not that Kagome was an enemy but….
 Swallowing thickly, Inuyasha unsteadily got to his feet before rolling his shoulders and turning to face her. To tell her that he’d been waiting for her. That he loved her more than he’d ever loved anything or anyone. That he wanted to build a family with her and have all the babies. That they were made for each other so even if she didn’t love him right now, she sure as hell better give him a chance.
 That....was not what he said though.
 “You’re gunna be my wife whether you like it or not.”
 Biting back the urge to cringe, Inuyasha tried to look at confident as possible even though his heart was nearly beating out of his chest. It did not help things that she looked confused. Did not help. At all. Why was she looking at him like that? This…
 “Sounds good to me,” Kagome laughed softly as she furrowed her brow in confusion and slightly turned her head, “So…why were you upset just now?”
 Inuyasha’s mouth fell partially open as he tried to wrap his mind around what just happened.
 “I love you,” he attempted to clarify – slowly and purposefully just in case she didn’t actually hear what he said or was misunderstanding, “I want you to marry me.”
 It only occurred to him after it was said that he’d never actually told her he loved her before so the whole marriage thing was definitely out of the blue and oh god, what if she didn’t hear him and now he said that and…
 “That’s nice. I also love you and want to marry you,” Kagome teased before she rolled her eyes, “Now tell me why you’re by the…”
 “Hold on. Hold on,” Inuyasha huffed in frustration, “I want to make sure I’m clear. I’m serious about this. I…”
 “I...wait, was I not clear or something?” Kagome asked as her eyes widened in surprise, “I said I loved you, right? What about that confuses you?”
 The miko watched as the cogs turned behind those amber eyes and he continued to stare at her like something was misfiring in his mind.
 “So…so we’re getting married....” he finally managed and Kagome nodded slowly like she thought he was losing his marbles, “…because you love me and that’s why you came back.”
 “Yup. That is the case,” she replied awkwardly before glancing behind him at the tree, “So…want to tell me what you were doing out here?”
 “None of your business,” he mumbled with a faint blush before clearing his throat and let out a short laugh, “So we’re getting married, huh?”
Furrowing her brow in a mixture of confusion and amusement, Kagome clearly tried to hold back a laugh as she replied warmly, “That has been established.”
 “Because you love me and I love you,” he continued trying to clarify redundantly and once again she nodded.
 “Huh,” he snorted before reaching out and pulling her into a tight hug that almost knocked the wind out of her small body, “Would you look at that.”
 Cooing happily in his embrace, Kagome hugged him back with all the strength she could muster as the reason he was out here having a panic attack was suddenly made clear. Bless his poor socially inept little heart.
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hi there! Im back, tysm for doing my HC ;;/ it was super cute, i really liked Mammons and Satans!! If you dont mind if i ask for another? Hdjsks Recently, i slipped while walking home with some pals and scrapped my knee. It wasnt too bad, but it sure looked bad lmao If you can could you do HCs for the boys reacting to MC slipping and scrapping there knee while walking w them? Im sure Mammon would have a heart attack hfjd Tysm!! Keep up the good work♡
Thank you so much! I hope your knee gets better and that it wasn’t too painful! The brothers would all be panicking in their own way but I agree, Mammon would faint or something lmao.
Hope this was OK.
The Brothers with an MC who fell and scraped their knee:
-It was a miracle you managed to convince him to come out on a walk with you at all
-The man doesn’t know when to take a break from his work
-He’s more likely to accept if it’s you asking tho, he has an obvious soft spot for you
-The others call him a suck up behind his back because of it
-You were so happy that you managed to pry Lucifer away from his desk, you were basically skipping alongside him
-Long story short, you tripped over your own two feet and fell
-Luckily, your knees and palms were the only things that got a bit scruffy
-Well, actually your right knee looked as if someone tried removing your entire knee cap with a scalpel, skin and all but adrenaline was kicking in and you couldn’t feel much
-You’ve never seen Lucifer freeze the way he did then
-His mind just drew a blank
-You were about to shrug it off and call it a day, get up and continue your walk but daddy Lucifer can’t have that
-He has six younger brothers (and a younger sister at some point) he is pretty experienced when it comes to treating injuries
-You aren’t walking for the rest of the day, let me make this clear
-He will carry you back to the House of Lamentation no matter how much you protest
-In case it wasn’t obvious already, Lucifer gives off massive dad vibes and now he’s bandaging your leg while you’re laying down on his bed
-While the rest of the brothers watch the two of you from behind the door frame because they are all equally worried
-Get ready for the three hour lecture coming your way
-He’s pissed and amused at the same time tbh
-Silly human, falling over like that and hurting themselves
-Lord Diavolo forbid you try to get out of that bed, he will drag you back and make sure you stay there until your knee is better (kinky)
-He was on his merry way to the casino to blow off all of Lucifer’s money and you tagged along solely for the purpose of making sure he didn’t spend all of Lucifer’s money
-You’d both be done for if he did
-But I guess fate really had it out for you on that day since your foot slipped on....something and you tripped
-Both of your knees looked bloody and damaged as hell but you were more irritated than anything
-Mammon on the other hand did a fucking double take and almost passed out
-He screeched his lungs out
-One look at your injured knees and he was ready to drag you all the way to the human realm on foot to find you a doctor
-It was very dramatic, he cried
-You stood up to prove that you were alright because you thought he was going to have a seizure soon enough
-OK, that helped him calm down a little
-At least now he knew your legs weren’t about to get torn off and you weren’t on the verge of death
-Fuck the casino, you were going home
-Like Lucifer, don’t expect you will walk home by yourself
-He will carry you, a bit embarrassed by his initial freak out but still eyeing your wound, concerned
-As soon as you get home and the other brothers help you out because he’s shit at bandaging, he just sits in his own pool of misery and guilt
-Your poor knees wouldn’t be so jacked up if you hadn’t come along with him today
-He was so determined to make it up to you, he stayed by your bedside like a loyal puppy with a wagging tail (flashback to the animal event)
-Overall, he almost went into cardiac arrest and was too panicked to realise you were fine
-You thought he was smothering and overprotective before? Good luck for the rest of the week
-“See, this is why I don’t like going out. There’s always some normie laying on the groun- OH MY LORD DIAVOLO, MC IS THAT YOU?? ARE YOU OK?”
-You fell knees first and hurt them quiet badly but you could stand, even if the pain made you twitch a little
-This confused Levi because you looked fine even though your knees certainly didn’t
-You told him you felt alright and it wasn’t that big of a deal and he absolutely rolled with it
-But you guys still went home after that
-He said it was because you bled all over your cosplay but that’s just him being a tsundere
-Levi is usually very shy when it comes to physical contact but he firmly insisted that he help you walk home
-I mean, he knows you said you were feeling OK and maybe humans just have a lot of tolerance for injuries like that
-But he still felt it was necessary that he took you home and checked out your injuries
-He kept the mood light while disinfecting you’re wound with some help from Satan by talking about how the convention went
-High low-key relieved seeing you walk around like normal two minutes after that
-He started bitching to you about how you made him miss his the event but he didn’t mean any of it
-“Stupid normie, making me miss my favourite Ruri-chan event. You’re lucky I love you and think you’re cute....did I just say that out loud??”
-Oh dear, why would you go out for a walk in the middle of a rainstorm? What were you thinking?
-Actually, it was Satan’s idea
-He may be a demon and the prince of Wrath no less, but he is such a sappy, cheesy bastard at times
-He definitely thinks that walking and kissing in the rain is very romantic (bet he read something like that in an erotica)
-You know what’s not romantic blondie? Slipping on a very small puddle and potentially fracturing your leg
-It was just a scraped knee but you were frustrated enough to be extra
-He’s helping you up before you even have the chance to realise you fell in the first place
-Your knee was looking pretty bad so you guys went home just to avoid any further casualties
-He’s actually chuckling all the way back while you playfully glare at him because how dare he laugh at your misery?
-Date night was ruined but at least he got to take care of you
-He knew your knee must have hurt and he felt bad but he couldn’t help but giggle a bit to himself because your fall was so comical
-Ah but he does enjoy fussing over you for the rest of the night a bit too much
-You thought Mammon was melodramatic?
-Take a look at this fucking guy
-He actually screeches even louder than his brother and probably falls to his knees too (but not really because those pants were expensive)
-His screams definitely got the attention of at least 10 random passerbyers
-He’s actually on the verge of crying
-I mean, can you blame him?? Look at your beautiful knees!! They were ruined
-He felt so bad for you, he actually babied the hell out of you that day
-“Asmo, it’s fine. It’s just a scrap.”
-It was just a scrap but Asmo’s secret talent is being extra as fuck
-He totally spilled all the tea to the rest of the brothers when he got home
-And then he ushered you into his room
-Funnily enough, he’s pretty good with injuries. Not as much as Satan and Lucifer but still
-He pampered you for the next few hours but that image of your skin being all grazed like that will forever haunt him
-How can you not be so bothered by it?? He’d die if he was in your place
-I love Asmo just because of how dramatic he is
-Your shoelaces were undone and of course that meant a fun little trip to the floor of Hell’s Kitchen
-Beel didn’t notice you fell at first, he was concentrating on his food and assumed you were next to him
-But then he realised that you weren’t and for a moment he thought you disappeared or something
-Before he turned to find you laying on the floor, curled up because life was pain and you were suffering
-“Are you OK? Or are you just tired? Belphie does that a lot when he’s tired.” Or depressed one might say
-But for real, he’s good at identifying serious wounds and less serious wounds since he’s an athlete
-He can tell your knees were bleeding way more than they should have from just a simple scrap
-He slinged you over his shoulder and carried you, calmly, back home, with a burger still in his hand
-He’s actually really collective and talked to you while cleaning up your injury to take your mind off the pain
-He knows humans are a little more fragile than demons so even though he knows it’s not a big deal, he can’t help but worry
-It’s kinda hard falling around him tho because chances are, he will actually catch you even if he happens to hold something
-He’s sad if you’re sad so please don’t cry he will bandage your scraped knee do you want the last bit of his burger to make you feel better?
-Comfort hugs afterwards!
-Which is awesome because Beel gives out best hugs :)
-Ah yes, another beautiful day at RAD
-Walking alongside with your grumpy and sleepy boyfriend when a random demon bumps into you
-Wel not bumps, more like shoves you so hard you fall down and tear the fabric of your pants
-While the dude shrugs it off and speeds away
-You were a bit pissed off because rude
-But Belphie was fucking fuming
-He felt so offended on your part
-I mean, the nerve of him
-He was tired as shit but he wanted to chase after him and throw hands, possibly fill his pillow with rocks and hit him over the head with it
-He forced himself to focus on you first before hunting the moron down
-He was a bit concerned when he didn’t see you come back up after you fell
-Turns out, you scraped your knee pretty horribly and now you were bleeding all over the floor
-He’s even more quiet than usual as he helps you up and half carries you to your next class
-He starts taking care of your knee in the middle of DevilDom history he doesn’t give a flying fuck
-He’s still furious by the time he gets home and most of his brothers know to leave him be when he makes that scary ass face
-No talk to him
-He angy
-“Does your knee still hurt?”
-“A bit but it’s not-“
-“Come nap with me.”
-“Naps shall cure your pain.”
-“Nah but for real come take a nap with me.”
-Next day at school, the dude from yesterday walks by him and Belphie smashes his head against the wall
-Before walking away as if nothing happened
-I stan protective Belphie
These HCs are really bad but I love them anyway
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bluewhale52 · 4 years
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Things you need to know about this fic:
1. Hobi is tied up during sex 2. This piece is inspired by a prompt I saw on @creativepromptsforwriting: “Can we go on one date without you causing someone trauma?” “Babe, I’m a demon. What do you expect me to do?” (Submitted by: welcome-tothe-mystery-shack)
Pairing: Jung Hoseok x female reader
WC: 6.4k
Rating: Explicit. NO MINORS ALLOWED!
Genre: idol!au, fantasy!au, supernatural!au, estabished relationship,
Warning: one of the characters is a demon, mention of Hobi’s red suit (yes, THAT one), oral sex (m & f receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, kinda rough sex but not that crazy rough, slight choking, for once Hoseok is not the dom.
A/N : thank you to the lovely @illneverrecover who really boosted my confidence and enjoyed the story when I wasn’t even sure about it!
Taglist: @gee-nee​
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Just over two years ago, Hoseok met you in an upscale club.He remembers the moment he saw you as if it was only yesterday. He remembers seeing you all by yourself at the bar in the VIP section, your finger circling the mouth of your martini glass lazily. He remembers the blood red dress you wore- how it was so conservative that it covered you up completely, but it hugged you in all the right places. He remembers the way you looked at him- as if you were hungry for him- and it still sends shivers down his spine to this day. 
You approached him that night- nothing unusual for him, men and women flock to him because of his idol status- and he was instantly enraptured. The piercing gaze you gave him rendered him immobile. The swaying of your hips hypnotized him completely that he forgot where he was. And somehow, SOMEHOW, he found his members all gone- to the bar, to the dance floor, to the restroom, who knew. Then you sat yourself next to him, your long fingers trailed from his shoulder down to his thigh. Your mouth whispered such filthy things in his ears and he thought he was going to come in his pants.
Hoseok agreed too easily at your invitation to go back to your place. He had never gone to anyone’s home for a hookup- it was simply too dangerous- but he did not even think twice when you invited him. There was something about how you drew out his desires, almost as if you were feeding off them to satiate your carnal hunger. Though the night was a blur to him, he remembers the lustful, searing passion he had with you. He also remembers waking Jimin up when he returned to the dorm in the early morning, begging him to help cover up all the marks you had left on his neck and collarbones; he was too embarrassed to face the stylists later that day. 
That one night hook-up turned into several nights, and ignoring Namjoon’s warning, Hoseok continued to see you whenever he was in Seoul. Before he knew it, he started developing feelings for you, and he gathered his courage to ask you out on a proper date.
He could see the shock in your face when he asked, but you eventually agreed on one condition. He had told you he was going to New Zealand for Bon Voyage, and you dared him to do a bungee jump there. If he did it, he got himself a date with you. 
And a date was won, for he faced his fears and took the plunge. You both agreed to have your first date in your apartment, a place you both were comfortable in and also for privacy obviously. Dinner was delicious, conversation flew effortlessly, and Hoseok’s feelings grew even stronger. 
He confessed to you as he was pinning you down on your sofa, kissing you hungrily and passionately. You pushed him away, looking worried and confused.
“Babe, are you all right?” He stroked your hair. “I’m sorry that came out of nowhere, I just wanted to let you know, I really want us to pursue this.” 
His heart dropped when you looked away. Then in a small whisper, you replied to him.
“Hoseok, I’m a demon.”
Hoseok stared at you for a few seconds before bursting out laughing. He looked at you once his laughter had subsided, then laughed again, albeit a little more unsurely at the sight of your serious expression.
“Wait, no, there’s no such thing.” He paused. “Right?”
“I really am a demon, Hoseok.”
He eyed you skeptically, figuring out which way your joke was going to. 
“Seeing is believing, right?” You snapped your finger and produced a red flame on your palm. 
Hoseok’s eyes widened. “How.. how did you do that? That’s such a cool magic trick!”
However, he gulped audibly when your facial expression fell. Anyone would be excited to show off a cool magic trick, but you looked… dejected? 
“Hoseok,” you said softly. “You trust me, don’t you? You know that you’re safe, as long as you’re with me.”
“O...kay….” he chuckled nervously.
You stood up and took a deep breath. The apartment turned pitch dark, and your body was bathed in red flame, providing the only source of light. Your eyes turned red, staring him down as your mouth turned into a wicked smile. Hoseok sat frozen on the sofa, fear paralyzing him, finally realizing this was indeed no mere magic trick. Then you raised your arms, and luminous green shadows appeared behind you, ugly and vicious. You leaned down toward Hoseok, and he immediately tried to back away. With a gesture of your hand, two streaks of green slithered around his body, holding him in place. 
“Trust me, Hoseok.” you whispered, then you placed your palm over his heart, and to his horor, you drew out a thin black smoke out of his chest. You then twirled it around your long finger. “This is fear,” you explained, “I pulled this out of you, just a little bit, not all, because I… well I like it when you’re a scaredy cat.”
The green shadows were growling, hungry. “They like negative emotions. Fear, jealousy, greed, they feed on them.”  You blew the black smoke towards the shadows behind you. The green shadows screeched and fought to gobble up the smoke in no time, then you sent them back to the dark abyss with a soft chant. The light came back on, and the flame around your body disappeared. 
You turned to look at Hoseok, once everything was back to normal. He was patalyzed still- eyes unblinking, ears ringing, heart beating fast and brain malfunctioning over what he had just witnessed. 
“You… you’re..” he finally snapped out of his shock, “you’re a demon.”
You nodded and kneeled before him. “I am, Hoseok. And I think I have feelings for you too.”
Hoseok gasped. Then it all went black. 
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Hoseok finally came to, and he found himself in your bed, tucked underneath your blanket. He slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes and his head. He tried to recall what happened before he fainted, but he was distracted by the sounds from  outside your bedroom.
Hoseok gingerly got out of bed and walked out, still rubbing his head. Then he found you in the living room with... Yoongi?
Yoongi gave him a silent wave as a way of greeting.
“What are you doing here?” Hoseok sat down on the sofa. He noticed you were keeping your distance from him. “What’s going on?”
“Hoseok,” you called his name gently, “do you remember what happened?”
Hoseok tilted his head, trying to recall. He remembered having dinner with you, kissing you, and then…. Hoseok recoiled at the memory of red flame and green shadows. You winced at his reactions.
“Hoseok, please calm down, don’t faint on me again.” You pleaded. 
Hoseok snapped his head towards Yoongi. “Hyung?”
“She told me what happened, Seok-ah, down to the scary bits that knocked you out.”
Hoseok found your eyes again. “So, it’s true then, you’re really a demon?”
“Yeah…” you shrugged your shoulders. “Technically a succubus, but I prefer being called a demon.”
“How… what... “ Hundreds of questions ran through his mind. He looked back at Yoongi for help, and he was shocked to see how unaffected Yoongi looked. “Hyung, did you know all this while? And, why are you here? How can you be so calm?” Hoseok gasped. “Wait, are YOU a demon too?”
“Weirder things have happened.” Yoongi answered nonchalantly.
“Did she show you all the flames and shadows? And they didn’t bother you?”
Yoongi shook his head. “She said I’d be safe, so no, it didn’t bother me much. A bit scary, yes, but I was okay.”
Hoseok stared at Yoongi in amazement, confused at how he was taking the news so easily. So instead, Hoseok stood up to pace back and forth, trying to gather his thoughts. “Okay. So you’re a demon, technically a succubus…”
You nodded.
“... so, did you ever suck my soul? Or tried to? Do I still have a soul?”
You wrung your hands. “I never did, well, I mean, when I first saw you in that club, yeah I wanted your soul so badly because I could smell its purity. You were so tempting. And I did take you home planning to suck it out of you, but I couldn’t do it. Not that night and any nights after.”
Hoseok looked  at you, hearing what you said but not fully comprehending it. He looked at Yoongi for help, but his friend simply shrugged again. “I admit this is a lot to take in, but, she hasn’t hurt you so far.”
“Okay, so you don’t want my soul.” You shook your head. “And what about my members? Do you want their souls?”
“No, of course not! If I wanted theirs, I’d have slept with every single one of them. And I didn’t. Nor do I ever plan to. I just… I just want to be with you.”
Hoseok swallowed hard at your confession. Despite everything that had been revealed to him, he still wanted to be with you too. But he had so many questions yet to be answered. “So, you’ve sucked other people’s souls before?” 
“Well yeah, that’s my job. I have a monthly quota to meet.”
“A quota? What do you mean, a quota?” Hoseok asked, his curiosity peaked. 
“Do you honestly think I’m in this world, just for fun? If I want to keep this amazing apartment, and the amazing fashion labels I have in my wardrobe, I have to work for it.”
“How does it work?” Hoseok asked. “You just go around seducing humans, then suck their souls and... file your report?”
“Basically, yes. But, I don’t do all that seducing anymore, not after I met you.” Hoseok’s eyebrows rose. “I don’t want to have sex with anyone else. So I had to find other ways to keep my job performance up.”
“So what do you do now?” It was Yoongi who spoke.
“Well, I don’t like being called a succubus because, honestly I’m much more than that. Since I don’t partake in any.... activities… anymore, now I’m more like a wicked cupid, if that makes sense?”
Hoseok pinched his nose. “It doesn’t; explain to me? To us?”
You took a deep breath. “Basically, I play matchmaker to cheaters. For example, I set  up a man cheating on his wife with a woman cheating on her husband. I do that a lot these days. It’s boring, and their souls are already corrupted, so they’re not valued as much as purer souls.” you pouted. “It’s a lot more work but it’s the only way to keep myself just for you.”
“So you just make people have sex with each other?” Hoseok asked.
“Yeah, I have to watch them do it,” you made a disgusted face. “It’s easiest to suck their souls out in the moments when they lose control, you know?”  
“So… you watch them?” Hoseok was embarrassed that he was more intrigued than disturbed. 
“Yes....” You narrowed your eyes at him, “... do you... want to watch too?”
Hoseok blushed at your question. “No, no, I don’t, of course not!” He paused for a second. “But, if I wanted to... I could?”
“OKAY!” Yoongi piped up before neither Hoseok nor you spoke. “So the gist of this conversation is that you” Yoongi pointed at you, “are a demon who doesn’t do all the demonic things anymore so that you can build a relationship with him. Correct?“  
You answered Yoongi with a nod, and Hoseok felt a squeeze around his heart; he felt happy that you were willing to make changes to be with him. His brain, however, kept sounding the alarm, screaming at him to step out of this abnormality. 
Hoseok excused himself, and then dragged Yoongi to your bathroom. 
“Hyung, this is crazy, right? I’m crazy that I still want to be with her right?” 
“Honestly, Hobi. If you want to be with her, be with her. If she wanted you soulless, or dead, she’d have done it a long time ago. You were so into her before finding out her true-self. And so far, I think she’s been upfront, as honest as she could.”
“You’re right,” Hoseok paced in the small space. “I do like her, a lot. And I don’t feel… threatened? Or scared? Like it’s a shock, but I’m surprisingly okay with all this.”
“Good, then. So you guys just need to work it out. Maybe ask her what her weakness is, you know? Every demon has that one weakness, right? It’ll be like an exchange of trust. You trust her not to take your soul, and she trusts you not to annihilate her.”
“Hyung, that can’t be healthy, to hold each other at gunpoint.” Hoseok chuckled nervously, but made a mental note to bring it up to you. “Hang on, why did she call you here?”
“I’m the most sensible of the seven of us.” Yoongi answered confidently. “Would you rather Jin Hyung be here screaming his heart out?”
Hoseok waved Yoongi off. “Yeah, you’re right. Thanks for being here, Hyung.”
Yoongi opened the door. “I’m leaving now, You guys talk it out, okay?”
Hoseok stayed with you that night, asked you all the questions needed to be asked, and when the sun rose, you became his girlfriend.
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“Hobi Hyung!” Jimin bellows from the door. “Noona is here!”
You follow him inside the apartment. Once you and Hoseok became official, he was only too excited to introduce you to his members. Your real identity is still a secret however, except to Yoongi. 
You linger in the kitchen, waiting for your boyfriend. “So, where are you guys going today?” Jimin asks.
“Just dinner, at that Japanese place he went to a few weeks ago. Then maybe some night shopping” 
“You know,” Jimin rubs his chin, “I don’t understand how Hyung does it. Whenever he’s out with you, no one, and I mean, no one is able to spot him.”
You shrug. “He disguises himself well behind his mask and hat.”
“Yeah right,” Jimin snickers as Hoseok comes out of his room. “You’re telling me no one recognises him in THAT? That screams J-Hope of BTS, Noona.”
You look over to where Jimin is pointing. Hoseok is wearing a bright blue jacket with a large FILA across the back. His beanie is maroon red, and his pants are moss green with colourful accessories and pins. His signature little bag is slung across his chest; today he has chosen yellow with rainbow flowers. He will probably wear his orange sneakers to complete the look.  
“Then I guess we’re just lucky, Chim.” You beam at Hoseok as he comes nearer. You are lucky indeed. 
“Ready?” He asks after giving you a kiss. You nod. “Don’t wait up for us, Jimin.”
Jimin eyes you playfully. “Not planning too, Hyung. Have fun!”
You and Hoseok walk hand-in-hand leaving his apartment and down to the parking lot. Once inside his car, he asks. “What were you talking about with Jimin, babe?”
“Oh you know,” you fasten your seatbelt. “He wonders why no one recognises you whenever we venture outside.”
Hoseok chuckles as he starts the engine. “Well, the last time anyone tried to take photos of us, their phones burst in flame and you sent them to have an orgy in a dingy bar.”
You cackle. “That was fun. And it helped me meet my target. I should do that again sometime soon.”
“Well, can we go on one date without you causing someone trauma?" Hoseok asks.
"Babe, I'm a demon. What do you expect me to do?" You retort. “If they don’t bother you, I won’t do anything to them, you know that.”
“I never thought I’d have a guardian demon.” Hoseok laughs heartily. “But I’m glad it’s you.”
You shoot him a sweet smile. “But you know, I do miss torturing a human. I miss their cries, their patheticness. How they promise me the world if only I would give them release. I miss that power.”
“Well,” your boyfriend clears his throat. “You can torture me. Like not that painful kind of torture. But you can make me cry and beg.”
You snap your head towards him. It takes all the power within you to tame the ferocious desires suddenly bubbling in you. “You’d do that? For me?”
“Of course, I want to make you happy.” He reaches out to squeeze your hand. “Just… don’t suck my soul.”
“Of course not. I would never.”
“Okay then. Should we just head to your place now?” Hoseok switches lanes, getting ready to make a u-turn.
“Yeah, fuck dinner. Let’s go home now.”
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Hoseok thinks he has died and gone to heaven- or maybe, hell?- when you come out of your walk in wardrobe. You have put on the sexiest, the most tantalizing lingerie he has ever seen, and it has the same colour as his red suit, the one he wore in his concert that sent Army all over the world crazy. 
The teddy hugs your body in all the right places; the deep v-neck shows off your cleavage, the lace covering your breasts is cut so delicately, and hangs on a little string to keep everything together. Below the lace, however, is all see through. He can see your belly button, and the mark of Hell just below it. His eyes move further down, and he gulps. He could see your bare sex, already weeping.  The teddy is high cut too, baring your hips and making your legs look even longer. And when you turn, that sorry excuse of a fabric disappears between your ass cheeks only to reappear at your lower back, going up into a series of intricate web on your back. 
Then Hoseok looks at what you have in your hand. A red silk rope. He looks back up to you. You give him a wicked smile.
“What are you waiting for? Get undressed for me, Daddy.” You instruct him.
He immediately takes his clothes off, and you stop him before he removes his boxers. “Those are for me to take off.” You slyly tease, earning a grin from him.
“Get on the bed.” Hoseok obediently does as you ask. “Hands up.” You grab his wrists, and you bind them to the bed posts with your silk rope, tightly enough that he winces slightly. You then straddle him, raking your nails up and down his lean, hard torso. He writhes underneath you. You slide further down so that you rest directly above his now hard cock.
“Oh God,” Hoseok gasps as he feels your wetness through his boxers. You tut in disapproval, and lean down to nip and suck on his chest harshly.
“We don’t say that word in this house, Daddy. You should’ve known better.” You chastise him. You gently rub the purple mark you have just left on his chest. You lay our palm flat against his nipples, rubbing the stiff peaks.
“I’m sorry, babygirl,” he pants, “I won’t say it again.”
You bend down so your face hovers over Hoseok’s. You rub your nose against his, then your lips ghost over his mouth and along his jaw. You smile when you hear him whimper. 
“You trust me, don’t you?”
“I do, baby. I love you. Kiss me, please?”
You kiss him passionately,  the last act of intimacy before you start playing with him. You roll your hips, and you feel his body jerks slightly. You hold him down, as your mouth swallows his moans and your dripping core rubs against his hardness.
You sit back up, your hands back onto his chest, and your hips continue to roll. You watch him squirm underneath you. His hands are balled in tight fists, his arms flexing, showing the sinewy muscles. You trail a finger from the inside of his elbow, down the biceps, and to his shoulder and collarbone.
“You’re so fucking hot, Jung Hoseok. Remember that night we met? Once I got you here, I didn’t even want your soul anymore, I just wanted you to fuck me senseless.”
Your finger goes further down along his pec, and circles around his hard nipple. You flick it gently and Hoseok closes his eyes as he suppresses a moan. You raise your finger to his lips, prodding them open.  
Hoseok envelops your digit immediately, pressing his tongue flat against it. His head starts bobbing, sucking your finger until he is drooling. You raise yourself up to your knees, and Hoseok groans at the loss of your wetness on his boxers. But then he moans around your finger as you slither up towards his chest. Your sex, covered in the most ridiculously see through material, is right in front of him. He can see clearly how you have soaked the fabric, your pussy lips swollen and ready for him to feast on. He looks up at you, eyes pleading. He is desperate for your taste.
You return his stare, and tilting your head, you pull your finger out of his mouth. Then you run it from the bottom of your neck, down to the valley between your breasts, and further south it goes. Hoseok whines at the wet trail of his saliva down your teddy, and when your finger slides over your covered pussy, he lets out a loud moan.
“Hmmm, what is it, Daddy?” You slide your finger back and forth, his saliva all but replaced by your own juices. “Do you want a taste?”
“Yes, yes please.” Hoseok can’t believe how whiny he sounds. He has never been on anyone’s mercy before. 
You pull the lingerie over your cunt aside, and you watch Hoseok’s eyes widen even more as you slip your wet finger inside you. He jerks forward, only to be held back by the restraints around his wrists. 
“Oh please… please…” he implores, “let me taste you please.”
You continue to finger yourself, ignoring his pleas. You push in another finger, and then another, throwing your head back at the stretch. He strains further against his restraints; his desperation could probably power him enough to rip the ropes off. 
The squelching sounds your fingers make are so loud in his ears.  “Please, please, baby, fuck let me taste you.” He beseeches you. “Please.”
You look down at your lover. You love how needy he is being for you. “Why Daddy? You’re not enjoying the show I’m putting on for you?”
He licks his lips and swallows hard. “I love it baby, I can smell you from here. I just want a taste, please let Daddy have a taste?”
Chuckling, you grab his hair, jerking his head back. Then you pull your fingers out and wipe them on his lips. He pokes his tongue out to desperately lick at the honey smeared around his mouth. You then shove your fingers in, and he immediately sucks on your digits, licking them clean. He closes his eyes and groans at the taste of you. You continue to rut yourself on his chest.
“Taste good, Daddy?” You stroke his hair. He nods meekly. “Do you want more?”
He mumbles his answer around your fingers. “Yes, yes please baby girl.”
You pull your fingers out, now drenched with his saliva. You raise yourself up and shuffle further up so that you’re right above his head. Your teddy is still pushed to the side, and you rub your fingers over your wet slit. 
“Shit baby, let me go, let me finger you, hmm?” 
“Shut up and enjoy the show.”  You plunge your fingers in again, and Hoseok’s moans at the sight drowns out yours. You start to fuck yourself, with your lover underneath watching you, praising you and encouraging you to cum. Just before you reach your peak however, you stop, and you remove your fingers. Wiping them on his mouth, he greedily laps at them again, savoring every drop of your taste you are offering him.
“Such a good Daddy,” you pur, “I haven’t cummed yet, do you want to make me cum with your tongue?”
Hoseok nods zealously. He shifts his body further so that he lies fully on his back, his head flat on your pillows. You can feel his hot breaths on your sex, ready to devour you. You lower yourself to his mouth, and his tongue immediately darts out at your opening, collecting all your leaking juices.  
“That’s right Daddy, drink me up.” You rock your hips above him, enjoying his wet organ exploring you. You reach down and pull back the skin above your pussy, revealing your throbbing clit. He moans and clamps his mouth over your nub. He alternates between sucking and flicking it, determined to bring you to orgasm. 
“Daddy, that feels so good,” you encourage him, grabbing a fistful of his hair again. “Make me cum with your tongue. Make me feel good, Daddy.”
Hoseok goes into overdrive. His body is tense, vibrating, he is focusing all his might to get you to your climax. And finally he is rewarded. He feels your core drip more as your thighs shake, and then you curse loudly, sending the lights in your room flickering. 
Once your heart beat returns to normal, you lie down next to him. Turning his head to face you, you kiss him slowly, savoring your taste on his lips. “Such a good Daddy,” you praise him, “making me cum so good.”
Hoseok beams at your praise. “Untie me, baby girl. I can make you feel even better.”
You tsk at him. “I want to make you suffer more.” Hoseok mewls. You pat his head and look at his bound hands. “Are your wrists hurting?”
He whines louder, mixed with laughter. “I just want to touch you. Please.”
“I like you tied up like this,” you trail your fingers up and down his chest. “I like having you helpless and completely under my control.”
Hoseok shudders all over. He has never felt this desperate before. He just wants to touch you, to pin you down and please you over and over. If only he could get out of the damn restraints. 
You can see the desperation in his eyes, and you decide to reward him. You pull down the straps of the teddy off your shoulders, and you smile sinfully as you peel the lace off your breasts, presenting them for his viewing pleasure, but definitely not for touching. Hoseok bites down on his lower lip. You lean over his torso, to reach your bedside table. In doing so, your breasts brush his chin, and he instantly mouths at whatever flesh he can reach, making you giggle.
You dig around the drawer of your bedside table, angling your chest to Hoseok’s mouth so that he can finally capture a nipple. Placing the perky tip between his teeth, he bites down on it to elicit a yelp out of you, before blowing at it and flicking it with his tongue. After grabbing an item from the drawer, you sit back up, and he cries as your nipple leaves his mouth. 
“See what I have Daddy.” You show him the item in your hand; it is a small bullet vibrator. You turn it on. The soft whirring fills Hoseok’s ears. 
“I didn't know you have toys.”
“Oh, I do.” You shuffle down to his crotch, “I just never need it when I’m with you. You always please me so well. But I think we can have a bit of fun tonight, hmm?”
You place the vibrator on his lower abdomen, just above his boxers. Then you peel the teddy off your body, slowly, giving him a striptease. Once naked, you bring the lingerie to his mouth, and he obediently sucks whatever arousal you have leaked onto the fabric. Satisfied, you then move back down and grab the waistband of his underwear, and you turn to look back at him. His eyes are closed, jaw clenching as the little tremors from the toy run through his body. You pull his boxers down slowly, and his red angry cock pops out and flops over the vibrator, making him groan aloud.
You take the vibrator and run it up and down his length, as you lean down to lick the precum off his tip. His body jerks violently, his hands pulling hard against the ropes. 
“Don’t break my bed posts.” You warn him, tapping the vibrator on his cock. “I’ll be very upset.”
“I can buy you a new one.” His breathing is erratic. “Shit, that feels so fucking good.”
“Hmm, does it? How about here?” You move the vibrator to his balls. He screams at once. You laugh mockingly at him. “Oh Daddy, did I almost make you cum?” Hoseok curses. 
You press the vibrator back on the base of his cock. “How much do you want to fuck me?”
“So so bad, please. Let me fuck you. Let me feel you on my cock. Please.”
“Will you give your soul to me, for exchange of a fuck?” You tease him.
Hoseok whimpers. “Take everything of me, I’m all yours.”
“Tsk tsk,” you tut. “Did you forget who I am, Daddy? You should never say that to a demon.”
“Not fair, not fair.” Hoseok is breathless. You move the vibrator closer to his balls again, and he sobs. “Ah, I want to cum in your cunt, please. Please.”
“You don’t want my mouth, Daddy?” You give his length a fat lick, while pressing the toy harder onto his testicles. His cock twitches and his body jerks. You see the muscles of his thighs tightening. “You’re not allowed to cum yet, Daddy!”
“I’m fucking trying not to!” Hoseok bellows. 
You laugh heartily. “All those times you edged me, this is payback.” You lick the head of his cock, and give it little sucks. He thrashes his head on the pillow.
“Please, please…” he begs again.
“Please what, Daddy?” You are stroking and licking his shaft lazily. 
“Suck me or ride me… fuck I don’t care! I just want to be in you, anywhere, please!”
You hum against his length as you move the vibrator to his inner thigh. His legs shake and he lets out a very loud, frustrated moan. You decide that you have teased him enough. Moreover, your sex is sopping wet and throbbing, completely ready for his cock.
Putting the vibrator aside, you straddle him. You both moan as your soaking center meets his hard length. You rock your hips back and fro, coating the whole of his length with your juices. You press down harder on him, sandwiching his cock between the lips of your pussy and his own abdomen. 
“Can you feel how wet I am, Daddy? You’re making me so wet.”
Hoseok is unable to reply. You see him biting his lip and closing his eyes so tightly, as if the action would help him stop from climaxing early. You reach down and grab his cock, all slippery and lubricated now. You position the head of his cock at your entrance, then you slowly sink onto him. You stop halfway however, and order him to open his eyes to look at you.
Holding his gaze, you slam your hips down until he fully impales you. He hisses loudly as your tightness envelops him. “So tight, ah fuck baby, you’re so fucking tight.”
You roll your hips as your inner walls continue to squeeze him, almost daring him to come. Then, getting your knees in position, you start riding him. You reach out for your vibrator and turn it back on. You pull back the skin over your clit, and you press the little device on your bud as you continue to bounce on Hoseok’s cock.
Hoseok curses- the feeling of your cunt contracting around his cock and the pulses from the toy is pushing him closer and closer to the edge. He is not sure if he can hold out much longer. You see his face scrunching up, a tell-tale sign that he is close. So you toss the vibrator aside and lean down towards him. Your hips falter a bit, their rhythm slowing down at the new position. 
You can hear how wet you are riding his cock. The sounds fill your ears, and combined with the smell of sex in the air, you start to get dizzy. The man underneath you is spewing filth and praises at the same time, heating your body further. Licking your lips, you close your hand around his neck, gently. His eyes widen, but he does not protest. You tighten your grip, and he sucks in a breath audibly. Your thumb grazes his adam apple, before you move up to his pulse point. Your mouth instantly waters at how fast it is pulsating; suddenly, the hunger for his pure soul is getting stronger within you.
Hoseok sees your eyes flash red for a moment, and he calls out your name. “Stay with me,” he whispers. “Baby. I trust you. Stay with me.”
His sweet voice brings you back, and you let go of his neck. Your breath is erratic now, and your hips pause. You shake your head to clear the red haze out of your mind. You look down at your boyfriend, and amidst the lust and the desperation, there is love oozing out for you. You take a deep breath, then placing your hands on his solid chest, you murmur, “Hoseok... Daddy, make me cum.”
Hoseok snaps at your request. He twists his wrists to grip the rope that binds him, and he plants his feet firmly on the bed. Then like a man possessed, he starts jackhammering up into you. You keep your body still above him, giving your body to him fully. You arch your back as his cock continues to bruise your hole, enjoying the sensation as he spears you over and over at a maddening pace. The pressure quickly builds in your core, your pussy clamping down on his member.
Hoseok’s hair is matted on his forehead. Sweat has broken all over his body, his muscles tensing as he feels you getting closer to your climax. He is nearing his peak too, and he wants to free fall with you.  “Baby… baby, please… can I cum?” 
“Yes, yes, Daddy, fill me with your cum.”
Hoseok snaps his hips faster, and he does not slow down when you finally climax. As the powerful orgasm sweeps through you, you let out a deafening shriek, and red flames engulf your body while your room is enveloped in an unearthly green glow with the shadows emerging, eager to be freed to feed on the lust that fills the air. Hoseok gasps at the sight, but he continues fucking you through your orgasm, until, at long last, he cums in your pussy, shooting his seeds deep into you as he screams your name.
You are brought back at the sound of your name. The fire immediately dies out, the green glow in your room subsides and the shadows disappear as you come down from your high. You can feel Hoseok’s cock throbbing inside you, his cum leaking out from your hole. Stilling your breathing, you reach for his bound hands to free them. His hands collapse onto the bed, his whole body now limp.
You take his hands, concerned in your face as you rub and kiss his wrists, all red from the restraints. “Are you hurt? Did I hurt you?”
Hoseok shakes his head, his eyes closed. His whole body is shiny and slick with sweat. “Fuck, that was out of this world.” He manages to say. His chest heaving up and down.
You smile wholeheartedly with relief and bend down to kiss him. “Let me run you a bath, hmm? I’ll give you a nice massage.”
Hoseok opens his eyes. “OK. It’s the least you can do, for almost eating me up alive.”
“I’m sorry. I’ve never cummed so hard before. I totally lost it.”
A tired but proud smile adorns his face. “You should tie me up more often then, you know, to practice your self-control.”
“I can’t agree more.” You kiss him again and again, apologizing between kisses and professing your love to him. The way his lips are melting against yours and how his tongue licks your mouth is stirring your desire again, but you know he will be too out of it. So reluctantly, you remove yourself and head to the bathroom to prepare the bath you have promised.
An hour later, you and Hoseok lie in bed, naked and fresh from your bath together. He spoons you, wrapping his arms tightly around your body. You fall asleep quickly, comfortable and secure in his embrace. When you stir awake at dawn however, those same arms are spreading and pinning your legs down, as his mouth is latched on your pussy.
“Hoseok...” you hoarsely call out his name. You look down to find his eyes staring back at you from between your legs. 
“Ah, Daddy, that feels good.. .” You sigh contentedly, surrendering yourself to your lover. He eats you out lazily, until he brings you to an orgasm, nothing as earth shattering as before, but delicious nonetheless. Hoseok then climbs up your body and kneels before you. You eagerly suck him until he pulls back, and then he flips you to get you on your hands and knees. He kisses your neck softly as he pushes himself into you.
“Why do you feel so fucking good?” He moans against your neck, enjoying the way your walls close around him. “What power have you got over me, baby girl?”
You gasp as he slowly pulls out before slamming back in. He threads his fingers in your hair and he pulls it to turn your head sideways so he can kiss you as he drags his cock in and out of you, rubbing that sweet spot inside. He keeps his rhythm slow but with purpose, and before long, you both climax together, then collapsing onto the bed.
The sun breaks into your bedroom as you relax in bed, basking in your post-orgasm haze. Hoseok remains on top of you, his heart beating out of his chest against your back. You wriggle to turn around so you can wrap your arms around him, protesting when he is trying to move, telling him that you love the feel of his weight on top of you. 
You stroke his hair, and you feel your chest tightens as he nuzzles your neck.
“Hoseok, thank you for staying with me.” You surprise yourself as you hear your voice breaks. “I know it has not been easy at all.”
Hoseok leans up and looks lovingly at you, his thumb wiping a tear that has escaped your eye. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, baby. Demon or not, you’re mine and I’m yours.”
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Happy birthday Hobi 💜
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Published 18022021
168 notes · View notes
monstersandmaw · 4 years
Male vampire x male character (nsfw) Part Four
Edit which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
Sorry for taking 84yrs to post this. I thought I had shared it. Sorry. Hope you enjoy all the same.
Wordcount: 10,904 (story total: 23,704)
Heads up in this part for continued, but easing, tense familial relations, some angst/heartache (not heartbreak though), and some (consensual) blood drinking.
Part One (sfw), Part Two (nsfw), Part Three (nsfw)
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Alec let out a shaky breath and crossed to the sofa, sinking down onto it as his legs finally gave out. “Vampires,” he said, hardly daring to believe the word he was uttering.
“And you’re one?”
“… Yes.”
“And my family…?”
Sebastien’s voice was tight on the other end of the line as he said, “Hunts my kind. Well, those of us who aren’t registered with the ‘Guild of Hunters’ —” his tone turned acrid as he spat the words out, though he kept his voice low and quiet.
“What does that even mean? I don’t know what any of this means… And did you know about my family? I mean, before? When you started dating me?”
Sebastien took another deep breath. “Yes. I knew. And it was a long time before I fully convinced myself that you did not.”
If Sebastien had thought it was some kind of trap, that would explain his reticence at the beginning for sure.
“And were you planning on telling me any of this?” Alec snarled. God, his chest hurt so much. The deception was like Jeremy cheating on him all over again, only this time the betrayal was coming from two fronts at once: from his love life and from his family. Not that he’d had all that solid a relationship with the latter to start with. Perhaps this explained why.
“I hadn’t planned on becoming your boyfriend at all,” Sebastien snapped.
“So, what, I was just a quick diversion? A casual fuck you kept coming back for because I’m such a fucking chump? Is that it?”
“No,” Sebastien sighed. “Not at all. I fell for you. Like the horrid cliche I am, the vampire fell for the hunter, and by then I had no idea how to tell you. I’ve not been with a human before, so this is all very new to me.”
Alec ran his fingers through his dark hair to buy himself a moment. “You… You haven’t?”
“How… How old are you?”
“Do you really want the answer to that?”
“Yes!” His phone was slippery in his fingers now from the sweat on his palm but he couldn’t bring it away from his ear long enough to put it on speaker. He needed answers.
With another cavernous sigh, Sebastien said hurriedly, “Very well. I was born in 1897 and turned on the battlefields of the Great War — World War I, that is. I was dying, and a vampire named Felicity who had been working as a field nurse turned me. My first run-in with your family was not long after I moved from France to America. They were working with the American Hunters’ Guild on a case which had nothing to do with me.” He let out a shaky breath and said, “I got in the way and I nearly died. Those were the days before the treaty, of course, and before I moved to England.”
Despite his still-spinning mind, Alec managed to croak, “What treaty?”
“Those of us who get our blood from sanctioned blood banks and do not live-feed are exempt from being hunted like animals.” He spoke like he was quoting from a law code; cold and clinical; detached.
God, the way he said it made Alec’s skin crawl. It was as if he were being permitted to exist on the grounds of good behaviour and, he supposed, that was exactly the case. Even so, Alec couldn’t help the next words that just fell out of his mouth. “So you weren’t planning on feeding from me?”
“Of course not,” Sebastien retorted but then appeared to rein himself in with yet another steadying inhale. “No. It’s been decades since I’ve fed from a human directly. I didn’t plan on starting with you.”
Alec slumped back into the sofa cushions and stared up at the ceiling of his tiny apartment. “Fuck.”
After a long silence, Sebastien’s gentle tenor sounded in his ear. “Are you alright?”
“No,” he said. “I’ve never been close to my family - my dad was always an arsehole, but… I can’t believe Theo’s involved in all this. He was such a sweet kid, and we were really close until…” he swallowed thickly around the rising lump in his throat.
“Until?” Sebastien prompted when he stalled again.
“I can’t believe this is all real,” he muttered. “Until he turned sixteen and started to ‘work out’ with dad. I was at uni by then, getting my fine art degree, but whenever I came home he was just… different. Harder. Sharper. More focused. Guess it makes sense now… Well, as much as… you know…” he gestured vaguely to the empty apartment with his hands, “… as much as all this can make sense. Fucking… vampires…”
After a heartbeat, Sebastien added softly, “Quite literally.”
Despite himself, Alec snorted. “So… where does this leave us?”
Now it was Sebastien’s turn to feel clearly uncomfortable. Eventually he said, “Alec, I don’t think it’s wise for me to see you currently. Not with your family being what they are.”
His heart twisted, even though he’d been half expecting it. “You still think they’d… what, stake you, or whatever it is that vampire hunters actually do to you lot?”
“There are many ways to kill a vampire,” he said flatly. “And your family knows all of them, probably more. You need to work this out with them first as well. Talk to your brother. He seems the more reasonable…”
“I can’t believe Ellie’s in on it as well. And my mother? Fuck…”
“Talk to them.”
“Will I still see you at work at least?”
The awkward silence told him all he needed to know, even before Sebastien said, “I just sent in my letter of resignation.”
“That was quick,” he hissed, stomach dropping. “You only just left.”
“Supernatural speed,” he replied bitterly. “Comes in useful for typing papers and getting out of awkward situations…”
That sparked another question in him. “Supernatural powers, huh? Can you turn into a bat too?”
Then he thought of Sebastien’s Halloween outfit. “Wolf?”
He thought he detected a faint smirk in Sebastien’s response. “No, sadly. No shape-shifting for me. Felicity is not of any extraordinary bloodline, and thus, neither am I.”
“Right,” he grunted. “Of course. Is she… is she still around?”
“Felicity? Yes. We meet every now and again. She and her wife spend most of their time in Venice these days.”
“Her wife? She a vampire too?”
Sebastien swallowed audibly. “Yes.”
“Did Felicity turn her too? Would that make her wife your sister?”
He frowned. “Did she know her as a human though?”
After a moment of spinning thoughts, Alec asked, “Did… you turn her?”
“One doesn’t tend to turn one’s own intended. Between a sire and their turned, there can grow… tension. Not always, but it can be enough to ruin a relationship that was seemingly solid before. Something about exchanging blood changes the soul… or so we think, anyway. It was an honour to be asked to sire her.”
“Right.” Alec felt slightly sick. “Will I at least see you before you leave?”
“I think it best if we don’t. Not while your family is still… ‘investigating’ me.”
“Are you really in danger from them?”
“Quite possibly. My name is on the treaty, but…”
Something twanged painfully again in his chest, swiftly followed by the fizzle of fear through his veins. “But what?”
“But vampires and hunters are not supposed to sleep together, Alec…”
“Don’t bang the enemy? How very Romeo and Juliet,” he snorted. “Fuck. Why does every good relationship I have turn to shit?” he asked, not of Sebastien but of the universe itself. “What did I do?”
“Alec —”
“—Don’t. Don’t make it worse by apologising or something. It’s fine. We were only together a month. I’ll get over it. You’ll move on. Heck, you’ll fucking live forever, right? What’s a month to you anyway? Nothing, right?”
The bitterness in his own voice nearly choked him, and without thinking, or even saying goodbye, he just hung up and let his phone lie in his limp fingers on the sofa cushions. It lit up and rang a moment later, but he didn’t answer it. Six more times Sebastien tried before finally giving up.
Kay was an absolute blessing in the next few days.
He didn’t tell her immediately about the whole vampire thing, but after he’d calmed down enough to be able to look at Theo without immediately busting a vein in his forehead, he hashed the basics out with him, and then told her everything. Alec told her about his newly-discovered, secret family occupation which, apparently, stretched back centuries. He told her about the fact that his eldest sister and younger brother were monster hunters in their spare time, and he told her the real reason Sebastien why had vanished overnight without a trace — yes, Alec had gone to his apartment building, only to be politely informed by the doorman that Dr. Dulac was no longer in residence and did not leave so much as a forwarding address.
That, above almost everything else, shattered Alec’s hopes of seeing him again. Like thistledown in the wind, Sebastien had simply flitted away somewhere else.
She took it about as well as he had to start with, but when she saw the seriousness in his eyes, and when, three weekends later, she came to his apartment for a definitely-not-awkward dinner with Theo, she saw video footage that Theo and his father had captured from various hunts of supernatural creatures beyond only beautiful vampires. Then she believed him. Ghouls, ghosts, reanimated corpses, demons… you name it and Theo could tell you about it.
Alec spent Christmas with Kay’s family, and Theo met him for New Year drinks in the city, joined by Ellie. It wasn’t anything like the family dynamic he’d always longed for, but the new degree of openness between them went some way to mending his still bruised heart. Slowly. Gradually. Piece by tentative, honest piece. He never joined in, but Theo started to tell him a bit about what they did. It still sounded barbaric to him, but at least it was true.
He had no word from Sebastien, and the number he had saved in his phone had been disconnected.
With the arrival of spring, Alec found himself more than usually dissatisfied with his job. He was a good teacher, and he enjoyed seeing his students’ talents evolve and grow, but the ever-increasing admin ground him down, and the politics of the faculty and the university as a whole wore on him.
“Have you seen this?” Kay asked one afternoon as they shared a takeaway coffee beneath the drifting cherry blossoms. Petals spiralled down like pastel pink and white wedding confetti, and he watched with an absent smile as a terrier snapped and sprung around on his hind legs trying to catch them while his owner stood and talked with her friend nearby. “Oi!” Kay asked, digging him in the ribs.
“Have you seen this?” she asked, shoving her phone under his nose.
He blinked, refocusing his eyes, and read the article’s headline aloud. “Council offers artists the chance to win a sponsored exhibition in the town hall with this unique competition.” He blinked. “So?”
“So?” she gawped. “You can’t be serious?”
“Send me the link. I’ll forward it to my students. They might like that.” That earned him a smack upside the head, and he scowled. “What was that for?”
“Alec, you might be the dumbest smart guy I know,” she said. “I showed it to you so that you could enter it, you giant idiot.”
He blinked. “Me?”
“I saw those charcoals you did the other week of the cathedral! They were amazing!! And the abstracts too… I still want one, by the way.”
“It’s already wrapped up for your birthday,” he groused. “You really think I should do it?”
She rolled her eyes and drained the last of her coffee without gracing him with an answer. Of course she thought he should.
“When’s the deadline?”
“Next Thursday,” she said without looking at him.
Alec licked his lips and swallowed. “Will you help me pick some images to submit?”
Her answering grin was feral.
In all honesty, Alec forgot about having even entered the competition until the letter dropped through his door six weeks later announcing that, to his utter astonishment, he had been selected as the winner. Tears blurred his eyes and he sat down heavily at the tiny kitchen table. He’d never entered any of his own art into anything like this in his whole life, and the first time he does, he gets a whole fucking public exhibition out of it?
“Maybe this year won’t be so bad after all,” he murmured. “New year, new start…” His chest still ached when he thought about Sebastien, and he hoped he was doing alright, wherever he was.
Theo had been searching for him, probably by way of apology for lying to his big brother for all these years, but he’d turned up very little. Sebastien had gone to Venice first, it seemed, presumably to spend time with Felicity and her wife, but had disappeared completely after that, with only rumours flickering here and there that he was in Paris, St. Petersburg, Prague, and then potentially Florence. Maybe.
“Venice seems like a pretty sunny place for a pair of vampires to live,” Alec commented, but Theo shrugged.
“They don’t burn up immediately in sunlight, or your professor would never have been able to take a day-job at the university. They’re sensitive to it, some more than others, but it takes a full day of constant sunlight beating down for them to burn properly.” The callousness of his brother’s response shook him, even after all these months, and Theo must have seen it on his face because he sighed. “I’m sorry,” he said, and then added, “You really loved him, didn’t you?”
Alec shrugged. Yes, he wanted to say. I thought so. “I only knew him for a month or so,” was what he said carefully instead. “And even then… turned out I didn’t know him anyway.”
Theo, who had been lounging on Alec’s sofa with his legs spread and his head tipped back into the cushions while Alec made supper, asked quietly, “Did he seem… normal to you?”
“Normal?” Alec asked, not sure he’d heard his brother correctly.
“Yeah… like… did you ever suspect he wasn’t… you know…?”
Theo grunted and nodded his head. “Yeah. I guess.”
“No. Obviously not. Never crossed my mind. Why would it have?”
Theo scowled and turned his eyes to regard him. Alec knew that Theo looked like a younger version of himself, if maybe in better shape, and he wondered if he’d have the same steely look in his eyes if he’d been deemed ‘man enough’ to become a hunter, or whatever bullshit criteria their arsehole father had used to select which members of his family were to become soldiers and which would live normal lives.
“What?” Alec demanded.
“But you slept with him, right?”
“I’m not talking about that with you,” he said, briefly brandishing the wooden spoon at him.
Theo pulled a face. “I’m not asking about your sex life. Gross. No, I mean…”
In that moment, Alec spotted a flash of something in his brother’s blue eyes that softened him to the kid. He turned off the gas and went over to where Theo was now sitting hunched over with his elbows on his knees, running his hands through his hair. When he looked up at Alec’s approach, his face showed open vulnerability in a way he’d not seen since they were young children and Theo had got himself into trouble at school.
“What’s going on?” Alec asked, seating himself next to his little brother.
Theo bobbed his knee like a deprived caffeine addict and bit his lip. With glassy eyes, he croaked, “I keep asking myself if we did the right thing…”
“What do you mean?”
The bravado of Theo’s early twenties melted away to become a worried, frightened, guilty little boy again and he said, “I mean… if what we do is right…”
“You mean… hunting?”
“Yeah,” he croaked.
“What set this off?”
His brother quirked him a humourless smirk and said, “You always did know when something was bothering me.”
Alec remained quiet, just watching him.
“We teamed up with some hunters from Edinburgh for a ‘vamp gone rogue’ case and we finally found her yesterday. She… She’d been turning people; trying to amass some kind of small army to take over from another vampire further up north. She was insane… like, completely, sociopathically insane, but… the people she turned… they were just…” he blinked, and Alec saw with a jolt that his eyes were full of unshed tears. “They were still just people.”
He feared he already knew where this was going. Still, he asked, “What happened?”
“Father wanted to put them down. They were terrified, chained up… still on the point of lashing out…”
Bile rose in his throat. “Oh god…”
“One of the hunters said she knew of a vampire who could help rehabilitate them; help them adjust to their new lives. One of them didn’t want to live as a vampire though, so father just…”
Theo didn’t need to finish that for Alec to know that father had ended the newly-turned vampire’s life in a heartbeat. “And the rest?”
“The other three went with the hunter. I don’t know what happened, but… I trust her. It’s just… father taught me and Ellie that vampires are mindless killers when they feed… that you can’t get close to them, that all they want at the end of the day is blood no matter what they tell you…  but…” he looked up at Alec. “You’ve been fucking miserable since the whole Sebastien shit-fest. I know you’ve been trying to hide it, and you’ve got the exhibition coming up next weekend, and that’s great, but… I know you’ve stopped putting yourself out there. And we did that. We fucked it all up for you. I just…” he ran his hands through his hair and sent it into wild disarray. “I just wonder if you could really have been happy with him after all.”
Alec pulled his brother close and hugged him. “I’m not going to lie,” he murmured into his brother’s dark hair. “I’m furious with father for keeping everything from me, and for making you and mum and Ellie lie to me and Angie about it as well, but… if I hadn’t seen Sebastien’s eyes go red — yeah, I thought it was just a reflection or something — and if I hadn’t seen the way he sleeps literally like the dead… I’m not sure I would have believed you anyway. I don’t forgive him for it either, but…” he sighed deeply. “I forgive you, Theo. And Ellie.”
“And mum?”
“I’m still working on that.”
Theo went slack beneath him and snaked his arms around his brother’s waist for a moment. “Thanks,” he mumbled into Alec’s shirt.
“You’re still coming to the exhibition?” Alec asked as he pulled back and went back to the stove, giving Theo a moment of privacy to pull himself together.
In truth, Alec was a little shaken too. Their relationship had been slowly patched over the intervening months, but it still wasn’t particularly close, and the matter of Sebastien had been a permanent, proverbial elephant in the room. That Theo was questioning their father’s teaching came as an immense relief to Alec though. He poured them each a glass of wine, and the two spent the rest of the evening in a quieter kind of closeness than they’d yet shared.
When the evening of the exhibition drew round, Alec was quite frankly, a bit of a mess.
“C’mon,” Theo grinned, patting the lapels of his jacket down for him and grinning up at him. “Where’s that Twayblade hunter courage, huh?”
“Must have skipped me and all gone to you,” he quipped back. “Fuck. I’m so nervous. Why am I so nervous?”
“No fucking clue,” Theo chuckled. “You’re awesome and they’re gonna fucking love you.”
“Language,” Alec said instinctively and Theo’s laughter redoubled.
“You’re a big fucking hypocrite, you know that?” Theo laughed just as Kay sidled up with three glasses of champagne awkwardly held between her hands.
“Help a girl out here, would you, boys?” she asked, proffering the glasses to them.
Alec resisted the urge to down it in one — he’d probably only choke on the bubbles anyway — and filled his lungs instead with a big gulp of air. He tried to send all his nerves into the air and then blow it out of his body in one heaving sigh to leave him calmer, but it just gave him a head rush, so he sipped the wine and turned to look around the gallery from the corner where he’d been lurking.
“What if no one shows up?” he blurted, earning him a scowl from Theo and a pout-and-eyebrow-raise combo from Kay.
He needn't have worried in the end. The marketing team had done their work, and within an hour the place was heaving and all but three of his pieces had been reserved. Scratch that. Two.
The fact that almost all of his students had turned up as well to cheer him on and trade high fives, and scrounge free alcohol and food from the canape trays, warmed him in ways he didn’t know were possible.
Overwhelmed and a little bit tearful, he stepped out of the town hall’s main exhibition space and into the small corridor that led to a fire exit and a grotty back car park beyond, letting the flush die down from his cheeks. This was what he’d really wanted right from the moment he’d graduated all those years ago; to be an artist in his own right, with people buying his work at exhibitions… It almost made him giddy to think that he had a chance to do this full time now. It seemed that Sebastien had been right when he’d said he could really make something of himself.
Ah, there was the crash in his mood that he’d been waiting for. Nothing good lasts forever, right?
Would Sebastien have been proud of him if he knew about this? Would he have been there that night, by his side? Would they even have lasted that long anyway, even without his family’s interference?
The noise in the room was gradually dying down when he gathered enough courage to step back into the echoing hall. The pale wooden floors gleamed in the low light, the white of the temporary exhibition walls almost glowing, in stark contrast to the black and grey of his charcoals. He’d chosen mostly charcoals for the show, with a few acrylic abstracts for flavour, and apparently people loved them. Every single one had a red ‘sold’ dot beneath the label now, he noted as he cast his eyes around the room.
Then his gaze snagged on someone standing with their back to him, hands clasped loosely behind them, a long, silver-blond ponytail hanging down their back. And Alec’ vision slipped sideways.
It had to be him.
No one else stood with posture like that. No one else was so tall and lean and elegant and god-damned graceful, even when just standing still. And no one else stood quite as still as that.
He let out a ragged breath and swayed slightly, glancing around. There was no sign of Theo or Kay just then, and only one or two couples meandered admiringly around the room. And there, fixated by one piece in particular, stood Sebastien.
Inhaling for courage, Alec approached and came to an unsteady halt a few feet away from him. He didn’t look real, somehow. His beauty had always been striking, but now in the low light he seemed like a mirage, with his warm olive skin and contrastingly pale hair, that cut-glass jawline and —
— He turned and met Alec’s gaze with dark brown eyes alight and glassy.
“You’re here,” Alec breathed, at a loss for anything else.
“I hope you don’t mind,” Sebastien said, and the sound of his voice sent a wild tingling through Alec’s whole nervous system. The man — vampire — looked uncharacteristically shy, uncertain, as he half turned to face him.
“Gotta say,” Alec said, scratching the back of his head, “I wasn’t expecting to see you again.”
“Should I leave?”
He chewed his lower lip for a second and Sebastien’s eyes tracked the movement before he blinked and looked back at the charcoal in front of him. It was of the Lady Chapel of the cathedral; one of the most tranquil places Alec had ever been. A shaft of light lanced down from a Gothic window high on the right, scattering fractured shards of light onto the stone floor, and behind it, just barely visible as a grey, misty outline, sat the small altar.
“You’re religious?” Alec asked.
“Mm,” Sebastien nodded. “Surprising, I know, given my ‘condition’, but there you have it.”
All the smalltalk then suddenly boiled up into thick irritation inside Alec and he scowled. “Where have you been? And why now? Why come back now? What do you want?”
He must have raised his voice fractionally because the couple admiring the seascape to their left shot them slightly scandalised looks, as if he’d started swearing in a sanctuary, and he bit back the wave of anger, halting it in its tracks.
“Shall we step outside for a moment?” Sebastien asked and Alec nodded tersely.
Passing Kay and Theo who were sitting in the chairs near the drinks table, Alec cast his eyes at them and watched Theo tense visibly. Kay laid her hand on his thigh and shook her head, at which Theo nodded and sat back, eyes hard, mouth set, but at least he didn’t appear to be on the point of leaping out and staking Sebastien on the spot.
Alec mouthed a silent ‘thank you’ at them both, and followed Sebastien out on to the street.
“You’ve patched things up with your family then?” Sebastien began, standing perfectly still beside the brick wall of the Victorian building while Alec paced.
“Mostly just with Theo, but yeah. Why are you here?” he asked again.
“Honestly? I missed you. Couldn't get you out of my head. I went all over Europe, and even to Asia briefly, and nothing I did distracted me from you, from leaving you. I had to come back.”
“You could have called,” he said, instantly regretting the way it came out like a petulant teenager’s sulking.
“And what would that have achieved?” Sebastien asked evenly. “I was hundreds of miles away.”
“You could have come back sooner? Talked to me in person?”
Sebastien sighed. “I was afraid that your family would come after me. I needed to disappear.”
“Theo convinced father to let you go. As you said yourself, your name was on the treaty, and you didn’t hurt me or hypnotise me, or whatever… did you?”
“No,” he said, pale brows pinching with evident distaste.
“Could you have?”
Sebastien levelled him with a dark look. “Yes, but… that’s not something I enjoy doing. It’s a survival mechanism — to make people forget what they’ve seen — it’s not something to be used lightly.”
“Ok, but you could have, and you didn’t, so that was another reason to let you go,” he said. God he wanted to kiss him. The realisation hit him like a gut punch and he turned away. Alec ached inside and out for those lips, those hands, those eyes… “Fuck,” he whispered, barely audible. “Are you staying?”
“Do you want me to stay?”
Alec rounded on him, frustration pouring out of him again. “Don’t answer my question with one of your own. Are you staying or not?”
Sebastien remained eerily calm, but a heartbeat later Alec saw that it wasn’t serenity in his eyes but sadness. “If you want me to, I’ll stay. I want to try again, Alec. I want… I want to be with you. I’ve never felt for anyone what I feel for you.”
“Feel? As in… present tense?”
“Yes. It hasn’t faded. Not with all the days and distance between us.”
“God, you sound like a shitty romance novel hero…” he scoffed. “I almost believe it.”
Sebastien spread his hands and said, “I am who — and what — I am. You know me, Alec, in a way that no one else ever has. I was utterly myself with you, except for the fact that I kept my nature from you. I hope you can at least understand why, if not forgive me. Everything else was genuine. I have never done that — been that open, that vulnerable — with anyone.”
“Even knowing what my family are?”
“Even then.”
Alec looked up at him and saw his own reflection in those dark, rich brown eyes. “Show me.”
Sebastien’s angelic face soured into a confused frown. “Show you what?”
“Your eyes. Your fangs. Show me what you are.”
He looked around. The street was empty on either side, with the only people around gathered outside a bar further up the street.
When he turned back to say yes to Sebastien, he found blood red eyes glowing in the man’s face. “Holy fuck,” he hissed. Every already-chiselled line on Sebastien’s face had sharpened somehow, his cheeks hollowing a little, perhaps to account for the additional hardware he now sported in his mouth, and his eyes seemed a touch more sunken. And they glowed as if lit from within.
Heartbeat thrumming out a wild tattoo, he stepped closer and Sebastien went utterly still. His chest ceased to rise and fall, and he didn’t even blink as Alec raised his fingers to his left cheek. “Show me.”
Sebastien swallowed and parted his lips. Angling his jaw a little to one side, he showed Alec the elongated canines, three quarters of an inch long. “Careful,” he murmured as Alec made to touch them. “Vampire venom is potent, even in small doses.”
“Does it really do what the hunters say it does?”
Sebastien’s red eyes glittered almost playfully. “I don’t know,” he smiled, seeming to relax a fraction. “What do they say it does?”
“Drives your victims wild, acts like a date rape drug, makes humans lose their will and their inhibitions…”
At that, a hardness returned to his features and his lip twitched in a lopsided snarl, like a wolf backed into a corner. “That’s certainly one take on it,” he said. “It creates a rush of euphoria. It’s supposed to make feeding a pleasant experience for all concerned. Endorphins in the blood make the taste sweeter, and the human feels no pain or fear.”
“Right. Gotta say I like that one better,” Alec said with a shaky smile. “But I’m not gonna risk it right here… And fuck me, your eyes are incredible.”
“They’re still red, hmm?” he asked.
Closing his eyes and tilting his face upwards a little more towards the cloudy night sky, he inhaled deeply. His features softened again, and Alec watched, fascinated, as the slight bumps behind his closed upper lip slid away into nothing, presumably as his canines retracted into his gums. When he opened his eyes, they were their usual, endlessly dark brown once more.
“Better?” Sebastien asked, oddly self-conscious.
“No,” he said. “Just different.”
Something prickled on the back of his neck and he turned to find a woman silhouetted against the light of street lamp halfway up the road. “Friend of yours?” he asked, tense.
“Felicity. She came with me.”
“Why? Surely you don’t need a wingman… or, you know, woman.”
With a tiny smile, Sebastien said, “You make me more vulnerable than you realise, in more ways than one. And we weren’t sure if your family would be here.”
“Or whether they’d want to flambé you…”
“Precisely.” He inclined his head and the woman did the same, turning and vanishing even as Alec blinked.
“Can you do that too?” he asked, still gawping after her.
When he turned back, he found that Sebastien had stepped in close to him - close enough that his faint, woody cologne wafted gently around them and he felt his knees wobble slightly. He’d missed this. Oh god, he’d missed this. “Mmhmm,” Sebastien hummed. “I can.”
“Kiss me,” Alec whispered. “Please…”
Sebastien didn’t need telling twice. He took Alec’s face in both his hands and crushed a passionate kiss to his lips so hard that Alec’s mind went perfectly blank for a few beautiful seconds. When he came to, he grabbed Sebastien’s narrow hips and tugged him close, making the vampire grunt as their bodies connected.
This time, he took Sebastien’s ponytail in one hand and began to pull on it gently. Sebastien yielded at the pressure and tipped his face back, exposing the entire column of his throat to Alec without resistance. The gesture left Alec stunned and breathless. In his research with Theo over the past months, he had learned that for a vampire to expose their throat to another implied absolute trust. Overwhelmed, he pressed his lips to the bare skin and felt Sebastien gasp, grabbing at his shoulders suddenly to keep himself upright.
Over and over, the vampire shuddered tangibly beneath his touch and gasped sharply again, panting. As he shifted his hips against him, Alec felt Sebastien’s growing hardness, and at the same time, Sebastien drew back, eyes screwed shut. “Stop,” he laughed. “Not here.”
“I want you,” Alec moaned, one hand on Sebastien’s chest. “Fuck, I’ve missed you so much.”
“I want you too,” Sebastien smiled, opening his eyes. They glowed scarlet again. “And because of that, this —” he said, gesturing to his red eyes, “— isn’t going to go away quickly this time.”
“This too?” Alec said, boldly cupping the obvious bulge in Sebastien’s smart black trousers gently with his hand and making the vampire groan.
“Yeah, that too.”
“Your place or mine?” Alec asked with a dizzy grin.
“You decide. I’m booked into a hotel one street over for the next two days,” he said. “If that affects your decision in any way.”
“Yours,” he said. “I… I’ll just…” he looked over his shoulder and caught sight of the exhibition banner dangling by the door. “I should…”
Sebastien nodded slowly. “I’ll be here.”
“You’d better be,” he snarled as he adjusted himself and prayed no one would notice. He took a few steadying breaths on the threshold of the town hall and then disappeared inside.
Kay raised her eyebrows at him when he reappeared.
“Not a word,” he said through gritted teeth.
“Your hair’s a mess,” she said conversationally. “Is it windy outside?”
“Fuck off,” he grimaced and she laughed. “Where’s Theo?”
“He left out the back way,” she said. “But he told me to tell you to enjoy yourself tonight, and that he’ll stand by whatever makes you happy.”
Unexpected tears prickled his eyes and he tugged her into a hug that was probably meant for his brother.
“You can thank us later,” she said, shoving him off her. “Go be with your Prince of Darkness…”
“I’m not sure how much he’d like you calling him that,” he said as he stepped back. “I’ll have to wrap things up here first…”
It seemed to take forever, but he finally found the events coordinator and after an interminable conversation full of congratulations, agreed to stop by the next day to take down the exhibition and sort the sales out. His heart was thudding when he stepped back outside, but he let out a huge sigh when he saw Sebastien leaning against the brick building, face tilted towards the moon that was just peeking out from behind a bank of cloud.
“It’s like one of your charcoals,” Sebastien said without tearing his eyes from the sky.
Alec crossed to him and smiled when Sebastien met his gaze, red meeting blue. Alec slid his fingers into Sebastien’s where his hand hung quietly by his side.
“Ready?” the vampire asked.
Alec nodded, and let Sebastien lead him back to his hotel.
They barely made it into the lift before Alec was kissing him, backing him into the mirrored sides of the lift with a thud before the doors had even closed. He stopped suddenly, drew back and laughed, and Sebastien — who looked like he’d just got whiplash — asked, “What?”
“Vampires do have reflections after all…”
Sebastien rolled his eyes and gave an indecorous snort-laugh. The sound was rich and warm and it filled Alec’s whole consciousness for a moment. “It’s only the antique ones with genuine silver backing that don’t show our reflections. Technology has evolved, thank goodness. Now, if you don’t mind, you were kissing me senseless…”
“Sorry,” he laughed, grabbing Sebastien’s white shirt collar and tugging him down again. They nearly didn’t get out of the lift at Sebastien’s floor, but as the doors began to close again, Sebastien slid his foot into the path of the doors and dragged Alec out.
Clothes landed in a steady line on the carpet between the door of his hotel room and Sebastien’s bed, ending with them both in only their boxer-briefs on the pristine white surface of the bed. Alec was tipped back onto the duvet and lay there staring up at Sebastien who was now no longer hiding his nature from him at all. Red eyes blazed in his face and as he opened his mouth to breath heavily, the tips of his fangs were just visible. There was no denying that he was a vampire.
“Was it like this before?” Alec asked hoarsely. “I mean… did I just not see it?”
“I had to work very hard to rein all this in,” he said, kneeling on the bed and crawling a little way up it. His own boxer briefs strained at the crotch where his erection tented the fabric, and Alec’s own black ones were stained with a little spot of wetness where his cock twitched with eager interest. “I only let it slip once or twice, but you were distracted at the time.”
Alec smirked and then moaned as Sebastien’s palm skimmed up over his groin and over his stomach. He’d always been a bit self-conscious about the softer parts of him, but Sebastien worshipped him like he was some kind of immortal god, lavishing attention on him over and over until he was shaking and gasping and sweating. “Please!” he begged after what felt like hours. “Oh god, please…”
Sebastien slid off the bed and deftly removed his own underwear before encouraging Alec to lift his hips for him and drawing his boxer-briefs down too. Before Alec could think or process what was happening, Sebastien was between his legs again and had swallowed the entire length of his cock to the back of his throat in one.
“Oh fuck,” he hissed, mind whiting out.
Sparks of pleasure shot up his spine as Sebastien worked him alternately with his mouth and his hand.
He teased him, licking the slit at the tip where pre-come beaded profusely now, teasing the delicate folds of skin until Alec thought he was going to shatter apart with want. Just before it got too much to bear, Sebastien would take him back into the wet heat of his mouth and work the underside of his cock with his tongue, swallowing occasionally and making Alec’s head spin all over again.
His balls tightened and he spread his legs wider, instinctively opening himself to Sebastien.
The vampire moaned against his cock and Alec whimpered. Pulling off him, an obscenely inviting thread of saliva and pre-come connecting them briefly, Sebastien sat up and reached for the top drawer of the bedside table. “Vampires neither catch nor transmit diseases,” he said, “But if you still wish to use protection —”
“— I haven’t been with anyone since you,” he rasped. “And I’m clean anyway…”
“As you wish,” Sebastien smiled, withdrawing an almost-new bottle of lube and sitting back down between his legs. Alec eyed it and Sebastien laughed shyly. “I opened it last night…” he admitted and Alec grinned.
That smirk shattered into an open-mouthed groan as Sebastien’s finger slid inside him and he began to prepare him. There was nothing perfunctory about it either. Sebastien took his time to work him open, his fingers fucking into him slowly, almost reverently, until he crooked them and Alec yelled as white-hot pleasure shot through him.
“Still so sensitive,” Sebastien crooned and Alec just shivered in response. His thighs were quivering too now from the effort of not bucking upwards into the empty air, his cock drooling freely over his slightly soft stomach with each futile twitch. He knew he was a wanton mess, and he couldn’t quite find it within himself to care. It seem to drive Sebastien wild anyway.
When Sebastien added a third finger, still stroking up and down his thigh with his other hand, Alec broke.
“Please, please, please,” he whimpered, out of breath and desperate. He cracked his eyes open and looked down at Sebastien to find that his red eyes had been almost eclipsed by his blown pupils. He gave a weak buck of his hips to try and encourage Sebastien to get on with it, but the vampire seemed utterly transfixed by him. He worked his fingers over Alec’s prostate gently but with absolute precision, and it was going to make Alec lose his mind altogether.
“Pleasepleaseplease, I need you, please…” he wailed as Sebastien’s mercifully short and blunt fingernail caught him just so and sent another jolt through him.
Finally the vampire moved, but as he withdrew completely, the loss almost shattered him. “Shh,” he smiled, stroking a soothing circle at Alec’s hipbone. “I’m still here…”
Alec whimpered like a wounded animal but his foggy brain accepted that the loss was only temporary, and he watched as Sebastien took his own flushed cock in his hands and slicked lube up the length of it in a couple of efficient strokes, head bowing under the attention it was receiving at last. He’d focused solely, completely, on Alec’s pleasure for all that time, and the realisation sent a fresh wave of lust rolling through Alec’s entire body.
He spread his legs, but Sebastien caught Alec under his left thigh and raised his leg easily, exposing Alec completely. Before Alec could process anything, his tip was nudging at Alec’s entrance, and then he had sunk all the way in to the hilt.
Sebastien froze then, bowed forwards over Alec like a supplicant, canines openly bared, eyes screwed shut, not even breathing.
“Sebastien… please…” Alec grunted. He’d never felt as full and whole as he had with Sebastien inside him, and yet this wasn’t enough. He’d ached for this. For months, he’d ached for it, and still it wasn’t enough. “Bast, please…”
Finally, the vampire opened his searing red eyes and began to move.
Slowly at first, he picked up his pace until Alec’s back was arching and his fingers clawed great furrows in the sheet beneath him. With each thrust, Alec saw stars at let out little fractured, broken gasps. Sebastien was quiet, almost silent, while Alec himself was unable to stop the sounds from tumbling out of him. He moaned and whimpered, gasped and cursed and begged until Sebastien yanked him further down the bed and lifted his hips a little way off the mattress entirely.
From this new angle, it was so blindingly good that Alec went alternately taut and limp with ecstasy. “I’m close,” he gasped over the slap of Sebastien’s hips meeting his skin.
The vampire snarled then; an inhuman sound that sent the hairs prickling all down Alec’s body.
“Come for me,” Alec begged in a whisper, opening his eyes and watching as Sebastien chased his release with a ferocity he’d never shown before. He wasn’t careless with his strength, but he was certainly forceful. Had Alec wanted to grunt ‘stop’, he knew the vampire would halt, but that was the furthest thing from his mind as he watched the flawless perfection of this man above him. “God you’re so beautiful,” he whispered. “Come for me, Bast…”
And at the sound of his name, uttered in little more than an abbreviated wheeze, Sebastien went still, hips spasming as his spine arched back like a bow at full draw, mouth open, head thrown back, fangs bared, eyes rammed shut, a sheen of sweat covering his perfect, bronze chest, his silver hair falling around him like a veil.
The sight of him like that wrenched Alec’s orgasm from him with such sudden force that he almost blacked out, and he clenched around Sebastien’s still-twitching cock as he spilled all over himself. Vaguely, he felt Sebastien trying to withdraw, but he grunted, “Don't… not yet… please… I… unngghh…” Unable to finish the sentence as the last shock waves fluttered through him, Alec went limp against the bed, breathing hard, his blood roaring in his ears.
He wasn’t sure how much time passed before Sebastien did finally move, but eventually he slid his softening cock out of him and Alec grunted at the cool slide of the vampire’s release down his thigh. He was too spent and exhausted to care about the mess though, and as Sebastien collapsed onto the bed beside him, he cracked one eye open.
Sebastien lay on his left side with his cheek pillowed on his bicep, facing Alec with his eyes closed, and he didn’t seem to be breathing. Tentatively, clumsily in the daze of his recent, mind-blowing orgasm, Alec reached out and touched the delicate skin on the inside of his arm. Sebastien jolted like he’d received an electric shock, and opened his eyes. They still burned bright red, but the rest of his face seemed a little softer somehow.
“You alright?” Alec asked.
Sebastien nodded.
“Been a while too, huh?” Alec grinned, flopping back down to stare at the ceiling where little points of light still sparkled across his vision every now and again.
“Not since that last night with you,” he said, words slurred with exhaustion. “Unless you count my rather pathetic climax alone last night, which I certainly don’t.”
“Not at all?”
He shook his head but didn’t speak again. The vampire lay perfectly still — perfectly undead — and perfectly vulnerable beside him without even a sheet to cover him. His cock now lay soft across the top of his right thigh, still drooling a little and making a mess on his olive skin. Not half as much mess as Alec was currently sporting over his torso, he mused with another smile.
With Sebastien showing no sign of stirring, Alec rolled carefully off the bed and headed on shaky legs to the shower. When he returned, Sebastien hadn’t moved, and he slid in beside him, drawing the sheets up around them and lying there to stare at him in the dimness of the unlit room, processing everything. Sebastien was back, and apparently wanted to stay. He could hardly believe how well that day had gone.
Waking the next morning with a cool, lean body pressed against him, Alec sighed, relieved that it hadn’t all been some kind of fever dream brought on by the stress of the exhibition.
The fact that the man next to him was an undead vampire who didn’t breathe in his sleep was a bit unnerving, and the way he had his cheek now resting on Alec’s collarbone and his nose pressed against his neck should also probably have been a bit of a warning, but Alec couldn’t bring himself to move, except to place a soft kiss on his forehead.
Suddenly, as if surfacing from boundless depths, Sebastien’s body heaved and he drew in a great, sucking, rasping inhale through his mouth. His lips brushed against Alec’s pulse and Sebastien began breathing heavily there for a moment.
“That will never not be weird,” Alec murmured.
“Apologies,” Sebastien muttered, trying to roll away. He paused, freezing, and then whispered, “I fell asleep…” as if that was something miraculous.
“Yeah, you passed out almost as soon as we both finished,” he snickered.
Sebastien turned his big, dark, doe eyes on Alec and said, “No, you don’t understand. Vampires don’t just shut down like that the way humans do. We only sleep somewhere we know is secure and safe…”
“Oh,” Alec said significantly as the realisation plunged through him. He tucked his arm under Sebastien’s head and tugged him closer so that their bodies were once again flush with one another. “I’m glad you felt safe…”
Sebastien sighed, trailing his fingertips across Alec’s chest in absent circles. His cock twitched too, and Alec shot him a look.
With a bashful smile, Sebastien said, “I can’t help that I find you attractive, Alec…”
“Wasn't complaining,” he grinned.
It was a long time before they rolled off each other that morning, with the sun well up and the sheets damp with sweat and tangled around their ankles. Vampires, it seemed, had a longer refractory period than humans, but Sebastien also came so big when he did that Alec wasn’t surprised. He gave everything to Alec when he came that Alec could quite happily lie there all day just staring at him as he came down afterwards.
The room was chilly, however, and when Sebastien seemed to have dozed off again around ten o’clock, he headed to clean up. Again.
As the steam billowed around him, he tipped his head back into the stream of searing water and nearly yelped as the shower door opened and let in a rush of cold air as Sebastien stepped into the stall as well. Cool hands found his waist and then strong fingers kneaded his arse appreciatively before Sebastien kissed and nibbled up his shoulder and traps to his neck. Instinctively, Alec tilted his head to one side and Sebastien moaned, pressing open-mouthed kisses there over and over as the hot water coursed around his lips.
The sensation must have been too much for him because he pulled back sharply with a hiss and Alec turned to face him, water still streaming down around them. Sebastien stood frozen, eyes red, staring at Alec’s neck. “I shouldn’t…” he began. “That was stupid of me… I…”
“What happens to the treaty if the human is willing?” Alec found himself asking. He’d thought about it a lot before drifting off the previous night. If Sebastien had wanted to drink from him, to feed on him, what would happen to the tenuous peace between hunters and vampires like him.
“Don’t,” Sebastien said through gritted teeth. His canines were elongated, Alec noted.
“What happens?”
“The only way it’s permitted is if the human agrees by written contract to become the vampire’s source.”
“‘Source’?” he asked. “That sounds like an official title.”
“It is,” Sebastien said, relaxing a fraction and putting his hands back on Alec’s hips. His cock stirred with interest and Sebastien smiled. He leaned back in, as if proving to both of them that he could do this, and kissed down Alec’s neck again from the junction of his jaw all the way to his collarbones. He ground his hips against Alec and they both began to harden again.
Alec’s hand went to Sebastien’s cock and he started to stroke him gently, knowing he was still sensitive from their last round. Sebastien let out a ragged exhale, the cool breath making Alec shiver slightly in the heat of the water.
“So…” Alec pressed gently, thumbing across the top of Sebastien’s flushed cock.
“Hmm?” he asked, a little stunned.
“What is a source?”
“A human becoming a vampire’s source means that the vampire drinks only from that human. It’s… an ancient - ah - custom,” he said, gripping Alec’s shoulders as Alec upped the speed and adjusted his grip to tighten just a little around his now fully hard cock. “Rarely used today, but still… nngh…”
“Mmm?” Alec grinned, loving that the vampire’s thoughts were unravelling under his touch. “Go on.”
“You’re a menace,” he laughed breathily, nipping playfully at his neck and then kissing him hard. Alec’s back suddenly hit the icy tiles behind him and he yelped, rearing into Sebastien who wasn’t all that much warmer, though the heat of the water was raising his body temperature from the ambient temperature of the room.
“So if…” Alec began, somewhat distracted as Sebastien’s kisses continued and the vampire raked his fingers through Alec’s wet hair, scraping luxuriantly across his scalp hard enough to make him break off and groan. “If… if I wanted to become your…”
“Don’t,” Sebastien whispered. “Not yet. Not so soon after… all this time.”
The subtext was clear. Let’s see if this is going to last before I risk my life with the hunters guild and your family, shall we?
“Fair enough. Nothing to say I can’t suck you off now though, right?”
“Nothing at all,” he whispered and then immediately cursed as Alec sank to his knees and did just that.
It was only as he was handing in his own letter of resignation that the truth really sank in for Alec. He’d gone from post-grad assistant in the department to a full lecturer, where he’d stayed for six years, and now he was moving a little way out of the city, and moving in with his boyfriend of a year. A vampire, nonetheless. His life had gone from miserable to wonderful in that relatively short time.
Sebastien met him at the edge of campus after he’d handed the letter personally to the head of department. Standing under the verdant cherry trees, Sebastien looked like a vision. He wore tight, dark jeans and a loose shirt, half untucked, with his long hair tied back in a loose plait, fly-aways wisping around his head like mist. Alec walked straight up to him as the vampire opened his arms, flung his own arms around Sebastien’s neck, and hugged him.
“All done?” Sebastien asked without pulling back.
He nodded and popped back down from his toes. They were both tall men, but Sebastien had a few inches on him still. With a slightly doe-eyed expression, Sebastien smiled and kissed him gently. “I love you,” he said softly between kisses.
“Come on, you big sap,” Alec said. “I’ve got to be out of my apartment at four.”
“Such a romantic,” Sebastien sighed melodramatically.
With Sebastien’s supernatural strength, loading up the little van they’d hired for his stuff didn’t take long, and after giving his keys back to the landlord and signing the final bits and bobs, they were on the road.
The old farmhouse had been a find of Sebastien’s, and it needed some work. “Well, what else am I going to do on long, impossibly sunny summer days while you’re running your own business from the little art studio at the bottom of the garden?” Sebastien had laughed when they’d first viewed it, the back of his hand pressed to his forehead in a terribly ‘put upon’ gesture. “I might as well spruce the place up.”
“It needs more than a light ‘sprucing up’,” Alec had said, brows raised at the rotten wooden beam and the tired 1950’s kitchen. “And don’t tell me you made your wealth flipping houses back in the day.”
“Would you rather I told you I robbed the Bank of England and they still haven’t noticed?” he replied archly before planting a kiss squarely on Alec’s scratchy, stubble-darkened cheek.
With a scowl, Alec had shot him a look. “I honestly don’t know whether that’s a lie or not…”
“It’s a lie,” Sebastien snorted. “I can’t believe you think I’m a criminal.”
“You’re a vampire,” he’d retorted. “You could probably have just walked in there and demanded a small fortune in gold ingots and they wouldn’t have objected…”
“Please. I do have some scruples. And besides, I only use my charms on poor, miserable artists to get into their pants…”
“And their hearts too, apparently,” he’d scoffed as they’d left the dilapidated house with Sebastien’s hand in Alec’s back pocket, fingers firmly cupped around his arse.
It took another six months for the work to be completed, and even with Sebastien’s not inconsiderable talents in the DIY and home improvement departments, they still had to call in a team of builders to fix the pointing in one wall and to sort out a few other structural issues. But by the end of the work, the farmhouse was quite frankly the most stunning place Alec could ever have dreamed of living. Exposed oak beams and a fireplace big enough to park a tractor in were only half of the best features of the place.
One clear, frosty evening in late October, the pair sat outside on the recently finished patio, a small cast iron fire-pit crackling away and sending sparks and heat twisting up into the night sky, a glass of wine each in one hand and their free hand clasped around the other’s.
“Bastien…?” Alec said, not taking his eyes from the mother-of-pearl points of light in the sky above.
“I’ve been thinking a lot lately about… about becoming your source.” He didn’t miss the sharp inhale from his partner, nor the way Sebastien went completely still in the wooden chair beside him. He also didn’t say anything. “I’d… I’d like to ask how often you’d need to feed from me, and… what the repercussions would be for me as the human…”
Still Sebastien didn’t speak for a long time, and Alec worried he’d spoilt the serenity of their evening with the sensitive question. Finally, the vampire cleared his throat and Alec realised with a jolt that he was near tears.
At the sound of the pet-name, Sebastien blinked rapidly and two mirroring tears tracked down his cheeks in perfect synchrony. “I thought you’d forgotten all about it,” he said in a hoarse croak. “I didn’t want to bring it up again.”
“You should have done, silly,” Alec groused, and he was met with a watery smile that didn’t meet his eyes at all.
“Well, to answer your questions,” he said, trying to sound unaffected even if he clearly was. “Every three months is safe enough, so long as you take an iron supplement. If you don’t, you might feel a little more tired right afterwards. We generally take slightly less than a person would give at a blood donation, if that helps put it into context.”
Alec turned and frowned at him.
“You’ve gone all clinical,” he said, shuffling a little and setting his wine glass down on the edge of the stone fire pit. “Do you not want this anymore?”
Sebastien swallowed thickly and looked away. In the ochre and copper flicker of the flames before them, his suddenly red eyes seemed to glow like coals. “More than you know…” he rasped.
“Then what’s the problem?”
He chewed the inside of his cheek for a moment before turning back to face Alec with glassy eyes. “I’m frightened.”
Alec’s scowl deepened and he rose from his chair to straddle and sink down into Sebastien’s lap. Settled in his new position, he kissed Bast’s lips and stroked his loose, white-blond hair out of his eyes. “Of what?”
“Losing control. It’s been… decades since… If I hurt you, Alec… it would break me.”
“How about we start small? Just a taste?”
Sebastien looked so young then in the firelight. He suddenly looked like the twenty year old man he had been when he’d been conscripted into the army and sent out to battle to die, only to be turned at the eleventh hour by a nurse in a field hospital who’d seen something special in him. Thank god she had, Alec mused.
Alec leaned back a little and brought his index finger slowly to Sebastien’s lips. The vampire swallowed, red gaze drifting down to watch its approach before looking back at Alec’s face, searching, questioning, doubting.
Alec nodded and slid his fingertip a few millimetres into Sebastien’s mouth. The vampire inhaled, closed his eyes, and then opened his mouth properly. Alec brought the pad of his fingertip to the underside of his right canine, and pressed.
After a moment, the pressure gave way and a prick of pain like a needle pierced his skin. A bead of blood welled there instantly and he withdrew to let it swell. Sebastien clearly smelled the blood because his pupils dilated and he sucked in a sharp breath.
“Easy,” Alec said. “It’s only a drop.” And with that, he turned his finger over and held it above the tip of Sebastien’s tongue.
Paralysed in a heartbeat of terror, Sebastien sat rigid, frozen, wide eyed, but Alec lowered his finger to meet the slight roughness of his tongue, and Sebastien’s eyes rolled. He moaned and let his tongue play across the tiny pinprick wound, fingers digging into Alec’s hips. The tiny wound had already stopped bleeding, but he sucked gently, drawing a little taste more. Then he released Alec and stared at him, a look of stunned awe on his beautiful face.
“How was that?” Alec asked, briefly thumbing a fond arc across Sebastien’s cheekbone before dropping his hand.
“Manageable,” Sebastien murmured.
“Ok, I have to ask, do I taste good?”
The tense spell that encapsulated both of them broke and Sebastien cracked a smile, fangs and all. “Yes,” he rasped.
“So… I can become your source?”
“If you wish it, yes. You can withdraw the honour at any time. I won’t hold you to it.”
“Good to know,” he said, only half laughing. A moment later, he said, “When… When do you want to start… you know… properly. Formally?”
Sebastien’s eyes had drifted to the rabbiting pulse in his neck.
“Now?” he asked. “It’s only been a few weeks since you went to the blood bank though…”
“That’s…” he said, hands finding Alec’s waist and holding him gently. “That probably works in my favour this time. Are you sure you want this?”
“To be ‘yours’ on your terms as well as mine? Of course,” he smiled, and watched as another tear rolled down his perfect olive cheek. He tilted his head to one side, feeling a little sheepish, and said in barely a whisper, “Whenever you like.”
“Really? Now?” Sebastien hissed, chest suddenly heaving. “Just like that?”
Alec laughed quietly. “It’s not as if we’ve just met. I know you, Bast. I trust you. I wouldn’t offer this to just any old vampire, you know?”
Unable to stop the smile from twisting his lips, Sebastien finally relented with a nod. “Alright. But not here. You’re going to want to be more comfortable.”
“But I’m already comfortable here,” he whined playfully, wiggling his hips in Sebastien’s lap, eliciting a deep, rumbling groan.
With a roll of his red eyes, Sebastien sighed. “Stubborn arse,” he grumbled without sting.
“You love my arse.”
“Yes, you’re right. I do,” he said.
Tenderly he ran his thumb down the line of Alec’s carotid and inhaled deeply. “I love you,” he whispered. And then he leaned close. He took his time kissing Alec’s neck until he was gasping and rocking his hips against Sebastien.
“Last chance,” Sebastien said against the skin of his throat.
Alec shook his head. “I want this. I’m yours.”
So the vampire sank his fangs into the artery. After the initial surprise and sting, Alec’s whole body lit up as the venom hit his bloodstream, and he bucked into Sebastien who held him still with what should have been frightening ease. There was no fear behind the gesture, only longing and love and sweet, aching, rolling, unending pleasure.
“Oh fuck,” Alec moaned, going limp in his arms as Sebastien began to feed, withdrawing his fangs to draw more deeply on him while he held him easily in his arms. The vampire moaned, lips locked against his skin so as not to spill anything. The motion of his throat suddenly fascinated Alec as he swallowed down his own life-force, but before he could raise his hand to touch fingertips to his Adam’s apple, pleasure exploded in his mind and he forgot everything.
When he came back to himself, he was inside, lying on their bed, with a small, soft dressing over his neck, and Sebastien sitting quietly on the bed beside him, staring down at him and holding his hand. As he blinked his eyes, he frowned. “What…?”
“It’s intense the first time,” Sebastien murmured fondly. “I did say you’d want to be somewhere more comfortable.”
“ S’perfect,” he slurred. “Fuck me…” he added, more curse than command.
“Maybe later, hmm?” Sebastien smiled. There was a flush to his cheeks that Alec had never seen before, and a brightness to his eyes.
“C’mere,” Alec said, patting the bed beside him. With Sebastien lying silently next to him, Alec rolled over and hooked one leg over Bast’s thigh. “Love you,” he mumbled, sinking into a deep and exhausted sleep, even as Sebastien’s hand came up to cradle his head.
The vampire smiled, kissing his forehead. “I love you too.”
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obeysme · 4 years
Requests are open yes? If not just ignore this! But if they areee can we get a shy MC going out and getting drunk, turns out they're an affectionate drunk though and they end up telling Asmo and/or Satan they're "really, really, really, really pretty"
me? posting a scenario? it’s more likely than you think! this was super fun to write, even though i really took anon’s request and ran with it sjfkdjfkdj
content warning for alcohol. the reader gets pretty drunk in this, so if that sort of thing triggers you or makes you uncomfortable, please don’t read on!
“Well, well.” Asmodeus rests a hand on his cheek, staring amusedly at the slumped figure across the table. “Talk about a role reversal!”
“Hmm? Whazzat?” you slur, clearly confused.
You blink up at him, one hand still loosely curled around your half-empty glass. Your other arm is draped over the table, your chin digging into the crook of your elbow to keep yourself upright. It isn’t difficult to tell that you’re drunk—your gaze is unfocused, your cheeks dusted with a faint blush. What a lovely sight you make!
“Last time we did this, you won. It was the first time I lost a drinking contest.” His lips twist into a frown at the thought of that night, and what occurred after his defeat. He pushes the memory away, forcing a grin onto his features. “But only because humans are immune to Demonus! I knew we just had to even the scales with some of your human liquor.”
He leans closer, until his chest is braced against the edge of the table. His face hovers inches from yours. “You do remember the terms, don’t you? Same as last time~ If I won, I’d get to kiss you to my heart’s content. Which I did. Win, that is.”
You stare at him, unresponsive, before his words register. “Oh. Oh. Right.” You attempt to straighten up in your seat. “Okay. S’only fair.”
You sit as still as you can, swaying minimally, as you wait for him to make a move. Asmodeus doesn’t eliminate the scant distance between you, though. He remains right where he is. Your breath ghosts over his skin, smelling faintly of mint and alcohol. He wrinkles his nose.
“What? That’s it?” He sighs theatrically as he leans back in his chair. “But usually you squirm and get all adorably flustered when I say lines like that!”
You blink rapidly. “Huh? Aren’t you gonna…” You pause, brow furrowing for a moment. “Aren’t you gonna…do…the thing?”
“Kiss you?” he supplies, lips pursing together in amusement. Goodness, you’re so drunk that you forgot the word kiss. “No, not tonight, I’m afraid.”
“Oh. Okay.” Perhaps he’s projecting, but you sound almost dejected. Except no, your bottom lip is stuck out in a pout, and your forefinger sloppily traces the rim of your glass; you’re the perfect picture of some lonely demon who got stood up on a first date.
“Now, now. Don’t look so upset!” Asmodeus says, grinning. “As much as I’d love to kiss you several times over, darling, I’d rather you be sober enough to remember it in the morning.” He cups his cheeks with an expression of alarm, eyes wide. “Imagine that. Getting the chance to kiss me and not recalling it in excruciating detail afterward. How dreadful!”
“Hmm…” You nod slowly. “That’s true.”
Now it’s his turn to blink several times, trying and failing to process your words. “Sorry, what was that?” he blurs out, before he can think better of it.
To his surprise, you answer. “I don’t wanna forget our first kiss. That’d be so sad.” Pushing your glass away, you rest your chin in the crook of your elbow again. Your unfocused eyes stare at the table. It’s as if you don’t realize he’s still there, gaping at you. “You’re like, really, really, really pretty. ‘ve wanted to kiss you since, like, forever.”
Asmodeus closes his mouth, realizing then how unattractive that may have looked (not that it did, of course). There’s no need to be shocked. Obviously you want to kiss him! Just because ever since you returned to the Devildom, you barely look him in the eye and shy away from his advances doesn’t mean you hate him.
It’s like he’s always told himself. You do want him, even though his charm doesn’t work on you. It’s just strange to hear you admit it so boldly, that’s all.
The Avatar of Lust leans forward with a grin, cupping his cheek. “Well, I know that! Who doesn’t feel the same way you do?” An idea starts to form in his mind. Clearly, you’re a talkative drunk. Maybe he should take advantage of that. “But tell me more, darling. Do you think I’m charming, hot, sexy? What dirty things have you wanted to do with me?”
You tilt your head. “What else do I think about you…” you muse quietly. “You’re charming, definitely. And dress real nice. Like, all the time.” His grin widening, the demon settles in for a treat. He can’t wait to recite your spiel back to you, when you’re sober and mortified!
You continue, your finger idly tracing the grain of the wooden table, “You…make me nervous. Lately, every time I see you, I dunno what to do. It’s so hard to talk to you. Even though I wanna, really badly. An’ I can tell you’re upset by me avoiding you all of a sudden. Not even Satan’s advice helped me get over my stupid fears.”
Asmodeus is as still as a stone. His grin disappeared halfway through your meandering speech. “Satan’s advice…?” he echoes numbly.
“He told me I should tell you how I feel, that you’d want me to,” you answer, oblivious to his reaction. “But I can’t, even though…I do wanna tell you I like you. Like, like you. I just dunno how to do that.” You bury your face in your arms with a muffled groan.
You just told him. But apparently, you’re too drunk to realize that.
There are so many ways Asmodeus could react to your accidental confession. Like celebrate with another round of Demonus. Shout that you like him to the heavens. Kiss you until you’re breathless. The last one is extremely enticing.
In the end, though, he does none of those things.
He rises from his seat. “It’s late, don’t you think? We should head back, otherwise Lucifer might just hunt us down himself.”
You lift your head, looking blearily up at the demon. “Right,” you say. “He’s scary when he gets mad.” You stumble out of your chair, and would’ve faceplanted on the ground had he not caught you. Instead of immediately pulling away from his touch, like you’ve started to do recently, you bury your nose in his shoulder. “Mm, you smell…so nice…”
Asmodeus can’t help smile at that, his arm winding around your waist as he leads you out of the bar. “Thank you, darling. I’d say you do too, but right now I can’t smell anything other than the alcohol.”
You lean heavily against him, managing to keep your legs under you. He’s a bit disappointed. He would take any excuse to hold you tighter against him, maybe even lift you in a bridal carry. Having you plastered against his side will have to do.
As he leads you back home, you muttering nonsense to yourself under your breath, Asmodeus replays your confession over and over in his head. He can’t quite believe it. But he knows it’s true. Alcohol has a way of loosening one’s tongue; he knows from firsthand experience. A lot of it.
In the morning, when you’re sober and nursing one hell of a headache, he’ll tease everything out of you. Then, he’ll finally claim his reward for winning the drinking contest.
He can be patient and wait, just this once.
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