#Tuskan Raider
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deleted scene from chapter 9 where they all have to figure out how to work together to kill the krayt dragon, and Cobb preps for a town meeting
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✨💘Fett x silly little creatures 💘✨
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horatio-fig · 1 year
It’s all ‘is Tech alive this’, ‘is Tech alive that’. I’m still waiting to find out what happened to this icon.
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Had an awesome day today!! It was free comic book day in our town today ( may 6th ), and it was at three (3) different libraries and a comic book store in town. At the comic book store, there was a costume competition and here are some awesome pictures I got while waiting!
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firealder2005 · 2 years
has anyone noticed that over time, as Anakin losses limbs, he becomes more and more like his future Sith self?
In Attack of the Clones, he massacres an entire Tuskan village on shear, unaltered anger.
And later in that same movie, he gets an arm sliced off and replaced with a cybernetic.
 And do I really have to explain Revenge of the Sith?
He turns to the literal darkside and gets the other three limbs cut off for it and physically becomes Darth Vader.
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fictionfromthevoid · 2 months
Being Anakin Skywalker's Best friend would include :
You met Anakin when you became a Padawan
Your master had been good friends with Qui-Gon and she naturally helped Obi-Wan deal with the passing of his master and Anakins training - because let's be honest, that guy is nineteen, has just lost his master and is supposed to be responsible for a traumatised 9-year-old... what could possibly go wrong?
So you and Anakin do most of your Padawan training together
Since it is a rather peaceful time before the Clone Wars there isn't much action - lots of training at the temple, studying the force, occasional 'field trips' with your masters- plenty of time to form a deep friendship
Anakin tells you about his life as a slave on Tatooine and you are often there to comfort him when he misses his mother
Through the talks with you he first really processes how wrong his childhood was. Of course, he knew slavery was bad, but that's all he knew so only through his training at the temple and talking with you did he realise how fucked up of a situation that is for a child to grow up in
You tell him about how you grew up as a youngling in the temple, introduce him to your friends and teach him the customs and (pop)culture unique to the younglings and young padawans
As Padawans you do all kinds of reckless things together and often get scolded by Obi-Wan and your Master. You steal speeders and cruise through coruscant or explore parts of the Jedi temple that are forbidden for Padawans.
when he first starts to have nightmares about his mother being tortured you and Obi-Wan are there for him
you often take midnight walks together through the temple gardens when he's had a nightmare
sometimes you talk it out, sometimes you just walk in silence and sometimes you hold him in a tight hug while he cries
when he meets Padme again he is thrilled and tells you all about her.
You quickly pick up on his crush and tease him about it. You know romantic love is against the Jedi code, but you don’t pay it much attention and besides- it’s just a harmless little crush right?
That's what you thought... until they ask you to be best woman at their wedding
Since then, you are their secret keeper, marriage counsellor and biggest shipper
You and Padme become besties
You absolutely adore them as a couple. They are very open with their affections towards each other in front of you and whenever you see them together like this your heart simply melts. You just want to hug them both and tell them over and over how happy you are that they have found each other.
Whenever Anakin and Padme argue, he will come to you for advice. Now and then Padme too will ask you for your opinion
Whenever Anakin is absent from Jedi business to be with Padme you cover for him. You are always quick to come up with excuses, although you can't promise that they won't be embarrassing for him
('You see Master Windu, on his last mission he had to eat that tatooinian sand eel, but apparently it had gone bad, so during the night he shat his pants and now can't get off the loo')
Anakin talks to you about the death of his mother, but he will never tell you what he did to the tuskan raiders. He is far too scared of loosing you
You are there for him through his grief and help him process his feelings.
The Jedi way of dealing with grief - 'be happy since they now are one with the force'- isn't doing anything for Anakin. You talk to him, often, about his feelings, about how he thinks himself responsible for his mother's death, how guilt is eating him up, about the overwhelming pain he feels and about the anger, there to cover it all up
Without your help, his feelings have been indistinguishable chaos, but you help him slowly detangle the knotted ball of yarn in his head
During the Clone Wars, you often fight side by side. You make an amazing team on the battlefield.
He will call you as backup for dangerous missions Obi-Wan would disapprove of.
When he is supposed to go undercover as a slave trader with Ahsoka you convince the council to send you instead of him. You will NOT have him be confronted with his trauma like this without any kind of support system nearby.
When he finds out he isn't upset, very much to your surprise, but grateful.
You also become kind of a mentor to Ahsoka but mostly you two bond over teasing Anakin
You and Anakin often laugh about that now that he has a Padawan you have to act all grown up and pretend to be wise and responsible Jedi knights.
While Anakin sometimes bends the rules of the Jedi Order, often behaves rather recklessly and cares more for fighting and action than the study of the force you grow into a much more balanced and calm Jedi Knight and focus on the force rather than combat
In this way you balance him out, you keep him on the ground and in the light. When his life and mind are loud and chaotic you are a place of calm. You help him process his thoughts and feelings and see logic and reason through all the emotions.
Your friendship is the only relationship where Anakin experiences unconditional love, (after he lost his mother), Obi-Wans affection is dependent on Anakin being a good Jedi and the love he shares with Padme, since it is romantic love, can and should not be unconditional. So your friendship is incredibly important to him and likewise to you
Maybe you are even the most important part of his support system, since you will not judge and most of the time will see right through him.
When he's at his worst he often drives people away by showing anger or appearing cold but you see through that. You know that he's unconsciously trying to push people away and that behind all the emotions he can't understand and deal with himself he's still just the scared little boy afraid to lose the people he loves
So when he lashed out and hides his feelings behind anger or indifference you stay. You stay by his side, calm as always with a loving smile on your face. You might make a lighthearted joke and touch his arm to show him that you won't leave and when his guard is slowly breaking down pull him into a hug until he finally lets it down completely, collapses into your arms and freely cries.
He is as afraid to lose you as he is with Padme, Obi-Wan or Ahsoka
If you get seriously injured and even end up unconscious in the sickbay he is worried to death. He won't leave your side until you are out of immediate danger
Same goes for you if he is the one injured
You are the only one he and Padme tell that they are expecting children
They want you to be an aunt since you are like a sister to Anakin
You are overjoyed for them but immediately worried about the logistics of hiding THAT.
You suggest that Anakin takes a year or two off to meditate once Padme has given birth. This isn't uncommon since a lot of Jedi can't handle the war. This would give them some time to decide where their lives are supposed to go
When Anakin tells you about his nightmares about losing Padme in childbirth you are the only one who doesn't dismiss him.
You promise to be there for him and to find a way of keeping Padme alive
You don't necessarily believe that those dreams are visions and are destined to come true, but you acknowledge that he believes it and you see how scared he is
You prevent him from turning to the dark side (will make a separate post about this) the war ends and everyone is happy (because this is fanfiction and I said so)
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mydarllinglover · 6 months
Stars Collided || Thirteen
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Anakin pushed off the doorframe, as he held the door open, giving her the space to walk in, which she did, and then he closed it, behind her.
She made herself comfortable, on his bed, as he shifted, in front of her.
"Ashoka's mad at me." He stated. "I can feel it."
"She's not mad." Lovisa refused, softly, shaking her head. "She.... Snips is just a bit, confused? About what she saw, about what happened to the Tuskan Raiders, she doesn't know how to feel about it."
"But, they killed my mother!" He grew angry, and Lovisa stood up from the bed, quickly, to try and calm him down.
"Yes, I know, Ani, I'm not attacking you, and neither is she, but... that's not exactly something you see every day, you still did something, rather shocking."
"So you're taking her side?" He furrowed his brows, as he looked down on her. "Out of everyone, you're taking her side over mine?"
"No, Anakin, stop this-"
He marched back over to the door, opening it wide.
"You can go back to Ahsoka, no one's stopping you." He fumed, staring at the floor as he waited for her to leave.
"Calm down, Anakin." Lovisa ordered, closing the door, once more, and leaning her back against it. "I am not choosing anyone's side, there are no sides. Ahsoka isn't mad at you, and no one is judging you for what you did, but you have to understand, you can't ever do what you did, again. We both agreed that we will never speak of this, again, but Anakin, that can't ever happen, again, you are a Jedi, it is not right."
He sighed, with defeat, as he threw himself down, where Lovisa was sat, moments ago.
"I know, I know, I'm sorry, I am so sorry, Princess." He dropped his head into his hands. "I do not know what is coming over me, I just... I feel so many emotions, and I can not control my outbursts."
"Well, you need to, because you do not snap at me, like that, ever again, I am still your future queen." She told him, bluntly. But then she walked towards him, kneeling as she placed her hands on his knees. "But, I understand, you're grieving, you lost your mother, in such a painful and scarring way, let yourself feel it, so that you can move past it, I am here for you, as a friend, as someone who cares for you."
"As something more?" He whispered.
"...Ani, we do not need to have this conversation at this moment, for another time." She looked away from him, standing tall, so that she could take a step back. "Can't you just lay it to rest?"
"But I don't want to!" He stood up from the bed.
Lovisa was regretting coming to see him, she couldn't deal with his ups and downs, it was unbearable, she wished she had just gone to sleep, beside her best friend.
"We don't even know each other." She looked at him, in the eye. "The last time we had seen each other was eight years ago, eight years, Anakin, and we were only brought together, because you were assigned a mission, if not, we probably wouldn't have seen each other, even longer, when this is all over, you will go back to Coruscant, and I will go back to the Palace, we won't see each other until who knows when, there is no need to make things more complicated."
"I'm in love with you." He burst out, making her freeze.
"That can not be possible."
"Don't." He was growing frustrated, once more. "Do not tell me how to feel! I know it to be true, how much more do I need to pour my heart out, to you, before you accept it?"
"Once we're in a reality where it can be, but we are not." She rolled her eyes.
"You were the first person to ever show me kindness, at that temple, the first to ever see me as human, who spoke to me, instead of just about me." Anakin confessed. "The other younglings, they looked down on me, as though I were scum, and I guess I was. They would taunt and laugh at me, calling me "Slave boy" ordering me around, leaving me out of their games, and I wasn't allowed to sit at their table, at lunch. I was told I would never amount to anything, that the prophecy was fake, I would never be a real Jedi."
"That's what you meant, about that man, you called him your old master." Lovisa pried. "You were a slave?"
"Yes." He sniffed. "until Qui-Gon freed me, so that I could become a Jedi, I vowed to free my mother, too, but I was never given the chance."
"But I thought the slave trade was abolished, my grandfather made sure of it." Lovisa was confused.
Anakin let out a cruel laugh, as he sat back down on the bed.
"How little you really know about the world, outside of the Palace, Princess. Not everyone actually listens to the royal decrees of the Kingdom, especially not this far out. Tatooine thrives on the slave trade and crime and so many other places, around."
"Why has nothing been done about it?"
"What can be done? Its much bigger than what anyone can handle, that's why its best to be kept under the table, out of sight, its best to be made contained, instead of a war breaking out."
"Why didn't you tell me, earlier? Why did you hide it from me?"
"Vis, you can't be that ignorant." He joked, but then he looked at his hands, as he licked his bottom lip. "I didn't want you to look down on me, see me as just the slave boy, like they did. Someone like you would never even see me as someone worth your time." He was ashamed, and it made her heartache.
"I would never think that." She told him, shaking her head. "Ani, I would never look down on you, for something that you can not help, I am so sorry that you would even think that, that you would hide a part of your past from me, you have gone through so much, and yet you're embarrassed to tell me? I feel horrible."
"Don't feel that way, Princess, that is not who I am, anymore, I was freed." He reached out for the girl, pulling her to stand in between his legs, and she automatically placed her arms around his shoulders, her fingers tangling themselves in his hair.
"For one more night, can we pretend that we live in the world where we are together, that we are happy, and unrestricted?" Lovisa whispered, as she looked at his beautiful golden face, as his lips pulled up into a smirk, one hand on her waist, as the other moved to rub up and down the back of her thigh.
"I won't let you become a memory, Vis." Anakin promised, as his face moved to the inside of her neck, brushing his lips against the sensitive skin, as her breathe hitched. "I won't allow you to let me become a mistake."
"You're a Jedi. What about the code."
"Fuck the code, Vis. My heart, my devotion, it belongs to you. I'd quit this second, if you asked me to."
"No." She shook her head, as she leaned back, welcoming his sweet kisses. "You have worked so hard, and so long to become a Jedi Knight. Your skills would be wasted, without the order, I won't allow that."
"Then I won't, but I've always believed that I can have my cake, and eat it, too." He smiled into her throat.
"You told me you loved me." Lovisa repeated his confession.
"And no word of it, was a lie."
"We are only nine and ten years, do you not think that is too soon, for such proclamations?"
"Not when I know that no one makes me feel the way you do. No one angers me, frustrates me, and annoys me, as much as you do."
"Keep talking, that's what every woman wants to hear." Lovisa told him, as she sat down, on his lap, her legs on either side of his, as she cupped his face, looking into his eyes, before trailing kisses down his cheek, past his jaw, and to his own throat.
"But, no one has ever made me laugh, feel as special, or as desired, I grow more mesmerised, by the sight of you, as the days go on, your beauty only furthers, in a room full of people, you make me feel as though I'm the only one you can see."
"Stop speaking of me so highly." She told him, as she lifted her head, to kiss his lips, in hopes that he would shut up.
"But why?" He pulled his face away from her.
"Because it's rather irritating." She admitted. "It makes my chest and stomach feel weird, I don't like it."
He chuckled at her.
"Do not laugh at me." Her face turned into a scowl.
"Vis, are you telling me you get butterflies, when I talk about you so dearly?"
"I'd say your words make me feel rather nauseous, actually." She rolled her eyes, once again.
"Have you ever had that feeling before?" He asked.
"No. Not until you started talking."
"Vis, you like me." He chuckled, a large grin on his face.
"No, I don't." She refused.
"Yes, you do." He nodded.
"You can't prove that."
"Your body is telling you, you do." He poked her stomach, and she slapped his hand away. "I get the same fluttering feeling." He kissed her in between his words.
"You do?" She asked, as she accepted his kisses.
"Of course I do."
"Enough talking." She pushed his shoulders, so that he fell, his back hitting the bed, as she remained on top of him, each of her hands landing beside his head.
He had no complaints at her surge of control, his own hands holding her waist, squeezing her, as their lips joined once more.
They continued to kiss, making out, on top of the bed, their hushed breaths and the movement of their lips against each other, filled the silence of the room.
Involuntarily, Lovisa had started to move her hips, in a circular motion, against Anakin, causing both of them to gasp.
"...Ani," She barely moved her face away from his, their foreheads pressed against each other.
"Yes, my love?" He gripped her silk nightgown, tightly, fisting the material, his eyes closed shut, as he focused on her.
"I... I want to go further, but I do not know how." Lovisa confessed, and her cheeks tinged pink, at her own innocence. "My mother, she never.... I only know this."
"Princess, do you not even know how babies are conceived?" Anakin asked, leaning on his elbows, as Lovisa sat up, still on top of him.
She shook her head.
"She said that it was something that my future husband and I would do together, once we are married." She began picking at her fingers, and Anakin took them in hers.
"I can't say I'm an expert... I've never done it myself, but... I could teach you what I know, if you would like."
"How do you know? I didn't think Jedi got up to such activities." She asked in an accusing tone.
"Growing up as a slave, and then an Padawan, you'd be shocked by the sort of conversations I happen to overhear." He smirked.
"How does it happen, it doesn't make sense to me, how can a man and woman produce another being, but it is only the woman that grows and births it. How is a baby even born?"
Anakin looked down, as he chuckled, awkwardly.
"Well, Princess, a baby is made up off of both a man and woman's genetics. And they do this, by having sex, look, uhm, I'll demonstrate it." He looked around the room. "Hang on." He moved Lovisa, so that she sat on the bed, as he got up.
She watched as he adjusted his trousers, moving to the bathroom, to grab whatever it was he was going to show her.
He came back with a bar of soap, and a cup.
Lovisa's brows furrowed in curiosity, as she looked at them.
Anakin laid back down on the bed, pulling Lovisa closer to him.
"Okay." He sighed, heavily. "So, you know how boys and girls have different... uh... parts?"
She shook her head.
"As in, we have different...?" She looked down, at herself, then his.
"Okay, this is gonna be more difficult than I assumed." He nodded at himself. "Okay, so, say this is what girls have." He held up the cup. "And this is what boys have." He held up the bar of soap. "It doesn't look exactly like this, but for the sake of explanation, it'll do."
"Are they all the same?"
"No... no, they come in different sizes, some are big, some small, but all that matters is that it gets the job done."
"What kind do you have?" Lovisa asked him, causing him to choke on his breath.
"Hmm?" He blinked, as he tried clearing his airways. "That's not important, right now, but what is, so uh, basically." He put the bar of soap into the cup. "It's kinda a uh... its pretty simple, I think, but, the guy put his, uh, parts, in the girls, and then next thing you know, nine months later, a baby comes out of the girls... parts."
"What?" Lovisa's eyes shot wide, her face turning into an expression of horror. "A baby comes out of there!? How? No, that sounds ghastly, no wonder women die, during this, who would ever even want that!?"
"Vis, calm- calm down." Anakin grabbed her arms, as she waved them about. "It's biology, your body is meant to do that, so it ... can do that, and most of the time, when making a child, its not that, that their focused on, its making it which is what they enjoy, I hear its rather pleasant."
"I'm sorry, Ani, but I think the moments passed, I'd rather like to go to sleep." Lovisa looked down, trying to erase her mind of the horrible images from their conversation.
"Princess, do not apologise, I wasn't expecting anything of the sort. It almost sounds like treason. Come on, lets lay down."
Anakin moved off the bed, untucking the duvet from the mattress, and waiting for Lovisa to climb under, before he joined her.
"You love me." Lovisa spoke, after a while.
They both laid on their sides, huddled close, their foreheads almost pressed together.
"I do." Anakin replied.
"Bad idea." She told him.
"Well, I didn't exactly plan to." He rolled his eyes.
"If we weren't who we are..."She began, choosing her words carefully. "Would we be happy together, do you think?"
"Of course we would." He said, with such promise, his hand moved to her leg, as it traveled up her skin, under her nightdress, ending up on her hip, he squeezed and then rubbed her waist, tenderly, as he imagined their life, away from politics.
"We'd get married" Anakin started. "You would wear this beautiful dress, and even though we don't have much money, we don't have royal money, you wanted a big fancy wedding, and when you saw that I delivered, oh, you just fell more and more in love with me." He smiled, teasingly, as she let out a giggle. "We live in a small cottage, surrounded by flowers and ivy, its secluded, but its not far from the town, we still need to go to our jobs, I'm a handy man, I'll do anything someone will pay me for, such as building, fixing and delivering things, but you're an artist, you sell your work, and make fortunes, it's where most of our income comes from, and people would travel all over, just to see your work. Eventually, you finally agree on having kids, but only the two, a boy and a girl, the boy, he's the spitting image of me, and you love to point it out, but funnily enough, you find that he's much like your sister, he has her heart, and kindness, and one of your favourite things that he does that reminds you of her, is how generous he is, which is nothing like his parents. But our girl, oh our girl is just a copy and paste, she's got your hair, and face, mouth and ears, your nose, but she's got my eyes, and my cleverness, but I guess she gets some of her witty jokes from you, but only sometimes, they're mostly mine."
"Hey." Lovisa swatted at him, but he caught her hand, kissing the palm of it.
"And every night, we sit around the table, as a family, and the kids tell us about their day, the boy will tell us about all the new friends he made, and the games he played, and how he had helped his teacher, which we're very happy to hear. But, then our girl begrudgingly tells us how she got into an argument, with someone, and we have to lie about the fact that she's right, because we don't want to encourage it, but it doesn't stop you from giving them both an extra spoonful of dessert, each."
"I love it." Lovisa admitted, she held back the tears that welled in her eyes. She kissed him, sweetly, then whispered against his lips "In another life, we'd be so happy."
"We'll be happy in this one, my love. I promise you." He looked at her, sternly. "We need to rest, I can only imagine the amount of trouble we'll be in, once we get back, tomorrow." He kissed her head, before cosying up, beside her, his hand was still holding her tightly to him, under her nightgown.
Lovisa had fallen asleep that night, in his arms, a huge smile on her face, as she let scenario’s of her and Anakin's different life, invade her dreams.
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mysticmayhem1337 · 5 months
Movie Review #010
Attack of the Clones
Directed by: George Lucas Year: 2002 Length: 2h 22m Rated: 6.6/10 Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Stars: Hayden Christensen, Ewan McGregor and Natalie Portman.
Summary During a time of political unrest, the Sith's plans of domination are unearthed and a war begins.
Review Great sequel to Episode One. The tension is created well and builds effectively throughout the film. It leaves viewers excited for the sequel.
Honest Thoughts Damn, lightsabres are so awesome. Mace Windu got more screen time, which meant my family and I were trying to make as many Snakes On a Plane references as possible. Oh, to have been in the audience to see Yoda go full parkour like that. Anakin comes on really strong on Padmé, I don't remember him being so... I can't think of any other way to say it, so I apologise, but Anakin is a simp. However, what I really like is how you already get these whispers of him nearing the dark side. I know he like, kills a bunch of Tuskan Raiders, but I'm talking about the use of non-diegetic sound here. John Williams is a musical legend. I was finding the 00s CGI to be really grating by this point in the marathon. Stick to practical effects, I beg of you!
Scores Performance: 4/5 Plot: 4/5 Effects: 3/5 Flow: 3/5 Engagingness: 4/5 Overall: 3.5/5
Information Source: IMDb Watched On: Disney+
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practically-an-x-man · 7 months
Your OCs are told they're going to watch a Star Wars movie. Which one will make them happiest and which one will be the most disappointing?
Ooooh good question! I'm gonna open this up to movies and shows because... I'm a nerd lol
Rae: happiest with Empire Strikes Back, most disappointed with the prequels
Robin: Loves all of them, but would be particularly pleased at the Tuskan Raider sign language in Book of Boba Fett
Madison: I think she'd love the sequel movies, actually! She'd like Rey as a protagonist for sure. And she's not familiar enough with them to have a least favorite.
Ophelia: Hm... she regularly has Star Wars marathons with the Peters and Ned, so she's familiar with all of them, but I think she'd be the most fond of the Clone Wars show (and would have it on constantly when she's working in her lab)
Jasper: Also has a lot of Star Wars marathons and loves them all, but I think they just couldn't sit through Rogue One. It's not bad, it's just... long, and they prefer to have established characters.
Katherine: Being a nerd kid (like me!) she grew up on the original and prequel movies and those will always be close to her heart. Though she'd go nuts for how cool and artistic the different episodes of Star Wars: Visions are!! And she found the Rise of Skywalker to be a little disappointing, like a lot of people
Kestrel: Has not seen any of them, and probably only would if one of the kids managed to corral them into it.
Quinn: I think she'd actually really enjoy the Force Awakens, but neither of the other sequel movies. She likes how many cool ideas were set up, but felt like they sort of lost focus and got less compelling as the series went on
Eris: Has only seen them because Rick made them have a marathon one day, and doesn't really have any strong opinions. If they had to pick a favorite, he'd like Mando: a rogue fighter, affiliated with no one side? That's Eris' thing for sure, and they think the fight scenes are neat.
Nikoletta: Likes them all, but in a detached way. No favorites, no least favorites, they're entertaining to have on (and Abner likes them) but she won't seek them out on her own. She's more of a Star Trek fan (and before you ask, the original series and Next Gen mainly)
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thehollowprince · 1 year
There is no ignorance, There is knowledge
I was on TikTok last night at work and came across a video calling out how many Star Wars "fans" were complaining about the "wokeness" being introduced to the franchise, specifically citing Lizzo's glorified cameo in a single episode. Putting aside that this is a franchise has a wise and powerful character played by a freaking muppet, the TikToker (?) rightfully called out how so many of these fans never seem to actually interact with any Star Wars projects. Their opinions seem to be based entirely on their own perception of clips and images taken from the internet and pop culture.
Hence, the title, because oftentimes, consumption of the source material usually clears up any confusion as to what this franchise has always been about. With Knowledge, we diminish Ignorance
I was reminded of this yet again this morning when I got home and checked my recommendations from Google and was greeted with this monstrosity.
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I know I shouldn't get worked up because this is Screenrant, and literally anyone can post anything to it. There doesn't seem to be any vetting process to this website and what it publishes. But I've been seeing more and more Jedi slander over the last few years, and I just can't keep my mouth shut (metaphorically speaking).
So let's just break this piece of garbage down.
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Naturally, it's not a complaint against the Jedi unless we call them child abductors, right? Putting aside the fact that I have never seen so many incorrect statements strung together in a row like that (and this is just the first paragraph), it really emphasizes the point I'm trying to make here.
There is no perfect system in any of Star Wars, no matter what faction you're a fan of. The Jedi are no exception to this.
The Order does not kidnap nor indoctrinate children. At least not more than any other religion, political group, revolution, educational system, etc. How the Jedi refill their ranks isn't any different than how the Mandalodians recruit their foundlings or how the Clones were created by the Kaminoans. The Jedi find Force-sensitive children and (with their guardians permission where applicable) and offer them a chance to not only hone abilities that can be dangerous without proper training, but an opportunity to be a part of what is a generally revered organization throughout the galaxy, bringing peace to all those they can.
This has been explained multiple times by multiple people within multiple supplemental entries of Star Wars materiel, but there is a reason that the young are chosen to be trained instead of adults. The entire purpose of the Jedi's order is to teach their students empathy and compassion (despite what this author insinuates, saying the Jedi are "without emotion or passion") so that they don't become tyrants like the Sith or other more militant factions throughout the Galaxy.
In fact, once again in complete contradiction to what this author says, the Jedi once filled their ranks with many adult initiates, but such recruits fell to the Dark Side at a much more commensurate rate. It was because of these constant droves of Dark Jedi that the current practice of only accepting students younger than a certain age or maturity became more pronounced.
But let's move on.
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Say it with me now:
"The Jedi never forced any member of its Order to forsake their heritage!"
As a matter of fact, there are multiple examples of Jedi who not only explore their birth heritage but embrace it.
Both Shaak Ti and Ahsoka Tano, as Togruta, incorporate both a Togruta sash and an akul tooth headdress into their Jedi attire
Shaak Ti actually took her padawans to her home planet for their training
Plo Koon was both a member of the Jedi High Council and the Baran Do Sages, a Force-sensitive order on his home planet
Oppo Rancisis was the son of the Blood Monarch of Thisspias and kept in contact with the royal family
A'Sharad Hett wore the traditional coverings of a Tuskan Raider
Both Luninara Unduli and Barriss Offee bore traditional Mirialan tattoos
Tarre Vizsla, the creator of the Darksaber, wore his Mandalodian armor during his time with the Order
Ki-Adi-Mundi was married!
Depa Billaba wore the marks of the Chalactan Adepts
And numerous other examples!
There has never been a tenet of the Jedi that prohibits their members from either learning of their culture (in fact, it's encouraged to do so) or to seek out their family or people. The only thing the Jedi have ever been pretty strict about in this regard is the formation of attachments. Specifically, the unstable emotions that come with such attachments and how those Jedi will do anything to retain them (i.e. Anakin Skywalker.)
This next one is a real doozy.
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I have never read such garbage in my life. That's like saying, "How dare you not teach these children to be racist to their classmates because that's their family's culture!"
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Once again, I understand that I shouldn't get upset because this is Screenrant, and they will post whatever click bate bullshit will get you onto their site. Rage-farming is the word, and I'm sorry to admit that I fell for it. It just infuriates me that so many people, or at least the most vocal ones, are so adamant about tarnishing the Jedi. All while usually loving characters like Vadar or Maul or any of the Mandalodians, who canonically do much worse than the Jedi ever did.
Are the Jedi perfect? No. But throughout STAR WARS, they've done the best they can within the confines of a horrific situation that they were forced into. They don't deserve this prolonged smear campaign because they don't meet the ever changing and often unrealistic standards that some people want.
Note: Sorry for the small text, but I wanted people to be able to differentiate between my words and the article.
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ddejavvu · 4 months
mei I've been playing the skywalker saga Lego game and during one part padme says something like "do I have to be kidnapped by tuskan raiders to get some help" to anakin and I was f l o o r e d
LMFAO 😭 she considered getting flayed for her bf’s attention she’s so me
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passionesolja · 2 years
Star Wars fans are fr backhandedly racist, xenophobic, and pro liberal brand white supremacy imo like what tf kind of underlying anti-indigenous biases do you have for this to even cross your mind? Y’all hide your disrespect for these people when you put them on the level of Star Wars aliens. I’m not saying these people hate indigenous people (I don’t know their hearts), but they obviously have no respect for them and don’t see them as human beings. It’s shameful. In what world is it okay to compare indigenous people to tuskan raiders? Get some help. Cure your chronic Star Wars brain
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brainrotlesbian · 2 years
Going back to my roots (the clone wars) cause I got into a dumb little argument with someone not on this app about Anakin’s character. Specifically, they were comparing Anakin to motherfucking Dumbledore, in the way his relationship is to Ahsoka, and actually claimed that ANAKIN would sacrifice Ahsoka the way that Dumbledore set up Harry to die, if it came to it.
Like I’m offended on Anakin’s behalf, not only to be compared to such a spineless, shifty, waste of writing liked D*mbledore, but also at the blatant mischaracterization.
Anakin Skywalker has always, always, put his loved ones over others, to a horrifically selfish degree, and I have several examples:
- His slaughter of the Tuskan raiders after his mother’s death in Attack of the Clones
- when he opened the holocron so Cad Bane could deliver the list of force sensitive children to Sidious, to ensure Ahsoka wasn’t jettisoned out of an airlock
- Obi Wan’s “death” in the clone wars, he spent days searching for his “killer” to the point where he straight up assaulted the suspect while he was passed out drunk in the back of a bar
- on Mortis (I have two examples here), when Ahsoka was possessed, he refused to hurt her even though she was fighting to kill him, and when Son killed her, he demanded she be brought back to life, while Daughter lay dying next to her
- on the (multiple) times Ahsoka had been separated from him, he was willing and able to tear down everything with his bare hands to ensure she was found safe and alive (being hunted for sport by the Trandoshans, framed by Barris for the temple bombing)
- willingly running to Geonosis to aid Obi Wan despite having no backup (this was Padme’s idea but he still went along with it)
I in no way want to excuse his actions, they are deplorable. But to compare him to D*mbledore in such a way, is both ridiculous and objectively wrong
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whatireading · 2 years
Ok but Leia rescuing Kier while rockclimbing makes that scene in A New Hope where she and Luke swing across that abyss on the Death Star really... something.
Funny, because the one who definitely has relevant experience is just clinging to the other for dear life. (Did Luke do any climbing/repelling/etc on Tatooine? The hills seem to be home to Tuskan Raiders, but that didn't stop him from flying Beggars Canyon. So maybe?)
But also heart wrenching, because maybe Luke reminded her of Kier in that moment.
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star-trekker-0013 · 2 years
Daimyo and Cook
Lilah came up on the Tuskan Raider encampment and parked her landspeeder just outside of it. To her left, she could see a man and a Rodian. It seemed the raiders were back to enslaving people, or at least this group was. The Rodian appeared to be sleeping, while the man appeared to be thirsty.
Nothing she could do now, so she focused back on her task at hand, and rolled a large barrel of water towards the camp. Once she was closer, some of the younglings rushed up full of joy. Lilah lifted the visor on her helmet and gave hugs to the little ones. Her family once had a good relationship with the raiders. She hoped they could help her now. Lilah rolled the barrel to the main tent, and after introductions, she went inside.
Thankfully, the talk went well. They agreed to help defend her home from the recent water stealing gang, in exchange for more water.
Lilah adjusted her bag when she caught another glimpse of the man again. She looked down at her water bottle clipped to her belt, and sighed. This could be risky, but if she didn’t do something, then what kind of woman was she?
Lilah made her way back to her speeder, planning to walk between the two captives. She managed to ‘trip’ perfectly, and the contents of her bag went spilling out. Quickly, when no one was looking, she gently tossed her bottle on the man’s lap.
“Drink,” she quietly ordered behind her visor, as she started to gather her stuff. “Drink now, questions later.”
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marcus930 · 5 months
Swedish M10 Bandoliers, 2 versions. 80-100 year old belts. Tuskan Raider...
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