#Twelve Disciples
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"There weren't any witnesses to Jesus' resurrection. None. At. All.
Despite Jesus foretelling that he would rise on the third day after his death, not one of his disciples showed up to witness it. Not. A. One.
And when the women visited the empty tomb, expecting it to contain a corpse, and reported back to the Eleven Amigos, here's their response:
"But they did not believe the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense." (Luke 24:11)"
-- Robert Conner
None of the characters in the bible actually behave as if any of this is real.
If Beyoncé announced that she was going into a hospital and three days later she'd emerge with a new nose, they would need police and crowd control to manage the fans and paparazzi camped outside to be the first to see it.
Not even Jesus' entourage, who'd been touring around with him seeing all these miracles, knowing the Truth™, and even being told what was going to happen and when, were there waiting for him. And when it did happen and they were told about it afterwards, the reaction wasn't "oh yeah, I remember something about that," it was "lol, nah."
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immanuelillustrative · 5 months
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In Christian theology and ecclesiology, the apostles, particularly the Twelve Apostles (also known as the Twelve Disciples or simply the Twelve), were the primary disciples of Jesus according to the New Testament. During the life and ministry of Jesus in the 1st century AD, the apostles were his closest followers and became the primary teachers of the gospel message of Jesus. There is also an Eastern Christian tradition derived from the Gospel of Luke of there having been as many as seventy apostles during the time of Jesus' ministry.
The term apostle comes from the Greek apóstolos (ἀπόστολος) – formed from the prefix apó- (ἀπό-, 'from') and root stéllō (στέλλω, 'I send, I depart') – originally meaning 'messenger, envoy'. It has, however, a stronger sense than the word messenger, and is closer to a 'delegate'.
Artworks: Ancient Egyptian Faiyum Mummy Portraits
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quotesfromscripture · 2 years
And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles.
Acts 2:42-43 Authorized KJV (2022)
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dislocatedchristians · 3 months
Belly Aches and Belly Laughs: when there’s no Tupperware
Sometimes, I think God does #bless us with more than we need. Perhaps he likes to have #fun with us and amaze us with what he can do.
I think God sometimes likes to have fun with us. Before the feeding of the five thousand (Matthew 14:14-21), the disciples, Jesus’ followers, complained that they couldn’t possibly feed all the people. Impossible, they said. But Jesus performed a miracle, and everyone was fed. I’ve lived in environments like this. In Nepal, there are few fridges and little means of keeping food fresh. So,…
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dejahisashmom · 6 months
Saint Thomas and the Tale of Another Jesus - Historic Mysteries
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bibleblender · 9 months
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New article has been published on https://www.bibleblender.com/2023/bible-stories/new-testament/matthew/judas-leads-authorities-to-jesus-arrest-matthew-26-36-26-56
The disciples fail to keep watch. Judas leads authorities to Jesus, who is arrested, fulfilling Old Testament prophecy. (Matthew 26:36 - 26:56).
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It is touching to see Jesus’ need for companionship during the heartwrenching moments before his arrest. But despite the disciples just arguing they would never betray him, God’s plan required that they sleep while they should have been on watch and helping to defend Jesus.
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karryalane · 2 years
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kulaykonfetti · 1 year
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the last puppet (2022)
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rambleonwithrosie · 3 months
Okay Judean Beauty Contest time 🤣 which of the disciples as portrayed in the Chosen TV show do you find most attractive?
If you don't watch the show feel free to look at the pics below and give your vote.
And we're talking in show here because some of them are more attractive out of character (George Xanthis is much cuter than John imo) and some of them are cuter in character (Z is much more handsome than Alaa Safi sorry)
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*yes I realize Yoshi Barrigas no longer plays Philip but he's the Philip we've had the most of on screen kinda like Abe's Big James so that's who I'm going with
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The Twelve Disciples Ch. 1
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Summary: Pepper Davis is not unknown to the mob world, she’s well aware of the benefits and dangers of this business, but what she’s about to find out is how dangerous it can be for one to stay in between a brother rivalry.
Pairings: Matt Jackson x OFC Pepper x Nick Jackson
Extra thank you to @writtingrose for being the beta for this first chapter
Warnings: +18
Tags: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @letsgivethisonemoreshot , @aerynscrichton , @daddyhausen , @melissahausen , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @legit9thlunaticwarrior , @baysexuality , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @moxkindagirl , @sunshinevirus , @im-just-a-mississippi-girl , @tahiri-veyla
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The gun nozzle ghosted over Pepper’s shoulder. Her intense gaze was fixed on the ocean outside their bedroom glass door. Nature seemed to mimic the chaotic rumble of emotions that was instilled in her the minute she heard the clicking noise of the gun being cocked behind her head.
This was madness, a silent suicide note. She knew the risks of his plan when she agreed to it. She knew her life would change forever as soon as she stepped foot inside his house. The only thing she wasn’t expecting was to die like this, by his hands. But then again, what else could she expect from him?
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Three years earlier…
The 12-D aka The Twelve Disciples were the biggest and oldest mob family in the West Coast area of the United States. Currently being ruled by their third generation, they were vastly known for their fortune and success in drug trafficking as well as prostitution and contraband. The family had partnerships all over Europe and Asia and gained their well-respected fame by being ruthless, merciless, and discreet in their business.
Their symbol was a shiny golden cross, with a crown of thorns at its base, symbolizing their victory over their enemies.
Their symbol was printed all over their products: drug packaging, guns, and even tattooed on their prostitute’s left temple. This was the silent sign and warranty that one was acquiring an authentic 12-D product.
Even though the family was involved in drug trafficking, none of its members consumed any kind of drug or alcohol and that was an important quality one should have before becoming a member of 12-D.
All of this sounded crazy to Pepper’s ears, and she remembered mocking Matt about it when they first met.
“What kind of drug lord doesn’t taste his own product?” She teased with a wicked grin as Matt’s face grew serious “One who doesn’t wish to end his own empire” He took a sip of his Perrier and pulled her closer to his embrace “My goal is to make other people addicted to my product, not myself. Grandpa used to say that a man who uses his own product is a fool. For he will either become his biggest client or his own bankrupt’. We have the right people to perform a quality test if you will, but neither I nor my family have used any of our stuff. And that includes you, little dove. I want a lover, a girlfriend, a friend. Someone I can talk to, not the burden of a potential client who’s looking for some free sample, are we clear?”
“I can still drink wine during dinner though, right?” Was her teasing comeback as Matt only chuckled and answered “Yes, you can, dovey” Before pulling her head down for a kiss.
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One year later…
“I don’t know, Matt. It sounds too dangerous” Pepper’s uncertainty could be easily picked up by Matt’s ears, which made him turn around to face the balcony, where she was currently looking for a lighter for her cigarette inside her handbag.
“You know I don’t like when you smoke. That’s not good for you” He stated, reaching into his pocket and fishing a lighter out of the fabric. Matt lit up her cigarette for her, and Pepper blew the smoke in the opposite direction of his face. “Well, too bad. Blame it on your stupid plan” Her hand shook as the white filter rested between her fore and middle fingers. Her brown eyes stared out the shore, watching the seagulls hunting their late afternoon snack before the sun went down.
“This is our last chance to finally take Nick out of the business, dovey. This will be beneficial to all of us in the future! For us to take full control of everything, we need to annihilate Nick for good” Matt’s hand cupped Pepper’s cheek, softly turning her face around so she could face him. “Help me, dovey. You’re the only one I can count on. Please, help me with this. Help me build our own empire”.
Pepper couldn’t believe she was agreeing to this madness. But when she found herself nodding back at Matt, she knew it was too late to go back now.
Now it was the time. In a week she would officially become Nick’s new personal translator and interpreter and she would have exactly six months to ruin his part of the business enough that Matt can take control as well as make him fall in love with her.
In a week she would cut off all ties with Matt and they wouldn’t know each other anymore.
In a week Pepper’s life would change drastically to the craziest and most irreparable nightmare she has ever lived.
In a week, Pepper would follow Dante’s steps up the Mount of Purgatorio, except unlike the character, she wouldn’t have Virgil guiding her through the path.
She would have nothing more than a vicious blue-eyed brother-in-law that was capable of the most horrid things. And that’s what she was afraid of, that instead of climbing up the Mount of Purgatorio towards the Paradiso, she would instead climb down back to Inferno. A place she would never want to go back to again.
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One Week Later…
Pepper checked her makeup in the rearview mirror one last time before finally stepping out of the car. She took a deep breath in to calm down her nerves a bit, the intense scent of recently cut grass made her head spin and her stomach turn - all thanks to the crippling fear that successfully installed itself within her as she rang the imposing mansion’s doorbell.
A kind middle-aged woman greeted Pepper and quickly showed her the way inside the house, towards Nick’s office. The white marble floor echoed the sound of Pepper’s heels across the enormous living room, until the women stopped at the dark, imposing wooden office door.
The older woman knocked twice before announcing their presence.
“Mr. Jackson, your guest has arrived”
Pepper’s eyes were met by the stern blue orbs that softened upon her view. Nick abruptly ended his phone call with a sigh and motioned for Pepper to take a seat in front of him before offering her a handshake.
“Would you like anything to drink? Water, coffee..?”
“No, thank you, sir”
With a quick glance at the older woman who stood by the door, Nick smiled “That would be all, Flo. Thank you”.
Once the elderly woman closed the door, Nick began “So, Mrs.” He took a swift look at the folder beneath his palm “Davis”. The new last name still took Pepper off guard from time to time, even though that’s all everyone called her for the past week - including Matt.
“I’ve heard wonderful things about you! Do you mind telling me a bit of your experience?”
“Yes, sir. I have a bachelor’s degree in both foreign language and business. I have worked for several multinational corporations in America as well as internationally. I also have over five years of active experience in the field”.
“And how discreet would you judge yourself to be, Mrs. Davis?”
”Discreet enough to perform my job without disturbing your business” She answered firmly “None of this is new to me, sir. I have worked with a few acquaintances of yours in the past, which is from whom I presume you took my references from”
“And why would you presume that?” Nick asked with a subtle smirk
“Because, and I say this with utter respect, Mr. Jackson. This is an illicit field, sir. I doubt you would call a company like TransPerfect to ask for my references”.
“Fair enough” Nick chuckled, undoubtedly amused and satisfied with Pepper’s professional yet brutally honest answer. “And remind me again which languages are you fluent in, please?
“Yes, sir. I’m perfectly fluent in a total of seven languages and they would be: Arabic, Spanish, Italian, Russian, French, German, and of course English. I also risk some Japanese and Danish here and there but they’re not listed as official languages in my file because I don’t have a proper degree in them”
“Wow, that’s pretty impressive” Nick’s voice was filled with genuine admiration as he continued “If you agree with my proposition” He swiftly pushed the contract towards Pepper “You’ll have a schedule of 40 hours per week, divided equally between 6 days, which will give you a day off. You’re free to choose which day of the week is best for your day off as well as if you desire to live in a house or loft apartment we provide for our staff. Your salary would be equivalent to 250k per year-”. The enormous quantity made Pepper choke with surprise, causing a small cackle to leave Nick’s lips. But she managed to keep her cool while he finished explaining “If there’s a need for you to work overtime, that will also be paid aside from your monthly salary, and if for some reason I need your services during your day off, you’ll also receive extra for it as well as having another day of the week free and paid to fulfill for your lost day off”. He looked over at Pepper with a sly smile “Is everything ok?”
“Yeah,” She choked out “It’s a very generous offer, sir. And a lot to take in so suddenly”
“I understand. That’s why I’d like you to take your copy of the contract to further analyze it. Feel free to show it to a lawyer of your trust if you’d like to do so, but one thing I’ll ask is for you to stay in one of my hotels, at least until we have finished discussing your possible hiring. It’s for secrecy reasons”.
“Yes, of course”
“Great!” For some strange reason, Nick’s smile had a subtle hint of malice behind it “My contact - as well as my lawyer’s - is inside the contract in case you need further clarification and I’ll see you in, let’s say, three days?”
Pepper only nodded back before taking Nick’s hand in a goodbye handshake.
“Thank you for your understanding, Mrs. Davis. I’ll have a driver take you to the hotel”
“Thank you, sir. Have a lovely afternoon”
“So do you” Nick gave her a final goodbye as she left his home office door.
As she sat in the backseat of the comfortable Bentley, Pepper couldn’t shake the feeling that something felt incredibly wrong. She didn’t know what had made her so uncomfortable, but she would later find out, in the future, that this bad feeling was a silent omen for the tragedy that was yet to come.
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whitherwanderer · 1 year
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Between the Heavens of Water and Earth there lies a long-forgotten well, flooding the vast courtyard of a crumbling, ancient fortress. A world-weary warning song lilts across the water's surface, and to each far-flung soul it tells a tale of every traveler who came before. Every reaching hope they kept and every empty despair that smothered them, all laid bare to sting like wounds kissed with a burning salve. All met an end here at the point of an arrow.
The songstress greets you halfway across the water with a tip of her hat and a warm, crimson gaze like that of her matron goddess. She bars your path, but offers you an open hand.
"Face thy fate, and the way shall be open to thee," she promises, drawing a gilded arrow from a quiver and nocking it against a string of her lyre-bow. She aims it skyward and looses it with a deafening note. A hail of light rains down from above, enclosing you in a ring of arrows.
"Deny it, and the Wyrdwalker shall sing of thine own end."
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*Since Tumblr only has 10 options, I left out Judas. Also, there are two Jameses, so pick your favorite in your head.
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stiltonbasket · 1 year
"feel free to send in asks about them any time" i hope you understand the floodgates you've opened heheh.
honestly, i'm just very curious. what do you think the major character traits of the latter gen young disciples are, jiang and otherwise? your characterisation is one of the best i've seen in the fandom so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i'm interested in your thoughts, dear author.
I can't really speak for canon because most of my work ends up drawing from the TMAAF universe (even for other verses, like the Yiling Wei and Emperor WWX AUs), but I'd say the "shared" character traits of the various disciples are largely a result of a) the culture of the clan they were raised in and b) the specific cultivation demands of the region.
(Note: this is going to be a 4-part series, because I just had too much to say about each sect).
As I've said before, Yunmeng Jiang is guaranteed a constant stream of hauntings because it's always dealing with the fierce ghosts and corpses of drowning victims, most commonly in the winter after the yearly monsoons; and due to this, Jiang disciples are raised with the expectation that one day, they'll strike out on their own, settle down in a currently underprotected village, and become "rogue" cultivators whose living expenses are paid by the sect. Because of this, they're not as distanced from civilian life as most other cultivators are.
The Jiang disciples receive a strictly practical education after they learn the basics of literature, math, and history, which means practice hunts, daily archery sessions, and classes in household management (especially accounting + cooking/sewing) to prepare the adult disciples to live by themselves.
As a result, the Jiang sect is more gender-neutral than most. Since the boys have to be ready to run their own homes by the age of 21, they share all of their classes and duties with the girls and help their seniors raise the younger disciples. (Insert cute montage of Jiang Fengmian teaching Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng how to take care of baby disciples and mend their own torn clothes here.) Hence, the disciples are also huge romantics - there's no huge mystery about the opposite gender, for either boys or girls, so they tend to find spouses very easily and settle into extremely happy marriages.
The Jiang sect also has a somewhat paradoxical custom of spoiling children rotten but not sheltering them, which I hinted at in TMAAF when Hongshuai + the Yunmeng brothers openly discuss serious sect business in front of Xiao-Yu and the Yu babies. Jiang disciples know a lot more about how to deal with the outside world than, say, Lan disciples; but they never really lose the habit of being Baby™️ with any of their teachers/older disciple siblings.
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quotesfromscripture · 2 years
Water into wine
On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.” 
“Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.” 
His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” 
Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons. Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim. 
Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.” They did so. 
- John 2:1-8 NIV (2011)
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helloparkerrose · 2 months
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illustratus · 2 years
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The Last Supper - L'Ultima Cena
by Giorgio Vasari
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