#Type 4 Cash Review
ms-demeanor · 10 days
My MiL gave me cash for my birthday so I ordered one of those criss-cross chairs with it because my office chair has been nearing retirement age and so far my review is:
Essentially no cushion; this is not a problem for me, both because I own cushions and because of my generous ass, but could be a problem for some.
I am going to sit in this like a goblin until my hips dislocate and I am so fucking happy about it.
Pairs well with a footrest and a bluetooth keyboard that allows me to keep my hands in an incredibly comfortable neutral position in my lap while typing.
IS actually big enough for me to sit with my legs crossed and I am *not* a small person.
Tiny Bastard approved because of increased lap-sitting space.
My legs do not properly fit under my desk when crossed, which may become an issue if I'm doing things like art that require me to be closer to the monitor than normal.
Both this and my other desk chair that i've been using since 2020 were about sixty bucks on amazon and are about the quality you'd expect for that price but that means that I'm expecting about 3-4 years of life out of this chair and 20 bucks a year isn't that bad honestly.
I feel like this would be very fatiguing for a lot of people to sit in but if you've got weird back stuff going on and accessories that will allow you to have a less traditional desk setup it seems pretty cool.
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omg-ame-chan · 5 months
ok i played tokyo debunker all day here is a quick (not really) review
first off gameplay is for the most part non-existent. you do fight against monsters but the entire thing is in autoplay and you can skip the whole thing by pressing a single button
there is a rhythm game part every like 10 battles or so though which made me happy. even if the songs are all public domain ones. and it's extremely offbeat. and there's tap registration issues.
ok next why does tokyo debunker use ai art in it. genuinely embarrassing.
went on a 4 year hiatus to "elevate the quality of the game to further meet your expectations and be able to face elevating competition in the gaming industry" only for the game to release and not even have the effort put in to hire actual artists... ITS SO DISAPPOINTING what was the point of that hiatus if you aren't even gonna try. they should've released the original game they had at this point
ai art is used in all the backgrounds of the visual novel section and some of the interactable items like the images for the quiz you do during the prologue. The manga style and card art don't use it at all it seems though
and once you realize it you cannot unsee it and it completely ruins everything
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seems like all the budget went towards the voice actors because the game has no original soundtrack either. everything is remixed classical music.
not to mention the game is super cash grabby. it's a zigzagame game so it's to be expected but still. stuff like having to pay more than a 10 pull just to be able to change your icon from the default one is actually insane. also 1% SSR rate and pity is at 500 pulls and it doesn't even guarantee a character card it could be a warding card please end it all!!!
also the devs are blocking everyone who criticizes the game on twitter. lol. lmao.
despite all that the story is interesting and i really like the characters especially these 2 guys i love the "medic who definitely shouldn't be a medic because they are Extremely Off and have committed medical malpractice atleast 10 times" type of characters they are always my favorite
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damn you "bad gacha game that makes me have to resort to watching youtube videos of the story because i don't wanna support monetarily it in any possible way and go through the pain it brings by actually playing it".... you have won once again
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gracer87 · 7 months
Is My Etsy Page but I love doing Readings through Paypal/Cashapp/Venmo better just because I get Payout Instantly instead of waiting 4-6 days. You can see my Reviews there and You can also ask me for 1 Free Card - Topic/or Question - but Only Serious Inquiries
Donations can be sent to Paypal and Cashapp
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dandelionsresilience · 7 months
I’m not sure how reliably I’ll be able to keep up with it, but I’ve been wanting to start posting weekly or monthly Good News compilations, with a focus on ecology but also some health and human rights type stuff. I’ll try to keep the sources recent (like from within the last week or month, whichever it happens to be), but sometimes original dates are hard to find. Also, all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.
Anyway, here’s some good news from the first week of March!
1. Mexican Wolf Population Grows for Eighth Consecutive Year
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““In total, 99 pups carefully selected for their genetic value have been placed in 40 wild dens since 2016, and some of these fosters have produced litters of their own. While recovery is in the future, examining the last decade of data certainly provides optimism that recovery will be achieved.””
2. “Remarkable achievement:” Victoria solar farm reaches full power ahead of schedule
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“The 130MW Glenrowan solar farm in Victoria has knocked out another milestone, reaching full power and completing final grid connection testing just months after achieving first generation in late November.”
3. UTEP scientists capture first known photographs of tropical bird long thought lost
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“The yellow-crested helmetshrike is a rare bird species endemic to Africa that had been listed as “lost” by the American Bird Conservancy when it hadn’t been seen in nearly two decades. Until now.”
4. France Protects Abortion as a 'Guaranteed Freedom' in Constitution
“[A]t a special congress in Versailles, France’s parliament voted by an overwhelming majority to add the freedom to have an abortion to the country’s constitution. Though abortion has been legal in France since 1975, the historic move aims to establish a safeguard in the face of global attacks on abortion access and sexual and reproductive health rights.”
5. [Fish & Wildlife] Service Approves Conservation Agreement for Six Aquatic Species in the Trinity River Basin
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“Besides conserving the six species in the CCAA, activities implemented in this agreement will also improve the water quality and natural flows of rivers for the benefit of rural and urban communities dependent on these water sources.”
6. Reforestation offset the effects of global warming in the southeastern United States
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“In America’s southeast, except for most of Florida and Virginia, “temperatures have flatlined, or even cooled,” due to reforestation, even as most of the world has grown warmer, reports The Guardian.”
7. Places across the U.S. are testing no-strings cash as part of the social safety net
“Cash aid without conditions was considered a radical idea before the pandemic. But early results from a program in Stockton, Calif., showed promise. Then interest exploded after it became clear how much COVID stimulus checks and emergency rental payments had helped people. The U.S. Census Bureau found that an expanded child tax credit cut child poverty in half.”
8. The Road to Recovery for the Florida Golden Aster: Why We Should Care
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“After a five-year review conducted in 2009 recommended reclassifying the species to threatened, the Florida golden aster was proposed for removal from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Plants due to recovery in June 2021, indicating the threats to the species had been reduced or eliminated.”
9. A smart molecule beats the mutation behind most pancreatic cancer
“Researchers have designed a candidate drug that could help make pancreatic cancer, which is almost always fatal, a treatable, perhaps even curable, condition.”
10. Nurses’ union at Austin’s Ascension Seton Medical Center ratifies historic first contract
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“The contract, which NNOC said in a news release was “overwhelmingly” voted through by the union, includes provisions the union believes will improve patient care and retention of nurses.”
This and future editions will also be going up on my new Ko-fi, where you can support my art and get doodled phone wallpapers! EDIT: Actually, I can't find any indication that curating links like this is allowed on Ko-fi, so to play it safe I'll stick to just posting here on Tumblr. BUT, you can still support me over on Ko-fi if you want to see my Good News compilations continue!
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ejzah · 11 months
Can you write a fanfic set between the events of late season 4/early season 5 just before Sam finally accepts Deeks after all this time. Hetty witnesses a real hostile moment where she clearly sees Sam being unfair and critical of Deeks during an important mission despite the fact Deeks did his job to the absolute best and height of his abilites. Despite this, Sam still gives Deeks a hard time and so Hetty takes Sam aside and gives him a firm scolding of his unfair treatment.
A/N: As always when I write Hetty these days, I have mixed feelings. While Deeks is/was perfectly capable of defending himself, I think Hetty could have done more to intervene when he was mistreated.
Can You See What’s Right Before your Eyes?
“Did you guys finish the weapons audit?” Callen asked, going through the checklist Nell passed on from Hetty every month.
“Yup,” Deeks answered. “And as always, Kensi had the time of her life.”
“Once again, I only enjoy cleaning my own weapons,” she clarified, inclining. “And that’s mostly the knives.”
“Sexy,” he commented with a wink in Kensi’s direction.
“Moving on,” Callen prompted with a pointed clearing of his throat. He nodded to Sam across the room. “Did you review those files Nell gave you?”
“Yeah, another batch of rookies. Hetty’s having a couple come by next week,” Sam said, gesturing to two files on his desk. “The usual drill, they’ll shadow one of us for part of the day in the field to see what we do here and get a chance for some hands-on training. The job is open for any takers.”
“I’ll do it,” Deeks volunteered, gaining a raised eyebrow of surprise from Kensi.
“Oh, that’s very generous of you,” she commented. “You must want something.” Deeks rolled his eyes, knowing she was mostly joking.
“All of you already owe me favors I haven’t cashed in on.” He waved his index finger in a figure to encompass the bullpen and OPS. “No, you guys always complain about having to deal with rookie agents, and since I actually enjoy meeting new people—most of the time—why not? I know, it’ll be tough for you to be separated from me for so long.” He batted his eyelashes at Kensi, who scoffed, overplaying her disgust slightly.
“As if.”
Callen and Sam had watched their whole conversation play out without comment. Deeks turned to them, pretty much expecting the arrangement to be a done deal, but after another moment, Sam shook his head.
“No, I’m not comfortable with that,” he said.
“Excuse me?” Deeks asked, making an incredulous noise. When Sam didn’t crack a smile, he realized he was completely serious. “Why not?”
“You’re not an agent.”
“In all but name. I do the same exact job as all of you, turn in the same reports, risk my life practically every day. What is there to object about?”
Deeks had grown used to his tumultuous relationship with Sam, and had noticed an uptick in the pointed comments, insults, and slights directed his way recently. He’d put it down to the stress of everything going on with Sidorov and Michelle, so had excused it for the most part. None of them were at their best when concerned about a loved one.
This though, was unnecessary.
Sam shrugged dismissively in response to Deeks’ challenge, shaking his head. “You don’t have the same training, you didn’t take the same oath, don’t have the background we do.” He gestured between himself and Deeks now, like it was obvious. “You’re a cop, I’m an agent. We’re not the same.”
“Actually, I think you’ll find I’m an LAPD Liaison, with a rank of Detective,” Deeks corrected with false pleasantry.
“Deeks, we want these kids coming in to learn the proper protocol and have a good example of our work,” Sam said, and Kensi made a soft noise of shock.
“Sam,” she objected, looking vaguely horrified. Callen for his part, was determinedly staring at his computer. He never did like to get involved in these types of conflicts.
“No, it’s ok,” Deeks said, even though bitterness mixed with disbelief filled him. He pasted on a smile that he was sure came off more menacing than anything. “Sam has made his opinion perfectly clear.” He pushed back from his desk. “Have fun answering all those rookie questions, Sam. I know you love that part.”
“Mr. Hanna, would you mind coming over her for a moment?” Hetty called from her desk while everyone headed out for the day. As usual, it was voiced as a request, but was in reality a demand.
He walked over, offering a half-smile. “Callen agrees to handle the rookies. All the other monthly duties are up to date,” he reported, anticipating her question.
“That’s good to know,” she replied, waiting a beat, hands steepled, her eyes burrowing into him in a way that would never not be unnerving. She pursed her lips, speaking slowly. “However, that’s not why I asked you to stay behind.”
“Then what’s going on?”
“I overheard your discussion with Mr. Deeks this morning.”
“What conversation?” He’d had half a dozen “conversations” with Deeks, most of which made him what to smack the detective. He didn’t know why, but some days everything Deeks did seemed to annoy him.
“The one about the visiting rookie agents. I heard Deeks offer to work with them, quite generously, might I say,” she explained, pausing yet again. “I also heard your response to that offer.”
Sam smiled, knowing where this was going now. “And let me guess, Deeks complained about it.”
“Mr. Deeks said nothing to me. I believe you know he fights his own battles. No, this is about why you don’t think Deeks can handle the task and why you felt the need to undermine his abilities.”
“It’s Deeks, Hetty,” Sam said. “He’s unpredictable, unreliable, rebellious—”
“Regardless of his pedigree, Deeks is none of those things. To the contrary, he’s one of the very best operators this team has ever seen. Yes, he’s a maverick many times, but that is what makes him so useful to this team.”
Sam set his jaw, frustrated by what felt like an unearned scolding. Hetty stared back with an annoying wide-eyed expression.
“Certainly, you’ve benefitted from his out-of-the-box thinking yourself many times. And even if you can’t appreciate his methods, then you can’t deny Deeks would do anything to protect this team and those we defend.”
“I’m not apologizing to him,” Sam said.
“No, I don’t expect you to. I do, however, expect you to treat Deeks with the respect he has earned and deserves. Is that understood?”
“Yeah, I got it,” Sam confirmed, tapping his knuckle on Hetty’s desk.
“Good.” She nodded. “Have a good night, Sam.”
“Thanks.” He smiled back, tempering his annoyance at Hetty. At Deeks and his floppy hair and inability to conform.
A/N: Hope this is all right.
Thanks for the prompt!
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mofffun · 1 year
G-ROSSO Super Sentai stage show guide (7/2023)
Theatre G-Rosso is located within the theme park Tokyo Dome City. The theme park had a long history of Hero Shows running back to the 70s. The theatre was established in 2009 as a permanent indoor stage. There are 4 seasons each year with showings on weekends and holidays. Suidobashi station is a little closer than Korakuen/Kasuga subway. I visited it for the first time in July 2023.
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Post-show activities
G-rosso ticketing depends on which seasons really. Tickets should be plentiful for the first two seasons, especially S2/August when they show every day. S3 and S4 with the face actors might be harder but the show runs for 3 months too so it should be possible.
ticket types + availibility / show schedule
There are three classes of G-rosso tickets (single adult admission) :
Premium (¥2500): first 3 rows + special gift
General (¥1900): rest of the theatre
Free Seating (¥1500): same-day showings for the last 5 rows at the end of the theatre. cash only, vending machine at the door.
You can of course book online through a proxy (bypassing japanse phone verification) but I think you can save that fee especially if you're staying for more than a week in Japan. For S2, I was able to buy the last Premium ticket for the next day (Saturday), and there were enough general seats available. Can't say for sure the same applies to S3/4 with face actors. As a foreigner, the most convenient way is to buy a ticket is from the convenience store Family Mart. Find any store with the photocopier-looking machine and follow the instructions to choose the show times and pricing, pay with cash at the counter and the staff will print you a paper ticket. same go for photo ops and handshake.
(Free Seating vending machine, photo ops ticket)
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The theatre is two stories high and you can see the seating plan here. I was in the third row mid-right. What surprised me was how close to the stage the first rows are, barely an arm's distance. At one point Kuwagata Ohger leaned on the railing of the first row. The actors would also walk up to interact with the audience.
I think if you want to enjoy the whole stage and not aiming at the special gift, you can skip the Premium ticket and get a few rows further back. Another recommended seat is Row L just between the two blocks. That's where Spider Kumonos descends UPSIDE DOWN from the sky right in front of your eyes.
If for some reason you g-rosso on a whim / sneaked it into the schedule, the free entry ticket is available only at the vending machine on-site with cash. It's designated to the last rows but staff aren't strict on you moving if the theatre is not crowded.
(view from middle block)
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as you'd've seen in commercials, you can pay extra to take a photo (with red only!) (¥1100) and shake hands (with all six) of the heroes (¥600) after the show. The tickets for those are available prior online and in convenience stores too, but if you ask the staff, they'll let you buy one with cash on an old-fashioned vending machine. Since it's my first time attending G-rosso, I did the whole package with birthday perks (no id checked).
A new backstage tour is available since August. Lottery ticketing required.
(merch haul)
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The most iconic G-rosso exclusive merch is probably the hero hand light. I didn't really see a lot of kids holding it so I kinda forgot about it in the rush. the other true exclusive is a wooden plaque gashapon machine (¥300). There were booths for name badges for kids and you can get a bromide for ¥440. There was a cart selling DX toys and plushies. The special stuff is some toei online store acrylic stands, the muffler towel, cup and plate. Outside you'd find the food stall with collab items like popcorns and drinks with an original coaster.
(Collab menu with coasters, Exclusive wood plaque)
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(kids play area, past hero show posters)
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As a kid's show the japanese won't be too difficult but I was so captivated by the action I wasn't really listening to the words. The plot is easy enough to follow though, and the website says an English pamphlet is available for borrowing (but I forgot to ask). It feels so professional compared to park stage shows but so tangible compared to tv. They make good use of the space with an under-stage pit/trampoline and the high ceiling with platforms and wires. my eyes were busy darting when the action was in one corner and then next. childhood wonder!!
leaving the theatre is a row of gashapon machines and a kids' play area with all the DX toys (:( no adults) and when you go up the escalator, on the side of the theatre entrance is a wall of pass hero show posters!
(i barely have any coherent notes about this) the plot is there's a cicada MOTW and he is brainwashed to make the earth's temperature rise and make evil clones of the team. Rita, raised in the land of snow, is bad at heat and went to sit in a corner and covered their head with the mantle. When facing their/Gira's evil clone, they said 'i'll just cut down both of them'. My notes said 'someday Rita is even gonna plead innocence for the bugs'. six of them roll call together with jeramie!! i was watching papillon-sama's fight style the whole time. and there were trampolines and flips and cartwheels and white spider man falling from the sky while the digital background zooms in and out and legit tears when we started cheering for the heroes. it's an experience okay.
(outside the theatre)
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kanyakumaro · 14 days
How Cash App Weekly Limits Affect Your Transactions
In today’s fast-paced financial environment, mobile payment platforms like Cash App have become integral to managing and transferring money efficiently. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, Cash App is a popular choice for handling everyday transactions. However, one common question among users is whether Cash App imposes any weekly limits on transactions. This comprehensive guide delves into Cash App weekly limits, exploring its various aspects and providing insights into how you can manage and potentially increase these limits.
Understanding Cash App Limits
Cash App, developed by Square, Inc., is a versatile financial tool that allows users to send, receive, and manage money directly from their smartphones. It supports various transactions, including peer-to-peer payments, direct deposits, and investment in stocks and Bitcoin. However, like many financial services, Cash App has specific limits on transactions to ensure security and regulatory compliance.
What are the Cash App Transfer Limits?
Cash App sets limits on how much you can send or receive per transaction and within specific time frames. These limits can vary based on your verification status and account type (personal or business). Typically, unverified accounts have lower limits compared to verified accounts.
What is the Cash App Withdrawal Limit Per Day?
The Cash App withdrawal limit per day is another critical factor to consider. Cash App allows users to withdraw cash from ATMs or transfer funds to their bank accounts. The daily limit may impact how much you can access or transfer in a given week.
What are the Cash App Sending and Receiving Limits?
Cash App imposes limits on both sending and receiving money. For unverified accounts, the sending limit is usually capped at $250 per week, while the receiving limit can be up to $1,000 per month. Verified accounts enjoy higher limits, often reaching up to $7,500 per week for sending money.
Cash App Max Transfer
The maximum transfer limit can vary depending on your verification status and account history. Verified users can transfer up to $7,500 per week, while unverified users face significantly lower limits.
How to Increase Cash App Limits?
To increase Cash App limits, you need to verify your account. Verification involves providing personal information, such as your full name, date of birth, and Social Security number. Once verified, you can enjoy higher limits on sending, receiving, and withdrawing money.
Steps to Increase Your Cash App Limits
Complete Account Verification: Provide the necessary personal information to verify your account.
Submit Required Documents: Upload any additional documents requested by Cash App for further verification.
Wait for Approval: Cash App will review your information and update your limits once verification is complete.
FAQ About Increasing Cash App Weekly Limits
1. What is the Cash App weekly limit for unverified accounts?
Unverified Cash App accounts typically have a sending limit of $250 per week and a receiving limit of $1,000 per month.
2. How can I check my Cash App limits?
You can view your current Cash App limits by navigating to the "Account" or "Settings" section within the app.
3. Can I increase my Cash App withdrawal limit?
Yes, you can increase Cash App withdrawal limit by verifying your account. Verified users generally have higher withdrawal limits.
4. What is the Cash App transfer limit per day?
The Cash App daily transfer limit varies based on your verification status. Unverified accounts usually have lower limits compared to verified accounts.
5. How do I increase my Cash App limit from $2,500 to $7,500?
To increase your limit, you need to complete the account verification process. Once verified, your limits will be adjusted accordingly.
6. Are there any Cash App limits for business accounts?
Yes, business accounts on Cash App may have different limits compared to personal accounts. The limits are typically higher but can vary based on account activity and verification.
7. What is the Cash App limit for adding cash?
The limit for adding cash to your Cash App balance can vary based on your account verification status and linked funding sources.
8. How does Cash App handle ATM withdrawal limits?
Cash App imposes daily ATM withdrawal limits. You can check your specific limit in the app’s settings or by contacting Cash App support.
While Cash App does not explicitly define a weekly limit, various transaction limits and account settings affect how much you can send, receive, and withdraw. Understanding these limits and verifying your account are crucial steps to maximise your Cash App experience. By following the outlined steps, you can manage your transactions effectively and enjoy the flexibility that Cash App offers.
For more information and updates on Cash App limits and features, stay tuned to the official Cash App website or contact their support team.
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How Weekly Limits Affect Your Cash App Usage
Cash App has become a versatile tool for managing finances, making transactions, and trading cryptocurrencies. As with many financial platforms, Cash App imposes various limits on transactions to ensure security and compliance with regulations. One common question among users is whether Cash App has a weekly limit on transactions and, if so, how to manage or increase it.
Understanding Cash App Limits
Cash App imposes different limits based on the type of transaction and the user's account verification status. These limits are designed to protect users from fraud and to comply with financial regulations. Cash App weekly limits can vary for different types of transactions, including sending money, withdrawing funds, and buying or selling Bitcoin.
What are the different Cash App Weekly Limits?
**1. Sending Money 
Standard Limits: For unverified accounts, Cash App typically allows you to send up to $250 per week. Once your account is verified, this limit can increase significantly.
Increased Limits: Verified accounts can send up to $7,500 per week. This higher limit is part of Cash App's efforts to provide greater flexibility for users who have completed the necessary identity verification steps.
**2. Receiving Money
Standard Limits: Cash App does not generally impose a specific weekly limit on receiving money. However, there may be restrictions based on the total amount received in a given period or based on your overall account activity.
**3. Bitcoin Transactions
Weekly Limits: Cash App sets limits on Bitcoin transactions, including buying, selling, and withdrawing Bitcoin. The specific limits can vary and are subject to change based on market conditions and account verification.
How to Increase Your Cash App Weekly Limit?
To increase Cash App limit, follow these steps:
Verify Your Identity: Ensure that your account is fully verified by providing the necessary documents, such as a government-issued ID, and completing the selfie verification process.
Link Your Bank Account: Linking a bank account enhances your account's credibility and can increase transaction limits.
Use Direct Deposit: Setting up direct deposit can increase your transaction limits as it adds another layer of financial verification.
Contact Cash App Support: If you need a higher limit than what's automatically available, you can contact Cash App support to request an increase. Be prepared to provide additional information or documentation as requested.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Does Cash App have a weekly limit on sending money?
Yes, Cash App has a weekly limit on sending money. For unverified accounts, the limit is typically $250 per week. Verified accounts can send up to $7,500 per week.
2. How can I increase my Cash App weekly limit?
To increase Cash App weekly limit, you should verify your identity, link a bank account, and consider using direct deposit. If necessary, contact Cash App support for further assistance.
3. Is there a limit on receiving money through Cash App?
Cash App generally does not impose a specific weekly limit on receiving money. However, there may be restrictions based on overall account activity and transaction history.
4. Are there limits on Bitcoin transactions in Cash App?
Yes, Cash App has limits on Bitcoin transactions, including buying, selling, and withdrawing Bitcoin. Cash App Bitcoin limits can vary and are influenced by your account verification status and other factors.
5. How do I check my current Cash App limits?
To check your current Cash App limits, open the app, go to the "Banking" tab, and review your account settings and limits. You can also contact Cash App support for detailed information on your specific limits.
By understanding and managing these limits, you can optimise your use of Cash App and make the most of its features for your financial needs.
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gonzalez756 · 28 days
How to Sell Your eCommerce Business in 2024 | Imagency Media
The eCommerce landscape in 2024 is more competitive and dynamic than ever. As a business owner, you may have decided that now is the right time to sell your eCommerce business and capitalize on your hard work. Whether you're looking to pursue new ventures, retire, or simply cash in on your investment, selling your eCommerce business can be a lucrative opportunity. However, it requires careful planning and execution. In this guide, Imagency Media will walk you through the key steps to successfully sell your eCommerce business in 2024.
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1. Prepare Your Business for Sale
Before you put your eCommerce business on the market, it's crucial to ensure it's in the best possible shape. Buyers are looking for profitable, well-managed businesses with growth potential. Here's how to prepare:
Financials: Make sure your financial records are up-to-date, accurate, and easy to understand. Buyers will scrutinize your profit margins, revenue trends, and expenses. Consider working with an accountant to organize your financials and identify any areas for improvement.
Operations: Streamline your operations to make your business more appealing. This includes optimizing your supply chain, automating processes where possible, and ensuring that your inventory management is efficient. A well-run business is more attractive to potential buyers.
Brand Strength: Evaluate your brand's online presence. This includes your website, social media, and customer reviews. A strong, reputable brand can significantly increase your business's value. Consider investing in professional web design and branding services to enhance your business's appeal.
Legal Documentation: Ensure all your legal documents, such as business licenses, contracts, and intellectual property rights, are in order. Potential buyers will conduct due diligence, and any legal discrepancies could derail the sale.
2. Determine the Value of Your Business
Valuing an eCommerce business is a complex process that involves multiple factors. The most common valuation method is a multiple of your annual net profit, but other factors can influence the final price:
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Revenue and Profit: Consistent and growing revenue, along with healthy profit margins, are key indicators of value.
Customer Base: A large, loyal customer base with low churn rates adds significant value to your business.
Market Position: How well does your business stand out in its niche? A strong market position with potential for growth can attract higher offers.
Growth Potential: Buyers are interested in the future potential of your business. Demonstrating a clear path for growth, such as expanding product lines or entering new markets, can increase your valuation.
Consider hiring a professional business broker or valuation expert to help you determine a realistic asking price.
3. Find the Right Buyer
Finding the right buyer is critical to the success of the sale. There are several types of buyers to consider:
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Strategic Buyers: These are companies or individuals in your industry looking to expand their market share or acquire new capabilities. They may pay a premium for businesses that complement their existing operations.
Financial Buyers: Private equity firms or investors looking for profitable businesses with growth potential fall into this category. They typically focus on the financial performance of your business.
Individual Buyers: These are entrepreneurs or aspiring business owners who see value in taking over an established business.
To find potential buyers, consider listing your business on online marketplaces, reaching out to your industry network, or working with a business broker who can connect you with qualified buyers.
4. Negotiate the Sale
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Once you’ve found a potential buyer, the negotiation process begins. This phase is crucial, as it will determine the final terms of the sale. Key aspects to negotiate include:
Purchase Price: This is the most obvious point of negotiation, but it’s not the only one. Be prepared to justify your asking price based on your business’s financials and growth potential.
Payment Terms: You may receive the full payment upfront, or the buyer might propose an installment plan. Consider the tax implications and risks associated with different payment structures.
Transition Period: Many buyers will request a transition period where you stay on to help manage the business during the handover. Define the duration and scope of your involvement during this period.
Non-Compete Agreement: Buyers may ask you to sign a non-compete agreement, which would prevent you from starting a similar business in the same industry. Ensure the terms are reasonable and won’t limit your future opportunities.
5. Close the Deal
Once all the terms are agreed upon, it's time to finalize the sale. This involves:
Drafting the Purchase Agreement: Work with a lawyer to draft a purchase agreement that outlines all the terms of the sale, including the purchase price, payment terms, and any contingencies.
Due Diligence: The buyer will conduct a thorough review of your business, including financials, operations, and legal documentation. Be prepared to provide all requested information promptly.
Transfer of Ownership: After due diligence is complete and both parties are satisfied, the final step is the transfer of ownership. This includes transferring all business assets, such as inventory, intellectual property, and customer data, to the buyer.
Post-Sale Transition: If a transition period was agreed upon, ensure a smooth handover by providing the necessary training and support to the new owner.
6. Celebrate Your Success
Selling your eCommerce business is a significant achievement. Take the time to celebrate your success and reflect on the journey that brought you here. Whether you're moving on to a new venture or enjoying the fruits of your labor, you’ve accomplished something remarkable.
Selling your eCommerce business in 2024 requires careful planning, strategic thinking, and a clear understanding of the market. By following these steps, you can maximize the value of your business and ensure a successful sale. At Imagency Media, we understand the importance of a well-executed exit strategy. If you're considering selling your business and need assistance with branding, web design, or preparing your business for sale, we're here to help.
Take the next step today. Contact Imagency Media to learn how we can support you in maximizing the value of your eCommerce business and ensuring a successful sale.
This article serves as a valuable resource for eCommerce business owners looking to navigate the complexities of selling their business in 2024. By following these guidelines, sellers can approach the process with confidence and increase their chances of securing a profitable and smooth transaction.
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tuesday again 6/13/2023
very games-centric week
this opening bit samples bowie's life on mars and sounds like a piano cover of a half-remembered but still beloved childhood anime. like the kind you had a set of two VHS clamshells for but only episodes 4-6 and 10-12. it goes on the "lofi beats to data and entry to" playlist. spotify
fallow week
the folks at waypoint games, formerly vice's leftist games vertical, BOUGHT THE BRAND FROM VICE and are rebranding as remap. i wish them all the fuckin best and i hope they succeed but i feel like we have maybe six months of this before one of them goes literally bankrupt from a doctor's visit bc healthcare is such a fuckin nightmare in this country. im simply not excited for starfield. i am not interested in corporate nasa
anyway i enjoyed their commentary, excited for compulsion games' southern gothic action/adventure spellcaster South of Midnight
neutrally optimistic about obsidian's Avowed, bc i do love obsidian but i do not love sword and sorcery rpgs
there's airships in microsoft flight simulator so i may genuinely buy one month of gamepass to try that out
capcom's path of the goddess looks fucking gorgeous but i have never played more than half an hour of a capcom game and i expect i never will. is this topdown? is this isometric? what the fuck is the gameplay mode??? who could FUCKING say
also there's a new jersey fallout 76 expansion coming at some point. in real life i hate atlantic city and i don't really how know this will look or play differently from point lookout. i don't know if i want to play a much-reviled cash cow mmorpg just to get postapoc jersey lore. if this leads up to 5 being set in nyc im going to be real pissed off. go somewhere DIFFERENT. there are DIFFERENT PLACES on the east coast!!! blease
viddy game can consistently turn my brain off enough that i forget im moving cross country in two weeks and can forcibly relax my body for twenty mintues at a time between packing boxes. so there's been a lot of pomodoro-ing, or my version which is: pack until i get so anxious i physically cannot pack anymore, go have a snack, go play twenty minutes of a video game, and then go pack until i am on the verge of a panic attack again. this is not healthy but all my books are packed. all of these were free on epic at some point btw which is why i own them
the first time i played Airborne Kingdom, i lost track of time and beat it in one sitting in eight hours. the second time i played Airship Kingdom, i replicated that exact experience. i have allied with all the kingdoms and have like two hundred souls on board but am not QUITE selfsufficient enough to take on the northern/artic sea DLC. stay tuned. soundtrack in this thing is great.
bounced VERY hard off Close to the Sun, a bioshock-lite i put about four hours/three levels into. a huge gilded age cruise ship where the science has Gone Wrong would normally be catnip to me, but the game did brutally kill the player character's sister in front of me in an unskippable cutscene so we're done with that game now THANK YOU. it is very slow, which i do like in a game that gives you this much stuff to look at, but there is no gamma control. this game is so fucking dark. i played it in a dark room with no lights and it was still too dark.
pinged off the typing exploration game Epistory despite its charming art, bc fast and accurate typing is something covid has taken from me.
rediscovered Carcassone (online) which is great bc i love Carcassone and own a physical copy of the board game but no one else in my life loves it. tile-building countryside-building game, seconds to learn, etc. thank you board game review even though there are no meeple in their natural habitat (the board) in this picture
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it's gonna be putting things into boxes for the forseeable future (the next week) and then living out of them for a while (the next two weeks after that)
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acommonloon · 11 months
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Night 2 at Billie’s Craft Beer Fest was much better. Still it was not at all how I’d prefer to spend my time. G loved it though so I endured.
BCBF is about drinking American craft style beer, not the traditional styles for which Europe is famous. The format being 50 breweries (several from America) bringing 8 beers each so 400 total over two sessions.
After a fanfare opening, worthy of a professional sports event at 3:00, each brewery began pouring their first two (100 beers) to the masses. Then the second round of 100 beers began pouring at 6:30 until 10:00 or the kegs blew.
Beers were dispensed into 5oz glasses but most pours were 3-4 ounces.
The most common beer type was imperial stout aged in a variety of barrels with lots of added ingredients (adjuncts) like chocolate, fruit, and spices. These beers are strong, mostly 10-15% alcohol by volume (abv) and syrupy sweet. Not my thing.
The 2nd most common beers were double, triple, and imperial IPAs. These are also high abv beers with lots of sweetness on first tasting but finishing with some degree of dryness due to bittering hops. They also featured adjuncts like spices, fruits, etc. Also not my thing.
I drank mostly wild ales (spontaneous fermentation) and soured beers of lower strength of which there were plenty. Even a couple of lagers though each had some non-traditional aspect. On our second night we had both the glass from the first round and second round so we could get two pours at a time. This made a big difference.
G and I never drank our beers inside with the crowd. We carried them outside navigating the crushing throngs into the cold night air. With two glasses this halved the harrowing trips inside. Outside there were live bands, food trucks, and all the smokers. As there was a near constant breeze the smoke was tolerable.
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Also, most of the pissoirs (pictured) were outside and they were a marvel. Given the nature of this event, participants were in constant need of…relief. I never saw a wait. It’s the only instance in which European plumbing is superior to American and we must change that!
To be honest, I’ve never witnessed such a large group of people behave so well. I never heard a cross word either night. Of course I overheard very little English spoken by the drinkers unless they were ordering their beers from the brewers. Of course nearly everyone there spoke English.
All event announcements were in English only and all the bands sang mostly English language songs including the Johnny Cash cover band.
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The DJ inside played mostly English language standards and anytime someone spoke to us, they switched instantly to English once they knew we were Americans. Quite humbling really but everyone was friendly and only wanted to talk about beer.
I understand most people in this area speak Dutch/Flemish with English as a second language but Antwerp is a city filled with people from everywhere so I heard plenty of Arabic, some German and French, and some speaking to each other in English with accents that made me think it wasn’t their first language.
During my many visits in Brussels I’ve become used to hearing lots of English, but my two days in Antwerp I heard mostly other languages.
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Oddly, most signage in Antwerp is in English!
The oddest thing was sitting in a Five Guys after the first night so G could get ballast for his belly full of strong beer. Every bit of signage was in English, down to the excerpts of reviews from American cities. The second night I was hungry so we got kebaps at a place where little was in English but the pictures were multi-lingual.
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elsa16744 · 4 months
Enterprises Explore These Advanced Analytics Use Cases 
Businesses want to use data-driven strategies, and advanced analytics solutions optimized for enterprise use cases make this possible. Analytical technology has come a long way, with new capabilities ranging from descriptive text analysis to big data. This post will describe different use cases for advanced enterprise analytics. 
What is Advanced Enterprise Analytics? 
Advanced enterprise analytics includes scalable statistical modeling tools that utilize multiple computing technologies to help multinational corporations extract insights from vast datasets. Professional data analytics services offer enterprises industry-relevant advanced analytics solutions. 
Modern descriptive and diagnostic analytics can revolutionize how companies leverage their historical performance intelligence. Likewise, predictive and prescriptive analytics allow enterprises to prepare for future challenges. 
Conventional analysis methods had a limited scope and prioritized structured data processing. However, many advanced analytics examples quickly identify valuable trends in unstructured datasets. Therefore, global business firms can use advanced analytics solutions to process qualitative consumer reviews and brand-related social media coverage. 
Use Cases of Advanced Enterprise Analytics 
1| Big Data Analytics 
Modern analytical technologies have access to the latest hardware developments in cloud computing virtualization. Besides, data lakes or warehouses have become more common, increasing the capabilities of corporations to gather data from multiple sources. 
Big data is a constantly increasing data volume containing mixed data types. It can comprise audio, video, images, and unique file formats. This dynamic makes it difficult for conventional data analytics services to extract insights for enterprise use cases, highlighting the importance of advanced analytics solutions. 
Advanced analytical techniques process big data efficiently. Besides, minimizing energy consumption and maintaining system stability during continuous data aggregation are two significant advantages of using advanced big data analytics. 
2| Financial Forecasting 
Enterprises can raise funds using several financial instruments, but revenue remains vital to profit estimation. Corporate leadership is often curious about changes in cash flow across several business quarters. After all, reliable financial forecasting enables them to allocate a departmental budget through informed decision-making. 
The variables impacting your financial forecasting models include changes in government policies, international treaties, consumer interests, investor sentiments, and the cost of running different business activities. Businesses always require industry-relevant tools to calculate these variables precisely. 
Multivariate financial modeling is one of the enterprise-level examples of advanced analytics use cases. Corporations can also automate some components of economic feasibility modeling to minimize the duration of data processing and generate financial performance documents quickly. 
3| Customer Sentiment Analysis 
The customers’ emotions influence their purchasing habits and brand perception. Therefore, customer sentiment analysis predicts feelings and attitudes to help you improve your marketing materials and sales strategy. Data analytics services also provide enterprises with the tools necessary for customer sentiment analysis. 
Advanced sentiment analytics solutions can evaluate descriptive consumer responses gathered during customer service and market research studies. So, you can understand the positive, negative, or neutral sentiments using qualitative data. 
Negative sentiments often originate from poor customer service, product deficiencies, and consumer discomfort in using the products or services. Corporations must modify their offerings to minimize negative opinions. Doing so helps them decrease customer churn. 
4| Productivity Optimization 
Factory equipment requires a reasonable maintenance schedule to ensure that machines operate efficiently. Similarly, companies must offer recreation opportunities, holidays, and special-purpose leaves to protect the employees’ psychological well-being and physical health. 
However, these activities affect a company’s productivity. Enterprise analytics solutions can help you use advanced scheduling tools and human resource intelligence to determine the optimal maintenance requirements. They also include other productivity optimization tools concerning business process innovation. 
Advanced analytics examples involve identifying, modifying, and replacing inefficient organizational practices with more impactful workflows. Consider how outdated computing hardware or employee skill deficiencies affect your enterprise’s productivity. Analytics lets you optimize these business aspects. 
5| Enterprise Risk Management 
Risk management includes identifying, quantifying, and mitigating internal or external corporate risks to increase an organization’s resilience against market fluctuations and legal changes. Moreover, improved risk assessments are the most widely implemented use cases of advanced enterprise analytics solutions. 
Internal risks revolve around human errors, software incompatibilities, production issues, accountable leadership, and skill development. Lacking team coordination in multi-disciplinary projects is one example of internal risks. 
External risks result from regulatory changes in the laws, guidelines, and frameworks that affect you and your suppliers. For example, changes in tax regulations or import-export tariffs might not affect you directly. However, your suppliers might raise prices, involving you in the end. 
Data analytics services include advanced risk evaluations to help enterprises and investors understand how new market trends or policies affect their business activities. 
Enterprise analytics has many use cases where data enhances management’s understanding of supply chain risks, consumer preferences, cost optimization, and employee productivity. Additionally, the advanced analytics solutions they offer their corporate clients assist them in financial forecasts. 
New examples that integrate advanced analytics can also process mixed data types, including unstructured datasets. Furthermore, you can automate the process of insight extraction from the qualitative consumer responses collected in market research surveys. 
While modern analytical modeling benefits enterprises in financial planning and business strategy, the reliability of the insights depends on data quality, and different data sources have unique authority levels. Therefore, you want experienced professionals who know how to ensure data integrity. 
A leader in data analytics services, SG Analytics, empowers enterprises to optimize their business practices and acquire detailed industry insights using cutting-edge technologies. Contact us today to implement scalable data management modules to increase your competitive strength. 
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Kung Fu Panda 4 Review: A Painfully Bland Cash Grab
After Pie is tapped to become the Spiritual Leader of the Valley of Peace, he needs to find and train a new Dragon Warrior, while a wicked sorceress plans to summon all of the master villains whom Po had vanquished to the spirit realm.
Dreamworks, I am not mad, I am simply just disappointed with you with your latest installment of the journey of the Dragon Warrior in Kung Fu Panda 4. After the surprising masterpiece of Puss In Boots: The Last Wish, I was expecting something exceptional, but what I got was the definition of mediocrity. Never before have I seen an animated film that is so predictable that it not only insulted my intelligence, but the intelligence of its target audience. Within the first ten minutes of the movie, you can predict the entire story. Every twist and turn could be seen miles away. From a character's obvious betrayal to their unearned and rushed redemption arc, this is an insultingly predictable script. Then when paired with a villain who has one of the stupidest villain motivations I have seen in a long time, leads to nothing but mediocrity. 
What is even more frustrating is the story of Po passing on the mantle of the Dragon Warrior and becoming a spiritual leader could have worked if properly set up. The story in its current form makes no sense as it contradicts the entire arc that Po has been going through in this franchise and that Po is not ready to become a spiritual leader. In the movie, it is clear that Po has only been the Dragon Warrior for several years, and is showing no signs of aging. Po becoming a spiritual leader while he is in his physical prime makes no sense. However, if the movie had decided to age Po the story could have worked. It would have been a compelling narrative to see Po face the fact that he is aging and that he can’t be the Dragon Warrior forever. To see Po slowly accept that he is aging and eventually open this new chapter of his life with open arms would have been just as profound as Puss accepting the inevitability of death in Puss In Boots: The Last Wish. Sadly, this movie puts no effort into crafting a compelling narrative. 
On the bright side, the animation was visually pleasing and full of creativity. The voice acting from the entire ensemble, except for Awkwafina who just plays her annoying sidekick type cast, was great. I must give a shout-out to Viola Davis, who gave a frightening performance despite her character having a moronic motivation. Overall, Kung Fu Panda 4 lacks the wisdom seen in the original trilogy as it decides to become a shallow cash grab. 
My Rating: C
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wedesignyouny · 7 months
Sell Ink Cartridges for Top Dollar in Connecticut, NYC - Toner NJ
Are you looking for a way to make some extra money while decluttering your home or office in Connecticut? Selling your unused ink cartridges for top dollar in Connecticut NYC is an excellent option. Toner NJ (https://tonernj.com) is a reputable buyer of ink cartridges from various brands, offering competitive prices and a hassle-free selling experience. In this article, we’ll explore the process of selling ink cartridges for top dollar in Connecticut NYC with Toner NJ.
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Why Sell Your Ink Cartridges?
Make Extra Money: Unused ink cartridges can be turned into cash when you sell them to a reliable buyer like Toner NJ.
Declutter Your Space: If you have accumulated a surplus of ink cartridges, selling them can help you declutter your workspace or home.
Environmentally Friendly: Selling your ink cartridges for cash promotes recycling and reduces waste, making it an eco-friendly option.
Easy and Convenient: Toner NJ makes the process of selling your ink cartridges straightforward and hassle-free.
How to Sell Your Ink Cartridges for Top Dollar in Connecticut NYC with Toner NJ
Step 1: Visit Toner NJ’s Website
Head over to https://tonernj.com to begin the process of selling your ink cartridges for cash in Connecticut.
Step 2: Request a Quote
On Toner NJ’s homepage, you’ll find the “Request a Quote” form. Fill out the required information to receive a price estimate for your ink cartridges.
Step 3: Provide Product Details
Provide details about the ink cartridges you want to sell, including the brand (such as HP, Canon, Xerox, etc.), model number, condition, and quantity.
Step 4: Receive a Price Quote
Once you submit your quote request, Toner NJ will review the information and respond with a price for each product. The pricing estimate is based on your cartridges being original, genuine, and OEM. Note that Toner NJ does not purchase generic, compatible, or remanufactured cartridges.
Step 5: Ship Your Ink Cartridges
If you accept the price quote, Toner NJ will provide free shipping for orders of $49 or more. Package your ink cartridges securely and ship them to Toner NJ’s location.
Step 6: Get Paid
Upon receiving and verifying your ink cartridges, Toner NJ will promptly send your payment. This ensures a smooth and efficient transaction, allowing you to enjoy the profits from your unused ink cartridges.
Selling ink cartridges for top dollar in Connecticut NYC is an easy and profitable endeavor with Toner NJ. By following their simple process, you can turn your surplus ink cartridges into extra income while decluttering your space and promoting eco-friendly practices. Ensure that you provide accurate information on the quote request form and that your products are original, genuine, and OEM. With Toner NJ’s competitive pricing, free shipping for qualifying orders, and prompt payment, selling your ink cartridges has never been more convenient.
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Q: What types of ink cartridges does Toner NJ purchase?
A: Toner NJ buys original, genuine, and OEM ink cartridges from various brands, including HP, Canon, Xerox, Brother, Lexmark, Oki, Ricoh, and others. They do not purchase generic, compatible, or remanufactured cartridges.
Q: How do I get a price quote for my ink cartridges?
A: To receive a price quote, visit Toner NJ’s website (https://tonernj.com) and fill out the “Request a Quote” form on their homepage. Provide the required information, such as the brand, model number, condition, and quantity of your ink cartridges.
Q: How long does it take to receive a price quote from Toner NJ?
A: Toner NJ aims to respond with a price quote for your ink cartridges as quickly as possible. The response time may vary depending on the volume of quote requests they receive.
Q: Do I have to pay for shipping when selling my ink cartridges to Toner NJ?
A: No, Toner NJ offers free shipping for orders of $49 or more. They will provide you with the necessary shipping details once you accept their price quote.
Q: How and when will I get paid for my ink cartridges?
A: Toner NJ will send your payment promptly after they receive and verify your ink cartridges. The payment method will be discussed during the transaction process to ensure a smooth and efficient experience.
Q: Can I sell used or damaged ink cartridges to Toner NJ?
A: Toner NJ primarily focuses on buying new, unused ink cartridges. However, it’s recommended to provide accurate information about the condition of your cartridges when requesting a quote. Toner NJ will assess the cartridges’ value based on the provided information.
Q: Is selling my ink cartridges to Toner NJ environmentally friendly?
A: Yes, selling your ink cartridges for cash promotes recycling and reduces waste, making it an eco-friendly option. By selling your unused ink cartridges, you help keep them out of landfills and contribute to a greener environment.
Q: I live outside of Connecticut. Can I still sell my ink cartridges to Toner NJ?
A: Yes, Toner NJ operates on a broader scale and accepts ink cartridges from sellers across the United States. Visit their website for more information and to request a quote.
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
So I decided to look up the Family Business brewery Jensen owns and noticed several things lacking. I apologize for the longer ask but I wanted to see what your thoughts on all this are, as it seems to line up with the fact Jensen's image is a bit allover the place (not really authentic and unique like he was when he was younger), and seems like this translates with how his brewery is being run. 1) I noticed that their menu doesn't really have any standout items, merely pizza joint type food. Every restaurant I've ever dined in had some kind of standout food item or a "signature dish" if you will. As of today, if I were to place an order online all they have are pizzas including a build your own, salted pretzels, a couple salads, and cinnamon sugar pretzels and chocolate chip cookies for desserts. Seriously, where are the pies, cheese burgers, and other SPN influenced food items on their menu? Oh and they need to fix the inconsistency for their hours of operation between their online ordering site and what their website says are their hours for take-outs and such... 2) I did some research for the top rated breweries in Austin and noticed something curious. The Family Business brewery (which was not on any of these kinds of lists) is open only 4 days of the week, yet most of the top rated breweries in Austin are open either 6 or 7 days of the week. I remember in one interview more recently Jensen admitted that they were struggling from the COVID shutdowns and implied they are somewhat struggling still. I did some reading and learned that some restaurants choose to stay closed on Mondays due to lower traffic and therefore potentially costing more to stay open than staying closed. So being closed on Monday with this in mind I can understand, but why also Tuesday and Wednesday? They also are open from 3 to 9 Thursdays and Fridays and 12 to 9 on Saturday and Sunday. Are they hurting for cash so much they can't afford to stay open the other 3 days of the week, or are these people allergic to the idea of working a 40 hour work week? Unless Danneel and crew are using Jensen's name to lure in customers and essentially getting rich off Jensen's back barely putting in any hours to show for it... 3) Based on the photos I've seen of their merchandise, inside of the brewery, etc. I see nothing related to SPN even though this brewery's very name is SPN-related. If I were to walk into this place tomorrow with no knowledge of who owns the place, I would have no idea Jensen Ackles owns the bar nor would I know the influence or story of how the brewery came to be (and the name too). If Jensen's name and SPN career is supposed to drive traffic to their brewery, why does the menu, decor and merchandise they sell not reflect this at all? Literally nothing stands out about this place, it looks like a "normal" brewery or bar to me honestly. The image, the decor, the merchandise, the menu, even the outside of this place, nothing about it would pull me in to walk in and eat and drink. Where's the uniqueness, the authenticity, the story?
There's no uniqueness and targetted branding because Jensen started this venture as an easy cash cow. He could have created exclusive experiences for people and made a name for himself but instead he just invested as little money, effort, planning and energy as possible and relied on his name to draw people in. Thatis a very, very poor business strategy.
As for the pizza, as someone who has quite a few friends with deep Italian roots, please let's not call that pizza. Real pizza is a whole different universe and experience and I highly recommend ordering from an authentic Italian restaurant instead.
The food in general takes a long time to reach the customer and that's an extremely bad customer experience, one of many, just check out the reviews and how poorly FBBC answers them without actually resolving the quality side of their attitude OR services. His business is struggling because instead of honoring customers he is all about himself and not focusing on delivering value but rather on what he can easily take with the least money and effort invested.
I 150% with you, he could have created a legacy brand but that would have required quality and soul, something he seems to sadly lack as he is unable to touch upon authenticity.
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vikkukumar · 9 months
Navigating the Path to Success: Understanding Business Loans for Entrepreneurs
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In the ever-evolving landscape of business, the journey from concept to successful establishment often requires a potent infusion of capital. For entrepreneurs, accessing funds through business loans can be a pivotal step towards turning their dreams into reality. Whether it's starting a new venture or expanding an existing one, the strategic use of business loans can provide the necessary financial backbone to foster growth and sustainability.
Understanding Business Loans:
Business loans are financial instruments tailored to meet the diverse needs of entrepreneurs. They come in various forms, each designed to address specific business requirements. The key types include:
1.Term Loans:
 These loans involve borrowing a lump sum amount that is repaid over a predetermined period with fixed interest rates. Term loans are ideal for significant investments like equipment purchases, expansion projects, or real estate acquisitions.
2. Lines of Credit:
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 Providing a revolving credit facility, lines of credit enable businesses to borrow funds up to a certain limit. Entrepreneurs can withdraw as much or as little as needed, paying interest only on the amount used. This flexibility makes it suitable for managing day-to-day operations, covering seasonal fluctuations, or addressing unforeseen expenses.
3.SBA Loans:
 Backed by the Small Business Administration (SBA), these loans offer favorable terms and lower interest rates. SBA loans provide financial support for various business needs, including working capital, equipment, and real estate.
4.Equipment Financing:
 Specifically geared towards acquiring machinery or equipment, this type of loan allows businesses to spread the cost of these assets over time while maintaining cash flow.
5.Invoice Financing:
 Also known as accounts receivable financing, this type of loan allows businesses to leverage their unpaid invoices for immediate capital. It's a useful option for businesses facing cash flow gaps due to delayed payments.
Choosing the Right Loan:
Selecting the most suitable loan requires a thorough understanding of your business needs, financial situation, and repayment capabilities. Factors to consider include:
 Define the purpose of the loan. Is it for expansion, operational needs, equipment purchase, or something else?
Loan Amount:
* Assess the required amount considering present and future needs without overburdening the business.
- **Interest Rates and Terms:** Compare interest rates, repayment terms, and associated fees among different lenders to find the most favorable terms.
 A good credit history enhances the chances of securing loans with better terms. For startups or businesses with limited credit history, personal credit may be considered.
 Some loans require collateral, such as business assets or personal guarantees. Understand the risks associated with offering collateral.
The Loan Application Process:
Applying for a business loan involves a systematic approach:
1. Prepare Documentation:
Lenders typically require documents such as business plans, financial statements, tax returns, and legal documents. Ensure these are up-to-date and accurately represent your business's financial health.
2. Research Lenders:
Explore various lenders, including banks, credit unions, online lenders, and alternative financing options. Each has its own set of criteria and advantages.
3. Submit Application: 
Complete the loan application accurately and include all required documents. Some lenders may offer a prequalification process that gives an estimate of eligibility without impacting credit scores.
4. Review and Negotiation:
Once offers are received, carefully review terms and negotiate where possible to secure favorable terms.
5. Loan Approval and Repayment:
 Upon approval, adhere to the agreed repayment schedule, managing finances responsibly to maintain a positive credit profile.
Benefits of Business Loans:
Utilizing business loans wisely can yield several advantages for entrepreneurs:
Facilitate Growth:
Loans provide the necessary capital for expansion, allowing businesses to seize growth opportunities.
Manage Cash Flow:
Access to funds during lean periods or to cover immediate expenses helps maintain stable operations.
Build Credit:
Timely repayment of loans contributes to building a positive credit history, improving future borrowing capabilities.
- **Invest in Innovation:**
 Loans can fund research, development, or technology upgrades, fostering innovation within the business.
Challenges and Risks:
While business loans offer significant benefits, they also come with inherent risks:
Debt Burden:
Taking on too much debt without a solid repayment plan can strain finances and hinder growth.
Interest and Fees:
 High-interest rates and additional fees can increase the overall cost of borrowing.
Risk of Default:
Inability to repay loans can lead to asset seizure, damaged credit, or even business closure.
Business loans serve as catalysts for entrepreneurial ventures, providing crucial financial support for growth and sustainability. Understanding the various loan types, meticulous planning, and responsible financial management are vital elements in leveraging loans effectively. By evaluating needs, comparing options, and adopting a disciplined repayment approach, entrepreneurs can harness the power of business loans to steer their ventures towards success in today's dynamic business environment.
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