forestgreenivy · 6 months
I live in heaven btw… if you were wondering.
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paperweight91 · 1 year
Like I’m Gonna Lose You
Part 1
Summary: your crush on your married lawyer friend gets a little out of control…
Warnings: smut, Daddy kink, infidelity
Pairing: Andy Barber x Reader, mentions of Andy Barber x Laurie Barber
A/N: This is something inspired by the lovely @georgiapeach30513 ! If it wasn’t for her AMAZING fic Desperate Affairs I’m not sure this would exist.
If you would like to read more I am hoping to post the next part soon.
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Autumn set in early this year, much earlier then you ever remembered it setting in before. Only the first week of September and you were already wearing your fall jacket to work. You always loved fall, but wish that summer could last just a little longer.
You locked up your apartment as you set out for work, earlier than usual so you could stop and get a nice warm coffee, heck maybe you’d even spring for one of the seasonal drinks since it was pay week.
As you walked into the little cafe and joined the line, which was already so long despite the early hour, you spotted him. ADA Andy Barber. The man you had secretly crushed on for months. It was embarrassing at this point. Mostly because he’s married. It was so hard though, he was always so kind and attentive. In those moments it was easy to forget why you shouldn’t be crushing on him.
“Hey!” Andy smiled at you, and your heart jumped into your throat. Why did he have to have such a nice smile? “I didn’t know you came here. It’s been a while.”
Yeah because I’m avoiding you.
“I don’t usually,” you tried to smile but it probably came out more like a grimace. “With how cool it’s been I wanted a warm treat and no better time than pay week.” Ugh, why? Why were you so awkward?
Andy made small talk as you both progressed through the line. It was wonderful, and so horrible at the same time. Once you placed your order, he quickly sidled up beside to place his own and pay for both.
“Andy! You don’t have to do that!” You look up at him pleadingly.
“My treat.” He says, and he has his courtroom voice on. “Maybe this means I’ll see you here again since you didn’t have to splurge today.” He winks at you.
He WINKED! That has to mean something. God you wish you were better at this.
“Thank you Andy. I really appreciate it.” You smile shyly. “Maybe I’ll come back tomorrow since it’s my day off and I can actually sit and enjoy a coffee for once.” You laugh at your own joke.
“I’ll be here same time, I’ll even save us a table.” Andy says as he reaches for both your cups from the barista saying a quick thanks.
“It’s a date!” You smack you forehead. What a stupid thing to say to a married man. Married, he’s married! “I uh I didn’t mean, you know date as in dating. Oh god. You know what I’m uh I have to go to work. Thanks again Andy.” Your face heats up as you speed walk to your car.
Stupid, stupid! How could you have said that out loud, to his face! He’s gonna think you’re crazy. Scratch that you are crazy. Pining after a man who’s married with a kid. Just ridiculous.
You look up hearing a tapping on your window - it’s Andy. You roll down your window, looking directly at your steering wheel, still too embarrassed to look at him, you can’t even ask him what he wants, it’s too much. He’s probably here to tell you to stay away from him.
“Hey sweetheart,” ugh the pet name is back. He always calls you this when you do something embarrassing. Usually it’s something small like tripping or dropping stuff. Nothing like proclaiming seeing him as a date.
“I’m so sorry Andy, that was so innapropriate. I should not have said that.” You speak barely above a whisper. Not even sure he heard you.
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll see you tomorrow same time, okay? Just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He reaches his hand through the open window and strokes your hair back from your face.
Huh. Andy’s always been affectionate with you, maybe he’s taking pity on your by now obvious crush on him.
“Th-thanks Andy. See you tomorrow.” You put the car and gear and drive away. God that man he did something to you.
Your day at work was mostly wasted as you spent most of your time thinking of how your date with Andy would go tomorrow. Coffee, he invited you for coffee. That doesn’t mean it’s a date. It’s true lots of friends just get coffee with each other.
Finally, your work day over you sign off and say good bye to your coworkers. Getting in your car, you decide to stop at the grocery store to pick up a few things since you planned to spend all of tomorrow reliving your date with Andy. Whatever, it’s in your own head. Enjoy the moments while you have them right?
Picking up your essentials for the week on autopilot, you barely realize when your back in the car and are halfway home before your brain comes back online. Oh well, at least it wasn’t far. Although you should probably stop day dreaming about Andy while driving. That was a sure fire way to get in an accident.
You spend most of the night tossing and turning, not sure what to think about tomorrow. You finally pull yourself out of bed at 5, knowing you won’t be getting any sleep. You shower and decide to wear one of your favourite fall outfits. A brown sweater dress that has always fit you well. Putting on some light make up, you look at the time and realize you’re running later than you thought and rush out the door.
Pulling up to the cafe you see Andy through the window. As promised sitting at a table, with two cups infront of him.
You take a breath and look at him closely before you walk in. He looked good when he’s not in a suit. He also looks good in a suit, but casual - in jeans and a sweater? This is new and fantastic.
“Andy!” You say as you walk over to the table. “I thought you might be working today?” You don’t mean it to come out as a question but it does anyways.
He laughs and smiles at you. “ I have to go by the courthouse later, but wanted to see you this morning.” His eyes sparkle at you. “I got you the same as yesterday, I hope that’s okay.”
“It’s great but you didn’t have to. I thought I was paying today.” You pout at him as you sit across from him. This kinda feels like a date, right? You can pretend at least.
“I know, I know. But how could I let you pay on our date?” His smile is mischievous. Like he knows he’s doing something he shouldn’t.
Your blush reaches your toes if possible.
“Oh God. Andy I’m so sorry, I know this isn’t a date, I can’t believe I said that, to your face!” You cover your face with your hands but not for long. Andy reaches across the table, and holds your hands in his.
“Andy?” You’re confused. Very confused. And maybe reading into the situation a little too much.
“I’m sorry sweetheart. There’s no reason to be embarrassed.” His smile is so warm on his beautiful face. And you’re not sure what to say so you take a sip of coffee.
“Did you order black?” You ask him and he nods. You quickly switch the cups and sigh at the sip of your over priced pumpkin spice whatever.
From there the conversation flows for more than an hour. You’ve never been able to speak to someone like this. Not friends or ex-boyfriends. Andy is such a great listener and so passionate when he speaks. You get lost staring at him while he tells you about a case he just wrapped up.
Watching how his eyes light up when he mentions something he was clearly proud of. How his neck flexes when he recalls something seedy the defence did. He’s just beautiful.
“Hey,” he waves a hand in front of your face. “Did I lose you for a minute?”
“N-no, of course not. You were talking about how Neil’s been trying to steal this case from you?” God you hope that’s right.
He sighs, wrong. Dammit.
“Laurie finds this stuff boring too. I’m used to it. We can talk about something else if you want.” You definitely don’t want that. He seems so sad, and put out by your obvious distraction, it’s natural when you reach across the table to cup his cheek.
“I’m sorry Andy. It’s not boring I promise. I just um…” you trail off, unsure of how to say what was actually happening.
“What sweetheart? You know you can tell me.” His face is a mix of confusion and worry. And you don’t like that so you know you have to tell him.
“Well I just was watching you while you spoke, and I know it sounds creepy. But Andy you’re so passionate and it shows throughout you. I really admire that about you.” There that wasn’t terrible. He won’t think the wrong thing, right?
The smile that spreads across his face makes your insides jump around. Beautiful.
“Thank you sweetheart. You want to get out of here?” Wait what? Isn’t that what the creepy dude you met at the bar asked you? It must have shown on your face because he quickly added, “I’d like to spend some more time with you, but I’m not gonna lie. These chairs? They’re killing my back.” He laughed.
You laughed too. “Would you want to come back to my apartment? I could make us a bite to eat?”
“That sounds great sweetheart. Text me your address, I’ll meet you there.”
You text him your address and start to gather your things. He walks you to your car with his hand on the small of your back the whole time. It’s not weird, friends do this. Right?
You race back to your apartment to do a quick tidy before Andy shows up. Just when you begin to think he isn’t showing up, there’s a knock at your door.
“Sorry! Couldn’t find parking” he must have parked pretty far away. You see the slight sheen of sweat on his brow.
“That’s alright, please come in. And excuse the mess I was planning to clean when I got back.”
His eyes take in your apartment and you squirm like he’s inspecting you.
“Is something wrong?” You ask. His silence is making you nervous, and you shuffle your feet.
“Oh sweetheart no, nothings wrong. Your place is wonderful. I was just trying to find this ‘mess’ you speak of.” He pulls you into his arms. And you giggle at his joke and the closeness. “ is this okay?” He asks wrapping one arm around your waist. The other has found it’s way to your face cupping your cheek and bringing you closer.
“Uh Andy what’s going on?” You’re nervous it’s obvious. He can’t be doing what you think he’s doing.
As leans in you can see his lips get closer before he whispers. “Please don’t tell me it’s all in my head. You want me, don’t you?”
Before you can respond he’s kissing you. Actually kissing you. And the world stops for a moment, because this? This is perfect, and wonderful and-he’s married.
You push him away. “Andy, you’re - you’re married. What about Laurie?” God it hurt to push him away. But you can’t do this right? Even if you’ve never felt like that kissing someone before.
Andy sighs and pulls away from you. And that hurts worse than stopping the kissing. He begins to pace around your living room, before he gathers his thoughts. He finally turns to you and places his hands on his hips.
“Just answer me. Do you want me?” He looks sad again, and that’s a look you don’t want to see on his face. And worse to know you put it there.
“Of course I do. But-“ he cuts you off.
“Sweetheart, things with Laurie they’re - complicated. And you, I feel so much more like myself around you. Please, if you don’t want this I will walk out that door, and never bother you again. But if you do…” he trails off. The most earnest look on his face.
Your body makes a decision before your brain can catch up and somehow you’re kissing him again. But this time it’s much more heated.
“You’re sure?” You mumble against his lips. His only answer is to wrap his hand around your thighs and lift. Blindly carrying you over to the couch. He trails kisses down your neck to the line of your sweater dress. His hands skimming up your thighs underneath your dress to your panties.
“Wanted you for so long.” He says between kisses to your collarbone. “Wanna see you sweetheart, can I?”
You nod bashfully and he gets up so you can pull your sweater dress off. There you are standing in front of Andy Barber in nothing but a nude lacy bra and panty set.
“Don’t hide from me sweetheart. You’re beautiful like this.” His hands reach out to you and you go into his embrace. And he’s kissing you again. Pushing you down to the couch he starts to grope at your breasts, before releasing the front clasp on your bra.
The groan Andy lets out when he sees your breasts spill out flips a switch in you. This man wants you so badly, he’s willing to cheat on his wife for you. You reach down to remove your panties, but Andy’s hand stops you.
“Want you to keep them on sweetheart. Gonna fuck you, then fill you up and then you’re gonna keep it in there all day till I tell you to clean up. Cause you’re my good girl right?” His pupils are blown wide as he looks down at you. And all you can do is moan and nod.
“Please Andy…” you’re writhing and mewling beneath him and he’s barely touched you. You reach down to pull at his fly and button to get his cock out.
“Such a good girl for me aren’t you sweetheart?” He starts to pinch on of your nipples, while massaging the other breast. “Want Daddy to take care of you? Get you all cockdrunk and full?”
“Please Daddy,” you don’t even know what you’re saying anymore as you slowly jack him off. “Want you so bad, always wanted you, only you.”
Andy groans and surges forward to kiss you again. His hands leave your breasts to line himself up with your core. He pulls your panties to the side with one and runs the head of his cock between your lips with the other.
“Look at you, drenched for me and I’ve barely even touched you. Tell me how bad you want it baby, and then I’ll give it to you.” You reach up to cup his cheek.
“Want you so bad Daddy. Need you. Feel like I’m gonna lose it if you’re not inside me soon.” You whine and whimper as he teases you with his cock.
Finally he starts to breach your pussy. It’s a stretch, he’s bigger than you have had before, and you reach up to his arms and squeeze.
“You’re doing so good for me baby. Just a little more. Daddy will take care of you, I promise.” He’s whispering as he leans his forehead against yours. His eyes staring straight into yours.
“You’re so big, I don’t think it’s gonna fit.” You whimper and he kisses your temple. Finally you feel his balls slap against your ass and he’s all the way in.
“Oh baby, gonna fuck you now. You ready?” His hips are already pulling back before you can answer and they snap forward roughly.
Your eyes roll back as he gets into a rhythm. No one has ever throughly ruined you like this before. He may have ruined you for other men.
Andy sets a brutal pace, his hips snapping into you fast and rough. His right hand cupping and playing with your breast and the left sneaking into your panties to rub circles on your clit.
“Daddy please ‘m close.” It’s building inside you and before you can warn him your screaming out your orgasm.
“That’s it, such a good girl for Daddy. I’m right behind you baby.” And somehow Andy’s pace picks up again. You didn’t think he could fuck you any faster or harder, but here he is railing you within an inch of your life.
“‘M close baby, almost there.” He groans his release and you feel his cum flooding into you.
He pants into your neck for a few moments as you stroke one hand through his hair. The other is shamelessly clinging to his ass.
“You did so good for me baby.” He leans over you to pepper kisses all over your face causing you to giggle.
“Andy!” He laughs and finally gives you a break. Looking down at where you’re both connected he slowly starts to pull out, causing you to shudder. He lets your panties snap back into place, and slides down to kiss over your covered mound.
“Remember baby keep it all inside until I tell you to clean up okay?” This is new. The sex you’ve had with men before was…meh at best. And now you’ve slept with a married man, who wants you to call him Daddy and keep his cum inside you all day.
“Uh Andy?” You’re not sure if you want to tell him this. But you probably should.
When he climbs back up your body and gazes into your eyes it’s to see a searching expression on his face.
“Yeah baby, what is it?” He’s so kind, so sweet.
“What does this mean?” You can’t look him in the eye. It’s too embarrassing.
Andy sighs before responding. “I want to do this with you. Get to know you, spend time with you, fucking ruin you for other men. I don’t know where it will god, but we’ll figure it out as we go. Don’t worry baby, I’ll take care of you.”
And that’s how your affair with Andy Barber started.
After that it became a regular thing. When he could sneak away from Laurie he would text or call you to come over. There was nagging guilt building, but you always managed to push it away.
He was choosing you over her!
You let it carry on for months, trying all of Andy’s newest ideas to bring you both pleasure. After the first time, he didn’t linger around for very long after. Usually leaving as soon as he had you stuffed full of his cum. And you of course just kept falling for this unavailable man.
As you tidied up the house on your day off you heard your phone start ringing from the kitchen where you must have left it.
“Hang on!” You rush through the living room to answer, knowing that the only person who ever calls you is Andy.
“Hey Sweetheart,” ugh his voice. It got you every time.
“Hey Andy, what’s up?” That was casual right?
He laughs across the line, “I miss you sweetheart can I come see you?”
“Oh course! I was just tidy-“he cuts you off.
“Great I’ll be there in 20.” With that the line clicks off. You hum as you lose interest in tidying and decide to change, since you know what’s coming.
Slipping out of your pants and t-shirt, you decide on a floral dress with spaghetti straps. Andy always likes when you wear dresses for him.
15 minutes later you hear the knock at your apartment door that can only be him.
You smile as you open the door. “Hey, were you in the neighborhood?”
He doesn’t answer, just closes the door behind him, and pulls his jacket off. He goes to sit on your couch and gestures you to follow him.
“Is something wrong?” You ask him with a worried look on your face.
Andy’s face softens as he pulls you into his lap. “No sweetheart, I’m sorry. It’s not you. Just a bad day and I needed my good girl around to help me feel better.”
You wrap your arms around his shoulders and nuzzle into his neck. Peppering kisses along the collar of his shirt. “I’m sorry, can I do anything to help you feel better?”
His smile is watery as he turns his face to look at you. “Can I take you to bed baby? I just need to feel you.”
“Of course Daddy, always want to feel you.” You wrap your arms tightly around his shoulders as he lifts you bridal style to take you to your bedroom.
He gently lowers you to your mattress, and himself above you. The kiss he plants on your lips is different from all the times he’s kissed you before. It’s slower, more passionate, like he’s trying to convey more without words.
You thread your fingers through his hair with one hand and use the other to start unbuttoning his shirt. Which he quickly shrugs out of. He moves to the zipper of your dress, normally something like this he’d barely undress you, but today something was different. Did he feel it too?
When you were both fully naked he cupped your cheek and stared into your eyes for a few moments, before slowly easing himself into you. Slowly he began to rut into you, his eyes never leaving yours. You could feel the pleasure building, slowly, but in a delicious way you had never felt before.
Using one arm to brace himself he brought the other down to your clit and started rubbing figure eights.
“Oh Andy, please I’m close. Don’t stop.” You were panting.
“I know sweetheart, I’m close too. Come on, I want us to cum together.” He adds more pressure to his fingers and changes the angle of his hips so he’s hitting your g-spot with every thrust.
“Oh! Oh, right there, right-“ you cut yourself off with a loud moan as your orgasm tears through you. It almost feels like you black out for a moment, because the next thing you know Andy is collapsing beside you and pulling you into his chest.
Through the afterglow you manage to murmur a few words to Andy. “I love you…”
He stiffens underneath you, the slow strokes of his hand running up and down your arm stop immediately.
“Andy?” He starts to sit up, not looking at you. In that moment you realize how wrong you had gotten everything. He didn’t want more than the sex. That was it, and here you were falling in love with a married man.
“I have to go.” He quickly gathers his clothes, still not looking at you as he dresses himself. While you sit alone and naked on your bed, in shock. Once he’s dressed he spares you a glance before walking out your door.
As soon as the latch clicks into place it’s like the last few moments finally hit you. You told him you love him, and he left. You turn over and sob into your pillow, uncaring for your nakedness, or how cold your bedroom is. Still smelling his cologne there makes you sob harder, to the point you feel like you’re going to throw up. It’s too much. You gave him too much of yourself, and now what do you have to show for it?
The days seems to stretch on after that. Everything seems to be passing in a haze around you. You call in to work on Monday, because why bother.
On Monday night you get a text from Andy. To say you’re shocked is an understatement. You stare at the notification for a while, unsure if you want to see what he has to say.
Deciding that you pretty much already knew what it was going to say you decide to jump in the shower, since you can’t remember the last time you did that. Stepping out you see your phone taunting you from the counter. More notifications from Andy.
Hey Sweetheart, just wanted to check in. Can I call? Pffft yeah right.
I’m sorry Sweetheart, please just let me explain
Nope, not gonna work.
At least just let me know you’re okay? Why were you starting to feel guilty? Of course you weren’t okay. Of course you didn’t want to speak with him. Of course you were falling for it.
Before your brain catches up to what you are doing you’re phone is ringing to Andy.
“Hello?” His voice is rough, like he was sleeping. Maybe he’s as upset as you?
“Sweetheart? Are you there?”
“Hey, yup, sorry. What do you want Andy?” Ugh, why are you almost crying again.
“Can I come over and we talk? Please? I want to explain and I don’t want to do it over the phone or through text.” He’s pleading. Well good, he broke your heart.
“If you want to come over to make it clear that this was just sex to you, no need. You walking out the door after I told you I love you-“ your breath gets caught in your throat but you power through. “That made things pretty clear.”
“That’s not-“ this time you cut him off.
“No Andy. Unless you’re about to say ‘I’m leaving Laurie’ this conversation is over.” You pause waiting for him to say something, anything. After the longest moment of silence you’ve ever experienced in your life passes you hang up.
It’s like you have no more tears left. You stand there alone in your sad apartment feeling the worst you have in a long time. You decide you need to move on, avoid Andy at all costs and live your life like you used to before the tornado that he was, came blustering in.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Mental Image (Big Windup)
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Heyo! Guess who has more Big Windup content to share? This girl! I love the characters so much y'all, and Abe has been sitting there waiting for me to write him as a lee- so here we are! I hope you like it! :D
I'm tagging you in this @intheticklecloset cause I know how much you love these boys :D Take that, hehe >:D
CW: Swearing
Cloud 9 (Taglist):
Summary: Mihashi's struggling to figure out this whole smiling thing, so Abe and Tajima try to help him out- sorta.
“When you get up on that pitcher mound, wear a big smile!”
Mihashi tried. He practiced in the mirror when no one was looking. He pulled on his cheeks. He tried to mold the wobbly cringe that was his mouth into what he hoped would come off as a confident smile.
Nothing. He looked terrified. Well- at least what he saw reflected what he felt.
“This isn’t working…” He groaned to himself, tucked away in the dugout’s corner after another failed attempt to smile. He thought he was doing well until Tajima told him he looked like a guilty criminal trying to lie his way out of a murder.
From terrified to guilty- and now even murderous. This smiling thing was difficult.
Footsteps approached, followed by a weight flopping beside him on the bench. “Ugh, my legs are gonna be sore for days.” Abe groaned as he tugged off his gear. “How about you? Are you holding up alright, Mihashi?”
“Eh? Erm, y-yeah, I’m fine…” The pitcher ducked further into his arms, ears red. How could he face Abe after such a disastrous attempt to follow his advice?
“Hm…” The catcher raised a brow at him, suspicious. “Mihashi, are you still hung up on what Tajima said?”
“Do you want me to go talk to him?”
“N-no! No, please…it’s okay.” Mihashi startled up in a panic, rapidly shaking his head.
“Then what’s eating at you?”
Mihashi chewed on his lip, forcing the words to come out. “I…I’m trying to do as you said. Wear a b-big smile when I go to the pitch…but it won’t come out right.” He ducked lower in his arms, ears burning. “I’m sorry, I can’t seem to d-do it..”
Abe blinked. Then he reached out and poked Mihashi in the armpit. 
“That’s it? Man, and here I thought it was something else.” He shook his head with a grin as the other boy spasmed, giggles bubbling over. “Look, I know I told you to do that, but you don’t have to follow everything I say. I’m your teammate, not your master.”
“I know that! I just…want to.” Mihashi shrunk some, rubbing his side. “It’s good advice, I think-know!” He looked up wide-eyed at Abe’s amused smile. “I-I want to smile on the mound!”
“Heh, fair enough. Well, forcing it isn’t gonna work. We’ve figured that out already.” The catcher leaned back in his seat, gracefully ignoring the burning blush Mihashi wore at the comment. “What you need is a mental image. Something you can think of that makes you smile naturally. So,” Abe raised a brow at him expectedly. “What’s something that makes you happy?”
“Oh-uh…I don’t really know? Um…pitching?”
“How about something unrelated. Family? Friends?”
“Pets? Random dog videos?”
Mihashi tried, racking his brain for ideas. Alas, nothing came to mind, too racked with performance anxiety.
“This might be a problem.” Abe sighed just as Tajima bounced over, dirty and gleeful.
“What is? Is Mihashi trying to smile again?” The cleanup batter giggled at the memory, turning to the mentioned boy with shining eyes. “I won’t laugh this time- give it another go!”
“Tajima, not now- we’re in the middle of something.” Abe waved him off, but the other was already getting comfortable, tossing off his helmet and stretching his arms high. “Go do that somewhere else- you stink!”
“Look who’s talking, Mr. Spring clean!” The smaller boy reached out, poking Abe in the gut. “Don’t act like you smell like roses and sunshine just because you stayed squatting all morning! We all stink here- right Mihashi?”
“Right! See, he agrees!” Tajima was still poking, increasing the amount of fingers when Abe started to squirm, lips trembling. “Come on- say it with me! We stink!”
“Tahhahajimahaha, nohhohoho! Gohohoho awahahahy!” The catcher batted at his hands, giggle breaking up his words. He tried his best to double over and block him out, but that only seemed to encourage Tajima to go for the ribs. “Nohohoho, not theehhere!”
“Aww, is someone a teensy weensy bit ticklish? Is he?” Tajima cooed, bringing his other hand into play as he tapped along his ribs. “Say you stink to and I’ll stop~”
Mihashi sat in awe, eyes wide and mouth agape at the sight. He had no idea Abe was ticklish- let alone THIS ticklish! He thought he was bad…
“Mihashi! Watch this!” Tajima winked before closing the gap, squatting down so he could tuck himself into Abe’s defenses. Within minutes, his hands were on his sides, going straight for the lower ribs.
“TAHAHAHJIMAHAHAHHAHA!” Abe arched backwards with a squeal, loud and high pitched. He jerked back so harshly his hat flew off his head, revealing his smiling face to the pair. Mihashi forgot how to breathe, absolutely mesmerized by the sight. “STHAHAHAHHAP THAHHAHAHAHT- NOT THEHEHEHHERE!”
“Do you still think you smell good? Huh, do you?” Tajima cooed, burying his face into Abe’s belly for extra tickles. “You know what to saaaay~”
“See? Now was that hard?” Tajima sat back, grinning like a goon as Abe slumped, arms hugging his trembling frame as he gasped for air. “And that, boys, is how we get Abe to agree to just about anything.” Standing up, he ruffled Mihashi’s hair as he passed, Coach Maria calling out to him for another drill. “Bye guys!”
“Ahahahsshole…” Abe groaned, lying flat against the bench as he reached for his discarded hat, pulling it over his flushed face. “Fohohor the record..I ohohonly said that so he’d stohohop…I dohohn’t stink, right?” When no response came, he moved his hat with a raised brow.“Oi, are you even listening?”
“Huh? O-Oh, yeah, I am.” Mihashi nodded. “We smell bad, I got that.”
“What, no I said I don’t stink!”
“Eeh, sorry-!”
“Boys, come on! Time for drills!” Saved by Coach Maria it seemed. 
Abe made a noise of complaint as he got up, pulling his gear back on. “Ah man, we never did figure out what makes you happy, did we?”
“It’s okay. I actually think I have it now.” Mihashi nodded, pulling his hat low as he turned to the field. Abe missed the slow smile spreading over his lips as he replayed the scene of Abe smiling again and again in his head, burning it into his memory.
Maybe this smiling thing wasn’t so hard after all.
Thanks for reading!
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prettybutter-flyy · 1 month
An Overreaction: A short story.
Ugh. Why won’t I die?
I wake up. Again. Why? I stumble out of bed and head to the bathroom. When I look in the mirror, I try smiling at the man I see - but I don’t even recognize him. When did he age? When did bags begin growing under his eyes? When did he start losing his hair? I don’t feel like the spry, enthusiastic man I once prided myself on being.
In my youth, days started with a spring out of bed and gratitude for the chance to participate in society, to socialize, to connect, to learn! I used to love to move and dance and flirt or, sometimes, even work! The synergetic zeal of getting into a flow or tossing ideas back and forth with people you trust… God, time has beaten that out of me. Beaten me senseless.
I don’t think time is my enemy here, though. Time itself has not robbed me of my faith in humanity - in my faith in myself. A fatherless childhood will do that, too. A promotion that should have gone to me did it. A woman that would have been happier had she picked me did it. Ending up alone in a huge house that I own, with no one to fill it with new memories, did it. So now I haunt my own home, stalking about for stimulation. For purpose.
I am utterly useless, and I seem to be the last one to figure it out. Every single day. When will I die? I roll my eyes in the mirror, dismissing those happy morning thoughts, to actually do my bathroom business.
The sun shines through the windows of my house. I don’t feel its warmth on my skin; instead, the air conditioning isolates me from the heat of a Texas summer morning. I take my first bite of the stale breakfast I made for myself today (like I do every day): cereal. The sugar gives me a rush. As I’m eating, the young woman I see every day, jogs down the street.
I wonder where she could possibly get the energy and time to run. Maybe if I didn’t have cereal every morning, I might have some energy to go on an early morning run, I think as I crunch on my Frosted Flakes. I know they’re bad for me, but I love them. I think we all have little vices we indulge in to make life a little more exciting.
I see her every day with her dumb little dog. She usually comes by a couple of times; I assume she does laps around my small block.
Today, she stops in front of my house and takes a deep breath. She is huffing and puffing as she pulls her phone from her pocket and snaps a “selfie.” While she does this, her dumb little dog begins to do its business. Disgusting. Then I chuckle because, judging by the angle the girl was standing, she may have captured her dog in a compromising position.
Then, to my indignation, the woman continues her jog, as if her dog had not just dropped a fat turd on my lawn!
The nerve of this girl! To drop the burden of cleaning up her dog’s bowel movements on me, a feeble old man - what right does she think she has to my time? To my lawn! I feel the rage pent up inside of me—I don’t even finish my cereal. I march myself to my garage, open my garage door, grab a lawn chair from the pile of fishing gear in the corner, march myself to the lawn, and set my chair—and my butt—next to the stinky excrement.
The smell is potent, and my anger is all-consuming. The hot morning air was likely to thank for that. But I stayed there. She comes down the street multiple times a day, every weekday (I know this because we often wave to each other), and it is Friday. She will be back. And she will answer for this crime. And it is a crime; in this county, it is LAW that you must pick up after your dog. I should call the police! They can air her out without much escalation. As much as I would enjoy teaching her a lesson, they can teach her a much more expensive lesson. One that will ruin her month(ly budget).
I seethe. Much like the stench of this dog dropping, I am festering in this Texas heat—really, how can anyone run in this?! My vexation jumps out of my body, tapping my toe to the ground, crossing my arms so tightly I fear I may get a heat stroke.
When she turns the corner for the second time, her dog trotting along her side, I begin to shake. Her stupid dog’s happy little face also enrages me. The woman smiles and waves at me—like she usually does—as she runs closer and closer. I feel my own heartbeat in my chest, my face puffy and red, as if I'm the one running.
I stand and wave back at her angrily to get her attention. “You’ve got some nerve!”
Now she seems to understand that I’m talking to her. She slows her jog until she’s jogging in place and takes out one of those high-tech earphones from her right ear and places it in her hand.
“Excuse me?” the woman stops jogging in place. The dog sits, calmly, happily. “Is something wrong?” She’s not even tired from the running, no panting. I don’t think I even see the glisten of sweat! What is she? Some kind of Olympian?
“‘oH Is SoMetHiNg WrOnG?’” I mock her. “Uh, yeah, you let your dog poop on my lawn, and you just left it here to stink up the whole neighborhood!”
“Oh!” She covers her mouth, eyes wide with embarrassment. She is older than I’d thought, maybe only 20 years younger than me. Up close, she has kind eyes and a muscular build. She pulls a bag out of her pocket. “I’m so sorry! Max here pooped before we got to this house, and I had to use my last bag, but I just ran to get some more so I could clean it up when I looped back around!” She bends down to pick up the poop and pet her Max. “I’m sorry!”
“Good!” I grunt, “Don’t you EVER pull an entitled, lazy stunt like that again!”
She continues to make excuses, like she’s some quirky awkward protagonist in a coming of age movie, “It’s funny, when this happens, I take a picture of the house he did it on, go grab a bag, and come back!” She shows me the photos on her phone, which she wasn’t in at all. Just the mailbox and the dog poop. She swipes a couple of times to show similar photos.
I scoff, “So this happens often?”
“I mean, as often as it happens to most dog owners.” She fiddles with the bag.
I roll my eyes at her back-sass. “Well, I should have called the cops. They’d teach you some kind of lesson about personal responsibility. What, do you think everyone just cleans up after you? That you’re the main character of the world? Is that why you think you can just do whatever you want to other people’s property?”
“I don’t think,” she stammers. “I just—” She looked like she may cry.
So I continue. Maybe I can scream a tear or two out.
“You probably don’t even own a house in this neighborhood, do you? You’re probably a renter, aren’t you? Because if you owned a house, you would understand what it was like to keep your shit nice and protect it from those who want to destroy the life you’ve made for yourself!”
“No one else has had a problem with me here. I pick it up every single time! I didn’t mean to disrespect you but what was I supposed to do? Pick it up with my hand?”
“You don’t know ANYTHING about respect! I had to work for 55 years before I could finally retire in this house. I’ve taken care of it every day of my life, because I RESPECT my things. My lawn is not public property! Stay off of it, or I will call the police next time! It’s illegal to not clean up your dog’s SHIT!” I spit at her. As I speak, the embarrassment in her eyes fades and changes to something else. A different type of embarrassment?
The woman was (probably) about to give me another round of excuses, but almost like someone flipped a switch in her brain, her face eases. “Ohhhhh,” she says as she puts her earphone back in her ear. “You just want to argue with someone.” She begins to jog away, almost nonchalantly. Almost.
“I do not!” I start shouting again. “You need to learn some goddamn respect! What, your generation can’t even have a conversation without getting oFfEnDEd? Do you know how much a fine for littering—”
She whips back around, angrily, ripping out both of her fancy earphones this time. For a second, I feared she might hit me. The calm runner I saw every day was gone. She was basically panting, like what she was about to say would take all the energy she had left.
“You came outside from your rEspECtaBle, cold air-conditioned paid-off retirement home to sit in the hot Texas sun with DOG SHIT. And then you yelled at me for a misunderstanding that—” she holds up the doggy bag. “I HAVE CORRECTED and have apologized for, and now… you’re STILL yelling at me?” She scoffs. “Because you know soooo much about respect!”
She shoves her earphones back into her ears and she and her dog skip along their merry way, but not before leaving me with a pitiful, “You’ve got nothing better to do.”
I watch her jog away, the sun cooking my skin. I could just run with her. I used to have energy like that, long ago. Now I glance back at my home, not wanting to go back in.
After putting up my lawn chair and closing my garage, I return to the kitchen table. My skin cools down, and it feels as if someone’s poured ice water on my fire. That other embarrassment was pity. I know, because I feel it for myself now. I return to my cereal. It is soggy.
0 notes
kohakuarisaka · 3 years
Untamed (chapter 2 of 5)
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Takami Keigo x (fem!)Reader
[ SUMMARY ] Every year, without fail, Hawks went into a rut: when autumn began, and then again in early spring. He would honker down up north in a secluded cabin. For the first time, he brought you with him.
[ WARNINGS ] R18+ for graphic sexual content and language. Non-canon compliant: Hawks’ quirk does not work like this. Reader is a hero that works at Hawks agency. Pre-existing relationship. Reader is a female with female genitalia. Feral behavior. Rutting. Biting. Spanking. Slight BDSM. Consensual sex. Wing kink. Oral sex. Romantic relationship.
Chapter 1 • Chapter 2 • Chapter 3 • Chapter 4 • Chapter 5
[ My BNHA Fanfic Masterlist ] ~ [ Also on my AO3 ]
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As it turned out, 'secluded cabin' was a pretty accurate statement.
Hawks had arranged for a very discreet hero taxi service to drive you the 5-hour trip from Musutafu to a quaint mountainous village that was so small and quiet, you almost doubted it was even on the map.
Past the snowy village, through the winding roads and towering trees, over a bridge, past a frozen lake, and then some miles off the main road, tucked away in a small clearing, was a beautiful cabin.
While the days were steadily growing warmer as spring rapidly approached, it still snowed at night. The snow had melted off the trees from the warmth of the midday sun; but, there was still a light blanket of white on the rooftop and across the surrounding grounds.
There were no poles lining the street, nothing that could bring electricity to the house; however, you could see what was likely a generator tucked away in the back. Someone had propped the cover off and cleaned out the snow.
At that sight, it became obvious that Hawks had beat you here. He already taken to clearing the snow out of the entry way as well, exposing a beautiful cobblestone pathway.
You exited the vehicle and retrieved your bags from the trunk. The very second you closed the hatch, the driver made a speedy exit, wheels skidding in the snow as they backed out before doing a sharp U-turn and barreling down the road.
Luckily, the entrance to the cabin opened before you could worry that you had just been abandoned in the middle of nowhere. Sure enough, Hawks stepped out, wild blonde locks brushed back, a little fluffier than usual due to the change in humidity.
Despite how cold it was, he was wearing a black tank top and loose, light grey sweat pants. He even stepped out onto the cold stone pathway with bare feet. Yet, with a light flush to his skin, he didn't look cold at all.
You had been making a face when he approached, and he offered an explanation, uttering, "I told 'em not to linger. It's suspicious."
Some large plumes departed his wingspan and grabbed at your luggage, one even pulling your shoulder bag off your back. They whipped away, bags in tow, and zipped past Hawks and through the doorway, disappearing into the cabin.
The winged hero didn't immediately usher you inside, as he usually did in these types of situations, but arched over you suddenly, arms bringing you into a tight embrace while his lips captured yours.
The sudden closeness forced your back to arch. Unconsciously, your hands fell onto his barely clothed shoulders, and you felt how warm he was. If you didn't know any better, you would have thought he was running a fever.
The kiss was brief, but uncharacteristically messy, not that you were complaining. It was a kiss of longing, like he had missed you dearly, as if it had been months and not a day and a half.
He pulled back, a distant, albeit blissful, look on his face. His eyelids sagged as if he was tired, but the gold of his iris was bright and his pupils were focused.
"I didn't get to clean yet, but - ugh - do you wanna see inside?" he asked, some slight nervousness to his tone.
"Yeah," you breathed.
Hawks stepped aside and you gently brushed past him and stepped inside. The wood floors creaked softly beneath your feet as you crossed the threshold. Immediately, you were hit with a wonderful scent, earthy, like tree bark, but sweet, like raw honey.
It was a decent sized cabin, spacious and not heavily furnished. The kitchen was on the small side, but seemingly to accommodate a larger living room.
As Hawks had warned, there was a thin layer of dust all across the wood floors. The furniture was covered by clear tarps, shielding them from the debris.
The dining area tucked away in the corner had a chabudai in place of a western style table. It was small and clearly only intended for two people. You had a feeling it was new, considering how spotless it looked compared to the rest of the cabin.
A huge, stone fireplace rested against the north wall, surrounded by large windows that gave a beautiful view of the outside. They were adorned with heavy curtains, pulled back to let the sunlight in.
Hawks was lingering, following close, staring down at you as you walked around and took in the sight of the place. When your eyes landed on him, and you caught his unblinking stare, you realized he was awaiting feedback.
It startled you a little, for Hawks wasn't the kind to fuss over these sorts of things; but, you had a decent enough understanding of what a rut was to know what was going through his head.
"Relax, birdbrain," you cooed, reaching up to tap gently at his cheek with a closed palm. That seemed to knock him out of his stupor, for he blinked and suddenly looked sheepish. He flickered his gold eyes away, as if to give you space.
"I love it," you praised, looking back into the living area. "Cozy, and smells nice."
You heard him exhale a relieved sigh through his nostrils.
"We should get to work. Where's the cleaning stuff?" you asked, peeling your jacket off.
"Oh. I'll-" he began.
"You'll let me help," you interrupted him gently.
When you turned back to face him, and saw the bewildered expression he was wearing, you wondered if maybe that wasn't the right thing to fit with his current state.
"Unless that's... bad?" you offered uncertainly, shoulders sagging.
Hawks laughed suddenly at the sunken expression on your face, as if the joyous sound came sputtering out against his will.
"No," he answered softly, leaning in suddenly for another kiss, as if he couldn't help it. You didn't get a chance to kiss back before he was retreating.
"Don't change," he sighed. "I want you as you, not as my..."
"-subservient housewife?" you offered, just a little teasing.
He chuckled softly, breathing out a harsh, "fuck, no."
Hawks maneuvered around you and headed for what you guessed was a supply closet. Inside, the cleaning gear was also neatly packaged in containers and safe from dust.
It made sense, how neatly arranged everything was. Hawks was a fairly neat person; but, it was also clear that he had this whole thing down, neatly tuned and properly sorted out. He had been coming here for years, after all.
This place was special to him. That much was clear.
The two of you started to dusting and sweeping, followed by a diligent mopping, with the two of you working in tandem.
Hawks was fairly quiet during the whole ordeal, seemingly focused sternly on the task at hand. It had been his nest for years. This was hardly anything new; but, it was now going to be yours, too.
He didn't tell you that he had been worried he would react negatively to your presence. He didn't always react rationally during this time. Seemingly average things would sometimes irritate him, and a part of the possessive onslaught included this abode.
Fortunately, that hadn't been the case. Cleaning the cabin with you was soothing. He wasn't unaware of the obvious implication: that you were preparing a nest together, your shared nest. He didn't say it aloud, but you had come to that realization, as well.
It had actually calmed him quite a bit. He had been on edge before you arrived, skin prickled with heat and sweating unreasonably considering the cold. Those weren't abnormal during his ruts; but, it felt intensified with that knowledge that you were going to be here.
Darkness swept across the forest as the hours dragged on. Luckily, you were just about finished by the time it got dark.
There was a neat stack of firewood arranged on a carrier near the fireplace, making you wonder if that was what he had worked on before your arrival. The logs looked freshly cut and heavy.
Crimson feathers delivered logs to the hearth. Hawks retrieved a set of matches from a cubby near the carrier and then kneeled before the hearth. He set one of the matches ablaze and carefully ignited the firewood arranged in the pit.
Warmth and light flooded the cabinet. Plumes gathered along the edges of the curtains and pulled them back, covering the windows. When they returned to his wingspan, he stepped back and monitored the fire briefly.
While cleaning, you had learned there was a cellar and partial second story, as well as an indoor bathroom. It seemed that the main use of the generator was to power the water heater and indoor plumbing.
The cellar was small, down a short flight of stairs, with concrete floors and walls, the perfect size for containing a month's worth of food and supplies, far more than was necessary for just a week.
The second story was a loft that oversaw the living room, giving a great view of the fireplace. There was no safety railing on the upstairs, likely for the very obvious fact that Hawks could fly. There was, at least, a staircase.
Upstairs, there was a large bed frame with a plush mattress, wrapped up tight to protect from dust, a large chest pressed up against the wall, and a desk without a chair.
After he removed the bed cover, you watched Hawks pull neatly folded blankets and pillow cases out the chest. It was fascinating to see someone, who normally slept wherever his body landed, so meticulously prepare the bedding: layers and layers of blankets, followed by dressing the pillows and laying them out.
It was especially perplexing because of the intense, concentrated look on his face. He had been so focused that he hadn't even realized that you had paused what you were doing to watch him.
Luckily, you caught yourself staring before he did, and shuffled back downstairs before he could notice.
A sudden howling had startled you, before a sharp wind rattled against the shutters. Something was thumping gently against the roof and when the wind picked up, you could almost hear the trees shuddering outside.
"It's snowing," Hawks observed, suddenly at your side.
You could see a glimpse of crimson in the corner of your eye, and realized he had a wing fanned out around you, not quite close enough to touch, but hovering. Maybe, he hadn't even realized he was doing that.
"Oh," you answered quietly.
Together, you prepared dinner, settling for a classic favorite of his: yakitori chicken and stir fry noodles.
Eating dinner together, and talking about nothing, made you realize, it had been the first time in a long time, if ever, that you hadn't discussed work: nothing about the agency, nothing about heroes or villains, nothing about police business or missions.
It was just senseless conversations that amounted to nothing.
The dining table was small and the floor was cold; but, your hands brushed constantly due to the lack of space. It made you realize that you had longed to have this type of moment with him, something so utterly domestic.
"I know it's not super late," Hawks began, on his way to the kitchen with the dirty plates. "But, I'm gonna wake you up early; so, let's get to bed, okay?"
His voice was soft, surprisingly drowsy, you realized, and he continued, "it's - well, there's something I wanna show you, and it looks best in the sunrise."
He had started the dishes before you could; so, you stepped in close, deciding to tease him a little.
"I bet you do look best in the sunrise," you uttered, leaning against the counter top near the sink, where he had busied his hands. He was looking away from you; but, you could see his lip twitch into a faint smile.
Hawks laughed, a low chuckle that rumbled through his chest. "Not me," he replied softly. Yet, he found himself feeling enamored with the knowledge that that was where your mind had wandered first.
"Do you want me to wait for you?" you offered, standing upright and shifting away from the counter.
"Nah," he replied simply. "I'll join ya' in a bit."
You changed into your pajamas, brushed your teeth and pulled your hair back, before heading upstairs. Blankets and pillows were stacked high on top of the mattress, making the bedframe disappear beneath it.
It not only looked incredibly warm, but incredibly soft, and an inspection with your hand, smoothing over the surface, confirmed that. There were several pillows pressed against the headboard and even more at the foot of the bed.
If you hadn't seen him arrange it, you would have doubted it was even Hawks' bed. From the glimpses you had seen into his life, he was a minimalist.
His office at the agency was fairly large, but looked almost comical with the lack of furniture in it. He wasn't one to buy much of anything outside of perishables.
"Take those off."
You had heard that commanding tone many times before; but, in the peace and serenity of this cabin, it startled you. Your shoulders twitched a little and you turned to face him, having not heard Hawks approach.
His gold eyes were glaring at your body, shifting up to meet your gaze when you turned to face him.
You gawked back at him, dumbfounded by his boldness, and a little intrigued, if you were being honest. He had warned you about this, and you were about to comply when his dark expression suddenly softened.
"Oh fuck," Hawks blurted, embarrassment washing over his face. The intensity of the moment dissipated and you found yourself unable to hold back a faint smile at the way his face so rapidly changed from anger to shame.
"Shit - I - sorry - ugh," he stammered, some redness tinting the tops of his ears. His dominant hand came up and ruffled his hair. "That was messed up. Ah - what I mean is, can we sleep naked?"
It was clear he wasn't embarrassed about the request, but the way that he had asked. You couldn't hold back a soft chuckle at his frazzled state.
"Of course," you uttered, and began shedding your clothes.
He was staring at your nudity as if it wasn't something he had seen many times before, as if his hands and mouth hadn't explored every inch of skin, hadn't touched and claimed parts of you your own hands couldn't reach.
It made you feel powerful, beautiful.
"Did you brush your teeth?" you asked, knocking him out of his stupor.
He didn't respond, but made a face that gave you your answer. He turned away then, and hopped over the edge of the loft, floating down into the lower floor, and scurried off to the bathroom.
Promptly, you disappeared beneath the blankets, shivering from the cold, skin prickled with goosebumps. You were about to scold yourself for complying with him so eagerly, without demanding a compromise, mainly that you expected him to warm you up.
Luckily, it didn't take him long to join you, and you suddenly felt a very warm, and very naked, body slot into the space behind you, wiggling beneath the blankets. It was almost concerning how warm he was, like he had just flung himself into the hearth before running back over here.
You rolled onto your back to greet him and Hawks wasted no time slotting over you, tangling legs, arms falling on either side of your head. Wispy bangs fell over his forehead, longer strands catching on his eyebrows.
Your eyes peered over his shoulders, where you could see his wings were fanned out above him, plumes stretched wide, looming possessively. When your gaze shifted to his face, your breath hitched.
His stare was hypnotizing, as if he couldn't believe you were here, gold eyes practically glowing in the dimly lit loft.
It made you sad to think just your presence alone had pleased him so much, whereas nothing else had yet to occur. It made you think of all the years he had to endure this alone, the loneliness far more straining than the lack of a pliant body.
"Hey," he began, voice hoarse, distant.
His dominant hand shifted from the bed to cup your cheek, thumb gently prodding at your cheek bone. Just like the rest of his body, his hand was so warm.
"I know I said I wouldn't let you leave," he explained, fingers sliding carefully across your temple. "But, if you want to, at any time, I'll call the taxi and-"
You leaned up, taking his lips in a gentle kiss to silence him. He moaned into the kiss, clearly surprised by your interruption. His hand departed your face, lowering to caress the side of your neck.
When you pulled back, he chased, not letting you depart from him quite so quickly. The kiss carried on for a short while, Hawks only leaning back when he was satisfied.
"No," you disagreed in a soft hum, hands rising to push strands of his hair out of his face. "I'm not leaving. We're going through this together. Okay?"
He let out a sigh that fluttered across your cheeks. "Okay," he agreed, as if he couldn't believe it.
Hawks shifted until he was lying beside you, one arm loose around your waist. You turned a little to lay on your side and lean into him, cheek falling comfortably into the pillow beneath your head, and felt him nuzzle into your back, bringing you as close as he could without ruining your comfort.
One of his wings folded carefully over you while the other sprawled out across the bed. The light from the fire just barely reached the loft, an amber glow that flickered with the dancing flames.
The sounds of the gentle snowfall outside was a little louder upstairs. One of the nearby windows rattled softly, trembling weakly from the breeze that shook the shutters. The rafters above creaked occasionally in melodic hums.
Behind you, Hawks' chest undulated with his breathing, moving against the skin of your back. His wings shifted ever so slightly in harmony with the expansion and shrinking of his lungs. The longer plumes on the ends twitched occasionally.
"Keigo?" you whispered.
He didn't answer. Judging by the way his arm had slackened where it rested over your waist, you figured he had fallen asleep already.
The bedding was soft, and you had no doubt that he had washed them diligently; yet, mingled with the earthy tones of the cabin, they smelt like him. The hearth crackled distantly, the sound a faint echo through the cabin.
It didn't take long to slip away.
• • •
• • •
Sometime in the middle of the night, you were woken by a strange sound. In your groggy state, it sounded like a distant animal cooing into the night.
Once you properly came to, you realized the warmth against your back had retreated. The blanket had been partially ripped away in the process, leaving the skin of your back exposed to the cold air of the cabin.
What had sounded far away you now realized was coming from right behind you, pained little noises and harsh wheezing. You rolled over to take in the sight of Hawks, blindly reaching for him in a moment of panic.
Worry struck you when your skin touched his. He had already been warm to the touch before; but now, his skin felt scorching, sticky with sweat. Your hand had landed on his chest, where you could feel his muscles rapidly rising and falling with each staggering breath.
The noise that had woken you became obvious then; he was panting, sharp and labored breaths that whooshed in and out of him, occasionally accompanied with a quiet, pained sound.
He had shoved the blankets away and was laying on his back, wings tucked in uncomfortably tight beneath him. Through the faint glow of warm light from the fireplace, you could see his chest raising and falling rapidly, head tossed back, face contorted in pain. Some strands of blonde locks were clinging to the sweat soaked skin on his face.
"Keigo - Keigo," you called to him, hands rising to his shoulders so you could shake him.
It wasn't until he jerked suddenly, eyes opening and head whipping towards you, that you realized he had been sleeping. His labored breathing intensified, but only for a second, before he started to calm down.
His gold eyes were glossy for a second, staring at you blindly, before he started to wake properly. His lips were parted, sharp breaths still escaping him in harsh wisps.
"Are you okay?" you whispered harshly. "Are you sick? You look-..."
You could see a bead of sweat rolling down his temple. Now, with him leaning up a little, you could see the flush of red tinting his skin, all down his chest and across his cheeks. His shoulder muscles were tight and his wings twitched helplessly beneath him.
"I'm f-fine," Hawks answered, voice low and hoarse. He swallowed roughly. "It's - it's a n-normal side effect."
"You're burning up," you hissed, hands touching his skin so carefully, like you would hurt him if you were too rough. "Are you sure you're okay?" you insisted.
"Just need-" he growled, cutting off as he tried to sit up.
His movement had repositioned your hands, causing them to drag from his shoulders to his chest, less you lose stability and collapse on top of him.
It was a familiar touch, a place you had touched him many times before; yet, he froze suddenly, gaze shifting down to your hands as if they were grounding him to this plane of existence.
Hawks' gold eyes fluttered shut and his pained expression softened. He flopped back on the bed, giving up his attempt to sit up as if he had suddenly lost all strength in his body.
Catching on, you uttered into the cold air, "is that what you need? Keigo, do you want me to-"
"Yes," he answered sharply, hissing through the cold, chilled air. He sounded relieved, thankful that you had offered before he had to ask.
"God, fuck - I - I need you, need to - to - be inside you-"
His babbling briefly ceased when you pushed the blankets off yourself and rolled on top of him, a gesture you had done many times before, now a nearly perfect art.
You watched, hypnotized as Hawks arched his back off the bed and flexed his wings until they were sprawled out on either side of him. The beautiful crimson plumes stretched out across the sheets, shuddering in faint waves that matched his heavy breathings.
In the shift, his cock became pinned against your inner thigh. If you didn't known any better, you would have thought he was prodding you with an iron rod pulled straight from the fires of a forge.
It was unbearably hot, hard as steel and painfully poking against your flesh. You could feel his heartbeat through his cock, throbbing against you as if pleading to be touched.
Arousal had never struck you this hard before, with enough force that it made your never regions throb and chest tighten. Blood rushed to your face so quickly, you briefly feared you would pass out.
Now, hovering, looking down at him, it was almost unbearable. It was clear that Hawks was in pain, and you felt a tinge of guilt at the realization that his state had aroused you.
But, the truth was, he looked stunning.
Maybe it was the red flush staining his skin, or the glisten of sweat, shiny with the reflection of the fire burning in the hearth. Maybe it was the way his gold eyes practically glowed through the darkness, staring up at you like a starving predator, glaring with dangerous intent.
Some sort of inhuman growl escaped him and Hawks grabbed at your meaty hips, roughly pulling you forward. It didn't take you long to figure out what he was doing; but, your attempts to aid were waisted, for he simply dragged you down to his liking, until the heat of your sex collided with his face ungracefully.
The first thing you registered was his mouth kissing sloppily at your sex. His tongue followed, lapping at your folds impatiently before breaching your heat. Hawks was always the kind to give sloppy oral; but, this was something else entirely.
He moaned shamelessly when his tongue registered your taste, hips rising off the bed as if attempting to chase a sensation that wasn't there.
Your hands fall onto the wall, and you tried to keep yourself up; but, he wasn't having it, growling and pulling you back down. It was difficult to not go dead weight when his tongue was lapping at your walls, mouth suctioned around your entrance like he was trying to suck juices from a ripe fruit.
One of your hands weaved through his hair, gently massaging his scalp in a praising gesture. It was difficult to get out sensible words. Instead, you moaned broken pieces of his name, thighs trembling on either side of his head.
You had no idea how much time had passed before he seemed satisfied and finally lifted you up enough to remove his mouth. The wet gasp that escaped him, suggesting he had been holding his breath, riddled you with shameful lust.
"You made a mess," Hawks observed deliriously.
He sounded immensely pleased with himself and even leaned in to take another taste, this time honing in on your pearl. You felt more than heard his pleased chuckle when you whined at the sudden touch.
This time, when he pulled away, he let you retreat. As you shimmied down his body, you caught him wiping your essence off his face with a careful finger before popping it in his mouth.
Hawks' skin was still flushed red, all the way up to his ears; but, now, he looked damn smug to top it all off. You couldn't see the look you were wearing, but you knew by the heat on your face that it was lewd.
The cold of the cabin had been lost to you, especially when you positioned your hips over his and felt the head of his cock nuzzle at your entrance, threatening to breach your core.
Hawks' head fell back into the sheets with a whine, eyes squeezing shut. Tantalized by the sight, you intended to tease him a little; however, he nudged his hips forward with a sudden jerk, effortlessly impaling you on his cock, and taking that opportunity away.
"Ohhh, fuck!" Hawks shouted before sucking his bottom lip beneath his teeth. He released it after letting out a low hiss.
You closed your own eyes for a moment, adjusting to the sudden intrusion of his impressive girth, and felt his hands slowly slide up your thighs into the dips of your hips, slotting over a spot he had practically engraved for himself ever since this began.
When your eyes opened, you looked down and took in the deliriously beautiful look on his face. His thumbs nudged your hip bones pleadingly and his eyes opened, peering up at you through dark lashes.
Forgoing any thoughts about teasing, you planted your hands on his chest and rolled your hips. The motion punched a whine out of him. The sound drawled out into a growl when you kept the rhythm, chasing your own pleasure.
"Yeah," he hummed encouragingly. "Come on. Use me. Fuck yourself on my cock. Just like - ahh - fuck..."
You hardly needed the encouragement; but, the dirty words spewing from his lips further ignited the heat in your belly, and you whined in response.
He could have easily pulled your hips down to intensify the moment. Instead, he lifted his hips off the bed to meet yours, effortlessly matching your movement and chasing the delicious warmth and wetness of your core, while letting his hands hold you gently.
"Baby, do you feel good?" Hawks uttered lowly, his pleading question gently breaking through the moment.
"Y-ye-s, Kei - go," you sobbed, stuttering out your response and groaning halfway through his name.
It was always good; but, something about this moment made it more intense than ever before. You could already feel the sensation rising, thighs trembling every time his cock slid back inside, hitting the perfect spot again and again.
"Yeah?" he hummed, sounding so breathless and fucked out, despite you having just barely begun. "You feel good, so fucking good," he praised between labored pants and low moans.
"You're so fucking good to me," Hawks babbled on, head falling back into the sheets, where he closed his eyes. You watched his adam's apple bob, noticed how tight his jaw was clenched.
A growl vibrated through his chest, followed by a breathless sympathy of curses, "oh fuck - oh fuck. Come on, fuck my cock - yeah - ahhh. Ya' hear that? Those sounds. God, you're so f-fucking perfect."
Your union was loud, skin slapping together and wet, fleshy sounds echoing between the two of you.
His dominant hand released your hip and slid around, thumb prodding between your folds and seeking out your pearl. You were already so sensitive, feeling him so deep, teetering on the edge. When his calloused skin touched that spot, you let out a cry.
"Come on this cock," Hawks groaned. "Sooo close - f-fuck. Come on. Come for me. Fucking come. Gonna fill you up. You want that? My seed. Yeah you fucking d-hnn-"
His babbling ceased when your orgasm took you, the sudden spasms and fluttering of your walls making all sensible thoughts drain from his mind.
His hand returned to your hip, fingers gripping your waist, and he started roughly dragging you up and down to meet his thrusts. You went limp, letting him bounce you on his cock to your liking. Your hands slipped off his chest and you fell onto him, forehead knocking gently against his cheek.
You could hear him huffing and grunting, the occasional growl seeping through, right into your ear as he fucked you through your orgasm, and continued on, chasing his end.
His cock throbbed, firmly enough that you felt it and the sensation startled you a little; but, that thought was lost when he let out an uncharacteristically loud shout, crying out in ecstasy.
Hawks had always been loud; but, this was something else entirely, and the moans and growls didn't stop, along with his undulating hips, for what felt like an eternity.
To top it all off, you could feel it, spurts of his seed, burning hot as it filled you. In the corner of your eye, you could make out his feathers, each and every one trembling beneath him.
Then, finally, he went still.
Hawks' panting filled the room, almost loud enough to drown out the crackling of the fireplace. Even after his panting died down, he let out quiet groans, his orgasm having not yet waned in full.
Eventually, he turned his head and pressed a wet kiss against your cheek. You turned your head to meet him, at first catching the corner of his mouth before he angled his head to kiss you properly.
You could practically feel the praises behind each kiss, thank you's and love pouring from his mouth to yours in a nonverbal gesture. His hands ran up and down your back, massaging your skin but also ensuring that you didn't move and he remained deep inside you.
When he finally released your lips, you busied your hands with his wild mane, gently pushing strands away from his face. He seemed to like the preening, letting his eyes flutter shut and head fall back.
You didn't have to ask if he was feeling better. His all-body, harsh red blush had mellowed out and he wasn't panting like a parched dog.
You hadn't realized you were still trembling until he uttered, "it's okay," in a soothing, worried voice.
His hands shifted to your thighs, where he carefully pushed them back and rolled you onto your side, keeping his cock nuzzled deep. His arms wound around your back, bringing you into an embrace while his wings stretched out behind him before sagging comfortably to the bed.
You realized, as he brought you in, that you were still shaking a little. The worry was evident in his eyes, like he had done something wrong.
"D-do you want me to pull out?" he offered in a weak voice.
"It's not that," you replied softly. "That was... intense."
When your eyes locked with his gold orbs, and he took in the sight of your expression, it seemed to steadily become clear to him, what you were feeling. His lips sought our your skin, senselessly kissing whatever he could reach, all over your cheeks, down your chin and along the expansion of your throat.
Hawks’ head fell onto the pillow and his wispy blonde hair tangled with yours. The unease began to fade away as he held you close, bringing the blanket back over your forms when his intense heat finally started to wane. So did the spell, and something concerning struck him.
"Please, tell me if it gets too intense," Hawks uttered, breath fluttering out against your temple. “I’ll-...”
He cut himself because he wasn’t quite what he would do, what he could do. Could he stop? In this moment of clear thoughts, he sure hoped so. But, part of him feared that wasn’t true, and the last thing he wanted was to lie to you about what he was capable of.
You had figured that he had yet to hit the apex of his rut. Yet, his warnings hadn't frightened you in the slightest, especially after what had just occurred. If anything, you were enticed by it. Maybe, in some strange way, it was affecting you to.
"I can handle you," you promised.
You felt more so than heard the uneasy breath that stuttered out his nostrils. Your words stirred something deep in his gut, overcoming the fear, burning arousal and adoration.
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changeling-rin · 2 years
Switch anon- *hands you a cool frog*
Firstly: I love cool frogs, thank you so much
Secondly, have I ever told y'all the Frog Story? I think I should tell y'all the Frog Story
So among the people who know me there's a running joke that I have too many plants, which is blatantly untrue (if anything I don't have enough) but the point is that I own Many Plants. Usually they live out on my patio for the outdoor vibes, but since I live in a place where it snows (a lot) I have to bring them all in for the winter so the temperature doesn't kill them dead.
Last fall, I brought in all my plants as normal. Bit messy, because I hadn't fully set up my winter shelving, so they were all over the floor. The morning after, at about 5:30am (I had a morning shift that day, ugh), I walk out of my bedroom, look down to make sure I'm not going to kick a plant...
And there's a frog on my floor.
Now, keep in mind: it is the unholy hour of five-thirty in the morning. I am Not A Morning Person. I am also Not Expecting A Frog. So I waste a solid ten to fifteen seconds just staring at this frog while my brain boots into gear and processes that, yes, there is in fact a frog on my floor.
Also keep in mind: the frog is having none of the above problems.
I go down to catch the frog. The frog sees me coming, and jumps. There are Many Plants on my floor, it is five-thirty in the morning, I haven't turned on my lights, and I am very groggy. And I lose the frog.
On top of all this, I had to leave for my morning shift at work in about twenty minutes or else I was going to be late. I spent fifteen of those minutes looking for this frog, and the remaining five throwing on my uniform. I did not find the frog. I went to work that day knowing that somewhere in my apartment, there was a frog. And I had no idea where it was hiding.
It took me. A week. To find this frog again. There was a frog loose in my apartment for an entire week. To this day I'm not sure how it managed to elude me for seven straight days, because I all but turned my place upside down looking for that thing.
The second capture attempt was much more successful, and I turned the frog loose on the lawn outside my building. Couple days go by, I'm outside winter-proofing the plants I have that tolerate my growing zone, and guess who I find. Take a wild guess.
The frog is apparently intending to overwinter in my painted ferns. I stare at it, and eventually come to the conclusion that, as long as the frog is Not On My Carpet, I don't need to care about it's wellbeing. To my knowledge, as it's just now turning Spring, the frog had a successful overwintering and is living it's happy frog life. I haven't found the frog to confirm this, but that's what I'd like to believe.
Also, fun fact: it was a leopard frog. I didn't spend a week fixating on finding that little dude without learning a few things here and there
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yeongwvnhi · 3 years
ᴸᵒᵛᵉ ᴬᵍᵃⁱⁿ
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Pairing - Baekhyun x fem reader -> exes to lovers | Genre - Angst, fluff | warnings - none | taglist - @twancingyunhoe @trashlord-007 @tiddy-boys | synopsis - when Baekhyun and you broke things off a year ago, it felt alright, but you came to the painful realization that nobody could ever replace him or love you like he did | word count - 2.1k | thanks to @tiddy-boys for beta-reading ♡
It's days like these, rain hitting the window in harsh taps and angry wind blowing, when the nostalgia hits the hardest. After all, you were always one to dwell on the past. It's just what you do. 
Every day felt the same after the two of you broke things off. You don't even remember why exactly you even ended it in the first place. The pain still sits deep, coming to haunt you when you least expect it. 
Rainy days like those just trigger the nostalgia, the memories and bygone feelings. 
It's 12pm when you check your phone, yet you're still laying in bed. The lack of motivation due to this sudden wave of sadness is something you're not experiencing for the first time. 
And it's killing you slowly. These feelings are eating you up from the inside out. 
Without even realizing, tears are running down your cheeks in even, salty streams. 
"Why am I even crying…" You mumble and lift your arm to cover your face, trying to make it stop. "God, I'm so pathetic" 
You try to manage to stop your tears, wrist harshly rubbing your eyes. After a minute or so, you succeed in stopping them. 
instead pick up your phone, unlocking it and opening Instagram. 
One peek won't hurt, right…? 
His name at the top of your searches seems to be mocking you as you hover your finger above it. Should you really do it? What if he found someone new and his profile is filled with couple pictures? Or what if he feels nothing and is glad to be alone? What if, what if, what if…
"Fuck it" you hiss and tap on his username, his profile popping up after a brief second of loading the page. 
He… hasn't posted anything for a few months, his last post being from October last year. 
Oh for fucks sake… is this a good sign or not? It could mean he's been seeing someone new, but it could also mean he's just been living his life like usual. 
So many possibilities, yet no resolution seems to be in sight. 
"This is so annoying, oh my gooood" You groan and smack your head into your pillow, laying sprawled out like a star with an annoyed pout on your face. 
"It's been a god damn year," You grumble, "why do I still feel like this?" 
The sound of your fist hitting the mattress of your bed is dull, not the way you wanted it to sound. "I hate this, UGHH" The frustration in your voice is for sure loud and clear, accentuated well by the 'ugh'. 
This whole situation is stressing you out. "I need a shower.." You mumble, absent-minded, as you fling the covers back and swing your legs over the edge of your bed. 
Despite the gloomy weather, you decided to take a walk outside. The rain still hasn't let up, droplets of it occasionally hitting your face. 
"Why is it so cold today? It's already spring…" You mumble quietly to yourself, eyes strictly trained on the path in front of your feet and head held low. 
You're so lost in your thoughts, you don't see the person headed your way. 
And apparently, the person doesn't seem to notice you as well. So your shoulders collide and you stumble, umbrella falling out of your hand and fast quick steps to regain your balance. 
"I'm so sorry! Are you al-" The man rushes to apologize, but his words get stuck in his throat as he takes in who he just, quite literally, stumbled into. 
Rain has hit you mercilessly, soaking you from head to toe within seconds as you stand there, paralyzed. "Baek…Baekhyun?" 
His eyes are wide and mouth slightly open in shock as he doesn't know what to say or do. 
He hasn't seen or talked to you in at least nine or ten months for sure. What is he even supposed to say? "Yeah… it's- it's surely been a while" he dumbly answers. "Ah! Your umbrella!" Baekhyun rushes to pick it up and hold it over your figure. 
But the damage is already done. 
You're shivering, dripping with water but still you've a tiny smile on your lips at the sight of him. 
You delicately take hold of the handle, fingers gently enclosing around the man's hand. 
He doesn't move to let go, just standing there and staring into your eyes. "I-" 
You cut him off by mistake with a sneeze, the cold creeping in deep. It feels like your bones might freeze, grasp around both Baekhyun's hand and the handle of your umbrella tightening, muscles contracting to desperately stay warm. "S-Sorry for interrupting you" You say, teeth clattering and eyes averting. 
"No no don't worry about it!" He insists, "but we should get you home, your hand is cold as ice, Y/N" 
"Ah… you're right" You nod and he flashes you a warm smile. 
"Do you still live in the same apartment or did you move?" Baekhyun asks, back to being concerned about your wellbeing now. 
"I- I still live in the same place" You reply, your free hand holding onto your jacket for warmth, but in vain. 
"That's too far away, my place is way closer" He objects and gently pulls you along, "come on, let's get you freshened up before you really get sick" 
You only manage an awkward nod and let him lead you along, a surprisingly pleasant silence engulfing you two. 
Baekhyun unlocks the door to his apartment and firstly puts both of your umbrellas away, taking off his wet shoes in the process and you follow along. 
"Come on, I'll show you the bathroom" He says and you tag after him. 
He opens the door, turns on the light and quickly pulls out two towels for you. "You can just use my shampoo, I don't have anything suitable here for you, sor-" 
"Thank you" you break his rambling. "You wouldn't need to do this, so thank you" 
Baekhyun smiles softly, although his eyes tell a different story. "I'll bring you some clothes in a bit, okay?" 
"Mhm" you nod and give him a curt bow before he leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. 
You waste no time in stepping out of your soaked clothes and into the shower. 
You set the water to a nice warm temperature and rinse off the cold first, feeling relieved. 
Then there's a knock. "Hey Y/N, I'm putting some clothes on top of the washing machine for you now" he announces before opening the door, doing as he said and then leaving just as quickly as he came. 
"Still the considerate guy he always was…" You mumble with a sad smile, old memories coming back to haunt your mind with sweet images of the two of you. Him always knocking before he'd enter a room you would be in to announce himself. 
You loved that about him, he was always mindful of others and you're happy to see it hasn't changed at all. 
You finished quickly and put on the clothes he gave you. Some boxers and a way too big on you, black shirt. You dried your hair as best as you could with the towel he gave you and made sure you don't look like a lion by patting down your hair a bit. 
"Baekhyun?" You timidly call out after opening the door a bit. 
"Yeah?" He replies and you hear his footsteps approach. "What is it?" 
"Uhm- Where to put my wet clothes?" You ask. 
"Oh- Hold on, I'll put them in the washing machine" He says with big eyes and opens the machine for you to put them in. "I'll dry them after they're washed so you can change back, alright?" 
You nod quickly and thank him quietly. He opens the machine and you put your clothes inside, him doing the rest. 
"So, uh-" 
"Do you want some water?" He quickly asks, ears flaring red as he avoids your eyes. 
"Sure" you squeak back and follow him into the kitchen. He gets a glass out of a cupboard and fills it with water before handing it to you. 
You nip at the liquid as Baekhyun leans against the countertop adjacent to you, eyes taking in your figure. 
He missed seeing you in his clothes, you always looked so good in them. He just missed you in general. 
The reason why the two of you broke up a year ago? 
Baekhyun remembers it all too well. 
It was a work related thing actually. The two of you worked in different shifts and barely saw each other, yet alone had time for any couple stuff. 
Free days? Spent alone or arguing about never seeing each other. 
And at one point you had said to just break up. In that moment Baekhyun felt like he was hit by lightning, body stiff and eyes wide. He couldn't believe what he heard. Baekhyun felt anxiety cursing through his veins as his brain processed your words.
You had told him that you wouldn't hate him, but that your situation at that time just didn't allow any dating. The two of you never had hard feelings about the outcome, but it was hard to suddenly go back to being alone. 
And now you're here, in his apartment, wearing his clothes and smelling just like him. He can't believe this is happening. 
"Uhm, so" You speak up after setting the glass down on the other counter behind you. Your hands come up to grab the surface besides your waist and you avoid the man's eyes. 
"Yes?" Baekhyun can't help the hopeful hint in his voice as he urges you to continue your thoughts. 
"How has life been for you?" 
A chuckle escaped his lips at your question, shoulders jumping up and down in the process before he answered. "It's been rather boring but nice, if you get what I mean? I found a different job and work from home now" 
You nod quietly, "I've also found a new job and my shifts are less hectic" 
"Have you… found someone new?" 
You halt at his inquiry, gears in your mind temporarily stopping and he seems to take the lacking answer the wrong way. A frown pulls at his normally friendly and soft expression, making him look grumpy and bothered. "I see" 
"No, no! I- I haven't found anyone!" You quickly say, "I just… I couldn't move on" 
His expression changes to a sad smile, although he's kind of glad you're still somehow his. "Me neither" 
You scoff lightly, a cheeky smirk suddenly on your face. "No wonder, nobody could put up with your annoying ass anyway" 
"Hey!" He exclaims in shock. 
"I'm joking, I'm joking!" You insist, holding your stomach and laughing. "You're bearable most of the time" 
"That doesn't make it any better!" Baekhyun whines and you laugh out loud, hand flying up to cover your mouth. 
"Still the cocky little girl you've always been" He fires back and you snort. 
"Like you're one to talk" You roll your eyes at him and he exhales through his nose. 
His hands grab you by the collar of his shirt you're wearing and unexpectedly pull you into him. You squeal, hands shooting up to brace against his broad chest and you look up to be met by his cocky smile. "You never knew when to stop, no change at all there" he playfully nags. 
"Shut up" You weakly fight back. 
Baekhyun chuckles and you feel the rumble drumming against the palms of your hands. "How come you haven't moved on?" 
You lower your head, hands fumbling with his shirt. "Well… I came to the conclusion that just nobody could replace you. Nobody could love me like you did…" You mumble against his chest and Baekhyun feels a smile creeping up on his face. 
"I felt the same" He whispers back and his arms move to pull you into him more by your waist. 
After hearing that, you look back up at him with big eyes. "Really?" 
He nods and flashes you a bright smile. "Even though we fought a lot and barely had time for each other, I never stopped loving you" 
"Shut up" You almost whimper and move your hands to pull him closer by the back of his neck, lips meeting in the middle. 
Baekhyun's eyes almost fell out of their sockets before he came to his senses. 
One of his hands found its place on the back of your head as he moved his lips against yours with fervor. He greedily breathes you in, not wanting this to end as moves his mouth against yours. 
You shiver when his tongue meets yours and that's when you draw the line… for now. 
He chases after you for a second and you chuckle, dazed eyes meeting yours. "Slow down tiger" you say and peck the corner of his mouth. 
"Okay, okay" He smiles and pulls you in for a hug, "will you let me love you again?" 
"You bet" 
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butterfliesinmyguts · 4 years
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summary: armin and you reminisce under the moonlight.
warning: 18+ smut, fluff, a little violence, and extreme lovely lovely-I couldn’t help myself it’s armin!
my fingertips massage armins golden locks, earning a moan against my lips. his grip on my hips tightened bring me closer to him. I pulled apart, getting a good look at the warm tinted boy. armin had this sheepish smile on his face, giggling he pecked my lips.
I’m in love, I never would have thought in this world I could feel so happy. Especially when joining the survey troops, I wasn’t even expecting to live long enough to even make myself known. I remember my expedition, I throw up before I even had my gear on. 
as soon as the gates opened, my ears began to ring. everyone knows what happens to the survey troops- I knew, I wanted to die to protect my people but why was it so scary even when I came to terms with this. I watched everyone's horses push and push towards the open field. it was beautiful, “ ten meter! l/n flare!” I choked, what- which one is it- my fingertips dug deep in my bag- fuck fuck no please. a loud CLAP brought back my hearing. the soft rumbling from the horse, the screams from my comrades, looking towards the smoke it was Armin, he blew the flare for me.
He watched me, as tears begin to fall from my face, I can’t do this- I can’t. “ y/n!”My eyes burned in fear, but Armin's eyes soothe them. “ you can do this! don’t get in your head about it, you got this, breath!” I turned to look towards the ten-meter, his words repeating in my head. as the titan ran towards our fleet grabbing a comrade, I had to do something- I can’t just let him die! standing up on my horse shoving off and springing towards the titans hand. “Ahh! Please! Help Me” using the ODM gear I blasted through the titan's arm grabbing him, blood sprayed everywhere as I aimed toward my horse. “ thank you..” I looked towards Armin, who had a grin planted on his face.
that grin was followed by my first real friends and finally a reason to keep pushing. hope, I couldn’t believe he had hope in me.
“ what are you giggle for?” pecking his lips again, I pulled back pushing his hair to the side. armin’s big wide eyes hung low but shined so bright in the moonlight. I watched him blush, pulling me in closer to him. “ I’m happy I met you..” avoiding his eyes, my fingers danced along his collarbone. armin fingers tips guided my chin towards him, offering me a chance to say what’s on my mind. “ I wish we could stay like this, no worries- just us against this tree- you know what I mean?”
Armin was bright, he was everything pure in this world. giving me a smile he nodded“ we can stay” lips pushed against mine, “ forever?” I breathed, connecting our lips once’s again. My palms pulling armin’s face to follow the moments of mine, earring a nod from him. “forever y/n”
our kisses were slowly, taking in each other as if nothing else mattered. this was vital for us, we always had to take our time with each other. everything was moving so fast around us, from the missions to training. we made sure to go slow.
my hands wandered around from the top of armin's head to his lower body whilst exploring his body, I was met with his toned chest. I wanted more, I need him against me. “take this off..” muttering while I pulled his shirt over his head, following with me pulling my shirt off discarding them in the grass. my neck was attacked by his soft puffy lips. “ you wanna do this right here?”
“ your the one who pulled off my shirt..” deeply chuckling, his voice vibrated through my chest. looking around, all I saw was an open field. we decided to venture out a little, but I could still see the glowing lights attached to the stable. 
lazily, while resting my head on his shoulder facing his neck, my lips pushed against his favorite spot along his neck.
“ yeah you right we shouldn’t..” a whimper fell, while looking up at his face my hands cupped his cock. feeling a twitch under my palm, I massage him deeper. armin’s grip tighten around me, and his cock throbbed in my hand - all for me.
“I wanna be inside y/n..” he pleaded- grinning I quickly pulled his cock out, rubbing the tip with my thumb as I discarded my pants.
Armins hands met me collecting juices, “ oh!” I yelped, watching his digits enter his mouth cleaning off my wetness.“ for me?” He questions innocently. “ who else dummy?” Armin blushed gripping his cock lining himself up with me.
sinking on to him, I opened my chest and head towards the sky. “ oh armin!” I moaned, I allowed myself to adjust to him- but I always love the feeling of him inside of me. It was the closing we could ever get.
armin’s mouth found my chest, as I gripped his hair and began to move. I felt his mouth leave sweet marks all around my shoulders and my breast. sliding up and down, armins head fell back and rested on the tree. I watched in pure happiness as his mouth hung open and his eyes rolled back into his head eventually closing tight. “ oh y/n”
I loved making him feel good, it boosts my confidence, even more, when I heard “ y/n you're so- ugh special to me” my lips molded against his mouth as I bounced faster, wanting more praise from him. “ please- I wanna make this last”
I pulled away, meeting armins eyes. panting trying to catch my breath I stopped. armin’s heavy hands moved all over my body until they came to my face with a long hard kiss, it was desperate. “I wanna make this moment last forever..” nodding my hips slowly grinded against him.
Armin’s hand on my back, guiding me. I felt a smirk against his lips when two fingers started rubbing my clit. knowing how that makes me feel, jerking up trying to pull away but armin’s palms slammed me back down on him. my head fell in pleasure, as my body heated up -was near my ending.
squeezing myself trying to hold and make this all last longer- armin lifted his knees droving his hips into mine, his huffs and my slickness covering his cock was all I heard. black stops filled my vison has I held on to him.
my body shook against armin’s as his digits made hearts on my clit my legs began to shake. “ keep going..” I moaned, earning kisses all along my body from him as he continued his motions. my face loosens as I tried to catch up with my buzzing nerves that tingled my body.
my pussy begun to futtered against him, “ armin please I’m not going to last..” that was just more motivation for him to continue- gasping my eyes looked up to the sky as I orgasmed
covering my mouth, armin's hips rolled against mine. “ shush!” I whimpered at the overstimulation, “ wow your so pretty like this...” crying against his palm I fell back- using the shafts of his legs to hold me up, trying to calm myself down. riding out my high while kissing his palm he removed his and giggled. “ I just watched you die and come back...”
catching my breath, my cheeks heated up in embarrassment - two can play that game. my hips started rotating against him making him shut up-leaning my body against his as I threw my hips armin's bottom lips were in his teeth as he tried to hold back. “ I want you to let go for me armin..” a grunt left his lips- “please show me how much you need me “ and that’s when he lost it. The pretty moan left his mouth, and I could swear he cussed. “ shit arminn” hugging me tight, armin shoved himself whole inside me and came. I could feel him pulsing inside me, as his hand lifted me all the way to the top of his cockand right back down bottoming out inside me. gasping I felt him release completely inside me.
I lied there on top of him for a while, taking it all in. for all I know, this could be the last time we’d them together like this. my hand soothes his back as armin's breathing got back to normal- pecking his lips I fell beside him.
lying there against the grass. my eyes focused on the stars, my heart was so warm. content was the feeling, armins lips came to the forehead, “y/n” I hummed to tired to speak
“you're my forever.”
author notes : thank you for reading! please give me tips and advice so I can improve my writing! anything is appreciated! this is my first writing so please be gentle :)
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The Missing Guardian | Prologue: Act I Scene II | Mondstadt: The Outlander Who Caught The Wind
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A.N. yay! second chapter! hope you guys enjoy and sorry for any typos! this chapter is also a day late :/ sorry again about that. im currently going through a lot family wise, but i wanted this to come out as soon as i could get it out. in compensation, you guys have another birthday character coming out and hopefully the first i love you prompt :D anyways, enjoy!
Word Count. 2,213 words
Page Count. 6.5 pages
TWarnings. cursing 
Synopsis. When you’ve finally found a home in a set of twins who travel across worlds, setting out to enjoy your time with them; learning everything you could while traveling from world to world. But this time was different, because this time, someone stood in your way from continuing forward, from going home. You watched as your family was torn from you once again, leaving you stuck in a world alone with only a guide, the memories of a life long left behind, and the hope of finding them once again.
[ Series Masterlist: The Missing Guardian Mini Masterlist ]
[ previous ] [ Act I Scene II ] [ next scene ]
        You smiled as your gaze looked out the window, the eternal abyss staring back as it was littered with the misty colors of turquoise, lavender, and many shades of rose- stars littering the rest of the scene in front of you. You leaned your head against the metal framing of the window, your hair cushioning you comfortably as thoughts sat still in your mind, your body calm as well.
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        How long has it been since you were on the ship?
        "Hey kid, don't sleep with your neck like that- you'll mess it up" Quills voice rang out, but it sounded far away, muffled. You didn't know if it was cause of your tiredness or your spaced out state, but you couldn't seem to care by that point. You felt thick gloves move around your neck, the other moving under your knees, before a huff and some grumbling.
        "I don't know what you'll do without us, but even then," He sighed, carrying your body to the closest area where you could rest properly under his gaze, on the plush rest area in the cabin, allowing him to navigate the stars while keeping you near- though he'd vehemently denied it at any and every comment about it, the Guardian had grown attached to you, finding a child in you where you found a father in him.
        "I don't think I want you leaving the nest so soon."
        "As we all know, poetry and language flow like the wind. There'll definitely be someone there who knows about your friends. At least, that's what Paimon thinks!" Your guide chimed, hovering in front of you as you both made your way down the side of the hill, the vibrant and thick greens of the grass and trees were only further complimented by the sun- this place definitely was beautiful. You didn't feel warm, or overheated, which surprised you, especially with how bright the sun was. The cool breeze was constant in this place, giving an Autumn chill to a Spring setting, at this rate you'd think you'd need your body suit to warm you up.
        "Whether the gods actually answer you is a different story. You never know unless you try. So let's hop to it!" You can practically feel her smile, her small head turning back to you, Paimon's small body bouncing up at how you were listening to her so intently. By the time you reached the statue, she started to cross again, having the privilege of floating while you... did not.
        "You can swim right over! Don't push yourself though!" 
        "Let's just hope I don't sink with all the gear I have... or get electrocuted." You joked, walking into the water till your hot waist level, deciding at that point swimming was best.
        "W-what? Don't just jump in then!" She shouted, still loud as ever in that tiny body of hers, floating above you with a worried look on her face.
        "I'm fine, I'm fine. My gear is all waterproof, so there isn't an issue there." You huffed, climbing onto the shore of the tiny island before shaking off the water and straining what you could, lightening your load as much as allowed. 
        "See? All good."
        "Well don't joke like that! Paimon doesn't know what she'll do if anything happens to you... Paimon doesn't even wanna think about it!" She exclaims, a hand to her head, her face still concerned. You sighed, a small smile coming to your face before you took a small hand into your own, rubbing the soft skin to soothe her.
        "Alright. I'm sorry about that joke, I won't make any of those types again, alright? I'm not going anywhere. Not without you, Paimon." You smiled, sincerity in your voice, making her smile and nod her head.
        "Good! Paimon’ll make sure to keep that in mind for the future."
        "I'll hold you to it." You smirked, walking up to the statue, finding interest in the large golden plate. You reached out, taking the glove off your hand to get a proper feel of the metal, before taking a step back in shock. The statues' indentations lit up and aquamarine, the one you were so used to seeing outside of terrestrial planes, before a deep thump resounded in your head- much like a heartbeat. A small swirl of wind danced around the statue before the orb held in place started to glow, small particles combing in the center before forming a small sigil with wings that flew straight towards your chest.
        You felt a rush of cool air through your veins, like an excitement you couldn't explain, whips of teal surrounding your body as you could only take another step back and look to your uncovered hand to see for any physical changes as well- to which there were none. But you felt something. In your chest, your heart, something that was stirring and it didn't seem to slow down.
        "Ooh! Did you just feel the elements of the world?" Paimon asked, allowing you to turn and face her, your face still showing a stunned expression from... whatever that was.
        "Seems all you had to do was just touch the statue and you got the power of Anemo! As much as they may want it, people in this world can never get a hold of powers as easily as you..." She explained, crossing her arms over the matter, an idea popping into your head at the same time.
        "I think I might know why-"
        "Ah-ha, it's because you're not from this world to begin with. If we keep heading West from here, we'll eventually reach Mondstadt, the City of Freedom. Mondstadt is the city of wind because they worship the God of Anemo." She cuts you off, making you only hum at the action, allowing her to continue.
        "So perhaps, because you got the power from the God of Anemo, you can find some clues there. There are also lots of bards there, so perhaps one of them has heard news of your friends." 
        "That isn't a bad idea, Paimon." You smiled, thankful she was so serious and straightforward with helping you find the twins, something that seemed to be floating around in your head as you took in everything from this new world. She was like an anchor to keep you grounded, and for that, you were extremely thankful to her- beyond words.
        "Let's move then!" Obviously happy with your praise at her deduction and planning, though simple, it was a good and steady start- and that's what you needed at this moment.
        "The elements in this world responded to your prayers and Paimon thinks that's a lovely sign." She finished, her gaze reaching behind you as some Slimes approached, eyes wide at the intrusion by the elemental mutants. You followed her gaze, finding the flaming creatures to be bouncing right in your direction, your surprise evident on your face.
        "Ah, shit." You grumbled, taking a few steps back, your arm starting to stir up with energy. It felt like when you drank too much coffee, to the point where even your limbs were vibrating, wisps of turquoise enveloping your palm on instinct. The small slime soon was sucked into the vortex you had made, swirling around before getting blasted away, back onto the land- over the lake and away from you.
        "Ugh, gross." You winced, noticing the slime that coated the land in front of you, and your dominant hand. Wiping your hand, you decided it was best to swim to the other side of the lake, following Paimon as you escaped the burning grasses. You could only laugh as she huffed about wanting "cool fighting powers" as well, reaching the end of the lake and making your way further in.
        "You know, it may not be a blessing. Usually powers like these have consequences..." You said, wringing out your hair as the wind started to pick up, but this time it wasn’t by your own hand.
        "You shouldn't say that! These powers are a blessing from the Archons and for that you should be grateful! They'd never allow anything bad to happen to the people they've blessed with their own two hands." A low rumble started to echo through the area, making you turn your body and look around for what was causing it as you continued your talk with Paimon.
        "I get that... but still, usually the Gods and whatever powerful beings there are have some type of plan along with it- at least that's how it worked in my world."
        "Then maybe you should consider our world works differently?" She quips her head.
        "A god is a god." You huffed, the rumbling becoming louder before a dragon caught your vision, making you gasp in awe. Six wings, four limbs, a large tail, and decorated in patterns of blues that made it almost blend with the sky if its wings didn't hold an ethereal glow, a white underbelly contrasted with the rest of its body.
        "Wow! What is that? There's something huge in the sky!"
        "You guys have dragons here?" You exclaimed, walking in its direction to where it flew, making sure to lower your output of noise due to the camps that were littered nearby with humanoid creatures.
        "It's heading to the heart of the forest, where we're going, so make sure to be careful." Paimon notes, keeping up with your pace as you jogged into the forest, collected some things along the way that could help in the future. By the time you had reached the forest, you slowed your pace to a comfortable walk, looking around and making sure not to run into anything aggressive- or the dragon you two had just seen.
        Maybe it continued flying anyways?
        "Huh? Look at that." Paimon pointed in front of the both of you, the grumbling appearing once again.
        You were wrong.
        Moving to hide behind one of the larger trees, you pressed your back against it before slowly turning your head to look at the scene in front of you, still making sure to keep your noise at the bare minimum. The dragon from before was standing before you, almost cautious of the person that stood before them, a short man dressed in turquoise and white, holding his hands outward to the dragon before him.
        "Don't be afraid. It's alright now, I'm back." He spoke gently, ignoring the dangerous growls coming from the beast in front of him. It made you worry at the sight and activate the mask that was embedded into your earpiece, still watching as Paimon spoke up.
        "Is he talking... to a dragon?" She questioned, right as your palms lit up with the Anemo power you had just gained, a glowing pattern forming as it burst with life, alerting the dragon and scaring it away with a scream of displeasure. 
        "Who's there?" The man questioned as he jumped back, his gaze in your direction before taking a few steps back, disappearing in a glow of light. Your hair felt like it was about to be yanked out as the dragon flapped its wings before taking off, leaving you dazed at what had just happened, and headache from the harsh tug. You stood there in shock for a bit, not saying anything as your hand buzzed and fizzled out, focusing on calming down your heart rate- deactivating your mask to breathe better as well.
        "That was close! Paimon almost got blown away!" Your guide yelped. "Luckily Paimon managed to grab a hold of your hair! Thanks." She smiled, handed over her heart, and you felt your energy drain immensely in the moment.
        "Good thing you didn't pull my hair out." You sighed, rubbing the aching spot to soothe your head as Paimon continued to speak, you following closely behind.
        "This definitely has something to do with that weirdo who was talking to the dragon..." She trailed off.
        "Is... that normal? Talking to dragons?" You asked, confusion written on your face, wanting to know if this was a common occurrence in this world.
        "Of course not. But what's that? There's some kind of shiny red thingy on the rock over there." She pointed out. You both walked over to look at the glowing item, her warnings falling on deaf ears as Paimon spoke about never seeing anything like this before, making unable to help in this specific situation. 
        "Let's keep this, just in case." You mumbled, your bare hands picking up the gem(?) with ease before packing it into your belt, tucked away safely and unable to escape.
        "Good idea, now let's get out of here." 
        "Agreed." You nodded, deciding to stroll through the forest for a bit, both to rest and catch up on your thoughts, maybe ask Paimon more about this world and how it worked- so you don't seem like a bumbling idiot to the locals. But before you could do any of that, a yell came from behind you, rushed footsteps following at the same time.
        "You there! Stop right there!" A girl yelled, jumping across your field of vision off the small pass, dressed in red and white with long brown hair, rolling as she hit the ground before coming back up to a stand. 
        "Are you fucking kidding me?"
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chemicalpink · 4 years
Trust Fund Baby ♡ Kim Seokjin
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Pairing: Kim Seokjin x reader
Genre: Fluff + Softcore Smut with a side of Comedy
Word Count: 6.1k
Warnings: includes softcore porn, mc cries during sex bc too much feelings, fake engagement, Jin’s mum dislikes YN
Summary: Kim Seokjin is the biggest Trust Fund Baby, it is no secret but he’s almost thirty and on the line to inherit his dad’s CEO position, which makes his family set a deadline for his engagement or he loses it all.
The one where Seokjin is no good with buried feelings but Y/N isn’t any better (they kinda hate each other and they have to share a bed okay, thats the cliche here)
A/N: banner made by me, whoa I finally got this bad boy finished that took quite some time, well, I hope you enjoy, these past few days haven’t been nice to me but I’m slowly working on it. Much blessing to all of you reading this first attempt at a slightly longer shot.
Seokjin has always been one to enjoy the finest things in life, traveling around the world at any given time? check. shopping without checking the price tag? check. attending a top tier university? also check. 
The thing is, one can only live so long without having to actually work for every single swipe of a black card. He is about to turn 28, youngest child of the most successful tech innovator in Korea and a former second-place Miss Universe, and he has yet to bring a girl home that provides him with some kind of secured future to the family name.
“We are not getting any younger” his mother had said the first few times the topic was brought up during their usual family Sunday brunch, but the words fell on deaf ears.
When his dad started getting involved in the matter, Seokjin knew he was over and done with.
But as much as his dad was headstrong, Jin was one himself too, he entered each blind date knowing that he would make whoever was sitting across from him, absolutely despise him after less than an hour went by, which was quite a hard task in itself, seen as he was pretty good looking and with a heavy amount of money under his name. 
See, he would have probably agreed to marry to some of the girls that his dad sent his way, but every time he sat down for dinner with each of them, they were not even trying to fake being interested in him, just his lifestyle, whether it is if his dad was about to name him CEO any time soon or how much money they could blow off in the wedding.
He could do it for the rest of his living days, scaring off his father’s candidates, that is. It was somewhat fun, earning a weirded out look when he mentioned he liked bathing in goats milk religiously, or how he allegedly liked being put to sleep like a baby, he even once went as far as admitting a fake toe kink in the most perverted way possible when one of them just wouldn’t budge.
Then again, his fun could only last so long, as his father called him up to the office to give him a 30-day ultimatum or his trust fund would be taken away for good. Now that had the gears in his head working, how on earth would any sane enough person agree to marry in a month-long time.
“I’m not saying you’re not a keeper, hyung but I honestly don’t think I can take up such a responsibility,” Namjoon laughed as they sat in one of the campus’ lounge chairs while they waited for their class to start, the elder groaned in response.
“Could you imagine having to marry THE Kim Seokjn in less than a month, but also having to meet the standards of tech genius Mr Kim and universal beauty Mrs Kim” Jungkook laughed at his friend as he patted his shoulder in pity “I don’t think anyone is willing to put themselves through it hyung”
“Could you just- I don’t know, help me out a bit? I already know I’m fucked” 
“Okay, let’s say… who could pass the scrutinising judgemental eye of the Kims?” the blond one offered, just a bit of teasing in his tone “They would have to be a girl, your father seems adamant on that one” he paused as if in thought “ A nice family name would help too”
“She would have to be good looking too, my mum says Seokjin-hyung’s mum can never be seen without looking like she is about to own a runway” 
“Well that’s about it, I will be broke for the rest of my life, I won’t be able to pay my student loans, it was nice knowing you guys, I’ll just have to work at some greasy old diner to pay for a one-bedroom apartment somewhere out of the city and we’ll never hang out again because I’ll be a disgrace of society, this handsome face will just wrinkle and spot without the high maintenance and- ugh” he buried his face in between his hands, resting on the table in an overexaggerated manner after his rant, making the youngers try to stifle a laugh
“Whoa, what is the drama queen crying about now?” Taehyung, another friend of theirs approached the table after hearing the not so subtle commotion “Hyung, if your night cream went out of stock again, you know I can get my mum to ship some to you, we’ve talked about this”
If Seokjin’s dramatic outburst from before had made them laugh, Taehyungs’ confession made them burst in a fit of laughter that had both of them holding onto their sides “You’ve- you’ve had to restock Seokjin-hyung on- on night cream before?” 
“And now he’s going to kill me, stop laughing!” he took a seat next to them “What is this about anyway?”
“His dad said he has to marry or they will completely obliterate his spending rights” 
“Oh but, how hard can it be? You’re Kim Seokjin, just ask a girl to fake marry you” 
“He’s just worried that after having a taste of Worldwide Handsome, they won’t let go ” Seokjin let out an overdramatic groan at that, continuing to fake cry, sound muffled by his arms
“Then just ask someone that doesn’t give two shits about your money or reputation to fake marry you”
“I don’t think such a person exists, hyung”
“Yah, Y/N is a good option, her family is filthy rich too” 
“But isn’t Y/N… you know, a bastard child?” Taehyung was known amongst their scene as a social butterfly, not caring about the protocol they were subdued into when they were children, so it made sense that while for them it was almost a rule to never consider an illegitimate child a friend of theirs, Taehyung would just jump over that fact.
“Which is exactly my point, if you show up to your parents’ house, saying you’re ‘oh so in love with this black sheep’ I could bet my life, they’ll let you off the hook”
 So maybe Taehyung was right, you were his best shot so far. Contrary to what most people new to the scene of Korea’s high society believe about your social status as an illegitimate child of the car emporium’s CEO and national treasure, he knows you are more of an insider, having grown up with him but… pretty much on the side. It wasn’t like you were alien to his lifestyle, but as you both grew up and he was involved more in the family business, you had grown apart, going as far as rebelling against your father once you were grown up enough to understand what being a bastard child meant for you. 
He never stopped seeing you around though, once you started going MIA on business dinners and family trips, he thought enough to see you during classes.
However, you stopped being recognisable after he attended a semester abroad, coming back home to see pigtails and pink puffy dresses long gone, in their place, ripped jeans, which were completely unacceptable for a lady, according to his mum, and driving one of your dad’s self-proclaimed archnemesis designs. 
It was a spring semester in high school, he could recall the time as if it were a precious memory, while the rest tried to pretend it had never happened in the first place; at age 27 he doesn’t have to try so hard to recall the way you burst into one of your father’s celebratory cocktails, drunk off your ass, barely managing to get a hold of some mic and screaming into it how he, and everyone else attending the party, had a stick up their asses that didn’t let them see anything but price tags before you were dragged off stage by security. He had giggled at it but his mother had scolded him, asking him to pretend as if you had never existed in the first place.
So of course, the secure way out of an arranged marriage was simple: you. 
Now, this promised to be no easy task, he knew you hated his family almost as much as you hated your own father, but he also happened to know his way into negotiating an infallible plan that would get you to rebel against the system you were so adamant on taking down. 
“Wait wait wait, so you’re telling me, asking me, to marry you” so perhaps approaching you on your way to class wasn’t the smartest way to do it, seen as you halted your hasty walk to turn to look at him, books in hand and looking like you hadn’t slept in days.
“Yeah, fake marrying me though” 
“I would still sign a contract, Jin you do know we would be legally married, right?” he just raised his shoulders as if to dismiss your statement.
“Say, hypothetically I do it, I don’t think your parents would approve of me” you resumed your walk and he found it appropriate to play dumb with a smile on his face.
“Why wouldn’t they?” 
You stopped walking again and blinked a few times his way as if debating inside your head if he really was that dense“Jin… I’m a bastard child, you know how it goes around here”
“Hmmm I’m willing to look past that, yeah” you stared at him for a few seconds before smiling in a knowing way, resisting the urge to roll your eyes at him,  not being able to see past his words to his true intentions on the matter since you two hadn’t really hung out for years “So what do you say?”
“No thank you” you weren’t about to turn around once you started to walk away once again, but out of the corner of your eyes you could see him hanging his mouth open in that drama fashion he was known for.
Days passed and each one seemed to go by faster than the last, by the time two weeks were left, he could practically hear the ticking clock inside his head, reminding him that maybe he should have gone for an easier target, perhaps some girl from the country club that seemed to always try so hard to steal a glance from him. But then again, he wouldn’t get rid of her for all he’s worth.
Seokjin tries, again and again, everytime ending up with a no from you, he starts actually trying as his days run low, peer pressure, you’d call it as he set up a huge booth full of roses just outside your dorm building, a mic held in his hand as everyone around him took videos of THE Kim Seokjin making a fool of himself for a girl, your cheeks blazing red as you walked up to him, finally fed up with him as you angrily whispered to him “You’re asking me because you don’t think I am on your level, you honestly think less of me, why? because I didn’t grow up in a golden cradle like you and your friends? because I actually have to work for what I have? You’re an asshole Kim Seokjin, but I will prove you, I can absolutely charm both of your parents, I’ll do it” Seokjin’s grin taking over his features.
The first time you officially posed as Seokjin’s girlfriend, you wouldn’t have thought it would be one of the most nerve wrecking experiences in your life, having grown in a wealthy family, after your mother decided to leave you with your biological dad and his rightful heirs, you were no stranger to their roundabouts, their lifestyle and everything in between.
“Well you cleaned up nicely, Y/N” Seokjin said in a mocking tone, body resting against his black car just outside your dorm building as he watched you close the glass door, ready to drive both of you to his family’s vacation house all the way in Jeju Island
“Why aren’t you a gentleman and help me with my stuff?” you groaned as, once again, your suitcase betrays you and tries to slip away from your grasp.
“Nah, not really my thing” he adjusted his sunglasses perched on his nose as he mockingly added “...darling”
“Kim Seokjin, I am the one doing you a favour by going with you!” you shouted back at him, in a futile attempt to get him to help you as he was already buckling himself up  inside the driver’s seat.
In all wealthy family fashion, as soon as Seokjin phoned back home to let his parents know that he was ‘finally ready to bring his girlfriend over’ his mum had gone all out and invited most of the inner Kim family for a weekend get together in one of their houses in Jeju, with just a text the night before having to leave campus as a heads up for you to get ready, currently on your way to catch a plane. 
“Wait so let me just get this straight” you said, surprised at Seokjin’s story of how the conversation with his mum went down, turning in your seat to face him more clearly “just after month of your parents trying to set you up, you just went ahead and straight up lied to your mother by saying that you’re bringing your long time girlfriend that you just somehow never mentioned before?”
“Yeah, Y/N, didn’t you hear me out the first time?”
You let out something between a laugh and a scoff as you melted into your seat “We’re so screwed”
Two hours and a lot of bickering later, you are still pushing your own suitcase forward as you and Seokjin made your way to a rented car just outside the airport.
“Listen so- these family things are kinda..”
“Stuck up?”
“I was gonna say etiquette-driven, but yeah, stuck up probably fits best” he said as you buckled your seatbelt on, him beginning to drive away and towards his family address, somewhere from the side of your eye you could see his hand trembling lightly on the steering wheel. Could it be that Kim Seokjin was nervous? The Kim Seokjin? 
“Relax Jin, I know exactly how to handle it. We grew up together, remember?” you said smiling at him as he turned your way for a second; to calm him down, but honestly it was more a thing to try and calm yourself down, having ran away from such a lifestyle, stirring things up in your family, only to end up somehow at the center of it all was sure a wild ride to be on.
“Yeah, I sometimes kinda forget you used to be so much better at this stuff than your sisters” his eyes lingered on you a second too long as you stopped at a red light, a small smile taking over his lips and the car behind you being quick to make it known that Seokjin was taking up too long to start the car going again when the light changed.
The ride was pretty much silent and kinda awkward but soon over with as the car pulled up to a familiar villa, white houses with fancy front gardens and over the top luxury cars lining up together as Jin parked on the third house on the right, just beside the one that used to be your father’s, and probably still was.
A woman was waiting by the entrance door, which you soon recognised to be Seokjin’s mum, looking just a tad older than how you remembered her from all those years ago, a bright smile on her face as she rushed to the driver’s side to greet her son.
“Ah Seokjinnie! You never visit anymore, look at you! Are you eating well? You look so thin!” she said as she placed two sonorous kisses on her son, one  on each cheek.
“Yah, eomma, we talk on the phone a lot though” 
“Wait so who’s the lucky lady you’ve brought home?” you stood kind of awkwardly on the front of the car to greet her with a small bow and a faltering smile, your heart speeding up at the memories of what your life used to be, fingers gripping your bag tighter in an attempt to not run away as soon as her eyes landed on you and her smile fell “Y/N? Seokjinnie, is Y/N really the girl you brought home?”
“Surprise?” Jin said from behind her as she not so subtly let out a huff and entered the house as you tried not to notice how your heart sinked at the sight, surely, you had always known deep down that you were quite the talk of the town amongst the families, with you being a bastard child and all, which was exactly why Seokjin had asked you to pretend to be his girlfriend, so his parents would drop the topic, very much preferring to see his son single rather than married to an out of marriage offspring, which not only made you realise that what you had promised yourself to make Seokjin down his words would never be true, you could never in a million years make his parents love you, and you didn’t calculate just how much it would hurt yourself as you tried.
“You can take the room upstairs, I’ll call you when your sister’s back so we can have dinner together” his mother said as she made her way inside without another word
“So I don’t think your mother likes me” you blurted out as soon as you closed the door to the room “Which I guess, goes exactly as you planned, after this I don’t think they’ll be pestering you to marry”
“Y/N that’s the least of our problems”
“What are you talking about?”
His eyes opened up to emphasize along with his hands dramatically pointing towards the bed “There’s only one bed and I have a bad back so I’m not about to sleep on the floor”
“Well that’s the least you could do Kim, I’m not about to share a bed with you”
“Take the couch?” he said as he pointed to a small couch that faced the window 
“Kim Seokjin I’m doing this much for your sorry ass, so unless you want me to go down and tell your mother that all of this is a set up, you take the damn couch”
“Well I never knew you looked that hot while yelling at me, Y/N”
“You’re insufferable” 
“Y/N come on, I don’t fit in that couch” he whined at you as you walked towards the bathroom to freshen up
“Do as you please Seokjin, but you’re not sleeping with me” 
As if dealing with Seokjin’s mum wasn’t enough, his sister was about to burst your head either from all the questioning or out of spite from the looks she was giving you as you sat across from her on the dinner table
“So Y/N, your sisters never mentioned you dating our Seokjin”
“Oh yeah- it was more of a very private matter, we dated for awhile just to see how it went, right Jinnie?” you said the nickname in a honey dripping voice that fitted the fake scenario you had going on
“Ahh yeah, yeah, Y/N and I, we uh- we like keeping to ourselves”
“And I haven’t seen you at your dad’s company dinners after- well, the incident”
“Seung” their oldest brother said sternly, catching up with her intentions “We’re just glad to see you again, Y/N”
After dinner, Jin and you walked upstairs saying your goodbyes to the rest of his family to enter the bedroom, separately doing your night routines, you lied on one side of the bed as Seokjin prepped a few blankets and pillows in order to lie on the floor “I was just joking, you know? You could sleep on the other side of the bed” you said, feeling somewhat guilty at how he had taken your past statement as a rule
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable” he was quick to say, already tossing at being uncomfortable lying on the floor.
“Oh so now you’re being considerate?” you scoffed- sure, Seokjin was kind of a dick, most of the time, but he wasn't half as bad as most people his age and social status, but honestly speaking, if he was so preoccupied on making you uncomfortable, he wouldn’t have even proposed to make you go through this whole ordeal “After what I just had to go through with your sister?”
“Well you kind of accepted to come” he retorted in a soft voice, one you hadn’t listened to him use before, as if over the course of the short dinner time, something had changed in your relationship “A friend doing me a favour, you know?”
“Seokjin…” you trailed off, however as far as you two went back, after news broke that you were somewhat cut off from your father’s heirship, and everyone started treating you cold as ever, you would have thought Jin had gotten the clue “We stopped being friends a long time ago”
“What are you talking about” the night was filled with silence apart from your two whispering voices in the dark as both of you laid there
“Yeah after… that time, we hadn’t talked to each other until now” Describing your relationship with Seokjin was one of the most difficult things to do, while you were still part of the official lineage of your father’s, the Kims had actually even rooted for you to marry Seokjin, whomst you were head over heels at the time, both of you were, but Jin being the good son and heir to a tech emporium, had always disliked the way you stood up against your father and the whole elite thing your families had going on; needles to say, you both completely cut off any strings attached after you proclaimed your despise to the whole wealthy ordeal and you were vanished from your dad’s will. 
“I fail to see your point” and for a second you would have loved to believe his soothing voice in the dark, to still be in friendly terms at least, with him, after all this time.
“Nevermind just- goodnight” you said as you turned on your side to cuddle the pillow in between your arms, his soft voice reaching your ears once more and for the last time in the night.
“Goodnight Y/N”
“I’m just going straight to the point here, Y/N what exactly do you plan on achieving by marrying my son?” Jin’s mother said as soon as you came down the stairs, Seokjin having left the room a while back
“Nothing ma’am, we’re just really in love” something inside you twisting at the lie that could have been truth if things were just a tiny bit different than how they were evolving at the time, the words leaving your lips sounding as the mere truth to your ears nonetheless
“I don’t buy that lovebirds facade, Y/N drop the act now” she turned to look directly at you, trying to sound menacing, which, would have worked, had it not been for you handling her for quite some time now, so you just tried your sweetest smile at her “Whatever you and Seokjin had when you were teens, your father and Seokjin’s father called it off”
“I know” you tried to conceal just how much the reminder hurted, the memories flooding into your mind, of you and Jin being engaged even before meeting each other, the good times you both spent together as friends, a few months as something more, then the lonely nights when it was all over and it had seemed like a dream that just wouldn’t ever come true.
“Just so you know, I’m keeping a close eye on you two” were her last words before leaving the kitchen, off to some other place in the house.
“Yes ma’am”
“Hey, Y/N, we’re heading to the beach you coming?” Seokjin asked as he laid his elbow on the counter, you pull him towards you, taking his hand in your smaller one as you watched his mother closing in on you two from the distance before she set her eyes elsewhere
He leaned in to you, whispering “What was that for?”
“Your mother knows something’s up” you shortly answered
“Y/N, I didn’t know you were coming” Seokjin’s father looked just as he did the last time you saw him years ago, his face contorting into an incredule one as he saw you descend from one of the cars that took you to the beach “Are you and your father on a better place now?”
“Oh no sir, I’m accompanying Seokjin” if he hadn’t believed your presence at first, he surely wasn’t believing the words leaving your mouth; Seokjin’s father had always had a soft spot for you, my hardest working tobe daughter-in-law, he had once said, and even after you and Seokjin’s engagement was called off, mainly by your father even when Jin’s mum said otherwise, his dad had offered you a place in his company’s headboard after you graduated, which you politely denied, knowing that someday, Seokjin would be CEO and you would have to work under his name directly.
“Seokjin? my son?” you nodded “What has Seokjin ever done to deserve you as his fiancee?”
“The same thing I keep repeating myself” you mutter more to yourself than for him to hear
“What was that?”
“Oh, nothing!”
The weekend with Jin’s family was as monotonous as you remembered them to be, with family dinner after a day at the beach, plus the constant scrutinising eye of his mother on you two, which made you both hold hands more than the normal amount a real couple should, only to have to spend the night at a lonely bed.
 “Jin, I’m cold” 
“Well you sure aren’t planning on also taking my blanket from me, you’ve taken my bed already” he joked from his made up bed on the floor, which in hindsight, was probably even colder for him than for you
“No can’t do”
“Come cuddle me then” the words had left your mouth before your brain could even complete to process them, the situation all too familiar from years before, like muscle memory, your brain had just dwelled into a common relationship between the two, too easy to slip away from.
“Ohhh you’re already falling for worldwide handsome” he joked, only you knowing the truth his words hid behind them and you felt your face heat up, somehow deciding against backing up.
“Shut up just-” torn between spilling your “new found” feeling for him that were remains from a past love or keeping it the bare minimum “I’m cold”
“Fine, I’ll be there” he paused, and you knew him all too well to know that he was wearing a stuid grin on his face, wondering if by any chance the innocent banter had a deeper meaning for him too as he added “Almost fiancee”
You could hear a shuffling  of blankets and him throwing his pillows on the bed before he literally jumped on it, whole body hovering over yours, his eyes glistening as they bore into yours as he kept his body weight on his extended hands, a familiar twist in your heart at the distance, his lips on yours in the blink of an eye for less than a second before he rolled off to the empty side of the bed
“What was that for?!” you panicked, not loud enough for anyone to hear but him
“I don’t know it felt right”
As you turned to confront him, the air suddenly didn’t feel as cold as before, a warmth enveloping you both that felt like home, like this place and time was exactly where you were supposed to be all along, your hands coming up to caress the side of his face as his larger ones tugged you closer to him effortlessly without breaking eye contact; both of your faces coming closer to each other, noses brushing against each other before your lips found his, an all too familiar setting for the both of you, everything feeling as if both of your lives had been a movie that had been unwillingly paused and someone had pressed play just as you were close like this, feeling as if all those years apart were nothing when together, his hot tongue lapping your lower lip as you granted him entrance, tongues dancing with one another as time seemed to slow down, a gasp escaping your lips as his cold hand found its way into your pajama pants “sorry, is this okay?” he whispered against your lips, to which you agreed, your own hands scurrying under his top to caress his torso, his lips finding your sweet spot under your ear all too easily, as if he had never forgotten about it, his pants straining by each passing second as you felt him grow harder against your thigh, hand going under the covers to palm him over the fabric, which made him exhale a moan in your ear, feeling yourself grow wetter at the display, all too familiar, yet not enough, you lunged yourself over him to straddle his hips, clothed core rubbing against his covered length in a futile attempt to ease the tension “ah- you’re sure about this, Y/N?” he found himself checking in with you before you both lost yourselves to pleasure “a hundred percent, Jin”.
Seokjin was quick to rid you both of your clothing, both of you grimacing at the cold and giggling about it for a second before you resumed your ways with one another, Jin’s tongue working its way down your body until he reached your folds, eating you out like a man starved, his hand finding yours to grip tight as he went down to business, lapping up your juices and working you to your first quieted orgasm of the night with a questionable experience, were you two to have never broken up in the first place; you quick to turn you both over so you were on top and ready to ride his apparently aching length as soon as he disctrated himself by kissing you post-bliss tasting yourself on his tongue, a smirk forming in his features as he reached on the bed side table to roll a condom on himself, your hands teasing him already as you muttered a “Your parents are in the next room” that was soon answered with a cocky “We shouldn’t let them hear then” before you lined him up with your entrance and slided down on him, hands gripping each other’s as you started working a pleasurable deep pace, moans tangling with the other’s, eyes fluttering shut and a lonely tear rolling down you cheek at all the emotions that you had pent up and were slowly releasing by each thrust as you buried your face on his neck, startling Jin  and making you look down on him to check on you as he noticed you crying “Y/N, are you okay?” he muttered sweetly before kissing your lips in the sweetest form, hips stilling as he was buried deep inside you, him tossing you underneath him, angling his hips better and taking over a more passionate pace, plump lips kissing away your falling tears, as if knowing that they were caused by something bigger than the both of you “God you’re so beautiful” he said as his pace became erratic “Come with me please, Y/N” whether his words or the newly found position as he pulled a leg over his shoulder, hitting all the right spots, worked you to your second orgasm, followed by him spilling in the condom, would remain a mystery as he was quick to dispose the used condom and clean both of you as you edged on sleep, his naked torso colliding with your bare back as he cuddled you.
“What are they doing here?” You muttered under your breath as Jin leaned into your frame, your right arm intertwined with his as you both rounded the corner to greet the guests that Jin’s mother had so carefully selected for the engagement party
“What? Who?” his eyes scanned the room rapidly 
“My father and- Seoyun and Junghee” his free hand rested on top of yours in an attempt to let you know he was there for you, having witnessed first hand all the history between you and your family and mentally cursing his mother for playing you so dirty
“Seokjin I can’t keep doing this” you turned to him, eyes panicked and wide on the verge of tears, his mind racing a hundred miles per second in search for the right words that would make you stay, he had already lost you before, and even though things didn’t quite turned out the way he had planned, he wasn’t about to let you slip away again “I can’t face them again, after all they’ve put me through, Seokjin, they took away my dreams just because I wouldn’t pace around like the rest of them,  this is your life, not mine I’m so sorry” you had ran out of his grip and out the door before his brain could even begin to process it, blinking a few too many times before he called out to you 
“Seokjinnie! What’s taking you so long?” his mother had gathered the guests in the garden for the grand entrance of the newly announced engagement, tired of being kept waiting, walking up to him
“I’m so sorry eomma, I’ll- I just- I have to go” in his mind he was already out the door looking for you, had it not been for his mother’s hand on his bicep keeping him on place and turning him to look at her
“Kim Seokjin, we get it. Your father and I will wait until you find a girl to marry, one that suits you well” Seokjin’s mother was sure a woman that could not be fooled, but this one time perhaps it was Jin that had been fooled by himself on letting himself get close to you and fall in love all over again, just the way it happened all those years ago, just the way it was supposed to be
“That’s what you don’t get mum, I’ve already found the one” 
“Y/N? Jinnie, Y/N is not part of our world, you know it” 
“Then I want to be part of hers. I don’t care if you take my trust fund, take everything, I’ll build myself up, just like she did all those years ago and all of us, we all turned our backs on her, I want to be there for her, like it should have been from the start” he would have loved to record the incredulity in his mother’s eyes as she let her arms fall to her sides defeated, the first time Kim Seokjin had fail to complied with his mother was about none other than in an engagement matter.
Truth be told, you couldn't go far, there was no possible way you could just run home all the way from Jeju Island, but somehow seeing your tear stained face as you slumped over an old set of swings that he now recalled, you two used to go to back in the day, had his heart filling up, butterflies roaming his tummy
“...Jin” you exhaled his name, his mind quickly recalling the night before, how your eyes spilled love all over, how the past days watching you go on your daily routine alongside him, had him imploding with the purest kind of love
“Y/N? Listen I-” he began, a thousand words tangled in his mind waiting to be released
“I don’t think I made it”
“Made what?”
“Your parents to like me” a smirk appeared in his features as his hand came up to caress the side of your face lovingly
“Well you certainly made me like you” he said, close enough to your lips that you could have sworn both of your breaths mixed into one
“I don’t think you ever stopped liking me” a mirroring grin traced your lips before you leaned in to kiss him, whatever the path you two were once destined to walk, it was all different now, whatever turns it may take the only sure thing was that you two would walk it down together after all those years apart. 
Plus, technically speaking, Jin’s trust fund should remain intact since he found a wife in less than a month’s time, and you could always ask his dad for that place in the company he was always talking about.
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pallasperilous · 4 years
Funny Bone
The other day Supernatural9917 threw out this meme as a cracky Halloween Dean/Cas prompt and I was SO MAD, because I then had to write it:
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And so here it is. Goddammit.
Funny Bone
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26761150 Words: 4930 Castiel/Dean Winchester Fluff and Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, Skeletons, Bad Pick-Up Lines, No Angels AU, Men of Letters Bunker, Mild Gore Mature (mentions of lewd acts, canon-typical violence, and some truly horrible pickup lines)
It wasn’t even a particularly creepy skeleton; it was in kind of a “just chillin’” pose on the floor. One ankle was still locked up in a heavy iron cuff, at the end of a short chain leading back to the wall. Snoresville, as dead stuff goes; Dean’s seen worse at Disneyland. It was the skeleton’s comment about Dean’s ass that really livened things up.
Discovering the bunker in the first place was a helluva surprise. The whole facility is legitimately batshit; Dead Guys of Letters knew how to live (and, apparently, die. All at once.).
But after plowing through a dozen rooms worth of priceless treasures and crusty boobytraps, even Sam was looking kinda full up on shock and awe.
“We can hit the basement tomorrow,” he said. There was a big smudge of dust across his nose and some cobwebs in his hair.
“Nuh uh,” Dean answered, kicking the door shut with the toe of his boot. “If there’s shit still kicking down there, we gotta clean it out before it cleans us out. It’s that or we’re sleepin’ in the car.”
“Ugh,” Sam said, as if twenty minutes ago he hadn’t been losing his mind over a rare book about werewolf hemorrhoids.
So discovering that the basement included a no-shit actual dungeon felt more like an unanticipated bonus, and stumbling across a skeleton while exploring it barely even registered. Skeletons and dungeons! They go together like rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong.
It wasn’t even a particularly creepy skeleton; it was in kind of a “just chillin’” pose on the floor, inside a big circle of greasy black ash.  It looked a little mildewy in in places. One ankle was still locked up in a heavy iron cuff, at the end of a short chain leading back to the wall. Snoresville, as dead stuff goes; Dean’s seen worse at Disneyland.
It was the skeleton’s comment about Dean’s ass that really livened things up.
“Welp,” Dean had said, holstering his gun and wiping his hands on his jeans. “We’re all clear. Let’s head back upstairs, salt the shit out of everything, and then we can pick up some groceries.”
“Do I get to buy a vegetable that doesn’t fit in a bun, or are we still in the refractory period?” Sam snarked from the corridor.
“I don’t see you cookin’, “ Dean started, shuffling back towards the hall, and that’s when the skeleton butted in.
“Are those astronaut pants?” it asked. “Because your ass is outta this world!”
Dean absolutely did not scream, but it’s possible there was a yelp. 
He almost unloaded a clip into it – unclear what that would’ve possibly done, but it’s good to start with the simple, available solutions. Next he nabbed the lighter fluid off of Sam and dumped out half a pound of kosher salt as a chaser and set the fucker alight.
This does not have the intended effect.
“Baby, I’d like to put my meat on your grill,” the skeleton says, greenish flames dancing between its ribs, “because you’re hot, and I’m smokin’.” Then it sits up a little, just enough to shoot Dean some finger guns.
“What the fuck,” Dean says.
Sam makes a little evaluatory noise. “Sexually harassed by a skeleton,” he chuckles. “I think that’s a new one. Even for you. Is that a new one? I know a lot of strange shit went down in Purgatory.”
The skeleton perks up even more at that, grungy eye sockets sweeping up and down Dean’s body. “Are you a time traveler?” it asks. (Maybe he asks, because the voice is pretty deep and dude-ish, although possibly just on account of its vocal cords being leather shoelaces.)
“Wh…no, I’m not a time traveler,” Dean fibs. He’s more of a time trafficking victim, anyway. “Oh, wait, god,” he says. “Please don’t tell me you’re asking that because –“
“– I can see you in my future,” the skeleton finishes, eagerly, and Dean really wishes this thing had eyebrows so he could tell if they’re waggling.
“Yeah, okay. That’s enough for today,” Dean groans. “I need a drink.” He starts to back out of the room as a pre-emptive strike against Bones commenting on how he hates to see Dean leave, but loves to watch him go. Dean’s working on stumbling back again Sam’s left shoe when the skeleton pipes up one last time, this time with a husky, anxious edge.
“I realize that Purgatory isn’t accessible through a simple chronological shift,” it says, teeth chattering. “But it does require travel between modalities, and if you’re capable of that, I would very much like to speak with you again.”
Dean and Sam’s heads slowly swivel back towards the skeleton, like two little pizzas on the same Lazy Susan.
 An hour later, they’re still in the dungeon, working on dousing the skeleton with every possible anti-bad-stuff solution they’ve got, just in case he’s a vampire skeleton or a ghoul skeleton or a witch skeleton or maybe just a wendigo that’s incredibly bad at its job. In between progress reports, he’s still hitting on Dean.
“Dude, don’t you have an off switch somewhere?” Dean asks him.
“Well, Dean, you certainly make me feel like a light switch,–“
“– because you turn me on,” all three of them say in unison.
The skeleton looks a little embarrassed, which is kind of impressive when you think about it. “You’ve…heard that one before?” he asks.
“I spend a lot of time in bars,” Dean deadpans. “Okay, sage is a no-go.”
Sam strikes a line off on the clipboard he found upstairs. “Is this part of a curse or something?” he asks, glancing up at Bones. “Like on top of being a sentient skeleton, you can only speak in horrible pickup lines?”
The skeleton shakes his head, which produces a sound Dean recognizes from his kneecaps on cold mornings. “No, the spellwork allows me to speak freely on most subjects; except who I am, or how to free me. But it’s helpful to use language modern humans can easily understand.”
“Huh. Well, in a way, it is Dean’s native tongue,” Sam says, smirking.
“You shut your face,” Dean hisses.
“When I first saw you, I lost my tongue. Can I try yours on for size?” Bones asks Dean.
“Buddy, I don’t know where you get your information from, but nobody actually talks that way,” Dean tells him. “Nobody sober, anyway. Who isn’t a virgin.”
The skeleton slumps. “I learned from my last visitor. He tried to release me on several occasions, but he either died or abandoned the project.”
Dean arches a brow. “The project being…you?”
“I would be very valuable under the right circumstances.” The skeleton shrugs and casually holds out an arm for Dean to scrape at with the demon blade. “He gave me lessons in modern vernacular as a way to pass our time together.”
“Sounds like a peach,” Dean says, before he can catch himself. “If you have a peach-related pickup line in there, man, you’d better just sit on it.”
“That’s what-“
“I will smash you with a hammer,” Dean barks.
The skeleton relents, but with obvious reluctance.
 They call it quits before Kansas rolls up the sidewalk for the night and leaves them stranded with nothing but two Clif bars and a gross of septuagenarian cans of franks ’n beans. Bones shifts nervously when Dean leaves – “Which is better, pancakes or waffles?” he asks.
“Pancakes,” Dean says, with a sense of grim duty.
“Because I’d like to know what you’re making me for breakfast,” says Bones, his voice trailing off as Dean books it down the stony corridor.
  By lunch the next day (bologna sandwiches, so sue him, he’ll make something good later) they’re pretty sure that Bones doesn’t pose any known, immediate threat – other than to Dean’s sanity – so they switch gears to springing him. Maybe he will be worth something, or maybe he’ll crumble into dust and Be Free, or maybe he’ll just stop being chained to the basement wall, in which case he can become their skeleton butler or something.
There are weird runes on the ankle cuff, so Sam snaps some quick photos and heads upstairs to feel up the library. This leaves Dean in the basement with Bones, some good old-fashioned power tools, and Bones’s ex-suitor’s gross sense of humor.
“You know I can understand you just fine when you’re talking normally,” Dean says. “You’re just reciting some prehistoric shit that idiots say to girls to get a pity-laugh, hoping it leads to a pity-fuck.”
“What’s a pity-fuck?” Bones asks, all mildewy innocence. Dean’s pretty sure the grunge in his eyeball sockets is dried eyeball.
“Pretty much what it says on the tin, my guy,” Dean answers, and reaches for the acetylene torch.
 “Enochian,” Sam says, when Dean surfaces for another sandwich and possibly a beer. He’s really disappointed about the torch.
“Gesundheit?” Dean replies, around a mouthful of bologna. Like everything else here, the kitchen is pretty schwa, although the inside of the fridge required three exorcisms and half a jug of bleach.
Sam paws around the smelly old book in a way that makes Dean feel sorry for the girls Sam dated in high school. “The symbols on the cuff. I think they’re Enochian. It’s a fake celestial language made up by some sixteenth century con artists.”
Dean coughs up a bit of Wonder Bread. “I respect the hustle, but what’s it doing on an ankle cuff in a dungeon younger than Mickey Mouse?”
Sam frowns. “Well, it could be for show. But just because some nutbars made it up doesn’t mean it’s totally powerless. Maybe it does have some kind of…heavenly mojo.”
“Liwl probbem,” Dean observes, finishing off his sandwich. “Def nuh heggen.”
Dean takes a swallow of beer. “I said: there’s no heaven.”
Sam shrugs. “We didn’t think there was a Purgatory, either.”
“Okay, but if we find out angels are real,” Dean snorts, “then Bones can fuck me in the ass.”
 Sam reports his findings to Bones, who sits placidly on the back of his pelvis, carpals splayed out on his kneecaps. What’s even holding him together? Dean can see what’s left of his ligaments, but they look like petrified gas station jerky.
“Do you know what they mean?” Sam asks him, pointing at the sigils.
Bones’s jaw creaks open a little, then closes again, and then he shakes his skull (something rattles inside.) Finally he makes a little frustrated noise and replies – “Baby, are you a book? Because I’d like to check you out.”
“Hey!” says Dean. “Keep it in your pants, man, I’m right here.”
Sam squints. “I think…Dean, I think he’s trying to tell us something, but the spell on him means he can’t say it directly.”
Bones clenches his fists, releases them, clenches them again.
“Yeah. Keep him talking. Let’s see how close he can get.”
Clack clack clack.
“Uh,” Dean says, rubbing the back of his neck. “Okay. Do I need to, like. Give you some kinda opening?” he asks Bones.
“Sweetheart, I’d like nothing better,” Bones answers, then clacks his knuckles on his brow with exasperation.
“Sorry, Christ. Hit me with your best shot, buddy. Dealer’s choice.”
Bones clears his…ghost throat? and tries: “Tell me, Dean…did it hurt?”
Dean blinks. “When I…fell from heaven?”
Sam claps his hands. “Fucking knew it. It is Enochian, and it does have something to do with this. I think he wants me to check the library for another book. Maybe there’s one misshelved or something that I can actually use to translate. Or I can Google around, maybe there’s a subreddit.”
Dean’s pretty sure Bones has never heard of a Google or a subreddit (for that matter, does Dean actually know what a subreddit is?), but it seems like there’s a glimmer of hope deep in those scum-holes.
 Sam gets translations for a few of the words – “obedience” and something he’s fifty percent sure means “millstone” – but the rest is still gobbledygook, and he hasn’t come down with another update in hours. The dungeon is pretty roomy, but it’s not like there’s a foosball table or a cable TV pickup down there, so Dean and Bones wind up lying on the cold-ass ground, staring up into the dark reaches of the ceiling together and, like. Chatting.
Occasionally Bones goes quiet and Dean glances over at him. He really could just be a totally normal, completely dead dungeon skeleton. A good power washing and the right mounting hardware and he’d be ready for a high school biology classroom.
“So if these runes are a celestial thing, does that mean you’re some kinda demonic...thing?” Dean asks. “Cause I gotta say, you’re a much less of a douche than the demons I’ve met.” He snorts. “I know you probably can’t say.”
Bones sighs (how? With what lungs?). “The last person who tried to free me was a demon.” He shifts a little, maybe surprised that he can say this out loud. “It had been so long since somebody had spoken to me…I’m afraid I came close to actually enjoying his company. But he was no better than his kind usually are.”
“Don’t suppose you caught his name? Maybe Sam or me killed him for you already.”
“He called himself—no, I can’t say it.” He makes a sound resembling a harumph.
Then his skull creaks over to look at Dean. “Does your name start with ‘C’?” he says, very deliberately.
Dean is momentarily puzzled, but he works it out by the time Bones wincingly adds “…because I’ve got a D that wants to come behind you.”
There aren’t too many demons under the “C” tab in Dean’s blood-stained mental rolodex, and when he says the name out loud, Bones makes a sound like an entire set of dominos being thrown down a spiral staircase.
  Crowley is pretty pissed, which is fun.
It’s nice that the dungeon floor already has a perfect trap on the floor; they don’t even have to hit up Ace Hardware for paint. A damp shop cloth and a little nail polish (Wet ’n Wild in “Red Red,” don’t leave home without it) brings it right up to working order.
“Why does it smell like a nail salon fucked a bloody wine cellar?” Crowley says, after he’s settled down a bit. He manifested right in the creepy torture chair (in the shackles, even! What service!) and he made some escape attempts followed by angry noises about rust stains. Now he’s recovered his dignity and has kicked back a bit, legs crossed, fingers steepled, oozing maximum levels of 2 cool 4 school.
“How do you know what a nail salon smells like?” Dean retorts.
“I get a monthly mani-pedi. There’s no shame in a little self-care, boys.” Crowley’s eyes trickle down to their feet. “Imagine what fungal horrors those work boots must conceal.” Then he squints, and looks up, finally taking in the whole room. “Could swear I’ve been here before. Little upscale for you, isn’t it? Did we splurge for a vacation rental?”
“Crowley, why don’t we roleplay Titanic?” Bones growls from the wall behind him, and Crowley’s face goes slack. “I’ll be the iceberg, and you can go down.”
Crowley swallows and slowly twists back, as far as the shackles let him. “Feathers, is that you? Well, as I live and breathe.”
“You do neither,” says Bones, with so much gravelly contempt that Dean suppresses a little shiver.
“Oh, I still breathe now and then, when the mood takes me. I’m a sentimentalist.” Crowley cranes his neck a little harder and squints into the dim. “Goodness, you’ve dropped some weight since we last spoke, haven’t you. Finally let go of all that pesky soft tissue?”
Bones tilts forward and kind of clatters onto hands and knees, then tipsily begins to rise up to standing. Dean’s a little concerned he’s gonna topple right over and they’re gonna spend the next two hours collecting him in a basket, but when he moves to help out, Bones waves him off. After a couple false starts he makes it up onto his feet bones and then shuffles out to the end of his chain, right under one of the overhead lights. He’s still a good couple feet off from Crowley, but Crowley looks like he wouldn’t mind a few extra acres.
Bones sways a little bit, just enough for Crowley to wince. “You didn’t come back.”
“I got busy.”
Sam shifts impatiently. “What is he?” he snaps, gesturing at Bones.
“Exceedingly dull,” Crowley says. “I should’ve guessed you were friends.”
Dean uncorks a fresh bottle of holy water.
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” Crowley amends, quickly. “And even if you did, you wouldn’t know what to do with him. It’d be like giving a laptop to a pair of howler monkeys.”
Dean puts his thumb over the mouth of the water bottle and holds it over Crowley’s head. “Try me.”
Crowley scoffs, rolls his eyes. “It doesn’t matter what he is, since he’s useless as long as he’s chained up. And I wouldn’t have left him down here if I had a single clue how to smuggle him out.  I haven’t even been in here since the Bay of Pigs; I’d worked a loophole in one of the defense spells here that let me in. When it broke down, I lost my exploit. Wasn’t worth the bother after that.”
Dean slides his thumb a millimeter north of a perfect seal, and a fat drop of water busts its ass open on Crowley’s forehead and sends up a thin line of steam. “Good thing I’ve got a limitless supply of bother,” Dean notes. “Sam, we still got those syringes in the trunk?”
Crowley snarls. “Go ahead and melt me like the cartoon shoe in Roger Rabbit, it’s not going magically make me come up with a solution.”
Bones grunts and rattles his leg chain. “Do you speak Spanish, Crowley? Because you look like the Juan for me.”
“Did I teach you that one? You absolute xylophone.” Crowley glances back at Dean. “Do your worst, Squirrel, I deserve it.”
Sam frowns. “He uses the lines to get around the spell’s speech restrictions. This is something about speaking languages…were you able translate the Enochian symbols on his cuff?”
Crowley blinks. “What symbols?”
 After a whole lot of faffing around with mirrors and terrible cellphone photography, they confirm that Crowley can’t see the symbols at all.
“More demon-proofing. Clever little buggers, those Men of Letters,” Crowley sighs. “A real shame they were peeled and eaten like bananas.”
Finally Sam just hunkers down with a pencil and pad to transcribe the entire ankle cuff, and Dean awkwardly holds up Bones’s ankle, like he’s being sized for a glass slipper. When they shove the results in Crowley’s face, Dean watches his eyes dart along the words.
“Well, it’s your lucky day, boys. Along with the usual wankery, there are instructions on how to release the cuff. I can translate it,” he finally says, with an unusually low inflection of bullshit, “but I’ll thank you to release me, first.”
Dean is flummoxed. “What, you’re not gonna haggle for a cut of the profits or anything?”
“Activating the release mechanism will free him completely, and restore his…restore him. I’d rather be at a safe distance.” He glances back at Bones, looming in the shadows. “A continent or three should do the trick.”
“If it doesn’t work–“
“I’d be more worried about what happens if it does,” Crowley sighs.  “But feel free to summon me back for tea and sympathy. Here, I’ll even give you my number. But please, no personal photography. I pity you enough as it is.”
  Crowley finally smokes out, and Dean has a beer to celebrate while Sam looks over the list of what they need and Bones clatters his fingertips like castanets. The ingredients are (as always) larded with shit that’s exotic and expensive; Sam is looking crestfallen at some of the items. “I’ve heard of all of this, but I’ve only seen maybe half of it for sale anywhere.”
“Baby, are you a yard sale? Because you’ve got some serious junk in that trunk,” Bones monotones. He’s back to lying on the floor.
At least it’s getting easier to translate this shit. “They’ve got all the ingredients here somewhere,” Dean says. Sam looks skeptical. “C’mon, Sam, no way these dudes would use a lock when they didn’t have the key.”
The ensuing scavenger hunt takes a few pints of elbow grease, but at least by the end they’re both familiar with the Bunker’s floor plan, document filing system, and inventory records. They find virtually everything in-house, though they do end up driving to the nearest farm stand for some hen’s eggs and rosemary (and heirloom tomatoes, because they look bomb).
Dean christens – or maybe exorcises – the kitchen range with some red meat, and they fuel up with burgers before taking the plunge. Dean’s still licking the ketchup off his fingers when Bones pipes up one last time. “Can I ask you something?” he says.
Dean and Sam brace for impact.
Bones sighs. “That’s not the start of a pickup line. I genuinely have a question.”
“Why are you so intent on freeing me? You could have just left me down here. I’m not a threat this way. You only have Crowley’s word that you might profit - or suffer - from my release.”
Sam gives Dean a look; it’s the look that says I sure hope you have an answer, because I think this entire thing has been dumb as shit and half as necessary. It’s a look Sam uses pretty regularly.
“Uh. It’s the right thing to do? As far as I can tell, you haven’t hurt anybody or done anything else to deserve being down here. We went through all those records upstairs, and there’s no note that says ‘by the way, that skeleton downstairs eats babies for breakfast.’ This place is cool, but the dudes who built it were obviously shady as fuck.”
“I see.” Bones sounds a little disappointed.
Sam fake-coughs into his hand, and Dean sets down his paper napkin. “Also, you seem cool. Like, you’re easy to hang out with. Other than the stinky one-liners, and we’re gonna wean you off of those.”
Bones straightens himself out a little. “Thank you, Dean. You know, on a scale of one to ten, I’d rate you a nine.”
“Okay, okay. Why not a ten?”
Bones sets his chin on his knuckle bones with a tidy little clack. “Because I’m the one you’re missing.”
Dean groans, but he thinks the guy might be smiling, somewhere behind that skeletal grin.
 By hour two, Sam’s pretty tuckered out from pulverizing a billion and three mummified dove livers while reciting nonsense syllables, and Dean’s right arm is about to fall off from holding up this giant silver swizzle stick that’s either a really weird short sword or a decorative javelin, but Bones has never looked perkier. He’s lying on a nice white bedsheet and looking fresh as a recently exhumed daisy.
“Okay,” Sam rasps. “Light the candle and we should be good to go. Any last words, Bones?”
“Are either of you religious?” He crosses his arm bones over each other.
“Fuck no,” Dean answers, before Sam gets a chance to launch into it.
Bones shakes his skull fondly. “You should reconsider. Because you’re the answer to my prayers.”
Dean makes a gagging noise and lights the candle.
 What happens next (well, after the cuff pops open) is some of the freakiest shit that Dean has ever seen, and his Freaky CV is pretty fucking impressive, thanks. Bones tells them to avert their eyes, “just in case”, but he takes a peek between his fingers anyway, because he’s an idiot.
For a second Bones is just lying there, and Dean has a second of real disappointment that maybe he’s Moved On Past The Veil or something, but then he starts…foaming. It starts out kind of uniform and colorless, but then it really picks up speed and volume and starts to separate into swaths of distinct and horrible colors and textures. He closes his eyes again for a second to give his stomach a chance to reboot, and when he looks again the foam is gone, and instead there’s a whole lot of angry jelly trying to form into organs.
Just as the jelly is really getting its shit together and looking more like lungs and intestines and stuff, the heart-jelly pulses once and sends out a fistful of big squishy vines…veins? and a fat white worm of nerve scrambles down the spinal column and starts putting out franchises. This is followed by some disturbingly tasty-looking red sheets of muscle that swiftly sheathe over all the whole scene, and then the muscles start sweating out fat and cartilage and this is the point where Dean decides that looking away is actually definitely one hundred percent for the best. Even then, the sounds are tough to handle.
Kinda wild: he’s seen people taken apart, but watching one get put back together is somehow gnarlier. Well, if this guy is even a person. It’s a human skeleton, sure, but god knows even Mickey Rourke has one under there.
Finally everything seems to have quieted down.
“How you doin’ over there, Bones?” Dean asks, and dares to take a peek.
Bones is crouched down in front of them, fists balled up in the bedsheets (it’s a relief that the bedsheets didn’t get accidentally sucked into the muscle layer or something, like one of those surgeons who leaves a sponge behind). Dean sees white guy skin and some dark messy hair and gets the gist of a decent build.
The face slowly cranes upwards, and Dean is really truly ready for anything here; tusks, fangs, Klingon forehead ridges, gingivitis. Instead he gets a faceful of hot math teacher. Bones’s eyes are still closed, but he’s frowning like he’s mentally reviewing his strategy to explain the quadratic equation to a roomful of horny teens.
He slowly rises to standing (yikes! Naked! Dean is a Moderately Bad Man, so he glances, but just long enough to register “nice), uncurling slowly and carefully.
Then he’s all the way up. Bones squares his shoulders and straightens the last kink in his spine, and the frown resolves. Dean’s about to say something, when his eyes snap open, and this cold white light absolutely blasts out of them, and fuck, Crowley wasn’t kidding: this guy is definitely A Thing. The whole room flattens and distorts in the light. Shadows race up the walls like they’re looking for a way out, then snap together into the shape of enormous ragged wings, stretching thirty feet higher than the actual ceiling clearance.
Then the light dies down; the wings fade into regular-grade shadows. Instead of a terrifying unearthly avatar of Oh Shit, Dean’s looking at a buck naked thirty-something math teacher. Who happens to be an unearthly avatar of Oh Shit. And has nice eyes.
“My name is Castiel, angel of the Lord, Seraph of the First Shield,” the avatar says, in a piss-shakingly resonant version of Bones’s voice.
Then: “Do you speak English, Dean?”
“Yes?” Dean fumbles.
“So do I,” says Castiel, and smiles.
Then he makes finger-guns.
  Castiel sticks around for a grand total of five minutes before he’s suddenly gone again, because angels are (a) real and they can (b) teleport? at (c) any moment because (d) fuck you, then he reappears six hours later (clothed) standing over Dean’s bed, having apparently forgotten that humans like to sleep; this time Dean does shoot him, but luckily he doesn’t seem to take it personally.   
“I located Crowley,” Bo- Castiel says. The silver sword-javelin thing is sitting on the kitchen counter in front of him; apparently it’s an Angel Blade and it lives in Castiel’s coat sleeve and can vaporize demons. It doesn’t look like it has any Crowley on it, but maybe it’s self-cleaning.
“Did you kill him?” Dean asks, now that he’s semi-coherent and wrapped around a cup of coffee in the kitchen.
“Not this time,” Cas answers. “He did help, after all.”
“Sure,” says Dean.
“You don’t need to let me fuck you in the ass, either,” Castiel says, and Dean honks some coffee up the back of his nose.
“Oh,” he gasps. “Okay. Cool. Thanks. Didn’t realize you could hear that convo all the way down there.”
“Angels have excellent hearing. Mine wasn’t impacted by the spell.”
Dean can think of at least three very private moments Castiel almost definitely could hear every instant of, and longs for death. Or maybe not, since apparently this guy lives in Heaven and could hear him there, too. “Great. Good to know. Noted.”
“But…” Castiel looks wistful.
“What?” Dean nudges him. Dean Winchester: angel nudger.
Castiel frowns. “If I said…” he stops himself. “This is…what I want to say is very irregular, at least between angels and humans.”
“Jesus christ on a goddamn pogo stick, man. It’s three in the morning, some of us have a circadian rhythm and a limited lifespan. Say whatever it is you gotta say.”
Castiel looks up and drowns Dean in his swimming pool eyes, which Dean has learned belong to a radio ad salesman in Illinois, who Castiel possessed a few years back before jumping several decades into the past to run some errands and getting rope-a-doped by the Men of Letters and then warehoused in their basement; after they all spontaneously bought the farm, he just slowly ran out of the power reserves needed to keep his vessel from turning to mush and hey presto, talking skeleton.
Classic story, really.
“If I said you had a beautiful body, Dean,” Castiel says, solemnly, “Would you hold it against m-“
Dean doesn’t let him finish. {AO3 version}
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clownistyping · 4 years
I was wondering if you were able to do a request for the turtles having a SO that’s generally sweet and caring but when it comes to someone trying to hurt the boy’s feelings (like the cop scene in 2016 movie) they just go ultra BITCH mode putting someone in their place/one where the SO/reader scares the boys by surprise evasive maneuvers/drifting in the truck while their teaching them to drive but get ambushed, getting them to safety(little do they know they know how)? 0 w 0 or a merge of both?
I've got a lot of Hellboy so I'm just gonna do TMNT to not ruin hellboy for me.
Okay so like in the comics there's a part of new York that mutants live in, I can't remember how but let's just say that the boys visit that place a lot and hey even mutants are assholes. 
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It was one of those rare nights, when you and Leo could just be. You and Leo. 
Walking down the dark streets of the mutant town, it was safe with Leo knowing he could literally throw a giant container. 
"So the new episode, my theory is that Jupiter Jim just turns into a toddler and the crew has to take care of this very serious baby." You laughed, it was rare to see Leo not be so serious. To be himself, and talk about his interests. 
"And like you know the other aliens, are trying to kidnap baby Jim because hey weak point-" 
"Alright put em up!" A voice yelled and suddenly a knife was pointed at your face. 
"Or the small one gets it!" The small man sneered and Leo looked at you, and you raised a brow. How dare this small man, interrupt your boyfriends very passionate conversation. The fucking audacity of a bitch. 
"What are you stupid?" You growled, slapping the man's hand away. 
"I'm not joking here, I'll stab you and the freak!" The man sneered, lunging towards you, you quickly grabbed his hand. Making him drop the knife you pushed his fingers back. 
"Freak? Freak!?" You yelled, hearing the man's fingers crack. 
"That fucking freak is the love of my life, who you just threatened. So I'll give you five seconds to get the fuck outta here!" You successfully broke three of his fingers and the man let out a silent screech. Nodding in pain, he snatched his knife and ran across the street. 
Glaring at the man as he left you looked back at your boyfriend as if nothing happened. 
"Honestly baby Jim could probably like, beat up all of the aliens." You laughed, grabbing Leo's hand you led the very confused turtle away. 
"Are you sure you wanna drive the tank?" Donnie asked as he held blueprints, leading you to the tank. You nodded with a smile, 
"Of course, I've got my license and common sense. So I'm sure I can." Donnie pursed his lips, unsure. 
Entering the tank, Donnie put the blueprints in their rightful spots and jumped a little when the tank growled awake. 
"Ready?" You asked, buckling in your seat belt. Donnie did the same with a tight grip, nervous to let you drive seeing as you can barely reach the brake. 
It was dark, the almost abandoned part of downtown was empty save for the strays and nightlife. 
The drive was silent but comforting as Donnie looked over the GPS. 
"Just take a left and our destination should be on the left." Donnie said, he needed a couple new adjustment parts to his tracking monitors and knows a mutant who'd sell them to him cheap. 
But his glasses quickly became crooked when the back of the tank was rammed into. 
"What the hell?!" You yelled, checking the rear view you were shocked to see a giant armored truck behind you. 
Donnie quickly took his bõ out, the wood still intact but advanced with new technology and a pipe at the end. 
"Stay here." Donnie mumbled, leaving a quick kiss to your forehead he left through the roof. 
"Come on out, Freak!" Two human men came out,  cladded in foot gear you scowled at them through the mirror. Just who the hell do they think they are?!
Donnie stood on the roof, studying the men's aggressive stances he readied for a fight. Until to fall on his face when the tank suddenly reared forward. 
"(Y-Y/N)?! He panicked as the tank did a quick U-turn straight for the truck. 
"I'LL SHOW YOU A FREAK!" He heard you yell at the men as you sped the tank straight for the truck. The tanks armor was almost indestructible, but right now Donnie didn't feel the same. 
Quickly he scurried back into the tank through the roof, 
"What are you doing!?" He yelled in confusion as he saw your face of rage. 
Then he was lunged straight on the window, shocked to see that you drove right over the men's truck. Completely crushing it, but not the men inside who quickly escaped. 
They ran off into the shadows, cursing at you both and you could only laugh. 
"Are you okay?" You asked after calming down, helping Donnie steady himself. 
"Me? (Y/N), you drove like a manic! What was that?" 
You blushed as he grabbed your face gently, 
"I don't know i just..i wanted to help." You smiled nervously and Donnie could only shake his head with a laugh. 
"Well thank you." He pulled you in for a quick kiss. 
You hummed as you studied the aisles of fruit and veggies, the mutant town was having their open market out for the spring. So many fresh veggies were ripe for the picking. 
"Thinking of veggie pizza tonight?" You asked and Raph hummed with disgust, 
"Meat lovers or nothing babe, you know it." You chuckled with a nod, still buying some for later. 
"Is that- Jesus I thought i was bad." You heard a voice nearby cackle, and turned to examine it. 
Seeing a young couple, one a bird mutant and the other a squirrel. Raising a brow you continued to eavesdrop as Raph looked over the fruits for shakes. 
"I mean, like- ugh I just couldn't deal with that texture. Rough skin, and the shell. Blegh." Your brows furrowed, 
"And the turtle's with a human, kinda rare. Like they're trying so hard, right?" The other laughed, and your knuckles went pale. 
Staring the couple down, you stomped their way. 
"You better watch who you're talking about because that turtle you think is so disgusting, has probably saved your life without you even knowing. So fucking watch it, Furry." You seethed and turned, not even acknowledging their reactions. 
Before you made it to Raphael you took a calming breath, refusing to let it take anymore control over you. 
"What was that about?" Raphael questioned, biting into an apple, he rose a brow after seeing the small scenario. 
"Just taking care of you." You grabbed his free hand, 
"Let's go home." You pulled him away from the crowd with a smile. 
"SIXTEEN! EIGHTEEN! COME ON, MIKEY, TWO MORE. TWENTY!" You cheered as Mikey stuffed the twentieth pizza slice in his mouth, drool was dripping out but you still cheered. 
"Guess Mutants really are all just a bunch of pigs." A snide comment passed through your ears and you stopped mid cheer. 
The restaurant you were both in was currently a mutant friendly restaurant, but still visited by humans. 
You studied the room and your eyes glared as you saw the smirking male, staring right at Mikey. 
"What?" The male said, now looking at you. 
"Oh nothing, just guess human men are jealous of what mutants can do with their mouths." You smirked, and Mikey choked on the pizza. The human male stiffened, muttering insults he slammed his napkin down and left the establishment. 
"You okay babe?" You asked, and Mikey managed to swallow the pizza, he nodded.
"I didn't expect that out of you, babe." He laughed and pulled you close with a kiss. You smiled as he tasted of pizza. 
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Map of the Soul, Drabble #1
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Drabble #1 - The Legendary Virginity Incident
Pairing: Taehyung x reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut
Word Count: 8K+
Warnings: NSFW 18+ cursing, fingering, hair pulling, hand job, oral sex (m/f giving & receiving), unprotected sex (please be safe), loss of virginity, consensual sex, biting, scratching, soulmate shenanigans, and just a healthy dose of derpyness from these two
10 years may not seem like a long time from some perspectives, but when you're 15 and you've known your soulmate for more than a full decade, it's an epic feeling.
You and Kim "Elizabeth" Taehyung were attached at the hip ever since you met in kindergarten, and the two of you ran into a little trouble when his family had to move away the summer before you started high school. Luckily, you’d been able to convince both your parents and his that he should come visit for a week during the summer. A year may not sound like a long time, but it felt like a lifetime to you and Taehyung.
Once he arrived, you dragged him out of the house as soon as he dropped his bags on your bedroom floor. The week wasn’t going to last forever, and you had a lot of catching up to do. You were both walking around downtown looking for something to do and trying to make the best of this short time you had together.
"We should go to the beach," you exclaimed. "We haven’t gone in forever."
"Beach?" Taehyung replied. "Really? Sand and saltwater? That's how you want me to spend my time here?"
"I want fun in the sun, Tae-bear," you whined. "Let's go out and do something, yeah?"
Taehyung pondered your request and made a big show of propping up tilting his head and holding his chin up. Once his gaze landed on your pouty lips, he grinned and pulled you into his arms.
"Ugh, why are you so freaking adorable, babe?" Taehyung cooed. "I can't resist you when your lips get all pouty and your forehead creases up like that."
“Stop picking on me,” you pouted. “It’s summertime and there is no school. We can finally go and do stuff without worrying about any of our usual responsibilities.”
“Ok, ok,” Taehyung relented. “What can we do that doesn’t involve sand or saltwater?”
“Well, I want something outdoorsy,” you explained. “I want to become one with nature.”
Taehyung rolled his eyes at you and his smile settled into a sweet rectangular shape. Lately, you were obsessed with nature and animals and plants and flowers because you were reading Henry David Thoreau’s Walden and Taehyung just knew you were determined to follow Thoreau’s philosophical teachings of getting back to the simple pleasures of nature.
“Why don’t we go camping?” Taehyung offered. “There’s that awesome clearing near your house. We always said we were going to camp out there, but we never did.”
“Yeah, let’s do that!” you heartily agreed. “Want to go shopping for gear? I just got all that money for my birthday.”
“Absolutely!” Taehyung grinned. “Let’s go spend that bread, baby.”
Taehyung grabbed your hand and pulled you in the direction of the nearest sporting goods store and you started compiling a collection of camping gear for your upcoming adventure. Once you arrived home, your parents just blinked in confusion as you and Taehyung hauled several shopping bags and a large tent up the stairs to your room.
Once you’d organized everything into a corner of your room, you collapsed onto the bed and Taehyung joined you. You turned your body toward his and he tucked you into his chest by wrapping his arm around you. You played with the frayed patches on his shirt as he hummed a random tune.
“It feels so nice to be in your room again, ttalgi” Taehyung admitted. “There’s just something comforting about it.”
“Oh yeah?” you giggled. “Do all my collectibles and books lull you into a safe space?”
“Something like that,” Taehyung sighed. “You know, I thought all girls’ rooms would be the same, but yours is something different and I love it.”
“Just how many girls’ rooms have you seen, Tae-bear?” you probed. “You certainly never mentioned anything like that to me. Are you hiding things from your soulmate?”
“What? No!” Taehyung blurted out defensively. “Not really.”
You pushed off of Taehyung’s chest and narrowed your eyes at him. He couldn’t look you directly in the eye and you knew something was up.
“Ok, Elizabeth,” you spat. “Out with it. Why were you in another girl’s room and why didn’t I know about this? I thought we told each other everything.”
“We do, it’s just…” Taehyung trailed off. “It’s just something that happened before I came to see you and I didn’t know how to tell you.”
You gawked at the flush of pink spreading across his cheeks and you sat up, crossing your legs and bracing yourself against the headboard.
“What is it, Tae?” you prompted. “You know you can tell me anything.”
Taehyung sat up and mirrored your sitting position. He fiddled with his thumbs for a moment before taking a deep breath and exhaling loudly.
“Do you remember our last phone conversation?” Taehyung began. “The one after your Spring Break?”
“Yeah,” you said. “I told you about that asshole Jason who tried to force himself on me at the beach bonfire and how I broke his nose. Why?”
“Well, I didn’t break anyone’s nose,” Taehyung continued. “But something happened.”
“With who?” you demanded. “Was it with the girl you were talking to? What’s her name again? Madelyn?”
“Sadly, no,” Taehyung groaned. “Madelyn is 100% pure lesbian and she made that blatantly clear at our End of the Year Band Banquet. But I was a little bummed when she turned me down and her friend Ayla tried to cheer me up.”
“Cheer you up how, exactly?” you inquired venomously. “What did she do, Elizabeth?”
“She snuck me into her bedroom,” Taehyung admitted sheepishly. “Her parents were having a party in the backyard, so no one noticed. I only stayed for an hour.”
“A lot can happen in an hour, Taehyung,” you shot back. “Did you have sex with her?!”
“No, I promise,” Taehyung exclaimed. “No sex, just some hand stuff. It was my first time doing anything like that, so I was afraid to go any further.”
You sank into a deeply troubled pout at his words. Taehyung reached for your hand, but you pulled your hand back into your lap. Taehyung looked up to see tears brimming in your eyes.
“Please don’t cry,” he pleaded. “It didn’t mean anything, babe-”
“It’s not that,” you interrupted. “As long as we’re sharing, I have something I haven’t told you either.”
Taehyung’s frown deepened and he allowed you to collect your thoughts. Each passing second, he prayed that your tears would recede. He hated making you cry.
“I wasn’t completely honest about the incident with Jason,” you blurted out. “I wanted him to touch me, but he wanted more than I was willing to give. I only broke his nose because he was getting too aggressive, but I did consent initially. It wasn’t a random attack.”
“He still deserved to get hit,” Taehyung grunted. “No means no. Everybody should know that.”
“I know, Tae,” you sniffled as the floodgates opened on your face. “I just feel like I lied to you. I know we promised to always be each other’s first for everything, but I couldn’t help it.”
“Hey, hey,” Taehyung cooed while pulling you into his lap. “It’s ok, babe. It doesn’t matter. I think we can both admit that making that promise in the 5th grade was kinda stupid. I mean, we’re teenagers and we’re half drunk on hormones. Shit happens, right?”
“So you don’t hate me?” you mumbled into his neck. “We’re ok?”
“Of course,” Taehyung chuckled. “We’re always ok, my beautiful soulmate, no matter what happens.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned your forehead against his cheek. You had been worried about telling him the truth about Jason for months, but he seemed to take the whole thing pretty well. You could hear your mother calling the two of you down for dinner and you jumped off Taehyung’s lap to open the door to respond. Taehyung’s eyes were harboring hints of disappointment, but they quickly dissipated before you turned around to face him.
“Shall we head down?” you asked him. “I think she made Korean fried chicken.”
Taehyung stepped forward and offered his bent elbow to you.
“Well then, grab a wing,” he jested.
You rolled your eyes at his terrible joke, but still giggled as the two of you walked downstairs together.
“Tae-bear,” you called from your backyard. “Are you coming or not? We’re losing daylight.”
Taehyung bounded out the back door with a large ice chest and your mother waved as he joined you.
“Be careful, you two,” she smiled. “We aren’t too far away if you need anything.”
After she disappeared back inside, you gave Taehyung a questioning look and gestured at the ice chest.
“What?” he grinned. “She wanted to make sure we had enough snacks.”
You rolled your eyes and grabbed the handle of the fully stocked wagon. Without a word, you turned toward the wooded area behind your house and started walking away from his smug expression.
Ugh, why are you like this, Mom?
Once the two of you reached the clearing, you both started setting up the tent and organizing all of your supplies. Taehyung set up the lanterns around the campsite and started up the small BBQ pit your father had pulled out of the garage. It wasn’t enough to BBQ anything bigger than hot dog wieners or hamburgers, but it would make a great firepit for the two of you.
As you were arranging your snacks on the folding table, you opened the ice chest and gaped at the homemade sandwiches, bowl of pasta salad, and veggie and fruit trays inside.
Seriously, Mom? You never do stuff like this for me!
You spent the rest of the day snacking, exploring the woods, and playing games. You relished the purity of the woods and took a moment to absorb the peace and quiet and magic of nature. Taehyung trailed behind you picking up stray feathers, pebbles, leaves, and pinecones.
When you returned to the campsite, Taehyung decorated the ring around the BBQ pit with his treasures, and you sighed at how amazing and artistic your soulmate could be. The boy was an artist through and through, and part of you wondered whether anyone would be able to appreciate how incredible he was.
“Ready for dinner, ttalgi,” Taehyung called out after placing one last pinecone in his creation. “I’m thinking we should start the fire, roast some hot dogs and maybe some marshmallows? I bought stuff for S’Mores.”
“That sounds good, Tae-bear,” you agreed. “I’ll start the fire since I’m the Girl Scout. You get the food ready for roasting.”
“Hey,” pouted Taehyung. “I wanted to be a Boy Scout. I just couldn’t fit it into my schedule.”
“I know, baby,” you cooed while pinching his cheek. “My Tae-bear was too busy with his art and music lessons to be a Boy Scout.”
You kissed his pouty lips until they morphed into a cute little rectangle shape, and he giggled when you refused to accept his surrender. You continued to assault him with your lips while he pretended that your kisses were fatal. You both crumpled into a heap near the tent and your playful kisses started progressing into a heated makeout session. Soon, you were straddling Taehyung’s lap and slowly grinding your hips back and forth.
“Mmmm, you’re such a tease, ttalgi,” Taehyung chuckled. “Are you always this eager?”
“Just for you, Tae,” you murmured against his lips. “Your kisses make me crazy.”
Taehyung cupped your cheeks and smiled sweetly at your words. He knew you meant them, but there was still something gnawing at the back of his mind that wouldn’t go away.
It won’t always be me. There will be others.
Before the stray negative thought could coalesce, Taehyung pressed one last kiss on your forehead and patted your butt.
“Come on, babe,” Taehyung purred. “Food first, play later.”
You flashed him your signature Cheshire Cat grin and got off his lap to help him off the ground. Once you were both vertical, you began preparing things for dinner. Several hot dogs and S’Mores later, you both settled into your folding chairs and watched the cooking fire burn out slowly.
With twilight enveloping the campsite, the two of you snuggled closer together and just watched the small fire flicker against the imposing darkness around you. Only one lantern was left on inside the tent, and the rest of the campsite was enveloped in the coolness of the night. The sky was clear and full of twinkling stars and you released an exhale of pure joy.
“Penny for your thoughts, Tae-bear,” you murmured cutely.
He snapped out of whatever thought had possessed him and gave you a tight smile.
“It’s nothing,” he replied. “Just thinking about our conversation yesterday.”
You sat up in your chair and bit your lip nervously. You and Taehyung shared many firsts since your first kiss, but there had always been a hope deep in your heart that he would be the one to whom you would give your virginity. You were both already giving in to your growing sexual desires and it was a natural thing given your age. The hormones were weighing heavily on your brain, and it was difficult to differentiate that from what your heart desired.
The more you thought about it, the more you realized that this whole fantasy loss of virginity thing was just a childish notion. Real life wasn’t like that, not even close. In real life, you were just a girl who was attracted to all kinds of people, including Taehyung. In real life, Taehyung was just a boy who sometimes let his dick do the thinking for him, and that wasn’t his fault.
You’d played out the fictional scenario in your mind over and over again and the elements of the fantasy were just unrealistic. There was no way you could afford a fancy hotel suite with a massive tub and flower petals and bubbles surrounding your naked bodies while you entwined your hearts and souls together.
Real life is never like that.
As much as you wanted to wait until that fantasy could become a reality, you had to face facts and so did Taehyung. It was time to move forward, consequences be damned.
“Tae, listen,” you began. “I know we said we would wait until we were both ready, but I don’t think that’s realistic anymore.”
“What do you mean?” Taehyung gasped. “You don’t think I can wait?”
“It’s not that,” you sighed while looking down at your clasped hands. “I know you can wait. I would never question that.”
“Then what is it?” Taehyung probed. “Do you not want to wait for me anymore?”
“No,” you admitted. “I don’t.”
Taehyung inhaled shakily and you could see the hurt blossoming in his eyes. Before the first tear could fall, you quickly got up and kneeled in front of your crumbling soulmate.
“Tae-bear,” you cooed while cupping his cheeks between your hands. “I don’t want to wait because I want to do this now...with you.”
Taehyung’s breath stopped and his glazed eyes raked over your own. He could see the resolve in your pupils as they dilated and he felt a twitch in his cargo pants.
No, not yet…
Taehyung pulled you into his lap and wrapped his arms around your waist. The torrent of desire building at his center was kept a bay as he confirmed your proposal.
“Ttalgi,” he murmured against your cheek. “Are you sure this is what you want? I don’t want you to do anything that you might regret later.”
“Why would I regret this?” you asked. “This is you and me we’re talking about. I know we’re still young, but I don’t want to wander through the rest of high school worrying about who might or might not get into our pants first. I know I talk a big game, Tae, but let’s be honest. I’m dumb as hell when I’m attracted to someone, and so are you. I just want to make sure that I remember this as something momentous and not regret that it happened. I want to remember it as special. Who’s more special than my soulmate?”
Damn. She played the soulmate card.
Taehyung sagged back against the backing of the chair and tried to rub the broiling lust out of his eyes. Unfortunately, you saw the motion and thought it was linked to rejection and you quickly got up from his lap.
“Look, Tae,” you pouted. “If you don’t want to do this, that’s fine. I just thought that maybe we could share this experience together, just like we do with everything else.”
Taehyung groaned at your pouty face and hopped up from the chair to pull you back into his arms. You tried to resist, but you were no match for the bear hug Taehyung pulled you into. You burrowed your reddened face into his soft chest and whimpered, which pulled at Taehyung’s last heartstring. He really tried to convince himself that this was too soon, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized that you were right.
You always were.
There was no telling what could happen over the next few years, especially since you no longer lived in the same town or went to the same school. You were miles and miles apart from one another and that distance was affecting your relationship, whether you both wanted to admit it or not.
How can I say no to my soulmate?
Taehyung reached up and pulled the scrunchie out of your hair and hummed at the silken tresses that cascaded across your shoulders. He slid his fingers into the luscious waves and leaned in to kiss your forehead. The scent of green apples assaulted his nostrils and he moaned quietly at the intoxicating scent of your shampoo.
“Why do you always smell so good?” Taehyung breathed out. “I swear whenever I smell something fruity, I think of you, ttalgi.”
“It’s apple scented, not strawberry, Tae,” you giggled. “Remember, I’m the apple of my parents’ eyes? That’s why my middle name is Eris, the bearer of the golden apple and Greek goddess of chaos and discord.”
“Enough mythology, babe,” Taehyung chuckled. “If we’re really going to do this, let’s get more comfortable.”
Taehyung pulled you in the direction of the tent and you both removed your shoes before getting inside. The stacks of blankets and sleeping bags made for a comfortable bed, and Taehyung was thoughtful enough to bring extra pillows for added comfort. You reached over and turned down the lantern to a dim glow as Taehyung zipped the tent shut. He shuffled back next to you and you both cuddled up in the middle of your makeshift bed.
“Hello, beautiful,” Taehyung smiled brightly. “Fancy seeing you here.”
You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t stop the grin spreading across your lips. You took in the boyish features on Taehyung’s face and your breath caught when you saw him lick his lips. Taehyung’s eyes locked with your own and the sexual tension inside the tent escalated quickly.
He may look like a boy, but he certainly doesn’t act like one.
Encouraged by the hungry look in his eyes, you decided to break the tension by pressing your lips against his. What started out as a simple touching of lips quickly transfigured into a messy tangle of lips and teeth. You each tried to devour the other, and within a few moments, you found yourself straddling Taehyung’s hips and grinding your clothed center along his growing erection.
“Fuck, babe, slow down,” Taehyung whimpered. “If you keep doing that, I’m going to cum in my pants.”
“Can’t stop,” you mewled desperately. “Feels too good.”
You increased the friction along your clit and Taehyung gripped your hips in an attempt to slow your ministrations. When he realized that you were on a mission, he did some quick thinking and rolled you over onto your back. Before you could protest the change in position, you felt his fingers dipping into your shorts in search of your throbbing core.
“Oh my gods, yes, Tae,” you moaned. “Please touch me.”
“Holy shit, babe,” Taehyung exclaimed. “You’re so fucking wet. Is this all for me?”
“Mmm hmm,” you hummed while bucking your hips against his exploring fingers. “All for you.”
“Then I better not let it go to waste,” Taehyung mused while shifting onto his knees. “Mind if I take these off?”
Taehyung’s other hand was tugging lightly on the band of your shorts and underwear, and you quickly lifted your hips so he could slide them down your legs. He tossed them into the corner of the tent and made space for himself between your legs. You tried to slow your labored breaths, but watching Taehyung hover over your glistening folds with a hungry look in his eyes was absolutely breathtaking.
“Babe, can I go down on you?” Taehyung asked sweetly. “I’ve never tried it before, and your scent is driving me crazy. I need to know what you taste like.”
You nearly lost all of the breath in your lungs at Taehyung’s words, and all you could do was nod dumbly and spread your legs even wider. The sight of your dripping center was unbelievably enticing and Taehyung carefully lowered himself closer to get a better look. After inhaling the musky scent, Taehyung growled softly and gave your clit a tentative kitten lick.
“Fuck,” you squeaked. “That feels so weird.”
“Good weird or bad weird?” Taehyung asked. “I can stop if you want.”
“Good weird,” you confirmed. “Definitely good weird. Please don’t stop.”
“Ok, because I really don’t want to,” Taehyung admitted. “You taste incredible. Like it’s sweet but also not. I can’t really explain it, but I know I want more of it.”
“Then what are you waiting for, Tae-bear?” you giggled. “Get to work.”
Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows at you and leaned in to kiss your nether lips. You gasped when you felt his tongue sneak forward and start lapping up the essence gathered around your center. You tried your best to writhe with each delicious pass of his tongue over your aching clit, but he was cleverly holding you in place with his upper body and giving you no room to escape.
“Ah, Tae,” you moaned. “That feels amazing.”
“Mmmmm,” Taehyung hummed against your clit, causing you to squeak. “Does it really, babe? Are you going to cum for me?”
“I don’t know,” you breathed out. “Keep doing that and I probably will.”
“Challenge accepted, babe,” Taehyung teased. “Don’t scream too loud though. Your parents might hear you.”
With renewed vigor, Taehyung dove into your center, licking and slurping and dipping his fingers into you with surprising precision and skill. Taehyung was always a fast learner and apparently that applied to everything in his life, including sex.
Taehyung’s fingers began curling as they reached new depths inside you and the sensation of them grazing against your vaginal walls caused you to clench with a mixture of discomfort and delight. Taehyung picked up on your body cues and began twisting his wrist slightly to create more friction as he pulled his fingers in and out. You felt a sharp twinge inside your vagina and a tightening in your clit and you gripped Taehyung’s wavy locks and pulled harshly. The pleasure was definitely overpowering the pain, so you decided to just go with it.
“Right there, Tae,” you whined. “Whatever you’re doing, keep doing that.”
Taehyung moaned out loudly against your clit as you continued to pull on his hair and the vibrating sensation pushed you over the edge. You bit down on your lip to keep your screams from escaping as the most intense orgasm you’d ever felt broke out across your skin. You’d masturbated before, but the outcome had never been this intense. You turned your face into a nearby pillow and cried out as Taehyung helped you ride out the waves of your climax.
When you stopped twitching and started pushing his fingers away, Taehyung finally relented. You released your ironclad grip on his hair and he shivered as you extracted your fingers from his scalp. He shook the sensation out of his roots and gaped at you.
“I’ve never had anyone pull my hair like that before,” he admitted. “I think I liked it. I almost came in my pants, babe.”
You both started giggling at his newfound discovery. He collapsed next to you and tried to cuddle you, but your mind was swimming with lust and you switched positions so you could now hover over his crotch. The outline of his hardened cock was twisted across his thigh uncomfortably, and not even his loose cargo pants could hide his impressive size.
Taehyung shifted his hips nervously as you continued to gawk at him, and he had a sneaking suspicion that you were trying to reciprocate out of some type of misplaced duty. He quickly decided that maybe he should let you off the hook before he embarrassed himself.
“Babe,” Taehyung began. “You don’t have to. It’s ok.”
“Are you fucking kidding me, Elizabeth?” you retorted. “After what I just experienced, I have to know if I can do the same thing for you.”
Taehyung widened his eyes and snorted with laughter. He sat up to pull you into a sweet kiss and savored each brush of your lips across his own. You made little humming noises as he cupped your cheeks, but he chuckled and pulled away when you tried slipping your tongue into his mouth.
“If you really want to do this, babe, I won’t stop you,” Taehyung assured you. “Just go slow. I’ve never had anyone do this before, and I’m afraid that I won’t last very long.”
“Don’t worry, Tae-bear,” you sighed. “Just let me take care of you.”
You pushed at his chest until he laid back down against the sleeping bags. As you settled between his legs, you ran your fingers up his thighs and curled your fingers around the button holding his cargo pants together. You were gentle as you popped it open and pulled down the zipper. Taehyung’s bulging erection was poking at the top of his underwear waistband, and you nearly hiccupped at the sight of it.
Where the hell has he been hiding this monster?
Not being able to wait any longer, you leaned forward and started kissing and licking at his turgid length over his underwear. Taehyung hissed and pulled a pillow over his face to release a few shaky whines. You tugged his waistband down and wrapped your fingers around his stiffened shaft. The velvety texture and warmth felt wonderful as you squeezed it with your palm. The moan Taehyung released at your touch was music to your ears and you decided to test out a few things.
If he can learn on the job, then so can I.
After a few experimental strokes, you narrowed down the motion that brought the most delightful sounds out of Taehyung’s mouth. They were slightly muffled because of the pillow, but you could hear them nonetheless. You were about to try something else, but you noticed Taehyung clench uncomfortably and you realized that things were probably a little too dry for him.
He needs lubrication.
You licked your lips and smirked. You had all the lubrication he needed.
Brace yourself, Elizabeth.
You slowed your strokes and leaned in to sniff at the smears of precum spread across his bulbous head. The heady scent was certainly strange, but your curiosity got the better of you and you gave his slit a small lick.
“Oh, fuck,” Taehyung moaned loudly. “What are you doing, babe?”
Taehyung removed the pillow from his face and looked down between his legs to see your half naked form gripping his hard cock with your lips centimeters away from the tip. Your eyes met and he inhaled sharply when you winked at him. Before he could ask you anything, you pulled the head of his penis into your mouth and all sense of reality went out the metaphorical window.
“Holy shit,” Taehyung gasped. “It’s s-s-so w-warm...and w--wet.”
You continued to dip further down onto his solid length, stretching your lips, keeping your teeth hidden, and hollowing your cheeks, listening to each whimper and whine, figuring out the right combination of movements to bring Taehyung the most amount of pleasure.
“B-babe, s-slow down,” Taehyung begged helplessly. “I-I’m so close.”
Taehyung was so wound up from everything that he couldn’t hold himself together for much longer. His thighs were trembling and his fingers were clutching the sleeping bag beneath him. He wasn’t going to last if you kept up your current pace.
I've got him right where I want him. Let's see what pushes him over the edge.
In the spirit of exploration, each time you bobbed your head, you tried swirling your tongue around Taehyung’s shaft. After a few of those motions, Taehyung was clutching at your hair, trying to pull you off of his dick.
“Babe, wait,” Taehyung pleaded. “I’m gonna, I’m gonna-”
You grabbed his wrists and pulled his hands away from your head. As soon as he was distracted by that, you took him in as deep as you could. Taehyung released a deep throaty moan and warm spurts erupted into your mouth. You sucked and swallowed on instinct because, let’s face it, no one likes a mess (especially in a tent). When he started whimpering from overstimulation, you pulled back and wiped your mouth with your shirt.
Taehyung was gasping for breath, his glassy eyes wildly scanning the tent and his fingers reaching out for you. You nuzzled into his side and sighed happily.
“I can’t believe you just did that, babe,” Taehyung huffed out. “Not only did you give me the orgasm of my life, but you swallowed everything I gave you. I wasn’t expecting that.”
“Are you kidding me, Tae?” you scoffed. “You know how much I hate messes. It just made sense to swallow.”
You allowed the temperature in the tent to cool, but the smell of sex in the air was intoxicating, as was Taehyung’s gentle strokes along your side and the sweet nuzzles along your forehead. Entranced by his affection, you allowed your own fingers to wander freely across his chest until hardened pebbles were poking through his thin shirt. Your hand slipped lower and you felt Taehyung’s dick twitch against your wrist.
“You’re hard again, Tae-bear,” you teased. “Haven’t had enough of me yet?”
“Not even close, ttalgi,” Taehyung chuckled. “There is so much I want to do to you.”
“So what’s stopping you?” you boldly challenged. “Show me what you got, Elizabeth.”
“First of all, don’t call me Elizabeth when we’re like this,” Taehyung admonished you as he nipped at your ear. “It kinda kills the mood. Second, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“How would you hurt me, Tae?” you asked. “You trying to get rough with me?”
“Not intentionally,” Taehyung affirmed. "But after fingering you, I'm not sure you can take me. You're so tight."
You stopped caressing him abruptly and sat up. Before Taehyung could utter a word of protest, you stripped off your shirt and straddled his hips. You had just enough time to unhook your bra before Taehyung sat up and stopped you. With the bra trapped helplessly between your bodies, you met Taehyung's concerned face with fiery resolve.
"You don't get to tell me what I can or cannot do, Taehyung Elizabeth," you stated firmly. "You learned that lesson when we were kids, or have you forgotten about the seesaw?"
Taehyung rolled his eyes at your reminder about an incident from elementary school and he began stroking your bare back in an attempt to soothe your anger.
"Babe, I'm not trying to tell you what to do," Taehyung claimed. "I'm just worried about hurting you."
"My body, my choice, Tae," you retorted. "I decide what I can handle, not you."
Taehyung opened his mouth to offer a rebuttal, but you shut him up with a kiss, slowly working your tongue past his lips. His self control crumbled when you reached up and tugged at his messy locks.
"Oh, shit," Taehyung whined. "I gave you a fucking weapon, didn't I?"
"Damn right, you did," you smirked while grinding your messy center against his throbbing cock. "You like it rough, huh, Tae?"
"Mmmmm, yeah," Taehyung groaned. "I'm as surprised as you are."
Taehyung's fingers found their way back to your creamy folds, and you moaned lasciviously as he plunged one and then two fingers into your swollen cunt.
The sharp lick of pain from earlier reappeared, but it couldn't compete with the waves of pleasure crashing and spreading across your nerve endings. You pushed back at his intrusive fingers, and your impatience was growing exponentially.
You reached down and wrapped one hand around Taehyung's fat cock and smeared the accumulated precum over the head and down the shaft. He felt so solid in your hand and you couldn't stop wondering about what it would feel like inside you.
It's time.
Without warning, you lifted your hips and brought one knee up. Taehyung was so focused on his own fingers that he didn't realize what you were doing until it was too late. You quickly angled his dick toward your clit and gathered up as much slick as you could. You slipped the head of his penis into your soaking entrance and immediately regretted your hasty decision.
What the actual fuck?! Oh, the pain…
In a slight panic, you tried to retreat, but it was too late. The warmth and wetness registered in Taehyung's brain and he bucked another couple of centimeters into you. You couldn't form any words, so you released a pained squeak at the intrusion and leaned in to sink your teeth into his exposed neck. Taehyung preened at your unexpected bite, relishing the sweet pain you inflicted upon him.
"Fuuuuuuck," Taehyung moaned loudly. "Oh, baby, you feel incredible."
Mistaking your squeak for enjoyment, Taehyung lifted your hips a bit and then pushed back in even further than before. You blindly clawed at his back and Taehyung reached down and tried to pull his shirt off, thinking that you wanted him more naked. In his haste, his limbs became tangled in the shirt and he began thrashing slightly to untangle himself.
Unfortunately, that just added to the assault his cock was launching on your swollen cunt. The stinging between your legs spread across your abdomen, and you clenched, clawed, and contorted your body, desperately trying to extract yourself from his clutches, but his dick was inescapable.
Somehow, you overcorrected your position and tipped sideways, drawing his thick cock out of you and earning a reprieve from the sharp pain ebbing from your dripping slit. You noted that although the pain was slowly subsiding, you felt an overwhelming emptiness inside.
Taehyung was still struggling to get the shirt off of his torso and head, so you reached over to help him. Much to your dismay, he was sharing your thoughts and leaned in at the same time, your skulls colliding harshly and drawing yelps out of both of you.
You both fell back against the soft pile of bedding and groaned with displeasure, your heavy breathing filling the atmosphere of the tent. The impact of his forehead against your own was reverberating through your brain, adding to soreness growing at your center. The entire situation was so epically ridiculous that you couldn’t even fathom your initial thought process.
Why did I think this would be easy and painless?
You huffed out in exasperation and considered posing the question to your soulmate. However, when you shifted your gaze in his direction, you realized that your adorable dork was still trapped in his shirt/straight jacket and he’d surrendered to its cottony grip. His soft belly was exposed, his chest was heaving with exertion and his erection was deflated in the aftermath of the heavy head butt you’d accidentally delivered. The bite on his neck was red and very noticeable and your ego inflated at the thought of leaving your mark on his perfect skin.
“Tae,” you giggled. “Would you like some help?”
Taehyung made one last attempt to disentangle his arms from his shirt, but ultimately gave up the fight.
“Please?” he begged. “My elbows are stupid and they won’t come out of the sleeves.”
“Well, you keep buying these tighter shirts,” you admonished him while pulling on the soft fabric. “Maybe you should go for a baggier look, babe.”
Once you pulled his shirt over his head and got his “stupid” elbows sorted out, Taehyung pouted at the mess you two made of your first sexual encounter. It was going so well until his shirt decided to betray him.
“Sorry about that,” Taehyung sighed. “I guess I ruined everything, huh? You were totally getting into it and I just had to play Houdini with my shirt.”
“Ummm, you may want to rethink that assessment, Tae-bear,” you replied. “I wasn’t getting into anything. I was trying to get away from you. I was in some serious pain and your shenanigans weren’t helping.”
Taehyung gaped at your confession and his frustration was quickly replaced by concern. He reached over and coaxed you into his bare chest.
"I was hurting you, ttalgi?" Taehyung murmured into your hair. "I'm so sorry. That was the last thing I wanted to do."
"You're not completely to blame," you admitted. "I thought I could take it, but obviously, I was wrong."
"Are you ok?" Taehyung asked sweetly. "Want me to check for any permanent damage?"
You giggled and slapped his chest playfully, and Taehyung only snuggled into your body even more.
"There's no permanent damage, you dork," you retorted. "I'm just sore. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about."
Taehyung sighed with relief and proceeded to trace little swirls onto your exposed skin. He began humming some unknown tune and the soothing baritone notes soon lulled you into a light slumber. You cracked an eyelid when Taehyung pulled away from you, but he was just gathering the fluffy comforter over your bodies to brace against the chill of the evening.
You sat up and turned out the dim lantern. When you rejoined Taehyung underneath the comforter, you both entwined your naked bodies together without hesitation.
Why does this feel so right?
The natural sounds of the forest and Taehyung's gentle snores coerced you to sleep, and visions of Taehyung's face contorted with pleasure wracked your dreams. You could almost hear the melodic moans and whimpers he'd released earlier, and you could almost feel his stiff rod probing against your sopping entrance.
You gasped as you felt a hand at your breast, gently kneading and searching out your hardened nipple. You arched your back in response and a small moan escaped from your lips.
Such a good sex dream…
Or is it?!
The thought possessed your mind completely, and you tried to shake the slumber out of your mind in order to wake up.
Upon your exit from Dreamland, you found that Taehyung's hand was in fact on your breast, but he wasn't groping you. In fact, you could still hear the steady breaths behind you as the big spoon called Taehyung curled his smooth body around you. Your ass was sitting against his crotch and you could feel the heat and throb of a partial erection against you.
Still floating in an ocean of dream-induced lust, you unconsciously pressed your ass back into his crotch, grinding your growing wetness along his hardening shaft.
Fuck, that feels good. I'm still a little sore, but I seriously want his dick inside me again. Should I wake him up? Maybe we can try again? Maybe it won't hurt this time?
You tried rationalizing every possible scenario that would lead his penis into your vagina, but they all felt wrong. How could you even consider doing something while Taehyung was asleep and couldn't consent?
I can't.
You steeled your resolve and started to pull away from Taehyung, but the grip on your breast tightened and then pulled you back in. Taehyung's breath had increased in pace and it was husky and deep as he whispered into your ear.
"Why'd you stop, baby?" Taehyung grunted. "I was just about to get to the good part."
You released a throaty gasp as Taehyung's fingers slipped lower to circle your clit. The slick deluge he found only had his hips rutting against you with more enthusiasm.
"I can't stop thinking about your perfect little pussy, ttalgi," Taehyung hissed. "So perfect. So wet. So mine."
Two fingers found their way into your slippery folds and Taehyung was soon dipping both of them into your dripping cavern.
"Fuck, Tae," you whined. "That feels so good, don't stop."
"Wouldn't dream of it, babe," he chuckled. "Are you ready to try again? I'll be as gentle as I can, and this time, no failed magic tricks."
Taehyung moved his arm behind you so he could plunge his fingers back into you from behind. He drove them deeper and deeper, drawing out moan after delicious moan from your throat. The soreness was a distant memory now, and all you could think about was getting that fat dick back inside of you.
"Tae, please," you shamelessly begged. "I need you inside me."
"Ok, babe," Taehyung assented. "But you have to let me know if I'm hurting you, ok? I promise to stop and wait for you to be ready. There's no need to rush."
You looked back at his dilated pupils and pulled him into a smoldering kiss. After a few moments of stealing each other's breath away, you lifted your leg and gave him full access to the swollen sight between your legs.
"Ok, baby," Taehyung muttered while maneuvering his stiff cock to your entrance. "Here I go."
The head of his penis slipped in and you waited for the sharp twinge to return. There was a definite increase in pressure, but no overwhelming pain. Taehyung grunted against your shoulder and released a soft whine. You rolled your hips back against him and he slipped in a little further with an even louder whine.
"Fuck, babe," Taehyung whimpered. "You can't even begin to comprehend how amazing you feel. So tight and so warm and so fucking wet. I could do this all day every day and die a happy man."
"You're so big, Tae," you replied. "Give me a moment to adjust."
Taehyung nodded against your shoulder and waited. You pushed back against his hips and he slipped in a little more. After a few experimental attempts, you were getting restless. Taehyung's large slender fingers began circling your clit once more, enticing more arousal to seep forth and provide the necessary lubrication. You writhed in his grasp, and slowly but surely, Taehyung slid his dick in all the way to the hilt.
"That's it, baby," Taehyung coaxed. "Now, you're full of my cock. How does it feel?"
That was a damn good question.
How does it feel? I feel full and hot, but something's missing. What else could there be?
You leaned forward, pulling off of his lap slightly, and then ground your hips back against his. The tingle of pleasure that licked up your spine was all the answer you needed. Taehyung's throaty groan at your movement was so encouraging that you reached back and pulled at his hips.
"I think I'm ready, Tae," you cooed. "Go ahead and try moving. It doesn't hurt, I promise."
Taehyung pulled your chin over and placed a chaste kiss on your lips. You melted against his lips, but yelped when he pulled his hips back and thrust forward unexpectedly. The sensation was raw and unlike anything you'd ever experienced before. You both moaned out together and stilled your movements.
"Oh shit," you gasped. "I wasn't expecting that."
"Neither was I," admitted Taehyung. "I didn't think this could feel any better, but it does. I just want to keep doing this over and over again."
"Keep going, Tae," you pleaded. "Let's finish what we started."
The two of you proceeded to test out the waters of your sexual appetite. Taehyung discovered a fountain of stamina, you discovered new ways to bend your body, and you took turns exerting dominance over one another.
In the end, entwined in a sweaty heap of satisfaction, you and Taehyung sought out each other's lips, bringing the whole messy ordeal to a close.
"Well, we had a rough start," you giggled against his lips. "But I think we worked out the kinks."
"Speak for yourself," Taehyung grumbled. "I know there's more to me than hair pulling."
"Of course there is, Tae-bear," you confirmed. "You also liked it when I scratched your back and bit your neck."
"I guess I'm just a pain slut," he chuckled. "I can live with that."
You both settled into a comfortable position and pulled the comforter back over your bodies. The chilly night air was causing your glistening skin to erupt into goosebumps, so you snuggled together and drifted off to Dreamland with your arms wrapped around each other.
Perfect. -------------- "Babe, have you seen my laptop?" Taehyung yelled from downstairs. "I can't find it."
You unplugged the laptop and gathered all of Taehyung's accessories from the floor. Once you'd returned from your camping trip, you'd hunkered down in your room to chill and enjoy the last few days you had with Taehyung. You read your books, Taehyung drew on his laptop, and random episodes of your favorite anime shows played on your TV. It was absolute bliss.
Speaking of bliss, both you and Taehyung had a serious talk about your camping shenanigans before you made your way home. You agreed that although the whole experience was beyond amazing, certain rules needed to be set.
You both agreed that you were reckless by not worrying about protection. Sure, you were both virgins with almost no experience, but there were still precautions that should be taken. You decided not to engage in intercourse again until you had condoms and you were able to secure some type of birth control.
Teenagers can be so irresponsible.
That didn't mean you weren't engaging in other sexual activities behind closed doors. You both learned the value of pillows as a method of muffling moans and groans. You'd both experimented in your bed, and your parents were none the wiser. Things never escalated into the realms of intercourse, but neither of you cared. Pleasure was bountiful in other areas besides intercourse.
You also agreed that you needed to be completely honest with one another from now on. There would be no ill will if he or you decided to explore your desires elsewhere. There just needed to be open communication and no jealousy.
I am my own person and so are you.
The only other agreement you made was to continue your intimate relationship until one of you entered into some type of relationship. In the event of a relationship forming, all sexual shenanigans would immediately halt.
Soulmates just want each other to be happy. It's that simple.
You placed all of Taehyung's drafting tools and laptop back into his backpack and carried it downstairs. Your mom was lavishing Taehyung with homemade cookies fresh from the oven and a large glass of milk.
Ugh, spoiled brat.
You handed over the bag and he leaned over to place a small peck on your forehead. Your mother gushed at the small display of affection and made heart eyes at you when Taehyung walked away to place his backpack among his other belongings. You just rolled your eyes and grabbed a cookie from the plate.
Taehyung was going home today, but a part of him would never leave you. You became soulmates at the age of 5, but your actions at the age of 15 solidified your universal connection for eternity.
Whatever the Universe throws at me, at least I know I'll have my eternal connection to Taehyung to help me see it through.
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Author’s Note: I really missed these characters. MOTS’ Kim Elizabeth Taehyung is one of my favorite self-created characters. I just adore him. I hope everyone enjoyed this as much as I did. Thank you to @xxxille-girlxxx​, my lovely Goguma, for Beta reading this for me. Borahae, soulmate!
@caught-in-a-seesaw-stigma​‘s MASTERLIST
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Dr. Chilton Hates Camping [NSFW]
K!nktober 2020 Kink Bingo!: Blowjobs
For @thatesqcrush’s kink bingo!
Because for some reason this picture always makes me think Frederick is packing to go camping, and he would look exactly this miserable if he was. 
1,671 words
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Feathery tops of pine trees swayed blue-green in a gentle northern breeze off the lake, the late summer air buzzing with a chorus of insects and birds. Golden light cast a hazy glow over your backcountry campsite as the sun began to sink in the sky. It was beautiful and serene. Perfect, even.
For the number of fancy galas and boring dinners Dr. Chilton dragged you to, it seemed only fair that he tolerate going camping. 
“Gah! Die, you blood-sucking fiend!” Chilton shrieked, and a smacking sound echoed off the lake. He grunted. Heavy, annoyed footfalls paced across the camp.
That was your first mistake—thinking Dr. Frederick Chilton shared your notion of “fairness” or the ability to tolerate things with fewer than five stars. All day since backpacking to the primitive campsite he complained there were rocks in his shoes. He was tired. His bag was too heavy. 
A small fire crackled in the center of a bare clearing in the trees near the lake shore. You dropped a larger log onto the tinder as the flames grew hungry enough to bear it, and excitedly rifled through a stuff sack for the makings of s'mores you’d packed.
There was a hissing noise behind you, and you choked on the bitter chemical air, covering your mouth as Chilton’s nuclear cloud of bug spray wafted over to you.
“Can you not spray that upwind of me, please?” you coughed.
He glared at you miserably and swatted another mosquito.
“This is not a fair trade. The things I bring us to are enjoyable. They are civilized, and... indoors!” Swat! “It is freezing, and—and damp, and these damned bugs want to drain me like a phlebotomist in training!” Swat!
“Sit by the fire,” you suggested. “It’s warm and dry, and the smoke repels bugs.”
“It does a better job repelling my lungs.” He stood taller and temperamentally fussed with the buttons of his wool peacoat (because why would he have worn sensible technical gear when he could look stylish). “If you need me... I shall be inside! Waiting until tomorrow when we can leave!” He turned on his heel and stormed into the small, orange tent, and gave his best effort at slamming the nylon zip-up door.
You speared a fat marshmallow onto the end of a stick and sat by the fire, making a s’more while grumbling to yourself about what a baby he was being. This could have been a nice trip if he wasn’t so—ugh!
By the time you finished the crunchy melty treat, you felt much better. It got your blood sugar up, anyway. Sighing, you followed him into the tent.
Chilton had his reading glasses on and was squinting at the glowing screen of his phone as he held it in the air trying to get service… which clearly was not working. You were way off the grid.
The tent flat unzipping caught his attention, and he gave you such a pathetic look as you ducked inside. His always-perfect hair was droopy where it usually stuck up and fluffed up where it was usually slicked down.
“It is damp and cold in here too,” he whined. “And the floor! The floor is lumpy. How will I sleep?”
Your heart softened at the sight of him. He was just so adorable it made your cheeks burn. Crawling onto the sleeping bag he was sitting on, you reached out and gingerly plucked a twig from his hair.
His eyes widened in mortification, and he quickly patted down his head for any other horrible bits of nature that might have latched onto him. “This is not my idea of fun,” he said.
“Well, I’m happy that you tried it for me. Really, I’m impressed you actually came.”
His eyes darted down to your lips, suddenly aware of how close you were sitting, and one cheek twitched briefly into almost a smile. “You wanted to do this,” he said gently. Of course he was going to come.
You leaned forward to close the distance and kissed him. His eyes shut and he moaned softly into your mouth, his frazzled, exhausted, itchy body locking onto you as source of comfort like a heat-seeking missile.
“You taste like chocolate,” he murmured, lips breaking away just far enough to breathe your air, his forehead pressed against yours.
“Have you ever had s’mores?”
“Of course I have,” he answered, a little offended at the implication. He was not so sheltered and elitist to have never roasted a marshmallow. “Not since I was a child…”
“I can make you one. Or if you come out, we can sit by the fire and make them together.”
He thought about it. You had straddled onto his lap, and your body heat was all the more enticing against the annoyingly wet air and cold floor. He was feeling a little less awful about the whole situation.
“But first…” you purred, hand running down the front of his shirt, continuing lower, “I was wondering how I could thank you. Since you’re doing this for me… maybe I can do something for you?”
He inhaled sharply, Adam's apple bobbing as your hand reached the front of his pants, searching between his legs. His eyes, as blue-green as the pines, fixated onto yours, but then rapidly blinked and darted around his surroundings.
“You want to do that outdoors?”
“We’re inside a tent.”
And yet he could hear squirrels chittering as if they were right inside the tent with them. The thin nylon was hardly a barrier at all, and it all felt a bit shockingly exhibitionist. But then, no one was around for miles apart from birds and squirrels who could see or hear you. The devilish idea stirred him that he could fuck you right out in the open if he wanted, like two wild animals rutting in the woods.
Exhaling a deep, breathy growl, he grabbed your face and pulled you back into a burning, fiery kiss. You grinned as he broke it, eyes still burning into you as he pushed you down to his belt.
He leaned back on his elbows, taking the passive role and letting you unbuckle his pants and slip his cock out of his underwear. He drew a sharp, quick breath in through his teeth as your tongue made contact with the tip of his head, and let it out long and easy and shuddering as the wet warmth of your mouth engulfed him. You nursed his semi-soft cock, enjoying being able to hold all of him in your mouth at once so easily, sucking and teasing it, feeling his arousal grow—his pulse getting stronger, throbbing under your tongue as his cock lengthened.
When he finally reached his full, exquisite hardness, he was too big to take in his entirety without choking. You pumped his shaft with your hand, bobbing in his lap as he let out helpless little whimpers, stroking your hair tenderly. He was always vocal in bed, but especially when he was feeling needy. He really needed to be comforted now, and you relished every shiver and moan of pleasure that told you you were doing a good job.
His fingers spasmed reflexively, pulling your hair as you took him deeper, opening your throat until you couldn’t breathe. Your eyes watered with the effort, but it turned you on feeling how much he loved it. You wanted to please Frederick so much he’d remember this trip fondly for a long time. You worked him with everything you had, twisting your hand around his shaft as you pumped it, flicking your tongue over the underside of his cock, stroking his balls, and hollowing your cheeks as you sucked him into oblivion, listening to his gasps of pleasure grow louder as he came completely undone.
His eyes squeezed closed and he threw his head back. You felt his abdominal muscles tense and twitch, and at last he could not hold his hips still and passive, and they began to jerk up into your mouth, pulsing at a rapid and shallow pace. You matched his tempo, bobbing faster on his cock, and within three shallow thrusts he shook and came with a forceful whimpering cry of your name. His hips kept pulsing and twitching as hot, salty cum flooded your tongue.
He fell back on the sleeping bag, panting. You held him in your mouth until you were sure you had licked him clean, then buttoned him back up.
He watched you lick your swollen, shiny lips with satisfaction, admiring your beauty and your skill at making him feel… amazing. It still surprised him sometimes when he stopped to think about it—that you had chosen him. Out of anyone in the world, he was the one lucky enough to have you. It really was incredible.
“I begin to understand how my primitive ancestors got by,” he hummed.
You laid yourself next to him and he happily made room for you to curl up under his arm, wriggling as you settled beside him. He was so warm, like a furnace. Funny and charming. Overdressed. Wickedly smart. God, you loved him. The woods were the last place he should be, you laughed to yourself at your own foolishness in dragging him there. He was not at all the masculine adventure type. There was no hidden rugged side deep down waiting to spring out. But it made you want to take care of him all the more. Your stuffy, helpless, whiny, suit-wearing, scotch-sipping Frederick, who braved the wilderness just to please you.
You kissed him again, warm and tender in his arms. He smiled, and your heart skipped a beat.
“Come on,” you sat up and crawled to the front of the tent, beckoning him. “Douse yourself in bug spray, and lets sit by the fire, stuff ourselves with s’mores, and watch the sun set over the mountains.”
“I suppose...” he considered it, eyes narrowed cautiously, “it does not sound that horrible.”
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herrashmoo · 3 years
secondly, im not a tumblr teen. ive been on this website for god knows how long and ive been well versed in queer history. me calling them a pedophile, after a conversation with them resulted in them refusing to admit sexual imagery is not for children, them calling me a bootlicker and several other names, before getting wildly upset and blocking me, had nothing to do with their sexuality and everything to do with the fact that they couldnt tell me sexual imagery is not a thing for minors to consume period end of story. this is AFTER the fact i had been a bit more educated about pride and had ALREADY agreed where i went wrong. now about the sanitization of pride- thats wrong as well. dont get me wrong. but you cant seriously look me in the face and tell me that sexual imagery is not for minors. like- just that statement alone, right? so how is this such a controversy?
ugh okay I guess I’m gonna write A Thing. I’ll get into a proper response to your final questions but first, let’s do some context work.
first thing to make clear is that I know Jux irl, and I also want to make it pretty clear that they and I have pretty similar opinions here, I’m just slightly more likely to put my anger aside to reply to stuff. Do not get it twisted, rhetoric like the kind you were/are using is like, a big red flag for me, it’s the kind of shit reactionaries have been using for eons and like, were I in a less chill mood, I would’ve also likely written you off as a bootlicker troll. Their response was pretty aggressive but not completely misplaced, so I just want to make it clear that like, as another queer dude who is tired of seeing this shit every fucking May for the better part of a decade, I’m also exhausted and pissed off.
As for my claim of teenagerdom, I apologize if that offended, but you have to understand that, generally speaking, the loudest groups having this conversation on the regular are (1) right-wing reactionaries, TERFs, and their ilk trying to stir shit up (see: Operation Pridefall) and (2) young people who don’t have any context for Pride, often haven’t been, and only really have queer politic and history from tumblr and twitter threads featuring reactionary revisionism from the first group. When I see people engage in this conversation, I generally assume they’re in the latter group, as it helps me try to frame my responses in the best faith I can given how tired I am of this shit.
But that aside, sure. Kink isn’t for children. But provided there’s a parent accompanying this hypothetical child at Pride, their job is to explain and provide context for the things they can, and give a solid “you’ll learn more when you’re older” for the things they can’t. The Village People are all each in different kink gear, and as a kid I was told “they like to dress up, and there’s some costumes specifically for adults,” and I was good. I saw bare titties at festivals, smelled weed at concerts, saw bulge at the beach — these are normal human things that happen in the world, and having a responsible adult nearby to explain or provide context for them made them non-issues for me. I don’t think a kid seeing a pup hood is thinking anything more than “oh cool, that dude is dressed up as a dog.” Kids understand fantasy and make-believe. And especially as they age into their teenage years, withholding or sheltering them from knowledge about sex and sexuality can do real damage — hell, we’ve been having that conversation for over a century at least.
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(Spring’s Awakening was first published in 1891 and was deeply censored in productions for the better part of a century, due to the content of the work, which is about how sheltering young teens (both straight and queer) from sexual content (and also mental health resources) leads them to try to figure shit out on their own and make catastrophic decisions that they don’t understand the consequences of until it’s too late. Great play, pretty great musical adaptation, wild that we keep rehashing its points like clockwork over a century after publication.)
But I am also of the opinion that Pride isn’t for children, as, while two decades of assimilationist politic would desperately try to argue otherwise, I am queer because I am sexually attracted to, and have sex with, other men. Pride is a response to the criminalization of queer sex acts, and so it is, in turn, a celebration of queer sex acts. So if someone wants to walk around in chaps and a jock, great! If someone wants to wear their pup gear or a harness or a rope tie or a vest, fuck yeah! It’s a space specially carved out for celebrating the queer experience — the original Pride flag (before it was simplified to make it easier to mass produce for profit, which, again, love seeing our culture made into product) had a pink stripe at the very top, specifically representing sexuality. It is, ostensibly, the thing that defines our community (at least the L G and B parts of it) as an outgroup against the mainstream society.
I think that, if you are uncomfortable with kink displays, or you’re uncomfortable with children seeing kink displays, then Pride is not for you or your children! Don’t go! There’s kid-friendly and sanitized versions of Pride in most major cities, do some research into your local/state Stonewall organizations and you can find more about them. But I’m already sick of having actual cops at Pride, I don’t need people who are uncomfortable with displays of sexuality also policing myself or any other queer person in a space they have spent decades carving out for themselves.
A final note — if you don’t understand why a queer person would blow up and completely write off your bullshit after calling them a pedophile, I urge you to do more reading, more listening. I know that in this brave new world of same-sex marriage equality and PrEP access that it’s hard to remember the collective trauma that the community has experienced, but this shit is inflammatory, you’re straight up spewing fightin’ words. The dude wearing a leather harness at Pride isn’t trying to corrupt any youth or fuck any kids, they’re just trying to live their shit, and I’m sorry that you and so many others have somehow decided that that’s an attack on a demographic of people who aren’t the audience for a celebration of sexuality. We’re not fucking pedophiles, and this “think about the kids” nonsense is some Reagan-era bullshit.
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itsallabigmess · 4 years
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A/N: Just a shortie about you and your boyfriend in a cabin on the mountains. 
This is based on a request made by my lovely @mithrilnen​​ 
“Are you okay in there?”
You were still staring at the purple circle that covered most of your butt’s right cheek when your boyfriend knocked on the bathroom door. Any possibility of you trying to look sexy during this little trip he presented you had vanished on its first day.
“Yep!” you answered after a long sigh, reaching for the flannel pajama shirt over the sink countertop. “Just finishing getting dressed.”
When Mark told you the month before he was going to take you on a trip you couldn’t be more excited. And when he told you the destiny was a surprise, your mind drifted to the most amazing beaches in the world. It made sense.  Mark always told you stories about his surfer days, proudly showing you photos of how good he looked balancing himself over a surfing board.
And then two hours before your flight, he was rashly helping you to redo your bags.
The cabin felt warm and cozy, and by the window, even if it was starting to get dark, you could see the white snow falling over trees. You turn round when you hear Mark calling your name, by the table. There’s a lovely dinner waiting for you, another surprise he had prepared. You got to give him credit: he really stepped up on his efforts to make the trip be very romantic. Not that he needed too. You never dated a man so caring before. And still…
“What the hell happened to your knees?”
You look down where his eyes are fixed, both of your knees are also covered in red and purple bruises. “That’s what happens you take your clumsy girlfriend to snowboard without the proper gear!” You pout, crossing your arms.
“I told you to use your hands instead of just dropping on your knees,” he comes closer, unlocking your arms so he can hug you by the waist.
“Yeah, that’s easier said than done,” you lean your head back when he chuckles and tries to kiss you. “It’s your fault, really, that I’m all sore.”
“And we didn’t even get to bed yet,” he smirks, and you punch his right shoulder. Mark feigns pain but starts laughing right after, pulling closer and biting the curve of your neck. “I’m sorry, babe. We can buy some knee pads tomorrow morning before trying again.”
“Again? No, thanks.” You push him away and reach for one slice of toast over the table, dipping it into melted cheese in the fondue pot before taking a mouthful bite. “You should have taken me to Hawaii or something.” You complain, even though you honestly loved being in an almost secluded cabin in the middle of the mountains. Except for the bruises, of course.
“I don’t think I trust you in the ocean,” he says, pulling your hand to his mouth so he can take eat the rest of your toast.
“But you love seeing me in a bikini,” you wink, shaking your hips a little.
Mark pulls you close once again, hands sliding down your back. “I love it, even more, when you are not wearing anything at all.”
You smile against his lips, letting him finally taste a bit of you, almost forgetting that his hands are dangerously close to your bruised cheek when “Argh!” you push him away, groaning in pain after he squeezes your ass.
“What’s wrong?”
“You think my knees are bad…” you turn around, lifting your shirt just enough for him to see the blotch he unconsciously made sorer.
“Holy…” he holds the curse, examining your bruise before you let your shirt fall gently over it again. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I honestly didn’t think it was that bad until I took a shower,” you sigh, looking at the table, and then at your worried boyfriend. “I don’t think I can sit properly,” you try to say jokingly, rubbing your ass.
Lifting your chin, Mark drops a gently kiss on your lips, and then on the tip of your nose. “I have an idea.”
Standing on the same spot, you watch as your boyfriend quickly move around, pushing to one of the walls, making enough room to place the bed’s mattress in front of the fireplace. Once is all set, pots, and trays of food and bottle of wine placed in between the matters and the place when wood cracks, Mark comes to fetch you, capturing your lips as he lifts you by the waist, carrying you to the spot you were gonna spend the rest of the night.
“So, since snowboarding is off the list,” Mark says in between bites, “how about we visit one of the hot springs tomorrow.”
“I have no bathing suits, remember?”
“We can buy one tomorrow,” he needles, placing your hair behind your ear so he can hide his face on the crook of your neck. “Walk around town, find a nice place to have lunch.”
“Well, mister, you know the way to seduce me is by my stomach,” you nodded, leaning forward to grab one more chocolate covered strawberry. Mark holds your pulse and steals the sweet, holding it with his lips, inviting you to take it back. He is seducing you, all right.
You don’t even think twice before getting on your knees and leaning against him.
His lips are sticking against yours, sugary and addictive. “How about a massage?”
“Ugh, I would love to get one of those,” you say, throwing your head back. “I bet they have the most amazing spas around here.”
“Probably, but I was talking about me, giving you a massage. Right now.”
“Oh,” you run your hands up and down his chest, glaring at the lips you will never get tired of kissing. “I mean, it’s only fair, all things considered.”
He chuckles and lowers you slowly to the mattress. He gives you another strawberry and you savor it, watching as he slowly unbuttons your shirt. His warm palms, so familiar with your body, know exactly where to touch, make you forget any kind of soreness you were feeling.
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