whereismyhat5678 · 4 months
UR ART IS SO AWESOME AAAAAA I would hug ur art style and eat it for dinner
It’s YOU???!!!
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I’ve seen your art and it’s so squishable and huggable and UGH IT’S SO GOOD!!!
No but seriously, these asks are just-
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Anytime I swear, anytime I get these this is how I feel and I won’t stop saying it. I love you guys so much AND THANK YOU!!! And you are SO free to eat my art for dinner!!
*pushes plate towards you*
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zhng96 · 11 months
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↳ pairing: ot9!zb1 x gn!reader
↳ warning: fluff for those w a sweet tooth <3
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↳ moving you by your waist
- sidewalk rule is something HE LIVES BY
- when you’re blocking his way he’ll gently just grab your waist and beckon you to move UGH
- he is so boyfriend i will die
- he lives for the flustered look on your face EVERY TIME HE DOES IT
- you swear you will never get used to it
- you are walking on the side closer to the street? NOT GNNA HAPPEN UNDER HIS WATCH!
- you’re a little too close to a high ledge? NOT UNDER HIS WATCH
- you’re a little lost?? he’ll guide you by gently pushing you by the waist EHEHEHHE
- got me giggling n all..
(rest of the members under the cut!)
↳ is constantly taking candid pictures of you :(( (he has a whole album he organized once a week on his phone)
- he wishes he could inject your reaction tho finding out every time he takes a picture
- he finds you so endearing istg
- he will purposely turn his ringer on so you can hear the camera snap
- sometimes he already awaits your reaction to the first snap so he takes a picture while your eyes are wide in realization
- he treasures it forever (it’s his lockscreen)
- i can imagine you guys being on face time while you are getting ready for the day and he just does the face time screen shot thing
- hes so boyfriend im afraid 😣😣 (pt2)
↳ always takes one flower from the bouquets he buys you to know when to buy you a new one
- we need more hanbins in the world 💔💔
- this man buys you a bouquet without you even asking he is literal perfection
- he sets the one flower on his window sill and always makes sure to check it everyday before leaving for work to know if he has to buy you a new one or not </3
- the first time he did it he texted you “hey since the last bouquet died do u prefer lilies or peonies?”
- you went feral LIKE HOW DID HE KNOW??!!
- and then when you went over to his house one day you saw a flower similar to the ones in your bouquet and you connected the dots
- he goes to the same flower shop every time too
- he goes to a locally managed one!! he thinks the flowers are prettier there than at any supermarket
- the old lady who runs the store is basically his second mother and told him to bring you so you two could meet
- he is so boyfriend it is actually crazy (pt3)
↳ buys everything that reminds him of you
- he is so adorable
- he’s out with his friends and he finds a plushie that resembles you?? yeah he’ll buy it
- some times he gifts them to you but sometimes he’ll keep it
- when you ask him about it he’ll be like “oh it made me think of you!”
- one time you noticed a cute plushie in the backseat of his car and you asked him where and why he bought it
- he said “it reminds me of you! that way every time im driving it feels like you’re with me :)”
- you melt EVERYTIME
- you guys build a ikea shelf for your room solely used for displaying matthew’s trinkets he bought thinking of you :(
- he says its the yn museum LOLL
↳ constantly bumps into you as you walk
- it sounds annoying but it’s actually really endearing :(
- times he can’t hug you he’ll touch you by teasing and bumping into you
- he’s also distracted and just so comfortable and immersed in your conversation that he can’t walk straight
- (but he doesn’t tell you that)
- sometimes he almost pushes the both of you off the side walk LOL
- he finds moments where being playful but also being close to you are his favourite memories
- sometime when you get tired of it you just hold his hand which suddenly makes him stop hehe
- he just wants to be close to you is all
- and tease you <33
- boyfriend coded (pt5)
↳ sets food on your plate whenever you eat out
- i feel like hes not the most openly affectionate person,,, like he shies away from pda n all that
- so instead he shows his love through his actions!!!
- you guys are out eating at a kbbq place and hes just placing some meat or rice on your plate </3
- he’s so attentive w/ it too like when he notices the pile is slowly getting smaller, he takes more off of the grill and sets it on your plate :(((
- when you take notice he smiles, places more and goes “here you go” AHHHH
- once u got to the last piece on your pile its tradition to feed it to him :))
- he happily accepts
- he’s so lovely :((
- and so boyfriend </3 (pt6)
↳ touching you with his cold hands
- LIVES for harmless teasing
- he’ll take his hands and cup your cheeks with them :((
- he loves the squeal and the cute little face you make :((
- sometimes you guys are cuddling in bed and he’ll put his hands under your shirt and rest them on your stomach
- you squeal again which = happy happy gyuvin
- he always apologizes w kisses afterward tho :)
- now you are both happy
↳ whenever you ask for one of his hoodies, he sprays a fresh spritz of his cologne on it
- he likes any opportunity to give you his hoodies :))
- he acts like he doesn’t see you basking in the cologne the hoodie absorbed the first few times he gives you his hoodie
- so now he makes sure to give it an extra spray before giving it to you :))
- he’s considered buying you the cologne as a gift once actually
- but he likes the feeling of keeping the secret that he knows how much you like the scent so he decides against it :)
- he likes seeing your smile every time you put one of his hoodies on not knowing he was admiring hehe
- bf coded (pt8)
↳ compares you to cute and funny animal pictures
- im tempted to make a seperate imagine for this its just so cute
- you’ll just be going about your day and he’ll text you
- he’ll just send the picture of an animal and say “you :)”
- you ask him to elaborate (he has picsart downloaded just for this moment) so he sends a collage of a picture of you resembling the actions or face the animal makes
- he is so cuteness i will die
- when you guys are hanging out he’ll take it phone screen and open up a picture of an animal and hold the screen right next to you face
- he inspects it like he’s an artist and just giggles
- you live for it tho
- oh can’t forget about the times he would ask you to do a pose and you comply reluctantly and he takes a picture and adds it to his collection of pictures that resemble an animal :)
- yea he has an entire album on his camera roll
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navi. mlist.
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icypenguin · 11 months
★~ Heizou Headcanons
helloo im trying to write in modern au the first time so please enjoyy! also this can be read as platonic i supose?? (im trying to make it from friends to lovers)
Teyvat au
- anywhere you both go, he will always hold your hand and not letting go! even when your hands are full he will still search for your hand and hold it in some way.
- solving riddles with him late at night… and if you get scared he will tease you instead of comforting you…
- buying dango with him is actually a daily routine! at lunch you both will meet somewhere and buy dango and eat them together underneath the sakura tree!
- sometimes he will come home late at night so make sure to prepare leftovers… (if you stay up for him its either he will scold you or he will immediately cuddle you)
- suprise hug? suprise hug! suprise hugs come when youre least expecting it…
- on your first date, he got you bouquet of dendrobiums that you still keep until now.
- petnames: my love, darling, dear, babe, sweetheart.
~ small drabble ~
i was walking around inazuma with thoma, when suddenly i feel a weight on my back and i see hands slithering from my shoulder. oh you dont even wanna know who it is! its the.. annoying shikanoin heizou! “darling! oh i missed you!~” heizou was still clinging onto me “h-heizou let go! and the last time you saw me was this morning! not even 12 hours passed yet!” i told him as i was a bit embarrassed that thoma’s watching this. heizou finally let go of me and i speak to thoma “uh sorry about this thoma.. um well how abou heizou join us?” i asked thoma as i looked down a bit still feeling embarrassed. “ofcourse! the more the merrier they say” thoma agreed with a sweet smile. while on the other hand.. heizou was- not quite happy as he wanted to spend time alone with me. but he still stick up with the plan and we all end our lovely afternoon with buying dango together and eating it under the sakura tree while observing the view from afar.
modern au
- matching keychains, matching plushies, matching pjs.. you name it!
- daily goodmorning and goodnight memes or with emojis!
- you will watch tiktok, instagram reels and youtube shorts together with those cringey memes…
- you guys will go into a escape room (like the one that has puzzles inside) and try to solve it. in the end when you both escaped, thats when he confessed his feelings to you.
- horror movie nights at his apartment.. you both on the couch cuddling, sharing a blanket.
- he will definitely show pda.. and whenever youre hanging out with him and his friends, he will show off that you both are officially a couple by doing lovey dovey things.
- your favourite present from him is a heart necklace pendant that can open up and has the picture of you and him together inside.
- petnames are.. pretty random.. such as honeybear, blueberrymuffin, pookie, pumpkin. but when hes feeling extra he will call you sweetheart, darling, honey, dear, baby.
~ small drabble ~
the night was quiet, the air was chilly, the lights were dark. there sit, me and heizou on the couch with a blanket covering us both. i was so scared and well.. he was pretty scared too. the popcorn bowl was empty, the soda can was empty. i focusing on a movie when suddenly.. heizou screamed at me like a monster. at that time a there was also a jumpscare playing in the movie so i immediately scream back and punched him lightly but thats when i realize it was heizou and not some creepy monster! “ouch! heyy! i didnt mean to scare you that much- scare cat!” heizou told me as he was holding his cheek that i punched. “heizou! a-are you okay!? i didnt mean to do that! ugh why did you even do that, thats do dumb!” i asked heizou as i was annoyed that he scared me. heizou said his cheek is fine but i didnt believe him and go get a pack of ice from the freezer. “here put it on your cheek! no excuses” i ordered him and he takes the ice pack from me and hold it on his cheek. “do you wanna watch ninja turtles instead?” he asked still feeling the ache on his cheek. “ofcourse…” i nod my head in agreement and in the end we fell asleep watching ninja turtles on the living room, cuddling eachother.
thankyou for reading i hope you enjoyed this! if you have an advice please do let me know!!!
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Hi Vanilla! What's the best date you been on with Tippy? Do you guys have any pets together? If not, what pet would you both get? What kind of gifts do you both give each other? ~ rebeccaselfships
Goodness! Let me see here... Best date, pet situation, and gifts
I have to say the best date I have ever been on (if you'd count an entire week as a date💜) with him was when we went on vacation to his country.
I've never been outside of Egypt until then and it was winter. I was freezing cold but having a wonderful time nonetheless. We were all snuggled up by the fire, wrapped up in blankets. In the morning he woke me up with excitement.
I saw it. Outside was completely white. Every house was covered in snow, the streets were blanketed with the stuff, it was coming down harshly. I couldn't hold in my excitement. Tippy and I got dressed and in our winter clothes and rushed outside. It was freezing and I could see my breath. I held the falling snowflakes in my mittens.
I didn't realize my boyfriend was looking at me with adoring eyes and a sweet smile until I had glanced over. I got embarrassed but... He wrapped his arms around me in a warming hug. We both just rolled around in the snow together, throwing snowballs at each other, making "snowdudes" (that's what he likes to call snowpals 🙄🤭), and yes I tasted the snow. It was pretty okay hmhm. But that has to be my favorite experience so far. I count it as an entire week date 💜
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As for pets, currently we do not have any. My sweetie pie wants to get a cat but he is severely allergic to them. Then he keeps playfully asking for mythical creatures hmhm! Oh, we'll probably get a hairless cat one day. He's not picky. In fact he would think that's the coolest thing ever.
Unfortunately he also gets really interested in... *Gulp* spiders. Jumping spiders, but they're still spiders. I-I'm not scared of them or a-anything!!! I just... I just don't um, don't think th-that they would b-be sustainable! Yes! They're f-far too s-small to take c-care of!!!
Ahem... As for gifts! I get very embarrassed and feel awkward when my sweetie gives me a gift. I feel I don't deserve them. He gives me everything I would like, new makeup or brushes, heart shaped items, earrings, shoes, icecream, and plush animals. Ugh, I can't look him in the eyes when he hands me presents.
I, however, adore showering my little Tip Tip in gifts! I give him soft pajamas, blankets, plushies, a new video game he's been wanting, candies, makeup, paints and brushes, new canvases, and heart shaped items too! I can't get enough of the look on his face when I have him a beautifully wrapped gift all in blue and topped with a bow. I would do anything for that sweet smile 💜💜💜
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kpophubb · 2 years
Hello~☆ it's me! Hee annonie!
I am here with some (JAKE) edits 😌💗
3. Ayoooo JakeHoon 🥺
Bf! Jake would be so much fun. Because he just goes along with whatever you wanna do ???
Painting his nails to putting on face masks to spending hours in a bookstore. He just goes along with it.
Dates with Jake give me these vibes:
It's a sunny morning. Somehow both of woke up at 5. Lazed around and got out of the best around 7 am and decided to go out for a picnic. It is the perfect amount of sunny outside with cool breeze. You reach the picnic spot and spread you blanket under the shadow of a tree.
While Jake plays with Layla, you peacefully read your book and drink Ice tea. 30 mins or so your bf and Layla (read: your two puppies) come back all tired. You give Layla her water and your bf some juice.
And now all three are just there lying. Staring at the sky and looking at different shapes of clouds. While Jake is busy pointing out a "bone" shaped cloud to Layla. You just take a moment to admire your very pretty and very sweet bf. 💖
His jawline (which you occasionally use to chop veggies), his nails painted baby blue 💙, and sweet gaze he reserves for only you and Layla.
It's all so 💓💓💞💞
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SIM JAEYUN AS BOYFRIEND? Please anonie this😭😭 </3 jake is the best boy and he will undoubtedly be the best boyfriend ever. He’ll treat his girl like a real princess and shower her with so much love, words of affirmation, affection, hugs and kisses and what not? THE PICNIC DATE YOU DESCRIBED OHMYGOD. Your imagination is just 💯 this is giving me all the feels!😳💞 jake would be such a good bf, he would also try to paint the nails of his girl, do her hair and try to do her makeup (even tho he’s not very good at it :p ) cuddling is a must, and playing with Layla is a domestic, necessary thing. Y’all will be just like a family of three! 😭🥺 the part where you added painting jake’s nail baby blue?? Pls I love painted nails in guys especially dark colours. Wow. I feel so sjendjejudjejsjejdjdjdjd 💘💘 to have jake’s doting eyes land on just you and you alone. Bye. I’m deceased imagining that.
checked the edits you sent, jakehoon after ages🤩 our jakehoon!! 🤍 their interactions had gotten so private I was dying for some content bc I love their friendship since iland sm!! And we got a livee the same day you sent this ask ugh!! Did YOU tell your hoon to come live?;) aaaaanddd the first clip of Jake winning a plushie at first go. Believe me anonie, I had this secret wish for so long that my bf would win me a plushie like this one day at one go and I’ll go bragging about him to all my friends and the whole world. I love plushies. And ofc jake (as you know really well by now lol XD) I bought a plush the same day the en-log was released so coming home and seeing it was so thrilling for me!! Wait, let me show you since it’s a really cute penguin.🥺💓
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linawritesocs · 2 years
how my ocs would react to their tsum tsums!
yes, i had wish upon a star thoughts, but.. tsum tsums. TSUM TSUMS!! they're more important <3
allen i swear i'm gonna post your birthday ssr tomorrow DON'T CRY
avery: .. what is this. what is this thing. why does it look so much like him? AND WHY IS IT SO CUTE?? IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THIS CUTE. avery finds it cool how his tsum has the exact same interests as him, he saw tsum avery jumping excitedly every time it saw flowers it was hard to make it leave heartslabyul's rose garden though and tsum avery sure likes sweets a lot. he just wishes it would stop stealing avery's favorite romance novels and showing them to everyone.
vance: at first, he's VERY confused. he already saw some other tsums and he thought that other students turned into these.. creatures and he has to help them somehow, but he's here!! and his tsum is here!! so how can they exist at the same time?? you know, he's just gonna accept it. he doesn't have to think too hard about it. he's carrying his tsum around all the time and he loves it SO MUCH. it's just so cute?? look at it!! hey, hey, which one is cuter, real vance or tsum vance? but wow, his tsum is so active, it's always jumping and rolling around.. ah, don't hurt yourself, tsum vance! wait, can it even feel pain?
merrill: just accepts it and goes with it. he takes as many pics with his tsum as he can and he gets excited when he realizes that his tsum can change outfits and hairstyles. whoa, some of its outfits are also cosplays? hehe, it really is merrill's tsum. he can take its glasses off too?? merrill is gonna spend the whole day in his room playing with his tsum, he knows that it sounds childish, but.. you don't get a chance to play with a plushie of yourself that often, do you? also merrill laughs every time his tsum tries to fight idia.
allen: same as merrill, just accepts it. tsum allen is so adorable, he wants to poke it and hug it! and it has a little felt knife, how fitting is that? wait, it has a whole collection of felt knives?? allen is gonna have so much fun choosing a knife for his tsum. and his tsum likes to write too!! it's just a bit hard with its tiny arms.. oh, his tsum gets cold easily too.. he gives tsum allen a scarf, so that it stays warm!
roland: he.. doesn't like that tsum roland acts a lot like his past self. it's more aggressive, it keeps causing chaos and it refuses to listen to real roland. it only calms down when it sees the gardening club, roland wonders why. it even looks kinda sad.. he shouldn't think about it too deeply. he should think about the fun parts instead! even though their personalities are different, tsum roland also likes muffins and knitting! oh, it doesn't like dirt that much, roland can relate.
fake!jay: POOR TSUM JAY. THIS GUY IS GONNA TAKE SO MANY NOTES ABOUT IT. he won't leave tsum jay alone, he will ask it as many questions as he can, hoping that he will get at least some answers. but also jay can't help but get distracted while taking his notes, because tsum jay looks so soft.. he will poke it, but only once. okay, maybe twice. tsum jay's reactions are so cute.. ahem, he should probably write those down. oh, tsum jay is also writing something in its tiny notebook? interesting..
real!jay: he probably doesn't even know that it's his tsum, he just wakes up, sees tsum jay, hugs it and goes back to sleep. when he's finally awake, he starts noticing that his tsum looks just like him and it has the same low level of energy. also what's with his tsum being scared of grass? never mind, he gets it. his tsum probably just doesn't like being outside. wait, tsum jay also has dark circles?? how can a plushie have those?? that's so interesting- ugh, he sounded just like his clone right now.
austin: .. don't mind him, don't pay any attention to him, he's just gonna take tsum austin and poke it, hug it, squish it, cuddle with it.. but only in his room, he can't let anyone see him like this. austin feels kinda weird hugging a plushie of himself, but hey, it's still a plushie. so he has to give it lots of love, right? to his surprise, tsum austin doesn't like working with machines that much and finds it boring. it likes to draw much more and its drawing skills are actually really good for a plushie. maybe his tsum is kinda like his real self- wait, tsum austin, leave merrill alone! huh, it actually likes merrill? THAT'S EVEN WORSE.
minnie: LOVES IT SO MUCH. carries it around in a cute and comfortable bag and proudly calls herself tsum minnie's mother. oh, look at tsum minnie fighting all the male students. it's just like its mom, haha.. w-why is it not fighting sebek? never mind, maybe real minnie and tsum minnie are more different than she thought. tsum minnie also doesn't like grim that much and it keeps following him everywhere, trying to scare him. minnie just lets it run around, she never liked grim as well.
hayden: .. his brain can't understand it at all. why is there a plushie of him. why is it moving. and their personalities are so different, it just can't be hayden's "real self"! why does it keep trying to become friends with everyone, including both other tsums and students? and it doesn't seem like it's trying to manipulate everyone, it really wants to be friends with them.. also it keeps getting excited whenever it sees horses or desserts.. ugh, hayden just can't deal with it. oh well, at least it also likes to read and its too focused on a book to continue jumping around. reading with tsum hayden is actually kinda calming..
riley: ah, he has a tsum now. cool. THAT'S HIS WHOLE REACTION. he likes his tsum a lot and he keeps saying how soft it is and how nice it feels to hug it. it also has a tiny felt bat! riley wonders why his tsum keeps attacking everyone with his bat though. it's more violent than he thought it would be. oh, tsum riley also wants to become closer with tsum allen, but tsum allen hates it.. riley knows how it feels. whoa, tsum riley can also play rhythm games too? they really are similar..
angel: not surprised at all and doesn't find it weird. the moment they see tsum angel, they become best friends and angel keeps showing their tsum to everyone, calling it their child. tsum angel is just as fun-loving as real angel, it does whatever it wants and it doesn't care what everyone else thinks. it also causes a lot of problems for bunny.. angel wonders why their tsum looks very sad sometimes. should they hug it to make it feel better?
bunny: at first she tried to understand why there's a tsum bunny now, but then she gave up and just accepted it. she's glad that tsum bunny is just as organized as she is and likes to keep everything in order. it's also so punctual? bunny wishes her dorm members were like that. oh, speaking of alice dorm members, tsum bunny HATES them and keeps attacking them every time it sees them. and when they ask why tsum bunny is like that, real bunny is just.. LOOKING AWAY. tsum bunny also doesn't like tsum angel that much.. bunny just sighs and goes "same".
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kpoppwriter · 3 years
Dating SoonCheol~
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❧ Anon asked: Hi, I don’t know if you are still taking requests bu could I request an poly headcanon with Scoups and Hoshi x fem reader please? Thank you I love your works 🥰😘
❧ A/N: why haven’t I done this pairing sooner like this is one of my ult biases and one of my biggest bias wreckers and I’ve thought about this dynamic a lot...I was meant to write this 😂
~※ Main Masterlist ※~
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♡ yES
♡ ok this is one of my fave poly!ships
♡ because they’re cute together but individually cute too
♡ we know Hoshi is basically the king of PDA lmao
♡ he’s gonna kiss you and hug you and just keep you close to him 
♡ he’s touchy 
♡ Cheol is not as bold as Hoshi in terms of PDA
♡ he’ll give you hugs and hold your hand 
♡ he won’t do more than an occasional peck though
♡ they have bickered about who gets to cuddle you 
♡ those little “arguments” end up with you squished between them
♡ idk about you but I wouldn’t be complaining
♡ they’ll die if you do aegyo 
♡ the cuteness is too much for them to handle
♡ all sorts of pet names
♡ Cheol is more of a traditional and sweet pet name kind of guy
♡ like sweetheart, darling, my love
♡ Hoshi would probably use cheesy pet names 
♡ like pumpkin pie or bug-a-boo my mom used to call me that
♡ they’ll invite you to their practices a lot 
♡ Cheol finds comfort in having you in the same space as him
♡ Hoshi will try to show off a bit lol 
♡ he’s gonna show you why he’s a main dancer 
♡ lots of food dates
♡ like going out to cafes and restaurants
♡ oml they’d be so fun to have drinks with
♡ Cheol is sort of a dad with you and Hoshi 
♡ sometimes he puts both of your health and well-beings above his own
♡ pls don’t let him do that he needs to be taken care of too
♡ looooots of deep late night conversations in bed
♡ they trust you with their deepest secrets and feelings 
♡ Cheol will sing for you if you ask 
♡ same with Hoshi 
♡ ugh imagine both of them singing together 
♡ i’d cry 
♡ they get really sad when they have to go on tour without you
♡ they will try to sneak you in a suitcase 
♡ they’ll send you a lot of pictures from wherever they are 
♡ usually brings you home souvenirs like cute trinkets or plushies 
♡ will video call with you as much as possible 
♡ they can get a bit busy though 
♡ so sometimes you might not hear from them for a bit
♡ but don’t worry, they’re still thinking about you 
♡ overall, I lub them 
♡ they’re such cuties
♡ fun times fun times fun times~
♡ they’re both switches 
♡ Cheol is definitely more dom leaning 
♡ Hoshi just goes with how he’s feeling that day 
♡ ok some kinks
♡ voyeurism/exhibitionism, daddy/sir kink, bondage, marking, toys
♡ spanking, orgasm control, edging, semi-public sex, mirror sex
♡ I feel like quickies would happen a lot 
♡ mostly cause of Hoshi 
♡ he’s a horny boy 
♡ I got a new headcanon about Hoshi
♡ I think he’s a biter 
♡ idk it makes sense to me
♡ Cheol is a soft dom but can be stern at times 
♡ he can shut down your or Hoshi’s attitude with just a look 
♡ yes, Hoshi’s attitude too. I believe Hoshi is a bratty sub at times
♡ if the both of them are domming, get fuckin ready
♡ it’s very much good cop bad cop dynamics 
♡ Hoshi is more of hard dom so you get the best of both worlds 
♡ Sub!Hoshi is 🥺 🥺 🥺 
♡ same with Sub!Cheol
♡ Cheol is a good boy only
♡ he doesn’t have a bratty bone in his body
♡ he may tease a bit but he’s not a brat
♡ Hoshi...it varies on the day
♡ he may have a bratty attitude
♡ but threaten to punish him and he’ll be good 
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wonhoarctic · 3 years
flash | lee hoseok (wonho)
word count: 2.2K
resquest: hii! may i request a wonho angst fic, please? 🥺🥺 thank you in advance!! (i've translated to english)
a/n: hi love! ofc you can, here's your request, by the way, i hope you like it!! ah, and you don't need to be like this with me, we're friends!! (i was going to write it in portuguese but idk if there are people who use to read this, and i did something with ain't about you and with you, that are your favorite songs!! <3
pairing: idol!wonho x idol!fem reader
genre: angst, but with some fluff and smut undertones
contains: wonho can't help but remember about you, lee y/n, the love of his life, his wife and the mother of his beautiful daughter, in the middle of an online concert he's holding, specially when performing his new song flash, which was made just or you (the songs are not in order of albuns!! it's all mixed)
flashbacks are in italic!!!
tw// death, car accident, sasaengs!!
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the concert started out with the 'smutty songs', so he wouldn't cry at the beginning, but he couldn't help but remember about when he wrote with you, thinking about you two, loving each other until the morning, or having some rough sex, it depended on the mood, but it was about you two, and he couldn't help but remember; your blissed out face, the sounds you made just for him, mewls, whimpers and moans, just for him, the love bites and scratches you leaved on his skin at hidden places so no one would figure out, your scent, your taste... everything came back to his mind in that moment
hoseok wished he could be at least turned on from the memories he had, but he was broken, he couldn't be nothing but sad remembering about his love, his sweet y/n, who's not here anymore to comfort him after a bad day, to take care of him when he's sick, to make love to him, to kiss and cuddle, to cook his favorite ramen flavors, and to help him to take care of your newborn baby, to help him to change diapers when he don't know what to do, to see you breastfeeding the sweet embodiment of your love... how he wished you were there at that moment, he couldn't believe that you'd left him, that you had left your family
he swore he lost his energy after singing open mind, thinking that he couldn't handle that anymore, he just wanted to lay on the ground and cry, hoping you could hear him and come to cuddle and comfort your husband, but wonho knew you wouldn't come
when lose started to play, he smiled a bit while singing, remembering how you got moody when you entered the set to support him and saw your man hugging the actress by behind, the same way he used to do with you while cooking or doing something important, or when he wanted to talk with the baby during your pregnancy
your pouty face was the death of him, he remembered exactly the texture of your lips on his when he was saying how sorry he was
"you're not going to say a word to me, baby?" you shook your head no "okay, so..." he leaned forward to kiss you, taking care of your growing stomach "do you forgive me now?"
"u-ugh, fine" you blushed, hearing his giggle "but please, do it with me the next time" you laughed
"i swear that in my next mv, you'll be the actress, and our little princess needs to be there too, right?" he smiled
when the sexy concept songs ment ended, a vcr came out, and he made sure to include you on the behind the scenes of the concert, the few last clips of you two together, you helping him with choreographies and figurines, a long video of you guys choosing the right outfits for open mind mv (yeah, he did some of them without the help of his staffs) playing while he changed and prepared himself to the other ment
when lost in paradise started to play, while he sang, hoseok couldn't help but remember that day in which he asked you to marry him, he asked you to be the woman of his life, and he also remembered about your wedding day, smiling widely while thinking about when the two of you started a life
'i got a feeling it's you' said the lyrics, and yes, he got that feeling, and he was completely right, it was you, the love of his life
the wedding ceremony has ended, you two were at a hill, even though he has acrophobia, he insisted to have a wedding at that place, he felt safe in your arms, and now, the two of you looked at the place, seeing the lake below you, and the beautiful view you had from the little forest, his hands still on your hips
"how does it feel to be finally my wife, love?" he smiled
"i feel like... i feel like this is all a dream" you said, caressing the hand on your hip with your other one "and i don't want to wake up. never."
he smiled widely, turning to face you, his hand still in your hip, while the other one caressed your face, carefully wiping the joyful tears that escaped from your eyes, trying his best not to ruin your makeup
"i wanted this dream to come true so bad... i feel like i'm in paradise now" he said "and i'm so happy that our dream finally came true, y/n, i love you so much, and i'll love you forever" he whispered, kissing you
yes, it was true, maybe he was really lost in paradise with you, but now, you weren't there anymore, just memories about you
even losing you seemed to have a different meaning now..... how he wished he could be there to save you, he wanted to protect you
now, it was the interview time, and he wasn't all smiley like before, and the interviewer wasn't helping that much
"so, wonho-ssi... some of your fans noticed that you're not smiling too much today... what happened?" she asked him
"i wasn't going to talk about it, but i can't hide it from wenees anymore..." he sighed "it's just that... every single thing i do here remember me from y/n, my lovely wife, who's not here anymore"
"and what happened to her?" the interviewer didn't seemed to be aware of the situation
"there might be some wenees who don't know what happened... okay, i'll explain" he felt himself getting braver to talk about what was making he lose his sleep "i've hid about my relationship with y/n for about 7 years, but when we got married, i knew lots of fans would talk about it, so our relationship became public... how could i hide this from my precious wenees? i wanted my fans to know about my family" he felt the tears starting to run on his cheeks "i was so happy when i announced that she was pregnant... i thought wenees would be happy, too, but unfortunately, some of them started to become aggressive towards y/n" he was sobbing, even the interviewer couldn't held her tears, starting to feel guilty by asking him that "some obsessive fans started to stalk her when eunbi turned 5 months old and she started to sing again... and near to our princess' 11 month anniversary, when y/n was coming back from mcountdown, some of those wen..." he corrected himself "those sasaengs collided with her car, they were at a high speed, so it was a huge accident, and she didn't resisted..." he was angry, sad, he couldn't help but cry "i couldn't thank her to be with me, to be the mom of my precious daughter... i couldn't say a last 'i love you'... the last thing we did together as artists was the ain't about you mv... and that morning, the last thing she did before going out was to feed our baby girl, and kiss me..." i miss her so much... please, y/n, come back to me... the police had arrested those girls already, but please... say that you love me one more time" all he could do was cry
the staffs thought about ending the concert without an encore, but he insisted to sing the song he wrote for you, flash, while calming himself when the cameras were off
hoseok saw eunbi, his now one year old daughter sleeping while a staff kept an eye on her, he smiled, his eyes were still red and swollen, his face was puffy, so the baby seemed to notice, even if she was still half asleep when her dad held her tightly in his arms, she managed to grab his nose while smiling with the pacifier still in her mouth, her other hand holding the bunny plushie her mom gave her in the 10 months old birthday
"my sweet eunbi" he cooed "daddy will sing a song for mommy today... will you sing with me?" the baby smiled, her pacifier almost dropping, but wonho put it back in her mouth as soon as he could
he kissed her forehead, and then, started to retouch his makeup and change the jacket, holding eunbi in his arms again, going back to the stage
he grabbed the mic, knowing that they were on air, the first public appearance of his daughter, a beautiful moment, even if it was melancholic
Tonight I am still standing In the middle of nowhere, not knowing how you’re feeling I’m trying to find you because I was the only one who didn’t know When and where it went wrong like a fool I want to turn back time and stop it An endless flash, my love for you
while singing, he meant each one of those words, his love for you would be infinite, he'd never stop loving you, or the huge present you left him — a precious daughter, and photos of the two of you were passing through the big screens behind him, photos of your family, wedding day, honeymoon, selcas... everything he had to remember from you
The day I hugged you for the first time The day that will never come again I repeat the words alone, I love you
all he wanted to do in that moment was for you to be there, to sing with him, both of you holding your daughter, smiling... being a happy family, suddenly, he remembered that day, wishing he could turn back time to the day of your first hug, he wanted to hold you in his arms forever
You shined on me like a lighthouse When I was on my own and lost my way, flash You were shining, flash Will I ever forget you? I miss you You held me like a hero When I was unknown, tired and collapsing, flash You were warm, flash Will I ever find you again? I miss you
you were his light, when someone broke him, when he got into those scandals, when he couldn't go back to his fans, you were the one there, you were his flash, helping him to find the way back home, to give him the love he deserves
You left me and I’m the only one here I call you but there’s no answer, what else can I do? I thought I cared for you more than anything But it was my mistake, how hard was it for you? Come back to me please, give me one more chance Shine on me beautifully like you’ve always did I know bae gone be the last time This is how I’m feeling If I can see you one last time, one love
he was calling you even now, his mind was wandering back to all the memories he had with you, his one and only love, but you weren't going to answer him, you couldn't just come back from the dead
The day I let you go from my arms The day that will never come again I repeat these words alone, I want to see you
suddenly, hoseok felt guilty again while singing this part, he shouldn't let you go from his arms that morning, he should've faked being sick, or anything he could just for you to be home and live a little more
You’ve given me so much I still have more to give you back We can’t stop like this If I have one more chance
he wanted to do all he could for you, but you wouldn't be there to see it, and he would never be able to give back all the love and support you gave him, so he was doing his best to be happy for you even tho he's broken, he needed to be strong for his daughter
You left me and I’m the only one here I call you but there’s no answer, what else can I do? The shining flash, yeah Now I can be your destiny Like I’m your everything? If you’re in my arms, I won’t let you go The flash will be shining on us I’m waiting for the day you smile again
he felt the tears teasing his eyes again, but he held them back this time, ending the song with a smile, playing with the baby in his arms, hearing eunbi's loud laugh, filling his heart with some joy, finally, and he truly smiled, laughing with her
"y/n, i love you! thank you for giving me everything!" was the last thing he shouted before ending the concert
even when you're not there anymore, he felt as if he was being the most loved man in the earth by you and your daughter
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daydreamblogs914 · 3 years
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Group: Enhypen
Pairings: stalker! jungwon x reader x cheating! jay
Genre: fluff/angst
Warnings: Cheating
Notes: This is my first imagine here in Tumblr. This has nothing to do with the Enhypen members in real life, this is purely fiction and just for fun. They are sweet, loving, and hardworking boys. Anyways, enjoy my first imagine. Hopefully, I'll make more in the future.
Words: 824
~ Y/N Pov ~
Jay and I have been dating for ten months. He is my first boyfriend, and let me describe how he is. He is the kind of guy who would usually send me to his favorite trips, especially in the Philippines, where he misses those beaches with the warm breeze as the water flows through the sand. I felt dejected when we rarely text and call since it was difficult for him to date with his busy schedule. He may be a tsundere sometimes, but trust me, he is the sweetest boyfriend. Sunflowers and Korean fried chicken. A combination of his love for me. He would send them to me during lunchtime.
Until one day...
"Y/N-shii, Jay favored me to send these to you."
Yang Jungwon, Jay's best friend, started to send his gifts to me.
About Jungwon, he is two years younger than me. I'm his noona, though we rarely talk. There are times I caught him glancing at me. I've also received gifts on my table and locker back then. Those gifts are mostly the things I wanted to buy, like cute plushies, a necklace, a BTS album, and more. Rumors say it came from him. My friend said he had a huge crush on me. Ugh! I shrugged it off. He is Jay's best friend.
I find it awkward at first, but as he kept sending Jay's gifts, we became closer. We would have this small talk and end up with stories that can make us laugh, those childhood stories. Aside from those, I also opened up to him about my struggles. Insecurities about my relationship with Jay, and my anxiety. He would comfort me and give me bits of advice on how he endured them as well. He spends his time with me.
Then suddenly, "Y/N, there is something I want to tell you. Please don't cry."
~ Jungwon's POV ~
She never deserved to be treated like this. Her beautiful smile and soft heart don't deserve a guy like him. She is too beautiful to be cheated on. The reason why Jay favored me to send gifts to her is to cover up the fact that he is cheating.
It all started when Jay met a girl in a club where we spend our night after our concert success. The boys became drunk, including him. I'm tipsy during the scene, then I caught them making out.
"Jay! You have a girlfriend." I startled.
"Please... Just- don't tell it to her." He babbled.
After that night, Jay and the girl began seeing each other, behind Y/N's back.
I love the possibility of them breaking up, but it hurts me to see her reaction.
I wished I should've approached her first. I would never hurt her the way Jay did, but I'm afraid she might reject me. I love her too much. It will break me if someone I'm in love with says no to me. Jay told me she's not into younger guys.
However, I've been following her before she dated Jay. I would stalk her, not to the point that will invade her privacy. I'm not a creep. I stalked her for a good reason. I want her to be happy. I used to give her favorites. I would overhear her talking to her friends about a specific item she wanted to buy. No matter how expensive it was, I bought it for her. My hard-earned money goes to the things she wished to have, and I'm here to fulfill her wishes.
When she dated Jay, I still stalked her. Except for the time when they traveled to different places, but yeah, I stalk her on social media.
"Jungwon, what's the matter?" Y/N asked giving me a confusing look.
I swallowed my guts and said, "Break up with Jay, and be with me."
What the heck did I say! My forehead starts to sweat. My heart starts to pump fast. I'm nervous, but I have to tell her what I feel. I love her. I love her so much.
"Junnie, are you kidding?" She laughed.
Argh! I hate it when she still treats me like a kid.
"No! I'm not, but please... Break up with him." I said as I gripped her wrist.
"You're going crazy Jungwon! Just because you and I have this kind of closure doesn't mean I'm gonna break up with him."
Slap! I felt a sting on my right cheek. She slapped me.
"I'm not... It's the truth."
"I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU ANYMORE!" I tried to grab her arms and hug her, but she kept pushing me away.
"Jungwon... Please." She sobbed.
"Shh... You will be happy. You will be happier with me." I slowly pulled her close and gave her a soft hug. I'm going to make you happier.
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official-weasley · 3 years
Neither - (The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley AU)
Warnings: pure family fluff
Word count: 3,693
Characters: Charlie Weasley and my OC Nova from TICW which you can find here
A/N: I just want to say a few words about the baby talk. I have done some research about how to properly write it and the letter R is usually pronounced as W but with some words, it looked weird and when I was reading it I got confused. So all of Aoede's Rs are replaced with Ls instead because I find it more readable, no offense to any babies out there! 💙
“You know sometimes I am really happy we are wizards so we can use spells like the Silencing Charm,” Charlie said, panting and giggling, laying next to me.
“Are you calling me loud?” I smirked.
“You weren't exactly quiet, love.” He winked at me and bit my lip. “Not that I mind.” He added seductively.
“It's your fault I was screaming from pleasure.” I wiggled my eyebrows at him making him laugh.
“Oh, unlock the door in case Aoede wakes up. We don't want her questioning why we lock ourselves in the bedroom.” I unglued our lips after we started making out again as if we were 17.
“Alohamora.” Charlie waved his wand at the door before returning to my lips.
“You know, speaking of spells...” I raised my eyebrows at Charlie's grin and scarlet cheeks.
I knew that look – he had an idea for which he wasn't sure how I would react or what I would have to say about it.
“Yes?” I asked slowly.
“Aoede is going to be 3 in a few weeks and we have been doing great with her and our life is back to normal...” He was avoiding my gaze, making a heart shape with his index finger on my shoulder.
“Mhm.” I hummed.
“How about we stop using the Protection spell?” He mumbled so fast as if I would scold him for his words.
“You mean start trying for another baby?” I lifted his chin for him to finally lock eyes with mine.
“May...be.” Charlie made puppy eyes and scratched the back of his head.
“Are you going to carry this one for 9 months?” I laughed wholeheartedly.
“You know I would if I could, love.” Charlie's cheeks turned a deeper red.
“You know what...” I said slowly, pretending to think about it, tapping my chin with my finger.
I loved messing with him and stalling every time he asked me about something he was nervous to see how I would react.
“I quite like that idea.” I bestowed him with the biggest grin and kissed him tenderly.
“Really?” Charlie sighed in relief. “I thought you would say it's too soon or that you don't want any more children with the amount of morning sickness you had with Aoede.”
“If we would have another child like Aoede is, I would endure the morning sickness for the whole 9 months if need be. She is adorable and such an angel.” I pressed my lips against his again. “And, truth be told, I have been thinking the same. I think we're ready.”
“You do?” Charlie's eyes sparkled as they usually do when Andrei tells him he has the baby dragon shift.
“I do and I think Aoede will be a great big sister.” I smiled.
“She's going to be the best.” Charlie nodded in agreement.
“Can I ask you why you were so nervous asking me this?” I made him lay down and rested my head on his chest.
“I feel like myself again. We are both working again. Aoede is such a sweetheart and every time we play with her and have so much fun and I watch you two giggle it just fills my heart with so much joy and warmth and I guess that the wish to make our family bigger came back.” He smiled sheepishly.
“And you thought I don't feel the same?”
“I guess so.” Charlie shrugged. “I know you wanted more kids before everything that went down last year but we haven't talked about it since Aoede was born and I didn't know if you still felt the same with you already having to take care and be part of Teddy's life.”
“Just because Teddy is here once or twice per week and just because we lost friends and family, doesn't mean I don't want to have more children with you.” I tilted my head to look up at Charlie and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek.
“So can we say we are trying to get pregnant again?” Charlie was shaking from excitement.
“Again?” I teased.
“Okay, Aoede wasn't exactly planned but we were pregnant before, that's what I meant.” He playfully rolled his eyes at me.
“I know what you meant, Charles. I just love messing with you when you are nervous around me for no reason.” I chuckled.
“Hey, you can be intimidating!” Charlie tried defending himself.
“Intimidating?” I gasped dramatically. “Should I remind you how long we have been best friends and how long I am your wife for?”
“I know.” He brushed his nose against mine. “I just really want this so I got silly for a second.”
“I know, Char. It's cute how much you blushed.” I caressed his cheek with the back of my fingers.
“Oh, shut it. I'm manly.” Charlie frowned and flexed his muscles.
“Sure you are.” I patted him on the head. “Especially since Aoede was born. You definitely didn't go all soft and mushy.”
“Never.” Charlie lifted his chin proudly. “I'm a real tough guy!”
“Of course.” I cocked an eyebrow at him. “It's very tough-guy of you when you let Aoede paint your nails.” I giggled.
“Okay,” Charlie rolled his eyes, “maybe I'm a bit soft with her. I just can't say no to her big blue puppy eyes.”
“You mean these eyes?” I made the exact same expression Aoede always makes when she wants something from Charlie.
The more she grows the more she looks like me and apparently she got her expressions after me as well. She learned how to persuade Charlie to let her paint his nails and makes 5 ponytails on his head and makes him go to work like that. And I don't want to point any fingers but I think she saw how I make puppy eyes at Charlie when I want something sweet and he has to go to the store so I think...I think she got it from me.
“Stop it, love! Unfair!” Charlie pouted. “What do you want?”
“Well I was just playing around but since you gave in to it, how about you make the sandwiches for our trip?” I giggled.
“Okay,” Charlie sighed, “but you pack our things.”
“Already did that yesterday when you were giving Aoede a bath.”
Ever since the war has ended and it's safe to travel around again and Aoede started to show interest to go outside more, we have been going on a trip every weekend. Charlie managed to convince Andrei to only work during the week so he can spend the weekend with us and now we go on adventures, as Aoede likes to call them, every week.
She is not old enough that we could apparate somewhere so we have been mostly going for hikes around our village and the Sanctuary.
Last month we visited the Sanctuary with Aoede for the first time. Charlie was beyond excited to show our daughter all the dragons he is working with. After all of our friends and co-workers stopped cooing at her and telling us how adorable and cute she is, Charlie picked her up and we started to walk around.
He showed her all the habitats and took her to the Nursery to see the baby dragons and we were even lucky enough to observe a dragon being hatched but it was soon evident that Aoede didn't inherit Charlie's obsession and love for dragons.
The trees and the boulders in the Sanctuary were more interesting to her and even though Charlie tried hard to hide that he was a bit hurt, I knew that this meant a lot to him. So that night when we came home and we put Aoede to sleep, I tried cheering him up by telling him that Aoede is still too young to appreciate how amazing dragons are and that she'll come around, even though I wasn't so sure she would because she didn't play with the dragon plushie Charlie bought her once but she loves going through my art supplies.
“Of course, you did.” Charlie ran a hand across his face, pretending to be annoyed that he has to make sandwiches even though I know he doesn't mind at all and he makes such good ones.
After a few minutes of us just giggling like two idiots, he leaned over me a bit, supporting his head with his arm, and started gently caressing my thigh, with a smug expression on his face.
“You want to go again?” I sent him a wink.
“You said you want to have another baby.” He smirked.
“Oh, you want to start working on that straight away, do you?” I chuckled.
“Why waste any time?” He whispered in my ear seductively.
“What if Aoede wakes up?” I tried staying focused as he started biting my neck.
“I checked the time. It's not even seven. She won't be up for at least half an hour if not more.” Charlie extended his arm to reach for his wand on the nightstand.
“Colloportus.” He mumbled and went back to my neck.
“Charles,” I blushed, “you are on fire today.”
“Always for you, love.”
“Uh, Charlie?” I scratched my cheek, looking at the calendar.
“Yes, love?” He lifted his head, careful not to move as Aoede was drawing all over his right arm.
“I think we have to make a trip to the drug store.” I was thinking of ways to talk to him not to make Aoede suspicious or say anything we shouldn't in front of her.
“The drug store? Why for?” Charlie asked confused.
“Well, uhm, how to say this...” I narrowed my eyes and bit my lip. “Do you remember that conversation we had in our bedroom a few weeks before Aoede's birthday?”
“Mum, my bilthday was a month ago,” Aoede said absentmindedly without knowing what we were talking about.
“I know, sweetheart.” I couldn't help but playfully shake my head looking at her.
Her tongue was sticking out and her brows were furrowed in concentration as she was deciding which color to use for the unicorn's mane.
“We have a lot of conversations, love.” Charlie was still puzzled about what I was trying to say.
“Yes, but one morning we had a very specific,” I tried putting as much emphasis on the word as I possibly could, “conversation about something to do with our future and then we...ugh...hugged a lot.”
“Hugged a lot?” Charlie blinked at me twice before his eyes widened. “Oh, yeah. I remember that conversation. What about it?”
“Think about it, Charles. Connect the conversation with the drug store.” I found the whole situation too amusing not to chuckle.
“Oh,” the skin behind Charlie's freckles turned red at once, “you're late?”
“Mum's late? To whele? She's still in hel pajamas.” Aoede looked in my direction for the first time since we started this conversation.
I just nodded at Charlie who was staring at me – excitedly waiting for my answer – trying to forget what Aoede asked us because I didn't know how to explain it to her.
“Okay, time to go to the drug store!” Charlie exclaimed, ignoring Aoede's question too.
“Dad, you moved!” Aoede frowned. “Now look what you made me do!” Aoede pointed at the drawing on Charlie's arm.
From what I could see, she colored outside the line, due to Charlie moving his arm.
“I'm so sorry, Pumpkin. I will be still I promise. Can we fix it somehow?” Charlie pressed his lips together, looking down at what Aoede was doing.
“I don't know,” Aoede sighed, “mum, what do you think?”
I made my way to the living room and sat on the floor next to her and Charlie.
“How about we do this?” I picked up the color Aoede used to outline the mane and made it bigger.
“Yeah, let's just pretend that I'm a canvas,” Charlie said sarcastically as we both started drawing on his arm.
“Shh, dad. We have to focus.” Aoede lifted her right hand – her drawing with her left – and tried putting it over Charlie's mouth to make him stop talking.
“You two are too adorable.” I looked up at Charlie as he said that after a few minutes of silence.
“What?” I felt my cheeks burning when I saw the love and admiration with which he was looking at me and our daughter.
“You both had your tongue out when you were drawing.” Charlie giggled, nodding to Aoede who wasn't finished yet, her tongue still outside.
“Oh, yes. This looks so much bettel! Thank you, mum!” Aoede hugged me, warming up my soul as every time she did that.
“Okay, can we go to the drug store now?” Charlie asked impatiently.
“Do we all have to go?” Aoede didn't look nearly as excited as Charlie.
“Okay, you stay here with mum and I'll go.” Charlie gently pulled his arm away, not knowing if Aoede was done.
“Can I dlaw on youl alm then, mum?” Aoede turned to me, the biggest pleading grin on her face.
“I don't have a choice, do I?” I chuckled.
“No, you do not.” Charlie and Aoede said together.
“Okay, so what are we drawing?” I asked my daughter when Charlie closed the door behind him.
“A unicoln, of coulse.” Aoede said as if I was supposed to know that already.
“But wasn't the unicorn on dad's arm enough?” I giggled.
“Mum,” Aoede looked from her pencils at me, “thele is nevel enough unicolns.”
“That's true. I simply don't know what I was thinking.”
“Okay, I got it!” Charlie said the second he came back.
“Got what?” Aoede asked without lifting her head, focused on her masterpiece on my arm.
“A muffin for you.” Charlie lifted one of the bags he brought back.
“You went out to get me a muffin?” Aoede gasped and jumped up, completely forgetting about her drawing.
If there was anything she loved more than doodling was muffins and cookies.
“Well, I had to make up for the fact that I almost ruined your unicorn.” Charlie motioned for me to stand up too and get the other bag.
“Okay, apology accepted, dad.” Aoede snatched the bag from Charlie and hurried to the kitchen.
“What do we say?” Charlie lifted his eyebrows at her, as she bit into the muffin.
“Phank you.” She said with her mouth full, which was my queue to go to the bathroom.
“Can I come in?” Charlie knocked on the bathroom door.
“So? Did you get the result yet?” Charlie couldn't hide his excitement.
“I did.” I tried keeping a straight face.
“And?” He wanted to peek at the pregnancy test but I quickly hid it behind my back.
“We're going to have another baby!” I tried whispering as much as I possibly could, not knowing where Aoede was.
“You're not joking? You're pregnant?” Charlie teared up at once.
“I'm pregnant.” I nodded and took a step closer to him so I could hug him.
“You have no idea how happy you are making me.” Charlie sniffed, mumbling into my hair.
“I think I have some idea.” I giggled and tightened our embrace.
“I have just realized that we have to tell Aoede.” Charlie gently pushed away after we stood embraced in the middle of the bathroom for 5 minutes.
“Do you think she would want a brother or a sister more?” I giggled. “Let's find out.” Charlie grabbed my hand and guided me out of the bathroom.
“Pumpkin, can we disturb you for a second?” Charlie said gently, sitting with me on the sofa and gesturing to Aoede to join us.
Aoede walked to us and let Charlie pick her up and place her in his lap.
“So,” Charlie cleared his throat, “mum and I have a question for you.”
“Am I in tlouble?”
“No, sweetheart. You didn't do anything wrong.” I brushed my fingers through her dark red hair.
“We were just wondering what would you like more a brother or a sister?” Charlie asked.
“What does that mean?” Aoede questioned. “Well, you know aunt Ginny?” I started to explain.
“I love aunt Ginny!” Aoede clapped her hands.
“Yes, so aunt Ginny is your dad's sister.” I continued.
“And all your uncles...”
“Uncle Bill and uncle Pelcy and uncle LonLon and uncle Geogie and uncle Fled...”
Charlie flinched when Aoede said Fred's name. George came to visit us often ever since Charlie first invited him to stay with us last Summer. Aoede always questioned why he came alone and why her uncle Fred was never with him so George knowing Aoede is too young to understand said that uncle Fred is on a special adventure.
“Yes, all those wonderful uncles of yours are your dad's brothers.” I finished.
“Oh.” Aoede narrowed her eyes. “So if dad has so many blothels and a sistel, why would you ask me what do I want?”
“Well, if we ought to have another baby would you like a sister or a brother more?” Charlie started to sound nervous.
“Neithel,” Aoede replied with confidence and certainty.
“What do you mean neither?” Charlie failed to understand.
“Dad, you have such a big family why would I need a blothel ol a sistel?”
“Umm,” Charlie scratched the back of his head, turning to me as Aoede obviously left him speechless.
“Well, umm, mummy and daddy want to have another baby,” I mumbled.
“Why?” Aoede tilted her head to the side. “Alen't I enough?”
“Oh, sweetheart, of course, you are. That's not why we want another baby.” I said as quickly as I could, not expecting her to think that she wasn't enough.
“Why then? Did I do something wlong? Ale you going to leplace me?” Aoede was on the verge of tears.
“Dear Merlin, no! Aoede, you are perfect to us.” Charlie found his voice again. “We just want to have a bigger family, for you to have someone to play with.”
“But I don't want that.” Aoede shook her head. “I like to play with you.” She pointed at both of us.
Charlie and I exchanged a look. We did not expect this conversation to turn out as it did. We were both left speechless and our joyful moment in the bathroom was forgotten.
“So, if mummy would have another baby, what would you say to that?” Charlie pressed his lips together, waiting for Aoede to answer.
“Mummy won't have anothel baby so I don't have to say anything.”
Charlie stiffened in his seat and I was sure all color left my face. This didn't go as we hoped at all. I thought Aoede would have a preference – either a brother or a sister – and our biggest worry would have to be to hope that she guessed the gender right, but we didn't know how to deal with this at all.
“It might be a little too late for that,” Charlie said, his voice barely a whisper.
“What do you mean?” Aoede questioned, looking up at her dad.
“Mummy already has a baby in her belly.”
I don't think we were this nervous when we were caught by Snape snogging on the Seventh floor and we had to have a talk with McGonagall and Flitwick about losing 100 points for our Houses.
“But why?” Aoede frowned. “I don't want to shale you with anyone!”
“But you don't mind when Teddy comes to visit.” Charlie tried reasoning with her.
“Yes, but Teddy leaves. The baby would be alound all the time and I don't want that.” Aoede shook her head.
“Sweetheart, we still love you the same. We love you every day more and no matter if we will have another baby, we won't leave you, you are enough and we won't stop loving you or stop paying attention to you.” I tried calming her down as it seemed she was about to throw her first-ever tantrum.
“I don't cale. I don't want one!” She jumped from Charlie's lap to the floor and went back to her drawings.
Charlie and I looked at each other, our mouths open in shock.
“She'll warm up to the fact that you're pregnant, right?” Charlie whispered to me.
“I hope so.” I gulped.
“Hey, don't worry. Once she sees that nothing will change she'll warm up to the baby.” Charlie put his arm around me and embraced me.
“Yeah.” I nodded.
“Since when is she so stubborn, though?” Charlie giggled.
“She agreed with everything we did so far.” I bit the inner side of my cheek.
“She might be a miniature you but she didn't get that stubbornness from you.” Charlie placed a kiss on my forehead.
“Must be you then.” I chuckled.
“Hey, I lived in my little dragon world when I was her age.” Charlie nudged me playfully.
“She did awfully remind me of someone.” I narrowed my eyes, thinking. “The determination and her thinking she is right and has the final word.”
The second that came out of my mouth, Charlie's eyes widened and I gasped.
“Grandma Molly,” we said in unison, half horrified.
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stark-strange-love2 · 3 years
A Day at the Fair
My submission for the ironstrange fanfic challenge!
Tony drags Stephen out on a date to the fair, despite Stephen insisting he doesn’t want to go. Tony spends the whole day trying to show Stephen how much fun it is until finally, Stephen breaks down and confesses the real reason he didn’t want to come today. 
Omega Stephen Strange, Alpha Tony Stark, high school au
Tony grinned, practically vibrating with excitement as he rolled out of bed. Every year he and Stephen went to the fair, the closest thing their tiny town had to offer for fun. He grabbed his phone from his nightstand.
T: Heeeeeey Steph~
S: Tony? What is it?
T: Well I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to the fair this fine day, as per our usual tradition
Stephen took a few minutes to reply. Tony set down his phone, brushed his teeth, dressed, and sat down for breakfast. Stephen still hadn’t replied. Then, as he was pouring cereal, his phone dinged.
S: Idk. I’m not feeling up to it rn
T: Okay… do you wanna come over and hang out then? My parents are out of town… I could even sneak a bottle of wine for us
S: Eh… let’s just go to the fair.
Tony smiled.
T: Great! I’ll pick you up in an hour?
S: Sure
The fair was loud and hot and crowded. It reminded Tony of every fantastic summer with Stephen he could think of. Tony squeezed Stephen’s hand, but Stephen didn’t squeeze back.
“Hey, Steph, are you okay? You seem a little off-color.”
Stephen bit his lip.
“Just tired I guess. I have a bit of a headache.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Tony leaned up and kissed Stephen’s cheek, then down to his unmarked scent gland. “Maybe we can sit down near the back? Have some lunch? I have Asperin too if you need it. We can even go back home if you’d like. Anything for you,” Tony said.
Stephen smiled softly.
“Lunch sounds good.”
He finally squeezed Tony’s hand back.
“Ugh, don’t they have anything remotely healthy?” Stephen bitched, scrunching up his face at the third deep-fried Oreo stand they passed.
“Oh? Are you doing another vegan kick or something?”
Stephen shook his head, cheeks pink.
“Uh- no. No, just trying to eat a little healthier, that’s all.”
“Can you take a break for today?” Tony asked. God knew he wasn’t planning on eating well today.
“Well… I mean…” Stephen worried his lip between his teeth. “I’d just feel better if I ate healthily, that’s it.” He didn’t meet Tony’s eyes.
They finally found something reasonably healthy- chicken tenders and lemonade- and sat down at a table under a large tree. Somewhere in the background, a band was playing. Stephen picked at his food while Tony happily munched away.
“After this do you want to go on a ride?” tony asked.
Stephen shook his head.
“No rides.”
“Why? Are you still not feeling well?”
Stephen didn’t meet Tony’s eyes, electing instead to look off into the never-ending distance, hazy with the feeling of the fair, a haziness that stayed in Stephen’s mind and mulled like a roiling, humid cloud of every problem that had ever graced him. The heat clung to his skin. His stomach turned and he looked down, his arms folded over his abdomen. Tony could smell the scent of unhappy omega from across the table.
“Yeah. Not feeling great,” he lied.
Tony’s eyes were so warm and comforting that Stephen’s stomach couldn’t help but crawling higher into his throat and nestling there like some sort of weak and defenseless baby bird. Stephen’s cheeks were hot with shame.
“Are you sure that’s everything? Please tell me if something’s bothering you, Stephen. I love you. I want to help.”
Stephen’s stomach churned and he ran to the nearest trashcan and threw up. Tony leaped to his feet and rushed over but Stephen waved him away.
“Oh God- oh God Stephen!” Tony cried.
“I’m- I’m fine,” Stephen coughed. He wiped his mouth and downed his lemonade, popping a few breath mints into his mouth. He let out a low groan and took a deep breath.
“Jesus Stephen, let’s go home. You’re sick. You need to rest.” “No. You brought me here on a date. We’re staying.” The resolution in Stephen’s voice felt strong and clear and hard and unwavering, the same way a freshly poured asphalt highway stretches on and on and on until it dissolves into a dazzling mirage. Endless and resolute in a way that made Tony feel tiny in comparison.
“Are you sure?”
Stephen ate his last chicken tender and tossed the tray.
“Maybe we can try at one of those fair games,” Stephen offered.
“Aren’t they all rigged?”
“Well that makes winning more impressive,” Stephen said with a grin.
Stephen took Tony’s hand and they walked through the fair before stopping at a booth: balloons and darts. Stephen bent over, looking at the booth. Then there was a loud whistle and a squeak from Stephen that had Tony’s alpha growling in his chest. Tony turned and snapped at the fuck boy alpha that currently had his hand on his omega’s ass. Stephen turned and slapped the guy’s hand away, face red and furious. His blue-green eyes burned like two twin stars hovering above the ocean horizon.
“Hey sweet-cheeks, what’s a pretty little omega like you doing with a boring alpha like him?” the guy said with a thousand-watt smile.
“Not interested.”
“Aw, come on baby, don’t be like that.”
“He said he’s not interested,” Tony growled.
The guy rolled his eyes.
“Fine, tightass.”
He stalked away and Stephen’s resolve broke. His entire body drooped and he sank into his seat, the smell of pure displeasure and unhappiness radiating from him like a morning fog over a valley. Tony sighed and pulled Stephen to his chest, holding him tight.
“Fuck Stephen- I’m so sorry.”
“Not your fault,” Stephen mumbled.
But there was a flat sort of grey hanging in his eyes and Tony knew it wasn’t okay, but he also knew there was nothing he could ever do. Tony held him close, whispering gentle things into Stephen’s ears.
“Hey, I saw what happened.” Tony looked up to see the carnival stand girl looking apologetic at the two of them. “I don’t know if this would make you feel better, but would you like to play a few rounds for free? It’s on the house.”
Tony smiled and looked to Stephen.
“Does that sound fun?”
Stephen shrugged, laying his chin on the counter.
“You play. I’ll watch.”
Tony nodded, a plan in mind. He missed the first shot but nailed the next four. Then he aimed for the bright yellow balloon titled ‘10,000 points.’ It was tiny, underinflated, and unlikely to pop from elasticity tension. Tony ran a few trajectory equations through his head, nibbling at his lip. He had two darts left. Gravity was his best bet, if he could arc the dart so it landed into the balloon, he might stand a chance. All the other balloons were one point, and by now, he could maybe get Stephen one of those cute little teddy bears, but he wanted to get Stephen something bigger. Like that giant fluffy round hamster plushy the size of Tony’s body.
The first dart missed, bouncing off the board and falling to the ground. Tony took a deep breath and tossed the last dart in a high arc, watching as it fell and fell and fell and gained velocity until it popped the yellow balloon with a loud snap.
Stephen grinned and clapped and Tony did a little dance. The girl grinned.
“Congratulations! What prize would you like?”
Tony grinned and pointed up at the massive hamster. The girl pulled down the hamster and passed it to Tony who promptly passed it to Stephen.
“Hey, I know today hasn’t been great, but I’m really glad I got to spend time with you today. You never fail to make me happy, even when the whole world feels bad, and I want you to know I want to be there for you, on all the good days and bad.”
Stephen looked at the hamster, then back at Tony. He sniffled and broke down in tears.
“Oh God- Stephen? Was it something I said? Are you okay? Oh God, I’m so sorry!” Tony stammered.
Stephen whimpered, tears pouring down his face. Then he turned and ran, the hamster in his arms as he wove through the crowd and through carnival stands. Tony stared after him, heart sinking. He stood there for a second before taking off after Stephen.
It took him twenty minutes to find Stephen in one of the animal shows, surrounded by cages of fluffy baby bunnies. He was crying silently into the hamster, squeezed tight in his arms. Tony knelt beside him.
“Stephen?” His voice was soft. Something was very wrong. “Please… please just tell me what’s wrong. I want to help you.”
Stephen looked away. His chest was so full of lead he couldn’t bring himself to speak. He felt heavy and dense, like an ancient tree rooted to the ground, bark worn by the elements but still there. Unmoving. Unable to move.
Stephen let out a choked whimper.
“I don’t know if I’m ready to tell you.” His voice was cracking and frail. So weak. But it was the truth.
“That’s okay. I just want to make sure you’re safe… are you safe?” Tony asked, taking Stephen’s hands in his.
Stephen nodded.
“It’s just… I don’t know.” Stephen hung his head.
“It’s okay not to know,” Tony whispered. “Do you want to go home now?”
Stephen shook his head.
“I want to ride the Ferris Wheel. Like we do every year.”
Tony smiled softly and hugged Stephen, staying there for a second, the way a curling vine of ivy finds comfort in cracked bark, grey with exhaustion. They stayed there for a bit, nestled amongst the animal cages and beneath the flair of the crowded festival like the world was fog and they were the grass, rooted in place.
Stephen moved first, reaching up and pulling himself to his feet and then reaching for Tony to help him up.
“You know, you’re the best alpha I could have ever wished for,” Stephen said with a small, bittersweet smile.
“Well… I couldn’t have asked for anyone better to fall in love with,” Tony responded.
“Do you promise you’ll always be with me? Through everything?” Stephen asked, squeezing Tony’s hand.
“Of course. I love you, Stephen. And nothing can ever make me stop.”
Tony leaned up and kissed Stephen softly, sweetly. Stephen let his eyes drift closed and he savored every single saccharine second.
They found the Ferris Wheel easily. It was the center of the fair, after all. And one long line later they were sitting in a car going up and up and up. Stephen fidgeted quietly. It was funny how the second all you needed was time it seemed to twist and turn and go faster and faster so blindingly fast you can barely even remembered what you prepared to say. When the carriage got halfway up its arc Stephen bit his lip, letting out a little, tightly-wound sigh.
“Tony… I need to tell you what’s wrong. I’ve been avoiding it all day, but… I just wanted one last good day with you before it all changed.” Stephen looked over the edge of the carriage and let out a dry chuckle. “Although I suppose I ruined my chance at that, too.”
“What- what are you talking about?” Tony’s voice was on edge.
“I-I’m pregnant.”
Stephen stared at Tony full-on. He kept searching for something other than shock but it was like combing a beach for something that just wasn’t there. Stephen’s hands started to shake.
“T-Tony? Please say something.”
Stephen’s voice sounded so small. He felt so small.
“Am I- Am I the dad?” Tony finally asked.
Anger flared deep in Stephen’s gut and for a moment he wanted to slap Tony off of the stupid Ferris Wheel.
“Of course you’re the father!” Stephen snapped. “You fucking idiot- you really think I’m screwing a dozen alphas behind your back?”
His scent soured and he turned away, glaring. Tony stayed quiet.
“Whatever. You probably want to break up with me now anyways. Just do it. I don’t want to have you pretend to care about this. I’ll just… forget about my full-ride to Columbia. I doubt my parents will even let me go. They want me to stay on the farm and become a good obedient little housespouse omega.” Stephen let out an involuntary whimper. Tears were pouring down his cheeks and he hugged himself. “I thought I was going to be happy… I thought I was going to have a future, but I- I don’t know anymore!”
The whole world felt like it was collapsing, folding in an compressing into one invincible singularity stuck in Stephen’s windpipe. Everything was spinning and hot and his head hurt so so much… Stephen closed his eyes and buried his face in his hands, sobbing.
Then, Tony gently wrapped his arms around Stephen, pulling the crying omega to his chest.
“Shh… it’s okay. I’m sorry, I just… I’m a father…” A small smile appeared on Tony’s face. “I couldn’t believe it. But Stephen, whatever you choose to do, this is your choice, and I will back you up 1,000%. I love you, and I meant it when I said I would stay with you no matter what. I know how much medical school means to you, and I swear that I can help you take care of our child so you can study if you choose to keep it. You don’t need to give up your dream, your dream can always stay. If you choose not to keep it, then I’ll be there for you too. No matter what you choose, we’re in this together.”
Stephen let his hands fall away from his face and his head plop on Tony’s shoulder. He was still crying and shaking, but this time from happiness. Tony wasn’t leaving him. He wasn’t going to be stuck alone on a farm his whole life. He would be okay. They would be okay.
He turned and tackled Tony in a hug, enough to rattle their cart. Tony laughed and held them as they reached the top of the Ferris Wheel, watching as the sun set over the fair and the town and everything surrounding it and turned it all to gold.
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sugar-petals · 4 years
Cuddling With SuperM
↳ ❤︎ CARO’S NOTE: their concept is all about badassery i know but we’re dealing with seven angels so let’s talk about that shall we
warnings ⚠️ some light teasing, innuendo
length: 1.5k
am i really telling you something ground-breaking with this:
so this guy’s truly adorable
turns into a baby what else is new
draws his knees to his chest and just enjoys the ride with his eyes closed
you can do whatever the hell you want
back rubs, head pats, foot massages, caressing the neck or underneath the chin which is particularly sweet
and a whole lot of tickling he’s kinda obsessed with this
excellent chef he is, taeyong enjoys preparing snacks for a set cuddling time or movie night
so what if this turns into feeding each other basically are you ready for that
this guy’s impossible face up close is hard to bear for the faint-hearted just mentioning that in passing here
because… he has that one yearning expression and his eye contact is very steady
bit of a duality here huh
but worry not because taeyong’s tiger inside is more of a cat actually, tyongkitty behavior guaranteed right there
he does do friendly head buts and yeah the eye contact is also a cat thing now that i think about it… it all makes sense now
ten, baekhyun, lucas and taemin are pretty cocky types of cuddlers, taeyong leads the more subdued fraction in super m
it’s the kind of cuddling that needs rainy weather and a cup of tea
quality time right here
banter is always included ofc
or at least a lot of talk because with ten, conversation and cuddles go together
likes pets joining, three’s a party, a cat can always make a snuggly contribution
add a ball of wool to play around
like. a-you, a-me, and a cat right in between ya see
music is always playing in the background, always
ten’s body is very sensual… you can tell he’s a dancer by the way he’s adapting, how he’s feeling it, how he moves in general
the reflexes are just so different he has great feeling for what you wanna do next it’s his bodily intuition and he just goes along with it
what you gotta tell him though is to keep it lowkey with keeping his jazzy outfits on
a hoodie cuddles better than high fashion and spiked jackets
plus he looks adorably small in it so two birds with one stone
never forget ten is really tiny that sure makes a difference
reluctant little spoon, he keeps it face-to-face or sleeps on his back
ten is glad to be approached with hugs he’s not always doing the initiative
shy thailand angel ikr
but don’t complain if he farts because he absolutely will
goddammit chittaphon
if it’s without a plushie something’s going wrong it always needs one
his favorite teddy’s gotta participate y’know he’s a social creature
in this home we don’t discriminate against plush bears
and yeah, his bear ear hoodie likewise he is sure to put it on
jongin tends to be rather taciturn because he wants to enjoy the body-to-body sensations
meaning, don’t interpret his frequent silence as awkwardness he’s just observing
is not above teasing… if his outfit is showing some skin he’ll invite you to touch the area
also enjoys you putting your hands under his sweater
he’s laughing like crazy and kicking his legs all giggly if you put your head underneath it and let it roam oh la la
yeah nini likes some wit to it for sure, and some steaminess in the mix it’s just a natural byproduct if we’re honest
dim the lights down low for this one…
but also light the candles alright
cuddling is more of a soft and steady thing there’s not much position changes going on
this is the couch not the dancefloor your honor
while we’re talking about that: jongin is a buff biatch my god
prep a water bottle to chug when you’re cuddling this guy is effortlessly hot
also know that kai will almost definitely snap a picture of you huddled together for the memory of it
unlike his memes, baekhyun’s cuddling behaviour is entirely predictable
will snuggle against your shoulder by default pretty much that’s his favorite area
stays glued there for two hours if you’re not busy
im not kidding
needless to say he needs a partner who can handle this level of clinginess
baekhyun can’t keep his hands to himself in general
neither can you
it’s groping x cuddling these two are a dead sure combination
keen to snuggle casually while he’s gaming, cross-legged on the ground with you massaging his back
likes to lay his head into your lap, too.
baekhug i mean back hug enthusiast. something inside his face has an inbuilt magnet that sucks him into the space between your collar bones
especially when you’re at the stove cooking
caution: love bites. lots of them. does this count as cuddles? probably. it’s not like he’s eating you or is he. oop—
what am i saying all he does is nibble alright
and oh yeah bring on the sweater weather. he can’t stay still in bed it’s gonna be a pillowfort building session though
you gotta exhaust him until he naps off lmao!
energizer bunny bf
enjoys being fed watermelon during the process how else could it be
wait until this guy hears what harry styles’ watermelon sugar is all about his world will never be the same again
he’ll look so cute in his striped shirt and his round glasses awh
cuddling is his favorite way to show his trust and affection before all else
his favorite time to cuddle is before going to sleep
he usually hugs pillows so you can tell how clingy he winds up as
mark really sleeps and dreams better if you do that it has an astounding effect. cuddles are his perfect recharging if you will it’s just that he’s actually calming down through it whereas he can be nervous throughout the day so he needs that downtime
spooning is a given
what he enjoys the most about it is the warmth
markie easily gets cold sometimes he just needs that tune-up with you he’s like blink blink there goes my dose of daily heat beep beep
what the fuck
anyway again
talk about tune
just like ten he’s very talkative all the way verbal stimulation and mark lee just go together
if you compare him to taeyong there’s not much of a transformation going on mark lee on two legs is the same mark lee during cuddles it’s all copy paste
all in all a delectable experience, extremely cute and heart-melting, super m truly has a super mark
much like xuxi he has that permanent smile on his lips that tries to make you laugh
in fact taemin is hard to stop with his puns and his humor
ffs he is a true brat
taems can’t help but try to escalate this into a playfight every time
not that he doesn’t enjoy the calmer types of cuddling but he needs some action in the sack
enjoys praise along the way who are we kidding
the clothes you both cuddle in are very important alright, the fabric in particular
taemin keeps it expensive here it’s just the way he rolls
satin my dear
it’s just so satisfying to the touch
but also beware of his most lethal clothing choice which brings out his innate maknae charm the most
which he will use during special occasions to turn you into a cuddle monster ready to pounce him
give it up for shinee my loves they taught him well and sent him out to fluff up the world
what else is there okay we also gotta mention that cuddling consists of many little kisses here and there
taemin wants to get absolutely peppered
he is and stays a prince
ideal body type for cuddling except that it needs the right place, not the environment but the spot i mean, you can imagine
lucas can explode any smol-size couch or bed
don’t even think about trying to cuddle on regular chairs my god why would you live so dangerously
king size por favor
there is a lot to cuddle against it’s really a whole wonderland
those big ole thighs are practical cushions for anything really.
and his face is just so amicable it has to be kithed
his hands… his hands! you will feel maximum protection with those giant baby fingers around your hips i’m telling you
admittedly yukhei is hard to properly hug around the shoulders obviously that’s a drawback but hey his waist is lithe and tiny so hello there, very inviting
oh, that infectious smile.
serious cuddling: 0 — funny cuddles: over 9,000
and tasty cuddles because foodcas brings some fried rice every time oh yum
hates to go to work he really prioritizes you and cuddles go on for long long hours especially when you watch your favorite series
xuxi goes the extra mile, he will touch your hair a lot, just gently combing through it
and he doesn’t mind it when you do the same, he’s got the most angelic blonde locks after all
lu calls you beautiful all the time the cheesy mf is really pulling the standard compliment alright
cue jonas brothers sucker for you
ugh, boyfriend
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palettepainter · 3 years
Coming out
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A quick message before you get into the story - I really wanted to do something for LGBT cuz I always end up forgetting or not having time to finish any drawings, most of the time I just do art about my OC’s and what their cannon sexualities are - but this year I wanted to do something a bit more serious, if that makes sense I’ve always been told by parents and friends that as long as you are coming out to people who you trust and people you know who will support you, then in the end, everything will be fine. I’ve always thought that if I where to ever be bisexual, gay, asexual or any other LGBT term that I would be comfortable to open up to my family. My preferences for who I like romantically aren’t really something I think all about that much. I’ve never dated and thus far all my luck with crushes and boys has just been really bad - and as someone who was and still is incredibly shy about dating and pretty much anything romantic I’ve learnt to not rush into things, I’ll find out who/what I like in time Now that I’m older I’ve been thinking more on it, and though I don’t want to go too deep into this stuff since it is personal, even with a supportive family I still have that fear of talking about these sorts of things. I wanted to write this story to show that even despite the fact someone may have a supportive family, supportive friends or even just that one supportive person in their life - overcoming that hurdle of fear and exposing a part of yourself that is so personal and dear, is terrifying. It’s a big relief to finally talk about these things yes, especially if you’ve been forced to shut these kinds of things away (in which case I hope you are in a happier healthier environment). But even with that in mind it can be hard for anyone to open up about these things, even those who know they’re in a safe environment and know they have family to support them. I don’t know if I got that message into this story, this is my first time writing something that tackled LGBT this seriously so I hope I was able to do it right. Okay message over ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A story between Jaakuna (Comoress x Kashu, oc) and Jizuko (Monoma x Pony) Jaakuna in my cannon NGAU is gay, whereas Jizuko is bisexual. Jizuko if the first person Jaakuna comes out to, and Jizuko is fiercely supportive. So here’s a little coming out story between my OC’s!~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jizuko had been happily doodling away idly in one of her notebooks when the door to her room suddenly opened, and none other then Jaakuna stepped inside. She rose a brow, watching as he stepped inside without a word and bumped her door closed with his heel “Ever heard of knocking?” She asked, brow cocked as she moved her head up from her notebook “I could have been changing or something” Jaakuna, still not saying a word, walked over to her bed, sat down, and then let his body flop backwards against the mattress. Jizuko rose a brow further, examining his face, though his gaze was skyward there was something distant about it, as though he was lost somewhere deep in thought. She titled her head, nudging his shoulder with her foot “Hello? Gunna answer me??” She asked, honestly not caring about her previous questions, but now just curious to see if he’d speak. Jaakuna behind closed doors with close friends, to her, was a much more quite and chill person, but that aside, he was never totally silent. When she got not response, she put down her notebook and shuffled on the bed, sitting cross legged besides him while she hugged an one of her many plushies to her chest “..You wanna talk about it?” She asked, resting her head a top of her toys. “Mngh..” Jizuko moved and picked up another one of her plush toys, and placed it ontop of Jaakuna’s chest, where his hands reached up to hold it, lazily running his fingers through the soft felt - something she’d learnt he liked to do with her toys and pillows, but something he’d always deny when she asked about it. “Something happen??” She continued, arms returning to her own plushy “...I think I might be having a mid-life crisis” Jizuko blinked “..Well, that’s something” she clarified with a slow nod. Jaakuna replied with a small hum “...Wanna talk shit about it?” She asked innocently Many where surprised when Jizuko would say Jaakuna was one of her closest friends, the two couldn’t be more opposites if they tried. Jizuko was small and dainty looking, she liked cutesy things, her dorm itself was full to the brim with things that she loved: manga volumes, cooking books, plush toys and pillows, all the listed items for a typical ‘cute’ person. Jaakuna was dark and grumpy, often brooding in the corner silently or cussing out something or someone. Years ago, Jaakuna would have been someone she would avoid in the hallways - but beyond that edgy shell was a genuinely sweet and caring person. Jaakuna was caring, very caring, perhaps cared too much about his close friends. Deep down he had a big heart, but like many typical boys, he struggled to verbalise those feelings, and thus ended up getting angry. Jizuko and him shared a connection with that, both cared a lot for friends and family, and yet both felt as though they could only be heard by yelling their opinions. Their bond was what Jizuko would call special - Jaakuna had let his walls down a few times, letting her see him at his most vulnerable. She felt flattered he trusted her enough, and in turn she never told a soul what he would share with her - what he told her would stay with her till the day she died, Jaakuna had made her promise that. “Mngh..” Jaakuna all of a sudden looked..she couldn’t put her finger on it. He hugged the plushie to his chest, peering away from Jizuko. “Uh..it’s kinda complicated..” he started “Yeah, a life crisis usually is” Jizuko reasoned Jaakuna’s cheeks flushed a light pink, Jizuko quirked a brow but didn’t comment on it, not yet at least. Finally Jaakuna sat up, toy still held to him. He rubbed at his neck with one hand “I’m..kinda struggling with this one, more then the others I’ve had” “Well, are you gonna bitch about it or not?” Jaakuna gave her a look “Whaaat! It’s your fault for getting me all curious! And why come here in the first place?” Jaakuna opened his mouth to speak, but growled in frustration and then shuffled the other way, crossing his arms over his chest. Jizuko shimmied down the bed on her knees until she was sitting besides him, and then waited for him to start. “..So Uh, you remember how last week I mentioned I got invited to Yurei’s birthday?” A bit random, but she nodded “Yeah..” She pointed a finger to her forehead, where a small grey horn sprouted out next to her bangs “Guy with the horn?” Jaakuna nodded and Jizuko lowered her hand “Why? Did something happen??” She paused, before her eyebrows scrunched like gathering thunder heads, checks puffed out with a clear scowl on her face “Do you want me to punch him for you?” “Wha- No!” Jaakuna waved his hand and shook his head wildly, caught off guard at her sudden declaration of violence though not surprised, tiny people where a force to be reckoned with. “Uh, anyway: I went to the party and Uhm, well..I-it was me, Yūrei and a few others..” Jaakuna tucked his legs up to him, leaning back against the wall as he still refused to look at her. “And maybe like, an..hour or so into the party we-Uhm-“ jaakuna gulped, Jizuko watching the movement of his Adam’s apple before looking back to his face Jaakuna’s face and tips of his ears where flushed red, as he looked like he was trying to hide behind her plushie. Jaakuna groaned when he caught Jizuko’s confused gaze on him, and then muttered something under his breath “Uh..What was that?” Jizuko asked. Jaakuna groaned louder before repeating, in the same mumbly dribble “I can’t hear you” Jizuko said after shaking her head, having heard what it was Jaakuna had said just as clearly as the first time. Jaakuna snorted through his nose, pulling his head out from the toy he was practically burying his face in “Ugh! I said we...w-we got round to playing Uh, truth or dare” “..Okay well, that’s not unusual” Jizuko said with a shrug “And I Uh- May have, Uh..I-I got dared to..t-to Uh..” The more he spoke the redder his face became, and he seemed to become more fidgety and nervous, looking like a skittish animal that would flee at any second. Jaakuna cleared his throat, praying his embarrassment wasn’t as obvious as it felt “..I-I got dared to..to kiss...Yu...rei...” For a whole minute Jizuko didn’t emote, the words processing - she let them digest, sink in - and when they did, she gasped “You kissed Yūrei?!” “NO!” Jaakuna snapped at her like a mad dog Silence “....M-Maybe..” he repeated in a whisper, as though admitting it was some crime. “..On the lips or?” Jizuko elbowed him playfully with a wink, and Jaakuna bristled, leaning away “T-That ain’t important! Ya little pervert!” Jizuko cackled her usual crazy giggle, covering her mouth with a hand, clearly finding amusement in her best friends embarrassing story. When she was done laughing at him Jaakuna continued “Anyway...Ever since then I’ve been, feeling...like-weird...it’s not a-“ Jaakuna seemed to be struggling to grasp the right words, and yet Jizuko had an expression that said she already had it figured out “It’s not a BAD weird- well, sometimes it is? Like, some days it’s bad others it’s like..not as bad??” He began to gesture as he spoke, going off on a tangent, almost forgetting entirely Jizuko was there “And it’s been bugging me for the whole week, and it’s so fucking embarrassing and, like!..You know what I mean??” Jizuko hummed with a slow nod “Oh I know exactly what you mean” she said matter of factly Jaakuna didn’t like her tone of voice, or how she was looking at him as though she pitied his own obliviousness. “Well- what is it then wise guy?” He challenged boldly, leaning back and raising a brow. Jizuko held her hands together as though she was praying, and inhaled, before she dipped them “Jaakuna, you’re gay” “WHAT?!” If Jaakuna hadn’t been sitting with his back to her wall he would have for sure tumbled off the bed with how hard he jolted, bristling like a raged cat as he bared his teeth like some aggressive animal. “I AINT- what for- F-For that?? That- THAT SMUG LORD?!” He barked a loud laugh, and rolled his eyes “I ain’t bloody gay” Jizuko remained calm as ever “And yet I don’t recall you ever having a crush on a girl before” she said, raising a brow in thought. Jaakuna slowly turned to her, eye twitching, Jizuko failed to cower “And you always spend a lot of time with Yūrei, he even sits with you to eat lunch! That’s only a specialty reserved for very close people” “That doesn’t prove anything!” “Oh yeah?” Jizuko asked, not believing him “Name one girl you’d like to date” “Wha-“ Jaakuna gagged “Ew! Gross! You girls are disgusting..no offence” he added the last part with a small frown. Jizuko hummed again, and Jaakuna felt nervous, feeling like a corned animal while she was some predator, contradicting with how Jaakuna looked to be the more intimidating one of the two. “Come on! Admit it! You like him!” “I don’t.” Jaakuna gritted his teeth “I don’t..like like him” he clarified, cheeks going redder “Fine” Jizuko leaned back, relaxed, and crossed her arms, a shifty smug grin on her face “...Name a girl you’d wanna fu-“ “Name a girl you’d wanna date” she repeated, holding up a finger “Name ONE girl - and I’ll believe you don’t like him” Jaakuna snorted “Hmph. Okay, FINE. I will” he held his nose high, as if to look down on her. Jaakuna sat back, and opened his mouth...before closing it, and licking his lips, mouth suddenly dry. “Uh..” Jizuko’s brow rose further, watching his flustered suffering as Jaakuna struggled to think of an answer “I-Uh-...uhm, R-Runa, I guess?” “You guess?” Jizuko tilted her head “Or you know?” “W-Well-“ Jaakuna made a gesture with his hands, looking more lost then before, Jizuko’s staring wasn’t helping him “I mean- she’s cool! T-Theres nothing wrong with Runa! She’s got..uhm, she’s..” Jaakuna trailed off, looking to be struggling “...Got nice eyes??” He said, sounding just as confident as Jizuko expected him too “Mhm, yeah, red eyes right?” She asked, tilting her head and leaning closer. “Not quite like the red eyes of your classmate who’s seem to brighten whenever they land on you” Jizuko said coyly. Jaakuna shot her a sharp warning glare, Jizuko dared on “Mhm, yes sir you’d love yourself a tiny little goth girl. With nice skinny hips and arms. Arms that aren’t strong enough to lift you off the ground ever so slightly when you hug. With no nice flat chest to rest your head against, no no. And no smugly charming smooth voice chuckling ‘JayJay’ to you in greeting..” Jaakuna gulped, mouth suddenly dry, face as hot as the sun as he became lost in his mind...Jizuko had possibly the most obnoxiously smug grin on her face that it could put the Cheshire Cat to shame. Jaakuan’s cheeks flushed a deeper red so quickly he saw tiny white dots “I-I..” his throat was dry “...I don’t get what you’re implying” he muttered “Yeah, that blush on your face doesn’t say anything~” ‘Shit!..’ “Jaakuna, it’s okay..” Jizuko’s tone took a turn as she patted his shoulder soothingly, the smugness gone from her face entirely “You know your friends and myself will support you!” She chuckled lightly “Sides, I’m in the same boat as you..” Jizuko pulled her legs up to her chest, pressing a pink cheek into her knee “Crushing on your best friend and being too chicken to tell, sucks doesn’t it?” With a small smile she peered back up to Jaakuna, who’s scowl has lifted a little “What I’m saying is that I think you’ll be happy with Yūrei and you can make him happy. You guys are practically a duo! Hell, for the longest time I thought you two where already together” Jaakuna has fallen quite, half lidded eyes boring into the floor with an intense look to them, hands clutching at the pink blankets on Jizuko’s bed. “I’m. Not. Gay.” He growled, shoulders shaking “Not for him. Not for anyone! I like girls. Period.” Jizuko gave her best friend a flat look and rose a brow, mulling over what to do “...Okay then” Jizuko unfolded her legs to hang off one end of the bed and all of a sudden stood up “I’ll just go ask Yūrei on date~” “Wot?!” Jaakuna practically exploded from the bed, jumping across the room to splat himself against the door, blocking Jizuko’s only means of exit. Jizuko rose her brow, smirking “What’s the issue? Yurei’s a cute guy, and if you’re not taking him..” she waggled her brows and Jaakuna bristled, squawking like a turkey “I-you- Dont you dare!” He barked “You’re doing this on purpose!” “Doing what?” Jizuko asked, tilting her head “You’ve said you’re not gay so there’s no issue! I’ll just go and ask Yūrei on a date” Jizuko took no less then a step forward before Jaakuna tried to push himself further back against the door “Fuck off” “I don’t see why you’re being so dramatic: you’ve said you’re not gay, and that’s fine!” A smug smile pulled at her lips and Jaakuna growled, spreading his arms further over the door as if to hide it was even there. Jizuko peered skyward and then slowly rolled her eyes back towards Jaakuna “Unless of course..you have a problem with me asking him out” Jaakuna’s lips pulled back into a grimace, baring his teeth like an angry dog. Jizuko was unfazed as she turned to idly walk about her room “I mean, have you seen him?? That body?” She questioned “Damn, he’s really bulked up since the start of the year huh? Not that you would know” Jizuko shrugged “Of course, I’m sure all his fans know. I bet Yūrei gets tones of love letters! You know?” Jaakuna dragged his nails along the door, something in his gut twisting - where was she going with this??.. “Mhm, I bet he’s a good kisser. He looks like the type of be good at kissing - you know? The typical jock hot guy that’s all good with romance stuff? He fits the bill!” She turned to peer at Jaakuna over her shoulder, making sure their was enough distance between the two. Jaakuna’s eye twitched, the way she was talking about Yūrei was starting to really tick him off. He tried to brush it off and act indifferent to what she was saying, but that was becoming increasingly hard. His body was tense, his breaths deep as he tried to keep the wildfire in him at bay ‘She’s starting to get real annoying. If she says ONE more thing about Yūrei..’ “I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t already..had thoughts about him” Jizuko turned around once more, and was met with Jaakuna’s chest. She peered up, where Jaakuna was glaring down at her coldly. It was like staring death itself in the face, what she was expecting. “Listen here you pintsize twat” Jaakuna growled, voice like venom “You say one more thing about Yūrei I’m going to drag your ass six feet under!” Jizuko hummed, calm in the face of danger. A passive look on her face “Well it’s a good thing he’s not my type” The change in expression was so drastic on Jaakuna’s face it would have given anyone whiplash with how quickly his glare fell “...But- You practically just said you like him!” “And that, my naive friend, was a lie” “...A lie?” Jaakuna repeated, blinking “Duh” Jizuko said with an eye roll as though it was obvious “Yurei’s too full of himself for me. It was all fake, just talk.” Jaakuna worked his jaw, numbly pointing to Jizuko “S-So...so everything you just said was too-“ “Get you angry so you’d finally realize YOU have a crush on Yūrei? Yes” Jizuko finished Jaakuna sucked in a breath, flinching back a little. Jaakuna liked girls. He loved girls! There was plenty to like about the girls in the hero courses: Furora was smart and clever, yet fair and pretty. Runa was quite and brooding like him, with a cool quirk he genuinely admired! Furu was tough and caring, her witt as smart as her combat skills. Jizuko was hard headed yet kind, she was sweet, she let him open up about things he wouldn’t to anyone else. Above all the other girls, Jizuko had his respect. Liking girls should be easy, yet he felt a knot in his stomach, something clenching in his gut...like a weight holding him back. His stupid, stupid traitorous mind flashing with images of soft, curly hair that smelt of too much hairspray. Beautiful ruby eyes. A kind smile, bright enough to rival that of the sun. And a voice, as smooth as honey and as joyful as new lambs in spring calling out ‘Jaakuna!’ Yūrei “...Jaakuna?” Jizuko’s voice was gentle. She stepped closer to reach out for his hand, giving it a careful squeeze God dam it. God fucking damn it. What was wrong with him?? He grit his teeth, wanting the floor to swallow him. His cheeks became warm as, to his shame, hot tears began to blur his vision. He wanted to snarl at her, to curse Jizuko to hell and back, to trap away these stupids thoughts and feelings...but deep down, Jaakuna knew she was right. She had found the chip in his armour, she’d seen right through it, and unraveled the deep, very real truth. “Jaakuna nothing is wrong with you” Jizuko stepped closer and gently grasped his other hand. “Everything is gonna be okay. You’re gonna be okay, I promise” Jizuko’s eyes shined with kind, comforting light. Jaakuna shyly met her gaze, his tears swelling when she gave him a soft smile...something fell from his eye. A tear, followed by many more - the internal battle surfacing “..I am Jizuko..” “Oh Jaakuna” Jizuko was on him in an instant, tugging her taller friend into a warm hug, nestling his head in her shoulder as she rubbed her arm on his back. Jaakuna’s grasped at her desperately, ashamed to be crying, ashamed Jizuko was seeing him like this, ashamed she’d been right. Ashamed he.. “I like Yūrei..” he whimpered, the rest of his sentence ending in weeps and sobs, as he let himself cry.
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reactions to Truth!
Just going to go straight into it because this episode is huge! I really like how at the end of a season and the beginning of another, we see the same scene that leads us out of one and into another. Gabriel fixes the Miraculous and ohhh poor Dusuu thought it was all a dream, being in evil hands. So in a way, the Miraculous being damaged may have been a blessing for her. Dx Too bad it couldn't have been fixed after Marinette got it back :/ But at least Nooroo isn't alone right? Legit only positive I can get from this. ;-; Tikki and her little hats omg it's so cuuuute! I wonder if she makes her little clothes, too awww But the other Kwami's are almost like siblings to Tikki if you think about it. Now Tikki has to share things with them all as they cause chaos all around when she's so used to her quiet life alone with Marinette. Even for a Kwami, that must be hard to adjust to.
Okay so it's almost Prince Ali's birthday that Paris is going to celebrate. Interesting! I'd really like to see him back and a storyline with that. :O Marinette holding something, clearly, that the girls can't see over video chat. Talking to what appears to be herself, reacting to what someone's saying from different sides of her room. Camera flashes going off. And then her phone getting yeeted at her all on a video call with her friends when she's supposed to be alone...considering they're all going to have Kwami's and learn some things later as they become heroes, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if they think back to this scene someday! OH WAIT spoiler for the upcoming episode Gang of Secrets!!! Fair warning. What if this episode with the plushies she said she's going to make, is one of if not the reason they go over and are looking around her room? Because she's been acting sus and they want to know what's going on. Especially after what happens later in the episode with Luka. Okay, back to the episode itself. Her friends observation: You're acting way weirder than normal.... IS ADRIEN AT YOUR PLACE?! I mean, fair point. xD But the thing is, whenever Marinette tends to act weirder or say/do things that Alya and the girls don't understand, it's almost always connected to her being Ladybug/Guardian. Even Lila. If she wasn't Ladybug and dealt with her so much as her, she wouldn't know a lot of things that made her not trust Lila to begin with. So Marinette has to overcompensate to try to hide everything or can't explain her thoughts or feelings about certain situations, so Alya always just assumes her behavior has something to do with Adrien. It really sucks but at the same time, what else is she going to think?
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These Kwami are a lot of trouble. xD Now she's even more frazzled, so she calls Luka Adrien. More than once. I've done this where I call my siblings the wrong name more of than I'd like so I can't fault her for it. Her mind's probably a mess, poor girl. Dx "I'm sorry it's just that I cheated on you!" BIG OOF. But this gives me Kim Possible vibes when Ron assumed Kim didn't want him anymore and told her he was cheating on her when he meant to say he was cheating to be on the football team so he could be more worthy of her when he thought she wanted to "trade up" her boyfriend. Our poor Marinette! So frazzled she can't remember when her dates are, when they've been rescheduled. She can't remember her patrols with Chat Noir which are really important. She's getting to the point where it's going to be a wonder she can even function. Dx "But Marinette and I are such a big fan of his" wow this sure hits different. The way they kept quizzing each other to finish the sentence with Jagged Stone trivia was pretty cute. Luka having her finish the line with "Kiss me" that she screamed to the entire theater made me choke on my cake. "Well, if that's what you want." Smooth. "I think, yes. I want to." But you know, it gets interrupted by an akuma attack of course because that's just the way things work! :D And wouldn't you know it, it's Mr. Pigeon. AGAIN. Totally worth interrupting the moment lol Ladybug can't pick and choose, however, so here comes the sequence where she's constantly running off and he starts doubting her. Notice the parallel when Marinette started to like Luka after Adrien could never show up to things? Now Marinette's having trouble showing up and Luka's having issues with it. The second Chat Noir started to sneak up on Ladybug, we all knew he was going to get flipped. But it's so adorable and funny at the same time I love it x333 And that whole scene there of Ladynoir. Obviously it's a Lukanette-centered episode but the Ladynoir in this episode! So good! And you know, it's interesting. First time we see Adrien this episode is for FIVE whole seconds! And the way it abruptly cut off as he opened the car door... yeah you know what, Lies is going to be Adrien's POV or something of this same day. It has to be. He has 2 total scenes one of them is 5 seconds and the other one is 2 seconds. Crazy. We got about 7 seconds of Adrien's face today woo! But ugh here's where we get hurt Luka ;-; "A girl, who as always, isn't here." Ouch. The fact that if Marinette said she loved Adrien still, he'd understand and he'd get it is so sweet, and so sad that it's not even because of that, it's because she's Ladybug and the Guardian and she can't say a thing about it to him at all, that he can't accept. It's the one thing he couldn't deal with that's the issue and that really sucks. AND THIS MOMENT RIGHT HERE HAD ME GASPING AND HURTING FOR LUKA. IT'S THE MOMENT HIS HEART BROKE
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But also really guys, did you notice his eyes are different now? Almost like a blue diamond look or something.
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Luka trying to fight it, trying to tell Hawk Moth that the truth needs to be willingly told, not forced. But stupid Hawk Moth's able to get him to hold on anyway and gets akumatized. But not before he told Marinette to run. Which was such an awwww moment. x33 I mean, this is definitely getting a bit close to Chat Blanc territory if you ask me. New transformation music is pretty good! I like it. Also can we just appreciate that instead of trying to track down Marinette to get the truth from her, he's instead asking all her friends and family, pretty much any source besides her? AND ROSE'S RESPONSE "Marinette has no secrets because she's the most honest girl in the world!" She thinks so highly of her and it's just so beautiful. Nobody would blame her for these secrets if they only knew either. But awwwwww I love this scene!! And here's the big reveal! (no not that one) Jagged Stone is Luka and Juleka's father. 😮
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Thomas today tweeted that Luka and Juleka are twins. Which would have to be fairly obvious after this reveal. There's no way that Jagged, who says he'd be a lame dad and left because he wasn't cut out for it, would have Luka with Anarka, then stay long enough to also have Juleka. I also totally forgot that in the French version, Jagged has an American accent when he speaks. XDD Just the fact that even WITH his truth powers, he asked his mother TWICE who his father was. Both times she said Jagged Stone. He still didn't believe it until he went to Jagged himself omg. This poor poor boy. Luka: 😱*gasp* Marinette: 😲 *gasp* Adrien: 😮 WHY IS THIS SO FUNNY OMG. LIKE I'M WATCHING A TELENOVELA OR SOMETHING. THEY EVEN ZOOMED IN ON THEIR REACTIONS I CAN'T And then Luka just yeets his dad because he wasn't ever there for him. I honestly did not expect Luka having dad issues to ever be a thing in this show, even though I knew he wasn't around. So like... when everything's worked out with Marinette and Adrien in the end, will Luka and Adrien end up becoming friends and bonding over things, like the whole daddy issues thing...? Are we really supposed to believe she has no feelings for Chat Noir? I mean really, look at this.
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"I can't imagine what your daily life must look like" ... is she really actually being the one to bring up something about his secret identity? With that face? 😲
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Their flirty banter that at this point I don't even think they realize it is, and those soft looks I just... My top ship is Ladynoir and I was not expecting any significant moments of theirs but I got it anyway. Just watching their scenes, I kept going "See, this is why they're meant for each other." My heart is happy despite all the Luka pain! It's helping me cope with it, okay? "When you're ready, I'll be here for you, Marinette." Awww so they're telling us Lukanette is on hold here. Not a guarantee, but at least on hold. He's an option for her later. So now the Adrienette vs. Lukanette for S4 we heard about awhile back makes sense now. Later on this season, probably when things calm down and she gets the hang of things, she'll be in a better position to be with someone. And by then, Adrien will probably realize and understand his feelings for Marinette. So then she'll be in a position to choose between them. Now we know where Luka gets his ability to turn emotions into great songs. That's adorable! Father-son bonding! Gabriel needs to take notes when a man who was never in his son's life as more than his idol has the ability to try to be there, but Gabriel can't. Ugh our poor Marinette, probably thinking she's going to be alone for a very long time just because of a supervillain. That's so wrong she has to feel like this. If you notice, Hawk Moth's akumatizations help people patch up relationships so much of the time as a weird unexpected result of an akuma attack. And yet, he does nothing but hurt Marinette and at times Adrien, the most when he akumatizes people. He makes me so angry! But I'm too tired for a rant about that. At least the Kwami hugs at the end helped a teeny bit anyway! c:
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mx-in-words · 4 years
good time
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gryffindor!shownu x yourhouse!reader (moodboard)
word account: 1.7k ops
tags: FRIENDS-TO-LOVERS!AU DEAL WITH IT; fluff ;kinda angst; making out ( maybe more but not explicit); violence; shownu being badass hot and a soft bear!!! pls be careful to not bust all your uwus. 
I am so sorry if you guys don’t like drabbles, but seems like i’m an anxious person and i like to rush stuff so,,, sorry ig :3
a normal day for you, going to your potion class just living your life 
then this stupid ravenclaw boy with his crew start to shout out offensive things to you because you were a half-blood. 
little did he know that, for more than 30 years, bullying and segregation about blood type were not allowed anymore in Hogwarts, thanks merlin. 
one of the teachers petrified them, for one hour and they were taken to the director after. 
all my friends asked if you were alright and you just nod. ugh, honestly? people are still like this? this is so overpassed. 
anyways this day ended quickly and soon you apparate yourself to the centre of London with some friends. It's Friday, club day!
Little did you know what would happen. 
before all the mess, let me explain who is shownu
he is, of course, the Quidditch main player, the leader, but he is also a very nice guy. But what no one understands is that he is very reticent and discreet, different from the other jocks. He does date some girls, but the regular type ones, he doesn't claim for attention and: he is everyone type. Smart, tall, handsome, has manners, athletic, good with spells and love all magical creatures of the school. 
back to the club, after one hour you could find yourself wasted.
YES, this was a muggle club and that's what you love, people who don't know about your big secret and have no idea how to judge you because, honestly, they don't care.
So you find yourself dancing with strangers and receive a text from your friends. one of the Slytherin girls were not okay and they rushed to Hogwarts without you, but hey, they found a familiar face and asked him to find me. What a nice idea. 
You were not mad, after all, it's normal for you always be alone and you enjoy it a bit. 
So, after ten minutes, this hella cute guy called Kihyun was offering you a drink, he seems familiar but you said "no thanks", and of course he understood. 
you needed some air, so you went to the roof aka the smoking area 
"oh finally" 
you turned your head, finding shownu brown eyes. 
damn, he was hot, leather jacket, dark jeans and a cigarette in his mouth. 
" shownu? wait,, you are the familiar face that will keep me company while my weak friends can't take two shots of vodka?"
he smirks at your comment, nodding to you while discarding the rest of the cigarette
sh: "my friends left me too, so here we are"
you: " wow the mr.athlete smokes?"
sh : " and the Mrs.top notes like to go clubbing every Friday? we discover crazy things every day" 
you could only laugh and little did you know that he took a little note on is thoughts about how pretty were you smiling. 
he asked you if you wanted to dance more or walk around the streets of London and maybe, grab something to eat. 
you liked the idea of a little adventure with shownu, and also, food is always the number one. 
so that's when your friendship with him started. you both talked about yourselves, your houses, friends and even the incident you lived this morning, he was very horrified with that, making him frown and being absolutely adorable. 
since this day, you both saw each other almost every day
you helped him with his grades and the O.W.LS
he used to call you to watch his games and well, we all know you two were in love with each other
but of course, you dumbasses couldn't see that so, the summer arrived and your friends made up a plan 
do you think a house with a lot of teenagers, in a magic beach, were all the wizards go in summer would be a great plan to get you both together? idk but let's go I guess. 
so you proposed something for your group, including shownu's friends as well ( cofcof kihyun which is weird but he is your friend now). 
" no magic" 
"WHAT" everyone, except for shownu, who was smiling, screams
"c'mon! the house and everything are already enchanted! plus, car rides!"
" but the food and the train?"
" Okay, these too can be magic but only!" 
everyone agreed because sometimes its nice to not use magic you know? 
when you all arrive at the house, the bags and your belongs were already flying and organizing themselves by magic. Lame, you thought. 
"Hey" shownu put his arm around your neck " want to give a lot at the beach" 
you: " sure,," godgodgodgod
it was genuinely nice, walking in the sand while talking what do you expect in these two weeks, shownu offered to hold your shoe and god, he smells good. Sorry, any way
you both didn't have a lot of time alone this week, but even tho, shownu held your hand in the forest train, trowed water in you at the waterfall and also kept watching your body in that bikini hihi 
he made sure to stay by your side in all the games and even when you were bronzing yourself in the sand, reading an ordinary book. He also would sneak around at night with you just to see the stars or smoke a bit. 
so, the truth or dare game has arrived I am sorry for the cliche
OH NO, you were picked 
"y/n I dare you to... okay I will be nice, just hold shownu's hands the whole game" 
that was safe, you have held his hands already and shownu was very affectional with everyone so, no big deal right? NO BC YOU BOTH WERE SWEATING AND BLUSHING HARD 
game is going and you couldn't look at his face, even knowing that he was looking at you. 
" shownu, I dare you to tell y/n about what you feel about her" minhyuk is the DEVIL itself. 
shownu didn't even hesitate, he smiled at you and whispered: " every time with you is a good time, you know?" 
it was clear that you HAVE to get the fuck out of there. 
so you just do, like a clown, stand up and run away in the beach
edeudbnebd what a jerk 
shownu has no idea of what to do, were you upset? he should have told you he likes u? do you have feelings for him? he is freaking out 
so he finds you bellow a tree, looking at the waves
sh: " hey..."
you: " hi..." 
sh: " look, I'm sorry if what I said-"
you: "Ilikeyou"
he just stares at you, smiling slowly
 sh: " that's what I said" 
you: "no, you said that every time with me is a good time" 
sh: " isn't it the same but more poetic?" you laugh because he is so silly
 and that makes you heart race and the blood of your face go directly to your cheeks burning
sh: " Can I kiss you?" 
oh damn
he was getting closer and you could feel how hot his body was when he delicately touched your cheeks, his chocolate eyes searching for your response. 
You, into almost a spell that he had, nodded quietly. 
when his lips touched yours, you could feel your head spinning but in an amazing way, you were so captivated by the ways his soft lips were dancing against yours, the way his hand were found now at your waits and how soft was his hair between your fingers
 is this a dream? cause looks like one in your head. 
he distanced himself a bit, smiling widely, what an image my friend. 
sh: " we could get out of here and..." 
you: " makeout in some free room? agree"
you stand up and offered your help for him to stand.
sh: " reading minds now huh?" 
you: " you didn't like it?" 
he hugged you from behind, whispering close to your ear: "I will show you what I like soon"
you both just run into the house, your friends looking at you both at the door with the biggest poker faces ever while you both just laugh and run upstairs, opening your room and locking it ;) 
shownu wasted no time, he sits on the edge of the bed, already putting you on his lap, locking your lips in his again as his life depends on it.
 God he was so hot, the messy hair, the plushie lips, the way he smirks, the way his strong hands grip your thighs and your waist, travelling everywhere but careful to not scare you, he is so gentle!!!!
you can resist and start to kiss his neck and you could feel him whimper while tensing his body. he returns the favour, kissing you neck back and giving soft bites, that's when you lose your shit and starts unconsciously griding on him, feeling him, got harder by your movements and a low moan leaves your mouth
you can feel shownu smirking and kissing your neck, collarbones and the curves of your breasts, making you wetter and wetter. 
sh: " do you want to keep this going? because I have been wanting this" he squeezes your butt strongly, making you moan again " wanting you... so badly y/n"
you kiss him slowly again, whispering " I am yours already baby, and I am sure" 
you can imagine the rest right? 
the next day, your roommate was mad at you but, no regrets. even with kihyun and jooheons dirty comments, you can only be happy to be dating shownu.
 he was so sweet and lovely you
 both spend the rest of the summer going out together and going to clubs and pubs
he even taught you how to fly in a broom like a player
it's strange how he became your best friend and also is your boyfriend
and even sometimes fighting for silly things, nothing serious, everything seems so natural and peaceful with him
 you: " babe "
sh: " yes, love?"
you: "every time with you is a good time" 
sh: "I love you too baby". 
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Survey #360
“we are the ones that wanna play  /  always wanna go, but you never wanna stay”
"Crawling" or "In The End?" I want to say "Crawling," but I really can't be sure. Both are bomb. Is your window open? No. Monsters Inc. or Shrek? Shrek, my man. What did you last hear that made your jaw drop? Jason's mom died. What is the longest shower or bath you have ever taken? I remember as kids, Nicole and I would sometimes play 'til Mom made us finish because the water was cold by then. As an adult, idk about my longest shower. Do you have a preference of chocolate? Yeah, milk chocolate. Is there anyone you’d like to hug right now? Yeah. Could you ever picture someone writing a biography about you? Definitely not. Do you have a clock in your room? No. Do you shut off the computer when you’re done using it? No, I just close it. Do you usually catch a cold during the winter? No. I just about never get sick. Are you a good multi-tasker? NOOOOOOOOOOO. Do you know any deaf people? If so, is it easy or difficult to have conversations with them? No. Is there a door knocker on your front door? No. Were you ever into Pokémon? Bitch I still am. Do you drink a lot of water? Sigh, no. I'm definitely better than I used to be, though; once upon a time, I literally never drank it unless I was extremely hot and dehydrated. Nowadays, it's usually after I finish my soda for the day that I then only drink water, normally around one full tall cup of it. Do you like fireworks? They're beautiful, but I'm personally against them out of respect for veterans suffering from PTSD as well as animals, because I'm not exactly interested in traumatizing them, either. Is respect given or earned with you? It's given, the way I think it should be. Are you “in the closet” about anything? No. Are you missing any teeth? No. Do you like scrapbooking? I've never gotten into it and am not really interested in doing so. What was or will be your first tattoo? It's a semicolon butterfly on my right wrist. Sometimes I've thought about getting it covered with a cooler design but the same concept; it was literally from Google, and I'm very much not into "sharing" tattoo designs with probably thousands of other people. But, I still think it really is cute, and it's just very special to me as my first, so idk. Do you have any tattoos dedicated to someone special? I have one written in Sara's handwriting inside a heart, and my "ohana" tattoo that I am 100% getting covered was dedicated to my former best friend Colleen. I've talked before about why "ohana" has never really resonated with me, and I just don't like it anymore at all. Thank God it's small. Do you like ghost stories? Oh HELL yeah, lay 'em on me. What was your favorite movie as a kid? The Lion King. Some things never change, ha. Do you own a lot of cookbooks? Mom has looooots, but never uses any. I think her mom gave them to her, so she just keeps 'em. What’s your father’s handwriting like? It looks like every other man's handwriting I've ever seen lol. All the letters are capitalized. Did you wash your hair last time you showered? I wash my hair every time I shower. I have to with it naturally being so oily. What does your shampoo smell like? Coconut. Do you listen to Guns N' Roses? Not a lot, but yeah. They've got some bangers. I actually want "Sweet Child O' Mine" to be the father/daughter dance at my wedding. Have you ever been a bridesmaid? Yeah, at my sister's wedding. What was the last video game that you beat? I replayed Silent Hill 2 a long time ago. Have you ever hyperventilated? Yep. Do you talk in your sleep? I scream in my sleep. Nightmares/terrors are a blast. Whose house did you last sleep over? Sara's. Have you ever been cut by scissors? No. Do you like peaches? It's odd, I like canned sliced peaches, but the actual, full fruit, I don't. I love peach flavored juice, though. Do you enjoy being surrounded by neighbors, or would you be more comfortable someplace secluded? Take me back to the middle of nowhere, please. I'm really not digging being in an actual neighborhood. Is there any sibling rivalry between you and your siblings, if you have any? Not at all. Do you usually root for the good guys or the bad guys? Ha, the baddies... Are you allowed to have pets at your house? We're allowed to have what we currently own and then maybe one dog if Mom finally finds one. Have you ever lived in a trailer park? No. Is there anyone that you know through the internet that you would feel comfortable meeting in person? There's quite a few, actually! Have you ever had a dream involving characters from a game/movie/television show? Yeah. What’s the last thing you wrote down? My signature, I think? Do you remember any phone numbers from years ago that now belong to someone you don’t know? No. Have you ever found something strange in your mailbox? No. Who was the last relative that came to visit you? My half-sister and her husband. Does your bedding all match? Not currently. Are you more comfortable with having short hair or long hair? SHORT. Are you interested in fantasy movies/shows? That's my preference. Have you ever gone whale-watching? No, but that'd be dope. What is something that you have a large amount of? Meerkat plushies. Who is it that you’re in love with? Nobody. Have you ever gotten love and infatuation confused? No. Do you have a steady income? No. Do you take your medications in the morning or at night? Both. Have you ever bought a YouTuber’s merch? No, I wish. :( Do you think oatmeal tastes better when made with water or milk? MILK. I don't eat it with water. When was the last time you ran into someone that you didn’t want to see? Idk. Have you ever tried vlogging, and if yes, did you stick with it? Noooo, I'm completely disinterested in doing that myself. If you go to church, what is your favorite thing about it? I don't go. Even as a kid when Mom made me, I hated it. ^and what is your least favorite thing about it? N/A What do you do for exercise? I don't. .-. I want a pool SO badly to swim and strengthen my legs without having to worry about sweating or collapsing, though. Mom says we don't have space, but we definitely do. Not a lot, but enough. Do you have a birthmark? If yes, what color is it? Yeah, it's just a bit darker than the rest of my skin. Do you need to lose weight? Yes. My sister, Mom, and I very recently started a Weight Watchers subscription and we're all working our asses off to stick to it. Ash has already lost like, 12 pounds (she started before Mom and me), so I'm kinda hopeful. Have you ever had a cat? Growing up, after we took in a stray female, we ended up with a fucking empire of cats, literally around three dozen, I'd say. They were all outdoors, too, and not fixed because we couldn't afford it, so tomcats would come around and, y'know, make matters worse. Eventually, animal control took them all and I was DEVASTATED, but looking back, I understand it was necessary. Anyway, I have one cat now. Indoors and fixed and the prince of my world, haha. Have you ever had a dog? We've had a few. I was born with my dad having a collie named Trigger, but I don't remember her at all; she died of old age I believe when I was very young. Then we briefly had a pup named Angel, but she died due to that disease some puppies just have. We didn't get another dog until Teddy, who was my Christmas present, and he was put to sleep only last year, rest my baby's soul. We also had Dale, Cali, Delilah, and Bentley. Have you ever any other kind of animal? A LOT. I'm probably going to forget some, but we've had hamsters, rats, snakes, fish, a turtle, two lizards, gerbils, guinea pigs... just a lot. Animals have always been very important in my life. Have you ever had a pet rock? HA, yeah. I didn't take it seriously at all, but I had one. When was the last time you painted something? Not since my Painting course in my final college attempt. Do you have any disabilities? Not in the traditional sense, no. My social anxiety though is at such a severity that it majorly infringes upon my ability to do a LOT of things, though. What are five of your favorite stores at the mall? I couldn't name five. Just Hot Topic and Spencer's, really. What season do you want to get married in? AUTUMN. The actual dream situation would be to get married in the snow in a black dress, like can you IMAGINE the pictures, but realistically, it'd be in the fall to avoid the biting cold. Has anyone ever spread lies about you? Yeah. Anything special planned for today? Nope. Blue or green? Blue. How much older/younger than you was the person you lost your virginity to? He's two years older than me. Do you still care for that person? Very much. Can you completely annihilate the first Mario game in less than an hour? I haven't even played the first game. I've never really been into the games to begin with. Did you make it all the way through the Oregon Trail game? Yes! I was OOOOOBSESSEEEEEED as a kid. I would usually play it after school when my mom was an assistant teacher and was finishing up her work for the day. Have you ever contemplated climbing a water tower? Uh, no. Those kind of people got some wanderlust levels that I ain't got, haha. If you have a Facebook, when was the last time you changed your profile picture? It's been a few months. Would you ever marry someone who was lower class? Um, yes? You can deny it all you want, but answering "no" is pretty much the same as saying you'd marry for money. Is there a guy you wish you hadn’t let slip away? ugh Which do you prefer: English or math? English, by light years. Who is a singer that has given you chills? David Draiman's voice in the Disturbed cover of "Sound of Silence" is fucking haunting. Greatest cover of all time. Do you watch America’s Got Talent? I did when Sharon was a judge. Do you think you could win America’s Got Talent? Hell no. What act would you perform in a talent show? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Have you ever practiced yoga? Yes. I used to be BANGIN at it. What is your favorite thing to buy at the Farmer’s Market? Fruit! Do you get carsickness? No. What color is the rim of your full-length mirror? Black. What is your state’s bird (if you live in the US)? Cardinal. Which style of wedding dress is your favorite? I'm a sucker for ballgown dresses. Do you enjoy editing videos? I used to love it, for many many years. Now, I just don't have the dedication or motivation to. Do you enjoy editing photos? Yes. If you gave birth, do you think you would want it filmed? Um, absolutely not. I would have NO desire to look back on me shrieking my lungs out and essentially dying. I handle abdominal pain very poorly, so I've got a goooood feeling that if I actually wanted to have kids, I'd be that woman screeching like a banshee.
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