#UGH being treated like this by Erwin is also a turn on
s0levis · 2 years
I'm so into this "motherly figure" reader ??? ... is it weird? I like when reader takes care of the 104 kids yeah, but also....with Levi, specially with Levi. Hope it's not weird...
(lol even if it is idc 🤪)
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cosmicjoke · 3 years
Ugh, okay, chapter 81 of AoT, and I’m in the corner cryin’.
But seriously, what an emotionally powerful chapter this was.  God man, it’s gonna’ take me a minute to get my thoughts in order.
Well, first of all, Erwin, and all of the recruits, watching them sacrifice their lives here was just so absolutely, emotionally powerful.  Just incredibly moving and heartbreaking.  Even after Erwin gets hit and falls, (and the panels here of him dying are truly devastating, powerful images) to see the recruits continuing to charge forward, to carry on in his stead, it really is just so intense, and as well speaks to Erwin’s own power as a commander, how he was able to inspire these people into giving their lives for a greater cause.  To see their courage in the face of certain death, carrying on Erwin’s spirt here, it truly was one of the most moving, and also one of the most heart-wrenching moments in SnK up to this point.  I felt so much for all of them.  The way Marlowe thought of Hitch too, in the end, never realizing it was because he was in love with her, ugh, my heart.
Now contrasting that, and I swear to Christ, I really, REALLY don’t understand how anyone can sympathize with Zeke given the sick display he puts on here, his cruelty and ego-driven rage towards these young men and women, and how he lets his rage towards his father fuel his violence towards these innocent people just... it pisses me off so much.  I can’t even.  I mean, Zeke is one twisted, sick mother fucker.  He’s demented, truly, the way he swings wildly between violent rage and perverse glee as he kills them, and then has the unmitigated gall to act like he feels sorry for these people, how clearly he thinks of them as pitiful and pathetic, their sacrifice as meaningless.  He treats them like their lives are pointless, and then has the nerve to play at sympathy for their plight.  What pisses me off the most about Zeke is how utterly self-centered he is.  How everything he does, everything he thinks, is filtered through his own view of the world and life, and how he never once stops to consider the lives of others, their own views or experiences.  Because he’s deemed his own life as worthless and without point, so too has he deemed the lives of every other Eldian.  He’s far and away the most self-centered, ego-driven and selfish character in the whole series.  Oh, he just made me sick here.  His own hypocrisy is equally disgusting, with how angry he becomes when Levi dares to make him pay for what he’s done.  As if he can’t believe anyone would dare cause him harm, unable to comprehend why they would even wish to do so, as if he’s some great, godly figure sent to the world to bestow his twisted sense of mercy on those he deems unfit to live.  Just the whining, hysterical reaction he has to getting fucked up. The ego on this guy is seemingly infinite.  He truly is despicable.  Just a pathetic child of a man taking out his issues on everyone but himself, throwing temper tantrums when anyone dares to challenge him on what he’s decided is right.  Fuck Zeke.  Seriously, just... fuck this guy so much.
Now, enough about him, let’s talk about Levi.
Truly, some of the most heartbreaking moments we’ve seen with Levi up to this point happen in this chapter.   The moments following him taking Zeke down (and yes, that whole sequence was epically bad-ass), just seeing the depth of Levi’s pain here was so devastating, and incredibly moving.  You can see how preoccupied he is with what’s happened.  Zeke isn’t even his main consideration or concern.  He seems almost distracted, looking back behind him, out over the field of his fallen comrades and friends, and wondering in an almost frantic, inner monologue to himself if anyone out there is still alive.  He’s hoping beyond hope that someone, ANYONE, is, so that he can save at least one person.  This goes back to Levi’s determination to keep the new recruits alive back in I think chapter 78 or 79, ordering them not to die, and then trying desperately to get those with the horses back on the other side of the wall.  It really puts into perspective just how devastating this is for Levi, to see all of these people, dead, crushed to death by rocks, all of these people who just a short while ago he had been doing everything he could to protect.  To know they had to die to save only a few.  HIs desperation here, the way he clings to the hope that at least one person is still alive, out of all of them, to be saved, the way he reminds himself that as long as they’re breathing, it can be done, if he gives them the serum, it all just drives home in the most poignant way just how pained Levi is at the sacrifice they’ve all made.  It drives home how much it’s cost Levi, to allow them to do it.  I said before that him making that choice for Erwin was Levi going against every, innate feeling and instinct that he has, the need to protect and save people.  Levi had to go directly against his own nature in order to make that call, and the consequences of that are plain to see in these panels.  His wide eyed, shocked expression, the frantic, mantra-like thoughts going through his mind, almost childlike in the way he keeps asking if anyone is still alive out there, if there’s anyone he can bring back.  And the way he thinks of Erwin specifically when he asks that, it serves as such a cruel reminder that Levi’s just given up one of his dearest and closest friends.  That he’s just willingly lost a person that meant so much to him, in order to obtain any sort of victory for humanity.   It reminds us of the personal cost to Levi.  Another person he’s lost in this battle for humanity’s salvation.  Ah, he just breaks my heart so much here.  And also how it’s that hope, that desperate wish that someone is still able to be saved, that stays Levi’s hand from killing Zeke immediately.  How it’s purely Levi’s wish to save someone that keeps him from killing Zeke then and there, it truly speaks volumes about what kind of person Levi really is, about how much he values life.  
And then of course there’s Levi’s reaction when Pieke catches him off guard and steals Zeke away.  Levi’s stunned horror, as he watches Zeke escaping is, for one, I think, because his chance to save even one life is being taken away, there before his eyes, and, of course, because the purpose behind all of his comrades sacrifices, the reason they gave up their lives, in order for Levi to kill Zeke and provide those left a means of escape, is being rendered meaningless.  We then see Levi’s stunned horror turn to unbridled rage, as he realizes the promise he’d made to Erwin is slipping from his hands.  He can’t allow for all of these people to have died in vain, he can’t let their sacrifices mean nothing, he can’t let that stand.  Once again, the depth with which Levi values the lives of other people is truly incredible, and the emotion in these panels is perhaps the most powerful example of that quality in Levi up to this point in the story.  I just felt so much for him all throughout this.  
When you think about what Levi’s been through here, too, how before he even went after the Beast Titan, he’d already run himself ragged taking down some unknown number of smaller Titans to protect the horses and the new recruits, and then in order to get to Zeke, he had to take down probably a dozen or more 12 or 15 meter Titans, before finally taking the Beast Titan down, all this by himself, it displays the strength of Levi’s will so powerfully, how much of himself he’s willing to give in order to further the cause of others.  For him to then continue to go after Zeke, after all of that, just the way he never gives up, never stops fighting, exemplifies how wholly Levi truly embodies the ideal of the Survey Corps, and the fight for humanity.  What an absolute hero he is.
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hanjo-love · 4 years
Now I became selfish and I hope the shard is showing Hanji being saved by Kiyomi or something. She go the worst treatment and if Isayama was afraid of the backslash like you said why make it even worse with those parallels with eremika? Is he preparing the Fandom for another levihan moment? I'm tired of EVERYONE surviving but her, Kiyomi's kindness really??? And Onyankopon, while I don't hate him, he survived a plane crash and he doesn't add much yet he is there for being the editor's favorite, Yelena is there after all she did and she adds even less, and the people titanized will revert to human (or at the very least Isayama's favorites will).
Oh anonie, you and me both my friend, you and me both 😔 Beware, a long rant-ish meta is ahead of you lol
I have absolutely no fucking idea why Yams decided to treat Hanjo like shit. You know, after a long time of denying her death, I was starting to accept it, because she was finally free, free of the burden and pain and finally reunited with the people she missed and longed for the most. But then Yams decided to slap us all in the faces saying there's no happy & peaceful afterlife in snk and Hanjo was probs only hallucinating because of her 4 years long depression? Well then, fuck you Yams! What was that even for? Isayama never backed off of showing us the horrors of death in snk, no matter how important the characters and how brutal their deaths really were. Still, he never showed us Hanji's actual death or dead body. He kept it misterious and his vague answers only made it worse. So it's only natural for us to expect a plot twist, right? That's the reason all of us gathered various hints in the manga, anime and his interviews. And lemme tell you, these theories are far more logical, better explained and have less plot holes than the entire final arc smh (yes I'm salty, fight me lol)
I hate to admit it, my inner self is still in denial and fighting, but Hanjo ain't coming back folks. We won't get any background story and the misterious shard will never be explained to us either. Yams had more than enough time to bring Hanjo back, if he truly wanted to. But he didn't. And now with only one chapter and so many unanswered questions left, there's no time for Hange's return. Why would he even do that anyways? Hanjo isn't important to him or to the story anymore. To us she is, always was and always will be ❤️ You know, I'm so fucking desperate to see her again, I'll even take one last panel of Levi remembering her, just like in ch136. Yams just let us see Hanjo one more fucking time 🙏🏻 I need to say my proper goodbyes to my one&only comfort character, who's influenced my life like no one else ever did ❤️
Back to Levihan (I don't think I can answer an ask without my biased and trashy shipper ass butting in lmfao): the question why Yams confirmed Levihan as canon if he didn't intend to bring Hange back and reunite her with Levi to make us him happy again? Well, isn't it obvious? This man is the devil incarnate. THIS MAN HAS NO FUCKING CHILLS lmfao JK y'all before someone declares war on me and my blog haha Well anonie, I feel like Yams really wanted to confirm his initially planned ships as canon, before the manga ends. And he chose the safest way possible. Easy as that. Also he said he is going for a bittersweet ending and what's more tragic (in this literal hell) than separating lovers, ergo Eremika and Levihan.
Now to something else, that's been bothering me for a while now and I'll use your ask anonie to share my thoughts with the world even though nobody asked lmao tbh I'm a bit disappointed with Armin. I love him, I really do. He's my precious cinnamon roll and my fave 104th kiddo. But honestly, I was expecting a bit more of the alleged "hero who will safe humanity". In fact, I'm sure Hanjo only died for Armin to become the new commander. That's it. That was the reason she had to die. Yams glossed over her to make Armin shine. But in fact, Levi's the one who's giving orders ever since Hange has left them. I might me salty, but I really hope the talk with Zeke (and probs Ymir as well, we still might have a chance to see the dialog that made Ymir change her mind) and his titan nuke weren't the only things he did as "humanity's hero" in this final arc. For some people this might me enough, for me it isn't. It wasn't worth Hange's sacrifice. Also what made me really sad was Armin himself glossing over Hanjo when he remembered Erwin Danchou, but not her. Like she didn't just pass away an hour ago to save their pathetic asses. Ugh this is making me hella mad, ngl. Hanjo didn't deserve this treatment! She gave her all for this! To save the alliance, to "pay the price" for her "sins" as the SC commander and to save humanity. I can't deal with how all of them and the fandom apparently forgot about that.
Now on to "Kiyomi's kindness" lol I wasn't really mad at Gabi for saying this as most of the fandom was. I won't go into detail why she isn't really a rationally thinking character (yo guys, you do remember she's a 12 year old kid, right?), but it's a fact that she didn't care for Hange enough to mention her. I mean, why would she? She barely even knew her. Also we don't really know what's gonna happen with Yelena, Kiyomi and her delegation. I don't know if I'm reading too much into it, but I feel like Kiyomi accepted her death with saying "that's not enough atonement for what I did anyway". I mean they don't know if the alliance will win (they probably think they won't) and they're in the middle of literally nowhere. So I feel like Gabi said that because Kiyomi sacrificed herself (and the others on that ship) willingly, for Gabi, Falco and Annie getting a little chance of surviving and helping the alliance. But I get the rage of the fandom. Especially because no one, except for Levi, remembered Hange after her noble sacrifice.
As for Yelena and Onyankopon, there obviously has to be someone from outside of Paradis to survive the rumbling, otherwise it wouldn't make a lot of sense, I guess. I like Onyankopon a hecking lot ❤️ precious boi was literally crying for Hanjo 😭 Yelena on the other hand deserves what she got. Death would be too easy and kind for her tbh. She has to live with the consequences, just like Kiyomi, so I'm actually glad they survived. So my guess is, it's not really about who's Yams' favorite and what these people are contributing to the story, but it's rather about a logical ending and a good conclusion of the story.
I agree with you about the ones who have been titanized. They'll for sure revert back to humans. It's not really Yams' style to kill of an important character like Gabi, whose character development he's been forcing on us for quite a while now lol. I'm pretty positive about an ending with the titan curse being broken and bringing the titanized people back to human beings (probs also the millions of colossal titans?). It's only natural for Yams to end the story with the titan curse being lifted. Otherwise it wouldn't make sense to end his story at this point. But let's not forget what a big ass troll Yams is lmao you never really know what he's up to, so let's prepare for the unimaginable lmfao
I'll probably never forgive Isayama for what he did to Hange, his best written character, how he completely ruined her and threw her away as disposable, just to make other characters "shine". HER DEATH WAS POINTLESS AND IT DID NOT FUCKING CHANGE ANYTHING! That's the harsh truth y'all. Yams betrayed Hanjo and us AND FOR WHAT?
Thanks for the ask anonie and sorry I turned this into my personal rant lmao hope you still enjoy reading my thoughts on this ❤️
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ryuichirou · 4 years
Okay I kind of want that essay now on Levi being a cutie just so I can see the manga caps 🥺 hope you’re having a good day! ❤️❤️ your art is stunning btw 💕
Thank you for your kind words about my art!
You want an essay – you get an essay! ❤️ Thank you very much for being interested in my long posts! And I’m sorry it took so long. 
So yeah, why I think Levi is cute and how manga canon supports this claim.
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This argument might sound subjective, but I feel like Levi resembles a cat a lot.
His personality, his movements, his body proportions: he is muscular and very strong and agile, but he also looks rather slim and almost elegant when he moves. He’s very fast and extremely strong, but he is also very small.
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He looks aloof at first, but he likes talking to others from time to time. Sometimes he’s even too talkative. You can notice this type of behaviour in cats too from time to time, when they’re just present in a room just because all the people gathered there. That’s a silly comparison, but facts about Levi here can stay anyway.
I feel like people usually see him as someone who’s strict and somehow aggressive, but this isn’t quite the case. He’s caring, he’s tender, he often thinks about how people around him feel both physically and mentally.
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Sometimes he doesn’t know how to express that he cares, but those close to him just know that, and they know what he’s trying to say.
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I love this scene for a lot of reasons, but Erwin’s little laugh as a reply to Levi’s threat is my best thing ever: he KNOWS what Levi’s trying to say and that Levi’s worried.
Ok this is a very sad start of the post lol, let’s continue with something more fun.
To me, Levi’s constant bitching also feels very cute. Especially the fact that he is self aware about this side of him and he straight up just says “yeah I’m just being a jerk, let me bitch a little ok, I just have to whine this is my ritual”.
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And boy o boy does he bitch A LOT.
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vvvv This one is also cute because he made a silly joke about Erwin just to start a conversation with Eren, he legit tried to cheer him up a little. Adorable. Levi always knows when Eren feels down, he’s very sensitive to his mood and pays great attention to it.
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Ok so this is where we’re entering the Zevi Territory. I’m sorry, but his chemistry with Zeke is something else, they flirt so much it’s almost scary.
As we all know, they bicker quite often, since I think Zeke is the only person who actually reacts to Levi’s snarky little remarks. That’s the first time in a while when someone’s able to do that + Levi can’t just beat the shit out of Zeke for that, so that’s why we have so many dialogues. What Zeke also does is teasing Levi to the point when he just MUMBLES CUTELY AND QUIETLY TO HIMSELF.
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What was this response, Levi?? You know damn well you didn’t have to answer that stupid remark about being popular, but you did anyway huh. Because you got shy, you cutie. How do I know this is a cute reply? Because the Japanese sentence was noted to sound surprisingly cute, he used a cute wording there, so even Levi’s Japanese fans got surprised.
And as far as I know this isn’t the only time when Levi mumbled something quietly while being kind of embarrassed. When I was trying to find something on some kind of jpn forums/blog sites I’ve seen people mention that he uses surprisingly cute wording in these situations, but I can’t explain anything here – I don’t know Japanese lol and used a translator for the article. You can check it out yourself, it’s number 8 on this list. My point is that it’s one of separate reasons why fans love Levi, so my guess is that it’s at least somewhat important to his character.
Moving on to his appearance. After rereading the manga we realized that Levi’s face is actually very… round-ish. He doesn’t have a strong chin, his nose is small, his lips are small. He looks exactly like his mother.
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And I have to mention the most obvious thing. We all know that Levi is smol, but when you actually look at him you start to realize HOW SMOL HE ACTUALLY IS. Sometimes I think that Maybe I’m exaggerating, but then I open the manga and see this.
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He’s very small (look at the level of their shoulders).
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And what I love about is that it gets acknowledged, but this isn’t his only personality trait. It’s very subtle, but it’s there. Isayama LOVES to tease him about it, and this is always so funny to me. When Levi is just too small to fit into the frame with the rest of the gang, it’s so cute and hilarious at the same time. This happens quite often, I’m sure there is a compilation of these panels somewhere lol. If there isn’t, I need to make it...
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And this…
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“H o w  d a r e   y o u”
And yes I HAVE to mention the clown incident. I just have to. The man was straight up mistaken for a child. Once again, he’s being cutely teased by the manga and I love it lol.
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And when Levi turned around, the clown CONTINUED to treat him as a child even after seeing his face. This situation at least shows that Levi’s face is not old-looking.
Isayama also LOVES showing how small and cute Levi is on the official art as well.
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And yeah I know, zevi territory again, but please look at how PATIENT Levi is being here. He just lets Zeke backhug him. And of course he’s looking at the camera like he’s in “the Office”, but to me this situation has such a strong “being bread is fine actually, I don’t care anymore” vibe lol. I love this image so much. It also shows that Isayama doesn’t treat Levi (or any other character) seriously and that he most likely has tons of fun while writing their arguments.
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Speaking of Isayama, let’s look at his sketches of Levi.
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You know what I’m going to say, right? LOOK HOW CUTE-
But seriously though, I know Yams doesn’t have a reputation of the best artist out there, but I think these sketches are a good example of how he sees Levi’s character. He’s being rather passive, patient, mumbling something and just chilling. In one word, being cute.
What I also wanted to mention is Isayama’s remarks on how he created Levi from that Shingeki no Kyojin Encyclopedia thingie. I don’t know what word he used in the original (if somebody knows, please feel free to throw it at me, I’m interested; my guess is 綺麗, kirei), but I think that the word “pretty” is very specific. They used neither “beautiful” nor “handsome”, they chose PRETTY.
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So yeah, I think that Isayama views him as grumpy old man who is also a cute little bean, and he never forgets about it.
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Just… ugh look at it. What kind of baby sling situation is this. AND I KNOW I ALREADY MADE THAT JOKE D:
In conclusion, yes, of course Levi is strong and important and stoic (not all the time though lol), I know he has muscles, I know he seems intimidating to other characters sometimes, and I love him to death, but I don’t think taking him too seriously is a good thing. Taking any character too seriously isn’t a good thing.
Isayama doesn’t hide that he created a pretty smol boi character when he first drew Levi, he doesn’t hide that he thinks Levi is adorable. And funny. If Isayama wanted to change the way he drew Levi, he would’ve already done it a long time ago. He knows how to draw manly man faces.
And I love it about Levi. I wouldn’t want him to be any other way.
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sleepysnk · 4 years
I adored the one shot you did with Mika sm! <3 I hope you don't mind a different one now lol XD May I please have a one shot where the female reader [whose a squad leader] and Hanji are clearly in love with each other but they're not aware of it themselves? Then Erwin, Levi, and and the all the vets are just so annoyed that it's so obvious so they end up coming up with a clever plan to get em together? I love me some supportive friends 😎 also can this be set during fall too? Tysm!~♡
hi love! i'm so glad you enjoyed it! 🖤. i also really love this request, and the huge support for our girly Hanji 😔. she deserves better. here you go! hope you enjoy <3
Hanji x Fem!Reader: Coming to Terms
Warnings: None
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(Y/N) stood outside and watched as the fall leaves fell to the ground. Fall was definitely her favorite season, from the cool air, to the leaves changing colors, and the feeling of coziness filled her up inside.
"Quite the sight huh (Y/N)?" she turned and saw Hanji heading towards her.
She couldn't help but smile watching the brunette make her way over to her. (Y/N) had a soft spot for the Section Commander, they always spent time together, but for some reason (Y/N) nor Hanji could even admit it. In a way, they never realized the feelings they had for one another.
"It is quite the sight" (Y/N) replied and looked towards the Section Commander.
They were looking at the fall leaves. Most of the leaves were a bright yellow, and heading to orange. The sight satisfied the (h/c) girl, she always felt peace when it was fall.
Hanji giggled a bit. "I love the fall air, it makes me forget sometimes about the world we live in" she said and looked at (Y/N).
She smiled a bit. "The world is cruel, but nature is so beautiful" she replied.
What they both didn't know was someone was watching from the window, as the two talked to one another.
"Tch... when are those idiots going to admit they're in love?" Levi said and looked towards Erwin.
Erwin only chuckled at this. "I've been hoping for the same thing too Levi, it just seems like they're oblivious to how both feel" he said.
Levi rolled his eyes. "We need to get them together soon, I'm tired of them flirting, and then neither make a move" the raven haired male replied as he took a sip of his tea.
The blonde Commander joined him at the window. "I agree, they both are perfect together, and they always get along" he said as he watched the two women laugh and talk together.
"I have a plan to get them together, and I think it'll work" Levi said and looked towards Erwin.
Erwin nodded and raised a brow. "And what might that be?" he asked.
Levi sighed. "(Y/N) and Hanji clearly love fall, we could say we have a bunch of fall stuff in the closet. When they both go in there, we shut the door, and lock it. If they're isolated, they might finally admit it" he explained.
Erwin seemed a bit surprised. "That's a bit much, but I sure don't have any ideas" he said and chuckled.
Levi nodded. "I know it'll work" he said and walked away to find the two.
Hanji and (Y/N) were standing outside still. They occasionally sent a small flirt here and there. Of course, both were too oblivious to realize the feelings they had for one another.
"(Y/N)! We should definitely do fall things together" Hanji said and grinned at the girl.
(Y/N) couldn't help but smile at the thoughts of doing things with Hanji. "Of course, anything if I got to spend time with you" she replied.
Hanji felt a blush across her cheeks. "Hey four eyes" she turned and saw Levi and Erwin making their way towards the two of them.
"Hello shorty and Erwin!" Hanji said and smiled at the both of them.
(Y/N) gave a small smile and she waved. "What's up guys?" the (h/c) girl asked and nodded.
Erwin looked at her. "We need your help with some fall stuff in one of the closets" he said.
Hanji and (Y/N)'s faces lit up. "Of course we can help" (Y/N) replied and looked at Hanji.
"Alright, let's go then" Levi said and began to make his way back into HQ.
All of them followed, and they eventually stopped at the closet. "It's in here?" (Y/N) asked and looked at Levi.
He looked towards her with a blank expression. "Yes? Why would I bring you both here if there wasn't anything?" he replied.
Erwin opened the door and watched as both (Y/N) and Hanji walked into the closet. "Hey guys? Where is the stuff?" Hanji asked.
That's when the door slammed shut, and it locked. (Y/N) ran up to the door and began banging on it. "Levi! Erwin! What the hell?!" she yelled and looked around the closet.
"The door won't open, we have to go find a key" Levi said while he jiggled the doorknob. He secretly knew he locked it.
Hanji looked around. "Can you hurry up? It's kind of hot in here.." she said.
"Yes Hanji, we'll get you both out of there soon" Erwin said and looked at Levi.
Both Erwin and Levi knew they weren't leaving until they both admitted what they felt for one another. Even if it meant that he'd stay there all night waiting.
"What do we do now?" (Y/N) asked and looked over at Hanji.
There wasn't much in the closet. Just some old items that weren't used at all. "I guess we sit here and wait" Hanji replied and sat on the floor.
(Y/N) had been alone with Hanji before, but like this in a closet? It was a bit nerve wracking for her, she wasn't exactly sure why.
"I can't believe we got locked in here though, I bet Levi and Erwin did it on purpose" (Y/N) said and leaned against the wall.
Hanji laughed a bit. "I know, it's obvious, but not gonna lie I rather be stuck in here with you than anyone else" she said and smiled.
(Y/N) felt a blush on her cheeks from what she said. "Really? I mean sometimes I can be annoying" she replied.
Hanji seemed a little surprised by what she said to her. "What? (Y/N) have you met me? To almost everyone I'm the most annoying, even to Moblit! Trust me, you'll never be annoying to me" the brunette said.
"You aren't annoying Hanji, being honest, I would pick you over any other person" she replied and looked at her.
Hanji nodded. "I feel the same way about you (Y/N), you have this energy, and it's irreplaceable" she said.
(Y/N) realized something as they kept talking. She really had feelings for Hanji. The way she treated her made her feel like she was something in this world, and not just titan food. Hanji was someone that (Y/N) cared so much for, and she would always make her a priority.
"Hanji... I need to tell you something" (Y/N) said and looked at the brunette.
She nodded. "What is it (Y/N)?" she asked and looked at the girl.
She sighed. "Hanji... I think I'm in love with you" she said.
The room fell silent. (Y/N) didn't know what she thought, did Hanji not feel the same way? Her heart was beating fast as she was waiting for a response.
Hanji laughed. "(Y/N)... I'm stupid to deny what I feel for you. I think I love you too" she replied and looked over at her.
It was a shock to the girl. She never thought in years that Hanji felt the same way. Hanji stood up and walked over to her. That's when they heard the door open. "Finally you two admitted it" Levi said and looked at them.
The two women stood there. "What?!" (Y/N) asked and nodded.
Erwin chuckled. "We were waiting for this moment for awhile, it was obvious you two had something for one another" he said and smiled.
Hanji blinked. "You both planned this?! Ugh! I feel dumb, you were right (Y/N).. they did do it on purpose" she said.
"Hey... it did work out in your favors" Levi said and crossed his arms.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes playfully. "I guess you can say that" she said and grabbed Hanji's hand.
"Say... (Y/N), let's head to my room!" Hanji said and dragged (Y/N) away to her room.
Levi and Erwin watched as the two ran off like little kids to Hanji's room. "Tch... those idiots are going to cause serious trouble some day" he said and looked at Erwin.
Erwin laughed. "I agree with you on that, but at least they're happy" he said and smiled.
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bakubabes-tatakae · 4 years
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Always make sure to check here to see if your request is coming up ! I’m going to update this as often as possible and it will stay pinned to my blog as well. 😊I have a LOT of requests to get though and work a full time job and go to school full time so please have patience with me. 🥺 I’ll get these out as soon as I possibly can. ❤️ If they look like this it’s because they are done and in the queue. 
Current Requests:
Inbox - 221
Drafts - 100
Naruto Headcanons
Can you write about kiba with an touch starved s/o? I bet he’s so cuddly and plus he is cuddly with akamaru too
Hi!!! Can I request a hc or imagine(either one is fine, whatever is easier☺️) on kiba with him proposing to his longtime girlfriend who trains dogs and is a high ranked ninja (forgive me, Idk the actual names it’s been so long since I’ve seen Naruto) . Like, I want FLUFF!!! Or, as fluffy as kiba gets🤣. Please and thank you!
Can I request a headcanon for Kakashi where his s/o slaps his ass out of nowhere and it turns into a spanking session for his s/o? 😂Can you write Kakashi with a big tiddy s/o? lol
Can you write hcs for Kakashi being assigned on a mission with his crush (he recently admitted to himself that he REALLY likes her) what would he think and how would he behave?
Can I have a Kakashi headcanon where his s/o decides to dye her hair silver like his hair and he sees it and is really mesmerized by it and starts kissing her because he thinks she looks really cute? 🤭
Hello 😊 Can I have a Kakashi headcanon where the reader is also a teacher and Team 7 noticed that Kakashi really likes her and they find out what the reader likes (e.g. flowers) and Kakashi gets them for her and asks her out? 🥰 
Ok I read your hcs for Kakashi simping over his so (and they were GREAT) but how would he react to his so simping over him?? Could we get some hcs for this?? I think he would melt 🥴
Black Clover Headcanons
Ryha Headcanons for S/O that sneaks into his room. 
A headcanon for Zora with a s/o who has a cum kink? Like she loves it when he cums on her face or her breasts or likes to lick it from his belly? 😬
A headcanon for Yuno when he becomes a magic knight he has to travel to Hage because the people are in danger and some guys want to kidnap the reader who is his childhood friend and Yuno saves her? 😊
Can I get a headcanon for Yami where he tries new things with bis s/o in bed like he blindfolds her and then takes a ice cube and caresses her body with it and it's just really hot? ✌🏻
Mirror sex hcs with Yami gave me life, could I request some for Fuegoleon
Can I request a headcanon for Yuno where his female childhood friend also becomes a magic knight and is in the same squad like him and he realizes he is in love with her since they were kids and is too shy to tell her and she just kisses him? 😊  
Omg you write for Yuno 😭😭😭💕💕💕 Can I have a headcanon for him and a really silly and clumsy s/o and he always needs to prevent her from getting hurt and he thinks she's really cute and gives her forehead kisses? 😭💕
A headcanon for Yuno when he becomes a magic knight he has to travel to Hage because the people are in danger and some guys want to kidnap the reader who is his childhood friend and Yuno saves her? 😊
I don't feel comfortable with sending a nsfw request for Yuno because he's only 16😅😬 but can I get a fluffy headcanon for him being silly with his girlfriend and they have their first kiss? 😊
Hello ✌🏻 Can i have a headcanon where Yami gathers the black bulls together to discuss the next mission and Zora's s/o comes in late and Zora makes a snappy comment about it and his s/o says "Sorry, I had to finish masturbating" Zora gets jealous because she touched herself and he fucks her after the meeting? 🥵
Ok idk if you're comfortable with writing these (if not then you don't have to! It's just an idea💕) but how about a threesome headcanon with Yami x Zora x s/o? I mean yes, that poor s/o getting destroyed by not one but TWO rough and kinky men but I think this would be pretty hot 😪🤭
Attack On Titan Headcanons
Omg I have such a good idea (I gues...) I hope you will write it because I love your HC's 😭 Can I have a headcanon where Erwin goes into a bar with the vets and there is a female singer and Erwin is really mesmerized by her and after her performance he meets her outside and is really flirty and he asks her out? 🥰 
Naruto Imagines/Scenarios
Tell Me What You Want || {NSFW} Obito x Reader
Post-Shippuden Obito x reader fluff or lemon
Teacher’s Apprentice || {NSFW} Madara x Reader
189 & 291 from prompt list 5 with Madara Uchiha
Don’t Be Gentle || {NSFW} Madara x Reader
Prompt 36 “don’t be gentle” with Madara Uchiha
Forbidden Soulmates || Kiba x Reader
One Shot i guess. Soulmate au with Kiba x shinobi reader from another village. But smth dark as i think in shinobi world if your soulmate is from another village (or mb even inside village) it is considered taboo. Like mission above feelings.
Growing Love || Kiba x Reader
Imagine an scenario where akamaru has a girlfriend and they have puppies and you’re al like 🥺 at them, and Kiba is just so awed at how you treat the puppies and he realizes he loves you, hope you can write this :)
The Clones || {NSFW} Kakashi x Reader
Ok but what about a threesome with kakashi and his clone? 👁👄👁
All You Had To Do Was Ask || {NSFW} Kakashi x Reader
I know everyone is a sucker for kakashi being dominant in bed but what about him being a lazy shit and letting his s/o being in control! 👀💦
Meeting Team 7 || Kakashi x Reader
Hi! I think I saw your requests open so I was thinking if you could do something where reader is Kakashi’s girlfriend/wife and invites team 7 over for dinner but Kakashi’s like ugh but inside he really enjoys it lol, and team 7 would love reader and Sakura is like obsessed with reader bc she’s so badass and asks her for training in front of kakashi and he gets a little bit jealous because they absolutely ADORE you. I hope you can do it and I’m sorry if it’s too specific💕
The Taunt || {NSFW} Neji x Reader
Hey!! Congrats on 1k!!! I would like to request a Neji hyuga one-shot for the 1k special! Prompt list choice 3 and number 4 please!!! Thank you!
The Scent || {NSFW} Kiba x Reader 
One shot where Akamaru can start to recognize the sent of Kiba's s/o getting aroused. Maybe one time they're all out and Akamaru starts whining at the sent to let Kiba know and he takes his s/o somewhere secluded to fuck em. (Preferably male?? But gender neutral is cool too) 
Pin Me To The Wall || {NSFW} Kiba x Reader
Hello darling! Can I please request some angry sex with Kiba? Maybe he and his girlfriend get into a fight and he just fucks her against the wall or something, and it's all rough and hot? asdfghjkl, I don't know. I'm horny for this man!
Double Trouble || {NSFW} Kiba x Reader x Kankuro
Could you write a fic where kiba and kankuro dp someone? Its okay if not!
Take The Reigns || {NSFW} Kiba x Reader
Hello lovely! Can I please request some smut with my baby Kiba? He let's his girlfriend ride him for the first time and he's completely blown away by her and just praises her a lot? Thank you so much ❤️  
You’re Mine || {NSFW} Kiba x Reader
Hello 😀 Can I please have a Kiba one shot where he's been very busy with work so he hasn't been paying much attention to his girlfriend so she decides to be a brat and on a night out she flirts with another guy to piss Kiba off and that leads to extremely rough, possessive sex? Thank you so much. I love your writing
Adversary Love || {NSFW} Kakashi x Reader
Can I get a nsfw headcanon for Kakashi where the female reader was an enemy but is now a good person and Kakashi used to hate her but now he fell for her (she still thinks he hates her because he doesn't talk when she's around) and during a party he grabs her and sneaks away with her and they have sex? 🙂
Black Clover Imagines/Scenarios
The Haunted House || Mimosa x Reader
A haunted house visit with Mimosa Vermillion with her s/o that’s her boyfriend.
Pleasure At The Golden Dawn || {NSFW} Yuno x Reader
Yuno's s/o teasing him in a Golden Dawn meeting with Nsfw please
Falling For You || Zora x Reader
Would it be possible to request a SUPER FLUFFY one shot with Zora?? Maybe the writing prompt of “I think I might be falling in love with you” and a cute moment? I just really love that man 🥺
Into The Flames || {NSFW} Mereoleona x Reader
Smut for Mereoleona and s/o first time. In which s/o is a virgin.
Black Butler Imagines/Scenarios
Give Me A Chance || Sebastian x Reader
Request: Prompt “Give me a chance” with Sebastian Michaelis
BNHA Imagines/Scenarios
Quit Teasing || {NSFW} Bakugou x Reader
Request: Hey babe 😊 Can I get some Bakugou x reader NSFW? Bakugou and the reader have known each other since forever and he always finds ways to tease her (her height, her neediness...). One day they're making out and reader decides to tease him in bed as payback? Thank you!
Consternation || {NSFW} Dabi x Reader
Summary: When the LOV kidnaps the daughter of a wealthy business owner for the sake of her quirk the one person they never thought would grow attached was Dabi. So when Dabi develops feelings for the girl he now has hostage will he be able control himself when it comes to them using her quirk to their advantage?
Quarantined Love || Bakugou x Reader
Can i request bakugou being all soft with his s/o when they finally see each other after being apart because of quarantine? 🥰
Bleach Imagines/Scenarios
The Meet Up || {NSFW} Ichigo x Reader
Not Requested. Just struck by inspiration.
Please, Don’t Leave || Ichigo x Reader
Not Requested. Just struck by inspiration.
Durarara!! Imagines/Scenarios
First Times || {NSFW} Shizuo x Reader
Hey! Could you do a NSFW of Shizuo’s first time, from Durarara, with his S/O. they’ve been dating for a while now & have only ever done kissing.
Fake Text Scenarios
Can you do fake text with shika, kiba, kakashi etc of jealousy? 
Naruto fake texts idea...you know the one picture of a melted cutting board in the oven and asking your mom how to fix it, but instead asking the Naruto boys how to fix it.
can i request fake text for the akatsuki? reader asks them to pick up pads/tampons. 😅😅😭😭
Pregnancy Prank: Ohhh ok 😎😎❤ Kakashi, Madara, Hashirama, Tobirama, Minato, Konohamaru (adult), Iruka, Orochimaru, Izuna 🤗 Ohhh I cannot wait 😂😂 Thanks so much
Can we have some text scenarios for Kiba, Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke, Shika and Shino where they go out drinking with the boys and they drunk text their s/o about how much they love them? 😂💕
Sends Nudes: Hey 😁 Ok, then Madara, Hashirama, Orochimaru, Yamato, Minato, Konohamaru (adult), Iruka, Shino, Izuna, and Jiraiya would be awesome and funny 😂😍❤ Thanks 🤗🤗
can you do the sending nudes thing but for akatsuki plzzz bby 😭🤲🏽❤️ 
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imaginesnkdorks · 5 years
Thank Goodness for Crazy
Part X: Real or Not Real?  | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 |
Pairing: Erwin/Reader
Summary: That time Erwin shows he can be dramatic and Grisha finally came up in a conversation.
I woke up on my bed, and alone. I really should've heeded Erwin's warning before I joined the corps. But nothing ventured, nothing gained right? Though what did I gain, really? Heartache? I decided to not think of it for now. And since I performed quite well during the last expedition – considering it was my first time – I think I should stay and lend my strength. There's nothing else for me to do anyway.
I guess lady luck hates me so much right now though, that I woke up with puffy eyes and a clogged nose. I feel like I'm going to have the flu. Ugh. A knock on my door broke the silence, Erwin’s voice followed.
“Are you up?”
“Are you decent?” He joked. We moved on from what probably is the most awkward thing to ever happen to us both, and made it into our little private joke. And well, it made us grow closer. I mean, he did saw me naked… Anyways, despite feeling really under the weather, I can’t help but laugh at that.
“Yeah, I am. Come on in.”
I look like a total mess, but Erwin is the closest thing I have to a family so I couldn’t care less.
“You look horrible.” He said unceremoniously as he closed the door.
“Thanks.” I scooted over so he could sit beside me on the bed. I wonder why he’s here?
He turned to look at me, then he leaned in so close we were practically nose to nose! I racked my brain as I try to process what sort of social situation this is, and I could only come up with one answer.
I instinctively closed my eyes, is he really going to *gulp* kiss me?! My room was pretty quiet, aside from my heavy breathing and rapid heartbeat (which I’m sure Erwin can hear as he’s so fucking close) and his almost silent snicker. Yeah, great Erwin just have a laugh at my expense. Then I felt it.
I opened my eyes – which I bet are as round as saucers right now – and saw Erwin’s thick brows meet in worry. He’s got a hand on my forehead, the other on my shoulder. He’s got a really weird way to feel one’s forehead, it seems.
“You feel hot, Andi. Do you think you can walk to the infirmary?” Now, my idiot brain decided to get back at him for putting me in an uncomfortable position.
“No. Carry me downstairs.”  I replied in my pitiful attempt to make him feel uncomfortable. Let me see that flustered face.
Too bad it backfired. He really knows how to wipe off the smug grin off my face. Erwin scooped me up bridal-style.
“Hey! Put me down! I was just kidding!” Now, I would have totally kicked and punched if I just wasn’t coming down with a fever. So I barely struggled.
The asshole just gave me a smile, clearly enjoying my flustered face. I’ll remember to kick his ass later. He obviously didn’t listen to me despite my complaints. I stopped yelling at him when we got outside my door as the last thing I want is to attract the attention of the other soldiers.
But as luck would have it, we run into almost everyone I’m close to.
Mike decided that the proper way to address the situation was to give us a wolf whistle. Many, like Nanaba, clapped and cheered saying things like “go Erwin!” You’d think these people are all in high school.
In my humiliation, I hid my face by leaning into his chest. I decided that I should just pretend to be sleeping, that way I could play dumb if I get teased later.
In this position, I could clearly hear Erwin’s heart beating. This is crazy. I admit, his heartbeat is a tad faster than normal, and I can’t say that it’s not affecting me. But I can’t let this have any effect on me whatsoever. I just can’t.
As I try to convince myself to stay calm, I heard the voice that I dreaded to hear.
Preceded by a maniacal laugh, Hange continued, “Erwin! Wrong way. Turn around to go to the dorms.”
Erwin gave her an uncharacteristically-boyish laugh. He chose to say nothing (thank goodness) and continued on to the clinic. He might just be concerned about me, and he’s not just teasing me huh? We soon arrived and even though he’s carrying me, he managed to open the door.
“What’s wrong?” The apathetic doctor asked.
“She’s having a fever.”
“Oh. Well, that seems simple enough. I don’t see why you need to be dramatic and carry her all the way here. Come now, set her down here.”
Looking up, I can’t help but laugh at Erwin as he stares daggers at the asshole doctor.
“What?” He asked, feigning annoyance at my laughter.
“He’s right, you know.”
Erwin set me down, and the doctor went on to treat me. It was really just the basic – taking my temperature, handing me a wet towel and giving me some kind of tablet. I wonder what this is? Do they have paracetamol? I took it anyway, since well, doctor’s orders. And I expect I might have to do a lot of explaining to do if I mention paracetamol and they have no idea what it is.
“That’s it. Just drink plenty of water and get some sleep and you’ll be good. Now go back to your rooms so actual patients who can’t walk can use the bed. Go on.”
Erwin’s face matched mine as we stared at this doctor. Is he for real? I’ll make sure to mention this to “uncle” Keith. I stood up before Erwin had the chance to scoop me up again. We walked towards the door so we could finally get out of this hellhole, but someone on the other side opened the door for us.
“Andi! And, uh Irwin?” Theo said, in a tone of surprise.
“Erwin.” He said unamused.
“Yes. I know. Andi, are you alright?” He said, pushing Erwin aside and grabbing my hands. Erwin grunted in annoyance, but he still let Theo do what he wanted.
“Oh my, you feel hot. Doctor, shouldn’t she be in bed? Come Andi!” Theo said practically dragging me back to the bed that the asshole doctor just told me to get off of a minute ago.
“No, I’m fine. Really. What about you, what are you doing here?” At this question, Theo’s ears became red, and the color reached his cheeks. Stuttering, he answered, “uh, I just wanted to ask the doctor something. Uh, yes. That’s it.”
“We’ll leave you to it then.” Erwin answered, surprising us both, but what surprised us more was that he grabbed my hands from Theo’s grip and pulled me out of the room with him.
“What was that all about?” I asked Erwin as best as I could, considering I can only breathe through my mouth right now.
“What? He said he wanted to speak with the doctor. We shouldn’t listen in on their conversation.”
“Hmm. Whatever. It’s nice to know he’s alright, though.”
“He’s alive because of you.”
“What do you mean?”
“You pulled him out of a titan’s mouth. It was really stupid of you.”
“Say what now?” Damn. I seriously can’t recall how I did those things and who are the people I saved.
Erwin sighed and looked at me before he told me what he saw during the expedition.
“You were amazing. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were a veteran. And a really good one at that. Let’s go back to your room. I’d rather we have this conversation in private.”
On our walk back, I can’t help but think “am I in trouble?” I can’t help but feel like I’ve done something wrong. Erwin’s tone just affected me that way.
We soon arrived at my room, and this part of the HQ just seem to be abandoned in its eerie quietness. There isn’t any sound, save for our footsteps and a few birds chirping outside. It feels like it was only the two of us here.
Once we were in my room, we both sat on my bed, as that’s the only place to sit. I should really get a desk and a chair.
“So?” I prompted. I made myself comfortable, wrapping a blanket around me as I wait for him to start.
“Well, you performed quite well. It’s as if you’ve been killing titans your whole life. And you surprised me more by pulling or pushing every soldier you see from certain death, one of them being your friend Theodore.”
“Wow. I, don’t know what to say except that I don’t exactly remember everything.” Which is true. Like I said before, it was like I was on autopilot. I moved on instincts alone. But him saying that I seemed like someone who’s been doing it for my whole life is seriously ridiculous.
My life before I got here was really boring. The most exciting thing that has ever happened was … well, nothing. My life was books and the internet, and movies. I wasn’t really physically active, let alone a titan slayer.
“Can’t say I doubt you. You were somehow different – like a whole other person. This makes me think more about your origin. Are you sure you remember everything about your world correctly?”
I was gonna answer yes right away, but his question planted a seed of doubt in my head: was I ever really in another world before this? What is real, anyway?
The next day, I still have doubts. Damn Erwin for making me think about things like this. But if you know me already, then you can tell that I’ll just forget about it. I live in the present, no use dwelling on those thoughts, especially if they just confuse me.
Feeling better than yesterday, I decided to drop by uncle Keith’s office. I wanted to complain about the doctor, and also to ask for more furniture. I had to walk a bit to get to his office, and like yesterday, the hall was deserted. I wonder where everybody is? My question was answered right away when I walked past a window. They’re all training downstairs. Figures. I should get back to training as well.
I finally reached his office. Knocking once, I heard his gruff voice telling me to come in.
“Oh, good it’s you. Come here and help me sign these.” He said straight away. Yay paperwork. He was signing yet another set of letter of condolences. I started forging his signature, and after the first five letters, I decided to stop reading the name of the deceased and just sign the damn thing. The last thing I want is to send tear-stained letters to their relatives.
“You did a great job, Andi. Thanks to you we got another vast amount of donation.” He said in his monotonous voice. Despite the good news he just delivered, the death toll of our last expedition is still weighing him down.
“Donation? From whom?” I asked, not bothering to look away from the papers I’m signing.
“Lord Thomas Van Rumpade. It’s only because of you that his son is alive.”
“Well, that’s good to know.”
After some moments of silence, I finally asked him about what I came here for.
“Uncle Keith, don’t we have any other doctors? The one here is so rude.” He snorted before answering. Classy Keith.
“Who wouldn’t act like that? The way you and Erwin went to the clinic is quite scandalous. I ought to reprimand you both. I didn’t expect that from Erwin.”
“What?! I was ill!”
“Sure you are. So ill you can’t walk.”
I was like a fish with my mouth agape. I can’t believe this; the scary commander is teasing me? I just shrugged it off. This will blow off soon enough, but he isn’t done yet.
“No more of that Andi, you understand? Especially while Lord Theodore is here.”
At the mention of Theo’s name, I felt my ears perk up. “What does he have to do with it?”
“Nothing.”  I was about to pester him for more details, but he went on, “is that all that brought you here?”
“No. I’d like to get a chair and a desk for my room, too. Is that possible?”
“Of course. With the huge donation you brought in, we could also buy you more clothes.”
“Great. Oh, and one more thing. Do you remember telling me about that other man you found beyond the wall?”
“Yes. Grisha Yeager?”
“Yeah, him. I’d like to meet him.”
Copyright © 2017 by imaginesnkdorks. All rights reserved
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dontatmethanks · 5 years
Have this Levihan fic to fill the void that is chapter 120: (modern AU)
They were on their way from the movie theater, it was was well past eight in the night. They were all packed in Erwin’s car, he was driving with Mike next to him in the passenger’s seat. Hange and Nanaba were in the backseat with Levi sitting in between them.
“Never has a movie ever made me cry like Endgame did.” Said Hange who dramatically sniffles into Levi’s shoulder. He rolled his eyes.
“Get snot on my sweater and I’ll give you something to cry about, four-eyes.”
Hange pouted and clung onto his arm, “Love meee!”
Erwin chuckled from the front.
“You should treat your girlfriend nicer, Levi.” Said Mike who peeked at them from the rear view mirror.
Levi glared at the taller teen, “you worry about your own girl.” Her retorted while jerking a thumb at the other girl next to him who was also sniffling to herself.
“Nanabanana don’t cry~”
“I *sob* miss *sob* Tony already*sob*”
Levi’s eyes rolled further back into his head.
“Oi, eyebrows, how much further to the restaurant?” Levi said to Erwin who directed his attention towards the raven haired teen while simultaneously keeping his vision on the road ahead of him.
“Shouldn’t be any longer.”
“Bullshit you’re fucking lost.”
Mike gasped, “language Levi!” Levi just ignored him.
“Im not lost, just trying to remember which exit I have to take.”
“Definitely lost.”
“OH MY GOD-” Nanaba piped from the backseat, “Erwin just put it in the fucking GPS already, or i swear to god I’ll jump out of the fucking window.”
Hange snorted into Levi’s neck.
“Fine, Mike can you pass me my phone?”
“Thank you Nana!” Hange giggles and leaned across Levi to kiss her Bestfriend on the cheek.
Mike disconnected Erwin’s phone from the charger and went to pass it to Erwin but it slipped from his grasp and fell onto the floor below Erwin’s seat.
“I got it.” Erwin told him before leaning to retrieve his device, one hand still on the steering wheel.
That made Levi’s anxiety spike. “Oi-“
“HOLY FUCK LOOK OUT!” Screamed Hange.
The last thing Levi saw was high beam headlights and his girlfriend’s head slam into the window before the whole car turned over.
...Wet, his face felt hot and wet.
Levi groaned in pain before opening eyes.
Well one eye, his left eye stung when he tried to open it. His vision was a bit hazy as he tried to scan the space around him.
He attempted to turn his head when he realized that he was upside down, seatbelt cutting into his chest tightly.
He wheezed in pain and coughed, the taste of cold metal invaded his mouth.
Blinking away the fog from his vision he lifted his arms and placed his palms against what he assumed to be the dented roof of Erwin’s car below him. His body was literally being suspended by the seatbelt.
He heard a small groan from his right and then he remembered, Hange.
He immediately snapped his head towards her and sucked in a shocked breath when he saw the state she was in.
She too was currently being suspended by her own seatbelt but instead it somehow got caught around her neck. The whole right side of her face was coated in thick dark blood, he could also tell that she was still semi conscious.
‘ shit, shit, shit!”
He reached out to pull the seat belt away from her neck, it was tight but he was able to keep it from cutting her airway.
She coughed slightly, head lolling forwards.
Levi took a minute to assess the situation. They were in an accident, the car was on it’s back, definitely totaled, Hange was alive. He swiveled his head to his left and stilled.
The seat next to him was empty.
Where Nanaba was supposed to be.
Levi cursed to himself, she wasn’t wearing her seatbelt.
He lowered his head to look into the front seat and panicked.
Erwin was slumped foward, face against the steering wheel and the top of his head against the shattered windshield. The airbag had not ejected. He couldn’t tell if the blonde was even breathing.
Mike was almost as bad as him. From what Levi could see, he too was suspended by his seatbelt, and it looked like his head had smashed into the window beside him. His legs looked to be pinned between the dashboard and his seat.
Levi immediately took action, he didn’t think he just moved. The people he cared about the most were hurt and he was the only one coherent enough to do something about it so he didn’t even have time to hesitate.
He reached down to retrieve his pocketknife that he always kept in his boot, his uncle gave it to him when he was six, for protection, and he always kept with him ever since.
Flicking it open, he used it to cut Hange’s seatbelt away from her. She slumped forwards and Levi grabbed her by the back of her sweater before she almost face planted into the roof of the car below them. He slowly lowered her before cutting himself free.
He crawled over her and through the window that had been blown out during the accident and pulled her out after him. After he placed her gently on the grass, he immediately collapsed to his knees to check her.
He pressed his ear to her chest and was greeted by sound of her shallow breaths.
Good, as long as she was breathing he could work with that.
He tapped her left cheek with four fingers lightly and called out her name.
“Hange...Hange baby wake up....c’mon give me something.”
A few seconds passed before she coughed roughly and groaned, cracking her eye that was not coated in blood open.
“Levi...” she reached for his face with her hand, he grabbed it with both of his.
“Hey, we were in an accident, I pulled you out, you look like shit by the way.”
Hange snorted before groaning in pain again.
“I’m gonna help the others, don’t move.”
She closed her eye before saying, “ I couldn’t even if I tried.”
With that he quickly made his way around to the passenger side on wobbly legs. The window was also blown out, bloody glass littered all over the place. He dropped on all fours and ducked his head in, placing two fingers on the side of Mike’s neck.
He felt a slight thrumming beneath the pads of his bloody fingers. That caused him to breathe a sigh of relief.
He placed his hand on Mike’s shoulder and shook him. His head bobbed forwards before jerking back up with a pained grunt.
“Ugh..the fuck- *cough*”
“Oh so now cursing is allowed?”
Mike turned to look at Levi through squinted eyes as the smaller teen cut away at his seatbelt.
“Fuck, Levi what the hell happened? Your eye-Shit your arm looks so gross.”
Levi looked down at his left arm and noticed that there was a slight bend on the forearm. It pulsed lightly in pain with every movement, the adrenaline was surely suppressing most of the pain for him.
God he was going to feel it later.
“You don’t look so pretty yourself, Sasquatch.”
Mike chuckled wincing when his ribs protested.
“Aw, my legs are pinned.” He whispered, shifting slightly to see if there was at least any room to slip out.
“I’m gonna help you out.” Levi said while examining the dashboard and reaching over to check Erwin’s pulse.
He waited.
There. It was slow but still there. Levi breathed a bit easier.
He shook Erwin but didn’t get a response.
“Erwin’s out cold.”
Mike looked at his friend and cringed. “The airbag didn’t deploy, he looks real bad.” He then swiveled his head to look behind him then at levi.
“Where’s Nana?”
Levi shook his head, “I don’t think she was wearing her seatbelt.”
Mike’s face formed into a pained expression. He grabbed Levi’s good wrist and tugged him forwards.
“Forget me, find her. She has to be somewhere nearby, please, make sure she’s okay.”
Levi paused before nodding.
First he dug around the backseat for his phone. When he found it he checked to to see if it was still working.
The screen was cracked but still surprisingly functional.
He immediately dialed 911 and handed it to Mike.
“Tell then what happened, we passed exit nine before we were hit. Tell them you’re pinned and that there’s three more injured.”
Mike dragged his eyes over Levi’s wrecked form, “four.”
Levi sighed. “Right.”
He then got up and moved Hange, who was still tilting in and out of consciousness, to the grass near Mike.
“Keep her awake for me.”
Mike nodded and began to speak to the operator.
Levi kneeled down next to his girlfriend, brushing her matted hair away from her face.
“I’ll be back with Nanaba.”
He only received some incoherent mumbling from the brunette. Pressing his lips against her forehead he got up and scanned the area around the wreckage. They were thrown off the highway and into a slightly wooded area, they rolled probably about ten feet from the road. He didn’t see whoever hit them around.
“ tch, bastard”
Levi limped away from the car wreck and across the path of glass and debris that the car left in its wake.
He spotted Nanaba right away, she was face down on the grass. When he approached her saw her shoulder twitch. He dropped down next to her and turned her limp form over.
She was surprisingly not as bad as he thought she was going to be. She had a deep cut across her forehead and a busted lip. Her leg was a different story though, it was bent into a weird angle that made Levi a little queasy.
She whined in pain when Levi moved her and opened her eyes, narrowing her eyes to focus on her raven haired friend through the night air.
“Ow fuck, we crashed didn’t we?”
Levi nodded, “We we’re hit, the asshole didn’t even bother to check if we were alive.”
Nanaba sighed, shutting her eyes once again.
“Help’s coming.”
As soon as he said it he heard the sound of distant sirens.
It was like a spell was lifted off of him as he collapsed on the grass in relief. The full wave of pain from all his injuries finally caught up to him, he almost passed out right then and there.
He did it.
They were okay, for now.
Falling onto his back he placed his hands to his ribs and wheezed. Blood bubbled up and into his mouth and he coughed, causing a red stream to flow out the corners.
The last thing he felt before he went under was a gloved hand pressing onto the side of his neck.
....He woke up feeling much less shitty.
He was in a too bright hospital room, head resting against the comfiest pillow he’s slept on in a while.
He lifeted his left arm to to feel his face but noticed it was wrapped in a heavy cast. He gazed at it for a good minute.
“Shit kid, you’re finally awake.”
Levi snapped his head up, only to be greeted by the sight of his uncle Kenny.
“What are you doing here?” Levi spoke, voice raspy and throat extremely dry.
Kenny scoffed getting to pour his nephew a cup of water before handing it to him.
“What am I doing here- boy you have just been in one of the worst accidents that I’ve seen in a while, your friends looks just as bad. So excuse me for showing just a little concern for my only nephew.”
Levi glared at him with his one eye, the other injured one resting underneath the bandages that wrapped around his head.
“Where was that concern when you used to beat the shit out of me? You fucking hypocrite.”
“That’s-thats a conversation for a different time.” His uncle told him, pressing his lips into a thin line.
Before any of them could say anything else the door to his hospital room swung open and Hange limped inside, dragging an IV pole behind her.
Levi’s eye widened.
She was in a hospital gown, her hair was down and it looks like someone helped her wash the blood and glass out. Her forehead and left eye were wrapped in bandages. She had a butterfly bandage over her right eyebrow and he could see a dark bruising line around her neck from the seatbelt. Even in this damaged state she still was able to take his breath away.
“Baby!” She whispered, her voice also a bit raspy.
When Kenny excused himself from the room Hange practically launched herself onto Levi. He grunted in pain but wrapped his arms around her regardless.
“Aren’t you supposed to be resting or something?” Levi mumble into her hair.
He felt her shake her head and mumble something into his chest.
Hange sat up on his bed and snuggled into his left side so their good eyes could meet each other.
“I said I’ve been doing that for the past three days.”
Levi blinked.
“Three...days, I’ve been out of it for that long?”
Hange nodded and rested her chin on his shoulder.
“I was beginning to get really worried about you.”
She played with the fingers of his casted arm absentmindedly as they sat there in silence for a few minutes.
“Did you get to see the others?” He finally asked her, leaning his head against hers. She hummed.
“Yeah, Nanaba has a broken leg and a concussion as bad as mine. Mike has both of his legs in casts and also has a bad concussion, and Erwin is in a medical induced coma right now.”
Levi looked at her with a worried expression.
“It’s that bad?”
She bit her lip and nodded, looking down at her lap.
“Levi...we.....we want to see him a-and,” she paused, swallowing thickly as tears formed in her eye.
“He looked dead.” The tears spilled over her cheek as she squeezed her eye shut. Levi brushes her hair back with his good hand and pressed a kiss against her temple.
“He’s gonna be okay, Hange. This is Erwin we’re talking about for fucks sake.”
Hange nodded sadly and brushed her fingers over her bandaged eye.
“Guess we’re going to be wearing eye patches now haha.”
Levi snorted, “We’ll be walking around, looking like fucking pirates.
Hange laughed, cracked lips forming into a small smile. She licked them as they turned down into a sad frown, chin quivering as a heavy flow of fresh tears cascaded over face. Levi turned himself to look at her, ignoring the way his body protested. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her face into his neck as a tiny sob escaped her. He swallowed the lump that formed in his throat and stroked her hair.
“Hange it’s okay, you’re still extremely fucking gorgeous. Maybe even more with that new scar, phew hot damn.”
Hange giggled through her tears and Levi’s heart soared.
He took her face into his hands, beings careful with his cast, and kissed her on her wet cheeks and nose. She smiled softly. She always loved it when he was this affectionate, which was rare.
“I love you.” She whispered to him.
He grinned softly, pressing his forehead to hers.
“I love you more.” He says back to her and kisses her softly on the lips.
When they break apart, Levi traces his fingers lightly over her bruised neck.
“Oh, I never said thank you!” Hange piped up, he gives her a confused look. This time she grabs his face in her hands and chuckles.
“For cutting me free and pulling me out of the car.” She pecks him on the lips. “I would’ve done the same for you.”
Levi nuzzles her cheek with his nose. “I know.” She hums softly and kisses him all over his face. He retaliates by kissing her all over her neck and shoulders, tickling her in the process. He grins when he hears her shriek with laughter.
“You evil little gremlin!”
“Shitty giraffe.”
Hange laughs at the new nickname, “giraffe?!” He blushes slightly before saying, “can’t exactly call you four-eyes anymore.”
“Ah.” She said, smile faltering a little.
“I’m sorry.” Levi tells her when he notices her reaction. She shakes her head and kisses him, “don’t apologize you didn’t say anything wrong. It’s just gonna take some getting used to, for the both of us.”
Levi nods in agreement and rests his head against her chest.
She runs her fingers through is soft dark hair. “My mom brought us some movies for us to watch while we’re in here.”
“Chicken run?”
“Mhmm and monster house.”
AN: ahhh, I didn’t know what to call this. It’s a product of my anxiety ridden state while I wait for the new chapter. When I say I need them to be safe I fucking mean it Isayama.😔
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momoception · 5 years
💯🌼💑💘 for the whole crew 👀
💯 What is my muse’s ideal date?
Irena - Irena’s dream date is to go with her special guy to an autocinema (hopefully this is how is written in English) cuddle with her boy while eating cheddar popcorn and whispering funny things about the movie.
Tabby - Her dream date would be a beach date. Tabby loves hot weather, wearing little clothes and enjoying the sea and the sand under her feet. She actually wants to try a nudist beach date.
Lucius - His dream date would be a night in a bar, maybe with karaoke just to make the fool with his date. Talking about each other’s interests and life while drinking. And of course maybe dance a little salsa.
Erin - Erin’s dream date will be a dinner in a fancy restaurant. Dressing in a formal outfit. Musicians will play with violins and while waiting for their food she will invite her girl to dance a vals.
Siegran - Siegran’s ideal date would be visiting a green house with his special someone. Holding hands while he explains about the properties of each plant. At the end buy his date their favorite flower.
Erwin - A marathon of Star Wars in his trailer, he will try to hug his girl by yawing and stretching. He will also say every dialogue from memory.
🌼 Would my muse prefer a big wedding or a small wedding?
Irena - Definitely a small wedding with her close friends and family. Preferible during autumn.
Tabby - A big big wedding! A lot of cameras and eyes on her, wearing a big pink dress. Preferible during winter.
Lucius - A private one, her closest friends and his S.O. Maybe even celebrate the ceremony at home during summer.
Erin - She will elope because she thinks is romantic, and then get married in Sulani.
Siegran - As Lucius, something private with important people. But in a beautiful garden during Spring.
Erwin - Being as paranoid as he is he will probably elope with his bride and return after their honeymoon.
💑 What are my muse’s requirements for a potential partner?
Irena - After Reid broke her heart, Irena ignored every boy who wanted to date her (until uni) she looks for a man who doesn’t pressure her to do things she’s not ready or doesn’t want to do, who supports her art. Someone who stays with her in every good and bad moment. Someone who of course won’t cheat on her and tell her lies. Basically someone opposite to Reid. And he better love animals.
Tabby - Her man must have eyes only for her. He can’t say no to any of his whims and desires. And he have to treat her like a queen, which she is. Also she loves men who know how good looking they are, confidence is a turn on for her.
Lucius - True passion is everything for Lucius, his s.o. has to show a true love to what they love (job, hobbies, interests). Passionate ppl are often ambitious, and also they commit more into a relationship.
Erin - Sweet and cute girls are Erin’s weakness. Smol beans who can bake cookies for her. Erin loves homemade food, so if a girl makes something specially for her, she’ll fall in love.
Siegran - Siegran isn’t confident about his appearance behind the mask, the only ones who knows what’s behind are the party members. The person he chose has to like him like that, someone who can accept him and love him. Also someone who doesn’t stop him when he talks about his hobbies and interests because they are “childish” or “feminine”
Erwin - Erwin’s perfect girl must be as crazy as he is. Smart and strong, he has a thing for strong women skdbsjsks someone to share his conspiracy theories and if she shows interest and even adds something, he will probably marry her.
💘 What are the ways my muse says ‘I love you’ without actually saying it?
Irena - “this song reminds me to you” and the big one “I wrote you a song”
Tabby - She’s a tsundere so if she wants to say i love you to someone who’s not as close to her at the others she will say things like “ugh you’re an idiot” “why are you eating so badly. Come to have lunch with me. Not that it matters to me”
Lucius - Lucius is a mama, she takes care of every person he loves. He makes breakfast for the guys and usually goes to every bedroom asking if they are okay or need something.
Erin - Erin has a hard time telling her true feelings, so as Tabby she might sound rude. But she doesn’t ask everyone if they are okay or offers her help, just to ppl she really loves.
Siegran - If Siegran gives you one of is plants, he loves you. He is trusting in you.
Erwin - He’s a man who loves hugs and cuddles, Erwin says hi and goodbye with hugs and invites you to sleep in his arm if you are tired.
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snkpolls · 6 years
SnK Chapter 114 Results
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The chapter poll closed with 1081 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,038 responses
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This arc continues to impress, with almost half of respondents giving it 5 stars, and only 3.5% giving it a highly negative rating. That said, the amount of 5 ratings is down 11.9% from last month, which itself was down 17% from 112.
That was an amazing way to conclude vol. 28, arguably making it the best volume of this arc so far. Not only Levi did get hoisted by his own petard, but it was a fantastic way to flesh out more Zeke as an actual character instead of a plot device meant to trigger the rumbling.
Amazing chapter. I was certain Zeke had his own goals, but I was not able to see it coming. I love where the story seems to be going.
Easily top 10 worst AOT chapters of all time
Excellent chapter. Expected nothing from Zeke's backstory and was pleasantly surprised to see how well it turned out. Also good job on leaving hints at his true motivations since RtS and making the whole thing come together in such a thematically impactful way.
This chapter has been just another in a rung of disappointing chapters that has taken characters like Eren and done so much damage to them I am concerned there is no recovery for them even if they begin to change in a better way.
One of the best chapters
This has to be my most favorite chapter of this series thus far! I absolutely loved finally getting some crucial insight on Zeke and learning about what has been secretly buried within his heart for the entirety of his life.
There was no Floch this chapter, therefore what a waste
Imho this is the best chapter we've had since 101
Not as exciting as the recent chapters
Not the most exciting chapter, but it wasn't boring either. We got to finally visit the source of Zeke's motivations and what his true mission is, which has been a mystery for a long time. Now we just need to know what Eren is thinking and why he treated his friends the way he did..
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Garnering over ¼ of the votes, Zeke dramatically detonating the thunderspear made a huge impact on us readers, followed by 22.4% finding themselves grappling with Levi’s uncertain fate on the last page. Bringing up 3rd at 20.4% was Zeke and Xaver’s plan to commit eldian genocide through titan eugenics.
Oh god, I did not know fear until I saw Levi being blown away. I was cool with him dying fighting his comrades, but christ, I can't stand the thought of him being critically injured or something. Going out in a blaze of glory is one thing, but no longer being humanity's strongest soldier? That's honestly more painful for me
Zeke's childhood was sad - but we knew that. Doesn't justify genocide - even 'gentle' genocide via sterilization. It felt more like a way of getting pieces in place for the final showdown.
Levi loses his right arm like Erwin! Fuckyeah
Levi better be crippled. Tension in the story increased a lot with him being maimed.
Zeke, you're a cool guy, but that ""Cockblock all eldians"" plan? It ain't gonna happen. The world is a cruel place with or without titans.
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In a chapter full of infodrops, 65.2% found the reveal that the Founding titan can manipulate Eldian DNA to be the most fascinating among them. 15.5% chose the curtain being pulled back a bit on Zeke turning in his parents, revealing Xaver convinced him to. 12.1% chose the tie in to season 2’s ED, with the battle of Lago. 3.7% were taken aback with Xaver’s tragic backstory, selecting it as the best reveal, and 1.9% selecting his profession as a titan researcher. 1.6% of you were shocked to learn that Xaver was able to hide his Eldian status.
I really love the DNA manipulation reveal, it changes a lot of things and allows for a bunch of new theories.
This chapter hasn't changed much for me aside from the revelation that the FT can alter Eldian DNA.
Now we have more questions (like always happens) like if Kruger was involved with Xaver and the decision to turn in Zeke's parents.
There's more backstory for Xaver.
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Zekerets revealed! Zeke’s master plan to end the world’s suffering through euthanizing the Eldian race was met to mostly mixed responses. 34.8% felt the reveal was alright and gave it a 3, with 32.2% bumping it up to a 4. 15.2% gave it the highest rating, and 17.9% voted unfavorably.
I think Zeke's motive fits his character and the stories themes perfectly. I can understand some people's disappointment expecting him to have some deus ex machina that'll solve all the stories problems and save the Eldians. But I find this far more realistic.
Zeke's ideology is classic "greater good"  rhetoric.
Was hoping Zeke would be more morally gray rather than a blatant antagonist so I'm a little disappointed, but I also thought this was genuinely an amazing chapter. My heart broke for young Zeke.
This isn't freedom, neither salvation. This is giving up of his own people lives, because of his own view of the world.
It’s funny, Mikasa’s ‘this world is cruel...’ line is probably the one that best sums up the world of Shingeki. But whilst Mikasa can see the good in the world, Zeke only sees the cruelty, and determines that there is no need to live in a world where people are so endlessly cruel to Eldians. A world in which they are a mistake.
I also like the thematic continuity of how Zeke’s plan was revealed, and how it fit perfectly with what we’ve seen already of how characters discover that “the world is a cruel place”, and how their individual life experiences and relationships lead them to completely different conclusions. I much prefer this kind of big reveal that adds depth to the story & writing, as opposed to something completely sensationalist just for a shock factor
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At 52%, just over half of respondents believe that Zeke has let Eren in on his plan, while 16% are sure Eren is oblivious to it. The remaining respondents don't want to say for sure either way.
I think Eren is fully aware of Zeke's plan, but is only letting it go on until Eren gets closer to his own goal, whatever that may be.
I really hope Eren doesn't know Zeke's actual plan. I have a shred of hope left for him and if he agrees to genocide that's out the window
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Over 76% of respondents agree that Eren hasn't gone totally off the deep end and will oppose Zeke's euthanasia plan. A small percentage feel Eren will see things the same as Zeke, while 16% remain uncertain either way. We can all probably agree we need to see his point of view soon, though.
Eren thoughts when?
Zeke as of now represents the perfect opposition to Eren's philosophy and the incoming conflict which will eventually push them to stand against each other is bound to be interesting.
Something is missing here. Zeke and Eren could do their "Eldian Euthanasia" right when they secretly met in Liberio. There has to be more to Zeke's plan.
With the conflicting plans almost confirmed, Jaegerbowl incoming?
I don't think Eren is double-crossing Zeke/only using him/intending to betray him. While I doubt Eren will agree to Zeke's plan, I think it'd be a bit too predictable and underwhelming if Isayama simply decided to do the brother vs brother route now, especially when we haven't seen them properly interact.
There'll be conflict, but maybe not in the way most of the fandom seems to be anticipating.
This chapter firmly confirms that unless Eren has agreed to go along with Zeke's plans, one of them is playing the other.
Eren is definitely either unaware of his bro's endgame or not truly on Zeke's side but pretending he is. I hope it's the latter because that would be so much more interesting to me than Eren being manipulated. I also think there's setup: Zeke projected on Eren literally the first time he ever saw him, thinks Eren is the only other person who understands, and seems like a deeply lonely person on the inside. The inevitable Yeager brothers clash will be awesome either way; they're total opposites. I am dying for Eren PoV soon, ugh.
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The vast majority (71.1%) agree with Zeke’s decision to report his parents to the Marleyan authorities. Most of those (59.1%) follow Zeke’s own logic:  that it at least spared his grandparents and himself, while the remaining 12% simply believe that Grisha and Dina deserved what happened to them. In contrast, almost a quarter  think Zeke should have instead tried a little bit harder to talk some sense into Grisha and Dina. Sadly, only 4.6% of respondents believe that he could have saved his parents.
I can't blame Zeke that he betrayed his parents. It was the best decision, to save the life of his grandparents and his own, cause they shouldn't be punished for the sins of Grisha and Dina.
He didn't have a choice. He was manipulated and was just an abused child. A better question, I think, should have been "Was Xaver justified in forcing Zeke to turn in his parents?"
Seriously, I don't feel sorry for Grisha and Dina. Zeke tries to warn them, but they don't listen to him and if you don't want to hear, then you have to be punished and take the consequences.
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Zeke finally got a chance to step up to the plate of tragic backstory, and hit a bit of a bunt. It did the job, but didn’t exceed the home runs hit by Reiner and some others. The majority, at 44.3% felt that while tragic, it doesn’t quite merit eradicating his entire race. Interestingly, the average rating of the chapter increases the more tragic you found Zeke’s childhood, finding the chapter to be more of a narrative success.  
Bold of Isayama to think a sad backstory would make me stop wanting Zeke to get rekt.
Zeke's childhood wasn't as tragic as Reiner's. They both had to deal with a lot of problems, but Zeke at least had Xavier and grandparents who cared about him. They gave him love he needed.
I never thought it was possible to make me not hate Zeke Jaeger. But somehow now I barely hate him at all. We'll see how Season 3.2 changes that.
I did enjoy Zeke's backstory but I also found it kind of underwhelming. IDK
Zeke has been my favorite character for years now. Glad to see my instincts were right. He is not the villain people used to think he was.
He was always thought to be a 900 IQ mastermind, but in reality he was even less talented than Reiner was.
Zeke’s flashbacks were very well executed, with the perfect combination of tragic and disturbing, and just the right amount of the classic Isayama “grey morality” to stir up some debate. Each backstory reveal like this is an exercise in empathy, in which we are asked to sympathise with a character just enough to understand where they’re coming from and the suffering they’ve undergone. By having their resulting crimes/actions as bad as they are however (i.e. mass murder), the story does NOT require us to forgive or justify what they’ve done. Rather, it simply invites us to expand our perspective and see the bigger picture, that horrible individuals are both victims and perpetrators of horrible environments; basically, how bad people are made, not born.
Zeke did nothing wrong, he is just a sad little monkey.
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Was Xaver being manipulative? Dramatic? Truthful? Luckily for Zeke, most of us (87.7%) do think that his parents at least loved him in some capacity. Unluckily for Zeke, almost a quarter believe that his parents loved him less than they loved their dreams of restoring their lost empire. Only 12.3% believe that Xaver’s words were honest, and that Grisha and Dina never loved their son - only seeing him as a tool to be used.
I think Dina did love Zeke, but loved the mission more. Grisha however, I think only ever saw him as their "savior", and never took the time to truly think of him as his son.
I used to believe that Zeke was some cruel psychopath. Now I see that he was just a sensitive, unloved child who was forced into some crazy plans of his trash parents. He never wanted to fight, that was not his nature.
Xaver telling Zeke "your parents never loved you" was incredibly manipulative but also (maybe) an attempt at making a bad situation less bad. If Xaver had said, "I know they love you but... " Zeke would have been consumed with guilt for condemning his parents to death. On the flip side,  believing he was never loved likely added to the feeling of wishing he'd never been born, and thus the mess we are in.
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For all of Grisha’s flaws, most of us don’t quite blame him for what happened on that fateful day 37 years ago, when he dared to venture outside the internment zone walls with his little sister Faye. 40% defend him - arguing that he was just a child himself. Only 2.1% blame him, citing that things would have gone fine if he had just followed society’s rules. A little more than a third of us don’t believe that he was personally in the wrong, but that he should not have endangered his sister.
Zeke wasn't so wrong about what happen to Faye, Grisha's curiosity and carelessness cost's the life of his sister.
Grisha, Xaver, Zeke... none of them were ever special or any kind of masterminds but just normal people driven to extreme due to their awful lives.
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Unsurprisingly, 80% of respondents believe that Eren is the brother takes after Grisha the most. Heated and bold claims of striving for freedom surely had a part to play in that.
I don't know whether Eren or Zeke will turn out more like Grisha until we find out how they both turn out
I've been saying during months that Grisha destroyed both of his sons, and now we finally have the evidence. They've both taken opposite paths (being different or the same as him) and will end fighting each other, unless Levi manages to accomplish his promise somehow.
Grisha had never really screamed Eren quite as much as this chapter, which truly makes me think how unbelievable it is that Eren inherited his father's titan and his memories along with it, including the absolute regret he felt over how he handled things with the Eldian Restoration Movement and Zeke (read: putting his desire for freedom above people) and then became exactly like him. He literally learned nothing.
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If this story has shown us anything, it’s that Isayama is marvelously skilled at creating problematic parent characters. Rod Reiss still wins the award for worst parent, but Grisha and Dina collectively come in second place after this chapter - with a quarter of respondents choosing them. Other (dis)honorable mentions go to Alma and Karina, who still managed to scrape up more than 15% of the vote each.
Grisha because he had a kid just to use as a tool TWICE!!!
Karina and Alma can share the title. :/
Let me pick more than one xD(Also Alma and Karina both suck)
There is a tie: Karina + Grisha/Dina + Alma + Rod.
They all have their faults as parents so it's hard to focus solely on one option.
They all sucked in their own way
Tom's wife
I don't know why people are letting Grisha's parents off the hook. They are just as awful at parenting as he was (who tells their grandson that his father was responsible for his aunt's gruesome murder? Also, they were pumping him full of just as much propaganda as his parents). Honestly though, that entire family was screwed from the beginning.
Everyone but Carla
Isayama: Worst parents? Worst childhood? Hold my beer. Now I wonder what did Isayama counter when he was young.
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Most of us felt positively about Mr. Xaver after seeing his backstory, with 65.4% feeling he had good interests at heart for Zeke. More of us are uncertain about his true motives, with 8.9% feeling he wasn’t genuine at all.
Xaver's doing that freaky "hide true emotions behind opaque glass lenses" thing that Zeke did a lot, giving me a concern
Definitely enjoy Zeke less as a villain now, but hope Kruger and Xaver keep on being creepy enough to make up for it.
It’s Xaver, not Xavier; spell it properly r/SnK!!!
Xaver is a kind and wise monky man, but with lots of secrets. Hoping to see more of him in the future.
Even though Xaver may be a schemer, he met Zeke by chance, so I believe in him.
About Tom Xaver...for me he looks friendly and I feel bad for him too, as he said that his wife killed their son and herself as she found out, that she has married an eldia. I guess, she doesn't want to take the consequences, cause it isn't allowed for marleyans to have a romantic relationship to an eldia. It was really sweet, that Xaver see's in Zeke his own son and was more a father figure to Zeke.
Zeke’s “watch this, Mr Xaver” is kind of sad; it’s obvious that Zeke respected him more than anyone else in his life...and he was just using Zeke. I wonder if Zeke realised that at any point during his adult life...
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62% of us felt that Zeke’s cute monkey toy, featured prominently in both Grisha’s and Xaver’s memories, has some significance to the plot going forward.
I feel like the Monkey Toy is a plushie of the Beast Titan, like each of the seven Titans in Marley have toys based on them. Xaver's son and Zeke being shown to have them is probably done to show that, but I wouldn't be surprised it is used as delayed foreshadowing as a writing technique to foreshadow who Xaver and Zeke will turn into later on.
I'm glad to see that somebody else noticed the monkey toy; I was really excited that it showed up again.
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The fandom is almost perfectly split with regard to Tom Xaver, and whether or not he was aligned with Eren Kruger. Half of us have donned our tin foil hats and are ready for the conspiracy to be unveiled, while the other half is more optimistic that Xaver was an authentic part of Zeke’s life - or at least independent from the Owl’s schemes.
Both Grisha and Zeke were groomed since childhood to inherit titan-shifting powers by Kruger and Xaver.
I don't know if Xaver is/was working together with Kruger and I kinda doubt that. Maybe Kruger used Xaver, cause he was a researcher from the titan-science about the information, but who knows? We don't have any proof of this.
If Xaver isn't the doctor who falsified Kruger's documents I will shit on my own head
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A typo in the official translation lead to an interesting question: Which would be the best titan to inherit?  The Warhammer titan wins out with its ability to create almost anything.  The supposed ultimate titan, the Founding, came in second place, while the raging Attack Titan fought its way into third.  The Armored Titan racked up 7.9%, the Female Titan got 6.9%, and the Beast Titan garnered 4.8% for best titan.  The icon for the titans, the Colossal obtained 4.7% of the vote, with the Jaw titan following with 3.3%.  The poor Cart Titan got a measly 2.1% of the vote.
Part of me wonders if an inherent trait of the beast titan is to create war? For the sake of conflict?
The whole Titan and World History is what I'm interested the most.
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This more introspective chapter drastically changed opinions on a few characters, while others who had less focus were rather unchanged.  The main character of the chapter, Zeke, saw his favorability increase a bit with his time in the spotlight.  His parents weren’t as lucky, with Grisha tanking the hardest after we see him through Zeke’s young eyes.  We also got to know Xaver for the first time, and the new info lead most to becoming fans of his.  Magath, Eren, and Levi remained at about the same level, with Levi going up the most of the three in his time of peril.
I miss eren, I love zeke and grisha is a bastard
Levi is - as always - an arrogant midget who paid for his silliness, finally (he knows that a shifter can regenerate from the brain, and he still uses a single spear!). Historia will save all the Eldians asses from suicidal Zeke in the end - she has her agenda, but Eren is still a mystery to me. Grisha is the worst character and Dina truly disappoint me.
I get that Levi is the most popular character, but dear god am i tired of everything revolving around him. can we have one sequence of events without it being the Levi Drama Hour
Xaver good boi
I have to say, the Marley arc was a real turning point for how I felt about Zeke. He went from 'someone I love to hate and want to see suffer' to 'I can't believe I actually kinda like this guy'. Then his betrayal happened, and while I didn't go back to hating him as viscerally as before, I couldn't help but feel a bit bitter about the whole thing. But this chapter. This. Damn. Chapter. It was everything I could ever need to fall in love with his character. Don't get me wrong! He's still wrong, on so many different levels and I definitely do NOT want him to succeed with his plans! But I hope, in the end, he can find some peace for himself.
But is it Xaver or Xavier tho?
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With all of his Zekerets seemingly revealed, Zeke attempts to explain why he’s snuffed out so many souls over the course of the story.  Almost half of the fandom, at 46.6% understand what he’s saying, but don’t think it justifies his past actions.  On the other hand, 41.5% don’t buy a single word coming out of his mouth.
Justification isn't the right word. It gives me a means of understanding his reasoning, and I sympathise more because of it. But racial cleansing is not justifiable, no matter how little you value your own life., but given his history, that is also understandable
At the end of the day he's no different than all the other people that built mountains of corpses to stand upon so everyone could hear them preach about peace.
His mindset and feelings of defeat are completely understandable but nothing ever justifies killing people the way he does.
His parents and Xaver made him this way. It can't be helped. I think he's lying to himself. He clearly enjoyed torturing people. It was like a game to him. I think he isn't sane.
There’s always a “reason” for what people do, but it doesn’t always justify their actions.
No. But, I understand where he is coming from, and it's just truly heartbreaking that this was the solution that he feels is best for all Eldians.
Aah man. This is probably one of the only times I understand an antagonist’s desire to destroy humanity/a race
Fuck him, he killed our precious Erwin
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At 62%, the majority of voters feel that the end game will be to free the Eldian people from the power of the titans. 13% feel that the titan power will remain, but that the rest of the world will learn to stop viewing them as monsters and 10% feel that Eldians will all die.
DNA will be the solution to remove curse
I can’t help but to draw parallels with the real world. I want more than anything for Marley to stop holding Eldians to the crimes of their ancestors and to talk with each other instead of further alienating each other.
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The conundrum to end all conundrums.  If peace doesn’t end up being on the table, one side has to go.  Just over ¾ of the fandom, at 76% feel that bringing an end to the Eldians would be a lesser evil than wiping out the rest of the world.
I think at this point it's clear there's no 'good' way to solve the Eldians' problems, unfortunately.
Genocide can never be the lesser evil. Murder is never justified.
Neither Zeke nor Eren's plan qualify as the lesser of two evils, imo. The point is that they are both deeply flawed goals that bring a lot of misery. Neither are desirable outcomes.
I can't see either out of 'killing all Eldians' or 'killing the rest of the world' as the lesser of two evils, even if killing all Eldians is technically lesser in numbers terms. They're both just evil.
I actually find some comfort in the fact that Zeke sees no way out of this situation for the Eldians. He has no ultimate Zekeret plan, he genuinely believes the situation is impossible for them. Which is exactly how us fans feel since literally any possible solution that would either make any form of sense or wouldn't be massively unrealistic, or an overly optimistic stretch are non-existent right now.
Zeke knows that peace between humans and eldians is impossible and eldians will never be accepted in the world. Instead of crushing humans, he decided to remove the eldian race.
If I'm to choose between two evils, then I prefer not to choose at all. Fuck that, I'll find another way or die trying.
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Ymir Fritz is the biggest mystery within the world of SNK, and for us as well.  The only place most of the fandom seems to agree on her is that she’ll likely be important to the story’s ending, with 77.3%.  52.9% are putting the new info given this chapter about biological manipulation to use, theorizing she used that to create titans.  50.3% believe she came in contact with the source, whereas 21.7% think the devil was responsible.  34.3% believe PATHS are at play and she has, is, or will contact Eren.  The majority of respondents don’t believe the ramblings of Grisha and the restorationists, with only 14.3% believing she was in fact a benevolent person.  Interestingly, people who selected that she is benevolent, as well as those who think paths contact with Eren is likely, on average had every other option chosen far more as well.
Honestly, Ymir Fritz was probably just a girl that wanted to save her people and had no idea what she was doing.
The true History will be play a huge part about the end, I guess.
Another friend discussed the idea of maybe the beast titan being the organic source/devil that Ymir made contact with. Just fun ideas to throw around.
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Captain Levi has made it through his fair share of death-defying ordeals, but this time he may not have escaped unscathed.  35.9% of respondents believe he’s done it once again, escaping with only minor injuries.  28.6% feel the captain is in more dire straits, losing both an arm and a leg.  24.5% feel he lost just an arm, similar to Commander Erwin.  Only 4.8% feel the Captain has breathed his last.
He's been through worse. Not worried
Best case scenario he's missing just his right foot. Worst case (assuming he lives), Levi is half his original height.
He has Ackerhacks, he's fine
Hope he's dead. Too op
One thing I haven't seen anybody mention, Levi was holding a sword before the explosion.  I think it's possible the dude might've been impaled by his blade, in which case he might be screwed.
He will probably fall into the river and be led somewhere by the stream. Maybe to end like Kenny with a last discussion or memory.
He’s not dead... yet
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With a whopping ¾ of respondents worried about Levi’s fate (followed by nearly 50% wondering what happened to Zeke), the majority of us are hoping Isayama doesn’t leave us on this cliffhanger for too long. Historia brings up 3rd, possibly based on the theory that she’ll find Levi and help him?
I wanna see Floch get jumped tbh I used to stan but I can’t anymore
I'm afraid that Isayama killed Levi
I'm just over here waiting to see what Reiner and friends are up to, probably getting the whereabouts of Annie and attempting to free her
At this point my pet theory is Historia somehow swooping in Valkyrie-style and making everything better. Hey, a girl can dream, right?
I don't think Levi is dead, he's a survivor! If any man can, Levi Ackerman can!
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Chapter 112 - Zeke is using Eren. Chapter 113 - Zeke and Eren are working together. Chapter 114 - Eren is using Zeke. It's quite amazing how fast it changed.
What's the right, what's the truth, what to believe?
I was absolutely blown away by how artfully Xavier's back story was told. Those panels are haunting, and beautiful, and so well constructed. The kind of thing that will definitely stick with me for a long time. Isayama has become a truly amazing artist.
I have so much respect for Ymir. Despite having the shittiest childhood, she ended up being one of the most emotionally stable characters.
THE CHAPTER OF MY LIFE and Leave baby zeke alone you monsters *i meant you fandom*
At least Isyama knows how to make the final boss sympathetic. Even if his writing in most places leaves a little more to be desired, I am definitely enjoying the story for the story's sake.
Really miss Pieck…
[Levi] has a bruised ego, due to being so fucKING STUPID YOU DUMBFUCK WHY WOULD YOU GIVE THE ENEMY A BOMB
If you don't think Levi was remembering his choice in chapter 84 when Zeke said that stuff about saving the soldiers he killed you're wrong.
Should have gone for the head, Captain.
this chapter makes me feel like us readers have been caught in the final explosion, too. I see so many people who hated or disliked Zeke before, sympathize with him now.
I don't know how a person can stand and say one person deserves to die and I sure as hell don't know how one person can say whole nation deserves deaths. This is genocide, not euthanasia, but Hitler and Stalin would've approved this plan.
So, my dislike of Zeke aside, kid went through some shit. Every one only wanted to push their own ideas and agendas onto him to guarantee their own safety. He reminds me of Reiner, sans the rebellious parents. He went through just as much as Zeke did as a kid, but Reiner is racked with guilt over what he's been forced to do. Zeke hasn't shown any genuine sympathy; even Eren managed to look lifeless and affected by his self directed actions in Marley. And that kid LOVES killing people.
The fandom theories for his actions were setting people up for disappointment. This is a story about common people who are forced into abhorrent positions and have to make the best out of shitty circumstances.
I feel like Zeke's plan is perfectly valid if we take a step back and see the Eldian race as what it is. Each individual is an intelligent WOMD linked to a hivemind with limitless potential for change. Suddenly the Eldian people don't look as harmless. As readers however we've only been following from one perspective, and didn't fully get to see how terrifying the Eldian empire was.
[Zeke’s] whole plan sounds unbelivably stupid that even Hanji and Armin's "let's just talk lol" sounds more reasonable in comparison
As more chapters release, I'm struggling to fathom how Annie would become relevant to the plot line later on, or if ever.
The manga is reaching levels of depression I couldn’t think it was possible to reach inside me. Maybe it’s because of how long I follow AoT. This is a very tragic and sad story, Isayama is telling us, and I think it has more in store to come. Brace yourselves, my fellow soldiers....
If Levi is going down, let it be a glorious end, not like that. Just give him some satisfaction finally, no crippling please, he's suffered enough.  Come on Yams, I believe in you :)
This chapter really tugged at my heartstrings. As a reader, being aware of and mourning Zeke's lost childhood doesn't excuse his behaviour as an adult, however, I'm really glad we finally got to hear Zeke's side of the story.
I'm really tired of Isayama using cliffhangers to stir people into a frenzy and this chapter was the worst of it. People wanting Zeke's spinal fluid to have gotten into Levi's wounds (I guess so he can turn into a titan), Levi having the ability to regenerate or turn into a freaking titan out of nowhere because Ackermans' powers do come from PATHS also. Really? All of that sounds horrible and I really hope none of it happens.
I was hoping for this chapter to not be as bad as the chapters normally are since Isayama married and shit bu holy fuck I was wrong. The happier this man the sadder we get.
Zeke should be a Final Fantasy villian instead of an SnK antagonist
Cool motive, still genocide.
im eating a cucumber
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Hanji knew nothing about magic, but that didn't stop the woman. Over the following month, he found himself being dragged all over the place as he "helped" the woman with her experiments. Sure, he'd learned a few things. Omegas were the only ones who could read the runes in the books of magic, and their alpha masters treated them like lackies because of it. Alphas were only really their in order to command the omegas over what not to do. He had no talent for healing. Not once did a healing spell work the way he wanted it to. He could stop the blood flowing... but he had better chance of healing an injury with traditional medicine. Hanji was practically useless. Yep, all that and that he'd accident upset the prince, who wasn't actually the prince at all. That was the biggest thing he'd learned from Hanji. For some stupid reason, Levi was only playing the part of Prince Erwin, or Erwin was playing the part of Levi's body guard. It had something to do with the way the King and Queen had died. The moment Hanji had let the secret slip, she'd used an alpha command to silence him over it. As it turned out, Hanji had nearly daily run ins with Erwin and Levi. It was so incredibly stupid, but each time they met, Eren secretly hoped for Levi to look at him. It depressed him to think that the prince didn't want him in the castle, and the only thing that came to mind as to why the man would be displeased was due to the apple tree incident. He'd apologised, and been brushed aside. Hanji had told him not to take it personally, but how could he not? He hadn't intended to cause any trouble at all, and he'd been much better at controlling his magic. Even when Hanji was finished with him, he'd head down to small woodland behind the training oval and practice until his nose bled. He couldn't form another tree, no matter how much he tried, but his battle magic had been getting better. He could now summon razor sharp winds... that had succeeded in cutting his arms to shreds, and not much else. He felt as if he'd had a real master, he would have been further in his studies. As the second visit by the Marley forces drew closer, Hanji had less time to spend training him. Armin had been full of enthusiasm over helping him, but even his friend had been drawn into helping around the castle. He could have turned to Mikasa, they'd often eat dinner together as Hanji at with the castle soldiers, but Mikasa had grown on his nerves. She wanted more from him than what he was prepared to give. She'd attempt to scent mark him every chance she got, claiming he didn't know the affect he had on the soldiers. The first time had really hurt him to hear that strangers only saw him as sex ok legs. When he'd returned to his room, he'd begun back on his homemade suppressants. He was omega, but he was also a person who'd sworn their life to Eldia. He didn't need to be a soldier to be strong. Not now that he could use his magic. He just needed to practice, and more herbs. Having been shopping with Hanji, Eren had learned that most places were happy to bill the castle for supplies. Dressed in his pants and tunic, Eren looked just like everyone else in the market place. Hanji had laughed at the impracticality of his robes, and insisted he wear pants. They weren't even the tight white pants of soldiers either, these were black and gave him a little more space to move. Plus, his bleeds or slicking didn't show. With a smile on his face, Eren took his time to savour the sights and sounds of the market row. Children played games in the street, carefree and ignorant of the world around them, or the lack of freedom the whole country was suffering. As he walked, he nodded to the various stall holders he'd met through Hanji. The store he wanted was the apothecary at the end of the road, so it wasn't technically part of the market row, but inside was just as chaotic as if it had been. Bundles of hundreds of herbs hung from the ceiling, their ground counterparts filling jars that barely seemed to hold them. If he hadn't had magic, he would have liked to be a stall holder. He would have liked to hear the stories of the hundreds of residents of capital city. But alas, he'd always be on the outside. Stopping off at his favourite fruit stall, the owner tossed him a fresh apple. With too many apples at the castle, they'd traded the stall owner for potatoes "Having a good day, Eren?" "Excellent. And you?" "Can't complain. Hey. Is it true those thugs from Marley are returning?" "I wouldn't call them thugs, but yes?" The man looked genuinely annoyed, ruining Eren's apple for him before he'd even bitten into it "Did something happen?" "Nah. Nothing you types would be interested in" "Types"? What type was that? He hadn't been born into royalty. It was only by luck that he was training at the castle "I'm plenty interested. What happened?" "Bunch of them stole from us before they took off. Couldn't do nothing to them, being honoured guests and all" That wasn't right or fair "Did you notify Prince Erwin?" "Kid's had a silver spoon in his mouth since he was born" "I've talked with Prince Erwin, I'm sure if you notified him, he'd repay you" "It's not worth the effort. Now get on with you. You're scaring my customers away" Eren nodded "Thanks for the apple" Continuing along the market, he ran into his second conversation of the day. Coming out with his arms loaded with fur L-Erwin could barely see over the pile. It was going to take him a while to get used to the farce being played out. Whenever he saw the big blond man, his mind jumped to Levi. And now he wasn't. When Erwin stumbled, Eren jogged over to him. Steadying the pile of furs as they carried it to the waiting cart. Loading them into the back, Erwin smiled down at him "Thanks for that. Are you out shopping?" "Yes, though not for quite as much as you are" "Prince Zeke wants fur cloaks for his entourage. These furs are being taken to be adjusted by our tailors" "Ugh. Of course he does" Pelts this soft would make such a nice blanket to sleep under on cold days "Yes. He's quite the handful. It feels like some time since we were able to last speak. How are things going with Hanji?" "She's no master of magic. That's for sure, but she tries" "Your magic is coming along, then?" "Slowly. I feel no bond with her though. Not like the one I'd expected. But I've found that dreams can be quite different to reality" "I'm sorry to hear that. I know how excited you were. Would you like a ride back to the castle?" "No. I'm alright. I still haven't visited the apothecary yet. I would have expected the castle to grow their own herbs, or at least have the ones I need" "Have you thought about growing them yourself?" "No. Yes. But after sprouting a tree by accident, I don't know how safe it would be to let me grow more" "We do have glass rooms set up for plant propagation. Compile a list of seeds, and I'll pass them on to the mages" "That would make things so much easier, thank you. This might seem rather bold, but I wouldn't mind attempting to grow them myself. I would like to try my magic on them, and not herbs that everyone in the castle depends upon" Levi might be the fake prince, but Erwin held the real power... "Do you have some idea where?" "Close to the woods by the training grounds, so as to be close without encroaching on the soldiers" "Very well. Draft up some idea, then I'll see that it gets to the prince" "Thank you, very much" "You're welcome. And thank you for the help with the furs. I'll leave you too it" Eren gave Erwin the best smile he could, before hurrying off towards the apothecary. Erwin seemed to still like him well enough, which meant he'd insulted Levi somehow... It confused him, then annoyed him, then pissed him right off. He hadn't done anything to Levi for him to be mad. It'd be one thing if he had, but the real prince of the kingdom wasn't mad at him. Entering the apothecary, the whole process only took a few minutes as he knew what he wanted and needed. A dozen herbs later, the cloud of depression around him lifted. Remembering he was sending the bill to the castle, he added a few more herbs to his own list as a jab at Levi. If the man was going to be mad, he might as make him really mad. Leaving the apothecary store, he found Erwin waiting for him "Weren't you returning to the castle?" "I am. I didn't feel right about leaving you here to walk back" Starting to walk towards the fur cart, Eren fell into step with him "I would have been just fine. I did walk down here myself" "I know you frequent the market with Hanji, but the market can be a dangerous place for an omega. Less desirable people make a game of hunting mages and magic users. You really shouldn't be down here by yourself" Why hadn't Erwin said that before? Had he missed something happening? Had Erwin needed to step in and save him? He hoped not "I'm sorry..." "No. It's not your fault. Since Marley came into the scene under this peace treaty, things have grown hard for the residents of the city. This is not your fault" "Why can't you do anything?" "Because Marley will cry war. Being on the main land, they have a number of allies. Unfortunately, Eldia suffers. The Prince doesn't like it, but... it's either people dying senseless deaths in war, or us trying to find some balance and protecting all we can" He didn't expect such a heavy answer. Maybe Erwin was more than a pretty face? "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to saddle you with this?" Eren shook his head quickly "I don't mind. I did come to the castle to be of use after I took my vow" "I shall keep that in mind. Would you like some help getting up?" Eren's face redden as his mind immediately went to sex with Erwin comment, instead of help into the wagon. Before he answered, Erwin lifted him like he weighed nothing, settling him on the front driver's seat, before climbing up beside him "There wasn't anything else you needed, was there?" "No, just the herbs. Thank you" * Erwin was taking too long for Levi's liking. Standing in the castle courtyard, the stump of the apple tree had been turned into the base of an anvil, a blacksmith working on a horseshoe as he stared down at it. It'd been a truly impressive tree, and he was almost sad to see it gone. It'd provided the keep with shade, and seemed to make the whole space less sticky and humid. But it also provided far too many shadows for would be assassins. Grumbling under his breath, he heard Erwin before he saw him. The alpha laughing heartedly as he drove the cart into the keep. Riding beside him was Eren, the teen laughing just as hard as Erwin pulled up near the service entrance just short of the walkway Levi was glaring at the world from. Jumping down, Erwin said something that Eren raising his hands in protest. It didn't stop Erwin from rounding the cart and lifting Eren down. The whole interaction pissed him off. Erwin had kept him waiting all damn morning, just so he could play hooky with Eren. Passing small wrapped parcels to Eren, lessened his annoyance. Erwin must have given the omega lift back to the castle. Though what Eren was doing out on his own, he didn't know. It wasn't safe for omegas to just be walking around, confirming his thoughts that kid was a naive brat. He'd already copped a lecture from squad leader Ackerman about it, and had an hour long "talk" with Hanji over Eren's progress. Hanji felt that because Eren didn't understand his powers, he wasn't able to tap into completely. Whatever. It wasn't his problem anyway. He had no reason for talking to the omega now that Zeke wasn't there. There was nothing between them, not even the pull of the bond formed on the altar. It was another few days of annoyance and upset routine, before he literally ran into Eren again. Rushing through the castle, the young omega hadn't been paying attention at all, as he ran straight into him. Bouncing back, Eren hit the floor with a thud, while Levi's hand had flown to his sword. Normally people paid much more attention, instead of being shitty idiots "Eren? Are you alright?" "I'm so sorry, sirs. I was supposed to meet with court mages this morning, but Hanji only just passed the message on" The woman was a damn menace. Reaching down, Erwin pulled Eren from the floor "You'd better get along then" "Yes. I'm so sorry" Both of them stepped aside, leaving a path for Eren between them. Levi drew his brow in concern as the scent coming off Eren. He didn't smell like himself, and he left the trace hints of blood behind. Taking two steps, Levi knelt down, reaching out to touch the place where Eren had landed. His finger tips coming back dry, apart from the tiny specks of blood "Is everything ok?" "Eren's bleeding" "Bleeding?" Rising, he showed his fingers to Erwin "That does seem to be blood. But it could be entirely natural" "It's not natural for male omegas to bleed... If he's sick, it could mean trouble" "And if he's not, you'll be embarrassing him" "Then have a word with the head healer. Have them make sure the kid hadn't contracted something contagious. His scent was wrong too" "You know his scent now?" "It smells of rain. Today, he smelt blank. If his magic flared again, he may just bring down the castle" Marley would be there in just a couple more days. Everything had been made perfect for Prince Pin-Dick's arrival "I'll see what can be done. But Levi, if Eren's powers are causing you so much worry, wouldn't it be better to send him from the castle?" Did he want to send Eren from the castle? Something inside him fiercely hated the thought... his alpha sore over him not wanting to pursue the omega, yet... He couldn't bring himself to dismiss Eren completely. Each time he caught a whiff of the omegas scent, or a caught a glance of him rushing through the castle... or even just the thought of Eren being under the same roof as him, he'd find himself scrambling to push the omega from his mind, then scrambling for excuses as to why Eren couldn't leave "No. He may fall into the hands of the enemy. Plus, Zeke may not be impressed at the lack of Eren being there" "Do you think he'd care about Eren, after this time apart?" "Probably. Because it's him and he just wants to be an arsehole. Their rooms are ready, correct?" "Yes. I've checked them myself. We've withstood Zeke before, and we will again" "And the entertainment?" "The finest musicians have been called to the castle. The mages have been given their orders, and they've promised a sky show to remember" "And you've got the updated hunting maps?" "Picked them up with the furs. Arrangements have been made for an extended hunting trip. Tents and camp organised for the forest to the south" He'd prefer not to hunt in the south, but Isabel and Farlan had found signs of illegal poaching, and thanks to shitty Marley messing with his schedule, he hadn't been able to ride out and check it. No doubt, Zeke was sure to blame his ineptness for the poachers "Very well. Everything must go smoothly" "You're worrying too much" Levi glared at Erwin "You're not worried enough. Go make sure Eren is alright, and make go check with Shitty Glasses about his training. If she can't bring his magic under control, we need to find someone more appropriate" "Hanji isn't going to like that" "Between her and the castle, I choose the castle" "Of course you do. Just don't forget you need to check in with the kitchen over the menu for Marley's stay, and you need to be there for gear inspection..." "I know. You take care of your job, and I'll take care of mine" * Eren was sure he was in trouble. Hanji had signed off on his small shopping trip, though asked that in future he went through her over the herbs he needed. That wasn't happening. He didn't want to be a burden on her, not when she had so much to do around the castle as it was. Not being a magic user, or master, Hanji didn't know about the classes some mages had access to. Eren didn't even know about it until he was summoned down to meet with one of the older omegas who was in charge of entertainment while Marley was there. Three or four masters had come together to train their omegas in broader magic uses, but perhaps more exciting than forcing his way into those classes was that he got to take part in the sky show being planned to wow Marley. It was so last moment, he didn't know how it'd happened, yet he was thrilled to be of some use. All his life, Eren had thought that complex magic spells were required for magic, yet the runes in the books were more ideas and suggestions. It was rather weird to read about spells, then have mental images stab at his brain over it. The clearer the mental image, the clearer the results from the spells. For all her ramblings and excitement, Hanji had never told him that. Instead it'd taken a few snarky comments from older mages, who had decided he was particularly useless because he couldn't create a shower of magical sparks like they could. Still. A strong imagination didn't mean a strong spell, necessarily. It was just the first step of the race, and Eren seemed to be on a completely different playing field. Spending hours with the mages, Eren was growing more and more frustrated. He could make a small shower of sparkles appear... around his fingers and that was that. He felt sick to his stomach, exhausted and uncomfortably hot. He didn't understand why it was so easy for everyone else. He'd taken his vows. He was taking his studies with an unusual and almost fanatical devotion, yet all he seemed to be able to do was produce small party tricks. When he closed his eyes, he could focus on what he wanted. A whole sky lit up bright in a shower of silver and blue. He'd done what he was told to do... which had to mean, he was the problem. Had he taken his vows too soon? Or was it because his magic had been useless for so long? Swaying on the spot, he dropped to his knees. Why couldn't he do what everyone else could do?! Left to sit where he'd fallen, one of the other masters took pity of him. Heaving him up by his arm, the man wrapped an arm around his waist as he gave a sniff. Slightly offended, Eren tried to stand alone, but his knees would support him "Stop it. You're liable to give yourself an aneurysm with all this straining" Glaring at the man, he seemed to tower over him, by at least a head "What would you know?" "I know you're learning nothing under Hanji" "Hanji is my master" "Is she?" Eren's scowl deepened "Don't be like that, I know you've suspected as much. The only one who can draw the magic out of you, is your master" Eren was sick of feeling insulted and sick of feeling sick. His head was starting to throb in time with his stomach, his tongue getting the better of him as he angrily hissed "And who are you?! How do you seem to magically know what's happening between Hanji and I?! She is my master!" "We both know you were mounted by a male alpha, not a female" "I..." He didn't remember the ritual. Once the blood of those in the cavern had been drunk, he couldn't remember anything that happened after it. Only a feeling of being right where he was supposed to be, and a feeling of being held warm and safe "Who are you?" "My name is Reiner. I am a master here, and have been since Marley signed the treaty with Eldia" So Reiner came from Marley? Why the fuck was he working as a master here then? Marley had their own mages... "Well, Reiner. Then I must be a magic user who's master regretted mounting me. Would you care to go ahead and laugh?" "I would never laugh. Instead, I shall give you a piece of advice. Seek out your true master, and whatever herbs you are taking for your... condition, stop. Being a magic user requires you to be in tune with yourself and your master. Your master gives you strength through the bonds formed each time you lay together" Eren pursed his lips. Reiner wasn't like he'd expected. The alpha hadn't been insulted by his snappy retorts "And how do you suppose I do that?" "You should feel it. When you're in the company of him, you shall feel it" "And what if I don't?" "Then there's always a spell. Employ the use of a scrying circle. Concentrate on the thought of your master and the answer should be revealed" "Why are you telling me this?" "Because you remind me of myself. Stuck with no way out, except to live up to someone else's expectations. That apple tree you rose, was just a small sliver of the power you have, and we all have high hopes for you" Mulling Reiner's words over in his mind, he let himself be helped back up to the castle. Parting with Reiner, Eren didn't know how he felt about the man. Everyone else had left him, yet Reiner had sought him out to tell him he needed to find his proper master. What happened when he did? Why had they turned their backs on him, and left him to Hanji? He knew he could be loud, but only because he so desperately wanted to be useful. Was that so wrong? And could he possibly solve his dilemma? If Hanji was lying to him, who else was? And why? Wrapping his arms around himself, he suddenly felt very much alone, and incredibly small. He'd thought he was making friends here... but maybe Armin and Mikasa were his only friends? He didn't really know the people of the castle. Even Erwin and Levi weren't who they said they were. How much of all of this was actually a lie?
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xxwinterchillxx · 6 years
Halloween Dance and Some Unfortunate Events
Levi is willing to go all the way to get Eren to go with him to the Halloween Dance. But things get complicated since Levi cannot show any sign of intelligence around the German hottie. However, he isn’t taking no for an answer.
Rating - Teen and Up Audiences
Categories - M/M
Relationships - Levi/Eren, background relationships, Moblit/Hanji, Armin/Erwin, Krista|Historia/Ymir
Chapters - 4/?
Read below cut or read on AO3
Chapter 4: Yeah, let’s go somewhere
Erwin offered to drive me to Eren’s as Armin had invited him along too. I am not usually a people person in general but as we neared the Jaegers’ house, I grew more anxious that I won’t have anyone to talk to. I don’t want Eren to see me as complete and total loser who has no friends. It’s a pity Hanji didn’t get invited.
Erwin drove as slow as hell. My throat felt dry and I felt the world spinning. This is bad. My costume sucks. It’s all Mobilt’s fault really. When I complained to Hanji that I would be lonely at the party, he said, “No you won’t.” I was about to thank him when he continued, “cause your costume’s a total conversation starter.”
Yeah, fuck you too, Moblit, you asswipe.
Hopefully I’ll maybe get to talk about it with Eren. Maybe.
 “Hey Levi,” Erwin chipped from the driver seat. “Don’t be nervous, everything will be okay.”
I kind of felt like an idiot to have a meat-head like Erwin tell me to calm down. But he was right so I thanked him anyway.
“What do you think about my costume?” I looked into the rear-view mirror to meet his eyes.
He looked back, smiled and then reassigned his vision to the road, “Awesome! I really like the Pink Panther.”
 Ah, shit.
 As soon as we reached, Armin came rushing up and kissed Erwin on the cheek. The latter reciprocated by literally eating the other’s mouth. I would have made an obnoxious puke sound but my breath was taken away by the sight before me.
The Jaegers were not just rich. They were filthy nasty downright rich.
“That is his house?” I said on impulse. I regretted saying it the moment it rolled off my tongue.
Armin laughed, “Of course not. That’s just one of their 5 houses. I know, impressive right?”
I was about to nod when Erwin said, “The only thing impressive tonight is you, sexy.”
And here comes the puke noise.
  As I entered the house, I could literally feel social anxiety leaking into my body. Erwin and Armin were outside doing… whatever they’re doing, I don’t wanna know. So I was left all alone, like a rabbit in a predator party. Oh shut up, I’m good at analogy.
The neon lightings and the bass beats and all those sweaty twerking people made me remember why I stayed home during weekends. I could see 2 or 3 girls who wore a rabbit costume too. Except they were more revealing. Much much more revealing. The noise was so loud I couldn’t even hear myself groan. It was a nightmare. In fact, the house was so crowded I couldn’t even see the walls.
In the midst of all those ‘sexy’ people, I felt out of place. I wanted to go home but then again I also wanted a glimpse of the Jaeger booty. So I stayed and waddled through the room to the food thingies, taking care not to let any strange fluids get on my pink onesie. However, when I reached the tables and saw what was going on, I decided the food wasn’t exactly sanitary.
“Levi? Is that you?” I thought I heard someone calling my name but it was so hard to hear anything besides the noisy music. But when I turned back, I saw Krista.
Why is she talking to me?
She was wearing an angel get-up with small white wings and a sparkly pearl mini dress with white heels. What irked me off the most was that she did look angelic. Ugh, she is so pretty.
“Oh my god, you’re, like, so cute!”
I was about to walk away when she started talking, “Let me guess. Let me guess-”
I guess I didn’t want a repeat of Erwin’s Pink Panther so I mumbled, “It’s a rabbit.”
“Aw, you look cute as a button and you’re pink!”
I didn’t know how to reply to that as I just frowned and looked at her in silent rudeness. I wanted to make it clear to her that I can’t stand her. She just grinned back really bright and said, “Hey, come on. Let’s go meet Eren. I’ve just arrived as well.”
To be honest, I didn’t want her to accompany me when I talk to him. She looked like a heavenly being while I looked like a Walmart muppet. Maybe Moblit was right. Maybe I do have low self-esteem around her. After my unwelcome but enlightening realization, I decided maybe I should just go home.
“Pass. I’m leavin-”
All that loud noise and the yelling and the all those grinding gradually faded into that background when I saw him. Him, looking like a tanned Greek God amidst the undistinguished unimportant faces of the chaotic masses. Time came to a still as he smiled at me.
His dark blue police uniform clutched around his torso like it was made for him. He wore sexy combat boots and topped the whole look off with a police cap. And he was so goddamn tall and so… manly.
In the painfully slow motion in my head, he raised his hand and waved at me. So I waved back, taking care to smile the smile I practiced in front of my mirror for god knows how long. In the corner of my eye, I could see someone waving as well.
Still in the slow motion, I turned my head to find Krista waving at Eren. Then time returned to normal as I saw my cop running up to her and raising her. Krista yelped girlishly in surprise, giggling.
I don’t know whether he didn’t see me or just ignored me but after watching him chat so freely with Krista, stroking her hair and whatnot, I didn’t feel like staying any longer.
I know he isn’t mine. I know he isn’t my boyfriend. But still, I felt so hurt. Some people just have it all, don’t they? Popularity, wealth, beauty, stealing other people’s crushes… It’s kind of unfair that I have to compete with someone like Krista.
I turned back and walked towards the front door. I got reminded why I should just keep Eren at a crush-distance. If I didn’t try to be near him, I wouldn’t have seen that nightmarish scene at all. My eyes felt heavy and wet-ish but I felt angrier rather than being sad.
However, as soon as I got within a foot to the door, some people came rushing in. I got shoved into the person behind me; I groaned painfully in return. I could feel the person holding me.
“L-Levi? You’re here?” said a masculine voice.
I rubbed off my eyes quickly, not bothering to look at the person, “Fuck off.” I tried to shrug his hands off.
When he didn’t let me go, I was about to let out a long string of rainbow words then I saw his face. A familiar rugged cop with combat boots.
“E… Ere-?” I could feel a million thoughts rushing through my head, most of them just screaming ‘you told him to fuck off!!!!’
And if I was jealous of the way he treated Krista, it was utter shit compared to how he treated me. He still held me in his arms and in order to hear him amongst the music, he pulled us close. I could feel my face burning and my heart pounding heavily.
He first looked at me and screamed, “LEVI, YOU LOOK SO DAMN CUTEE!!!!”
It almost tore my ear off. I replied, “I can hear you fine.”
That brainless hottie pulled us even closer. But I don’t think he did it so that he could hear me. He patted my head and felt the rabbit ears with both of his hands, mumbling to himself, “They’re so soft! And pink!”
Then he looked down on my face and smiled lovingly. I almost squealed like a little girl. Only then did I realise I was doing my dazed crazed smile so immediately, I put on my practiced smile.
“It’s so loud in here.”
I nodded shyly in response. My heart was pounding faster than light and I could only pray that he didn’t feel it from how close he held us together. I couldn’t even look at him properly, and kept tugging my hood lower and lower. Even my fingertips were blushing pink.
“Let’s go somewhere quiet.”
He didn’t wait for my response as he grabbed my wrist and led the way, pushing past the people.
I thought we would go upstairs or something. You know, to do…. Uh, something. But oh no, Eren was way too pure for that.
As we stepped out into the garden, I felt a chilly wind run up my spine and for once, I felt thankful for my full-body costume. He closed the door behind us and now, there was only the echoic remnants of a pounding music.
He gestured me to follow suit as he sat down on a protruding ledge. I sat beside him, still staring into his majestic eyes. First, he asked, “Are you cold?”
Honestly, I wanted to scream yes so that he could do some romantic shit like hugging me, for instance. But it was pretty clear that I was comfortable and warm like a human burrito. So I almost said no. But I think I took too long to answer cause Eren’s voice sounded first,
“Well, I am.”
And he hugged me, putting one arm around me and his other hand holding my own. I often break out in nervous cold sweat, so I bit my lip, trying to suck in all my sweat (if that’s even possible).
“Listen, Levi, I want to ask you something.”
When I didn’t reply, he continued, “I know we don’t talk a lot. You’re, like, really quiet.”
Then he laughed a little, “I don’t know if you’ve noticed but we have a lot of classes together and… I kinda always try to sit near you.”
Holy fuck, yes, Eren, I do. I do. Marry me.
“I’ve actually had a crush on you since I first saw you.” He paused for a bit and then rambled on, “My friends thought I was nuts. They said that I would never have a chance with someone like you.”
Someone like me? Someone like me? EREN JAEGER HAS A CRUSH ON ME, EREN JAE-
Then, he turned to me and stared longingly. He frowned and glared at me deeply, his emerald eyes looked so serious. I almost felt pregnant.
“Levi, please date me.”
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imaginesnkdorks · 5 years
Thank Goodness for Crazy
Part IX: To Infinity and Beyond  | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 |
Pairing: Erwin/Reader
Summary: That time Erwin got jealous, and the first time our hero went on an expedition beyond the walls
The trip back was entertaining – at least for me. Theo filled me in on how life was within the walls. Turned out this world within the wall is a little like how I imagined North Korea to be. Of course, most of these people can’t tell, but I have the feeling that the history they are being taught from childhood is fabricated.
There are just too many holes that it doesn’t answer, mainly the origin of titans. Theo is one of those who just either naively believe or just couldn’t give a damn.
Oh, I am totally thankful that Theo is talkative – he didn’t ask me many questions about my life.
The moment we got back, we are off to training. Since Theodore is simply clueless about our craft, they have to train him on the most basic of things, even though he is supposedly a “Squad Leader”. But we all know it’s just a title. I mean, first off he bought it, second there are only four squad leaders and he’s an extra, lastly, there isn’t even a squad for him to lead. It doesn’t seem like he minds, though.
“Erwin!” I called out while running towards him. Honestly, I haven’t seen him since we left the party.
“Andi. I see that shadow of a man isn’t clinging on to you today.”
“Shadow? What, you mean Theo?”
“Theo? I didn’t know you two were that close.” He said in a tone so cold. What the hell? Seeing as he’s in such a bad mood – must be the stress of the coming expedition – I decided to just ask him my question and get this over with.
“Well, we are. Anyways are we still on for training? You promised you’ll teach me how to use the blades, and how to maintain the gear.”
He smiled, though I can’t exactly tell why but for sure it wasn’t a smile out of happiness. Before he could say anything, though Theo appeared.
“Andi! I’ve been looking all over for you. Come and have breakfast with me.” He said as he sashayed over to me and Erwin. “Oh, Erwin, was it?”
“Yes, Lord Van Rumpade.” Erwin said bitterly, the smile swiped off his face.
“Oh, no need to be so formal. We’re fellow squad leaders.” I guess it wasn’t only me who found this funny as I saw Erwin sneak an eye roll at that, but Theo wasn’t finished yet. “Join us for breakfast?” He said in his charming way, dazzling us with his unbelievably white teeth in a world with no whitening strips and high-tech dental stuff.
“I’m afraid I can’t. There are still preparations I have to see through.” And then he just turned away and left me with Richie rich. I guess that’s a no for our training. Even though I know I would mostly just whine all day while we train, I can’t help but feel disappointed.
           The following days, I was taught how to handle blades and to maintain a 3DM gear. Also, I started learning more about titans. Who else could teach me well other than Hange? I tuned out so much of her long speeches before that I have to suffer through them again, only this time I should really pay attention.
           In a month, I am a professional at both combat and 3DM gear. I now know by heart where to slice a titan, I know very well how to ride a horse and I also learned first aid. It was depressing, though, their first aid. Turns out a lot of injuries and diseases which are treatable back home, are deadly here.
           It’s unbelievable how fast my progress was. I’d say, I have a knack for violence.
           With the expedition only a few weeks away, I am putting double effort in everything that I do in hopes of Erwin giving me the go signal.
           Speaking of Erwin, even though we live right next to each other, I barely saw him. It’s because he’s always at meetings. I, on the other hand, am always training, or with Theo who won’t leave me alone. I admit I was stunned when I first saw him. The infatuation eventually wore off after seeing how much of a baby he is. But I still can’t tell him to leave me alone, I mean he paid us so he could stay, also I think it’s kind of my fault that he chose us.
           “Andi. Where’s Theodore? Not clinging on to you today?”
           What the hell? I felt my forehead knot in frustration the moment Erwin finished. Seriously, every time I run into him, he’s always like this and then he’ll be gone before I could even respond.
But the expedition is more important, so despite my irritation, I decided to just roll my eyes and ignore his questions. And I grabbed his arm before he could run away to who knows where.
           “I want to join the expedition.”
           “You just started training two months ago.”
           “Ugh! Is that a yes, or a no?”
           “You’re not yet ready.”
           “I’m better than a number of soldiers already!”
           “You haven’t beaten me once every time we spar. If you can’t handle me, a Titan is too much.”
           “Last time we sparred, I’ve only been training for a month. It’s different now.”
           “Oh, really?”
           I hate this. I hate it when people doubt me. In my irritation, my idiot side took control of my mouth.
           “If I’m not ready, then I’ll die. It doesn’t matter. I want to go.” See? When I say idiot, I really mean it.
           Erwin gave me a glare that could probably kill me, but I stood my ground. I won’t falter. This is the adventure that I’ve been waiting for! I stared back at him as intensely as I could. It honestly became a staring contest.
           “Alright. But you won’t leave my side. Understand?”
           Yes, sir!” I said, letting go of his arm. I then pounded my chest with my right hand – as best as I could as I am fairly big chested – and gave my very first salute.
           You’ll know it if it’s the day of an expedition, or better yet you’ll feel it in the air. A sense of dread hangs in the air, and it’s really depressing. Almost every soldier is silent, although some are abuzz with nervous energy. Even though I’m quite confident, their attitude is very infectious. Soon enough, anxiety crept in into my system.
           I can’t help but be amazed by Theodore’s confidence. He’s the only one who seems to be excited. But it’s probably because he doesn’t know what to expect.
           We soon arrived at Shiganshina where the outermost gate is located. Well, technically there are three other gates that go out the wall, but they just seem to like using this one that’s leading towards the south.
           I’m on my horse, Max, and right beside me is Erwin. I plan on fulfilling my promise about sticking to him, I feel like I’ll be safer that way.
           I’ve been staring blankly ahead, at the sea of green capes and wings of freedom crest. The gates take a long time to open. Uncle Keith chose this to give a pep talk, which I could hardly hear over the murmurs of bystanders and soldiers alike.
           “Nervous?” Erwin asked, raising a thick eyebrow.
           “No.” He smiled at that, but in a way that shows that he doesn’t believe me. Well, I admit I was lying. I am nervous, who wouldn’t? Even though I literally asked for this, I can’t help but be anxious – it’s like riding a roller coaster.
           When the gate finally opened, uncle Keith gave the go signal and we all valiantly rode our horses. I sang FOB’s Centuries in my head, making me feel like I’m some kind of hero with a theme. But then I realized that it’s not really making me feel good, especially the line some turn to dust. I definitely don’t want that.
I kind of expected that there would be titans right outside, waiting for us. But it took a couple of minutes before we encountered the first one. The team at the rear promptly dispatched it.
I hoped that this is how my first expedition would be: a few titans roaming, and some that we run into are instantly killed, we then prance around on our horses the end. But no, that’s not how it is over here.
Not even ten feet from the first titan, two more appeared. And two out of the five soldiers that attacked were eaten. After that, we encountered more and more soldiers got eaten in their attempt to kill the damn giants.
“Why do we approach them head-on?”  I yelled at Erwin. The goal of this mission is lost to me because with what’s happening, I can say that our mission is to die for humanity period. Nothing gained, we just die. I mean, puny little humans like us attack big ass titans on sight.
Instead of answering, Erwin just clicked his tongue and commanded us to ride in a closer pack. I now understand more why in movies and tv shows, the high-ranking officers are always old people. Those of position just yell out the command, while the nobodies jump to their deaths.
Was I a very unlucky nobody.
           “Two Titans approaching from the rear!” Pieter yelled.
           “One is a six-meter titan, the other a twelve-meter!” Supplemented Esme. Now, the announcement of titan’s presence isn’t creepy itself, what scared me was that these two soldiers are right behind me. I turned to look at Erwin, who was unbelievably calm while giving orders.
           “Ready your blades.”
           One thing you must know; this squad of Erwin’s is a bunch of veterans. Also, there are four team leaders under him, one of them is Hange. Since Hange is a team leader, even though she’s directly under Erwin, she’s in a different part of the convoy.
           Anyhow, I followed his orders and readied my blade. Since we are nearest these titans, it’s our goal to finish them off now.
           Honestly, this moment was a blur. I don’t know, it must be the adrenaline. But my fuzzy memories tell me that I helped in eliminating the titans, though one of us got his leg bitten off. Being the newbie, I was assigned to treat Damien. While the others were finishing off the last titan, I tended to the injured soldier.
           His thigh was ripped in half as there’s where the titan bit him. I felt queasy, but I tried to do my job. Tried is the keyword because my asshole teammates just happened to land the killing blow on the 12-meter titan whose torso fucking landed on Damien, and almost on me.
           I’d like to save you from the gory details, but next time you eat spaghetti with meatballs, crush the meatballs. That’s what I saw. I’d say being eaten by a titan isn’t the worst way to die.
           “Andi! Andi, get yourself together!” Erwin was shaking me. I guess this is something that would scare me for life.
           Next thing I know is I’m back on my horse going towards where ever the commander tells us to.
           Setting camp for the night, everyone who wasn’t injured or dead are busy salvaging any bodies that could still be taken home while some were like me who are treating the injured. There are a lot of missing and crushed limbs. Turns out having a titan fall on you is a common way to die or be injured.
           It was almost sunset by the time I finished up. I walked and ended up where uncle Keith is.
           He has a map with him, on which he is jotting down notes. I sat down beside him, feeling exhausted all of the sudden.
      ��    “What’s our goal, really?” I asked in a silent whisper.
           I looked around, and in between clusters of bandaged soldiers are bodies on the grounds waiting to be loaded on wagons. Even the horses looked fewer.
           “You already know it.” He answered, not even bothering to look up.
           “Secure bases for advancement beyond the walls. But why aren’t we doing it?”
           That has got his attention because he focused on me with too much intensity I almost regret being born. “We aren’t doing it? Do you think these soldiers died for nothing? For a silly quest?” I was almost too tempted to tell him to chill, but I’m just too tired both physically and mentally.
           “We could run from titans and not attack them head-on. That’s what people have been doing for the last century.” I thought back to how I played video games – like pokemon. I always avoid the trainers; I walk behind them or when they are not looking. I guess that could be done by us and it will save a lot of lives and reach our goal at the same time.
           “You’ve been spending too much time with Erwin.”
           And our conversation was over.
           The rest of the expedition was a haze. I killed a few titans, though I wasn’t able to celebrate my first kill. It’s like I operated on instincts; my mind was blank and I kept jumping and slicing. It was almost robotic. I know it’s bad, but I think my autopilot tried to be the hero. I pulled people from titan’s mouths, I pulled some who are about to be crushed. I am honestly surprised I survived.
By the time we are to go back inside the walls, our numbers are almost cut in half.
           The trip home was also ridden with more casualties. We soon reached Shiganshina and there wasn’t any Hero’s Welcome. We were hackled and mocked. But I’m too tired to feel anything about it.
           The moment we got back to HQ, I went straight to my room after leaving Max in the stables. No tears came though. I was just sitting on my bed staring at the bare floor. Then someone bust in my room.
“How are you holding up?”
That was when tears started flowing down. I couldn't stop. I was shaking and sobbing. Then I felt his arms around me, trying to console me. You know what's sad? It's not just seeing people die or get eaten. It's not death itself. I'm used to death, people die all the time. The news back home was full of it.
The difference this time is that these people who died are not just numbers on a statistics report. They are my colleagues - people that I actually know. They are names and faces to me, not just numbers. Erwin didn't say anything. He didn't tell me that it will be okay. He' not giving me empty promises. Honestly, this hug alone is enough.
“I should have turned back. I could've saved some people. I ...”
He suddenly broke the hug and held me at arm's length, looking at me straight in the eye.
“Stop. Don't blame yourself. If you start regretting your decision, you will start to doubt yourself. You'll let others decide for you, so stop. None of it is your fault.”
He said, concern evident in his eyes. I know he's right, of course, he is. And it would be wise for me to follow his advice. Too bad I'm such a baby, though.
I lied. Because I know who I’ll be dreaming of tonight If I ever get sleep. Guilt is still eating at me.
He stayed with me that night until I stopped crying, which is apparently when I fell asleep.
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imaginesnkdorks · 5 years
Thank Goodness for Crazy
Part XI: The Red Scarf     | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 |
Pairing: Erwin/Reader
Summary: That time our hero finally met Eren and Armin
Bundled in a scarf and a trench coat, I made my way to Shiganshina alone. Erwin was being a baby about coming with me, good thing uncle Keith kept him busy. Even though I still am not a hundred percent well, I insisted on going alone. I’m not even sure if doctor Grisha will be able to give me answers, anyway.
Undeniably, the journey was quiet. I haven’t been alone like this in quite a while. Honestly, being left alone with my thoughts and overactive imagination is not exactly a good thing. I can’t shake off my anxiety about what I am. Now I doubt everything – even this. Maybe my life before was some crazy dream. Or maybe this life I’m living now is the crazy dream.
Whatever. Letting out a deep sigh, I continued on. Now that I’m in Shiganshina, I actually kind of regret going alone. But it can’t be helped, no one can know about this similarity I share with the doctor.
People are rushing by around me, going about their daily business. These people are obviously not as rich as those in the inner wall. It’s quite obvious in their clothes and the kind of houses here. I guess wherever in the world, the farther you are from the big cities, the harsher the lifestyle can get.
Amidst all the daily humdrum noise, I heard a familiar sound of flesh hitting flesh. “Whoa, a fight?” I said to no one in particular.  I then run towards the sound because, well who doesn’t want to see some assholes punching each other?
“Ugh! You morons! Yahhhh!” A black-haired boy said before throwing a punch at a much taller boy. He was clearly weaker – his right eyelid was already swelling and his lip was bloody. Behind the boy was a blond-haired boy who was crying.
I’m a little disappointed. It was just some kids. But it looked like some steroid-powered teen is bullying some really little kids. Like, they’re only eight? Shaking my head, I decided to meddle.
“Heh, try to get a little taller before you fight me.” The taller and uglier boy said as he threw his fist to the black haired kid’s face, but it didn’t hit. I have my hand on his wrist. Good thing I’m a lot stronger than this asshole.
I admit, the kid who seems pubescent is a few inches taller than me but I’m still a soldier and titan slayer. He can’t touch me.
“Fuck off, short stack!”
“What did you just call me?” I said. How dare he? Before he could answer, though, I strengthened my grip and twisted his arm. “What did you call me?” I repeated with more intensity.
“Nothing, I’m sorry!” He grunted in between his cries of pain.
“Don’t apologize to me. Apologize to them.” I said, motioning to the two kids he was just bullying. Honestly, this world is not short in supply of assholes. And this particular asshole looked like he won’t be apologizing soon enough, so I furthered my twist of his arm and was really close to breaking it.
“Sorry! I’m sorry!” He said pathetically. Before I let him go, I warned him, “touch these kids again and I’ll break your arm off.”
The little fucker then ran away, screaming. He didn’t even look back.
“Are you okay?” I asked the boys. They both nodded, though they clearly are shaken. The blonde kid was still crying quietly, while the dark-haired one was trying to wipe off the blood on his face.
This looks pitiful. I gave my plain, white hanky to the crying boy. There is no way I’d give the white handkerchief to the bleeding boy. Do you have any idea how hard it is to do your laundry? Especially without a washing machine and dryer?
Still, the dark-haired kid looks so pitiful, with his hair in disarray, his eye turning purple and his lip split and bleeding. Feeling really sorry, I tried to clean his face using my scarf. I know, I am not so smart.
           Soon, the kid’s ears and cheeks were as red as the scarf. “Thank you, but I can do this.” He said quietly, taking the scarf and wiping his face. As he’s doing that, I helped the blonde boy get up to his feet. He motioned to return my hanky but seeing it tear-stained and full of snot I just smiled and told him to keep it. Yeah, there is no way I’ll try and wash it off.
           The other kid also tried to return my scarf, “thank you. Uhm, here it is.” He politely said.
           “Keep it. You need it more than I do.” I said nicely even though I’m cringing inside. I know, I voluntarily offered them my stuff, so I should just suck it.
           Ensue awkward silence. Now, what do I do? Do I walk them home? Or do I just leave them here?
           “I’m Andi, by the way. What are your names?” I decided to make them feel at ease first, so I flashed the friendliest smile I could give.
            The blonde boy answered first, “Armin.”
           Then the dark-haired one, “Eren.”
           “Nice to meet you Armin, Eren.” By now, Armin stopped crying but there are deep breaths every now and then. I’m not really in the mood to babysit, besides I’m not feeling well myself. Which reminds me, I need to go see doctor Jaeger! Before I could decide what to do though, the kids dragged me from my thoughts.
           “Thank you for helping us!” They said in unison. They even bowed down as a sign of respect. Dang, sweet kids. I can’t help but smile at this. “You’re welcome.” I can’t den, it feels good to be a hero.
           “Ugh, we don’t have anything to give you,” Armin said, his nose scrunched up because of either worry or just more snot trying to escape. “What? You don’t have to give me anything.” I said, trying to look him in the eyes and not at the nose.
           “But you helped us! And you even gave us this red scarf and handkerchief!” Eren said in protest. By now I could tell that Armin is passive, while Eren here is aggressive. The way he yelled at me you’d think he was having a bout with me.
“Well, I’m not from here. Would you mind showing me around?” I asked. Seriously, I am kind of lost and these kids live here. And hey, I’m not taking advantage of them. They’re the ones who wanted to return the favor.
When I asked for something they could easily do, they finally flashed a smile and happily said yes. And off I go with my little tour guides.
           There wasn’t much to see in Shiganshina.
           “It sure is interesting, this place.” I uttered. Understandably, everything within the walls is all medieval and ancient. But they are all also new to me – thus catching my interest.
           We ended up visiting some candy stores. Apparently, the sad-looking shop is the luxurious spot here, which is really sad. I bought Armin and Eren a bag each of pitiful candies. Oh how I wish I have a Mars bar, or Cadbury to give these two.
           After a while of playing big sis to them, Eren spoke up. “My house is that way. If you’d like something to drink.” He said, blushing a little. “Alright” I complied. They must be tired now.  I mean they must be, after being treated like punching bags.    
           “Mom, I’m home!” Eren yelled the instant he opened the door. His humble home was pretty much like the rest of the other houses, brown and gray. But it looks really clean, and there are quite a number of plants and flowers.
           “We have guests.” Eren continued.
           “Sorry for the intrusion.” I said as I follow Eren and Armin inside.
           Eren’s mother greeted them warmly. Surprised at his son for bringing home a guest who is a lot older than him, I just flashed a shy smile at her surprise. She quickly recovered, though as she was instantly smiling at me warmly and offering me something to drink.
“I hope you like tea. Now come here Eren, let’s clean up your face.”
She said with a smile, which looks intimidating. She looks a lot like her son. The scarf I gave Eren got most of the blood off his face, but there is still some soot. Armin looked a lot more relaxed here and was having a really animated conversation with Eren, as the latter’s mom was wiping his face clean with a wet towel.
           Tea time with the kids and Carla was wonderful. We talked about the shops that we visited, the kids went crazy about their candy and Carla kept thanking me. They also reenacted how I saved them.
           “And then she blocked his punch like this!” Eren said as he and Armin gave us a little performance of my heroism.
           “Oh my. Thank you, Andi. You have no idea just how often Eren comes home with a black eye.”  
           “It’s nothing, really.” I said, trying to play it cool. I seriously have no idea how to respond.
           “What brings you to Shiganshina anyway?” She asked.
           “Oh, I haven’t been feeling well lately so I went here to see a doctor that my uncle told me about. He said his name’s Grisha Jaeger.” I said, almost forgetting why I came here in the first place.
           “That’s my dad!” Eren yelled proudly.
           Turns out, I’m already where I’m supposed to be? Ain’t that convenient.
           Eren went on telling me about how good of a doctor his dad is, Armin never failed to support him as he threw in more proofs of Grisha’s greatness every now and then.
           As the two kids paused to breathe, Carla finally had a chance to say what she wanted to say five minutes ago, “you said your uncle referred you here? Is he someone we know? And, well your condition must be bad that you have to go all the way here. I can’t believe you let these two drag you everywhere.” She said, finishing off with a glare to the kids – a glare which only a mother could give.
           “Well, my condition’s not that bad. It’s just the doctor back at the HQ is not, well acting like a doctor.”
           “Hq?” Eren asked, curiosity evident on his face. I was about to mentally kick myself in the butt. Don’t they use the term HQ? Thank goodness Armin came to my rescue.
           “Hq means headquarters, right Andi?” He said proudly, flashing a rather toothy grin.
           “Headquarters of what?” Eren asked, coming a bit closer. Seriously, this kid’s intensity is a little too much.
           “Survey corps. You see, I’m a survey corps soldier. And commander Shadis is the one who suggested I go see your father.”
“Wha-? The Survey Corps?” Eren practically screeched, his eyes sparkling. “Wow!” Armin added. If it were possible to have sparks in their eyes, I bet theirs would be full of it. They went on asking tirades of questions which I honestly couldn’t understand.
           “I didn’t expect you to be a soldier. Especially being related to commander Shadis. You did say your uncle was the one who recommended my husband, didn’t you?”
           “I’m just a newbie though. I’ve only been on one expedition.
           I spent the rest of the afternoon telling Armin and Eren stories about the corps. Honestly, trying to make my experience child-friendly is very challenging. Oh, how I wish Grisha would come home now.
           Two hours after my arrival at the Jaeger home, Grisha finally opened the door.
           “I’m home.” He said, then a look of surprise when he saw me and the kids doing some punching routines. I ran out of things to say, so I just taught Eren and Armin basic self-defense, so they won’t get bullied again. Carla was making dinner by then.
           “Good afternoon.” He said, after his initial surprise.
           “Dad!” Eren said, “Andi, this is my father, Grisha Jeager.” Eren introduced his father proudly. “He’s a great doctor!” Armin added.
           With a laugh, Grisha shook off Armin’s declaration of him being “great”, and claimed that he just “do what a doctor should do.”                  
           If I ran past him in the streets, I wouldn’t think of him as a doctor. He just doesn’t look like one to me.
          “Her name in Andi, dear. Can you believe that she’s Keith’s niece?” His wife introduced me. At the mention of my uncle’s name, something about his expression change. I just can’t pinpoint what.
           “Keith Shadis of the Survey Corps?” Grisha asked.
           “Yes. I also need your medical expertise.”
           “Very well, let’s take a look at you.” He said standing up, motioning at me to follow him to what I assume is his clinic or office.
          Before we get inside, Carla went on and said, “stay for dinner Andi.” To which Eren and Armin yelled their approval.
           “What’s been ailing you?” Grisha asked all business. Unlike his “clinic”, which is basically just a room with a bed, a couple of chairs, some medieval doctor’s instruments and many bottles of questionable liquid.
           “Just this sore throat and fever.” I said and he did the routine that the asshole doctor back at HQ did.
           After giving me a list of foods and fruits that I should and shouldn’t eat, he deemed me well enough that he was about to tell me to come and have dinner with his family, but I stopped him.
          “Hold on, doctor. There’s actually something that I need to ask you.”
           “Is there anything else that you feel?” He asked, really he’s just all about being a doctor.
     “Actually, uncle Keith told me about how you two met. And I’m wondering if you remember anything now.”
     The look of surprise on his face scared me. “I still can’t.” He said, his lips a tight line. I just can’t help but feel like he’s not being totally honest, so I pressed him.
     “Please, if you do tell me. Uncle Keith, well he’s not really my uncle you see as he found me the same way he found you.” There, I said it.
     “Outside the walls?” He asked. I stopped myself from responding, well, duh? And nodded instead. He took a few moments thinking and contemplating, but his reply is disappointing.
     “I’m sorry, but I really can’t help you. I don’t remember anything.”
     Fine. If he doesn’t want to tell me anything, then don’t. I didn’t press him after that, and we went on to have dinner with his family like nothing happened.
     “You can come back anytime!” Eren said as he was seeing me off.
     “We’ll see you off before every expedition, okay?” Armin said.
     Well, look at that? I just gained two fans. I smiled and wave as I walked off.
     It was quite late when I got back to HQ. It was quiet, as I assume everyone is already at their beds. But as I got closer, I noticed someone just got out of the building and was walking towards me.
     “Andi! I was just about to look for you. I thought you got lost!” Erwin said, a look of relief washing over his face.
     “I was, but a couple of kids helped me. I got a little sidetracked playing with them.” I said, yawning in between. I can’t deny, today is just like every other day. It’s like I’ve been training the whole time. Being with kids is that taxing, and there were only two of them.
I guess the walk home took its toll on me, too. See, I’m such an idiot I chose to walk all the way from Shiganshina to here. A good two hours. What was I thinking? I thought it would be a good exercise. Clearly, I forgot I still have a fever. Too bad though because by the time I realized what I’m doing was a huge mistake, I can’t exactly just hail a cab or call an Uber car. Also, if I go back it will take just as much time if I go on.
“You really should have let me come along. You sho….. …” Erwin said a lot more, but I can’t remember as I passed out after his first sentence.
I woke up in my bed, in the same clothes that I was wearing yesterday. Looking at my clock, I notice that it’s almost five am. Ugh. I passed out right outside the HQ, so how? A small smile played on my lips as the realization hits me. “Erwin.” Of course.
The rest of the day was spent on training. And the days after that was just the same routine. And the weeks after that. After a few months, I went on my next expedition. This time, I am aware of the things that I do. And I surprised not just everyone, but also myself at how badass I was. I guess binge watching action films paid off.
Soon, months turned into a year. And before I know it, I’m one of the “good” soldiers. I’m still in Erwin’s squad.
My memories of my life before are a bit fuzzy now. It’s like it has blended so well with my life right now. And maybe you could tell, but I obviously kicked my doubts under a rug. No use dwelling on it, I just have to live the life I’m living now with no regrets.
Copyright © 2019 by imaginesnkdorks. All rights reserved
19 notes · View notes
imaginesnkdorks · 7 years
“Thank Goodness for Crazy”
| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 |
Part VI: A Day in My New Life
Pairing: Erwin/Reader;
Summary: Reader is just your regular gal from our world, but that changed one day when she woke up in the world of Titans. Giving a fake name to Erwin Smith who found her, she tries to understand the world she’s thrust upon and to survive in it. And try she did. And she thinks she could be Mulan, now. But then she found out it wasn’t that easy.
Note to self: think twice before enlisting for the military. Mulan sure made it seem easy. With just one round of “Make a Man Out of You”, they’re all experts at hand on hand combat and at firing missiles.
Me? I’m a heap on the floor, with my body aching all over.
My chest moves up and down rapidly as I try my best to catch my breath. A gentle laugh rang around; it was almost musical. Then a hand reached out to me.
“Come now, just one more round and we’ll call it a day.” My teacher Erwin said, urging me to grab his hand.
“No... hah, … Can’t we … ahh … take … a break? Hah” Impossible. I can hardly lift my head, let alone the rest of my body. Erwin then laid down beside me, both of us staring at the smog free sky.
As I lay there catching my breath, I can’t help but remember the look on Erwin’s face when I told him I wanted to join the Survey Corps.
His eyes were like saucers, and you don’t need to be a master of observation to say that he was surprised out of his mind.
I really don’t know if I should take it as a complement or as an insult.
Anyhow, once he recovered from his state of surprise, he gave me his answer: “No.”
“What do you mean no?” I practically yelled at him. Seriously, my voice was so high-pitched it rivals Bernadette’s voice from the Big Bang Theory.
“It’s far too dangerous! You saw how it is outside the walls, you were in the middle of it all!”
For a moment there I just stared at him with my mouth hanging agape. I gotta say, hearing Erwin scream at me is scary. I felt like I’ve done something terrible and I sure am going to pay for it bigtime.
Also, I’m taken aback by his intensity. Like, what is your problem, Erwin? Is he that concerned about me?
Composing himself, he spoke again. He was still obviously on edge, but he did his best to keep his tone in check. It was painfully obvious.
“There is a high number of casualty every expedition, and most of them are new recruits. New soldiers who spent the last three years training.”
With a sharp, intake of breath I finally found my voice, “alright. I understand, but that’s why I want you to teach me. Come on, if you think I’m not ready then don’t let me out the wall. Please?” And I gave him the best puppy eyes I could muster.
 A poke on my cheek tore me from my thoughts.
“What are you smiling about?” Inquired Erwin, a playful grin on his mouth.
“I was smiling? I can hardly breathe; I doubt I was smiling.” I said. Clearly, my argument is weak as I can breathe perfectly fine now. Apparently, my little flashback was a good five minutes.
Erwin just looked at me, the bastard doesn’t believe me. Ugh.
Yielding, I told him the truth, “I was thinking about how I convinced you to train me. You looked so funny with your eyes all big and round.”
He laughed at that. “Well, it was the last thing I thought I’d ever hear from you.” Turning his body sideways to look at me, he went on, “You just doesn’t seem like someone who’d hurt a fly.”
Mimicking his move, I looked him straight in the eye and told him in the most serious tone I could, “you thought wrong.” I also threw in the most wicked smile I can do.
We soon forgot to resume training and spent the rest of our time talking. We mostly talked about my world as Erwin is tight lipped about his childhood.
So I spun some crazy, wonderful world for him based on Pokémon and Game of Thrones. The thing about Pokémon masters and their trustworthy partners catches his attention. I think we’re both thinking about controlling titans.
“I’ve been a soldier for almost two decades, and I’ve never seen a single titan that can be domesticated.” Bingo. He is thinking about it, too.
“Yeah, well that would just be crazy.”
And our topic went to the most random things, like food, animals, fish and plants that can be found within the walls. It was very limited – they don’t even know monkeys. It took me ten minutes just to describe monkeys. Who would’ve thought it’d be hard to convey? It’s like trying to describe a fucking color.
The sunset alerted us that we wasted yet another day on idle chatter. Honestly, we train for like, three hours a day. In between Erwin’s busy schedule and my motor-mouth, we can’t get much done.
The grass crunched as Erwin stood up, he then offered his hand and helped me stand.
By this time, almost every other officer is in the mess hall. I’ve been here for a while and I’m glad to say that I’ve made friends.
“Andi!” Hange squealed when she saw me enter. This woman’s so noisy! She literally grabbed me violently away from Erwin, and dragged me to “our” table. Turns out she just finished crafting a net for catching a titan.
Erwin soon arrived and can’t do anything aside from sighing and shaking his head in exasperation. He knows he can’t win against Hange when it comes to handling me.
You might have guessed that Hange can be really rough. I don’t really mind, but there are times she leaves bruises. I don’t really know if this crazy bitch loves me or hates me. But I guess it’s just that she’s excited like all the freaking time.
Erwin, on the other hand treats me like I’m breakable. To be honest, it makes me feel nice. But most of the time it’s disappointing to be thought of as someone weak. I think I get where feminists are coming from. But that’s neither here nor there.
The only person who acts pretty much normally around me is Nanaba, whom I thought she was a really cute guy at first. And let me just say that the first few days between us was awkward. Don’t ask why, I feel embarrassment all over again.
Anyways, Hange was still blabbering about god-knows-what as we eat. I assume it’s the usual titan crap. Honestly, after the initial excitement, I soon got tired of hearing about it. I was so successful in tuning her out that I didn’t realize someone else was talking, and was talking to me.
“Damn Erwin, you broke Andi!” My dear friend Nanaba complained. Apparently, she’s been talking for a while.
“What?” I asked to no one in particular. I can feel my cheeks heat up as I become flustered about this.
“I was asking if you’d like to spar some time. You’ve been training for a month now, and by Erwin at that. I’m sure you’ll do fine against me.” Nanaba answered. Her face was so freaking serious I can’t help but just swallow some nonexistent saliva, as my throat was suddenly dry.
I’m nervous, of course! I’ve only been training for almost a month, and only on basic hand on hand combat. Nanaba, on the other hand has been a soldier for a couple of years, and has spent three years before that training.
I guess my fear was apparent – I don’t know which gave me away; my skin probably turning a sickly green, extreme goosebumps you’ll think I have to poop, or my hand shaking – that Mike, the equivalent of a bomb-sniffing dog spoke up, “you’re scaring her Nanaba. Turn that evilness in your eyes down a notch.”
Good thing it was him that spoke. Nanaba tends to listen more to him, I’ll make sure to remember that so I could tease her. And boy, I’ll take pleasure in her flustered face.
I was just starting to recover from anxiety when Erwin spoke up, “I wouldn’t be so confident if I were you, Nanaba.” And with that, a cocky smile played on his lips. Unexpectedly, Mike was the one who answered him.
“Really now, Erwin? Nanaba can do jabs in her sleep.”
“Wonderful. Andi here can render a man unconscious with her powerful roundhouse kick. I’m not sure if a mere jab would be effective against that.”
“Oh, that’d be difficult. But it wouldn’t be a problem if the kick didn’t hit in the first place.”
Oh my god. I guess wherever you are, boys will be boys. The rest of us watched in awe as this goes on back and forth between them. Me and Nanaba had the same face, a mix of surprise and annoyance.
Damn Erwin haven’t even taught me the kicks. All he did was make me punch a bag and work on my foot work, we’ll lay down trying to breathe that’s only me, though), talk, then call it a day.
I haven’t even learned how to operate that zip line thingy they call a 3DM gear.
Dinner time ended with Erwin and Mike passive-aggressively “attacking” each other. I honestly can’t tell if those were friendly jabs or not, but I seriously couldn’t care less because I am going to have a duel with Nanaba a week from now!
Hange, being the asshole that she is decided to make the event “fun” and have bets. And this only hyped up the boys, like they’re the ones fighting.
The walk back to my room was silent. I can’t deny that I’m both pissed and anxious about the events, and when I’m like this I really don’t want to talk. Good thing Erwin was silent as well. As we reached our rooms and I opened my door, Erwin broke the silence.
“We’ll begin training tomorrow at five in the morning.” His face was so serious you’d think he was outside the walls facing off one on one with a titan.
All I did was mutter a weak “ok.” He then ruffled my hair and went off to who-knows-where. I guess he’ll be making a special training regimen for me, his room is right next to mine! I gulped and made a silent wish, “this better make me a fucking good soldier someday.”
Copyright © 2017 by imaginesnkdorks. All rights reserved
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