#UPDATE: We got the last one thanks to a very kind commenter ❤️
ninadove · 1 year
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Some of you need to take a Chill Pill™ before you die of Gabriel Syndrome
UPDATE: We’re getting dangerously close to covering the whole board
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stupendousfoxthing · 7 months
Hi 👋
I am new to your blog and I've enjoyed it so far. Thanks for opening up your asks by the way. Just wanted to find out from you how you got into believing in Taekook if you are willing to share.
Thank you! I used to answer questions for anons years ago but kind of hit a wall when I was getting hundreds of asks a day and a lot of them were trolls. I still have the same beliefs about Taekook and I've been chatting with people here for the last few months and I like the vibe. So I hope I can add something worthwhile to the conversation. It's funny because when I first became a Taekooker Tumblr and YouTube were my first preferred places for discussions. I got into this in the latter half of 2016. I had been a BTS fan since 2014 but HYYH era pushed me to do a much deeper dive not just into them as artists but who they were in their lives outside of that. I was falling down the rabbit hole of watching compilations of sweet BTS interactions (all members) on YT, and I just happened to see a comment from someone who said they had been a Kpop fan for a long time and had seen a lot of ships but the only one they actually thought could be real was "V and Jungkook". I'm JK biased, so I was like "oh really?" 😂 At the time there weren't really analysis videos everywhere the way there are now (and I don't watch those because I find them cringey), but there were two very active accounts called Maknaez and cutetaeboy(I think???). They basically just updated every few days with new Taekook "moments". No analysis, just pics and video clips compiled. As I said, this was second half of 2016. The Smart Event had just happened. Bon Voyage season one had just aired. Wings era was beginning and then launched them into awards show season. It was a wild time to find Taekook. For me, something just clicked right away. The Smart Event was so intriguing, and the Bon Voyage cuddle is still as mind-blowing to me now as it was then because it's so clear and so intimate. I started keeping up with them constantly and found some Taekooker friends. Award show season was CRAZY. I still remember pics and videos of the "I'll be your man" moment hitting the timeline and I was finally like "oh so they're actually dating, good for them" 😂 (bonus wider angle showing JK softly touching Tae's hand after he sang) Here I am 7+ years later and it just keeps adding up, I think it is pretty simple math. A big moment for me is the Citi Field nape kiss. It's probably still my #1 just because for me it's the one moment that has no platonic explanation. And I'm absolutely sure because I was at that concert. No one is going to tell me it was fanservice, because I was in that venue watching the big screen and I know for a fact that it was hidden from view. I actually met one of my Taekooker friends for the first time that night after the concert and neither of us knew it had happened, but you better believe we were screaming at each other in dms at 1am when the first pics and videos started popping up on Twitter. That was a crazy moment. Solo era further confirmed everything for me. I feel like this is already getting too long so I won't start going off about everything that happened in the last year and a half because I'm sure we'll get around to discussing it eventually. I hope this is a satisfying answer to your question, and thank you again. ❤️
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seekingseven · 3 months
I’m too embarrassed to go off anon, but I still wanted to thank you for your jjk fics. Every update really brightens my day!I see that everyone already said how amazing Nanami is but I think you really nailed Gojo in Baby blue despite us barely seeing his pov. We get so much about him from other characters but it’s always filtered through their assumptions about him. I’m not sure where ch.10 is going, but I’m so fascinated on everyone’s reactions to his reaction of the change. Sorry for rambling on your page, but thank you so much❤️❤️❤️
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Okay this is just so kind. Thank you so much! I'm so so so honored and glad to hear these words...I apologize again for the slow updates, I had finals, then spent the last few weeks traveling abroad, and I've got my MCAT in September 😭 lots going on but kind words like these motivate me to keep making time for things like writing so thank you SO much. I'm just so honored that the updates feel meaningful, I love love love writing Baby Blue and people like you are the reason why!
I'm very pleasantly surprised to see that you like Gojo's characterization in this fic LOL I honestly get so stressed out when it comes to characterization because Gojo is almost written like a gag character so it's kind of hard to figure out how he ticks. I'm very very very glad that he still has a presence in the story, even if it isn't a particularly physical one atm LOL
I'm very very VERY excited to share ch10 with you all! Ive been tinkering on it for a while and I like to think that it'll take the story in an unexpected direction so....we'll see!
Thank you once again for this lovely ask and bae dw feel free to ramble on my page or my dms or my comments or anywhere anytime, I'm really honored to have readers like you!! Thank you so much!! :'))
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nocturnalazure · 2 years
Story crush poll results
I was waiting to get to the end of the update to comment on the poll results. :) Many thanks to all of the 23 voters! ❤️
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Laurie won by a landslide with 39.1% of the votes. I'm actually surprised (and very pleased!), as his father did not tend to be a readers' favorite. Could Lau-Lau actually be liked for more than his smoldering good looks? :D Could it be that I’ve managed to properly portray his complex personality?
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Anh is second place (21.7%) which is... not totally a surprise! I had just posted an update in which her bravery was extensively featured and many of you understandably seem to root for her. I think she would be quite smug to be second only to aforementioned Mr. Pretty Boy.
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Erik only comes in third (17.4%) when I thought he would effortlessly steal Laurie's place. He can be a handful but he’s so straightforward and raw and honest. And he's conventionally attractive with that rugged look of his. I truly thought he would be everyone’s favorite!
Fourth is Jamie (8.7%), and I just knew he would not come last. :) He's super fun and friendly and I totally understand why people like him.
Next come Omar, Gloria and a mysterious "Other" with 4.3%. I'm glad Omar and Gloria each got a vote, they deserve it! Is the “Other” Sam maybe?
Poor Romeo didn't get any (even if he got an unofficial vote from @solori :D). Granted, he can be kind of boring as a character but he's got an interesting evolution, as he quietly but gradually asserts himself.
I thought a one-week poll was excruciatingly long. But I’ve got a second crucial question to submit to your consideration but I don’t think 24 hours will give everyone enough time to answer. As I’m working on the next update (about half-way done), we need to spend our time wisely, don’t we?
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belokhvostikova · 1 year
Ever since i red the first part of the Yearbook Club pictures i knew it was going to be a great story. Well you proved me wrong! It wasn’t a great story….. It was an amazing story! It’s filled with so much emotion i think i even cried in some parts. You’re really a fantastic writer. After i read the first part i turned on your post notifications so i didn’t miss an update. Which was a very nice surprise to see that you added me to the tag list!
I was very much on the edge of my seat every time i got a notification because i had no idea if it was going to break my heart or not. And let’s be honest it did. When Eddie didn’t trust reader when she offered to take the Hellfire Club picture but i also get it. He has a hard time trusting (don’t we all) But i love his development of firstly not wanting anything to do with her but then slowly but surely he realise she isn’t like the rest and he finds himself falling for her
The ending was just beautiful i don’t know what else to say because you’ve rendered me speechless on that last part. But i hope you keep writing because this story was just beautiful I loved every part. Take your time because we’ll be here when you decide to write up either a new story or even a short blurb. This story was just beautiful and amazing and you should be proud of what you’ve created
Thank you for sharing it with us❤️ And i can’t wait to see what else you come up with
You are being unfathomably nice, it’s making my heart hurt! Truthfully, when I posted the first chapter I was so hesitant in doing so, because as a new writer I didn’t know how to approach my story, nor how I felt comfortable writing, and it was such a constant battle of whether or not it would be good. But you and everyone else have been so incredibly kind, no words hold the substance to express my gratitude!
And you, specifically, I noticed you from the beginning, you were one of the first people to comment on my work, and you’ve been following the story ever since. There are a handful of people who comment on my work, and you were always one of them, I loved it so much! Your support truly means everything to me, and it’s so heartwarming seeing the same couple of people take a genuine interest in my writing! You all are so lovely!
Eddie Munson as a character is truly one of the greatest people to write about. It absolutely blows my mind how little we know of him, yet this fandom has created such incredible headcanons that are so fitting to him. I love seeing the many ways people interpret him! And specifically, diving into the actions of Mean!Eddie, and exploring why he is that way has been such a journey. I just love how complex he is. It’s such an expected thing to see him be so reserved and standoffish when an opportunity for acceptance comes about, and writing out his path to healing was so great and eye opening to myself. 
And the ending! I’m going to be completely transparent, chapter six was definitely the most grueling chapter to write, because of how heavy it was, but I’m so proud of it. I’m happy I was able to have a proper ending that all of you loved, because with the amount of support you and everyone showed me, you all deserved an incredible ending! Yes, I definitely will keep writing, maybe something lighter or smutty, lol, to recover from the heftiness of “The Yearbook.”
But again, just thank you so so much for all your support. I’ve literally burned your username into my brain since the first chapter, because of how utterly nice you have been. Your kind feedback and encouragement is the reason why me and other writers in this fandom feel motivated to keep going. Thank you so much! I mean it when I say I love you all!
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
Oh my godddd!! Kiss fic anon here.. I wasn’t trying to be mean but I’m sorry if you felt like i was😭 😭I’m always checking my bookmarked fics n I saw both of your fics there and idk it made me sent that ask.. I didn’t even reread the mesg. Tbh I’m very bad at putting whatever is on my mind into words😅
Anyways, you take all the time you need dear🤗. For me also these last few weeks were really hectic. I was trying to relax a little bit with ao3 you know 🫢 I’m really sorry if I was a bit harsh, it wasn’t intentional.. still, made me smile when I saw your reply 😁
hey anon! thank you so much for clarifying ❤️ you're all good! i did not read your initial ask in that way - although i do think it's crucial to tread very carefully with this kind of ask.
to be clear, this is not an attack on you personally, anon. not at all. but it is true that many writers (myself included) have unfortunately had bad experiences with this sort of thing, so i do want to just take a moment to explain why many of us might react badly to an ask along the lines of the first one you sent.
the thing is: writers on AO3 do this all for free, and we do it while also balancing our real lives. we do it because we love it and we love our readers, yes, but that doesn't mean it's always easy. writer's block and any number of real-life problems and reasons can come up at any time.
the problem comes in when we get an ask or a comment that doesn't seem to understand that. now, i do understand that this is often not the intention behind that comment, but it is all too easy for tumblr asks/comments asking for fic updates to seem like they're pressuring the writer.
it's like... i have written over two hundred and fifty THOUSAND words for this fandom, and i have done it completely for free, and in my own free time. now some person i don't know at all comes to me and basically DEMANDS that i do even more, on their schedule and not mine.
from a writer's perspective, it's easy to feel frustrated and/or demoralised by "when are you posting the next chapter" type comments. even if it is tempered by "i love your writing," as a writer it's easy to feel like you're not being appreciated for what you've already done. and, you know. we're humans too, not perfect writing machines who always stay exactly on schedule with everything. it's just nice to be treated like humans, y'know?
again, i understand that in many cases, none of the above is the intention of the ask/comment at all - which is why i think that phrasing is SO vitally important. instead of "when is the next chapter coming out? i miss this fic" it just feels kinder, to me at least, to say it more like "i love this fic SO MUCH... and i am so excited to see what happens next!! i will be here cheering you on for the next chapter (and rereading all the others in the meantime!!) thank you so much for sharing ❤️"
(istg just lost my entire ability to write a coherent comment when trying to do an example here 😭😭 but i hope you see what i'm trying to get at?)
speaking as a writer, one of THE best feelings in the world is to get a comment from someone who loved your story as much as you loved writing it. someone who's as excited for more as you are!! in my opinion, a good way to keep up this positive energy all around is simply to not ask the writer for a timeline. this is often impossible for us to provide - because like i said, we are HUMANS. life happens. writers can't predict it any more than you can.
just be excited with us. cheer for us and cheer WITH us. rather than demanding exact dates and putting pressure on a writer to try and create content faster when they might not be able to - just be there for the process, support us, and make us smile as much as our fics made YOU smile!!
... ah, wow, this has gotten to be quite a long reply 🙈🙈 i got on my soapbox a little bit, but this is something i feel quite passionately about, so i do hope it all makes sense! i also hope that you don't think i'm mad at you, dear anon who sent this - i'm not, not at all. i just wanted to take the opportunity to make things as clear as possible for everyone who might need to read this ❤️ thank you ever so and cheers to you if you've made it this far!! i appreciate you taking the time out of your day/night to give this a read 💙
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spohkh · 3 years
hello i just read your latest on ao3 and as a lapsed catholic myself it was so so good!!!! very excited to read whatever you put out next and would love any lawrusso recs you’re willing to spare <3
WAH THANK U SO MUCH!!!! dude i am SO genuinely SO SO happy with the amount of lapsed catholics im getting comments from, which was ENTIRELY my hope. like any good catholic-raised gay, i LOVE working with the themes of catholicism, esp about the strange dissonance bw how inherently beautiful it is versus how fucked up i feel abt it, and TRULY writing from johnny lawrences pov, of all people, was SUCH a perfect medium to explore it from!! im just so happy its resonating w other people :')
ok lawrusso recs!
i am constantly thinking about last night i had a dream by shortcrust. it has so many lines of dialogue that have embedded into my brain. it's such a good alternate timeline of What Could've Been...
i JUST read as we fall into sequence by lostmagician and loved it
you may have all you want baby (but i got something you need) by potrix!!!
feather in the quiver by wingedhead!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im SUUUUUCH a sucker for text message stories and this one is SO SO GOOD! they're working on the sequel and im like DYINGGGG waiting for the updates
flame on, burn desire by nuvvanda is SO sweet
i'm a fan of just about anything narcissablaxk has written! (especially -- and this isn't technically lawrusso but work w me here IM PASSIONATE -- you're not the compliment type which is ruben from shootfighter (played by billy zabka) x chris from naked in new york (ralph macchio) ITS SO FUN ITS JUST A FUN TIME i havent seen shootfighter or niny and its just FUN...sadly a WIP which i NEVER rec wips but THIS ONE IS JUST THAT FUN!! please, look in the chris x ruben tag and you will Understand)
ok ill stop here!! i hope u get some good reads from this! and thank you SO SO much again for ur kind words!!! im working on my next lawrusso rn :') no idea when ill be posting it but be patient w me and watch this space! ❤️❤️
💕my karate kid fics!💕
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