exdivine · 4 months
women who play “hygeine olympics” and act like they’re cleaner and therefore superior to other women because they use 9 different soaps in the shower are egotistic and suffer from internalized misogyny
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surprisebitch · 2 years
💥🎆 F🅰️PPY NEW YEAR🎇🎊🎉 my beloved SLORE‼️👯😘 2022 was Long and Hard 🍆✊😔 We Laughed 😂💯🔥 We Cried 🥲😢😭 We Coughed… 😫💨🦠😷🤧 This year 📆 the sequel 🤩💃 to COVAGINA-69 🦠 dropped (called omiCROTCH)… 😷😳🌮😩 The eCOCKnomy 🤑 got really INFLATED (kinky)… 😳🎈😼 and Queef Elizabussy 👸🍑 Death Dropped 🤸🤪👏 right outta SUCKINGHAM 🔥 PALACE (OKURRRR)‼️ 🏰💂 Butt DICKcember 🍆⛄️❄️🎅 is OVER‼️ Twenty-CUNTY-Three 2️⃣🅾️2️⃣3️⃣ 🗓🎉💥 has 💦⬇️ C U M 🎉🎊⬇️😁 and its time ⏰ 2 commit 👊 some Auld Lang SIN‼️ 🎼😈👹😜🤑 Get out the Party P🅾️ppers ❣️😼🎉 cuz at the stroke 🍆✊😩 of twelve o’C🅾️CK 🌚🕰 BALLS ⚪️⚫️✨ r gonna DROP ⬇️🤸‍♂️😏 chamPUSSY 🍾🍑 is gonna POP 💥🔥😫 and CUMfetti 🍆🎊🎉 is gonna RAIN 💦💦 all over u!!! 💦🤤😋🎉🎊 If u send this 💌 to 2️⃣3️⃣ beloved New Year Hoes 🥰👯😉 Daddy New Year 👨🏻😻😘👨‍👦will give u his special Fireworks Show 😳😜🍆💥🎇🎆😁😋😁😋😁😋 But if u DONT…. 😰 Ur gonna get a Happy New YEAST INFECTION 🤢🍄🍑🤮👎
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urfavnegronerd · 1 year
all right u obscene fucks some of you don't have a skincare-obsessed sister and it shows
alright so anyone who shaves their no no square is going to know what im talking about so just bare with me. some of us are too broke to afford a wax (i have eight dollars in my spending account rn), so here's what ur gonna do. everyone whos shaved that area has most definitely experienced irritation, ingrowns, bumps, and itchiness. this is not good, especially for those of us with a history of sh. that alone has triggered multiple relapses for me, cus why does my body itch? and then my brain spirals from there
if its been a while since u've shaved? no worries stink i didn't use to be regular either. if its been a while and you have a bit more hair, make sure to trim the area carefully, with a sanitized pair of scissors.
dry brush the area, you can get a dry brush at target, i got mine for five dollars
gently exfoliate the area, i use a home made one w sugar, oil, and dr bronners unscented soap. i use unscented because i have keratosis pilaris, eczema, and sensitive skin. use unscented soap, not no Japanese cherry blossom ass shit from bath and body works. do you want a yeast infection? unscented is the way to go.
get clean razor, i switch mine out every month or so. i use harrys because they're marketed towards men so a closer shave w more blades. before u do anything w the razor, run it under warm water, if the pressure in your showerhead changes switch it to the highest pressure and rinse the blade to get any gunk out of there
drop the shaving cream, the conditioner, whatever u use. drop it. switch for coconut oil instead, unscented as to not irritate the area.
at first go with the direction of hair growth, stopping to rinse the razor and the area every few strokes. then go side to side, and up and down.
as soon as ur finished rinse the area with freezing water as to close/tighten the pores!!
when ur out of the shower use either after shave, or witch hazel. i like to use aqua velva after shave, it smells nice, and also marketed towards a male audience so it actually fucking works. pour a little bit on a cotton round, wash rag, or toilet paper and apply it to the area. it'll sting a little bit, but that's the tightening and toning of the area, don't worry. for those of my afab friends do not put it in there. only on the skin outside of it!! no one wants a yeast infection, or a uti, we don't do that here. (however if you do get a uti or yeast infection, boric acid suppositories at target, azo cranberry tablets and apple cider vinegar tablets. do what you will with that. miasaurus on youtube has great videos on these topics, an ex-stripper and also incredibly funny) tend skin is also a great option but really expensive, when my parents were together my mom got my bald-headed ass daddy a big thing of tend skin for his birthday.
moisturize with unscented lotion, i use cetaphil on that area and coco butter everywhere else
in the showers following ur shave down there, use a salicylic acid face wash on that area. i use cerave because i got it cheap with ulta points, i would recommend cerave because it's formulated with ceramides to keep your skin barrier healthy as well as being unscented. salicylic acid is an acne medication that also helps prevent ingrown hair and itchiness.
moisturize moisturize moisturize!
repeat as necessary friends! go fuck that person bald down there. or don't, whatever floats ur boat. if you wanna be smooth down there (cus its fucking comforting), go be smooth if you wanna!
my mom or my older sister did not teach me this, so i had to figure out what works too embarrassed to ask for help.
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maowives · 1 month
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Doing research for the slop project by watching slop. girl. your coochie... let her breathe...
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Like... girl ur gonna get a yeast infection....
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Yeah, that's pretty much what I figured
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chainemails · 9 months
💥🎆 F🅰️PPY NEW YEAR🎇🎊🎉 you twenty-twenty-WH0RE‼️👯😈😘 2023 was Long and Hard 🍆✊😏 Lets reCUNT what happened 🤔💭 * The eCOCKnomy 🤑🍆 💸 got really INFLATED (kinky)… 😳🎈📈😼 * Elongated Muskrat 👨🏻💰🤡 bought Titter 🐥📲 and renamed it XXX 😳🤤👀 * a SUBmersble ⬇️🙇‍♂️ tried to see the TITanic 👀🤤🍈🍈🚢 and EXPLODED 😩💥💦 * Boobie 👱🏻‍♀️💅💖 and Oppenhymen 💣🤯🍑 DOMINATED 😈⛓️ the box office 🎟️🎥 * Taylick Swallow 🎤🙋🏼‍♀️ had the Eroticas Tour 🏟️😱 and released 1969 (Taylick’s Vag!na) 🤯😍😫 * Donald Trump 🤢👴🏻 got inDICKted 🚨👮‍♂️🍆 for messing with ✊😈 the ERECTION…. 🍆⬆️🤤 But now DICKcember 🍆⛄️❄️🎅 is OVER‼️ its time ⏰ 2 commit 👊 some Auld Lang SIN‼️ 🎼😈👹😜🤑 Get out the Party P🅾️ppers ❣️😼🎉 cuz at the stroke 🍆✊😩 of twelve o’C🅾️CK: 🌚🕰 BALLS ⚪️⚫️✨ are gonna DROP ⬇️🤸‍♂️😏 chamPUSSY 🍾🍑 is gonna POP 💥🔥😫 and CUMfetti 🍆🎊🎉 is gonna RAIN 💦💦🤤😋🎉🎊 If u send this 💌 to 2️⃣4️⃣ beloved New Year Hoes 🥰👯😉 Daddy New Year 👨🏻😻😘👨‍👦will give u his special Fireworks Show 😳😜🍆💥🎇🎆😁😋😁😋😁😋 But if u DONT…. 😰 Ur gonna get a Happy New YEAST INFECTION 🤢🍄🍑🤮👎
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menalez · 2 years
Why isn’t no one talking about toilet paper? When I visited UK, the transition was very hard. I used to shower every time I went to loo for BMs because even wet wipes didn’t feel okay. Yeast infections and UTIs are common among women. Here in India, women avoid proper treatment because of the stigma attached to it. Like how are they any different from conservatives?
oh my god yeah literally tho. for one im surprised theres even people teaching others online NOT to wipe back to front. youd think thats common sense but w/e i dont know ppl's life circumstances. secondly simply wiping is honestly inadequate lol like the bacteria is still there u just made sure its not all wet and messy and wont get all over ur undies. i think the fact that in my country women & men literally wash down there after using the toilet AND wipe helps minimise the risk of yeast infections & UTIs. but its also not gonna prevent it totally, bc i know a lot of women + girls who got it regardless (and no they weren't "filthy whores"...some of them are incredibly young & virgins. its extremely backwards that such things would even need to be specified).
also women's vaginal health is highly stigmatised in my country too. statements further stigmatising it from westerners online does not help. they couldve talked about how sexual activity plays a role & men being dirty plays a role without being weird about it & making it all about sexual activity (bc it isnt all about that at all.)
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wetslug · 3 years
getting kinda worried yall
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seravph · 2 years
ohhhh my god stop putting random shit on your pussy STOP STOP vagina sheet masks vagina cosmetics douching vagina steaming ENOUGH wash it with water and mild soap ur vagina is fine and if it isn’t fine go to a doctor . UR GONNA GET A YEAST INFECTION ENOUGH WITH THE VAGINA CREAMS LOTIONS MASKS
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yucky-gucky · 3 years
The place I work sells a bunch of shit for kids, including bath bombs, and I don’t wanna look a little kid in the eye and tell em they’re gonna get a yeast infection, but like….. bitch ur gonna!
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prisonhannibal · 4 years
I got my tongue pierced a year ago and I love how it looks but be warned that for 2 weeks you will have 3/4inch of metal in your mouth bc your tongue will be swollen. Also i couldn't eat anything but scrambled eggs bc food that were really hot heat up the bar too much and it burns and you can't have dairy bc it can give you a yeast infection in the hole. And chewing isn't gonna happen honestly. Like I love it now but be aware of what ur getting into
omg thanks for the heads up! I could probably manage that but it’s good to know so I’m prepared. also lactose intolerant privilege: makes it easier to get a tongue piercing. gotta find out if I have covid first jnhgjerjher I’m NOT dealing with those two together
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imaginefe · 5 years
well ur not gonna get ranulf in bed wih that attitude!
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weepretzels · 5 years
so i had a gynelogical exam today and no problems in my lady area which is great cause last year this same time i was literally having surgery again and again to remove hpv lesions and had continual yeast infections (thanks to my weak ass immune system) so i talked to the doc today about getting gardasil injections even tho it can’t protect me against the genotypes i already have had before if i catch them again, it can protect me against types 16&18 which thankfully i didn’t catch so i’m gonna get it (the new gardasil 9 is available to a lot more ages) BUT i have to decide how to pay... each shot individually is 210,000won but if i pay all upfront it’s 590,000 so i could save 40,000 over all but that’s like 27% of one months’ pay for me..lol is it worth it to be broke for a month just to save $30.....
anyway just wanted to say even if u are not 13-26 yrs old YOU CAN GET GARDASIL 9 get ur selves vacinnated and safe!!! sometimes ppl think only those with uteruses/cervixes need protection but even if u don’t have those parts GET VACCINATED u can still be a carrier and pass it onto someone vulnerable :(
don’t wish what i went through on anyone. the vaccine is well worth the cost. it protects against 4 troublesome and dangerous genotypes (the kinds that cause lesions/warts, like what i got, and the kind that can lead to cervical cancer) including types 16&18 (the cervical cancer types)!!!!!!! plz stay safe bbs ❤️
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animatedtext · 6 years
bitch, i just bought ur sounds gay cap and yeast infection cap, gonna pop like a mofo when i get em
Hell yes! Thank you 
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aprillasaurus · 6 years
okay im gonna be completely fucking honest here. if youre not equipped to handle the truth then you might want to skip this.
nobody should be fucking venom from the new spiderman. im not saying this because of his hugeass teeth because his tongue is like, super long. i get it. i really do. his tongue is long and extends well beyond the points of his teeth. that’s understandable. no ass shredding here. this isnt about that, its about the honest goddamn truth. monsterfuckers are completely valid and that all fine and good but for the love of god, look at the state of his teeth and tongue. thats some crusty ass nonsense right there. gingivitis who?? bumpy tongue shit who??? when was the last time he even brushed his teeth?? never. goddamn piece of grimy sewer ass monster with a longass tongue but hes fucking filthy. please. have some standards. if youre gonna fuck a monster at least fuck a monster who has some goddamn hygiene. venom takes one lick at ur pussy and u already got five kinds of uti three yeast infections and last weeks spaghetti. worth it? maybe. a second round? pass.
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noyasboxdye · 3 years
stop putting smell + taste enhancers up ur fucking vagaina :/ ur gonna get a YEAST INFECTION yes u can wash (the OUTSIDE) it w/ unscented/gentle skin/baby soap so it dont smell like a dumpster fire but dont put things up there to make its smell like sunshine rose watermelon abis bitch it's not supposed to. if u rlly care bout how to taste tht mf bad then natural unsweetened cranberry juice or cranberry juice supplements or apple cider supplements. but dont just put shit up there all willy nilly bitch ur ph balance is gonna be fucked
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princesiddie · 6 years
my mom has been in medicine for years & years as a RN, and she's always told me its okay to wash my vag, just with unscented and antibacterial soap (and from one tans person to another, get that yeast infection knocked out as soon as possible, i've had yi all over my body before n it SUCK)
ya if ur mom is a medical professional id trust what she says im just a Boy UoUn im sorry pal tht sounds horrible !! :-( im gonna try n pick up some otc stuff today after school (ncxnxndbdb what a great way 2 start off the summer)
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