spirk-trek · 1 month
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First Time Fanzine | Deeb, 1993
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abbeyofcyn · 10 months
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I've always wanted to do one of these!
For someone who loves Donnie the most there's an awful lot of Leo...hmm.
Anyhow, I know december isn't over yet but I'd like to use this moment to just appreciate rise of the tmnt and all of you who encouraged me to keep drawing!
I'm going to work hard and improve next year! I'd like to learn animation and become better at dynamic poses and colouring~
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miru-sstuff · 5 months
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Can't escape from memories
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sleepytoken · 4 months
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awwkie-dot-jar · 3 months
Collection of rough SaSi doodles I never posted
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mogoce-nocoj · 5 months
thanks jokeroutsubs for bringing this early version of vkv to my attention because bojan and kris starting to sing the last chorus together without kris falling back into his falsetto is just. 🫠
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einaudis · 8 months
Never thought I'd become one of those people who have discussions on the comments section of a video. But I realized it annoys me to no end that people call "Society of the Snow" a "remake" of "Alive".
Bayona didn't spend ten years fighting to make a movie no one was interested in, BECAUSE it wasn't going to be in English + because it wasn't going to require any non English speaking actors, for you to insult him by calling it a "remake" of a movie, even the survivors don't fully approve of.
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fyeaheddiemunson · 6 months
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delicateartisantrash · 4 months
W.I.P. Soundwave & Knockout
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When you can’t decide which ‘Con to hang out with, so both end up folding themselves into a tiny two car garage.
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
Got exposed to a Febreeze scented trashbag tonight at a family event, so if you see me on the podcast tomorrow and I look like I've clawed myself raw and it sounds like I've been coughing my lungs up, it's because I have.
I am covered in hives.
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c00kietin · 6 months
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I'm not looking forward to school tomorrow ;-;
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peachesofteal · 27 days
I need them to hate fuck/watch Galadriel become so tortured by their connection that it spills over into sex/watch Galadriel slowly lose pieces of herself and become corrupted by him while also still trying to cling to the light-
so badly I might write it.
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witchydykebitch · 2 months
How does one say: "I'm sorry I disappear sometimes, I promise it isn't because I don't like you it's because I don't like myself. But it probably will happen again and I'm sorry."
But like, without using those exact words?
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goldenivy0 · 1 month
Imagine start reading a fantasy book series (*cough* acotar *cough*) after years of not having read a book for pleasure only for your favorite character to be the author's personal punching bag (*cough* Lucien *cough*)
Could never NOT be me apparently... ffs 🙃
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idssun · 8 months
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Sketch 😵
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faebbi · 2 months
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girl dinner (i’ve watched ultraman rising just for him) 🎀
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