#Unbiased Reviews
comicsiswild · 6 months
An Unbiased Review of Blue Beetle (2023) (movie)
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laf-outloud · 2 years
//It’s clear to me that reviewers, even the neutral to negative leaning ones, are trying to stay on Jensen’s good side so that they don’t lose any connections. If everyone from the producer to reviewers has to beg fans to set aside any (very valid) reservations and watch, it’s a bad sign.// - this is why I never put much stock into tv reviews like this, people want to maintain their access so they generally tend to praise things or at least cover their criticisms so as not to be too blatant. And with Jensen in particular it can get... iffy. J2 had a lot of access to press over their 15 year spn run, a lot of it with the same outlets and even the same interviewers repeatedly over the years. They have a report if not outright friendship with some of them so I don't think the reviews can be completely unbiased. You have people like Sam Highfill, the Nerds and Beyond people, etc. who I don't think can or will be objective.
The problem with these types of reviews is that viewers can watch a show they think is going to be fantastic only to be let down.
I appreciate the reviewer who mentioned TW would be good for people new to the SPN-universe, but that SPN fans might have a hard time, because at least it's honest and covers both groups of possible viewers.
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free-amazon-products · 4 months
Mastering Unbiased Reviews: Effective Tips for Testing Amazon Products!
Elevate your product testing game with the guide on how to test Amazon products effectively at https://testamazonproductsforfree.wordpress.com/2024/02/27/unbiased-reviews-how-to-test-amazon-products-effectively/ Uncover insights and tips for delivering unbiased reviews, ensuring your testing experience is impactful and trustworthy. Dive into the world of Amazon testing with confidence and become a trusted reviewer. Ready to master the art of unbiased testing? 🌟👩‍🔬 #AmazonProductTesting #UnbiasedReviews #TestingTips
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psychopasss4 · 7 months
My honest yet unbiased review of Psycho Pass Providence 🤗
«Note: Don't take this post personally as it doesn't intend to ship-wreck the thoughts of most fans»
As the snippets of Psycho Pass Providence are recently become available in almost everywhere, I suppose the long wait is over and I can finally post my own review of the PPP movie. I've been posting my own comments here and there because of the "imbalanced" & very biased review of most Japanese fans on Twitter. 😥
But am so glad the snippets aswell as the PPP movie itself are now made available so every one can learn the facts of the movie.
But before I begin let's discuss PPP in general.
The movie is great 👍🏻 No doubt. The animation scenes are jam-packed. The theme and the overall plot is a HUGE PLUS. Because they tried to showcase the metaphorical, allegorical and philosophical aspect of the Psycho Pass anime season 1 had always been known for. So this film is a total of 90%.
Why? Coz although it connects the plot between Season 3 and First Inspector; and it provides an official background for our beloved Arata and Kei, it only adds to the many struggles of our characters against the Sybil System. They introduced the Divider and Mentalist abilities, the dirty works of MoFA that conceived the formation of the Peacbreakers. It seems like they're trying to expand the story of Psycho pass to provide a foothold for any possible seasons to come. But it fails to show us any glimpse of Sybil's eventual defeat. 😶
When I said the Japanese-natives are imbalanced and unreasonably biased with their Tweets, I mean it. And I am of Japanese descent thru my grandma, so I have the audacity 🤭.
When some tweet says, "Akane took the cigarette from Kou's lips and Kou leans forward as if trying to kiss Akane" I cringed. Because girl, that is partially true. But where's the "almost kissing"part?
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It's obvious that Kou only adjusted his position to sit down and speak to Akane. So where's the "he's trying to kiss her"? 😆
I love Shinkane, in their most subtle yet caring nature towards one another. But I don't want to make believe. It's better to tell the facts than to 誰かを笑顔にするために嘘をつくこと. 😮‍💨
Honestly, 皆さん, どうして?
The only Shinkane moment for me is when he jumps to Akane covering her from the explosion 💥
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Here we see, Kogami is simply checking her up if she's fine. Nothing fancy, but that's enough to make me giggle. 🙂
When Kou unlocked the cuff from Akane's left hand, as if motioning her to attach that on his left hand, is a chef-kiss moment to me👌🏻 that also includes the bridal carry 😉.
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But some fans make noise in Twitter saying "Kogami hugs Akane and rests her closely to his chest near his heart".
I mean, girl, everyone who saw that scene knows exactly that it is not that romantic but hey it's enough to make our hearts pound. But don't over-hype the scene will yah?
The beauty of Shinkane lies in their subtle interaction. Not in an overly done romantic PDA.
There's an obvious theme the writers are portraying in this movie. Most fans have pointed it out but they try to deny it themselves. 😶
° Kogami calling Frederica on her first name without honorifics (i.e -san, -sama, -chan).
° Kogami and Frederica's same Sherpa coat as some could point out.
° Kogami and Frederica standing side by side in most of the scenes they're in.
° Kogami when he talks to Akane on the phone when he gives her the word "...Even if you tell me not to, I'll go".
Frederica is looking sideways.
Kogami when talking to Gino in a boat, when the latter asked him why he comes back, to which he replied there are things he must protect.
Frederica is looking sideways.
When a guy friend is talking to us and his girlfriend is around, I noticed his girlfriend does the same too. So idk. 😅
° Kogami defending Frederica in front of Akane. We all know that. It's pretty much straightforward, he's not only defending his new boss.
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° Kogami receives the call from Akane when he's at a dark room with Frederica. When he says I will go. Then, the next scene we saw them standing side by side with the same jacket on when Akane deploys the dominator to them.
I think Akane noticed that too 😮‍💨
° Kogami never leaves his gun (the one he used to kill Makishima given to him by Masaoka). But it was with Frederica. And when Gino shouts at Kou, "Protect Tsunemori!" She gave the pistol to him.
° Lastly, the room where Saiga-sensei and Kogami shared a drink implied that it is the MoFA assigned quarters to Kogami. And the holographic painting where Kogami is standing is a painting of Tower of London. And we all know Frederica is half-british. 😉
° There was a publication which implies that Kogami and Frederica share the same quarters. (I didn't say bedroom. So please don't give me a violent reaction 🥲).
Again, this is not to ship-wreck. But many Japanese fans literally skipped this information because those are quite suggestive as to how close Kogami and Frederica is in this movie.
If you saw the film, it's up to you to decide.
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As I said, the beauty of Shinkane lies in their subtle interactions not by overly-defined public display of affection.
But in this film, the writers are clearly making a statement. To impose their original idea that Kogami and Akane are not meant to be together. Even the Seiyuus say they can ship Ginoza and Akane but they can't with Kogami. And they even tried to be extra careful when delivering the script to avoid any misconception of them having a romantic scene together.
At first I was deeply hurt. Because I've been shipping them like forever. But now I saw Shinkane in a new perspective. I won't try to force them together just because I feel like it.
But I will enjoy any significant scene of them being simply together and the whole Psycho Pass anime franchise as it is the way the writers portray them. Yet in my heart, Shinkane will always be an item. ❤️
Our ship may not sail the way we expect it to be (for 10 straight years) but the bond we have as a Shinkane Community will remain. The fanarts, the fanfics, the forum discussions and sweet exchanges etc...
There's no fandom as dedicated as Shinkane/KoAka fans. #thePowerOfFandom❣️
Everyone at this point is screaming when is the Season 4 coming? We need a closure! 😱
Same here, I wish the Season 4 will come out soon. If the original Division 1 will take on the backseat to give way to new generation of characters (i.e Arata and Kei), why not atleast give them a good closure? They all deserve to be happy!
Yayoi x Shion have their "proper" ending at the First Inspector. But what about the others? 🤔
Also Shizuka Homura. I am very much intrigued by this man. He knows Akane long before she joins the PSB. They have the same alma-mater though years apart ofcourse. And what will he put to the table? Is he a friend or a foe?
Will there be a new Makishima to Kogami? Or a Makishima to Akane?
Most importantly, when will the Sybil System end? It's been the series' primary antagonist but after all these 10 (thousand) years, when will it come to an end? To provide another good plot to Psycho Pass verse and to create more narrative in the future.
⟨I've been writing this review while walking and didn't realize how hard was it 🤣⟩
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starrysharks · 5 months
i might end up watching that one certain series about hell because i want to give my honest opinion on how it turned out as a former fan, but my judgement of 2 minute opening alone is that i really dislike the way they went about the exposition,,, it's kinda drawn out and presented in an uninteresting way, which sucks cuz a few small changes could make it way better - instead of having the protag just read out what she probably already knows, why not have it be a flashback of her father/mother reading it to her and then cut to present day ,,, and also loredumping right off the bat is an easy way to make things boring, pls quicken the pace or leave stuff to the imagination that's a better hook imo. also while i'm not a christian (ex-pentecostal christian, agonistic) and i'm aware that it might be a setup showing how lucifer is maybe lying to/twisting the original story that he tells his subjects, or a "what if"/converging of different forms of christianity/general mythology, the incorrect theology made my ass itch 😭😭😭😭 PLS read the bible or at least be aware of the main points of the teachings before you write a show about any religion
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t-hirstreview · 9 months
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Brennan Lee Mulligan - Shirt Appreciation
Fantasy High - Sophomore Year
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magicaldragons · 7 months
order in the court!
a ryu si-oh analysis
this is part two of his character analysis, and we'll be talking about:
2. the mafia mindset
before we jump in though, let's talk about his mental stability.
ryu si-o is someone who has grown up, completely accustomed to violence. and while this could make him incredibly unhinged, it's surprising that the way he is portrayed in the show is unrealistically stable-minded for someone in his position and with his experience
not once has he: 1. been truly doubtful of any of nam-soon's actions 2. been suspicion of her many absences (but rather been worried instead) i see none of the paranoia that a man of similar personality and trauma would have.
and this could be a plot hole, but if we take it into consideration, especially with the possibility of him noticing her inconguencies and choosing to look past them, it means that he's been able to maintain a realistic view of the world, as others see it, and he's not absorbed into a mindset that was embedded in him as a child.
this also means he views himself as a separate entity from the mafia, but retains the way of thinking + the lessons they've taught him.
we see it, when:
as a child, he wanted to run away, and wished for revenge at some point in the future.
in the way he created an antidote for the drug that pavel supplies, completely against orders and wanted to keep that part of his business separate from pavel
and the way he sees the mafia as "the bad guys" or worse than himself
with his views on strength equating to power & freedom, it makes sense that the second he thinks he's found an ally someone loyal to him with the most physical strength he's ever seen, he'd immediately think he has a chance to leave the mafia, because his only options at any given time before that would have been:
Reject the mafia, face certain death.
Work quietly under their control, but risk death unless he proves himself to be worthy at every given moment.
Become strong enough to overpower the mafia, so they wouldn't be able to hold the threat of harm/death over his head.
he's been pushed into a corner, and wants to leave the mafia, but the only way he can achieve this by thinking like them, and doing things their way, since he's been trained to be one of them his entire life, so we see him react to fear with violence and to uncertainty with false confidence.
we've talked about how he sees himself and the mafia as separate entities, but what about the similarities?
he's very straightforward, because the mafia has no reason to use manipulation, when they work perfectly fine using brute strength and threats, which is exactly what ryu si-o has learned – we have not seen him even once, using emotions or words as a mask, he's been completely bare. using charm is one thing, as he's done often in the earlier episodes, when speaking to strangers, but he's been blunt in his intentions and his approach from the start, which is very mafia-like
his logic & strategy when threatening anyone in his way – his 'smarts' basically
how he responds to any unfavorable situation with either strength/violence or by holding some sort of leverage over people, which is exactly what's been done to him, and therfore what he's learned to emulate.
his concept of loyalty, or people being "his". he is definitely naive in his readiness to interpret an invitation of friendship as a declaration of loyalty, but in his mind, a person on his side equates to someone being in "his mafia" or as "his person".
lastly, literally: the way he carries himself
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micamicster · 10 months
I finished the first season of Veronica Mars! And decided to stop after a couple of episodes of season 2. Idk, I guess I got tired of the lack of closure for many plot lines. The finale was interesting tho, I loved the final villain.
Share your thoughts on the show (here's supposed to be a question mark but tumblr wouldn't let me)
Hi bestie I'm sorry it's taken me so long to talk to you about this show! I'm gonna make up for taking forever by writing like, an essay haha brace yourself
I think that Veronica Mars is a good show that runs into some classic 2000s tv stumbling blocks, manages to do some things that infuriate me personally beyond reason, but ALSO manages to have some elements that are so powerful and so well executed that I'm honestly astonished it got made. These kinda peter out and become muddled over the years, but oh well, we'll always have season one <3
In brief, the 2000s messiness, in varying degrees of offensiveness to the world and to me personally:
The aforementioned plot lines that go nowhere <3
It's case-of-the-week, some cases are gonna suck! What can you do lol
The black best friend who doesn't ever really get any satisfying arcs or attention given to him as a character who contributes beyond letting our protagonist have dialogue with him rather than exclusively monologuing in voiceover
How they handle race in general ofc. Like while I think that in the actual plots of the show there are good intentions (and sometimes good material!) in depicting the racism of this insular hiarchical society, racism in the real world affects the writing by giving the characters of color very little to do, and over all they are taken less seriously by the narrative.
Veronica's rape plot line. I actually think this plot started out very strong! But the minute the show focuses directly on it the writing gets lost in the weeds of plot twists and rival love interests, and I really think the points they were originally trying to make get buried.
Deadbeat Mom ran off she's got a single dad raising her (i feel like the number of single dads in media is exponentially larger than the real number of single dads in life. it's propaganda. and its misogynistic. but I digress)
The stuff I personally hate:
The romances :) lol. lmao, even. (I would love to rant about this but I really think that's not something that deserves to be on what is currently a measured review of the show as a whole)
The stuff that's great:
The noir homage: It's just. It's so good. It's so fucking good. This is to noir detective stories what american vandal will be to true crime 20 years later. I want to give whoever first thought "hey, being an ostracized teen girl is kinda like being a hardboiled noir detective," a raise and a kiss MWAH <3 A+ for tone! Veronica lives on the edges of her society (high school), allowing her to see all of it's pieces and hypocrisy, turning her cynical and aloof. And she's a teenager who solves crimes :D She's funny and self aware of her role, but never in such a way that it feels like lampshading or winking at the audience. They take it seriously--they take HER seriously, and that makes the show work.
Lilly: The central case of the show, the murder of Veronica's best friend and Veronica's revenge-driven mission to find her killer, is where the first season gets its power. Veronica gets to have the noir detective plot line of being haunted by the death of a woman she loved and driven by revenge, and it is so much more powerful here than I've ever seen it in its original form. Lilly is a tragedy, she is an unflinching look at the sexual exploitation of teenage girls and the casualness with which violent men will turn that violence on them, she is a messy bratty bitch of a sixteen year old, and Veronica loves her. Lilly gets to be complicated because Veronica, who knew her and loves her, is telling us her story. There are a lot of people who are affected by Lilly's death, but this show is about Veronica, and her reaction to the murder of her friend is what matters to the writers and the viewers. Once again, the show takes Veronica (and her grief and her rage and her love) seriously, and there is a lot of power in that. I think the reason the later seasons struggle is because they simply can't stand up to the emotional intensity that made up the core of season one.
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anonymousdandelion · 2 years
waiting to see which of my posts holds first place on December 31, when I plan to finally post the Year in Review Tumblr keeps waving in my face
this feels like when I used to launch half a dozen Hot Wheels cars across the living room floor one after another, then watch eagerly to see which one would get furthest and win the race
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battywitch · 9 months
I am begging ya'll to stop fucking believing every Facebook meme you see, especially ones that relate to health stuff
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7outerelements · 1 year
Skip and Loafer is probably the best slice-of-life manga I've read in recent memory. A plot summary hardly does it justice, but: An ambitious country bumpkin moves into the city with her aunt to attend a prestigious urban high school. She makes fast friends with a charming but distant boy and several girls. The story bounces from her fish-out-of-water experiences to each of the cast member's personal trials.
A lot of high school sagas thrive on episodic drama, absurd exaggerations of mundane events, or the rush of tentative new love, and, honestly, I'm kind of tired of them after reading it for almost two decades. Skip and Loafer rests the entirety of its charm on strong character writing and the surprising depths of feeling that drive simple actions.
It isn't a meandering, plotless gag manga either. From the first pages, this story is an argument, a plea with the world about how to connect to other people. Like any strong argument, it continually interrogates its own premises, posits counterarguments to strengthen its resolve. It's easy to say "Be yourself," but what does that mean in a world where people are thoughtless? Cruel? Apathetic? When being yourself is unbearable? When you don't know who "yourself" even is? When "yourself" is a place, and you don't live there anymore?
Rather than skew dark, the story is persistently joyful when finding answers to these difficult questions, and the small, quiet beauty in considering some of them for the first time, even when answers escape us. It is thoughtful, and funny, and kind without being saccharine. My favorite character rotates every other chapter (currently: Mika, most recently, Nao).
It's a sincere, empathetic look at a society that lacks connections, and the anxieties that manifest like stress fractures due to the resulting lack of support. It's a story about how those connections can still be built, and they can mend us in ways that seem unfathomable at the outset. It's about dreams, and waiting for the bus, and taking off your shoes to run.
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mandareeboo · 2 years
Me every time I watch something: I could do a review of this. I could be a reviewer.
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
I’m just dreading Lake Laogai now for salt reasons alone
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alchemiclee · 7 days
I hate when google something and get conflicting results and am too busy or tired to spend hours researching the truth.
i'll search for example "is *thing* good quality" and get one result that says "after many tests it's very good quality and is about the same compared to *other thing of actual proven quality* and is worth it"
then directly under it is a result "after many tests compared to *other thing* it's poor quality and not worth it"
google results are so bad and it's so hard to find anything unless you want to spend hours diving deep into results and doing different searches. just give me correct or helpful answers right away and not sponsored paid results that are full of lies!!!!
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gorillaxyz · 28 days
today i will start reading nixon: a life
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whalebonereviews · 3 months
American Animals (2018)
This is a movie review so....spoilers ahead :)
Honestly, I both loved this movie and hated it. On one hand, it glorifies 4 entitled white men's dumb college heist, and on the other hand, it perfectly captures the dread of waiting for something, anything to happen to change the grey 9-5 trajectory your life is currently on. I loved the cinematography and acting. I could feel their anxiety and desperation through the screen, the real-life people talking to their film screen counterparts were really the cherry on top for me.
Growing up I never had idols or people I looked up to (which sucked when I had to write essays about my non-existent idols), instead I had people I would never want to grow up to be. For example: my Tia, living with her narcissistic controlling mom, no friends, a candy crush addiction, and a bank teller job. My mother, unable to stick with a job for more than a year because she became stressed, depressed, or bored, and unable to control her emotions before they reached her children, and giving up on her dreams of art. All this is pretty depressing for a child and probably didn't help my outlook on life.
As a high school senior who has felt like she is waiting for something, anything, to change and bring me back to life or change my eventual 9-5-giving-up-on-my-dreams-for-reality fate the beginning of this movie really struck a chord with me (especially before I realized this isn't fiction and is really based in reality). I get why they started planning it. It gave them a goal to work towards, excitement, adrenaline, a change from their dull lives and futures, and a whole bunch of money. I don't believe they did it for the money though , at least not on the whole. What I don't get is why they kept going. They couldn't have been so blind-sighted that they believed they could pull it off unscathed or with a small slap on the wrist. Obviously, the excitement, adventure, money, and toeing the line kept them hooked, but their entitlement and conviction that they would get away with it was infuriating. It was meant to be infuriating watching them throw their lives away with dumb decisions and sloppy mistakes but I still sat there with my hands nervously sweating.
This movie explores the pitfall that is late-stage capitalism and the American Dream beautifully, with the constant reminder that this was and is someone's life.
Overall, this was a great movie and I definitely recommend watching it but make sure to take it with a grain of salt.
I need to say that I have tried so hard to pull myself out of this haze of disillusionment. I have been to countless hours of therapy, I started working on a farm in another state, I tried to kiss my best friend, and yes I have tried lying in the middle of the street in the rain, but those are all just temporary fixes. I am not just complaining that everything wasn't handed to me on a silver platter, I am complaining and relating to the emptiness and hopelessness I feel (and the men in this movie felt) because of our society. I feel like I go through the motions of being a good student, a good friend, a good leader, making sure I eat 3 meals a day, trying my hardest to be pretty and nice and interesting, and keeping all this and more up in hopes that someday soon I won't feel so empty inside. I feel so trapped and stuck sometimes. I want to cut off the long hair I grew out because it was pretty, tear out my piercings, eat all the garlic and onion, and seaweed I avoid because it will make my breath stink, scratch at my skin until it's scarred beyond belief and tell every person I hate that I've been nice to to kindly fuck off.
I swear watching the clock tick closer to 4:15 will kill me someday.
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