gosulsel · 10 months
Universitas Bosowa Jadi Pilot Project Program Budidaya Pisang Pj Gubernur Sulsel - Gosulsel
GOWA, GOSULSEL.COM - Universitas Bosowa (Unibos) menjadi pilot Project dalam program budidaya pisang yang diinisiasi oleh Pj Gubernur Sulsel, Bachtiar Baharuddin. Unibos dan perguruan tinggi swasta (PTS) se-Sultanbatara memulai program ini dengan melakukan penanaman pisang di lahan Fakultas...
#BudidayaPisang #Unibos #UniversitasBosowa
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auxoubliettes · 20 days
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blondiestudyblr · 4 months
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University of Bologna ✨ Natural history museum 💛 It was amazing visiting the collection of Ulisse Aldrovandi botanist 💛
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anitalianfrie · 6 months
please please tell me more about bezz uni student au that lives in your head
anon i went and opened the unibo nightmare site just for you, i hope you know this
first of all, small introduction to the univeristy system in italy: uni is usually divided in two segments/degrees: triennale (three years) and the magistrale (two years). this is true for the majority of degrees with some exceptions like medicine, which is six years and is not divided in triennale and magistrale.
bez either does mechanical engineering or something like. economics. and is a fuoricorso (meaning that he's been studying for his degree for more years than it should actually take). he lives in a shitty rented apartment with mig and pecco and a misterious third flatmated who bails on them in september which means they are in dire need of a new guy to replace him. Pecco remembers about a kid his mum told him about, the son of a friend of a friend of a friend, and scrambles to call him and ask him if he needs a place to stay. Luckily for everybody, Cele does.
so cele, nineteen and doe eyed, who's about to start his first year in uni (he's an engineer 100% i just need to decide whether mechanic or aerospace) moves in. and that's how it starts, idk yet about the rest but something will happen. angst will occour.
vale is the crazy professor every single one of them had (either physics or analysis or something equally crazy) and has an insane feud with marc who teaches his same course/is in his same department. rosquez craziness is never out of my aus.
bez goes around with totebags, is an active member of various uni associations and lives out of pasta al tonno (pasta with canned tuna) than he still manages to cook abysmally and things he heats on the pan (not the microwave bc the apartment doesn't have one) that his mum makes him every weekend when he gets back home. he doesn't know he's bi and living with cele (gay, out and proud. okay not really proud nor out but doesn't hide it. kinda involved in the uni lgbt association after the first months, asks bez to go scout it with him and bez almost implodes) sends him to the deepest pits of gay hell and desperation.
idk what the others would study yet tbh.
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verdemint · 2 months
Migno che chiama Bez amante delle birkenstock, BENTORNATO UNIBO BEZ!
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imasallstars · 2 years
 Lyrics: ao-WiFi  Music: ao-WiFi, Len  Arrange: Len
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Hey girlyyyy, I have a super weird question. I know you just finished university, but would you be able to check what Italian textbooks they used for your Bologna university’s computer science (Informatica fornisce) part? Specifically ‘tecnico sistemista’, I just want a name for the textbooks used. I know this is extremely weird and I totally understand if you don’t want to answer.
Hi queen~ 💕
Not a weird question at all!
Take a look here:
This page displays all the subjects and their names for student enrolled in 2023. Unfortunately there's no english version and most of professors do not share the textbooks' names on their pages (I've seen this done only in rare occasions in my course).
However, if you have the name of a specific course, I'll try to ask my IT friends!
Please feel free to DM me!
-La Principessa della Squadra
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scienza-magia · 4 days
reAGIAMO a Bologna con le Università
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A Bologna il 27 settembre torna la Notte dei Ricercatori. Tanti gli appuntamenti a Bologna, coinvolti anche campus della Romagna e l'Università di Ferrara. Il 27 settembre torna la Notte Europea dei Ricercatori, organizzata dal Consorzio Society con Università di Bologna, Cnr, Cineca, Inaf, Infn, Ingv e Università di Ferrara. A Bologna la manifestazione si terrà in zona universitaria tra Piazza Scaravilli e Palazzo Poggi, e nel Quartiere Navile, presso l'Area territoriale di Ricerca - CNR e il nuovo Distretto universitario con l’obiettivo di sviluppare l’evento in più punti della città. Il motto di quest’anno è “reAGIAMO” Il motto di quest’anno è “reAGIAMO” per innescare nei giovani che parteciperanno all’iniziativa una sorta di reazione a catena che aiuti a riflettere e a comprendere la complessità del mondo attuale. Coinvolti anche i campus della Romagna e l'università di Ferrara Saranno coinvolti nell’evento anche i campus della Romagna - Cesena, Forlì e Predappio, Rimini, Ravenna e Faenza, con un evento realizzato anche presso il Cnr-Issmc - e l’Università di Ferrara, per offrire a cittadine e cittadini, a ragazze e ragazzi, a persone di tutte le età e provenienza di entrare in contatto con ricercatrici e ricercatori di diversi ambiti e partecipare attivamente alla nascita di nuove idee, tra esperimenti, presentazioni, dimostrazioni, giochi, esposizioni e laboratori. “In un mondo che sta affrontando eventi imprevedibili e drammatici, la ricerca offre risposte concrete e soluzioni innovative per guardare al futuro con fiducia – si legge in una nota diffusa dagli organizzatori  - . Ma per fare in modo che queste soluzioni si realizzino, è fondamentale appassionare le nuove generazioni alla complessità del mondo circostante”. Gli appuntamenti in programma a Bologna A Bologna, in attesa dell'inaugurazione della Notte, l'appuntamento è al Distretto Universitario del Navile (Via Piero Gobetti, 85), dalle 16 alle 17.30, dove, dopo i saluti della prof.ssa Maria Letizia Guerra, Delegata per l'Impegno pubblico, si svolgerà un'attività dal titolo “Aspettando la Notte Europea dei Ricercatori. Re-azioni Chimiche, industriali e farmaceutiche: è al Navile che si trasforma”, con le ricercatrici e i ricercatori dei Dipartimenti di Chimica "Giacomo Ciamician", Chimica Industriale "Toso Montanari", Farmacia e Biotecnologie dell'Università di Bologna. La Notte prenderà ufficialmente il via alle 17 presso l'Area territoriale di Ricerca CNR (Via Gobetti, 101), dove il taglio del nastro sarà realizzato dal Presidente dell'AtdR CNR Vittorio Morandi, coordinatore del progetto Society reAGIAMO e dai rappresentanti/referenti dei partner (CINECA, INAF, INFN, INGV, UNIBO), alla presenza dell'assessore all’Urbanistica, Raffaele Laudani in rappresentanza del Comune di Bologna e dell’assessore regionale allo Sviluppo economico, Vincenzo Colla. A Palazzo Poggi e Piazza Scaravilli, invece, la Notte sarà inaugurata alle 18.30 dal rettore dell’Università di Bologna, Giovanni Molari, accompagnato dalla appena laureata ad honorem dell’Alma Mater Emmanuelle Charpentier che richiamerà l'importanza del valore pubblico della conoscenza. Saranno inoltre presenti: Vittorio Morandi, Presidente dell’Area territoriale di Ricerca di Bologna – Cnr in qualità anche di coordinatore del progetto e i rappresentanti delle istituzioni locali e regionali. Read the full article
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brown-side · 9 days
I siti delle università americane fanno pena
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kunsthallenovi · 6 months
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Spinozan scholar Lorenzo Vinciguerra visiting kN on March 30, 2024.
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gosulsel · 10 months
Rancang Program Internasional, Unibos Berkolaborasi dengan Qingdao University China - Gosulsel
QINGDAO, GOSULSEL.COM - Universitas Bosowa (Unibos) melakukan penjajakan kerja sama dengan Qingdao University, Jumat (01/12/2023). Penjajakan kerja sama disambut hangat oleh oleh Vice President Qingdao University, Prof. Li Jun, didampingi Wakil Direktur Human Resource Department, Jiang Junkai,...
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waybackwanderer · 7 months
Applications for the Pilot Jan 1997 Archived Web Page
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radio-cap · 2 years
Un po' di barbosa, ma necessaria, cultura
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anitalianfrie · 4 months
effetto mandela per me è che nella mia mente, bezz porta lo smalto nero. poi vedo delle sue foto e mi ricordo che non è vero
Dovrebbe metterselo... So true è una cosa troppo vera anche per me. Ed è per questo che nell'unibo au se lo mette al 100%.
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liesmyth · 4 months
Hey! So this is a bit random, but I've followed you for a few years and would love to hear any thoughts you'd be willing to share re: the university system in Italy as far as graduate school! I don't wanna bog you down w/details, but reason I ask is I now (after 9 years of working to pay off my undergrad student loans) am in a spot where I could actually go to grad school. The are some programs that sound great especially for the areas I'm interested in. I know you're from Rome and am not tryna assume you would have info just bc you're Italian!! I'm just asking in the way of like, do these schools have any specific reputation you've heard?
University of Pavia
Ca'Foscari University of Venice
University of Bologna
Hi! so, I'm not very familiar with any of those universities firsthand but I'm throwing this out there for my italian moots to please jump in and add stuff / correct me if necessary. @valarinde I know you must know something about these
Unibo: I only know of it from friends who've done masters in polisci / international relations-related fields, and everyone I know who studied there liked it. Constantly ranked among the best public universities in Italy. The university is quite left-leaning afaik and LGBTQ+ friendly. There's a good environment for students (+ the food is great) but it's currently in the middle of a rent crisis and housing isn't cheap.
Ca'Foscari: I'm only familiar with the language department and it's very good for that. Both a pro and a con that you get to live in Venice. They have every good Erasmus placement afaik, as well as the Swiss Mobility program. I've only heard good things about the campus. I will have more information later if the trainer whose son went to that university is on shift at my gym this evening.
Pavia: I don't know anyone who went there, but by reputation, student life is very good and average rents aren't especially high.
@ mutualiani please feel free to chime in!
I also recommend posting on r/Universitaly, it's not a huge sub but you get reliable opinions for the most part.
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ignihide · 4 months
another incomprensibile italian post, university edition (housewardens only)
riddle studies giurisprudenza. i take no criticism on this. he has the entire codice civile memorized before even enrolling because he's that obsessed. i'm putting him IN bocconi because of course he's in bocconi. he spends an ungodly amount of money on his rent in central milano. always dressed to impress the professors, always in a first row seat, always raising his hand. absolutely blazing through his exams. cries if he gets less than 29.
leona pretends to study filosofia at unibo. i say pretends because when he does show up he just sleeps through the two hour class. very fuoricorso. like, he's literally the embodiment of fuoricorso. his coinquilino ruggie is half the reason he doesn't show up to class in pajamas (though he did, once or twice. this is unibo, no one cared). studies only on dispense and somehow passes with an average of 20-24.
azul studies economia aziendale e management in bocconi. he's from milano and he's fully immersed in the lifestyle. likes to ask elaborate, well researched questions complete with data which have the professors usually going "i'll look it up and answer it tomorrow". takes absolutely fire notes but doesn't share them with anyone. needless to say, his coursemates hate him. can be found in the uni library at ungodly hours together with riddle. very high average, around 28-30.
kalim studies lingue e letterature straniere at unibo. he's sorta cheating, because he takes arabic as a native speaker. absolutely loves the bologna lifestyle, he's always partying in piazza verdi or montagnola until a panicked jamil comes find him, snatches him away from leona's bad influence, and brings him back to their shitty rented flat. jamil is the only reason he's somewhat up to date with his exams, though his average is around 23-25.
vil studies fashion design in milano. it just feels right. he's already making money with his acting and influencer careers though (chiara ferragni who), so it's not like he needs a degree, but he still wants one. perfect grades, always praised for his projects. azul has definitely tried to approach him to get his small (and sorta shady) business publicized.
idia is the weird greek erasmus student who ended up at unibo for a semester. he takes ingegneria informatica and when he doesn't get a panic attack he just blazes through his exams despite not speaking a word of italian. avoids his coursemates like the plague, even though they keep trying to approach him asking him how in the hell he got a 30 in analisi. absolutely terrified of the chaotic life in bologna. his family is filthy rich, so they rented a nice flat in the santo stefano area for him and his poor brother, who really really wants to go run at the giardini margherita, please idia, please
malleus studies lettere classiche at la sapienza in roma because he'd never go to unibo for it. besides, there's so many ruins to explore in roma! (and he'd rather do that than show up to class). of course he has an average of 30 e lode.
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