#Unintentional The Magnus Archives
muffinlance · 6 months
Toddler: I am going to make a panopticon hover craft
And then he did
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ailathemoodentity · 1 year
I love the fact that The Magnus Archives acronym (TMA) in my language literally means "darkness". I just think it is a neat fact.
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pandorem · 2 years
Thinking about Jon and Martin and how Martin’s trauma with his mother involves needing to be a caregiver far too young, and being resented for it. How Jon’s relationship with his grandmother may be more ambiguous, but whether he was right or not, Jon at least felt resented by her for being a burden and needing to be cared for. How Martin still tries to take care of his mother and everyone around him, how Jon’s upbringing led him to have incredible difficulty in asking for and accepting help. How even basic gestures of care get Jon’s defences up. How each of these backgrounds actually make Jon and Martin clash at first, grating on each other’s traumas and issues just in their basic interactions.
And how if they manage to get past all that, how perfect the potential is for helping each other heal. Being appreciated and being cared for.
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magn-animously · 5 months
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What do we think?
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unsat-and-strange · 2 months
day one of trying to find a digital style that works for me, here have a daisy
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image id: a digital drawing of daisy tonner from the magnus archives. she is drawn in a side profile from the neck up facing the left. she is a white woman with red hair pulled up into a bun. she has a sharp jaw and slightly crooked nose, and blue eyes with a stern or angry expression. her visible eye is highlighted red, as is her mouth and the inside of her ear. the dark grey lineart is highlighted with sketchier white lines
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thatmoththoth · 9 months
Inktober day 2: “Epidemic”
Adding onto Horrors and Murders (TMA AU)
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No one really knows much about the Head of Rot. Sure we know their name and face, but no one ever sees them. We know they live in the city where disease spreads fastest. Sometimes there will be an outbreak of mysterious illnesses. They always spread just enough to make people worry, but never enough to warrant extreme investigation. Sometimes someone will come down with a seemingly innocuous cough that lasts for a week. It will lay dormant untill the spores take root in their lungs and eventually you cough up blood, mushrooms, and spores. It specifically targets those too afraid to visit the doctor. Anyone who touches the blood gets infected aswell. It’s always in the same part of the city that it spreads. The Head of Rot lives there. And they lay dormant within their home until eventually they wake after hibernating for a long period of time. They seem to be a normal human but they bring with them dangerous spores. The Head of Eye once visited them. Only once. He came to give them their Kaijuship Certificate while waiting a hazmat suit for his own safety. There’s no delivery men to take these Certificates to new Head Fears so he has to take matters into his own hands.
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archivalbeholding · 2 years
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assorted practice sketches while trying to figure out ideas and designs for an au i've been working on
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milkinthemicrowave · 5 months
Theory: The Magnus Archives entitites are homophobic. /nsrs
One of my favorite things about the Magnus Archives is the LGBTQ+ representation. However, what’s VERY funny to me is that since this is a HORROR series, the fact that more gay people are being targeted by eldritch horrors than the national average… makes it look like the dread powers are just, SUPER homophobic. It’s completely unintentional and extremely funny to me. “Statement of Herman Gorgoli, regarding his period trapped alone in a suburban area of Cheadle, and how he almost died while on the way to give his ex-husband Alberto’s moose heirloom back-”
“... that’s like the 5th gay person this week that almost died in an eldritch encounter. I’m… noticing a pattern. Will bring this up to Martin. Anyway, audio recorded by Jonathan Sims-” Herman and Alberto from Episode 150: Cul-De-Sac are one-off characters who, in any other media, would ABSOLUTELY be a wife and husband by default. But in the Magnus Archives, the fact that they are both men isn’t isn’t screamed about like “LOOK!! DIVERSITY!!!” …It’s completely normalized. As it really should be. In the Magnus Archives, a character doesn’t NEED a reason to be queer, just the same as they don’t need a reason to be straight. 
But… if we assume that the percentage of LGBTQ+ people mirrors that of our world, the amount of queer relationships in these statements does not match the population average at ALL. 
...And this series is about eldritch dread powers almost killing people. 
So… why are so many of the victims LGBTQ+? The dread powers are homophobic. In this 500 page essay, I will. DISCLAIMER: this is a VERY non-serious theory. I know that Jonathan Sims made it this way just because he could, and it’s EXTREMELY refreshing. I love the series how it is, and would never want to change it. This is just a very funny thought that popped in my head one day. Thank you for reading my ramblings. Also, this theory goes RIGHT out the window if we assume that there's a higher percentage of queer relationships in the world of the Magnus Archives, so. That could also be true.
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hinaypod · 1 year
This was fully unintentional when we first began but
The Magnus Archives Protagonist: Scrawny, grumpy paranoid British man who is asexual
Hi Nay Protagonist: Fat, sunshiney Filipina woman who is pansexual
((they are both 👁️💀💔⚰️))
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lavender-wiitch · 4 months
being brazilian and listening to the magnus archives/protocol has a few unspoken treats. not only is michael distortion uncannily similar to a turma da mônica character, the name O.I.A.R. is basically the spelling of the mineiro dialect’s version of the verb “olhar” (to look) and that’s EXACTLY what they do
it’s 100% unintentional on the writers’ part because how the fuck would they know that — and it’s amazing because it’s also so on point????
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isa-ghost · 4 months
Också! Har The Magnus Archives och rädslorna (eller något annat därifrån) påverkat AMFMN? Typ hur EK väljer att ta över Phil, eller hur det påverkar honom? (Eller kanske något helt annat? Hur du bygger upp världens interna logik?)
(Snälla säg att jag inte blandar ihop med någon annan, och det faktiskt är du som gillar TMA)
Om du skulle klassificera EK’s övertagande av Phil som någon av rädslorna från TMA, vilken skulle det vara?
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(Yes I like TMA, it's in my pinned message!! :D)
If there's any bits of TMA in AMFMN, it's totally unintentional (for now, but now you've got me thinking). I can definitely sit and stew on this and dissect the story so far and what I have planned but not written in a way that draws parallels.
As for what fear the Ender King falls under? It's obvious isn't it? Corruption. :)
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Greed corrupts. Power corrupts. Two things he has in excess. Ender King physically corrupted Phil. Both in canon and here in AMFMN. Wing, skin, eyes, behavior, all of it. He's corrupted him inside and out.
And I can share this because I've touched on it in the headcanons I wrote that inspired AMFMN's existence: Purging EK from Phil's system, be it the doing of the polycule or of Phil himself (spoiler alert: it'll be both) are going to be very sickness coded, something else The Corruption represents.
Not only that, EK's weakness, water, is the antithesis of another thing The Corruption represents: Filth. Just throw some soap in that water bucket, Fit/Etoiles/Missa/Bagi, you'll save Phil right away. 😆
Additionally, let's talk about rot and decay. Phil's body may be immortal, but it's not built to house a god. He's going to be falling apart inside almost literally, to the degree that Ender King, an entity that doesn't have to eat, is going to be relying on chugging golden apples to the point where Phil rekindles his previously kicked addiction to them (bringing in some of that hardcore lore/popular fanon babey!!)
And let's point out the most obvious part of all: toxic relationships and codependency. Ender King needs a vessel. He's dependent on Phil. He's also a toxic presence himself, controlling and possessive, violent, etc. And if we were to look at things in a "Phil work with me, I'll give you everything you've ever wanted" perspective, that's an unhealthy companionship!!
And while it's kind of a reach, Ender King represents the end. Including Endermites. Which are bugs. So there's that too.
Phil is an excellent Avatar of Corruption (perhaps also touched by The Web, bc of his fear of lacking control), because his greatest fear is being corrupted by The Ender King and his own greed.
Now you've got me cooking up a TMA QSMP AU. Definitely stay tuned for that. I'm thinking hella thoughts.
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elishortforelliott · 3 months
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Meet sir wormingtin mayor of wormvile he is very fancy with his hat!
Also I didn't mean to make this piece magnus archives themed it was totally unintentional my instructor said it would look cool with worms cuase it was a flower pot and it just spiraled (heh) from there.
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ao3feed-jonmartin · 1 month
theres nothing left for me but you (together we will see it through)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/dZEinOr by jmbian In front of him lies his lover, unconscious. It’s not like last time— the monitor beeps in time with his heart. His chest rises and falls with his breathing. But his body is just as unmoving, just as scarred. Words: 1570, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Martin Blackwood, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist Additional Tags: Angst, Post-MAG 200, sooo spoilers!!!, Location: Somewhere Else (The Magnus Archives), Unintentional Character Study, Comatose Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Trans Martin Blackwood, Trans Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, not important to the fic nor mentioned but theyre t4t to ME!!!, Hopeful Ending, (???), jonmartin, mention of a panic attack, One-Shot, Established Relationship read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/dZEinOr
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ward-of-blue-things · 4 months
I'm going to start kin assigning you fear entities from The Magnus Archives, smile (I love the magnus archives<33)
Can't tell if you would be more so a victim of the Desolation (the fear of having everything ripped away from you for little to no reason) early on, though there's a good chance. Maybe an unintentional follower of the Eye (the constant pursuit of information, leading you to get more paranoid in the years as the Eye also manifests that way as well). Maybe during the period of time that Amy was at the for front of problems you had fallen into the hands of the Stranger (having the people around you distorted) or the Spiral (having the environment around you distort), though they go hand and hand. Correct me if I'm wrong about that though it's been roughly a year since I've looked at the games' lore
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system-reset · 5 months
I would like to talk about the magnus archives and the effects it has had on us.
firstly, we all absolutely loved that podcast, and we have numerous story ideas inspired by it. so none of this is hate or anything.
the most important things tma did for us are
a) made us far more weary of links and downloads online (iykyk.)
b) allowed us to realize the detrimental effects our (mostly unintentional) long term self-isolation may be having on us (that first space episode)
these are useful bits of fear/knowledge to have to have, and have almost certainly protected us from harm at least once.
some of the neutral things we've acquired are:
a (further) distaste for meat
weariness around cameras and such (although, that is in part due to other things)
inability to even consider working as an archivist (this is also partly because of the scarab archives and archive 81, but tma played a large role in it)
then, we've also gained a handful of rather silly fears, and a few habits that can occasionally be a bit distracting.
these include, but are not limited to:
a distrust of doors, and subsequent need to count the doors in our apartment every time we need to go into a room (there are 3 built in doors that follow this worlds euclidean requirements. 4 if you include the balcony door. that's it.)
a fear of and disgust toward worms
a strange fear that there are, somehow, hidden tunnels or rooms in every building we enter
an increase in our pre-existing anxiety around dolls, puppets, and - most strongly - mannequins (doctor who also played a part in that last bit.)
we have, unfortunately, picked up a handful of fears that make our life a bit more difficult as well. further anxiety about being watched, a renewed fear of the dark, an increase in our fear of bugs (mostly ants and spiders, honestly), and an inability to go to quieter parts of town alone, just to name a few. those are all things we had already been dealing with, though, so for the most part it's just a matter of taking extra precautions - no matter how silly it may seem to other people.
mostly tma gave us a lot of inspiration for our own horror stories, and a few silly little fears.
slightly related: I figured out what the others are excited about. and I'm excited about it too now.
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ml-nolan · 9 months
how did you first get into writing?
Not to be all "I've been writing since I can remember" about it, but I kind of have been. Did the whole thing where I demanded my mom type up little stories I dictated to her and stuff. I was an only child, so I played by myself most of the time, and it's hard to do that if you can't make yourself part of stories and construct imaginary worlds.
The difference between my "I was always writing" story and some other people's was, I didn't give myself a ton of intellectual or creative freedom, for a variety of reasons I won't get into here. Lots and lots of things went unfinished. I was great at nonfiction and essays and writing stories and poetry that adults liked/approved of, so I won a lot of prizes and got into summer programs and stuff, but I didn't actually have fun with fiction until very recently.
When I finally started writing fiction again in my 20s after more "life experience" (i.e., doing myself a lot of intentional and unintentional harm), I hated it and felt awful about everything I wrote. I decided to let myself quit. I had been forcing the identity of "writer" on myself since I was a kid, so I just allowed myself to say, "I'm not a writer anymore." It was actually pretty fucking freeing and a good reset.
Since I knew I was still good at organizing thoughts, digital publishing mechanics, and writing copy, I got into book publishing. I figured everyone else's stories were better than mine anyway, so I'd just focus on helping them. The longer I helped others, though, and worked on managing my mental illnesses, the more I thought that I could probably do it for myself again at some point.
I could never finish any piece of fiction longer than a very short story until my first Magnus Archives long fic, which I wrote at 34 years old. Shockingly (sarcasm), it was not long after I finally came out as pan and nonbinary. Turns out when you hold giant pieces of yourself back from your art, it really shows. I was actually a writer, and I did have stories worth telling. I just needed to be honest with myself about who I was and not police my thoughts so much. I recommend it.
Probably a little longer than the question warranted, but thanks for asking!
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