#Universal healthcare when?
I just broke a fucking tooth. The 2020s hate me and my pursuit of happiness.
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ratwithhands · 4 months
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Pulled your and your bestie's mom ✨
Of all things I was listening to Oops! by Yung Gravy and I was like "what if I drew this with Emmet". I'm too busy to do a rough animatic but this is him with both player moms.
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agentldiddy · 3 months
Why do people against universal healthcare always say “uhh but what about Canada, you have to wait forever for a doctor” as if that’s the only country that has universal healthcare.
Like, tell me some reports of that issue in Sweden, or Greenland, or South Korea, of Egypt, or literally any of the 154 or so other countries on our fucking planet
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Have some Healthcare AU quotes
Hyrule: We should go hiking!
Legend: It’s raining.
Wars: He’s too salty for the rain, Rulie, he dissociates in water.
Wind: Well, when you’re sick and tired of just sitting around at home, let me know and we can hang out!
Four, slowly burning out: I’m just sick and tired, period.
Wild: I’ve gotten pretty good at reading the vibe of a unit when I go in there for anything.
Twi: Oh?
Wild: Yeah. For example. Your unit? 7 central? Immaculate. Friendly nurses, cheerful people, pretty happy with their jobs. Next door in the PICU, stressed but hanging in there, and very dedicated to what they do.
Twi: What about the ED?
Wild: Insane, on fire, held together by a thread.
Nurse, cheerily: Hello! Ready for another shift?
Legend, staring at her as she walks by: Why the hell is she so cheerful?
Warriors: She’s from the PACU.
Legend: Oh heavens. Is she staying?
Warriors, cringing: Yeah.
Legend: May her soul rest in peace.
Altered older lady, slyly smiling: So, you married, young man?
Hyrule, without missing a beat: Yes.
Lady: Got any kids?
Hyrule: Three.
Mo, after the call: Congrats on the marriage. I thought you only had two kids though? That’s what you said last time.
Hyrule, shrugging: Three made it seem more established I guess.
Mo, laughing: So what are their names? Oh, is Aurora or Dawn the wife?
Hyrule, beet red: L-Let’s change the subject.
Malon to a medical student: Do not touch the sterile field.
Time: She will kill you, and I’m afraid my OR is already booked so I can’t do much to fix it.
Student: *sees Time cutting open a human being* *proceeds to pass out*
Time:…..Well, at least he didn’t touch anything sterile on the way down.
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caimitos · 4 months
saw a post about projecting your ethnicity onto a character and started missing vespa ilkay. so so bad
#pov u grow up in a 3rd world country(/planet) where healthcare workers are exported by the thousands like cheap produce to richer countries#it's your ticket out of poverty as long as you can deal with the loneliness the separation from everyone you know the discrimination etc#ive never talked about my hc that vespas mother was one of them sending money every month visiting every couple of years until it just stop#like why return to the swamps when youre doing fine working on a richer planet w much better living conditions#cost of living rises every year. sending home a % of your salary used to be enough to support your husband and daughter and then it isnt#you know how it goes#vespa is also dead set on this path until ranga realizes that hemorrhaging healthcare workers leaves them with little to none of their own#students on scholarships or in community/state universities are bound by return service agreements and are forbidden to leave the country#until theyve rendered a few years of work on ranga to pay back their tuition + as a really shitty solution to the brain drain problem#this is real in my country btw but my professors say a lot of ppl do break their rsa's and fucked off to work in other countries LOL#our state unis can barely afford decent facilities they do nottt have the budget to chase down their own alumni in other countries!#but the mental image is a bit funny#vespa ilkays first crime: tinakasan ang rsa#i do also think it lines up with her having a network of med friends everywhere in the galaxy (heart of it all) you kind of go into pre/med#expecting most of your classmates to leave to work in other countries eventually. mine are aiming for the usa / uae / europe / japan etc#anyway whether vespa breaks her rsa or not she leaves ranga asap decides to switch careers and the rest is history#i also deeply love the fact that she's superstitious i'm very sad it wasn't highlighted more (i've only heard s1-3)#as someone who did grow up in a rural area and went to more albularyos/folk healers than doctors in my childhood. (they never failed me)#lots of folk illnesses (ex. balis; pasma) local medical superstitions (dont eat noodles in hospital; youll have a really toxic shift) etcc#theres also a lot of potential in tying her past as a rangian + med student + assassin to me idk how to word this properly#being raised on cautionary tales of not to touch/disturb anything in the swamps then being given free reign to poke & prod at things in her#lab classes (now with the proper ppe)....she was having so much fun with the curemother prime too lmao#years of walking hanging bridges docks boathouses in ranga etc gave her great balance & stealth#cracking open alien shellfish in the swamps to cutting open bodies for studying then for assassination....#I MISS HER SO MUCH BALIK KN SAKEN 😭😭😭😭😭😭#i get why most people + the canon focuses on her being an assassin bc people find that cooler i guess#but vespa being a swamp girl > 3rd world med student > assassin is so personal To Me. the whole pipeline. eugh.#skl.txt
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bisexualamy · 2 years
i think a lot of ppl who live outside the usa don't get that if someone is insured and their procedure is covered by insurance they still have to pay. like, the insurance does not cover your healthcare it just gives you a discount on your healthcare. and sometimes that discount is care that would've been $10k without insurance is $2k. people cannot afford covered, insured procedures.
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meat-loving-meat · 7 months
I want to write a Vanyel/Stefen modern-with-magic AU soooo bad but I don’t know Valdemar lore like at all. There are six books standing between me and feeling comfortable enough in the lore to imagine what Valdemar might look like with the internet and planes
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endercoil · 10 months
This is kind of related to the last post I reblogged but honestly it’s funny to me how so many people are like. “Go to therapy” now and act like that solves so many problems
Yes therapy can help but I’ve been to multiple therapists who did not help. Even if they tried to, CBT did frankly fuck all for the issues (and it’s even weirder when one tried to get me to use CBT methods to… stop having ADHD symptoms…?)
Like, I have a phobia of the dark, and talking to a therapist barely helped it. The method used was to tell me the fear I felt was only perceived, but the funny thing is, it’s kind of Hard To Tell It’s Only Perceived. That’s kind of the reason it was a phobia for me
What DID help was prozac and a “welp fuck it we ball” mentality.
Like, I’m not saying therapy is bad, but I AM saying that therapy is expensive and sometimes that money can be better used than to talk to a guy who isn’t helpful. I don’t know.
Disclaimers I feel obligated to add:
- since I mentioned medication this also applies to psychiatrists some of them are god awful. I feel like that’s just a trend in medicine that a ton of professionals are god awful.
- I’m not saying CBT is inherently bad or useless. Recognizing thought patterns and changing them is helpful! I’ve just encountered it being used in ways where it wasn’t helpful which is… not great. Especially when it has a price tag attached.
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lilacs-and-memes · 1 month
I was better today. So I fixed my neocities website to be more mobile friendly.
I also worked on making my Monochrome Lady in Vroid. She'll be the easiest test subject since I can skip texture shading.
I also tested how much you can lower polygons before it glitches out when exporting. You get some funky results. :/ So high poly it is.
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lil-gingerbread-queen · 2 months
Some olympian athletes (young, probably first olympic, often usamericans) complain like a spoiled brat about the Olympic Village, and how it's not a 5 stars hotel, as if that's not how the athletes have ALWAYS been treated at the Games, because it's not 20 teams of 40 players and their staffs that are being housed (to compare it to world championships for football or rugby), but hundred of athletes (more than 2000 athletes officially) and their staffs from hundred of countries. And the hotels are for tourists, for spectators, or do you not want people to not come to the games? These games are extremely expensive, let's not make them more because you are a lil baby that need staff to make your bed. The cardboard beds exist to not create more waste than what the games already produce (imagine buying more than 2000 beds to only be used for a month and than discarded... Every 2 years...) THEY ARE ATHLETES WHO HAVE RUN WITH NO SHOES, AND YOU ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT BUYING TOILET PAPER?! And I have seen so many comments saying awful shit about how 3rd world countries shouldn't participate so the lil usamericans can have a better treatment, and that's unacceptable. The games are about unity between the nations, the goal is not to win, it's to participate. To be together. It is always beautiful to see these countries being able to send their athletes to compete. They deserve their place here as much as any 1st world countries' athletes, they have work so hard to be here. Their whole fucking country gave money sometimes to help them have the equipment for the games. You're so spoiled you cannot even comprehend how privileged you are. "This is cheating to make France wins!" I literally know a French olympian. She has the same age as me, she is the daughter of an ex-colleague of my mother, so I saw her grow up and train to be an olympian. I know how French athletes are treated, and it's not good. What you are getting rn at the Olympic is better than what they get all year long. Damn, one of our best athletes who got multiple olympic medals in his career RAN NAKED IN THE STREET to find a sponsor so he could continue to be an athlete, because he had no money.
I am SO mad because, as a French, I know the REAL issues with these games. But will they talk about them? NO. It's only about their ass and being like "I deserve better because I'm an Olympian, I'm better than everyone!". DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY STUDENTS WERE KICKED OUT TO HOUSE COPS FOR THIS EVENT? Where are they suppose to go when everything cost all your organs rn in Paris? DO YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE PARIS IS FOR PARISIANS DURING THIS EVENT? It cost more than 100€ every week for a parisian to go to work by metro rn. DO YOU KNOW PARISIANS DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO GO WHEREVER THEY PLEASE IN THEIR OWN CITY FOR THIS EVENT? They have to ask for a pass and it can be refused. They were asked to not leave their house as much as possible. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE WERE KICKED OUT SO THEIR LANDLORDS COULD RENT THEIR PLACE ON AIRBNB FOR AN EXPENSIVE ASS PRICE FOR THIS EVENT? Same as the students, where do they go? DO YOU KNOW THEY DEPORTED HOMELESS PEOPLE, WHICH MEANS CHILDREN BECAUSE WE HAVE HOMELESS CHILDREN, OUT OF PARIS FOR THIS EVENT? They forced them into bus to other cities, so Paris could be "clean". No, they are not housed, they are still homeless. DO YOU KNOW SOME SHOPS WERE FORCED TO CLOSE FOR THIS EVENT BECAUSE THEY WERE JUDGED NOT "GOOD ENOUGH" FOR THE EVENT? This includes the small book stores at the edges of the Seine selling vintage books, which is one of the most classic thing about Paris. How are these people suppose to survive without making a dime for a whole month? DO YOU KNOW THAT CORALS WERE DESTROYED FOR THIS EVENT? DO YOU KNOW THAT FACIAL RECOGNITION CAMERAS HAVE BEEN PUT IN PLACE FOR THIS EVENT? DO YOU KNOW MOST OF THE STAFF FOR THE EVENT ARE VOLUNTEERS, WICH MEANS THEY ARE NOT GOING TO BE PAID A DIME AND WORK AWFUL HOURS, ALL BECAUSE THEY WERE MANIPULATED? DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE POVERTY CRISIS WE ARE GOING THROUGH IN FRANCE RN WHILE THEY PLANNED OLYMPIC GAMES FOR THE RICH ONLY?
They only give a fuck about shaming France to their own benefit, they never give a fuck about the people. We are going to ruin these games, and we do not feel bad for y'all ass. Cry about the cardboard beds, see how you manage the trash cans not being emptied (garbage collectors are on strike during the event, so nobody is going to do that) and people launching pavement, our national sport since 1789.
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wild-at-mind · 2 months
I contacted my GP surgery via their online system (which is new and I love it, just as long as they keep the phones too for people who can't get online) and asked them to change my preferred name on record, and my title to Mr. They rang me up and said they would change my preferred name, but that they couldn't change my gender on record until I had 'the operation'. (.....) Well I was at work and also honestly pretty happy about getting my new name on something official finally so I just said thank you. I knew without a GRC my NHS records will remain officially female but that's not an issue at this stage, I will be able to change it one day. What I didn't realise is that what she meant by this is that my title would not be changed?! Picked up a prescription the other day for 'miss male name' :(
Going to get back on the online system and be like 'look I'm not asking you to change my sex on the record but is there any possible way you can fucking use Mr?' If the system won't allow that (it would be pointless if it didn't but who knows), I'd be perfectly happy with Mx. Or...no title at all if they will allow it.
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genderjester · 3 months
Some ppl love to fearmonger that omg universal healthcare will mean u have to wait ages for doctor's appointments and the quality will be shit and u wont be able to choose your healthcare provider which is so funny to me bc like. Why the fuck would that be true.
I live in germany and have the like. State health insurance not the fancy private one. And on friday i called my gp to ask for an appointment and they were able to squeeze me in on the same day bc it was urgent. And even if it hadnt worked out same day they probably wouldve given me an appointment by next week latest. And if they had been fully booked? I couldve called basically every other gp in the area to see if any of them could squeeze me in bc i dont have a network i need to stick to or whatever. The only doctors you need referrals for are the specialists but not even all of them. Many of them u can also just call up and ask. My mom once got a next day appointment at the ophtalmologist bc her symptoms needed to be checked urgently (it turned out to be fine dont worry)
And like some of this is city privilege but it's not like a private healthcare system would solve the lack of health infrastructure in rural communities either like 😭
The only reason some state funded/universal healthcare systems go to shit is bc people in power underfund them to death, not bc it's inherently worse than private. In fact, well maintained and well funded universal healthcare is ideal imo. I really fucking enjoy not having to worry about surprise bills at the doctors office and think that should be the standard around the world.
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fireladybuckley · 6 months
Did y‘all know that Alberta health services doesn’t cover any cost of CPAP machines? You know, those super critical machines to allow people with obstructive sleep apnea to actually breathe?
So unless my insurance through work will pay for part of it (and we can’t even ask them if they will because their workers are on strike), I have to pay nearly $3000 just to be able to breathe properly at night and actually sleep and not have a heart attack. And even if they do cover it, I’ll still have to front probably at least 1.5k.
Fuck AHS. Fuck the UCP’s attempts at privatizing healthcare and defunding everything they can. This is the future the conservatives want, one where the only people that survive past middle age are the ones that can afford to pay for it.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Finding Light + Snippet (LU in Healthcare)
(@hermitdrabbles56 @squigglywindy @alasse-earfalas)
(AO3 link)
Legend yawned as he entered the emergency department, energy drink in hand. He felt incredibly sluggish and worn out, torn in different directions between multiple shifts. Not to mention yesterday's fiasco - one day off in between multiple stretches of work never felt like enough. It was barely the amount of time needed to just get his head above water most days, and it figured that his one night off was the one that Warriors decided to drunk text him.
He still didn't know what was wrong with his new friend. People made dumb decisions and got wasted all the time, and it wouldn't surprise him if Wars was one of those people, but in the car... it had definitely seemed like there was more to it.
Sighing, Legend took another swig of his energy drink, pinching his nose to fight the oncoming headache. He didn't have energy to parse this out. All he knew was that Warriors was gone before he'd gotten up the next day. The military nurse had folded the blanket and left a thank you note and hadn't said two words to him since, despite a text he'd sent this afternoon.
Passing by the waiting room, Legend saw that there was a large group of people waiting. Dread weighed heavily in his stomach. Great. More fun times cleaning up day shift's mess - a room full of people who had been waiting for hours meant everyone would be annoyed, and they'd have to start doing protocol orders just to get things moving since the doctors were lagging. He hoped he wouldn't get triage.
As he wandered into the staff room, he caught sight of Warriors, who was staring at his phone absentmindedly. Legend immediately made his way over to him.
"Hey," he said quietly.
Wars glanced up, his face neutral, and then he gave a small smile. "Hey. Thanks for last night, sorry to put you in that position."
"Yeah, about that--"
"Did you see the waiting room?" he continued, barreling over Legend's words. "Tonight's going to be busy to start."
Before Legend could continue, the charge nurse entered and started huddle. "Hey, everyone, happy Friday! We have 100 patients in the department, 34 in the waiting room. Staffing's pretty good tonight, we're only down one nurse and two techs. Here are the assignments."
Legend bit his tongue as Warriors was assigned the behavioral health unit, and he himself was assigned the 300 block. He'd hunt his friend down later.
It was quiet. But it was a different kind of quiet from home. Home was solitary, quiet with gentle nature but also isolation. Beautiful and lonely, peaceful and too still all at once. But here it was a warm quiet, like the comfortable silence one felt while resting with friends and family.
The stained glass spilled colors into the area, bathing him in blues and greens and reds as the sun continued to set. A few candles were lit in around little shrines and statues, and one notable one in the center over the altar.
Sky sighed, trying to breathe in the peace of this place.
He wasn't entirely sure what was wrong with him. Things were better than they used to be. He wasn't spending one day to the next wondering if he'd live or die. He wasn't separated from friends and family. Sure, he was more distant from those he'd bonded with over the last couple years, but... was that... was that what was wrong? That he'd trauma bonded with those people and now they were less prominent in his life?
He didn't know. He was just tired. He was always tired now.
He hated it.
Sun had suggested he go home, but he wasn't sure. She wasn't there anymore anyway, so what was left for him? Instead, he tried looking up somewhere familiar to go, somewhere safe. A cabin in the mountains was familiar, away from people was safe. He loved it there.
But it was so damn quiet. But he wanted quiet. He was exhausted dealing with people but he wanted to be around people. But everything was so new and different here. He'd chosen this city because it was the only place a pilot's position was available, and in such a familiar capacity too. He hadn't...
He hadn't expected to see them. Any of them. But they were so happy to see him, and he hadn't known what to make of that either. Why would they be happy? He'd abandoned them.
He couldn't lie to himself and say that it didn't mean the world to him, though. But he felt guilty about that too, because now they wanted to spend time with him and catch up with him, and he just sat there and soaked up the attention and barely asked anything in return.
He felt like lately he just took and took and took. He had nothing to give.
He had nothing to give.
Sky slid to his knees, leaning heavily on the pew in front of him. Give me light. Give me hope. I can't give to others if I don't have any for myself. Please...
Give me hope. Give me hope.
He didn't know how to fix this. He didn't even know if he could. All he knew was he felt his life draining out of him, like he was bleeding from an invisible wound.
This was so stupid. He had no right to feel this way.
You have every right to feel this way, a voice whispered, a quiet reminder in the hurricane of thoughts in his mind. Sky took a shuddering breath, holding it as his world froze a moment.
Then he huffed out a tired laugh, relenting as he stared at the lit candle. "Fine. You're right."
Didn't make it any easier to deal with, though.
Sky's phone buzzed, and he looked at it distractedly before gazing back at the altar, silently asking for permission. Then he sat on the pew once more, checking his text message.
SKY HI you wanna get ice cream?? just got out of class and it's SO FRIGGING MUGGY EW I NEED ICE CREAM LET'S GET SOME
Sky smiled, Wind's excitement being infectious even through a simple speech bubble. Then he looked back at the candle, watching it flicker gently, before his gaze drifted down to the golden little doorway hidden from view by a veil.
"Thanks," he said softly before getting up to meet with Wind.
The first thing Hyrule thought when he pulled up to the house was this is going to be a pain to extricate her if she can't walk.
They were dispatched for someone withdrawing from their medication. The woman was reportedly unable to walk. She was on the second floor of a two-story home that had a gravel driveway and uneven paved steps leading up to the front porch.
Just as he was grabbing the stair chair, however, Mo, who had entered first alongside the fire department, waved him off. "Fire's going to help her walk out here. We just need to get the stretcher ready."
Relieved, the medic put the stair chair away in the side compartment of the ambulance and helped his partner prep the stretcher as the firefighters approached with the patient. One of the firefighters was carrying a couple of the woman's supplies - a large pink trash bag filled with items and a purse. As Hyrule and Mo lifted the patient and stretcher into the ambulance, the firefighter deposited the items on the bench seat. Hyrule thanked his fellow first responders and then hopped in the back to assist Mo.
Thankfully, despite the woman's distress and uncomfortable symptoms, she wasn't in dire need. While a trip to the hospital was necessary for her, Hyrule didn't have to be the one to do it. The 12-lead was unremarkable and her vitals were within defined limits. Mo gave him a thumbs up, and Hyrule hopped out of the truck to drive while Mo ran the call. Hyrule merrily listened to the radio, keeping a careful listening ear out in case his partner needed anything, and drove them to the hospital.
Upon their arrival, Hyrule told dispatch they were at the ER, walked to the back of the truck and opened the doors and saw Mo putting the patient's enormous trash bag on her lap. Confused, he was about to ask why his partner didn't just place the bag behind the patient - they had a little cubby behind the back of the stretcher where they could place things, after all. It seemed rude to put that on her lap.
But then Mo placed the purse on the woman as well. And then another bag of belongings. And then a trash bag filled with toiletries. And then a clear bag filled with shampoos and conditioners. And then another bag filled with more clothes.
Hyrule stared as the patient progressively disappeared beneath enough personal items to fill a luggage rack in a hotel - heck, the patient had become the luggage rack in a hotel. Hyrule tried his absolute hardest to not laugh, but the patient was out of sight and he kept making eye contact with Mo, who was looking increasingly more exasperated.
He supposed the firefighters had brought a few more personal items than he'd realized.
As the pair wheeled in their pile of luggage (and somewhere in its midst was their patient), Hyrule was half tempted to tell the charge nurse they were checking in for the night.
It only got better when he realized they were giving report to Legend, whose eyebrows immediately rose to his hairline as they entered.
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charlataninred · 2 years
At the request of @kittykatlesbian and @resident-nickname-collector, I shall be telling the tale of Accordion Man.
So this was a year or two ago. I had signed up for a 4-day field trip to Washington DC with my US government class. There were about 12 of us, but only a few are relevant to this tale.
Part of the fees to be on the trip was an allowance, which they’d give back to us on the first day to buy meals. They’d essentially drop us off in the city, give us our parameters, and tell us to be back at the buses by a certain time.
On one such occasion, there was a street blocked off from cars with a bunch of restaurants down it. About 5 of us decided to pool our money and buy a large pizza because a few of us wanted one and hey, cheaper for all of us.
On this street, there was a busker playing an accordion. We paused on the way to the pizzeria to listen because the tune he way playing was familiar. It took us a few seconds, but then I realized: it was that annoying yet catchy Gummy Bear song that was everywhere in the early 2010s. We had a good laugh, my friend gave him some money (to “buy his silence”) and we continued on our way.
Anyway, we ordered our pizza and decided to go get some ice cream at a place we saw on our way over while we waited. Accordion Man was still there, this time playing that song that goes “when the moon hits your eyes like a big pizza pie, that’s amore.” We had another laugh, gave him some more money, and continued on our way.
When we came back, there he was still, this time playing Kass’ theme from BOTW. We stopped to listen, went to get our pizza, and when we came back, he was packing up.
One of my friends, apparently having no social anxiety, goes straight up to him and starts talking in a British accent. I don’t know why. They aren’t British. I can’t remember what exactly they said, but I think they were complimenting him. Accordion Man proceeds to answer ALSO IN A BRITISH ACCENT. My friend told me later “I was like ‘oh shit, and actual British person, I can’t drop it now.’” So we chatted with him for a bit before one of my other friends said “I like your accent!”
This man. Looks the friend who was speaking britishly DEAD IN THE EYES and goes in a 100% American accent, “Thanks, it’s fake.”
My friend then decided to switch to a Southern accent, to which Accordion Man switches to a more Scottish accent. Eventually we had to part to actually have dinner before we needed to head to the bus.
You’d think that would be the end of the story, but no. There we were, sitting in an empty water fountain (it was February so there was no water, and we thought it would be a fun place to eat) when we hear someone yell “TA TA!” On this singsong voice. We look up, and there he is, Accordion Man, speeding away on a bicycle waving to us. Naturally, we all shouted back “TA TA!” As well.
Anyway I think about him at least once a week. Accordion Man, if you’re out there, I love you so much
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bunnihearted · 1 year
#anyway so yeah im so sick of hating myself. of missing out on things and being too scared to go after things i want when i have the chance#so sick of almost being 25 and having spent almost 6 years alone in my room missing out on life#and my mom and sister might be moving in the not too distant future#so i have to try to get my life together for real now!!! or homelessness will be awaiting me :D#what i will try to do.. is start going to the gym (w my mom so i dont have to deal w the anxiety of an unknown place by myself sksk)#i'll workout 3-5 times a week. every week. i like going to the gym so if i just get started i dont have a doubt i'll not be able to do it#i'll focus on finishing my english class. hopefully in december even if i have the possibility to get it extended a few months#then i'll start my other 4 classes in january#i'll be patient and wait for my ultrasound and get the gallstone situation fixed (latest in january if i need surgery)#(and i have to try to make sure i eat properly so i dont wind up with b12 deficiency... i cant eat anything without pain but i have to..)#also i have an appt at the psychiatric in mid october. and im still waiting on what my healthcare center says. hopefully i can get cbt#if possible i will really really try to apply for jobs as a personal assistant sometime between january-may#if i have a job instead of being on wellfare i will 1) have way more money 2) not feel constabtly anxious abt being rejected and homeless#i'll stop caring abt me being 'old' and a late bloomer. the planet is dying. who cares if im 28 and start university????#i'll take my time to finish high school. and the thing is i really should get a job before starting higher vocational education#bc the program i want to start i HAVE to have a laptop. and theres no way i can afford that now. cant even save up to it#also need to find and put myself up on waiting lists for student housing/apartments so i can actually move#i hate this city and i need to get the fuck out of here!!!!#but the world is crazy rn and it's super hard to find places to live and find jobs but it's not impossible so i need to try#i cant live like this & i have no idea how tf i'll manage to be a normal person and have a life but i need to try bc what else am i gnna do?
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