#Please come up with a better storyline 😭😂😭😂
I just broke a fucking tooth. The 2020s hate me and my pursuit of happiness.
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enhashoutout · 7 months
Plot Holes in High and Low We Need to Discuss
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@tiredlittlewriter always gassing me up 🤭🫶🏼 @cheshirecatuniverse @mrskenpachizaraki @books-n-guns
Thank you so much everyone tagged for staying up and talking about the movies with me last night😂❤
Trigger warnings before you start reading, this ramble posts contains spoilers for the movies, cuss words, mentions of character d3aths, mention of SA that happens to a character, and other violence and cr!me associated with the H&L franchise. Please don't read if you do not want to see any of these.
Anywaysssas as you can tell by the title of this post and this screenshot, we are talking about plot holes in the High and Low franchise that we need to talk about because they BUG THE SHIT OUT OF ME.
I would like to start by saying that I do love this franchise, it is my everything. It's not like I have anything bad to say about it, I love it as it is, but some of the stuff within the franchise definitely could've been more thought out. It could've been worse! So I am thankful it wasn't bad but there are some things I wish the writing team did a little differently.
Also, I do attribute a lot of the plot holes to 1) the creators not being entirely sure whether or not they would get a green light on more movies, 2) trying to make sure the movies made money (it's a business unfortunately and not just art), and 3) High and Low is a multi-media franchise so some stuff is probably explained in the mangas, TV shows, games, etc. I will contradict myself and discuss this more in detail as we keep going.
These are in no particular order, just what comes to mind first
S.W.O.R.D Era
1)Noboru and Miho's story
I have beef with whoever on the H&L writing team thought that condensing the 2 seasons of Story of S.W.O.R.D into Road to High & Low was a good idea. "It's both seasons condensed into one movie" THAT'S A FUCKIN LIE. So much of what is in the shows is cut out from the movie.
Tell me why I learned here on Tumblr that Noboru actually spent a while in a coma in the hospital after getting body slammed by a Kuryu car? And then Cobra and Yamato had to do the "IF YOU DIE I'M GONNA BE SO MAD AT YOU" speech you always see in Asian dramas to get Noboru to wake up?!
And tell me why I learned from a fanfic on Wattpad that Miho isn't dead?! She literally comes to visit Noboru while he's in the hospital. Road to High & Low frames the situation to make it look like Noboru goes to beat up Miho's SA perpetrators after he finds he d3ad in her apartment. Then when I brought this up a couple weeks ago the Discord besties told me she broke up with him through a letter😭 A LETTER GIRL?! HE WENT THROUGH ALL THAT FOR YOU! IF I WAS YOU I WOULD'VE KEPT HIM. NOBORU. GIVE ME YOUR HAND IN MARRIAGE PLEASE GOOD SIR💍 (I'm completely joking I don't think anyone is entitled to another person's feelings, love, affection, etc. I'm just delusional because I love Noboru and Keita Machida)
Then I learned last night from Discord that Miho needs serious therapy because she was working for Doubt and it was addressed in season 2 of the show. Like HUUUH?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!
I do think the storyline between them as a couple and their stories individually definitely could've been explored and explained more. It was probably explained better in the show than RTH&L but I don't have access to the show so idk... which brings me to my first contradiction!
LDH AND EXILE TRIBE PLEASE MAKE YOUR MEDIA MORE ACCESIBLE GOSH. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SUB IT THAT'S FINE AT LEAST MAKE IT EASIER TO FIND SO THAT WE CAN GET FAN SUBS OR I CAN JUST WATCH THE RAW FOOTAGE AND PRETEND I KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING. There's so many films like the 2 DTC films, the Mighty Warriors film, the shows, even the manga that a lot of us don't have access to😭 Yes this franchise is multi-media but at least make the media accessible😭
2) Mighty Warriors working with Doubt
In the first and second High & Low movie MW and Doubt work together... AND THAT LITERALLY DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE. Last I checked Mighty Warriors don't fuck with tr@ffickers in general so I don't even know why this happened.
And last I checked, MW rescued Sarah from Doubt so why would they work with Doubt when one of their members was literally a Doubt victim? That just doesn't make sense to me. Like yes the MW tend to just take up whatever whack-ass jobs for money they can get considering they fought with literal children (Oya and Rude Boys. I'm like 99.9% sure the Rude Boys members were all 16-19 and that is the age of children. Smoky might've been 20-22 which is not exactly a child but he's still young compared to the MW who were all mercenaries and in the military before they were musical bandits alluding to the fact they are older) but you would think that people who claim to have a club that is a utopia with music that is supposed to impact people positively and save their lives just like music saved the MW members' lives, they would have more moral and standards than to work with Doubt.... but I digress.
3) The alliance with a foreign mafia
This one I can kind of understand but also can't.
I understand that MW take up whatever job they can to make money. It's said directly multiple times in the movies by a MW member that there is no use doing a job for someone without getting paid so they do a lot of stuff just for the money. I also understand Doubt take whatever job pays them but also benefits their tr@fficking business. Hence why they took this job because not only were they getting paid by Lee who runs the Korean mafia but they could kidnap women in the S.W.O.R.D district which worked in their favor.
What I can't understand though is how this alliance even came to be. Hear me out. MW and Doubt will probably do whatever to get money, but where did the trust come from? Like how did they trust that a foreign mafia of all people would uphold their deal and pay them? Was it because Kohaku was made the front-man/face of the plan? Like did they believe that it would be fine because Kohaku was the one "leading" even though it seemed like Lee was pulling a lot of the strings? DOES KOHAKU EVEN HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO BE PAYING EVERYONE?! I SWEAR EVERY TIME WE SEE HIM THAT MAN IS JUST LAYING ON A SOFA IN A JUNKYARD! WDYM DOUBT AND MIGHTY WARRIORS BELIEVED THIS MAN WAS THE ONE WHO WAS GONNA GIVE THEM MONEY?!
4) Who the fuck are Bulge? And what happened to Kuryu?
In End of Sky, we learn that Bulge are interested in the fight between Doubt, Prison Gang, and White Rascals and would sponsor Prison Gang. That's why the scene where we see Jesse fighting with another prisoner, after he kicks him down the guards tell Jesse that Bulge wants to see him to. This is why Jesse and Prison Gang are released early. When Jesse goes back to Funk Jungle he's asking if Mighty want to join but Ice says that they are gonna focus on promoting Funk Jungle, but like he's a liar they show up at the fight anyways lol.
A the end of Final Mission, the movie closes off with a dramatic shot of Mighty Warriors and a typed out message stating "Hello, everyone. This is Bulge. The takeover plan has begun." We never get an explanation of who they are, what they do, etc. I did learn from Ryu's Wiki Fandom page however that "It is presumed that he and Bulge orchestrated the fall of Kuryu Group. In the music video of the MIghty Warriors' new song "Warriors Anthem", it is revealed that he took over Kuryu as the leader after the events of Final Mission, and having Mighty Warriors occupy the remaining 8 heads of Kuryu."
So who exactly are Bulge? How are they powerful enough to be able to take down all of the original Kuryu members who have been seen as indestructible the whole franchise? Why did they allow Ryu to be the new leader?
After Final Mission, the next media pieces that were released were the DTC show and DTC movie, and then we moved into The Worst era with High&Low: The Worst Episode 0 along with the two Worst movies that followed.
I had made the assumption that around the start of the Worst era the creators probably wanted to integrate more of Jr.Exile into the franchise because of their 1) popularity and 2) new stories. The popularity of Exile members like Hokuto and Kazuma would probably bring in more viewership which does good on the numbers and money side because as I said above, unfortunately this is also a business not just art. The H&L creators probably also needed new stories to follow because they can't keep adding to S.W.O.R.D
Vis said that they think the Mighty Warriors were probably dropped because we haven't seen anything from them since the third movie, but Taiga also brought up how the new Mighty Warriors music video was also dropped right around the time the most recent movie Worst X was released. This probably means they are trying to figure out the story within S.W.O.R.D behind the scenes and it's just taking a while to do the world building. Tired also brought up a good point that considering most of the actors in H&L are also Exile members, they have to also continue their jobs as artists so tours, making music, schedules, etc. are probably also clashing with filming and working on High and Low.
Hopefully that is the case and we see more because I have too many questions and no answers.
5) Wtf happened to Rude Boys, Nameless City, and Nikaido?
If you read my fics, you know that when I write about Nameless City after Smoky's passing, I write about how the Rude Boys, Lala, and Eri go and visit Smoky's grave all the time. About a month ago the besties in the Discord made it known to me that Smoky's gravesite and like 3/4 of Nameless City was completely blown up. I was like 😧when I read those messages because it wasn't even like a head-canon thing I genuinely thought that only a small section of Nameless City was blown up so we were fine BUT APPARENTLY WE AREN'T FINE. So what does this mean for the Nameless City residents?
Did they get government housing to stay in while they got tested for the disease from the pollution? Did the residents get released back into Nameless City after the whole casino project exposure? If they were released back into Nameless City, are they all just cramming into that little 1/4 of Nameless City that wasn't blown up?
What happened to Rude Boys afterwards? Are they all back in Nameless City? Or did they move to a different area? Where would they go though? Little Asia? Did Eri get adopted afterwards? Are they finding ways to make money like how they mined the crystal to get money to rebuild Nameless City? Do they even want to return to Nameless City considering the pollution from the toxic waste was causing the disease that killed their leader?
Wtf happened to Nikaido/Cain? Is he finally happy now that he purged his past? Was purging his past and killing his brother worth it? If Kuryu was overthrown and taken over by Mighty Warriors, what does that mean for Nikaido? Is he working for them? Was purging his past worth anything if he didn't even gain anything from it because MW took over Kuryu? Again, so many questions and no answers😭
6) Give us a more clear timeline
This isn't a plot hole, just something I wish the creators would do is give us a clearer timeline. We're never given any clear timeline of how much time has past between each movie or even how much time is between the S.W.O.R.D and Worst era. I'm always trying to calculate the timeline or everyone's ages based off of the only two characters we get ages for and Noboru's school timeline.
The only two characters in the whole franchise that we get ages for are Chiharu and Seki. At the start of the series we know that Chiharu is 20 because when he joins Sannoh, in the scene at the bar Cobra offers him a drink but takes it back and says "wait but aren't you underaged?" to which Chiharu replies that he is 20 (which is the legal adult age in Japan) and Tettsu makes fun of him for still being in high school as an adult (in good fun of course not in a mean way).
When we first are introduced to Oya, the narrator tells us that Seki is the oldest part-timer student there at age 25.
Noboru, Yamato, and Cobra were high schoolers while Mugen was still active. This is deduced by the scene where Yamato drops Noboru off in front of the school for the day he takes his exam, then when he opens up his college acceptance letter with them. I'm assuming Yamato and Cobra dropped out to be apart of Mugen and take care of their parents' shops. Then, we see when Noboru starts college but doesn't make it super far into his bachelors degree after getting sent to jail. We don't get to see how long he was in jail for, just that he was released early because Kuryu paid to get him out early.
I always use these ages and Noboru's vague school timeline to try and figure out the character's ages and shit but they are just estimates because we never get clear timelines from the creators. Like why couldn't they at least tell us how much time passed between the end of Final Mission and the start of The Worst?!😭anyways.... onto the next thing
The Worst Era (mainly X)
Like I said in the screenshot, The Worst isn't my favorite movie out of the franchise but I think it was the best executed in terms of plot out of all the movies. The plot was clear, very concise, and relatively had no plot holes. (I haven't seen The Worst Episode 0 so if there is something that is missing plot wise please let me know)
It was fun to see the cross with Housen and the themes and messages we got from not only the plot but also from each character were all really good too. It was a solid movie, no complaints.
The Worst X however... I have questions. It's not to say it wasn't good, I still liked it and obviously it was good considering I watched it with no context and it got me into the whole H&L universe, but I feel like it fell a bit short. There was more the writers could've done for not only plot development but character development.
1)How did that 3 school alliance actually even start?
From the movies, it seems like Kohei Amagai is well known as "the annoying son of the Amagai group". Like EVERYONE knows him and knows he throws around money to get people to work for him. And like yeah, we see when he is able to take control of the school with the beige uniforms because Senomon, Kamasaka, and Ebara are quite literally beating the shit out of them, but how did Senomon get Kamasaka and Ebara to cooperate?
I refuse to believe that Amagai was able to get Kamasaka who fight with weapons like brass knuckles and metal rods and Ebara who are all literal gym bros to join his stupid ass plan with just money. As dumb as I think boys are I don't think Reiji, Ghandi, Shoji, Raijin, or Fujin are actually dumb enough to join an alliance for money. Even if this alliance did win and take over Oya, what would they have done with each other afterwards? Those dudes have so much pride we all know that there is NO WAY they would all continue working under Amagai. Amagai is also stupid as hell if he thought he could be at the top without someone from Kamasaka or Ebara trying to overthrow him if he had taken down Oya like Kohei.... be fuckin for real bitch.
I need more of an explanation to this like someone from the H&L writing room please sit down with me and answer my questions so I can publish it in an interview for all of us we need answers.
2) What the fuck is the story behind Todoroki and the dudes from Ebara?
The whole time Fujin and Raijin are running around screaming about how they're gonna crush Todoroki and I literally sit there like
👁️👄👁️Why? No matter how many times I watch the movies because we never get an explanation! Idk was this in the show? Someone please tell me.
And like the scene after Todoroki beats up Fujin and Raijin, Shoji goes "you're different now" and I'm always like "Different? DIFFERENT HOW?! DON'T BE SHY SHARE WITH THE CLASS PLEASE"
Todoroki responds with something along the lines of "now I have friends to protect" which is so wholesome I love that, but what is the detailed history of him and the guys from Ebara? We never get that explained to us. I remember reading somewhere that Todoroki trained hard to beat his bullies and because he got so strong that's why he always tried to fight for the leader position because he believed he could beat Murayama. I also saw a clip on Youtube where when Murayama is fighting with Todoroki, he sees his old self in Todoroki who is being reckless which probably adds to Todoroki's character development.
Did the guys from Ebara bully Todoroki? Were they old friends who fell apart? Did they just have a bad run in when Todoroki was being a little shit and fought but now hold a grudge because they are teenagers with a lot of pride and anger issues and it's not that deep? Idk🤷‍♀️The thing that bugs me is the fact that their feud was added a solid amount to the plot and why Ebara joined then dropped the alliance so I don't know why we didn't get at least a vague explanation of who these characters are to each other.
3) Questions and what I want to see next movie
This obviously isn't plot holes but just some questions I have and what I want to see in the next installments of the franchise.
Why were these high schoolers doing THE FUCKIN MOST to see who was stronger?! The first time I watched I was so confused because why was this movie serious but also so unserious?! They did not need to be doing all that.
Why didn't Amagai get in any trouble for anything?! Is it because he has money?! Like how did this man commit literal crime and everyone was like okei. He literally kidnapped Tsukasa and tortured him for like half a day and 1 night...
How did Tsukasa not die?! The was literally beat over the head with a metal pipe, kidnapped, tied up, tortured, and then dropped from a balcony. I digress, he probably has plot armor as Sun calls it because how did he not die or at least end up in the hospital for a long time.
I want to see the movies circle back to the S.W.O.R.D plotline so it would be really cool if Amagai's little plan was part of a larger plan to break down the peace in S.W.O.R.D. It wouldn't be the first time the adults used kids to push their agenda. Kuryu originally wanted to use Murayama to tear down the peace in S.W.O.R.D because he used to look up to the man who was the head of Iemura but because he chose not to do it, they went after Noboru.
Maybe MW are thriving as the new heads of Kuryu so someone on the outside is trying to take over and Amagai's family is apart of that. Or maybe his family is trying to gain favor from Mighty and are working for them. Idk but it would be cool if we circle back to S.W.O.R.D and see the new Oya characters have to integrate into the S.W.O.R.D world also.
I also want to see a segment of how Rude Boys and Oya adjust to their new leaders.
I want to see what happened to the rest of S.W.O.R.D after the third movie. We saw Oya in The Worst era but what happened to everyone else? Which I also know these are probably kind of far fetched considering the Exile Tribe member who played Rocky is retired from the entertainment industry now... but a girl can dream I guess.
You made it to the end! Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read this big rant. This wasn't proof read and is kind of everywhere but thank you for reading it anyways! ❤️
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euthoriaz · 1 year
HEY WHAT'S UP PEOPLE!! So sorry for being kinda inactive within the Cleon/Resident Evil fandom. BUT GUESS WHAT?!
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THEY ALL ARE IN 1 MOVIE! And it's like one big reunion😭.
This is not a drill, guys.
Fans have been asking for Ada/Carlos/Billy/Sheva/Barry or basically every other RE characters to be in a movie TOGETHER. But this is just the beginning, folks. Let Capcom takes some baby steps cause I can see their effort in trying to hear us. On the other hand, we should be grateful for what we have right now (AKA THIS) rather than nothing at all.
I never once thought that Capcom would do this and making our wish comes true! We've been waiting for a long time. Even YEARS for this😭.
This, folks, in my humble opinion, is what a true fanservice is🥲👍🏻. Good move and marketing from Capcom! They know how to make such a powerful scene and poster to promote this movie!
Don't mind me attaching this again (cause I'm freaking excited😭).
This folks, this poster right here will always be iconic and historical for Resident Evil fans (both new and old generation).
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I can't wait to see Leon and Jill interaction!
How do they meet?
Is Chris involved in them meeting each other?
Or is it because of the whole BSAA vs Government sort of thing?
Also, I mean yes I know that Leon and Jill will meet (I was shocked😂) B-BUT CLAIRE???? ESPECIALLY REBECCA?!! THIS IS BOTH OF THEM WE'RE TALKING ABOUT.
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Something serious definitely happens if ALL OF THEM ARE POINTING THEIR GUNS LIKE THAT.
It's mortifying to see them taking action yet wonderful at the same time😂 Whoever the enemy is, they're a complete idiot for not throwing their ass out the second they see them like that💀
Like helloooooo??? Sir, Ma'am, for your informations, we have Chris a.k.a the boulder master, Leon our golden boy with that amazing hair, and I don't think I need to start with the women😂
AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST, (the most important part for me and other Cleon shippers😂)
Claire and Leon.
To see both Claire and Leon talking to each other or even have moments together will always make me happy. Over the moon precisely.
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WELL WE BETTER BE THO😆. IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME. I'll cherish their moment, even the slightest bit, seconds by seconds. Hoping that we see both of them getting closer to each other because of the reconciliation😭. Just give me some Cleon moments please Capcom😩
There. I said it.
Thank you for coming to TED talk☺
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minettas-ploy · 7 months
Tag people you want to get to know better/catch up with
Thank you for tagging me @lowkeyed1 and @greyheadedjaco
Last song: Come Alive (Terry Da Libra Remix) - Katrine Stenbekk
Favorite color: Dark blue
Last movie watched: The Trouble With You (2018)
Currently watching: rewatching Willow 2022 haha!
Sweet, spicy or savory: Spicy
Relationship status: Single
Last thing googled: ATP Challenger
Current Obsession: Willow (2022), Tanthamore, Kit, Jade, Sorsha, the Tanthalos generational trauma etc etc, Kit and Madmartigan 😭, Jade, Jade and her trauma and her feelings and thoughts about when she found out about Scorpia and things from scorpia about eveyrthing, the potential s2 storyline of how she deals with it and also how it impacts tanthamore, maybe her confronting sorsha about it, pre canon moments of the tanthalos twins & jade & tanthamore, dyanmic between kit and scorpia (��) in the series and in fics so far, more scorpia and jade. Willow season 2 potential theories and all that could have been! Ahhhh please come back Willow!). Tanthamore fics. The book that I'm currently reading. Searching for some answers (and questions) within and otherwise.
Ah basically obsessed with things to so with Willow, in short 🤣
Current/last read: Code - The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software (currently reading)
Looking forward to: Work stress and uncertainty regarding it ending 😭😔
tagging: @bizzybee429 @esicko @multiplefandommess
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My thoughts and feelings on the Mayans series finale cause I have a lot of emotions!!!!! Please come in my inbox and talk to me about it cause it’s been almost 24 hours and I still am thinking about it!!
Honestly part of me wants to binge it again from the start cause I feel like there were a lot of callbacks and stuff to last seasons that I forgot about (and I miss them already lol)
(spoilers under the cut)
I was kinda surprised how quick the whole thing with the sons was… I looked at the clock and only a half hour passed and I felt this ominous feeling 😂😂😂
The season as a whole was so much better than 4! 4 was such a mess and this was refreshing and it made me sad that the show was ending
But they kept biting off more than they could chew with storylines. The writing was a bit of a mess and things felt slapped together and side stories were picked up and then forgotten
Clayton’s acting was EVERYTHING!!!!
I figured EZ was gonna die but I didn’t expect it to be that sad!!! It was a satisfying tragic scene tho and it was heartbreaking in the best way
I honestly hate the whole “killing off e retiñe at the very end” thing so much so that last scene with the raid really pissed me off!!
I get why but killing off Sofia like that was foul. I didn’t even really like her and I thought her whole dead child storyline was a waste of screen time but that was still a shitty end for her
I’m a Bish Bitch and him getting told he’s a piece of shit to his face HURTED 😭 (even if it was true but still he’s my mans)
I’m happy Angel lived even tho poor guy Went Though It the last couple episodes. I still love him and I love his development this season cause he turned into a jerk last season
I’m actually kinda surprised they killed Miguel! That man was a fucking cockroach I thought he’d never die lol!
I felt like they left so many loose ends and unanswered questions too and just instead chose to kill everyone off cause that was easier. It just didn’t feel satisfying as an ending (cept for killing Ez that felt like a full circle with his arc and his death scene was beautifully tragic).
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fictionalreads · 1 year
9-1-1 Lone Star Season 4 Catch Up
Episode 11
Judd gonna be a granddaddy!😂 That whole conversation was a wild ride
Oh we get to see Marvin! He’s selfish. Could’ve just been a cameo and not a whole plotline
Oh she’s evil. It’s a ball and they didn’t mean to hit the ugly ass gnome.
Should’ve just let them have the ball.
Mateo. No do not pay that bail.
I’m with Judd. Wyatt doesn’t seem like firefighting is his thing. I wouldn’t make the call either. Woah I didn’t say he was soft Judd. You could’ve told him you wanted to see him on a ride along first or something.
Bad idea Nancy.
Damn. He died. Marvin did it himself, not you Mateo. BAD MATEO NO DRINKING
What the fuck am I watching? Oh he took the rap for Mateo and that’s why he owed him.
This is so weird. But I see why Marvin is a plotline now.
Episode 12
Oddly, I’ve seen this one.
Episode 13
Damn why is her tongue swelling so much.
Grace you still feeling some type of way? I’m not saying you can’t, I’m just saying if you don’t want your mama to know why maybe act more natural.
LMAO Owen is the other man. Yes he is freaking out.
God I love Judd, “Hey, you riding with us?”😂😂
Damn everybody husband going down. JUDD BETTER NOT GO DOWN
Oh shit she knew
THEY SINGING!! Ain’t nobody gonna get the doctor? The man woke up.
He probably poisoned himself.
Episode 14
Y’all trying too hard to blame her. I don’t believe it.
Paul. You are incredible. I love you.
I love Tommy but her storyline is kind of cringe. But Grace and Tommy together are in fact hilarious. Did he really just break up with her?
Paul gets the win again.
Owen you interfered. You don’t think he would feel some type of way?
Episode 15
Y’all it feel like he was kidnapped or something.
Now how did you get knocked out?
Oh that’s sad Grace. She had to listen to that. I really thought the girl was gonna die.
Yeah that detective is an ass and not very good at his job. Oh kick his ass Grace, he did not just tell you to stick to answering the phone.
McGregor please go away
Awe shit Lexie died.
SHE SWITCHED THE GLASS Smart Grace even if Judd still gonna kill you
He dying?
Episode 16
Tell them. Cause if you just die they’ll wonder.
That was not an answer to the boy’s question.
That guy is a creep, don’t talk to him kid.
Oh good the kid is safe. LOL Kids say the darnest things.
DAD JUDD IS THE CUTEST!! “What are y’all doing Thursday? Good y’all can babysit”
Get out Tommy
Tommy you don’t get to play dumb and be mad. The man called mayday and you ignored it and intentionally stayed it. I get your intentions, but you still put yourself at risk.
Tarlos is so cute
LMAO The reverend and Grace gonna go on a date if y’all don’t get ready.
Watch Grace and preacher man get into it on their behalf. 😂😂 I SAW IT COMING
“Get yo ass up Tommy”
Really Tommy? I mean the man didn’t have to go to HR BUT YOU DID IGNORE HIM
WYATT NOOOOOO I really hate that they did that to Wyatt just to make Tommy and Judd make up.
Episode 17
I think Judd is my favorite. From both shows. This is a new revelation for me.
Woah Carlos you have no from to talk. I don’t wanna get too political cause that’s not this blog but cops started out as a group that was meant to capture slaves so…
Nancy why you so invested?
Judd don’t do this to my emotions. Oh no he lost function in his legs. I know people live full lives after, but it still sucks when you have something and lose it.
They’re showing Carlos’ dad too much and giving him a role in the wedding other than just being his dad. Nothing better happen to this man.
Judd I can’t believe you’re actually quitting.
Okay Owen do we really need the speech.
Owen. The man clearly had white wine, why did you fill his glass with red?
Ah shit. He got shot. HE DIED?! WHAT THE FUCK
Episode 18
What’s with the eyes Carlos?
Oh God he called him Tyler.
Shave Carlos. Usually I prefer men with facial hair but you just look greasy.
Of course the man had secrets. He was a Texas ranger.
The only upside to this episode so far is that it started doom and gloom which means it’ll be happy at the end.
Judd. Take the signals he’s sending you. He ain’t all that comfortable. Shit I sound like Judd when he’s talking.
This man said 2003 and my mind said “oh 2023, wait how did he make a video in October of 2023? It ain’t October yet and he died.”
Judd. Caregiving ain’t for you. He didn’t ask you to quit, that was your choice.
Oof. The airplane sound? Judd. My guy, my love (platonically cause you belong with Grace), you can’t do that.
Bad Carlos! Don’t hunt down people alone!
Did we know Paul was officiating? I feel like we did but it’s been a minute so… I forgot. 🤷‍♀️
Why is Marjan crying at Tommy singing? I mean it’s beautiful. But you okay sis?
No Owen is not ready.
Oh I liked that ending sequence a lot.
It’s been a while since I’ve sat down to watch this show so I’m doing one big post.
Vaguely I remember episode 13 being marketed by the Kendra drama, but I can’t remember if they talked about the McClain sisters singing. If they didn’t, missed opportunity.
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personasintro · 2 years
Holy shit!!! OC went crazy at the end of the chapter 😂. They were so childish, especially her. She was so petty lmao my reaction to it was a mix of Jungkook's, Jimin's and Taehyung's. I was like "girl, why are you acting up right now? 🤨" but I was also concerned and thinking "nuuu don't fight :c" but it was also amusing to see them fighting over that lol I see where she's coming from, but I think she went a lil over the top. Like even she thought to herself in this chapter, she really lets her emotions get to her (and that's okay, she is amazing but she's only human after all). If I was in her place I would be too proud (and terrified) to let it show like that and risk them interpreting her reaction in a certain way, you know... Even I am wondering... it must be jealousy, right? But what type of jealousy? The type you feel towards your best friend when they have a new friend or is it something more? 👀 just thinking some thoughts right now... But it was essentially this reaction that will make some interesting drama happen in the next chapter, I believe. And I am anticipating it a lot, ngl. I'm imagining the chaotic energy of them all camping together again, but now with 2 additions (and perhaps some mutual jealousy? 👀). It's not confirmed yet and I don't know how, but I believe OC will find a way to convince Yoongi 😂 and I am SO excited about his comeback in Mutual Help!!!! I think it will be really fun to read about the camping trip.
I got so out my mind that I forgot to mention everything else that happened in the chapter, but I honestly love all of it so much! They finally did it!!!! And of course it was so hot, they are both so hot, insane chemistry. I kept wondering what was going through his mind and just how much he must have enjoyed that. I would be just like OC, honestly. If I went raw with that man I wouldn't want to go back either 😭 (it would be better to say this in anon lol). That was such a great way to spend the last night there. I'm going to miss seeing them in their routine, but I'm so proud of her for getting a good apartment for herself. I love how supportive the four of them always are to each other. I'm also proud of Jungkook for opening up to his family. He is so much more mature now, I'm glad he seems to be handling it so well now.
Mimi, you always come up with such interesting plots. I think you mentioned there would be drama again, but I had no idea it would be something like that. I feel like it will be something like the earlier chapters. This will be so entertaining for sure. I am anticipating it a lot, everything you write is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing it with us even through the pressure and the hate people send you. You're an angel! Have a great day/night and sorry for the long ask lol 💜
She started it and he finished it lmao they both should’ve kept their mouths shut but let’s be honest, y/n shouldn’t have reacted over such a small thing like she did. But at the same time, she was being truthful and couldn’t control her emotions. I don’t want to discredit anyone’s feelings and opinions 🥲 these stubborn motherfuckers will be the death of me. But hey, we have a storyline haha!
Thank you and please, don’t apologize for sending me a long ask! These kinds of asks are always fun to read and trust me, I appreciate it very much!! Thank you for taking your time writing this ask, thank you!! 💗🫶
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slightlymore · 2 years
Hi again!! It’s ‘Part 3 anon’😃 I hope you didn’t think I just disappeared because I’m sorry I took so long to give you an update on how the part 3 was going! 😭😭😭 So I have made a little progress but I am super slow because I keep thinking what I’m writing is really bad!! I’m not a good writer by any means. 😅😅 The only thing I have currently is a snippet of the wedding when Y/N and Haechan meet Jaemin and Mark there. 😂 and it’s terrible I know! 😅😅😅😅😅 And I’m very sorry if it doesn’t make sense exactly with the original storyline! I tried very hard to make it make sense with them being able to get into Y/N’s world like Haechan did because I want to stick to your original as much as possible! It’s only a snippet so I can still edit it to make it better!
“I can’t believe you guys could make it!” You smiled. “I’m so happy right now I think I’m going to tear up.” You fanned your hands infront of your eyes in a way to conceal your watery eyes.
“God there is no need to be so dramatic it’s just Mark and Jaemin. Haechan rolled his eyes.
“I will be dramatic if I want to! It’s my wedding day!”
“Our wedding day.” Haechan smirked.
“Whatever.” You mumbled. “Give me a big hug right now guys!” You say extending your arms out to squeezing Mark and Jaemin into a tight hug.
“I-I’m about to s-suffocate.” Jaemin chokes out.
“Okay, that’s enough reunion time.” Haechan pulls Mark and Jaemin away from you becoming jealous.
“My turn to be near my wife now.” Haechan says pulling you close to his chest with a prideful grin. He can now officially call you all his.
“Haechan being clingy again I see.” Mark laughs.
“Great, they are being all touchy to each other again. I already saw enough that day…” Jaemin says repulsed, making your face heat up knowing that he remembered the day on the balcony.
Haechan smirks at you then looks up to Jaemin “Why? Don’t you want to see more?” He teased.
“Haechan!” You slapped his arm.
“Don’t you even dare, I’m going to puke soon.” Jaemin fake gags making Haechan chuckle.
“By the way, where is Chenle and Taeil? They are coming too right?” You turned to ask Mark, trying to change the subject.
Mark scratched his head. “About that, we kind of had a little mishap along the way with trying to bring them into your world from the hotel lobby.”
“So basically, at first it was going good, we all successfully got into this world. And if you are wondering how we even got here we all tried really hard to think in our minds ‘Please let us see this asshole Haechan finally get married so we will be freed from his annoying self forever.’ And surprisingly, we all got here!”
“I hate you Mark.” Haechan deadpanned.
“I love you too.”
“But I don’t understand, where are Taeil and Chenle now then?” You asked still confused.
“Well that’s the issue, unfortunately we ended up landing in the most inconvenient spot in the city where there was a police car parked right next to the footpath.” He sighed in dismay. “Since we were transported while still wearing our uniforms they thought we looked suspicious. They asked us for our IDs, which we obviously don’t have, then Chenle screamed like a dolphin out of fear, Taeil frantically tried to calm him down so that he wouldn’t draw any more attention but randomly they got transported back to the hotel lobby somehow.” Mark facepalmed while shaking his head in disappointment.
“We are fine without them.” Haechan shrugged making you hit his arm again.
“Ouch! You like it rough now huh?”
“I will kill you.”
Now time for me to die from embarrassment of how bad I am at writing 🤣 I hope you liked my bad attempt! 😅
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voyeur jaemin jokes and cheeky haechan and THE WAY THEY ARRIVED LIKE I HOPE TO SEE THAT ASSHOLE HAECHAB BAHWHAHW AND OMFG CHENLE AND TAEIL CLOWN DUO i need them together irl
this is amazing!!!
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wikiangela · 2 years
911 lone star 4x02
spoilers ahead
aw I missed Grace so much 😍
loving Marjan getting a moment, I hope we'll see more of her this season, maybe she'll get an actual storyline 🤞
also, lmao this is so funny, why is this woman so difficult 😂 istg ls is a drama only sometimes, mostly it's a fucking comedy 😂
unpopular opinion but: I actually enjoyed Owen in s3, and I'm still enjoying him haha, tbh he was only really insufferable in s2, now I kinda like him, and his scenes are hilarious, and I'm kinda interested in his storyline this season 😂 (more interesting than tarlos that's for sure, and that's still so weird to even think lmao)
Grace and Tommy have the best friendship in this show 💯 lmao I love them
"just my wife" lmao okay that was funny - it's still not the best plot ngl, it's just so... low stakes, so low basically nonexistent - I already said that in a post before, but like, so what if they can't get married in a few weeks? 😂 like, this is just such a dumb reason jfc, we know they're gonna stay together, this is just drama for the sake of drama - I'm still gonna try to enjoy it tho, maybe they'll make it fun 💁🏻‍♀️😂
I was about to say this convo is annoying, but them recalling TK's accidents and the "how many comas have you been in" 😂 😂 lmao this is so funny
oh wow... she didn't sign the papers, who could've seen it coming..... just about everyone but okay 🙄 it's just such a boring storyline I'm sorry but like, it might've been a funny convo, but the overall plotline is just so boring, and making Iris just annoying tbh
OH MY GOD WHO CARES ABOUT THE VENUE 🙄🙄🙄 like, seriously, I can't express how boring I find this, they can literally find another place or wait a little longer
why is tarlos' storyline the most boring this season, please can this be over and can they get something more interesting?
Tommy being awkward with the pastor oh my god I love her so much, but someone shut her up pls 😂😂😂
okay, that leather jacket and hair kinda ruffled by the helmet - it's working for me, why is Rob Lowe so hot, I wasn't prepared to be (this) attracted to Owen this season 😭
thank god that was just Tommy's dream, because the dialogue was really making me cringe lol
I'm loving Tommy and Owen's friendship too 😂
I'm sorry, I guess I'm happy they're getting an annulment, and we're adding some drama now, but like.... I really don't fucking care, what is happening, tarlos were my fave part of this show and now I just wait for their scenes to be over, what have you done writers 🙄
okay, that tarlos scene was adorable and I love them - im still already over that whole marriage and Iris thing tho
oh, now Iris disappeared? okay, now it's getting interesting
that was a good episode, it flew by so fast tbh haha
loved Tommy and I'm lowkey here for the pastor storyline, but it seems to be going well, and we're only on episode 2, so I wonder what's gonna get fucked up
pls tell me Grace and Judd will get some story of their own because so far they're kinda to the side
same with Mateo, Marjan and Paul and Nancy - like, please give them something, they each had like an episode about them (aside from Nancy I think) and we're in s4, give them some longer storylines pls
(also, can we get begins episodes for them? that'd be so cool pls)
I kinda like Owen's story, it's interesting, and it's taking surprisingly little screen time for Owen 😂 (also, Rob Lowe has always been hot, but this season it's like, really standing out, almost as much as the beginning of s3 with the beard 🥵 wtf)
and finally, tarlos.... I was kinda over their whole story, but Iris disappearing makes it interesting tbh, so far it's been boring - hope it'll get even better!
so, tbh I liked this one more than 4x01 and I hope that now it'll get better and better haha
(tho was there literally like only one emergency this episode?)
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
Dark Angel Reaction: Hit a Sista Back
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
Oooop 🙂
[Immediate OMax content]  Yus
Bruh Cindy 😂😂😂 tell her what you really think  [oof fair]  I’d hate for her to see me  [Ma’am, don’t even start; guarantee your skin looks better than mine]  Hah! HAHAHA! No
[Zach be back ‘sigh’]  😂😂😂😂😂
“Something like that” WHY NOT JUST TELL HER WHAT’S GOING ON?? SHE KNOWS?!  [Because Max has to be bitchy and mysterious or she ain’t Max]
Oh nooooo 🥺🥺🥺🥺
[Max, don’t fuck up her life please]  I mean she’s not in the wrong to bring it up tho.  But also 🥺🥺🥺  [I feel like there’s a difference between “you’re in danger; you don’t know me but the people who took your wife are dangerous” and “your wife/the mother of your child is not who you think she is and you’re all gonna die”]  True
Oh boy… Kid’s gifted!  Dads like ooop
Noooooo Lintlicker gonna want him! 😤  ‘sigh’ I say nothing
Ugh the dreaded oooOoOooOo!  It’s almost worse that the spinning baby  [skdlafjlaksjdf wait til you hear the voiceover]
Oh boy.  “Since I be broke now”  Logan’s gonna be regretting coming out with the info
[Oh, no, not the hiding-things storyline]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
[“[Tinga]’d do the same for me” bitch, no she wouldn’t?  You tried this.  Multiple times.  She was like, yah, no, I’ma dip]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ 😂😂😂 “one of them would surely do the same for me… I’mma keep trying til I get the right one”  [YEAH.  BUT IT’S ALEC.  AND SHE GIVES LESS THAN TWO SHITS ABOUT HIM]  ☠️☠️☠️ his not a sibling maam! It doesn’t count!😤😤😤  [You right, you right.  Sorry, I forgot we just meant siblings and not generic discussions of Manticore folks]  😂😂😂😂😂😂
Oh, so Tings has told them, just a different way  [:)]
Lie!  No kid falls asleep that easy!  [He’s gifted thus falls asleep quickly]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
[“These guys never learn” Max, ma’am, nor do you]  Ooop
[“I don’t do guns” MA’AM.]  Lol  [Isn’t this the same logic she used against Logan?]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  [“You have access to money, thus it’s stupid to give it up out of a sense of justice/nobility”  “You have access to a gun, thus it’s stupid to not use one out of a sense of… idk”  Same argument, so why ain’t she listening to her own strategy???]
[Things were not safer this way]
Max is so emotionless I swear to god [I know!  And we know for a fact that’s not a Manticore thing because Ben, Tinga, Alec… they have emotion.  Too much emotion, technically.  It’s just a Max (and kinda Zach but kinda not) thing]
Ack I hate herrrrrr  [Renfro?  She pisses me off so much]
[Tinga is.  Very pretty.  Just saying]
Oooop mama bear!  And dad’s an idiot I see  [alsfkjaldkfjlakdfj]  Like the red flags that should have already been going off…
And you get your head shaved and a tattoo and meticulous training  [“can my mommy be there” as;lkdfj;alkdfj;lkj Yes, actually, that’s his whole plan]
[I’m starting to think JamPony won’t be in this much :(]  Oh noooo 💔💔💔
[Max, you’ve been there, but only ‘cause you’re not clear about stuff.  OC woulda rolled with it and you know it.  Kendra… less clear, but still.]  Well tbf she did straight up tell them both once and they laughed  [She didn’t really try, ma’am.  If I wanted you to believe a story, even if you initially laughed, I could make you believe at least that I believed it]  Well she didn’t try to explain but she flat out told them ☠️  [Yeah, but that’s what I mean by her a) not being clear and b) not really trying.  She’s trying to get cred for not having been able to tell people because they’d not understand, but she literally never gave them the opportunity to.]
Tf!  [Not sure that’s how physics works]  The anxiety that gave me and it didn’t even show it  [That was a very springy rope for tightrope walking, I feel]  ☠️☠️☠️
Ma’am! Give them a — ok fair kinda but Hmph
[This poor dude tho getting sucked into it all]  I know
– – – 
Jezebel: Soooo! I have a feeling somethings gonna go bad! And either husband is gonna die or Tinga is gonna die!  Mainly cause I highly doubt kid is gonna die
Wench: All this death!
Jezebel: So much!
Wench: I don’t fully remember how this shakes out — I know some, not the rest — so: You do know that them going back to Manticore is an option.  We’re nearing the finale.  It’s possible that they’re trying to rescue the kid
Jezebel: Yeahhhhh but idk! Unless they get the kid and he goes back! But they would never let that happen so again. Deth.  When’s the last episode? Next one?
Wench: No, two left in the season
Jezebel: Ooooh!
Wench: But I think the last two are together?  Iirc?  idk for sure
Jezebel: Well, I’m trying to think of more past that, but this has been a very one-themed episode
Wench: No JamPony :(
Jezebel: I know… Is sad.  But I’m done!
– – – 
[Did.  Did she say “objective: offspring” alskjdflaksjdf]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Oh lord, big bro.  Well.  Big “bro.”  Hubby better watch him
At least their not real or half- ooop 🙂
“They made me young again.”  Enough to make any woman switch sides  [“they brainwashed you.”  Max, why are you surprised by this?]
Ooop!  Max actually losing!  [btw.  Max winning any fight against a Manticore transgenic is so stupid.  This woman has been out of the game for ages.]  ☠️☠️☠️  [She beats Ben; okay, yeah, that makes sense becuase they’ve both been out for ages.  She doesn’t beat Tinga: MAKES SENSE.  She beats a number of other “true blue” Manticore soldiers: WHAT?!  She should have some degree of advantage from knowing street fight moves but otherwise she should Very Much Not Win]
“He’ll get over it….” Um he might not  [Some people actually value interpersonal trust.  And don’t lie to their S.O.s]  Exactly
I meannnnnnn Zach’s not wrong, but also they would need the protection too  [Agreed]
“And then her prince peaced out cause she’s a liar” ☠️  [asldkfj]
“No, we’re not “not like that” because she’s a transgenic; it’s because we are emotionally constipated please leave it alone” ☠️😂  [askldjflaksdjflkjadsf This kind of thing kinda annoys me though.  Like… I get being pissed that someone lied to you.  And I get that things might need to adjust.  But.  person is the same?]  Exactly
Oh shit  [Ruh roh]  Well shit
[Zach is a dick btw]  *simultaneously* Aight that was out of line Zach.  Agreed until then
Damn  [Yep.]
Don’t like Lintlicker anymore.  At all  [This virus is called foreshadowing (I’m not telling you of what, but it concerns Max.  And Logan.)]
BRUH SHES NOT A BREEDING MACHINE  [You haven’t seen s2 Dark Angel yet and it shows]
I’m so mad sweet lord.  They fucked with the kid.  They really fucked with the kid! 😤  [I didn’t remember this, for what it’s worth]
Good!  Fuck off, zach
Nooooo!  Watch the blonde lady want the kid so she kills Tinga!  [I confirm nothing]  Cause blonde lady has the murder drone
I hate himmmmmmm.  Lintlicker- hmph.  I don’t how much of a change he makes
Hmph, his fucking shit eating grin
Oooop look at that you have been double-crossed, asshole!
Oooop look at that! Zach is back... asshole
She’s not one of them; she’s one of THEM!  LE GASP
[Guess 656 is Tinga]  
I’m confused… Is Brynn dead, or just knocked out?  [Knocked out]
Ewww sibling hug  [...]  Pssssh I know it means more than that.  To him at least
Breeeeeeding machine 😦
💔💔💔💔  [“I get why she didn’t tell me.  If she had, I would’ve gone the other way.”  Yeah, dumbass, that’s why she didn’t tell you.  Congrats: you’ve leveled up your empathy stat]
[Max, haven’t you learned about making promises?]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
I’ma be honest; I’m not sure the King is the one they should be worried about… I’d be concerned about the Queen
– – – 
Jezebel: I feel so bad for Tinga omg!  That fucking suckssss
Wench: Yuppppp.  And I can’t say it gets better!  You get no spoilers beyond that but ye
Jezebel: 😭😭😭😭😭 Honestly, though, this one was kinda boring.  I guess setting up for the two-part finale. So I don’t have much to say past what was said
Wench: I don’t know for sure it’s two parts btw.  But I think it is because I’m pretty sure they’re both centered around helping Tinga
Jezebel: “Helping” tinga
Wench: Aight… next episode(s) sometime soon, then?
Jezebel: YES
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grelleswife · 3 years
*quickly sends you an ask* Mey Rin for the ask game please frien?? 🥰🙏
Sure thing! 🥰
1. My first impression of them. Sweet and adorable, albeit rather klutzy.
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like). I liked Mey Rin right off the bat (the Phantomhive servants add a lot of heart to the storyline), and that appreciation only increased when she revealed her badass sniper skills during the circus arc! I love it when kind characters also have a ferocious side. 🔥
3. A song that reminds me of them. “almost home” by mxmtoon (which I first heard on @catraears ‘s wonderful Mey Rin playlist here on Spotify)
4. How many people I ship them with. Grelle, Sebastian, Hannah Annafellows, Paula, Agni, Ronald Knox, Madame Red (the three red ladies could make a very cute polycule!)
5. My favorite ship of them. Grellerin, because the vibes are immaculate. You have Grelle helping the maid embrace her femininity after a childhood and adolescence spent stifling it, and offering Mey Rin a passionate romance that surpasses anything found in the pages of her novels. You have Mey unconditionally loving and staunchly supporting Grelle, affirming the reaper’s identity even when so much of the world refuses to understand her. If they fought side-by-side, death scythe and rifle at the ready, these queens would be an unstoppable force! Sebagrellerin is also great…the perfect bisexual trio. 💖💜💙
6. My least favorite ship of them. I seem to recall spotting some nasty nonsense like Mey Rin/O!Ciel in the AO3 tag a while ago; anything like that is a hard pass from me, for obvious reasons. 🤢
7. A quote of them that you remember. “I obey young master’s command to the letter! To greet my master in a tidy manor every day—that is a maid’s duty. The housemaid shall purge the filth from this manor!”
8. Your favorite outfit of them. This dress from the official Gfantasy Sebamey cover!
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9. Your least favorite outfit of them. Mey Rin looks fantastic in any outfit Yana chooses for her! 💕
10. Describe the character in one sentence. Though she presents a cheerful countenance by day, the Owl bares her talons by night!
11. What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character? How cute she is and how badly I want to cuddle her. 😭
12. Sexuality hc! Bisexual. 💖💜💙
13. Your favorite friendship they have. Her bond with the other servants; I’m a sucker for the trope where outcasts and misfits join together to create a little found family. 🥰
14. Best storyline they had. Her backstory in the maid arc. Those chapters gave us a better understanding of the harsh times that shaped her into a fearsome markswoman, as well as her resilience and ability to retain a beautiful soul despite those trials. Mey Rin’s come a long way from the bleak life in which she was trapped, which made it even more rewarding to see her thrive in the present!
15. Worst storyline they had. I wish she’d been aboard the Campania during the luxury liner arc. It would have been epic to watch her take out those bizarre dolls! 😈
16. A childhood headcanon. When she felt sad or discouraged, child!Rin would hum fragments of the tunes her mother used to sing to her in order to calm herself down.
17. What do you think their first word was? The Chinese word for “flower”
18. How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc). Based on the glimpse of babey Mey in canon, I’d say she was a naturally sensitive child forced to toughen up fast in order to eke out a living on the unforgiving London streets.
19. The most random ship you've seen people have with them. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen many ships involving Mey that were too bizarre, though I’m sure those crack pairings exist somewhere!
20. A weird headcanon. Maybe not weird, but spooky…Mey Rin loves telling ghost stories with the Bard and Finny on long winter nights, even though she often ends up scaring herself in the process. 😂👻
21. When do you think they were at their happiest? Those times at the manor when there are no attacks or other catastrophes to worry about, and she was free to enjoy picnics, fun outings in the city, and other bonding moments with the rest of the Phantomhive household.
22. When do you think they were at their lowest? Working as the Qing Bang’s assassin. Mey was surviving, but she wasn’t living.
23. Future headcanon. Partially as a consequence of working with her during their undercover mission, Mey Rin eventually becomes good friends with Ran Mao. At one point, the other woman gifts Mey a panda plushie identical to her own, which the maid treasures.
24. What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone? The exact number of people she’s killed over the course of her work. That death count comes with the territory, but Mey Rin doesn’t like to dwell on it.
25. When do you think they acted the most ooc. Her character’s been pretty consistent (at least in the manga), though I wish Yana had let her show her true colors earlier on in the story.
26. When do you think they were being "themselves" the most? After becoming a maid, because she could finally express her identity as Mey Rin, rather than being callously treated as Rin, valued only for her keen eyes and deadly aim rather than her personhood.
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet? I’d love to see an AU where she could interact with Jeanne from Vanitas no Carte because they have a lot in common—wonderfully endearing ladies who also have an intense side, past trauma, a well-deserved reputation for being frighteningly talented at putting enemies six feet under, in service to a young master who offered them a brighter future, etc. I just think they should eat macarons together and be besties. :’)
28. The most unnecessary thing they ever did? Nothing really comes to mind? 🤔 Anything my girl does is significant to me! 💖
29. How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?) An amazing mom. Since she’s prone to anxiety, Mey could definitely benefit from a partner to lend a hand (raising kids is stressful work), but her fierce protectiveness and warm, affectionate demeanor would carry the day more often than not. She’d be patient and gentle, and give the best hugs!
30. The funniest scene they had? Her stunned reaction to Finny’s spine-breaking tackle! 😂
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Cain, uh
Father of Murder
So Sam is interested in serial killers, same mate
Okay so you're gonna tell me Dean sneaked in an EMF reader? in a prison??? unbelievable, all visitors to a prison must pass through metal detectors
Come on Cas, answer your fucking phone
what's the point of having a phone if you never answer
Crowley's storyline better not include Rowena,--ah there she is
Can someone PLEASE just murder her
Cain has been very busy indeed uh
why is he abducting and killing and buying serial murderers?
I genuinely love this Cain character
"if the mark wants blood, I'll give it mine"
Cas getting his blade out as soon as Cain mentions killing Dean😭❤️
Rowena calling Crowley "wee sausage" 🤮🤮🤮
okay I gotta know, are there people out there who love Rowena's character and shit???
made the mistake of looking up her tag on Tumblr and people LOVE her?!?!
I literally cannot watch one more second of her on the screen, I take off my headphones when she's there
So now they wanna kill Cain
and Dean's the one who'll do it
Power team's back
Team Free Will + Crowley
Good try Cas, but that was quite sad
Cain can teleport, Sam
Stop talking about your mother Crowey, no on gives a shit
Cain got the Blade back, of course
how they didn't see this coming is a mystery
they're fools if they didn't think that was his intention
"and then would come the murder you'd never survive" that is so darkly poetic, props to whoever wrote that
Dean looks like shit, but he did it
and he's giving the Blade to Cas
Aw Crowley, you got played like a fool 😂
she has a point, Crowley is the Winchesters' bitch, and that's fine
but she completely destroyed the character so I'm hoping she leaves and never interacts with Crowley ever again
Cas and Sam talking about Dean again ❤️
Dean's in trouble
well no shit there Sherlock
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okmcintyre · 4 years
Final Season Spec Game
I'm out of tag games to speculate on season 7, so here we are! I wanted to keep these questions mostly upbeat (because we all know how this show can be sometimes lol we're in for angst for sure 😉) and there's 16 of them, one for each remaining ep! Feel free to play along everybody... Stay safe! 💙
1. Which character are you most excited to learn the endgame of: Honestly I think Murphy! He's spent 6 seasons branding himself as a survivor and I want to see that pay off for him! #teamcockroach
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2. Which character are you most excited to learn the backstory of: I have a lot of questions about the Lightbournes still. I mean, they're awful people, but how did they end up on this project in the first place? 🤔
3. One character who deserves a new look: Clarke! I adored her jacket in S5, but she died and came back and is still wearing it... so please give the lady a makeover!
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4. Two locations you want to revisit: Clarke's Mindspace and Shadow Valley... since I get to choose 🤷‍♀️
5. Three brotps you hope get more screentime: Clarke/Murphy, Echo/Raven, Bellamy/Murphy
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6. Who will get the happiest ending: Raven, I dearly hope. Maybe Madi, too. 🍪
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7. Which minor or new characters you want to see more of: Indra, Niylah and Picasso!
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8. Who will eventually snap Jordan out of the funk we see him in, at the end of 6x13: After all the flashback/mindspace/hallucinations of season six, my money is on a Marper appearance from the great beyond.
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9. Who will be the first to tell Bellamy he can't immediately run into the Anomaly after Octavia: I hope it's Echo. With Clarke rolling her eyes in the background. And Raven calling him an idiot.
10. To reference Monty's 'do better' mantra: Maybe Emori? She didn't say it much last year?
11. To say 'go float yourself': Bellamy! He's bound to be emotional.
12. Random object or prop you would bring back for Season 7 if you could: THE ROVER 😭
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13. Book One storyline/reference you want to see back for Season 7: Traitor who you love? Is that too on main? Lol. Otherwise it'd be cool to have Becca come back into play.
14. Dead character you would like mentioned: HARPER MCINTYRE, PLEASE! That woman was sunshine and nobody talks about her.
15. How do you think Hope and Octavia know each other (from season 6): I have no idea how to place that vibe we got in 613. Hoping someone else has thoughts 😂
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16. How do you think it all will end?: With a happy but bittersweet ending. Hopefully with our faves alive and well. And sunshine. And Picasso the dog.
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Tagging: a bunch of folks in my dash, but everyone feel to play along (or keep scrolling if this isn't your cuppa tea!) @boalphacat @choose-wonkru @yourfandomfreak @clarkesplaylist @refraindrops @country-gurl-2015 @pendragaryen @geekyogicheese @clarkegroffin @natassakar @iishallbelieve @doortotomorrow @the-suns-also-rise @superkrl @kizo2703 @buttered-rice1 @bloodysteel @gardenofstories @nvermindiseeyou @aproblematicpanda @earth-skills-alumni-club
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studioweus · 3 years
no worries at all! i've been busy too, i'm so ready for the break coming up 😭 hope you're having chill weekends too!
hmm, song recs you say? 🤔 lately i've been slightly obsessed with 'here with me' by daniel blake (it's a cover) and it's so good! i also love 'dandelions' by ruth b. and 'better days' by dermot kennedy 💕 let me know your honest opinion, i wanna get a better idea of your music taste! and please do recommend me some songs :D
i know! left & right and home are too good! exactly, home is so calming and healing 🥺 makes me want to get wrapped up in a blanket, with some hot chocolate~
yeah, exams are coming up...😭😭 thank you! hopefully i do well 😬 and omg i get you! i have a few games on steam but mainly on ps4, and like i keep buying games but they pile up 'cause i never have time to play them haha. ooh adventure games, those are so nice! the only ones i know are gta v (love that game), acnh (my guilty pleasure, although i don't feel that guilty about it tbh), and minecraft, although i've never played modded minecraft, and i'm pretty bad at it too haha, i just like playing and building mediocre houses to get through the night 😂 i love games like that too, adventure ones! my all-time favorite is the uncharted series! the graphics are amazing and i love the adventure aspect. i also really like infamous: second son, the last of us, telltale games (like the wolf among us, the walking dead, tales from the borderlands) i could go on and on haha
sort of! guitar no, although i could probably learn a few songs again, and i do remember a few songs on the piano :) i'm determined to learn one song from a game on the piano, so i can play it and wow people haha! but yeah it was definitely very fun! and as for books, i could honestly read anything. i'm reading the martian now, but i also have books on true stories, mystery and crime, random cringey romance books, like my taste in books is all over the place! what about you? tennis was really fun! it was just something i did in my own time, i did lessons at a place near my house with a few other people, it's not something i ever got seriously into which was probably for the best haha
me too, soft stan all the way!! fear era (for example) was honestly *chef's kiss* but their cute happy concepts are definitely my favorite! ^-^
- secret carat 🎄
hello!! i hope you have a relaxing weekend and/or winter break!~
out of the songs that you mentioned, i only knew 'dandelions' but 'here with me' is so soft 🥺 and 'better days' is very uplifting! i ended up listening to more dermot kennedy songs after i played that one haha thank you for the recs! 🥰 hm, my current repeats playlist includes 'betelgeuse' by yuuri, 'square' by baek yerin, and 'this december' by ricky montgomery!
i hope your exams went swimmingly! (this is assuming you're done but if you still have some upcoming ones, you got this!! 🙌) LOL yeah it's like you gotta buy this game while it's on sale or smth but then you never get around to it because there's no time :( it's an endless cycle haha i'm actually not the best at modded minecraft either since there's so much to keep track of but it's fun! i do love the building aspect of minecraft in general, it's very relaxing (until a creeper destroys your house because mobgriefing is on LMAO) oh man i haven't taken a look at my island in a while, i keep losing motivation to work on it. hopefully your island looks more presentable than mine! 😅 does your island have a certain theme to it?
ooh i haven't played any of the uncharted games before but i heard they're good! i heard they were releasing a movie? 👀 feels kinda sus but i don't really know too much about the game to make any judgments haha i've been meaning to get into some telltale games - notably tales from the borderlands, because i really liked bl2! adventure games are so much fun ;-; esp if the storyline really gets you hooked
yay!! what song were you planning to learn on piano, if you don't mind me asking? o: that will definitely wow people, for sure!! ooh the martian - i've watched the movie but i had to look it up to see if it was based on a novel because i never knew that wow haha random cringey romance books, i feel that. i normally read mystery and crime as well actually! i also love anything that is fantasy/alternate universe-ish. but i recently read 'you've reached sam' because my friend told me it was all over tiktok and she wanted to read it, but she was scared it'd be too sad. so i took one for the team and read it for her, and man i was bawling every chapter LOL
haha i understand the not getting into it seriously. as long as you find it fun, that's really all that matters! have you gotten into other sports as well o:
soft stans!! 🥰 fear is absolutely *chef's kiss* i agree 100% but yes, the happier concepts are just so :(((
it's almost christmas!! wait actually.. do you celebrate christmas? and if so, do you have any family/friend traditions? :D and if you don't celebrate christmas, do you still get together with friends and/or family for holiday festivities?
i hope you're staying safe and warm! (if it's cold where you are! otherwise, pls keep cool if it's too hot LOL)
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