#and is slowly making its way into higher levels of the government
meat-loving-meat · 4 months
I want to write a Vanyel/Stefen modern-with-magic AU soooo bad but I don’t know Valdemar lore like at all. There are six books standing between me and feeling comfortable enough in the lore to imagine what Valdemar might look like with the internet and planes
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potteresque-ire · 2 years
Hi there, I have a question regarding the content of XZ and WYB's ads. As an international fan, I have to rely on translations in English that, more often than not, range from "this sounds a little weird" to "this doesn't make any sense". Overall, they sound a lot more poetic and aspirational than Western ads :-). Anyway, I'm sure the awkward language is in large part a lost-in-translation problem. However, I notice a few of the recurring themes that XZ and WYB seem to be fond of, such as "grow slowly", "follow the light", "become a better self", "love is important", etc. I was wondering if you think XZ/WYB have a (small) say in the messaging, or if these types of messages are part of the Chinese culture and, therefore, considered motivational and inspirational. TIA!
Hello Anon!!
Do Gg and Dd inject their own ideas in their commercials? I’ve never worked in advertising at all, but I’d say the answer is no.
(Under the cut: On ads, and their motivational and inspirational messages)
The reason comes down to professionalism. There are marketing teams and designers etc who work on ads, drafting and plotting them to have the strongest appeal to the potential customer base. When a company hires an expensive celebrity spokesperson, it will put in the effort to use the spokesperson in the most effective ways possible; it will highlight the most attractive aspects of spokesperson’s star image (how many times have we seen Dd with a motorcycle or skateboard?), research on the demographics of their fanbase (age distribution? Income levels? Male/Female ratio? More solos or CPFs? etc), target the group most likely to generate the highest revenue ...
For a spokesperson to barge in to say “I want to include this message” — no matter what the message is — is crossing professional boundaries then, isn’t it? They don’t have the marketing insight. What happens if the sales fails meet its projection later? Wouldn’t it become the responsibility of the demanding spokesperson as well? 
Spokespeople can likely draw a line when the companies make outrageous demands: for example, they may say no when the commercials are politically sensitive, or they’re asked to expose more flesh than they’re comfortable with. Otherwise, the professional ones are more likely stay out of the way and let the company decide how their ads would look, and the messages the ads will send.
There is one specific exception to this — in which the spokesperson not only has a say in the sent messages in an ad, but is also responsible for the content of the messages — and that’s when the messages touch on the product’s functionality. Since 2015, the Chinese government has made celebrity spokespeople liable for false advertising, in addition to requiring them to have used the products themselves. If the ads lie to the customers — claim the product is made of something that it isn’t, for example, or is “clinically proven” to achieve a certain result when said research doesn’t exist — the spokesperson is considered an accomplice and will be banned from making commercials for the next three years. 
The latest celebrity to have violated the law is the actress 景 甜 Jing Tian, in May, 2022. Not only has she been banned from appearing in ads until 2025, her compensation from making the offending ad was confiscated, and she had to pay a fine that was higher than her compensation, amounting to 7.2 million RMB (~1.05 million USD) total. 
And given how c-ent has been under immense scrutiny for its practices by the government since last year, the ripple effect of such minor legal offence on a celebrity is more much significant than how it looks on paper, than what the formal punishment entails. These days, celebrities who have displeased the government are often shunned by production companies afterwards, as hiring them in new projects — even in minor roles — may cause issues later when the TV series or film must go through the state’s content audit. Completed projects with their involvement are shelved, as platforms hesitate to put themselves in the spotlight for being associated with someone who has displeased the government. In the industry, these celebrities are categorised as 風險藝人 risky artists, and unless they have the potential to bring in profit significant enough for a brave investor to take the risk and hire them again, their career is likely to suffer considerable damage. 
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Because of the existing laws surrounding celebrity endorsements, being a spokesperson for the wrong product can also lead to unhappy consumers showing up at the star’s work place to voice their grievances. In September 2021, victims of a failed milk tea company— the boss ran away with their franchise application money — showed up on the doorsteps of Hunan TV (the home of TTXS and Happy Camp) with the words 維嘉失德藝人 “Weija, Immoral Artist” written on their shirts. Weija, a former host of Happy Camp, had been the spokesperson for the milk tea company before it folded. “Immoral Artist” is an accusation that can warrant the cancellation of the artist from the industry, if the government agrees. While Weija wasn’t charged in the end, the publicity of this incident was considered embarrassing and damaging to his image (Source).
And so, stars like Gg and Dd will likely leave the poetic musings in their commercials alone, but if ... a to-be-shot KFC commercial plans to claim a chicken bucket a day will make a consumer look like Colonel Sanders in 4 weeks? Then, Dd would have to step in and say: No, there is no data on this. I refuse to deliver this message!
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Confession: I have a bit of a thing for Colonel Dd.
Speaking of the poetic musings, the awkward language you’ve noticed, Anon, is only half a translation problem 😅. Even in their native language, the slogans are often empty in meaning — honestly, I ignore them most of the time. Light/shining, growth, ... they are all too common “stock” themes, and Chinese as a language is very friendly to poetic descriptions. Not only can the imagery of these themes be easily made beautiful and fitting for young idol-type celebrities, but the inspirational messages associated with them are in line with the positivity 正能量 promoted in Chinese audiovisual media and so, they’re safe.
Is this Chinese culture? Hmmm. It depends on what we mean by Chinese culture. Pop culture? Culture-Culture? Xi culture of 2022? Confucian culture of ... Confucius?
Idol culture in the Sinosphere has always had a strong fantastical component, in that the idols are expected to be walking fantasies for the fans — their image, shaped by their management and extended by their projects including ads, strives to be much more than good looking; it is to be growing in light, as (flawless) upstanding youths are supposed to do. 
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I happened upon this ~ 30-year-old Hong Kong magazine shot of the now superstar-idol, then idol 劉德華 Andy Lau. The caption said: “even though time rarely leaves a mark on the face of young men, busyness and exhaustion aren’t merciful to anyone. Today’s Andy is still handsome and stylish, but a heavy workload makes him miss a certain amount of youthfulness.” While the photos were fairly standard idol shots, the text was strikingly negative and not-poetic by 2022’s mainland Chinese standards. (Source)
However, to be so verbal about the positivity in the star’s image, to say out loud the growing-in-light thing as frequently as we’ve seen — that, I’d say, is more of a mainland Chinese thing, more of a manifestation of Communist Chinese culture. It has to do with Communist government’s obsession with ideology — what you believe is as important as what you do; wrong thoughts are as punishable as wrong acts. Over time, such an obsession by the government has created a society where people and media are accustomed to proclaiming their politically correct beliefs and aspirations out loud and repeatedly, such that they cannot be misunderstood — because historically, being misunderstood can carry the price tag of one’s life, if the misunderstood thing is about their loyalty lies, for example. 
A way I can think of, which can tease out the difference between Communist Chinese culture and Traditional Chinese culture, is to look at how a place with traditional Chinese culture, but doesn't have a strong Communist culture, react to such verbal positivity.
What about Hong Kong? I'm familiar with that place ...
As someone who grew up in the city during the colonial period, whose cultural background is very Chinese but has never lived under Communism, among my most common complaints to mainland Chinese media productions are “stop explaining, don’t ruin the atmosphere / fun!”, “stop lecturing and get on with the (____)!!” and “ACK! Another life philosophy lesson *feigns sleep* ”. 
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Taking this opportunity to recommend the episode of the documentary 我和我的時代 My Legacy and I on Dd, which I loved for its lack of ... unnecessary words. It let Dd speak for himself, let the footage show and not tell who Dd was, which I really, really appreciated. (English-subbed video here).
This sentiment isn’t mine alone. Injecting the same verbal positivity in ads intended for audience south of the mainland China-Hong Kong border is actually more likely to drive potential customers away — because Hong Kongers associate this brand of verbal positivity with Communism or more specifically, with the historical reasons behind such verbal positivity, the need to make one’s beliefs a slogan in line with the state’s propaganda and chant it for fear of persecution. 25 years after the handover, there are certainly people in the city who are loyal to the Chinese government; still, the majority of the city’s residents are descendants of refugees who suffered and fled similar persecution, if not a victim of such persecution themselves. This kind of slogan-y, very positive statements or messages, therefore ... one and two are okay, but more than that, they quickly become turn-offs. 
The vast majority of Hong Kongers are Chinese too. By citizenship, by ethnicity, and by cultural background.
The insistence on positivity by the Chinese government has also been heavily associated with cover-ups, which Hong Kongers, who are still outside the Great Internet Firewall as of today (2022/08/28), recognise, and makes them wary of the Chinese positivity in general. I introduced the concept 喪事當喜事辦 Treating Funerals Like Happy Events when I talked about the Henan floods of summer 2021, how Chinese propaganda often shift the attention of the mistakes made by the government during disasters by focusing on the (true) heroics of rescue personnels and volunteers. This summer, with the Chongqing wildfires, a similar propaganda tactic has been employed — now, after the fires have been extinguished, the state media is again touting the heroics of those who helped, but while the fires were burning, while lives were seriously at risk, the social media posts by local authorities asking for help and for supplies were suppressed. Chinese netizens spread the message among themselves, and by borrowing the tags of irrelevant, non-urgent topics that nonetheless made it into highly ranked spots on the hot search.
With their wariness, and annoyance, really, given they can’t escape the propaganda, Hong Kongers have come up with a not-so-flattering, near-homophone nickname for 正能量 positivity — 正撚樣 That f*cking face ... which is telling, I think, how off-putting the Communist brand of verbal positivity can be, for Chinese who have also lived a very Chinese-y life but haven’t been trained to listen to it all the time, for Chinese who are aware of the filth behind the beautiful but empty words like light and growth.
This is, I hope, a very long-winded answer to your question, Anon: the incessant inspirational and motivational messages that have caught your attention stem from Communist Chinese culture, but not so much from traditional Chinese culture. Hong Kongers are brought up by the latter; it hasn’t improved their reception to the messages the slightest bit.
Instead, the whiff of Communism in them has driven many of them away.
What would the messages be like if they are traditional, then? 
Hmmm. I’m thinking of CQL’s Lan Wangji. He was traditional — much of the Lan teachings were actually based on Confucian principles. He was associated with light: he was the Light Bearer. He grew, too, during the course of the story. He had strong beliefs and a stronger conviction, but while he stated them, he didn’t exactly inspire or motivate with his words, did he? Likewise, he hadn’t been inspired or motivated by words to become who he was: he had become who he was by discipline (from his family), by responsibility (his character), and by watching someone who walked the walk (Wei Wuxian). 
Discipline. Responsibility. Action. That’s ... Traditional Chinese. Proclamation of one’s politically-correct beliefs and aspirations, on the other hand, was hardly employed as the method to determine the worth, to judge the morals of a traditional Chinese person.
Ideology — this wordy concept the Communist government is obsessed with, that has given rise to the inspirational, motivational, and verbal positivity we’ve seen in ads and pretty much everywhere in our fandom (in Gg and Dd’s posts, SDoC etc) — is such a Western thing that its earliest Chinese translation was 意德沃羅基, a nonsense term because it was a transliteration, ie, it wrote in Chinese the sounds of “ideology”’s English syllables.  
And this brings home the point that I shall say over and over again: the Chinese government is foreign with its Soviet roots. There’s nothing wrong with being foreign, of course; what is wrong is the same government teaching hate on foreign countries (especially Japan and the U.S.) to its people, fanning the flames of nationalism among its people. 
What is wrong is its hypocrisy.
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An obsession with ideology means there’s such a thing called 思想工作, literary, Work on the Mind, in China. Baidu, or Chinese Wiki, defined 思想工作 as 關於解決人的思想問題的工作 “Work that solves the issues with human thoughts”. Insert the term in Google search, and many, many President Xi’s show up. This is a big thing for him.
[ETA: @rainbowsky has added some interesting and informational perspectives about how how marketing and ads work in his response here. Thank you Mr RBS!] 
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cayonaa · 3 months
– Mechanical Bird – | Prologue
Back to the Future.
Summer 1999.
On the device serving as a clock, the date 05.07 was illuminated with red light bulbs. Because of a colossal catastrophe that occurred 27 years ago due to critical oversights by scientists, after which the country still had not recovered, it seemed like it had just happened.
After nuclear accidents at power plants, flooded oil rigs, collapses of laboratories, and various epidemics in major cities, people decided to completely abandon and prohibit most technologies so that such horrors would never happen again.
Well, the government made another mistake, and this time it's the last one that will undo all the achievements of science and technology. They shut off electricity across the country, silly, right? Definitely. They gave some speech about "ecology," but really, the higher-ups just left their offices running on backup power, claiming it was necessary to monitor the situation.
But it seems like no one was planning to improve the situation, not at all.
Over time, those who realized the hopelessness of their situation fled to neighboring countries, where there were restrictions, but not as severe. The first few hundred stayed across the border, getting used to different laws and thanking their lucky stars for being saved. But after crossing into foreign territory once too often, it became inconvenient for governments to keep so many refugees and soon special military patrols were sent to the borders, sending everyone back.
The last hope of living a peaceful life in comfort and convenience had now been cut off, so people had no choice but to... accept it.
The city began slowly but irreversibly turning into ruins, giving way to nature. At first, the population tried to "revive" the architecture and technology, but nothing improved. Buildings and some non-essential factories, without maintenance, became overgrown with moss and gradually fell apart. Only residential houses looked more well-kept and suitable for living.
Predictably, after such widespread devastation, looters appeared, roaming the abandoned and sometimes inhabited houses in search of goods, medicine, and food just to survive.
Money no longer made sense, as banks had ceased to function, replaced by weapons, food, valuable items, and psychoactive substances. Even behind a locked door of an apartment building, you could never be sure of your safety.
Many staged rebellions and futile attempts to break through the concrete walls of the main administration, but what good were they when even the phones and televisions didn't work? Even the lowest echelons of society already understood that the government was concerned and would only ever be concerned about its own ministers.
Over several decades, the criminal world, as in the 60s and early 70s, was reaching dangerous levels of activity again. Those heading there were not only escapees from malfunctioning prisons but also regular civilians. No technologies can obscure the animal instinct. In such a situation, the desire to survive only intensifies.
Some formed groups, competing with others for a place in the sun and a chance to prolong their existence for another day. This often led to muffled sounds of gunfire, rifle-butts striking, someone's shouts, and swearing heard at night.
If you listened closely to the nighttime silence, which never brought peace or safety, you could make out faint knocks, the hum of an engine from a suspicious black van with tinted windows driving by, the creaking of window shutters, and the cries of birds.
Eyes had grown used to the darkness of dusk, when the sun sets behind the tall buildings on the horizon, and ears had grown used to the absence of the once familiar sound of the air conditioner and the brief signals from the power meter.
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loominggaia · 2 years
i dont know how i missed the whole "sirenes are second class citizens in aquaria" thing. on that note, would you mind expanding on how sirenes live within the aquarian alliance? aside from being the common footsoldiers and such
This is one of those "open secrets" in the Aquarian Alliance. On paper, all species have equal rights, even Terrian species. But in practice...yeah, not so much.
It's pretty clear that cecaelia have the most power and wealth in this nation. Sirenes make up the vast majority of the Alliance's population, yet they tend to hold lower places in society.
This is all by design. Sovereign is a cecaelian-supremacist who wishes the whole world resembled his native ethnostate of Tekee. That time and culture are long gone, but he is not ready to let it go. He sees the sirenes as useful tools to accomplish his goals, so he's willing to meet them half-way on things here and there.
But if Sovereign does achieve world domination, you can bet he'll betray the sirenes fast and probably enslave them. Most likely, all other species will be made into slave classes to serve cecaelia. In Sovereign's mind, that's the ideal world. He sees cecaelia as victims, not as aggressors, and believes that his species deserves to rule over others because only they are intelligent and capable enough to do so.
So, in this culture, you have a leader who believes his species is objectively superior to all others. As you can imagine, he only appoints other cecaelia to important roles in his government. Those cecaelia appoint other cecaelia under them, and so on, which leaves sirenes and other species to work in the ditches with no power or influence over anything. It's basically species-based nepotism.
How exactly sirenes live under Alliance rule is dictated by their culture. The Alliance's territory encompasses almost the entire sea, so you have thousands of different cultures operating under its rule. They are forced to serve the Sovereign, but they still cling to their own beliefs and ways of life in any way they can. They're allowed to do pretty much whatever they want, as long as it doesn't conflict with Sovereign's goals. He lets them practice their religions, celebrate their holidays, eat their traditional cuisine, and so on. But in return, they must pay taxes to his regime, obey his nation's laws, and show up to fight if they're drafted.
Some of these territories have higher numbers of sirenes than others. Some have no cecaelia in them at all, so you'll find areas where sirenes have more opportunities to rise into more powerful positions like government leaders and military captains.
Sovereign's regime is slowly trying to phase that out by moving cecaelian populations around like chess pieces, forcing them into strategic locations to take power away from sirenes. It's very insidious and no one is happy with it. The native sirenes hate it because it strips them of their culture and robs them of opportunities, and the cecaelian immigrants hate it because they're being forced to move somewhere they don't necessarily want to be.
Naturally this creates a lot of conflict between sirenes and cecaelia, which is exactly what Sovereign wants. If they're busy fighting with eachother, then they're too distracted to point fingers at him.
There's a lot of strategic, artificial conflict in the Aquarian Alliance. It can really suck to be a sirene here or it can be okay, depending on your location. Personally, if I was a sirene, I would much rather live in a place like Matuzu Kingdom, Mogdir Kingdom, or even the Seelie and Unseelie Courts.
Hell, even life Lamai Nation would be preferable to an Alliance territory imo. There is still some level of systemic oppression against sirenes there, but at least the Lamaish government doesn't gaslight its citizens about it like the Alliance does.
Lore Masterpost
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year
All have a part to play
Arise humanity
Come together - Unify and be of One
Unify your own DF and DM energies so that you are not raging a war within - you are the ones that are leaders and care-takers of a new earth
An earth that is sacred, all animals are sacred, all life, all insects are sacred;
MOTHERS DAY - Divine Feminine beings Re-Written - 5D self love ©
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This morning I got into my car and as I looked down I had an inch-worm, so tiny, beautiful green, inching up and slowly in musing what adventures this tiny little gorgeous insect had with its day; it was so amazing - where did it come from;
Just getting dressed, how did it get on my chest? There it was; we met, eye to insect eye; I offered it my fingertip gently and said 'hello' and honoured our connection, our meeting; then looked for a space for its gentle and beautiful body - some may have opened their window and threw it off, or squished it, showing it little respect, or care; I was amazed and offered is a loving song and hello- all is gracious and my kind simple act means something to me, that is all that matters; my kind simple acts with all life matters to me;
The inch worm entrusted me with its life, to be a steward, to know that its purpose, fashion for me on me, meant something, and what would I do, choose to do with that life; I was blessed and felt blessed and spirit sees and knows the intention you walk with; every worm to shift to safe soil on a rainy street as it makes its way to safety - and not stepping on them, and as if life regardless of size matters; all life matters; all beings, all voices, all matters;©
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We ask ourselves daily - we are worthy of greater aligned leaders, and what is it that a leader of a very powerful and beautiful country to take billions of sacredly earned public money and place it before nuclear rockets and war tools; what obliges a 'leader' if a 'leader' had any alignment with Source, God, alignment of the higher self; to take honour, ownership of sacred life, however small and unimportant anyone could ever think and measure and judge - that is where we fool ourselves - none have such ownership of power over life; period.
Be it government leader, or those in the labs manipulating life and cloning DNA or children, or animals for their own ego, arrogance, scientific agenda's - what is the integrity and levels of integrity - values and morals;
Divine feminine within our hearts, know of the purity of love and life, the hearts beating in our bodies, would never ever falsify and warp, force, manipulate life and forces of life to think you have greater power of the sacred design of all realms, galaxies, life, akashic templates and purpose of anyone and anything - there is such misguided arrogance and so much wounding and lack of self -
Anyone and any leader - is being asked and will be forced to seek within and know what level of loving oneness, integrity and unification of all life - planet earth that feeds you, nourishes and houses you - and yet we disregard and place rockets in our oceans that kills sacred species; who are you, who are we?
All life matters -
All life - none have power or authority to make choices and have say and design over anyone - period.
Understand who you are - go within and do the healing of separation - you are powerful and sacred; so be sacred.
All is energy and your life will return to you what and who you are - so why it is important to go with and begin paying attention to all life ©
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All life is in need of your unique gifts, how you use your gifts, honouring your gifts, and what it takes to move you, inspire you, empower you, and be more of you, more art and more creating of you - to honour your life, as art and know you will have moments that are not comfortable and uneasy;
So be a master to direct your emotions, your releases, your intentions that do not harm or interfere - for your life is your masterpiece and now you can begin to create anew;
Use gentle easy ways to release deep trauma - there are such ways; that benefit you and none have power over you living a truly deep sacred life - all life is sacred; you can navigate such a sacred journey -
Bless your path, bless your body, what is your life intention; when and if you were to pass tomorrow - is your life a good life; what do you value as a good life; did you make a difference for you, your lineage, the earth that you will return to, did you love enough, were you honest and rich with spirit, did you burst and bust with self knowing, self design, every week - did you get to forgive, did you live with joy, gentleness, kindness to all life, and loving compassion -
Be of good will - forgive, live in your unique truth; be you authentically - live in the power of you -
When you focus on growth, expansion, loving and living in your truth-focus on the healing of the planet by seeing yourself new and others with loving potential - all is in your making - all is love; just variations of love and life - you get to sculpt it and respect all in your path -
THAT IS THE ONLY REASON You are here as you - BE YOU!
Divine feminine - this is our new loving, sacred, and humanly powerful celestial aligned earth = step up and be new be you
Blessings and light
#healinghumanity #healingoursystems #truehumanhealing #truehumanleadership
#ascension #mothersday #lovinglife #healingenergy #focusonlove #
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fincrew · 2 years
More formally known as the Employees Provident Fund, whether or not to use the EPF is a matter that’s been intensely debated among Malaysians for quite a while now. So, if you’re wondering if it’s okay to entrust your pension funds to this system, here is some information that can help you make a more informed decision!
(Employees Provident Fund) EPF – What It Is?
In basic terms, the Employees Provident Fund is a federal statutory body that operates under the Ministry of Finance and manages the savings and retirement planning for working Malaysians all over the country. Is Putting Your Savings in EPF a Smart Play? Yes, it is!
In many ways, this program can be considered the most critical aspect of your retirement planning. As a wholly safe and government-backed investment venture, you can always rest assured of a profit when you trust your savings to this system. The EPF has always promised and delivered a minimum annual dividend of 2.5%. And depending on several factors, that value can go even higher.
Who Can Access EPF?
Currently, virtually everyone is eligible to benefit from this program, not just workers with employees. Everyone from individuals operating in the gig space to people who run their businesses and even stay-at-home moms can benefit from using EPF. You need to deposit whatever amount you can at any time that’s most comfortable for you, and you’ll be slowly but surely securing your future! The only people excluded from this program are public sector workers who already have a government pension plan.
What’s The Upper Limit For EPF?
You can’t put more than RM 60 000 in your EPF per annum. It is valid for everyone, from workers with employees to stay-at-home moms. RM 60 000 is the established upper limit for a fiscal year, so you can’t save more than that.
Why Is It So Important To Put Something Away For Retirement?
Using resources like EPF is vital because you’d need access to at least RM 1 000 a month to take care of yourself once you retire. It is the bare minimum as considerably higher amounts are necessary if you want to ensure maximum comfort in old age. As a result, even if you have other investments, putting something away in your EPF can give you that much-needed level of assurance that you are indeed covering your bases. Thanks to the fact that the EPF hasn’t failed since its implementation, you can effectively secure your retirement funds.
When Can I Access My EPF?
Barring a few unique circumstances, you’ll only be able to get access to these funds after you turn 55. It ensures you have enough to spend for the rest of your natural life.
Bottom Line
EPF is the ideal solution if you want to put your savings into something you can trust and rely on.
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projectcubicle1 · 2 years
3 Different Types of Investments to Consider Making
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3 Different Types Of Investments To Consider Making
The term investing can sound daunting considering many different types of investments. One of the first things that come to mind is the stocks and the New York stock market. It creates a picture of people making significant sums of money and others losing drastically. Despite this, many individuals are taking the plunge and investing their money in stocks and shares as forms of investments. They do so to receive a high return on their investment. 33% of the British population have invested in shares, with two-thirds (67%) saying that they are planning to buy shares and stocks at some point in the future. Stocks remain one of the most popular forms of investments individuals make. Part of its appeal is that investors have the opportunity to gain more growth over time. Occasionally, this is possible in the short term. Stocks can help investors to achieve more growth than cash savings. Some cash interest rates are relatively low, and alternative investment options with potentially higher returns look the most appealing. Choosing to invest in stocks is a risk to take among other forms of investments. It is notorious for being a volatile market. Investors decide to spread their funds over various stock investments to minimize the chances of significant losses. Others choose to have a strategy carefully planned before investing in stocks. It helps them keep the risk within an acceptable level that is ideal for them. Investing in stocks is a common investment type; there are alternative ways for people to invest their money. For individuals looking to take on a new financial adventure, here are a few types of investments. Choice Of Bonds To generate a predictable return over time, bonds are one of the best routes to take. There is the choice of corporate or government bonds. It is a loan that is paid to the corporate or government for a few years with either one. In return, they pay you back but with interest. In addition to having a predictable return on investment, bonds are viewed as being a lower-risk investment option. The bonds that are the most secure are the ones issued by stable governments. There has been an increase in upcoming corporations and emerging markets offering bonds to investors. These are riskier than those provided by stable governments, but the return on investment can be far higher. The World Of Crypto Cryptocurrency has rapidly become a beloved form of investment by many investors. Stories and cases of investors earning high returns on their cryptocurrency investments have captured the interest of many. As the popularity surrounding cryptocurrency rises, the choice of currency type expands along with the ways to invest. You can easily buy Bitcoin with credit card and start your cryptocurrency investment journey. When using sites like Paxful, users can buy Bitcoin with a credit card and build up their investment portfolio. Investors also choose cryptocurrency options, with new currencies being launched frequently. Cardano, Tether, and Ethereum are all new forms of cryptocurrency. Ethereum is slowly rising in popularity, gaining new investors and attracting interest. It is also used for purchasing NFTs, a unit of data that is stored on a blockchain. However, despite this rising interest in Ethereum, Bitcoin remains the top cryptocurrency of choice. It is the one that many start their cryptocurrency investment journey with and continue to invest in as they grow their Bitcoin wallet. The Property Market   Getting onto the property ladder is a goal many share. Joining the property ladder as an investor holds many opportunities. Investing in property is a popular investment to make. Many will invest in property for the long-term benefits, choosing to rent the property out to tenants. It generates a healthy sum each month that can be put towards their savings, such as retirement funds. Others will choose to update the property before selling. The renovation works completed were done to help increase the value and generate a profit. Like renting the property, the profits from the sale will be put into savings or used for the next project. Entering the property market as an investor is also an excellent way to diversify your portfolio. Diversifying your investment portfolio can help to increase the chances of having a continuous income stream from investments. If one investment is not succeeding as anticipated, other investments within your portfolio might be thriving. Choose Investments Wisely Before investing, ensure that you have conducted thorough research into each investment type. The perks of each investment type can sound tempting, but keep in mind that each one will likely come with risks. Understanding the risks involved will enable you to make a more informed decision about which investment to choose. You can invest in the one you feel the most comfortable with and one that you believe could see you reap the best rewards. Lastly : Conduct a Risk Assessment The key to investing is to understand your personal risk tolerance. Danger tolerance refers to how much risk you can take. Depending on your income, costs, responsibilities, and perspective, it might be quite subjective. Risk tolerance is lower among those who have a lot of dependents, debts, or costs. Someone with hereditary wealth, on the other hand, may be ready to take more risks. The composition of your portfolio will be determined by your risk tolerance. High-risk, high-return equities are suitable for those with a greater risk tolerance. Investors with a limited risk tolerance, on the other hand, can choose for low-risk, low-return bonds. Read the full article
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yieldassest · 2 years
What Is the Big Picture of Fractional Ownership in Indian Real Estate?
In India, real estate property is the one thing everyone wants to invest in. We tend to save up our whole lives' worth of money so that we can buy our dream property one day. This is not only a very big dream, but also an old-fashioned and impractical way to spend your hard-earned money. A modern way to invest in real estate is through fractional ownership, which means that investors can buy high-end properties for a small amount. It is slowly becoming the modern real estate investment platform.
What Does Real Estate Fractional Ownership Mean? Why Is It Becoming More Popular?
An investment strategy known as fractional ownership of real estate involves a group of individuals pooling their resources to raise money for the joint purchase of the real estate. Each investor gains a portion of ownership in the asset. It is the best type of investment since everyone who invests shares the costs, earnings and financial responsibilities associated with the property.
Due to the high rate of asset appreciation, real estate investments have always been lucrative. However, most investors cannot access this asset class because real estate demands lots of capital. Private yachts, Special Purpose Vehicles and other high-end investments are made possible by fractional real estate ownership, which enables investors of all financial levels to invest in assets for personal and professional purposes.
As more and more MNCs establish bases in India, the market for fractional investment in commercial real estate is anticipated to expand in that country. Also regarded as one of the best financial choices for senior citizens is fractional ownership.
Fractional Ownership Models
Joint Ownership of Asset
·        The right to use the fractional property belongs to all owners.
·        They can do so without impairing the rights of other investors.
·        With the agreement of the other co-owners, a co-owner is allowed to sell their stake at any time.
Cooperative Model
·        A cooperative society is established by a group of interested investors to make purchases of assets on its behalf.
·        Members of the society and fractional owners of their homes are requirements for all investors.
·        A fractional owner's shares will be transferred to the new fractional owner if they decide to sell them.
Company Structure
·        In this investing strategy, investors establish a corporate framework before buying assets in its name.
·        The business must abide by the rules and requirements of the Company Act for each of its subsidiaries.
·        While a company model reduces stamp duty, it also involves other duties.
Trust Structure
·        Here, a single trust is established by all interested parties, with the property seller serving as the trust's creator.
·        For the benefit of all fractional owners, the seller performs the deed following the detailed instructions.
Taxing Fractional Property
Many taxation regulations do not yet exist because fractional ownership is still in its early stages. Still, the government could implement certain tax consequences if the investing strategy becomes more popular.
Fractional Ownership in Commercial Real Estate
The CRE concept for commercial real estate aims to provide partial ownership of tangible assets. These consist of Grade-A commercial real estate that MNCs lease, such as banks, warehouses, factories or other IT facilities. In most situations, they already have tenants. Unlike in residential settings, commercial tenants are less likely to quit their premises suddenly; instead, a facility may be occupied for more than ten years by the same company. Not only that, but an MNC would almost always pay rent on time and maintain the property well, leaving the investors with a substantial return. Fractional ownership makes these properties available to smaller investors.
Fractional property investment is growing in popularity in India for retirement planning and passive income. Land ownership ensures stability and status in the community's higher strata. The most stable asset class has become limited owing to population growth.
CRE is a great investment since it creates a regular rental cash flow, but it needs a lot of money and strong connections; hence, HNIs or Ultra HNIs own and regulate CREs. Middle-class communities never experience the same returns, but fractional ownership can enable you to invest in high-end commercial real estate for a fraction of the original price and enjoy owner privileges.
You can buy a part of a 100-crore CRE for Rs. 25 lakhs. Due to the low minimum, people from diverse backgrounds can invest.
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joshleyson · 2 years
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Hi there. It took a long stretch for me to visit this thriving webosphere as I was, as always, still tangled in the depths of trying to live and make it through to my everyday life, especially in this most bizarre and jarring time in history. Anyways, I am so happy and privileged that I was able to, with all the health protocols and requirements in placed *yup*, slowly dared to fly again. Literally.
If you have been following me virtually for a while now, you know my affinity for the therapeutic effect of the ocean is kinda non-negotiable. Before my trip back to the island for the nth time, my first flight of the year since the Rona began was back in October all way to Mindanao to pay respect to my beloved grandmother who at the golden age of 80ish decided to meet the Higher Power. For good. It’s a mixture of a reasonable amount of grief, closure, and peace that stirred not just within me but with the rest of my family from whom I have been separated for almost two years because of the pandemic.
So for some tidbits of plot twists that I am grateful this year, which could’ve been a basic expectation for any corporate entity if you ask me LOL, my workplace finally gave in to a temporary work-from-home set-up which allowed me to maximize my time, effort and energy, not to mention it lessened my stress of having to commute every day to work because hellooooo S-O-C-I-A-L D-I-S-T-A-N-C-I-N-G.
So back to the flying thingee I mentioned earlier, I was finally able to muster my strength to fly back to THE island and unwind and just disconnect for a bit, a year-ender soul-rinsing that I feel like I needed to have from the bleakness of 2021 even in the most superficial level. I know it sounds a bit *privileged*, especially in times like this, but hey at least in today’s context, it’s all government-approved with better health measures in place, being fully vaccinated, and still masking it all UP!
This is actually the first time I went to the beach that I brought a Polaroid camera with me, something that I was dying to own since then and when I finally got the chance to see a brand new OneStep+ iType Camera Polaroid on Carousell one-third of its price on sale from a vintage camera collector, I took the bait and I must say one of the best *random* purchases that I made this year (aside from the airfryer which is like my Top 1 for a lazy, with zero culinary talent millennial like me LOL).
In all honesty, I felt like I’m already freed from the slavery of the gram days (THANK GOD!) where everything have to be so perfect and *staged* in that one single digital photo on a seamless, uniformly filtered IG feed, which also became the reason why I archived a lot of my shenanigans on Instagram and this is not a shade to any Lightroom nerds out there. It became the main reason why I took a film cam with me, not necessarily because I wanted to look hippie or whatever but because I wanted to capture a moment that’s more tangible and human, something that’s more representative of that point in time - unaltered and pure - something I can look back that doesn’t have to require me swiping and being lost in the thousands of photos in my iPhone. It was a digital epiphany. It’s the need to just capture what’s in there on a single take as opposed to having seemingly unlimited shots on a smartphone camera.
This year was obviously better compared to the hell that last year gave me. Still tough with so much uncertainty in our midst, I am still looking forward to a lot of things because I realized when you have no choice but to look forward to the future, that gives you hope and a motivation no matter what. And I believed in that. We are ending this year with still so many bricks on our backs, but like what I said before, we made it this far, so why not go for it?
May our present situation, whatever that is, and whilst it’s perfectly fine to acknowledge that it’s hard and felt minimizing at times, would put us in the right perspectives on how we approach our lives. Go and indulge on that much-needed self-care, do what you want, help other people, be compassionate, volunteer, donate, hibernate, take a day off, or do whatever you feel like you needed to do because we all deserved that. In my case, one of them is taking Polaroid pictures because I see the value of a moment much even more now and acknowledge the unpredictability of what’s gonna happen next including the who-knows and the what-ifs.
And oh, Happy Holidays to you and your chosen family. ‘Tis good to have your ears (or eyes) again.
Writing this disjointed blog update,
J. // twitter & ig: joshleyson
Camera and Films used: Polaroid OneStep+ / iTypeFilm and iType Spectrum Edition // Additional photos taken using iPhone 13 Pro Max
*If you want to purchase quality Polaroid films at a reasonable price, there’s a shop in Shopee where I bought mine that I used on that trip to Boracay. Check Polagraphs and Keep Polaroid Alive. #NotAnAD
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sixthwater · 3 years
☀️Stereotypical Astro Observations☀️
Some astrology observations that have already been stated but I need some serotonin because my job is sucking the life out of me with some gifs from spiderverse bc i love 💖
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🤍Fixed placements are ones that will not be able to hide their reaction to you being overly affectionate or close to them when they don't know you. Leo & Scorpio are more likely to give you a 😐 face while Taurus & Aquarius will hit you with a 🤨. Fixed placements have to give you the green light before you're allowed to just enter their space.
🤍Air & Water Risings might experience a lot of unwanted attention or struggle with surface level relationships. For Air Risings, they come off as very approachable and "pleasant" -- in a sense that they'll be very friendly and sociable. However they will most likely have their 7th & 11th house in fire signs (not afraid of confrontation, ego driven, daring, fast paced in a different sense) and their 8th house will be in an earth sign (more reserved, critical, has specific tastes). Whereas Water Risings will come off as emotional sponges--even Scorpio. Strangers feel like they can trust these people to understand any and all sort of emotional trauma they've went through and dump this on them without consent or warning. 1) Forgetting that these people have their own issues and 2) they will most likely have their 7th & 11th house in earth signs, and an 8th house in an air sign (scattered but critical thinking, curious). So when strangers think these ascendants are true to their personas and start to peel back to their fiery/earthy character that hides beneath and drop them, it can be very frustrating as fire influenced people care deeply and earth influenced people need stability.
🤍Meeting someone who shares your moon sign is another level of bonding. You could not know anything about this person but will slowly start to find out that you share a bunch of the same interests or niche hobbies. I recently met someone three (?) months ago and we like the same dumb mash-ups from youtube, react to drama the exact same way (jinxed many times), love musicals--and we only have the same moon.
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💛You can see why you admire certain celebrities by cross-checking your natal charts if available. I mainly recommend looking at their MC, ASC, Sun & whatever personal planet fits their career (moon & venus = creative expression, mercury = mind exploration, mars = physical output).
▪️Starting with me, we'll use Chester Bennington (it's unreliable but the other artists I admire don't...have a chart so). He has an MC in either Leo or Virgo (it's veerrryy late leo). A possible Scorpio ASC, Sagittarius Moon, and Pisces Venus. Meanwhile I have a personal planet and a DSC that would admire his MC. My Mars would also not be put off by his ASC since it sits in it's governed house and is used to its energy, and actually would be drawn to him instead. My MC matches his moon as well and wants to express itself as fluently as he did, which would explain why I admired him ♥. (also both cardinal signs)
▪️My roommate loves Jake Gyllenhaal. His MC is in Taurus, ASC is Leo. Sun & Venus in Sagittarius but his Moon is in Gemini! Makes sense. Whereas my friend has a MC & Mars matching his ASC. Her Venus is in Taurus, so she would like the way he presents himself. She has a lot of fire energy and loves Gemini Moons (has a lot of friends with these placements, can bounce their energy and thoughts around and doesn't get tired).
💛Libra Suns are interesting because they will usually be associated with their other personal placements instead of their sun signs. Even when they don't try to, they get put in situations where they have to put their interests to the side in favor of others. Since they don't get the chance to display their ego often, their other placements have a higher chance of being caught. If you give them room to actually voice their thoughts or catch them one on one, you'll be able to pick up on those Libra qualities.
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💚I know I always mention this, but the combination of placements in your chart can really affect how you come off to people. I have a friend with a sun, rising, and moon all in fire placements, but their mc & dc are in air signs, so it cools that energy down a lot and that intensity doesn't come out as much as you'd expect it to. I just think this part of astrology is very Neat
💚Hate to be like, super stereotypical but Scorpio placements seriously do get put through a series of trials and tribulations in order to be comfortable in that energy (ego, emotions, communication, etc). When underdeveloped, these people have a tendency to keep themselves stuck in place and choose situations or people that are not so great for them and feel like they are "unlucky". However, with developed energies these people will notice this behavior and fix it, but can find themselves getting caught in shitty situations anyway thanks to outside forces. It can make the person feel like the world is against them.
▪️Someone with the Sun might experience situations that will force them to explore their own ego and gain confidence within themselves because others either tore them down or those that should have given them support did not. This creates that silent confidence and 'alluring' energy that people associate with Scorpio Suns since they had to build their confidence quite literally from the ground up sometimes.
Venus is associated with bad luck because...it has it LOL. Scorpio Venus has undying loyalty and tenacity in love to a fault, which can be taken advantage of, and in my opinion they will be given situations that are testing whether or not the person wants to run themselves ragged over the connected or wait for something better. I remember talking to a friend, witnessing all of their failed relationships and going 'Damn you gonna get a good one soon or what'. So if you're dealing with a Scorpio Venus who has a grip around their vulnerability this is probably why.
It's also one thing to note that Scorpio is associated with the card Death, and these events (I think) are given to these placements as a way to help them transform themselves and discover different parts of themselves to either evolve or become a better version of themselves. It can do it in a softer way but whatever
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vampkomori · 3 years
the TMGB theory
i think theres a bit more to Shinjukus “destruction” if we shift our attention to its most iconic landmark, the tokyo metropolitan government building. 
Note: this theory is just for fun. but I think it has a good shot at estimating the future higher plane storyline
Before we get into the details of the TMGB, lets first establish something about the purification of Shinjuku
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This dialogue from w2d4 is about much detail as we’ll get about what happened to Shinjuku, and what effect its “destruction” had on the RG. It was “wiped out” “erased” and “vanished”; nobody in the RG remembers it, except for the people that had been in the UG before.
Well “how can a whole city just vanish?” the answer is: it cant. But lets first bring this visual aid into play
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Shinjuku used to be just north of Shibuya, but its not gone in the sense that it left a hole in reality and people just black out whenever they pass through. No, it seems like Shinjuku as an established district is gone, meaning its borders were never drawn, and all its space was instead given to all the other districts.
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Basically, instead of “vanishing”, its more like memories and history were rewritten so that Shinjuku was just never a thing. Instead, the other districts just expanded their reach and parts of formerly-Shinjuku are now parts of other cities.
I believe this has to be the case because the alternative brings more trouble than its worth: If it was truly erased to a point where the space it formerly occupied is just empty, people would notice. But as we see with rindo and the others, they dont! rindo had no idea there was even a city up there. Itd also make no sense if people just blacked out and suddenly ended up on the other side of Tokyo, itd mess with measurements bc theres just a bunch of space unaccounted for. people with a 6th sense would also have picked up on the area being iffy, but none of this seems to be the case
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Now we can get to the tokyo metropolitan government building! Its pretty important considering its uh. The government. And also shinjukus most iconic landmark. If the city had actually been destroyed, then thered be severe consequences in the RG because their government building is suddenly just gone. A simple memory wipe could not make up for it not existing, and it definitely couldnt just magically conjur up a new building within moments. (I mean, whose jurisdiction would this even fall under? The other Composers would fight over whod get to have the literal government in their city)
Suffice to say “Shinjuku” still exists in the RG. Its just broken up into pieces and those are considered part of the other cities now.
So, if Shinjukus RG is fine, what about its UG?
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What we see in A New Day may actually just be Shinjukus UG slowly fading into another plane. 
To backtrack a little, theres a reason the Shibuya UG we’re in during neo doesnt include its newly gained parts of shinjuku, its because Shinjukus UG also still exists, and as neku says “it’s still there, but it’s been cut off from both the RG and the UG.” so its inaccessible. Also meaning, it cant be broken up and added to the expansion of the other UGs. if someone were to, theoretically, die in the RG of the areas that were formerly part of shinjuku, theyd simply go to the UG of whichever district claimed that area, and just wouldnt be able to access that other area in that UG
Now that thats out of the way we can go back to the actual star of the show: the tokyo metropolitan government building! Needless to say, whichever district has the literal government within its borders is bound to be incredibly influential.
And it just so happens
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That the TMGB now falls into Shibuyas borders!
I believe this may be the key to the future relevance of Shibuya. The city is already extremely influential, as joshua himself said
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Shibuyas influence is too strong.
So strong in fact, it could potentially “poison” the other districts. Now imagine how powerful Shibuya would be if you added the Government into the mix.
Additionally, Shibuya is already considered special by the Higher Plane due to the Shibuya River.
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The Shibuya River is a particularly unique place, though we dont know which exact properties make it so unique, the fact that it started flowing into its own plane even after its source was destroyed already marks it as incredibly powerful.
So Shibuya as a place is impressively influential, so itd be no surprise if the Higher Plane kept an eye out for it, but if there was any doubt about this,
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Due to the events of og twewy, the city is also considered to have reached its ideal state. Without a doubt this only adds to its already impressive level of power, and basically assures that the Angels keep an eye out for the city even after the Game between Joshua and Megumi was over.
But then why were they suddenly so insistent on seeing Shibuya purified in neo? Well, we dont know. Despite mentioning purification so often and the fact that Angels seem to encourage it, we dont actually know why the Higher Plane wants to see Shibuya purified. By all means, it should be an optimal parallel world now, so why would they suddenly want to see it gone?
The key may actually be Joshua himself. After all, he intended to stop Shinjukus purification. Though we dont know why he interfered, whether it was out of a newfound appreciation for humanity that went beyond his own city, or if he actually wanted to prevent the TMGB from falling into his borders, he was actively going against what the Higher Plane wanted, which would automatically mark him as a nuisance in their plans. Surely by purifying Shibuya, its entire area and also the area it claimed from Shinjuku, would once again fall into the borders of another district, and thus another Composer. 
Its difficult to say whether this is an overarching plan from the Higher Plan that has spanned across both games. If youve read my post about Composers, which is about how Hazuki may actually be a demoted Angel from the Higher Plane, it could be possible that his demotion was on purpose, and that they intended for Haz to purify Shinjuku, therefore making Shibuya more powerful due to the TMGB falling into its borders. He would be the ideal candidate for this, as hes considered unsympathetic and lacks knowledge about the lower planes (and thus doesnt know about the TMGB), making it extremely easy to influence him to erase his city. (though you could also claim he was in on it, but then later changed his mind about it and decided to intervene with Shibuya’s destruction, once again due to Joshua’s influence)
Either way, Shibuya was saved! (again!) and now its more influential and powerful than ever. No doubt even more people would want to come after Shibuya’s seat of Composer, just to govern this massively important city. 
And who else still desires this seat other than our favourite math guy
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The fact that his plotline about still wanting to go after the Composer is tucked away in the Secret Ending of Another Day, means that this still has to be followed up on in a potential next game. 
And what better scenario to bring this up than Shibuya being highly sought after due to its recently acquired influence-boost in the form of the government
and to summarize everything once more for extra clarity
Shinjuku wasnt destroyed so much as history was just overwritten so that Shinjuku as a district was never established, causing its area to be split up amongst the other districts. the TMGB now falls into the borders of Shibuya, and with it comes even more power and influence. Shibuya as a city already had an intense amount of influence over tokyo, and even the Shibuya River is so unique that it catches the attention of the Higher Plane. Despite Shibuya having reached its ideal state of being an optimal parallel world, the Higher Plane still wants to see it purified for some reason. Though we dont know why yet, it may be because of Joshua, the fact that hes Shibuyas Composer, and that he willfully goes against the Higher Plane, most notably when he interfered to prevent Shinjukus Inversion. Whether Hazuki is aware of an overarching plan or not, Joshua still influenced him to a point where he also decided to go against the Higher Plane by saving Shibuya. With Minamimoto still wanting the Composer’s seat, it sets the tone of Shibuya’s throne being more sought-after than ever. And the Higher Plane may be more relevant than ever to make sure this influential district falls into the hands of one of their own
this concludes my case
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tribbetherium · 3 years
The Middle Glaciocene: 115 million years post-establishment
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Ascent of Ham: The Dawning Of Sapience
It is 115 million years since the coming of life on HP-02017.
Countless generations of hamsters of all shapes and sizes have since come and gone. The world has changed a lot since the beginning, and new forms have risen to conquer new land and fallen when they could not adapt to changing environments, especially the unpredictable fluctuations of warm and cold climes now as the Glaciocene approaches its end. And here, on the plains of the Arcuterran savannah, one such creature has emerged unlike anything before seen.
It is early morning on the temperate grassland. Beta, hanging high in the sky since last evening, is now joined by the rising of Alpha, with the ruddy glow of Beta-twilight soon giving way to a brilliant orange light. The creatures of the daytime begin to stir, and emerge from their shelters to feed in the sunrise: a sunrise that to some, with nature red in tooth and claw, will be the last one they ever see.
Among these early risers are a large plains ungulope and her young calf: at barely a month old, the youngster is still dependent on its mother. She in turn is quite protective of her infant: as she heads out into the tall grass of the plains to graze, she lets out a few high-pitched whistles to ensure her young stays close by, which the calf responds to with a series of chirps to assure her of its proximity.
But she hears a sound of breaking twigs, the crackle of footsteps, and most tellingly, the smell of fire and smoke, one ignited without lightning, and freezes in high alert. At once she knows right away they are being stalked.
Suddenly the cracking noises are from all directions as plumes of smoke begin rising one after the other from the tall grass: at once both mother and calf panic and begin to flee. The mother ungulope gallops away from the source of the sound, and away from the fire that most living things inherently fear, making a rapid set of chirps to guide her young to her. But the noises disorient it: they are coming from different sources-- multiple assailants having them surrounded-- and it is not long until the calf becomes separated from its mother. Frightened and lost, it bolts from the unseen assailants hidden in the tall grass, as fast as its little hooves can carry it, and away from the flames that have begun to scorch the dry grasses behind it: only to blunder straight into a trap.
A pointed branch, gnawed perfectly into a lethal tip, pierces the ungulope calf's flank, causing it to squeal desperately in pain and terror. Its mother hears its distress, and rushes to its defense-- but another such branch strikes her painfully in the shoulder. And as another one hits her in the flank, she has no choice but to flee: abandoning her wounded calf, who cries vainly out into the distance as it watches its parent bound out of sight, away into the smoldering grasses of the flames that by now have spread. Its desperate cries soon draw the attention of the assailants, who turn to it with eager eyes, and before the wounded calf could muster the last of its strength to struggle to its feet, the hunters fling themselves from the cover of the grass onto their victim, and begin to devour it alive.
A chorus of screams of agony break the morning silence as the ungulope calf struggles uselessly against the pointed claws and tearing teeth slowly stripping it of hide and flesh: and not only by weapons granted by nature's design, but by sharp wooden spears, their ends splintered points that jabbed cruelly into the ungulope calf to further its suffering. Wooden spears that were purposefully crafted with great care and precision, to serve but a single specific purpose-- to be an instrument of dealing death. And some of these sticks smolder with flame, the source of the sudden bushfire, as the attackers have managed to capture and command this primordial force, some of them now using the fire to further taunt the calf, searing its flayed flank to draw more agonized cries, a display met with wild whoops and squeaks from the bloodthirsty audience.
And with each painful squeal the assailants grow ever more excited, hopping up and down and shaking their spears as they joined in the melody of death with ever-more eager shrieks and whistles. The sound of their prey's pain meant food. The suffering of their victim meant life for them. And it was something that brought them twisted joy. For this was no mere, ordinary predator that had claimed this young ungulope, but a species that for the first time was capable of understanding its actions, and even purposefully reveling in them. A species with intention, and the capacity to operate beyond natural limits. A species aware of itself and its world, complex enough to think beyond the scope of a typical animal. A species capable of genuine malice.
A species that, arising 115 million years from an unassuming lineage, was HP-02017's first sapient: the harmster.
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Descending from the riplets of five million years prior, the origin of the harmsters goes back to the giant, plodding herbivores known as drundles, which, on the continent of Mesoterra, became small, cursorial bipeds called podotheres. Omnivorous in nature, some of these podotheres increasingly became more carnivorous, with the lineage of the loupgaroos becoming full-fledged predators that hunted living prey. Of these, one genus known as the ripperoos would become vicious, intelligent apex predators on Mesoterra as to eventually displace their smaller descendants, the riplets, to leave the continent via a land bridge. Over time the riplets would develop increased cooperative skills and discover the use of fire, setting the stage for their ascent into the modern harmster.
As evolution is a gradual process slowly accumulating changes over eons, it is impossible to say exactly when the harmsters attained sapience: but undoubtedly by five million years earlier the riplets' discovery of fire had been a catalyst for even faster changes that set a cascade leading to bigger brains and more complex behaviors, ultimately producing a species that crossed the threshhold of self-awareness.
This species would be the common ancestor of four extant harmster species: violent and warmongering as they are, new subspecies arose here and there and were quickly snuffed out of existence by their kin-- at some point, as many as twelve harmster species existed at once, jousting over territory and resources, and their expertise at dealing death made no exception for their own kind, and soon whittled down the number of species to a fraction of those that didn't directly compete with one another: at least, for the time being.
Most abundant are the white-browed savanna harmsters (Atroxicricetosapiens bruteus), hunters of the plains that prefer the use of branches sharpened into spears as their main weapons, while in higher elevated lands of Arcuterra, smaller dwarf mountain harmsters (A. montenanus) make a living, notable among their kind in being less intraspecifically-hostile, and opting the use of tools made from rocks or bones due to the sparser trees of the highlands. In the temperate jungles live the matriarch harmsters (A. hamazoni), distinct by their pronunced sexual dimorphism with the females being larger and much more dominant than the males. And most advanced of them are the tundra harmsters (A. cryorex): not only do they rely on tools available in the environment, but actively craft more complex weaponry such as spears tipped with points of stone or teeth, and it is this species among the four that has begun a more-developed level of cultural growth: and a primitive, militaristic form of government headed by the strongest and fiercest.
Pressured by evolution toward fecundity, ferocity and intelligence, the end result was a species that seemed to be the worst sapience had to offer: a species that appears to combine the most dreadful aspects of some of Earth's cleverest species-- the sadism to their prey exhibited by orcas, the brutal tribalism and amoral warfare displayed by chimpanzees, and most frighteningly the advanced tool use and arrogance disturbingly similar to the very species that had seeded life onto this world untold eons ago-- humans. With all this wrapped up in their hamster-like tendency to breed in great numbers and kill and eat their own kind, the arrival of the harmsters would herald a turning point in this planet's timeline: one that would make this world quite less of a paradise.
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justice4sasuke · 3 years
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It would be easy to make a post about how frustrating and possibly infuriating it is to have Itachi dismiss everything Konoha has done up to genocide as "darkness" or "contradictions", and we as readers can be angry, but I think to just stop there would be a disservice to everyone because there's something vastly more interesting about looking at the contradictions in this very statement and Itachi's failure to recognize them.
"Uchiha Itachi of Konoha" is plainly how Itachi sees himself but there's so much unexamined baggage in that state of being. I see people that don't like Itachi talk as if Itachi hated the Uchiha, was maybe even gleefully complicit in his actions against the clan, but Itachi never forgoes his name. And as I've mentioned Itachi, in that poorly thought-out way only a thirteen year old is capable of and he used as an excuse to himself for his actions Itachi thinks making it look like the whole clan was done in by him is a noble end for them, where being killed by the government firsthand isn't. I do think Itachi has if not a sense of pride at least a connection to his clan and a want to acknowledge that he is part of it.
Meanwhile, Konoha was partially founded by an Uchiha but seems to reject the Uchiha clan. It's funny (and I guess the product of some curse?) that the Uchiha and the Senju were both complicit in their own rivalry, killed a lot of each other, brought the other smaller clans together and founded Konoha, yet the Uchiha are casted as more the bad guys. Whether this is a product of Madara and who he is as a person or some weird beliefs about their ocular powers it's not clear to me. Point is, no one wanted Madara to lead the new village and Tobirama started the police force with the goal of keeping the rest of the Uchiha clan out of village politics and that led to them being slowly disenfranchised until some disaster came along that Konoha could blame the Uchiha for.
I'm sure there's something nice to be said about the idea of a member of the group most punished by the state being the one most loyal or the one who saves them, but practically it's on the bodies of every other Uchiha that this is made true. From its inception Konoha and the Uchiha have existed in opposition. And that's one of the most tragic things about Itachi. That he was duped by the powers that be in Konoha and refused to examine his own actions, that Konoha has been leading up to this for generations and it's not that the Uchiha were wrong for organizing a coup, but that Konoha has not allowed one of the clans that helped found it be apart of its very structure. Yet Itachi clings to both monikers even though it is because he was born an Uchiha in Konoha he ended up in the situation he is in.
Also there's the "Kishimoto fucked up" level of Itachi taking pride in being a Konoha ninja, but he also knew he had to threaten Konoha with leaking intel to make sure the little brother he partially did all this for to keep safe wasn't put in danger. This extended even to after the third hokage died. Clearly Itachi does not trust the higher powers of Konoha, but suddenly that's no longer worth mention once Kishimoto starts hitting the brakes on this genocide angle.
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The Mask of Death - Fairy Tales and Waking Nightmares (aka Vader obliterates a Rebel unit in typical, spooky fashion)
He wasn’t real.
He couldn’t be.
When Viola Perry had joined the Rebellion, he had been entirely prepared for all that entailed. He despised the Empire and its government, despised its regime and its knack for exploiting the weaker star systems and depleting them of their natural resources for the benefit of the elite. Even as a chancellor, Emperor Palpatine had tended to favour only the worlds and civilizations he considered useful and worth a damn. As Emperor, he had doubled down on that mindset - and while the planets of the outer rim were falling into a lawless haven for criminals, while the Moffs extracted every ounce of goods, riches and pleasure from the worlds they had handpicked and settled down on; Perry saw her people waste away. True, she had been raised coruscanti, on a mid tier level by a single father who laboured day and night as a mechanic. His life had not been aided by the Empire’s rise to power, instead, he had been pushed out of service by official Imperial service systems requiring customers to pay a higher amount of credits for a lesser amount of expertise. Like so many other things, there was a penalty to disobeying and neglecting the restrictions and guidelines.
As soon as Perry was able, she fled. She joined the Rebel Alliance, seeking justice for her father who had died impoverished and imprisoned for conducting and encouraging illegal behaviour - apparently, doing a greater job as a mechanic than the Imperial forces was a crime and a felony - and she had been with the organisation for four years now. Four years of fighting the good fight, winning small victories and taking back the autonomy of the galaxy little by little as hope spread like a wildfire amongst those already saddled with doubt and distrust. Chancellor Palpatine had failed to live up to his hype, why would Emperor Palpatine be any different? Perry had seen firsthand just how far the Empire was willing to go, in order to eradicate the resistance fighters and downplay their growing masses as a trivial and unimportant wayward attempt at terrorism. Only the rebels themselves knew that they were slowly but surely becoming a legitimate threat.
Perry had, as had most rebels she had fought alongside, been wary of any information spread by the Empire from the start. Propaganda and deliberate misinformation were only a couple of the tools used to lure the populous of the vast galaxy into some sense of security. As such, she had laughed the very first time she’d heard the tall tale of Darth Vader. Apparently, a mole within the Imperial ranks had shared the myth as a warning. By most of the Alliance, it had been taken as fiction sold by the Imperial sovereigns to saw fear within their resistance. Vader, as the story went, was a seldom seen assassin of the Empire. The tale painted him as clad entirely in black, seven foot tall and wielding mysterious and invicible powers. He could kill with simply a look, or a wave of the hand. At first, the story had begun as such - vague, raising more questions than it answered about this fantastical and implausible boogeyman. Perry had concluded Vader could be little more than a false narrative, invented to instill doubt within the hearts of any nervously inclined resistance fighter.
But, as time went on, more and more stories with a similar twist kept turning up. Every now and then, a delirious dying fellow rebel with haunted eyes and baited breath would ramble about a monster clad in black. Eventually, the concerns grew to a point where even figureheads of the Alliance such as Mon Mothma and the Organas would openly discuss the matter. Rumours said viceroy Bail Organa in particular was inclined to believe the stories, and while Perry viewed him as level headed and logical - that was one leap of imagination she wasn’t willing to trust him on.
It was only when Perry’s closest friend and confidant, Oliwia Blix, was slain on her own home turf - an ambush assault led by what was later revealed to be the 501st Imperial squadron, surprising the freedom fighters she was responsible for - that Perry began to question her conviction. Oliwia had not survived the attack, and her body was never recovered but those who did persevere knew she was deceased - they had seen her there in the midst of the chaos, barking out orders and desperately attempting to call for help through the sliced comlink connections. Out of the handful of survivors, Perry trusted only Juno Eclipse. Eclipse was a young, blonde woman who had once been closely affiliated with the Imperial military but who had become disillusioned one way or another. She never spoke much of her Imperial days. Her insights were always helpful, and she had aided many a favourable outcome in battle. She possessed inside knowledge and codes that were invaluable - and she was firmly decided that the ambush had been a ploy to get her; she was the target and she was responsible for the death of her affiliates.
Eclipse was reasonable, and Perry admired her judgment. That’s why, when Eclipse spoke of Vader; Perry put aside her skepticism to actually listen. According to Eclipse, Vader was the man the Empire sent out when all else failed. He was undefeated, possibly invincible; shrewd and secretive. If he came for you, he would not stop coming until he had carried out his mission. In her case, Eclipse had expected she’d be put on trial for treason when she first broke away from the Empire, but once Vader had been sent on her trail - she explained - she had realized she was no longer worth the hassle. When Vader came to collect, you were as good as dead already. Perry had asked whether Eclipse had seen this infamous monster, and Eclipse had simply chuckled in sullen surrender as if she had already accepted her own fate.
‘He’s not a monster,’ she had said. ‘He’s a man. Or, I think he was a man, once. I’m not sure what he is now.’
Eclipse had said little in addition to that, only that she was certain that he had been present on the planet Cordaan’a where the incident had occurred. Perry got the firm impression that the ex Imperial officer had seen someone or something she perceived to be this Vader, and while she didn’t want to press the already anxiety ridden woman; she chalked most of it up to stress, fear and trauma. Even Eclipse - intelligent, brave and immovable - could be deceived by the rush of adrenaline that came with battle, as her senses were jumbled. That, along with the fact that her life was in jeopardy and that she knew the Empire wanted to see her punished for her desertion, could make anyone hallucinate a phantom such as the propagandistic tale of an Imperial hitman.
That was, until two weeks later. At noon, the base camp of Brakko had prepared for a subtle, incognito transfer. Perry’s unit had been targeted for elimination by Imperial forces, and while there were no signs suggesting the Empire knew where exactly their base was hidden - it was unsafe to stay in one place for too long. As the early afternoon rolled around, every necessary scrap of ammunition, weaponry, rations, credits, and other various equipment had been rounded up and packed away. Only a few chunkier, stolen cannons and proton bombs remained unaccounted for. That was the moment during which the Empire decided to make their presence known. A well aimed rifle shot, and the second largest of the docked freight vessels was blown up in the span of milliseconds.
As its explosive cargo content shattered the clunky ship, the shockwave sent most resistance fighters flying. Shrapnel became deadly projectiles, and as Perry struggled to regain her bearings - the force of the blast had sent her several feet back into the rough, and jagged gravel of the walkway leading towards the underground bunkers - she noted familiar faces; bloodied and beaten. Some unrecognizable, some wheezing as steady streams of red liquid poured out of their nostrils. Perry herself found her hearing was dulled, as if she were underwater - the distant, faraway yells and shrieks of her terrified comrades preparing retaliation blocked out by a loud shrill ringing. She struggled to her knees, instinctively reaching for her trusty blaster where it sat holstered at her hip.
As soon as she looked up, Perry could see the swarm of stormtroopers welling forth from every direction. They were undistinguishable in their white polished armour, black visors covering their eyes. Her legs moved out of self preservation, her chest burning with extortion as she fired aimlessly at her assaulters. A few fell by the wayside, and Perry dove behind the wreckage of one of the smaller shuttles that had been affected by the explosion. Three more rebels cowered there, taking turns firing fervently to keep the troopers at bay - only for the two additional blasters wielded by who Perry recognized to be Admiral Parlak and Sergeant Ilija to be literally ripped out of their grip with no visible cause.
“Come out with your hands on your heads,” said one of the troopers, his cadence entirely void of empathy.
“You’ll gun us down if we do,” Perry snapped in defense, and realized only afterwards that she had spoken at all.
Her hearing was beginning to return, as Perry and her small group peered cautiously over the edge of the ripped off shuttle wing that provided their makeshift shield. Even as her head became fully visible, no additional shots were fired. A platoon of what Perry estimated to be forty stormtroopers stood in a half circle, making three rows with their blasters aimed meticulously at the unguarded hideout. Around them, a few smaller squads mirrored their stance. A good four feet in ahead of the mass, stood a single trooper - his more lavish suit of armour indicating that he was a higher ranking soldier, possibly a commander - with his hand raised to signify cease fire. Perry assumed he had been the one addressing them.
It was only then that she realized how eerily quiet it had become. Her eyes darted around, both relieved and unsettled when she spotted a few grimy, scuffed and fretful faces poking out from behind various chunks of debris much like her and her group. Apart from feeble moans and sobs of pain, and crackling of the fires that had spread from the explosion to the trees and vegetation concealing the base camp - everything was deathly silent.
Silent, until a deep, booming voice broke the impasse.
“Not if you cooperate.”
In one fell swoop, the mid section of the platoon parted like a tidal wave. They made room with no fuzz, moving as one single unit and stood at courtly attention. From the smoke, the ashes and the flames behind them; the shadows of even more soldiers merely silhouetted revealed as a backdrop, came a predator. Even before it could be viewed in all its horrendous detail; its large frame drew all attention. Tall, broad shouldered, chest wide - and with it followed a hissing, mechanical breathing cycle reminiscent of a respirator. At any other time its pathetic sounds may have inspired pity or sympathy, but in this instance; its intervals were decidedly ominous, as this thing traversed the ground littered with fresh corpses in a careless stride.
Towering over and dwarfing the stormtroopers; the looming dark spectre emerged fully from the dust and cinders swirling through the air. Clad in all black; head to toe. Black armour, black cape, black robes, black gloves, black boots, black helmet; black mask covering the monster’s entire face from view. Still, the lenses through which the grim presence viewed the world were tinted ever so slightly crimson. In its hand, the thing clutched the hilt of a saber - its plasma blade red and humming as energy surged through it.
“Please, no,” Perry caught a hitched gasp, frightened disbelief colouring the unmistakable tone of Eclipse - and Perry spotted her pale face off to the side; crouched behind a severed landing hatchet.
“I have come for Captain Eclipse. I have been informed that she hides among your ranks. It is unfortunate for your organisation that she would lead me to you - I, however, view it as a welcome surprise.”
The voice was so deep, it seemed to reverberate through Perry’s very bones - and despite the heat of the flames' licking, flickering nature as they consumed the palm trees with a gleeful greed - the world seemed as cold as ice. Curling in on herself, Perry wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to stave off the worst chill; her breaths coming out as puffs of condensed mist. Still, she could do nothing but stare at the empty, hollow eyes of that face plate. The monster turned its head slowly in the direction of Eclipse’s hiding place, tilting it in a disturbingly comedic manner. If she could have seen its mouth; Perry was convinced the monster would have smiled at the collective hopelessness at its disposal.
‘Darth Vader is real,’ so many fellow rebels had insisted - and Perry had disregarded every single one as superstitious and foolhardy.
'Darth Vader is a fairy tale,’ she had stubbornly countered.
Perry didn’t even have the time to flinch as the monster’s large right hand cut through the empty air. The motion was swift, smooth and effortless - and the bulky piece of scrap metal Eclipse had been huddled behind was sent flying as if it were completely weightless. The hefty durasteel went from sitting completely still to hurdling a distance of about thirty yards at an unfathomable speed; smashing right into a tree trunk which it sheared clean off simply by momentum. The monster did not move, even as the tree collapsed and brought another down with it; but Eclipse yelped and covered her mouth. Perry had never, never seen her be anything but resolute - and slightly shaken once, while relaying her tale of this predator whom Perry had refused to believe might materialize. Now, her features spoke only of regret and dread. Her shoulders were trembling, her blue eyes glassy with tears.
“Did you believe the Emperor would not aim to see you destroyed? Did you believe he would forget you?” the monster mocked, and with obvious sarcasm he added, “You must think so highly of the Emperor’s sense of compassion. I am truly sad to say that I must dissuade such unfortunate delusions.”
“Do what you please with me, but spare the rest,” Eclipse blurted out, desperation in her voice as she stumbled to her feet; taking one unsteady step towards the monster and dissmissing his jeering entirely.
‘He’s not a monster, he’s a man. Or, I think he was a man, once,’ Eclipse had said back then; and while her eyes were now still brimming with yet unshed tears, her expression was one of bargaining.
She was attempting to appeal to this thing’s - this man’s humanity. Instead, he simply cocked his head a bit farther to the side as if perplexed by her emotional outburst, regarding her silently with a deliberate intent to unnerve and rattle her. Perry realized only then that she, too, was trembling not only from the cold. It was as if this man’s entire being radiated a dark, black, vicious hatred. A vile, twisted sense of entitlement and disgust alike. It permeated his surroundings, spreading like a contagious disease; infecting everything it touched, tainting and tarnishing anything it could corrupt. His unwavering gaze and dead eyeholes seemed to demand a cruel mixture of respect and fear; and Eclipse clasped her hands in what resembled a feeble prayer.
“Lord Vader. I beg of you. Let them go. It’s me you want.”
A tear slipped down her gaunt face; her complexion ashen and her bottom lip quivering. Her blonde hair fell over her forehead in unruly chunks, a damp patch of dark blood staining the upper sleeve of her jacket. Vader simply raised his hand once more; beckoning Eclipse with his fore and index fingers in an almost gentle manner. Eclipse had no chance to move of her own volition, nor to deny the request before her feet were lifted off the ground and she was yanked unceremoniously forwards. Her motion stopped only when she was mere inches from Vader; her face level with his mask as she levitated freely in the empty air. Vader’s outstretched hand was steady, holding its posture - and Perry realized with horror that the powers all the rumours spoke of were factual, as well.
“While it is a touching sentiment - your saviour complex serves you no favours with me, Captain.”
There was no compassion in Vader’s tone, the cadence mechanical and stilted - and yet, the words came out an overt, obvious commination. Shifting the hand Perry had assumed was efficently preoccupied with suspending Eclipse in the air, Vader gestured at his troopers and they immediately switched into action. Eclipse still hovered several feet above ground; and Perry reared back as Vader’s empty lenses came to rest on her hiding spot. As before, there was no prelude - the torn wing of the shuttle was simply shoved aside in one fluid swipe. The same thing occured simultaneously to any other covers; Perry's fellow rebels attempting to defend themselves in vain. One moment, Perry was fumbling for her blaster with numb fingers; the next, a stormtrooper had her arms trapped behind her back. Some of her comrades attempted to resist the capture, and were subsequently executed on spot with a single blast to the back of their heads. As they were rounded up, only twenty-two of the at least seventy rebels that had stayed behind loading up supplies remained. They were forced down on their knees; hands on their heads. Perry glared at Vader who seemed to eye them all with a disinterested boredom, but her hammering heart betrayed her collected facade.
“I suggest you watch, Captain. Let this be a warning to abide by. I have orders to bring you off world. While the Emperor wishes no audience with you, Governor Tarkin is most excited to have a word preceding your eminent, public execution,” Vader informed as if there were no other witnesses, no further participants to the event than him and Eclipse alone. “You will watch this.”
The final words were sinister, their implication crystal clear and the demand irrefutable. Eclipse’s slumped head was forcefully yanked in the direction of her kneeling coworkers, the men and women she had bravely fought alongside, who had become her confidants and friends. Perry expected to be anticlimactically shot, icy dread churning at the pit of her belly. Still she was transfixed by Eclipse’s horrified; apologetic eyes as they stared back at her- wide and unblinking, as if she could not close them had she wanted to. Holding the stare, a pressure closed around Perry’s slender throat; like an unseen hand encompassing her fragile neck and squeezing her windpipe until she could no longer inhale. She panicked, pawing at her throat as her lungs burned and the edges of her vision began to fade away. Next to her, the choking noises of her fellow rebels rose; all of them clawing desperately at the invisible hand strangling them unanimously. The last thing Perry saw; pure terror coursing through her veins as her pulse slowed to die away and a loud, cracking pop signified the snap of her neck caving under pressure, was Eclipse’s guilt ridden eyes, and the tears now falling from them.
Perry slumped to the ground, and Vader’s large boots stalked past her crumpled body to sear themselves into her minds eye as one final bitter irony.
He was real.
He was real.
Then, she was no more.
Posted a teaser before, but I like this installment so much I felt I needed to post the entire thing so here you go. Link to the full fic below:
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squidproquoclarice · 3 years
What’s Arthur’s recovery treatment like in Sunrise in terms of medically, because it was really interesting to see such a realistic view on how he would recover from the drastic effects of TB. And the way you wrote that the TB although dormant is always gunna be there with him for the rest of his life was a good other aspect to his character, and added to the strength he has, considering the stigma too attached to the disease at that time, and especially once you get to the last chapter and see how far he’s come from the first chapter, I was just like good for him. It was great.
Combining this with another similar Ask:  “Can you talk about Arthur’s proceduree with the cactus? Just that him living one with those scars of treatment.. it’s great for the story”.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So as I’ve remarked on his gunshot wound, I hate “Hollywood” medicine and how it gives us such an inaccurate impression of what treatment and recovery for something is like.  It was important to me that I depicted the actual process of dealing with tuberculosis recovery realistically, both medically and for the period.  I didn’t want to just skip ahead to three years later and go “And Arthur was well again”.  I also absolutely didn’t want to go the route that I’ve seen of claiming “nonspecific magic Indian cure from Rains Fall” because holy shit, that’s exoticism-as-Other and racism.   Arthur is badly off at the end of Chapter 6.  His TB has run him down to the point where, combined with his fight injuries and hypothermia, it was too much for him in-game.  That’s really not something you can sleep off for a few days or get rid of by popping a few DayQuil.   Being as antibiotics were several decades in the future, TB was everywhere at the time of RDR2.  It was one of the leading causes of death in 1900 America at 194 deaths per 100,000 people.  To give you a comparison to another deadly communicable respiratory disease that kills slowly, leaves chronic impact to survivors, and has huge impacts to society, daily life, and public health?  As per Johns Hopkins University stats, the current American COVID-19 death rate is 149 deaths per 100K.  That’s how bad TB was.      Tuberculosis wasn’t a guaranteed death sentence like people assume from the game.  But yes, it was very likely.  Roughly 1/2 to 2/3 of people who contract active tuberculosis die within five years without antibiotic treatment.  Although interestingly, those who make it to 5 years in untreated tuberculosis then show a 60% spontaneous remission rate. So making it to 5 years was unlikely, but your odds got pretty decent at that point. Arthur's a resilient man who's beaten the odds before, so I figured it wasn't impossible for him to do so again. In terms of actually getting into the details of medical treatment, 1900 is an interesting point in TB history.  It's sort of a transition point between two regimens of treatment.  
The first is the post-Civil War "rest cure" (advised to Arthur by Dr. Barnes in St. Denis) of going to a climate thought to be more helpful to TB sufferers, and from there getting as much rest and fresh air as possible, and just hoping for the best.  TB was actually a significant part of the Old West as plenty of people came westward for that supposed better climate.  What the ideal climate was varied depending who you asked (hot, hot and dry, mountainous, forest, etc.), and spoiler alert: climate doesn't really affect TB recovery.  Getting away from crowded cities was probably the more effective thing. That relied very heavily on patient initiative, though, and the ability of a family to provide any necessary care, as well as to uproot and move to another place.  Obviously for those in poverty, not likely to happen.  We see this with Thomas Downes, who clearly is poor enough that he wouldn't have had that option.  Many didn’t.  Many died because they simply couldn’t stop working, let alone move halfway across the country.  There were a few sanatoriums/well-known rest places, but they were few and far between.       After 1900, and increasingly after WWI, the notion turned more to TB as an issue requiring direct medical intervention rather than letting people quietly hope for the best.  That led to patients often undergoing quarantine and a formal treatment regimen (which still relied a lot upon rest and fresh air) in either a private or government-run sanatorium.  People went in until they recovered enough to show numerous consecutive negative TB tests and the disease had become latent, or they died.  Some took years to leave, and some took years to die.  This is the institutional phase of TB treatment, and it lasted until it got increasingly superseded by the antibiotic phase post-WWII. What I did with Las Hermanas was create something in that transition phase.  It's a TB ward with a more structured treatment regimen, but there's not the strict bureaucratic oversight and total isolation of patients from family and the world that you see later.  I did bring that notion in later in 1907 with Sadie seeing a poster in New Hanover for the new state-run Six Points TB Sanatorium advising that TB patients would be quarantined there. Las Hermanas' treatment is more the hallmark of a forward-thinking doctor.  Felipe Garcia's trying different things in treatment with that mentality, and taking the unusual step of keeping families with patients (which wouldn't be the case later).  It's something that worked on a micro level, but probably couldn't have happened on a macro level as a nationwide program, so Arthur and Sadie are lucky to have hit upon it.  The total bed rest for a while to start to give the lungs a chance to recover is accurate to some TB treatments of the time, and also later. The treatment there at Las Hermanas does include artificial pneumothorax.  Again, Felipe's a bit ahead of the curve.  It was a known treatment at the time, having been reported, as he says, at an AMA conference in Denver several years before.  It had been noted that spontaneous lung collapse (pneumothorax) in a patient actually had i,proved their TB, and the idea of inducing that collapse deliberately (e.g., "artificial" pneumothorax) got kicked around some.  But it didn't really become commonplace as a treatment until post-1912 with Italian physician Carlo Forlanini "rediscovering" the technique and getting visibility for it--he'd actually been among its pioneers thirty years earlier.  But the fascination with microbiological advancements, including Robert Koch's identification and description of the tuberculosis bacteria in 1882, meant it got sort of shelved for a while.  Again, this increasing use post-1912 is also coinciding with the rise of sanatoriums, where controlled treatment regimens under a doctor’s close direction were more possible. Essentially what happens in classic artificial pneumothorax (AP from here on in) therapy is introducing gas--either air or nitrogen--into the cavity surrounding the lungs (*not* the lung itself) via needle and bellows apparatus.  For video of classic AP being performed around 1925 in a patient in Chicago, watch the first 3 minutes of this video.  It does a good job showing exactly what the procedure looked like, what the equipment looked like, etc. Side note: local anesthetic was definitely used in later years because being jabbed with a decent sized needle deeply enough to puncture your chest wall is not fun.  It's very possible Felipe might have used it, as local anesthetic was a concept known and somewhat used at the time.  It very likely would have been a localized injection of cocaine as more familiar, still-used local anesthetics like lidocaine and novocaine were years in the future.  But, hey, for a cowboy game that's period accurate enough that it gives you cocaine gum, using cocaine as a local anesthetic isn't unreasonable.  ;) The AP apparatus, once it was hooked up, put enough gas in there to cause enough pressure and force to induce a partial or full collapse of an infected lung.  That would help rest that lung or that part of it from struggling to breathe, and also provide an oxygen-deprived environment that would help kill the TB bacteria swarming in the lesions and cavities they had chewed into the tissue of the lungs. Bonus: breathing on one or one-and-partial lung also probably generally obliged patients to rest more. For one quick set of statistics, 23 of 40 patients with lungs successfully collapsed by AP in 1913 showed dramatic improvement in their TB.  So not a magic bullet, but a tool that perhaps upped your odds when done right.  There were more severe AP methods also used later, including phrenectomy and thoracoplasty, but those wouldn't have been seen in 1899 in this case. The problem is that the AP gas pumped into the pleura would eventually leak out, or be absorbed by the body tissue.  There's a somewhat vivid detail in Thomas Mann's "Magic Mountain", a 1924 novel about a TB sanatorium, of a whistling sound issuing from the AP hole.  So the AP process had to be repeated at regular intervals, often called "refills", usually cited as about two weeks from what I read.  AP treatment often continued after symptoms stopped, because they wanted to be damn sure that they hadn't treated only enough to just get ahead of the TB or that this wasn’t just a temporary up-cycle, and the disease was well and truly in remission. They confirmed this in later years with actual tests for TB at regular intervals to track that progress.  I kept that two week refill schedule for Arthur, and also its effect on keeping him tethered to Las Hermanas for a few more years even after he has a more normal, active life.  I think (?) I wrote him as stopping treatments sometime in late 1902, so roughly three years total, and two years post-release as no longer actively symptomatic. All in all, I wrote a treatment that wasn't widespread at the time, but would have been very possible with the knowledge and equipment available.  I went the AP route in the end because I wanted to give Arthur more than just bed rest both for higher survival odds, and also because I think now-obsolete medical history in fiction is interesting. The effects are some of the things I noted in Arthur throughout Sunrise.  Getting jabbed with a needle every two weeks for years is going to produce some scars on the skin.  It would be a tight cluster given you wanted to place your needle very carefully, but they would exist.  We see something similar now with "track marks" in those addicted to intravenous drugs, and I think I noted Arthur or Sadie remembering Swanson having something like it in his arm from years of addiction to injected opiates.    Working on that one or one-and-partial lung during all AP refills also means that Arthur is incapable of really hard daily physical labor, even after being released from Las Hermanas.  The lung capacity, and the stamina, just isn't there.  That was one factor that impacted his ability to get a regular job, which has the effects we see in 1904 of them worrying about money. That's also because even after he's got two fully-inflated and working lungs in later years, he's still not 100%.  While the lesions on the lungs may heal and send the TB into remission, they don't become healthy lung tissue again.  They become scars that still would be visible in later years when X-rays became more common.  So there's a lack of both flexibility to contract/expand and surface area for oxygen exchange that were there with healthy tissue.  In other words, Arthur's lungs are permanently running on a reduced capacity.  His stamina and strength and resilience are going to be affected. He's never going to be exactly what he was before becoming sick due to permanent effects of the damage, as well as just the fact of him going from 36 to 48 and thus just getting into middle age.  If Sunrise was an actual playable game using the RDR2 system, I'd depict that as Arthur's Stamina and Health cores being permanently damaged and capped at a lower level than before.  Probably down 3 bars for the Wapiti chapter and his first six months at Las Hermanas (due to the near-death status initially and then massive muscle and strength loss from all that bed rest), down 2 for the next six months at Las Hermanas and all of 1901 after his release, and down 1 for 1904/1907/1911 and the rest of his life. The other thing is Arthur can't be "cured" with the medicine of the time.  That was pretty much impossible in the pre-antibiotic era given the bacteria could never be entirely killed off in the lungs.  The best you could do was get strong and healthy enough for your immune system to effectively keep the ones left contained and inactive.  So while TB survivors could live healthy, happy lives, they knew that there was always a chance that TB could always come back.  Hence Felipe chewing Arthur out more than once for pushing himself too hard and risking getting run down enough for the TB to have an easier time gaining a foothold again. So his lifestyle's permanently changed in some ways.  He learns to recognize the signs of approaching exhaustion, and having to back away from it and slow down or rest.  Sadie's necessarily become attuned to this as well.  Arthur has to learn his own limits for the sake of self-care, and I think that's not a bad thing given he'd never had any real sense of self-preservation before.  He can't just keep pushing like he used to do, telling himself he'll make up for it later.  He has to commit to taking care of himself for his sake as well as Sadie's well-being, because he knows she can't lose him, just like he can't lose her.  He has to do it later for their children too.  Recognizing that taking care of yourself for the sake of your loved ones is actually protecting and showing them love too, rather than selfishness, is a big step forward for him.  I'll do the work to take care of myself so I can better be here for you, so I don't cause you the pain of watching me suffer or die, plus the emotional and financial and logistical burdens of my not being there. As first Anon noted, he and Sadie tend to keep hush about it unless they can trust someone, given the stigma associated with TB due to fear of the disease.  At some points, Arthur has to wonder if this person knew the truth about him whether he'd be more of a pariah as a notorious outlaw or as a TB survivor.  It didn't necessarily matter that the disease was latent.  All people had to hear was "tuberculosis".  So something like the fact Drew MacFarlane as the father of a TB victim himself not only doesn't stigmatize Arthur, but is willing to work around the TB restrictions, means a lot to both Arthur and Sadie.
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The Witch Class Analysis
Witches are one of the most well-known and recognizable figures across countless pieces of mediums of media. From the tales parents tell their children in the dark to frighten them, to the pieces of art depicting old, ragged women in dark dresses, pointed hats, and whose skin is boiled and green. They are something that has been around for centuries, though often are left to either be whispered about in hushed tones or written into the skins of trees with the finest of ink. Witches are those who have a reputation for being ruthless, conniving, tricky people who only exist to bring torment and loss to others. They are the voices who sing so lovingly from the darkness of the woods, luring away the yearnful hearts of adults and the curious minds of children. They are the ones who live where no man dares to tread, whether it is in the darkest of woods or the marshiest of bogs. They defy all odds, as well as go against every last expectation the society they are born into. Witches live to be rebellious, to be their own person, and to achieve what cowards are far too afraid to even imagine. Do not think for a second that the Witch Class is exempt from any of this stigma, either, as the people, characters, and fanbase themselves have proven that Witches are still those highly polarized figures. Many have heatedly debated as to whether those attached to the Class of Witch are good in their intentions, or if there is always another motive at foot - if they are serving and bringing everyone along towards a higher purpose.
If you think the easiest solution is to merely walk up to a Witch and ask them what their intentions, motives, and/or reasoning is, then you are someone who will be sorely mistaken. As bubbly as a Witch’s personality may be, they are still people who value their privacy from time to time. For some Witches, it is a fun game of surprise when they reveal a part of their personality no one else had ever suspected for them. However, for others, it is often a type of dagger hidden within their boot - and if the need so arises, the Witch is one with such an agile spirit that their foe won’t even have time to blink before that dagger has flown its way at the foe. Witches are not capricious, though; quite the opposite, really. While some may try to claim that Witches are unpredictable, their identities ever-shifting and inconsistent, this is rarely ever the true case. The fact of the matter is that when a Witch is not talking to others, they allow themself to become lost in their thoughts - their own mindscape - wherein they will be plotting their next move, rehearsing what to say next, how to respond and continue whatever their situation is in that moment.
Witches are those who enjoy making plans, just as much as they enjoy daydreaming about the end goal of all their efforts. A Witch may daydream about overthrowing the unjust government they are in, and how they will be recognized and loved as a hero for countless years to come afterward. No matter how outlandish a Witch’s daydream or goal in life may seem, there will often be no way to ever properly talk a Witch down from even attempting to achieve their dream. In fact, it is often wise to try and not stop a Witch from doing anything, as it will often only lead to one being put onto a long list of grudges - something Witches can be quite infamous for having. A person could try to preach from sunrise to the darkest of dusks to a Witch as to how unlikely, or even impossible, their dream is; however, this will only often make a Witch dig in their heels and attempt to find even more ways for them to make it come true. Although Witches are not miracle-workers like that of a Time-bound, they are still those who often manage to prove that there is no such thing as impossible. There are no rules or laws to a Witch, but rather just simple barriers, obstacles, and suggestions put forth by those far too afraid to step out of their comfort zone.
As mentioned earlier, Witches are those who often have large personalities - especially ones that dip a little more into the extreme level than anything. There is very little one can do when a Witch is in such a mood, even if that extreme feeling is one of negativity. If one seems to find themself in the presence of a Witch at their worst, or at least seemingly slowly descending into such a state, then chances are it would be far wiser to give them the space they need until all negativity has subsided. Even for the most bleeding-heart individuals who may wish to try and help a Witch who is struggling emotionally, do not be far too surprised if you are met with gnashing teeth with venomous, hissed words slithering out from between them. Indeed, a Witch at their worst is never a pleasant sight, for when a Witch has truly gone off the edge there is often very little someone can do to bring them down from such an elevated state.
Now, this may make you confused, or even question how this can be possible. After all, Witches are more often than not kind-hearted people, if only slightly trickster in their jokes and japes and may occasionally jostle a few elbows here and there. While that is true, this is often because one has only seen the very surface of the Witch themself. It isn’t that Witches hide who they are really out of any malicious intent, but it is more often so that they can gain the trust and attention from others, perhaps even going as far as to make a friendship or few with those they meet over time. The reason why Witches often put on these facades of joy and kindness is that they are often afraid as to how people will perceive them - especially if it is in a negative fashion. If one wished to go deeper, one could even say that a handful of Witches are even afraid of themselves and/or what they are capable of when it comes to their extreme bouts of negative emotions. Chances are that most, if not all Witches have one or few people they have hurt in some fashion, whether it is directly or indirectly. When one becomes friends with a Witch, it should most certainly always be kept in mind that there may be days, or even weeks, at a time where there will be the potential of becoming harmed by the Witch you so dearly love and care for. 
For those experienced in the way of Witches and how they may act, these occasional bouts of intense emotions are merely another facet in their life and relationship with the Witch. However, what these people may also be just as quick to announce is how truly devoted a Witch can become to any type of relationship they find themself within. Due to the fact they are often brushed off or viewed through intimidated, skittish glances, the Witch is someone who most likely has some rather tough luck when it comes to relationships - or even maintaining them. Nevertheless, though, it can be seen time and time again that Witches are those who are more than willing and ready to throw themself into all crooks and crannies of companionships they may encounter in their life. Which is to say, when a Witch falls, they fall hard - platonically, romantically, or otherwise. As hectic and nasty a Witch can be when they are in a rather negative mood, their good, more positive moods can oftentimes be just as boisterous and rowdy - if not more so. A Witch’s personality can often depend on what they think of a person - how they perceive them - but even if you are to find yourself on the naughty list of any Witch, chances are that some of them may allow for you to try and redeem yourself to them. Do not mistake this as them fully forgiving you for any harm or grievances you may have put them through, however, as Witches are most definitely ones who can hold grudges until they day they die. If there is an afterlife, then it may be quite likely they will continue to hold on to such feelings, as well.
On the outside of a Witch’s life and social circle, Witch’s can often present themselves as rather mysterious figures of an unrecognizable nature. As outward and bubbly as a Witch may show themself to be, their personalities are still ones that could arguably fall into a type of metaphysical uncanny valley. It’s easy to see that there is always some subtle force causing them to act and look the way they do, and as such, many outsiders may be quick to go about and label a Witch as two-faced, deceptive, or any other nasty trait. Although there most definitely are Witches out there who put on these loving and caring facades to trick others, there will be just as many Witches who merely are hoping to play the game properly so as to win the ultimate prize - friendship, companionship, and, ultimately, love. While their semi-obvious facades may be off-putting to others, more often than not will Witches find themself in the true traveling company of souls left with great weight on them, who have their own demons not yet conquered, and who may eventually give the Witch a taste of their very own bitter, twisted medicine that the Witch occasionally delivers to others. As dedicated and loving as a Witch may present themself to be, this is something that can often land them in hot water. Oftentimes when this happens, it is simply best for those in support of the Witch to allow things to unfold with little to no outside influence. As hard as Witches are known to fall for those who show them love and care, they are just as capable of falling like that of a nuclear bomb - and when they hit the Earth after falling from their Cloud Nine, it is often a good idea to find the nearest bunker from the emotional fallout about to happen. No one involved in such a travesty can escape completely unscathed.
However, do not mistake these moments of destruction as a hint to the Witch’s powers. For it is the Witch that has the powers of being able to manipulate their Aspect, or manipulate through it - oftentimes in an Active manner. This power, along with their personalities and facades, is often why Witches are judged and scrutinized by the people in their life. There are many ways in which the powers of a Witch can manifest, whether it is with their Aspect or not. As quick as Witches are to put on their bubbly, unassuming facades so as to gain the trust of those around them, they are just as quick to try and use their words, the emotions of others, their very own actions and goals to manipulate the world and people around them. For better or for worse can easily depend on the Witch and what their exact goal in mind is, but nevertheless, if the Witch ever so wishes to gain something they want or execute a plan they have in mind but are missing one crucial person or detail, it is highly likely they will find one way or another to twist and squeeze it out of the source it comes from. People may fear any Witch they encounter in life, but it depends on what they exactly fear in regards to the Witch as to whether that fear is well placed or not. For instance, it is not the uncanny facade of the Witch one should fear, but rather how easily a Witch could get away with any terrible act of violence if they so pleased. 
None of this is to say that all Witches should be feared - goodness no. What has been written and stated here is merely to highlight how truly powerful Witches can become, whether they are aware of this or not. Granted, they will never become anywhere near as powerful as a Page could become, but they still are figures that one should always think twice about, especially if any plans would involve double-crossing or harming the Witch. Witches are smart and clever people, perhaps far more than even they may believe. They are the ones who are naturally equipped with their Aspect, and they are well aware as to how they should go about using it to their advantage. Depending on the Aspect, this can be seen in the form of, say, a Witch of Rage being able to twist or win any argument by becoming overly aggressive - oftentimes in a physical or otherwise intimidating behavior that will show itself to be a pattern in the Witch of Rage’s life. However, it could also come in the form of a Witch of Mind who merely uses all of their skills in philosophy and grand-thinking to prove how others are wrong, that they know what they are doing, and also how to create and execute the most perceivably brilliant plan out of anyone. Witches are not to be trifled with or oftentimes even questioned in what they are aware of, even if their plans or actions are morally questionable at times.
When it comes to their friends, Witches will often use their powers to try and aid, help, or even benefit their friends - even if it means bending the rules of their Aspect or whatever environment they have been placed within. Life has felt like a near-constant uphill battle for the Witch, and as such, it should be of no surprise that they are often the ones who will be more than willing to try and make things far easier for those they love and trust. These acts of heroism and spoiling will often be accompanied by the Witch’s rebellious nature - as they are often ones to simply sit down and shut up when ordered, commanded, or even threatened to do so. With this rebellious nature, it may come to some surprise that with the powers of a Witch, they are often known to weaponize their Aspect to its utmost greatest capability. This can often be observed by a Witch manipulating their Aspect - twisting, turning, folding, molding, shaping their Aspect into whatever they want it to be. A Witch of Light could manipulate their Aspect so as to prevent important, life-altering information from falling into the wrong hands. On the same note, though, they are also someone who could turn that information into a source of insecurity, destabilizing the very foundation of the group they find themself within. If a Witch saw it better to make their Aspect into a source of chaos and anarchy, it will be a tough time trying to convince them otherwise. 
Even seemingly harmless Aspects such as Space, Life, Hope, Breath, and more could become some of the most devastating forces in a group of players - if only because something - a broken heart, a false truth revealed, betrayal - a switch being flipped inside the Witch brought them to go and manipulate, to change, their Aspect into something it never should have been. Witches are powerful players for they have just as much power and capability to be the most powerful allies one could ever make, yet are often only a few missteps - a few more shoves - away from falling off the deep edge and becoming some of the most foreboding, dominating entities one could ever imagine. After all, Witches are the ones who often feel their emotions in great extremes rather than a subtle gradient. One other thing to keep in mind when it comes to the Witch’s powers of manipulating their Aspect is that it can come in one of two forms - a Witch can either manipulate the external instances of their Aspect, changing the properties, make-up, form, source, target, what have you. On the other hand, they could manipulate it on a far more internal level, and it should not be surprising to be told that this does mean the internal nature of the Witch themself. If a Witch cannot use their words to get what they want, to change the course in which they seek to mold into something different, if someone is far too stubborn as to not listen to the Witch - then there will be very little one could do to prevent the Witch from reaching into one’s own mind, heart and soul, and pulling them into a dance of strings and puppeteering. Witches are not fools, they are not capricious, they are not flighty. A Witch is always fully aware as to what they are doing, and what they want out of every step they take, every word they say, and every gesture they make. Witches are aware of themself and who they are - who they want to be.
As for the power of being able to manipulate through their Aspect, this is a skill that often takes far more practical, along with a personal, active approach than the Witch may like. After all, there will always be the kind-hearted Witches - the ones with a far higher moral code than others. However, the ability to manipulate through something as bold and rigid as one’s own Aspect is quite possibly the strongest power a Witch could ever acquire. In order to manipulate through their Aspect, the Witch must allow themself to become fully engrossed in the ins and outs, flaws and perfections, ups and downs of their Aspect. They have to fully dedicate themself to their Aspect - become one with it - if they are to ever wish to manipulate through such a core part of who they are. For some Witches, this task will be of no big deal - especially if they have an Aspect that seems far more “practical” to approach and manipulate through. Of course, that means there will be just as many Witches - if not more - who will find countless struggles in their journey to unlock this power and become fully aligned with their Aspect. Although they will never be on the same level of embodiment as their counter-part of Heirs, or of the Master Classes, the power that will come with this process is often enough to justify the trials that the Witch will inevitably have to go through. As for what these trials entail entirely often depends on the Witch and their Aspect, but the end game will forever be the same.
Once the Witch has become one with their Aspect and knows all of its angles, perspectives, and properties, they will finally be able to manipulate through it. This can once again be a far more personal, internal means of manipulation, as well as an external - perhaps even metaphysical - approach. As for the internal approach of this power, this could come with the Witch being a near master with their words, as well as their actions. While before they had a fairly good chance of being able to prove a point or win over some people with their words, these Witches are almost guaranteed to get their way in any situation they find themself within. These are the Witches whose Aspect often revolves around people than anything else, though more importantly how their Aspect affects the people than anything else. By being able to manipulate through such Aspects, the Witch could quite easily sway the minds and opinions of even the most stoic, rugged minded of people in their life, perhaps even going as far as being capable of convincing others that their entire identities and philosophies are wrong and flawed. 
As for the Witches who have the Aspects that reflect a far more metaphysical and/or external factor, they are the ones who could be argued to embody the role of a puppeteer than anything else. They are the Witches who pull the strings from behind the curtain, orchestrating all that they can from within - or rather through - their Aspect. It is because of this under-the-table method of manipulation that their actions often go unchecked, unquestioned, or even unnoticed. By the time anyone may come to realize who is the one to have built up the crescendo of a song they find themself within, it will always be far too late as the Witch is allowed to wander off before any consequences can come knocking on their door. It could be argued that these are the Witches with the most corrupt, twisted, or even shallow morals out of any of their fellow wicked siblings, but it once again truly comes down as to why the Witch would do these actions - what their motives are. In a way, it could be argued that, if one were to present a question that embodied the entirety of Witches, it would simply be one question - “Why?” Granted, if one wanted to dive deeper into a far larger question, perhaps it would show itself as “What is their motive”, “Why are they doing this”, or “What is their end game”. Nevertheless, though, one thing is for certain: there is simply no way to know when it comes to a Witch.
Witches are a Class that has quite a split audience. They are those who are loved, adored, and admired by their fans and friends, and yet they will often have just as many, if not more, people who will hold great scorn and fiery judgment for them. Whether it is because of the fear of uncertainty, the discomfort that comes from their uncanny overly joyous attitudes, the opposite in regards to how explosive and loud their negative emotions can be, or their occasionally gray and questionable morals, the Witch is one who undeniably will have collected a few rivals and enemies throughout their life. Nevertheless, the Witch is one who will try to hold their head up as high as they can while still being mindful not to accidentally look down at people past their noses. As rambunctious and rebellious Witches can be at times, and how they may fail to contain their composure when put under a lot of emotional and/or mental stress, it could be argued that most Witches are simply people trying to do what they feel is right - both for themselves and the people they care for. 
Having a Witch as a friend may appear to be both a blessing and a curse at times, but it could never be discounted that when one has a Witch as a brave and loyal ally, it is often best to always follow in the Witch’s footsteps. Which is to say - always looks on the brighter side of things, even when the world, or even friends have turned around and hurt you in one way or another. The Witch may be a polarizing figure to have in a group, and yes, they most certainly will bring trouble to the table every once in a while, but they are still the people who have seen and experienced what it means to be an outcast - to be different and judged by the rule followers in society. Although their powers may sound scary, and their words may occasionally hide daggers and venom within them, the Witch will always be someone who has a passionate soul, and a kind heart ready and willing to dish out countless love to those in need, and those they deem fit. A Witch is one who will always remain loyal unless proven wrong in their placement - so hold on tight to any Witch you may know and may even have the privilege of calling them a friend. Hold on tight and treat them right, for as kind and caring as a Witch can be, the warnings of their vicious and cruel nature should never be taken too lightly, either. Witches are no fools, after all.
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