#Up from the Depths
atomic-chronoscaph · 1 year
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Up from the Depths - Movie poster art by William Stout (1979)
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transistoradio · 1 year
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Two movie posters with art by William Stout.
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movieposters1 · 1 year
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theinfamousdoctorf · 1 year
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Neon Maniacs, Up From The Depths, Piranha 2
[Scanning some favorite movies and covers from my personal VHS collection for a craft project.]
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the-haunted-toybox · 2 years
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skyblue424 · 2 years
I emerged from ur mom's depths last night fyi
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notemaker · 3 months
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The ringmaster and the amphitheater. The chessboard and the player. Round and round they go.
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linktoo-doodles · 6 months
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Happy Last Scarland day! Here's my Rolling Down Mainstreet and Hotel Architecture work for @scarland-artbook🎈🎈
process vid:
The entire scene uncropped:
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Hotel Drafts:
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For the hotel, I thought about the hallways and the general opulence and ambiance when you walk in (chandeliers, check-in counter, tiling on the floors). I mapped out all of the rooms (e.g. the outdoor patio, the lounge, the café/deli, & Scott and Fwhip's decorated rooms).
A few inspirations I took were the following:
Sun & Thirteen Cantons in Soho
Great Central Pub at The Landmark London
Prince of Wales Hotel at Niagara-on-the-Lake
I also wanted to consider an elevator for access... And if I had more ideas outside of the hotel layoutway honestly I'd keep designing with laundry chutes and more hallways and a pool. I love hotels
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little-pondhead · 5 months
I have a simple fascination and joy in the thought that, for the Ghost King AU, most of the time Danny is literally so normal compared to other ghosts.
Like, he’s a kid. He looks like a kid. Going by canon appearances, he is the most human looking ghost we see (aside from Ellie). Even Plasmius is more inhuman, which is where all the vampire jokes come from. Every single one of this enemies is off even in a human disguise. They’re not human, and people don’t expect them to be.
So aside from the implications of Danny looking like a child ghost, I wonder what other characters would think if they summon the Ghost King, expecting this huge monstrosity worse than anything they’ve ever seen, and getting a totally normal human-looking kid.
I’d be terrified. Because if horror movies have taught us anything, it’s that the most innocent and normal looking people are the worst monsters you’ve ever seen.
Like, what is he hiding??
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casualavocados · 13 days
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Gemini and Fourth are nothing like Atom and Kongthap. When they're together, it's chaotic. They're always messing around with each other. If I had a friend who's been working with me for a long time, I believe the vibes would be similar.
MY LOVE MIX-UP! THAILAND (2024) BTS & Special Ep
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suburbansuns · 1 year
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me & my dog by boygenius (2018) // letter to an old poet by boygenius (2023)
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cainternn · 7 months
call me a bot bc i fail to captcha her 😔
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askblueandviolet · 2 months
How did I get here... (Had to remember I was a wukong blog)
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Previous 💜
Next 💙💜
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midnightcrows · 11 months
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Ocs. The Montagnet siblings. Aurelian, Séraphin, Evangeline
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krazycat6167 · 9 months
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So @somerandomdudelmao made a version of their sona in a dystopia (inspired by @tapakah0 doing the same to theirs) and the person in this ask named the robot C.A.S.5 and I thought, ‘well then there’s at least four other C.A.S. units out and about in the world’ leading to this being the end result! It was a lot of fun to come up with the different customizations each C.A.S. unit has.
also, the design for C.A.S.4 (Cash) was partially inspired by @mobiitez post.
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imviotrash · 2 months
I honestly think that Joanne had it the worst (psychologically) during the midnight tea party.
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Imagine being bullied and isolated for a year, because someone fabricated an entire web of lies about you due to you getting a tiny bit of positive attention. The truth about the situation finally comes to light, you get your (very demanding) dream job, are well liked among your peers and are finally included within the schools society.
And then within one night you:
-discover your comfort teacher and your first friend are not real and are actually private investigators
-find out your boss who is supposed to be your role model and protector is a murderer
-realize that the principal has been on vacation for a year and was replaced by THE FUCKING GRIM REAPER
-learn that the vice principal is DEAD (and was subjected to human experimentation)
-learn that you're the second replacement for a guy who got brutally murdered and ALSO subjected to human experimentation (which you are witnessing right Infront of your eyes in real time)
-literally hear why and how these humans have been experimented on
-see how someone gets turned into dinner
-almost get turned into dinner yourself and can't escape on time because your body shut down out of shock.
-see how your "friend" is hunted for sport by the grim reaper.
-also see your "comfort teacher" crush someone's head right Infront of you.
-become unconscious out of shock.
-loose not only your boss, two friends (Soma and Ciel )and comfort teacher after this whole fiasco, but also your entire network of coworkers because they got a promotion you're too young to have.
-on top of that YOU CANNOT talk about what happened to you to anyone because you were sworn to secrecy and you can't really talk about it privately to your former colleagues either, since they're now a completely different rank than you.
Like- the guy didn't get physically injured, but he was the only real student to witness the entire Midnight tea party, because he couldn't escape on time. (And let's also not forget that he's the youngest of the real students present at the party and definitely the most sensitive one).
Since the Midnight tea party will happen again, Joanne and his former coworkers are probably forced to attend again since they can't really publicly share the reason as to why they don't want to go.
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