#Urea Solution
gulfoilindiaadblue · 4 months
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bluemiddleeast · 1 year
If are you looking for urea solution in Dubai
Boost the performance of your engine with our premium urea solution. Our carefully formulated blend is specifically designed to optimize the efficiency of your vehicle’s selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system. Say goodbye to harmful emissions and hello to cleaner air with our high-quality urea solution. Trust in our product to reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions and ensure compliance with environmental regulations. Give your engine the care it deserves and experience smoother operations, improved fuel economy, and enhanced overall performance. So if you are interested then contact us and for more information visit our website.
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hrijack · 2 years
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pure-ablution · 2 months
Products I use for soft hands and feet
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Soaps and soaks
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The only soap I’ll use on my hands is Savon de Marseille, and I like this soap in particular for its gentle nature and vanilla scent. I don’t soak my hands at all, because it messes with my manicure, and I avoid getting my hands wet for any length of time—I wear gloves to shower and wash the dishes.
I’m harsher on my feet, and I use a mixture of diluted liquid castille soap and Hibiscrub to wash them at the end of each day. Once a week, I soak them for 20 minutes in a solution of 1 part Listerine Original and 1 part white vinegar to 4 parts hot water, and add quite a lot of Dead Sea salt. This softens everything and keeps my feet completely clean and free of any nasty fungi or bacteria.
Scrubs and exfoliants
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I’m gentle on my hands, and until recently, I didn’t exfoliate them very often at all. A friend gave me a tub of the stupidly expensive Sucre de Gommage from Dior’s ‘Prestige’ line, and I don’t use scrubs on my face, so it was repurposed for my hands. It’s so gently effective, and exfoliates my hands so well. I use it every night, and it’s so good, that I’m almost tempted to buy another—I’m searching for a good replacement, so please send me a message if anyone knows of something similar. Other than this, once a month I use a very small amount of the Ordinary’s 30% AHA + 2% BHA peel on my knuckles and any other areas of my hands that are prone to dryness.
I exfoliate my feet very rigorously, because I walk and dance a lot, and I don’t want callouses. I use the 7% Glycolic Acid toner from the Ordinary every other night, the stronger 30% peel once a month, the treatment from Mr Pumice once a week, and a peeling mask every 3 months to chemically exfoliate—and I use the St Ives scrub, sefid-ab and kiseh, and a foot planing tool to physically keep hard skin at bay.
Cuticle care
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These are just the products I use to keep my cuticles soft and hydrated, not those I use to remove them. I like the Onsen serum for morning and night, because it’s so light and hydrating and it soaks in so well. I use the stick balm from Sally Hansen on my hands’ cuticles throughout the day, since it’s portable and not messy, but I use the oil from Cuccio on my feet and on my hands at night. I seal everything in at night with Dior’s Crème Abricot—it’s expensive, but I haven’t found anything else that works so well, and it’s a small luxury for me.
Oils, masks and creams
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Back home, I used to use oil from sheep’s tail on my hands and feet, but it’s difficult to find over here, and I’ve discovered that emu oil works just as well, if not slightly better. I use the oil to massage my hands and feet, and by the end, it’s completely soaked in. Urea is such a powerful ingredient for exfoliation, moisturising, and hydration, and this gel-oil serum contains 40% for strong effects. I apply a small amount to my feet, and then follow it up with my favourite foot cream. For my hands, I use the Vanilla 28 cream from Kayali throughout the day, and Yuskin at night—Yuskin (AKA Yu-Be Skin in America) has a 40% glycerine content for maximum hydration and softness, and it’s the best hand cream I’ve found. Then, every 2 weeks, I use the Norwegian Cica masks for hands and feet from Neutrogena, for additional hydration and moisture.
Occlusive treatments
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It’s important to lock everything in after a long routine, and at the end of every night, I like using Flexitol balm with 25% urea on my feet, and pure lanolin on my hands. I cover up with cotton socks and gloves, and let everything soak in whilst I’m sleeping. I love using paraffin wax in a heated bath at the end of a long, cold day—it warms me up from the inside out, and really helps boost my skin’s moisture levels. In the winter, I wear special silicone gel socks around the house and sometimes even beneath my tights when I go out, just to keep my feet soft, warm, and constantly moisturised throughout the day.
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radioactiveradley · 1 year
join me in pell (piss hell)
Let's talk kidneys!
Your kidneys are situated:
Inferior to the liver and the suprarenal glands
Superior to the ureters
Anterior to the posterior wall of abdomen and diaphragm
Posterior to the peritoneum (sack with yer guts in it)
Their job is to:
Regulate blood ions (like sodium) and control blood pH
Maintain blood volume (by extracting or conserving water)
Secrete hormones
Excrete toxic waste (urea, ammonia, creatinine…)
Guess what shape they are. Go on, guess.
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[CW: beneath the cut you will find CT images of kidney trauma]
(and here is some very basic anatomy, sketched on… that same bean)
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The renal cortex + renal pyramids together form the PARENCHYMA, aka the functional bit of the kidneys (aka where your peepee is made)
But HOW is that peepee made, I hear you cry?
Lemme introduce you to my good friend
The Nephron
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The afferent arteriole carries blood to the Glomerulus (which isn’t actually some weird DnD spell – just a knot of arteries surrounded by the Glomerular Capsule!) This arteriole then slims down considerably to form the efferent arteriole. This pressure increase forces loads of waste products and water out of the bloodstream into the glomerular capsule – but the holes in the arteriole wall are too small to release blood cells, plasma proteins, and other large molecules. This part of the nephron is called the ‘corpuscle’ (again, not a DnD spell). It’s where your blood plasma gets filtered!
The arteriole then follows the nephron around its windy path, wrapping around it at several points – notably the proximal/distal convoluted tubules, and the Vasa Recta that runs parallel to the Loop of Henle. To horrifically simplify a complex process, this provides lots of opportunities for secretion (Bad Stuff to be squeezed out of the blood – those dangerous ions and waste products we talked about earlier!) and selective reabsorption (Good Stuff (water) gets squeezed back in). It’s a careful balancing act, orchestrated in part by hormones! The end result (theoretically) is that all the stuff you DON’T want is shlorped into the nephron as urine, and all the water you need is shlorped back into the blood.
Once your kidneys have produced your peepee, it takes a fun rollercoaster ride through a series of ducts and tubes! Collecting duct -> papillary duct -> minor calyx -> major calyx -> renal pelvis -> ureter -> urinary bladder -> urethra -> you know the rest.
Your kidneys produce 180 litres of fluid a day (aka, a hell of a lot) but most of this is reabsorbed in these little nephrons, with water & useful solutes going back into the bloodstream! As a result, you only pee about 1-2 litres a day (though I swear I feel closer to the 180 litres some days)
Because kidneys are SOOOO important (your body does NOT like to be full of urea/ammonia/sodium, or acid!) they’re really, really vascular (lots of blood supply). They receive up to 25% of your resting cardiac output! So, when you’re just chilling, literally 25% of your blood is being gobbled by those hungry, hungry kidneys!
This means the kidney is VULNERABLE TO TRAUMA.
Although kidney trauma can be picked up on Ultrasound, we will take anyone who has suffered abdominal trauma through to CT, as you get better pictures there! We usually use a multiphase protocol – a longer scan, basically – to show us the extent of the injury, with a non-contrast phase (shows calculi clearly), an arterial phase (evaluates any injury to the renal arteries), a nephographic phase (shows renal lesions clearly), and a delayed phase (shows bleeding and injuries to the urinary collection system). Basically, contrast quickly moves to your kidneys from your blood stream, and filters through the collection system – so if we give a bolus of contrast and watch it flood through the renal arteries, then wait a little while, we can see how the kidneys are processing it or if it’s spilling into the surrounding space.
Kidney trauma is graded from 1 (no laceration but a haematoma (bruise) within the kidney capsule) to 5 (kidney torn away from renal vascular system and dying as a result, actively bleeding, structure of kidney shattered). Here’s a grade 5 (Left (looks like the right side of the image)) in comparison to the normal healthy kidney (Right (looks like the left side of the image)). Note the massive visible laceration + huge haematoma!
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Loooooads of other stuff can go wrong with your kidneys too – but that’s a whole other post! Which I will make, one day soon, because it's super fascinating!
(Have you ever heard of a stag horn calculus? It will put you off holding onto your pee FOR LIFE. If you're sitting there kinda needing the loo but not going... GO NOW. PLEASE.)l
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Calcium sulphur batteries (uwu)
Okay, so, i've become interested in z-pinch studies for aerospace purposes (i'm really excited about the prospects, everything works on paper, but i naturally want to actually witness p+N14 fusion for above 0.01% of available protons before i go trying to get the materials to build a real liquid fueled SSTO fusion rocket, especially since there are thousands of folks way smarter than me who have presumably thought of this before and we don't have it yet, so yeah). Anyways, if i want the extremely large electricity input without making my electricity bill higher than a whole month's rent and getting my roommates mad at me, i'll need to collect solar or wind in a battery bank. Since lithium batteries are just about all immoral and expensive (yes i am writing this on a device powered by lithium batteries, it would be lovely if capitalists would take a hint and switch to things that just objectively perform better and are cheaper, but whatever), i figured this would be a nice excuse to experiment around with some new battery designs. Since all of them will require sulphur, i won't be able to really get into it before mid may due to some concerns about the smell and risks of getting sulphur powder everywhere (it's very yellow and hard to clean out), but i felt i might as well share my preliminary ideas. First off, in order to make the organic sulphur polymer, i'm looking to explore mostly citrate based polymers, perhaps with phenylalanine mixed in in order to both give more bulk as well as providing nitrogens for sulphenamides to form. Since i'll need urea later, i was also considering partially polymerizing urea with citric acid and adding that into the molten sulphur mix, but i'm less confident in the stability of that and a bit concerned about the potential noxious fumes produced. Regardless, that's the short of the sulphur cathode, details will definitely change after i refind that paper which went over a great way of preventing insoluble polysulphide production. I'm also gonna experiment with anode material and even the ions i use. I know i said "calcium sulphur batteries" in the title, but due to how common aluminium is and how much easier magnesium is to work with (and the fact that their specific energies are higher), i'll also be considering those two. Even beyond that, there are so many potential anode materials, including even amorphous carbon and carbon nitrides which i'd love to test since there's just so much to improve on and i'd rather do a lot of experiments with cheap to make materials and potentially land on a great solution than accept something subpar because it took less effort. Anyways, of the materials i plan on using, there's magnesium sulphate, aluminium sulphate, calcium chloride, potentially other calcium salts (is the salt with taurine soluble in water? IDK, can't find an answer so i'll test it), charcoal, vegetable oil, urea, and phenylalanine. Those may seem like an unrelated hodgepodge of compounds, but they've been chosen because they're what i have/will soon have and they're also all extremely cheap. If the urea works out well in the battery, i may have to make this project a meme and attempt to make a z-pinch device with as much urine as possible (use it to make ammonia for the plasma, to make the batteries, and i'm sure there's some way to use urine in a capacitor (maybe just distilling off the water to use as a dielectric? idk, it's been a while since i tried making a capacitor)).
Anyway, i really didn't expect this long trainwreck of a post to end with discussions of urine, but what can you do? This is all probably nonsensical, even by my standards, but basically i want batteries and i think i can make them cheaper per megajoule of stored energy than the ones i could buy, even accounting for the inevitable failed experiments.
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nursingscience · 1 year
Medical Abbreviations on Pharmacy Prescriptions
Here are some common medical abbreviations you may see on pharmacy prescriptions:
qd - once a day
bid - twice a day
tid - three times a day
qid - four times a day
qh - every hour
prn - as needed
pc - after meals
ac - before meals
hs - at bedtime
po - by mouth
IV - intravenous
IM - intramuscular
subQ - subcutaneous
mL - milliliter
mg - milligram
g - gram
mcg - microgram
stat - immediately, right away
NPO - nothing by mouth
cap - capsule
tab - tablet
susp - suspension
sol - solution
amp - ampule
inj - injection
Rx - prescription
C - Celsius
F - Fahrenheit
BP - blood pressure
HR - heart rate
RR - respiratory rate
WBC - white blood cell
RBC - red blood cell
Hgb - hemoglobin
Hct - hematocrit
PT - prothrombin time
INR - international normalized ratio
BUN - blood urea nitrogen
Cr - creatinine
Ca - calcium
K - potassium
Na - sodium
Cl - chloride
Mg - magnesium
PO2 - partial pressure of oxygen
PCO2 - partial pressure of carbon dioxide
ABG - arterial blood gas
CBC - complete blood count
BMP - basic metabolic panel
CMP - comprehensive metabolic panel.
ECG - electrocardiogram
EEG - electroencephalogram
MRI - magnetic resonance imaging
CT - computed tomography
PET - positron emission tomography
CXR - chest x-ray
CTX - chemotherapy
NSAID - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
DMARD - disease-modifying antirheumatic drug
ACE - angiotensin-converting enzyme
ARB - angiotensin receptor blocker
SSRI - selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
TCA - tricyclic antidepressant
ADHD - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CAD - coronary artery disease
CHF - congestive heart failure
DVT - deep vein thrombosis
GI - gastrointestinal
UTI - urinary tract infection
OTC - over-the-counter
Rx - prescription
OD - right eye
OS - left eye
OU - both eyes.
TID - thrombosis in dementia
TDS - ter die sumendum (three times a day)
BOM - bilaterally otitis media (infection in both ears)
BT - body temperature
C&S - culture and sensitivity
D/C - discontinue or discharge
D/W - dextrose in water
ETOH - ethyl alcohol
FUO - fever of unknown origin
H&P - history and physical examination
I&D - incision and drainage
I&O - intake and output
KVO - keep vein open
N&V - nausea and vomiting
PERRLA - pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation
PR - per rectum
QAM - every morning
QHS - every bedtime
QOD - every other day
S/P - status post (after)
TPN - total parenteral nutrition
UA - urinalysis
URI - upper respiratory infection
UTI - urinary tract infection
VO - verbal order.
XRT - radiation therapy
YOB - year of birth
BRBPR - bright red blood per rectum
CX - cervix
DVT - deep vein thrombosis
GB - gallbladder
GU - genitourinary
HCV - hepatitis C virus
HPI - history of present illness
ICP - intracranial pressure
IVP - intravenous pyelogram
LMP - last menstrual period
MRSA - methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
MVA - motor vehicle accident
NKA - no known allergies
PEG - percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
PRN - pro re nata (as needed)
ROS - review of systems
SOB - shortness of breath
TAH - total abdominal hysterectomy.
TIA - transient ischemic attack
Tx - treatment
UC - ulcerative colitis
URI - upper respiratory infection
VSD - ventricular septal defect
VTE - venous thromboembolism
XR - x-ray
w/c - wheelchair
XRT - radiation therapy
ASD - atrial septal defect
Bx - biopsy
CAD - coronary artery disease
CKD - chronic kidney disease
CPAP - continuous positive airway pressure
DKA - diabetic ketoacidosis
DNR - do not resuscitate
ED - emergency department
ESRD - end-stage renal disease
FFP - fresh frozen plasma
FSH - follicle-stimulating hormone.
GCS - Glasgow Coma Scale
Hct - hematocrit
Hgb - hemoglobin
ICU - intensive care unit
IV - intravenous
JVD - jugular venous distension
K - potassium
L - liter
MCH - mean corpuscular hemoglobin
MI - myocardial infarction
Na - sodium
NGT - nasogastric tube
NPO - nothing by mouth
OR - operating room
PCN - penicillin
PRBC - packed red blood cells
PTT - partial thromboplastin time
RBC - red blood cells
RT - respiratory therapy
SOA - short of air.
SCD - sequential compression device
SIRS - systemic inflammatory response syndrome
STAT - immediately
T - temperature
TPN - total parenteral nutrition
WBC - white blood cells
ABG - arterial blood gas
A fib - atrial fibrillation
BPH - benign prostatic hypertrophy
CBC - complete blood count
CO2 - carbon dioxide
COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPR - cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CT - computed tomography
CXR - chest x-ray
D5W - dextrose 5% in water
Dx - diagnosis
ECG or EKG - electrocardiogram
EEG - electroencephalogram
ETO - early termination of pregnancy.
FHR - fetal heart rate
GSW - gunshot wound
H&P - history and physical exam
HCG - human chorionic gonadotropin
I&D - incision and drainage
IBS - irritable bowel syndrome
ICP - intracranial pressure
IM - intramuscular
INR - international normalized ratio
IOP - intraocular pressure
LFT - liver function test
LOC - level of consciousness
LP - lumbar puncture
NG - nasogastric
OA - osteoarthritis
OCD - obsessive-compulsive disorder
OTC - over-the-counter
P - pulse
PCA - patient-controlled analgesia
PERRLA - pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation.
PFT - pulmonary function test
PICC - peripherally inserted central catheter
PO - by mouth
PRN - as needed
PT - physical therapy
PT - prothrombin time
PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder
PVC - premature ventricular contraction
QD - once a day
QID - four times a day
RA - rheumatoid arthritis
RICE - rest, ice, compression, elevation
RSI - rapid sequence intubation
RSV - respiratory syncytial virus
SBP - systolic blood pressure
SLE - systemic lupus erythematosus
SSRI - selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
STAT - immediately
TB - tuberculosis
TIA - transient ischemic attack.
TID - three times a day
TKO - to keep open
TNTC - too numerous to count
TPN - total parenteral nutrition
URI - upper respiratory infection
UTI - urinary tract infection
V-fib - ventricular fibrillation
V-tach - ventricular tachycardia
VA - visual acuity
WNL - within normal limits
AED - automated external defibrillator
ARDS - acute respiratory distress syndrome
BID - twice a day
BP - blood pressure
BUN - blood urea nitrogen
CAD - coronary artery disease
CHF - congestive heart failure
CVA - cerebrovascular accident
D/C - discontinue
DKA - diabetic ketoacidosis.
DM - diabetes mellitus
DVT - deep vein thrombosis
EGD - esophagogastroduodenoscopy
ER - emergency room
F - Fahrenheit
Fx - fracture
GI - gastrointestinal
GTT - glucose tolerance test
HCT - hematocrit
Hgb - hemoglobin
HRT - hormone replacement therapy
ICP - intracranial pressure
IDDM - insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
IBS - irritable bowel syndrome
IM - intramuscular
IV - intravenous
K - potassium
KVO - keep vein open
L&D - labor and delivery
LASIK - laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis.
ROM - range of motion
RT - radiation therapy
Rx - prescription
SCD - sequential compression device
SOB - shortness of breath
STD - sexually transmitted disease
TENS - transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
TIA - transient ischemic attack
TSH - thyroid-stimulating hormone
UA - urinalysis
US - ultrasound
UTI - urinary tract infection
VD - venereal disease
VF - ventricular fibrillation
VT - ventricular tachycardia
WBC - white blood cell
XRT - radiation therapy
XR - x-ray
Zn - zinc
Z-pak - azithromycin (antibiotic).
AAA - abdominal aortic aneurysm
ABG - arterial blood gas
ACS - acute coronary syndrome
ADL - activities of daily living
AED - automated external defibrillator
AIDS - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
ALS - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
AMA - against medical advice
AML - acute myeloid leukemia
APAP - acetaminophen
ARDS - acute respiratory distress syndrome
ASCVD - atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
BPH - benign prostatic hyperplasia
BUN - blood urea nitrogen
CABG - coronary artery bypass graft
CBC - complete blood count
CHF - congestive heart failure
COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPAP - continuous positive airway pressure
CRF - chronic renal failure.
CT - computed tomography
CVA - cerebrovascular accident
D&C - dilation and curettage
DVT - deep vein thrombosis
ECG/EKG - electrocardiogram
EEG - electroencephalogram
ESRD - end-stage renal disease
FSH - follicle-stimulating hormone
GERD - gastroesophageal reflux disease
GFR - glomerular filtration rate
HbA1c - glycated hemoglobin
Hct - hematocrit
HIV - human immunodeficiency virus
HPV - human papillomavirus
HTN - hypertension
IBD - inflammatory bowel disease
IBS - irritable bowel syndrome
ICU - intensive care unit
IDDM - insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
IM - intramuscular.
IV - intravenous
LFT - liver function test
MI - myocardial infarction
MRI - magnetic resonance imaging
MS - multiple sclerosis
NPO - nothing by mouth
NS - normal saline
OCD - obsessive-compulsive disorder
OSA - obstructive sleep apnea
PCOS - polycystic ovary syndrome
PMS - premenstrual syndrome
PPD - purified protein derivative
PSA - prostate-specific antigen
PT - prothrombin time
PTT - partial thromboplastin time
RA - rheumatoid arthritis
RBC - red blood cell
RSV - respiratory syncytial virus
SLE - systemic lupus erythematosus
TB - tuberculosis.
It is important to remember that medical abbreviations can vary based on location and specialty. 
Healthcare professionals should use medical abbreviations with caution and only when they are familiar with their meanings. 
Patients should always communicate any questions or concerns they have about their medications or medical care to their healthcare provider or pharmacist to ensure they receive safe and accurate medical care.
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rebellum · 1 year
Bitches call me the count cause I be counting.
^has ocd and if I don't count then my perception of the world will crumble into a mess of unspooled thread and death and destruction and chaos like if the world were a hard boiled egg that you tried to uncook (mechanical energy can, in theory, reverse the processes of thermal energy on biological systems. The proteins in an egg are all folded tangled up like someone tripped while doing cat's cradle. The proteins are held together by weak bonds (glue in the yarn of the cats cradle), which heat (thermal energy) can disrupt. The proteins can then wiggle around like happy little bits of yarn in a tornado. (Denaturing). But bitch there's still glue! So they stretch out, but they tangle again, winding through eachother like a spiders web (if you gave a spider cocaine). (The egg is now boiled). Due to ■ (a theory called the principal of microscopic reversibility) the yarn (protein) can de-denature (nature) if you commit heinous acts of wizardry (dissolve the egg whites at least into a solution containing urea). If you cast a spell (spinning that whole thing at 5000 rotations per minute) (the solution at the edge of the wizardry container spins faster than the stuff at the centre, making it so stressed (lol same?) that the yarn (proteins) streeeeeeeeetch and CNTRCT (contract) until they snap back to their original shapes.) But you need to be a wizard and have access to the wizard laboratories in order to accomplish this. So instead you just spin the egg around very quickly and it slips out and goes SPLAT and then not only do you have a still cooked egg, but it's fucking everywhere (EVERYWHERE. Everything is everywhere all at once and it's not a fun movie it just turns into a mess.), which is not conducive to the whole process. And THAT is what happens to the grid overlaying the world for me if I don't countwo, three...)
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kittycatra-6881 · 1 year
One day there was a farmer who was really stressed because none of his crops were growing very well, he decided to get a soil quality test done to see which nutrients his soil was lacking, his results came back, nitrogen was the macronutrient missing, the farmer thought and thought about how he could fix his problem, finally he exclaimed "Urea, that's it" as he figured out a solution
This joke is dedicated to my sister @stardustto-dust because she gave it an 8 out of 10
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nerdintheforest · 1 year
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This is marks nine months of my garden mulching experiment.
This slope was once, long ago, a garden and also a goat pen. For a couple if decades it sat as plain lawn until I left it fallow for a couple of years as a combination of laziness and promoting wildflowers and hummingbirds (mostly laziness). My wife wanted to try gardening, hated this section, and while I was away my dad came by, added a gate, and tilled about 3/4 of it with no mulch or amendments. It did not turn out well. Most of what I planted in the ground failed and died during a record drought, and the soil turned to hard dirt. Since that die off, my daughter and I have been putting down cardboard and adding grass clippings, raked leaves, rotting wood, twigs, wood chips from my shop, and all of our kitchen waste. After dropping the sawdust I also innoculated with garden giant winecap sawdust spawn, so I bet that is helping. Annnd after 9 months we have finally finished covering every last meter of usable slope.
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The first mulch we laid on the left has turned that section around. Our tomatoes, eggplants, and gourds are thriving despite a late start. We even have volunteer tomatoes! Every time I step here I see earthworms slithering out, and every time I lift the mulch I find healthy mycelium.
The kitchen waste now goes to a dedicated compost bin until the next die off. Might sound weird but all of the leftover charcoal from the fireplace and burn pit has been going into a tub and I've been pissing in it for the past year (urea). It's also filled with leftover coffee/tea/soda/beer, expired fruit juice and milk, skunky wine, old epsom salt, a bag of ammonium chloride I used for chemical woodburning, some ancient brown sugar i found in the pantry, and a bottle of moldy maple syrup. It currently weighs maybe 50lbs, when i started with around 25lbs of charcoal - not sure how much of that is water but it sucks up everything added with no luquid remaining in the bottom. I've lightly circled the plants with this and observed a growth boom along with greenish-black staining when placed on sawdust. This is the equivalent of mixing cleaners together as a kid and hoping I don't get mustard gas - I have no idea what will happen.
Another thing I have observed is the massive number of slugs, snails, and grasshoppers when compared to the raised plastic containers we had last year. They have ravaged many of my sprouts, so I started looking at solutions and I think what we lack is predators. I have not seen any frogs or toads this year where last year they were plentiful due to ready moisture so...
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Where I had filled perlite under the AC drain I have now created a small frog pond. I moved a struggling elephant ear and cinnamon fern nearby to see if mayyyybe they will come back and provide shade. If not, my fallback is this water spinach that we grow to eat in the summer - it is super aggressive and is illegal to place in local waterways, but is allowed in containers. The soil in this spot is always wet in warm months so I can only use wet tolerant plants here, BUT it is at the top of the slope so plants down slope do not need much water
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I have added 4 toad houses from pots, and two tree frog tubes from old/used PVC, all in shaded spots. I have also started lining the edges of the garden with windfall logs to provide housing for centipedes and predatory beatles. I know we might not see a change this year, and may have a sudden increase in snails/slugs, but I hope next year the predator population will come back. Meanwhile I have gone scorched earth and refilled the birdfeeder to bring the birds back. I expect my cherry tomatos to disappear but it's all an experiment to see what happens, so I wont be too terribly upset.
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I've also decided to fill the path/low spot I've worn with broken branches and every bit of un-chemically treated scrap cutoff that I have, which we will also dress with leaf mulch in order to feed the mycelium. Am I doing it wrong? Maybe. In the end it will all rot and make more soil so here's to failing upwards.
Yes, I am aware that I need to repair my fence. There is a dead oak nearby and strong storm wind drops branches on my fence. I will worry about it when the branches are gone or the whole tree falls.
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killed-by-choice · 1 year
“Sherri Roe” 20 (USA 1975)
The case of an unidentified 20-year-old killed by legal abortion in 1975 was recorded in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She has been given the name Sherri Roe because her real identity is still undiscovered.
Sherri was 20 and had a history of heart problems. She may have been under the mistaken impression that the abortion would save her life or otherwise preserve her health. When she underwent the abortion she was late in the second trimester.
The abortionist injected a poisonous urea concentration into her uterus. Urea is the primary component of human urine and would not have protected Sherri’s health. The urea was intended to kill the fetus and induce labor, which it did. However, Sherri’s baby wasn’t the only one who was killed. During the artificial stillbirth, something went wrong. Amniotic fluid tainted with urea got into Sherri’s bloodstream as she expelled the small corpse. This triggered a clotting disorder and Sherri had a pulmonary embolism. Soon after, Sherri died.
It’s worth nothing that if Sherri had given birth instead of having an abortion, her odds of amniotic fluid embolism would have been extremely low. AFE during birth is exceedingly rare, especially in young mothers who are pregnant for the first time. AFE in young patients (especially during the second trimester) is more likely to occur in an abortion. And even if somehow Sherri had an AFE during birth even with these odds, the results would not have been as catastrophic without a toxic solution of urea contaminating the amniotic fluid.
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gulfoilindiaadblue · 5 months
Contrary to popular belief, this Urea Solution is not hazardous to diesel engines. It is a critical component of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems that aids in the breakdown of hazardous nitrogen oxides (NOx) into non-toxic nitrogen and water vapor.
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blogpostsonline · 2 years
Synthetic Urine - What You Need to Know
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Using synthetic urine is not the same as using natural urine. You should follow certain guidelines to ensure that you're using the product correctly. 
Shelf Life
Synthetic urine is an effective and affordable solution whether you need to pass a test or want to play a practical joke. As a result, it's widely used in various industries, including wildlife photography, agriculture, and even sales.
Synthetic urine has a shelf life of approximately two to three years. However, this will vary from product to product. Several factors contribute to the shelf life of synthetic urine. These factors include the type of synthetic urine, the ingredients, the storage conditions, and the manufacturer.
The most reliable synthetic urine brand will come with quality ingredients, good customer service, and a clear and concise user manual. It also must be tested to ensure its validity.
The synthetic urine of the future can be found in the form of a powdered or liquid form. Powdered synthetic urine has a longer shelf life, but it may be more expensive to prepare. In addition, the bottle must be tightly sealed to prevent ice crystals from forming. The powdered version is also easier to access, and it doesn't require a lot of mixing.
Heat Activation Powder
Using heat activation powder to get your synthetic urine to the right temperature can greatly help. It can make getting through a test a bit less stressful. However, you need to find a good quality product to get the job done.
While heat activator powder may be the best way to get your urine to the right temperature, it's not the only way. Using your body heat can also work wonders. However, it's important to remember that your urine will only stay warm for a short period. If you plan to take a longer test, you should get the right thermal activator powder.
Opt for a heating pad if you are trying to get the job done on a tight budget. Heat pads are easy to use and can keep your fake urine at the right temperature for hours. They're also great for basic pre-employment tests.
Various studies have been performed on synthetic urine. These methods include hyphenation of solid phase extraction (SPE) with HPLC and subsequent analysis. This method is useful for the pre-concentration of synthetic urine samples. In addition, several studies have also been done on the pre-concentration of scopolamine (SCP) in urine.
The present study developed a MISPE-DPX-CE method to pre-concentrate SCP in synthetic urine. The method was evaluated for its analytical performance and pharmacological relevance. It was also compared with similar studies to assess its sensitivity and selectivity.
The Chemical Balance of the Urine
Unlike real human urine, synthetic urine is laboratory-developed chemical composition. Synthetic urine contains uric acid, creatinine, and pH balancers. Synthetic urine can be purchased as a powder, paste, or gel.
The components of urine are important biomarkers in the diagnosis of various diseases. The composition of urine changes depending on age, gender, diet, and medication. It also depends on hormone status and physical activity.
Some of the main ingredients of urine are urea, creatinine, and sodium citrate. Among these, urea is the largest contributor to the spectrum. The first principal component accounts for 72.7% of the variance, and the second component accounts for 19.5%.
Detection of synthetic urine is a task best left to trained toxicologists. These experts can identify the markers of human urine and the chemicals used to create fake urine.
Detection of synthetic urine is best accomplished at the point of collection. Therefore, the sample should never be handed over to an untrained third party.
Some key components of synthetic urine are urea, creatine, and other metabolites. Detection of synthetic urine also involves examining the pH level of the sample. The pH of human urine is in the range of 4.0 to 10. Therefore, the higher the pH level, the more likely the sample is fake.
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Ultimate Guide To Deep Cleaning Carpets: Tackling Pet Urine Odors Effectively
Carpets can bring warmth and style to any home, but they also tend to trap odors, especially when you share your space with pets. If you've ever dealt with the lingering scent of pet urine on your carpet, you know how stubborn it can be. It's not just an unpleasant smell; it can affect the overall atmosphere of your home. Thankfully, deep cleaning carpets is more than possible—it's necessary for maintaining a fresh living environment. Deep Clean Carpet Pet Urine
This guide will cover everything you need to know about effectively tackling those pesky pet urine odors. From understanding where these smells come from to gathering the right tools and supplies, we've got you covered every step of the way. Ready to reclaim your carpet? Let's dive into this ultimate guide to deep cleaning carpets and say goodbye to those unwanted scents!
Understanding the source of pet urine odor
Pet urine odor originates from the breakdown of urea, a compound found in urine. When pets urinate on carpets, this substance seeps into fibers and padding. As it dries, it decomposes and releases ammonia—a pungent smell that can linger long after the accident.
The issue becomes more complex with time. Bacteria thrive in damp environments, further intensifying odors. If left untreated, these bacteria multiply, creating an even more potent scent.
Different pets produce varying concentrations of substances in their urine. Dogs may have distinct smells based on diet or health conditions. Cats' urine is notorious for its pungent odor due to its higher protein content.
Recognizing these elements helps you tackle pet urine odors effectively. Understanding the source provides insight into the best methods during your deep clean carpet pet urine efforts.
Tools and supplies needed for deep cleaning carpets
Having the right tools and supplies is essential for effectively deep-cleaning carpets, especially when tackling pet urine odors. Start with a good-quality carpet cleaner or steam cleaner. These machines penetrate fibers deeply, removing all dirt and odors.
Next, gather absorbent materials like paper towels or rags. These are crucial for blotting up excess moisture before you apply cleaning solutions.
Remember about enzymatic cleaners specifically designed to neutralize pet urine smells. These products break down odor-causing compounds at their source.
A vacuum with solid suction capabilities is also vital for thorough preparation before cleaning. It removes loose hair and debris that can hinder effectiveness.
Consider having baking soda on hand. It acts as a natural deodorizer, helping to freshen your carpets post-cleaning without harsh chemicals.
Preparing the carpet for cleaning
Preparing your carpet is crucial before diving into the deep cleaning process. Start by removing any furniture or obstacles. This clears the space and gives you access to all affected areas.
Next, vacuum thoroughly. This step removes loose dirt and debris that could hinder the cleaning solution's effectiveness. Make sure to cover every inch of the carpet for a comprehensive clean.
Inspect for stains or spots that need extra attention. Mark these areas so you can treat them more effectively later on.
If your carpet is filthy, consider giving it a quick steam treatment before applying cleaners. This helps loosen embedded dirt and odors.
Ensure good ventilation in the area by opening windows or using fans. Fresh air will aid in drying after cleaning and help dissipate lingering odors.
Step-by-step guide to removing pet urine odors from carpets
A systematic approach makes all the difference when tackling pet urine odors in your carpets. Begin by gathering your tools and supplies. An enzymatic cleaner designed for pet stains is essential, as it breaks down odor-causing compounds. You'll also need paper towels, a clean cloth, warm water, and possibly a carpet shampooer if you have one.
Start by blotting up any excess liquid from the stain using paper towels or a clean cloth. Press firmly but avoid rubbing, as this can spread the urine further into the fibers. Once you've absorbed as much moisture as possible, apply an enzymatic cleaner directly to the affected area according to the package instructions.
Allow the cleaner to sit for at least 10-15 minutes to penetrate deep into the carpet fibers and effectively neutralize odors. Afterward, blot again with fresh towels to remove any remaining solution and stubborn stains.
Consider using a carpet shampooer filled with warm water mixed with mild detergent after treating specific areas for urine stains for more extensive cleaning. This will help refresh your entire carpet while ensuring no lingering odors remain.
Let your carpets dry thoroughly before allowing pets back on them—this can take several hours, depending on humidity levels in your home. Once thoroughly dried, vacuuming will help restore fluffiness and remove any leftover particles from the cleaning products.
If you follow these steps correctly, you'll be well-equipped to deep clean carpets affected by pet urine effectively! Regular maintenance can keep those pesky odors at bay.
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pranalip · 8 days
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diagnosticpoint · 10 days
Affordable Senior Citizen Health Checkup Packages in Bhubaneswar: Prioritize Your Health
As we age, our health requires more attention and care. Senior citizens, in particular, face unique health challenges, and routine checkups become crucial in maintaining their well-being. Bhubaneswar, the capital city of Odisha, is home to several medical facilities that offer specialized health checkups designed to meet the specific needs of the elderly. In this blog, we will explore why opting for a senior citizen health checkup package in Bhubaneswar is vital and how you can prioritize your health without breaking the bank.
The Importance of Health Checkups for Senior Citizens
Aging brings about natural changes in the body, and with these changes come increased risks for a variety of health issues. Common concerns for senior citizens include cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, arthritis, and even cognitive decline. Early detection through regular health checkups can help in the timely diagnosis and management of these conditions, improving the quality of life.
With a senior citizen health checkup package in Bhubaneswar, you are essentially investing in preventive healthcare. These packages are designed to screen for common illnesses and monitor your overall health. They often include tests for vital parameters like blood sugar levels, cholesterol, kidney function, and even cancer screenings.
What Should a Senior Citizen Health Checkup Include?
Before diving into the benefits of opting for a senior citizen health checkup package in Bhubaneswar, it’s essential to understand what these checkups typically cover. While the exact tests may vary depending on the package or the facility, most comprehensive packages include the following:
Complete Blood Count (CBC) – This test measures various components of your blood, such as red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. It helps detect conditions like anemia, infections, and blood disorders.
Blood Sugar Test – A fasting blood sugar test is crucial for diagnosing and monitoring diabetes, a common concern for older adults.
Lipid Profile – This test checks for cholesterol and triglyceride levels, helping to assess your risk for heart diseases.
Kidney Function Test – This includes serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) tests to monitor kidney health.
Liver Function Test – This assesses the functioning of your liver, screening for any potential liver diseases.
Electrocardiogram (ECG) – This simple test helps evaluate heart health by measuring the electrical activity of the heart.
Bone Density Test – Bone health tends to decline with age, and this test helps in diagnosing osteoporosis or other bone-related issues.
Thyroid Function Test – Thyroid issues are common in older adults, and this test checks for abnormal thyroid hormone levels.
Urine Test – A routine urine examination can reveal kidney problems, urinary infections, or other health issues.
Chest X-Ray – This helps screen for lung conditions, especially if the patient is a smoker or has a history of respiratory issues.
Eye Checkup – A comprehensive eye exam can detect cataracts, glaucoma, or age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Hearing Test – Hearing loss is common in elderly individuals, and a hearing test can help in early detection.
Dental Checkup – Dental health often gets neglected, but regular checkups can help detect oral cancers or gum diseases.
These tests are typically bundled together in a senior citizen health checkup package in Bhubaneswar, making it a convenient and cost-effective solution for maintaining your health.
Why Bhubaneswar?
Bhubaneswar has become a healthcare hub, offering state-of-the-art medical facilities and a range of healthcare services. Senior citizens living in or around the city have easy access to world-class diagnostics and treatment at affordable rates. Diagnostic centers in Bhubaneswar, such as Diagnostic Point, have recognized the need for affordable healthcare solutions tailored specifically for the elderly.
The city offers various senior citizen health checkup packages that cater to different needs and budgets. Whether you're looking for a comprehensive health assessment or specific tests based on your medical history, Bhubaneswar’s diagnostic centers provide a range of options.
Affordable and Accessible Healthcare
One of the key benefits of opting for a senior citizen health checkup package in Bhubaneswar is the affordability. Medical expenses can add up quickly, especially for senior citizens who may be living on a fixed income or pension. However, diagnostic centers in Bhubaneswar offer packages that are both affordable and comprehensive, allowing you to get the care you need without overspending.
Moreover, many diagnostic centers also offer home sample collection services, which can be a boon for senior citizens who may have mobility issues. This ensures that elderly individuals can get their tests done from the comfort of their home, adding another layer of convenience.
How to Choose the Right Health Checkup Package
With so many options available, how do you choose the right senior citizen health checkup package in Bhubaneswar? Here are a few tips to help you decide:
Evaluate Your Health Needs – Before opting for a package, consider your specific health concerns. If you have a history of diabetes or heart disease, look for packages that focus on these conditions.
Check the Reputation of the Diagnostic Center – Not all diagnostic centers are the same. Look for well-established centers like Diagnostic Point that have a good reputation for accuracy and professionalism.
Compare Package Contents – Some packages may include additional tests that are not necessary for your health condition, while others might miss out on important ones. Make sure the package you choose covers all essential tests.
Consider Convenience – If you're not able to visit the diagnostic center in person, choose a package that offers home sample collection services.
Look for Discounts – Many diagnostic centers offer discounts on health checkup packages for senior citizens. Keep an eye out for such offers to make the package even more affordable.
Review Customer Feedback – Before making your decision, take a look at customer reviews and feedback to get an idea of the quality of service offered by the diagnostic center.
How Often Should Senior Citizens Get Health Checkups?
Regular health checkups are crucial for senior citizens, but how often should they be done? The answer depends on your overall health and medical history. For most elderly individuals, an annual health checkup is sufficient. However, if you have a pre-existing condition like diabetes or heart disease, more frequent checkups may be recommended by your doctor.
It’s essential to consult your healthcare provider to determine how often you should undergo a senior citizen health checkup package in Bhubaneswar. They can provide guidance based on your medical history, age, and risk factors.
The Role of Preventive Healthcare in Senior Years
Preventive healthcare plays a critical role in ensuring that senior citizens lead healthy, active lives. Regular checkups help catch potential health issues early, allowing for prompt treatment and management. This not only improves the quality of life but can also extend life expectancy by keeping chronic conditions under control.
Moreover, preventive healthcare empowers senior citizens to take control of their health. It helps in building awareness about potential risks and encourages a proactive approach to maintaining well-being.
The Bottom Line: Prioritize Your Health
In conclusion, opting for a senior citizen health checkup package in Bhubaneswar is one of the best ways to prioritize your health in your golden years. These packages are tailored to meet the specific needs of the elderly, offering a range of tests that help in the early detection of common health issues.
Bhubaneswar’s healthcare infrastructure is well-equipped to provide affordable, accessible, and comprehensive health checkups. Diagnostic centers like Diagnostic Point are dedicated to offering the best services for senior citizens, ensuring they receive the care they deserve.
Remember, taking care of your health is an investment in your future. Regular health checkups can prevent complications, improve your quality of life, and help you stay active and independent for longer. So, if you haven’t already, consider scheduling a senior citizen health checkup package in Bhubaneswar today!
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