#Uris Library
sassy-zorua · 1 year
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Uris Library, Cornell University, New York
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incorrect-losers · 1 year
Bill: *Reading the ending for his upcoming book*
Bill: What do you think, Stan?
Stan: You could publish that… or to save time, you could drop knock-out gas on all your readers
Mike: I for one, hung on every word
Bill: (:
Mike: Still, I’ll see to it that pillows and blankets are included for those who may require them
Stan & Mike: *high five*
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maxiwaxipads · 4 months
City of Borealis, Briar Valley
(i promise i wrote this all in advance a long time ago and I'm not insane <3) The City of Borealis is the hub of Briar Valley’s most populous city with its nearby arcane institute, Grey Wings Institute. Over the years, technology has slowly been implemented throughout Borealis and built up its own population. Borealis was once a part of a befallen human nation which still continues many of its past traditions. (Note: The "War of Morrow" is related to Lilia's dream and that will be the name I will refer to it as) (I should mention this might not fully comply with the information we currently have with Book 7 or the Briar Valley itself. I wrote this a while ago.) (I didn't include all the information I have. Because if I did, finding the notes and piecing them together would be more trouble than necessary.)
Borealis has a known tradition of its Iridescent Festival that celebrates new hopes for prosperity and generates a supple amount of blessings throughout the city. Flowers themselves are decorated throughout the city, and many attendees are donned with them. This year’s Iridescent Festival is expected to be big and an invitation was forwarded to Malleus who’ll also bring you along.
From the rest of Briar Valley, the City of Borealis is quite distinct due to the Briar Valley’s lack of modernism. Borealis is populated with either students of the Grey Wings Institute, scholars, or the local population.
Compared to the rest of the Briar Valley, the City of Borealis is considerably more diverse and contains citizens from all walks of life.
Regarding technology within the City of Borealis, as mentioned before it’s a slow implementation. Despite being more modernized compared to other regions of the Briar Valley it carries technology considered outdated compared to other countries. (The same as everything else, anything regarding outside exports is largely outdated information or technology.) (Even information or materials arrive months or years later within the city) (Information outside the region is passed on slowly, and issues such as magazines or newspapers are often a few months or years old)
The current City of Borealis, it retains half its size than it was 400 - 500 ago. Due to the War of Morrow, its other half was shrouded within a suffocating mist originating from ancient incantation where all dies before there’s sunlight met. Anything that escapes its grasp is either the deceased or old ruins. Sometimes even rare plants curated from a high-magic density can be found growing around. (Cursed forest rumored to be caused by the ‘Rhizanthes Witch,’ or the Witch in Red after killing her king in the name of revenge) (Result of Ancient Incantation rather than natural phenomena, I imagine some try growing rare plants nearby for the amount of magic they hold in one place) (Heavily guarded to prevent anybody from accidentally or intentionally getting caught in the mist) (Though it is being studied, and there is research to see if the ancient incantation placed upon it can be removed)
I imagine one of the Iridescent Festival’s famous traditions is lantern-making. Thousands are released into the sky before they’re permitted to burn with the usage of magic after reaching a certain height.
The City of Borealis, while a territory of the Briar Valley, wasn’t originally a part of the nation, but was previously the royal capital of the Kingdom of the Dawn before its ultimate demise. (Lacked proper leadership, and was on a steady decline) (Compared to 500 years ago, the present is majorly different than the past)
Three Wise Sages (TWST version of the Three Good Fairies)
Wise Sages who've existed since the founding and falling of the Kingdom of the Dawn. Their existence has since been erased since the War of Morrow, with only 2 members of their bloodline believed to be existing.
Uri Ipomoea (Fauna's TWST) has sworn her loyalty to the Briar Valley’s heir apparent, Malleus Draconia. Employed as the Headmage to the Grey Wings Institute, and entrusted as the Lord of Borealis from the current queen.
Betrayed their kindred to side with humans to create the Kingdom of the Dawn. Saw potential with humanity. They are pacifist by nature and refused to participate in wars and battles, though it took the War of Morrow to topple their vows of nonviolence. Morrigan was forced to fight as a general, Aine was assassinated by King Henrik’s order, and Fianna fled after the death of Aine.
(I wrote a lot on these, but basically, Fianna is related to Flora, Morrigan is related to Merryweather, and Aine is related to Fauna)
(While pacifists, that doesn’t mean they weren't petty) (Fianna betrayed her creed of remaining peaceful and killed King Henrik) (Vanished, her fate is believed to be unknown) (Morrigan if you want to count her, though she was technically forced to participate as a general in the War of Morrow) (Aine was killed for her transgression of the war against King Henrik) (In front of Uri who witnessed the death of her mother)
Heralded as the “Three Wise Sages” for their dedication to education and learning. Their efforts led to the creation of the Grey Wings Institute as an arcane school sponsoring solely women. (Before confusing anyone, the present Grey Wings Institute sponsors all genders but first intended to only teach women)
(Could never teach Ancient Incantations in fear of starting a war with the Briar Valley(?)) (Though the sages personally practiced the usage of Ancient Incantations) (They’re able to demonstrate it, but never teach it)
(Originally, the reasons of the War of Morrow started because of King Henrik’s meddling and desire for conquest(?)) (While the Sages are an influential force in their own right, I imagine there isn’t much they can do, except lessen the impact)
(Infamous for their rivalry with the Fairy of Thorns(?)) (Their encounters are enough to make a novel series)
Similar to how Malleus comes from an egg, the sages are conceptualized as flowers. (They feed off their mother's magic until the flower itself can circulate magic on its own) (Basically, it's like asexual reproduction(?)) (that's why they have no dads <3)
Uri Ipomoea is the Headmaster of the Grey Wings Institute and the Lord of Borealis. Originally, it was Malleus's grandmother who was forwarded an invitation to the Iridescent Festival, but she forwarded it to Malleus. A young child during the War of Morrow, she is unconditionally loyal to the City of Borealis and strives to continue its growth. (Fauna's TWST)
Mirin Wich-Tree is Uri's adoptive sister and currently attending as a second year at the Grey Wings Institute. Vice-President to the Student Body. (Merryweather's TWST)
Rhodes Strangleweed is from the small village of Dregs on the outskirts of the Briar Valley. Her mother, Fianna Rhizanthes came to this village after her murder of King Henrik. Rhodes is unaware of her mother's true identity until meeting Uri. A 2nd year attending the Grey Wings Institute, a member of the sewing club. (Flora's TWST)
(i have a lot written about them, this is only a gross summary of their characters </3) (all 3 are fae) (fun fact!! they all share the same signature spell but have different incantations) (that are all longer than necessary)
(i have other OCs on GWI's other students, though they aren't relevant to the Iridescent Festival story sadly) (mainly on the student council)
Unique Flora
Sillows are a species of flower within the Briar Valley cultivated to create textile fabrics from its thorny shrubs. Although most abundant within the Briar Valley they occur naturally throughout Twisted Wonderland. Their petals are also collected to make floral teas, as described sweet and savory.
(I imagine because of the Briar Valley’s abundance of naturally occurring magic, Sillows from this region are more flexible when it comes to manipulating fabric with magic itself)
(Like it’s more dynamic to use magic to manipulate the fabric’s form(?)) (They’re quite abundant and considered a culturally special flower to the Briar Valley and the Dawn)
Unique to the Briar Valley, Lumin flowers are known for their luminescence that glow similar to an aurora in the dark. Their natural light is dim, though channeling magic within these flowers will also cause them to simmer even more. Lumin flowers are specially decorated during Iridescent Festivals and glow even brighter when blessings are distributed throughout the city. (Wither once plucked)
(Thousands surround the city) (First appearing as tucked flowers that have yet to bloom) (Decorated during a planned performance of the "Primordial Prayer")
Iridescent Festival
Unique within the City of Borealis which was once a part of a befallen nation, the Iridescent Festival is the celebration of new hopes and prosperity. Thousands of unique flowers are decorated across the city with lanterns symbolizing and hanging to mimic stars. Festival participants don cascading costumes made for dancing and may find themselves wearing decorated hats reminiscent of the wise sages. (<-Often these hats are plain and unadorned for loved ones to embroider and decorate on) (But some might like making unique hats of their own)
During the Iridescent Festival, GWI opens its doors for visiting hours with school activities paused for about a week. Students and faculty host food stalls, games, and performances. I imagine GWI is basically a cultural exchange and more untraditional instead of what the rest of Borealis offers.
Primordial Prayer [Love Stretching Aeon]
Once integral to the Iridescent Festival until the death of Borealis’s Sages, the “Primordial Prayer” is expected to take place upon the final day of the festival which releases numerous blessings founded on good luck and betterment for the future. During the Primordial Prayer, thousands of Lumin flowers glitter luminously throughout the City of Borealis.
The Primordial Prayer itself is a blessing crafted by the Three Wise Sages to inspire hope and bring happiness to the people. Celebration towards hopes of the future and meant to inspire happiness in anyone who comes forth across the spell.
A powerful incantation that only the Three Wise Sages kept to themselves and could solely perform. It’s a potent blessing that shows itself like embers of snow.
Lumins under the performance of the Primordial Prayer are said to glow yellow which is often compared to the stars.
Considered to be a once-in-a-lifetime to those who witness the Primordial Prayer, it’s often played during the last day of the Iridescent Festival. Those who experience the Primordial Prayer firsthand often describe it as comforting and beautiful.
Full Incantation - “Love surmises my existence, feast upon my heart, and nourish from the accomplishments I’ve curated for those I developed yearning.
I, desperate for a beloved’s eternity, understand this as a fraught wish.
Awake your long-held dreams from slumber, as I cast the snowy plain of stars from the heavens onto you. 
Longing, as this moment defines devotion and relaxing the weight upon the waking days.
Illuminate the unchained glisten of the suns and moons, as I cascade a blinding hope upon your hearts. 
Primordial whispers, answer to my call; Primordial skies, answer to the delimited daybreak. This devotion shall hold longer than nigh. Primordial Prayer.”
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celestial-sapphicss · 2 years
10 songs on your playlist right now!
rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs, and then tag ten people. no skipping!
OH this feels like baring my soul!!!! thank you for tagging me @heart-ming & @justafriend-ql 💗🫶
because I'm a weirdo i have different apps for different music, like i have bollywood songs pirated downloaded on my phone, prime music for english + other music and spotify for everything i can't find on prime music (which is mostly thai music)!!! and i don't do playlists, i just add all my songs to my library and hit shuffle 😶‍🌫️ so here's all three!!!!
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tagging: @i-got-the-feels @wanderlust-in-my-soul @writtenalloveryourface28 @sorrowfulliming @deshimango @chinzhillababy @pondphuwin (no pressure though ✨💌)
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pissfizz · 1 year
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Coughs. Future if he didn’t fucking blast off at eight years old (with his canon self next to him ofc)
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newcodesociety · 6 months
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weepingwitch · 8 months
i know this means absolutely nothing to most people but basically all of the little web game things I've made recently (angels in automata, hex plant growing game, d.a.n.m.a.k.u., life music, sudoku land, the metroidvania style map editor, etc etc etc) are all entirely self-contained individual client-side html files that can be downloaded and run offline and have literally no libraries or frameworks or dependencies, because i'm an insane woman who enjoys hand coding my input handling and display code from scratch in vanilla js and having it all live in one single html file with the game logic and the page structure and the page style all just living and loving together side by side in a universal format that can be run by any web browser on any devixe. i'll even include image files as base64 data-uri strings just to keep every single asset inside the one file.
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adarkrainbow · 5 months
Some scholarly notes about the Grimm fairytales (1)
Recently in France (well... for the last two dozen years), the publishing house José Corti has been specializing itself in scientific fairytales collections. While for the study of literary fairytales one would go towards Honoré Champion, when it comes to folktales and fairytales it is José Corti one must check. In their "Merveilleux" collection they have been publishing for the very first time in France or republishing out-of-prints collections of various European fairytales (from Denmark, Spain, Romania, and more) - with a few classics of the "literary" fairytales that marked deeply the evolution of the genre (such as Straparola's Facetious Nights or Ludwig Bechstein's fairytales).
All of that to say, José Corti has in 2009 published the most recent scientific (but for an all-public) edition of the brothers Grimm fairytales. The full collection of their fairytales, translated accurately in French, with annotations about their type/classification, their evolution throughout editions and their predecessors. I can't share all of these annotations with you, of course, but I can share a handful of them, about the most famous stories of the Grimm. They all come from the same person who translated the story in this edition: Natacha Rimasson-Fertin. (Of course my notes might be incomplete but hey, you'll have to buy the books to see the whole thing :p Or check them out at your local library)
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The devil with three golden hairs (Der Teufel mit den dre goldenen Haaren)
This story is at the crossroa between the Aa-Th 461 "Three hair from the devil's beard" ; the AT 460B "The quest for fortune" and the AT 93à "Urie's letter/The prophecy".
In the 1812 edition, there were two different versions of this tale. Story number 29 "The story of the devil with three golden hair", told by Amalia Hassenpflug, and number 75, "The phenix", told by her sister Mary. In the second version the devil was replaced by a phoenix, and the hero had to get three feathers. In the 1819 edition the two stories disappeared and were replaced by the version we know today, told by Dorothea Viehmann. Another version that the Grimms had collected in 1812 had a princess falling in love with the woodsman that cuts a tree below her window.
The final episode, where the hero asks three questions to the devil through the old woman, echoes the Pentamerone's "The Seven Doves". Other versions of this story include Asbjörnsen-Moe's "The wealthy Peter Krämer", and Afanassiev's "Marco the Wealthy and Vassili the Unfortunate". The story of the brothers Grimm gathers several references to the Bible: the child throw in the water echoes Moses' abandonment, the letter meant to kill the hero is similar to the one David uses to kill Urie, finally the hair as holders of a being's wisdom and strength is linked to the legend of Samson and Dalila. But many other elements of the story evoke older faiths. The idea of a body of water as the frontier with the Otherworld can be found in the Classical Antiquity with the Greek Charon, and is found in other stories of the volume, such as "Frau Holle" and "The Iron Stove" - it as believed that water formed an obstacle spirits could not cross. The hero's mission recalls a tale of Saxo Grammaticus where Thorkill enters Utgard (the realm of supernatural beings) to steal a hair from the beard of Utgard-loki. The brothers Grimm had noted that the belief in the exceptional fate of a child born with a "hood" was also found in Iceland, where the "caul", called Glückshaut (skin of luck) was the home of a genie that would follow the child all of his life. And indeed, modern research has proven that the name given to this caul, the "fyljia" was also the name of a spiritual double, a tutlar spirit tied to a person or a family. This is why the tradition was to preserve and hide this "pileus naturalis" - in Belgium, it was called a "hem" and its color allowed for divination rituals about the child's future.
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The girl without hands (Das Mädchen ohne Hände)
This fairytale is actually a cross between the AT type 706 "The maiden without hands" and the AT 930 "Urie's letter/The prophecy". The story was created by the brothers mixing two versions from Hesse, one told by Mary Hassenpflug, the other by Dorothea Viehmann. The second version lacks this story's introduction and begins with a father trying to marry his own daughter - when she refuses, he cuts off her hands and breasts, and chases her out of his house. It then follows the story. Meanwhile, the first version differs when the heroine is with her child in the forest: an old man tells her to hug three time a tree with her arms, which makes her hands grow again. He also tells her to only open the door of her house to one who will ask to enter "for the love of God" three times in a row - the king will be forced to do this before entering.
Outside of these two main versions, the brothers Grimm collected three additional ones. In the first, the angel that guides the girl is replaced by a small light that descends from the sky ; and the hands of the girl grow back when she plunges her arms in a stream after seeing a blind mouse enter its water to regain its sight. In the second version, a man is upset at his little girl praying for him day and night, but since she refuses to stop despite his demands, he cuts off her tongue. But she prays in thought and makes the sign of the cross, so he cuts off her right hand, then her arm all the way to the elbow, before banishing her. She is saved by a hunter that hides her in his master's domain and feeds her in secret with his master's dogs. When the master discovers this, he decides to raise the girl as his own child. One day she gives money to a poor man, who tells her she will regain her arm and tongue if she goes to drink of a certain stream, and he gives her a magical staff to protect her. When she returns at the lord's house, he marries her. The third version is about a queen banished by her husband with her two children, and is identical to the legend of saint Helen.
Other international versions of the tale include Zingerle's "The pretty daughter of the innkeeper", Basile's "Penta the one-armed girl" and Afanassiev's "The young girl without hands". There are some versions where it is a man that is mutlated, such as Afanassiev's "The brave without legs and the blind brave". The roots of this story date back to the end of the 12th century, and are located in southern England - this tale was the subject of numerous literary adaptations, the most famous being the verse romance of the 13th century "The Beautiful Helen of Constantinople".
The motif of the child sold to the devil is recurring among the Grimm fairytales - even though the character of the devil can be replaced by another supernatural being, such as in "Rapunzel" or "The Nixie of the Mill-Pond". The idea of offering the first thing one sees upon returning home is as old as the Ancient Testament (Judges). This story bears the signs of a heavy Christianiation, and was clearly inspired by the legend of Saint Genevieve of Brabant, falsefely accused of being unfaithful and condemned to death with her newborn child. The executioners take pity on her and she lives alone in the woods for seven years. As with other tales from the Grimm collection, this story mixes the Christian fantasy (the hands that regrow are treated as a Christian miracle) with pagan fantasy (there are several elements of folk-magic, such as the circle the girl draws around her to be protected from the devil, or the accusations of the queen giving birth to a changeling - a changeling also appears in the third story of "The Elves", KHM 39).
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The Robber Bridegroom (Der Räuberbräutigam)
This story belongs to the fairytale type Aa-Th 955, named after it: "The robber bridegroom".
The tale was told to Jacob Grimm by Mary Hassenpflug, and was present as early as the 1810 manuscript. However this first version, that the brothers deemed "incomplete" was replaced from the 1812 edition onward by a new version which mixed two versions from Lower-Hesse. The brothers noted the existence of another version where the robber indicated the road to his house to a princess, by tying ribbons around the trees.
Ludwig Bechstein took inspiration from the brothers Grimm's tale to create his own "The Robber Bridegroom". This fairytale, like "Fichter's Bird", belongs to the "Bluebeard cycle" (several tales that the brothers removed from their first edition also belonged to this cycle).
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Fitcher's Bird (Fitchers Vogel)
This tale is a variation of the Aa-Th 311 "The heroine rescues herself and her sisters", usually classified under the "Bluebeard" category.
The final text of the Grimms is actually a mix of two different versions of the same story that was told to the brothers by both Friedrike Mannel and Dortchen Wild. The Grimms noted the existence of a version from Hanovre which goes as follow: a poor woodcutter asks his daughter to bring him his meal in the forest, and to show them the way he places peas on the floor. However dwarves notice this, and change the emplacement of the pea so that their path leads to their grotto. The older girl follows the peas, and become the dwarves' slave. Then we have the Bluebeard "forbidden room" motif, and the story goes as the "Fitcher's Bird" goes, as the dwarves lure the two other sisters to their cave. The last sister sticks the feathers on her body by rolling herself in blood (presumably the blood of the dwarves' victims), and there is no resurrection of the sisters. Everybody that meets her on the way call her "geputzter Vogel". The dwarves hunt the girl down and almost catch her just as she reaches her father's house - she is so fast in closing the door that it cuts a piece of her heel. The Grimms also knew of a Dutch version of the story, translated in German, and that was identical to one of their first-editions tales, "The Murder-Castle".
The translation of the name of the "bird" always caused many problems, due to the difficulty of understanding the expression. The brothers Grimm themselves explained the name of the bird by the Icelandic "Fitfuglar", meaning "birds that swim" - as such, the girl would be called "Fitchers-Vogel" because she looks like a swan". However, other people do not agree with this etymology, some linking Fitcher with "Fitze", the thread. Rimasson-Fertin highlights that the expression "Fitchers Fitze", outside of a simple sonority game, might be two variations of the male name Fritz (the diminutive of Friedrich) - other usual diminutives were Fitze, Fitz and Fiete. The brothers Grimm noted that the motif of the blood that cannot be erased was much older than Perrault's Bluebeard - it could be found as early as the "Gesta Romanorum", where a mother who had murdered her child couldn't erase three blood-drops from her hand, forcing her to wear a glove. This story must be compared to the KHM 40, "The Robber Bridegroom".
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The Juniper Tree (Von dem Machandelboom)
It is the AaTh 720 "My mother killed me, my father ate me".
Just like the tale of "The Fisherman and his wife", this story was written by the painter P. O. Runge, and the brothers Grimm used it as a model for how they should present their own fairy tales. In fact, we can note sentences almost identical between the two tales.
The brothers noted a variation of the story where the stepmother places her daughter near the pot where her brother cooks, and she forbids her from looking inside. But since the pot boils too much, the girl lifts the lid - then her brother's hand reaches out to her from the cauldron. There is yet another version noted by the Grimm where there are three children, not two, and the stepmother sends them pick up strawberries in the wood, promising an apple to whoever comes back first.
The cruelty of this fairytale earned the brothers a serious criticism from Achim von Arnim - who only tolerated such violence because it echoed the one present in Goethe's Faust. The description "red as blood, white as snow" of course echoes the tale of "Snow-White". The brothers Grimm mentionned in their notes that the juniper tree was a plant believed to have the power to bring back youth - and Rölleke noted that the juniper-tree's red berries were used in folk-magic. It seems to be a very ancient tale due to several very old motifs such as the soul returning in the shape of a bird, a resurrection out of bones, and cannibalism. This tale must be compared to "Brother Lustig", "The Singing Bone" and, of course, "The Fisherman and his wife".
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Briar Rose (Dornröschen)
Of course, it is the AaTh 410 "Sleeping Beauty".
This fairytale was present as early as the 1810 manuscript, written by Jacob Grimm from a tale told by Marie Hassenpflug. Research has proven that this story is derived from Charles Perrault's own Sleeping Beauty. We also find back in the German story a motif coming from another famous French literary fairytale, madame d'Aulnoy's "The Hind in the Woods/The Doe in the Woods" (also known as the White Doe). In this story a Crayfish/Lobster fairy announces to the queen she will have a child, and later the same fairy curses the princess as she is born - and what a coincidence! In the first edition of "Briar Rose", the animal that announces the princess' birth is not a frog... but a crayfish. Proving that there is a direct link. As for the name of the princess n German, "Dornröschen", "small briar rose", it actually first appeared in the German translation of a 1730 fairytale by Anthony Hamilton (an Irish man who however spoke and wrote French), "Fleur d'épine" (Thorn flower/Briar flower) - it had been translated in 1790. Bolte and Polivka have also noted a comedy by Gryphius from 1660 whch was named "Die geliebte Dornrose", "The beloved briar rose".
In their notes about the fairytale, the Grimm brothers explicitely compare Briar Rose to the legend of Brunhild asleep behind a wall of fire, cursed into a magical slumber by Odin's "sleep-thorn" and woken up by Sigurd, the only one able to cross the wall of flames. The brothers Grimm were also aware of Basile's version of the story, "Thalia, Sun and Moon", which they compared to their own Briar Rose in their notes. The brothers were very fascinated by the consistant naming of the princess' children from Perrault (Dawn, Day) to Basile (Sun, Moon) and compared it to the occurences of "Day, Sun and Moon" as names within the Eddas. However we know that Perrault was heavily inspired by Basile's story when writing his own Sleeping Beauty, and only modified some parts so as to erase the more shocking and "unpleasant" parts (such as the married prince having sex with the sleeping girl). Of course, this story is also to be compared with the 14th century medieval tale of the Roman de Perceforest.
The wise women that appear in this story are the Germanic equivalent of the fairies. In fact, we know that the brothers Grimm carefully avoided (or erased) any mention of "Fee" (the German word for the English "fairy" and French "fée") from their tales, so as to better differentiate them from the French "fairy tales", "contes de fées". By turning the fairies into wise women making predictions at the child's birth, the Grimms notably opened an entire set of symbolism and interpretations linking them to the mythological figures of the Norns, Parcae and Moirai.
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Snow White (Schneewittchen)
Of course, it is the AaTh 709 "Snow-White".
The full editing history of this tale was only "recently" recreated (the book was published in 2009, it was recent back then) in its entirety. We know that it begins in 1808 with a version collected by Ferdinand Grimm, brother of Jacob and Wilhelm, called "Schneeweibchen". It seems Ferdinand might have invented the story on his own. Wilhelm and Jacob then slowly modified it, by adding details from other collected versions, before publishing it in their first edition in 1810 (they did note at the time that it was a Lower-Germany story, and that in Upper-Germany the tale did exist but with the deformed name of "Schliwitchen". When the Grimms did their second edition, the main change they performed onto this story was the modification of the wicked mother into a wicked stepmother - something they also did for "Hansel and Gretel". In fact, from edition to edition the Grimms kept adding adjectives and expressons highlighting the opposition between the girl and the vain queen.
Th Grimms had collected several variations of the tale. One was much closer to the tale of "The Juniper Tree" and in it the queen, as she was with the king on a hunting sled, cut her finger while peeling an apple. In another variation the king and queen were walking by three mounts of snow, than went by three pools of blood, and finally saw three ravens in the sky, and each time the king wishes for a girl with the corresponding colors - soon afterward the couple encountered a little girl fitting this description. The king, immediately attached to her, takes her with him in their royal carriage, but the queen immediately hates her and tries to get rid of her - so she asks the girl to go seek a glove she threw out of the window, and while she is out of the carriage she asks the driver to leave as fast as he can. Then the little girl takes refuge at the seven dwarves' house.
The fairytale existed in German literature before the brothers Grimm published it. Indeed J. A. Musaüs had published in 1782 a fairytale called "Richilde" - and the Grimm were influenced by this tale, since in the margins of their first edition, they noted about Snow-White "It is Musaüs' Richilde". There was also a Snow-White story that had been published in 1809 in a fairytale book by A. L. Grimm (no relationship to the brothers Grimm). The Brothers Grimm did note the striking similarity between this story and the Norse pseudo-historical legend of Snäsridr, the beautiful wife of "Harald with fair hair", a wife that, when she died, stayed in her prime state so that it seemed she was still alive.
This fairy-tale has a very wide area of spreading, as it can be found from Ireland to Turkey passing by central Africa. It is especially present in the literary Italian compilations of fairytales. Basile has three variations of the story in his Pentamerone: "The raven", "Nennillo and Nennella" as well as "The she-cook".
The various virtues that Snow-White shows in this tale made her one of the big role models within the education of bourgeoisie girls in the 19th century - alongside Cinderella, of course. In fact, according to H-J Uther's analysis of the story, it is because of all her virtues that Snow-White's beauty does not fade away and stays undamaged even in death, unlike her wicked stepmother whose vices causes the fading of her charms. Finally, this fairytale is actually the proof that the brothers Grimm did not simply listed their fairytales one after the other in a random order, but deliberately created "bridges" and internal references to create a cohesive world within their book. Indeed, the mention of the snowflakes looking like feathers references "Frau Holle", while the glass coffin can be found back in, of course, "The Glass Coffin", and the blood-drops on the snow evokes "The Juniper Tree".
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Yes this story is the famous "Rumpelstilskin" (or Rumpelstiltskin? I never know how to write it in English). But why keep the German spelling? Because Rimasson-Fertin has some stuff to say about it: this name is the diminutive form of "Rumpelstilz", a term that Jacob Grimm defined in his "German Dictionary" as being synonymous with "poltergeist" (he noted a similarity between Poltergeist and Rumpelgeist, both designated a very loud spirit). While today "poltergeist" is mostly associated with ghosts, in a much broader way it designate a dwarf, a dead or a devil - or just any kind of phenomenon caused by witchcraft.
This story corresponds to the AaTh 500 "The name of the supernatural being". This fairytale has an interesting evolution history... Jacob Grimm had a version of it as early as 1808, named "Rumpenstünzchen", which was then slightly modified for the 1810 manuscript. This tale was actually the mix of two different versions - and one of these versions had a different ending. The queen didn't sent messengers searching for the dwarf's name, rather the king spotted the little man while returning from hunting on the third day. The Grimm also noted a variation where the initial situation was reversed: a young girl who had to spin hemp but could only manage to spin gold much to everybody's despair, and a small man appeared to promise her a wedding to a king's son in exchange for her firstborn child. It ended in such a way: the queen herself spotted the small man singing his name, jumping around a fire while riding a ladle like a horse. When she guessed his name, he flew out of the window and into the sky, riding the ladle like a witch's broom. We know that the episode of the spinning of the straw was only added by the Grimm in 1812 (it is not in the 1810 version), and that the final scene of the dwarf self-mutilating comes from a story of Lisette Wild and was added in 1819.
The first literary record of this story is a French fairytale published in 1705 and written by Mlle Marie-Jeanne L'Héritier de Villandon. It was "L'Histoire de Ricdin-Ricdon" (The Tale of Ricdin-Ricdon), published in her "La Tour ténébreuse et les jours lumineux" (The Shadowy tower and the luminous days). It had been translated in German by Johann Gottwert Müller in 1790, under the title "Straubfedern", "Ostrich feathers". As for the name "Rumpelstilzchen", it actually originates from Johann Fischart's Grman adaptation of the French "Gargantua", "Geschichtklitterung" (1584) - in it, Fischart lists various children game by name, and mentions a "Rumpele stilt oder der Poppart".
This fairytale type is very present in Western, Central and Northern Europe (British Isles and Ireland included), with also a few spottings in the Baltic countries, China and Japan. The name of the supernatural being always changes from one region or country to the next (in Swiss it is Hans-Öfeli, in Dutch Trillevip, in Swedish Titteliture, in Finnish Tuttirituli, in the Suffolk it is Tom Tit Tot, in Welsh Gnarwynathrot, in Irish it is Eve-Trot or Trit-a-Trot...). It is part of the enormous success of this tale-type: every country has to invent its own brand of nonsensical, un-guessable name. As for the rhymed song through which the dwarf betrays its name, it is found in England as "Nimmy nimmy not / My name is Tom Tit Tot", and in an Afro-American version of North Carolina "I'm so glad that she do not know / That my name is Tabutoe Tambutoe".
The brothers Grimm noted that in Germanic mythology it was typical for underground beings (aka dwarfs) to have names that are not usual among humankind, which is why, again according to them, the dwarf of this story would feel in perfect safety proposing the queen such a game. The rule according to which obtaining the name of a supernatural being means gaining a form of power over them is very common, and is even reused in another one of the Grimm stories: KHM 136, "Iron John". H. Rölleke did an analysis of the names the queen proposes at first: we have the three names of the Magi, aka the Three Wise Men, or King-Magi, which gives a Christian setting to the story, and could also serve as a metonymy for all the saint names found in the Christian calendar. As for "Heinz" and "Kunz", Rölleke sees in them the diminutives of the names of the medieval emperors Heinrich and Konrad, which used to be some of the most popular male names among German-speaking countries.
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All-Kinds-of-Fur (Allerleirauh)
It corresponds to the AaTh 510B "The dresses of gold, silver and stars", also known as "Donkey Skin", after the famous Charles Perrault fairytales.
The story we read today was the one told to the Grimm by Dortchen Wild, but there was a variation of it told to the brothers by Jeannette Hassenpflug, "Princess Mouse-Skin", which was present in the 1812's edition of the volume (n°71) but was then moves to the annotations as a mere mention. The version of the story from the first draft (the 1810 manuscript) was called "Allerlei Rauch", "All Kinds of Smoke", and was heavily inspired by one of the tales present within the novel "Schilly" by Carl Nehrlich.
The line "God forbade a father from marrying his daughter. Nothing good can come from this sin which will cause the kingdom's decadence" was added in the 1819 edition, and references a tale of Albert Ludwig Grimm called "Brunnenhold und Brunnenstark". The brothers Grimm insisted even more on the condamnation of the sin of incest when rewriting the story for their "small collection" for kids, and also insisted heavily upon a political extension of such a decision, which would damage the state itself. It is actually an allussion to the failure of the Frankfort Parliament, which had been gathered in 1848 at the Paulskirche in an attempt to create a constitution for all of Germany - to which Jacob Grimm had taken part.
A variation of the story collected in Paderborn has the last coat made of all the furs of the kingdom, plus moss and various forest-related material. In this version, the heroine puts the cloak on top of her three beautiful dresses before fleeing, and she hides in an empty tree where she is discovered, not during a hunting party, but by woodsman that cut off the tree she was sleeping into, to bring wood to the king. All-Kinds-of-Fur works in the castle's kitchen but one day as she is preparing the soup, the king has her sit on his chair so she can delouse him (a motif also present in "The Devil with Three Golden Hair). As she does, the king glimpses the beautiful shining dress under the cloak's sleeve, and this is how he discovers the girl's true appearance. Another variation of the story yet, also collected in Paderborn, has the heroine pretending to be mute. One day the king hits her with a whip, it rips apart the coat, revealing the golden dress underneath.
Not all the German versions of the story include the incest motif. In Musaüs' take on the story, "Die Nymphe des Brunnens", "The Nymph of the Well", the heroine leaves her father's castle because it has been destroyed. Her godmother, an undine, gifts her a small magical box and when she leaves the ball she says "Night behind me and day before me / Might nobody see me!". As for the version of Hassenpflug, "Princess Mouse-Skin", it begins as the KHM 179, "The Goose-Girl at the Well": a king wants to know which of his three daughters love him the most, the first says she loves him more than the whole kingdom, the second more than pearls and precious stones, the third more than salt. The furious father has the last princess be sent into the woods to be killed, but the servant tasked with the execution spares her out of pity, and gives her, by her request, a coat made of mice skin. The rest of the story goes like within "All-Kinds-of-Fur", except for the final wedding, to which the father-king is invited. All the dishes served to him are without salt, and he ends up saying he prefers to die rather than continue eating without salt. The princess-daughter reveals herself and points out how he tried to had her killed for loving him more than salt. Her father begs her for forgiveness, and the tale ends with her accepting.
The motif of the incest can, however, be found back in a variation of the KHM 31 (The Girl Without Hands) that the Grimms collected, and where the father mutilates the daughter for refusing to marry him. The motif of the king trying to marry his own daughter has been attested in many, many European stories ever since the 12th century. As for the boots that are thrown in the heroine's face in the Grimm story, while in the final edition it has no follow-up, in the 1812 edition it was a recurring element forming a motif within the tale. Another German version of the story that preserved this structure that the Grimms erased is the story collected by Vernaleken, "Throw-Broom, Throw-Brush and Throw-Comb". In it the king throws out of anger at the face of the heroine (Adelaide) a broom, a brush and a comb. Every time she goes to the ball, she changes her pseudonym to fit which item hit her (one night she is "Throw-Broom", another she is "Throw-Brush", etc...). There are many, many variations of the story containing such a "name play".
Other famous examples of this variation, outside of Charles Perrault's Donkeyskin, include Straparola's "The maiden in the chest", Basile's "The She-Bear", Afanassiev's "Pig-Skin".
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Jorinde and Joringel (Jorinde und Joringel)
It corresponds to the AaTH 405, named and created after this story, "Jorinde and Joringel".
The interesting thing with this story is that the brothers Grimm did not collect it from a direct source. Rather they lifted it, to the exact word, from the autobiography of Johann Heinrich Jung, "Jugend/Youth", published in 1779. The brothers deemed that the way Jung-Stilling had written the tale was the "perfect" way to tell the story, according to their definition of a fairytale. Though they did note the existence of a version of the story told in Schwalm - but which differs very little from the story of Jung-Stilling.
The brothers Grimm themselves noted a similarity between this story, and the KHM 123, "The Old Woman in the Wood". Rimasson-Fertin notes that the witch in this story is to be compared to the ones appearing in "Hansel and Gretel" and in "Little Brother and Little Sister". As for the name of the demon the witch invokes, "Zachiel", H. Rölleke identified it as a form of "Zachariel", a demon name coming from the very popular 17th century demonology grimoire "Clavicula Salomonis", "The Clavicles of Salomon".
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gunbun · 3 months
14) library sex for those dark academia vibes
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It's a late night in Noumenon, so late that even the Studium's keenest keeners have gone to bed and even the reference mammets are in standby mode.
The Warrior of Light has been arguing with him about metallurgy for three-quarters of a bell. She is spirited and has precious little patience for niceties, and when she rounds on him, her crimson eyes shining with an intellect he hadn't realized had been there and her nose twitching in frustration, Nero can't deny he finds it attractive.
Tiona Eryut is probably the best-looking of all the Scions (her husband the funny-talking fortune teller was certainly a close second). Urianger Augurelt was skulking around the stacks, pausing occasionally to thumb through a random tome, when Nero decided to change the subject:
“Other than the fact that you have an excellent eye for gauging talent, I do often wonder why you summoned me and not Garlond.”
Tiona arches a brow and her expression becomes almost terrifyingly earnest. “Because you're satisfied with just being a part of it. Whatever we end up making isn't going to have my name on it, and I know you're not the credit-stealing type. This isn't the Ironworks. It's you, and Uri and me, a couple Sharlayans, and a loporrit all working together to see what happens.”
“Is that why you two keep inviting me into your bed? To see what happens?”
“Verily,” comes Urianger’s voice, deceptively deep and the Garlean would be lying to himself if he didn't recognize that he found it appealing. He wonders if the elezen knows how flirty he can come across (provided you were good enough to decipher his turns of phrase). “‘Twas an idea, a fantasy �� and then thou wert amenable.”
“Do you think they'd be scandalized? Two of Eorzea's best and brightest, a pair of Scions no less, falling to their knees for their one-time enemy–”
“Nero,” Tiona says calmly, “shut up before Uri puts his dick down your throat instead.”
Nero never shuts up. She knows it. They all know it.
They're going to fuck him here and he's all for it.
He gets manhandled by the two of them such that he’s flat on his back, with only the books as a witness. They're going to use him, and he's going to let them.
Tiona rides him between the stacks with precisely no care given for his comfort, and Urianger straddles his face on the floor and fucks the Garlean's mouth so relentlessly he can feel the elezen’s balls tapping dangerously close to his third eye.
They make him come so hard he forgets who he is.
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withnailrules · 2 years
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Uris Library, Cornell University in Ithaca, New York
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diaz-fox · 2 months
tagged by @judasofsuburbia & @seths-rogens 💖 (thank you, my loves!)
Rules: put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which one they like the most! 🎶
no pressure tags: @songbvrd @djo @stan-the-cinnamon-roll-uris @theresebelivett @ndcgalitzine @softboynick @miwtual @stannyramirez @keery @sidekickjoey
+ open tag to anyone that wants to do this!
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chaoticmoron · 2 months
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It’s 10:55 as of writing this but anyway meet Uri!! A new BBU oc (a nd self insert)
Uri is a Pheonix, who, despite their nature, works at a library as the librarian. But they would like to eventually join Dimitri as it’s sidekick. Something about him just draws her to it.. mutual love of fire, maybe?
Uri is NB! They/Her, and bisexual. And a bit of a pyromaniac…
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missriddle03 · 2 years
➪𝗟𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀-𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝗨𝗿𝗶𝘀
➪𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗽𝘁𝘀- "𝗶𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗮 𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝗴𝗼"
➪𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀- 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗳𝗳 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻𝘆 𝗯𝗶𝘁 𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘁, 𝗲𝘅 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸,𝗸𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴
➪𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱- 10 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝘂𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 56 𝘀𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗱𝘀
𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜
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She layed there on her bed,which was covered in flowers in particular Daisy's, whilst watching TV. She looked over to her window to see a bike on the floor standing upright. The girl had gotten up and walked over to the window shutting her TV off. The bike was staying in the middle of her garden, the trees were swaying back and forth as she looked around. A familiar smell wafted through her nose as she turned around to see Stanley Uris or Stan the man.
"Stanley!" She had said. Y/n ran towards him and gave him a tight hug. He seemed different like he usally did. Stanley was usally bubbly or full of energy but today he seemed down. He wasn't talking about random topics or doing goofy stuff, today he just sat down on her bed looking at her and around her room. Nothing changed about her room. It wasn't even interesting to look at. She knew something was wrong, y/n had sat down next to him and looked up at him. "So you gonna tell me what's wrong or will I have to force you to tell me? Hm" she gave him an ultimatum. He looked at her wanting to tell her something...something important that could definitely change how she would act around him. "I got back with lexi" he told her. Her smile seemed to fade away with that name. Lexi, the girl who broke his heart at only 14.
Lexi stood there across the table eyeing up Stanley and the rest of the losers. She stormed over sitting herself down on the grey chairs that were uncomfortable to sit at. "Stanney baby you don't wanna eat that, it is full of fats and sugars. No wonder your running up the walls every 5 minutes" she whispered to him. Whispered loud enough for everyone on the table to here her. "It's not my place to impose but I think Stanley is fine with what he eats and-" "your right it isn't your place to impose, I'm his girlfriend so shut your gob" she smiled a devilish smile before taking his food and emptying it in the school bins. "I wasn't hungry anyways" Stanley walked from the tables and decided to go to the library. Lexi had stopped him hanging with with losers for weeks but soon she dumped him for a school jock.
Since then she always held a grudge on lexi. Especially more so when Lexi had stopped him hanging with her. "Wait Seriously? Why?" Was the only questions she said. She had more but it wasn't the right time to ask them all. "I-I don't know I just, I guess I wanted her" 𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘳? 𝘖𝘧 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘱𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘳? "There's something else isn't there Stan, or you would be happy" he looked at her then looked at the panting y/n had drew of the losers. "She said that she would tell everyone something that I wish I hadn't told her" 𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘓𝘦𝘹𝘪 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘪𝘵? "I just like her again and I can't tell you why because it's hard to explain" he admitted. She stood up walked to the window and looked back at him. His ruffled curly hair made her smile but what he had said left y/n unamused. "Can you just answer me and be truthfull" "what was the thing she was gonna tell us if you said no?" She looked at Stanley and knew he wasn't expecting that question. "I um told her a while ago about me liking someone in the losers but it was a while ago so it means nothing now" he replied. As he said liking someone in the group he looked at y/n before looking down to finish his sentence.
She looked around the same boring room that Stanley had now shared his thought in as she started second guessing the whole reason she wants him back. "Stan, as much as I want you to stay I need to finish my work" he looked at her once more before heading out her bedroom door and jumping onto his bike doing a wave through the opposite side of her window and biking away looking not himself. Infact once he had left she sunk on her bed getting ready to call Richie. She picked up her phone which she had covered in skull stickers and rang Richie. "Hey rich did you um hear about Stan and lexi by any chance?" "No, Stanley actually called an important losers meeting at the quarry and he wants us all there now" "Oh okay well I'm on my way bye rich"
She hoped onto her bike carrying her bag with her as she started biking to the quarry. Once y/n had got there she placed her bag on the floor awaiting the rest of the losers and most importantly Stan. "Hey rich!" Richie waved his hand before sitting down next to y/n. Soon the whole losers club, except Stanley, showed up. Minutes go by and minutes turn to them waiting 10 minutes for him. "Is h-he even g-going t-to s-show?" Bill asked. "He asked us to be here so I hope so" as soon as she said that Stanley arrived. With a visitor along side him. "You gotta be shittin' me" Beverly blurted out quietly but quiet enough for only y/n and Bill to hear.
"What is she doing here?" Y/n had asked him. Lexi was standing next to him in full control. She was wearing a small pink skirt with a crop top with Daisy's on it. Her hair was dyed from her natural blonde to red. "I was wondering if Lexi could join our club um seeing as we are together again" they all shared looks and Stanley knew it was gonna be a no. "Seriously Stan...just seriously. She walks into your life after what 5 or 6 months after being with the jock she cheated on you with now you expect us to allow her in this friendship group when she isn't our friend?  Seriously" y/n had said to Stanley. Lexi heard every word, she put her face to his ear and whispered to him. "She's just making stuff up, she's controlling you" "Oh my god you gotta be kidding me. Stan she literally spoke to you like that manipulating you" by now y/n was getting annoyed with Lexi's shenanigans.
"She isn't okay,just let her join please" his pleading made them seem like a monster by not letting her in. They all had good reasons why. Mike just hates her for the way she acts towards Stanley, Richie doesn't like her because simply she stopped him hanging with them, Beverly doesn't like her because she cheated on Stan, Bill doesn't like her because she manipulated him, Eddie didn't like her because she made him do things he didn't wanna do, Ben doesn't like her because he caught her flirting with another guy whilst she was dating Stan and y/n hates her for all those reasons. "You can't bring her here and expect us to allow her in! You can't just bring someone and expect everyone to say yes" y/n had said to him. "Well then you shouldn't be in this group, I brought you to this exact spot and asked everyone to let you in and they said yes. If your sticking with what you said then you shouldn't even be in this group" Stanley pushed her to the edge. "Wow Stan just wow...you know what fuck you. Im leaving" y/n stormed off. "N-nice g-going S-stan. R-ruining everything o-once again t-thanks to h-h-her" Bill said standing up getting annoyed. The whole group was annoyed. "Y-you m-made her l-leave the group. W-we all l-like her and y-you r-ruined us" "Oh my god get on with it stuttering slug" lexi had said. Y/n was behind her. She had come back for her bag until she heard those words 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘭𝘶𝘨. 𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥. "How dare you say that to him you asshole" "it is the truth though" lexi had once said. "Your not even sticking up for your friends Stan..your different" "but I'm telling the truth his stuttering is getting on my nerves honestly" lexi was asking for what y/n did. Y/n got close enough to lexi before punching her in the face. The same punch that Bill did to Richie a while ago. "That was for saying mean stuff to bill" she grabbed her bag and took off. She was followed by Bill and the rest of the losers.
"T-thanks f-for s-sticking u-up for me" Bill said smiling. "Your welcome" "it's l-little t-things l-like this t-that make it w-worth h-having f-friends for" y/n nodded her head as she agreed with him. Stanley not sticking up for his friends made her more annoyed. Y/n walked home hoping to not bump into Stanley seeing as he lived not far from her house. To her surprise Stanley was infront of her house. He had dropped a friendship bracelet that he had or used to have. Y/n walked to the door and picked it up. "Stan, what's this for?" "Seeing as we're no longer friends I thought I'd drop it of" "no longer friends?" He nodded his head. "You punched lexi my girlfriend in the face of course we're no longer friends" "she called Bill a stuttering slug, you couldn't even stick up for him. Shows what a real friend you were" she took the bracelet and dumped it in the rubbish bin before opening the door and walking in.
She ran to her room and leaped onto her bed. Tears screaming down her face she went to actually do her homework this time. Weeks pass and Stanley hasn't been in contact with her or any other loser. It was the last class of the day during school and it was in the same class as Stanley. Y/n took her seat next to Stan and payed attention. Y/n got partnered up with Stanley. She didn't talk to him at all. "Why are you not talking to me?" He asked, he was clearly oblivious. "You fuck us all over and ignore us" "you punched lexi!" Y/n stood up and walked out the classroom door. After the lesson that y/n skipped she joined the rest of the losers and Stanley walked towards them. "Watch out here he comes" "what are you doing here?" Beverly asked him. Y/n averted her gaze to look anywhere but looking at him. "I know we aren't on the best of terms but I just wanna say I'm sorry" "your sorry? Wait your sorry? You think that will magically make us forget about everything? Then you must think we're stupid or something" y/n told Stanley before grabbing her books from her locker and putting them in her bag. "For fucks sake" Richie muttered as Lexi started walking towards them. "Stanney come on don't associate yourself with them" "No, I'm staying with them" everyone looked shocked as Stanley was now sticking up for himself. "You better come with me or I'm ending things and telling them your secret" she muttered. "Go ahead, I'm staying" lexi walked off in a mood as usal. "Did that just..damn" Richie spoke.
Days pass without lexi mentioning anything. Stanley came walking up towards y/n. He stood infront of her and pressed his lips onto hers. It took a few seconds to get used to what was happening. "W-Why did you do that?" She asked him. "Lexi is bound to tell you at some point. The person I had a crush on was you" "I-I had a crush on you too but 𝗶𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗮 𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝗴𝗼 maybe when we were in year 5" Stanley looked at her eyes "Will there be a chance that I can redeem myself and ask you to be my girlfriend?" "Maybe there is"
"Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes Stanley I will be" y/n and Stanley smiled brightly. "I bet Lexi didn't expect this" "I didn't either" Stanley joked.
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m1na394 · 1 year
Fallen angels...together? - Shiki Natsumezaka x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of murder
Word count: 1664
Summary: After getting cast out of Heaven, the reader does the only thing she can do...search for her best friend, who was cast out many years ago.
You were finally starting to understand why so many humans ended up being late on their first day of school or at a new job. You had asked close to twenty people where you could find at least one of the Student Council members, but not a single one of them stopped to give you the time of day. A part of you understood this, as they all had somewhere to be, but you had hoped that at least one of them would notice just how desperate you were.
After searching for what felt like hours and knocking on random doors, you finally came face to face with a staircase leading to two large doors, and you prayed with everything you had that you were in the right place.
Your legs suddenly started to feel like jelly as you made your way up the stairs, and you unexpectedly became more nervous than before. How was he going to react?
You took a deep breath to calm yourself before knocking on the door a few times. You were very relieved when you immediately heard footsteps on the other side. A few seconds later, one of the doors was pulled open to reveal a very handsome young man with orange-brown hair, and upon seeing you, his lips curled into a smirk.
'Well, well, well... What do we have here?' he asked as his golden eyes studied you from top to bottom, but you couldn't care less about the lustful way he was looking at you. You were there for one person and one person only, and everyone else was irrelevant until you could find him. 'I'm Sogami Urie. What's your name, beautiful?'
'L/n Y/n. I'm very sorry to bother you, but I must find someone with the name of Natsumezaka Shiki. Is he here?' you asked, completely snapping the flirty male out of his daze. You could tell that he was very taken aback by your question, but he quickly plastered a smile back onto his face, as if it didn't bother him that you wanted to give your attention to another male.
'Let me get this straight... You're here to see Shiki?' he asked, and you vigorously nodded your head, becoming more and more hopeful that you would finally see him again. 'That's a first... Wouldn't you much rather spend some time with me? I know of a great carnival we can go to together...'
'No, I really need to see Shiki. Please, it's urgent,' you said, eventually earning a sigh from the golden-eyed devil. He pulled on the door's handle so you could finally see the third library in all its glory, and he turned to look at the only other Student Council member in the room.
'Shiki, there's someone here to see you,' he said, sounding almost bored, and you took a few steps into the room, once again feeling butterflies in your stomach from both nervousness and excitement.
The purple-haired male in question was busy trimming some roses when his blood-orange eyes looked up to see who had entered, and once his eyes met yours, it was like the world had stopped moving. The shock of seeing you again after so many years kept the fallen angel's feet rooted in place, and for a moment, he thought he was hallucinating.
'Do you know this girl by any chance? I won't have any problem throwing her out if you don't,' Urie said as he closed the door once more, finally causing his fellow Student Council member to take action.
'You will not touch her!' Shiki said sternly as he dashed towards you, almost knocking you to the ground with the tight hug he tackled you with. You couldn't stop your tears from falling as you relished the feeling of being in your best friend's arms again, only then realising just how much you had missed him. Just how much you had needed him. 'I... I can't believe it's you... We haven't seen each other in so long...'
'I know. I missed you so much, Shiki,' you said, burying your face in his shoulder as you swayed from side to side together.
'I missed you too. So, so, so, so, so much.'
'Umm, I don't mean to interrupt, but what the heck is going on?' Urie asked with crossed arms, and you both reluctantly pulled out of the hug to look at him. 'Am I just supposed to accept the fact that Shiki knows someone this beautiful and has never mentioned her?'
'There's a reason why I never mentioned her,' Shiki mumbled as he interlocked your fingers, pulling you even closer to him. 'Urie, this is Y/n. She's my best friend and the only person who has always been on my side. She's the only real friend I had in Heaven.'
'Whoa... She's an angel?' the orange-brown-haired male asked, and you could feel all your joy dissipating at his words. You were so excited to be reunited with your best friend that you had completely forgotten what you were doing there in the first place, and Shiki immediately felt the change in your behaviour.
'Well, not exactly...' you said, and as expected, both of the Student Council members looked at you with confused expressions, although Shiki's eyes held concern as well as bewilderment.
'Y/n, what are you talking about?' he asked, worried when you left his grip to take a few steps back, your eyes once again starting to glisten with tears.
'I... I think it's better if I just show you,' you said as you bit your lip, before letting your wings protrude from your back, closing your eyes so as to not catch a glimpse of the dark purple colour you had yet to grow accustomed to. Shiki immediately realised what you meant at the sight of what was once your pride and joy, and he hated to see the disgust you now held for your wings and for yourself.
'Y/n, were you-'
'Please don't be disappointed in me...' you sobbed quietly as you retracted your wings, stopping Shiki before he could finish his question. 'I know you warned me to stay out of trouble, and you told me not to follow in your footsteps, and you probably think less of me now, and-'
'I could never think less of you,' Shiki said quickly before you could continue with your rambling, pulling you back into his arms so he could rub soothing circles on your back. 'I'm not angry, I'm not disappointed, and I do not think less of you, okay? I just don't understand... How could they cast you out? You were by far the most good-hearted angel in Heaven. What happened?'
'I... I... I killed another angel because they wouldn't stop speaking ill of you... I killed them, Shiki!' you admitted shakily, your entire body starting to tremble with your sobs. You felt your best friend's arms tighten around you as your breathing became ragged and uneven, and you were certain that if it weren't for his comfort, you would have succumbed to a full-blown panic attack.
'Shh, it's okay. Everything is going to be okay,' he whispered as he placed a loving kiss on the top of your head, which immediately succeeded in calming you down a bit. 'Y/n, despite everything that happened, you are still the kind, caring, and beautiful angel who gave her entire heart to helping others, and that will never change. You were provoked this time, and I have no idea what that angel said, but it must have been horrible if it caused you of all people to act, so you have nothing to feel ashamed about. Nor should you feel disgusted with yourself. Yes, your wings are no longer pearly white in colour, but your heart still is, and that's something that they can never take away from you. So, instead of feeling disgusted with yourself, embrace your circumstances and use them to your advantage. You can help more humans now that you're here on Earth, and I want you to love your new wings. I know I do.'
'You do?' you asked as you pulled away slightly to look up at your best friend, and he nodded with a soft smile while wiping the remainder of your tears.
'I think the purple wings suit you a lot. And, if you look on the bright side, we can be fallen angels together now,' he said, finally causing the smile to return to your face. 'Y/n, you have no idea just how much I missed you. I've thought about you every single day since I was cast out, and even though it was selfish, some part of me kept wishing that you would return to my side.'
'I thought about you every day too, Shiki. And...that day you were kicked out of Heaven...' you said, feeling your cheeks heat up at the vivid memory. 'I don't know if you remember, but...'
'Of course I do. You confessed your feelings for me, but I was forced out of Heaven before I could do anything. Before I could tell you that I returned your feelings. Before I could ask you to be mine...' he said as his hand slowly moved up to rest against your cheek, causing your breath to hitch. 'I think it's about time we make things right, don't you?'
All you could do was nod your head as the purple-haired devil slowly started leaning in, and as soon as his lips touched yours, you closed your eyes. The butterflies in your stomach started going berserk when Shiki pulled you even closer by your waist, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, immediately granting him access when his tongue swept across your lower lip.
All Urie could do was stand back and watch with fascination, both surprised that you and Shiki had found each other again after so long, and that someone as beautiful as you had fallen for the purple-haired sadist. Literally.
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Mike has more keys than the average person. Multiple house keys, a shed key, library keys, (cause he volunteers so frequently it's basically his job), his actual job keys, and anywhere on the farm that needs to be locked, if Mike belongs somewhere he's got a key to get in, with different labels. He uses white gaft tape and black sharpie on the head of the key and has key words or abbreviations. Front door to his house is "Fr." ; Back door is "Bk." ; Library is "Lib" ; Shed is just "shed" written small. Etc. Etc.
In his wallet, he keeps his ID, his library card, a photo of himself with his parents, a Polaroid of the losers club that he took from the Clubhouse wall after the last loser left, and a credit card. He carries one 20 dollar bill, one 5, and five 1s at all times.
Stan hates a big set of keys. He carries his house key separate from his car key.
Stan is a nostalgic. His stoic personality is often questioned when someone gets a glimpse of his wallet. He has one of those wallets with pictures that fold out. He has endless photos - his family, his wife, his friends (the few of them he has), and one of Beverly, the only loser he can remember the slightest bit of. He also saves little sticky notes Patty leaves him on the kitchen counter, even if they're just "Stan - Gone to grocery store, be back at 7. Love, Patty" always accompanied with a smiley face or a heart or a stick figure comic to make him laugh.
Richie has a comically large set of keys. He only has one house key and one car key, but he loves extravagant decorations. He has one keychain from the college he attended, one glow-stick bracelet from his senior prom, a mood ring his "friend" won him at a carnival once that didn't fit, a mini lava-lamp keychain, and a few souvenirs from different places he toured once he started booking comedy gigs. After the events of It 2, he adds a mini hand-sanitzer bottle (per Eddie's command). Despite the vibrance and size of his keychain, he still loses it all the time.
Richie keeps a credit card, his ID, and an arcade card in his wallet. He doesn't like to carry cash. He also has an absurd amount of coins pooling at the bottom of his wallet that he never has sorted through (he doesn't plan on it.)
Eddie has a very simple keychain: House key, car key, hand-sanitizer, and a loop keychain that came with the car key, with his car's brand's logo on it. He holds it from that loop around his index finger so he can also hold other stuff in the same hand.
i got bored someone finish this for me
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edwreya · 7 months
Lucifer this, Lucifer that but what about uri-kimah? HUH!!???
‘I’ve filled libraries with all the things I wanted to say to you.’
‘I just want to go visit you. I haven’t in a while.’
‘I want to see if you sleepwalk, and if you might speak to me, tell me what you are dreaming about’
-angels before man, rafael nicolás (@nicosraf )
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