#Utrom lore
themagicbrew · 4 months
" I dont know why I bite ..."
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mixing-a-magic-brew · 9 months
something has been bothering me about the timeline. which can easily be a hole in the writing BUT I need to get this out there so a bigger nerd may chalk down the answers. OR I MIGHT GO FUCKING INSANE
Kraang1 stated that their imprisonment took around 1000 years.
and in Splinter's Tale the kraangs initial invasion was in Japan. this would imply that The Kraang arrived around Heian period, (fuedal japan)
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Shredder was "made" approximately around the Sengoku period. which civil wars and social upheavals took place almost continuously.
These two events are 500 years apart from one another and yet, despite the kraang being sealed away... they still have an over arcing presence throughout Tmnt world.
Claiming that the time within the prison dimension flows differently then Earth's time would be out of the question.
it would imply that the Events of Shredder and the Kraang invasion took place around the same time period.
Why is this unlikely? allow me to elaborate.
Why would The Kraang entrust their tec to a random human, during a time period when human civilization was (around) medieval, WITH Kraang tec?
we've seen what they do to their allies within the movie. it would be uncharacteristic of them to give special armour especially amidst of an invasion
not only that- it wouldn't explain the crying titian. the source of all things mystical/yokai related. Which is under New York.
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The better conclusion here my friend.
is that not all "kraang" were sealed away, and even more likely- that not all kraang assisted in the initial invasion of earth. what could cause them to betray their own in favour of humans- we might never know.
but we do know that they're are more kraang out there. not because of the crying titian or the "oni".
its because of the first four minutes of the movie itself.
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THIS. We've seen that only the kraang can pilot these mechs and if another creature i.e. A human were to come into possession of these suits- it would corrupt them (both mentally and physically).
"BUT BREW-" you cry. "This is the bad timeline," you say.
The only krang that was released in both timelines were The trio we all know and hate. not an entire fleet... but three lone krang. so WHERE did the rest come from?
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tmnt-reptile-rampage · 2 months
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Did I ever say that my iteration's Mikey is actually part Krang (besides part frog)? Because now I have
So!! About the Krang in my au. They live in Dimension X, and unlike most versions, they actually can't leave for long. You see, Dimension X (much like its 12 version) is littered with energy crystals. These crystals (which the Kraang call "Life Gems") are essential for the Krang's survival, as being too far away from them will deplete their energy and kill them. All of the Life Gems, in turn, answer to a bigger crystal, the Existence Jewel.
Enter Prime, the Krang Royal Scientist. They're a bit... twisted, and power hungry. So when they create a sort of Mutagen that manipulates the Life Gems and thus turn the Krang into mindless servants, they're ecstatic! Finally, power! They proceed to use the Mutagen on all Life Gems they find, turning most (but not all) of the Krang into their 'loyal subjects'. Some who escape the initial process run off and live in shadows, slowly trying to build a rebellion to overthrow Prime. Some decide to join Prime out of their own volition, bc you know... Power™.
What the Mutagen is not able to do, at least not on its own, is corrupt the Existence Jewel, as its too powerful for the chemical. There is a legend, however, saying that the Jewel could be fully controlled by a person, a "pure lifeform, not quite Krang, not quite anything else," that could manipulate it to their whim.
Prime doesn't usually believe in legends and tales, but y'know, desperate times...
They're unable to do much with the Mutagen from Dimension X though, at least not without appropiate test subjects. Luckily, he might know of a human from dimensions away, who's more than happy to experiment away with the mysterious ooze...
Ok so after THAT lore dump, re:The Actual Drawing! Yes Mikey is the pure lifeform from the legend, and being in Dimension X and near the crystals bring out some... intersting side effects. Like uh, New Limbs. Crystal Claws. And a brand new teeth fang in place of a teeth that got knocked out at some point of the story.
A small progression timeline, since we're at it!!
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Yeah, the first transformation isn't pleasant :/ it gets better tho. And post-all-of-that, Mikey gets some brand new, cool mini Life Gems for their mask! (Totally unrelated to how Krang can die if away from the crystals for too long...)
I'm gonna be working on designs for the Krang now!! Aside from Prime's little entourage, they're all very nice, more like 03's Utroms if anything.
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glitter-alienz · 1 year
tmntov utroms be upon ye
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utrom info-dumb incoming so beware ⤵️
first the utroms are a lot like 2003, and therre is no krang on tmntov.
the longer they lived on earth the squishier they got bc gravity is different than how it is on dimension x. also they grow these horn-like things as they age. they can get pretty old like 5000+.
they have powers (moving objects with mind but nothing too big) and their screeches can cause hearing damage. they can't speak human words outside of their exosuits, unless they're using a translator device thingy.
they're very intelligent and the reason why they ended up on earth is because their ship crashed there 100s years ago. the mutagen wasn't made to turn earth into another dimention x like in 2012 but it was made to work as some sort of alien fertilizer to revive their home planet (im thinking they kinda destroyed it by polluting it, and its sort if like a rocky desert) and they didn't mean for the mutagen to get on the wrong hands (shredder and animo)
a lot of utroms are a part of the EPF mostly helping them with tech, and TCRI basically provides weapons for the earth protective force (which i mentioned in another post is basically alien police idk) the utroms at tcri do a lot of genetic research as well. mortu is the ceo of tcri 👍🏾and Bishop is the one who made EPF
and uhh shredder was a war criminal who escaped when the ship was destroyed (like in 2003)
pls ignore how this is the first post that has dr x and the shredder, i have their designs along with leather head ready but i keep wanting to redesign the shredder so yeah he will eventually be posted :3
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adelrambles · 1 year
Christening this blog proper with a post of Utrom headcanons for the 2012 continuity! I personally find them to be the most interesting bit of lore in 12, but I wish they got explored more, so here's my take! Tried to extrapolate as much as I could purely from what's shown in this canon, but for some points I just made shit up lol
-Utrom speech patterns, compared to English, are extremely formal and seek complete clarity. This is why, when directly translated with a universal translator, they come off as very stilted and redundant.
-When learning earth languages, it is very difficult for utrom to grasp implied meanings or words because of this.
-When "anglicanized," utrom language uses long vowels and harsh consonants. (Evidenced by names: Kraang, Niktu, Klaatu (I get those last two are scifi/87 references but it's all I have,,))
-Utrom that have been stationed on earth for long periods may have more natural speech patterns, and even more fluid body language and/or facial expressions. This is not true of Kraang, who are all hivemind of Kraang Prime, who has not spent any significant time on earth. Thus, they are incapable of improving.
-Kraang Subprime is a bit of an anomaly. Utrom communicate in their native language with screeches, purrs, and other guttural sounds. They don't have tongues. Therefore, it should be impossible for them to speak human languages. Subprime, however, has been bouncing between earth and dimension X since before some languages have existed. They learned english and a couple others as they evolved, and learned to mimic the sounds without use of a tongue.
-While translated utrom speech comes across stilted and redundant, in practice they communicate a lot in short amounts of sound. Their "words" are much shorter than those of earth, often milliseconds long.
-This means a lot of utrom find English and other earth languages to be painfully slow to communicate with. Some get personally offended that those using droids might sometimes choose to communicate in human languages between them (and this is a common practice among recovering former-kraang.)
-For this reason it is also very difficult for them to translate names, which have no direct parallel on earth.
-Utrom reproduce asexually, all being born of a specific material. This material must be "planted" and cared for dutifully by a "parent." It must be kept at a specific temperature and humidity and elevation, and other such things, so growing a new utrom is a full-time job.
-The Material is sourced from a large and ancient meteor. Essentially, utrom are all living meteor jelly.
-The substance fully forms into a new utrom over the course of half a year, who is physically full-grown. They do not have a juvenile stage.
-The new utrom is a complete blank slate, mentally, and it is up to the parent to prepare them to enter society. Typically, they will be shadowed by their "child" for about a year. The parent decides when they're ultimately ready, though, so it can be longer or shorter.
-Thus, utrom have a lineage. When an utrom does something commendable, their parent will also get praise for preparing them well. Therefore lineages can be very important to some.
-Because utrom have such incredibly long lifespans, the amount of new utrom permitted within a given amount of time was regulated during peacetimes, to prevent overpopulation.
-It's possible for one plot of Material to produce two or more utrom, though exceedingly rare (with the rarity directly proportional to the number of utrom.) These are called sibling sets.
-There are superstitions surrounding sibling sets, with the most widely-believed being that siblings are exactly the same person. This means, sometimes, one will be scrutinized for the actions of their sibling.
-The very first few utrom were said to have formed by accident, from the Material, which was festering inside a large meteor. Once they observed a third form by accident, they began experimenting to find out how to induce it, and thus wrote the very rules of how to create a new utrom through trial and error.
-Using the meteor and others nearby, they built a sanctuary, including a fake atmosphere. This pseudo-planet cluster became Dimension X.
-Family is not that important, overall, to the utrom. Parenthood is also an uncommon aspiration for them.
-Due to their much looser family structures, friendship is considered the deepest form of bond. A parent and child have a relationship more akin to a mentor and student. Romance is non-existent and utrom don't experience such attractions.
-Dimension X is so far to the edges of the known universe that it is actually on the edge of two different dimensions. This means traveling to and from Dimension X normally is impossible, but also that interdimensional travel from there is far easier.
-The Hall of Portals was slowly built over time after the utrom discovered this.
-Time fluctuates in Dimension X, switching between matching each universe its edges touch. This is why sometimes time can pass normally while visiting, and other times it feels faster or slower. The utom aren't particularly bothered by this, given their longevity.
-Given utrom's long lifespans and isolated home planet, when an utrom is killed the entire community is shaken. This has been less so in recent times due to the long-lived war, but the Newtralizer's rampage, recently, caused a lot of turmoil in the recovering utrom culture.
-Contemporary utrom culture has shifted significantly from what it was pre-Kraang. Particularly, it has taken a lot from earth culture. Utromdroids are now common, everyday tools and a staple of their society, despite being developed as weapons and espionage tools. Human languages are sometimes spoken between groups of utrom, instead of their native language. Design sensibilities and entertainment will also certainly take inspiration from earth.
-On the other hand, the constant state of war has made it so a lot of traditions have gone unpracticed for a very, very long time. With the majority population having been hiveminded that whole time, and new practices being developed to support them, a lot of the old traditions have been lost or abandoned. Though, many still remember them.
-Most notably, with the event of the orphan generation, family structures are changing among them. Some utrom have elected to team together and split care of their fosters between them, and some have taken on more than one. Familial bonds are notably stronger than they have been, historically-- though it's possible this will not be reproduced outside the orphan generation (see Post-War section.)
-Utrom don't have unconscious states, and don't sleep.
-Utrom can subsist on one meal for months at a time. They have multiple "stomachs" and slow metabolisms.
-However, if the food is too soft it will last shorter for them. Their usual food is crystalline levels of solid.
-They also don't have taste buds, and their preference of foods is mostly determined by texture or temperature.
-Utrom require a lot of hydration, but again, their body can hold liquid for long periods of time.
-Due to their builds, utrom structures do not have a lot of flat surfaces, since it's difficult for them to traverse. Their buildings are made for climbing and hanging and lounging, as these are what their bodies are made to do.
-The gravity of earth makes walking along flat surfaces without a droid even harder.
-The frills on their head appear involuntarily when excited, but can also be displayed voluntarily.
-Utrom have no concept of gender. They are all made from the same Material, and are genetically identical. Plus, they don't have any reproductive organs.
-Most default to they/them. Some will accept what humans label them with based on their droids, making he/him very common, too. (Subprime's a bastard who has used every conceivable pronoun on earth just to confuse others.)
-Utrom bodies do not change at any stage in life. In a sense, they do not age, and it is impossible for an utrom to die of old age. Before the war, only a handful of utrom had died in total.
-During the war, the utrom high council formed and later took their codenames from the game of chess. It took a long time for the tribe to organize and pick leaders. Before the tribe's creation, survivors were scattered among hiding places.
-When Kraang Prime took over, he gained control of The Meteor. This was a big point of focus during the coming wars. The utrom tribe wanted desperately to regain control of that point, especially due to their dwindling numbers. The Triceraton sought to destroy it.
-Kraang Prime, instead, used it to make hundreds and hundreds of new soldiers, blank slates that were easy to assimilate into the hivemind. He eventually used it up to extinction, meaning the utrom currently have no way to reproduce.
-When Kraang Prime died, it took a day or so for his control to wear off. It was slow and gradual, and the utrom high council had a bit of a hysteria to handle once the freed Kraang slowly became aware of themselves.
-When Kraang Prime died, these blank slates were a difficult point for the utrom high council to tackle. They could simulate normal(-ish) utrom behavior, but had nothing of substance behind them; no education, personality, or wants. They were dubbed the "orphan generation." The solution, it was decided, was to assign them adoptive parents to be shadowed. The problem was that the number of orphans far outnumbered the number of utrom tribe survivors.
-Freed Kraang have to relearn what it's like to think and feel things for themselves. They require a lot of support, which the utrom high council is struggling to supply with their low numbers.
-There are less than a hundred utrom tribe survivors by the time Kraang Prime dies. Comparatively, there are thousands and thousands of freed Kraang.
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bulbabutt · 5 months
Could you link to the post where you talked about the council of heads being utrom? It seems like an interesting idea.
I didn’t make a post it’s literally just obvious based on the lore of turtles but I’ll give you the evidence if you didn’t know
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Here’s the Utrom council in 2003 there’s three of them they speak in unison
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Here’s the council of heads
In all of tmnt what mutated the turtles was ooze which came from the Utrom
In rise the source of ooze is this dead Utrom inside the crying titan
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Yes it’s a krang but krang and Utroms are the same thing krang is either an Utrom named krang or a specific faction of Utrom
Anyway all yokai in rise are shown to be like the decedents of some originally mutated creatures from thousands of years ago or something, and the turtles are just a specially mutated from the original source here.
So yeah. Utrom are the transformers (not literally)
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scatterbrainedbot · 6 months
Rat Sons AU: Character Introductions
Hamato Sho aka The Ancient One
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more rambling & sketches:
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(Had a bit of fun merging 03's Ancient One with bits of Rise's Splinter and Grandpa Sho, then started working on his origin story and was like fuck it! Guardians from 03! But for the Council of Heads from rise! but who are actually kinda more like the Ninja Tribunal from 03!! if they oversaw the world like the Guardians/Utroms! but were also kinda corrupt and uncaring of the lives of mortals and
the good news is now theres world building lore happening i guess, not just character lore??? is that good news??)
anywho, this is Grandpappy Sho!!
He's a little bit of a gremlin. Kinda rude, kinda sarcastic, kinda feral, and kinda very much had it with catering to the rules of 'polite society.' Basically, dudes survived some shit and has now decided that he will make that everyone elses problem too (/affectionate)
He lowkey resents his lineage and how he was raised, in the sense that he often wonders what life he could have lived if his youth was not fully devoted to "becoming someone worthy of the Hamato name." But he's actively trying to let go of all that and focus on being whoever he wishes in the present. Hence, gremlin.
A gremlin that is also, however, a freakin fantastic father figure (he swore to himself that his girl will literally never have to think about 'earning' any name, Hamato or otherwise; if she wants it, it is already hers, and wether she choses to keep it is entirely her own choice)
lol a lot of that was in present tense wasnt it? but yall know that aint quite true.....
tho, it might not quite be wrong exactly either...
[rat sons au masterpost]
(easier to read/separated contents below the cut! (super long))
Page 1:
Pronouns: He/Him
Color Motif: ~desaturated sea foam green~
Last heir of the Hamato Clan lineage (by blood, at least)
As a young man, he spent decades training tirelessly to become a master of ninjutsu, molding himself into a perfect soldier, fully dedicated to maintaining his family's status as one of the most powerful names in Japan
Was selected to become a Guardian — an elite warrior chosen by the immortal Council of Heads to serve as an agent of their will. He served them for several years, increasingly resentful of their corruption and disregard for mortal lives
Abandoned his post after the death of a fellow Guardian (Tang Shen's biological father)
Disillusioned with both the Council of Heads and the world at large, Sho shifted his priorities from serving a 'Greater Good,' to serving his own needs and desires (and those of the people he cares about). He became very openly sarcastic, cynical and crass (he also found the way this horrified the neighbors to be freaking hilarious)
Did not think he would be well suited for caring for a child and really only expected to serve as a temporary shelter for Tang Shen until a proper family could be found for her, like maybe a few months or so at most?
Jokes on u, old man. Guiding a young Tang Shen through the routines of their daily life, watching her interact with the animals of the farm, teaching her how to do tasks so mundane he'd long since stopped thinking about them, Sho found he enjoyed the role of a parent more than anything else he'd ever done
Given his own experiences with abusive powers, Sho raised Tang Shen to be a very independent thinker, encouraging her to pursue her own sense of right and wrong, and to always be wary of those in power.
Though he trained her in both ninjutsu and the mystic arts (the good kind), Sho's greatest hope was to raise Tang Shen to make her own choices, and enjoy a life free of ancestral burdens or any ghosts from his past
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Page 2:
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As a Guardian, Sho underwent what he would later call an 'involuntary spiritual awakening.'
This granted Sho use of the Council’s powerful mystic techniques through the manipulation of his own spirit and will. These teachings were a highly coveted secret, granted only to those in the final stage of becoming a Guardian, and they were often deadly to learn
The Council taught that a human could only access the mystic arts if granted the ability through Their own will, that the technique was one of faith, a sort of forfeiting one's own spirit in exchange for power
Sho, along with Tang Shen's bio dad (oomph he needs a name), discovered a way to refine the techniques of the Council, to create their own source of mystic power without the Council’s influence, pulling from their own faith, emotions, and spiritual connections
Naively, the two told the Council of their findings. They believed that this new method of accessing the mystic arts would be a great benefit to both current and future Guardians, as it was far less damaging to the human body and mind
The Council disagreed.
Weapons that do not depend on you for ammunition are weapons that can turn against you, after all.
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Some fun Rise×Mutant Mayhem crossover ideas
First of, solely to traumatize the kids, throw the MM! Crew into the bad future. They can marvel at their counterparts and be absolutly horrified at the horrors of Krang vs Earthlings war.
(Wait, are there fics where the younger Rise boys travel to the bad future? We all know how popular the reverse is but I haven't seen fics where the younger Turtles get to visit the bad future. I think that could be fun. Someone should write that.)
A MM×Rise crossover where the Rise! Turtles are a bit more in an antagonistic role. I live for evil Rise Turtles and I think they would be terrifying for the MM! Boys to face off against.
There are a few routes you could take like:
the Rise Turtles just antagonize the wrong person while looking for portal parts and cause trouble which brings the MM Turtles into the picture
Cynthia Utrom kidnaps and mind-controls them into attacking the MM Turtles, similarly to Dagger in the Mirror by TotallyNotASecretAO3Account on AO3 (that fic is amazing)
Feral Rise Turtles fall into the MM universe and cause chaos (inspired by Rotten Reflections by NicoForLife on AO3, its Rise Turtles lore is soooo yummy)
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nerves-nebula · 10 months
quick someone who's autistic about krang/utrom lore tell me all about it i need to know a buncha shit. like, do any iterations of the krang have individual krangs with different personalities and like actual names (not just Prime or brother/sister) what are the main ways the krang are used throughout the series (more specific than just the OOZE and being villains, though i think there are one or two times when they're allies to the turtles? and the only bad one is an Evil Space Criminal or something??)
funfacts, trivia, the WORKS I want you to tell me literally whatever you care about the krang. c'mon krangheads I KNOW you're out there i am SO bad at research.
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themagicbrew · 5 months
who is utroms favourite Turtle?
that would be none other, than Donnie
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bastardwerewolf · 1 year
Is that a Bismuth? 👀 (whispers: who is it?)
(Whispers: it’s LeatherHead)
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LH is a bismuth, because I thought it’d be cute lol.
Ok lore time. There’s a lot,,,
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Ok Aprils powers and corruption:
April is not able to outright heal corruption, but can use her physic abilities to travel into their gems and try to coax them back into their right mind. Unfortunately, the gems can re-corrupt themselves if they fall into a downward spiral of negativity or experience intense trauma again. LH is constantly at risk to re-corrupt due to his ptsd attacks, but April is always ready to help him back.
( in the future they do eventually find a permanent cure, don’t worry)
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LH and Spike.
After LH is un-corrupted by April, he sets out to find Slash. April and Raph come along, both to heal his cracked gem and try to apologize again for the mirror prison.
They find him and immediately Slash forgives them, happy to have LH back. His gem is healed the the two set out to find the remaining Utrom Resistance.
(Next time they are seen is after the Red Eye Ship incident. Returning with the remaining Resistance army and ready for war against Homeworld X)
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3, 10, 54!! :)
answering for both aberration and one off 👍
3. what’s the lair like?
aberration: it’s two levels with a sort of main area on the first floor. to the right and left are the lab/medbay and kitchen respectively.
there’s a platform up to leo and donnie’s rooms and then raph and mikey’s rooms are on the second level which takes a ladder to get up to 👍
one off: uhhh kinda similar to 2012 lair??? i haven’t officially thought of it
10. are there utrom/kraang?
aberration: yes ! just haven’t designed/made them lore relevant yet
one off: maybe ?
54. who’s the teams medic?
aberration: leo
one off: donnie
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zeriphi · 9 months
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TMNT 2012 OC- Valentine Rodriguez
Valentine is a teenage Utrom (alt name for the file: my life as a teenage robot. Also I do not particularly care if Utroms not being perpetually adult isn't tmnt 2012 lore compliant lol.) who has grown up primarily around humans, and was adopted into a human family.
Valentine views himself as human before he views himself as Utrom, and has body dysmorphia in regards to viewing himself as his artificial human body rather than his actual utrom body.
He is very smart and essentially only goes to Highschool to keep up apprearances and get better at socialization (it's not working.) He also has an interest in art and music which is about the only thing he learns at school he doesn't already know.
He is not very expressive, rarely emoting in any significant way.
He is friends/romantic interests with Leonardo, who befriends when he encounters him on accident one night. Leo does not find out about the whole Utrom thing right away but when he does he chooses to *not* tell his brothers that detail (this is partially at Valentine's request.)
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majachee · 10 months
Btw im not bashing on rise fans who dont/have never watched tmnt 2012 /gen, but man your crossovers are missing a lot of potential (/jest)
"Donatello created interdimensional travel!" Canonically, the Kraang did. In 2012. Have the Rise boys freak out when the '12 boys say "oh yeah we used Kraang technology to get here"
And then have them double freak out when they say "oh yeah we know a Kraang/Utrom in the US military"
Drop the Karai lore on 'em and both Leos have mental breakdowns over it. Yes, Karai is related to them in both universes, but it's executed very differently.
Make haste, my friends. Be silly with it.
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ahc-au · 3 months
Heyyy! Love this au and I've gotta know something.
As far as we've seen Bishop's personal guards are all aliens and mutants and an oddly expressive Kraang. Personally I find it hard to believe that even as the beloved and totally-not-evil president, Bishop would ever trust aliens with his personal safety. Especially since in "The Day of Awakening" we see Bishop's personalised task force and it's 99% humans and one Triceraton (and the turtles ig). And I believe that one triceraton is just there for the sake of "Hey, why is there only one alien?"
In short, why do you think Bishop would trust aliens/mutants enough to make them his bodyguards? Or is there more to it?
Hello!! Fellow Bishop stannie 🫵 Very glad to hear you're enjoying the AU!
I'll say that I do believe the majority of Bishop's force is human, moreso because he operates out of earth and humans are still the overwhelming majority there. Any unnamed guards (or maybe they'll get names too eventually?) can be assumed to be human. The four named guards are, in a meta sense, pre-existing OCs repurposed to fill out the background and make the world feel a bit more lived-in.
It's worth mentioning that Bishop does not feel the same about aliens that he did in his EPF days. That's the major reason EPF is gone, after all! He still won't trust any of them, but that's about on par with how he treats anyone: distant and distrustful, hidden under a veneer of politeness. The way I've always parsed it, Agent Bishop didn't see aliens as people, more demons, and then being rescued threw that entire belief out of wack. So now humans/Terrans and aliens are a bit closer to the same level, for him. He'll prioritize Earth's citizens, but that seems to include some extraterrestrial immigrants, too, nowadays.
So! Having said that, there's a few other elements that go into it. For one, frankly, it just looks good for Bishop to employ aliens from among PGA's allies. It's a show of trust-- not that he entirely does; vets them very thoroughly. For another, non-humans just have really handy abilities. This gives him more versatility in how he can choose to approach a problem, if one ever arises (he is, after all, a military commander at heart.) For example (since I doubt it'll ever come up,) Hambone has an elasticity that means she can absorb blunt force and fit through small spaces. Lyssis (who has not made an appearance yet I'm p sure, woops,) can absorb fire and elecricity. Stuff like that, yknow?
Anyway that's about the jist of it, I hope that's a satisfactory conclusion! Some of these characters also have more involved reasons for getting recruited, but since that gets into OC lore I'll leave it below the cut 👍
I think it should be fine to divulge a little lore since, again, background characters, probably won't come up too centrally. Hambone and Lyssis were mutated incidentally in an attack on PGA HQ back in 2080. Bishop publicly took it upon himself to rehabilitate the mutants involved, (who had been driven mad and violent by the strange mutagen,) handing them off to his personal scientists. He kept closely involved, hoping to find a lead to the source of the attack, and for this reason both mutants partly credit him for their recoveries and even being able to meet each other. They're loyal for this reason, and he knows it. They are also undoubtedly citizens of Earth.
Ritter is a bit more of a wacky story, one that won't really effect the plot. But their being an Utrom is not publicly known, as it happens. It's not a secret, per se, but they pass so well that most people assume they're human. They've been around since EPF, having served under Agent Bishop among its ranks. Bishop is aware they're an Utrom, and unfortunately they've proved very loyal and very useful, so he supposes he has to keep them around. It is pretty nice having a guard who doesn't need to sleep and only eats like once a month. This is also kinda the only life Ritter has ever really known, being under Bishop's command. They'd follow him anywhere, would do anything he asked of them.
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tmnm · 10 months
Huge lore dump- prologue
Okay, this is going over backstories and the kraang/Oroku clan with some more character added into Shredder
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I had to make a whole new folder in my notes app just to put this all together 💀
Warning for IDW-compliant violence
So there’s a place called dimension X, and two alien races live there, the Utroms and the Triceratons. They’re fighting a war for territory, and an Utrom was making bio weapons when boom, something went wrong!
They were turned into a creature called a kraang, and they turned most of the Utroms into kraang too, and they formed a hive mind as they swept through the triceratons and made the remaining army flee
The kraang then are trying to expand their hive mind, and they’re incredibly stupid but they have mutagen, which is ridiculously dangerous because it mutates anything organic with the last dna it touched, and it’s horribly unstable
They find earth and are like “yooo let’s pick this one” and they’re just trying to figure out how to adjust human life to their hive mind, resulting in so many experiments. Just, experiments EVERYWHERE
In Kyoto Japan in the 1960s or so, two historical ninja clans were fighting each other still, the Hamato and Oroku clans (I’m calling the foot clan the Oroku clan because I can’t take feet seriously)
The main guy from the Hamato clan, Hamato Yuuta, won and essentially massacred the whole Oroku clan but refused to kill an infant who was now an orphan, and he adopted him instead, and named him Hamato Saki
He was raised with his biological son, Yoshi, and the two grew up inseparable
As they got older though, Saki started to notice the favoritism his brother got and the way the older people were wary towards him, and he was like “what the heck guys I didn’t do anything??”
And Yoshi was a little shit btw, just an asshole who was getting all the attention because he was the heir to the Hamato clan, which Saki thought was bullshit because he didn’t deserve it
Also, ninpo! Ninpo in this universe is just found family superpowers you get if you’re in the Hamato family, like, encanto but Japanese instead of Colombian
Saki had fire, but he could never control it well due to the stress surrounding his family and the lack of trust in him, while Yoshi had healing, which he was good at.. but mostly used on himself to fuck around and be dumb
In comes Tang Shen! A lady from Fukuoka who may or may not have connections to yokai, she and Yoshi fell for each other HARD, and they got married and they were happy and stuff, and had a daughter, Miwa
Now, they sorta start fighting over wether or not to move away, Tang Shen wanted her daughter to live a normal childhood instead of being a relic of the past, and Yoshi just really liked the clan
Saki figures out what happened to his family. He’s not pleased.
He tells Shen, who’s genuinely sympathetic and seems to be on his side! He mentions a coup and that he should kill the Hamato clan back and she’s like “NO????”
He does so anyway, and he gathers everyone on his side to overthrow the Hamato clan, and he attacks Yoshi in his house, and in the fight Saki starts a fire that quickly becomes unstable
Shen sees the fire and she has Miwa with her, she panics and puts Miwa on the ground and runs into the building to help
Shen gets accidentally killed by Saki, and both of them panic as the fire gets worse, and they’re both presumed dead by the other
Before Saki passes out from smoke inhalation, he sees four human kids carry what he thought was Yoshi’s body out and see them leave him as he yells to them
When Saki gets out, he sees Miwa on the ground and is like “Hm, this isn’t symbolic at all,” and he adopts her, naming her Oroku Karai
Yoshi, who’s left without his wife, daughter, home, and literally everything, he immigrated to America for a new start
..that didn’t particularly pan out the greatest, but he has 4 turtle sons now and he’s ratatouille
Kirby O’Neil-
He was some dude who moved to Massachusetts after having his daughter with his wife, May. Things seemed normal in their cabin in Northampton, when May started acting more erratically and then some weird aliens showed up and took May and tried to take April
Kirby fled with April (who was 6) back to New York, and met back up to Arnold Jones, his friend since high school, who was struggling horribly after the passing of his wife (not an excuse for the way he treated Casey) and he sort of tried to find a new normal.
In current day, Kirby has essentially become Casey’s dad and he’s considered family
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