#Uwo Joan
pocket-ghostie · 5 months
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More incorrect quotes!!! Gotta love the gang being chaotic <3
Lilly: Oh fiddlesticks...
River: Look, I understand this is a tense situation, but lets watch the f---ing language
Lilly: What does "take out" mean?
Hayden: Food!
Joan: Dating
River & Charlie: Murder
Boss: It can be all three if you're brave enough
Eugene in the back sighing: You guys...
River: In my defense, I was left unsupervised
Boss: Wasn't Charlie with you?
Charlie: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised
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niji-art · 2 years
— underworld office ᵎᵎᵎ 🥛
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aeoni-sw · 5 months
HAHAHAHA!! *spills incorrect UwO quotes all over your food*
i edited some of them to make sense but for the most part theyre incorrect quotes
River: I’m telling you, my team is competent.
Charlie, rushing in: River! Hayden tried to make pasta in the coffee pot and now it's broken!
Luke: I wasn’t that drunk.
Eugene: You colored my face with a highlighter because you said I was important.
Eugene, at Charlie: You're my bitch.
Charlie: Yeah I am!
Eugene, at Lilly: You're my child.
Lilly: Yessir!
Eugene, at Boss: You're my father figure.
Boss: Yeah I am- wait, what?
Eugene, at River: My bestie.
River: Naturally.
Eugene, Cassius: HA, GAY!
Cassius: Fuck you.
Eugene: Why would you think any of this was a good idea?!
Charlie: Probably because I’m a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence.
Eugene: Oh...
Boss, from across the room: I don’t understand how you keep forgetting that.
Sean: Yesterday, I watched Hayden try to eat a decorative rock from Joan's potted plant. Eugene caught them, and told them they can't eat rocks. Hayden started whining something about no food being in the house before walking away.
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theteaspiller · 1 year
Me when I see the concerning amount of content underworld office/Charlie in underworld DOESNT have.
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But seriously. There is an extremely underwhelming amount of content for these amazing games. And this is still counting the weird ship content. (Which, why do some people ship boss x eugene? That is a traumatized father son relationship and if you think otherwise I can pay for your therapy with my pocket lint. )
People, what more do you want? We have a scrunkly little angsty person who rarely talks, who's also just really freaking depressed and lonely.
We call em eugene.
Then we have an angsty, angry, swearing little scronk. We have an angry child whos very depressed also and they're funny and angry and also chaotic.
And need I go on? We have a tall man with a fan. (The father figure.) We have a chaotic woman who may or may not be high. We have a grandma 'back in my day' and then we have just a small little child who can talk to cats.
We have a wonderful and varying cast of characters.
And so. *tips fedora that appeared just now for the purpose of fedora tipping* this concludes my rant on why you should play Underworld Office, and it's Sequel, Charlie in Underworld.
Thank you all!
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strgzrcharles · 2 months
Day 18 of drawing underworld office fanart:
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This isn't the original drawing I had planned, but I feel too ill to finish that rn so I made this quick portrait of alive Joan :}
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neutrallyobsessed · 2 months
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my "what clone high did you watch? 🤪🤪🤪" edits/redraws/fakeshots became "i have clone high seasons 7 to 19 🤭🤭🤭" and i dont know how to feel about that 🙃🙃🙃
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ghostt-writerr · 1 year
Boss: Hi, could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire??
River: Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔
Eugene: Why were you microwaving a lemon???
River: I read boiling lemons helps cover up up bad smells (I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges) but I didn't own any pots.
Joan: Did you burn an orange too? How???
River: Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔
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a-sad-queer · 2 years
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they made me cry more than I'm willing to admit
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uwowrites · 2 years
sorry if another request is just too much for your health, please take as much time as you want;
i had a weird but still cute dream about uwo, where the whole office wanted probably to kill someone, but they were hiding it from boss so he wouldnt be worried, he seemed so happy, everyone knew about the real rules about bright and dark but noone was mad, eugene and boss seemed like really happy father & son duo playing together and smiling on a swing, boss even put his hat on eugene and i want to cry from happiness since i saw all that and the whole office ended playing together
so after all that, could you do some headcanons with boss spending time with office members like nothing bad ever happened ☹️🙏🏻 living their best lives as ghosts and caring about each other, zero problems and bad thoughs,, please please please <3
im begging on my knees
Of course! Even I like to pretend CIU never happened.
Also, no need to apologize for the request.
So, along with headcanons I though of before CIU came out.
Good god someone help this man handle his chaotic family (Platonic headcanons)
Boss & River:-
They just radiate too much sibling energy.
The bickering, the way they care about each other (Boss scolding Eugene for calling River to a place she couldn't go).
Although they argue and fight, they are the most effective and scariest duo.
Legit, threaten Eugene and these two will throw hands. You have the silent and deadly one teaming up with a carefree and strong fighter.
They have solved the most number of cases together.
And they have competitions about who has solved the most cases in the month.
River has challenged him to flying competitions.
The two have talked about their pasts. Although it took Boss a long time to open up, he started to view her as family (she was the first person for him to see that way)
River has seen Boss get mad before. She has seen him rage to the point where he stopped caring about mortals. It wasn't as though he became a bad person, he was sick of fighting and defending people who did such sinful things. While that time was brief, she admits that she would much rather prefer seeing him care about mortals than not.
He pushes River to solve cases. Not because he wants to overwork her, but because he wants her to get rid of her misdeeds. (I came up with this headcanon before CIU came out. So I didn't know about the whole misdeeds are decided by you thing.)
River speeds him up to date about the world. Even though he knows plenty since he has been a ghost for a long time, there are things which he doesn't have knowledge about (He is a boomer)
Boss & Eugene:-
The best father-son duo.
Boss has trained Eugene to use his fan.
Boss and everyone in the office has attended Eugene's graduation day.
Eugene has definitely asked Boss (and Joan) for help in history.
Boss watched over Eugene for a while after the teen became an official member of the office.
Eugene would come to Boss for advice.
After a while of being in the office, Eugene cracked his first dark joke and Boss laughed, hard. Everyone was shooketh and thought 'Oh damn. World is definitely gonna end today.'
Boss & Joan:-
Boss views Joan as a mother figure. (Now we know the real reason being his mom was hot garbage)
Joan would share stories about her days.
Boss learnt how to knit from her. She nagged at him for not having a life outside the office and he had no idea what to do besides stopping monsters. So she taught him how to knit.
They have visited her children together. She has even remarked how Boss felt like 'one of her own'.
Boss relies on her from time to time when it comes to making plans. Since she has experience in the military and war.
He sometimes asks her for advice.
She ensures he doesn't overwork himself.
Joan has taught him how to use her gun.
Boss & Hayden:-
After Hayden met Eugene, the kid became even more curious about school. So, Boss took him to a small one at night. He smiled fondly as Hayden swung on the swings and wrote on the board with chalk.
Boss would tell stories about kings and queens.
Other than Eugene, Hayden is the only one who Boss compliments openly.
Boss has sung to hayden.
He visits Hayden's parents with Hayden. There will be times where the kid cries and Boss holds him.
He has taught Hayden a few tricks about his fan. Not too much though.
He takes Hayden to the park to have fun in the kid's play area every weekday in the night. Less chances of running into mortals.
Boss would play with the cats Hayden befriends. He is particularly close with one kitten which he nicknamed '어린이' (Pronunciation eolin-i) which translates to little one in korean.
He takes Hayden to cat cafes.
Boss and Everyone:-
Movie nights. At first, Boss objected but he eventually did join them.
He remembers everyone's birthday. And tries celebrating it too.
Overprotective over every single one of them.
Once Eugene introduced them to monopoly, their family nearly tore apart. With Hayden pointing out the unfairness of the game, Boss quietly planning what places to buy, River chaotically buying all of them to piss him off and Joan trying to control her kids while trying to not land in Jail for the umpteenth time.
UNO was even worse. Boss would keep the best cards for last, River would try to trick her way to victory, Joan grumbling about how the game doesn't have proper rules and Hayden just winning without even trying.
Eugene is the poor spectator for both games.
If you think Wii is something they can play peacefully, YOU ARE DEAD WRONG. Let's just say, the last time they played it, the TV had a controller in just stabbed in the middle.
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llilyrose · 2 years
FICTOBER PROMPT 01: "I chose you."
Fandom/Fanfiction (UWO - Underworld Office)
ft. Boss, Eugene, and River
no ships
fighting (sorta) + sentimental talk
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plot outline:
-Eugene gets into big trouble while patrolling; He and Boss have a talk about past events.
The Underworld Office kept tabs on evil spirits and malicious entities. That was Eugene's job, just as much as it was Joan's or Hayden's or River's; even Boss'. The Underworld Office protected mortals from the door, in exchange for keeping the scale between mortals and the dead balanced. Everybody's tasks were important - big or small. Any mistake could lead to a monumental disaster.
That detail is what plagued the mortal Office worker as he made his round. No matter how many times he was told otherwise, Eugene knew he was very faulty with his work. He hadn't depended on anyone for most of his life, and yet, when he got a glimpse of what it was like working in a team, he felt even less useful on his own. He knows it's not what they meant, but the fact that they assigned Eugene to what's possibly the smallest area to patrol made him feel worthless in comparison. He wanted to do better- really, truly, he did- but it always seemed like he needed help or wasn't improving. The Underworld Office gave him a chance to find himself, and he wanted to reach farther so he deserved it.
Needless to say, when Eugene saw the shadow of an evil spirit, he jumped at the opportunity to prove his own worth. Now, though, as he stare at the meaty hands choking his incorporeal form, he could barely form coherent thoughts.
He reached out meekly, to nobody in particular. Help.
A tremor.
A ghost paused in his tracks, hesitating. There was an unbearably cold and heavy energy in the air, pulling Boss' body closer to the ground and shaking it to the core. Where's this terrible feeling coming from?
"Heeeey, boooooss?" River asked, following close behind him. She didn't bother to clarify, he already knew what she was getting at.
"Aren't you supposed to be patrolling?"
"Stop dodging questions; You and I both feel that. Do you know where it's coming from?"
Boss folded open his fan, holding it in front of his face as he focused on the pull of energy. You only ever felt this within the range of an evil spirit- the stronger the tug on your body, the stronger the emotions the spirit felt. It didn't take long for him to assess direction; After all, it was a harsh push towards-
He froze.
"Boss-? Wait! What's up?!" River's voice only got farther as he zoomed toward the station, the other ghost presumably following close behind. He did not slow down. Under normal circumstances, his main worry would be of the mortal bystanders getting hurt, but there was something else that quickened his pace.
That was all he needed to say, as River flew up next to him worriedly. She knew what it was, too. They were only able to hope he was safe. River's voice was the only thing Boss could hear, the soft murmur nearly flying away with the wind:"Is the newbie capable of handling that thing?"
They both knew the answer to that. As they ran down the stairs, noises of struggle and screeching flooding their ears, they knew the answer to that. When they were confronted with the scene of Eugene pinned down by a large, shadowy mass, they knew the answer to that; They knew that he'd stuck his head into something bigger than himself again.
"Operation: Glasses!" River tried at a cheeky joke, grinning in an attempt to lighten up the mood.
"Are we giving names to rescues now?" Boss, if he had one, would have raised his eyebrow. "There are more important things to do. Get Eugene away."
"Is that an order?"
Folding open his fan again, he gave his typical serious expression to the ghost. River got the memo, nodding and headed toward the tangled ghosts without a snide remark. Boss quickly followed, analyzing attack plans in his head.
"Hey!" River's voice boomed, hair slowly lengthening and gathering in a pool below her that suspiciously resembled a hand. It was (luckily) enough to surprise the creature and slacken its grip. In one swift, calculated motion, River's hair wrapped around Eugene's figure, yanking him from the creature and placing him somewhere close (but far enough away). Admittedly? Boss was very impressed. Unfortunately for the pair, though, they still had to take care of the plus-size evil spirit.
"Distract it further," Boss ordered, prepping his fan. "I'll weaken it, then you can cut it."
"I get to do the dicing for once?!"
"Oh, yes, right." River was surprisingly sunny for someone told they were bait, but this was her workflow and Boss learned it's better not to question.
Circling back to reality, his eyes trained onto River in wait of an opening. By now, the ghost was taunting the shadow and racing laps around it. In retaliation, the evil spirit attempted to catch her, but River's speed and maneuvering outmatched it. He felt his arms begin to deform into a whip-like shape, throwing his fan in the air towards River to keep it in play. When she paused, Boss struck the monster, which flinched and withered slightly. He turned to River.
Use the opening.
He needn't speak- River had already overwhelmed the monster with the power of his keepsake, its body exploding and scattering across the city. If not for the fact Boss was a ghost, he would have a major sense of whiplash.
He and River took a few moments to collect themselves (it may not take a physical toll, but it does take a mental toll). River slowly stood up, floating over to Boss and handing him back his fan with a victorious smile.
"Hah... great.... teamwork!"
"You are a ghost. Why are you panting?"
"Take the fan."
Boss studied her hands for a moment, snatching the fan back with a sigh.
Boss rolled his eyes, making his way to Eugene. "Don't lose sight- we still have one loose end," he nodded towards the boy. River, though, was already headed toward the exit. "Where are you going?"
River turned around with a lazy expression. "Patrollllling. Say, while I'm looking for more evil spirits, why don't you look after the newbie? I'll cover your patrol area today, too." Before Boss could get a word in, the ghost left, leaving him and Eugene alone in the subway station. She's an oddity, but River does what River does best.
He stood in a protective position over Eugene's spirit, blocking his blind spots and remaining hypervigilant for any signs of an evil ghost. He wasn't sure why River was so insistent on leaving (he believed she would have been more inclined to stay, really), but Boss knew that she would do whatever she was doing at the moment well. He worried, though; She seemed a little out of it....
It wasn't time to dwell on things. Boss glanced at the ghostly apparatus beneath him.
Now all there was to do was to protect and to wait; the same thing he'd always done and the only thing Boss ever knew.
| I don't know how to insert another timeskip in here properly so take this divider as compensation |
Eugene shifted and stirred, wearily opening his eyes. Everything hurt (or, it should hurt), an unfriendly reminder of the situation he had found himself in moments before.
Glancing around, his eyes fell on Boss, standing over him and presumably warding away anything that could harm Eugene. In most cases this was heartwarming, but it only filled him up with remorse. He'd been sitting there while Boss was putting all his energy into protecting him? So much for trying to prove his own worth! Eugene could only hope Boss didn't see him as a leech. Standing up, he seemed to take the ghost by surprise (it didn't stick, though- it never did).
It was the same indifferent, formal manner that Boss always spoke to him with. Eugene couldn't help but feel like it was laced with a sort of condescending tone, though. It only made him cringe inwardly.
"I'm sorry," Eugene muttered, tugging on his hoodie. It wouldn't make the situation better- Boss'd still think him useless- but he could at least try to explain himself. "I'm sorry, I just--!!"
Boss seemed to wait patiently, urging him to continue. He knows. He knows! He's just waiting until I finish to tell me to go! Why do I always mess things up? Dammit!
"...You can say it."
Boss was silent. He was right, wasn't he? Why else would Boss hesitate? Was he trying to think of ways to lay it easy on Eugene?
Eugene stood up, taking a few steps toward his body. "It's okay... I already know what you're trying to say. You don't have to."
That's the third time he's said it. He was in big trouble, Eugene knew it. He just continued towards his body in silence.
"Eugene," He could feel a heavy energy behind him. He didn't want to look back. He wouldn't look back.
"I-I know I'm dead weight, I don't want to hear it." I don't want to hear it, I don't want to hear it, I don't want to hear it-
But what he didn't expect
was Boss, in a gentle voice,
"Why do you think that way?"
And it was enough to make his brain stutter. Eugene turned back around, eyes wide in surprise, slack-jawed. There was no hidden intent in Boss; He just stood there in confusion. Why was he confused? By all means, he shouldn't be! He should be angry at Eugene, scolding him, forbidding him from entering the Underworld Office again, something!
That's no way to think. Old habits die hard. It got Eugene thinking, though, and he did have a question that irked him ever since he and Boss met.
"Why did you keep me around?"
His question was met with only silence. Boss seemed to falter- but only for a moment- before meeting Eugene's eyes again.
"You had a debt to pay -"
"-No, I mean—!!" Boss' response only frustrated Eugene further; He was grateful for Boss' outstanding patience. He should get an award. "You saved me. And I know that's your job, but you saved me. Rather than paying with my life, you let me take a position in the Underworld Office. You knew full well the dangers and the mistakes I could have made as well as did make, and you still let me stay."
"That's how--"
" 'That's how debt works' doesn't explain it. You could have told me off and let me go with a warning about this subway station. When I finished with my debt, despite doing nothing but worry you and give you more work on top of your current responsibilities, you let me stay. Even after meddling in ghost business and being somewhere I shouldn't be, you let me stay. You saw all my flaws, all the damage I've caused. Even just now, you saw how useless I am here. The only thing I'm good for is being someone you guys constantly have to save or rescue! I tried proving my worth by taking on that monster by myself, but I only ended up passing out and making the situation worse. So-- So, why?! Why didn't you just leave me on the curb when I was done?"
Silence filled the room once more, like a noxious gas ringing Eugene's neck. Whether he couldn't breathe because of the tears or the stare Boss was giving him, he didn't know. The atmosphere clung to him like smoke, and he only wanted to run.
"I didn't leave you on the curb because I saw myself in you, Eugene."
Eugene perked up, still shaking slightly. Boss' face, although covered in shadows, only emanated a soft expression. He didn't know whether to feel comforted or shocked- Boss almost never showed this side to him- but, nonetheless, he was compelled.
"There have been... other mortals. They missed their train and reacted much the same way that you had. I turned them all away- Mortals had no need to meddle with ghosts."
Eugene wanted to object, but Boss was much quicker.
"You were different. I saw... something. Potential. Growth. You didn't seem turned away, as if there was no other option for you. On one hand, you could say it was out of pity. On the other hand....
"... I chose you, Eugene. I was patient because I knew that you'd own up to your mistakes and grow. I was worried that bringing you in may have been a mistake at first, but you proved yourself time and time again- even when I didn't believe in you.
"You're a wonder, Eugene. You are not skilled in combat, but you are skilled in words. You have grown significantly and found yourself through our line of work. You've made friends and helped many. Do not discredit yourself, you've done plenty of good."
Eugene didn't know what to say. He felt like all that Boss said were lies, but one glance at his expression told you it was genuine. Eugene hesitated, but only for a moment, pulling the ghost into a hug with him. A grunt of surprise came from the adult, but not much else was said as they sat in each other's embrace.
You chose me, huh? Eugene thought, smiling. Something only Boss could say so genuinely. Okay.
I'll have to make your choice worth it.
Total Word Count: ≈ 2,000
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pocket-ghostie · 7 months
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Had a Bad Time this week so I drew Lilly hanging out with the other office ghosts <3
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aeoni-sw · 6 months
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Text-2: I'm not drawing Charlie
He. Unfounded. My.
instead of writing, why not procrastinate and do art? :D
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dilulilacs · 3 years
simping over boss
i mean his jokes might be lame but i clearly don't want to get eaten by boss, yeah it's clear that i definitely don't want to haha. but he seriously could and i won't complain
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also, what's me and my attraction to serious guys suddenly laughing?
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and don't judge me but the way he's just floating there is pretty cute and hot
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but like seriously though, who doesn't want to be carried by those arms 👀 oh to be eugene
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anyways i suck at closing paragraphs so here's a low quality pic of smol joan looking up at tall boss
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neutrallyobsessed · 4 months
i dont think yall seen my goth joan design all that closely:
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the left one is the definitive~ with less make up, she looked too recognizable and the Misa twin tails didn't look as good as i thought :P
also i actually made it in color and then i remembered that it wasnt supposed to have color xddd
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ghostt-writerr · 1 year
River: For self defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely.
Eugene, Charlie, & Boss: Okay.
River: If you don't want to die, give me all your money.
Eugene: Bold of you to assume I have money.
Charlie: Bold of you to assume I don't want to die.
Boss: Bold of you to assume I can die.
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iamrizaka · 4 years
I finished this game two times and I want more
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First of all, two precious bois together. It is my first ending.
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My second ending, and, heck, he's hot.
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