#V & Co
idealdieselmarine · 4 months
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Woodward motor 1766-825 SMM40 115v 3rpm 50-60hz AMPS 0.3A 0.2nm, SAWAMURA DENKI KOGYO CO LTD. MADE IN JAPAN
Woodward motor 1766-825 SMM40 115v 3rpm 50-60hz AMPS 0.3A 0.2nm
We have 2pcs New Motors for sale as below:
V ;115AC Hz ;50/60   AMPS 0.3A
Torq: 0.2nm SPD:3 Class:B Qty; 2pcs Condition:New
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legalstudiesin1 · 1 year
"Bhagwandas Kedia v. Girdharilal & Co (1959)
Bhagwandas Kedia v. Girdharilal & Co is a notable case in Indian contract law. It was decided by the Supreme Court of India in 1959. In this case, the plaintiff (Bhagwandas Kedia) entered into a contract with the defendant (Girdharilal & Co) for the purchase of certain goods. The contract provided for the delivery of the goods within a certain time frame. However, the defendant failed to deliver…
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scorchrend · 2 years
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part 2
pokemon x dragalia lost taking over my brain
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in game kits (for Ingo, Emmet, Elesa, Thorton) theorycraft under cut shoutouts to twitter user zappypants for helping
Ingo (Flame Short Range Manacaster) 
Special Force Strike: 
3 seconds to charge.
3 hits 452%
S1 Trailblazer
Fires 3 shots in a straight line.
SP COST 1800
1 hit 500%
Inflicts Stun 110% rate
5-6 seconds
1 hit 600%
Inflicts Burn 120% rate
12 seconds
Damage every 3.9 seconds 97%
1 hit 700%
Inflicts Scorchrend 120% rate
21 seconds
Damage every 2.9 seconds 41.6%
Defense Amp (Limit Team Defense Amp 2)
The user's next force strike will dispel. 
S2 "Full Speed Ahead!" 
SP COST 5400
Applies "Steadfast" to the user for 10 seconds. 
Attack rate of all adventurers behind the user increases by 30% for 10 seconds. 
Immune to CoN
Force strike charge rate increases by 35%
Knockback immunity
Gauge Accelerator +20%
Chain Co-Ability
(Flame) HP Below 40 = Shield
A1 Focused Captaining
The adventurer receives a divergent shield that nullifies up to 40% of their HP when they receive a defense amp. Also, dispelling a buff with a force strike will grant a Team Strength Amp (Limit Team Strength Amp 2) once per force strike. 
A2 Stun Res +100%
A3 Overdrive Punisher +15%
Emmet (Light Long Range Manacaster)
Special Standard Combo (Dualie Mode):
6 hits 67%
8 hits 67%
Special Force Strike (Buff): 
Regular charge time. 
2 hits 180%
Dispels 1 time per hit.
Reduces paralysis resistance by 9% per hit for 20 seconds.
Normal: Breakneck Barrage
SP COST 3060
20 hits 125%
Each hit reduces paralysis resistance by 1% for 20 seconds.
User enters Dualie Form. 
Immediately fills this skill's SP. 
Dualie Mode: "Check for safety!" 
SP COST 3060 (irrelevant) 
Restores HP to the user and all adventurers in front of the user.
Healing Potency 80%
Team Critical Damage Amp (Limit Team Critical Damage Amp 2)
Ends Dualie Mode. 
Normal: "All Aboard!" 
SP COST 6120
1 hit 2064%
Inflicts Paralysis 120% rate
13 seconds
Damage every 3.9 seconds 80.3%
Critical Damage Amp
Dualie Mode: Electro Express
SP COST 1526
1 hit 2564%
Inflicts Paralysis 120% rate
13 seconds
Damage every 3.9 seconds 80.3%
If there are no adventurers close to the user, paralysis infliction rate is raised by 10%. If the user has any amps, paralysis infliction rate is raised by 5%. 
Critical Damage Amp
Paralysis Boost
Paralysis infliction chance and duration are raised by 20%.
Chain Co-Ability
(Light) Paralysis = User Critical Rate +13%
A1 Blitz Caster
When the adventurer uses "Breakneck Barrage," they enter Dualie Mode. Dualie Form gives them a special standard combo and 1 special force strike buff (replenished every 50 hits). Dualie Mode ends when the user's combo ends.
A2 Poison Res +100%
A3 Paralyzed Punisher +30%
Elesa (Light Rapid-fire Manacaster)
S1 Volt Switch
User deals 1 hit before retreating (kind of like Lapis S1) and fires another hit.
SP COST 4050
1 hit 800%
1 hit 1000%
Grants a single-use shield that nullifies up to 40% of the user’s HP.
Applies “Lighting Manazine” to the user for 20 seconds.
Lightning Manazine
Immune to CoN
SP Gain +40%
Critical Rate +15%
Cannot stack
S2 Electroweb
Creates a debuff zone at the target’s location that lasts for 10 seconds.
SP COST 11340
Attack -15%
Defense -15%
Inflicts Flashburn 120%
21 seconds
Damage every 2.9 seconds 41.6%
Gauge Accelerator +20%
Chain Co-Ability
(Light) Combo = Critical Rate V
A1 Technician
Shared skills with cost under 6 will have their animations sped up by 20%.
A2 Poison Res 100%
A3 Electrifying Caster Master
Every 250 hits will grant the adventurer a Strength Amp (Limit Team Strength Amp 1) Defense Amp (Limit Team Defense Amp 2), an HP Regen 1% for every 3.9 seconds for 10 seconds, and an Energy stack.
Thorton (Water Bow) 
S1 Calculated Tactics
Grants the party different buffs if target is in front of the user or behind. 
SP COST 2047
If the target is in front:
Strength +30%
15 seconds
Attack Rate +7%
15 seconds
If the target is behind:
Applies "Bracing Maneuver" 
Regardless of target location, this skill will add a Cookie stack to the user (Limit 3) and a Strength Amp (Limit Team Strength Amp 2)
Bracing Maneuver
Immune to CoN
Defense +50%
10 seconds
Skill Damage +10%
10 seconds
Cannot stack
This skill becomes available for use if the user has at least 1 Cookie stack. 
Less than 3 Cookies: RNG Cannon
9 hits 90%
1 hit 990%
An effect is randomly chosen from the list below. 
Strength Amp to adventurer
HP Regen to party
10 seconds
Regen tick every 3.9 seconds 1%
Inflicts Frostbite Res -20% to target for 20 seconds. 
Uses 1 Cookie stack. 
When the user has 3 Cookie stacks, this skill turns into "RNG Manipulation." 
3 Cookies: RNG Manipulation
Effects take place in an animation that plays before a hit. 
Team Strength Amp
HP Regen to party
10 seconds
Regen tick every 3.9 seconds 1%
Inflicts Frostbite Res -20% and Bog Res -10% to target for 20 seconds. 
1 hit 3000%
Inflicts Frostbite 120%
21 seconds
Damage every 2.9 seconds 41%
Uses all Cookie stacks. 
Debuff Skill Time +15%
Debuffing skills will have their debuffs extended by 15%. This does not apply to debuff zones. 
Chain Co-Ability
(Water) HP +10%
A1 Numbers Advantage
Raises the adventurer's movement speed by 5% and skill damage by 25% when all party members are alive. 
A2 Stun Res +100%
A3 Amped Up
For every unique amp the adventurer has, increases attack rate by 5%.
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If I saw this on another site I would have thought it was satirical, but I don't think BBC News does Satire!
By: BBC News
Published: Oct 3, 2023
A degree in magic being offered in 2024 will be one of the first in the UK, the University of Exeter has said.
The "innovative" MA in Magic and Occult Science has been created following a "recent surge in interest in magic", the course leader said.
It would offering an opportunity to study the history and impact of witchcraft and magic around the world on society and science, bosses said.
The one-year programme starts in September 2024.
Academics with expertise in history, literature, philosophy, archaeology, sociology, psychology, drama, and religion will show the role of magic on the West and the East.
The university said it was one of the only postgraduate courses of its kind in the UK to combine the study of the history of magic with such a wide range of other subjects.
'Place of magic'
Prof Emily Selove, course leader, said: "A recent surge in interest in magic and the occult inside and outside of academia lies at the heart of the most urgent questions of our society.
"Decolonisation, the exploration of alternative epistemologies, feminism and anti-racism are at the core of this programme."
The course will be offered in the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies.
Prof Selove said: "This MA will allow people to re-examine the assumption that the West is the place of rationalism and science, while the rest of the world is a place of magic and superstition."
The university said the course could prepare students for careers in teaching, counselling, mentoring, heritage and museum work, work in libraries, tourism, arts organisations or the publishing industry, among other areas of work.
A choice of modules includes dragons in western literature and art, the legend of King Arthur, palaeography, Islamic thought, archaeological theory and practice and the depiction of women in the Middle Ages.
I mean, it could have been quite good, the history of magic; the effect on human imagination and storytelling; magic in literature and art; magic as metaphor for what we don't know, a stand-in for science; the evolution of societal perceptions of magic through the growth of the scientific method; the role of magic and revelation in early epistemological (truth claims) processes... this could have been a fascinating course.
Then they had to ruin it by stuffing it full of intersectional Gender Studies horseshit and making it ideologically corrupt and completely academically worthless. Except to piss off daddy, who's paying the bill.
This is the exact kind of luxury course that only bored, privileged, upper-middle class people with no real problems or ambition would take. If you take it, you have nothing better to do, and no ambition to better your future prospects. It's low-effort, academically shallow, fosters undeserved moral elitism, but still takes in tuition fees, so it's unsurprising that it exists.
You'd be getting loan forgiveness for it over my dead body, though.
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walkswithmyfather · 10 months
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1 Peter 1:22‭-‬23 (AMP). “Since by your obedience to the truth you have purified yourselves for a sincere love of the believers, [see that you] love one another from the heart [always unselfishly seeking the best for one another], for you have been born again [that is, reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, and set apart for His purpose] not of seed which is perishable but [from that which is] imperishable and immortal, that is, through the living and everlasting word of God.”
John 13:34‭-‬35 (AMP). “I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, so you too are to love one another. By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you have love and unselfish concern for one another.”
John 1:1‭-‬4 (AMP). “In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself. He was [continually existing] in the beginning [co-eternally] with God. All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him not even one thing was made that has come into being. In Him was life [and the power to bestow life], and the life was the Light of men.”
“The Seed That Never Dies” By In Touch Ministries:
“Jesus planted His love in our hearts and wants us to share it with others.”
“Preparing a garden—cultivating the soil, watering regularly, managing the weeds—takes time and effort. But a gardener spends the least amount of time doing what is perhaps the most important task: choosing and planting the right seeds. Today’s passage applies that experience to cultivating Christian love.
In the upper room, Jesus gave His disciples a “new commandment, that you love one another.” His people, He said, would be known by their love (John 13:34-35). This deep kind of love doesn’t grow naturally from the human heart. If we are to see love grow in our life, we need better seed.
As Peter says in today’s passage, fervent love for one another comes about when we are born again from the only “imperishable” seed—“the living and enduring word of God” (v. 23). It’s easy to read “word” here as “the Scriptures,” but as John’s gospel tells us, Jesus Himself is the Word (John 1:1-4). He is God’s Word of mercy and new creation, the source of our new birth.
But God has also given us His written Word to remind us of His work in the world and in us. Remind yourself today and every day of God’s work in you, cultivating the fruit of love through a fresh meeting with Jesus and through reading the Bible.”
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goongiveusnothing · 6 months
That’s what I alwaysss say, why do harries think they know Harry better than other industry people lol? These celebrities get all the tea and not once have a single one of them alluded that he’s queer but several have alluded he’s straight and queerbaiting//
Dan Wootton is an asshole but he's an out gay man who's been on the UK celeb scene for decades and has interviewed 1d several times. In 2022 he wrote an article calling Harry out for pretending to be queer but was dismissed by Harries/Larries. To me the article rings true. If Harry WAS gay, Wootton would know.
according to harries/larries, harry is both out and everyone knows which means every one who comes out saying he is straight or making fun of the idea he's queer are just... homophobic? even though many of them are gay themselves? or harry is deeply closeted and only they know and need to tell us every 5 minutes while claiming he's closeted and not to out him.
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alarrytale · 6 months
If they don't do anything in the next few days, now that we know she's in London, i think the stunt is over. That's also what the blind items says. We'll have to wait and see. ///
Daily Mail is calling her his girlfriend again in its latest article 🤬
Hi, anon!
I meant a sighting or pap pics of the two of them, or something else that tells us they're supposed to be together still (H walking her dog or her being papped outside Erskine house etc).
She's not a known name in the UK and not a big enough celebritity on her own, so she's referred to as his girlfriend. Sort of to tell the gp why they should care about this person lol. We've only got rumours of a cooling of their relationship, not a break up confirmation, so she's still his gf. If that's where this is heading i think we'll get more articles hinting at a break. Like H beeing seen with someone else or supposedly dating someone else.
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singeratlarge · 11 months
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MONDAY MATINEE MUSIC VIDEO: “Hold On” by Rupert’s People https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYbrxbXH5bs. Rupert’s People was a “made in the studio” band formed around members of Fleur de Lys. In 1967, Rod Lynton was a rising songwriter, so managers and record companies got behind him to record his songs by using bands-for-hire—in this case it was Fleur de Lys with Chris Andrews on lead vocals. To avoid confusion over the Fleur de Lys “brand,” the band re-named themselves “Rupert’s People” to avoid confusion. “Hold On” was the B-side to the Rupert’s People “Reflections on Charles Brown,” a single issued to positive response in 10 countries. However, many said “Hold On” is the stronger track, amped up with muscular organ by Pete Solley (future sideman w/Eric Clapton, Al Stewart, Whitesnake, etc.) and edgy lead guitar by Phil Sawyer. The song was co-written with bassist Gordon Haskell (later of “Harry’s Bar” and King Crimson) and guitar hero Bryn Haworth (not credited on the record label). On a cosmic jukebox “Hold On” plays next to the soulful hard-edged blues-rock fusions of Spencer Davis Group, Pretty Things, and Brian Auger & The Trinity.
Lynton went on to collaborate with John Lennon, and Rupert’s People tracks have been reissued on soundtracks and compilations celebrating the best of 60s British rock. Fleur de Lys became a launching pad for several careers, with Chris Andrews going on as a solo act and collaborator with Roger Daltrey, David Essex, Davy Jones (Monkees), and other notables. This video was made in 2023 with remastered audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYbrxbXH5bs
#chrisandrews #rupertspeople #charlesbrown #psychedelicrock #britishrock #classicrock #britpop #fleurdelys #rodlynton #johnlennon #brynhaworth #gordonhaskell #kingcrimson #spencerdavisgroup #prettythings #brianauger #rogerdaltrey #davidessex #davyjones #monkees #singersongwriter #bluesrock #britishinvasionrock #60srock
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wellthatwasaletdown · 10 months
NDAs can stop you revealing info about a celeb's private life but they can't stop you from bitching about them in a general way as in saying they're untrustworthy etc. Plenty of partners of celebs have done that.
For instance, Harry called Taylor Swift ' a pain in the arse'
Your source is The Daily Mail. I watched that documentary several times, and I never once heard him that about Taylor Swift.
What can and cannot be disclosed will depend on the terms of the agreement. Since none of these women speak about him by name, I'm willing to bet that that is one of the terms. Also, I'd wager that they could not post him on social media--the only exception being that Girl Boss could post him in conjunction with DWD promotion. Both Girl Boss and Camille posted their previous (and in Camille's case future) S.O.s on their social media all the time, but never Harry Edward Styles.
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trans8vr · 1 year
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alvarezmacleod17 · 4 months
The Crucial Role of VRLA Battery Suppliers in Energy Storage Systems
In the dynamic landscape of renewable resource, the need for reliable solar storage space services has actually caused a surge in solar lithium battery manufacturing facilities and Chinese lithium-ion power battery producers. Among the principals in this world, NPP New Energy and CATL lithium battery suppliers have made substantial strides. The marketplace also witnesses the involvement of business focusing on NCM lithium batteries, sodium ion technology, and salt sulfur batteries, such as ESS construction and management, EVE Lithium Energy, and Solid Power. sodium ion technology manufacturers is a crucial element of the evolving power storage market, with a focus on resolving the worldwide demand for reputable battery storage programs. NPP New Energy emerges as a major player, earning an online reputation as the international lithium battery king. Alongside, BYD Co., LTD. stands as a famous factor, additional solidifying its position in the sector.
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Understanding the intricacies of different battery modern technologies is important, with lithium manganese batteries, soft-pack cells, VRLA battery providers, and lead-acid batteries manufacturing facilities playing essential roles. The sodium-ion modern technology asserts an absolute benefit, showcasing its historic advancement and the remarkable efficiency of sodium sulfur batteries (NAS). In discovering the technological dimensions, the industry looks into the specifics of different battery systems, such as Watt hours as a power device and Amp hours as a capacity system. The development of higher power thickness 21700 batteries, alongside their forerunner 18650 batteries, accentuates subtleties like nominal voltage. The 14500 lithium battery and alkaline electrolyte batteries add to the varied series of alternatives available in the marketplace. Within the world of round batteries, the CR123A battery takes spotlight, raising questions about Amps and the significance of examining the optimum amperage. The complexities of series-parallel links and the value of NiMH (NI-MH) batteries, along with rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, highlight the diversity within the power storage landscape. Comprehending the usual sizes of 1.5 v batteries, the differences in between 1.2 v and 1.5 v batteries, and the capacity of alkaline batteries adds deepness to the customer's knowledge base. Checking out the ins and outs of energy systems, the kWh to Ah calculator and suggested conversion calculators end up being essential devices. The shift from Watt-hours (Wh) to milliampere-hour (mAh) to watt-hour (Wh) becomes clearer through formulas like Wh = mAh × V ÷ 1000, supplying understandings into power usage and storage. For an extensive method, the discussion extends to the functional conversion of energy in kWh, with a focus on Kilowatt-hours (kWh). In a globe where precision issues, customers and industry specialists alike benefit from a nuanced understanding of energy storage and consumption. As the marketplace continues to evolve, staying educated regarding the current innovations and technologies makes sure a lasting and efficient future for renewable resource.
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withinthesebones · 8 months
im trying to flesh out ferns family.... she has like 5 siblings, three way older siblings (in their 30s) and then some closer to her age...her older sisters are played by e/mily v/an c/amp and j/odie co/mer but now im looking for older male fcs in their 30s that are blond to play her brother angus if anyone has any suggestions
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Agnieszka Holland by Dorota Janicka Illustration
Artist wrote: PIS*- the ruling political party in Poland, has long crossed many boundaries, the boundaries of decency, the boundaries of freedom and democracy, and now it shows us that it has crossed the Rubicon of disgusting.
The GREEN BORDER is a film about universal truths that affect every REFUGEE, tomorrow we can become them.
*PIS : Law and Justice (Polish: Prawo i Sprawiedliwość) is a right-wing populist and national-conservative political party in Poland. Its chairman is Jarosław Kaczyński. It's the dominant party in Poland. Via Wikipedia
👉 15.10.2023 🗳 V O T E
📚 Read also: Agnieszka Holland’s Venice Prizewinner ‘Green Border’ Lures Slew of Buyers Amid Political Backlash in Poland (EXCLUSIVE)
🔗 https://variety.com/2023/film/global/agnieszka-holland-green-border-buyers-poland-backlash-1235723671/amp/
🇵🇱 PIS już dawno przekroczył wiele granic, przyzwoitości granice wolności, demokracji, teraz pokazuje nam, że przekroczył Rubikon obrzydliwości.
ZIELONA GRANICA, jest filmem o uniwersalnych prawdach, które dotykają każdego UCHODŹCY, jutro to my możemy nimi się stać. #zielonagranica #film tekst i tłumaczenie Dorota Janicka
📽 https://youtu.be/0OrWnjzVkys?si=ChmdLf8KGy0YFdjj
📚 OKO.press Agnieszka Holland: „Zielona Granica” powstała z mojej miłości do Polski [WYWIAD NA PREMIERĘ FILMU]
🔗 https://oko.press/holland-zielona-granica-powstala-z-mojej-milosci-do-polski
„Zależało nam na tym, żeby pokazać kompleksowość tej sytuacji, złożoność ludzkiej natury i wyborów, przed którymi stoimy. Żeby w filmie nie było ani grama propagandy” – mówi OKO.press reżyserka Agnieszka Holland.
„Na wszystko, co pokazuję w filmie, mam papiery”
tekt by Anton Ambroziak
#PalianShow #zielonagranica #sztukakobiet #PolishWomen Paulina K. Palian #polishwomenartists #refugees #refugeeswelcome #bezgranic #noborders #uchodźcy #wybory #głosuj #kobietydowyborów @abwwia
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ruchira-nangalia · 10 months
The fashion world has observed so many trends in the last few years. Among so many trends of solid-to-colour block prints, the co-ord sets are topping the list of trendy outfits. Women's co-ord sets have been in fashion since the 1970s and this outfit has again gained popularity with more innovations in styling, colours, prints and designs.
The co-ords are an easy way to dress without any confusion about matching the outfits. Coordinated sets make the women effortlessly stylish for any occasion as these are specially designed co-ords for various events. Whether you are on a lunch date, in office meetings, conferences, movie night or even at a wedding or festive event this outfit will definitely make you look beautiful and confident.
The florals are the prints that seem like made to spread cheery vibes. This co-ord goes very well for the comfy casual yet stylish look. The two-piece co-ord ensemble will definitely make you stand out among your friends with its vibrancy and the colourful plus airy outfit will definitely become your wardrobe essential. You can pair it with nice sneakers or gladiator flats to amp up your look.
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The so refreshing look that feels cool in the hot summery times. The combination of refreshing sky blue shade with the floral prints on cotton fabric is a good choice to stay glam up all day. Cotton fabric is everyone’s pick during summer and this cotton coordinated set makes a great clothing choice. The fascinating trend of these co-ords for women will let you slay this stunning style without compromising on comfort. This co-ord will definitely look amazing when you add a beautiful handbag and stylish footwear.
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The matching co-ords make the statement outfit that reflects confidence and boldness so gracefully. The solid plus softer hue of this set with a front knot blouse will definitely let you earn good compliments. The small ruffles on the sleeves go perfectly with the super comfy culottes. This outfit is a must-have for a long day as it will keep you glam up with the vibrancy of this designer co-ord set. The stylish crop top with the V-neck, front knot bow tie will make you look gorgeous for a day out with friends or family. This is just a perfect look for a fashion-focused appearance and you can go with it without any doubt.
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Selecting a co-ord outfit is the best way to add that extra punch of vibrancy to your clothing collection. You can get the effortlessly chic look that makes you a stunner every time you wear it. Co-ords are a fabulous choice to make as these save your time and efforts of selecting, and mixing matching the different bottom and top wear. These women's co-ord is good to go with for your workplace as well, even if you are working from home or from the office these co-ords are the best choice as work wear. Nangalia Ruchira has a fascinating collection of women's co-ord sets that will definitely make your personality Fashion-forward. So visit Nangalia Ruchira to discover a wide range of modish co-ord sets for women and enjoy shopping.
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5x Specific Techniques and Crafts:
- Juan Gris (1887-1927). (1914). Tea Cups. [painting]. Retrieved from https://library-artstor-org.ezproxy.aut.ac.nz/asset/LESSING_ART_10310750658
- ( https://library-artstor-org.ezproxy.aut.ac.nz/#/asset/LESSING_ART_10310750658 )
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- Langford, C. (2021). A brief history of photography and truth. PHOTO 2024. https://photo.org.au/channel/a-brief-history-of-photography-and-truth
- ( https://href.li/?https://photo.org.au/channel/a-brief-history-of-photography-and-truth )
- Nash, R., Yamada-Rice, D., Dare, E., Love, S., Main, A., Potter, J., & Rodrigues, D. (2021, July 1). Using a collaborative zine to co-produce knowledge about location-based virtual reality experiences. Qualitative Research Journal. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/QRJ-02-2021-0021/full/html
- ( https://www-emerald-com.ezproxy.aut.ac.nz/insight/content/doi/10.1108/QRJ-02-2021-0021/full/html )
- Poletti, A. (1970, January 1). Intimate ephemera : Reading young lives in australian zine culture: Austlit: Discover australian stories. AustLit. https://www.austlit.edu.au/austlit/page/C784568
- ( https://search-informit-org.ezproxy.aut.ac.nz/doi/book/10.3316/informit.9780522855654 )
- Guerra , P., & Quintela, P. (2020). Punk, fanzines and DIY Cultures in a global world. SpringerLink. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-28876-1
- ( https://link-springer-com.ezproxy.aut.ac.nz/book/10.1007/978-3-030-28876-1 )
5x Key Themes, Ideas and Conservations:
- Greteman , A. J. (2017). Helping kids turn out queer: Queer theory in art education. Jstor. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00393541.2017.1331089
- ( https://www-jstor-org.ezproxy.aut.ac.nz/stable/45426608?seq=8 )
- Addison, N. (2005). Expressing the not-said: Art and design and the formation of sexual Identities. Core UK. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nicholas-Addison/publication/227531793_Expressing_the_Not-Said_Art_and_Design_and_the_Formation_of_Sexual_Identities/links/5dfddd9b299bf10bc36bdeb2/Expressing-the-Not-Said-Art-and-Design-and-the-Formation-of-Sexual-Identities.pdf
- ( https://web-s-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.aut.ac.nz/ehost/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=e35f3f22-c2ed-4fe4-ae86-1baab4634829%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#AN=16073553&db=vth )
- McEwen, H. Milani , T. M. (2014). Introduction: Queer and trans art-iculations: Decolonising Gender and Sexualities in the Global South. Jstor. https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/43825241.pdf
- ( https://www-jstor-org.ezproxy.aut.ac.nz/stable/43825241?seq=6 )
- Lupton, E., Kafei, F., & Tobias, J. (2021). Extra bold. Princeton Architectural Press.
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- Gray, M., & Horton, I. (2022). Seeing comics through art history. SpringerLink. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-93507-8
- ( https://link-springer-com.ezproxy.aut.ac.nz/book/10.1007/978-3-030-93507-8 )
5x Specialist Subject Knowledge:
- Ruberg, B. (2022, January 1). Hungry holes and insatiable balls: Video games, Queer Mechanics, and the limits of Design. JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies. https://www.scilit.net/article/160aa08322d2117a26bcceb89913b89b .
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- Napier , S. (2002, November). When the machines stop: Fantasy, reality, and terminal identity in ... Jstor. https://www.jstor.org/stable/4241108
- ( https://www-jstor-org.ezproxy.aut.ac.nz/stable/4241108?seq=4 )
- L. Fang, (2021). Discussion and Analysis on the Application Value of Fine Arts in Computer Graphic Design. 2021 International Conference on Computer Technology and Media Convergence Design (CTMCD). https://ieeexplore-ieee-org.ezproxy.aut.ac.nz/document/9463383?arnumber=9463383
- Kortenkamp, K. V., Marschall, S., Mateer, T. J., Petty, R. E., Schoenleber, C., Abrams, K. M., Bilandzic, H., Bradford, L., Brown, P. J., Burks, R. L., Burn, S. M., Choquette, J., Cialdini, R. B., Davis, M., Davis, S. K., Fleming, N., Gleason, V., Graham, L., Hall, T. E., … Leung, Y.-F. (2023, January 12). The impact of graphic design on attention capture and behavior among outdoor recreationists: Results from an exploratory persuasive signage experiment. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2213078023000014
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- Kaplan, G. (2022, October 20). After the Bauhaus, before the internet. MIT Press. https://mitpress.mit.edu/9781949484090/after-the-bauhaus-before-the-internet/
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5x Creatives Working in the Environmental, Social, Cultural, Sub-cultural, and political contexts:
- Hajian, G. (2022, June 1). Revealing embedded power: Collage and disruption of meaning . Revista GEMInIS. https://doaj.org/article/d68c43347e964b968cb8e92d396d1596
- ( https://www.revistageminis.ufscar.br/index.php/geminis/article/view/738 )
- BYRT, A. (2018). Strange encounters: The Walters Prize finalists take us on a trip to see who we might find, and what we might touch, on the dark side. Metro (NZ), 420, 84–85.
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- Grieve, F., & Clarke, K. (2022, June 1). Threaded magazine: Adopting a culturally connected approach. Revista GEMInIS. https://doaj.org/article/60bacdfd13c6486eaad575c51717ceff
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- Justin, W. (2022). Matariki logo and slogan revealed. Dominion Post, The, 4.
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- Williams, L. (2021, May 25). Vivian, the graphic novel: Using arts based knowledge translation to ... Taylor & Frances. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13576275.2021.1929898
- ( https://www-tandfonline-com.ezproxy.aut.ac.nz/doi/full/10.1080/13576275.2021.1929898 )
0 notes
wellthatwasaletdown · 7 months
In October 2020 his PR rep actually spoke to the Mail and denied that he was being considered for James Bond so any current articles are just the usual tabloid speculation.
But a representative for Harry has since told MailOnline that the reports 'aren't even remotely true.'  
We know that it is tabloid speculation. We also know that his team has a history of attaching his name to projects to create buzz or planting stories to deflect attention away from something they don't want people focusing on.
Also, the story you linked is over 3 years old. He's had 2 movies come out since then. In his mind, that makes him a veteran actor--more than capable of tackling a role like this.
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