kandadiff · 1 year
Van Der Wulff: Freedom and Captivity
~ warning bloody and violent ~
My eye, though still red and bruised, was no longer swelled shut and my bruises though still prominent on my body were not as tender. An hour ago, Luther brought me from the room in the basement, ordered me to shower and picked out a summer dress, i would have never picked for myself. Once i was dressed his brother, James, patted me down, lingering too long on my hips "to make sure you didn't take anything sharp from the bathroom." I didn't. I was concocting my own plan.
He sat me, like a doll, on the beige couch in front of the other men. They wore jean jackets, each with a small devil head embroidered on the collar. They were part of a gang or maybe a subsection of some local syndicate. They leered at me and Luther seemed to enjoy my disgust.
"Gentleman," He said with a smile, he stood next to me his hand possively just behind my neck, resting on the back of the couch. "My soon-to-be wife, doesn't fully believe i have the connections that i do. That if she doesn't walk down that isle with me on Saturday then she will belong to you three. Once they saw you" Luther ran a finger over my cheek, i jerked back, the men laughed. "They offered me a large sum. 100 grand."
"He tells you the truth." the middle one said, his accent was thick in his words as she spoke. "The boss, he loves white girls. We give him her as a gift" he looked up at Luther. "He'll look at all of us with favor. 🌶Even though she's not a virgin." The men laughed with each other continuing to discuss me as though i was not there. They spoke about me like how they would trading a horse or a sandwich. But these men were telling the truth. Luther did have connections here which put a slight damper on my plans. When i get out of here, i had to make sure none of these devil men saw me or they'd scoop me up and sell me to whatever pervert paid the highest.
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"So you see my snowflake," Luther said walking back into the room, handing a glass of water to one of the men. "I have people willing to pay a lot of money to me for you. But" he said walking over to me. "As long as on Saturday you say 'I do.' then ill protect you from the big bad wolves." he even had the audacity to smile at me. "Shouldn't i be rewarded? I'm rejecting all this money for you. Money i can use to put my children through school or better my life, all because of you. "
"As long you fulfill you duty." James said into my ear.
They waited for my response looking at me with sinister looks in there eyes. Enjoying my discomfort or the hold they now all held over me. "You're all revolting." I spat at them. The three devil men laughed at me while James eyed his brother and Luther sucked his teeth.
"You really are a brat, huh?" he chuckled. "You're parents really did spoil you rotten but don't worry. i'll train that out of you. I'll start now. Stand up." When i didn't he roughly grabbed my arm forcing me up. He dragged me down into the basement again, the men following as he threw me onto the tiled floor. "Sorry gentleman, but hopefully next time, she'll be a better hostess." He slammed the door behind him and i got to work.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The relief that over flooded your senses when you saw Jake made your shaking form shake more. You heard Anne calling you and you looked down at the phone. Jake gently took your hand in his ""I have a phone at the house, you can call whoever.""I left my cellphone at the house, but you can as many people as you want."
You nodded placing your ear to the phone. "I'll call you back in a few minutes, i promise." You hung up as they ordered you to keep talking. Your eyes shifted back to the mansion that loomed like a castle on top the the hills that overlooked the town. Jake followed your gaze but didn't ask questions.
"Come on, my car's over here." You followed Jake limping to his car and got in the passenger seat. You relaxed the farther you got from the mansion that held Shawn. Jake held out a towel for you.
"Put it on your leg." He said and you pressed the rag to your bleeding leg. You sat in silence for a few minutes, the only sound coming from the radio playing some soft pop song in Greek.
"Why are you in Greece?" You asked as he drove out of the center of town. Your relief increasing the farther you got from the house.
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Jake looked at you almost sadly. "For a girl." he said and you looked at him. "But it's over now." You nodded looking out the window. The markets turning into houses. Shawn wouldn't find you now. You made a mental note to call Negan as well. You'd get the number from Ed.
"How far is your house?" You asked looking at the clock, though the time went fast you had been driving for 30 minutes.
"Just up the block." he pointed and you turned to look out the window to see where he was pointing. But you should have been paying attention to him, then you would have noticed the tired look in Jakes eye, the bottle of some clear liquid in the back cup holder and the rag he kept soaked in in pressed tightly to his side. He eased the car infront of a random house and just as you turned back one of his hands gripped your hair tightly, and placed the soaked cloth over your nostrils and mouth forcing you to breath in the chemicals until your eyes rolled back in your head and you vision went black.
I waited crouched in the dark of the basement holding the heavy toilet tank lid in my hands waiting for Luther. I thanked all the horror movies i spent hours watching. It always took my eyes to adjust to the dim lighting of the room when coming from the upstairs and i knew if it was dark Luther's vision would need a few minutes to adjust - meaning I only had a few minutes to strike him.
I had learning from the first Saw film just how dangerous and heavy a toilet tank lid was. I learned from the war movies I would watch with my grandfather that many people just blindly walk into the darkness if they think they know the layout and straight into a pit. To make sure of that, I unscrewed the lightbulb hanging from the ceiling.
Since i was confined to the basement most of the time i had used the toilet tank lid to crack the white tile of the floor, grateful that underneath was just dirt. Using my hands and the tank as a shovel i made a hole deep enough to my stand up in my waist. I flushed the dirt down the toilet and moved the bed just over it so Luther wouldn't notice.
I'm not sure how long I waiting crouched in the corner when the door opened. But since my eyes had long since adjusted to the dark i saw his darkened outline reflecting in the mirror. I heard him trying to flick on the switch of the light, cursing under his breath when the light wouldn't move.
"Help me!" i called out in a sobbing voice. I saw him rush forward and trip into the hole i had created. He shouted in pain, stepping on the sharp pieces of tile i had lined the dirt with. I quickly shut the door and raised the lid above my head.
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"Wait!" He shouts were cut short when the porcelin hit his skull. Warm blood spurting from his head onto me. 'First hit is never enough, Ace.' I heard Joker's voice in my head. 'Don't stop until they look like nothing!' Running on pure adrenaline, i unleashed my anger of confinement until his head looked like the contents of a lumpy cranberry sauce container, blood covered my skin and the smell of blood became overpowering. I was shaking when i stood up wiping the blood of my face with my hand. I looked up and stood on my tip toes screwing back in the lightbulb and admiring my handy work until i saw the jacket he was wearing. This wasn't Luther. It was James.
"Fuck!" I screamed and ran my hands through my hair frustrated. "Okay, okay. One down." I tried to calm myself down. My eyes shot to the door, the room was unlocked. I knew the layout of the house now. I was trained for this since childhood. i just had to think of this as just another one of J's tests. Except if i loose, i get sold or killed.
I pushed those thoughts from my head, lifted the toilet tank lid and smashed at the lightbulb, dropping the lid on the dead body. I quickly moved out of the room into the rest basement and moved to the tool cabinet. I had hoped there were more tools than there were but I thge bluntest object i could find. A hammer as blunt force and a screwdriver as a stabbing tool.
"James! Mi Amigo!" I heard the basement door open and someone call down. I held in my gasp and quickly moved behind the stairs looking up and seeing the feet of one of the devil men. My mind shifted to a memory of one of my lost siblings, Riley, who out of anger hid behind one under the stairs one day and used a knife to slice though one of J's men's Achilles tendon. "James!" The door to the basement shut behind him as he called out again. "🌶You better not be using her! If she doesn't get married, Luther said i have first dibs-" He let out a wail as i plunged the screw driver into his ankle as hard as i could. The pointy end coming out the other side. He tumbled down the stairs crying out in a mix of Spanish and broken english. Unsure if the basement was soundproofed i rushed him. "PUTA-"
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He was cut off from the hammer hitting his mouth. His teeth flew out and he scrambled to get up but I came down on him as hard as i could. The entire basement filled with the sounds of squelching flesh as brains and bits of bone spilled everywhere and painting me red. The hammer head broke on my last swing and i stuck the wood into the squishy mass that used to be a head. I looked up at the closed basement knowing I had to either go up or take out everyone on a similar fashion before more people came looking for me or this man But he was in view of the door, they wouldn't come down of they saw him. They'd lock me in here and the basement was also soundproof since no one came with the man screamed.
I held quickly searched the body for a weapon but only came back with a carved pocket knife. I sighed kicking the body and made my way carefully up the stairs, clutching the knife tight in my hand.
Spanish music was playing when I reached the first floor. I strained my ears to listen for voices but my heart sunk when i heard more then just the three remaining voices. I moved carefully to the corner peeking around the living room and saw more men with devils embroidered on their jackets. I sunk back and looked around, the closest room being the master bedroom. Luthers room. I sucked in a breathe and moved to it. The natural light coming in promised big windows.
I snuck in there, the knife clutched so tight in my hand it hurt. I quickly closed the door behind me cursing at the lack of a lock and and tried the windows. I pulled up the pane and was pushing out the screen when the door opened behind me.
"Kalyn?" The sound of Luthers voice made me involunatrily freeze for just a moment before i attempted to fling myself out the window. I felt his hand grab at my hair dress and yank me back. I fell hard on the tiled floor, the breathe being knocked out of me He dragged me into the windowless attached bathroom banging my head on the floor again. He straddled me, like he did in the sorority, he slammed my head into the tile. I felt dizzy. He took in the blood on my body, it distracted him for a moment. Enough for me to swing the pocket knife, i aimed for his throat and he screamed, his blood mixing with the rest on me as the knife sliced from his left cheek to just right eye. One of his hands shot to my arm slamming it down until the knife skittered out. I screamed out hoping now someone could hear me. Someone who could help me. His hands shot to my throat. His large fingers squeezing hard, trying to crush my windpipe.
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"I should have killed you the moment you entered my life!" He growled "Open your eyes!" He barked at me "I want to be the last thing you see before you die!" I struggled to breath as i kept my eyes defiantly shut. Flashes of my family and friends blinked through my mind and through i was struggling to breath, tears rushed to my eyes as it started to hit me that i was going to die here and no one would know. I reached around me but came up empty. I heard my ears start to pop, feeling Luthers blood dripping on my skin like rain and the smell of death overcoming my senses.
Lloyd saw the rows of motorcycles outside the house and he sighed, guilt weighing heavy on him. He thought not coming back from New york right away would cool my anger and not immediately following me to Mexico would let me deal with the secrets i found out. He should have known the teacher had something to do with it. The moment his phone dinged with the information Luther took leave off of school.
He had thought his threats to Luther had gotten through and he was leaving me alone. It was the opposite. He doubled down and crossed the line. Lloyd would keep his promise he made to Naomi's father then. "If you don't leave her alone, i'll beat you until whatever left can fit through a strainer then i'll feed you to your children." Luther had laughed at him and walked away. He'd make his torture slow.
"You all know what she looks like." Lloyd said to his men in the van comparing the number of motorcycles to how many men were most likely in the house. "We get her out alive and okay." He brought his best men on this mission. His right hand man, Sebastian barking out orders for the men.
"You know the rules men, eliminate everyone but the girl and the teacher." Sebastian said as the men nodded, readying thier guns.
While some men preferred to do things in secret, Lloyd desired to see the terror in his victims eyes when they knew who was coming after them. Though, realtively new to the criminal underbelly of the world, he made a name for himself. He was cruel, smart and creative when it came to torture. He had no qualms about hurting people if it meant getting what he wanted. He had taken down families who ran certain parts of the world with small group of men and had enjoyed doing it. The name Hansen struck fear in people and he liked the way they begged for forgiveness, though if he was coming after them himself they had no chance of it.
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He held his gun close to his chest and walked into the house as though he owned it, a few of his men behind him. The members of the El Diablo gang looked up surprised. He didn't give them a chance to question him. He shot the three on the couch hitting them all in the chest while the other scrambled about, trying to reach for there own guns. His men followed his lead, the popping of the shells loud while the El Diablos fell dead at there feet. He motioned for his men to move deeper into the house. He saw doors opening and closing, some remaining members trying desperately to hide from death. But he was here and he moved quickly.
Blood stained the walls and furniture of the house, the men only stopping when Lloyd made his way to the guest room seeing a man, no older then 18 or 19 looking up at him with watery brown eyes as he head his dying friend in his hand. Lloyd put up his hand to stop his men from shooting and moved two of his fingers, half of his group left him and kept searching the house. The rest waited obediently behind him.
"please señor" the teen begged in broken english. "please do no hurt me!"
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"🌶Where's the girl?" Lloyd asked surprising the man that he spoke spanish.
"🌶In the basement." He hiccuped and Lloyd nodded. "🌶please sir i beg do not-" he never finished his sentence. The bullet from Lloyd gun hitting him right between the eyes. He slumped forward on top of the man he was holding.
"Sir!" One of his men called out. "We found something!" Lloyd internally braced himself to see me dead or severely hurt on the floor of the basement chained up like an unruly pitbull. He desended the stairs to see the smashed remains of one of the diablo members, a hammer handle sticking out where the brain would be. He chuckled proud peering at the door before him. "Theres another just like it in there." One of the men said walking out of the room where James body was. "She made a fox hole and bashed his skull in with the toilet tank lid. She might be gone by now."
"Tracker says shes still here." Sebastian said and Lloyd laughed proudly. "Lets keep looking."
Katya paid the cabbie that drove them to the large beautiful mansion Shawn was holding you in. Before the cab even stopped, Edward dove out right to the front door. it was early, barely even 5 in the morning when they pulled up. Shawn had just discovered your absence when the twosome pulled up.
To say Shawn was panicking was an understatement. He was beside himself with worry, berating anyone around him besides Catherine who was preparing to go into the village for you. "Do it, burn down the village if you have too!" he said just as the doorbell rang.
"She was spotted in the village, sir!" Catherine said hanging up the phone, instantly moving toward to door. Shawn stopped her heading to the door himself. "That might be her, sir."
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But it wasn't. On the other side of the door was Edward who mumbled a harsh "Hi, Shawn." before slamming his fist so hard into the boys face that a tooth was spat out. A shock ran through the house as Shawn fell and Edward slammed his fists into his face over and over.
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A few men went to stop him but was quickly stopped by Katya. "Get away from him!" She held a gun in her hand and didn't hide that she had two more strapped to each leg. "I promise i am faster with this then you are." She threatened. "Negan gave me permission to kill as needed."
More popping in my ear and suddenly i could breath. Luther heavy weight on my body gone and my eyes shot open. I was still in the bathroom, blood still covered me and i sat up leaning on the tub and struggling to breath. Luther was gone. Was I dead? I tried to call out but my voice came out in a whisper, the silence that surrounded me was terrifying. I gripped the sink, shaking as i tried to stand. I spied the knife and quickly grabbed it. I carefully moved toward the bedroom, opening the door as quietly as i could and peering through the slit but it was empty. Where was Luther? Why didn't he kill me? or did he think he did and was waiting for me?
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An engine roaring to life caught my attention at the window. I watched in disbelief as Luther racing away in his car leaving me in the house filled with gang members. He didn't kill me. He sold me and ran away. I sighed sitting on the bed trying to grab my bearing and stop myself from hyperventilating. I needed a phone, there was a house phone in the living room. But given the motorcycles were still outside, so was the gang members. As far as i know they were waiting for me to leave the room so they could ambush me. I could go out the window. We were in Mexico and I spoke Spanish i could find one, unless this gang had instilled a fear in the village and i had no idea which direction the village was in. The sky promised it would be getting dark soon and wandering around in the dark was just as likely to get me hurt.
I braced myself holding the knife tightly to my side and opened the bedroom door. The coppery smell of blood assaulted my nostrils and i had to hold in my disgust. i just had to go to the phone and come back to the bathroom in Luther's bedroom to call Negan or Lucian. I wandered out into the hallway as quiet as i could. The basement door was open and i heard the soft speaking from someone down there. I had to cross the door to get to the living room where the phone was. I decided to tip toe as quietly as i could and was halfway across the threshold when i heard someone say. "She's here." I turned back and rushed back to the bedroom, hearing footsteps behind me. I slammed the door behind me and turned to the window ready to throw myself out and take my chances outside when the door opened behind me.
I screamed when someone grabbed me, violently slashing the knife hitting nothing until the person grabbed my hand and forcefully took the knife out. "Hey" The voice was soft. "Its me, hey sunshine, calm down." Lloyd looked at me pushing his gun in one of his mens hand tossed the knife aside.
"Lloyd?" My voice was weak with shock.
"Its me" he let out a small laugh and looked around. He was looking for Luther. His men moved around the room as he came closer to me.
The sight of him was like finding gold though my heart sunk. The main monster had gotten away by seconds. "Hes gone!" I choked out. "He fucking-he ran away!" I pointed to the window.
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"I'll find him. I swear it." he was a few inches from me. I couldn't help the tears that came to my eyes. He held open his arms and i fell into them. The shock and the weight of this whole entrapment crashed into me and i let out my sobs on his jacket. He whispered little things into my hair and held me tight to him but i was crying so violently nothing registered.
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mycstilleblog · 1 year
"20 Jahre Whistleblower-Preis". Das Buch wurde gestern in Bremen vorgestellt
Auf einer Hybridveranstaltung wurde am gestrigen Abend im „Goldenen Saal“ der Villa Ichon in Bremen das Buch „20 Jahre Whistleblower-Preis. Was wurde aus den Preisträger:innen und ihren Enthüllungen?“ (Hrsg. Gerhard Baisch, Hartmut Graßl, Bernd Hahnfeld und Angelika Hilbeck) vorgestellt. Der Whistleblower-Preis «Zur Ehrung mutiger WhistleblowerInnen wird seit 1999 alle zwei Jahre der…
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View On WordPress
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endoprepapp · 1 year
I was delighted to be invited to DentsplySirona/VDW’s Global Opinion Leader’s Forum. This was held a week ago in the beautiful city of Istanbul. I am neither a DS nor a VDW Key Opinion Leader (KOL) so the invitation was a incredible surprise. Many of the biggest names of endodontics were present discussing contemporary and future advances in endodontics. I was able to meet many colleagues who I hadn’t yet met in person. Colleagues who have written articles with me, conducted editorial work with me or have just communicated with me through social media.
Special Thanks to
🔸Sarah Waldmann, the DS Director Global CE & KOL Management, who decided I made the cut
🔸 Mathias Kraus, VP for DS Marketing, for the interesting conversation
🔸 Eddie Garrott , DS product manager, who helped me use 3D Endo, a CBCT software that helped me complete my Endodontic degree
🔹Omar Ikram / @SpecialistEndo , my EndoPrepApp co-director, and flight companion to Istanbul
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clarkgriffon · 8 months
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ALPHABETICAL FAVES ⟹ S is for… Serena van der Woodsen
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nereidaa · 17 days
oh no i just entered my serena van der woodsen era (i cant choose between dan and nate and it has been literally just the first day of school)
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4mne5i4c · 2 years
In the Hamptons the summer before he starts college, Eric gets better. (Featuring many conversations with Nate and many introspective passages about his fluctuating mental health, as well as a little romance and a little sailing on the side)
Or In which Eric goes to the seaside, gets a job and recovers from his melancholy.
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kattanimates · 1 year
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I made a funny.
Characters - Ventri (Red halo and wings) from 'VENTRI'S DREAMWORLD', my ventsona series and who will represent me.
Katt (hoodie and long tail) from "The Break room", one of my major series and my.. mascot? You could say? Lol
I hope y'all like it, Tumblr! :>
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Here's the original, I don't know who made it, though.. sorry- (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)
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nateserenas · 2 years
serena meets her cousin for the first time and is immediately like hii i’m so glad you’re here let’s get coffee let’s spend the day together let me show you everything i know here’s a family heirloom it’s now my job to protect you move to new york move into my old bedroom i am taking you under my wing
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drunktayloratthevmas · 8 months
Tuntun.. Tuntun.. Tuntun.. Tuntunturunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...
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pulcheriebalhoud · 1 year
Lazard - Your Heart Keeps Burning 2023 (Remix Dj John VDW & Extended version)
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kandadiff · 1 year
Van Der Wulff: So Far Away
~~ Bethany ~~
As much as she hated to admit it Bethany needed Lucian's help. Her best worker was missing and though the girl that answered the door this morning assured her you were being picked up from a impromptu vacation. The reaction from your mother frayed on her nerves. She even heard from Kyle that your mother was planning the funeral arguments in secret - in case you didn't come back in a month and that Xavier was not the guilty party. But why did the others not seemed as ready to commit to your death as your mother? Even her own son seemed to know something she didn't though he didn't tell her. But she was used to that, a cold reaction from her son and a cold reaction from the men in charge of the different factions of criminality in this town.
As far as she knew, she was the only woman who was making a name for herself, which is why it burned at her cheeks to even buzz at the door of her exes large plantation style home. The drive itself was about 3 hours out of the city, a journey she made without her husband. She told Lucian she was coming but was half expecting to be turned away at the door - however she was pleseanlt surprised when one of his other son's Wesley buzzed her through the gate and lead her up to the sitting room where Lucian was taking his afternoon drink. She was a frizzy haired girl buttoning up her shirt and looking shyly at Bethany as she walked in. Bethany snorted seeing the girls skirt out of place as well, though Lucian looked as though he came out of a photoshoot. The smiled at his ex but Bethany made no indication how much his presence effected her. He smiled at the girl and motioned to the door, with a meek 'yes, sir' she darted past Bethany.
"Old habit's huh?" she said wanting to smack the smirk that looked back at her.
"You said you needed my help," he motioned for her to sit on the couch across from him. "Why?" she took a seat moving her leg over the other, her own smirk appearing on her face when she saw his eyes flick to her legs. She watched him settle into his seat and offered her a drink, she shook her head.
"You are close to Damien's friend, the missing girls-"
"You know their names, Bethany." Lucian said, his voice smooth. "You might not like her but she deserves your respect."
"What has she done to gain my respect?" Bethany retorted. "What has she done to gain yours? She plays with our son - your son. You want him to inherit all this" she motioned to the house around her "she is a distraction and a pest. She should stay missing." She took a breath angered how nothing seemed to effect Lucian - but he was always like that. Only showing his emotions when it was convenient to him, she could never truly read him which made her want push his buttons for a reaction. "Unless the only reason you want her back is because that girl who rushed out of here isn't doing as good of a job as she does for you. You did always have a thing for her, since she was a loose little teenager running around Italy listening to your stories of the witch women who could tell the future."
It irked her when he laughed, like she was a child who was showing him some drawing she made that he didn't care about. "I assume you're here about the little one too. I know you know her name, right? She is working for you."
Surprised that he knew she leaned back on the couch. "Arianna is a good worker, nearly the best. She is a respectful woman, the kind my child - your son should be with."
"A drug dealer." He chuckled pouring more of the dark liquor in his cup.
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"Better then a whore." She mumbled and he shrugged. She gathered her thoughts for a moment and leaned forward. "Her mother is planning her funeral but when I asked Damien, he isn't as worried as he once was. His friend, Xavier has been arrested and sent away but she didn't turn up and Damien avoids questions about it. And none of the girls in that house is telling my other worker about it. In fact, no one is talking to me about it-"
"Maybe you don't have to know." Lucian suggested, a smirk playing on his lips as he sipped the drink.
"She's my worker. I have to look out for her, just as you have to look out for yours. I am a force in this town, I have built myself up from the pile of nothing you left me in! I deserve to know! I have earned that from you!"
Lucian stayed silent for a moment and then his lips curled into that annoying smirk again. "Fine. There is a small meeting around 10 this evening, I'll see if I can get you in."
"You will get me in." She demanded and he chuckles.
"Go home to your husband, Bethany." He stood up signifying he was done with this conversation. "I'll call you tonight." She stood up and left without saying another word.
Robin's first stop was his father's club, the only place him and J could meet without the prying eyes of others wondering what a student at a prestigious school would have to talk about with the clown prince of crime. He walked right into the club, bypassing the security guards and desperate men and woman trying to make it in there. He beelined for the private quarters decorated in purple, green and gold.
He pulled the key his father had given him and quickly unlocked the door. He saw his father standing above a very nervous looking man on a computer. He glanced at Robin then laughed looking back down at the man. "Happy is here!" He announced at waved his hand at Robin. "Lock the door behind you, I want to show you something."
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He tried to quell his anger, knowing if he lost his temper at J - J wouldn't give him any answers. Instead he would use it as a weakness, J always exploited weaknesses. His anxious energy coming out as he played with his fingers. "I need to talk with you." he waved his hand at the man "in private." J eyed Robin and nodded turning back to the man.
"Are you done?"
"Ummm, y-yes. Just about."
"And how do I see the video?" J asked thats when Robin noticed his hand was gloved. Robin peered over to the computer.
"Step back." J ordered carefully watching as the man showed J just what he needed to know. Once he was done J asked "Is that it?" Once the man nodded, J pulled out a pistol from his hip and shot the man right in the temple. His body slumped over to the side. The once purple wall splattered with bits of brain and bone caked in red. The anxiousness Robin felt suddenly disappeared. He wouldn't harm him, he wanted an heir and with me missing he needed to keep Robin as well.
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He threw the gun down and pulled the gloves off his hands. "Come here, I want to show you something! Its amazing how many people blindly trust these cameras, you know how easy it is for people to hack into these? He did it in an hour." When Robin didn't respond with glee as J had, he turned towards him, moving his green hair from my eyes. "I had to kill him, happy. He can't know what we know. No one will miss him. Now come here."
Robin walked over to his father eyeing he computer. J pressed a button and a grainy CCTV footage played on the screen. Given the angle of the video Robin knew it came from the cameras set up in the older couples home diagonal to the funhouse. It was hard make out many things but he saw me pull into the house alone on Christmas Eve. His eyes focused on me moving towards the house. J skipped forward and in the corner of the screen they saw the flickering of lights and just a few minutes later, they saw a large man carrying a body in a blanket to his car. It was grainy and fuzzy but they both knew it was me - though J did no know who the man was. Robins heart dropped. He knew it was Luther, it had to be. Who else would do this?
"There is going to be a meeting tonight," J said his red mouth in a stoic line "all these cops around are making people nervous, whoever this is will have to come out soon and when he does." J clapped his hands on Robin's shoulder and let out his iconic laugh. "I have such sights to show you. You're going to help me with it. Like when you were a boy." Robin's icy reaction, made J's smile fade. "You can say thank you. You're coming with me tonight."
"No" Robin glared at his father. Joker scoffed and eyed the gun where it landed on the dead body as though warning Robin but the taller boy did not bend. "What is this?" He pulled out his phone showing pictures of what Edward had sent Negan just an hour before. His jaw tightened when J laughed hysterically. He was bent over in laughter falling into the chair and wiping tears from his face.
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Angrily he pulled up his father and slammed him into the crimson laden wall. "Why are you fucking with us? What the fuck is you plan?" He grabbed Joker's face slamming it into the wall trying to silence his still laughing father. He squeezed his large hand tighter over his fathers face. "WHERE. IS. SHE?" J laughed louder and Robin slammed his fathers head into the wall again letting go and watching as Joker slumped to the floor. He turned around trying to calm himself, quickly turning back to him when his laughing ceased.
His hand was on the back of his head, his fingers coming back as red as the blood on the wall. He smiled at his son, proudly. "Look at you, finally standing up to me." He stood up but Robin wasn't backing down. He chuckled and moved back over to the desk eying the pictures again.
"You should know better." J shook his head zooming in on the playing cards. "This isn't me."
"Its your fucking calling card!" Robin growled.
"Its the wrong colors." Joker rolled his eyes. "Look around you, Happy. Think of everything I have taught you. I work in purple, green and Gold. I would never do this if it could be mistaken for someone else." Robin grabbed the phone and saw the yellows, reds and oranges colored on the cards. Joker's green eyes met his son "I take credit for everything I do. But thats a hilarious copy cat."
Abigail looked at her beau with contempt in her eyes. She didn't understand his game in all of this. He had clearly changed his mind in wanting to kill you, she had made sure of that - growing attached to you herself in your brief interactions. She was happy when he agreed to get Austin to help you but now she was watching the screen of Jake, taking out his frustration on you.
Samantha, unable to stand the sight of blood quickly turned away when Jake's fist made contact with your face, splitting open the wound on your head again. "Dumb stupid slut!" he screamed at you. "Have Xavier come and save you now!" his bloodied fists made contact with your nose. You felt a rush of blood pooling into your mouth. You tried to stand, to fight back but you were so heavily medicated you barely felt his crushing blows. That was the only silver lining.
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Jeremy watched in amusement occasionally letting out a chuckle but not saying anything. That was until Jake went to hit you again and you kicked out your leg hitting him hard enough in the stomach for him to double over then you let out a long string of blood as you spit in his face. "Look at the Spitfire!" he cheered you on like he was watching a sports game.
"Whats the plan?" Abigail blurted out, her hands resting on her hips. "If you didn't want to keep her why have Austin treat her in the first place? This is unnecessary."
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"My sweet girl" he said his voice in an eerie sing song tone. "You wanted to keep her and now your upset?" Abigail opened her mouth to deny it but he waved his hand at her. "She will have a place with me, but first to build the perfect ally I have to break it down and rebuild from the ground up." He chuckles and looks at his paramour like it should have been obvious. And it should have been, he did it with her. "Jake is disposable. When she earns her place, she'll kill him." Samatha gasps but Abigail isn't sure if its because of Jeremys words or the face that Jake slap across your face bursted open your lip.
It was truly ironic how the tables have turned. Shawn had kidnapped you, flew you to a foreign country in hopes to isolate you enough to bend you to his will. He locked you in a multi-million dollar prison in the form of a beautiful home, dressed you in obscenely expensive gowns and spoiled you with food and presents you never asked for. Now there he was trapped like a rat in the same mansion he trapped you in. He was strong enough to walk by himself - not that it mattered. His father had dismissed all the staff and left that terrorist Edward in charge. The only one who stayed to take care of him was Catherine. Though, she didn't help much against the rage machine that was Edward. He had beaten Shawn after his conversation with her father. If it wasn't for Katya taking pity on him, then he probably would have starved too - Edward had locked him in the room with no way to get out. Katya brought him food.
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It was around that time again and he figured he should wash his blood caked face. He heard Edward shout that Negan was coming and he did not want to look as pathetic as he felt. He made his way over to the attached bathroom, holding onto the wall trying to steady the swaying room. His face was a mix of bruises in various states of healing and as he suspected his nose was bleeding.
"Sir," Catherines soft voice came in behind her. She was staying locked in the room with him, sleeping on the day bed by the window as he rested in the master bed. "Do you need help?" When he didn't answer, she rushed to him. He winced while she gently cleaned his wounds. "We need to get out of here." she whispered to him as though Edward and Katya were listening. "Leave everyone here - frame them for the girl going missing."
"How?" Shawn closed his eyes savoring the feel of the cool ointment on his burning skin.
She spoke in fast Greek "🎭 When blonde girl opens the door to bring the food in I will disarm her. We'll go to the boat house, Stefanos always leaves plenty of gas in it and you can take us to Crete. Then we can take a flight-" She helped him back to the bed and he nodded. They could do that plan.
Right on schedule, the door knob jiggled and with a cart of enough food for the two of them moved in Katya pushing it. Before she even got a chance to greet them Catherine yelled grabbing the nearby flower vase and chucking it straight at Katya's head. Catherine moved to Shawn, yanking him up and expecting to hear the crashing of glass and the thump of Katya's body hitting the ground.
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A chill ran down her spine when she was met with silence and Shawn froze in Catherine's arm. Catherine, hesitantly turned her head and followed Shawns gaze to the blonde that held the vase in her hand and smiled at them. "It was a nice try - but did you really think it would work?" She chuckled and tossed the vase to the chair. It bounced on the cushions and Catherines heart sunk. "I made bacon and eggs." she took a piece of bacon from the tray and popped the end in her mouth. "This will be the last meal I bring you."
Shawn felt his breath catching in his throat. Was Edward going to kill him? Would his dad allow that? Did he fuck up that bad? "Why?" he asked eyeing the food suspiciously. No, Ed wouldn't kill him by poison. He'd do it up close and personal and Katya had no reason to kill him - he was the best chance of finding you.
"You're father is coming tomorrow - he's going to take charge."
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bruiseeasily · 1 year
"you can't possibly be serious." for years, serena loved the sense of home that she got from spending winter breaks in beverly hills. it wasn't as much from the warmth in the air or the palm trees, but reuniting with a friend that meant more to her than she could ever possibly put into words. layla was everything good. she made serena want to be a better person, to try at the very least. she was a breath of fresh air compared to her group of friends back in new york city. sure, blair was her best friend and the two were thick as thieves. but layla keating was the sister she never had. "that's blackmail, has anyone ever told you?" yet, she laughs. "i didn't even know you had that in film! but you've got to admit i'd be a better marissa cooper than mischa." she says with a smirk, a hand flipping her hair back.
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thesirenisles · 3 months
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Examining the "Feminine"
mythology & meaning of venus, taurus, and libra ♀
by thesirenisles
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Dark/Night Mode recommended. Do not steal, rewrite, or copy any of my original writing. Photos are from Pinterest or collaged by me. If it does not apply, let it fly. All rights reserved. © 2024 The Siren Isles
Your Majesty,
It is as if you manifested in this world to be adored and cherished. Blessed with royal charisma and a natural grace, your Venusian energy is often happily welcomed. Even with afflictions, there is just something(s) about you that others value.
A Venusian is blessed to enjoy the material aesthetics and splendors of this world. They understand high-quality, material value in items and prefer the nicer things. They have an inherent taste for what is aesthetically pleasing. The Venusian tends to collect all of these things... while being on the journey to understanding that they can't collect people.
At your core… you are here to create and increase the value, beauty, harmony, and love in the world around you.
It's all about life’s pleasures when you’re a child of Venus and they float diplomatically, steadily seeking pleasure of all forms, whether this be from material means, the five senses, or even the addictive taste of social relevance.
╰┈➤ Think: Serena VDW from Gossip Girl, waltzing around with her “Golden Retriever” energy lol. Beyoncé, (Venus 1H) no matter the rumors... honestly can she actually ever be canceled? Jasmine Tookes (model) has such a Venusian complex, Venus 1H)
With this energy dominant in the natal chart, you can become a natural feminine role model for the women in your life. Venus is a benefic and a lucky chart ruler energy. But, this does not come without its lessons usually involving worth, value, and balance.
In astrology, the gifts of Venus manifest in:
⋆˚⋆˚ ❥ TAURUS (fixed Earth) 2nd House (Possessions, Values, Skills) understands tangible & personal worth but is seeking to understand the value of intangible beauty in life.
⋆˚⋆ ❥ LIBRA (cardinal Air) 7th House (Marriage and Partnership) understands how to create beautiful social and romantic relationships based on justice, but is seeking to understand the true value of self love & worth.
If you control the feminine deity,
you control the feminine.
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VENUS (Aphrodite to the Greeks, Hathor to Ancient Egyptians) is the Goddess of love, feminine energy, erotic desire, harmony, balance, and to some motherhood.
Greco- Roman Mythology:
When consuming any ancient mythological texts, one must consider the social and political attitudes or even agendas during that time period to add context. This female social status very clearly carries over into their mythology.
🐚 In Ancient Greece: "Greek women had virtually no political rights of any kind and were controlled by men at nearly every stage of their lives." (source)
🐚 In Ancient Rome: "Unlike society in ancient Egypt, Rome did not regard women as equal to men before the law." (source)
Glamour is the enemy of truth.
Her sordid birth is GLAMOURIZED in an undeniably gorgeous painting: “Birth of Venus” by Sandro Botticelli; 1486 (see below).
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🐚 This beautiful portrayal led to Venus being OFTEN glamourized by women, especially here on Tumblr. We feel empowered by her, which is justified. But, her Greco-Roman mythology is anything but empowering. No shade, but it embodies the social limits and pain for women within the dominant European culture. 🐚 The Goddess is often presented on display, (as above) her womanhood made a spectacle! Her very "feminine" form is written to have manifested from the discarded sexual organs of a male God, (Uranus), Also then.. technically her father.
This is a DIVINE Goddess and YET ...
Her adoptive father, Jupiter (Zeus), literally sold her to her "husband", Hephaestus (Vulcan), like property.
She has petty grudges stemming from vanity, tormenting beautiful young maidens.
She engages in frequent, extramarital love trysts with a sibling, Ares (Mars)
... & we're supposed to romanticize this??? ✋🏾(It's giving Cersei Lannister).
🐚 Negative divine feminine imagery creates a space to demonize the many beautiful traits associated with Venus! This became especially apparent after the bloody global shift into Christian and Catholic dominance.
and alas life imitates art:
🐚 The Greco-Roman/ European depiction of Venus being on full display makes a disgusting reappearance in their humiliation, brutalization, and rape of naturally curvy and voluptuous African women. 🐚 Most notably, a South African Khoikhoi (or Khoisan) woman named Saartjie (or Sara) Baartman, who was fiendishly deemed the: "Hottentot Venus." (a racial slur; see image below) Her divinely feminine body was, like Venus , put on live display and defiled for ANY paying Europeans. Most all had never witnessed such divine beauty, 1810. (source) 🐚 They were socially conditioned to gawk, hyper-sexualize, and inflict pain upon the female form. Even after death, she was taken in 1816 and displayed in a French museum until as late as 1985."
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Venus Figurine:
🐚 This grotesque misuse of Venus in the news article title takes its inspiration from: The Upper Paleolithic “Venusian figurine”, an example the “Venus of Willendorf” (28-25,000 BCE; see below) which also shows pronounced hips and figure. Men were said to carry these in thought of women. However, the exposure is none short than Venus' own in the Botticelli painting.
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🐚 While similar in their representation, the Greco Roman translation of this Goddess is far too crass and none of Venus' listed Greco-Roman origin stories have any symbolic feminine connection or adoration to the actual bull or scales! LOL. So, I went on my search to connect the lost ancient mythological mysteries that did not make it past the Euro-Colonialism eradication and re-naming. 🔎🕵️
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"Mother of the Pharaohs"
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taurus: the horned cow🐄
HATHOR is the (Ancient Egyptian Goddess of the Divine Feminine, Love, Fertility, and even expression of female sexual desire). The Goddess is a cow or a maiden with cow horns, typical symbol of Taurus.
How is Venus connected to Hathor?
🐄 Since the moment they step foot in the "ancient New York City" that was Ancient Egypt, their European neighbors were enamored of Ancient Egypt's Neter (Gods), especially the "Mother of the Pharoah's". The Greco-Roman nations would come to conquer Egypt. Under Alexander the "gr8" in 332 B.C., they renamed one of the seven major African cities that worshipped Hathor: "Aphroditopolis" or City of Venus and made it a CAPITAL of its district. 🐄 The Venus planet symbol ♀ is literally the African Ankh. This fascination and renaming is like the renaming of Thoth into Mercury, Hermes, or "Hermes Trismegistus". (some say they explain it with "reincarnation.") You, as the reader, decide which mythology matches the energy best for yourself.
Mythological Origins:
🐄 Hathor is said to be born from the eye of Ra, like Sekhmet. She was thought of as beauty, love, grace incarnate. Her presence is said to exude an aura of allure, femininity, and attraction. She embodies passionate expressions of desire, love, and the pursuit of exquisite living. 🐄 A maternal symbol, she is considered the mother or nourisher of all of the Pharaohs. The presence of the Goddess in a Pharaoh's royal court is essential to ensure the connection to the divine. 🐄 Music and dance are another keystone of Hathor's energy. The female body is created to release tension and trauma with the very movement of your hips! Connect with your inner Goddess! 🐄 Symbols for Hathor: Cows, Sun disk with Cow Horns, Lotus Flower, Sistrum, Protective Cobra, Mirrors, and Cosmetic jars.
Why the cow? 🐄
🐄 Ancient Kemet (Egypt) connected their Gods to the natural skills, gifts, and talents of the animals within their ecosystem. This is the reason their Gods’ are called Neter, like “Nature". (For example: Lions of Leo are native to Africa) 🐄 The African cattle breed: “Ankole-Watusi" has female cows with very large horns… similar to the male bull. These horns are depicted holding the sun disk upon the head of Hathor, (as seen above & below in the Egyptian bas reliefs).
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🌷Cows are the mothers!🌷
┈➤ Bulls are the male cow. Heifers are the females without offspring.
🐄 The natural feminine physical traits associated with the cow are: plush eyelashes, a pretty symmetrical face, pronounced nipples that produce milk, and wide hips. 🐄 However, the cow also provides fertilizer, which brought forth the agriculture of the African Nile Valley. The cow , not bull...is a perfect fertility symbol.
Hathor provides the Pharaoh the ANKH or “Venus planet symbol.” ♀ (see below)
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Bas Relief of the goddess Hathor, Temple of Horus, Edfu, Egypt, Ptolemaic Period, c251 BC-c246 BC
"soft life"🐄
🐄 I imagine a Taurus (or 2nd houser) thriving in the energy of the cow, frolicking the lush green lands, eating their fill, and providing nourishment. If the 5 senses of a Taurus are satisfied, they are content. 🐄 They will create this value around them, often ensuring that their spaces smell good, the food is prepared excellently, and only the best to drink it down. Access to a Taurus is access to their natural value. 🐄 They will bless you with gifts that you need because they care enough to pay attention and want to increase your value too.. all while being loyal! I love Taurus energy, so similar to cancer... but less mood swings.
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(noun). a person, especially a woman, who pursues a lifestyle of buying luxury items or of seeking them as gifts from lovers and admirers.
🐄 Taurus most often manifests Venusian gifts in the physical and sensual. This can be "classically" feminine physical traits, such as wider hips or ample bosoms, etc. On a negative, these traits can be hyper-sexualized or demonized while they are young, like their sister sign, Scorpio. But, it can also be literal material gifts and blessings.
🐄 On a positive, Venus will bless them with options! Many suitors will present these Earthly gifts, writing love poems to woo the feminine cow. Taurus may find pride in the flattery that comes with this treatment and beauty privilege. They are used to being adored (unless badly aspected).
Beware the love Bomb.
🐄 In love, these cows are especially vulnerable to being victims of love bombing. (When a potential suitor bombards one too quickly with serious promises, excessive flattery, and material gifts. This can be friends as well.🧿) The key here is to not allow flattery to falsely parade as love.
🐄 Taurus (2nd house) carries a natural royal energy and an air of grace. It’s your silent, but solid confidence of being a fixed sign. They are extremely loyal when they consider you kin. However, this dogmatic belief system can result in you charging your horns into sketchy territory. This reminds me of John Snow and his “honor” energy (from Game of Thrones).
it’s nearly impossible to change your mind.🌸
🐄  In love, this can be ignoring all of your friends over a partner who is not good for you. You find yourself giving all of your love, loyalty, and even money (most have a language of gift giving and receiving) to an undeserving soul. On the bright side, these tragedies will result in a tower moment marked with major transformation (also like sister sign Scorpio).🌷 🐄 Ultimately, I feel and often see that the Taurus (2nd house) native will be challenged to vacate the creature comforts in which they enjoy in order to transform like their sister sign, Scorpio. When in doubt, do NOT choose the Hephaestus (safe choice).
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"Queen of the Earth"
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libra: moral scales ⚖️
MA'AT (Ancient Egyptian Goddess rules balance, justice, harmony, law, order, and morality.) She is depicted as a maiden adorned with beautiful wings, very similar to Isis.
⚖️ I often find my beautiful Libran queens confused about the meaning of the scales and how it connects to femininity. I hope to be a light bearer. ⚖️ Ma'at represents the typical light feminine attributes in my opinion (elegance, forgiveness (justice), and nurturing energy (Venus). Similar to Librans, who inherently know how to enact these gifts create harmony in their social spaces and float amongst varying personalities. (Think: Lady Liberty or Lady Justice). However, the sign is the masculine side of Venus.
Mythological Origins:
⚖️ Ma'at is also a daughter of Ra, sometimes written as his wife. She manifested with Ra from the waters of Nun (Chaos). Her existence brought order to the realms . She is often depicted holding an ANKH and a scepter to symbolize power and eternal life. (See Below) Some sources say that she was married to Thoth (Mercury) and birthed 8 children, known as "The eight gods of Hermopolis." (Just like Aphroditopolis)
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Why the Queen of the Earth?
⚖️ As mentioned, Ma'at was said to be present at the beginning. She was present when Ra stood upon her "mound" (seen above) for balance as he created the realm of Earth... ending chaos. This placed the Goddess in charge of the cycle of seasons, the movements of the sun, moon and stars, all parts of religion, relationships, and the moral actions of both mortal and God-alike. This is very powerful!
⚖️ The Libra native can carry very similar themes. In life, they may feel the need to regulate amongst their social circles and be the organized hostess. Cardinal energy blesses them with the drive to girl boss through anything!
⚖️ The ethical and spiritual foundation of Ancient Kemet was presented by a woman. The head of religious worship and justice was called "Priest of Ma'at". From this, you gather that Ancient Kemet was nothing as Egypt is today in terms of equality for women. Women were free to own their own properties, businesses, marry one-another, divorce their husbands, and even rose to be Pharaoh like in the case of Pharaoh Hatshepsut. (personal fave)
Why the scales? ⚖️
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The Libran scales literally determined if a soul had lived their life with balance and morality! (7th House).
⚖️ The actions and morality of the Ancient Egyptian people were guided by a set list of commandments, known as the "42 Laws of Ma'at". These ancient texts predate the Bible, but have uncanny similarity in diction to the 10 Commandments. ⚖️ It was believed that Upon death, before one could enter the Duat (Underworld), the heart was weighed on the scales of Osiris (God of the Underworld) in comparison to a single feather of Ma'at. Osiris is linked to Saturn which is exalted in Libra. The weighing was done by Anubis (God of funerary practices and care of the dead).
“light as a feather”🪶
⚖️ If the heart weighed less or the same, the spirit was granted access to Aaru (a sort of heaven). This explains the scales of LIbra. If it did not, the heart was eaten and the native faded into nothingness.
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(noun) a woman who acts as master of ceremonies, moderator, or who receives and entertains guests in her own home or elsewhere.
⚖️ The mythology of Ma'at is excellent... a little too excellent. She is like the oldest and favorite daughter who must be 100% perfect. Many Libra's may have father or projection issues in this way. The expectation of excellence begets pressure! ⚖️ This carries over into the relationships of course. This balancing act is where things get tricky for the Libra. This can manifest as people pleasing to keep the peace with friends, family, romantic partners, or co-workers. There can be a distaste for controversy or not wanting to damage the public image. It gives "Dollhouse" by Melanie Martinez vibes at its worse. Rich Auntie vibes at it's best!
Their scales will be tipped. ⚖️
⚖️ The Libras/7th housers will find themselves in situations where they have to STAND on their boundaries. It's like a self-actualization that has to happen. Venus is teaching them to respect and protect their Venusian gifts. Similar to Taurus. Venusian energy will bless you with generous suitors. BEWARE THE LOVEBOMBERS. ⚖️ They bear the reputation of almost needing to be in a relationship. This is obviously due to the 7th house ruling, but also stems from it's less favorable position with the sun.(Father). It is also kind of true, because it is apart of your life path. ⚖️ While it can be painful to have to experience relationship after relationship, these are apart of your life path and contribute to your glow up! To love and be loved is truly a blessing. You guys are blessed with so many loving friendships and romantic experiences!
Regina George?
⚖️ There can be some performative behavior and some judgment! After all, this is scales. Blessed with beauty, style, and grace... they can end up judging those who aren't. Mean Girl vibes. But, I believe this comes from the Libran urge to judge and lead the masses LOL. Ma'at energy. ⚖️ Despite any of this, Libra is the least slandered amongst the air signs (unless it’s Libra moon… I see quite a bit of slander? LOL.) Ma'at seems to bless the Libran with this air of favor. It's like they can really do no wrong, even sometimes after doing so. People are going to think the better of them 9/10 because the Libra has already established their character and value amongst social groups. The air just adds a bit more flow, allowing more harmonious energy in their relations.
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♀ The intention of this post is to shed some light on lesser known mythology and symbolism of the planet Venus. I also believe that it is worth noting a very beautiful pattern among Venus and her signs.
♀ The Libran scales and Taurus Cow horns both resemble the female reproductive system. They also resemble the African Ankh symbol (of fertility and eternal life). Nature makes no mistakes and everything has duality, just as the Ancient Egyptians understood so well. It’s beautiful. (See below).
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Thank you for reading!! Wishing you blessings!
@thesirenisles | masterlist | Enjoyed? Support!🧜🏾‍♀️
All rights reserved. © 2024 The Siren Isles
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girlygirlifestyle · 1 year
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Serena vdw's daughter 🍸⭐👛
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Physicists capture first thickness-dependent transitions in two-dimensional magnetic material
A team of physicists from The University of Hong Kong (HKU), Texas Tech University (TTH), and the University of Michigan (UMich), has made an important discovery in the study of van der Waals (vdW) magnetic materials, a special class of materials with unique electronic and magnetic properties that make them attractive for use in various applications. Their research is the first to experimentally observe a transition in nickel phosphorus trisulfide (NiPS3), a type of van der Waals material that has been studied for its potential applications in electronic devices and energy storage, from a 3-dimensional (3D) long-range order state to a 2-dimensional (2D) flat pattern vestigial order state. They have shown how the material changes its magnetic properties as it becomes thinner, revealing new insights into how this material can be used.
Read more.
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