abysstainment · 2 years
.//tag dump #1
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milkyseaweed · 1 year
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Erm.. What the flip
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randomnameless · 6 months
It still amaze me how so many people are going to scream about how well written 3H is and demands another story like that
Nopes or FE16 anon?
TBH, no FE game is really that "well-written" bar FE5 but the writing of the Fodlan games is really something... special.
You have a huge discrepency between the "shown" stuff and the "told" stuff and nothing that is ever shown is acknowledged, or if it is, it is in a very stupid way which makes everything so artificial, characters are discussing how the sky is purple when you see it being blue, and only in one route someone bothers correcting himself and it's supposed to be a great turning point, but the player was already, at this point, shouting at his screen in frustration.
In that regard, TS is better written and what is said matches what is shown, or characters react to what is shown to the point of changing their POV - dramatically - in the last chapters of the game lol
In a way, Fodlan games thrive on the player picking a fave and embracing their POV, regardless of what the game presents - sometimes it works because the sky is purple when the characters say it is, but sometimes, it's not and you... are not supposed to care, because your fave said the inverse, and never reconsiders.
So I wouldn't say it's well written, it's full of biased narrators but no narrator ever interacts with the plot events you're objectively playing through (especially in WC, remember Baldo'n'Waldi?).
So you're left with a blue sky, and having to pick characters saying the sky is red, yellow, green or sort of purple.
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dayglow-company · 25 days
Dave uses his wind magic to make a certain few he knows poof full put!
Viv is not happy because had just gotten her fur nice and clean. Maybe a little pampering as well.
Jack and Ruic are happy little fluff balls. They liked to take the small things they could, and didn't put as much care into their fur as Vivienne did.
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unholywood · 1 month
❛   patch .   for joel to help abby  patch  up  a  wound .
𝔐. ⑊ the smell of petrichor & fresh sweat commingle; deep-seated in the rich humidity of the coming spring thawing jackson. calloused fingers into her skin with each envelope of gauze, musculature pitching back the wince as a nettled expression & purse of the mouth. “  y'lived here long?   ”  there isn't a word for this kind of tone, it burdens familiarity but still absconds the sense of what a stranger is. to be familiar with the repercussions of his rage [..] the pragmatic sense that simmers to the depth of her character— is it familiar enough? the words press for understanding.
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tender flesh on the forearm twitches, flush cardinal; jagged metal had gored at the flesh, split & torn in shallow but visceral directions. blood had dried in thinning dredges, browning by oxidation in the blades of arm hair & constricted by the gauze. the adrenaline of the chase had subsided into the throb of the close; seated on the precipice & close to the tired buzz of once fireflies.
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akkivee · 1 year
rio’s mic has the potential to be the only mic that works post rei takeover being a prototype mic, and harmonious cooperation showed us that anybody can share a mic, via shakku kicking kuukou’s ass with hitoya’s, so it’d be neat to see that be a thing again i think!!!!
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dr11ft · 1 year
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Kazumi (Japanese: カズミ, 和美) / "peace, beauty"
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subdued-moderation · 1 year
INFILTRATION: Shepherd's Flock \ Part VI
The resulting brawl is...Is it a pun to call it a washout for the other side? Temperance has access to plenty of water with the pipe he busted, his foes can only be relieved that he doesn't deign to flood and drown all of them.
Maybe if this was a mass slaying, he would have. But he needs answers and it would go against himself to take lives without necessary reason.
So instead, a beatdown is more than good enough. A fist to ones face, sending a tide to drag and smash another against a wall. One of the humans draws a gun, a quick sphere of water thrown at their hand as they fire disrupts the bullet.
It ends only when, as he lifts one by the shirt to throw...
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"...!!!" An electrified bolt whizzes past his face, letting out a grunt in surprise as he freezes in place. He can still barely feel the tingles of the electrical current just barely dancing on his muzzle.
"OKAY! Okay, boys. That's enough already...!" A new voice speaks, the sounds of a miniature crossbow joining their timbre, along with the clacking of hooves on the floor. "I was trying to tell you all to just let the dog in, to avoid a mess! We're a non-profit, remember? We don't have the spare budget to afford getting trashed!"
He knows this voice, and if the Entities weren't enough to prove his sister's involvement here, this Virtue would be the clencher. He turns his head in their direction, regarding them coldly.
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"...Hello, Generosity."
The black sheep adjusts her scarf, coming to a stop and aiming her mini-crossbow upwards as she beams brightly at the Heavenly Virtue.
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"Hiiii, Tempy! Been a while!"
Temperance sighs. This infiltration has turned into a headache...
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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i’m waiting, honeypre (👁‿👁)
#hajimari no sayonara: the ✨song of all time✨#(and also bc hajimari no sayonara is def long enough to be a 3 parts song lol. support the cause for hajimari no sayonara now—)#if they add nakimushi kareshi 2 years after suki kirai… p l s don’t make us wait for 2 more years for hajimari no sayonara (ʘ‿ʘ)#while we’re on this topic,i got the suki kirai novel for *some* inexplicable reason and—#there was a short manga about the formation of honeyworks at the back of the novel (illustrated by yamako) lmaoooo. it’s funny!!#in it yamako was like ‘i wonder what kind of song these two dudes are gonna make’…#then they sent her nakimushi kareshi and she was like ‘iT’S A BALLAD????’#and the song after that (suki kirai) was also met with similar surprise a la ‘THE SONG THIS TIME IS A CUTE ONE????’#oh dip i just realised that suki kirai is more than 10 years old now lol. time flies…#btw has anyone else here played suki kirai on project diva👀👀 i like the wedding bells addition at the end if you clear the chance time thing#i think raspberry monster and terekakushi shishunki have also managed to infiltrate project diva? pd x and pd arcade respectively i think?#but yeah. suki kirai on expert (in project diva f2nd) was a really fun beatmap. they cut out the 2nd verse thoughhhh#and the mv was so cute!!! the way rin went :D when len said ‘suki da’ at the last part of the song..#screw it they should just throw in the project diva mv of suki kirai in as a guerilla live beatmap#rin and len’s dancing skills are much better than whatever minami’s trying to do in bae love lmao#just honeypre things#inedible blubbering#as you can see i’m 10000% normal about hajimari no sayonara—
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scurriilous · 2 years
“  you can make me bleed all you want,  i’ll never scream for you.  ”
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   Little Lamb of God ; be it silence or screaming, your Holy executioner cares not for the sounds you make, only the blood that he’ll harvest from your Atheist veins. Team 10 should have heeded their warning. Should have stayed put instead of seeking out vengeance. Now the HARBINGER OF PAIN had the girl cornered - her teammates no where to be found - carnivorous, bloodthirsty jaws slowly approaching and dripping with the need to appease his God of Death. 
  Hidan smiles. My, isn’t she brave. ❝ I’m gonna enjoy this . . . ❞ drawls his reply. Slowly. Like the manner in which he intends to sacrifice her. ❝ You brats have been a serious pain in my neck. ❞ Ever since it had been sliced off that is. Playing with these Leaf Nin had been entertaining up until that point. Needless to say they were due for DIVINE PUNISHMENT ; sensei be damned.
   ❝ So while Kakuzu takes care of your little boyfriends . . . ❞ lavender eyes, wild and dark, bore into her, admiring how her hair still falls perfectly in place despite the tiresome pursuit to this part of the woods. It looks soft. He wants to cake it with blood. Twirl it between his fingers. 
                                   ❝ You’re all mine. ❞
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apothekosm · 23 days
" i don't quite follow . "
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❝ No? I- I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have assumed anything... May I rephrase? ❞
There is treachery in the air, a heavy cloud of deception and betrayal. It clings to her like a veil, obscuring her soft, curious expressions and muffling her lies so that they almost sounded innocent. Even were this conversation happening elsewhere, away from a buzzing thoroughfare of sensory distortion, she would simply be just a touch beyond too well hidden. And for good reason, too.
The Parasite, like the Coruscanti Noble she was so casually impersonating, was simply fascinated by the notion of a Clone Army! Descending from the stars one day, uniform and unbeatable, carrying the Republic on their backs and leaving clankers in their wake... How exciting! How grand!
So grand, in fact, that even her masters, who'd 'already created the perfect clone long ago' found themselves on the back foot in a race they believed they'd been leading... But why?
Why were they worried about these clones? Why did their presence make hers seem so... frivolous? What did HE have that SHE didn't!?
Questions pressing enough to drag her far and away from the safety of her moons, deep into the heart of enemy territory, where only death & the truth awaited her.
❝ I suppose what I'm asking, @rexihka, is... what makes you tick? What is it about you, and yours, that makes this great conflict seem so... winnable, all of a sudden? ❞
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dayglow-company · 1 year
Continued from here @dimensionhoppinghybrids
The town was indeed thriving with life. Shops were open, families out and about, and guild members heading off to their next adventures. Though some with less excitement than other, while others seemed to want to get as far away from the guild as possible. Though a small few seemed to be stirring up trouble within the town itself. Nothing that would get them get kicked out, but they did have poor attitudes, and snapped at anyone they weren't familiar with.
Though this would soon be interrupted when a Wartortle was sent flying back and an Amphoras would soon appear. "Did you really think that you could get away with stealing in front of a guild member?!" Though younger her voice would sound familiar to Joseph. And soon two Eevee's would come running up behind her.
"We're in a town! You can't just hit people like that even if you're part of the guild!" The lighter one spoke up first. And soon the three of them were in a discussion about how the situation should have been handled. While they were distracted the mon they had been trying apprehend was starting to scoot away attempting to escape.
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soljaboii · 3 months
“   i have to keep fighting the darkness .   so i can be whole .   ” [[ from mari in her ff7 verse :') ]]
kingdom hearts prompts | @rage-reloaded (mari)
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"The fight never ends." He'd murmur softly. Gaze distant as shadows haunted his vision. Then he'd blink it away, focusing his attention back on her with a look that spoke of grim determination.
"But don't give up. Never give up. It's why we're all here anyway, isn't it? To take back what Shinra has taken from us?"
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tidecrux · 10 months
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DISTRUST PICKS AT THE CHORDS OF HIS HEART , & THE RHYTHM IT CREATES IS UNSETTLING , TO SAY THE LEAST . riku grimaces as the hustle & bustle of the big city offends his overly - perceptive hearing . he can hardly focus , it's all stirring inside of him , rapidly overcoming . from a quiet sea - side town to the skyscrapers of insomnia , he doesn't know if he'll ever feel at home here . especially not with the creepy man he finds presently at his side . ❛ i won't say anything . i don't trust you . ❜
@curenone . . . ♡
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revolutionary-thoy · 7 months
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Re-Verse Lila/Cerise and Vixen
Lila is a double agent working for both sides. She infiltrated the Supreme and managed to manipulate her way into the top ranks and recieve the Fox miraculous, while at the same time being a member of Gabriel's resistance. She isn't loyal to either one of them and has her own agenda. Also, neither side knows she's also working against them. Using her illusion powers, she can appear to be in two places at once. She joined Gabriel's cause to try to get her hands on the butterfly miraculous. As Vixen she doesn't work alongside Luka, Kagami and Felix. She's slightly higher ranked than Kagami, so she's usually sent to more high-profile missions. The resistence is constantly trying to figure out who she is, since she's one of their toughest obstacles. Lila is constantly leading them in wrong directions regarding her identity
Full Re-verse cast below
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subdued-moderation · 1 year
INFILTRATION: Shepherd's Flock \ Part V
The elevator ride is spent leaning against the wall, idly playing with the water he had under his control. A quiet moment, no doubt before whatever storm this lot is brewing up.
From the length of the ride and speed of descent, he can tell that he just passed the lowest point of the city sewer system. And after a moment longer...It stops.
His hand flicks to bring the water still as he stands straight, watching the elevator door open before he steps out. Underground facility, exposed earthen walls along with concrete flooring. Certainly not state of the art but serviceable for activities you want to keep hidden.
Of course, this is just an entryway, he can't see what they're up to in here. And ahead, past the entry...
Well, more Entities. They sneer at him, but one smirks confidently, activating something just within the doorway. Then the doorway seals shut, locking him out.
He approaches, regarding it closely. It doesn't seem to be exceptionally tough metal, just steel. It wouldn't take him too long to tear through it. Except...As he brings his hand closer to it, he feels his skin crawl suddenly, sensing the electrical current running through it!
He growls to himself, he can't knock this down without frying himself. And digging through the earth would take far too much time, not to mention the risk of caving the ceiling in.
He thinks to himself...Before he feels a drop hit his nose, looking up.
Unseen by anyone, a small smirk crosses his features.
"You sure it'll hold?" One of Charity's servants asks.
"Yeah! They can't even touch it!" Another responds, before motioning elsewhere. "Come on! We need to hurry and make sure Lady-...!" They're interrupted but the sudden sound of something breaking on the other side of the door. Then...What sounds like a hose spraying against the metal?
"Uhhh...What is Lord Temperance doing?"
"It sounds like they have water...But where'd they get it? The others said they just had a little water bottle!" Concern begins to grow amongst them, as one inches closer to the door to try and investigate..
The sound slowly grows sharper and more focused on a specific point of the door, until... "YAAGGGHHH!!!" The one that had gotten closer to investigate shouts in pain, recoiling back and quickly trying to get as far from the door as possible!
"Wh-what happened?!" One of the few humans in the room shouts, looking at that Entity. They're grasping at a deep looking cut in their shoulder, like they got sliced by a sword! Looking back at the door, the cause is clear.
Through a now developing hole, slowly making a cut is a very narrow, incredibly highly pressurized stream of water. Like a water jet cutter!
All inside can just watch in silence and stay away as it cuts a large circle through the metal. When it's complete, it just takes a small blast to knock it forward into the room, clattering onto the ground.
Temperance moves the water left on the ground aside as he steps through, avoiding the conduction of electricity.
"How...Did you...!?" One of the sheep-like Entity's shout, trying to comprehend what happened.
Temp's response?
He just points upward. At the large water pipe snaking along the ceiling, that also happens to run through the entryway.
One of them facepalms.
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